HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCMPacket2014-08-12ROLL CALL INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ADDITIONS/DELETIONS i. CITY CONIMBSION MEETING .AGENDA FOR AUGUST 12. 2014 3:30 P. I. CIT -Y" HALL COMNIISSIOi\i CHAMBERS 300 SOUTH FIFTH ST )VI f - •T II. APPOINTMENTS I _ A. Paducah — McCracken County Coimention Center Corporation I I I i III. MOTIONS A. R & F Documents IV. MUNICIPAL ORDERS I A. Personnel Actions B. Amend Position and Pav Table — C. MEDFORD C. Authorize the Mayor to Execute a Deed Consideration Certification for Paducah Water for Property Located at 1852 & 1853 North 8`h Street — j G. ANDERSON D. Petition McCracken Count', Circuit to Terminate Oak Grove Cemetery Trust — J. PERKINS i V. ORDINANCES — ADOPTION I A. KLC Premiums for Liability. Workers' Compensation and Propem- i Insurance - C. MEDFORD I B. Approve Intent to Annex 2711 New Holt Road - S. ERVIN C. Upper Story Residential Grant - S. ERVIN D. Amend Ordinance for Hivhwav Safety In'test'icated Mini-Grant — S. ERVIN ORDINANCE — INTRODLCTION j A. Annual Service Agreement with Motorola for Radio Equipment. 1 911 Phone and Dispatch Consoles— B. STRINGER 1 B. Authorize Payment for USF`V' Biological Opinion Mitigation i Fees — R. 'MURPH'Y' I 1 C. Authorize Purchase of Solid Waste Dumpsters for FY201 4-1 5 Utilizing State Contract — R. iVIL:RPHV � j CITY MANAGER REPORT PUBLIC COMMENTS I EXECUTIVE SESSION J«I� ?', 20i 4 At a R.;�,Yular Meelhig of the Board of Commissioners, held on Tuesday. July 22. 2014. at 5:30 p.m.. in the Commission Chambers of City Hall located at 300 South 3tii Street. Mawr Kaler presided. and upon call of the roll b� the City Clerk. the following answered to their names: Commissioners Abraham. Gault, Rhodes. Wilson and Mayor Kaler IJ 1. INVOCATION State Representative Gerald Watkins gave the invocation. PRESENTATIONS NICCRACKEN COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY PALS & PWS DAY CANIP Eagle Scout Kyle Johnson gave a report about the day camp he organized as part of his Eagle Scout project. The camp was for ages 12 — l3 and was held during the Week of June 16-20. 2014 at the McCracken County Humane Society facility. Each day stude�-. is were paired with a dog and learned about proper care. grooming and clicker training techniques. POLICE AND FIRE FIGHTERS' PENSION FUND Chairman Leon Dodge requested a 2% percent raise oil behalf of the 60 members of the pension fund. The last time the members had a cost of living increase was in 2008. This item will be brought before the Commission for a vote in the new future. A N ' L LN `E?,lE;i Rep. Watkins announced that the State has approved 53.7 million to improve Kentucky Avenue from 12`h Street to 16`h Street. He also announced that the State Will be giving an additional 5300,000 to repair the intersection of KY 1322 and U.S. 62 in'V(cCracken County. ,Mayor Kaler announced the U. S. Department of Energy has awarded approximately $410 ,h- ar :. ;h. _rs to r l:L, r r; i fo" , y�,a l .r Y- .a; 1•'.-Je � J'l:'..�. _� .. �.zlur, a�!' _�i_a _ f ie r MINUTES Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that the reading of the Minutes for the June 24, 2014, June 30. 2014. July 1. 2014 and Ju ly 13, 2014 City Commission meetings be waived and that the Minutes of said riieetings prepared by the city Clerk be approved as written. Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham, Gault, R.iodes, Wilson and'0ayor Kaler (5), APPOLNTNIENTS PADUCAH- 1IcCRACKEN COUNTY JOINT SEWER AGENCY Mayor Kaler made the following reappointment: "WHEREAS. subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners. I hereby reappoint Jim Smart as a member of the Paducah-LMcCrack,-n County Joint Sewer Agency. This tenni will expire June 30. 201 S." Commissioner Gault offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham. that the Beard of Commissioners approve the action of Mayor Kaler in reappointing Jini Smart as a member of the Paducah -McCracken County Joint Sewer Agency. .adopted on call of the roll. yeas. Commissioners Abraham, Gault. Rhodes. Wilson and Mayor Kaler (3 ). NFUNICIPAL HOUSING CO),INIISSION Nlavor Kaler made the followin�z reappointment: "WHEREAS. subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners. I hereby reappoint Jipauni askew -Robinson as a meniber of the Municipal Housing Commission. This term w111 expire July 22. 2015." Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner 1Vilson. that the Board of Commissioners approve the action of Mayor Kaler in reappointing Jipaum Askew -Rob' risun as a member of the Municipal Housing Commission. Adopted on call of the roll. yeas. Commissioners Abraliam, Gault. Rhodes, Nilson and XIavor Kaler (5). Jul'. 12, 2014 PADUCAH-McCRACKEN COUNTY RIVERPORT AUTHORITY Mayor Kaler rnade the following appointment: "WHEREAS. subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners. I hereby appoint David Mast, to fill the unexpired term of Greg Menke who has resigned. to the Paducah -McCracken County Riverport ,authority. This term will expire September 26. 2017." Commissioner Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rhodes. that the Board of Commissioners approve the action of Mayor Kaler in appointing David Mast to the Paducah - McCracken County Riverport Authority. Adopted on call of the roll. yeas, Commissioners .Abraham. Gault. RlYodes. '�4'ilson and Mayor Kaler (5). .MOTIONS R & F DOCUNIENTS Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that die following documents be received and filed: I. Notices of Cancellation For the City of Paducah Board of Commissioners Meetings for June l7. 2014 and July 8, 2011 2. Certificate of Liability Insurance acid Right of Way Bond for Hays Backhoe and Concrete 3. Perfownimice Bond for Younghlood Excavctinn. Cont -.1h d e a ; r I'or Ilio. NoMo Park t a(:e Bank Stalauzad n Project (:ice # 20,1_4 -C6 -,S 149) 4. Quitclaim Deed for 228 South 17" Street with George Vollnnctr 5, Coinmissioner's Deed for 625 George Street 6. Contracts For Services a. Paducah Concert Band (City tNlanager approval) b. Paducah -McCracken County Convention & Visitors Bureau (ORD # 2011-6- ,: CA lCiS�A^_ re'.:n Feni>: a. Change in Terms agreement with Banterra Batik for revolving line of credit for Fountain Avenue and Lower Town Neighborhood Revitalization Project (ORD # 2014-05-8143) b. Engineering -Public Works Department One -Year Renewal Agreement with Bluegrass Fire Equipment Company. Inc. for the Structural FirefiAting Turnout Gear for use by the City of Paducah Fire Department (ORD # 2013-03-8017) c. Memorandum of Understanding with Genova Products and G.P.E.D.C.. Inc, for 5400 Commerce Drive (ORD # 2014-07-8162) d. Contract with T & T Cleaning for event set-up and cleaning services at the Robert Cherry Civic Center (City Manager Approval) e. Agreement with Shawnee Professional Services for the Olivet Church Road Improvement Project (ORD # 2014-07-8160) f. Agreement with Nichols Electric Company. LLC for the Fire Station #I Generator Project (ORD # 2014-07-8161) 2014-2015 KY Pride Fund Household Hazardous Waste ivianagement Grant Agreement (ORD # 2014-07-8159) h. Financial Advisor agreement with Raymond James &. Associates, inc, for the Police and Firefighters Pension Plan (ORD # 201-4-07-8158) S. Commonwealth of Kentucky Office of the Governor Department for Local Government Recommended Order for KRS 103.210 Bonds for the Paducah Convention Hotel 9. Notification from Paducah McCracken County Joint Sewer Agency for the CPI -U Rate Adjustment 10. Letter of Engagement for Bond Counsel for approximately 54,230,000 City of Paducah, Kentucky Taxable General Obligation Refunding Bonds. Series 2014B Police and Firefighters Pension Plan (ORD # 20(1-07-8158) 11. City of Paducah Human Rights Commission Annual Report 2013 .adopted on call of the roll. yeas. Commissioners .Abraham. Gault, Rhodes. Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). v1UNICIPAL ORDERS PERSONNEL ACTIONS Commissioner Gault offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah order that the personnel changes on the attached list be approved. Jul% ". 2014 (SEE MUNICIPAL ORDER BOOK) Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham. Gault. Rhodes. Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). Police Chief Barnhill recognized the retirements of Capt. Don Hodgson. Capt. Shawn iVlaeie. Capt. iliark Roberts, and Training Office Rob Estes. He announced :he promotions of Capt. George Johnson, Capt. Wes Kimbler and Sgt. Matt Smith. Fire Chief Kyle recognized the retirement of Capt. Daryl Tubbs. APPROVAL OF ASSIGNMENT AND REAFFIRMATION AGREEMENT FOR GENOVA Commissioner Rhodes offered motion. seconded by Commissioner W-Ison, that a Municipal Order entitled, "A MUNICIPAL ORDER APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN ASSIGNMENT AND REAFFIRMATION AGREENIENT AMONG CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY. NfCCRACKEN COUNTY. KENTUCKY. G.P.E.D.C.. INC., AND PADUCAH ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION. NC., RELATING TO A PUBLIC PROJECT." be adopted. -,do, ted on Cil! ur tln� roil 2d�, !il: niSS:Otkr-- Abrahann. Ga ,Iu qIlOLi. Wl!son and ow- r Kaler (5). NIO.# 17183; BK 9 ORDINANCE —ADOPTION ACCEPT 2014-2015 LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICE FEE GRANT AWARD Commissioner Wilson offered motion. seconded by Commissioner Rhodes, that the Board of O^1 Dl.•S1Jtle:i L jOrt alt ,'nttt!:! , -,A'\- I-2RD CNkl'%jC OF THE CI''t V OF PAD r`i`r03=.l211G WI. R OR DUI ENFORCEMENT BY THE PADUCAH POLICE DEPARTMENT AND AUTIIORIZiNG THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A GRANT AGREEMENT AND ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING THERETO WITH THE KENTUCKY JUSTICE AND PUBLIC SAFETY CABINET." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the City of Paducah hereby accepts grant funds in the amount of S8,271 through the Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet for a 2014/2015 Law Enforcement Service Fee Grant award to be used by the Paducah Police Department for DUI Enforcement and hereby authorizes the Nlayor to execute a Grant Agreement and all documents relating thereto. Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Abraham. Gaul. Rhodes. Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). ORD.#f2014-7-8164: BK 34 ORDINANCES — INTRODUCTION Ai:THORIZE AN AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES RELATED TO REVISIONS OF THE RIVERFRONT PHASE I. -B PROJECT Commissioner Abraham offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Gault, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDNANCE AUTHORIZNG THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $90,340.00 FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES RELATED TO REVISIONS OF THE RIVERFRONT PHASE I. -B PROJECT." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the Mayor of the City of Paducah is hereby authorized to execute an Engineering Service Agreement with Bacon Farmer Workman Engineering & Testing. Inc.. in an amount not to exceed 590,340.00 for revisions of the Riverfront Phase I -B Project. KLC PREMIUMS FOR LIABILITY, WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND PROPERTY INSURANCE Commissioner Gault offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraham, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled. '`AN ORDNANCE AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO PAY KENTUCKY LEAGUE OF CITIES FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION. LIABILITY INSURANCE, AND PROPERTY INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH." This ordinance is summarized as follows: That the City of Paducah hereby authorizes the Finance Director to pay Kentucky League of Cities in the total amount of S951.770.62 for Workers' Compensation, Liability Insurance, and Property Insurance Coverage for the City of Paducah for Fiscal Year ending June 30. 3415. JLII% 22. 2014 APPROVE INTENT TO ANNEX 2711 NEW HOLT ROAD Con)n)issioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDNANCE EXTENDING THE BOUNDARY OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, BY INTENT TO .ANNEX CERTAIN PROPERTY LYING ADJACENT TO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, .AND DEFINING ACCURATELY THE BOUNDARY OF SAID PROPERTY TO BE INCLUDED WITHIN THE SAID CORPORATE LI'MITS." This ordinance is summarized as follows: approving intent to annex a tract of propeny contiguous to the present city limits, located at 2711 New Holt Road, containing 0.7972 acres. more or less. UPPER STORY RESIDENTIAL GRANT Commissioner Wilson offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Rhodes, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled, AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND APPROVING THE UTPER STORY RESIDENTIAL GRANT PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PLANNING TO ADMINISTER THE PROGRANI AND PROVIDE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS FOR COMPLETION OF INCOME PRODUCING RESIDENTIAL UNITS IN HISTORIC DOWNTOWN PADUCAH," This ordinance is summarized as follo\vs: This ordinance herebv establishes the Upper Story Residential Grant Program for property owners who are building :IeW reside;;tiul!com;_)ercal ;rr _L 1;=.cs �r:el�ahilit,,ti!>? existi;�g ;tl�) tl-;r.s ..i i'e IT .tc?i I,L�� l`:fU'•.':1- is1 iO.Li.-I 1`C. —Phis i.vgrirl "rill exceed 2017c of the construction costs or a maximum of S 15.000 per Upper Story Residential Unit. This ordinance also directs the Director of Planning to administer the program and grants authority to the Urban Renewal & Community Development Agency to oversee the allocation of funds up to $60,000. sr-�• r.-� + cd \ INS s��i:'t,:it�C �f'Si `��E�3�+-.. )r i i{ r _Lill.='i!i°i!-vrA`i1 ;+ �' )� ti y r.�- ti`h_J 1 . f) Ali li_I SI ), 1.1 �.�! 11 t i' Commissioners introduce an ordinance ,;ntlded. "AN ORDINANCE AINIENDING ORDINANCE NO, 2014-5-3136 ENTITLED, 'AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A GRANT AGREEMENT AND ,ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING THERETO WITH THE KENTUCKY OFFICE OF HIGHWAY SAFETY FOR THE "HEADS UP DON'T BE IN'TEXT' ICATED" MINI -GRANT PROGRAM."' This ordinance is summarized as follows: This ordinance is being amended to increase the amount of the "Heads Up Don't Be In'text'icated" mini -grant awarded to the City of Paduc�di from the Kentucky Office of Highway Safety from $21,000 to 524,000. APPROVE EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS TO SETTLE ESTATE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5065 CONCORD AVE Commissioner Gault offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Abraltam, that the Board of Commissioners introduce an ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZM .AND APPROVING A SETTLEMENT, RELEASE, AND PURCHASE PERTAINING TO THE REAL PROPERTY LOCATED .AT 5065 CONCORD .AVENUE. P.XDUCAH, NIcCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY INVOLVING BETTY J. OWENS AND ALLSTATE INSURANCE COMPANY," This ordinance is summarized as follows: In this ordinance the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah hereby approves and consents to the execution of the Settlement Agreement and Release. Purchase Agreement and Release and Quitclaim Deed in exchange for the receipt of the insurance proceeds of S 109.093.69, plus an additional $3.000 for demolition costs, plus a release of all contractual obligations bet\.eeeii the City of Paducah and Betty J. Owens and the release of the reserved life estate. It is hereby found and determined that the transaction completes the acquisition of the property to be used for public purposes of the City. It is further determined that the titayor, on behalf of the City of Paducah, Kentucky. is hereby authorized to execute the transaction documents and any other documents necessary to accomplish and consummate the settlement and purchase it) accordance with this Ordinance. Further, the Board of Commissioners authorizes the purchase of the life :state reserved by Betty J. Ovens in the amount of S43,959.00 as set out in the Purchase ,Agreement and Quitclaim Deed from Owens to City. CITY NIAINAGER REPORT • City Manager Pederson and Mayor Kaler met with Judge Executive Nz«'berry and Deputy Judge Harnice regarding animal shelter services. Negotiations bet%een the City, County and the Humane Society should begin in the next couple of weeks regarding animal shelter sen ices. Juin 22, 2014 The Emergency Communications 911 Board heard a proposal from Kentucky State Police to provide dispatch services out of the KSP's Post #2 in Mtrytield. Mr. Pederson requested an executive session to discuss aconontic development projects. MAYOR & COMMISSIONER COMMENTS None were amen PUBLIC COMMENTS None were riven EXECUTIVE SESSION Commissioner Rhodes offered motion, seconded by Commissioner Wilson. that the Board go into closed session for discussion of matters pertaining to the following tropics: :A specific proposal by a business rwity where public discussion of the subject macer would jeopardize the location, retention. expansion or upgrading of a business entity, as permitted by KRS 61.810(l)(g). .Adopted on call of the roll, yeas. Commissioners .Abraham, Gault. Rhodes, Wilson and Mayor Kaler (5). Upon motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED: :August 12. 2014 --•----- lir`! Clerli �---- Nlay'or An excerpt from the City Commission Meeting Highlights prepared by Parn Spencer, Public Information Officer Project Updates City Engineer -Public Works Director Rick Murphy and Paducah Riverfront Development Authority (PRDA) Executive Director Steve Doolittle provided updates on several City projects. • Noble Park Lake Bank Stabilization — The project began July 7. Noble Park Lake has been lowered to gain access to the shoreline and the remnants of Duck Island. With the lowering of the lake, it has been revealed that Duck Island has a concrete shoreline protection area around it. The lake elevation was raised in 1994 to support more aquatic life. The City is now reviewing alternate options for Duck Island due to the concrete structure. • Greenway Trail Underpass — Work is on schedule for the construction of the Greenway Trail underpass at U.S. 45. • Ohio River Boat Launch —Signs have been installed at the Ohio River Boat Launch facility located at North 6`h and Burnett Streets to deter people from parking on the entry road and on the boat launch itself. Fishing is allowed at the Boat Launch but anglers are asked to fish from the river bank and not from the boat launch ramp or dock since those areas are provided for the loading and unloading of boats. Power poles have been installed at the facility with lighting and security cameras to be installed soon. • Riverfront Project — An engineering contract will be introdiced at the next Commission meeting to provide engineering services to prepare specifications and bid documents for the next construction phase of the Riverfront Project incorporating recommendations from PRDA. At the April 15, 2014 City Commission Meeting, PRDA Chairman Bruce Brockenborough provided the Commission with PRDA's project recommendations. In September 2013, PRDA was given the assignment to review the project elements. After holding 10 meetings the PRDA Board decided that the project should be completed to the desired elevation but some items should be eliminated from the project with other items either reduced in scope or delayed in their implementation. Juin. ", 2014 Currently, much of the rock base and 12 steel pilings have been installed for the project. Former Executive Inn Site — PRDA will be receiving a proposal from an urban planning company called RATIO regarding a master plan for the remaining six acres of the former Executive Inn site. A portion of the former Executive Inn site wi11 be parking for the new Hilton Garden Inn. However, approximately six acres is undeveloped between the hotel parking and the Riverfront Project. BOARDS and COMMISSIONS APPOINTMENTS and REAPPOINTMENTS FOR CITY COMMISSION CONFIRMATION 1 Appointment Reappointment Joint Appointment NAME: Carla Berry Joint Reappointment NAME OF BOARD OR COMMISSION: Convention Center Corporation DATE TO BE PLACED ON AGENDA: August 12. 2014 EXPIRATION OF TERM DATE: January 1. 2018 APPOINTEE'S NOME ADDRESS: Street: 212 Broadwav City/Zip: Paducah, KY 42001 ehane. Email Address: ckbeETwiupaducaiibank.cofii Appointee's Business Name: Paducah Bank Address: City/Zip: Phone: Thank you - Resigned Term Expired Other (explain) TO REPLACE ON BOARD: ADDRESS: City/Zip: Appointee Confirmation: Date: 7/2-1 BN: Mayor Gavle Kaler Board of Commission Approval: Original to: Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk Cc: Cite BOARD CHAIRMAN: BOARDS and COMMISSIONS APPOINTMENTS and REAPPOINTMENTS FOR CITY COMMISSION CONFIRMATION l Appointment Reappointment Joint Appointment NAME: \✓(ark Workman Joint Reappointment NAME OF BOARD OR COMMISSION: Electric Plant Board DATE TO BE PLACED ON AGENDA: EXPIRATION OF TERM DATE: APPOINTEE'S HOME ADDRESS: Street: City/Zip: Email Address: mworkman+l1 bAvengineers.coni Appointee's Business Name: Bacon Farmer Workman Engineering & TzstinU, Inc Address: 500 South l7th Street City/Zip: Paducah, KY 42001 Phone: W: (270) =1-13-1995 C: (270) 331-3-431 :august 12. 2014 February 6. 2018 Thank you NJ Resigned Term Expired Other (explain) TO REPLACE ON BOARD: Roger Truitt ADDRESS: 1640 tMeCracken Ste l 14 City/Zip: Paducah 42001 Appointee Confirmation: Date: 7/21/14 Board of Commission Approval: Original to: Tarnmara S. Sanderson, City Clerk Cc: file By: 1✓1avor Gavle Kaler BOARD GIAIRNrAiv: AUGUST 12, 2014 I move that the following documents be received and filed, DOCL NIELNTS Certificates of Liability Insurance a. Nichols Electric, LLC b. United Propane Gas ��. Re a(iq 1'o I- ;�C�T: id Y -r' �,l�i r 1. cctc ,a 1, e Commissioner's Deeds: a. 605 South 8"' Street b. 1010 South 5`h Street d. 603 South 8`'' Street e. 1127 Jones Street f. 921-923 North 7'�' Street g. 705 Finley Street Deed for the sale of 133-=133 North 4'h Street to Martin & Crystal 1'routt (MO 1778) Contracts For Services Executed by the City tilanager: a, Paducah Tilghman High School — Tornado League Football b. Paducah Wall to Wall t\/lural Board c. Brooks Stadium Commission d. Paducah Film Society D/B/A Maiden Alley Cinema e. National Quilt N/IUseum f. Market House Theatre g. River Heritage Museum D/B/A River Discovery Center Contracts/Agreements- a. ontracts/Agreements:a. agreement for Sponsorship with Carson Four Rivers Center for A Celebration of Nwfusic Event (Executed by CM) b. Agreement with Paducah Junior College, Inc. for foreclosure costs for 941 & 946 tN,fartin Luther King, Jr, Drive and 520 North 10th Street c. Reimbursement Agreement with Paducah Water for the Olivet Church Roads\ay Improvement Project (ORD # 2014-07-8163) d. ivtemorandum of Lease with McCracken County and Genova Products. Inc. for 5400 Commerce Drive (ORD # 2014-07-8162) e. 1vIacco Organiques Corporation project documents — 5433 Commerce Drive (ORD 4 2013-04-8026, ORD 4 2014-03-8127, ORD 4201-1-0)-8128) f. Documents for Closure for Infiniti Plastic Technologies. Inc. --5400 Commerce Drive (SIO # l 776) y Q. One Year Renewal Agreement with Aramark Uniform Services for the Engineering -Public Works & Parks Departments (ORD 4 2012-08-796 l ) Conditions of Award for the 2014/2015 Law Enforcement Service Fee Grant for DUI Enforcement by the Paducah Police Department (ORD 42014-07-8164) Paducah Water Works Financial Highlights for June 2014 City of Paducah Annual Budget Fiscal Year 2013 CITY OF PADUCAH August 12, 2014 Upon the recommendation of the City Manager, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah order that the personnel changes on the attached list be approved. >Kanager's Signature Date PARKS SERVICES Matthews, Ryan POLICE OPERATIONS Boulton, Jon K. PARKS SERVICES Ross, Virginia Fill. -RE SUPPRESSION Huskey. John H. Warner, Todd M PRDA Doolittle, Steve EPW - STREETS Young, Kurt M. FIRE SUPPRESSION CITY OF PADUCAH PERSONNEL ACTIONS August 12, 2014 NEW HIRES - PART-TIME fPITIITEMPORARYISEASONAL POSITION RATE Park Ranger 58.25/Hr NCS/CS FLSA EFFECTIVE DATE NCS Non -Ex July 31, 2014 Parking & Traffic Control Assistant S8.94/Hr NCS Non -Ex August 7. 2014 TERMINATIONS - PART-TIME PIT ITEMPORARYISEASONAL Owen, Christopher Firefighter (Appointee) S12.13/Hr POSITION REASON $12.13/Hr Murphy, William EFFECTIVE DATE Lifeguard Resignation TERMINATIONS - FULL-TIME (FIT1 EPW - STREETS June 12, 2014 PAYROLL ADJUSTMENTSITRANSFERS/PROMOTIONSITEMPORARYASSIGNMENTS Hyde, Christopher D. EPW Street Supervisor PREVIOUS POSITION CURRENT POSITION NCS/CS FLSA EFFECTIVE DATE AND EASE RATE Ot- Pzky AN U 8ASE RATE 0 F PAY Medford, Cindy Human Resources Director Resignation Fire Captain Acting Assistant Fire Chief 42 NCS Non -Ex August 1, 2014 $17.07/Hr $17,22/Hr Fire Captain Acting Assistant Fire Chief 91 NCS Non -Ex August 1, 2014 , ; i .;;71H� S r, Executive Executive Director PRDA interim HR Director NCS Ex August 14, 2014 $40.76/Hr $44.84/Hr NEW HIRE - FULL-TIME FIT POSITION RATE Right of Way Maintenance Person $13.98/Hr Right of Way Maintenance Person $13.98/Hr Jarvis, Ward Firefighter (Appointee) $12.13/Hr Hansen, Kurt Firefighter (Appointee) $12,13/Hr Owen, Christopher Firefighter (Appointee) S12.13/Hr Hall, Rodney Firefighter (Appointee) $12.13/Hr Murphy, William Firefighter (Appointee) S12.13/Hr Non -Ex TERMINATIONS - FULL-TIME (FIT1 EPW - STREETS Non -Ex August 21, 2014 Hyde, Christopher D. EPW Street Supervisor Resignation Caldwell, Kenneth Solid Waste Truck Driver Retirement HUMAN RESOURCES Medford, Cindy Human Resources Director Resignation NCS/CS FLSA EFFECTIVE DATE NCS Non -Ex August 14, 2014 NCS Non -Ex August 14, 2014 NCS Non -Ex August 21, 2014 NCS Non -Ex August 21, 2014 NCS Non -Ex August 21, 2014 NCS Non -Ex August 21, 2014 NCS Non -Ex August 21, 2014 July 21, 2014 August 1, 2014 August 14, 2014 Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission lvleetiiig Date: August 12, 2014 Short Title: Amend Position & Pay Schedule sections A, F, G, and H, ❑Ordinance ❑ Emergency E Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ 1/lotion Staff Work By: Martin Russell Presentation By: Cindy Medford %o�n,.n ss C!" u�a{iC�iis iii." p'iC`li�??S 1'�� iti,3t i?Zid !Jif/ 5'�i:edule on June 24, 201=1. This schedule is updated periodically throughout the year and the following changes, were made since the last approval. s Ck-rro t -,q )`i'it' !'