HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/06/19a ~, ~ ;. ~. . ~. . •~ f ~~ ,olnt~"+gy,~' wa"^•. .•~„ ~~ '~'~.. ,,.. ~E",e~w "'~•"Fm °4~`„e'4'~,r, 9Y"~S-" n' - ,.u ,. ._... ~ .yy. ~ xk~~: ., .. . •.x. ~ .~~t,.. ~r~. -~=~-~ No.' ~ L ! , p . ,~ - rornmissioner's City of Paducah eotob~ st,, 191_9.. • ~. At n regular meeting o! the Board o! Commissionsre held in the Comra' Chamber, ~~ . !' o! the City Ha11,.Paduoah, $y., on Oat. 6th, 1919, upon anti o! the roll the following _ ~ 8newered their aameas Borne, Gardner, Haaelip, Tully and Wooldridge- b. ' • On motion o2 Hember Tally, the minutes ay the meetings held on September 29Ch~ 0otober let, 8d and. 4th, 1919 were adopted ae read upon rill o! the roll by b yeas. . Conorete :„ On motion o! Member Gardner, a RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR. THE CONSTRUCTION OF sidewalks. ~ :+ ' : on GOEBEL f pONCRETE SIDEWAL%S Ombs and GUTTERS ADTII ALL"NECESSARY 1dAMHOLES, INTA2~S, SEWERS AND , AVENUE. ;,' CATCH BASINS ON THE WEST SIDE OF~GO , EBEL AVENUE FROM THE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF GUTHRIE G,. AYPMUE TO A POINT WHEEtE,THE SOUTH CURB LIMB OF WORTEM'3 AVENUE, IF 87CPENDED, WOULD • IMTERShDT THE WEST PROPERTY LIMB OF GOEBEL AVENUE; ALSO THE EAST SIDE OF GOfsBEL AVENUE i FROM THE NORTH CURB LINE OF TENBE93E8 STREET TO THE SOUTH CURB LItiE•OF WORTEA'8 AVENUE, ~.. IM TH8 OII'Y OF PADUOAH, 3D;NTUC$Y, AND PROVIDING TEAT 3AMB LtAY BE PAID FOR UPON TH8 TEM YEAR PAYMENT PLAN; was given its passage npon Dell o! the roll by b yeas. Petition On motion"of the above, that the petition for oonarets sidewalks and gutters on !or aonoret~ sidewalks • Husband street from 6th street to 7th street, and on Seventh street from Hweband St. to s on Huebend ;, St. d 7th ;, point 100 test south of Mnrray 6ve., be reo'a a tiled- oarried upon oall.of the roll by 6 yeu. • 8t. i.. On motion o! the above, that the City 3oiioitor bs instrtioted to bring ins 8ldewslks ,~, reeointion providing for oonorsts sidewalks, onrba and gnttere, with all asosesasy manhoL a, oa Husbana ,, . b 7th 8t., . intakes, sewers and ostah basins, on the,eonth eids,of Husband attest from the west properly line o! 6th street to the eeat.propsrty line of 7th street- and on Seventh street from the ` '~ south property line of Husband street to a point 100 teat south o! Mnrray Aveuus- oarried • ~ `; npon Dell o! the roll by b yeas. Sewer ~~ On motion o! the above, that the petition o! property owners do residents on Hampton petibian ;; Hampton & ' and Salem Avenues, to extend the 1H inoh sewer from its present terminne on ]2th street to • Salem Avs. H ~-. Salem Ave., be reoeivsd d. Piled- oarried npon Doll o! the roll by 6 yeas. On motion o! the above, that the Com'r o! worts be iastrnated and einthorissd to Eztend sewer oa "~ eztsnd the 18 inoh. sower from its ppeeent terminus on 12th attest down 12th attest to 8a7sla ]2th 8t• . 'r', Avs.', so as to take oars o! the eurlaee water drainage on Salem Ave. and Hampton Avs., the `'~'" ? ooet o! same to be oharged to the apsodnl sewsr.eoooant- oarried upon Dell dt the roll by ' ~; "~ ~:a°: 's ~. b yeas. - W, b. On motion of, the above, that W., L. Yanoy be allowed. $B !or loin loads o! gravel. Yanoy ~ allowanoe" `" delivered to the 01ty for whioh the tiakste havs.been lost, said tiokete being numbers... for gravel.;; 196 and.SS7 for gravel delivered in Augnst 1919 and nmmbers 8079 and 8100 !or greet delivere8 is September 1919- oarried upon onli o! the roil by B yeas. Gravel Oa motion o! Mayor Borne; that the gravel controversy, oonoerning 12 loads ad ., ~ ~ oontrovsrsyi; • gravel, between Com'r of Works and W. L. Panay, bs referred to the City 9olioitor and ~•~ti,°: Com'r o! Safety with power to not in settloment o!_eaid oontrovsrsyr- oarried npon Deli of `: the roil by 6 yeas. Street Depty 0n•motion o! Member Gardner, that the wages o! the stableman and laborers in the employees. ' ~ ' - ~~; i salaries Street Dspt••be 9nereased 2 1/8~ per honri o! the finaher Gan 8~ an hour; gravel spreader inoreaeed. 