HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCMPacket2016-04-12CITY COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA FOR APRIL 12, 2016 5:30 P.M. CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS 300 SOUTH FIFTH STREET ROLL CALL INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Palmer Stroup, Tilghman senior ADDiTION5IDELETIONS PRESENTATIONS Introduction of New Police Officers Eric Abbott & Zane "'bite — Police Chief Barnhill Dogwood Trail Awards — Dabney Haugh I MINUTES II MOTION A. R & F Documents III MUNICIPAL ORDERS A. Personnel Actions B. Adopt CDBG Procurement Polio and Residential Anti -Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan for 132 Broadway Demolition Project S. ERVIN C. Approve Application for Port Sectirity Grant Program – POLICE CHIEF BARNHILL / FIRE CUIEIj KYLE IV. ORDINANCES - ADOPTION i A. Accept CDBG Grant Award for 432 Broadway Demolition – S. ERVIN B. Approve Contract for Services vdih GPEDC for FY2016 - CITY NIGR ORDINANCES -INTRODUCTION i V. �— A. Accept Firehouse Subs Public Safbta Gant A��ard – FIRE CHIEF KYLE B. Approve Change Order # 1 for Police Station Generator Project – R. NIURPUY VI CITY MANAGER REPORT MAYOR & COMMISSIONER COMMENTS PUBLIC COMMENTS EXECUTIVE SESSION APRIL 5, 2016 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held on Tuesday, April 5, 2016, at 5:30 p.m., in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 300 South 5th Street, Mayor Kaler presided, and upon call of the roll by Lindsay Parish, the following answered to their names: Commissioners Abraham, Rhodes and Mayor Kaler (3). Commissioners Gault and Wilson were absent (2). PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Meg Hancock, Paducah Tilghman High School Senior, led the pledge. MINUTES Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rhodes, that the reading of the Minutes for the March 22, 2016, City Commission meeting be waived and that the Minutes of said meeting prepared by the City Clerk be approved as vvritten. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Rhodes and Mayor Kaler (3). MOTION R & F DOCUMENTS Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the following documents be received and filed: DOCUMENTS 1. Quitclaim Deed with 110ichael Warren Hatton and Tonic M. Hatton for 1611 Madison Street (NIO 9 1887) 2. Contracts/Agreements: a. Change Order # 2 with Environmental Abatement, Inc. for demolition of 432 Broadway (ORD 4 2016-03-8351) b. Agreement with Southeastern Equipment Company for purchase of One (1) Wheeled Excavator for the Engineering -Public Works Department (ORD 4 2016- 3-8354) Agreement with Linwood Motors to purchase One (1) Full Size 4 Door Sedan for the Engineering -Public Works Fleet Division (ORD 2016-3-8355) Contract for Services with Brooks Stadium Conimission (Executed by CM) 3, 2016 City of Paducah Section 8 Housing Administrative Plan (MO # 1893) 4. City of Paducah Section 8 Housing Utility Allowances (NI04 1894) 5. City of Paducah Section 8 Housing Streamlined Annual PHA Plan (1%10 4 1892) 6. Louver Town Arts & Music Festival Income and Expenses Summary 2015 Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Rhodes and Mayor Kaler (3). NIUNICIPAL ORDER APPROVE APPLICATION FOR THE NEA ARTS ENGAGEkIENT IN AMERICAN COMMUNITIES GRANT PROGRAM Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rhodes, that a Municipal Order entitled, `-A MUNIC[PAL ORDER APPROVINIG AN APPLICATION AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR AN ARTS ENAGEiviENT [N AMERICAN COMMUNITIES PROGRAM MATCHING GRANT THROUGH THE NATIONAL APRIL 5, 2016 ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS FOR FUNDS fN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000, FOR INSTALLATION OF A BRANDED WAY -FINDING SYSTEIII IN DOWNTOWN AND LOWER TOWN PADUCAH,- be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Rhodes and Mayor Kaler (3). MO 41899BK9 ORDINANCES - INTRODUCTION ACCEPT CDBG GRANT AWARD FOR 432 BROADWAY DEMOLITION Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioftcr Abraham, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE C[TY OF PADUCAH APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT TO OBTAIN A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT AWARD FOR DEMOLITION OF 432 BROADWAY, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO SAME." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the City of Paducah hereby authorizes the Mayorto execute a Grant Agreement and all documents relatin- thereto with the Kentucky Department for Local Government for a Community- Development Block Grant Award in the amount of $500,000.00 for the demolition of the property at 432 Broadway. Local matching funds of $125,000.00 as well as any cost overruns associated with this project will be provided by the City. APPROVE CONTRACT FOR SERVICES WITH GPEDC FOR FY20I6 Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rhodes, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR SERVICES WIFH THE GREATER PADUCAH ECONOivIIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL FOR SPECIFIC SERVICES THAT WILL INCLUDE SERVICES FOR ENTREPADUCAI I." This ordin?,ince is summarized as follows: That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a contract with Greater Paducah Economic Development Council in the amount of $230,000, to be paid inequal quarterly- allocations of 562,300, for perfornance of services as outlined in said Contract. Further, this contract will include services for EntrePaducall in the amount of $30,000 tone paid in equal quarterly allocations of $12,300. This contract shall expire June 30, 2016. ORDINANCES - ADOPTION ACCEPT RECREATIONAL TRAILS GRANT AWARD FOR THE HEALTH PARK Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZNG THE N/IAYOR TO EXECUTE A GRANT AGREEMENT AND ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING THERETO WITH THE KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT FOR A 2013 RECREATIONAL TRAILS GRANT PROGRAM AWARD." