HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/20/19, 08/25/19, 09/01/19, & 09/02/19 Y•TR'F$• ~ ~1 • CommissiQner'8 Proceedings, City of Paducah... " an~-e~ ~~ 19i~ . it a oellsd mesting.ol the Board o! Oommissioners hsld•in the Oomrs' Ohember o! ; •~ ;~ the pity Bail, Paducah, 8y.,'on Angaot E0~ 1919 upon•oaii a~ the roll the loilowirg ~ ~~ . ,:~. answered their aamesi Gsxe.ner, Eaaeiip, Tu17.y and Mayor-pro tern Woaldridge~ ~. Ynrnish file Orr motion o! ltembtr Gardner, that the 9txoet Inspector be instructed to tarnish "f ;'~ Met Yan7.la-sr live pieces of 18 inch tiffs to pnt in ditch on P,dth street between ., ~" Bro-dway and Regtnohy Ave•,•oarrisd upon call of ths•roll"by 4 yeas, ~ On motion o! Member IYool mrldge, that the Oom'r o! safety, in the absence a1' thei Pimohaae oaa e!!; ' coal for Mayor, bs instructed to buy one oar load of run of mtne coal !or the inoinsratce i inoinerator• ~ ~ ,this oogl"to be unloaded st the tYool~idge Cosl !b Yaed'.Oo, yard, way Diil to be sent 4•, ' ~ , to~Com'r o! Yiaenoa, together with delivery_tiokst, so as .to keep a check on this ~ ~~~ •~ ~; coal until all o! same ie consumed- carried upon Dell o! the roll by 4 yeas. ,i ' On motion the"Hoard aa~ourned upon Dail of the roil by the lolio+ring voter Ysas,~II,_. (}ardner, Hsaeiip, Tully and Ylooidridge, 4. - i i . it iy1~ ;.~.PP~4~D ~• oZ ' sae Ie / ~ ~~ / ra fPA) { j ' I .. ' - j' ~' ~ " 1; aaGUST Each. 1919. ~ ; "' ' I; it s regales meetngg o! the Hoare o! Oommieeionsrs held in the pomssa Ohambes f,. ~' of the Qity Heil, Padnosh, By., on Angast Ea, 1919, neon call o! the roil the ib2lowin~ • f! answered their names= Gardner, Haseiip, Tnily end Mayor pro tern Woo]aridgs- 4. • On motion o! )[ember Hsseiip, the miantea o! the meetings o! wngnet 11th, lEth, lath, ;; 18th and EOth, 1919 were adopted as resa upon Deli of the roil by 4 yeas. Hea Meos~ On motion o! Member Tally, that the Hea Men's bodgo be gsantea )roe )loans !or ' " oarnivsl• f the carnival to be held under their auepieee this weak-carried upon call o! the roll by ,; a yeas. ". ' Odd Ysilop~ ~, Oa motion o! rho above, that free lioeass.be granted to the Odd Yellows fora oarninl.• ~ ~: carnival to be given under their anepioes the week of sopteriabar la, •1919, carries upon Deli o! the roil by d yeas. ~. . Street Inepeetos : Oa motion o! Member Gardner, the report o! the Street Inspector for the mmth report !os .. July. o! July 1919 wee reosi~sd end tiled neon call o! the roll by 4 yeas. i • On motion of A[amber Hasellp, the petition o! oitissns asking that a street 16r6 Monro~it light be placed at the interaeotion o! lath and Monroe streets, was received anaiilea.~'`' `„' and seierred to the Oom'r•o! Works•ior action, upon os71 0! the Toll by 4 yeas.' 4 ^~~` . P].aw !os • On motion o! the above, ths~plane o! D.•Harry Jamieson !or Hnrses~ Horns, Oity ltnrsq Home. ~ Hospital, were received and Bled upon Dail of the roil by ~ yeas. " ` On motion o! the above, that the Market Master bs instructed by this Boars to ~kdinanos~e ~ enieroe the Market Honse ordinance, and that section 16 0l said crdinanoe be inter- ~., saloroemsnt. . '' ~:.. pastes la:these inetruotions to said tdsrket Master sa meaning that grocery-man with ~, ." bona lids ordure ere permitted tq buy•belore the rsgnisr opening o! the market st `"` : ~ . , eight o'clock loa the pnrohass o! term proanote for resets- carried upon call of }~'` {,: . '. the roil by 4 yeas. j •!' • On motion qt the above, that the weights do Measures. inspector be speoitioslly• i" weights b_ i Measures. iastruotsa to look alter the wsigbta of Soe, and to oarry,ont the regulations in regard to having scales pLcea upon each wagon, end to lnrther aaaertain that the Diooks o! i ~: • ; toe sent ont by the lnotory are lnli weight•ppon leaving said laotory- carried upon . ~' • f call of the roll by 4 yeas. ~ , I; ., i f .. ` ~ ~ ~' . " ~ ., . v_._". ,. ~.. v_...,.