HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/05/19 & 06/09/19No.~o Commissioner's Proceedings, City ofPadueah ~+~-. sth ~ 191 ` `r . i ~~ i F. t ... ' / ., ~. :; it a oelied meeting o! the Hoard of Oommiseioaers hold itt the Oomra! Ch6mDsr i of Lhe City Hell. ~eduoah, Ky. on June b, 1919 at four o'clock p. LS., upoa cell of Lhq roll the following answered their asmsed Horns, Gardner; Hszellp, Tully & Wooldridge- 4. ! I I is On motion of Mayor Horne, that the City 8olioitor be iaetruotad to ills ~ ; in~nnotioa proossdinga is oon~unotioa with the Eospitsl League to try out the issues a~Q Swart Piiroeli contagion ;', to establish the present statue of the contagion ward as to whether or not it ie a ~ hospital. . ;~ proper place to treat oonLagioua diseases- oarried upon call of the roll by b yeas. • Contagion ,' On motion of the above, the oommnaloaLion of Dr. H. P.Llan,City Health Officer, ~ , Hospital. !. together with oopy of letter from J. O. South, president state Board of Health, and ' ; ` ~„ oopy of letter and memorandum from Dr. Lillian H. South, State 8pidemiologiet, relative i; to 6hs.3wart Purcell Contagion hospital, were reoeived and filed upon call of the roil! ~, by b ysao. Increase in rates City ii On motion of Member Hazelip, that the oommunioation of Freak Dunn, City Weigher,. i ,_. Sonlee. Abe reoeived & filed, and that the CSLy Solicitor bs instructed to draw an amendment to.~ , the ordinance providing for the raises as sat forth in said oommunloation- oarried upon 1'oell of the roll by b yeas. i .` 8npt. Riverside On motion of the above, the salary of the Superintendent of Riverside Hospital Hospital- salary ±;: increase. was raised $E6 par month, making same ~lEb per month effective June 1, 1919, upon aall Hof the roll by 6 yeas, ~~ I ,One Rankia ~ Un motion of Mayor Burns, that Lhs Oity of Paducah pay Oue Rankin X100 In full) asttlemsnL, settlement of all claims and demands arising by reason of an injury reoeived by falling; f'irom hie motoroyolo, and that the City also pay Dr. Harkey X60 for medical attention t ~ aeid Rankin- oarried upon cell of the roll by following vets; Yess, Burn e, Gardner & -,Wooldridge, 3. Ray Hazels and Tullyy, E. ti th On mo on e Boar ad~onrnad upon call of the roll by the following vote= I !~Yeae, Borne, Gardmr, Hazelip, Tully and Wooldridge- b, 1 ' ~. i. u ~~eN 6 =~--111. -.PPRO'V~D a...~i.--. ~ - ! .r as ALATOdt• June 9th: 1919. h At a regular westing of the Hoard of Commisaionore held in the Comre~ Chamber of ~° i" the City Fell, peduoah, Ky., on Juna 9th, 1919, upon call of the roll the following p answered their Hawse; 8urne, Oardnsr, Hazelip, Tully and Wooldridge- 6. I~ On motion of Member Tully, the minutes of the meetings of June. Ed and 6th, 1919 i' wets adopted as read upon pall of the Toll Dy 6 yeea• Sewer oa Tena. '~ On motion of MemDsr Gardner, the report of Com's of Works regarding petition tos St, bet. 8 & l0eP '. estension of storm water & sanitary sewer on Teaasese• 9L. bstwesh 9th and 10th attest was reoeived,and filed upon call of the roll by b yeas. Report of Street!. On motioa of the above, the report of the Street Inapeotor, D. D. ptahison, for Inspector. the month of bray 1919, wee reoeived k filed upoa call of the roil by b yeas, Stone given to On motion of the above, that three wagon loads of stone be given Lo Gao. Bernhard Oeo. Bernhard. is to sealst h1m in protecting a piooa of ground from aeva in, in the channel of sewer .