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the City of Paducah hereby authorizes the iMayor to execute a Grant Agreement and all documents relating thereto with the Kentucky Department for Local Government for a 2013 Recreational Trails Grant Program Award in the amount of $68,093.00 for construction of a 113 mile walking trail in the Health Park [vacated at 421 North 13th Street. The funds required for the match of $171,403.00 will be provided by the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky Investing in Kentucky's Future Grant. APRIL 5, 2016 Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Rhodes and Mayor Kaler (3}. ORD # 2016-4-8356 BK 34 AUTHORIZE ENGAGEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL !REPRESENTATION IN CABLE COMMUNICATIONS FRANCHISE RENEWAL PROCESS Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rhodes, that the Board of Commissioners adopt an ordinance entitled, '`AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN ENGAGEMENT AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL REPRESENTATION IN THE CABLE COMIMUNICATIONS F ANCHISE RENEWAL PROCESS AND TO HANDLE OTHER CABLE COMMUNICATIONS ISSUES." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the Mayor is hereby a-uthorized to execute an engagement agreement with Moss & Barnett, in an amount not is exceed $25,000 for legal representation in the cable communications franchise renewal process and to handle other cable communications issues. Adopted upon call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Rhodes and Mayor Kaler (3}, ORD 4 2016-4-8357 BK 34 CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manuer Pederson thanked A&K Construction for their greatwork on the Pavilion Project. He updated the Commission that the pavilion is up and the sidewalks are being put in. The City is also adding a small outbuilding that will store the pavilion u -lien it is not in use. This will ensure the durability and longevity of the pavilion. He is confideltt that it will look very nice by the time ofthe quilt show. MAXOR & COM-MISSIONER COMMENTS None were given. PUBLIC COMMENTS None were given. Upon motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED: April t2,2016 City Clerk Mayor APRIL 12, 2016 move that the following documents be received and filed: DOCUMENTS Certificate of Liability Insurance for Mitchell Construction, LLC Contracts/Agreements: a. Consent of Surety Company to Final Payment with Environmental Abatement for the 432 Broadway Demolition Project (ORD # 2015-7-8277) b. Engagement Agreement with Moss & Barnett for legal representation in Cable Communications Franchise Renewal Process (ORD# 2016-04-8357) CITY OF PADUCAH April 12, 2016 Upon the recommendation of the City Manager, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah order that the personnel changes on the attached list be approved, v� Cjty` anager's Signature s Date CITY OF PADUCAH PERSONNEL ACTIONS April 12, 2016 CITY OF PADUCAH PERSONNEL ACTIONS April 12, 2016 NEW HIRES - PART-TIME IPIT1lTEMPORARYISEASONAL POSITION RATE NCS/CS FLSA EFFECTIVE DATE PARKS SRVCS - MAINTENANCE Byes, Jaylon Parks Maintenance - Laborer S9.00/Hr NCS Non -Ex April 14, 2016 McCnte, Aaron Parks Maintenance - Laborer $9.00/Hr NCS Non -Ex April 14. 2016 Garrard, Dalletha Parks Maintenance - Laborer $9.00/Hr NCS Non -Ex April 14, 2016 PARKS SRVCS - RECREATION Boyd, James H Sports Official $20.00/Game NCS Non -Ex April 7, 2016 Brown Hunter N Lifeguard $8.12/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 19, 2016 Dew. Caroline A Lifeguard $8.12/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 19, 2016 Dix. Ben'Jamin A Coach $8.50/Hr NCS Non -Ex April 7, 2016 Donald, Tyanne L Pool Attendant $7.61/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 19 2016 Downs. Lauren B Pool Attendant $7.61/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 19, 2016 Durbin, Alexander C Coach $8 50/Hr NCS Non -Ex April 7. 2016 Durham, Adam Sports Official $20-00/Game NCS Non -Ex April 14, 2016 Hunt Garrett Sports Official - Youth Sports $10.00/Game NCS Non -Ex April 7, 2016 Jez, Elise N Lifeguard $8.12/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 19, 2016 Kohler. Alexandra K Sports Official - Youth Sports $10.00/Game NCS Non -Ex April 7. 2016 LeMaster, Morgan Pool Attendant $7.61/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 19, 2016 McCallum. Anntoinette M Pool Attendant $7.61 /Hr NCS Non -Ex May 19, 2016 McCollum. Emily G Pool Attendant $7 61/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 19. 2016 Meadows. Taylor B Pool Manager $11 OO/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 5,2016 Meier, Miranda Pool Manager $11.00/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 5 201 Myers, William T Summer Camp Coordinator $9.14/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 5 201 Oliver. Mekala E Lifeguard $8.12/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 19. 2016 Reynolds, Mya Coach $8.5/Hr NCS Non -Ex April 14. 2016 Sims, Tanner S Lifeguard $8.12/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 19, 2016 Smith, Cenae A Pool Attendant $7 61/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 19. 2016 Smith, Joya S Pool Attendant $7.61/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 19. 2016 Stewart, Kelly A Recreation Leader $8.12/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 19, 2016 Waltman Mykala G Pool Attendant SZ61IHr NCS Non -Ex May 19. 2016 Wilke. Alyssa R Lifeguard $8.12/Hr NCS Non -Ex May 19, 2016 TERMINATIONS -PART-TIME (PITIITEMPORARYISEASONAL POSITION REASON EFFECTIVE DATE PARKS SERVICES Farley, Charles E Park Ranger Termination March 17, 2016 Sanderson.. Gary Park Ranger Resignation March 17, 2016 Malray Darrell W Sports Official Resignation March 22, 2016 TERMINATIONS-FULL-TIMEIFIT) POSITION REASON EFFECTIVE DATE POLICE -ADMIN SERVICES Johnson. George F Police Captain Retirement April 1, 2016 EPW - FLEET MAINTENANCE Wyatt, Kathy D Administrative Assistant III Retirement July 31. 2016 PAYROLL ADJUSTMENTSITRANSFERSIPROMOTIONSITEMPORARY ASSIGNMENTS PREVIOUS POSITION CURRENT POSITION NCSICS FLSA EFFECTIVE DATE AND BASE RATE OF PAY AND BASE RATE OF PAY FIRE - SUPPRESSION Graves. Matthew M FF / Relief Driver Acting Fire Lieutenant NCS Non -Ex March 18. 2016 Glisson, Stephen C EPW -ADMIN SERVICES Yarber, Christopher K CITY OF PADUCAH PERSONNEL ACTIONS April 12, 2016 $14.80/Hr $16.08/Hr Fire Lieutenant Acting Fire Captain $16 17/Hr $17.24/Hr EPW Operations Manager Assist. Public Works Director S27.44/Hr. $35 32/Hr. NCS NCS Non -Ex March ta. 2016 Non -Ex April 14. 