HomeMy WebLinkAboutSupport of H.R. 4189153 MCCRACKEN COUNTY FISCAL COURT PADUCH CITY COMMISSION RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF H.R. 4189 This Resolution is brought before the governing bodies of McCracken County, Kentucky and the City of Paducah, Kentucky on the matter in support of H.R. 4189, legislation filed in the U.S. -~ House of Representatives by Congressman Ed Whitfield (R, 1st District KY). ~ WHEREAS, the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Facility and the Piketon, Ohio Facility operated by United States Energy Corporation (USEC) have cylinders of uranium tailings stored on site. WHEREAS, H.R. 4189 directs the Secretary of Energy to enter into a contract with USEC to re- enrich such cylinders of uranium tailings with assays of such value that the Secretary of Energy finds suitable for reprocessing. WHEREAS, H.R. 4189 creates a win for the Community by directing the reprocessing of said cylinders to be conducted at the Paducah facility site which will extend employment at the Paducah site for several years beyond the projected closure date. WHEREAS, H.R. 4189 creates a win for the environment by reducing the number of cylinders on the two (2) sites with the proceeds of the sale being allocated for environmental remediation at the Paducah, Kentucky and Portsmouth, Ohio Uranium Enrichment Facilities. WHEREAS, H.R. 4189 creates a win for the American taxpayer through the sale of the designated cylinders of uranium tailings, previously classified as waste into funds for environmental remediation. THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED that the McCracken County, Kentucky, Fiscal Court and ~ the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky support H.R. 4189 filed by ~' Congressman Ed Whitfield as awin-win-win for the community, the environment, and the American taxpayer. Van E. Newberry, Judge/ McCracken County, Kentucky Date Cf 27 Zc~~~ William F: Paxton, City of Paducah, K Date ~ 2 '`~ 2'`saZ