_Ladd on City �- /Li nqers thou rk, ;Ia?{.� ra1 - n sr_'+ rior A. '%n E_ , ;,li �`� r.i .j '{i"� ��(�i •�.,� "i �' ;f;� )�l �`' it i' i _ �._ ' I'� r in.Ll C _ .i �nd lic . ��.? _ ..c:� ho" --r!". ;;E..a,7� :'���4 — C�,•J:1;; ar;k! G. • Add Deputy Fire Chief - Operations - in section G. • Reduce by one Engineering Public Works Department, Maintenance Division, Laborer - in section H. • Add one Engineering Public Works, Street Division, Right -Of -Way Maintenance Person - Section H, • This amendment also includes clean-up and audit necessary to reflect the correct, current number of vacant and filled positions. Goal: ®Strong Economy ® Quality Services❑ vital Neighborhoods ❑ Restored Downtown` Funds Available: Account Dame: Finance Account Dumber: Staff Recommendation: Adopt the amended Position & Pay Schedule. Attachments: Position & Pay Schedule Department Head City Clerk City Manager MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. _a MUNICIP_aL ORDER MENDING SECTIONS (A), GENERAL GO\,'ER,vtiIENT (F), POLICE DEPARTMENT. (G), FIRE DEPARTIMENT AND (H). ENGINEERING/PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OF THE F-12014-2015 POSITION AND PAY SCHEDULE FOR THE FULL-TIti1E EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY WHEREAS. the Human Resources Department of fie City of Paducah finds it necessary to update the FY2014-20I5 Position and Pay Schedule adopted by the Board of Commissioners on lune 24. '_01•x. for full-time employees as follows: General Government • Correct an error made on City Managers hourly wage rate Police and Eire Departments • Correct an error made on Fire and Police contract hourly waLTe rates • Add Deputy Fire Chief - Operations �i��rtl2�l 7.i• ,���c`1 i•� � )�. _i 'i�2j,-i, c,rt_._ • Reduce by one Engineering Pubiic Works Department, Maintenance Division, Laborer • .add one Engineering Public Works, Street Division, Right -Of -Way Maintenance Person L. �-�., ll� li, _ :Ci .i._.._ _ .l _ i=, liJ!` `'_ .t .� 1.+.�•--�c:i� r 1_�_.,�= -- i'�4�.r4 `av .3 - 'e. BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY- OF PADUC.AH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. That the City of Paducah hereby approves to amend the FY2014-2015 Position and Pay Schedule for the employees of the City of Paducall as attached hereto SECTION ?. This Order will be in full force and effect from and after the date of its adoption. Mayor _-ATTEST Tammara S. Sanderson. City Clerk Adopted by the Board of Commissioners. August 12. 2014 Recorded by Tainmara S. Sanderson. City Clerk, ,august 12. 2014 mo/Position and Pay Schedule 8-12-14 CITY OF PADUCAH FY 2014.2015 August 12. 2014 POSITION AND PAY SCHEDULE Section A. HOURLY HOURLY = NE NE NE S 9 B C J ect on . WAGE GENERAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZED POSITIONS FY 13114 FY 14/15 BUDGET FILLED VACANT ADJ. ADJ. HOURS EXEMPT PAY FY 14115 HOURLY HOURLY WOR!l GRACE Nirr rtl9S(3;;nn HOURLY HOURLY WAC'E WAGE D°rector of r -mance 1 1 58.6 59.59 4C 3UDGET FILLED VACANT ADJ. ADJ. HOURS EXEMPT PAY Accounting/Payroll TOTAL NON -CS RCSSICS RATE RATE WORK NON-EXEMPT GRADE C ,Varager 40 68 37 73.37 Y 40 = AA -13srtart 3 iv '•;ian.ager JO 6 2 1 19.81 20.15 40 a J Z -sss'an:'o .;:y vlan3ger 1 ``4' -' Section D. 0 ty : er'< I 3i0 ,4 31 39 40 = AUTHORIZED POSITIONS Ass', :ay ;er.k FY 14/15 40 N. xemi-ir a Ass,siant r HOURLY 19 it 20.26 40 WJE I AdwistraGve Assis,ant ll 1 1 14.35 14-30 4C `+E BUDGET FILLED VACANT ?bCltc'nformaiion Of icar i 26.13 2730 40 POSITIONS TOTAL NON -CS RCSSICS Total BudgeledlFilled for Department 5 4 1 0 WORK NONEXEMPT GRADE D!ractor Inforrranon Teonnofogy 1 4439 45_38 40 Z N2euork Adm•nlstrator 1 1 Section 8. FINANCE DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED POSITIONS FY QN4 FY 14115 -:elp desk Techr.lc!an I 13 13 Revenue Revenue -Manager 1 1 27.37 Account C!erK 2 1 14.32 1 12.33 Revenue Tech. 1 1 t6'5 Revenue Auditor 1 1 20 yl Total BudgetediFilled for Department 11 11 0 0 :dote: As •ne _xscu! ae .Assistant : position, .s aGmmated through at' ;n:,on :i :Bit oa tillen s 3 .VcnClvn Sernce .-osrtion Rsierenc_ Crdinance 2002.5-6519 Note: RCSS • Individuals Retain Civil Service Status HOURLY HOURLY = NE NE NE S 9 B C J ect on . WAGE WAGE BUDGET FILLED VACANT ADJ. ADJ. HOURS EXEMPT PAY FY 14115 TOT.tt. NOy-CS `?CSSICS PAT_ RATE WOR!l GRACE Nirr rtl9S(3;;nn HOURLY HOURLY D°rector of r -mance 1 1 58.6 59.59 4C = Z Executive Assistant I 1 I 16.;2 16 30 40 NE F Accounting/Payroll ADJ, HOURS EXEMPT PAY Conircller 1 1 31:•3 32.13 40 E T Accounts a3yable C!erk 1 1 18.01 1832 40 NE JO 6 2 1 19.81 20.15 40 a J 1 1 0 0 'S.,; 1 ``4' -' Revenue Revenue -Manager 1 1 27.37 Account C!erK 2 1 14.32 1 12.33 Revenue Tech. 1 1 t6'5 Revenue Auditor 1 1 20 yl Total BudgetediFilled for Department 11 11 0 0 :dote: As •ne _xscu! ae .Assistant : position, .s aGmmated through at' ;n:,on :i :Bit oa tillen s 3 .VcnClvn Sernce .-osrtion Rsierenc_ Crdinance 2002.5-6519 Note: RCSS • Individuals Retain Civil Service Status 2836 14.57 13.21 1654 21.28 40 40 40 40 40 = NE NE NE S 9 B C J ect on . PADUCAH RIVERFRONT DEVELOPMENT AUTHORIZED POSITIONS FY 13114 FY 14115 HOURLY HOURLY WAGE WAGE AUTHORITY BUDGET FILLED VACANT AD4. ADJ, HOURS EXEMPT PAY POSITIONS TOTAL NON -CS RCSSICS RATE RATE WORK NONEXEMPT GRADE c, ou::ve Director 40 Co JO 6 4C T Total Budgeted/Filled for Department 1 1 0 0 Section D. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AUTHORIZED POSITIONS FY 13114 FY 14/15 HOURLY HOURLY WAGE WAGE BUDGET FILLED VACANT ADJ. ADJ. HOURS EXEMPT PAY POSITIONS TOTAL NON -CS RCSSICS RATE RATE WORK NONEXEMPT GRADE D!ractor Inforrranon Teonnofogy 1 4439 45_38 40 Z N2euork Adm•nlstrator 1 1 31.12 31 67 40 c ' -:elp desk Techr.lc!an I 13 13 1950 40 .1 H veuvork Technician 40 VE GIS Specialist 1 1 26 33 N 40 E GiSiPlanner t 1 29 2 2953 40 E ? Total Budgeted/Filled for Department 5 5 0 0 _ coram ;ssigre :o rrcrmatcon aerrnces _3naxeccrd Ca asase rrol_c:- Page 1 of 8 CITY OF PADUCAH FY 2014-2015 August 12, 2014 POSITION AND PAY SCHEDULE Section E. PLANNING DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED POSITIONS FY 13/14 FY 14115 HOURLY HOURLY WAGE WAGE BUDGET FILLED VACANT ADJ. ADJ. HOURS EXEMPT PAY -?CSM0i\,S TOTAL NON -CS RCSSICS RATE RATE WORK NONEXEMPT GRADE D rec!cr of Planning 1 1 42.-9 42.32 40 E v xecunve ass star.l i 1 1 20.x3 21 19 40 NE - Admin asst 1 ? 7 <3 17.73 10 \IE �^ ?lanner . t 23'7 23.53 40 = Planner it �o:vnto:vn Develoomenl Specialist 1 1 24 `6 2519 40 - 1,1 Grants Adrninistraior 1 1 24 "6 25.19 40 _ Community Development Planner 1 1 25 °8 25.02 40 E ;1 Section 8 Program dAdmimstrator 1 33.:8 34.37 40 ? Housing Specialist 2 ': 20.;6 20.51 30 ?,E Li 1 16.1�9 16.68 40 NE H Total Eludgeteffilled for Department 10 10 0 0 Section F. POLICE DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED POSITIONS FY 13t14 FY 14115 HOURLY HOUR? `! �J.= W1kGE BUDGET FILLED VACANT ADJ, ADJ. HOURS EXEMPT PAY ?OSITICNS TOTAL NON -CS RCSSICS RATE RATE WORK NON-EXEMPT GRADE Pc ice Chef 1 1 42.03 4277 40 c Z Police .assistant Chief 2 40 P Step 1 30 34 31 49 a SteD 2 34.77 353B Captains 3 10 E 0 <5 years 28.77 29.27 5 years 28.92 29-42 9 years 29.05 29.56 12 years 2 30 64 31.17 15 years 2 1 30 30 31 34 19 years 3 30. 1�3 31,18 22 rears 25 years Records Division Vanager 1 1 20.03 20.43 40 r C Sergeants 9 40 UE P 5 years 24-32 25.27 years 24,11 25.36 7 years 1 24..-2 25.47 8 years 24-31 25.56 9 years 1 24 72 25-67 1 �] years 24 32 25.73 11 years 2 24.1 25.87 12 years 3 25.01 25.97 13 years 25 It 26.07 14 years 2 25.2) 26.16 15 years 25 31 26 27 13 years 25-42 2638 17 years 25 51 2647 13 years 25 =0 26.56 13 years 25 7) 26.00 20 years 25.30 2677 21 years 25 91 26.88 22 years 26 ^2 2699 23 years 26.12 27 09 24 years 26 22 27.19 25 years 26 3' 27 23 Page 2 of 8 CITY OF PADUCAH FY 2014-2015 August 12, 2014 POSITION AND PAY SCHEDULE =9i.Ce Cffcer 30 3 2 4,; \1E ?.1:3 :Ric3r - 7acra? _ 3 '978 *m 1 year 3 1 2016 2107 2 years 2 2 20.36 21 17 3year 4 3 2136 22 1818 ! years 3 4 2201 22.23 5 years z 3 2272 22 95 A, years 5 ' 22.78 23.01 7 years 3 2233 23.06 3 fears 4 3 2310 23.33 ? years a _ 2311 23_44 10 years 5 2330 23.53 11 years 2 2311 23.04 12 years 5 2 23.x0 23.74 13 year 3 5 23.31 23.35 14 ;sears 2 23.71 2395 15 years 23.31 24.05 16 years 2331 24.15 i ;rears 24.00 2424 18 years 2 ' 24.1 24.35 !9 years I- 24.21 24.45 20 years 24.32 24_56 21 years 24.11.1 24.35 _.:�^ 2' 24 years 1 24.-2 24_97 25 years 24.32 25_07 Executive Assistant !1 1 1 21,32 22.00 40 NE I .administrative Assistant 111 40 NE D =dmiris?rative Assistant ll 40 NE C 16,7�. Records Clark,[ 40 NE D Records Clerk III 1 1 15 ^95 15.52 40 NE _ 40 NE Ic E•ncence Technician II 1 15.33 15 90 40 NE F D.derce "echn c!an ! ! 1 13.25 13-48 40 NE C 31 ^ -er v, sh1t adferential linen :hay work :he aver!: g aro •graveyarc 3hifl Nope Ponca ?eparment Secreiary,Public lnformaiic.n Officer s ; cwded mo hours nimmum cal! -out ?ay. Total BudgetedlFilled for Police Department 87 1 85 0 2 Section G. FIRE DEPARTMENT AUTHOR12ED POSITIONS FY 13114 FY 14115 POSITIONS Administrative Division Fire Chief Deputy Fire Cher - Fire Prevention Deputy =ire Chief - Cperaticns Office fvtanager E cecutive Assistant! Training Division Battalion Chef' Train!rg Officer Fire Prevention Division 3attalic•n Chief," Fire Marshal Fire Marshal Deputy Fire ivlarshal ill Deputy Fire Nlarsnal It Deputy Fire Marsnal I :ode Er..0rcemzn1 Supervisor Code Enforcement Officer I ode Enforcament Officer HOURLY HOURLY WAGE WAGE BUDGET FILLED VACANT ADJ. ADJ. TOTAL NON -CS RCSSICS RATE RATE 1 1 4533 46.63 1 1 34 ;0 34.59 1 1 2 19:4 t9 a8 19 32 19.66 2 21 3 3 Page 3 or 8 27 30 2828 1 19'7 2012 HOURS EXEMPT PAY WORK NONEXEMPT GRADE 40 = X T T 40 NE l NE F 19.'7 20.12 40 CITY OF PADUCAH ?�rT.i Soecia�isi 3�,r 3u�lc;ng r;DeC;Cr Dep,ty 3u lc ng 'nspec crs L�vei Level � revel '!ITPiars Pev�e;v Ci,;er 7!ec,ncal Ascector -ep,ty =:eclncal nspec;ors: Inspec,or Lavel ' nspec;cr .I Plans Revjew Suppression Division ire :kssfsiant .ilei Steo , Steo 2 Sieo 3 Staff 4 Step Step o Step 9 Captains <10 years 10 years ' `jears !4 years 15 .years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years 21 years 22 years 23 years 24 years 25 years 26 years 27 years 23 years 29 years 3C years _ eutenan;s <10 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 fears t 4 years 15 years 13 years 17 years 18 years 19 /ears 20 years 21 years 22 /,ars 23 years 24 years 25 ;ears FY 2014-2015 9 37 POSITION AND PAY SCHEDULE '215 13 135 10 9t 21.34 21 70 4c 1 23.72 29 23 22.35 YO 1 21 19 21 56 40 4C 1 1 2712 2' aC 40 1 1 21 '9 21 56 40 40 3 -l0 Pace 4 of 8 9 37 19.91 20.=6 X0.51 20.37 21.34 21 70 22.08 1 22.=6 22.35 23 z5 23.66 az 24jq 25.73 26.23 15 16.17 16,92 16.;9 16.94 1S �•� 16.5 vno n 1 G.'i 7.02 1 4 16.33 17 03 6 1 16 3) 17 05 6 16 32 1707 16 33 17.08 16.65 17.10 16.:5 17.11 16.33 17 13 16'0 17.15 1 16.1-11 17 16 16 73 17.18 16 75 17.20 2 16."3 1721 16.+3 17 23 1 16.73 17.24 16 31 17.26 16.33 17 28 15.31 15.77 15 6 15.32 15 A 15 35 15.74 15.90 15 77 15.93 15.73 15 94 15 d; 15.96 15.32 15 98 15 33 1599 15 53 16.01 15'-6 16.02 159? 1606 15.91 16 07 15 93 1609 15 9i 16 11 16 12 1593 `6.1s Pace 4 of 8 CITY OF PADUCAH FY 2014-2015 August 12, 2014 POSITION AND PAY SCHEDULE 2^ ream i ?9 13 '5 2- 'ar, 3 )' 13 17 28 /ears 16 )3 13 18 29 :ears 1334 13 2 3i; year Me 18 22 ,rerighrer 29 4 5 'rs'iga ler (appon;eet 12.)1 12.13 =raiighter,01n Floor) 12.,1 12.13 3-tonlhs 4 12?6 13.09 1 year 4 1.3.23 !333 2 /ears 1341 13.54 3 years 5 1330 13.7.3 4 /ears 4 1335 13_79 5 years 13.:8 1382 3 years 1 13'1 13.85 years 13."5 13.89 3 years 13 'S 13.90 9 years 13.31 13.95 10 years 13.70 14.00 1 : years 13.91 1405 12 /ears 13. F2 34.06 15 years 13.97 14.11 16 years 1339 14_13 17 years 14.00 14;14 18 /ear 14.03 14;17 19 years 1.3.05 14_19 20 years ±4.. ? 1421 31S :;CL A * 4.o9 * 30. 10 I year 13.82 1336 2 years 14 Co 1414.14 3 years 14 '.9 14_33 4 years 1 14.24 14.38 5 years 2 1427 1411 6 years 2 3 14.30 1444 7 years 14.33 14.47 8 /ears 2 1435 14_49 9 years a 2 14,10 14.54 10 years 2 5 14.44 158 11 years 2 14 39 14-63 12 years 14.51 14 66 13 years 14.52 14.67 14 years 4 14 54 14.89 15 years 1 14-:3 1471 15 vear 1 1497 14.72 17 years 1482 14.75 19 years 14 c4 1179 20 years 14 35 14.80 Total Budgeted/Filled for Department 79 1 71 1 1 7 NE F.. Ylgr. er Renef Jnver s nol 3 na:r pos1f1or 50 10 .5 taclorea in :he pay rel. ::cta oers;n •ray nold tha p%SC,on of Cade :Enforcement Oflcer ! �or a oencd not to axcaed one fear ,,; cul becorr, 3 aoertified Proper,- Vam ananca',-pector .ansicerad `cr :he cosq,on of Code Fnforca.nen' ; ffic3t 1 must ootain P-operty ;faimenarce rspecicr , I.esel i Euildirg :n;oe•.:.r 3rd-Lc^3ssfuf fa;.erg ' .1 'ia/ 3030 • c3,npn Budding n;peotor -,ai ;'Of a oencd noI'C mxcaea't;,r ,•ears ,mt-u---ccrrtng ^eil`fe•] Al cern r,:3,,, )old :he pos;ion 3f Deputy E!Wri.-sal :nspe-,;c._s_ve: ' for a Ser --d •,ot'9 exC3ed one J -a .. , o.: x.013 3-f:^wg rspecicr'eve!s are agLi'/alenl :o s!eps. Tneso leve's are ac!ated :y -laze cea ficadon and ;Lccessh_- oa'fURar.ce rave,, ):01a CepLI/ r re Mafs:lal :o ':ave State 7enificalion ,i thin ore /ear %ote 73 ae :crs:dere7 fcr'epLty Fire Marshal ;d must ,bla,n NPPA = re irsoac,or 1 and I, and ;uccassiui -e;iew '.cta. e conzi?erea :or Daou:y ;:ira U.arsral 'll Tusl obtain NF°a F re oroteclion clan'ev a's and success`:,! oercrmznca :aa;evr .,.a:e -1- nsIIac on's C •nl Service positions are elim:raled Trohgn aar.ticn -hey ,A ce 9;eed as `ion-C.wl 3-NiCa Note: RCSS - Individuals Retain Civil Service Status Page 5 of 8 CITY OF PADUCAH FY 2014.2055 August 12, 2014 POSITION AND PAY SCHEDULE AUTHORIZED POSITIONS Section H. HOURLY HOURLY BUDGET WAGE WAGE ENGINEERINGlPUBLfC WORKS DEPT. FILLED VACANT ADJ. ADJ. HOURS EXEMPT PAY ?.SiT:CI,iS TOTAL NON -CS RCSSlCS RATE RATE WORK NONEXEMPT GRADE :dy 'rgirear 3 ?ub is . arks Duec;or I 54:31 55_7777 40 E Z S'.crm ,'later 3'Drainage Engineer 1 25;7 26_42 40 E R Enginaer:rg Drcject Manager 1 1 2835 28_85 375 NE N EP':ri Dperations Manager 1 1 26.57 2=u4 .0 = 0 ng;neerm; 4ss:star•.t .11 40 _ M Engineering assistant ,i _ Engineering Assistant 1 1 J ExecOve Assistant : 1 13-5 13_„74 40 KE F Acministra!ive Assistant ,II 1 1 14.=4 1449 40 NE D Floodwall Ofvision =PW F!ocdtvall Superintendent 1 1 29.31 30_33 40 E N FloodlvallOperator 4 1 40 NE 4001, 14.45 11?0 355; 15.`6 1584 909,5 16.48 16_77 95% 17.;9 +7.70 Street Division E?'ll Street Superintendent 1 1 31 =5 3180 40 E N EP4V Street Supervisor 2 4 1 1 22_50 22_89 L 1 21.53 21.90 E L Egwoment Operator 4 NE E '.5_3 s7.2 95% 17 '45 1729 100% 4 18.16 18_48 Concrete Finisher 3 2 1 NE 2 80'% 14.52 14_78 85% 15.43 115.70 90% 46. �5 16_83 95:0 1 1715 1755 100°x° 1 18.15 1848 Right -Of -'Nay Maintenance Person 11 2 NE C 305 4 13.74 t3�98 855 4 3 14.59 14_35 904 1 15.-15 15_72 95% 16.31 16_60 ' 00% 3 2 17.17 1747 Maintenance Division c eet; ,,lamtenance Superintend( 1 1 33'6 34_15 40 E 0 EPN Maintenance Supervisor 1 1 21 SO 22_28 = L 1-31corer 7 0_ 1 INE C 80% 12.79 130, 85% 13 59 1382 90°10 14 39 t4_,_61"1 95?5 15 !8 1545 1001!0 3 3 15.58 16 25 Traffic Techn:c:an 2 NE E 30% 14-,5 1490 8515 15:5 15.8► 90% 16-13 1677 95'.•'0 17.39 1770 I C0:5 2 18 31 1863 ctr ':iasier E-e•cian 1 1 22.,9 23?=8 1\1E L Page 6 of 8 CITY OF PADUCAH FY 2011.2015 August 12, 2014 POSITION AND PAY SCHEDULE 30'� ' 135 11.90 35'b I i io I15_d' 3C'� 1318 1016=7 35'5 17:9 17 70 2 1331 13 03 Fleet Maintenance Division =?I;'J Ic!eet Sucerviscr 22.3C 2330 E L Adrerois:retire Assistant II t 13'9 18_71 40 NE D vlecnamc I NE G Peet'vlechanc 1 4 NiE 1734 18.25 1 19.17 19_40 1 13 '4 20 08 2011 2037 Solid Waste Division E?hV Solid'PJaste Superintendent 1 27:7 2815 40 E N P'•!:f Soitd Waste Supervisor! 22.:1 22-70 E L 'Compost Operations Sucervisor 1 21 53 2_90 E L Admims:rative Assistant Itl 1 16.:3 16_.93 40 NE D Laoorer 7 NE C 904'4 1 14.39 14_64 95% 1 15.'8 15_45 100010 4 2 15.28 16_26 'ruck Oriver 10 NE C 20% 13 F4 13.87 95=,y 16.:9 16_48 1000'0 5 5 17 3 1734 Righ -OP-Play Maintenance Person 3 NE 804 1314 13_98 85'.1 1459 14_85 90% 15.45 15_72 95% 16.31 1660 1004'0 2 1 17 ' 7 17.47 Compost Equipment Operator 1 NE F 80% 14.28 15 12 85% 15.;9 16_07 90% 16 '2 1701 95":'s 17.85 1796 1004r0 1 18 i8 18_90 Total Budgeted/Filled for Department 77 47 25 5 Ncte- ccs;:ices are .3imtnated 'hrough attrition :hey mill he *ilted as a Non -Civil Sernes posdons Note: RCSS - Individuals Retain Civil Service Status vote .As 1h:e=.ccd,.mall Op2r3t0rs' 3S positions -2re aiim hated through ittnt on :hey rill oe filled as glen-Cmi Serace .)siticns 1:nte A, 83,41E impicyees .n :he : assLcaton above shail oe eligible ,o receive 'Snip 3iifera ml' of ,£0.36:Hr ?iota .APSO.1E 3moleyees in ;te above Uassdication shall oe eligible 10ra-eive 50 SCiNr as a 'Work Leader' Section I. PARKS SERVICES DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED POSITIONS HOURS EXEMPT PAY BUDGET FILLED VACANT WORK NON-EXEMPT GRADE POSIT. iON TOTAL NON -CS RCSSICS ;f Parts Services 1 1 44',4 44 82 E V Recreation Supermtender.t 1 1 22'9 23.19 E 1\1 Darxs lvtaintenarce Si,per.ntendent 1 1 25''•8 25_52 E N Cemetery Sexton 1 19.:8 1992 E F Spec a1 =vents Coordinator 122"9 23_19 = t l Page 7 of 8 CITY OF PADUCAH �3�re3'�or• 3�°C a,is, FY 2014-2015 POSITION AND PAY SCHEDULE August 12, 2011 AUTHORIZED POSITIONS PADUCAH RENAISSANCE ALLIANCE BUDGET FILLED VACANT 13.35 11,09 POSITIONS TOTAL NON -CS RCSSICS WORK NONEXEMPT GRADE 1 1439 14,^4 ;1,larketirg Specialist ,0, _ H _xecullie y3sist3nt1 1 1 1.322 13.54 Exentive ,Assistant 1 NE F Adrr;r.stral ve -ss scant III 1 14,5 15.01 -+dm,r sU11i1"es.ssistant it , 1 14.5 14 7, NE C Maintenance Division JU( ?r'lISGf 1 1 7'.'5 21 42 L Laborer 1f NE 30°' 12.-9 13.01 35" 1319 13.82 9C°n 14 39 14.34 951;S } 15.'B 15.45 100°o 3 4 15.'-8 16.26 Rignl Ci 'Argy 'vlainterance Person 3 13 A. 13.98 8?0 14.19 14 35 90% 15.45 15.72 95 �' 16.31 16.60 rye' '7 ,y -, Total BudgetedlFilled for Department �18 25 T 6�1 No?e. As pos;-.ions ire eliminated :hrough attr,fion ;hey will be filied as Ven-C;v l Service positions Note: RCSS • Individuals Retain Civil Service Status Note AFSCME employees .n the lassi;icaton above shaft be aligibie'o receive 'SW, Differential" of $0 35iHr eme,o ees n -,he ,bcve class fica;ion ;hail ce =iiglble :o-eceive 30.50/Hr as a ''Nock reader' HUMAN RESOURCES AUTHORIZED POSITIONS BUDGET FILLED VACANT HOURS EXEMPT PAY POSITIONS TOTAL NON -CS RCSSICS WORK NON•EXEMPi GRADE Cireclor of Human Resources 1 1 4 0.6 1 4132 40 E V Risk Manager 0 H R Generalist 2 2 17 21 17 51 40 c G Total BudgetedlFilled for Department 3 3 0 0 ectlon K. AUTHORIZED POSITIONS PADUCAH RENAISSANCE ALLIANCE BUDGET FILLED VACANT HOURS EXEMPT PAY POSITIONS TOTAL NON -CS RCSSICS WORK NONEXEMPT GRADE xecutive Director 40 _ T ;1,larketirg Specialist ,0, _ H Eients & Promotion Specialist 40 E H Exentive ,Assistant 1 40 E_ Total Budgeted/Filled for Department 0 0 0 0 Page 8 of 8 Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: August 12, 2014 Short Title: A Municipal Order authorizing the Mayor to Execute the Deed Consideration Certificate for property located at 1852/1853 North 8th Street on behalf of the Commissioners of Waterworks d/b/a Paducah Water ❑Ordinance [❑ Emergency ® Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: tiielanie Carter/ Lisa Emmons, Denton & Keuler Presentation By: Background Information: the Corrarnisslotiers of Watei xorks of the City of Paducah, d/b/a Paducah Water, has previously determined that it is beneficial for them to acquire property known as the Yancy Asphalt property, which lies adjacent to Paducah Water's main office property. The Deed of Conveyance contains a sworn Consideration Certificate that must be executed and filed of record. The Commissioners of Waterworks authorizes the Mayor to certify and execute the Consideration Certificate contained in the Deed of Conveyance. Staff Recommendation: Authorize execution of Consideration Certificate Attachments: Department Head Head City Clerk City Manager MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. A MUNICIPAL ORDER OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY. AUTHORIZING THE .MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE DEED CONSIDER_-mON CERTIFICATE FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE YANCY PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1852 AND 1333 N. STH STREET. PADUCAH. KENTUCKY. BY THE CITY OF PADUC,UH ACTING ON BEHALF OF THE COiV11-IISS10NERS OF WATERWORKS DBA PADUCAH WATER WHEREAS, tl)e Commissioners of Waterworks 4[he City of Paducah. Kentucky, DBA Paducah Water (the "PW -W"), has previously dc,,errnined that it is beneficial for PWW to acquire the real property known as the YdII.Cy .asphalt property which property lies adjacent to PWW's main office property: and i'1 orJe" t(i Ctl:lsumiTlatc ,bc purrha`c' m L -z !141 ,-eal y"'o deed of conveyance containing a sworn consideration certificate must be executed and filed of record; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF C -)iVI - 1,'Y f Section 1. Recitals and Authorizations. The Board of Commissioners hereby authorizes the Mayor to certify and execute the consideration certificate contained in the deed of conveywice from the Yancy heirs to the City of Paducah, Kentucky. acting on behalf of the Commissioners of Waterworks DBA Paducah \'Fater for property located at 1832 and 1833 N. S'h Street, Paducah, Kentucky. It is determined that it is necessary and desirable and in the best interest of the City to execute the consideration certificate contained in said deed of conveyance, which deed of conveyance and consideration certificate is hereby authorized and approved. Section 2. Effective Date. This Order shall be in fiili force and effect on and after the date as approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky. Mayor ATTEST Tammara S. Sanderson. City Clerk Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, August 12, 2014 Recorded by Tammara S. Sanderson. City Clerk. August 12. 2014 'mo%o«u-purch.tie prop -135' &- 1353 N 3L' ,t 1 b9833..toc Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission ivleeting Date: August 12, 2014 Short Title: Oak Grove Cemetery — Petition with McCracken Co. Circuit Court to terminate Trust Fund ❑Ordinance ❑ Emergency Z Municipal Order ❑Resolution F1 Motion Staff Work By: Mark Thompson, Jonathan Perkins Presentation By: Rob Goff, Thompson & Perkins Background Information: Starting in the mid-1980s, the City of Paducah established a perpetual care and m-aintenance firnd to capture 20% of the proceeds from the sale of grave and; or crypts as required by KRS i�� 1.952. In 1985, the City of Paducah entered into a trust agreement with Peop[es Bank, followed by the Community Foundation in more recent years. In 2008, KRS 367.952 WI -IS aimne! d d by the State which i�Li�p4�.�1' \ rues tlonn lr1) Le`fUErl2.rl e,jis, KRS 367.952 allows a municipality to petition the Circuit Court for termination of such trust funds and distribute assets to the municipality for use solely for the general care, maintenance and embellishment of the cemetery. The attached municipal order authorizes city attorneys to petition the Circuit Court for such a termination. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ® Quality Services❑ Vital Neighborhoods❑ Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Account Name: Oak Grove Cemetery Trust Fund 7.. 3�-1 Account Number: nee Staff Recommendation: Approve the MO authorizing the City's attorney to petition the Circuit Court for trust termination. Attachments: 1) Municipal Order 2) J petition to terminate trust 3 Proposed Circuit Court order f �f i/Vlc'pna mentHead Cit Clerk y City Manager f MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. A MUNICIPAL ORDER AUTHORIZING THE FILItNG OF A PETITION v-ITH THE &IcCRaCKEN CIRCUIT COURT TO TERMINATE THE OAK GROVE CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND WHEREAS, KRS 367.952 requires any ,eller of grave spaces ancl/or crypts to establish a perpetual care and maintenance fund for such grave spaces and/or crypts and to contribute a specified percentage of the sates proceeds from such grave spaces amllor crypts to such fund. WHEREAS. municipalities Such as the City of Paducah were subject to KRS 367.952 as criginalty enacted. WHEREAS, as required by KRS 367.952, the City of Paducah entered into Perpetual Care and Maintenance Trust Fund Agreement with Peoples First Naiional Bank & Trust Company of Paducah. Kentucky. dated August 29. 