HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCMPacket2017-01-31NOTICE OF CALLED MEETING
There Evill he a Called Nleetiny of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky
I) Fuc,day, Jallllal'y 31, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. to ]sold a Board of Coniiiiisslollel"s-Mallagel)lellt
Team Workshop. The workshop will be held in the Lower Level Training Room at City Hall,
300 South Fifth Street, Paducah, Kentucky. All members and City of Paducah department
directors art I,lr`7ed to be present. The agenda is as follows:
Roll Call
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I. R & F Called Meeting Notice
11. COIII mISSIOI)-Nlalla`?elr Partnership Guidelines
111. Selection of Criteria for Ranking Capital Projects
BeCLIted by electronic mail of a copy to
at P.M. On January 27, 2017.
City Clerk
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C l y HA _i_, 300 Soul Fi 5 STRc' I
P; u: KY 42001 • (270) 444 8503
TO: Paducah Board of Commissioners
FROM: Jeff Pederson, City Manager
CC: City Directors
DATE: January 27, 2017
RE: Board of Commissioners and Management Team Workshop
There are two discussion topics for the January 31St called Board of Commissioners
meeting. The first is a discussion around the Commission — Manager partnership. A draft set of
guidelines will be provided at the meeting. The second topic is the selection of criteria for
ranking capital projects. Please review the Next Steps Workshop Infrastructure Action Topic
Follow Up memo in preparation for the criteria selection activity.
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TO: Jeff Pederson, City Manager
FROM: Michelle Smolen, Assistant to the City Manager
CC: Paducah Board of Commissioners
City Directors
DATE: January 27, 2017
RE: Next Steps Workshop Infrastructure Action Topic Follow Up
The Paducah Board of Commissioners along with the City Manager and City directors
participated in the Next Steps Workshop led by the National Research Center (NRC) on July 27,
2016, The workshop's purposes were to analyze the results of Paducah's National Citizen
Survey, compare them to the 2013 survey results and national benchmarks, assess priorities,
and select strategic action topics. After discussion and a round of voting, the group selected
four action topics for further review and began identifying strategies to address each topic. One
of the four action topics is Infrastructure. The group further defined the Infrastructure action
topic as prioritizing capital projects to assist in developing and maintaining a Capital
Improvement Plan (CIP), as well as evaluating options for the potential of new or expanded
revenue sources.
Infrastructure Action Topic Recommendation
The budget preparation process has in recent years placed an emphasis on capital
project planning because there are a number of large project needs that exceed funding
availability. The City Manager's Office recommendation to address the Infrastructure action
item is to expand on this effort with a formal capital projects prioritization process as a part of
the FY18 budget development, This process is recommended because it aids in decision making
by using criteria to objectively rank projects, which is especially helpful when project needs
exceed available resources. The task of organizing and coordinating this process was assigned
to the Assistant to the City Manager,
Capital Project Prioritization Process
The City Manager's Office is proposing the following steps to implement a capital project
prioritization process:
1. The Board of Commissioners, City Manager and City directors select the outcome
criteria for the ranking of capital projects during the Board of Commissioner's meeting
on Tuesday, January 31". The criteria explanation follows this section,
2. A staff committee utilizes the outcome and technical criteria selected during the
workshop to complete a capital projects prioritization activity in February.
3. Projects and funding options as a result of the project prioritization activity are
considered by the Board of Commissioners during budget development in late February
and March.
Criteria Explanations
A project team was charged with researching and evaluating best practices in capital
project prioritization exercises to develop criteria options for consideration by the Board of
Commissioners, City Manager and City directors. The project team consisted of the Parks
Services Director Mark Thompson, Engineering Public Works Director Rick Murphy, Fire Chief
Steve Kyle, Finance Director Jon Perkins, Controller Audra Herndon, Accountant Emi Midkiff and
Assistant to the City Manager Michelle Smolen. The committee met several times, and their
findings are detailed below.
The best practice review found the number of criteria in use by cities across the country
typically ranged from five to thirteen, but nine is the most common number of criteria. Also,
projects are typically prioritized using both outcome and technical criteria. Outcome criteria are
the impact the project has to a goal or strategic area. Technical criteria take into consideration
the financial, regulatory and timing aspects. Based on this research, staff is recommending
capital projects are prioritized using ten criteria. The criteria will consist of five outcome criteria
and five technical criteria.
The outcome criteria reflect the impact the project has to a goal or strategic result area.
This type of criteria used in the capital project prioritization activity varies by community.
Therefore, the project team developed the following nine options to be paired down to five
during the upcoming Board of Commissioners meeting.
Outcome Criteria
Does the project improve public safety and/or promote well-being
while reducing risk for the community?
Transportation &
Does the project enhance transportation opportunities that make
Paducah a multi -modal community?
Property, Plant &
Infrastructure Integrity
Does the project sustain the maintenance and/or improve existing
systems and facilities?
City Services
Is there an impact on the level of service provided by the City?
Does the project promote strategic and sustainable residential and
commercial districts?
Economic Vitality
Does the project promote or contribute to economic vitality?
Does the project enhance cultural, recreational, or learning
opportunities by making the City a more favorable place to live?
Does the project preserve the natural environment/resources or
otherwise contribute to a sustainable community?
Does the City gain efficiencies and effectiveness by implementing the
use of new technology?
The technical criteria take into consideration the financial, regulatory and timing aspects of
the project. The staff committee reviewed examples of technical criteria. In addition to the
outcome criteria listed above, the committee is recommending projects be prioritized using the
following technical criteria.
Technical Criteria
Legal Mandate /
Is the project legally required by legislation to address a current or
Regulatory Compliance
future mandate?
Implications of
Will deferring the project create unsafe conditions and/or result in
Deferring the Project
significant future costs, loss of service, or system failure?
Relationship to Other
Is the project timely, and will it sequentially work with other existing
or proposed community projects?
Capital Fiscal Impact
Are the funds already dedicated or available for the project, and/or
does the project leverage outside funding?
Operational Budget
Does the City have the existing capacity (staff, equipment, resources,
etc.) to support the project?
Next Steps
The next step is for the Board of Commissioners, City Manager and City directors to
select the five outcome criteria to be utilized for the capital project prioritization activity. Please
review the proposed outcome criteria in preparation for the criteria ranking activity on January
31St. Detailed explanations of the criteria list will be given duringthe meeting in preparation for
the selection of the reduced list.