HomeMy WebLinkAbout99-6-6058232 ORDINANCE NO. 99-6-6058 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 1999, THROUGH JUNE 30, 2000, BY ESTIMATING REVENUES AND RESOURCES AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF CITY GOVERNMENT WHEREAS, an annual budget proposal has been prepared and delivered to the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has reviewed such proposed budget and made the necessary modifications. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. The following estimate of revenues and resources is adopted as the City of Paducah, Kentucky Revenue Budget for Fiscal Year 1999-2000. I MUNICIPAL HUD GENERAL FY2000 AID POLICE DEBT HUD GENERAL SMALL PROGRAM CDBG HOPE HOME REVLVNG FUND GRANTS FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND SOURCES. (01) (02) (03) (06) (07) (08) (09) CASH FROM FUND RESERVE 749,700 138,400 6,200 140,435 50,000 REVENUES: REVENUES: PROPERTY TAXES 4,451,600 LISC, PERMITS, LISC, PERMITS, OTHER TAXES 16,270,500 425,000 GRANTS, CONTRIBUTIONS 897,980 100,000 196,920 616,475 190,000 192,000 50,000 FINES & FORFEITURES 42,000 15,000 PROP RENTAL & SALES 314,765 130,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 509,050 313,035 INTEREST INCOME 365,000 15,000 3,200 22,500 5,100 RECREATION, OTHER FEES 247,300 12,000 1,000 MISCELLANEOUS 57,500 658,920 19,200 190,000 22,500 55,100 25,000 TOTAL REVENUES FUND TRANFERS IN 154,500 236,875 TOTAL REVENUES 23,155,695 100,000 440,000 616,475 130,000 192,000 25,000 FUND TRANFERS IN TOTAL SOURCES 1 15,000 672,000 25,400 1 9,300 2,011,945 38,610 TOTAL SOURCES 23,905,395 115,000 1 1,250,400 616,475 130,022-L--201,300 75,000 I HUD GENERAL FY2000 COURT POLICE DEBT DWNTWN E911 AWARDS GRANT SERVICE CIF CIP TELCOM FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND FUND (11) (12) (13) (14) (30) (40) (42) SOURCES. CASH FROM FUND RESERVE 6,200 140,435 553,845 38,610 REVENUES: PROPERTY TAXES LISC, PERMITS, OTHER TAXES 450,000 GRANTS, CONTRIBUTIONS 183,625 196,920 190,000 50,000 FINES & FORFEITURES 15,000 PROP RENTAL & SALES CHARGES FOR SERVICES 313,035 INTEREST INCOME RECREATION, OTHER FEES 3,200 22,500 5,100 MISCELLANEOUS 12,000 1,000 496,660 658,920 19,200 190,000 22,500 55,100 TOTAL REVENUES FUND TRANFERS IN 154,500 236,875 1,403,00 TOTAL SOURCES 1 651 160 1 895,795 1 25,400 1 162,935 1 2,011,945 38,610 I 233 FY2000 SOLID CIVIC FLEET FLEET HOPE FUND (07) HEALTH APPT EMP FOUFIRE TOTAL WASTE CENTER SERVICE TRUST INSUR INS TRUST PENSION FUND PENSION FUND ALL FUNDS .S011k�$ FUND (50) FUND (62) FUND (70) FUND (71) FUND (72) FUND (73) (76) (77) INSPECTIONS 767,480 CASH FROM FUND RESERVE PLANNING 400 2,900 25,600 130,000 41,950 276,635 2,024,675 REVIA4 M' PROPERIYTAXES 50 4,972,110 4,451,650 LISP, PERMITS, ENGINEERING (& STREETS) 3,215,395 1,250,400 OTHERTAXES FACILITY MAINTENANCE 922,120 17,145,500 GRANTS, CONTRIBUTIONS PARRS 1,700,840 215,815 2,642,815 FINES & FORFEMM HUMAN RIGHTS 92,900 57,000 PROP RENTAL & SALES 1,000 27,500 15,000 PERSONNEL 226,660 160,000 648,265 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 3,128,000 346,460 167,285 894,395 2,105,875 7,464,100 INIERESTINCOME 31,000 200 5,000 11,350 651,600 1,109,950 RECREATION, OTHER FEES WASTEWTR/STRMWTR OPER 247,300 MISCELLANEOUS 1000 FLEET MAINTENANCE 