1985 (the -'Trusi)- WHEREAS. the Community Foundation of West Kentucky, Inc. is successor Trustee under -he Trust; WHEREAS, as amended in 2008, KRS 367.952 now exempts municipalities, such as the City of Paducah, from complying with its requirements: WHEREAS. KRS 367.952 allows a municipality, such as the City of Paducah, that established a pem teal care and maintenance fund, such as the Trust, to petition the Cirenit Court for ier nimation Ot suct-1 htrld ana distribution of its a5szts to the muni":.palit`-' for nSe ]niei;' frir the ?cl Tai Cale. ;I2itnWiiilace a11d ii.bcillshme+u o4 th, cemeierv: WHEREAS. the City of Paducah desires to terminate the Trust in accordance with KRS 367.952: and WHEREAS, the Successor Trustee is agreeable to the termination of the Trust and distribution of the Trust assets to the City of Paducah for use solely for the general care. maintenance and embellishntent of the cemetery. NOW, THEREFORE. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED as follow,: Section L The law fine of Denton & Keuler, LLP is authorized. on behalf of the City of Paducah, to file a petition in the McCracken Circuit Court to terminate the Perpetual Care and Maintenance Trust Fund Agreement with Peoples First National Bank & Trust Company of Paducah, Kentucky. dated August 29, 1985, of which the Community Foundation of West Kentucky, Inc. is successor trustee. Section 2. This Order shall be in full force and effect on and after the date as approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah. Kentucky. ivlayor ATTEST: Tammara S. Sanderson. City Clerk Adopted by the Board of Commissioners. August 13, 2014 Recorded by Tammara S. Sanderson. City Clerk. August 12. 2014 Amo\cemetery trust fund 17x65; COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY MCCRACKEN CIRCUIT COURT DIVISION CIVIL ACTION NO. 14 -CI - IN RE: OAK GROVE CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE .SND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND JOINT PETITION TO TERMINATE TRUST AND DISTRIBUTE TRUST ASSETS Comes the Petitioners, City of Paducah, Kentucky (the "City"), settlor and beneficiary of the Oak Grove Cemetery Trust Fund (the "Trust"), and Community Foundation of West Kentucky, Inc. (the "Community Foundation' or the "Trustee''), and hereby petition the Court to terminate the Trust and distribute its assets to the City. In support thereof, the petitioners state as 661lo,vS As owner and operator- of Oak Grove Cemetery, the City has sold grave spaces irl such cemetery since prior to 1984. 2. KRS 367.952 requires any seller of grave spaces, crypts or other similar items to contribute a percentage of the sales proceeds to a perpetual care and maintenance fund. Local governments were not exempt from the requirements of KRS 367.952 as originally enacted. 3. As a seller of grave spaces and crypts in Oak Grove Cemetery, and pursuant to the requirements of KRS 367.952 as it then existed, the City entered into a Perpetual Care and Maintenance Trust Fund Agreement with People's First National Bank & Trust Company of Paducah, Kentucky, dated August 29, 1985, for the perpetual care and maintenance of Oak Grove Cemetery. A copy of such agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "A." Thereafter, the City contributed the required sales proceeds to the Trust. 4. Regions Bank eventually succeeded to Peoples Bank's office as Trustee of the Trust. As a result of increasing fees that were charged to the Trust, the City requested that Regions resign and that the Community Foundation serve as successor Trustee. Pursuant to sucli request, the City, Regions Bank and the Community Foundatioti entered into an Amendment to Trust Agreement, dated January 14, 2010, whereby Regions Bank resigned as Trustee of the Trust and the Community Foundation assumed its duties as successor Trustee of the Trust. A copy of such agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "B." 5. On January 20, 2010, the City and the Community Foundation entered into a Nonproflit Endowment Fund A Qrec►-rent, which concerned the Cc-mmumty Foundation -'s distribution policies and fees as Trustee of the Trust. A copy of such agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit "C. 6. �l�af, . hi e_ in 2008. KiZ kS )Ci 7 , 5.2, was uiTr�.;i,ded to tix�,nlpt. all laic I govern -anent'" from complying with s:_rcll statute. in addition, KRS 367.952 was amended to provide that a local government that had established a trust fund pursuant to KRS 367.952(5) could petition the Circuit Court for termination of the trust and distribution of the funds to the local government. KRS 367.952(=1) provides that a municipality. such as the City, is a "local government" within the meaning of the statute. A copy of KRS 367,952, as amended, is attached hereto as Exhibit "D." 7. The City desires to terminate the Trust and that the Trust assets be distributed to the City, for its use solely for the general care, maintenance, and embellishment of Oak Grove Cemetery S. The Community Foundation is agreeable to the tennination of the Trust and distribution of the Trust assets to the City, provided that this Court so orders. 9. This Court has jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to KRS 367.952(5) and venue is proper in this Court. WHEREFORE, the petitioners request that the Court enter an order: 1. Declaring that the Trust described herein is termijiated; 2. Directing the Community Foundation to distribute all Trust assets to the City: 3. Granting such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper. Respectfully submitted. DENTON & KEULER LLP P,O. Box 929 Paducah, KY 42002-0929 el. No-: 270-443-5253 Fax No.: 270-442-6000 By 1 `overt W. voff ATTORNEYS FOR THE CITY OF PADUCH THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF WEST KENTUCKY, INC. :03 Title: I 174798 COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY MCCRACKEN CIRCUIT COURT DIVISION CIVIL ACTION NO. 14 -CI- N RE: OAK GROVE CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE AND MAINTENANCE TRUST FUND ORDER Comes the Court, on Joint Petition of the City of Paducali and the Community Foundation of West Kentucky, Inc. and being otherwise sufficiently advised, states as follows: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the petitioners' Joint Petitioll to Terminate Trust and Distribute Trust Assets is hereby GRANTED. �. IT IS T�I 1�REB F [; R"i I i ER OR r Eh Ei� that the C :)i�iu3unity Fo>.��dation or West Kentucky, Inc. shall distribute any and all assets of the Trust described in the petitioners' Joint Petitiozl to Terminate Trust and Distribute Trust Assets to the City of Paducah. 3. IT IS HEREBY FURTHER ORDERED that following such distribution the Trust described in the petitioners' Joint Petition to Terminate Trust and Distribute Trust Assets shall terminate, and the Community Foundation of West Kentucky, Inc. shall be discharged of all further duties and obligations associated with such Trust. 4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, in accordance with KRS 367.952(5), the City of Paducah shall use the funds solely for the care, maintenance, and embellishment of the Oak Grove Cemetery and shall hold the funds separately from its fund subject to its general power of appropriation phis is a final and appealable order, there being no just cause for delay. 1 hereby certify that the foregoing has been served by mailing a true and Correct copy to: HON ROBERT W GOFF DENTON & KEULER LLP P O BOX 929 PAD! JC -AH KY 42002_,092-9 NIR TONY WATKINS COTVIMUNITY FOUNDATION OF WEST KENTUCKY INC P,O. BOX ;'AD UC , M!' .42-002) on this day of 32014. m Clerk, i✓IcCracken Circuit Court JUDGE, MCCRACKEN CIRCUIT COURT Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commissioa Meeting Dat.-: Jury 22, 20 113 Short Title: accept proposed premiums from the Ker:tuc?cy League of Cities for Workers' Compensation, Liability Insurance and Property Insura:ice Coverage. Total cost of all premiums is $951,77[i.6-. Ordinance'�1 Emergency Municipal Order ❑ Resolv:t;cn [] Motion Staff Work By: Cindy Medford Presentation By: Cindy Medford Background Information: Each year the City of Palacah receives from the Kentucky League of Cities the invoices for paymerr of premiums to cover these areas. Total Fiscal Year 2014-20 [5 (FY 201 1) premiums are for the following: (1) W:j-rk ` S' Cor'? fan ation 3 7 604.07. (2} T,ial%i;ii�! � � r. , s , _ :� _ 0 In , P �'� .- R S.n i �'r'- Ai? - T L ] �i� � is �,•�o? y ^i9i i 1~ YY•'i'I M. ... .:J �-._4.1'i.:, ;:J Convention Center to reimburse $33,447 for proper, expenses associated with coverage of Expo and Convention Center in absence of executable hotel tease agreement. Goal: ZStrong Economy !� Quality Services[] Vital Neighkr:ioods❑ Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Account Name: insurance Fund 7// Account Number: 072 Finance J Staff Recommendation: That the Mayor and Commission approve the proposed premium rates for Workers' Compensation, Propertjand Liability insurance from the Kentucky League of Cities for FY 2015. Attachments: Premium Invoices for Workers' Comoensation, Liability and Property Insurance. D partment Head I City Clerk C:ty �lanager f PA Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission MQerin,-, Date: Julv -2-2,2014 Short Tide; Annexation of property owned by L&H Properties Ordinance E]Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Staff Work By: Stephen Ervin Presentation By: Stephen Ervin BaCkground :rformation: The intent of "? -, i t f ! ;: • p this a-enda rteI-n IS to adopt �F� • intent to annex ordinance for property located at 2711 New Holt Road. This is a consensual uu annexation. The property owner i 1 sP .aw L&H Properties has requested the annexation. r; The property is continuous to the Cite limits of Paducah. Independence Bank is planning on constructing a ne\v banking facilit- at this location. After the intent to annex ordinance is approved. a public hearing will be held with the Planning Commission to ,ssign zoning. Ali annexation ordinance and zone chance ordinance will be intra sauced b\,' the Cite Commission following the public hearing. Goal:® Strong Econotn\❑ Quality Services❑ Vital Neivhhu=hoods❑ Restored Do\�nto�\ns Funds ,available: Account dame: Account Numbes Finance Staff Recommendation; Appro%e intent to annex ordinance Attachments Annexation Plat R-Nuest for Annexation LllttC,r Department Head City Clerk OL,/ Manager Agenda Action Form Paducah City CommissiDn Meeting Date: July 2-2. '-0!4 Short Title: Upper Stork Residential Grant Program Ordinance ZEmergen.cy ] Municipal Order LI Resolution ] Staff Work, By: Stephen Ei-\-in Presentation, BY: Stephen Ervin Background Information, The intent of this agenda item is to adopt an ordinance establishk,, the Upper Story Residential Grant Program. Property- owners within a defined area kMap;� l ) A411 be eligible to appy for financial assistance that shall not exceed ?0% of the construction Costs or a maximum of S [5.000.00 per Upper Story Residential Rental Unit. i liG or:-it?arid thie t_►tre(;tUr )L"Planning To uChl?iiliSier tl'?c anu ;?Iantl -aUt►?l;l't<y `O the Urban Renewal & Community Development Agency (URCDA i to o\ ersee the allocation of funds up to $60,000. Funds available; Account Name: Upper Story Residential Grant?rcgram Finance Account Number: DT0033 Motion: Attachments: rtment Head :1 City Clerk I &t/ Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: 22 July 2014 Short Title: Office of Highway Safety — "Heads Up Don't Be In'text'icated" Mini - Grant Program - AMENDMENT ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Notion Staff Work By; Donald Hodgson; Sheryl Chino Presentation By: Chief Brandon Barnhill; Steve Ervin Background Information: Under Ordinance 2014-5-8136, The Commission authorized the execution of a grant agreement in the amount of $211 ,000 with the KY Office of i-�ighway Safety. T h!s grant °,will be iti the form of a mini -grant used to present the "Heads Up Don't Be In'text'icated" program. The grant agreement amount has been increased to $24,000. An approval by the City Commission is necessary to amend the ordinance to ncrease the grant amount from S21, 000 to S24, 000. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ❑ Quality Services ❑ Vital Neighborhoods ❑ Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Project Name: Hwy Sfty — intext Project #: P00080 File #: 6.257 Acct. #: 001-1602-521.12-01 Budget: $24,000 Source of Funds: Grant, No focal match required. Staff Recommendation: Approval Attachments: None Finance Department Head City Clerk amity Manager Finance Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Short Title Meeting Date; August 12`,2014 ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Brent Stringer Presentation By: Brent Stringer Background Lnfortnati.on: ReoccutTing annual service agreement with Motorola to m"t'`diue atitd trial -Du -14) the cay awned radio egttipme-iit, 911 phone and dispatelI consoles. Goal. ❑Strong Economy ® Quality Services[] Vital Neighborhoods❑ Restored Downtowiis Funds Available; Account Name: Communications equipment Account Number: 012-4011-523,22-06 Finance Staff Recommendation: Approve ordinance to maintain service agreement with Motorola for 201 4-2015 Attachments: Service Agreement J i Department Head City Clerk C�'ty Manager ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE :AUTHORIZING THE %IAYOR 1'0 EXECUTE SERVICE AGREDJENTS WITH MOTOROLA FOR FY 2014-20tS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF P.ADUCAH. KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute a service agreement with -\,Iotorola for yearly maintenance of the 300 iVIHz radio controllers. individual department radios, Paducah-1/IcCracken County 911 dispatch consoles, telephones, and other related radio equipment. The Contract Number S0000100l 153 in the amount of S52,383.52 shall expire June 30, 2015. SECTION 2. This expenditure shall be charged to various departments. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be read on two separate days and will JC vP.:C �i �.::i'dE Uf)Gfi ;iii F.1cL V c7ii�7li: �;!:;il :iil'�,1;1!1; ti; KRS \ r T �i(1}BVI ,ATTEST Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk Introduced by the Board of Commissioners. August 12, 2014 Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, August 26, 2014 Recorded by Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk. ,August 26. 2014 Published by The Paducah Suit., \ord\poiice\contract-Motorola 2014-20 15 in VW M0'rOROLA SOLUTIONS Attn: National Service Support/4th 11 1301 East Algonquin Road (800) 247-2346 Date: 07/29/2014 Company Name: Paducah, City Of t Attn: Billing Address: P O Box 2307 City. State, Zip: Paducah,KY,42002 Customer Contact: Phone: SERVICES AGREEMENT Contract Number: S00001001153 Contract Modifier: RN09-FEB-14 18:50:56 Required P.O.: No Customer # : 1011956482 Bill to Tag # : 0001 Contract Start Date: 07/01/2014 Contract End Date: 06/30/2015 Anniversary Day: Jun 30th Payment Cycle: MONTHLY •CT: 5 QTY f MODELIOPTiON SERVICES DESCRIPTIONI MONTHLY EXTENDED $274.13 $77.73 $250.58 $376.53 $3,239.55 $932.76 $3,006.96 $4,518.36 I i i tkt�= Rec r,ir q Services 3`.lGG1S`0- 11`4FRASTRUCTURE RLEPA1IR ,frlTH A,;DV fZr—_PL 1 SVC251AA ENH: SMARTZONE SITE 1 SVC251AE PLANT VESTA PALLAS SERVER 5 SVC253AE PLANT VESTA PALLAS WORKSTATION 5 SVC255AE PLANT VESTA PALLAS ACU 1 SVC257AA ENH: SMARTNET SITE 1 SVC257AE PLANT BCM 14 SVC258AA ENH: SMARTNET STATION 1 SVC455AE ENH: DISPATCH SITE SVC01SVC1102C DISPATCH SERVICE 5 SVC239AA ENH: SMARTZONE OPERATOR POSITION 1 SVC240AA ENH: SMARTNET SITE 14 SVC241AA ENH: SMARTNET STATION 1 SVC242AC ENH: DISPATCH CENTER LOCATION 1 SVC242AE ENH: PLANT EQUIPMENT 911 1 SVC455AE ENH: DISPATCH SITE SVCOISVC1104C TECHNICAL SUPPORT 1 SVC135AA ENH: SMARTNET SITE 14 SVC136AA ENH: SMARTNET STATION 5 SVC142AD ENH: CONSOLE ONLY - OPERATOR POSITI 1 SVC142AF ENH: PLANT EQUIPMENT 911 1 SVC147AA ENH: SMARTNET SYSTEM 2 SVC455AE ENH: DISPATCH SITE SVC01SVC1220C SFS LITE SERVICE AGREEMENT 15 SVCI7AA ENH: MTX8250 33 SVC26AA ENH: XTS2500 10 SVC495AB XTL5000 - MOBILE 12 SVC506AB XTS1500 4 SVC684AD ENH: XTL1500 6 SVC688AD ENH: XTL2500 $274.13 $77.73 $250.58 $376.53 $3,239.55 $932.76 $3,006.96 $4,518.36 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS - A FACH STATEMENT Oc 'NORK =CR PE.R=OR:'DANCE CESCRIPTIONS $1,390.98 $271.98 $206.01 $5.82 E _ `.fig E -05 $636.82 $810.33 $16,691.76 $3,263.76 1 $2.472.12 $69.84 i $972.50 $7,641.84 $9,723.96 Subtotal - Recurring Services SVC01SVC1410C ONSITE INFRASTRUCTURE Subtotal - One -Time Event MOTOROLA RADIO SUPPORT CENTER RESPONSE -STANDARD 1 SVC 166AE PLANT MAGIC SERVER 1 SVC 174AE PLANT VESTA STANDARD MINI SERVER 1 SVC 181 AE PLANT BCM 5 SVC187AE PLANT VESTA PALLAS WORKSTATION 1 SVC218AA ENH: ONSITE INFRASTRUCTURE RESPONSE -SITE 14 SVC219AA STATION(S) 5 SVC220AA OPERATOR POSITIONS 1 SVC455AE ENH: DISPATCH SITE 1 SVC986AA DISPATCH CENTER LOCATION 1 SVC987AA CENTRAL ELECTRONICS BANKS (CEB) SVC01SVC1423C LOCAL RADIO SUPPORT SERVICE 15 SVC17AB ENH: MTX8250 33 SVC26AB XTS2500 4 SVC36BAE ENH; XTL1500 o -SV C454AE I ENH: XT: -2500 12 SVC575AB XTS1500 - PORTABLE 10 SVC587AB XTL5000 - MOBILE SVC01 SVC2012C SP - CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION SERVICE 1 NETWORK(S) SVCO2SVC0015C SP - SUBSCRIBER REPAIR - LOCAL I CH,'ARGER 5VCO2SVL0030C i SP - LOCAL REPAIR VVI T H ONSI i E RESPONS E 1 CHANNEL COMBINER SVCO2SVC0081A MISSION CONTROL 1 SITE(S) SVCO2SVC0082A SOFTWARE FIRMWARE SUPPORT 1 SITE(S) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS - A FACH STATEMENT Oc 'NORK =CR PE.R=OR:'DANCE CESCRIPTIONS $1,390.98 $271.98 $206.01 $5.82 E _ `.fig E -05 $636.82 $810.33 $16,691.76 $3,263.76 1 $2.472.12 $69.84 i $972.50 $7,641.84 $9,723.96 Subtotal - Recurring Services $4,381.96 $52,583.52 Subtotal - One -Time Event MOTOROLA RADIO SUPPORT CENTER ELGIN Services $ .00 $ .00 Total $4,381,96 $52,583.52 Taxes - - Grand Total $4,381.96 $52,583.52 THIS SERVICE AikAOUNT IS SUBJECT TO NATE AND LOCAL TAXING CASSIDIAN COMMUNICATIONS INC JURISDICTIONS'NHERE APPL CABLE. TO 9E VERIPIED 8Y ,%IOTCROLA. JACKSON PURCHASE 2 WAY INC I received Statements of Work that describe and Conditions, a copy of which is attached Subcontractor(s) City State MOTOROLA RADIO SUPPORT CENTER ELGIN IL MOTOROLA SYSTEM SUPPORT CENTER ELGIN iL MOTOROLA SYSTEM SUPPORT CTR -CALL CENTER D0066 SCHAUMBU RG IL MOTOROLA SYSTEM SUPPORT -TECHNICAL SUPPORT D0068 SCHAUMBU RG IL INDIANAPOLIS SERVICE CENTER INDIANAPO LIS IN CASSIDIAN COMMUNICATIONS INC TEMECULA CA JACKSON PURCHASE 2 WAY INC PADUCAH KY the services provided on this Agreement. to this Service Agreement, is incorporated Motorola's herein by Service Terms this reference, AUTHORIZED CUSTOMER SIGNATURE TITLE DATE CUSTOMER (PRINT NAME) MOTOROLA REPRESENTATIVE(SIGNATURE) Brittany Woodaff MOTOROLA REPRESENTATIVE(PRINT NA►v1E) Company Name: Paducah, City Of Contract Number: S00001001153 Contract Modifier: RN09-FEB-14 18:50:56 Contract Start Date: 07/01/2014 Contract lc -'fid Date: 06/30/2015 TITLE DATE 615 523-5089 PHONE Service Terms and Conditions Motorola Solutions Inc.("Motorola") and the customer named in this Agreement ("Customer") hereby agree as follows Section 1. APPLICABILITY These Service Terms and Conditions apply to service contracts whereby Motorola will provide to Customer either (1) maintenance, support, or other services under a Motorola Service Agreement, cr (2) installation services under a Motorola Installation Agreement. Section 2. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 2.1. "Agreement" means these Service Terms and Conditions; the cover page for the Service Agreement or the Installation Agreement, as applicable: and any other attachments. all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. In interpreting this Agreement and resolving any ambiguities, these Service Terms and Conditions take precedence over any cover page, and the cover page takes precedence over any attachments, unless the cover page or attachment stales otherwise. 2.2. "Equipment" means the equipment that is specified in the attachments or is subsequently added to this Agreement. 2.3. "Services" means those installation, maintenance, support, training, and other services described in this Agreement. Section 3. ACCEPTANCE Customer accepts these Service Terms and Conditions and agrees to pay the prices set forth in the Agreement. This Agreement becomes binding only when accepted in writing by Motorola. The term of this Agreement begins on the "Start Date" indicated in this Agreement. Section 4. SCOPE OF SERVICES a.1. Motorola vJH crovide the Sery cas descn,bed ui this Agreement or in a more de:ailed statement of v.oek or other document aitachea to this Agreement. At Customers request, Motorola may also provide additional services at k4oiorola's then -applicable rates for the services. 4.2, If Motorola is providing Services for Equipment, Motorola parts or parts of equal quality will be used; the Equipment will be serviced at levels set forth in the manufacturer's product manuals; and routine service procedures that are prescribed by Motorola will be followed. 4.3. If Customer purchases from Motorola additional equipment that becomes part of the same system as the initial Equipment, the additional equipment may be added to this Agreement and will be billed at the applicable rates after the warranty for that additional equipment expires. 4.4. All Equipment must be in good working order on the Start Date or when additional equipment is added to the Agreement. Upon reasonable request by Motorola, Customer will provide a complete serial and model number list of the Equipment. Customer must promptly notify Motorola in writing when any Equipment is lost, damaged, stolen or taken out of service. Customer's obligation to pay Service fees for this Equipment will terminate at the end of the month in which Motorola receives the written notice. 4.5. Customer must specifically identify any Equipment that is labeled intrinsically safe for use in hazardous environments. 4.6. If Equipment cannot, in Motorola's reasonable opinion, be properly or economically serviced for any reason, Motorola may modify the scope of Services related to that Equipment; remove that Equipment from the Agreement; or increase the price to Service that Equipment. 4.7. Customer must promptly notify Motorola of any Equipment failure. Motorola will respond to Customer's notification in a manner consistent with the level of Service purchased as indicated in this Agreement. Section 5. EXCLUDED SERVICES 5.1. Service excludes the repair or replacement of Equipment that has become defective or damaged from use in other than the normal, customary, intended, and authorized manner; use not in compliance with applicable industry standards; excessive wear and tear; or accident, liquids, power surges, neglect, acts of God or other force majeure events. 5.2. Unless specifically included in this Agreement, Service excludes items that are consumed in the normal operation of the Equipment, such as batteries or magnetic tapes.; upgrading or reprogramming Equipment: accessories, belt clips, battery chargers, custom or special products, modified units, or software; and repair or maintenance of any transmission line, antenna, microwave equipment, tower or tower lighting, duplexer, combiner, or multicoupler. Motorola has no obligations for any transmission medium, such as telephone lines, computer networks, the internet or the worldwide web. or for Equipment malfunction caused by the transmission medium, Section 6. TIME AND PLACE OF SERVICE Service will be provided at the location specified in this Agreement. When Motorola performs service at Customer's location. Customer will provide Motorola, at no charge,a non -hazardous work environment with adequate shelter, heat. light, and power and with full and free access to the Equipment. Waivers of liability from Motorola or its subcontractors will not be imposed as a site access requirement. Customer will provide all information pertaining to the hardware and software elements of any system with which the Equipment is interfacing so that Motorola may perform its Services. Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, the hours of Service will be 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., local time, excluding weekends and holidays. Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement,the price for the Services exclude any charges or expenses associated with helicopter or other unusual access requirements; if these charges or expenses are reasonably incurred by Motorola in rendering the Services, Customer agrees to reimburse Motorola for those charges and expenses. Section 7. CUSTOMER CONTACT Customer will provide Motorola with designated points of contact (list of names and phone numbers) that will be available twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, and an escalation procedure to enable Customer's personnel to maintain contact, as needed, with Motorola, Section 3. PAYMENT Unless afternative payment terms are stated in this Agreement, Motorola will invoice Customer in advance for each payment period. All other charges will be billed monthly, and Customer must pay each invoice in U.S. dollars within twenty (20) days of the invoice date. Customer will reimburse Motorola for all property taxes, sales and use taxes, excise taxes, and other taxes or assessments that are levied as a result of Services rendered under this Agreement (except income, profit, and franchise taxes of Motorola) by any governmental entity. Section 9- WARRANTY Motorola warrants that its Services under this Agreement will be free of defects it materials and workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days from the date the performance of the Services are completed. In the event of a breach of this warranty, Customer's sole remedy is to require Motorola to re -perform the non -conforming Service or to refund, on a pro -rata basis, the fees paid for the non -conforming Service. MOTOROLA DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Section 10. DEFAULT/TERMINATION 10.1. If either party defaults in the performance of this Agreement, the other party will give to the non-performing party a written and detailed notice of the default. The non-performing party will have thirty (30) days thereafter to provide a written plan to cure the default that is acceptable to the other party and begin implementing the cure plan immediately after plan approval. If the non-performing party fails to provide or implement the cure plan, then the injured party, in addition to any other rights available to it under law, may immediately terminate this Agreement effective upon giving a written notice of termination to the defaulting party. 10.2. Any termination of this Agreement will not relieve either party of obligations previously incurred pursuant to this Agreement, including payments which may be due and owing at the time of termination. All sums owed by Customer to Motorola will become due and payable immediately upon termination of this Agreement. Upon the effective date of termination, Motorola will have no further obligation to provide Services. Section 11. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Except for personal injury or death, Motorola's total liability, whether for breach Df contract, warranty, negligence, strict liability in tort, or otherwise, will be limited to the direct damages recoverable under law, but not to exceed the price of twelve (12) months of Service provided under this Agreement. ALTHOUGH THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSSES OR DAMAGES, THEY AGREE THAT MOTOROLA WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY COMMERCIAL LOSS; INCONVENIENCE; LOSS OF USE, TIME, DATA, GOOD WILL, REVENUES, PROFITS OR SAVINGS: OR OTHER SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN ANY WAY RELATED TO OR ARISING FROM THIS AGREEMENT OR THE PERFORMANCE OF SERVICES BY MOTOROLA PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT. No action for contract breach or otherwise relating to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement may be brought more than one (1) year after the accrual of the cause of action, except for money due upon an open account.This limitation of liability will survive the expiration or termination o` this Agreement and applies notwithstanding any contrary provision. Section 12. EXCLUSIVE TERMS AND CONDITIONS 12.1. This Agreement supersedes all prior and concurrent agreements and understandings between the parties, whether written or oral, related to the Services, and there are no agreements or representations concerning the subject matter of this Agreement except for those expressed herein. The Agreement may not be amended or modified except by a written agreement signed by authorized representatives of both parties. 12.2. Customer agrees to reference this Agreement on any purchase order issued in furtherance of this Agreement, however, an omission of the reference to this Agreement will not affect its applicability. In no event will either party be bound by any terms contained in a Customer purchase order, acknowledgement, or other writings unless: the purchase order, acknowledgement, or other writing specifically refers to this Agreement; clearly indicate the intention of both parties to override and modify this Agreement: and the purchase order,acknowledgement, or other writing is signed by authorized representatives of both parties. Section 13. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION; CONFIDENTIALITY; INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 13.1. Any information or data in the form of specifications, drawings, reprints, technical information or otherwise furnished to Customer under this Agreement will remain Motorola's property, will be deemed proprietary, will be kept confidential. and will be promptly returned at Motorola's request. Customer may not disclose, without Motorola's written permission or as required by law, any confidential information or data to any person, or use confidential information or data for any purpose other than performing its obligations under this Agreement. The obligations set forth in this Section survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 1",.2 i_loless othera;sa agreed In w.icing, no 3ommercial or t uhniral information: disciosed in any ,manner or at any by Customer to Motorola will be deemed secret or confidential. Motorola will have no obligation to provide Customer with access to its confidential and proprietary information, including cost and pricing data. 13.3. This Agreement does not grant directly or by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any ownership right or license under any Motorola patent, copyright, trade secret, or other intellectual property including any intellectual property created as a resu t of or related to the EEquipment sold or Services Performed under this Agreement, Section 14. FCC LICENSES AND OTHER AUTHORIZATIONS Customer is solely responsible for obtaining licenses or other authorizations required by the Federal Communications Commission or any other federal, state, or local government agency and for complying with all rules and regulations required by governmental agencies. Neither Motorola nor any of its employees is an agent or representative of Customer in any governmental matters Section 15. COVENANT NOT TO EMPLOY During the term of this Agreement and continuing for a period of two (2) years thereafter, Customer will not hire, engage on contract, solicit the employment of, or recommend employment to any third party of any employee of Motorola or its subcontractors without the prior written authorization of Motorola. This provision applies only to those employees of Motorola or its subcontractors who are responsible for rendering services under this Agreement, If this provision is found to be overly broad under applicable law, it will be modified as necessary to ccnfo«n to applicable law Section 16. MATERIALS, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT All tools, equipment, dies, gauges, models, drawings or other materials paid forcr furnished by Motorola for the purpose of this Agreement will be and remain the sole property of Motorola. Customer wil I safeguard all such properly while it is in Customer's custody or control, be liable for any loss or damage to this property, and return it to Motorola upon request. This property will be held by Customer for Motorola's use without charge and may be removed from Customer's premises by Motorola at any time without restriction. Section 17. GENERAL TERMS 17.1. if any court renders any portion of this Agreement unenforceable, the rernairing terms will continue in full force and effect. 17.2. This Agreement and the rights and duties of the parties will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State 'm which the Services are performed 17.3. Failure to exercise any right will not operate as a waiver of that right, power, or privilege. 17.4. Neither party is liable for delays or lack of performance resulting from anycauses that are beyond that party's reasonable control, such as strikes, material shortages, or acts of God. 17.5. Motorola may subcontract any of the work,bul subcontracting will not relieve Motorola of its duties under this Agreement. 17.6. Except as provided herein, neither Party may assign this Agreement or any of its rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other Party, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. Any attempted assignment, delegation, or transfer without the necessary consent will be void. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Motorola may assign this Agreement to any of its affiliates or its right to receive payment without the prior consent of Customer. In addition, in the event Motorola separates one or more of its businesses (each a "Separated Business"),whether by way of a sale, establishment of a joint venture, spin-off or otherwise (each a "Separation Event"), Motorola may. without the prior written consent of the other Party and at no additional cost to Motorola, assign this Agreement such that it will continue to benefit the Separated Business and its affiliates (and Motorola and its affiliates, to the extent applicable) following the Separation Event 17.7. THIS AGREEMENT WILL RENEW, FOR AN ADDITIONAL ONE (1) YEAR TERM, ON EVERY ANNIVERSARY OF THE START DATE UNLESS EITHER THE COVER PAGE SPECIFICALLY STATES A TERMINATION DATE OR ONE PARTY NOTIFIES THE OTHER IN WRITING OF ITS INTENTION TO DISCONTINUE THE AGREEMENT NOT LESS THAN THIRTY (30) DAYS OF THAT ANNIVERSARY DATE. At the anniversary date, Motorola may adjust the price of the Services to reflect its current rates. 17.8. If Motorola provides Services after the termination or expiration of this Agreement, the terms and conditions in effect at the time of the termination or expiration will apply to those Services and Customer agrees to pay for those services on a time and, materials basis at Motorola's then effective hourly rates. R e v i s a d .tan 0 Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: August 12, 2014 Short Title: Authorize Payment to the Kentucky Waterways Alliance (KWA) Kentucky Aquatic Resources Fund (KARF) in accordance with the Paducah Riverfront Development Project Biological Opinion ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Angela Weeks, EPW Proj Mgr Presentation By: Rick Murphy, P.E,, City Engineer -Public Works Director BaCnkg r ound Itfo;IMINi OR.- On .tune 6, 2012, a Final Biological Opinion (BO) for the Falucah luverh-ont Development Project was issued by the United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Kentucky Ecological Services Field Office. This BO addressed the interrelated federal actions under sections 10, 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) that were necessary for tlie cvn4tr��c��ic l o -r i�lle Paducah- river front Protect and the Oh- g,�<�;r Boafi I.aunc Pi rC j ect due to e,,riviror�rrlental impacts to the Ohio River The BO ;,-Sued lav the Fish and Wildlife Service required the City of Paducah comply with certain Terms and Conditions irl order to obtain permits- from. the USACE and the KY Division of Water for both Projects. In regards to the Riverfront Project Mass Fill -Schultz Park Expirision and the Transient Dock, the BO addressed the Project's environmental impacts on the Ohio River and the four endangered mussels within the area. The BO issued the following non -discretionary Terms and Conditions associated with theRi-verfrontProject: 1. iVussel Relocation Plan: Develop a Mussel Relocation Plan to be approved by the Fish and Wildlife Service and relocate specific mussel species before construction activity occurs. The Mussel Relocation obligation wis completed October 16-20, 2012. 2. Mussel Conservation Measures Monitorin : Contribute $20,000 to the Kentucky Waterways Alliance (KWA) Kentucky Aquatic Resources Fund (KARF) for their future monitoring use at the Schultz Park Expansion Area and the relocated mussel site. 3. Mussel Conservation Nleasures Habitat. Contribute a total of $71,706 to the Kentucky Waterways Alliance (KWA) Kentucky Aquatic Resources Fund (KARF) for environmental impacts related to a total of 6.29 acres having a 4:1 replacement ratio at $2,850 per acre. 4. Mussel Conservation Measures Prong ate: Contribute a total of $44000 to the Kentucky Waterways Alliance (KWA) Kentucky Aquatic Resources Fund (KARF) for recovery efforts for the four federally listed mussels at a three year replacement effort. The four mussels and the associated costs are: a. Propagation of 76 Fat Pocketbooks at $250 each equates to $19,000. b. Propagation of 2 Pink Muckets at $500 each equates to $1,000. c. Propagation of 2 Orangefoot Pimplebacks at $8,000 each equates to $16,000. d. Propagation of 2 Sheepnose at $4,000 each equates to $8,000. Agenda Action Form Page 2 In summary, the City's Financial obligations related to the iVanitoring, Habitat and Propagation of the four impacted mussels equates to the total amount of $135,706,00 to be paid to the Kentucky Waterways Alliance (KWA) Kentucky Aquatic Resources Fund (KARF). Goal: ❑Strong Economy (EQuality Services ❑Vital Neighborhoods ®Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Account Name: RF Phase 1-A Account Number: 040-3315-532-2307 Finance Project Number: DT0015 Sia -F R.econ) IidatI'OPL" To adopt an Ordinance authorizing the payment to Kentucky Waterways Alliance (KWA) Kentucky Aquatic Resources Fund (KARF) in the total amount of$135,706.00 to comply with the Terms and Conditions associated with the Fiverf ont Development Project Biological Opinion issued by the United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife St;ivt`e, KeotuCky E colo-gica- Services Feld Attachments: Biological Opinion Dated June 6, 2012, issued by the United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Kentucky Ecological Services Field Office Dep ent H City Clerk City Manager ORDINANCE NO, 2014 -3 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO MAKE PAYMENT TO KENTUCKY WATERWAYS ALLIANCE (KWA) KENTUCKY AQUATIC RESOURCES FUND (IC -SRF) G1I ORDER TO COMPLY k'v'ITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE RIVER -FRONT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT BIOLOGICAL OPINION ISSUED BY THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE. KENTUCKY" ECOLOGICAL SERVICES FIELD OFFICE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF PADUCNH, KENTUCKY: SECTION l . The Finance Director is hereby authoriZzd to pay to Kentucky Waterways Alliance (KWA) Kentucky Aquatic Resources Fund (KARF) the amount of S135.706.00 to comply with the Terms and Conditions associated with the _i,nme,�li� {ii c i i . C• it'!� J!� Chi Y tit n sur Department of the Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service, Kentucky Ecological Services Field Office, SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be read on two separate days and will M11-1 )ry ot;iliic ti(w !)ui-,io)ot in K R S il! 11!rP�' -lid Mayor ATTEST Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk Introduced by the Board of Commissioners, Attaust 12. 2014 Adopted by the Board of Commissioners. August 26. 2014 Recorded by Tammara S. Sanderson. Citv Clerk. August 26, 2014 Published by The Paducah Sun. \ord\engViverfront dev-biological opinion U'lited States Department of the Interior -1 AND W11,Dt.1Fj-sF:jN.'jCb' 3 'M �o2 69 u'l 08 JUric 6, 20!-') ,N Ir John 11, law yric ( - ti - 1) cp rkr 111 C n ( o!' f ra n S po r1a I i o 1) h:der,-fl Hio.hvaN Admimstra,,KV) "VCS( Bro-L)J"va% llrajikl'Ort. Kcn(uckv 40601. In.il Biological Opinion on the Pi-idiicah Rjeri'ront Devc,opmelit Proivct' NL'Cracken Count,., KCl1tUCk\, 111d HS CIT CJS 011 j"IdCl-I I kstcd r1w,;Sel" Dear Nlr. BiAllm)(yne: 1-11 1s JocurTICM SupercedcS the;Jul,. (), 2010 t,'I -S. Fish and W'IldliCe Suvict:'s (S -,,r\ ice) b1ological ol'.Mmm and 111c July 13. 201 1 cow'.2rcricc opinion on [fie prcviously proposed 11,tducah R1v'JTon1 Pro' I opinion I I j U� 1. Hils blolo�ic�ll opinion k bascd oil our revievv, of the I'v c r;'I-o n i Duvek)pwmit Pro' I I ject 11 O-Approxinialely Ohio RiI vcr %ii](2s 0-1.7 io 9'5.8 in N-1(:Cf`3&2-1 COLNIIv, K,2rimckv. quid its e1fCcts on 1'edC1_J11V 11SIC-d 1111LI5SC'k undor scctlon 7(ai(I) of (lie 1-.,ndang1crcd Spc:(Acs AC( ('Act) ol, 11-M, as alilendcd I 16 (-. S, C I i ' I L'I letter requesting lori-tial cow."Likati011 "'lls ()fl Jartiary 11). 20 11 and I'Oriml cansuli.-ttlon xas initiated on Janwiry 27, 20 11, in a lufl`r t'Fom the �cr% Icc to the I` 1-M"A. This docullient also includes the U.S' Arili\. Corps of F'il-'incers- ( Louis ilio: Dkirict) -Ind the Sery k:12 &COOpc-ral-ml 'kIgencics duc to thicir InVOlvelliclit I C' in tll� prnjcet as Pei-Illittim! alld 11111(fin,-, atmicies, respcctivelv, I Ills DW1LJQW'.d opmoll is '01-isc"J oll information pruvldcd In a htmarN 12. 20 12 BloloLncaj A:tiScs"nlcrit (13A) prujxm2d by R�:d�vfflq ["'cological Scvviccs. 1.1c, (Rede lllt)' a 1110 flit 11A pro%.1(1(2d hRi2d%ving) on March 2 1. 20, 1 -1, mccm'6's (sue consultation his(or�-). 'Clv�dlabk� 11'Le�"Jlurc. ::Olmmmicotiows vvldi e-xperi.� on the C,e-d(:rully ILitud ,Eccles con.�,Idc-,ed in this hIAL)"Ical opinion. alld oul-ler sour -C-3 (11- inl'01.111ation lahle to us midior ireour tilos. ;1 t.- k, L compictu ,tdmfflistrative rccord ot' this consLdmnon IS Or lilt -kit Eh(: ScrOcc'.ti K,ntuLkv FlLfl,] 0111cc In (see address abok-c:t I hkc Scrv,cc helloves this project 111w, x"fect and is lik-civ w advur;ik+,- alfct:i the I'dt puckcthook, rejp,j_1': Imik mucky Limp.%ilix tihriipte'i. orangd-bot plirjpje11a(:k-. Plclhohoml.� C0017CIWIMIN: JULI she upncisc, P/eOlObONIIN Pockctbook is known (0 OCCUr az' the pr,').icci ti11c and the oilier ft -c,, species di'C CMIsiderud likcly to occur m the pr(-j.'cc( ,itc. Species m" considcred in this hiological opinion that werc included in the Biolugical Asscsstrtcrtt includc tilt spectaelecase. C'umherlanrliu monodontu: fanshell, f :t.pi-ogentu slegaria: ring pink, Ohovaria refusa: clahshell. Pleiv-oheyna c1m,ei. rough pigme, Pleurobvma ple,tum: and r:-ihhitsfoot, Quculrttlet Gtltrulrti t� Gtli,t�h'r�u. I he Sep &C sloes tint consider that these six spee:ics are likely to occur at the project site based ori a lack of recent occurrences for these species in the prtyoct area, at hwk of suitable haaNwr Or seworal of the species. and recent mussel smey results that "ere pro\ ided in the IM., thcretore.:t is the Service's determination that this protect is not likely to adverscly affect those six species. Consultation Ilistat-w -Although considered as "now' project it) this Biological Opinion, this riverf'ront devi-iopment prgivct is essentially a continuance of a previous project. but it has been nwed approximately 00 Iect do"naream. ;A biological opinion and conference opinion wwerc completed on 111C previous project: howwc-,er. the pru.ject was moved dowwnstrcam. \which neccssitated a new review of the project. The consultation history for the; pre%ious pryeo ms swnmwhcd in the July b, 201 tl hiologieal opinion and the Jul\, 13. 20; 1 conferct2ce opinion. ? ` ovc ether 2ll1 1 -- Redwing tnct \with Service to discuss preliminary results of additional surwe�s and the: pr;;paration o1 a Biological Assessment Redwing vas preparing, haased on rnow ing rhe Shultz Park portion of the Aducah ltivcront project downstream approximately ft)t) pct. 19 Januar 2012 - Letter Cram `Ir. John Ballantyne (Fedum! l-fighwway ;Administration) regmIng the transmittal of a l3iuh1wal rAvessment dated Jainwry 972012, and a rcque t tsar furrttal Consultation .with tate Serw,icc. 2' Januaq 200 - tier\ ice Imor to tin John BAKnnTc: of the Federal I Ng,hma, Adntitatnuhmi repi;inC� that the Scr,.ice helk--ed the BA was aideyuatc; COr it:itiating furntail camultatiort. and indicatirtty that the Service's hiologica! opinion would lacus cm tour 111u5sca spccius the Cal pot:ke:thook. Polumilu.w cupar: orartuct ;ot pimplehack. Plethohusux e•uuperiuntt.v: pint; nnack.a. l'ontllwi s o6r;tl;141: and ihcepno;c. Plethohasus c.r/tftt u.w. 20 Wc:h 2W2 ScrAc caret Wth Reeking to 6scuss mudi;ica:ions to the 13.E dr.►linu \with m:►Sscl habitat aced ''v1u<sca (:on,enttion !INleaiurCS, 2c; NQ 201' - .A draft final w-ersinn of the biological opinion was provided to the FI -M -'r\. K A'-1 C. and U-S..•\rni\ Corps oC I n4ir.ecrs -- Loui;• ".Ile District i('01-,). and Cc,rttrttents tit) tlae dralt fina' biological opinion %were: -solicited from rhos: a_gencks BIOLOGICAL OPINION I'IZ()1 OSED ACTIO 1 hc: f';ttjllt';til R i ; t rlr gut Redi'� elc,pr]ler]t I'r()ject is a proactive ray i(ali/alien �:tli,rc. rc suitiitu Iron) t},t WIl &01 -at r -c clT(lrt 4 a divertic Lr(]up cit' c�nstituc nts iris-ltldiizg s[alch(ildcr�. cit; stat1, (hw �enc:ral ptiL'?!ic and st;_rtc and 1'cderal avyencic s, that Megan In 2006 The Paducah Riverf'rul-il fi dcrr t l(?pmi'n[ 1'l:tn h;ts been in the design 'fid pl mnino phase irlc� l9t)?, The plan's (lal is to r( e,,t?rice( rtsiile►�ts and jjei �t]lx�rs ��;ith fifty �'ity u{ Paducah's dw-vrit(lrin rivirfrwlt as rv(il 4r; pr �', iclt ni rr t�lurisil]. rec.re;ali(�n, and CcolloilliC deVc-I(71]ITcr]t (ipp(lr: IMUCs [or the kmvr Ir]lprc» cmentsto (he rir erfrot)( OUtlil)ed ili the; rccle elopmetlt pier: include a terr:lC(d rlvQrbdrll; Iltl il''crl(,i));; a performance pl,-ea, recr,,,atlonal -1rc Citi ;altyni� �t I]L�4 `?rlc't]��'�lV trail, landscaping, r:'noy;iti()n X71 P11 h(: iiifrastruc:(trrc, ptiblic: education and Outreach dirOUldl interpretativC activ hies, and It f Oyu-lmle ho;tt laur]c l]. The Platt coinponLnts yyill link f7Ublic a ncnidi ._. rtcr �lticlnal t�r(ilititti, public ;paces. and Paducah's downtown it) the Chiu Ri- er- We to its king rall��c _10al; ant} r7la rlitude clt'tlle plan• it mill },c ir�lplcl]lcntccl w inn= a Alia cd approach. spdrininU:: e%:_rml ve;irs. More inf'Ormatic]rl re�1_Mrdill(1 the Pl(lucal; Rj%v,-dwelt liedevelc]prr]int flat] can be iMIt;d C-11 their ii)ntpdductt}I.CC?rli. I'lice RA COcused on the first phase: of (lie plan rrisicl7 includes th(; Burnett St n_m Boat Rar]]p at]d the SCI]ti}t/ Park E'xpansiorl r�];trir];�`transier]t dUt'li. l ht5t (Evo t:Cjwpt_xlmlts ul tilt plan invoke [lie proposed dirket imp;tcts to (h-, Ohi() River ll Wkire 1 ). ulner(a(l:, _rltern.rtirt dcsii�ns have beer, deyclopcd -tnd prescr]tud tt) city stat'(. tilt; I_jS,\C:I:• U S, C'c dS" Guard. marsrtt inti,str` r �l�reselttatir es, the public:. and rticrfront prop(:rty (7'xm2rti. E3;tsed Or] ;l detmled altt:rn<aw.es anal;:sis, the current lo(:,ition rias u1nn]atelr cliosen. Feasihility was detc:r;:]ine(l based on avallabillty c)i riverlrt)t]t f)r011Crt1c;s, ay(;idance 01' the 011M River r];]r i"l,atiomrl cllririr]c l t;nc least ptltLntictl to intcr•l'�:rc r�ith Cuture- river operations. and :tr(-lid:ittC(: ol, c:xistin� inussc 1, rc sourc cs, I IM! tv,() cumponunts ul' tilt praf�uscyd pra'\ t;€ astiess(;ci as port of (h; B irttluJe flit• Burnutt Stit,o Boat Ramp .,wd thc; Schu€t/_ I';trk I xpansioti and are described ir] Ilt(}r( �:letcril lit I(lr� [7'duh iil' these e01!171pclr]cr]ts alsr.l invt]1r CS Otl1Cr in(crrtiatud 1'c, c,ral acti(,r]s. �lclru Sliecifically, tilt ec.i].;tructic]n oV the flume [t Struc;t Roat Ramp would irlyc�lyc a teticral hc�titi ;` .rccu�; `!r:atii Crolu 111�2 Scrti ice to the K(;n(uAV 1)ei ;ir:ai)cnt c.11 Misr: ar](J Vilcllif liu,•s-lurcc:s (l�!)l �4'[i ). fel •E �l'l� �ti- Mild (hell use this fitilJin,_� to Pay icer the Ckv of, f';ttlucall"s cun_�tructi(irl e:,&4s t'Or the Burtlett Stn'm Roat Ramp, H]c prwvc( al>a BoatinO In(irusfruelUrC Cirant 1 -um the Sure ice t(KD1 `VR. KDI- WR rAould tiler] use this Fundir]`a to paa fi]r tl e (,11\, u1 1'acluc tll", ctlrltilrltc(IUn e(?:its assc,uirttcd ',yid, the Scllultl Pari( Exp lislorl r'r1ar1r].1- 11"l]i1e f ]c `rr,lr]ting o tl]e,�;c CC' duuraI tund�, do n()t result in direpacts t(] ederallr listed s;iecles tile\, :]rG administrim,v ; In n;ttlir::,,. (he list of these: federal grartt ""rids will iQad to ad' v(xst= e 0 C (ln listed l'r(:shrc;ater ii)LiwscIs dizscr1t)c;d bc;l11 iii till "L .Bets 0 ' (})e .'-\Cti0rl" SOC ti(]n (i1 this hl(1log], .A opirli011. TN.-, hloc c6c'ctl opirlc(111 <lku i.; 1mLmd J (v L-tddress .he intcr"rc!;ltc:d federal act' ;u]d l)er]ding) Pur]--iity under sccti(ms 10- 4W . and 404 (4 the thLr[ ttrc r]c uc ssar\ t'Or e(Yn;trt.tll(?I, (f( ►11e l]rc?p(,lsu'�t prc)1tl'I- ­. _, -, , 5 11.1- " [•[1:•s , n! i (.'A!•I ,j I 2 PH A OC -1) 116 co R, vlE I F P C, It 4 T PROIST , .., ; : G eCk CA, N T i� NPj,: F:GURE It 12 Burnett Street Boat (-tansp fhe Burnett Street Boat Ramp project will reloc;►te the existing [Hair: noat ramp along the d�S�ctltuMI ri�vrl'rovt to a curr;:ntl,, itndeveloped piece of, propertx approxilmltels one milt dw.i,nstrcam so that the existirw downtmcri mcrf'ront can be coaverted back !o its original usc: as -I ri:rrhoat fandins' and cornitluni:\ local point. 111c proposed ramp is locatcd at approxiIII ate l�,- Ohio lover 104c 935,8. 