HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/04/19 & 08/06/19 ., ... ,,,. .. , ~: ,, ~... • . N .tea _. Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Padncah~~,~at 4th, ' 191.E ~ • Abo~.ish e!l1oN . Oa: motion o! lumber 9araner, WH8@H18, there has been, ao ehaia gang brans elan . o! chain gars ' ~ foreman and June E, 1919; and Whessas, there are very law, i! nay, persons en the obain gang of nest. ~ . : 'late, I more that the Gity 8olieitor bring in a resointion abolishing tlu o!!loes o! ~" , , chain gang loremaa and assistant chain gang foreman, oarrie4 upon call o! the roil, by 3~ .~ . . 6 yeu. I lilf j On motion o! lumber Harelip, that the petition o! bench and stall renterr a4 the • Olose Market on holidays. ` Padneah Market be reoei~ea 6 !ilea; and lnrthsr, that it i• the sense o! tbla Boas ", that the Market be closed on the following boiidsyws Ohrietmas, 4th o! J1tiy, and Libor. Day- oesrisa npoa oa1T o! the roll by 6 yeas. ~ ' Oa motion o! llemiaeir Tally, that payment o! pay rolls for wssk ending lug. 8,1919 . l be approved as lollowss Densrtmeat o! Pnblio Werka- Streets X478.89, 8peoisl Sewer X8.80, Sewer ~8.8t, Tngiaseriag X86.80. Department o! Pnblio Propart~- Inoinsrator. . X198.81- carried neon call o! the roil by 6 yeas. 8. M. Yiek ~ Oa motion of Mambas Wooldridge, that the Ohiosgo Bonding i Ins. Oo be seleassa bona , . released. ! !ran the bond o! R. W. Yiok se o! lug. 6, 1918, rrhea he reeignaa~lrom the Police Dspartmsnt, ss par regneet o! said Qompa»y !ilea herewith- carried npoa call o! the ~ i. roll by 6 yea~.~ . Oa motion of the aboT~, that the oommnnioatlon o! this date from the Interaatioaal _`:~ Intesnatioaai Assn o! " Aes~n o! Fire Fighters Local IInion ~i68, asking rsoogaitioa o! said Association, be '. ~:~. ' ' Fire Fightesn' Loas1 Ualon reoeiTea, !ilea aaa oononrrea la- carried upon call of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ 168. . On motion the Board ad~omnea upon call o! the roil by the following votes Mess, Bmrns~ 0ardner, Hassiip, Tally and Wooldridge- 6. j ,:. p tae ~ N12 e'~.PP 'IvUV TiL ~ ~l r . r-.-.~. r.• ab o.r `" MAXU~• ' • ~ i .. ? ~ evavsT 4. 1919. t~ . At • called meeting held is the Qomrs' Ohamber o! the Oity Hall, Padnoau,~$y. o a ~ ` . 1. ':: Augaet 6, 1919, npoa aali o! the roil the following answered thdr nam4es 0araaer, • ;. Haselip, Tnliy, and Lfsyor pro tam Wooldridge- 4. ~ , HNOlation Oa motion o! Membor Oardnsr, a Reaointion abolishing the positions of Ohaingans t abolishing positions o! ,Foreman dad Assistant Ohai Foreman was iven its so a npoa call o! the roi]b ' - ' agang 8 Pa aB • Ghaingsog Foreman i Aest• a ~ by 4 yaps. r . j Oa motion e! Member 'ls7.ly. the aooonata as pear report o! Oom~r o! Fiaanoe~ amount-~,,.:. ~~ ing ~o X81,676.48, were allewea and payment o! same approvsa upon oa]l o! the roil bT ~. ... ~ 4 yeas. ~ i~. Oas motion of the above., the report.ot Oom~r o! Finance for the month a! July 1819 f ;: ~,- reoeina, Bled aaa eraerea pnblishea in She o!lloial newspaper, npoa call of the. 2 roll by 4 yeas. ~ i . '~ !~ Oarmotion o! the sbove~ that ths~lollowiag sooonnts be allowsa dadpayment o! same' ''~~• • " ~. ~~: apprond; Department o! Pnblio Property; Riverside Hospital -Heater Ooai Oo. X889 a 6 ! ~," y . Whar! -W. L. Yanoy . , 686.60 ' : '.,~Y; . . Department o! Pnbile Workss 8traete - W. L. Yadoy 60x..60 :~ p4~;, • ~ Department o! Pablio Atisirss Incinerator -Goal Yara 14.66', Department o! Ynblio Workes Light Plant -Coal Yara 49.68 ~ , ' , carried upon nail o! the roll by 4 yeas. Wm. A. Bethel '~ Oa motion o! the abon, that aeea bs ezsontea to )m!. A. Bethel to Lot 87 in blank ; eemetery aeea. `• #8 on north side o! Baker St. bet. Ford i Hannan etrsets~ is Oak Orove O~metery, hs ' ' . having paid therefor into the trsasnry the sumo! $SO as eviaenoea Dy reosipt hers~a tb •~1 Bled- oarriia npoa call o! the roll by 4 yeas. F .~ ~, ~; ` ~, - ~ I ---.~~ i. ~ . . .. ~.. ... . ,. ,~ . . '. y .• .- • .., .. 