2016 MUNICIPAL ORDER NO, A MUNICIPAL ORDER ADOPTING A RESIDENTLAL ANTI -DISPLACEMENT AND RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PLAN, AND PROCUREMENT CODE FOR THE 432 BROADWAY DEMOLITION PROJECT FOR THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY :AND AUTHORIZES THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE PLAN DOCUMENT WHEREAS, the City of Paducah adopted Ordinance No. 2016-4- on April 12, 2016, accepting the Community Development Block Grant Award from the Kentucky Department for Local Government for the 432 Broadway Demolition Project; and WHEREAS, the Kentucky Department for Local GoNernlnent requires the adoption of a project -specific Residential Anti -Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan, and a project -specific Procurement Code: and WHEREAS, the City desires to proceed with the requirement and authorize the Mayor to affirm the adoption of these project specific plans. BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. The City of Paducah hereby adopts a project -specific Residential Anti - Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan, and a project -specific Procurement Code for the 432 Broadway Demolition Project for the Community Development Block Grant Award from the Kentucky Department for Local Government and authorizes the Mayor to execute the plan document and Procurement code. SECTION 2, This Order will be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. Mavor ATTEST: Tammara S. Sanderson; City Clerk Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, April 12, 2016 Recorded by Tammara S. Sanderson; City Clerk, April 12, 2016 mo1CDBG-432 Broadway Demolition -Anti -Displacement & Relocation Assistance Plan Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: 19 April 2016 Short Title: 432 Broadway Demolition Project Residential Anti -Displacement and Relocation Assistance Pian Adoption ❑ Ordinance [] Emergency ® Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Steve Ervin, Sheryl Chino Presentation By: Steve Ervin Background Information: The Community Development Block Grant Award from the Kentucky Department for Local Government (DLG) for the 432 Broadway Demolition project requires the adoption of a project -specific Residential Anti -Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan. As a condition of the CDBG grant award, the Commission must adopt the attached project specific Residential Anti -Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan. Goal: ❑ Strong Economy ❑ Quality Services ® Vital Neighborhoods Z Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Project Title: 432 Broadway Demolition Project #: DT -0034 Budget: $500,000 Finance Local Match: $125,000 CFDA Number: 14.228 Staff Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to execute the project -specific Residential Anti - Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan, Attachments: Residential Anti -Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan for CDBG funded projects. Department Director City Clerk City Manager RESIDENTIAL ANTIDISPLACEMENT .AND RELOCATION ASSISTANCE PLAN 432 BROADWAY DEMOLITION PROJECT The Cit- of Paducah will replace all occupied and vacant occupiable low/modame income dwelling units demolished or converted to a use other than a Iow/rnoderate income housing as a direct result of activities assisted wilh funds provided under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, as described in 24 CFR 570.496a(c). All replacement housing will be provided within three years of the commencement of the demolition or rehabilitation relating to conversion. Before obligating or expending fiords that will directly result in such demolition or conversion; City of Paducah will make public and submit to the Department for Local Government the following information in writing: 1. A description of the proposed assisted activity; 2. The general location on a map and approximate number of dwelling units by size (number of bedrooms) that will be demolished or converted to a use other than a love/moderate income dwelling unit as a direct result of the assisted activity; 3. A time schedule for the commencement and completion of the demolition or conversion; 4. The general location on a map and approximate number of dwelling units by size (number of bedrooms) that will be provided as replacement dwelling units; 5. The source of funding and a time schedule for the provision of replacement dwelling units; 6. The basis for concluding that each replacement dwelling unit will remain a low moderate income dwelling unit for at least 10 years from the date of initial occupancy. City of Paducah will provide relocation assistance, as described in 570.496 a(c), to each low moderate income household displaced by the demolition of housing or by the conversion of a low/moderate income dwelling to another use as a direct result of assisted activities. Consistent with the goals and objectives of activities assisted under the Act. City of Paducah will take the following steps to minimize the displacement of person from the homes: THERE WILL BE NO DISPLACEMENT OR RELOCATION ACTIVITIES AS A RESULT OF THE 432 BROADWAY DEMOLITION PROJECT. Adopted by the City of Paducah this 12th day of April, 2016 Gayle Kaler, Mayor ATTEST": Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: 19 April 2015 Short Title: 432 Broadway Demolition Project CDBG Procurement Code Adoption ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency ® Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work BV: Steve Ervin, Sheryl Chino Presentation By: Steve Ervin Background Information: The Community Development Block Grant Award from the Kentucky Department for Local Government (DLG) requires the adoption of a project -specific Procurement Code that meets CDBG requirements. The code proposed for adoption is the same as the City's current Procurement Code with the sole exception of its 432 Demolition Project specificity. Adoption of this procurement code is a condition of the CDBG grant award. Goal: ® Strong Economy ® Quality Services ® Vital Neighborhoods ❑ Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Project Title: 432 Broadway Demolition Project #: DT -0034 Budget: $500,000 Finance Local Match: $125,000 CFDA Number: 14.228 Staff Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to execute the project -specific procurement code, Attachments: CDBG Procurement Code Department Director City Clerk City Manager KCDBG