~... _ ,...,. _.._. .., ...~-. "~ ~ 1 • , ' .•'~ ~ '. . ~ . ,. i _~,~.::~..~_.. ~._.._._.~....., _u .~..__...~ ..._... _..~.~., ,__ ~ ~ _._ _._.... _ ~ _,....~_..__,. ` No. "~~, '. `fir., j Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofl'aducah auB~t Ebth 19l a _= On mciien o! xsmber Tally, that the sooonnts !or the liret halt o! angnet ., , ' '.amonating to $4,088.96, a pis.report o! Qom°r ,o! F,insnoe, lie sllowea and payment e! ~ { ~; ,,.,,, same spprena- oarriea npoa oell.ot the roll .by 4 yege. ~ .; ~ . Oa motion of the aboTS, that payment o! pay rolls lrom the Dspartmsnt o! Pablie1 • • ~ Works !or week ending ingnst 83,.1919 bs approred ss lollowe:. 8treete .......$398.b$ ,' ~ ~ 8peoial Sewer 871.£6 ~ ~ carried npoa osli of the ro]1 by 4 yeea. l ~~ - Arland t0 On motion ol.the above, that the snm o! 88.40 bs relnndea to Will L Leq to i , Will I. i'. • LeTy. ~ oorreot,ths esedeemenC on property oa ta= bill X1844 Asia by him- oarriM npoa coil o! ' ~ the roil by 4 yeas, ' • J. Wee ° On motion o! the aboxR, that J. Mee Troutman be sppointsa 0ity inessor !or bhe . Troutman . sppoia4ea " balance o! the year 1919, to begin work 8sptembes 1, 1919, st a salary of $100 par month Oity ~ aeeeteor: osrriea npoa salt o! the roll by'4 yssa. N On motion the Hosra aQionrasa npoa call of the roll by the lollow9ng emote: seta. ~; , Gtrgner, Haaelip, Tn].ly aaa Ifoolariags, 4. ~ . 191,~i ' A,PPROV~ ~ ~" ...+r fo ~fi 'x' . ~~ _ ~ r, ~ -, .. ~, '~ STYT~&R 1. 1919. • ' , .._~ At s regular meeting 'o! the Boara o! Oommiseionere hold in the Comre° Chsmbsr o!' ~. . ~ w ,. the 01ty Mali, Padnaah, S,p., on September 1, 1919, npoa asli o! the roil the lalloeiag ~ ¢ L;. answered their names; Gardner, Hasslip, TtLliy emd-Mayor pro tam Wooldridge, 4. `: Lbor Day. ~; On motion. the Bosra.adiomrnsd to meet agate on September 8, 1919, st tonr..o°olook s~ T_. P. It.= this bsi Labor ng Day and a.legsi holiday, upon coil o! the roll by 4 yeas., ~;- ~:.`~ ~,PPROV7a7n ~ ~, ~.. +' She ~ J MAX ~ ~; ~re ~ m 1 ± 6 September 8.. 1919. ~ it as ad'ournad meeting o! the Board o! Commieeionere held in the Comrs° Chembar ~ a ~; o! the Oity Haii, Paducah, ~.., on 3spt. 8, 1919, npon.osil o! the roll the loilowing ~; ~ . t- ,answeraa their names: Oardnar, Harelip, Tally and Mayor pro tem Wooidridgs- 4. ~ ,(. Qn motion o! Member Hasslip, the minutes o! the meetings o! ingnet 86th and ~' ~; ' 8apt. 1, 1919 were saoptea ae read..npon ot11 of the roll by # yeas. ! ~ On motion o! Member Gardner, that the Oity Hngiaesr°a estimate o! spprozimste ~ 3 ' cost o •. cost o! reoonetruoting the drivewsy.oa Broadway from east curb line o! Fountain ATS. ~~ Tarvis on „ Bdway 17th westward to the city limits, with Tarvis, bs rsosirsd ana !ilea, oarrisd upon call of ,' . to city ' limits. the roll by 4 yeas. :~ • _~~~s. OPea On motion o! the shore, that the Oom~r o! Worke,be inetrnotsd to open np ditches ~. ditohse on " Pool rodd. in o8n~nnotion with the County, in lront o; the 8ohool hones on the Yooi rasa, in °" ,, ' ~' ~n ti Litpleville, and to drq;in the water book towards the Hailrosa track Isom said rose- ~` - oarried upon oali'o! the roll by 4 yesa. " y - Gardner°s •• On motien o! the aboTe, the oommaniettion o! Member Gardner rsgneating immsaitte fir`. oommnnioa- ' Lion in re notion oa motion made lpril 81,.1919 regarding ordiaanoe !or bond leans !or ealargemeat st '` ~ bond isen~ . !or light. eity light plant, trtiioh motion was relerrea to committee e! the whole, was reoeixea and ;" plant ~ : ' enlarge- .; !lied upon call o! the roil by 4 yete. { mta'1o ~ ' ~ ,~ _- ~ . >. .. .. a f j ' ~ • t • ~ ` ~. '. ''~ ~. 4 ~ . • ; } • `. • ..v Commissioner's :Proceedings, ~'• , Nu.Ts'` • of Padaaah ' s•nt.~b.r sn_191.~ ~ • On motion the 8oara sojourned upon Dell o! the roil by the loilowing v6te: Yesa, ? ' ~. Gardner, Saselip, Tally and Wooldridge- 4. j;. • ~.PPR D i Ads to 10.