1 hi; COIII PC) nent of - ,lie redevelopment plan is being, undertaken as a partnership with KI.)l=WR through a t_!SI:%VS liowillu;lcccss Grant. the proposed haat launch site is lcc:med tin currently undeveloped propert\ owicd b� (lie 01W, ol' Paducah and will contain tke la.urlch lanes «6th parking Eur 100 chicles and trai ers (l 1 ) csilh 24-hour access to the river. the properly can accommodate an additional 100 parking spaces in the titture as needed. the proposed boat launch will be cormccled to tile; dowillown RiverCrnnt Park vita a planned pedestrian and bicycle green.aay trail along the. river. Construciion ol' the 13 trn<tt Street boat Ranip, its access route. and all of the associated parking Mill result itl perillancnt milm is to jurisdictional wctlands. Nfitigatirin tier these: impacts will be provided 1711 ;i!c itl ICCordaricc ki,Ith the Condition" ol'Ihc a-pprm-ed Seenan 40'4 and -101 permits th►'ou�'ll a ce}n-rbinittioll 01' presmation and restoration ;ictivitics. Nfitivatiun includes permanent prescr%align Flt- approxtimate)\ 14 4 acres cif' high quality f"Orested �ketland, %storation of 7.3 ,acres of lure --ted %Nctland. pre,,ervation ol'3.4 acr:> of't'orestcd riparian buffer. and resturalion oi' 7(;'; linear Feet ol- riparian bu1-Icr alopq; the Ohio River. Vlwse Irlitigation mci:sures have been desi`urled lel cltsure the i'unctiom<.l contponCn(s uC the irllpacteci WC1.1ands dill be maintained on ;itc as Ae`l as enhance clic duality of the Ohio Ricer riparian corridor I'}tesc inl6gat1011 c(lnlponelll" "Ol he rllonitored Ior I_1\12 vcart; to ensure tomo -term success. In addition. permanent preCcr,i. atlotl Uf these COMI)oncllts through a collst:matio n cascnilmt or deed restriction will crisure lune,=teal, indirect 11cnclits throu`h reduced strearnbank croslor. and nonpoini source runull' Intel Ole Ulli.c tt:cer. llllpacts to the Olito Rl\cr associated I.vith the construction ul the boat ramp kill consist of placing, a ;uhgrade base and precast concrete ramp ['aces. Hie ramp's footprint will cover appt'J\1matvi% 0.3 aGrc of r[,, ;rbank mid extend no gm Ater than 15 nittE:rs rIVNr-`.YUJ-d frUm n01 -Mal I-oul. It i; c,till"Mcd Lila, --Irl additional 0.3 acre area kill reedy, indirect cli'ccts Trani the coni[rt,cliurl ol, dw best ratlln. lila a [:gal of 0.6(} acres Ot'a' fecicd rivt.•r subslratc ( I ably 11. T ante Etiects Summary for River Substrate and Musse! Habitat impact Type_ Schultz ?ark Burnett Street Scat Ramp Direct (fill) 3 49 acres 0 30 acre Direct (fill non --mussel habltal7 2 29 acres 0 acre O,rect (rr.-ooring) 0 07 acres NA !rdlrect f sedimentat;or. non mussel nabitat) 4 97 acres 0 30 acre Indirect (sedimentation mussel habitat) 2 731 acres 0 acre Total O^ic River Substrate Impacts 13 55 acres _ 0 50 acre w_ Total Mussel Habitat Effects 6 29 acres _ 0 30 acre I he cc 11,11M ted `uhgradc base material and concrete ramp lace will he installed (tom shore and bc,st management practices will be used to ensure; erosion and sedimentation is Krii abed to the greatest extern possible. ; t; r duNd under Ow :.101001 permit an erosion and sediment control plan &H be designed, hnplemcnted, and maintained in effe;ahe ol,amhig coalition at all times dur:nc, construction to prevent degradacion of eaters of the Common weal Ili. All fill material .%ill consist (51-s [Ilan 551 fir= and OR lances and bank stabiWatlon v�ill be: used where aeces:iarr and as appropriate to minimize the potential for hank ,rosion and sedimentation during construction. 'I he proposed boat ramp orientation (i.e., angle in relation:_ to ris-cr flow and ramp race slope:) �+as designed to havt; Unimarl impact on the preva&q hydraulic conditions of the Ohio River. The slope of dw ramp will largely follow the existing contours of' the riverbank, The pre -cast rami, faces %ill be installer, over a compacted coarse -granular foundation %. ith a min.nium slope of; : 1. -Modelin`_ hsdrod`nntnic prucesses spcctlicall,, related it) (lie proposed Runtctt street Boat (tamp "."IS asst-prohib i,•e due u) the relatively smMl proposed encmachn;ent into the river and the dttt:i irltcn�iec model input requirements. Thcrelbre, the madchng results liar the Schultz Park l:�pansion site (scc L'.1'TE.CTS (.)1' THF., ACTION - Analysis far Llbos of the Ac0m; hc;low in [tris 130) scrc used as an estimate for relative lydrudynasnic changes at the proposed Bunien J(rcei Boat ltarnp loc.rtion. Scholtz Part. tApansion Htc Schultz Part 1_.xpatnsion represents Paaducah's contlnuin,, efforts (o revitalize its rivcrfront and %sill ser�c as a catalyst Ar additkind rkerfront and duwn(o ll impro"eincnts as nutlined in the fZiverfront ti�:dcvclopinent flan. Ile proposed ~chintz Park I xp ansion arca is accessed via three existing openings in the 1100dwall and proposed expansion activities will extend Crum approxitnatelc Ohio Ifi�:er .Mile t1 18 to 9311 (Niue AProposed park cxpan;ion activities include impa entetus to the ac1•jacent Schultz Park. construction of a rnarinwtransient lock, assochied harking W inkastrucmi-e. and connection of puk amenities eeith existing ruads, and intr,ts:rtic:ttrre. I'his component of the redevelopment plan i; hc:in!, undertaken as it partnership eaill KDl:Wlt through a C•SFVVS Nadu Infrastructure; {.;rant. 1)csclopment of the Schultz Park Upansion sill sae accompli hed in se\cral phases. fhc first phase includes river\sard expansion or the exmilie Smllz Park and construction of a transient dock. Ccristruc(ion Wit heQn by placing app upriaucl� :lied coarse fill material helow the Ohic-- Rik er Normal Pool elenhon of 302 lett to cNate a new peninsular landbi—ni "Ah a Gnprint of* appro`tmatelr. 5.78 ;teres. An additional arca cif sedimcmation iin,pact is _mhnated on 7.7 aeres of add umml Ohio River hottoln. and there will he an estimated U07 acres of area cohered by m;trimt anchor;. Therefore, the total acreage of pxential and actual mussel habitat that will be impacted at the Schultz Pak Expalnsion portion of the Qat is liar acres (Table I I. Ile coarse fill nt,tterial will meet KD0\V Division of Environmental Protection water duality r•c,lui mints and "ill not exceed 551 line~. Placement o1 the [ill material ma} occtlr from land - side s is truck or from river -side via NuTes depending cin (lie location of source till material, 6 feasibility. and efficiency (i.e.. fhe contract tier doing, this work likely will not limit cclnvacmr irlstatllatic:n nlethc)ds.). HfoIWC\'Cr, if matter is transpOrWd and unloaded from harrges, Specia-i conditions will hu required to avoid disturbance of the ex sting inussel bed fron potential harge anchoring, or -s;ray debris. Hie nus\I\ constructed landfornt foundation niay be left to settle for approximately one yea to smhih/c prior to final grading and czanstruction of the transient dock, rnarina, and other amenities. Once the foundation has sert[ed. the rcnlainins, lar.&brin Will be onstrucEecl taint nu sti eper' than a +:! slope. Clle fanclCilrtn Will hu proses cd by a combinatirm of re.va rnent LCChni(JUCS usir L Course aggregate materia[ and other n-aturalized conlponc:nts wherc applicable. Biounghlea:red Ape s:ahilization \vil supplement :tone re\etmert \berg, applicable and nati%c :vegetation will be used Cxtensi,,Cly- thrOUchout the Si(s:. Construction of !ht: transient duck on the downstream side of he Schuhz. Dark latldform, \.=hie[) 011 be accessed via a Mating vangwy system. Will bc5'tn once the landform has settled and stabilized. tine t oaOng gangway system %All provide for approximately lit) boat -slips. Current]%, boaters are required to dock tin the riverbank. l'ltc closest alternative on -water retu,hn�:'rnariria facilities for recreational boaters are located 33 nllO upstmmv at Crolcomb. Illinois. The transient duck \\'ill serve as a euntinuatiun of the riva:r Wk far the public as \tell as a inooring dock (br transient \,essels. The transient duck o ill not provide- dockage for excursion vessels mach as the -Delhi Queen steannboat or paddleboats. hupatcts to the ri\crbCtf associated ,\vith the transient clock will be 1hrtited in plaeenient of a ataxhnlmn of 50 Qht-liaot deadlnan %kcig ht cuhes for anchoriq the Floating cluck and marinas. Che project will maintain a WAS[ hUffef Front the l SAO'. Na\ ig-atioll Channel. the second phase orthe Schultz Park F•.xpansion includes installation ot'park amenities. Planned park amenities incl.sde public open spaces and scenic o\crlooks. benches and picnic tables, additional parking, pedestrian bicycle trarils, rcawrces, and tither l;tndscape lvatures. Marina accoltllilodations include a smicsated uNiq slsterlls (e.g. ftlCl. Walter. electric. and sanitatr\ s that will prop, idc wroorns. shcn\ers, and a sundrics store. While no specitir detail. atrr yeC atvailablc fur these t eilities, all fuel and Wastewater s\•stcnls irntst be designed to Kentucky Slate slautdards, A spill prevention plan ;viii he required mid developed and nwintained by the marina operamr. The .still prevention plan W'tll comply. "Ah Am codes aril approved by Ig, approprime agency prior to marinas operation. I I'm wpull'. r2, 11 ..Ij I1`, J. I T Rl LMINC 77-7.T.77.7 8 vo I T Rl LMINC 77-7.T.77.7 8 "WHON AREA I'lic Sen ice mnshkrs the action area to include the lower ()A River bckcert .1-T Myers Lock and Darn at Ohio Wer Nfle 846 H do wommm in the momh ,)I' I lie Ohio 16%-er at 0 R N1 981.0 ThN action area alai includes the Cumberland River eltmmiream of Barkley Darn and the Forincace Wer dowstrcaml of' KcntLlck� Dam. The actioa area is desimaied in this %w) hecausL: 1a) it contains the entirety of ilic 13-..jrrictt Street Boat RVllp WId SChU)tZ Park Expansion portions of we proposcd action and Q) it contains the areas upstream and doIkii-stream of the Proposed pi-qjcCl ckhcre the indirect and cumulative enhets urthe proposed action are likely to Occur. Awardin,- these upstream and dm�-nsiream areas, the Service belie%el; that the proposed action is liken, to result in (a) hycludook enbcis on the Wed fresh, -vaster MUSSCk., addressed in this bil.--louical opinion and their hahilais .vidiiri and do%%-m,1reain of areas impacted by die Burnett Strect Boat Ramp and Schultz! Park Expansion portions or the proposed action. Qj Kcahzed population reductions of ihesc Creshwwater mussels that I. -viii have corresponding efl'iects on their populations %vithin the dc:schhed action area. and W a reduced likelihood that fish hosts for :hese fresh%kmer mussel species %011 pn)vide the same level aC prclQuct gencil How% Throughout the described action area due to the anticipated population reductions of'these species %%ithin the dC'i011 Llk!a. li: the action area, the proposed !-goat 7mvp and park- a.xpunsion and marinui transie Tit duck i,, located it approximately Ohin 12i,..cr Nlilc 934.8 to 93s5. 1. irrimcdia(uly do,.instream of an existing doc� Imm-n boat laullch, and consists of' a rclativel� dluveloped shoreline ,vith armored rivcrhanks --md :i narroI.kpark suiting oil flie river side or we nuod\caii. rhe Ohio River %vidlill the . icinit� ol'ilic Citc, ot' 11adUcah experiences a hi--fli wolunic of"heart and harge traffic dUt: it) its pi,oU mity to the existing, dom. rlto,.i n hoar raml) mid the nearby lmvcr Ohio River navigation lock ,sten. I hu UN of Paducah iS a major hur, for conmicrcial harge stokly Hagn QW� use tile ihoreliTIC in the proposed niat-h-lartransient dock area ('or staging purpows because of die high % Numc of haile vaNk thrcmgh Aw nearby lucks. Baqe isiging often consists of beaching the mve Whc bevy mo the show m an an to sufficient to riminiain position in the river while is ,\aitin,—, for lock lrafiic to clear. Nlane recreational boaters also use [lie area lor fishing_), evatcr skiing, mliviny. and either acdvitinz Item is a considerable volunle oC Amt Wc aking the existing ri\,-rt'ront pwk alung the floodI,wzill fIor lishing. sight-seeing. etc Tah:L? I pros ides a sainmay of the expected acreage or impact oil the ricer substrate and niusscl habitat, I lic extent 01 LliCCt Mid indken efllcts %were determined hUSVd oil the �\tCnt Of the -oscd prop C j fill rCqUircd to construct the park expansion the anticipat d extent (d, hydrodynamic niotHlicaiions caused bthe prtjpo,cd land!orm. and the ancl,.or s«tcrn for munq; the iiin,,icril, dock and marina. 1.3med on musscl lungs conductcd IN this prtlect. the prWc(:t',, impact .area is Lrcatcr than the area OCOC:L]PiCd 111USSCI IlLibitat because niussels do not occur cvcry\%-hcrc ,Iithin the pr(kiect site It: g. now Awcy Dim eflins of the vxpwabn of Scinih/ Park inC!UdC the p1aLC1llQ1l( Of' fill lllatefi,j: Wer a foutpim covering rippmaimat0) 156 :Wms Llml Us below the nomml enol cKshm and exwndkg apRoxhinmdj 4HU Oct Ker"ard Direct ellicts aloo inclu:le Iflaceinent (It' mooring; anchors. tolalint.- approximatcl.-v 0.07 acre. to Secure IN transixilt dock and m6na- 1) -1 licret ore a tol.11 of 515 .teres of -fill" will occur as a result of the proposed projIM Am additional a0e(;i,:d arra of 7.7 acres of Hnner submaw, %%hill inchides 197 acres of unoccupied mussel substrate and 2 73 acres of mussel habitat. %%Hl he Adircctly affected by anticipated h)d,-od.,,njim.c modifications and sedimentation. Me pmpoRd pM AMR at be mx0mm exicni will be appcoNinlately 350 tlect rivcrward frorn its current location. -1 he location of the proposed CXj_NtTl.dL)h. as «cll is the orientation of the proposed lmidtt)rin. was dcsigncd lo inkinge as Me as possible on river hydraulics as "A as the mrinlemb! traffic in the river's flaw-ig"itioll channel. llovvc,,cr. changes in ricer How and, therefore. sediment transport pallcm,,' mll like},. chanue toca% file reSLAIS of the hydrodynamic modeling perfonned by VICCL pro\idc A estimation A these potential changes in depod(iort ,And ,:ntrainment patterns of sedineut particles as a result of the puipusai Schuh/ Park lamlf'brin. I lie model predicts that UJILICT CNiS!IIlg conditions. sediment entrdninent potential tmoNlity index > 1 is Mmited to pariicic sizes less than 5 min aline graml) occurring at rim stages between 304 and 320 1ect. Aficr consir-jetion of Lhc props scd laridtorin. the model prcLficts Critrainillent potential for PmAcWs up to 5 -nm in size on die surface or the hmdlnn Oil dope at a river stage of 320 M. 11ccause Oic fill slope "M hu constructed "it onamu aggmgwe sifMcmitly umata in size than 5 num, We unicts dAnxion m M he limited io sediment transport poemial ol'particles less than 5 nim at river miges 304, 310, and 120 feet. lecsuli-, of the model shmN powntial ciwainnient of I inin particles, at river stage 304 1eut. is like!, to occur m the furthest river"ard extent or the proposed landform. Other cilanues to the ;..Xistili­ transport dynamics A the Ber include potenthl del oshion of I I min. I nuil. and 2 nun pamcks primarily do"wroam and -dioreward or tile Proposed land1`01.111. PotClILi,tl -,edi!ncntaiion or scour from boatinI4 adi%il.y %tiitllin the; transient dock marina is not WkC�', ILO OCCUr CILIC to riser depth and tic ,Io%c speed required (t) cf!cciixel� monetiver boats VtiiLhill the LIOCk area. In &Mkion, a %wave attenuator was integrr!".1 into the transient dock design to huffer the boat harbor and shoreline frons wave ack"i guitrmed from ves.;els nn,.igaiing �w i(hin the niain ri\ cr Jimmel. Mil.s.sel Consm.-ation Measures P,upo,;cd niw`scl con_crvation measi..m�s (hat cecre induded in the Biological ,iry a� Conscr%aiior nicamircs proposed to minimize take (it' proiec(t:d mussel pecies and to minimi/.0 impach to m.LI.-;sLl habitat as a result of'the proposed project will consist of contributions to an appuylwime rusnumt; mmermhm cmity to support mhancemem and. -or protec(ion of mussel habi(m. and Cor lmjS,;,Cl rcco%cry efforts in [tic lo\%k;r Ohio RN-cr. the proposed conservation nicasurcs are immu.irized hclov% - • I I'l 1) i (;I (: Flic Cit" of Paducah swill contribute 11 total of N71.700 f6r the pieseriatioli, andior prolectkin or mussel EMU A the A"er Mo River rhh; cunnibatkin \% ill he pm% Wed to minimize impacts to lllllsul habitat cxpcczed to recur on thi-, pn�ject. [he contribution ammunt 11.as derited using ih;; Likerav ' ) ag, 11111 ;it ,c 2W 9 _riCL r Nnd value in Kentuck f Kniblu NOT of 52,850 per acre and then appl�ing a ratio tit' =1:1 fear ;n)pacts to a total of 6,29 acres, • Propagation: Ile CA, Of Paducah kill cont-i-ibutu S19.000 16r rcLo%ery :fJort.,, related w PrOILMLLI MLI-S-Nel species in the lowncr Ohio River. TH coritHhutitin MH he provided to minimize Enke CXPUC[ed to occur on this project. Jhe contribution amount was all Mnwe hated oil lake (it' 76 P. c,,q)tLv and it per mltti4el compengoaq amount nf S250 per 13 caj),ix ( [Tis amount %M utilized b� the USI -WS in the previous 110.). It is pro jwscd that the LontrHbulion he applied 4 pr)pq.,at,iorl e(Torts (or P coopei-itinus: W%evcr. it ina, W used Ar P capar or other fhderall-listed DILISSCI SI1CCiCN in the lower Ohio Riser The Service recognizes that, individually andkir cumulatively. 111CSC MUSSCI conscr%ation nyZ1,14111'c,% IlVil ;Ire included in the 13A contribute to UM awidWICC and minimization kifiidvcrsc ClTeCIS til these listed MLISSeiS, but that these measures do not necessarily eliniii-,aw all ad%crst: cf.`ws that ina� result frorn the proposed action. 10se consm\ation measures are included Wtii nwre dcatil. aline with additional nAnKiNaHon aW"ns. in We Wwriable and Prudent Measures and lerm, and Conditions portion of this STATCS OF THE SPEX.'Il,_.SK:R1TWAL HABITAT SpCCiCS/Cl-idC.0 11'.Lhitat description 1 -his hiolugical upinion covers :he lat pockctlicok. Potaimita cqvux, pink inuckcl, Lamj)sdis abi,ulvev. oranocAut pimpleback, Pledwhasw cwjperL, . -mus. and sheepnose. Pielhahasus C.vplrl 11.%, AH Mur species art: federally li>tcd as in ;:ndangered. Ift: At p(rckednial; "as Ani listed as cnd3.0Ljcrk:d in 1976, 311d 3 :_;XU%Ll') 111,111 WaN '%\ri[1CJl in 1995 and Men rc% ised in 1489 WSPAN 19855 I NAVS 19981 Mis SYMS is CUrrund) tjn&r_,f)ing a 5.)ear revic�v to determine its CUrr;:nt status 'n� the `erviee's Field tltfire. Critical habitat Ar Its species has not been deignawd. 1111C 1*0HOW1111 td.Nononiic inf'(ff1T1.1jj0F1 W &MV 0111 the rCUL.%VCl`)' plan IN this species (USIMS 19MV Ile tat pucker xHA "as desc6hed t"ice in 1832 h) W) authors uo. ing it dil'i'ercm MuTICS. It %\,t,, ilirst described by A Green as IAN "Tux and by L hi as Nimplmo!a glohoa, A I*e\\ (laine uhantges hove nowrad Skye IM32. and the current accepted niece, which. includes the author "M first descHud it, is Puwmdus wWax Meol 1832). Hic t� lie locality is the upper Nikskstpi Wer at the FaHS of Antlion; in Nlinnemgm I he tit pt!ckmhook hin, ii round to ohlon� iha( is grcall� inlla(cd and has a strong s -shaped hinge line. I'fie (leak (abet is very deep (N:►UtreServe 2007, C'urninigsand N.1a�er 19921. The shell is titin to moderatel} thick and the periommcum varies in color Omit light hrottn, yell(m, or nfit•e, and hccoming dark hrottn in older individual, Hie shell is typically rayless, sniooth. and very sl►in). hush anterior and posterior ends of We shell are rounded. Young, fat pocketl)i)ok shells ni ay have a Ie�taint ridges on the umbo as well as have a small posterior tying present, but these characteristics are not necessarily YNIVe in older individuals. f lie utnhos are greasy inflated, elevated :tbovc the ;tinge; line, and turned inward. Ile tat packctbook is known to gnmv to a length of � inches. Internal morphology includes two pscuducardinal teeth in each %alve, and beth arc thin, compmued. and elevated. There are two lateral teeth in the left tial e and one in the ri,int cafe ,.atcral teeth are thin and greatly curved in both valves. The nacre is bluish white W often iridescent: hok%evcr, it may include some pink or ,almon color in some specimens r(:umniings and \laver I'irtk_t,luckct I lie pink'mucket (Lainf,.).ciirs ahruprrr) was listed as an end.utgered species on June 1.4. 1976 (C odc of Federal Regulations 1976, No critical hahitat has been designawd lbr this species. 'l'lie bink alnucket is ,► nieclit)m ,ii(d wusscl, growing to a length ofapproxin-latcl) 4J-5in. "File ;hells are subgwWrme or circular in shape and becon-le thick and heavy in ni ature incli viduals. Anterior Qcs or the shells are rounded. ttith didd; curved dorsal and ventral margins. t he postcrior inargins of the shells in leaiialcy are sliglitl� rounded to straighr shells of the males are rounded or bluntly ynnm& A ttell-(defined posterior ridge is present in the males. C;olur of the clutcr ;hall surNce (perio;►rauun) varies from Iight yellow ur yello"ish-brown to dark brown. occ:asicmalit marked tt;rh broken fide to f<►irly wide dark i;men myi. Ile color oft e inner shell surface (nacre) %;fries from while to pink to sahiion in color, with the posterior anargin being iridescent i INn-ialee and Hugan 1098) LSE, juetiac7tlimtilehac k rhe orangetiwt pimMehuck t1'icil;uhu.tut ce)(peria mgt) is an Ohioan species (:.c., Interior Basin tipecie�_ Rccords arc onii known fawn the Ohio River basin. It was oi`ici.a'I.; listed as an cndnngcrcd species on July 14. 1970 (Code o1' 1=cdcral Regulatanns 1976). \o critical habitat has hccn designated 6or this species - 1 he c'wangckot pttnplebac'k is a niedium-si/ed mussel. `roy iq- w a length of approxim hely i,:• inc Incs I he shell is circular or suis-tri.tn'.;LJIar in Shape. with 1 romirtent beaks that ,arc directed anteriorly. The periostracum iti hruttn ui reddish-hromy and the surface of the shell i; marked b5 concentric grottth lines. The posteria}r twcl-thirds of the shell ;are cny°cred ttith numerous raise(:, irregular P11SWICS (yarn;aloe and Bogart 19981 `:acre color varies from Wte to pink inside the pallial line. being marc• intense tuvyard the (tinge -teeth tl3oz�an and l':trrnale: 1983). Sheennowc I )v shec;pnosc is it recently ledcrallt PH species tl•cderal Register 30121. Crhical habW IN UK; specks has not yet been designated but stili be dciermi=d ►tithin a tear ,alter the liar►I listing Me. 12 Ile 511o"ing taxonoinic and descriptive informations k ;urnraarivvd frorn the status review (11' The sh�:L:pno, ,his species 0.1uller. 20031, xe mas described b; Constantinc Rafinesque in 1820, 1 he type Ineduy is the falls o; -the Ohio River near Louisville. Kell(LIAV and adjacent Indiana. I 1-,L� I`61:mving description is generally summarized Own and Parnialee -,in(] Bogan (1998). 1 his medium sized nius,,cl reaches newo, 15 inches in length, and the shape of the shell is elongate cute:. nmdcratcl� ilillau,"d. mOth [tie vak,,es thick and solid, 'Hic anterior end of the Shell is roundcd and the posterior is truncate to bWndv painted. -Me posterior ridge is gentle rounded and Iflaamed \entrall, . and there is generally a row or laq,!L:, broad tubercular selling on the center of the shell C.\1Q11dinQ Crorn the beak to the ventral margin. A shailo%% sulcus lies bcmecn the D(I5leri0l ridIC and Central sw0lings. Beaks are high and located near the anterior nlarg"in, In Yung 01vicluals the pe6ostratunn is alien light yellow to yellowish hrown, becoming darker %with age. I he beak caNy is shallow to Waawl; deep and gynemlo- AS in color. The Qv valve cortaKs a I=gc Atsigular pseudOLardinal tooth and the lateral teeth are hemy. long and curved. Lire History Lai awkOhM Ile fat pockohook is a llilter-ticding ipecies Arn the Unionidea IbmUy% Ile IV pockohook OCCUrs, priryiaril} in sand and inud substrates. although the ipucies has been found in fine gravc] and hiird clay occasionally (Parmalue. 1967. Baies and (: eruds 1983. Chwke 1985) The _species twcurs at water depths that range JNni a IN- inches in suvural lect (Parnialcc 19671, Ilio life L:�c!c ol'the I'at 11(okethook is similar to that ofwher freshwater mu"Ay in %hich We Qeddia Oarvae I rCLILlirc a 1-kh !lost to transform to the juvenile stage. Larval mussels must attach to a host (LIS."Zilly on a 111sh gill) where ilicy nivtaniorphose into frec-liOng, individual-, caflud J w, eni Ics. the [at pocketbook is a long-term brooder. with fenia,es beconiin,t gm id in the Call, rutninin g1cchidia over %%inwr. and releasing the pro-eny oluritig, spring and iuninicr. fhe fresli%utcrdrt.11111 IS the PKILWY host fish 16r the species iBarnhart 1997, W'altcrs 2007). I he fat pockobunk k a huge -river species that is typivally Imind in slum-ilowing water with a Trud (silrclay), sand. or Luavel subwate. at depths or a. cc" inches u) eight or rnoi-L Leet (I :Sl:ws W,'7, C1.1111111ingS Mid �Aaycr 1992. USIA'S 1989. EA 2007. Pamialce -1960. In the SL Oncis Rj,.cr in Arkansas Jnd lower \VabaSh R&M fat pocketbooks have been found 10 W&C Und, mud and line gram! substrates (Bates and Dennis 1983, 0arke 190) IN W pockmhouk is W"n to No in 20n miles of We A Wmeis Rher wawlied, which includes man-rnadc dilchrs. bayou;, and "loughs. I -hese habitat 1�pcs are characterized as depositional areas with AwnwAM mater.dnd sunwyN or we St. Frmids Ri%-eT watershed indicate that the 1,1'.t JcL LlCkvtl-ook is sur%i%ing- and reproducing in these conc!ihms (Nlillcr and P,:`nc 2005), The rcproilucti% e itr,itcg� of the fat pockethook is no[ known. but it is itispected to be a lon-g-lerni I-wouder QW; Octic n which holds ghwholia through the winter and releases dicni in the spring of die vvar 19HY). Several unpublished studies sillec the species Recovcry flan 113VC rcperted that rat pocketbook gloichidia successUl transFornicil on the freshwater drum (JPh1(1b'10f11,N q,, Walters 1994, Bankart 1906. Barnhart atut R.Acm 1996, Harahan tend l; RnNewh 1997; Hamhan ( 1997) 10nd that Nt pockabook tr,nl+unlet only an freshwater drum among 29 fish Movies tested. Pink. ln_ uckct 1 hr Mini: nim:kct inhabits areas in lark rivers with st.ift currents, depth, of 1.6 ft to 26.2 ft. and nlix;;d substrate. Notttithtitanding thiv the pink niiicket appear~ to have adapted to resertoir-tvpe conditions in the upper reaches of some impoundments. phis species is a bine term brLioder AN .a life span greater titan 20 nears. Fannies become jymi ! by age three and hr od ahchidia lean, .