HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/30/19 & 07/07/19 f ~, k._~ ---~-~. ... No.~ Commissioner's Proceedings; City of Paducah. ~,.,. -Ad 191.. • Nat'l Rivsre 8, Harbors Congress. On motion oY Mayor Horns, the oommnnioatioru lrom 8• A. Thompson, Soot y, ad ~ 'rV National.Rivere do Harborr Congress, asking a oontributioa toward the support o! the '' sai4 Congreea- wire ros'd & tiled upon Dolt o! the roll by 8 yeas. i - International ~ Oft motion o! the above, that the International Shoe Oo• be requested t o !mr`nt sh ~ • Shoe Co• lara- . ieh bins priat~ bins print showing ~nst what is required in the way o! right o! way to eztend'switdi i- !or spur traok. , ~,. .o! Ohio Rivsr.8and de Gravel Co• over Jeflereon St• - oarried upon Doll d tl>• roil. { h by 6 yens. On motion the Board adionraed upon Deli o! the roll Dy the ~oiiowiag vote: ~ ; Yeas, Borne, (aardner, Harelip, Tully sad Wooldridge- b. ~; Ads s -...6 -`q ='_1?11~ ~p~ MAYAlb i` . ~ .• g Were - ;• adopted as read upon Dori 03 the roil by 4 yeas. ~ ~. Oa motion o! Member Gardner, that the Oom'r o! Works be inetruoted to purd:ase +. street sweeper from the Austin Wsetern Road Manhin • ery Co. one street (2 speed sprinkler) sweeper for{ ._ pwrohaee. ~~ f•o•b. Chioago for the street department, to be pleoed on oar Wednesday- oarried upon Dail oY the roll by 4 yeas. ,,Q,N~y On motion o! Mayor Burns, the olalm o! A. C• Nanny !or loss a! a horse was re- • o163m. ~ !erred to the City Solioitor for tBnveetigstion attd report upon Dell of the roll bg 4 yeas. °' Condemnation On motion o! Member Gardner, that the City Solioitor be inetruoted to bring Don-'~ ~ • prooesdinge to demmtion proossdi a for tho eatensioa o! 19th etreot from Jefferson to Monroe ate. etsnd 19th 8t•; ng ,along the west two lots of the Foantaia Park Addition, as it will be neosesnry for ,passage way a also for sanitary Dower distriot ~S- oarriod upon Doll o! the roll by ~~ 4 yeas ,,; Sewer seoonnts !, On motion o! the above, that the following soots. Yor snpplioa used in ~on- allowed. j . etrnotion of sewers oa Harahan By 80 11th St. bot. Clay k Trimble Ste., to-wit: J.A. ,. Rady & Sons ~7.b0, Batry & Honnebergsr X6.40, Hiok Yopp 90~, Biaeloner do Poet Pipe Oo• ~`b95.94, South Bead Foundry Co. X67.29, F.H.Jonee ~ Co. X10.30, D• $. Wilson 25¢, b, f ~~ ;: allowed end ordered paid from the Special Sewer Band- oarried npoa Dail of the roll ~. '; by 4 yone. t ~~ On.motioa o! the above, a oomtm~aloation from Com'r o! Works together with Petitions !or •~ , oil. t .petitions for eilingt N. 7th St• bet. MOIIreO de Madison, S. bth 8t, bet, Washington d.'I ` ~ . Clark, 3• '6th St. bet. Husbands & Bookman, and S• 4th St. bet. Washington do Clatic 8te• . . ;: were received and tiled upon Dail of the roll by 4 yeas. { • •` Cemetery deed ~; Oa motion of Member Harelip, that deed o! Mrs. Hattie Ostrander (nee Barboarl, a ; 1t~re.Eattie ' . Ostrander to P: widow, to J. W. Lilley, to south one-fourth (rear halt o! south half) o! lot 810 in J•W.Lillsy. ~ ~ Y block 34, in Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified as per request o! first part, and that { • j; said transfer bs recorded in cemetery deed book- oarried upon Dull oC the to 11 by 4 yea s• • ~. a -l . ~; JQNS 80. 1919. i. At a regalar meeting o! the Board o! ootamissionere hold in the Co»ure' Ohamb or o!~ !: the City Hall, Padvpah, I(y., on June S0, 1919, upon Dell o! the roll the following answered their names: Barns, Gardner, Hssslip and Wooldridge- 4. i'a:es ~ On motion o! Mayor Burns, that the Com'r o! Finauoe be inetruoted 8o authorised to Mr.k1~s•Qninay ;: reosivs payment o! taaea on real estate undor name o! Mr. do Mrs. Quinoy Wallaoe and: • ~: !sane a separate reooipt !or snob payment- oarried anon Doll 0! the roil by 4 yeas. ~ • Wsilaoe. * ~i On motion o! Member Wooldridge the minutes o! the meetin o! June 23d 1919 ~~ • ; t .