HomeMy WebLinkAboutHighlights2021-09-28
Communications Manager Pam Spencer
City of Paducah • P.O. Box 2267 • Paducah, Kentucky 42002
Phone: 270-444-8669 Website: http://paducahky.gov Email: pspencer@paducahky.gov
City Commission Meeting Highlights
Tuesday, September 28, 2021, at 5 p.m. at Paducah City Hall
To view the entire meeting, visit https://youtu.be/kpV9NS0Vo28.
Property Tax Levy for Fiscal Year 2022
The Paducah Board of Commissioners approved an ordinance setting the real estate and personal property tax rates for fiscal
year 2022. A property tax levy public hearing was held at the previous meeting. The City’s real estate tax levy is set to be 27.1
cents per $100 assessed value, slightly more than last year’s rate of 26.7 cents. On a home assessed at $100,000, this rate is an
increase of $4 on the property tax bill. The revenue generated by the property tax is the City’s second highest revenue source
behind the payroll tax.
Buckner Lane Bridge Replacement Project – Stormwater Project
The Board approved an ordinance expanding the project scope with BFW Engineering & Testing for the Buckner Lane
Bridge Replacement Project. This project expansion replaces the bridge and improves the road design on Buckner Lane from
Pecan Drive to Hansen Road. This project which was identified during the Stormwater Master Planning Process will greatly
improve stormwater conditions. The goal is to start the project construction in Spring 2022.
This bridge on Buckner Lane over Crooked Creek is located near the intersection with Buckner Lake Circle. It has been
affected by flooding and severe weather events in 2018 and 2019. Regarding funding, the City applied for Disaster Relief
Funding from FEMA for the bridge project after flooding and severe weather events in 2018. FEMA has obligated nearly
$330,000 for the project with the State providing nearly $53,000. The City also is using a portion of the $4 million in
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding that the City set aside for stormwater projects.
South 24th and South 25th Street Road Improvement Projects – Stormwater Project
The Board approved an ordinance expanding the project scope with BFW Engineering & Testing for the South 24th Street and
South 25th Street Road Improvement Projects. This project expansion includes the design of a 4-acre stormwater detention
basin next to the new South 24th Street bridge over Cross Creek. This project is funded using a portion of the ARPA funding
the City set aside for stormwater mitigation projects. This stormwater project, which was identified in the Stormwater Master
Planning Process, will reduce flooding issues in the area.
The South 25th Street project redesigns the roadway from U.S. 60 (Jackson Street) to Alabama Street. The project is funded in
part by a $650,000 State grant. The South 24th Street project improves the roadway from 25th Street to South 28th Street.
BUILD Grant – Environmental Assessment
The Board approved an ordinance expanding the contract scope with BFW Engineering & Testing, Inc. for additional
environmental assessment services for the Paducah Riverfront Infrastructure Improvement Project (BUILD Grant). In 2019,
the City of Paducah was awarded the $10.4 million Better Utilizing Investments to Leverage Development (BUILD) Grant.
The project includes an excursion pier and plaza, transient dock landing improvements, four intersection improvements, and a
multi-use pathway.
To execute a grant contract with MARAD (Maritime Administration) for the release of the funding and before the project can
be designed, the City of Paducah must complete an Environmental Assessment to fulfill the National Environmental
Protection Act (NEPA) requirements. This expanded scope is to complete the requirements of an unforeseen Programmatic
Agreement. The Agreement was determined after consultation with the Kentucky State Historic Preservation Office,
MARAD, and other entities. Once the Agreement is signed, then the Environmental Assessment will be able to be submitted
and reviewed by MARAD. We hope to begin the design phase early in 2022 with construction beginning later that year.
Riverfront Park Erosion Repair and Mitigation Project
The Board approved an ordinance for a contract with Wilkins Construction for the repair and mitigation of flood damage to
the riverfront park adjacent to the boat dock. The project includes expanding the stone revetment, adding rip-rap, and placing
Communications Manager Pam Spencer
City of Paducah • P.O. Box 2267 • Paducah, Kentucky 42002
Phone: 270-444-8669 Website: http://paducahky.gov Email: pspencer@paducahky.gov
erosion control blocks adjacent to the sidewalks. The City has received FEMA funding of nearly $400,000 for the project.
The State will provide nearly $64,000 for the project with the City providing a little more than $69,000.
Robert Cherry Civic Center Renovation Project
The Board approved a Municipal Order authorizing the City Manager to enter into contract negotiations for the design for the
Robert Cherry Civic Center Renovation Project. In August, the City of Paducah issued a Request for Proposals for the Civic
Center’s renovation. Two proposals were received with the recommendation to draft a contract with Peck, Flannery, Gream,
Warren, Inc. A final contract award will be brought back to the Board for approval. The City plans to renovate the 9300
square foot Civic Center which is located at 2701 Park Avenue into offices for the Parks and Recreation Department (2,250
square feet) and a community assembly space (7,050 square feet).
Employee Benefit Plans Briefing
Benefits Advisor DJ Story with Peel & Holland provided an overview of the City of Paducah’s 2022 health insurance plan
through Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield as the City’s third-party administrator. Those who participate in the City’s health plan
will have no change to their health insurance, dental, or vision premiums as compared to this current year. The City has
maintained the same health insurance premium rates consecutively for a decade which is quite unusual and an indication of the
good management of the health plan and the City’s dedication to employee wellness. The City of Paducah has a self-insured
health insurance plan which means the premiums paid into the plan by the employees are used to pay the claims.
Actions taken by the Paducah Board of Commissioners regarding health insurance are as follows:
• Municipal order approved for the 2022 health insurance, vision, and dental premiums.
• Municipal order approved for a one-year contract with Peel & Holland for the administration of the City’s health
insurance. The City has used Peel & Holland’s services since 1999.
• Municipal order approved authorizing an agreement between the City of Paducah and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
to provide administrative services for 2022 related to the City’s health insurance plan and to provide stop loss
insurance which is used when a plan participant’s claims exceed a set value or when the City’s total claims exceed
a set maximum.
• Municipal order approved setting the policy for the funds provided by the City to eligible employees for 2022 in the
health and wellness plans (also called spending credits).
Additional Meeting Information
• Boards and Commissions
o Appointment of Jim Chapman to the Board of Adjustment.
o Appointment of Charles “Chip” Bohle to the Paducah Area Transit System.
o Reappointment of Bill Paxton to the Paducah-McCracken County Riverport Authority.
• Municipal order approved for an emergency roof grant at 619 Broadway (Weille Building). The City will assist the
owners by reimbursing up to 50% of the cost to repair the roof which will help stabilize the structure.
• Municipal order approved for a fleet maintenance service agreement between the City of Paducah Fleet Division and
Ledbetter Fire Department. The City will provide maintenance services for the Ledbetter’s vehicles at hourly rates.
• Municipal orders approved for the declaration and sale of the following surplus property parcels: 1039 Madison Street,
1011 Broadway, and 1243 North 13th Street.
• Municipal order approved to request a loan assistance increase from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan
Assistance Agreement. The request is to increase the loan amount by $750,000. These funds would be used, if
needed, for the Floodwall Pump Station No. 2 project.
• Ordinance introduced to approve a new lease agreement between the City of Paducah and Seaman’s Church Institute
of New York and New Jersey. The City leases the property at 129 Water Street to Seaman’s Church Institute.
• Ordinance introduced for a contract modification with HDR, Inc. for the Floodwall Pump Station No. 2 project.