°lugutit through .lune of this Adlot-r,in, year (I tubhs 2010f. Reproduction i, W, siMiW to Lather freshwater mussels. Males ndcasc sperm into the %tater column: the sperm as':: silken in by f'c,nales during nbrnial siphoning ACtIvitt•, Fer!iliied aggs are rL:tai%d ill spee:iallt njoditicd ,ills (niarsupia) until the Wat (;gluclaidia) ,etre Tully developed. t.incu released. the 4sloch dia must attach to the gills or tins of an appmp ime Mi ham. IQ enct,t and nietamorphost: into jutenile niusse:s. Vully developed juveniles drop frons the fish hest and sett.c to the ricer hott,,ani. Fhe gluchiclia are undescribed. I-reshwatcr mostly feed b� ;iphonin,-, favid items that drift in the water column. The pink 11}cae:kc;t likely feeds on items similar to other Mussel spel:ies including alvac. zooplankton, diatoms. and detritus. !•!test tishcs identiticd throuuh lahorate:ry induced infccftLms include largerrouth bass I. llirrufuerrrs smallniuuth bass (14icropturns dortowiew. shooed Mess (.Wic•ropte),us pwit tarluttw. and walleye (-Strrrtltr rin,eus) ( (3arnhan et al. 19971 as well as tt hitc crappie; (10nrfl.l'r.i" herr uAuri.O and sau�Icr (.antler cimadenve) (1.11. l ea},zcr and N•ladison, ! )SGS, Irons Pers. L:nmm.. in Williams et al. 20OHL the u e of large piacivorous fishes Ior hosts' is Consistent with the present:;; of a nsh-like mantle lure in the pink muckct (Barnhart et at. 1997). I r' ;littatcr drum (.-1plodirrr,ttr.S ., rtrrnlierl.v) was erruncou;lt cited as being a Mast b� Fuller (1974). I ht: Oink nwkct often inhabits re+gulatcd rifer,, parllcularly :lao;t -aw s modified h% locki and dams. AlthOLl}h not ms'ertolr tolerant per' Ae, It is R and all tallwaters hadng good ritenne-quality habitat (generally rocky qubstrateswept free of excessive line st: Ment deposits by LideLlu;ttl: currents,. Reswoir conditions (characterized by slackttater, loft Lsxv2c1l. and heavy silt deposition) are not cunducite for its surtival and popubdon sum ahwbilig. Howeter, its host fishes ;are more habitat generalists. heing conunonl� found in rescrvcair. tail water, and ritL:rine habitats. _ I he mc,hdity of its hosts ,and!or host fi.,h tolerance kir• llohitats unsuitable for O:e pink niuckct nra,. partially account for sometime, seemingly disjunct records of the mussel in streams like the 1'taint flock Kiva in Mabaarna, the Murbeuse River in Muuk and hear Wak in Mississippi. It is po-ssihlc that these spvradic occurrences in othertlN "w1lownplcil Areams do not actuallt rcprctient populations but are rnerelc occurrenccs ibility dents (e.g., hating. A hig'sal4 Mobil, hO.it fish cL-arry jutcniles spawned from :a nearb,% source pOPLI;,ation shed 1ne:taIll Orphosed pink: rmicket into Suitable habitat i. Without a readilt accessible source POINNon C enncs;cL: Diver. (-iuntersville Dam t<ail�ruteri f,r Paint Tack Diver: l ennesscc Ili%es'. W'ilam Dam tailtt aters for Bear Creek: and `leraniec River !far Bounccuse and Bic IZitctsl_ the pink traucket could possihl� not exist in these stre'anis. V 14 UAng the grcowth ring inwhod, civahwtive age w6malions (sorra external shell growth -rest rind cuums Owes and Messer 1988) (ruin tG indiytduals collected from Osage: River. Missouri suggesis that the; pink musket has a liNspan of at least 30 yeas (F'cological Services Inc, 20W). It is probable the species lives several years lunger ennside6lig that the gjrowth ring method typically underestimates age cmnpard to eluantit We age determinations (thin sectioning shells) and that the colder the specimen the greater the underestimate of .age (S es and Moyer 1448)_ 1. nlorturt;lt;l ., nu empirical age data exists :rum thin scetioning, pink: muul:c:t shells. An uxl eriiracittal punct propaga[ion Stud) tool: place in early ?QOG using pink -- tucket Stuck troni Pickvv ic:k Landing Darn tai w iter in the Tennessec River, Tennessee, and sheds light Un aspect~ of is early life history (Don Llubbs 2009). Host lkh (lar_,eoniouth hays) %%crc infe:;ted with rnaturc; `lochidia teased Gnat of a gru\rid Ceniale pink musket and contained to .a small pond encicomwe. By hie- summer 001 Six Juvenile individuals that had sunived priametanuarphosis twrc released into an enclosure in i dr panni tailyvaters to monius .survival. asn"h, and sexwll acdvhl :`♦iter approxin-ritely 20 niontlls, they had till survived and am"m, from approximately O•y in length at the time of translocation to a rimae of 120,7 irt., and were beginning to develop �cxutal dirrr.orphic shell characters (apparently Our females and tk%o males). A reassessment of 'list ��ruy;-out experin'wnt in !larch 1009 when thr rttUSseta everts iihl)1'naChlnl l>*C 3 found iUtJ",4o survival incl that there were indeed four females and two mases. The females ill] had charged WE ("holier tyith esus or Eeicichidia was unkmi"n) and had gra mm to a length range of ?.1-S in. tyhilc the male, cyere larger at 3 1 trod 3.1 in (RAI Buller 2010). I-rom this age and growth Sia, it app+ arc that at least female !.oink sn wket reach sexual maturity at age T. C,irovvlh is rapid for the first few vcars. especially in rattles in genrral. mussel prowth .slows cr)nsi leraNy af)er the first few ) ear,, presuninbly when intlividuals become fully Jnaiure. with eneru, instead going tuyyard; guinne production and dcvclopment i,l3aird 2000v Orangefm)t l?.i np eback Fhe ornngel rot pirnpleback is (sound in medium to large Ken with sant} and gravel substraws— ( l: S1• A S 1984). Ile reproductive cycle of the omnge(out phnplebmk is iikiel) similar to that of oilier native freshwater inus,,cls, Males release sperm into the: water column; the sperm are then taken in by the Snaky. thimu`,h their siphOns during lcuding and respiration, the fvmales retain the fertaiiied egzg> in their ,gills until the larvae (glochidia) Culls dccclop, Thc mussel Llochidia are released into the water. and within a few dads they must attach to (tic appropriate Species ol• fish. t%hich the•, par;ashizu Air a shun We white they devc;lop into juvenile mussels. The toranu)etoo( piii)pleback is likely, a short tenni prouder with sp<wning cxeurring in the spring and rclow 001001idia during seuaamer months ( USI WS 1984). 11• As ort and Clark (191-1) collected tycn gra% id Winales Ki earl, June. Qwrback 11915 j reported the ciamudboi pints?!aback to he a summer i)ree_lcr and YOkley ( 1972a) ob,ervcd one specimen itch _,ill~ charged in :August. I hi glociddh of tits: uningefoot piu)1.lO ack have nol been described. but the sexual glarids ant suit pdnS are usually pinkish ill color and also Lravish or brown 11:SFWS 084 lie ghchidia lw%v been ohserycd to be pili: orange in Junr. (Iluhbs 2010h) It is prohable drat (he: glochidia ;are uiiii-o. -jl, .inti hookl4ss, similar to those in the closely related species, shcepnuse 1,Ortri ann 1912. 1 t) 1 i)). tipeeilie giochidial hosts fur this species are unkno%vn: huswuaer. the saugcr (S7t:uwreclinn Cunuclettac) k reported by Sunccr (191 3) and Wilson (1916) to ilc the fish [lost Cor the oranuel%iol pimptchack. Fhe Kcn(uck� Department of Fish and Wildlife 12esources, under the diruction of Dr Milo NICUre`uor is planning studies to ideEY the species' fish hest{s) and other life history aspects. and is maininirine captive individuals at their Untcr liar .Mollusk Con;ertiattion in BStikfUrt, KentuW S n,i e'.nitl)lc fhc life piston intorination is summarized from the status review, oCHis spceits (Buller 2W), Thick shelled, larvr rircr mussels such as the shccpntise are _hought to live longer than other Species. l he life spat of the sheepnose is thought to he about 21 to 25 y ars. l he repnxluchve cyWe of [he shecpnose is llti;;ly similar to that of other native lresh:yatcr nlu`ssels_ As ww'rth most mussel spCeiCs the wht`.c=pnose has separate sexes. Age at sexual maturity is unkn(nkn but is cstirna ed at abour ; ,wars, hentale sheep mse utilize only the outer pair of gills as marsupium for its glochidia, and is considered to he a shormerm brooder wwith most rc:prodluction mking place in cab stunme.r (1'arnlitice and 1.306,a.n 19981, Gluchidia are released in the form of t;onglutinates. vd ich are narr(,,ww acrd lanucUlate in clutiinu, solid and red in color. and discharged in unhroken 10m f0esch 1984), 4), So%- ral score to a fcye hundred ,gluchidia probably occur in each conahnhu te. 1 e)tttl Wcundity pear Qmale sheepnose is probahly in the tens of thousands. Cluchidid :oust cc.•rrle lily contact weith a specific hast fish(en to survive and deyclop Wher. tittle is known ryarding the heist fish A the sheoptlose but Linc known host is the saugcr. a'ttan.wlriliuur cutrurlepme. It is possible Hilts Ober fish species may also scrw e as a suitable hast, Ncww Iw nictarnorphoscd juveniles drop off the: host and begin a tree lie int cxisience on the stroarn f1t%ltUltl. I he Col lcnw ing hahit;lt reyui en►en" elf the sheepnose are sumntzirized Drum Desch ( I Y 41 and Parmalec and Bogan (1998y 1Ile sheepnose is primarily a larger stream specie --i, usually occurrhy in shallow Theral hallhats with moderate to Snin currents oyer coarse sand and gravel. I fat hms. also maw have Mud. cobbic. ane! boui&rs. and it may occur in deep run,, I li�aorical and current distrillution inl'onnation on the shet ppnose is ,unlnlarized ti•om Butler 01t r The sheepmAc histcaric,N) ocmurid throughout much ol, thr Nlissis ippi Ris Lr Sswtem with the exception of the upper Nlissnuri (liver system and must lowland trihutarie: in the lower Misiissippi (Byer s1sturn. '!his species is known Gum the: Liissi;sippi, {thio, Cumberland, I cnnessee [ower main stems. and scares of iributary sircams ra;l`;e\vide. It historicalk occurred in an least 77 streanis in 15 states. I -lie current distribution includes 26 streams in 14 states. Ile sheep nose has been eliminated fiOM ahoUl L"wthudw of the UK number ofstreams from Mich it %was histcKallw known (26 area rns cuumuly eonlpmed to 77 streams hlstori ally i, and has been chininated from luno reaches in streams in tw hich it Currently occurs. The sheepnose \was Ilisturic.-tllw knuv.r. From 28 stream; in the Uhio Myer system, (_'urrcndy. unly I ; streams are rbc ughi to have exwn: population;. Ile dwepntne was historically docurrtcnted from the entire length of the Ohio (Byer. the shecpnose has been recently recorded frons the plain stem Ohio River doy%nstreatnl of Nduca h. and in sew oral loc;adons in the fenlcssec (liver downstream of Untuck; Darn. 16 Population dynamics l'c��til,rtic)11. SILK at 1?t)Cki_fhook l.ittlt: is kr.iJ,v n cm C11e pu€;t1l�3ticln d:;nalllii s of the [al pc.ic.keihno'N-., 1lcrvtie�er, rclailvely dens: }>capul iti;arls dei coeur in l.artion� oi' tilt St. l:rtlilcis (liver drtlinat!c in ,.-\rkan�as and ;�, issourt, and sptlradicall.. cltic4, Here. but (:x[c:nsivc surveys havc not 11ccj,, -Onducted. Sitrve` s cclllducted lt llil the Iast 5- 1 0 4'eilr`� :n the !ower C)111c1 I�lvc:r Ellat hclvA'_ I:Ccorded tills spwcs, Lm.: t1SU t114 (ar cted ai spcc:ific pm-jects lu. 11culing -Lmrs. loadin€o lding facilities, Ccrps dred�rin needs, ,irld sand and _jr�ivcl AlredginG (melraticlns), or rcci�rds liay(e €�cer1 uhtain�d Crom ccm-tmercial Mwe scl fishermen %\clrkinL� that portic,ll A' tl:e lowr (1-Alo RIvcr near Paducah, Kentucky, ;tilt) McIf'OPO l's. I11;11eyi5. Bl-isccl on these marc recent retards, it appears the fat puckethook may 'tic St�lT1C��hiit marc cuii.)m yn :ban pri,vViut_ls€y behLc',`(:c? in thi} reach of river. llut nu r_luiiilti(ativc ,ts'SCSI hunt is ci�•cl LIIJlt,. 1rt�irl� of thus,_; records ,ire of vtlutl irltliv idua} li.; ., = yc�irs), so it is .ippurent thu tip(:cjcs his been ahle to succ:cs lIffl ' recruit in recent �,cars. PO )chat 011 size - pink muc-kci Des ,pile its ��,'de r,lrize in hititc?ric.11 tient s, the pink muckct 11a.s apparcntiv ,iltv�,�,s Keen 1n U11e01111°1011 species (.)rtmann € 91 c). Johnson 1980. 1 'SFWS S 19 ;5}1). -Ndost litcraillrt records report � CIA' l(M p0pcilitt'.Otl nur1111crs. In uddillon. onl\ € 1 til 2) 32 0 h I o State l .� nivcrsity `4usctiIii (A'f(do.gv {i.) t. `,11 pink nluc;kct r':cords r-x,,Lcwicic:, 4_�vcr en,ii Jecddcs, comained more ihan t) �pC:CiIT! (_11s. All I1 oC Chest 0SUA-1 leas rcprLst'.med ecillec;ticlns madc; ca. 1980 lrclm ecy1"11MCI'01.11 shullur'y cull piles in (vo c;r l c:nnc::ssLe. and middIc E.'umb:rlancl Ri=, urs, mean i 1, the rcc ord,s r==11rc".entecl pr(-%irtictCd Spatial and lent poral c:oNc.tiiirls From h,lrvi 5tin� alcln� seg er<il n)i 1;: 1, % ,�r rc aolies ov e extended cc1€lcctin,, periclds { I... 1. Koch _`001) i. 11ink -1luckcts c ollcct cd during sur%cvs tend to be lar2:;, old aduit animals. Smaller or su13LLduI(s circ r.lrcIv 11 cver found iii t!Ic; %,a -s( nt�tjr)riIv o(• 1)o1)tIiations, despitc� recent y>:tintitativU yuLidrett-,jmpling iri sevurll sirucims_ It' (tic tipccics' ratc t1f recruitrllc;nt is characteristical.lt veru lc %% (\, h.ich t}1er;; Is no Cmpirical da[.:i (u support), this ,could at least partially explain the typical 1,1ck of evidence Cor recruitment that nlos( ;•loPUIatiorls ex" ihit. It is Lrltir'ely possibl=e that mailti X11 the populatic:ns nov% xnsidercd ext. lrtt have i't CrUltrYiell[ rates that arc below �}olluft;tion rll�tillt n�lli« le%cls it' the% don't ;c:fler moriohi rc_c:rultrncnt Iltilurc. l3uJcl�c 11c;l�t�latiurl r1'1''M[1t;;nLllcc levels irtclicatC 111i1t a P01111lttti011 i5 MOW th(f thl-e511cild Od'sUstaill-ahility and 'liat the popul-itiorl is it, dcc;line. t;itJcss this dc;vvim,ird pOpulXinn tret;c: is arra (cd or r,,:versL cd. the ultinimc rctiult vviil hu cxtirpation. C onsidcring the; ac€ L mccd age tilt pink rttucket attains (36 - c:clrs;. nc.l1-recrw11ri� populdunns may take dccadcs to huc.orllc c `tirl?�lteca. ; hcrefclrc, it l)1a;: f1c?; h, L.: kr, cc huthcr rifest popi. I.1(i()ns are ,, iahie c.lr not FOO o �:t)nlc i BoF; Butter 201 € ii, tcrndcmcv of pill` muckcis :-o illhiihit lar_uLr str eimn , ,incl c.41c:r;tinics deep r ��mer h;rhit,lty 111civ 1�11'Tl�liJ�' account for �ipparent rill"(:MSS, sil1C:C: li OSt C-ctllOAOI'S Historically ,4erC unable to samp€e tlle.se 11,ibittit: e1TcCt1% l\' But recruitment rates rm),, play a siLrTilic (-wt role i,-1 dictating relative 17t.p.il:itiull slit:. Current pink WMACl. recruitrllent rites \Nt,u€J appl,.tr to he very luw �ivcn t€1(: sc_lrlt c\ icicriCC wu have fOr Elle presence cif juvendes ir1 111.tny pc,pul.ltic>l s and despite ec�nsicicr,illie cilort c�l-�endc�d cc>ndlic(il-: gUC,1Iltit�`ltive S,11t11llintt. C'c?llsicJerin�� the species lciriE�c� its and the ["c;t that it haw ll��,�� s appeared tci he ,ir uncciminon species, it is �icissihlc tllal recruitmcnt rate, are nulLmilly low lOr pink musket. 11' true. hiving a log% rate of' rccruitnteili kx;otlid mck populations inherc;ntl�' more StlSccptible to c.%tirp:ttiort when factor,, act in concert to f'(;rth(2r the Ic)\% recruitment 1e%,kfI Mob Builcr 20 10). -1 ecilitribtttin4� Iactci tc_t tiii= 11irlk MUCkCt hc;irig a rare spec°ics. 5tlic f,tei ti�rtt its i;lha,,,)itCd ral)LIc is i tr_;c [it;n cif li It it hi,toricallv Over a 100 vcars ago), hav-,ng last scvc:r�d tlious-find miles of, Frac riper 11ai�itcst to hrifiit�►I dCL,rad—Litiun. Considering the hugt!- lass of' mange, it is lil�c:l4 111C crirrcrrt toMI pupul,Lttiorl sire o}' pini: muckc°t rc;presc►its :i proportion o1' its his[orical r;ul-riher�. I nt'irtunatcly, VCFV 111tIC CjLIM titial)lc intbrm ition is c vL-iiIahI 1Cr �Stff`lzltlfi�! poJill Im:can Silo Cor this -,pod`s either historically or c::urrc;ntk Met) Butler ?{ilt►)- Porukl Ilon siie - oratlLef"o�ot iln Ic:hack Historical r�2cmrds ror the: pimplyback indicate tills spc:cics is sirictl : yin Ohioan or 111tc hor Ba. -s n ;pecic:s (i.c , Ohio, Cumberland and Tenncssc:c ricer drainages j (Ortliiami. 1 c) l 9). Pc,ptrlation_,ti cif the -irailacl'oot aimplchzuc k continue to ciccur in fila lok%c:r {thio Rk cr and in the TInnes ce Ri,�cr. %-Oilc�thc; Dost rc;rnairiitiL! population cit' [Ile species ciccurs in the. 10k,-VCr, trce_ ilo%% inu rc1-.wh 0' the Ohio Rig cr, and In the riverine portion c31` Kenwck,,I.Ac downstream (it' r";indln, Oam in r enne,Sce- Huh1,5 C-201 OW, rc:c:cnt1% cc)llcctcc' two indl\ icJuctls Crom the 11lc:W ick L:inldil ig lhin t�lile�;iicr that ��er�' iippres\iriiuteI� Seticn vc:cirs in a<uc, dcitionsir_ttinu recruitment iii thi; lerinc;sset: River popu!aticill OJ' the oranytcrcit pimpMmc;k. It is not :knov ri i1'W1% vaelietic intc:rUIMIis�e is ucc;urrinLl lmecn thQ two populations In the Ohio and lziv(ers. 1 he Cumber and l li r clues not i iii"?'�1111ti contain a known, vl3hlc pnpullmorl c)1 the spccics, hilt iiltliv1du1 ils ma\ Still c\;at thc;re Ill dallier, 01{)). `ci nC A ,�cil Lli iticirls 01' iiranucl"oot pii1iplchtick have: hccri ch,covered and populations have- not ycl IiCcli recstcllali5hecl iii historic habi(at. The lower I=rcnch 13roa� RP,.er and to%er Holston ho,,cvcr, f ccn rccel)tiv Jc;Sl­nawd t,or of riomr sselltiti) experiitlt:null pcil�ul ttioli:} i�l the ,pecks. W yen the oramuel'Oot rimplci ack is udlccted durmL, sur%cvs, cilia, o i)('n -: rFo is d. adult spcetiiicn:� crl' this Tcc;cs circ tiiimpIcd ( ``V'idlak ,i.l 1(i ). l'c7 ulatwn ;IzC_-_-tilIl 1, lii1 _. The 11l1'c rrr:ation hcic)c� i5 tiulnlliiiriec_d 1'l-0111 t'% ,,Mals recle« A' flus ,pc;eiCbV L3utic;r 1 h�f sile.epnow.:ihhouoh wicicsprcad In many Mis-.,ltisippl Ri%L.r s%swm ,L%Luils w,Lts rarck \ r} c\'idencc ctrl rClatlYC :1bLII1d;ll7lC< Mdi:aws that it 'has bc,:n an 11tic011i111011. or is en rare spec lc in many strc.;inis Cur c;enturILS. 'VILisctun cc7llcctlnris ol, tlii� spcc:ics. with ii:ions. circ 31111ost a \a�s SmLdl f=,_iir null bcr, \wr; reccirdlcd l: stcrrictill� irons tliL capper Muskinuum Ri\ cr S\stc:tit in t)hicr, ;incl Lite 'Xa'l Msh Uui,)mings and Vaver ( 1992') ccrn"'idertd it 'rare throuediout its range'. 'Ilio slicepno,ic has expc;rienecd a "i�!1 fic:ttll redcti:tiOn in nine(: and iii(').:( rd its pciPt:lations arc: disjunct. isAitcd. and itppk;<ir to b(: ciccllr,;IluS riintic�.� tc1c. The ;:titirpatlon of the shec'pnosc: rrorn ov;-r 50 strciiim wtlitn It, htstc)ri id I LL riL_,c- iridicatc-s Suh,LiTititil have c7cecjrrcd. In the vast iiiiijorlt, of strcanl; with ext�srit pf�pu'cltic� i:. it appt2ars 1.0 be uncoliimoll at hetit. 5r?i;rll population size and/or rctricteri 18 tiIrcarll irc.1dic'S current (),Ccumences dre currcnik Oic norm, N!o new populations of sh1,1,cpno,,-x 11;1%c hic:cm drew,-crc:d .ind popt, lilt ions L')nLiLlion I,itfle is knowl") 011 [lie popul,Itiorl Of the I'Ctt pockcil.,ock: howco.,cr. % In rc,ccnt Y,-,m,s U) rt1vcomprist: dic wj,'orltv (: a population. Dens' Are olFtell s() IU%\ tIIJt Mll% L -I [cw indi% ldu�ik (if' .tic L!r0LIPS CU11jIPF1S. 111C POPLIlati Lialc IS known ()Il [11(: p(pli'llion vat-WhIjItv ()'jjjc pink, mucket. Few durmul :urvc,,. c1T I I imdlvidu'a�'S are ohicr�-Cd mak-inc-, It dlrri(�[Ill to accurmck, assess pu-puklt, I I L Derlsilics are ol'ten so 0111% (--1 16v individuals way L:orllprisc �l popoI a 6, [oil. ills �fccics IS CUIlMdc-rud C.\IrcrIlek, Faru \OICFCVUIT it Is1- !'Mrid. Little is k-riowu on thv, populati011 i of t1le p impichack, Ft:w indi�lciuik arc ohwrvcd durin4 sLfr-,,-CV effurts, I u, 1k. i nc, it d I'I"ICUlt 10 ilCcur-clttl%- Populations, III the Jenncssce the Pickwick SUJ)j)OI1S (lie onk known populimon III kk-111cli reedit r,:cnjit-jjj ra 1,a4 be n cimessec kc,,'011rcts Agrciic� ccdl--'ctcd a seven \,car c)I(j jIjd,\,-idLj3j at -10 "I t"c' Bluif iskind In 2001). FilldlilL, Imj;'Sek of Lhis earl's asci; Mclic lj'11 S(1111e Icvcl of recruitillcrit is, Occiffrlfl� III tills alc TC11fics.-sce Rivcr I Bon I ILI h h-, 20 1 Ot1). Dur, I June; -2 prc-proicci survuv Olt 1 60� 7. 1,0'ot l?irtlP c()IICC[C d and compriscd pcirccni of the ILOMl s,FMcs ;:OMPOSWOII t I 1 '090 lilus;Cls, r,-,prc!icwino 17 Slwcmlljsu� P s o: r n s 1 d e re d c x t rch o: r it i; f'O u 1) d. Little Is k n n o-) n t h c p o p ILI I t 10 1 01' the; 'JWCpIOSC, - mL! s-t-vev (�tTors, =z,rtkilZc it S cW 'I1cJ'1,'idLI-1k ar- dur' 1!1S5cs--,; pupulal.Wjl5 t'LIL)y1a[ion slaNhh. - Cat pockc(hook I `Ic ("I- # tt pocket.hoopopulatioll's is nol wd hicv,vn: llo\�cver, ilicre Imve I)ecn CN,11111))c" (A' this ;pL-CICs rccolom/ill - u areas tIM( )','Ivl-' bccn drei.-Juted in Ark Ans,Is. In 1.11 oc k c t )oo k s ['(M) OccJS''Olal ijldiv'du,ils or A IG'\v thu Ohio Rl\,Cr, dic [o-,% 11�1111LcjS ClICUUMm�c! during Illusscl )t1'111C Other !harj 'rIL4' LIthe lo: ,. r, e ac x 1"A i T1 111 1 ccrtam arL,i ov(2r a rIL, c _�pcC' 101IL! PCrIOd oCtime, ) -O-V�Jk,'t—Iull S1,11111it,, - pink MUCkCt Jl hestrfhiiit�ofmilk muck-,-( p'PuLttiowi i w s nol \\c ll kfumll, 1:1 most loc,L:Iiulls Mio:rc, this specW; appt:,irs to hc prc sciii. lhc presence (,,I' pink Muck -,-k 1, evidet from of:(: IndI'iI duals or Ce\\ lrldl1111-11tIS rc(:nr&d, In (lit: , JZ' Ohio vcytile jj,�,o jjutjl�, I ci's 1\picalk cilcoullim2d 111,1,,,:Cl SUr,'o2y,,, is of little , flue 0MCF (I'Mri in abe ex PCrIod "Il'tI111C. I'he stahility ctf oranLgefoot pimpleback populatiuns is not ;tell known. In must locations k0cre this SPAS YliPeairs W be present. (he presence or orangelbut QlAebacks is L' Beni boil) occ.c<iorwl indic Audi or oQ a IN inK Outs recorded. In (he Ohio Biter. the locc numbers tvpicallc encountered during mussel �urtk tjv is of HM value Other than indicating the species may he existing in a cert;.t n arca owr a reldwely long perir)d Whme. 1'o Lulsli L11-, Ia NI! iL - sltev nk SL The stabiliit of'shuynosc populations is not well knottn: In inost lccatiuns «here this specie~ appears to Lte present. cite pr"cnce of she:epnase is evident frotu occ;a:sienal individuals or only a I'C%; indit iduui> rccondcd. In the lower Ohio River and luster Tennessee [over dowm;iream of Kentucky. Dun. the lots numhers apically encountered during mussel Surreys is of little value Other :hart indicating the species may exist in at cen tiri aria over a Il;lalitW long, period of time_ Status anti distribution Rcasons fur listing - tat Lockethook I he pi -ii -nal, causes (Or the de0ine uf the fall pockCthook in ih IaStoric rattly me Rom nu', ig,aitinn tc.e.. nmirttenance di—Wgin+g) and flood control activities on the rivers tthere it w'aS once fUund (I:Si ;kS 19Rc??. Channel dreclg,ing is a direct impact that ph3sically ricinoves fat pockelbooks ihnn their habitat. Weilgkg activities can all ct aquatic systcnis hot physicarlly atccel(_r.MCLl erosion. decreased habitat disc+rsitt. increased hedload, and increased habitat in"lobilitvl and hiolu`gically (e,g.. olte:rcd bchatVior of host fish fironl changing lion• patterns, decreased biamass. and tiered species composition and, abundwww (I SI.;PA 2MV). Consmiction. of impoundments, for flood control its the river ba`ins in which tat pockcibook had I?CCII ccllc::wd has caused a lus5 of tat pockobuok hathinn Nvin inundation, Wriges in Aov% di:strihurtinnS. and SCL inun:atican, RLductions in water quality (metals, pesticides. wid other nulliitcutts) from point sources dischar�gues Like) ha;e likel} affected musscl populations. I W"e%en with the implementation of the L.S. Envinmrnental Pry}lection Agency 's Nattionatl I'uflutant Dkchargc I:Irttlination System in 1972. industrial discharues have been regulated, and paint source po4lutatnts have sigluftcwitlt declined in the IarLe river systems. in which the ist puckoKuk is i'e ,orted. Ntsn-poinl .5Uurce pollution (Stortll:t'at4i' I -two(( that includes t;omply\ ITIM Ns of pcoicides. fecal cohlorm hacteriat. metals. suspended solids, and p1`1arrna.rcet1tiC11S je trta) atl;cl hatVc had at neg,at e impact on mussel population~ downstream of agricuitural and urhan a-va s, atithough the: p(Whlc vffecis hattc not been adcduatcl� researched- Other causative factors in the Jvciine of clic Cat pockethook include competition of filed and habitat resources ctith clic intasive zebra mussel (DreMena jwlt)mirphu) in some portions of their range (til'S 2006, 1 lunter et al 1996, 5cholesser cg, A. 1996). Zebra mussels were frotind to be at contributing, factor in the decline elf union% located downstrc:arn or the Belie;iltc Ocks and Darn WA 2UO51. R;:al oils 6.11' liscing, pink, ntuckct the recukcrt plan for l;);: p inl, inuckcl proOde, wa.sons for Wing thii species including,: inthuurts.ftncrits, siltauion. and pollution tU'S I -WS, 1985hi. IIll puurldrrtuntS alt::r flutt, tvmperaturc rcghno , and csater quality and habitat condition. creating+ conditicros nnsttitahlr for ritcrine 2i, ivu,sels ar--d or their host fish. Siltation can increase RuNdAy which in -slates 0r clogs the edk of ill uSscls ,trd can e,en physicall} smother the animal. Nlutstl life cycles can be afCucted indireetl: from silttiti;;n by impacting host fish population: (el.. smothering fish eggs or larvae. rcdacinCood avttilahility, etc.). Various forms Of pollution rrlm municipal. agricultural. and indutitrial sources can immo mussels in a varies- of kvays, t_•urrovdy. the hast nmloiit% of the; pink muckAA'S 11iM06LW range has been altered and no longer offer, suitable 1labilat (approximately an 801,10 loss). Dcspitc they rulativd, large number of extant populations for a fedcr:illy listed Mru,SCI, the total population size for pink niuckct, although undeiermined. appears to he rclatiecly small hased on significant loss of total range, infrequent occurrence in caberwise suiuihie hahitat, very lovv relative ahundarlce compared to other mussels, and overall rarit\ of the species). \Vith Icw exceptions. its 29 extant pol;ulations etre: I I invariable small nurcl y ar., marc than one or two individuals Wind per sample and a (hirci of its populaduns arc knon%n from onl1 one or t110 animals collected over the past 25 years), 2) characterlsticallti mire (h,v, Ing iu\\- !'ei.76\ e al)Lnda.ncei. ;) apUradicall� or 1.ccasionalle distributed (d:•spite the extent ot' Cee:nlingl\ Suitable habital it is vcry patchy in distribution and occurrence), 4) generally limited in linear cxtcnt linos( less than V ISM), and typically lacking evidence Or recent recruitment idespite considerahk quantitative: sampling Mns). With many disjunct populations and it, overall scarcity. the species N highl) susceptible to luctaliad exlirpailris Kim lie genetic implications of extremely low population site and because of threats that are extremehi difficult if riot Anposiblu to control. Stochastic events are a real concern fur all populations. panicularl� reacll-limocki otics and Bose associated %% Ah na\ igation channels and other major transportation +rterics (13oI1 Iiuticr 3t}101. Treasons Cor li::tiriS c,rs4ns!cl�lut �iclztllcl�acl; Che ivcoeer\ pian Or the urangeRmt Qnpleback pro\ -ides reasons Cor listing this spccics including: inipoundinenty, siltation, and pollution. linpoundments alter flo\\, temperature re yinics. and water quality and haWI conditions creming conditions unsuitable f'or riverine ,?fusel, and,or dicir host 110 Sihaiion can increase turbidity which irritates or clogs the gills of mussels and can c\'_rt pll}sically smother the: animal. Nlusse l lift: ceclCs can be affected indirect[\ Crum silt:ttiun b5' inipacing. hose fish populations (e.j. smothering fish eggs or larvae, rcducir;; "ood availability, etc.). Variciuti forms of pollution !1`01111 ntUnicillal,agricul;ural, and industrial[ sources can impact mussels in a variety of ways. Che orangel'ruat Qrnplehack is an extr.nle 1v rare inlis:rl_ Generally, only one ,)r mo indi\ iduak are collected, if anp. in suitahie hahitat supporting an abundance of other niussel speck& Work:ally. it had a relativelN restricted di,tribu(ic;ri its that the species \E as only reported Worn this Ohio, fenne:ssee and i. umbcrland ri\•crs and their larger tributary streams (USFWS 19;1-1). Alteration and destruction or hahitat, clue lei creation of iinpoundtnents fur 1100d control, navigalion, hydroelectric pm -ger proefue:tienl and recreation, and aciiei w resulting in siltation \vhich affected substrate yualit\ navi.g.ation traffic, sand and gra\el miming). led to the hsdnu ofthe: orangcfoot pinlplch:.ick: thetc inil:acts conunuc to aileci the species* habittat {1_;51 1l S 1984, ,lames Widlak 2011)). I h:; :irmigelbut pinip[chack is tint a species that is collected for commercial purposes, ho\\c\.