8 8/9~ per hour, sad of thn grader man and brink work,maa 8 1/8d pea' hour-- said wages t0 " ~'. ` be rstroaotive as of date September 1, 1919- oarried upon Doll o! the roll by b yeas.;; OlYioer at On motion o! the above, that the Oom'r o! 8siety plans do o!!laer at 12th a ` 18 ~ Jsak• ;;< ~. Jaokson street with lastrnotions to r ort for `'`'" ep proseontion ell violations o! the speed .~ . , Sawa on Jnokeon or.124h street- nettled upon Dail of the roil by 6 yesa. i ~, 1 ~; ;~ ;~ ~ ~ 1" ~ r l f, . { ~, t • . , .ter ...,Si.a '~~ 4 $81E.33, Engineering ~1E.86, 3peoial Sower X17.60- carried upon call oY the roll by ~ • b yeas. ~ i'' • Liability !or u ~~ On motion of the above, that the report oY the. Oity Solicitor, se to Who ie' • payment o! city tease. liable for i~yment o! city teses vVhen property has changes hands during the year-. be •~ i ~', received and flied, carried upon call oY the roil by 6 yeas. g , Market Master ;; On motion of Member Wooldridge, that•the trisrket Master, Roy Hurt, be given an salary ~; . inoreassd.. 1 increase of CIO par month in salary, said raise to bs eYYeotivo as oY September 1st, + • 1 • ., 1919- carried upon cell of the roll by 6 yeas. l ~ • : - •j; On motion oY the above, that the toliowing notice be inserted in the News-Demoor~t: ' ~. • ,,and the Paducah Evening Sun on museday Ootobsr 7th, 1919= . ~ • ., ~ ~ NOTIOE. ' ~~ • ~ • • ~~ Sealed proposals embracing plane epsoifioatione anA bids Yor the oonstruotion of+ ' NQRS$S~ M the Harass home on the Riverside Rosp;tai sits will be opened and eoneidares Mon ~ i t ~ ~ ' HO $. Oc ober 13, 1919 at Your o olook P. M. ~,,:, . • f Tho Board of Commieaionars proposes to adopt the beet pmopoeition offered by nny` ,i • , contractor Yor the oonstruotion of said nurees~ home, at a cost not to eaoeed :9 000. ~ • , ,The proposition shall contemplate the oonstruotion oY the walla, root doors windows • , , and floors of said building in such a manner that .without deterioration it may be :finished neat year, and the proposal nearest ap raaimating the completion oY such • !building and furnishing the beet value for the9,000 will be adopted by the Basra of , !Commissioners-- but the right t6 re~eot any and ali.proposais ie hereby reserved. {~ i, ' " Mayor and Board oY Commissioners. ~ i• • ,. carried upon cell of the roll by the following vote= Ysas, Burns, Gardner and Woolsridgs+ ~.. . '^ i b !. 3. Nay, Harelip and Tu11y, z. • ' ~ i : f' On motion the Hoard ed~ournad upon oall,of the roll by tha•following votot Ysss, ~ ~ U: Y Borne, Gardner, Harelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. i ,q. ~- a. bi,-7[aR j • No. , ~L G .. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah October stn 1gl a ~? ,Member Qerdner odiered the following motions that the Oity Solicitor bring.lA sae rates. " ~ an oraiaanoe at the neat meeting making it uniswful Yor any parson, firm or oorparation j to gharge more then $1.16 net per thoueans cubic Yast !or gaa in the city of Paducah ~ nd • ;' previdiag s penalty of from $B to $60 for each violation thareof+ Ltsyor earns offered the following motion= that by way of amendment to Oom~r o! ties rates, ~ Worker motion, in re gne ahargss, that the matter be postpones until W~dneoday Oot. ebh at 4=00 P. M,, ana the Qae Oo. bs notified to show cause, iY they they have, why the • prise of gas should not be reduced to consumers in Paduoah+ said smandmept oarriea ~ • f upon call o! the roil by the following votes Yeas, Darns, IIseaiip and Tu11y- 8. Ndy, ~ • • ;, i Gardner and Wooldridge- 8. •. j • ~ I ' ~' On motion o! M~-ber Tully, that the accounts amounting to X19,608.93, as per I! • ~ ~~ report of 0om~r of Finance, be allowed and payment of same approves. oarriea upon call., ' !~ • ': of the roll by b yeas. • On motion of the above, that payment of the pay toile lrom the Aspt• of Pnbiio i r. • ~, a Works for the week ending Oot. 4, 1919 be approves ee lollowe= 9swsrs ~89.66,•Streeta C~ ~ _. ~; • ,: ~... •. . t ~j.* 1 '\i I I •, • .. { - ~ . ~ . , i .. ~ / ~~