HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-04-20229� V MINUTES OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING COMMISSION/ URCDA APRIL 4, 2022 5:30 P.M. MAY 10 2022 Paducah City Hall Commission Chambers CITY CLERK Attendees: Chairwoman Cathy Crecelius, Vice -Chair Lorraine Schramke, Joe Benberry, Paul Bradford, David Morrison, Bob Wade Absent: Valerie Pollard Staff: Nic Hutchison, Director of Planning; Joshua P. Sommer, Senior Planner Guests: Daron Jordan — City Manager, Nicole Griffin, Chris Griffin, Toni Strickland, Greg Cannon, Claude Cannon, Martha Emmons, Tim Meadows, Sharon & Randy New, Randal Boguss, Greg Spees Chairwoman Crecelius called the regularly -scheduled meeting of the Paducah Planning Commission to order at 5:30 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag was recited. The roll was taken. Commissioner Bradford offered: I move that the reading o f the minutes for March 7, 2022 be waived and that the minutes of said meeting, as prepared by staff, be approved as written. Vice -Chair Schramke seconded. No corrections were requested. Chairwoman Crecelius called for the vote. 6 Ayes (Crecelius, Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Schramke, Wade), o Nays Planning Commission New Petitions Case # ZON2022-0002 Rezoning request from R-1 to B-1 for a gym facility. Commissioner Morrison offered: I move that this Commission adopt a resolution recommending the B-1 Convenience & Service Zone classification for property located at 185 Lion's Den Lane. I further move the following conditions be placed on said approval as follows: 1. In no instance shall the site ever be utilized for any automotive use, including, but not limited to, gasoline stations, car washing establishments, vehicle sales or rental. MINUTES OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING COMMISSION/ URCDA —continued page 2 / 5 2. In no instance shall the site be utilized as a bar, tavern or similar uses. 3. Any future commercial developments, with the exception of expansions or additions to the existing gym building, shall have ingress/ egress on Berger Road to keep traffic off of Lion's Den Lane. However, in the event ingress/ egress on Berger Road cannot be accommodated, one commercial ingress/ egress may be facilitated no further than fifty feet along Lion's Den Lane. 4. Future residential developments may be located off Lion's Den Lane. 5. Any future speaker boards from pharmacies, restaurants or like uses shall be located behind any future buildings and further directed away from existing residential uses surrounding the property. Commissioner Benberry seconded. Chairwoman Crecelius provided guidance on procedural steps on how the public hearing would be conducted. She further stated this was a consensual annexation and came into the City as an R -t Zone. Mr. Sommer was then asked to explain why the B -t classification was requested. Mr. Sommer explained the neighborhood characteristics that lead to staff decision to recommend the B -t Zone. He stated it was a transitional neighborhood. Chairwoman Crecelius then invited the Petitioner to speak. Mrs. Nicole Griffin came to the podium. Mrs. Griffin stated her and her husband bought the building in 2o18 and opened Tenacity Training four years ago at a location in McCracken County. They have weekly classes for children 4-16. She also stated she felt it was a safe environment. She envisions an addition to the building. She also mentioned future townhomes. Mrs. Griffin stated almost 3,000 people have been serviced since 2019. They have hosted over 603 children and over too kids a week. Her vision is for all people to have a safe outlet. Chairwoman Crecelius then invited anyone who would like to speak in favor of the Petition. Mr. Tim Meadows stated he was the parent of a child who attends Tenacity Training. His daughter has been there a little over a year. He stated the building is better than what it was when it was a previous gym. He stated Mrs. Griffin cares about people. Vice -Chair Schramke asked if the building would need extensive renovations. Mrs. Griffin stated it was more aesthetics that would change and are operational in the parts of the building. Commissioner Morrison asked about the future addition. Mrs. Griffin stated it would be 3,000 to 5,000 square feet. Chairwoman Crecelius asked which side of the building the proposed addition would be located on. Mrs. Griffin stated the Lion's Den Lane side at this time. Mr. Chris Griffin stated the building had become ran down. He stated Mrs. Griffin would like to grow the area and help it to thrive. Mrs. Martha Emmons stated she understood the fear that the neighborhood could be impacted in a negative way. She further stated Mrs. Griffin was a National Ninja Warrior and reflected her goals. She stated the City has an opportunity to welcome to her family. Mrs. Emmons stated Mrs. Griffin's vision would be to the betterment of the building. MINUTES OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING COMMISSION/ URCDA—continuedpage 3 / 5 Ms. Toni Strickland stated she has a profession and personal relationship with Mrs. Griffin. She stated Mrs. Griffin made a significant financial investment in the community. Mrs. Strickland further stated Tenacity was a safe environment and Mrs. Griffin was an asset to the community. Mrs. Strickland stated she was looking forward to her grandchildren to attend Tenacity. Chairwoman Crecelius asked if there was anyone else to speak in favor of the Petitioner. Hearing no one, she asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition to the Petition. Mr. Greg Cannon stated he has lived in the Wellington subdivision for 45 years. He then stated the staff report contained factual inaccurate