~` diatsiot ~E, he Lo haul the stone- oarried upoa cell of the roll by 6 yeas. ,~ Hriok furnished 0~- motion of the above, that 600 old paving brick bo furnished to R. Oelissi to R. Caliaei. i„ relay pavement on Madison St. bet• 9th and 10th Ste „ for wagon wry, oarried upon Dell . ':' oT the roll by b yeas. Bid of Sd D. On motioa of the above, the bid of Ed D. Hannan foe furalehing material ~ labor f Hannan reo'd da filed. ~~. oonstruotion o! EEb0 fL. of water pipe oa Brawn St „ being the only bid submitted foe i ;; work, was reoeived & filed upoa eels of the roll by b yeas. ~ . f . j. c ~ ~. I ,. 2: ,.~ i I ! i • 1 L. ~~w:v. .., s... . ~... a,.: ..~. ~'_. :::...,.,o- ,a,. .. ~. ~•~ • t •, ~ ~ W:.:h . ~ ~ .1' h. ~ u - ~ ~ . ' .. . - : . ~}' ~ '' . . • , ., ,f '.,: ~ ' ~ No.~~ ` Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Jane 9~ 1919. :- 4 -' y. Oa motion of ldember Hesslip, the tales were suspended with refsreaos to fnrniahing " ' u oopise of ordinanoee three days before passage, npoa Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. ~ .~ r • Ord. reirnlatin~ On motion of the above, Alt ORDINANCE REGULATING Tim CHARGS8 TO BS MARS B7C THS CIT7 ~ ~---~ isighing on WEIGHER FOR NEIGHING WACONB,'.HOR8B8, CATTLE, HOGB, Bi~SP AND TRUCKS ON THS CITY $CALEt}, ~ - C ty Soalss.?; 1 END PROVID~tB PENALTIES FOR VIOL-TION OF THIS ORDINANCE, was given its passage npoa ~ r ; x , ~ " ~ { . ~ Dell of the' roll by 6 yeas.. 4 ~ - ' ~ - ~{, On motion of Member Tully, the pay rolls from the Dept. of Pnblio Works for the ~ , ~, .~ week ending Jnns 7, 1919, as follows; Streets $319. b0, Speoial Sewer $74.b9. were approved ~ fl,; . ~ ~j npoa Dell of the roll by 6 yeas. ! ,. ' - On motion o* Lhe above, the sooonnts for Ihs last half of Ysy, emouttting to $14,436.26, ~`:;~ 'ss per report of Com'r of Finanoe, wars allowed and payme~ of same approved npoa Dell of #°~' ~. ii the roll by b gees. r Vii ' On motion of the above, the report of the Com°r of .Finsnos for the month of Hay 1819' wbe reosived, flied 6 ordered published in the, olfioial aewapapsr neon Dell of the roil by b yeas. . Report of ~, ~ On motion of Mayor Burns. that the report of eels of franahiae to oonstrnot, operate '~ y ' FranohiN : ~_; sale. ~ i maintain nn sleotrio street railway over oertaia streets in the oily of Paduoah, and sold to A. 8, Niohole, be reosived, approved, oonovzred in en8 filed, and written in { `. the minutes, oar ,.. pon Dell of the roll Dy the following vote; Ysas, Barns, Hass lip, ~'" . ~ Tully and Wooldri ~ 4. Nay, Gardner- 1. ` Ss1d report ie ae follows; ~`° ' • ' "Paduoah, Ke~noky, Juae.6. 1919. ~,< _ "To the Honorable Commieaionere ~` ' : of the City of paduoah. ' ,,; ~ a. In eooordnnoe with published no tine of franahiae sale. Dopy of whioh is ' ~' ~ ,y, ' ' attaohed hereto, advbrtieed to be held on the 6th day of June, 1919, at ten o. oloak ~ ` ' ' A,M., on the City Hall steps, in the City of Paduoah, Kentvoky, I beg to advise .