HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/17/19~.. '~W..~. . "r • R No.~L Commissioner's Proceedings, City of Paducah Maroh 17th jyj 9 (st. rat:sole+e nay) G, At a regn]ar me sting oY the Beard oY Commissioners held in the Comre Chamber of B the City Hall, Paduoeh, Sy. oa Maroh 17th, 1.919, apon sell. oY the roll the Yollowingl , answered their mmee= Gardner, Harelip, Tally sad Wooldridge- 4. On motion of Member Haaslip, the mimiteB aY the meeting of Maroh 10th, 1919 ' l were adopted as-read apon Dell oY the roll by 4 ysea. ~ Amend teati-~; Oa motion oY the above., that the City 8olLoitar be instrnoted to bi'iog in as ,. ,a oab ordi- (, ~ . , annoe. !i emeisdment to the taxi-oab ordin9.noe providigg for a thirty-Yive (3611) Dent tare in ' 36~ Yare i . the present 26~ none- oarrisd upon Dell oP the roil by 4.yeas. On motion ad Member Tally, that the Reeolation granting privilege oY 3snd~.ng at ~' ~. privil~egs ~! the Yoot oY Elisabeth. street to YICI~RS FERRY. CO. be pyaoed on passage- adopted sport ~eauk~e Dell a2 the roll by the Yoliorring vote: Yeas, Has.elip, Tally end Wooldridge- 3. Nay, Ferry Co. ;~ . G d ,~ .ner -1. ar ii [~ : ; ReppY.t ~ On.motion oY the above, 1~set the Report oY the Beard oY 3npervisore bs rsoeivbd Board of 9npervisors!; and Yiled, and that they bs relieved Prom lirther duties- oerried apon Dell oY the roll r i by 4 yeas. i Commnaioati0n On motion of Member Gardner, that the. oomasmioation oY Com'r of Pnblio Works in re I gravel ppanr ;' oonosrning gravel Ymaished the City by Mr. W. Z. Yanoey, be.reoeived and ailed- same ohesed Yrom' W.y.yangey ~ lost apon Dell oY the rol3 by t3-s Yolla-iig votes. Yeas, Gaidn: eai Wooldridge, £. ~: Hay, Hassiip end Tally, 8. On motion oY Member Tn11y, that the Com'r of Pablio Worlds bs instrneted to pn# P~aolsee better ~ e better grade cd gravel apon ahe streets therm is nos being spread upon them, oarried ' ravel !. upon oeII oY -the roll by the Collaring wtb: Yeas, Harelip, Tally sffi Wooldridge- 3i, t - Bey, Gardner-1 r . . .. Oity '` G On motion oY Member Harelip, that the Bawd oY Commissioners designate one oi! Pmohaeing - Agent ry ate members City Pnrotnaixg Agent, chose dntiy it Ehall be to make all pgrohases oY a material and enpplies Yor the City ad Padnoah and to, see that said City gets what its ' ~, ' , ps.ye Yar- oarried apon Dell arP t9se roll by 4 yeas. ' n On motion oY Member Talig,-that payment.oY pay rolls Yor week ending Meroh 7b, 1919 be approved as Yollare: Streets $E6B.t4, $epairs to briok.~treet~ $19.7E, oerried ,. f ~~ upon Dell of the roil by 4 yeas. Oa motion the Board ad~omrned nponi Dail oY the roll by the Yollowing votst ~~~ ~ Yeas, Gardner, Haselip, Tally aed Msyar-~eo tam Wooldridge, 4• ., e 1 GG s AA 11 1. N L111 CIM~ ~iw~~F t' 7 ~ I pypy LL ~ ~ :. ' X ' i ' v4: ~ 1. ;I ~ - ,. { '~ ,. j ~~ i. 'i. - ~; j .~ d. - ." ;;? ~~9 _7 ' :1 ., ,. ~~~~ ~ ~ . . ~. :.' ~:;~ ' ;~_~, ~,.~ ~ ~ . ~;'. a, ~_ . ~,,. ~ . ~' S` C C J ;y - q s K r . .._, ~':' . . ~::r ^, ..< > , ~` , ~'~ ~ } ~,... 1.