PROCUREMENT CODE All procurements made by City of Paducah (hereafter referred to as "Grantee/ Subrecipient") involving the expenditure of local, state and federal funds on CDBG Project: 15-031 — 432 Broadway Demolition shall be made in accordance with the following procurement standards. Procurement transactions, regardless of method or dollar value, will maximize open and free competition. The GranteelSubrecipient shall not engage in procurement practices that may be considered restrictive in trade. Purchases will be reviewed by the Treasurer to prevent duplication and to insure that costs are reasonable. Methods for Procurement Procurements shall be made by one of the following methods: (a) small purchase procedures, (b) competitive sealed bids, (c) competitive negotiation, (d) non-competitive negotiation. A. SMALL PURCHASES For purchases of less than $50, efforts will be made to get the lowest and best price, but written records of such efforts are not necessary. Purchases that cost more than $50 but less than $20,000 require quotations of rate, price, etc., but no legal advertisement is required. The GranteelSubrecipient will solicit responses from at least three vendors. If written responses are not available, a statement explaining the procurement will be prepared and filed. If quotations are obtained via telephone, a memorandum will be prepared setting forth the date the calls were made, parties contacted, and prices obtained. The GranteelSubrecipient will make the award to the lowest responsive and responsible source, and enter into a contract formalizing the scope of work and terms of compensation. B. COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDS Bidding will be employed when detailed specifications for the goods or services to be procured can be prepared and the primary basis for award is cost. When the cost of a contract, lease or other agreement for materials, supplies, equipment or contractual services other than those personal or professional exceeds $20,D010, an Invitation for Bids (IFB) notice will generally be prepared. Per KRS 424.120, this notice will be published at least once in a qualifying official newspaper of general circulation within the community. This newspaper notice will appear not less than seven (7) days and not more than twenty- one (21) days before the due date for bid proposals. In addition, the Grantee/Subrecipient must solicit sealed bids from responsible prospective suppliers by distributing a copy of such notice to them. The IFB will include a general description of the goods or services to be procured, the bid deposit and bond performance required (if applicable), the location where bid forms and specifications may be secured, the time and place for opening bids, and whether the bid award will be made on the basis of the lowest bid price or the lowest evaluated price. If the lowest evaluated price is used, the measurable criteria to be utilized must be stated in the IFB. The newspaper notice must also contain language that calls to the attention of bidders all applicable requirements that must be complied with such as Section 3 of the 1968 Housing Act, Section 109 of the 1974 Housing and Community Development.Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Executive Order 11246 and the Davis -Bacon Act. Sealed bids will be opened in public at the time and place stated in the IFBs. The GranteelSubrecipient will tabulate the bids at the time of bid opening. The results of the tabulation and the bid documents will be evaluated by the review committee, which will make recommendations to the GranteelSubrecipient. The GranteelSubrecipient will make a firm fixed-price contract award in writing to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. After the GranteelSubrecipient makes the bid award, a contract will be prepared for execution by the successful bidder. After the contract is signed, all bid deposits will be returned to all unsuccessful bidders. The GranteelSubrecipient may cancel an Invitation for Bid or reject all bids if it is determined in writing that such is in the best interests of the GranteelSubrecipient. The GranteelSubrecipient may allow a vendor to withdraw a bid if requested at any time prior to the bid opening. Bids received after the time set for bid opening shall be returned to the vendor unopened. Bid Overages: The following options are available for awarding a bid following an overage: 1) Obtaining additional funds fronn another source and continuing with the original IFB. 2) Rejecting all bids, revising project scope and bid specifications, and issuing a revised IFB (competitive sealed bid) open to the entire public; or 3) Conducting competitive negotiations with all bidders. (Grantees must seek pre -approval from DLG for this option), Competitive negotiations under option (3) must take place under the following criteria: If discussions pertaining to the revision of the specifications or quantities are held with any bidder, all of the bidders shall be afforded an opportunity to take part in such discussions. 2. After discussions with the bidders, tfie grantee shall revise the scope of work accordingly and issue an RFP open to all bidders, providing for expedited proposals. No advertisement is required, but the grantee shall allow at least seven days for bidders to submit proposals. 3, The RFP shall be awarded on the basis of lowest bid price. C. COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATION The Grantee/Subrecipient may utilize competitive negotiations, regardless of contract amount, upon a written determination that: Specifications cannot be made specific enough to permit the award of a bid on the basis of either the lowest bid price or the lowest evaluated bid price (in other words, bidding is not feasible). 