~..,,.. ,, ..,...... .,p,.r .. . WA 4. ;. ee M^.,,.. ,.,,,. - i; Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Jnne 3oth (9)9 • F•M•Morrison ~i On motion o! Member.Wooldridgs, the Rational surety Qo. was released from the I(I ' bond released; bond of former patrolman F. M, Morrison as o! date April 8th, 1919, ha having rseignedj +`• ~ from the police Dept.. nt that time- aeon oel7. o!•the rb11 by 4 yeas• ( ~~;. ~ James ; On motive o! the above, that the salary o! James Collins, deoeaesd, bs allowed tar ~: Collins° ~ '' the week he was ill, ending May 30th, and that the Comer o! Finanoe bs inetrnote¢ to psy •, salary. ' came to his widow- oarried upon Dell o! the roll by 4 yeas. 1 ~ • ~` On motion the-Board ad onrned n on Deli o! the roll ~ p by the following votes"Yeasj. • ~ Barns, Gardner, Hsaelip and Wooldridge -4. ~ 'I . ~ ' ~~ 4 pR- J~•~. t~,., ~ .. • ' j July 7th. 1919. ~ d '' ~t s rsgalar meeting o! the Board o! Oommieaionere held in the Comra' Chamber o! tie ~, ' x ~i01tq Hall, Pednoah, I(y. on Jttlq 7, 1919, upon Deli o! the roll the following anawersd their nameer Gardner, Heaelip, Tu11y and Wooldridge- 4. ~- On motion o! Msmbsr Gardner, the minntea o! the meeting oi.Jnae 30th, 1919 were '"",a ~ ladopted as read upon ball o! the roll by 4 gees. ~ ~' ' > H18ge. a Grounds On motion o! Msmber•WOOldridge, that the oommanioation from the Bnildinga & Gropadb .. Committee i ~ ~.~- ,,. request 3or !i0ommittee o! the Board o! Ednoation, regneatiag the Commissioners to lay a storm water f ~- _ storm water a : ~; sewer. ~eewsr on .R, 12th St• Prom Flournoy St•.to a point in lrbnt o! ths,Whittier 9ohool,.be t a • !reo~d.and tiled and referred to the Com'r o! Works !or report ae to praotibility,and• j ! 'ooet o! said sewer- oarried upon Dell o! the roll by 4 yeas. 1! . i W.L,Yanoy allowanoe !or Ii. On motion o! Member Gardner,, that W. L. Yanoy be allowed X1.60, to be added to his i ;~• ,gravel. ~iJoly bill, !or a load of gravel delivered to the Citq in Jane 1919 and !or which toad a ' ~ ~ I ! . ntioket was leaned to Mr• Yanay but was loaf by him- oarried upon pall o! the roll by 4 yeas. ~ ~~ ,~ On motion o! the abovs,•that the Com'r ol~Worke,be instructed to eoospt the ~ R. B. Tyler Oe+ ''~. ' .oil proposi- i•propoeition of R• B. Tg1eT Company o! July bth, to furnish the best grads o! roe8. oil at ~ ~ lion. ~ h6.6{l per gallon instead o! oil oontraoted !or at 6.36¢ per gal- oarried neon Deli d the i ~ ~ :• ~' , (i roll by 4 yeas. T On, motion o! Member Tully, that the payment s! the soots !or the Dept• o! Pnblio Works !or the week ending June 28th, bs approved, as followsi Streets X402.93, Special ~ ;;Sewer X14.36, Spsoiel Sswsr $124.67- Decried upon oeii o! the roll by 4 yeasa " ;~ • w ; On motion o! the above, that the payment o! the pay rolls !or the Dept. of Pnbiie iry ~~ • ('Works !or the week ending Julq 6, 1819 as loilowss speoiai Sewer $63.16, Streets $429.16, . i `~~ ' • ;F be approved- oarried upon oeii of the roil by 4 gees. ~ ",~~~ Oemetery.dsed On•motion o! the above, that deed bs e:eontsd to Mrs. Freaoes Jones to lot b6 in Mre.Franoss ~; •'~ " '~ Jones. Yblook 2 on the Eaet aide o! Milisr St. between Ford d, Hannan Sts., in Oak Grove Cemsterq, ~'~ ~,shs having paid therefor into the treasury the sum o! $30 as svidenosd by reosipt herewith i >ri~.~ "flied: oarried upon Dell 0! the roil by 4 gees. --;4' ' ' Refund to Grover 0,' ~ c ~ motion o! the above, that the•enm e! $1.60•bs rei'nndad to Grover C• Watkins, he .. H °` Watkins. ,having'paid two poll ta: bills !or the year 1917,ons•tas bill ;3486 and one eri Po11~~~Bi11 ~:..+ °•... I oarried upon Deli o! the roll by 4 gees. ' On motion o3 the nbovs, the aooonnts•amonnting to $128,889.86, as pem report of Comer: lo! FinAnos, were ailowe8 and payment o! same approved npon.osii o! the roll by 4 yeas. `• `. ., ii On motion o! the above, the report o! Oom~r of Finance !or Jane 1919 was rso'd and i • . q ~,~, ;:filed end arderea published in the o!lioial newspaper upon Dail o! the roll by 4 yeas. ! j;. 0n motion the Board adionrned nova Deli o! the roil by the loliowing votst Ysas, # ~'`i • ' Gardner, Hasslip, Tally and Wooldridge, 4.. -~ D I ,d0 i Z/~l9l~ ~~ I ks4 ~ ~:: _ :. ddYU u, ~ ~a i z ~.:' , . ..~ .. _ ~, ,S • __ ~. i ~ ~ .. • ~ (~ r' I.