HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/18/19 u No: i/39 i Commissioner`s Proceedings, City of Paducah A,u:aet lath 19l 9 At a regular meeting oY the Board oY Commieaionera held in ths.Comre' Chamber oY the Oity Hall, Yadnonh, Sy., on August 18, 1919, npoa Dell of the roil the tollaNing answered - ~ their nameet Burns, Gardner, 8aselip, Tally and Wooldridge- 6• Oity oii On'motion oY Member Gardner, that the City oil the street on South 4th~trest between street 3.'4 ~~ve. to ~,~ Ave, and Washington street in Yront o! the iot need by it Yor storage purposes, eo~as c. `to Yiniah oiling the Moak, oarried upon call oi.ths roll by b yeas. ' Joe Green Qn motion oY the above, that Joe Green, who was sooidantally hmt in the employment oY allowed ~6•f4 the City, be allowed X3.94 Yor time lost on August 16 and idth by reason oY said inim~, same to be oharged to the Street Dspartms~- oarrisd upon Dail oY the roll by b yeas. Ooel pmrohueo On motian.oY the above, the:oommunioation oY this date Yrom.Com'r oY Pablia Warka,! , t regarding parohase oY oosi, wee reosived and Yiled upon Dell o! the roll by 6 yens. Oity Sol• ~~ On motion oY Mayor Borne, the report oY City 3olioitor Jao. K. HendrioY, regarding the opinion in.rr pity pnrahaa- .pmohaeing of oosi by the City, was reoeived and filed upoa osll oY the roil by 6 yeae•~ ~~~,~a1 Yos ~ motion oY Member Harelip, that the Com'r of Works bs instrnoted to pnrohnee tea ao~ Y~rom~a 'Dare oY lump oosi Yrom the Hunter Coal Co. ®~`E.60 per ton, same to be stored at the Cit$ ~ ~nter Oosl !! Light Pleat, two~oara oY same to be oharged to Charity fund and eight oars ohargod to ;,~! Contingent Fund, acid eight oars to be sold to the poor people oY tlbe City at sotnal sort, not•more,than one ton to be sold in any one order; further, that the City Soiioitor be a k instructed to draw,oontraot with Hunter Cosl Co. Yor the City Light plant's requirements h ~. oY ant, pea and elsok st $1.30 per ton, said oontraot to be signed by the Mayor- serried upon Dell oY the roil by 6 yeas. p ~••. ~~, OOtl On motion oY Member Gardner, the oommnniostion oY Edwin R. Miller, Jr., rspreesntiTg • 00• ~,,,~ ~' the Hunter goal Oo. oY Providsnoe, %y, oYYering ooal.to the City at $$•BO per ton Yor ~.~. ,inmp and $1.30 per .ton Yor ant, pas and elsok; was reo'd d, filed upon oa71 of the zoll,by , •,'~'~ 6 yeas. A On motloa oY Member Tully, that payment oY pay rolls from the Dept. as Pnblio Wanks for • a the wgsk ending Attg. 16, 1919 be approved ae Yollowst ~ ,". 3treeta ...................610.60 . ~ Speofal Sewer .............. 166.88 ; 3peoial Sewer Supplies= ~ Barry & Henneberger ...... EB•36 + „ Bynum & Meaoham .....:.. 3.30 • ~; ~ ; b Hart-Lockwood Co. ........ 7.b0 ~ Ohio River Sand ~ Gravel Co• 1.36 ~ F . i oarrisd upon osll oY the roll by 6 yeas. - ~' -,i On motion oY Member Wooldridge, AN ORDINANCE PROYYDING FOR FIRB LI6fIT3 AND ESTABLISHING Ordffienoe providing 'r RIILrS AtiD REGULATIONS FOR T8E sJtECTION, CONSTRIICTION AND EQIIIPMENT OF BUILDINGS, CREATIg9 Yire.limita ete• THE OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND PROYIDING:PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF ANY Qr TH8 ' PROYISYONS HEREOF, FOR TH8 CITY OF PADIICgH, &BtITIICHY, was adopted neon Dail oY the roll by 3 yes OhisY oY Fire On motion of the above, that the Five OhieY, Thoe• P• Glynn,bs instructed to atten d " Dept. atlsna :. mesping o! the meeting oY the Sy. -aeooistioa oY Fire Chiefs to be held in the' Board oY Trade Bldg., `- ~p.An'n oY ; Fire Ohlela• .Louievilie . g3'• September 10th, 11th and 1Eth, 1919, oe par request oY G. H• Parke;, Mgr. • gentnoky Actuarial Hansen, and T• B• Pannell, State Fire Marshal, the City to pay his expenses, carried upon sell oY the roll by 6 yeas. ' Goverm~sn~ On motion oY Mayor Burns,, that any merchant in the city of Ypduoeh bs permitted to graNriea• 'sot as the agent o! the City in acquiring one oar iced lot each oY Government grooerisa, ' to b.e resold at Government prices, provided it is in sooord with Go~ea~nment regn}ations, and'Ynrther :provided that any merchant deeiri:g such oar load oY grooerise mast deposit .the coat thereoY tagsther with the Yrsiglit with the Com'r o! Finance before atp shipment is made- carried upon call oY the roll by 6 yens., On motion the Board adjourn upon Doll oY the roil by the Yollawing +rote: Yeas, Horan, :Gardner, 8a:elip, Tally and Wooldridge- B• ,. s ~ . "• •11 ~' :. ~: .i ~-~,, i _ W '. ~~ r ~.: ~~. ~: v. ~ €. l t. i T"^ ,