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Pam Spencer, Public Information Officer
City of Paducah • P.O. Box 2267 • Paducah, Kentucky 42002
270/444-8669 • Office 270/443-5058 • Fax
Website: http://paducahky.gov Email: pspencer@paducahky.gov
City Commission Meeting Highlights
Tuesday, January 14, at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall
City of Paducah Special Event Cost Recovery Program (vote Januar y 28)
The Paducah Board of Commissioners introduced an ordinance to amend sections of Chapter 98 Articles VI and VII of the
Paducah Code of Ordinances regarding Parade and General Assemblies. Each year, the City encourages and supports a
variety of special events including 5K runs/walks, parades, and festivals. As budgets continue to grow tighter, the City is
challenged to find ways to recover costs for events that are not city-sponsored or co-sponsored. These amendments help the
City recoup some of the costs for materials and services as it assists these special events and encourages the event organizers
to get supplies, services, equipment, etc. from local businesses. A quick summary of the amendments includes
• Adding a $100 permit fee to recover the City’s staffing costs associated with the special event application process;
• Special event coordinators are to obtain setup, operation, and breakdown materials and services from private
businesses. If all of the businesses within the City limits cannot meet the event’s demand, then the City may offer to
provide the equipment, materials, and services at a rate of 125 percent of the average local business pricing.
• If no businesses within the City can provide the services, equipment, or materials for the event, then the City may
provide the materials, equipment, and service at a rate of 15 percent of the City’s cost.
Plante Moran Agreement for Technical Assistance with EnerGov Codes and Permitting Software (vote January 28)
The Paducah Board of Commissioners introduced an ordinance to execute an agreement with Plante Moran in an amount not
to exceed $90,000 to provide technical assistance as the City implements the GIS-based EnerGov software system for codes
and permitting. The EnerGov software will assistance with code enforcement case management in addition to increasing the
efficiency of the planning process through electronic plan submittal and review. Assistant City Manager Michelle Smolen said,
“EnerGov will create an exhanced experience for customers and streamline our processes.” The kickoff for the EnerGov
implementation process is in February with the goal of going live in approximately a year.
Quick Highlights
• The following new firefighters were introduced to the Board: Aiden Yarbrough, Hakeem Tyler, Rodney Spillane,
Joshua Guess, Seth Harrell, and Michaela Gossum.
• Boards and Commissions:
o Appoint Karami Underwood to Paducah-McCracken County Senior Citizens Board
o Appoint Emerson Goodwin and Ashley Johnson and reappoint Dann Patterson to Barkley Regional Airport
Authority Board
• Municipal order approved authorizing the City Manager to distribute five vacation days as part of the food collection
project with the 2019 Employee Christmas Luncheon. For every ten food items an employee brought to the
luncheon, they received a ticket for a vacation day drawing. More than 300 food items were collected for Family
Service Society. Five employees received a vacation day.
• Municipal order approved to purchase one ½ ton 4x4 pickup in the amount of $34,677.96 from Linwood Motors for
use by the Fire Prevention Division.
• Ordinance approved for Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $5000 for the Parks & Recreation Master Plan. This
change order was due to expanding the statistically valid survey to include McCracken County citizens outside of the
Paducah city limits. This change order brings the total contract with Bacon, Farmer, Workman Engineering &
Testing, Inc. to $107,500.
• Ordinance approved for the repealing and replacing of Chapter 22 of the Padu cah Code of Ordinances related to
Cable Communications. This chapter is being updated and modernized to reflect current technology and changes to
State and Federal laws.
• Ordinance introduced (vote January 28) to close a portion of Colonial Court adjacent to property owned by Colgan
Properties, LLC.
Pam Spencer, Public Information Officer
City of Paducah • P.O. Box 2267 • Paducah, Kentucky 42002
270/444-8669 • Office 270/443-5058 • Fax
Website: http://paducahky.gov Email: pspencer@paducahky.gov
• Ordinance introduced (vote January 28) to amend Paducah Code of Ordinances Section 70 -52 to add an additional
member to the Brooks Stadium Commission as requested by that Board. This will increase the total number of
members to ten.
• The City Commission will meet at a retreat on January 25 to discuss the Strategic Plan and projects for prioritization.