~ - ~ . - MAXOR. ' On motion e!'Yember @ardtmar, that the City 8olioitor bs inatrnoted to bring in' ~. Doada !er •, enl~ menti .~ an ordinanoe at the nest regular meeting, to prorias.lor the isene of $100,000 bonds. ~ _ ~ drawing b~ interest intsreat payable semi-annual Light Plant. ' ly. prinoipsi due 86 yearn alter aate~ ~. . the prooseds to bs need in the enlargement o! the City light plant; Baia bond issue to bs enbmitted to a vote o! the people st the nszt regular elsotion on November 4, 1919+ • ;.lost npoa Deli o! the roll by the lollowing vote: Yeas, asrdnsr and wooidri.dge+ 8. 4'' Hay,'Hssslip and Tally- 8. , P1aaa loo. ~Oa motion o! Member Hs:slip, that the plane !or •~ese~ home drawn w. E. Oore Nnreea~ Hose.' ~ be reosiv~a sna:llled; oarrisd upon call of the roil by 4 yeas. ~ ` ;' , ~roaaway 17th On motion of the above, thsi the City Solioitor be instruotea to bring in an•., i,;' to 86th Sta. osainaaoe authorising the reoonetrnetion o! 8roadwsy street from 17th to 86th atriet~ 3 ,;: with Tar~ia, in soomcdanos with the xeeointion heretofore passed, same tp be,psid' ~•~•.~"' !or by abetting property, iaterseotiona by the City- osrrisa upon Dell o! the ra1l~~by i• ' 4 yeas. ; i • On motion o! Member Tally, that pay rolls from the Department o! Fnblio works ler the weak eaalog aug..30, 1919 be approved"as follows; Straete $318.06, Special Sswsr • ~ $148.08- aarried•npoa•oall o!'the roll by 4 yeas. 3 4 SEPTEtdBHR Sth. 1819_. o er ss p, that the sotion of the Board o! Commissioners oa a ~-° on motion to ~h. • .:~'', ' • at a regular meeting o! the Board o! 0ommiseionere held in the Oomrs~ Ohamber d' ~,• R the City Hall, Paanoah, B~. on September 8, 1819,,npon Deli of the roll the following answered their nsmsss Hnrns, Gardner, Hasslip, Tu11y and Wooldridge- 6. i Oa motion o! Msmbe]c Tnll}r, the miaatse o! the meeting o! Sept• 8, 1 919 wore j ~, , 'adopted se rasa upon Dail 0! the roll by 6 yeas. ~•. Protests va. On motion o! Member Gardner, that the protest o! paropsrty owaere~agsiaet the i • Paroadway recce-. ~ etroation. ,seooaetsnation o! 8rosdwey between 14th end 2bth streets be received and filed, i .~ carried bpon Deli 0! the roil by 6 yeas. IJJJ aotioa reeoinaed Oa motion ! Memb 8a ii ~ '""s' enbmit bona Sept. 8na on the motion 6o anb®it s bona isens o! $100,000 !or improvement to city ~: isene !or Light s Pleat imp. Light plant, bs resaindsd- oarriid dpoa deli 0! the roll by 6 yeas. On motion of Mbar Gardner, that the City Solicitor bs instructed to bring in an City 8olioiter bring in ord. !or ordiaenoeat the nest regular meeting, to provide !or the issue o! $100,000 bonds ~ bond issue !or Light Plant drawing 6~ interest, interest payable semi-annually, p:lnoipal due 85 yaws alter date,E enlargement. .the preoeeds to be need in the enlargement o! the Oity Light Plant; said bona issns,to ! :: be 6ubmittsd to a vote o! the people at the nest regular olsotion on•November 4, 1 ~ 9• • carried upon dell o! the roll by b yeas. i••' Erwin Gillespie On motion o! Member Hasslip, that the ooma~nioatio» from Erwin Gillespie be ~,.. oo®unioation - ia.re. Salem Avs. relsrred to the ComTr o! works with the request that'the street mentioned, Salem avenne~ oonditioa. be repaired- carried upon Deli o! the roll by 6 yeas. ~ ORDINANC$ F01Z On motion o! the above, aH ORDffiANCB PROVIDING FOR THE RECONSTRUOTION OF BROaDWLY ~ RECONSTRIICTION 0! f' BwAY FROM 17th FROM THF, EAST CIIRB LINE OP BOIINTAIN aVENIIS (OR 9EVENTEENTH"$TREPT) TO ,THE wE3T.PROP&RTY. to 2bth street. .: intsodnoed. LIRE OF T'~/SNTY-FIRTH STREET, IH THE CITY OF PADIICAH, BENTUC$[.;•AND PRDaiDING THAT eAID ~ , IMPROVENENT SHALL H3 MADE UPON THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN, was iatroanoed~npon Dell a! j `%".` • ;the roll by B yens. ~~ , •' ~ '`~ € ~' ~' • ~. ; ~ i .. .