HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/19 & 04/03/19• j :.. s .,..... ~.,t,.. _.. ..,,. ... ~.. .. ,.: ;- . r ~. ~:~'.i. `3. ,y / ,. ,~ N~,: ~',L ;t . a I c ,:~ Na y~L. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Padueah_ April ea 191 • it a celled meeting o! the Board o! Oommisaiontre held in the Qomrs~ Chamber e!! ,: the Oity Hall, Paduaeh~ $~r.~ on April E~ 1919, at lour o~olook P. M.~ upon 0811 oY,the'; roll the Yslioedng answered their camas: Burna~ Gardnsr~ Haeslip~ Tully do 8ooldridge- ~. Oaeplsiat e! ,. On motion o! Mayor Borne, that the complaint oY over-aeeeeamant o! P. IY. ).l1.Batter~oha.,: Sattsr~ohn be referred to the City Solicitor Yor hie opinion- parried upon cell 0! they roil by 6 yeas. 9 On motdoa of Member Hszslip, that the enbetitnts oiisrsd Yor Seotign 16 aY the ~. 9sotioa 15 of ' proposed Traction ardinanos~ providing Yor a 6¢ tars Yor adults and hell Yars Yor ~ Yraetion Co. 'i children over Yive and under twelve, ba adopted- parried upon cell oY the roll by 6 yeas. ' ordinance. ': On motion the Board ad~ournad to moat on April 3d, 1919, at Your o~olook P. M.~~• ij. upon pall oY the roll by the Yollowing voter Yesa~ Burae~ Gardner, Hazelip, Tully E ;' and Wooldridge- 8. ~ f Aaso aw cam' MAYClR. XPRIL Sd. 1919. s At sn ad~ou;ned meeting hsid.in the oomre~ Chamber oY the City Hells Paduoeh~ Ky. on April 3d~.1919, at Your o'clock P. M.~ npon pall oY the roll the Yollowing anewsrs4 .j~ their namea~ Burns, Gardnsr~ Hazelip, Tully and Wooldrdidge- b. !_ PropoNa amens-' oar motion oY Member Gardtmr- that the last two paragraphs o! aeotioa 16 ss ~ went to Traction substituted by th• oommieelonare iu tho proposed aew Yranohiae ordinance, pertaining to osdlnsnoe. !' the appraieement o! the property oY the Paducah Traction Co.~ be atrioken Yrom enid ordinance- receiving ao aeoond, same was tabled. - } f Proposed plunge,. On motion oY the above, that in ordor to prevent any error or misunderetandiag ss in Traction Co.; to the true meaning oY the term: Plegal intersat on the capital invested" or whore the ordinance. term "legal interest" is used in aaotion 16 se eubatituted by th• oommieaionere in • the proposed new Yranchiae ordinance that said caption be ohs ~ aged to road "upon the eotnal phyaioea value oY the property and nothing more," receiving no aeoon~l, same ~ ' was tabled. Proposed On motion oY the above, that 8sotion ZO~bs'edded to the ardiaeaoe sntmittsd by ; amendment to !, the Paducah Traction Co., name to read ea Yollowe: The purchaser oY this Yranohiss~ or ire anal ne shall sell at its oYYloe and at other laces den ~ Traction Oo. g ~ p igaeted by it, what ia~ f . ordinanoe• ! kaowu as toluas or tiokete; thse• shall be sold !iw Yar 28 oenta, sad ehail be gool ~i Yar pseeage over its linen by say one Yroa six to sight o~alook A. M, and Yrow Yive ~. to seven o~oleok P. ld.- said motion was tabled Yor want o! a esoond. ,I • Ik Oa motion o! the sbovs~ that 8sotion B8 Ds added to the ordinance eutrnittsd by ~ • .I rranohlse i the Paducah TraoLion Co.~ same to read ea Yollowa: BsYore this franohi,as shall take Traction Co. ~• •Yleot acme shall be submitted to a vote oY the people Yor their apprevsl or re~eotioq.. ,, Proposed 1'; , ` at the aea:t regular election to be held as the 4th day aY November 1918• paid motion i "'' amendment. ! ` 4: was tsDlsd !~ lack o! a second. ~~ i On motion the Board adjourned to meet oa April 4th 1919 at teq o~olock A~ M.~ ~, npoa pail oY the roil by the Yollowiag voter Yeae~ Burns, Gardner, HAzelip, Tully '~ ,,,, _. • ~~ . !' and Nooldridgo- 6. . ,, ' Ad pt ~ • 191 ~PF':ROV>J.I:~ ! ,, . ~° ~ . . ~ i ~ •A ~. ~~ e r