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Communications Manager Pam Spencer
City of Paducah • P.O. Box 2267 • Paducah, Kentucky 42002
Phone: 270-444-8669 Website: http://paducahky.gov Email: pspencer@paducahky.gov
City Commission Meeting Highlights
Tuesday, October 26, 2021, at 5 p.m. at Paducah City Hall
To view the entire meeting, visit https://youtu.be/KH0VAmUwv70.
Mayor George Bray’s Opening Remarks
• Mayor Bray met today with the Salvation Army regarding the development of a local task force that will be working
on the Mission Planning Study to assess Paducah’s homeless situation. Over the next several months, interviews with
community members will be held to provide input. The goals are to understand the factors regarding homelessness
in Paducah and to develop long-term solutions. The City is providing funds toward this study through the Grant-in-
Aid program.
• Earlier this year, the Board selected 12 Commission Priorities. Mayor Bray encouraged the Board to start considering
the priorities that they want to address for the next calendar year. Several of the existing priorities will continue, but
there will be an opportunity in the strategic planning session to be held early next year to develop new priorities.
• Mayor Bray who serves on the Greater Paducah Economic Development (GPED) board mentioned that there is
significant activity and interest from companies in the Paducah-McCracken County area. The Mayor stressed that
even if a project ends up locating within McCracken County but outside the Paducah city limits, it is beneficial to the
City in many ways including real estate and housing and increased business activity.
Accepting National Trust for Historic Preservation Grant on Behalf of Hotel Metropolitan
The Board approved a municipal order accepting the National Trust for Historic Preservation – African American Cultural
Heritage Action Fund grant in the amount of $55,000 on behalf of Hotel Metropolitan located at 724 Oscar Cross Avenue.
Planning Director Nic Hutchison and Betty Dobson with the Hotel Metropolitan explained how the funds will be used to
renovate the Purple Room. The Purple Room is an accessory building of the Hotel Metropolitan that was constructed during
segregation for parties, community meetings, and performances. The funds will be used for electrical system updates, historic
window restoration, and ceiling repair. The Hotel Metropolitan opened in 1909 as the only lodging option for African
Americans traveling through Paducah at the time. Some of the century’s most notable politicians, athletes, and musicians
stayed at the hotel that is now a museum and community gathering space.
Approval of Design Agreement for Robert Cherry Civic Center Renovation Project
The Board approved a municipal order for the agreement between the City and Peck Flannery Gream Warren (PFGW) for
architectural design services for the Robert Cherry Civic Center Renovation Project. The City plans to renovate the 9300
square foot Civic Center located at 2701 Park Avenue into offices for the Parks and Recreation Department (approximately a
quarter of the square footage) and a community assembly space.
Commission Priorities Update
Assistant City Manager Michelle Smolen provided an update on the third quarterly report of the City Commission Priorities.
In February, the Board selected 12 priorities to improve and enhance Paducah. The quarterly reports showing the progress are
posted on the City's website at http://paducahky.gov/commission-priorities along with detailed webpages for each priority.
FY2021 Financial Overview
Finance Director Jonathan Perkins provided an overview of the financial situation for Fiscal Year 2021 which ended June 30.
Even though FY2021 was affected by the economic situation brought on by COVID-19, almost all of the City’s revenue
streams were slightly higher than the previous fiscal year. The revenue stream that declined was interest income.
Furthermore, FY2021 was unique with the one-time influx of $2.35 million of CARES Act funding.
Additional Meeting Information
• The Board was introduced to several new City employees: Police Officers Rachel Bertrand and Michael Foster;
Firefighters Aaron Tuck, Jordan Bucher, James Stenberg, Jeremy King, and Josh Bell; and Code Enforcement Officer
Matt Willett.
Communications Manager Pam Spencer
City of Paducah • P.O. Box 2267 • Paducah, Kentucky 42002
Phone: 270-444-8669 Website: http://paducahky.gov Email: pspencer@paducahky.gov
• Mayor Bray presented a proclamation for November as National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Month to
members of Healthy Paducah, a community group that works to address hunger and homeless needs in Paducah.
• A check presentation ceremony was held with the City providing $5000 to the Housing Authority of Paducah toward
its initiative to provide free wireless internet to Housing Authority residents.
• Appointment of Dixie Lynn and Carla Berry to the Paducah Main Street Board.
• Municipal order approved accepting the FY21 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant. The $12,325 in
funding will be used by the Paducah Police Department to purchase a speed radar trailer message board.
• Municipal order approved for a contract modification with Tyler Technologies for software system upgrades.
• Ordinance approved authorizing Paducah Water to begin the condemnation process to acquire the necessary
easements from ProRealEstate, LLC in order to construct a 16-inch water main that will run along Cairo Road from
the pump station to the elevated storage tank. This property is the final easement necessary for the water line project.
• Ordinance introduced for a contract modification with Pace Contracting for the Floodwall Pump Station No. 2
Rehabilitation Project. This is a more than $5 million project to completely rehabilitate this pump station located at
1416 North 6th Street which has the largest pumping capacity of 313,000 gallons per minute.
• Ordinance introduced to close a section of Vermont Street as requested by an adjacent property owner.
• Ordinance introduced to close an alley extending across the vacant property southeast of Executive Boulevard in
downtown Paducah.