~ , ~ that I offered for sale at publio oat-Dry the franahiae oreated by ordinanoe adopted • ~~ by the Boe;d of Commiseiottere on the 29th day of April, 1919. - " " The frnnohise was offered for sale in aooordnnoe with the provisions of said ~ . ordinanoe and A. s. Niohole, being the highest and best bidder, said franahiae was :' • pnrohaeed by him for the oost of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars.; said Niohole ~; `~ immediately paid over, in Dash, to your Commissioner of Finanoe, the sum of g2b0.00, .+ ~• and executed end delivered hie written eaoeptanoe.of the provisions of the ordinanoe ~ ~ - ~ '_ creating Lhe franahiae, and under. which the Bale was made. ~' F, ' ` All of which is rsepeatfully reported for approval and ratiileation. ~s:r:~ • I 2 ~ Frank N. Burns syor, y o e uoe w 9 • ~ Fs On motion of Member Gardner, that the 1e e11 B. ty of the sale of the Yrsnohiee be :x gallty. i ~-.:. referred to the City 9olioitor, Hon. Jno. K. Hendrick, for hie legal opinion relative to ' h . ~_ . said sale- same was lost, receiving no eeoond. ~' , p ... A1freQ 8. - Oa motion of L'ayor Barns, that the sooeptanoe of Allred S. Niohole be reosived end ~,.. Niohole' aoosptenoe. r filed ahd incorporated in the minntea- carried npoa Dell of the roll by the following ~;: . { ~•,_ . y . vote; Yeas, Burns, Haselip, Tully and Wooldridge, 4. Nay, Gardner- 1. ~ ~, • ~ `' {, Said aooaptanoe is ea follows; ~• ,,} . ~~ ~ ~ " "paduoah Keatuoky ~ , Jugs 6, 1919. ~' • . ~ To Lhe Honorable b;ayor end i • • Commieaionere of the City of., Paducah ; ;;,;,, 3 . Having become the purohaear of a franoh ee to acquire, oonatruot, ~fi . operate end maintain an eleotrio street railway in Paducah, said franohiae i r .~ having been created pursuant to the provisions of en ordinanoe adopted Dy '. ~ ~-~+, •~ the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, on the 29th day of April, y ,, 1919, and said•franohiee having been sold- to ~ aL Lett o. cloak on this day, y ae the highest and beet bidder, ae provided in the ordinanoe above referred ~ , '{ to., I hsrgby accept the provieione of the ordinanoe above mentioned ender `' ~' which the eels was made. •~' ~ .~ Alirea s. Niohole. " ~. ~, Cumberland Tel . d Telegraph Otl , District Ygr. of thb Cnmbsrlaafl . On motion of the aboroe, the' report of L. L: Hillnpe Report. , ~ 5 s Ts l~phohs i Telegraph Co., of Iareetmeat, Reiennes 8 S:p~asse of said Company for tt~a , ,. ~ ., r• ..~ ~ . ... ,~ ., . - .. ,. ,. , _ .., ' • .. ., E { r ~ . z ~ .. .. j . e ' ~ _ ~ . f ~, k._~ ---~-~. ... No.~ Commissioner's Proceedings; City of Paducah. ~,.,. -Ad 191.. • Nat'l Rivsre 8, Harbors Congress. On motion oY Mayor Horns, the oommnnioatioru lrom 8• A. Thompson, Soot y, ad ~ 'rV National.Rivere do Harborr Congress, asking a oontributioa toward the support o! the '' sai4 Congreea- wire ros'd & tiled upon Dolt o! the roll by 8 yeas. i - International ~ Oft motion o! the above, that the International Shoe Oo• be requested t o !mr`nt sh ~ • Shoe Co• lara- . ieh bins priat~ bins print showing ~nst what is required in the way o! right o! way to eztend'switdi i- !or spur traok. , ~,. .o! Ohio Rivsr.8and de Gravel Co• over Jeflereon St• - oarried upon Doll d tl>• roil. { h by 6 yens. On motion the Board adionraed upon Deli o! the roll Dy the ~oiiowiag vote: ~ ; Yeas, Borne, (aardner, Harelip, Tully sad Wooldridge- b. ~; Ads s -...6 -`q ='_1?11~ ~p~ MAYAlb i` . ~ .