HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-26-2024MAY 6 2024 CITY CLERK Paducah -McCracken County Senior Citizens, Inc. Minutes Monthly Board Meeting Tuesday, March 26, 2024, at 8:00am Present Board Members- David Troutman, Vicki Brantley, Maggie Moore, Cindy Mangrurn. Jackie Carruthers, Dan Frazier, John Durbin, Karami Underwood, Carol Young, Lydia May, Simone Fearon, Robert Hernandez. Staff Present- Sarah Walker, Executive Director. Robin Ross, Assistant Director. Absent Board Members- None. Call to Order: David Troutman called the meeting to order at 8:00 am. Minutes from Last Month: John Durbin made a motion to approve the February minutes. Lydia May second. The motion passed. Committee Reports: Finance Committee: Vicki Brantley presented financial reports. The board discussed options for reducing cost in a few programs. No conclusion was reached. Nominating Committee: The board is full until June when Vicki leaves. Closer to June the board can begin discussing possible candidates. Personnel Committee: No report this month. Bylaws and Policies Committee: Robert, David, and Sarah met to discuss the edits and updates to various policies. Once they finish, they'll move on to the bylaws. Robert said having an immediate response to any arising issues would be for the best. John asked about an exit strategy in the bylaws/ policies manual. Robert is going to research some options for the board to discuss at a future meeting. Director Report: See attached report from Sarah Walker. Made to Stay will not be officially merged with the Senior Center on March 31 st. Assistant Director Report: Robin Ross. Old Business • Building Update: Jeff Canter was able to rework the exterior to increase the number of parking spaces. A long conversation regarding collaboration opportunities ensued. • Fundraising/ Grants update: Sarah has been transparent in her reports of grants opportunities and grants she's applied for. Keep up the good work, Sarah! • Made to Stay: The merger is at a standstill point. The goal is to merge the program with the Senior Center by June 30th. New Business • None at this time. Comments and Announcements • None at this time. Atliournment Karami Underwood made a motion to adjourn at 9:04 am, Carol Young second. The motion passed. The next board meeting date is April 23, 2024 at 8:00am.