2. The services to be procured are professional or personal in nature. The use of the competitive negotiations procurement method for contracts other than architectural, engineering, planning or administrative services must be pre -authorized by DLG. With the exception of procurement of certain professional services (principally engineering services), competitive negotiations will proceed as follows: Proposals will be solicited through a qualifying official newspaper advertisement; additionally, a Request for 3 Proposal (RFP) may be prepared and mailed to qualified vendors. The newspaper advertisemErnt must be published at least seven (7) days and not more than twenty-one (21) days before the date for receipt of the proposals. The RFP will describe services needed and identify the factors to be considered in the evaluation of proposals and the relative weights assigned to each selection factor. The RFP will also state where further details regarding the RFP may be obtained. The RFP will call attention to the same regulations discussed in the bidding process. Requests for proposals will always include cost as a selection factor except for engineering services. 2. Award must be made to the offeror whose proposal is determined by the review committee to be most advantageous to the program, with price and other factors considered. Evaluations must be based on the factors set forth in the Request for Proposal and a written evaluation of each response prepared. The review committee may contact the firms regarding their proposals for the purpose of clarification and record in writing the nature of the clarification. if it is determined that no acceptable proposal has been submitted, all proposals may be rejected. New proposals may be solicited on the same or revised terms or the procurement may be abandoned. For the procurement of architectural/engineering (A/E) professional services, an alternative to RFPs may be used. The Grantee/Subrecipient may publish a Request for Qualifications. RFQs are handled in a similar method to RFPs with the exception that cost is not a factor in the initial evaluation_ A review committee will evaluate the responses and rank them by comparative qualifications. The highest scoring person or firm will be contacted and the selection committee will negotiate cost. If the committee is unable to negotiate a satisfactory cost arrangement, the second highest scoring person or firm will be invited to negotiate. The committee will maintain a written record of all such negotiations. D. NON-COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATIONS Non-competitive negotiation is procurement through solicitation of a proposal from one source, and is often referred to as sole source procurement. A contract may be awarded by noncompetitive negotiation paly when the award is infeas"ale under small purchase procedures, competitive sealed bids, or competitive negotiations and one of the following circumstances applies: 4 1. There is some public emergency that evil not permit delay resulting from competitive solicitation (the grantee must declare an emergency as authorized by law); or 2. The results of the competitive negotiations are inadequate; or 3. The product or service is available only from a single source. Caution: The use of the non-competitive negotiations procurement method must be authorized by DLG. The following requirements apply to the non-competitive negotiations procurement process: 1. Negotiations must be conducted with the selected company regarding a scope of work and price; and 2. Preparation and signing of a contract formalizing a scope of work and the terms of compensation is required. CONTRACTS Generally, all procurement in excess of $500 will be memorialized and supported by a written contract. Where it is infeasible or impractical to prepare a contract, a written finding to this effect will be prepared and a purchase order regarding the transaction will also be prepared. The contractual provisions required by "The Common Rule" will be included in all contracts and purchase orders, III. DOCUMENTATION All source documents supporting any given transaction (receipts, purchase orders, invoices, RFP/RFQ data, and bid materials) will be retained and filed in an appropriate manner. Where feasible, source documents pertinent to each individual procurement shall be separately filed and maintained. Where it is infeasible to maintain individual procurement files, source Documents will be filed and maintained in a reasonable manner (examples include chronologically, by vendor, by type of procurement, etc.), Whatever form of documentation and filing is employed, the purpose of this section is to insure that a clear and consistent audit trail is established. At a minimum, source document data must be sufficient to establish the basis for selection, basis for cost (including the issue of reasonableness of cost) and basis for payment. IV. LOCALLY OWNED, MINORITY OWNED, FEMALE OWNED AND SMALL BUSINESSES The Grantee/Subrecipient shall make and document efforts to solicit participation of locally owned, minority owned, female owned and small businesses. Where 5 feasible, evaluation criteria will include a factor with an appropriate weight for these firms. A list of locally owned, minority owned, female owned and small businesses and also minority businesses located within the trade region shall be maintained and utilized when issuing IFBs, RFPs and RFQs. The GranteelSubrecipient shall also consult this list when making small purchases. VI. SECTION 3 GranteelSubrecipient shall abide by its Section 3 action plan and shall, to the maximum extent feasible, as required by 24 CFR Part 135, award contracts to businesses that provide economic opportunities for low and very low-income persons residing in the project area. VII. CODE OF CONDUCT A. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST In addition to the prohibitions set forth in 24 CFR 570.489(h) and 24 CFR 85.36(b)(3), the following prohibitions shall apply: It shall be a breach of ethical standards for any employee with procurement authority to participate directly in any proceeding or application; request for ruling or other determination; claim or controversy; or other particular matter pertaining to any contract, or subcontract, and any solicitation or proposal therefor, in which to his knowledge: (a) He, or any member of his immediate family has a financial interest therein; or (b) A business or organization in which he or any member of his immediate family has a financial interest as an officer, director, trustee, partner, or employee, is a party; or (c) Any other person, business, or organization with whom he or any member of his immediate family is negotiating or has an arrangement concerning prospective employment is a party. Direct or indirect participation shall include but not be limited to involvement through decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, preparation of any part of a purchase request, influencing the content of any specification or purchase standard, rendering of advice, investigation, auditing, or in any other advisory capacity. (2) It shall be a breach of ethical standards for any person to offer, give, or agree to give any employee or former employee, or for any employee or former employee to solicit, demand, accept, or agree to accept from another person, a gratuity or an offer of employment, in connection with any decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation, preparation of any part of a purchase request, influencing the content of any specification or purchase standard, A rendering of advice, investigation, auditing, or in any other advisory capacity in any proceeding or application, recuest for ruling or other determination, claim or controversy, or other particular matter, pertaining to any contract or subcontract and any solicitation or proposal therefor. (3) It is a breach of ethical standards for any payment, gratuity, or offer of employment to be made by or on behalf of a subcontractor under a contract to the prime contractor or higher tier subcontractor or any person associated therewith, as an inducement for the award of a subcontract or order. (4) The prohibition against conflicts of interest and gratuities and kickbacks shall be conspicuously set forth in every local public agency written contract and solicitation therefor. (5) It shall be a breach of ethical standards for any public employee or former employee knowingly to use confidential information for his actual or anticipated personal gain, or the actual or anticipated personal gain of any other person. B. PENALTIES Any elected official, employee or designated agent of the GranteelSubrecipient who knowingly and deliberately violates the provisions of this code will be open to civil suit without the legal protection of the GranteelSubrecipient. Furthermore, such a violation of these procurement standards is grounds for dismissal by the GranteelSubrecipient. Any contractor or potential contractor who knowingly and deliberately violates the provisions of these procurement standards will be barred from future transactions with the GranteelSubrecipient. ADOPTED THIS 12 DAY OF April, 2016. Gayle Kaler, Mayor Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: 12 April 2016 Short Title: U.S. Department of Homeland Security/FEMA -- 2016 Port Security Grant Program ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency Z Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By, Steve Kyle, Kevin McKeflips, David White, Preston Hendley, Sheryl Chino Presentation By, Steve Kyle and/or Brandon Bamhill Back4round Information: The 2016 Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) directly supports maritime transportation infrastructure security activities. PSGP is one tool in the comprehensive set of measures authorized by Congress and implemented by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to strengthen the Nation's critical infrastructure against risks associated with potential terrorist attacks. The City of Paducah was awarded funding through this program in 2015 for a mobile surveillance camera system. Both the Paducah Police Department and the Paducah Fire Department are making requests for funds through the PSGP, The Paducah Police Department is proposing to apply for three (3) additional security cameras to monitor the floodwall. The total estimated cost is $14,678.00. This program requires a 25 -percent match. PPD will apply for $91,008.50 from the Port Security Grant Program with a $3,669.50 match. Matching funds will be provided through the Police Department's FY2017 budget. The Paducah Fire Department is requesting funds for the purchase of fire rescue boat; as well as, radiationlnuclear detection equipment. The Radiation/Nuclear Detection equipment will be distributed between the City of Paducah and Cape Girardeau, MO — both cities are located in the Port of Paducah Area of Responsibility. The City of Cape Girardeau will provide 25% of either in-kind or cash match for the portion of the equipment they receive, which is estimated at $32,004. The Paducah Fire Department will be responsible for 25% of the match for the equipment it receives. An MOU between Cape Girardeau and the City of Paducah will be executed outlining the match requirements for each entity, if grant funds are awarded. The total cost estimate for both Radiation/Nuclear Detection Equipment and Fire Rescue Boat is $713,400.80. The Paducah Fire Department will budget $88,705.40 in cash match in FY2017. Additionally, the Fire Department will provide $57,644.84 in In-kind match. The Fire Department is requesting a total $531,675.60 in grant funds. Goal: ❑ Strong Economy Z Quality Services ❑ Vital Neighborhoods ❑ Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Account Name: Account Number. ���✓ �'Di� Project Number: Finance Staff Recommendation; Authorize and direct the Mayor to sign all required grant application documents and authorize the submittal of the grant application through Grants.gov and the NO grants web portal. Attachments: None olice Chief Fire Chief City Clerk City Mana er A sstn NPQ � �7 v r N1. t, � 1 �- DCw l ;::,h -V11 �� >,, C, to ; d wear �iL•� T"- u ' env-1u,ct cti MUNICIPAL ORDER NO, A MUNICIPAL ORDER AUTHORIZNG THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A GRANT APPLICATION AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TERCUGH THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HOAdELAND SECURITY FOR A 2016 PORT SECURITY GRANT N THE AMOUNT OF $11,008.50 FOR THE PADUCAH POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR THE PURCHASE OF SECURITY CAMERAS AND IN THE AMOU-NIT OF 5531,675.60 FOR THE PADUCAH FIRE DEPARTMENT TO PURCHASE ONE FIRE RESCUE BOAT AND RADIATION NUCLEAR DETECTION EQUIPMENT BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execuic a grant application and all documents necessary through the U. S. Department of Homeland Securi4y for a 2016 Pon Security Grant in the amount of Si 1;008.50 for the Paducah Police Department to purchase security cameras to monitor the floodwall and in the amount of 5531,675,60 for the Fire Department to purchase a fire rescue boat and radiation/nuclear detection equipment. SECTION 2. The