3,000 99,500. PENSIONS TOTAL REVENUES 3,160,000 27,700 347,460 18745 894,395 2,105,875 11,400 1,030,415 33,866,080 FUND TRANFERS IN 2,090,000 10 000 40,000 365,825 75000 451000 3,432,500 TOTAL SOURCES 3160 000 38,100 390,360 553110 919,995, 2,105,875, 128,350, 1,758,050, 39 323 255 SECTION 2. The following sums of money are hereby appropriated for Fiscal Year 1999-2000. FY2000 GENERAL FUND (01) SMALL GRANTS (02) MUNICIPAL AID PROGRAM FUND (03) CDBG FUND (06) HOPE FUND (07) HOME FUND (08) HUD REVLVNG FUND (09) APPROPRIA770NS. GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1,352,455 FINANCE 648,690 INSPECTIONS 767,480 PLANNING 923,265 100,000 616,475 130,000 201,300 75,000 POLICE 5,549,170 FIRE 4,972,110 ENGINEERING (& STREETS) 3,215,395 1,250,400 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 922,120 PARRS 1,700,840 CABLE AUTHORITY 101,810 HUMAN RIGHTS 92,900 780 PERSONNEL 226,660 E911 DEBT SERVICE SOLID WASTE OPERATION WASTEWTR/STRMWTR OPER FLEET MAINTENANCE PENSIONS CASH CARRY FORWRD/RESRV 14,220 FUND TRANSFERS OUT - CIP 2,090,000 FUND TRANSFERS OUT 1 1 342 500 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 1 23,905,395 115,000 1 1,250,400 616,4751 130,000 1 201,300 75 000 10 234 FY2000 TELCOM (11) E911 FUND (12) COURT, AWARDS FUND (13) HUD POLICE GRANT FUND (14) GENERAL DEBT SERVICE FUND (30) CIP FUND (40) DWNTWN CIP FUND (42) APPROPRIATION TOTAL ALL FUNDS ABROPRIA770NS GENERAL GOVERNMENT GENERALGOVERIWENT 25,000 FINANCE 919,995 2,105,875 4,403,325 FINANCE INSPECTIONS 648,690 PLANNING 534,895 38,610 POLICE 767,480 PLANNING 25,400 190,000 FIRE 2,619,545 POLICE ENGINEERING (& STREETS) 5,764,570 1,402,050 FACILITY MAINTENANCE 48,000 4,972,110 PARKS 2,000 CABLE AUTHORITY 5,867,845 FACILITY MAINITNANCE HUMAN RIGHTS 970,120 PARKS 38,100 PERSONNEL 1,740,940 CABLE AUFHORITY E91I/TELCOM 651,160 895,795 101,810 DEBT SERVICE 162,935 SOLID WASTE OPERATION 93,680 PERSONNEL WASTEWTR/STRMWTR OPER 226'660 E911 FLEET MAINTENANCE 1,546,955 DE6F SERVICE PENSIONS 162,935 CASH CARRY FORWRD/RESRV 3,030,140 FUND TRANSFERS OUT - CIP 3,030,140 WASTEWTR/SIRMWIR OPER FUND TRANSFERS OUT FLEETMAI]VTENANCE 390,360 651 160 895,795 25,400 1 190 000 162,935 2,011,9451 38 610 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS FY2000 SOLID WASIE FUND (50) CIVIC CENTER FUND (62) FLEEF SERVICE FUND (70) FLEET TRUST FUND (71) INSUR FUND (72) HEALTH INS TRW FUND (73) APPr EMP PENSION FUND (76) FOL/FIRE PENSION FUND (77) TOTAL ALL FUNDS ABROPRIA770NS GENERALGOVERIWENT 919,995 2,105,875 4,403,325 FINANCE 648,690 INSFECFIONS 767,480 PLANNING 2,619,545 POLICE 5,764,570 FIRE 4,972,110 ENGINEERING (& SFRELTS) 5,867,845 FACILITY MAINITNANCE 970,120 PARKS 38,100 1,740,940 CABLE AUFHORITY 101,810 HUMAN RIGHTS 93,680 PERSONNEL 226'660 E911 1,546,955 DE6F SERVICE 162,935 SOLID WASTE OPERATION 3,030,140 3,030,140 WASTEWTR/SIRMWIR OPER FLEETMAI]VTENANCE 390,360 356,825 747,185 PENSIONS 14350 1,758,050 1,886,400 CASH CARRY FORWRD/RESRV 129,860 196,285 340,365 FUND TRANSFERS OUT - CIP 2,090,000 FUND TRANSFERS OUT 1,342,500 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 3160000 38100 390,360.1 553110 91-9,2251 2105 75 1 350 1758 050 39 323 55 SECTION 3. The City Manager and Finance Director will publish a budget document which reflects