-cr. coinincrcial inuisel h_lr\c5t rnav have contrihuic:d In >orne dr.Cline in populations due to the species being unintentiunafl\• collected along \pith comnlercially valijable species. Ileiwev�r, these ,nipocts arc hel&%cd to be inintar in rcgards to WON pnpulatiutt levels f \k idlak 20101. �Zcitw ltlr liner,' bjjC. 1nUti•' i he fcrilCw11)_L' 4u17-utlar�- is printario Amn Huder (2003). lire sllcepnose has experienced a siQficm, reduction in range and most of its populations are disjunct, isolated, and appear in he declining mngemlde. The extirpation of the sheepnose from over 50 stream, wkhin its hismrical rtnge inJicat;s substantial Population lostvs have occurred. The dec1in4 of elle sEteepna;c is primari'_. :he rest.tl; of habitat logs and degradation loom impoundments, sedimentation, and pidbion, Chief among the causes ul' decline are irnpoundnicnts, Channell atiun. chemical contan-tinartt,, rrlindne, and ,cciinlcntstion, imptiunclrtlems result in the modification of rit'flc and shoal habitats and th,; resu!tinu loss of mussel resources. cspeciall� in larger riders. Vilma interrupt incise of ,t river; ecological processes by niodil"ving Ilood pulses: controlling irnpuuucicd %�atcr elt:%ations'. altering '.niter flo%%. sediments. nutrients. and energy inputs and outputs: inc:rca,ir.g depth: decreasing habitat Itetorogcneit.: decreasing stahilith due to subsequent sedimentadmi; hlnrking host fish pas%agc::.End ki Ming niusse'l populations from fish hosts. 1•.vcn srtlall lo%v-head dams can have some of thes4 cflects on mussel'. In addition. dams cite alter do�%nstreani water quality and hahimi. 11opulaticln losses due to itnipoundnients have proixibll, contribuWd. utero to the decline and imperilment of the ,hcapnose than any ether single Actor C'hanneliiation erne! dredging n0vi ics We also, altered riverine habitats nationwidc. Cirri el inking rtctivities ma) be a localized threat in some streams with extrun sheepnose populations Chemical contaminants contained in point and non point discharge' can degrade "aWr and substrate qualitt inlpactin_, mussel populations LLnd (nay tic• nicest prOfffund oft juvet)ili nluss;:l, Various form, of pollution from municipal. a4.:riculturtl. and industrial sources can inillact rnus:,el" in a varioy of "a%,. Siltation can increase turhidify which irrivacs or clogs the gills cA, mussels and, cat,. c�en physically imother the animal. :Rhis el life cycles can lie affected indirectly from silulon by Apacunt: Myst fish populations tog.. gmcilicring fi:h ; figs or larvate. ruduc:ing AN iavailalAlity. 001 C'urrendl. the vast ❑tajoritr of the historical ran.,,< of the shecpno-se Ilas burr: altaud and no loner uff::r, suitable: haWWL \Pirie fu%v exceptions. extant populations are: I I incariahl� sniall I'rtrch are more than onee car t%vo individuals found per sample). 21 ch,u•actcristically rare shaving lu« r�la(ive abundancel. ) sportdicalk.. or acca.Sionall� di�oributcd (despite the extent of seemingly suitable: habitat it is very patchy in diSlribu(illn and ciccurrencci, and 4) generally limited in linear extent, and typically lacking Chid nce li,r recent reendmient. With many disjunci pr}pulauuns and its oFcrall scarcity, the qxc ks is highly ,,iiceptible to 1oCL_1li4Cd extir-pations froin the genetic implications of extrernQ lo% population size and l:ucause of threats that are extremely difficult if not impossible to control. Stochastic events ire a real concern for all populations. particularly roach-lirruted popUiatW, and thew iaswciar4J Wi navigation channelq and oilier tnitl(7r transpoTtaiion arteries. Other Hereat, include cx;ttic species. such ati ,Asian titan;. /.ehra mussels. and Asian carp kaneemdc trk:nd - lilt pocketbook Although the Cat pockeTouk was historically widespruad Win nuiclt of iti original rmngu. populations of this spcebs and its range haze WON in the last 50 gears. I he main reason liar dcciinc of Lite ).pccics is channelsLauri L impmridment and dredging of rilers. but contribtrtK,. latter, ;n,:lude siltation and pollution, and possib v rang;: rcductions or tisk hosts (L Sl:%VS 1989. IQQ7Y Plurc recently, inlismions of the exotic inkishe YeNa nutssel arc comriNaing to the decime of'A nad\e Uniraid mussel; (Is,zer et- al. Edell.,. Riecitirdi et. al. 1998). Because of the ,v%t;re reduction In rmgc or the speciev the lift pockethoolr %vas listed as ati tnidangered spi:ciuN cin .tum: 141, 1 t) 76. 'Q est€rtiate of the tow! popu€.►tion E':.►s inc:hided ill the I9S5 recovery plan l "SMS 19%). I he historic range or the specks includes the upper `Asissipl)i Ri"r above A Louis; the Ohio River: tl)e Wabash and \.White Riy,rs in Indiana; dic 5(. I,r;nicis. While. and Mack Rivers in Arkansas: the Spurr,[ and Illinois Rivers in Illinois: the Iles Moincs and luua Ricers in lows, the Cumberland River in Kentucky: and the Neosho sliver in Kansas. It teas alio mpurwd in the lies Moines Ricer (ilissiud) and the Illinuis River. Since 19AL it has been collected front the St. i•rancis Ricer nlid Right Fland 'hut;: little; River and draimige ditches assachited girl[ these slreanis ill Arkaiwa, and Adissouri, the lower Wabash and Whito Rivers in Indiana. the lower Ohio Dicer. loytcr l Lnnessee River and lower Cumberkuid River in Kentucky. and the upper Mississippi River. I ire and Rush -dead fat pockcihook spuciniens `.cave been found at various- in ariousin the. Nlistiissippi River front the mouth or the St. Francis (MRM 669). above I-Mcna. Arkansas, r.Jtawnsir am to just hclo'.t MUM, Mississippi QIRNI 437) Addhionally, Elie) hate been Lound in abandoned channels within batture lands as far south as Natchez, Mississippi (N -IRA -1 85h howewr Were have hi:.n no main channel searches iur the specks below %,IR\,1 427 (Paul I larttield, _�00,y)_ 'I -he species is ;[resent in low dcnsilles it appropriate sites in at least on nows or the Lower NIississippi Elver heiween `arch«, MkSkSippi, and N;lenlphis. l annunce Awl Flartfirld. MONx A single fits pockvihook was collected in 3003 I-rennt the Whit: Riycr in Arkan>as now ricer mile i I. the WE collection in that river sine: the lt)6Ws (FhWs and Christian '_UO3) 1 he lareest t fable population currently exists in the Si- Francis River systern (Atkansalsi: llo'.cesc:', Usher yia)ie populations likely exist in the 51 -abash. Uhiu, or Cumhcr€and Rivers (CSF WS 198ti 1991, In 1987, during a survey or the unionid hump a the Mbash River drairi,iue. nine lick tut pocketbooks were lolmd in the Wer part of the ricer. Subsequent surveys uC the: Wabmyh Riker detcctL:d populations oafvarious sizes at sample sites from the confluence %\ith the Ohio €beer upstream w Knox C OUnly, Indiana (C UlT;)tair11 s ct :11 19901). Based on f}te rusulL ot'these surveys, (lits population or fist pock thuoks in the loyycr Wabash River appear. lu he; tiahle and large rel:akc to (other synipatnc rnussek. Fresh dead speciniens Sur%e�.ors collected shells from mussels that had recently died) hate beer, lound occasional)) in the lower ()hit) Rker ()hie, River miles 848 and 938) since the late 1980s. the fu pock�thook is 4urnmtle known to occur in suvend locations in the lower (Au Riva f'ruin J. 1', Myers Lock and Dart; (DR20 846) clu"nstream to the mouth int' the Mo Ricer WRNI 981). a reach of _thproxiniattlr 1.15 ),tiles. Flotiever, in 2008 the fist packu lzuok %%as rCCVrdcd from the t)Itiu River near the nhwth (W the Men Rhee appmAri my 65 upmNam ordw J.F. Mycm lock and Dar)). 'I Fk '21OO8 record at Ohio llk.cr N,liie 7R4 indicate,. the Gil pocke!hook also occurs m the .1.1 .:Myers pool. R is not knc"n to what extent (lois species is Astributed in the U. 4.1 wy pwd. ,moue %%idc trt:nd ___Link muckc:t ['he pink mtickei is an Ohioan specie, teiih possibly the %%idcsl range !oio,tn for a listed 111tl5sel. It in a rare larger-strcain niussel that wa ttidelt distributed hishnicallt hi at least -18 large ricers in 12 states. Preseial), knoitn populations Occur in the Barren (liver, Bigg River. Mack, €titer. ('linMh River. (Anhedanil River. Current !liver. (jasconadc Riser. Cirecn Riicr. Kanzoxha River. Little liliick River. Merainec River. (.C& Ricer. (.)sage Ricer. faint Rock River, and lennessee River 11:~11""S 1985: Pancake and Bogan 19L)8). ()f We extant populations, onlv a iiia hate shr"%n regent Wdence of reeruimit:ril. Same taxonomivis have Mc litly pustulated that the rcproducin', pupulati(nt:; [ticsi of the Mississippi Rlter arc 1101 fanq)tLllt clr'rupta. but rather are wore closer relined to another endangered species, the 10mins CYC pe:rh mussel (Lunr�.siln i1it;,•r,t.,i>. If this in true, then there are lbwer knomn rcproduchg populations of L uhrtrhlu than orivinally thought. Aithough it has a reWBet- "ide distrihution and is apparent!) more tolerant of reservoir -t) pc lmbit,n Condilion5 than other listed nlussrl species• the pint•: nlucket is reported to orc•ur in Vo numbas %hac it eccctrs Llacntly. 29 populaticnis are considered extault. \lllll I'l �t cxccp�ions, the 29e�lant Populations are extreme!', sn-mll and occur in relati: l short rivrr reaches despite the extent of sceniingl} suitable 11aI, -It in many streams. Further, over on"Wird of its populations decnned extant are ver) sporadic in oc-currencc and knot:n from onl: otic or tts'o individuals collected oscr appro.xinmtci� the past 25 vcarrr (c.g . Licking, French Rioad. (:linelt, Paint flock. Sac. BOUrbeu e. St. Francis. t'um_nl. I=leen Paint Rivers, Bear Creek; A majority of populations arc csscntialfv littlitetl tO discrete reaches makhg the ipecies in fliese streanis highly imiccptible to clitrination Corn c,.ttastrc>phic stochastic events (Bob Butler 2010) R,ln,gc-ide trent!_ urant,4foS t�in�lehack [he orarigcf of pimplehatck was historically kno%kn Cron: the thio River r. -Torn western P4rtn5:' ,atalla to suutlurn Indiana), the Wabatsh River (bclou ikh. C'armcl, illinois). the Cunihcriand Ri\ cr ( from C.:uniherland C•ounq� Kentuck: to near \ashvOle. 'i ennessee). the Omer (Iinch Rhur (:\IuQmNi Ccwnty. Twirtessee) and the 'I ennessee (liver (near Knoxville it) Bcn.tun County. linne, ce) and has also been reported from the Carney l=ark, Halston, and Frenal Broad RiNers hi lennessce, and the Gr -en and Rough Iliverti in Kentlrckw (\atureServe 20(; ; j. The laruest kno"n populations remain in the lower. Irce-tln"Wig. roach of we Ohio River do-,cnri:er from the confluence of tltc I'ennussce biter at Paducah. and a short reach of the # crt:ressec Rtccn cclo,� 1'ickaick Landing Darn (USI.WS 1981. Miler et al. 1986)• Flit: Cumberkmd Rifler may ;:untinue to SLIppor; indi%idualq of the ipecacs, but nunc hon -c been Collected Crorz that sy;teni in recent decades. The Ser.iee (C'udc of Federal Re4gulatiuns 2007) is ctrrr_,rltly 1;IanninL future releatsCs of the onuigetbot pintplcback into the to%er French Broad and Itr..er Holston Riverw Aperiment,al PolUttion arca, under a \alnessentiarl Experimental Populmioll dusiLnation to further the recovery and conservation int the ip< cle,. We rrrangLf win pinlplchuAi have recent!: been recuvured Own commercial mussel Imnester in the v icintt•, of the Werner (.}bio Wer near Lock auld Dann 51 Several ofthese individuals are cement!y bAg held hs the KDI:%VR to f;e used for propagation and reintroduction purposes in the near future. )Ltr4o:s of mussel heeds in the lower (?Ilio Riker Non1 Jul.,. through October 2007 yielded ,a oran�.tclool pimplebaicks (Widlak 2010). Alii I WRA Collected i sev n year old individual at I RXI 170 in the viewn oCSw "mv Blutf Island is 2009 and have collected several scscn and eight +ear old orangelitot pimpleback mussels in the Pickwick Landing Dant tatilssatcr in recent `earl, indicatitig that sonic Wel of recruitment is occurring in this react of the f Cnnessee Riwr. I he oraripf-cot pimplebaCk also continctcs lc he Bound in the Wer 'Tennessee Ri%cr do«n treacle of Kentucky Datm, Wit no recruiim nt of the specie, has been recently noted in Kentucky svx-.zrs ll.c:;i 008). Fhis individual. -'.I inches it) length. tuts disco\cred on June 18, =008 Burin` a pre-prtle_t survc) elfthe proposed project arca, 24 Ranucuide wend slice€>nr►>� I he shccpnosc has cxf,crienced a signi[icant ruductiort in range and rtwsl of tts population are: diYuncL isolated, :[fld r.hrl(:ar to he declining ranucwide. it is extirpated Wtn rte,ur 50 marns in W historica€ range. In the rin joV ofstrearns �vitlt extant populations, the hcepnose appears to he unconurton at hest Several extant pupuktions arc thought t0 exhibit sante level of population tiahi€`.ty: hirme,un given its ,urr.ru distribution. abundanco and trend in€ motion. the sheepriose app pus to cxhibit :i high level of intperihncnt. New threat:, 1'he zebra mussel, .ut exotic species Quit colonizes the shells of native mussels. i; a relativc;ly riu%c threat to mussel, including the I'm pockethook, pink mucket, orangckwt piniplchack. and ,hcepnosc- It is present in the Ohio River and has been observed attached to nati%:c rnusscl.ti. including these We sprckm amt can restrict the ability of a mussel to ntnve, fired. respire, and reproducc. a:spc;ci,rll� it' large nutnt�crs arc present on the shell ofthe native rnu set. :\n additiunal ncv, potential threat ttt both clic rabbitsli)ot and sheepnose is a mutluscivorc (rt uilusk pr, idaior) iish. the black; Carr.Pircrr.r. It hit: reecndl Leen recorded in the \lississippi River near tete mouth ot'the Ohio River. \nal)sis or me speciegeNtic;tl hat)ita( Ii1.ei�, to be uffectetp l he I tt pocketbookz pink mucket. omngdbm pirnplebi.rck. and shee.pnuse mussels are federall,, listed species kik 5 tit he adversul, :rf:cctod in the actinn iters orchis Qw. No critical habitat has been designated Air these ntussui species; tltc:rciirre. none will be al;e wd. Status of the ,species within the ,akin arca A Tc-,:onnar`;tial":Ce nlus"::l Survey %vin perAwmed dut'ing A ugmt 5 - 8, ,DOR in two justlons of the river from near (shirt River We IOR\11 9317 (Burnett Street Boat Ramp) and 934.7 (Schuitl Park- 1'.xpansron,-. I'itl t)ql kethook 'Hic recrutr.aissaree curve) recorded a total or 21 live fat pcekethook mussel., six tont the Burnett `trcet floss Ramp area and 15 from the Schu111 Park UpaniOn area. TV species Ws idso lhcen Worded front other survey r fbms n•ithin mo to three miles both upstream and d0V%rt,.trC ni 01'111C a6011 _trca. In the (thio Riser, fat puck aheuks are knoc+n m occur p6mard fruits thL mouth of the Waksh River ((.)R\•1 840; do"nmt,emn to the mouth of the C hio R %cr• 101\1 `)81 J, a reach of-approximaiely 13; niilus: howc%er. rcceni mussel Nunes have extended the knt:4%n Jistribution of - this ,pcies in the Ohio River approUrnatcl) 64 miles upstre;inl of be niouth of the Wahash Ricer to C)RNI 84 (Chad I.,e"In 2008. personal cmmntuniemion). IhroupncUtul this portion Of the t_thio River, the fat pocketbook is trot cvcnl} distributed and is likely to he %nd oul) in sites co"mining sakahle habitat conditiont h k not kno"n, hope mucks �,tiitahlc Cat Pockcihook- habitat exists in the lower Ohio Riper. N-lussel sur�cys that have been conducted in recent years in this in -mile reach of rAr occashnatl} record the fat pocketbook; ho\%c,. cr, thcic tiurc c) s do not Tac' .t coin pletc as5essialent of the availathle habitat or the stilt us UI the specks. Arvc:\ s conducted "it€lin the last AD years that have recorded this species are u:,uall� targeted at specific Projects (Mg., PeOng arcus, load ifig:till lt,ildifig facilities, C'clrps dredging needs, and ,,and and RraA dreduhn opaaOunsy or reawds have heen nhtuined On, ct.,inn:crcisl nlu:;sel litihermen xt,,rkin`?, that portion of the bkver Ohio River near Paclucah. Kentucky. and Nletropohs, Illinois. Considering the widespread distribution ot' fat pockctht►e,ks in the Mississippi Ri,er and certain trillut.trics to the Mississippi River. the Ohio River distribution is in it,c;lf'a Small ;lil;s.t of the uveraf€ range tlrwksmews, Pink nu cket A rcconnaissunce mussel sur`,e., such as was perfurnled f(:r ;hc project, is not speciticaQ in'MIded or doi_ned to detect extrerri y erre muncI13 smh as be pink mucket, but it "M usua€ly pros A s.af'UJit infc:riliation on the overall mussel assemblage and habitat that a determinmion can he made as to the 11dillood such rare species could occur at the survey site. The reconnaissance mussel survey- did not record any pink i ucke.ts: however, A is likely that the pink mucket occurs in the action arta. I he pink nlucket has been reumded in the Mo !Liver ON) tt.ko to three mile. «f' the :action arca, the mussel specks assmitltlage in the at:tion arca is one in N%hich the pines tnuckel is often is iociatLd, iuid portions of the action arca contain Auitablc h;_thitat. i )rana:e fo )t p tilt'€<hat:h A recotln;lisunce niussci iurvq. such as %%as perfclrmed A Te project, is not sPecitic:aily intended or dcsi_ntd to detect extrer-nd - rare MUSSeli such its the of-MIjvc:fuat pinlpleback. but it «ill ta5itttll� pro%ide sulticictit ►nforn►ation Oil the LAcrall mussel lSsCtllbla,0C and hahitat th;,t a dcicrininatittin cirri he made as to the likelihood such rare species could occur at the survey site. The reconlialssancu mussel survey did nut record any orangeloot pimplehack ntus::c IS: however. it is likely that this species recurs in the action area. The mangelbol pimpluback has been recorded in :he t.)hio River "Gin myc to three miles of the action area, the muss:! specie, :asscnlMC in the action arca is "ne in Mich His species is AN anudatcd, and pn AnN of the at. -bon arca c .main suitable habllat. 5heconose A reconnaissance muYsel some!. shell US %as perti-ined for the; project. is no: specifically intended :x designed to detect exqui-n:ly rare niubsels such as the sheep h"e, but it will usually prot We st}ff i,; cia infi,rtli Won on the overAl. mussel assemblage and habitat that a detenilin aiotl can be made as to the likelihood Such rare species could cact:ur a( the scirvev site. the rccofln:n;, .JII.t:e 111USSel sur`:+'\' J►d nin record ant shcepieose mussel: hov�oer. it is likely that this species occur ii: the anion arca I he Acepnose has bccn rccurded in illi: f_)% River CI�N`•il>lreaiil elf thw prt,jt:ct lite and occurs ill the i erincssee River upstream l,f Ow ppi+,lect clic ""thin the acdon arta as rlclinC;d in (his conference cipinion. 26 Factors affecting, species environment N%ithin the action urea I he habitat conditions "Win the action arca consist ,prirmiril� of sand. ,oft silt over sand. and small areas of gray-ui and or clay. Other tacturs passibly aflitc:ting the species environment ill the: ;iLdOn :►i;;a inciudc runoff from agriculture activities which can increase turhidity -find add sit iment. including lNuAlale contaminants from urhan runoff. dams \0ich can all-'ect host list ar►cicemcm ,and habitat conditions. sc:ccer outfalls, and industrial complans located upstream in the Uhi..). Cunibcrrfand. and Tennessee Rivers. Barge traffic cvifl continue to operate in the river channel ricer.aard of the project lbotprim: however. barge groundings ar 'harking' on the Mr;:line is expected to cease once the prWucl is constructed. Previous Incidental Take Authorizations Lai pockethnok Sixteen prior formal cunsuhMions involving the tat puaatetbook h V,.e iltvotved the l,llitCd .States .Arnie Corps of Engineers (USAC L Federal Highway Administration 0=f1WA) and 1,nited States Forest Servicc (l_iSFS). flowcvcr. the formal consultation will: the U -N -S did not authuriic aJ1 incidental Wke of fat pocketbook:;. Of Tu Micen biological opinions issued by the Stag ice authorising ir►cidcntal We of fat pocketbtuakw ten wore issued to the USACE primarily for maintenance dredging activities. harge need ng/load ing.unloading, lucilitios, fur bank stuhilization. levee sethtack and bHdue construedon activitieti, five biological opinions authorizing imitictital take \,xere issued to the IJINYA fur bridge replaceiuent and constructior: mid for scour reydr. I hese biological opinions werc issued beokecn 1909 and 201"). A summary of thm lilrriwl wnsultations is discussed heltiw and jwovicled in Appendix A. I he fifteen incitic n al take statements have authorized the loss of ahuut 1.148 individual;, an indeterminate number of small iridic duals. the relocation of nime titian 157 individuak and the: placement of nine Lravid female Cal pocketbooks into a pmptag;ation facility. Fight of the hiO N)C"ical ol)ini[}ns JUth<?riZed take of fat pockethook- from relocation. Ilio largest + relocation tauthclrized b�, these Adogical ophdons allowed the refcieation of up to ?, HH) individuals prior to Ilzc start of maintenance activities ori :Stateliric Nutlet Ditch in Arkansas. Thr actual reloca(iotl eras perf4med in 2002 and invWyed the relocation of 10,42 fat pockethooks. ReRllts tium tt '00t post -relocation sums ufthis reach found the area rc-populated "itfi and m ,fcnsities hiuhcr than those tcrund during the pray -impact surece'. Strc ice progr;atntr..aaic hiological opinions in kcjms , 3nd -1 regardii g, section permit-, for mussel spccies. including I'm pocketbool anticipate; the incidental take of five i11di-1.ideals per )-Car. per permit. Thum lim c; been two reports or incidcmal We in the Arm of injury ur death reported by too hcrniittecs in Kunitick� in recent yciars: both acre fior les; :hall siva; mdi,.iduals_ I he alt mum ofac:tual take of fat pocketbook associawd AT these hiologt W opinions A difficult to, d,21i:rl1i11u fur IC, cral roused;: i . Young, musaLl, ,ire small and may be difficult to detect. 2 7 2 Quarltitati%c ij�Snsmems of be numher of mussels in i dredge pile are time-consuming and costly and are, therebra, not routinel;, recommended. \,Iusscls are Inng-lived and have a complex life -cycle making assessment of indirect clUcts difficult (e.g. effect., of %vatcr quality clwqcs, 'Long—tv-iii relocation eff'ccts, itllpacl) o hos( species. etc,). I)espitc zhv inherent JACARS 3,-,S0CiatCJ With JS1,eSSillthe -actia; amount of' take issoeiatcd With jSrniccts inffmcting nnu-sscls and the uncertainties associated tvilh [lie long-terni impacts, the Ra. pockethouk appears 41 be doing well range -wide and within impacted reaches such as Mkansas' SLIRcline (Mlet Ditch, ThiS COLIII]Cd ,villi (lie feccilL discoveries of preViOLISI) undocumented r,01RIlatiOnS Of Fat pocketbook and !.he Service's internal analysis, be Service concludes that the a�gregaw elTect., of' the acd-ities and inciderial Lake covered in previous hiological opinion; (in be fat packwhook have not degraded OIC MVI'lill COFISCII-ali011 sla(US 6-e-, en"ronincrital liisclincj of dw fat pocketbook. Pink -omckci Fllirty-six prior 1,61-111,11 corliultaiions invoking the pink- niuckef, hax-e involocd the United States Army CAMs of F.'ngincers (USA(T--i., FC&Tal l-liVh%Vi1%I AdIlliniWati(Al (Fl(WAI. Federal 1--.nergoy Regula avy Commission U. S. Fish and \VildliCe Service ((..'SPX'S). lennessee Valle\ \;,Jfllorit\ CIN"Ai, NLICIcar Regulatory Commission AWL and Wad Resmacus COnsenSon, Scm wu ARM A wwnmaq of these forn-tal consultations is discussed heio\% and provided it) Appendix 13. Vhc incidental take mawmems from We above mentioned considtalions have authorized the loss uf Amt. 441 :wNK of WOE. 255 indhiduals, an indcturnihate number of individuals Gain smeral wnsuluitinns indicating all individuals will he taken within a project area. and the relocation of Hoc individuals, The aMuunL or actual ate or pink niuckos associated with these hAdogical opkinns is DIM to determine for several raisons: 1. YOLUI� IMUSNCIS are sinall ind iiia) be diiiliculL to detect. I QUaIlLiaafvC aSSOSSITIentS I'l, the nuillber ofaiusseh, taken %%,Lrc itot alway-, Livcn. 