HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/17/19 & 07/21/19. r~: No: Commissioner's of It a meeting o! the Board of Commieaionsrs, held in the Comre' Chamber of the"City Ha11, Paducah, Hy., on July•1'7, 1919, at ten o'oibok d. M.; sailed by Members Cardnsr~ and Mayor pro tam Wooldridge, upon Dell of the roll the following answered thadr nsmeit Oardnsr, Tully and Wooidridge= 3. On motion of Member Gardner; that the Oom'r of Pablio Worl® hs~s oonetrnotsd Hader the enpervision o4 the City 8nginser a manhole on Kentucky ATexme abort 60 teat xest of the west line of Tenth street ooaneoting with the line of Sewer District ~2, the Home Lsnndey Co. to pay one halt the sapense of same, carried upon,oall of the roll by 8 yias. On motion the Board ad~onrned upon call of the roil by the following votsY Yeasj . i Gardner, Tully and Wooldridge, 8. 3PPROV73ID . _ r ' (Q/ Ad[AXO1G J111Y 21st, 1919.. " At a regular meeting oL the Board of Commissioners held in the Comre° Chamber at k.the Oity Hall, Paducah, Kentuo~r, on July 21st, 1919, upon call oP the roll the tollowhg answered their names: Gardner, Haaelip and Wooldridge- 8.. On motion of Member Hnaslip, the miantss of the meetings held oa Jnly 14th sad V Y~~ ~"17th, 1919 were adopted ae reed upon call of the roll by 8 yeas. _ ' Sob Hsle ~' On motion of Msmbsr Gardner, that the proposition of Bob Hals to take up and relay . Ii proposition to relay gutters. ~, the brick gutter on the couch side of Trimble St• bet. ibth and 16th street, bs referred « to the Oity Solicitor for his opinion as to whether it is ths.dnty of the City to eorreot _. the faulty oondilfione of the gnttsr or the duty of the property owners- carried upon Dail i of the roll by,3.yenc. ' • Chi.Bonding a ~;' On motion of Member WooSdridge, that Lha Chiosgo Bonding de Inevranos Co• be released ins. Oo• reisas ed on bond of = from the bond of C• 8. Kriykendall, na o3 Howsmbsr 26 1918, the tints of his dicmiscal !m m + O.H.HliykandsDl. ; ,the Poiios Department, as per regnsst o! sala.Coapeay herewith flied- carried upon call of ,,~. ~ the roll by 8 yeas. ;, . On motion the Board ad~ournsd upon Doll 03 the roll by the 3oliowing emote; Yess~, '~ .~ ~ Gardner, Haselip and Wooldridge- 8. j i M ~~ . •e~ + ~' . ~e-xu , `~ . ~~ . { ~. ~,. .` °• a .~ .... _ , , . j. Q .. ~" -.. ~ _ 4" •~ ~ r- `•.: ~, > : - .. . ..... ; a ~.s~6N)du"s+aYG'.a~zt«`,~ •Ep.r•6iA~e:'A~`W~' ~:" . Y ' . ... ;.• t I ~. --