the funding priorities set by the City Commission during their budget workshops and which will be used to interpret the above appropriations. SECTION 4. The City does hereby adopt the following financial management policies: A. The General Fund's minimum undesignated fund balance shall be 12.5% of the General Fund's budgeted expenditures. The Solid Waste Fund's minimum unreserved cash balance shall be 12.5% of the Solid Waste's budgeted operating 3 235 expenses. The Debt Service Fund's designated fund balance shall be sufficient to fully fund all outstanding debt including principal and interest. B. The City Manager is authorized to transfer budgeted amounts between departmental budget line items and between divisions of departments; however, any transfers of funds, appropriated in Section 2, between departments must be approved by City Commission. C. Funds designated as Commission contingency shall be obligated only r upon approval by the City Commission by municipal order. D. Funds designated as Administrative contingency shall be obligated at the discretion of the City Manager, however, the Commission shall be notified five days prior to approval of expenditure. If any individual member of the Board of Commissioners requests Commission review of a proposed expenditure, the City Manager must bring expenditure before the Commission for approval by municipal order. E. City Manager shall assure that recurring revenues are greater than or equal to recurring expenditures. F. The City Manager has the authority to enact a budget allocation program or to transfer funds from any departmental line item to insurance or reserve accounts. G. As new vehicles are purchased the City will fully fund the Fleet Trust Fund in order to replace rolling stock owned by the General Fund as it achieves obsolescence. The Fleet Trust Fund shall be funded with monthly lease charges assigned to rolling stock. Additionally, General Fund transfers shall be made to offset the cost of initial rolling stock acquisition costs. H. The City will maintain a self insurance fund called Health Insurance Trust Fund through the use of user fees as set by administrative policy. I. The City will make annual progress toward the goal of achieving fully funded status for the Appointive Employees Pension Fund (AEPF) and the Police and Firemen's Pension Fund (PFPF) through sound financial management and/or annual General Fund transfers as designated in the budget document. SECTION S. Finance Director is responsible for maintaining current table of Estimated Revenues in Section 1 and Appropriation of Funds in Section 2 and to provide a copy to the City Clerk. If during the course of year City Commission adopts Ordinances to anticipate new revenues or to make new appropriations, the Finance Director will update these Tables and provide a copy to the City Clerk. SECTION 6. This ordinance shall be read on two separate days and will become effective upon publication in full pursuant to KRS Chapter 424. 4 May ATTEST: !��LXenitaith, City C erk Introduced by the Board of Commissioners, June 17, 1999 Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, June 29, 1999 Recorded by Lenita Smith, City Clerk, June 29, 1999 Published by The Paducah Sun, July 7, 1999 ord/budget 236