HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/14/19 & 04/16/19~,z, .~.. .:' .V; 'r' ' .f {,.~ z Gb: 4 .,h . . j f •~ ' No,~~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah- lpril 7th Jg~ 9 ' On motion o! Msmbsr Tally, that the report o! Oom~r o! H'inenos for the month o! { Nsreh 1919 be reosived, !lied and ordered pnbliehed in the olfialal nowepap~r- oarrie4 : ~ '' upon osll o! the roll by.ths following vote; Yeas, Horne, Gardner, Hase}.1p, Tully ~~ r- ;; . • and Wooldridge- S. ' On motion of the above, that the sooonate for the last hal!•oi Maroh 1919} as psr~ the report of Oom~r o! Finanoe, be allowed and payment o! same approved- parried upon i • oeil o! the roil by 6'yeas. ~ ~,, i On motion o! ths'sbove, the payment o! the Street Department pay roll for tlu ~ ~• week ending April 6, 1919, amounting to ~p270.26, was approved upon osll o! the roll,by ~; 6 yeae. i i Member Tally was axousad Yrom the meeting. ~. On motion of Mayor Borne, that L. A• Washington bs employed, at the rats o! X886 par ' . L. 1. Washington;, i month, to'determina grades, apaoifioationa and estimated ooste o! oonetruoting improved empioy~d. ' ~ streets= also to make estimates ae to oost of building sewers to.oover the entire oityt . ~! ' said information to ba used in submitting s bond issue to build same; also ooet o! f . ,' e6Wering the Third 3swer Diatriet on square footage basis to abutting and benefittiag ~ progsrty owners- osrried upon oall o! the roll by the following voter Yoas, Burns, •i' Gardner, Haaelip and'wooldridge, 4. lppointmsat o! On motion of Member Gardner, that P. R. Bradshaw, Jr. be appointed Oity Englaeer B. R.Bradehaw,Jr.'. ~• ' 8a City Engineer. st a salary o! ~1b0 per month, beginning April 8th, 1919 and including the month o! ~ ', October, 1919• onrried_npon call o! the roll by 4 yeae. On motion o! Member Wooldridge, that the petition signed by 43 oitisena, asking !~ Petition for • ~ opening np that Jaokeon 3t. be opened from 21st St. to the city limits, and that a street be ~ Jaokeon.3t. '• . opened from 81st &Jaokeon 3L; to rVhat is known as 84th St. 1n O~Brisn•e Addition, be ~ ' • I, inetruoted to oompiy with said request as soon as possible- osrried upon oail of rho roll by 4 yeae. Bsteneion o! ! On motion o! Mayor Burns, that the petition for an a=tenelon of 18th ~' 19th Street. street from i • f• Madison to Jefferson streets ba referred to the Qom•b o! Works to got estimate of ooate, eto.• osrried upon cell o! the roll by 4 yeae. On motion the Board ad~ournad upon aril o! the roil by the following vets; ~ ~,x. • Yoas, Horns, Gardner, Hasalip and Wooldridge- 4. !!ltptcd.~~„i~i~„ `4'Pl~jyO 8PFR0~ D • ,._. _ _ .._ ._ ~ u~ ii ~' lprii 14tha 1919. ' '. i; It a rsgalar meeting o! the Hoard of Oommieelonsre held ip the Ooiore~ Ohamber~.~ ' • ~ a! the Oity Hall, Paducah, ~., on April 14, 1919, upon cell o! the roll the lollow+ I ' `C ing answered their nemess Gardner, Hazellp, Tally and Ylooldridga, 4. • p On motion o! Member Gardner, the minutes o! the regular mooting o! llmil 7th, ' -R 1919 wore adopted sa read upon oe11 0! the roil by 4 yeae. aeaolntiona On motion of the above, that the reeolntions adopted by oitiseus on lpril Sd protesting n. ~ at • mooting hold at the City Hall, and on April 7th, at a meeting bald at the Trimble St. ' improvement. Y Trimble st. Presbyterian Church, protesting against the proposed improvement o! • I' Trimble arrest, be reosived and tiled- osrried upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. Hepert o! St. ° ~ motion of the above, the report o! D. D. Atohieon, street Inepeotor, for Iaepeotor. { the month o! Msroh 1919 was reoeioed and filed upon oeli o! the roll by 4 yeas. ' On motion o! the above the report of the Oom•r o! Works for the month o! Yarn ' Report o! Comer;. • o! Works for 1919 was reosived and filed upon cell o! the roll by 4 yeae. . March. . t h 1„ ~: ~ 1 -..__ j-_.. , -- . .... ~ r '( ..