4 '~ • ' ' fig. No. ~f~'/ . ~ i Commissi ner`s Proceedings, City of Padacah 1-n~t sth 1914 Oombino olfioe o! ''' On motion of Member Gardner, tha0 the City Solioitor bring in g Resolution oreatins ' Ohaiagang # bhe oiiioe o.i 0hsingaag and btreet Doronss, at a salary of $86 par month, iron ~ngwt ' Btreet ioremtn . 6th, 1919, suoh iorenr-a to eseoate bond in the am of 51.000, earried upon Dail o! thh t`` """^ ~„~p roll by 4 yeas. t •,~ On motion the Hoard ad~oarned aeon Bali of the roil by the ioilowing votes ' '. ~. . ~~ Yesa, 0srdner,~Haulipa Tn13y, and Wyor pro rem Ilooidridge• ~• ~ ~ ' . ' i , ; ~~ `~ ~-Ii _ i91,~ ~ .,~PPR ~T i ~T , ~ . d a~e-xu~. ~ e ~. ~^ jt a ~ AVGI)ST li. 1919. ~ . . I; At a regular meeting oi.ths Board oY'Comvniaeionere held~ia the Comre' Chamber of the ~ City Hall, Padnoah,.Sy. on 9ugnat 11, 1919, upon oali of the roll the following answered , ~ ~i their neimses Burns, Gardner, Harelip; Tully and Wooldridga~ b. _ .x:~ ;-~ t `: Qn motion of Member Wooldridge; the mitmtes oi.the meetings of Angaet 4th and 6th,.; ;• ' r 1919 were adopted ae read upon Dail 04 the roll. by 6 yeas. `~+ Pnb11e Uuree.j; On motion of Member Gardner, that the Com'z o! Safety furnish Mien Doaaidsori, Pablio AI. ,- np Oity oar.~~ • Health Rnree, one of the oars in the Safety Dept., said oar to be need by her when „ j neoeesary to make visits or to oarry siok persons to the hospital, when said oar ie Wolf ~ 3`.~ + in nee by the Health Nurse to bs need by the Safety Dept., oarried upon Dull of the rali f by b yeas. •' .. .., a H.R•Pisros ' On motion of the'ebove, that E. R. Yieroe be allowed the nss of the City's mowing ~~`~ ,. eiliowed nee ~• meahiae to out the weeds on hie lot or lots when eaiQ maohine is not being used by the ~ ~'~ ' of mowing meohine. City- oarried upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. CHAIHGARG a ~ On motion of the above, s Resolution oreating the offios of Chaingdng a Street Foremen ~ ~'~ ~ ~, ST. FOR ReBOin was given its passage upon Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. - ~ ~g e, , Raster 1Nyken- . On motion of the above, that ~aator $nykeadali bs appointed Chaingang & Street Foreman. '~ doff appointed ` Chaingang 8 salary to date book to Avgtiet 6, 1919 when he began hie duties, oarrisd upon onli of the St. Foremen. roll by b yeas. 1 Report of on motion o! the above, the report of Com'r of Pablio Works for the month of an7.y 19'19 `" tl Com'r of Nka : :~ was reo'd sad filed upon Dell of the roll by b yeas. ,„ `' J.A•Hilis~ Oa motion of Member Harelip, the oommunioation o4 J. A. Hills, offeriig to pnrohase • proposition te- two sheds on Yeieer Ave• belonging to the City, was referred to Com'r o! Property for pnrohase oity. ~~^ s eheda. , iavostigation and recommendation upon aeli of the roll by b yeas. . ~ • •. . ' On motion o4 L4ember Tully, that the pay rolls from the Dept. of Pnblio Wgrka for the ~ ~ ', week endiag.Ang• 9, 1919 be approved as follower Streets $494.16, Speoial Sewer $74.10, ''. -+ '"~~~° oarried upon Deli of the roil by b yeas. ~ z •. 0•H.Ford Oa motion of Member Wooldridge, that C, H. Ford be slowed fib for nss o! his oar in allowed $16 for use of assist the o11oe in oatahi R• D• Joaee and 81mer Green of Mem h!a Tana. carried ~8` P n6 , p , , ~,; . Oar• upon Dell of the roil by b ysae• h ~`~ Mnaioiyal 0oa1 On motion of thb•abors, the oommaniostion of A. 8• Stein, Seoty. of Central Labor Vnion,, ~'.: •° mod' . embraioing Rssolutioa requesting the rs~estsbllehmsnt oi.the Mnnioipal Coai Yard, was ~~ • received and fi1sQ upon Dail of the roil by 6 yeas. _ ~:,, ' idv tor..ooe1 Oa motion of Membes Gnrdnsr., that the Mayor advertise !or bids for 100 oar loads of ~ ~ ' ,~ bids. ooai to bs ohaeed b the Cit and sold at Dort to . P-u y y parties desiring ooai, 'said ooai to ;~ ``~' ,„ ~~ bs delivered to the city in September, Ootobsr and November 1919- said motion.-wsa.witfidrawh .5, ~ . by Membei Gardner. , Ooal• 01ty On motion of Mayor Burns, that the Com'r of Works 'May at cheapest poaeibl} pmios los~,y oar ' ~. parohate• { fifty oars of ooai, or as maofi as Dan bs stored- to be stored at Light Plant, eame.to bti oharA d . ~ inB . 0 Don ant fund- carried n n Doll of the roll b 8 Po _ .c : . • • .. .,. , . :,. . _. ~, '~ ( ~ h'