• g Were - ;• adopted as read upon Dori 03 the roil by 4 yeas. ~ ~. Oa motion o! Member Gardner, that the Oom'r o! Works be inetruoted to purd:ase +. street sweeper from the Austin Wsetern Road Manhin • ery Co. one street (2 speed sprinkler) sweeper for{ ._ pwrohaee. ~~ f•o•b. Chioago for the street department, to be pleoed on oar Wednesday- oarried upon Dail oY the roll by 4 yeas. ,,Q,N~y On motion o! Mayor Burns, the olalm o! A. C• Nanny !or loss a! a horse was re- • o163m. ~ !erred to the City Solioitor for tBnveetigstion attd report upon Dell of the roll bg 4 yeas. °' Condemnation On motion o! Member Gardner, that the City Solioitor be inetruoted to bring Don-'~ ~ • prooesdinge to demmtion proossdi a for tho eatensioa o! 19th etreot from Jefferson to Monroe ate. etsnd 19th 8t•; ng ,along the west two lots of the Foantaia Park Addition, as it will be neosesnry for ,passage way a also for sanitary Dower distriot ~S- oarriod upon Doll o! the roll by ~~ 4 yeas ,,; Sewer seoonnts !, On motion o! the above, that the following soots. Yor snpplioa used in ~on- allowed. j . etrnotion of sewers oa Harahan By 80 11th St. bot. Clay k Trimble Ste., to-wit: J.A. ,. Rady & Sons ~7.b0, Batry & Honnebergsr X6.40, Hiok Yopp 90~, Biaeloner do Poet Pipe Oo• ~`b95.94, South Bead Foundry Co. X67.29, F.H.Jonee ~ Co. X10.30, D• $. Wilson 25¢, b, f ~~ ;: allowed end ordered paid from the Special Sewer Band- oarried npoa Dail of the roll ~. '; by 4 yone. t ~~ On.motioa o! the above, a oomtm~aloation from Com'r o! Works together with Petitions !or •~ , oil. t .petitions for eilingt N. 7th St• bet. MOIIreO de Madison, S. bth 8t, bet, Washington d.'I ` ~ . Clark, 3• '6th St. bet. Husbands & Bookman, and S• 4th St. bet. Washington do Clatic 8te• . . ;: were received and tiled upon Dail of the roll by 4 yeas. { • •` Cemetery deed ~; Oa motion of Member Harelip, that deed o! Mrs. Hattie Ostrander (nee Barboarl, a ; 1t~re.Eattie ' . Ostrander to P: widow, to J. W. Lilley, to south one-fourth (rear halt o! south half) o! lot 810 in J•W.Lillsy. ~ ~ Y block 34, in Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified as per request o! first part, and that { • j; said transfer bs recorded in cemetery deed book- oarried upon Dull oC the to 11 by 4 yea s• • ~. a -l . ~; JQNS 80. 1919. i. At a regalar meeting o! the Board o! ootamissionere hold in the Co»ure' Ohamb or o!~ !: the City Hall, Padvpah, I(y., on June S0, 1919, upon Dell o! the roll the following answered their names: Barns, Gardner, Hssslip and Wooldridge- 4. i'a:es ~ On motion o! Mayor Burns, that the Com'r o! Finauoe be inetruoted 8o authorised to Mr.k1~s•Qninay ;: reosivs payment o! taaea on real estate undor name o! Mr. do Mrs. Quinoy Wallaoe and: • ~: !sane a separate reooipt !or snob payment- oarried anon Doll 0! the roil by 4 yeas. ~ • Wsilaoe. * ~i On motion o! Member Wooldridge the minutes o! the meetin o! June 23d 1919