radiation,"nuclear detection equipment wih1 be distributed between the Cit} of Paducah and Cape Girardeau, Missouri since both cities are located in the Port of Paducah Area of Responsibility, SECTION 3. Should the City be awarded the grant a local match of 25% in cash or in-kind services will be required. The Police Department's match will be provided through the Departments FY2017 budget. The Fire Department's match for the grant will be provided between the Department's FY2017 budget and in-kind services. The City of Cape Girardeau will be responsible for its 25% match for the portion of equipment they receive. A Memorandum of Understanding between Paducah and Cape Girardeau will be executed outlining the match requirements; if grant funds are av,,arded. SECTION 4. This order shall be in fitll force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. Mayor ATTEST: Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, April] 2, 2016 Recorded by Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk, April 12, 2016 mo` i rants homeland security -sectuity cameras -rescue boat & radiation -nuclear de!ecoon equip 2016 Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: April S, 2016 Short Title: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Approval 432 Broadway Demolition Project ® Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By. Steve Ervin, Sheryl Chino Presentation By., Sheryl Chino Background Information: The federal CDBG Small Cities Program, administered by the Kentucky Department for Local Government (DLG), is design to benefit low-income individuals and special populations that includes the elderly, handicapped or disabled. The City submitted an application for CDBG assistance for demolition of the property located at 432 Broadway and awarded a demolition contract in July 21, 2015. Tie CDBG grant application was approved under municipal order 1839 on May 19, 2015. In November 2015, the city received the preliminary approval letter from DLG that the project was awarded $500,000 in CDBG funds. There is a minimum match of $125,000. The grant agreement was received on March 30, 2016. On March 30, 2016, DLG staff conducted an audit review of the project, and no findings were issued. Goal: ® Strong Economy 0 Quality Services ® Vital Neighborhoods ❑ Restored Downtowns Funds_ Available: Project Title: 432 Broadway Demolition 3 I f Project #: DT -0034 79' I 1 Budget: $500,000 Finance Local Match: $125,000 CFDA Number: 14.228 Staff Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to execute the CD8G grant agreement and related documents. Attachments: None I Department Director City Clerks City Manager Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: April 5, 2016 Short Title: Contract with GPEDC (a/k/a PED) ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ i11otion Staff Work By: Presentation By Background Information: Claudia Meeks Jeff Pederson, City Manager As part of the Investment Fund Decision Items for FY2016, the Commission approved appropriation of funding for Greater Paducah Partners For Progress and GPEDC in the amount of $250,000, to be paid in quarterly installments. In addition, since GPEDC has absorbed the role and all responsibilities of EntrePaducah, an additional $50,000 was allotted, also payable in quarterly installments. When the City provides funds to any organization, we prepare a simple Contract For Services agreement that describes the public services the organization will provide as a result of receiving the city funds. Goal: X❑Strong Economy ® Quality Services❑ Vital Neighbortioo&s❑ Restored Dov,ntomis Funds Available: This expenditure was appropriated in the FY201 Budget. Account Name: Investment Fund Account Number: 004-0401-536-2307/ED0006/EDO101 an e Staff Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to enter into one-time Contracts For Services ,vith GPEDC for a total of $300,000 ($250,000 for GPEDC responsibilities and $50,000 for EntrePaducah responsibilities) Attachments: Ordinance Contract Department Head City Clerk City Manager Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: 12 April 2016 Short Title: Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation Grant Award 4Ordinance ❑ Emergency ® Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ l0olion Staff Work By: Kevin Mckellips and Sheryl Chino Presentation By: Steve Kyle Backqround Information: Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation is dedicated to improving the life-saving capabiMies and the lives of local heroes and their community by funding: Lifesaving equipment, prevention education, scholarships and continued education, support for members of the military, and disaster preparedness and disaster relief, The Paducah Fire Department has been awarded $15,125 Firehouse Subs grant program for purchase of equipment. The equipment includes four (4) 10 -minute carbon 3000 psi cylinders, 13 breathing hoses, one (1) air cart, and two (2) Carbon 4500 psi cylinders. No matching funds are required. The grant application was approved through municipal order 1881 on February 9, 201& Goal: ❑ Strong Economy ❑ Quality Services ❑ Vital Neighborhoods ❑ Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Account Name: Account Number: Finance Staff Recommendation, Authorize the Mayor to accept the grant award and execute all grant related documents. Attachments: None nt Head City Clerk I City Man ORDINANCE NO, 2016 -4 - AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTi;NG A GRANT AWARD ROM THE FIREHOUSE SUBS PUBLIC SAFETY FOUNDATION FOR THE PADUCAH FIRE DEPARTMENT TO PURCHASE 10 -MINUTE CARBON 3000 PSI CYLINDERS, BREATHING HOSES, AIR CART AND CARBON 4500 PSI CYLGhDERS, AND AUTHORIZES THE'\MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUNIENTSNECESSARY TO RECEIVE SAID GRANT WHEREAS, on Februan 9, 2016, the City of Paducah adopted Municipal Order No, 1881, authorizing an application to be submitted to the f=irehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation for a grant in the amount of 515,000 to purchase equipment for the Paducah Fire Department; and WHEREAS, the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation has approved the application and is now ready to award this grant. BE IT ORDAFNED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, N CNTUCKY: SECTION 1. That the City of Paducah hereby accepts a grant award in the amount of $ 15.125 from the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation to purchase safety equipment for the Paducah Fire Department. The (Mayor is hereby authorized to execute all documents necessary to receive said grant. The award does nor require any local matching Buds. