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Accept Streets w/in City
Accepting Bid for Paducah Water Works Refunding Rev Bonds
Amend No 1 Grant Agree-FAA
Application for loan - Municipal Housing Commission for Low Rent Public Housing
Appointing Designated Signators for Section 8 checking account
Approval of application for Federal Assistance HUD
Bid Advertise-Air Compressor
Bid Advertise-Asphalt
Bid Advertise-Bit Concrete
Bid Advertise-Fire Hose
Bid Advertise-Limestone
Bid Advertise-Painting City Hall
Bid Advertise-Resurfacing
Bid Advertise-Uniforms
Bid Advertise-Vehicle
Bid Advertise-Vehicles
Bid for construction of Phase II of the Industrial Park Sewer Extension
Bid for expansion and renovation of Easter Seal Center
Bid for front end loader - Refuse Dept.
Bid for purchase of 14 walkie talkie units - PD
Bid for purchase of 15 police cars
Bid for purchase of 1978 pickup truck - Street Dept.
Bid for purchase of dump truck - Street Dept.
Bid for purchase of pickup truck for Parks
Bid for purchase of playground equipment - Noble Park
Bid for purchase of six air tanks - FD
Bid for purchase of snowplows and spreaders - Street
Bid for purchase of two riding mowers - Parks
Bid for resurfacing tennis courts at Noble Park
Bids Advertise-Comm Dev Street Improve
Bids Advertise-Ind Park Sewer Ph III
Bids Advertise-Sodium Chloride
Bids Advertise-Solid Waste Franchise
Bids for installation of fencing around tennis courts in Noble Park
Condemnation-Ella Foster
Condemnation-Lennie Boyd
CPA Selected-Electric Plant Board
Establishment of Paducah Economic Devlepment Administration Account
Federal Asst-HUD
Federal Land and Water Conversation Funds - Southside Community Center
Grant - Paducah Water Works -transmission lines and storage tank
Grant Agmt-Airport
Grant Agmt-FAA
HUD Grant
HUD Grant-Community Dev
KY Parks Dept-Paxton Park
KY-Community Flood Damage Abatement Prog
Lease-Dntwn Paducah Kiwanis
Mtg Time-Townlift Proj
Purchase of CATV test equipment
Reappoint Bd Membrs-CCC
Request for bid - purchase of of three riding mowers - Cemetery
Unemployment Comp Ins
Unemployment Compensation Provider
Urban Dev Grant-CCC
USDOT-Transit Capital Asst Proj