statements and was misleading. He stated the building is non -conforming use in McCracken County. He stated the B-1 Zone was inappropriate. He further stated the appropriate zoning would be either R -z or R-4. Mr. Cannon further stated every gym that has located there has failed. Mrs. Sharon New stated she would like the area to remain R -i. She stated she was not opposed to a gym. Mr. Randy New asked if their property would then be in the City. Chairwoman Crecelius stated they would have to request annexation to be in the City. Chairwoman Crecelius then addressed some misinformation that had been circulated. She then asked Planning Director Nic Hutchison to explain annexations. Mr. Hutchison stated annexations can happen consensually or non -consensually. He further stated Mrs. Griffin had request a consensual annexation. Mr. Claude Cannon stated he bought the second home in Wellington Heights. He stated there is a lot of traffic on Berger Road. He stated the property should remain residential. Mr. Randal Bogguss asked if package liquor sales would be allowed. It was determined package liquor would be allowed as retail. He further asked if the property was subdivided or one lot. Staff stated it was one lot. Mr. Greg Spees stated he thought the R-1 zone was the most appropriate. Mr. Chris Chappell asked if the townhomes across the street were in the county. Mr. Sommer stated they were in McCracken County. He stated he has concerns about property values rising. He stated he prefers a quiet neighborhood. Mrs. Leslie Watkins stated she and her husband built their house iz years ago at loo Lion's Den Lane. A daycare was in operation when they built the house. She had concerns that if the business closed, what would become of the property. Vice -Chair Schramke asked Mr. Hutchison to respond as to why the B-1 Zone was being recommended. Mr. Hutchison stated it would allow the gym to operate by right and not a non- conforming use. Mr. Greg Cannon asked for clarification for non -conforming uses. He stated according to KRS loo, a building would have to be destroyed by 75% of value or area. Mr. Tim Meadows asked which zoning would allow for the addition. Mr. Sommer stated is would have to be a B-1 Zone minimum. MINUTES OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING COMMISSION/ URCDA—continued page /5 Vice -Chair Schramke asked if there could be an addition. Mr. Sommer stated she could not do an addition in the R-1 Zone. She could construct an addition to the building if the property were rezoned to B-1. Mrs. Martha Emmons asked if the list of exclusions be expanded to add package liquor stores. The Commission stated the exclusions could be expanded. Mr. Claude Cannon stated again he did not want to see a gym go into the building. Mrs. Toni Strickland stated the property had been on the market for a while. Everyone had an equal opportunity to buy the property. Commissioner Benberry asked about how it relates to the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Sommer stated it would be considered with an upcoming revision with the County. Mrs. Griffin stated the previous gyms rented the building and she was the entity to purchase it for a gym. Vice -Chair Schramke asked if the package liquor could be included in the motion. Staff said it could be included. Mr. Morrison seconded. Commissioner Bradford stated he thought it would be beneficial to everyone to understand what uses could be allowed in the B-1 Zone. Mr. Sommer read the permitted uses. Mr. Greg Cannon asked that any electrified or lighted signs be included in the restrictions. Mrs. Sharon New stated the newly installed lights were very bright. Chairwoman Crecelius then closed the public hearing. She asked if the amendment needed to be amended. Vice -Chair Schramke added lighting and electronic signs to her original motion. Commissioner Morrison seconded. No further questions were asked. Chairwoman Crecelius called for the vote on the amendment for no liquor sales, all lighting shall be shielded or faced downward and no electronic signs. 6 Ayes (Crecelius, Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Schramke, Wade), o Nays Chairwoman Crecelius called for the vote on the amended motion as follows: I move that this Commission adopt a resolution recommending the B-1 Convenience & Service Zone classification for property located at 185 Lion's Den Lane. I further move the following conditions be placed on said approval as follows: 1. In no instance shall the site ever be utilized for any automotive use, including, but not limited to; gasoline stations, car washing establishments, vehicle sales or rental. 2. In no instance shall the site be utilized as a bar, tavern or similar uses. 3. Any future commercial developments, with the exception of expansions or additions to the existing gym building, shall have ingress/ egress on Berger Road to keep traffic off of Lion's Den Lane. However, in the event ingress/ egress on Berger Road cannot be accommodated, one commercial ingress/ egress may be facilitated no further than fifty feet along Lion's Den Lane. 4. Future residential developments maybe located off Lion's Den Lane. MINUTES OF THE PADUCAH PLANNING COMMISSION/ URCDA—continued page 5/5 5. Any future speaker boards from pharmacies, restaurants or like uses shall be located behind any future buildings and further directed away from existing residential uses surrounding the property. Further, there shall be no liquor sales, all lighting shall be shielded or faced downward and no electric signs. 6 Ayes (Crecelius, Benberry, Bradford, Morrison, Schramke, Wade), o Nays Other Business Adjournment Chairwoman Crecelius adjourned the meeting at 6:34 PM. Respectfully submitted by Joshua P. Sommer