HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/15/19 & 11/17/19 ~, No..~~* . ; Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Remember ib j91 9 • At a speoial meeting o! the Boars o! Rommiesionere hsla in the Oomrs' Chsabsr o2 ,, k, the Oity Hall, Paaaoah, gy.~ ea Hov. fib, 1919, apgn Doll o; the loll the following I t answered their aamses Borne, Gardner, Tally,~and Woolaridgs~ 4. . n Y ~ motion o! Mayor Beans, a petition from nine Deal asslsrs in the oily, regaraing Ooal ~' ,~ the ooa~ situation is Padgoah, was reeeived and !Sled upon soli o! the roll by 4 yeas. Sitnationr k' • ~ On motion of the above s,Reeoiation xes sot p ing the distribation o! anal in the ~ „ 7~ _ ,~.~ j oity o! Padaoah, ana previaing,thst a eopy o! eams.be lorwardea to Congressman Barxiejr, '~ and to the Regional,Cos1 Commi,ttas at Atlanta, Ga. and the Federal Bael Admr. at tr ~ ~ . Washington, was gaoptsa upon Doll o! the roil by 4 yeas. p ' ~ ~ On motion the Boar¢ ad~onrne¢ upon sail of the roll by the lollowing votes Yeas,, Burns, Gardner, Tally, end Wooldridge, 4. ' ° 111 ~ i prL M pR . , `~ .. ~ AY ~ • ,i NOVEMBER 17th; 1919. At a oallsa meeting o! the Board o! Co~eiaaionsra held in the Commiaeionsrs' ' i : `. Chamber o! the Oity Hail, Padaosh, 8~r, on Nov. 17, 1919, at 10 o*oloak A. M•, neon Doll i , o! the roll the loilowing answered their namsa: Bin:ns, Gardner, Harelip, Tn].ly, ana • ~ ? gooldridge- B. : . `; soots aliowea . ~ " On motion oi,Member Gardner, that the loliowing neots. bs allowea d. ohargsd to the ~ . - • " ~~ apaoisl sewer land= Sherrill-Hassell Lbr..Co. ~8.60 J. V,~(irei! $4 60 ban stn!!-Ora bbr di ohga to• _ , . , g . , • s eoisl se er :!: CO. 9,50, Barry de Henneberger $Eb.88, Ohio River 3ana de Gravel Co. #12.3b, Thompson i p w land. ;, TransYer Co. $3.b0,. South Bend Foundry Co. ~b3.4b, Blaokmer b Poat Pips Oe.'#148.81- ': oarried apoa Doll o! the roll by b yeas. • F,O,Boone On motion 0! Member Tally, Chet power o! attorney o! F. C.. Boons be reoeivea b power ad atty •~ ? tiled, osrriea apoa Doll o! the roil by 6 yeas. Home Tsl. Oo, ? On motion o! Mayor Burns, A RBSObOTION FI2ING TELEPHONE RATPsB YN THB CITY OF PADIICAH resolnbion, , • ~;; K6NTOC$Y BY AOREBMPsIiT WITH THE PADIICAH HOMB TELEPHONE AND TEbEGRAPH COMPANY, was adopted !upon Dail o! the roil by the lollowiag vots~ Yesa,,Bmns, Harelip, Tally ana Wooldridge, 4.; . Hay, Gardner, 1. ~ Onmbsrlana Tsii Oa motion o! the above, A RE90LUTION PILING TELEPHONE RATPS IN TB8 CITY OF PADUCAH , oo• resoiatlon, `~ J KENTObKY, BY AGR&EiBSNT WITH THE ODMBERLAHD TELEPHONE de TELEGRAPH COMPANY, was adopted apoa . Deli o! the roll by the following voter Ysas; Burns, Hassllp, anS Tally- S. Nny, Gardner end Wooldridge- E. ~q-, Thssirs. On motion o! the above, that the Mayor bs authorissa to rent the KenEaoky thsatrs !od' the leeture and moving pieturea of Commander Read and hie Drew, rental to be charged to the ocatingent tuna in event. donation o! same cannot bs had- oarrisd upon call o! the roll ".by b yeas. Member Haasiip was encased lrom the meeting.. ;, . Hsrzison ;h On motion o! Member Gardner, that the Mayor be instrneted Lo sign s eontraot with the Coopexatiri Ssrviee Oo• Harrison Oooperative 8ervioe Co. o! New York !or the gathering up o! waet~ material lrom ~ . ,'r.ths oitissns o! Padnosh free o! eapenss to, the Qity, the City's Bart to go to the Charity ~.. ' }Organisation 8ooisty same to bs solo on sealed bide to be opened by the City- carried apoa call o! th l t ;,, ; e rol by he following voles Ysas, Barns, Gardner, Tully sad Wooldridge, 4. ; ' • ~ On motion the.8oard ad~onrned to.aeet again at .tour e'olook Y. M., Chia date, apon~•eall. of fhb roil by the loilowing voter Yeas, Bnras, 8ardner, Tally ana Wooldridge, 4. ... 191.{•1 s - . ,•,t ,. li . afi.YOli. . ;, f . e ..-. a ~. >~ ..--~, i