- • ~~`,. ~ •y ~ . .. ~,;, ,,,. ~- ' ' N 2 ,` : ~ o...~E~1 ;. ~ ~ 3)3 ' ~ Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Avril 14th jyJ 9 1 emetery On motion ol,Member Haselip, that the deed from 8dith L. Holoomb to C. J. Holoomb transfer rsti• ~ k . flea.. Edith L. Holoomb to ~: (, oonveying her undivided one-half interest in both the narth and south halt of lot X96 ~ ~`. ~~~;. . C. J., Holoomb i,n biook ~6 in Oak Grove Csmster be ratified as • y+ • par the regneat o! said first party, ' ~ and that the oisrk be inetraotsd to rsoord said transfer in the oemetery deed book- i ' osrrisd upon Dell o! the roll by fhb following vote: Yeas, Gardner, Haaelip, Tally and '' °y Wooldridge, 4. j On motion o! the aba-s that the deed of T 0. Wadliagtm to J R Moss oonvs in ~ ~ , . .. . , y g Cemetery deed - ratified the froaE half o! lot X86 in block x'48, eaoepting and reserving the grave thereon where ~' T.0•Wadling ton to J. R. + 1dre. T. 0. Wadiingtoa is buried, in Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified ea per the regnest `'~ Moss. . r a! party of the Brat part, and that the clerk bs instructed to rsoord said transfer !a ~, t~ 4 ~ ' ~j the cemetery register- carried upon Deli of the roll by 4 yeas. ~ " ~ " r ,, ~ j~: On motion o! Member Tally, the payment of the Street Dept. pay roll for the week - , -': e i~ ~' ending April 18, 1919, amounting to $270.38, was approved upon Deli o! the roll by 4 yeas. ~ .Rsinnd to h l ,. !. Oa motion o! Member Haaslip, the 0om~r.oi Binanos was ordered to reload rims b ` u a a ,! ` ~ Eunice White. Eanioe Whits the amount paid by them for oat fazes tar the ar 1917 oa lot which the y ye y ~ ' k n did not own, upon Dell o! the roil by 4 yeas. ~ ` ~. y On motion of Member Tally, that the eam o! $16.66 be refunded to H. A. Worth. and - " Refund to H. ~. Nnrth. ~ '; payment o! same approved- this being-the amount paid by him on Tea Bill X3834 assessed in ~ ,. ~; error- this bail being s dnplioation of the aseesems~ on Taa Bili X3780 against Albert g~''r .. ~ i P. a Rosa Werth, the amount o! ~Sioh has been paid by thsm;_ carried upon Dail 'of the roll ~ ~~. 7, ~~ by 4 yeas. y ; - s`' Mayor l On motion of Member Wooldridge, that the Mnyar be appointed to attend the oonfsrenoe } o! aeoatives bt 8d a 3d l iti f . ~•~ 6 o asa c es o $7. to be held at the Wattereaa Hotel in Lonierille 1 ~ appointed t0 'i ; ' i , attend _on Apzil 18th, 1919, far the purpose o! discussing ways & means o! making np loess in r~• meetinngg o! s imi '~ ~ ' { - zeo ves in Louis- revenue of snub cities enstaiasd thrn eaemption o! mam:leotaring ooaeerns ender the new ~ ~ ' _. vi11e. ~ '~ law and thrn loss of revenue heretofore derived from 11gnar license- carried upon call ~ . ~ . ~.r fi o! the roll by 4 yeas., - On motion the Board ad corned n on Deli o! the roll E 3 P by the following votes Yeas, ~.- Gardner, Haselip, Tally an8 W.ooldridgs- 4. ' ~ bdcpl y ~-/ 19Lcf, . AFFRO ~ ,' MdYOR Aural 16t$, 1919. ~ ;~, , ' i . +~ At s called meeting o! the Board oY Commissioners held in the Comra' Chamber oil; ' '~ r the Oity Hall, Paducah, Sentnoky on April 16, 1919,.npon Deli of the roil the lollowhog ; ~ ' i _ answered their names: Borne, Gsrdnes, Hsae11P, Tally and Wooldridge- B. <> ; Hartford 4 i, On motion o! Member Gardner, that the polloy isanefl by the Hartford Yne. Co•• ' ineuranoe ' ppolloy on " £ly ;rhoel i is on fly vlhesl at the City .Light Plant be accepted end premium thereon paid- carried i ti . r at city v upon Dell o! the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Tully and i Light Plant :: ~ ~ Wooldridge, 4.. Member Hasslip ezsnaed from voting.. I , ~ ~~ On motion the Board dd~ournsd upon Dell o! the rall.by the following votes ~ ~`, + Yeas, Burns, Gardner, Baseiip, Tally dg r .and Wooldr! s- 6. ~ p `~ ~ , . g Adep d _.._ - 1'fl.~ ~PPRC7 f . r,-T i .• ~ _ __._ t; y~; ~ ~ j . 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