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be read on I,,ve separate dads and will become effectiVe upon summan° publication pursuant to KRS Chapser 424. Maror ATTEST: Tammara S. Sanderson, Cin Clerk hitroduced by the Board of Commissioners, April 12, 2016 Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, April 19, 2016 Recorded by Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk, April 19, 2016 Published by The Paelucah Sunt or&planlgrams\fire-firehouse subs 374 MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. 1881 A MUNICIPAL ORDER AUTHORIZING THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO APPLY FOR AN ONLINE GRANT THROUGH THE FIREHOUSE SUB PUBLIC SAFETY FOUNDATION GRANT PORTAL TO REQUEST $15,000 FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO PURCHASE EQUIPMENT BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. The City hereby authorizes the Planning Department to apply for an online grant through the Firehouse Sub Public Safety Foundation grant portal for funding in the amount of $15,000 for the Paducah Fire Department to purchase 10 -minute carbon 3000 psi cylinders, breathing hoses, air can and Carbon 4500 psi cylinders. SECTION 2. This order shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. ATTEST: Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk A4" �ayo, Adopted by the Board of Commissioners February 9, 2016 Recorded by Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk, February 9, 2016 Uno\grwus\fire-firehouse sub Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commissiou Meeting Date: April 12, 2016 Short Title: To Authorize Change Order #I for the Police Station Emergency Generator Project ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staft' Work t3y: Angela Weeks, EPW Prof Mgr Presentation By,- Rick Murphy, F.E., City Engineer -Public Works Director Background Information: On August 11, 2015, Ordinance #2015-8-8282 was adopted authorizing the Ma_vor to execute a contract with Mott Electric, LLC, in the amount of $115,250.00 for the Police Station Emergency Generator Project. Subsequently, work is now complete, with one minor electrical revision to the generator, This change to the generator in the amount of $2,450.00, provided for the installation of a new distribution electrical panel, minus the cost of two breakers, which reconfigured the generator to a single 600 amp breaker. This electrical revision allowed the generator to be connected to the recently purchased Police Annex Building in addition to the Police Station. Due to this electric,il revision, the generator delivery date was delayed by 60 days. Goal: []Strong Economy ZQuahty Services ❑Vital Neighborhoods ❑Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Account Name: P00083-0�l Account Number: 040-3315-532-2307 F?/ c Staff Recommendation: To adopt an Ordinance authorizing Change Order 41 in the amount of $2,450.00 for the Police Station Emergency Generator Project with Mott Electric, LLC, and increasing the time for completion by 60 days; which extended the date of completion of all Work to March 12, 2016. Attachments.- Original ttachments:Original Ordinance, Change Order #1, Notice to Proceed City Clerk 11 City ORDINANCE 2016 -4 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE CHANGE ORDER NO. I WITH MOTT ELECTRIC, LLC, FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A GENERATOR AT THE PADUCAH POLICE STATIONi WHEREAS, the City approved Ordinance No. 201;-8-8282 to enter into a contract with Mott Electric LLC, in the amount of $115,250.00 for installation of a generator at the Paducah Police Station: and WHEREAS. Change Order No. 1 was necessary to reconfigure the generator to a single 600 amp breaker w-hich will allow the generator to be connected to the Police Station and Police Department Annex Building. Therefore, due to the electrical revision the completion time was extended by silty (60) calendar days increasing the Contract Time to March 12, 2016. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute Change Order No. I in the amount of $2,450.00 with Mott Electric, LLC, for reconfiguration of the 'generator that eras installed for the Paducah Police Station. This allows the generator to function for both the Paducah Police Annex Building and Police Station. This reconfiguration extends the time of completion to March 12, 2016. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be read on two separate days and will become effective upon summary publication pursuant to KRS Cliapter 424. Mayor ATTEST: Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk Introduced by the Board of Commissioners, April 12, 2016 Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, April 19, 2016 Recorded by Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk, April 19, 2016 Published by The Paducah Sun, 1ordlenglchgord I -Mott Electric -Police Dept generator CHANGE ORDER N0: DATE: NAME OF PROJECT: OWNER: VENDOR: CITY OF PADUCAH ENGINEERING PUBLIC -WORKS DEPARTMENT CHANGE ORDER March 18,2016 Police Station Emer enc Generator City of Paducah Kentucky Mott Electric, THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE HEREBY MADE TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Aditional costs for Labor and Material for Installation of a new distribution electrical panel minus the cost of two breakers to allow the generator to be a single 600 amp breaker. Due to the revision to the generator, an additional 60 days has been added. CONTRACT PRICE DUE TO THIS CHANGE ORDER WILL BE INCREASED BY: ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE: CURRENT CONTRACT PRICE ADJUSTED BY PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS'. NEW CONTRACT PRICE INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER WILL BE: THE CONTRACT TIME WILL BE INCREASED BY: APPROVALS REQUIRED: ott Electric, LLC C650 -Hn;,3E CRvER PAGE OF $2,450.00 $2,450.00 $115,250.00 $115,250.00 $117,700.00 60 Days 3/25/16 DATE CITY ENGINEER -PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DATE DATE