3 Mussels are klngdived and I= a complex hie-c4cle making, aswss-mend -11' indirect eITCCIS di('111LUlt Vilecis of water quality changes, lonlyterna relncabm efIcs, impacts to host species. etc), DcS--.)itC dic inlici-clit difficulties associated with assess ng the acwal dMOLInt Of Lake JSSOciatUd Wdi projects impacting nlUSsCIS arld the uncertainucs associated with the long-term impacts, the pink- mucket -appews to be persisting rongewide. The Service concludes that the aggregalu AM, of A activities and incidenial take covered in pN% Wu-., hiological opinions or. the pink IllUckei ha%c no( dvgr�,dcd the o%erWl curisavation slaws Q.. en\-iron-nicntal Iciseline) of We pink inucket. lwnq prior hwinal consultations involing 00 IMM90`01A piMPICINICk 113%C in%0I%Cd tilt: (-!njLcj Sajac-, ,\r-jljy (.'orps of Lngkua, (USACEL Federal Hichmw Administration MMA), 28 I -. S. Fish and Wildlife 'Service WS► 4\ L and Tennessee Valle)- ,huthorit� (fV:\).:\ summarn Of those t'+rmdl consultations is discussed belov, and provided in .Appendix C. I he inaldcnial take statements Norn the above mentioned consultations have authorized the loss of abc►ut 115 ,teres of' habitat. 76 individuals, and an indeterminate nurttbCr of itldiyiduals front sc.%c ,.11 Ce711sulta6011indicating an unknown numher of individuals will be taken %titliir, a project :trC.►. Fite i11TIOUnt of' actual take of orangeli►ot pimplehack mussels assrcit wd with these f,icdogiral opinions is difficult to determine for several reasons: 1. Young rriusse!s are small and ma: he difficult to clCtNt. Ouantltatrye :assessmenas oC the number (if mussels taken "As not almays given, Nluss is are lor1 IivCd and have a complex life -cycle making assessment of indirect Cff`CCts difllcull (e.�. Cffects of eyaier yualit), changcs, lone -term relocation effects, intp:iCts to hrst species, etc.). Despit< tite Inherent difficulties associated with asse;siriet the ;actual anluunt nV take associated with projects impacting. mussels and the uncertainiks amociawd frith the iong-term impacts, the Oran, efuot pinipleback mussel appears to be persisting, in the lower Oltro River and selected portions of' the lenne:ssce River in Kentucky and Tennessee. The Service concludes that the aggrogin effects of the• activities and incidental take covered in previous biological opinions on the orangcfc►oi ptrnpkhack have riot deumded the L,%-erzrill conservatOn status kv, , environmental las; linCi nf the oragwfoot hintplehack. tih���tti�u M c arc not awarc of anti incidental take authorizations Wr the species other than a Conference ( )pinion on [lie Paducah Ri'verfrom Development i'rujuct, NdcCrackcit County. KC11tt1Ck�' and its Mas on mbhitskot and Acepnos mussClr, in a ICtter troth the Servicu to Nlr. John Ballawyne. KS. Debt iT l mngwna flan dated July 13 201 1. that is on file at ,lie Kentucky Ecological Sum ices irie•Id Uffice in frankfort, Qntuckv. In that C milerence ()Pinion take eras provided for 7.` _lcreti of N bltat and 5 sheepnose rmtnds. 9 f" FECTS OF Flip: AC'TI(1\ Factors to he considered I !lis sectioll includes all analysis of the direct and indirect effects of the proposed action or the species a nd,or crittcttl habitat and its interrelated and bRadepcmticm a6vitics. While trot+l}'zine direct and indirect cf•fc:ct, of the proposed action. the Sery Ve ecalsicleNd the AdOwing tactors: • 1'r ") - 11.e describe known species locations and eriticfti I7abitat in relation to tilt: action area and proposed action; • Distribution - \V-- describe when the pmpund action wl [recur and the Hkdy inpos ut the luti, ities: • j Lin, ig %Ve deschhe the; likely effects in relation to senshive hehods of the species' • \atter. ol- the cffcc_is %Vc descrihL how the effects of t11c action may he olanif�5tcd it c;leme sofa spucies' h0cycic• population size or varrahilitR. or distribution. and !lock, ndi�idual animals mai Ge afiect:d, • I)�:rati�u� We describe whethcr the effects are short-term. long-term. or permanem • i)isturban,:e rr•cctucII I - describe how- the proposed action wili he implemented in tCrtI)S ul the rlLiMber of events per unit of ti[l]e: • 1Zisturbvirt�c _inTc�sit� We describe the cf•1'e:ct ol' Ohe disturb-rnCc tin a population or SpcciCS: and • h..—rrh;tncyc sc_cri_t� We de:scrihc itc,lw• lung we expect ke ttelt;rse ;:IAN to persist and how long it would it raise a pullulation to recc:ker, f'rmimilk of the acttutl: I',e proposed action Wil Meter upstream of I..oek and Dani 52 on the: Kentucky side of !lie river [rear apprtsimatel. OhA Kiser Milt 0317 to 935-8. cmending from the: Ken[LlCk� ::}tort uul to the na%i ,;[tion channel, I he proposed action area is kno"n to contain tat pockethocks and libel\ to comain pink muckets, ;heepno`e. aril omngehot pimpfehaci;s. Fat pocketbooks Lire kno:tin to be pr;;se:nt in the project hioptAnt pelrtitnl of this reach in which a mussel survey «az, conducted, I he pink muckm urangefout pimplehack, and sheepme likc:l) necur %Ohin illi: proji c,. luotprint andiur larger action area, bUCaLIS5 01' their close pruXitllitr tri the sitC, the uccuuencc n °suitable h_thkat, and the associated mussel asscmhla e pment in the; action arca. Uircct^impacts to the; fat po kutl ook. pink 11mckci, orangefooi pi;tiltlebJLk. and slleeINIO'S: rllus•cl.l and their habitats «ill most like"y occur within the prujeet tootprint and in other portions of the action area do xiistreatrr and river-\%ard of ON' prujcct tbotprint. It is expected that tilt greatest inipacis will he from the new lilt to provide the teaestrial area at the Schuh/ Park 1•.\pansion si:c Other potential impacts :eT he fr•urll Amges to the surroundirL riverinc hahi[a[ from flow cllarl_es clue to [Tile fill. the presence and operation ul the mar:tla, and boat traCiic achvity at and near the project SrtcS. 'v0 -I inline: l -i: proposed actiorl can be divided into essentially t%%a periods, a construction phase and an operation phase. Depending un when the actual conarac:tion occurs. the construction met% impact the t'.:r pOckethook. pink nmckci. sltecpnose, and orangelial phnMehack mussel; during sena d%L: periods of TO lift Uccle, Hit: fat pocketbook and pink rnucke( are thought to bcc omc arayid in the late Summer or Call arta brt"A glochidia over the "inter (pont;-teml hrooders), and then release them in the spring Sensitive periods (late summer -tall; !ur adults include the release ofsperm into the %cater colurrrn aQ Or Ornales, the Fertilization of eggs and brooding of larvae as the%• winslorm into gtlochidia. Another sensitive period for female mussels is the time of releasc of Jochidia and their atlachnlcnt onto the fish host (spring -earl%, summer). Sensitive periods or the jUVCnileS inGltlde t.ltetr attadIntelll to CXCc sunortt trunl the fish host as thcy drop to the riverbed and estaNish thunwelyes in the substrate (spring-earV summer). All these sensitive periods of the IN pockc(huok and pint. musket %%ill certainly oeeur during the post -construction or operation period and into the foreseeaLlc future. In addition, flout the Cat pocketbook and pink musket rna� i -,e impactecl if' fish heist behavior and prusence are anhoed by the construction and operation phases of the proposed action. I lic; or..trgcfctctt pirnMeback and 31welmmse mussels are thou<<hi to become -gravid during sprint. altttl ur :wwwner, brc)t,d gkwhidia Ibr a 4um jwdod of tt)lle and release' imae in the late summer (short -terns brooder;. Scnsiti%c periods in late spring-surnrtlivr for Win. include the Same of sperm into the %%ater column atld the fertiWa0m of eggs and hmodky of larvae. Another sensiti%e prriOd Ar female n u"ds is the We of release of parboily developed larvae or QI1)cltidia. and their atiacllrncm onto the fish hast (summer). Sensitive; periods for the.juvcnilcs iNC111 le their attachment to the host fish and exeymmem from the hoot fish as they drop in the ri%eNed and establish themselves, in the subsimne (summery All We scmiti%e periods of the mat)gcftwt ptri pbol atck will caminlr occur during the pest-construetie)t) or operation period and into the foreseeable fUttire. Ir) addition, the OnWge1601 pimppeback nm% b:: impacted if fish host behavior and presenut: are .ii-foctcd by the construction and operation phase; of the propwwed action. The fish host for the orant, -ooi picllpleback is not. known, `_azure ,I the cI.fecl: it i� likci%�Att Elle proposed action ,01 ha%c a variety of effects on the Cat pocp knbook. pint, ;Musket, uran_,;cfoot phnplchack. and skepnuse mussels. Any of the periods of these species life cycle can potentiall% he disturbed sir disrupted by construction andior operation activities. ho%icyer, the construction phase of till def+osition and concomitant flu%% shames will likely be (he greatest effect. f=or instana, ars% listed mussels retraining within the tilled peninsula area %%ill Fe killed. I he openition phase of this project is likely to result in the fa) direct andor indirc;c:t morlelity of indl%WA adults and ju%eniles from boat ,teti , it%. (ht dialodgemcrtt til' adult and. -or ju%enilcti due to flo%v alterations and -or na%igation activity, to reduction or salter mirc'ification in ;he ayailahi # ctl hsh hosts that is caused by dc21-aldiitir:nrai(erition of habitat and that nw) harm and:or harass individuals through interference %%ith resitiratiun, feeding, and %ptroductiori. and (d) creation of'(urhidity' and/or deposition ofsecliment (hart rias directly and'or irtdirectl% af'Iect adult_ midior juveniles b,, hams andwr harassment. In addi(iort, these species 9 tna� h•c intptse:cd i t' I:sh host behavior and presence is ne,gatic ely affected by floc aiterations. lurbidit�. or ihungc, in scrlitrlcrll dere,>Ition. i.)uratiun. Duhng the construction phase. potential impacts to the St pocketbook. Mink niucket. orangAbot Ompleback, and Acepnuse %%HI he direct and indirect, and rennin for the duration of the cunstruoion, I he CAMs of the operation pha-e are indeterminabic, but any efibets will My be of a long-ter,n durmium It is possible that the pr►st-COlastructiutl or operational phasr Will also result in changes to !hn s and other ftabitat conditions: however, the effects of these changes will not he kno:ctt until suftieient monitoring reveals the extent and niagnitude of the chanties. The Ic>s:; uf'llahitat tvithin the filled peninsula area will be pernn"lncnt. I)_isiurl:at�l'l _tfCtalJlllC v: 'I he construction phase Murbance wHI only occur once, but \%ill result in a Iullu%ainQ unknu\\.tl peHod elf :;hange. Ani disturbances to tic: tat pocketbut)k. pink nutcket. orrings i)nl pinnpleback. and sheepw e produced during the operation phase erre expeewd to occur on s regular basis with on- string hmurng ,lcthO . Que dkwrhanus (lice. How changes, increased (Urbidity. movement of >editnent. etc.) are. expected to be occur over all unknoml period of time as ncw• flow conditions alter the makeup of the river's llkm characteristics, sediment removal, and.or ,;c(fitncnt trsn�pnrt. deposition patterns. Oisturhar.cc intcnsirti: The disturbance inwnsity \will lif;els• he dissimilar throughout the action area and is expected to ucca.sioni llv cp ate habitat cunMuns (hitt are unlit enable 'i)r the lat pocketbook, pink nruckct, orange Rut pirnrii'ebaek, and shecpnose. [)tsturhar:cc eacritc . lilt dis!tirhance-�everiL� of the Cil! port on or Ke construction phase Is CXjvcted to he ie°vere and pennat.ent. The post tutjtitrt:i tic;tl or operation phase is expected to pritnarily iltlpact ",It pockcthc:uks. pink ilcuckcts. orangefiwt pirnplebacks, and shcepnose nearest the fill portion cell tilt: pre jck t, .lie perivnewr of the fill arca, and in sltal!= water due to scdimenialion. [ he ,ccmcrc• rale tc> these inusscl specie~ in this part of the ac!iwi arca is unknown. Faker as a whole, the u\erall disturbance Severn; is expected to be milun tip the popul;rtion or at packethc:As in the lo\,�er 011io Ric'.r anJ mngemicfe: minor to the rink musket in the lower Ohio Kik-er ,incl range-%sW,_: and of unkno"n severity to the oraneelow pinipleback and h.ep,lt,se it) the lo%ccr (_)Ilio Rivt�r wid r.tnge-wide. Analyses for effects of the actiotl 13�:,cEicial � licit;: NO '.cltullc_henel'tcial ef'l'e.t; have been OMAN t:r are expected to twur. I he proM ed actio,• is expectod to rc;sult in adccrse effect, on the fal pocketbook, pink ttttuckct, orangefoot pitnpk:hack. and _;huupno;c populations csithin the SAW ['ark Expansion action area. 32 i.)irLct cfl,,cts: Dir_ci cl'fects ,)l tllc pert,posed action an the tat pocketbook. lank MUCk—C . oraagefnot pimpleback. and shcupnosc include harassment. haw and nunwlity from construction of the fill arta. Ilo\y r►1ter: tnon� resulting from the fill area, construction of the nimim. and resultant buadn aud%kies the Shultz Park p.xpansion actit)n arca. In the Shultz Park Expansion acti,,n arca, a Iota: of approxini.itel„. 6.29 acres of mussy! Mix will he directly impacted. Ibis includes W) acres of Meet ML 2.7 acres of potenthil sedimentation area, and 0.C7 acres of anchor �itcs for the nwr'sna ; Cahlc i ). ;1 portion of the project arca at the: Shultz Park I:.xpansiim area is knoyy n to be oceaaPied by r1unicr)us nlusscl species including the fat pocketbook; and. it is likely the Mink rnuckc.t. orungutoot pinlplebac;k and shecpnose occur also in this area. Table I Nbows the anticipated acrtaps :l]'ferting actual known nlusscl habitat based on mussel surreys conducted Air LOS IwgvcL Mahle I also hWicates that there are port mss of the arta of fill that uvill not likely inapaact Ccdera►Ily iistcd 1nu.sc!5 lhccause no mussels ..are kno\\n to occur there. It is c:;tintalcd that a tow) ul apprvxima wQ- fi.'d acres ,)f hd imk 76 IN pocketbook. 2 pink n ucks. ? orangc1ow pi.-upicback. and 2 slteepnose MUSSCIS \0,11 be impacted by these activities. Since the pink nlucket, earangetiu)t pirnplebvink and sheepmme nI►►ssc:1 wcre not recordwd in the sur%e\, at this site. the number of individuMs provided aho\e is coriddemd. at hest. an estimated number based un tether mussel survey's conducted in the fennesscc River doy\nstruani of Kentucky Lcck and Darn and in the Iowa- t )itis! IZtyer. Some or these Survcys recorded the species. %chile others did not record these specie-, Me semen hely w titled: SpceWs' response to proposed :act flan). 1+,dre,dynanlic procu"ch \yeti' modeled for exi,tita,',,) and proposed ct)ndkions b,, LiCCI. Riyur i.r.gincuNg i HCC). ) w comate the potential change in deposition and ent riment patterns of .cdiment panicicti a� _► result of Clic propwed Schultz !'ark Espansaon landt nn. ncc 1 ) i1/'ure•e'inQw1 C urrsh e'+-rNrc.um l ee'llrBULd /aria!, prepared b;, BCCI. detail, the rapt mdolorty unci results of the nu)dcl and is provided in tic 13:1. l -he model \\as baii( using the +original design tier the Schultz Park Expansion \y:hich \,as lo -carted approximately 500 tcet upstream of its ::urrt:r.tly rroposed locu&n. Due to the o\eral] scale of the nudel/prucc:sscs and the relatiycl� minor changes to the a\ ural! park deslp% the results ut-the model :are lik.l\ itill applicable to the neyy location for the purposes of this biological opinion. Sediment transport Potential 6.e., depushMn and cntrakbnem), presenwd as a ra;.obili j index, was estttnawd from bell yhcar valut:s nwdcbd our it range of rifer siagc cle\ations for a r' ge of wdii»ent particle sizes. :Nlobih i et; values greater than 1 t) indicate putcaual particle: entrainment whercas utobilit� i:;dex \ aluc. ul lei;; than It indicate potent►al particle depusitian. Because ar Wde range (it' hydrodynamic C011dititlll:i \yore modeler!, only the subset of results punaininL. to potential nlu;sei inipaacts ” as included in the B.A. !Byer stage and particle wiles considered reRvant to pot;,ntial WI: , oil ini ssels encompass a typical annu:a? h}drogmph range (based t:n li•;drograph data from )cleats tt;, ,til I ) and particle sizes corresponding to suit.al)L mussel habitat. lllese include river stages .it? Mt). and 32h and Wr particle skes of 0.1 millimeter (echo) t\rry fens: siind). I reim wry siarse smid), 2 nl►n i ver\ line ;,'welb and S inin (fila Particle silts greener than J nim. .ilthouth r;;))resentati\c of Suitable mussel substrate. :are ng --)t included in the results discawsie)n hcuausc 1110 y%ere: not mobile Whin the palet/ area Ar existing or proposal c+)n,.litiur)s wctucka to the im)dcl ;\ riycr stake or 304 Out is Lrcatcr than the norrtiaal P00i CIO-ittiorl of 302 but "Areas a river ;rage of 320 Iuet corresponds wAh an app oxirntlQ, 1(J` t, cxcccJanuc prohahility. Fhe Cit} of Paducah Action Stage is ;13 Net and Flood Stage is 325 fief. it should he noted that ricer stage elevations and actual local reach conditions are con-ipiicatcd he the enhos oftltc 5mithland Lock and Dela, I_o& and Dam 5' and the Kentucky I .,.k;: I )jr) contrtllldia flows and water levels. !) her dirct c:fftc;t.; tel the a( pockethnok, pink muckct, orange oct pirllpleback, and sheepilose include. hu! are nrlt ;imAd to. habitat modifications such a: changes in lloc� and dissolved Ongen wMeamm(Wris clue to increased wrWdhy. and sadinlent depn ition AM could bun tllussel, especially juvenden and cause injury a.nclior niortalk).. 'I hese effect; could also restrict nwu "'Cl respitwi n Mg., suMlcalimi due to inability to purge sediment from Lilts). linlit reeding tc.g , starvation clue to inahilit� tel eliminate sediment; and ha rkre MA reproduction (el, abortion from strc,,s, host fish absence during critical rcpr(ductiye periuds), Direct effects of inussuf r,:lucation include Minn, ha.-assnlcni and ptasihic numalky due u; the stress of helot: handled, processed. and relocated. 'rhese Whcu can result in premature release elf sperlll or ahoy -ted glochidi.l neyatiycl) impacting reproductive success. A trained biologist that holds a collection permit irons either the Service or the Kentucky Department of f=ish and ' ildlile- Asourcc;s. and "hu "ill accomphsh any rcloeadon uork. will, minimize ;on -,c of thew el'fects, In womary, tl,e lollo"Ing direct effects are amicipaied: .\Ylc.rialki that is the result ora constructed sill arca in c?cuuNed hahi m. Phis AM could datna�'r. hur� or crush fat p lck;:thook, pink ] UCUt. sllQcpno,u. and oralllt:tilot pinll- lchack nitissels. -2. i farm fesiiltille from the c(;naructed fill aria. marina construction and operafioll, and boatog ;tC K Itics In occuoud habhat imi) result in Intis%c:l disiodgement, increased Wrbidity. flue alterations, scJinlent reniuval, sediment depusidon_ :tad decreased dissolccd oxcu n le%els. Hiis ntoc affc:et the ithility o thctic mussel spC•cies !o respire, rcprtlduce, and feed. Dirtct physical hann (u.g., danuged shell or hruised animan could result in the death of mussels. Harassment in the I= of induced :,tress including. Na not linked w. displacement of niussels during cot lstrtlCtll\n AC(i`. itiCS. 1.)0(t.tit litI dcgradation of fc lll,linlnL at1Ji1C nl i)nbitai. and Imndling of Ir,usscls JUring rciocation, 'Ibis haras.,nlent could result in decreased abih',c of these species to respire. reprelducc. alid feed, .111 of :hz;e direct efCo'ct; can lead to reduced population lu�cls lily thew n:us,cl Specie; in this p+- wni of Ihc (_)Ilio Rif cr, �lhich, in Turn. L;an recltlCL: their rq]-odueli%C capaclt� ICie"rclJtcd and inil:rdcrcndcnt act; --: Interdependent and inwindwed activities occur because of, or associated v%kh, the proposed proj;:c:t actuitics. these activities : OUld include potential harm from tiulistra L: di;turhancc froyn props ler ,cash. hank erosion from "ave action_ solis,dchris as a ruauh of incrcascd bowhg traffic- and �edinwnt di;turhancc front lauluhing and c.ximctinghv&s Amo the ricer. 4 I )uc to :hc depth of "Il ri-c;r ( 7i7 -I1 �Olcre theSe rtctivitics %� ill talc place and the rclativ el} small «t:ter ,I t tl)ilt 'A ill Esc USinL the ramp, thc; cITccts of pro[%ilc:r ,.val h are nut to oc:cUr. l?. icd1n,,cm distclrhLlrlcc %kcrc to occur. Lhc �tlspcndc;d scchivcnt '%wuld be depositcd cfo ttst.rcartl ;end m,,:r.%gird tai' Clic hoai ramp. ffccause the majcmi, cif' muss -cls uc:rc located Upstream arta I t :-thcl From short: th.'m clic; propos( cd holm ramp, any lac►(er Ol i nterd pendcm alld interrelated c: I'±ci t:� lrc�nl sul�str:ltc disturb�lrlcc rlr•c notI-kcl� tc� Id crs,�k ;fled the cxis(ing rtuSscl lr),c;r;;,lscd action on rivabanks and spills, cic:bris at the proposcd l't1611tics c,4uld occur duc tO tile: LtrlticiP,ItCd incrLctse ill hoating rlcliE it`. assocfatcd "Oth tl3c' proposcd Niat rai'np. W Itile thL, miticipatcd �i _lac acticlri ��ctuld lil`cl: c antic rig erhank crosl(m and sedimentation, rig erbank stahiliiati+)rl mea5c3rvs arc proposcd to combat these cffec:t-�, ti9itittrltion measur=es to spcc.ilically address m-c:rhanl: mabilization ai approved in the 404.1401 permits include 765 linear #cm 0!" r1parimi I;udfcr resr.oration and presc:r�,flim ol' the riparia resinration area thi-ough a perm. -Item decd rctitrictimi. ['he ;proposed boat ramp property �-ill tic mains-ained rind Ettc colored by the C' t� cel' 11(ic.Iucah. %kiintename activincs w1l, includc rcI:Iularlti scltcdlilc(l trashI`dchris cleanup, �,alrl,(i c collcctioii. 'inn general facilit\ mairttc;iiance to prevent degradation tel' the properm loci?itics, and the <)hiO RIV(:r, Based on Clic proposed mitigt3.tiun acti\'tics for riparian impacts :sn(1 tllc �lrttit ip(ttcfl rn(Imtcllt�ncc: and rTtonitoring sc:hcdule Cor the proposcd fa( ihtics, intc:rrel.tted and inturdc:pcndcnt 11ccts #MIII W 1,L act Ion and pills;'dc1 ris arc not likct} ti -1 OCCLIr. lndlf-i!ct c1lcc1IV lilciirc.c( c ff,(c'ts c1l t111--1 r.r0JQQt On !ne Ika p(%Who ok, rink s -mi ct, pimrlc:h-IL:L ane! ,IZccl�ric3sc ir1, lticrc c`1,ti1`�c, in fish hom hchavior :lnci.'ur presence that could impact the: <<biiity al' tilOchiciia 10 attacli kO tllc 11411 a( the: t)rcrl,c:r tittle �vhk:n. rcie:lsud Cron tilt: fel> alc musSLl, and charlttes inti 11c�c�: r:��,ir3le:s and sediment rrjnsport irl the ,icuon area. In sul11rt1�tr�. the' ft3llc��rilt indirc;:t cC1'(:cts arc anticipated: I M0It:ilit'. 01' adult and ILIVC,ndc mus -,cls that rc-sults from chanves in the #love rL.gimc: :lrow.d the amstructcd [111 ar(:'I and mjr'.n(!. �edirrc'ntti that itll( dicr mussel-,; dll� til Ilc�` L crC?S3tli)n. I'Vidix '.hit rcuh in Scdir31+.:33t 1USS 4rCahIIQ ijIStz'IhIlitV jild 10sti Of :l�thitat. ~. I-hrm ill the Ic:rm i)i dccrLayed iIhilitx t(i r -spirt:. rcproducc. dnd iced as a rC'SLilt JI tltc 01' St�dinicn(s resulting from change~ In Amv rr:eilltcs and:'or hi)ati'12 activi(ics in i ; (:l3picci hahit;lt. l hc`c actin incs may affect turbi,iit\, #lc vs. dis:sol%.cci 0\ti2cll lc%.-L.n I (` c prc;ticncc of hast rISh dUrinL, tht2 ltltur� rer�rClillicti��: ye�3:�c)na cel �i1:}c 111Li�tic1 tcs. �. llarltiSil.Cil[ ill the f colt of induced sm2ss irtcludln.,. but not llmitcd to. potcnti<<l Eic�radation :7l hahita( front dian;ge:s in ilolc reirnQs, Ilnd htuldliriO OF rnusticl; durillc �tlrvcv a�tc3 3,.c)nitorin�! ac:tivit\'. This haraSS111CIlt cell lel result in the ltlus5ic15 decreased tltii i i << to rctipirc, rc_:pr0dllce;, jTId f'c:L:d, Species' response n) a proposed action \tiln`.7cr� c)f in;1i�, ic;u•)r;; c�t:tilaticsns in 11tc: Ctetic)rt .trc;a :tf li cted: 13,i�ec1 r;l, the !�)us-sel �iS.semh1aue and hahitat comiitions recordeA durine the sur%c%- it is like!,. (�tt pc�ekcthnc)ks o,:cur 1n stiitahio� }lahitai througho(Ii tIic :ictIon arca hoCVcr, t€ic:v arc not expecte d W l_e cVcrll` (iistrihWCd in the action cIrua. Ili iIic 13c)mLm Strc :t Boa 1611)1) port i( -)r) of the: actiorl arca %�C d 11 1-10t hclic� C f"tt po(ckc;thcloks wil1 hc: affCciL--d hy the. Proposcci is uon- In the Schultz Park Bp"Insion Portion ell, the �lutic_)n arca, tie es'itnalc 11 It Ah(-:t_lt 71) FAI pockethcic)k i),ussels arc presc;;)t. €-al p()rkethook mussc;ls occur in the Li�:r)-�i(ie'o 01 12 pe,r acre within the �Sc-hultz PUrk portion f'oo(rrint_ I is exact nt nnhcr cit` Cat poor kcihni)k musscl,� in the action urea is unkno%N n. Ho),vc—, er, the ,oral 7tlE):hc:r 0- (a( €)ocketbooks cstimatcd to oc4:ur in t€Ze Burnett Street Boat Ramp and 5chult/. Park Portli?ns of the: action area is 76. This c;sli nice %N as cte6 ed from the Jam collected in the; rliusscl sur%c\ \V k! expect thi: proposLc d action to :)ppreclably aCtcct the over"lli lilt pc'rkc:LIDO 1k IN)) )lll<it1011 il) 111C SCIILllt1Park L.xpinsiun 1)0111011 Lytic action arca, Siiwc 6,29 tcrc:s tf- n t€lc I acre:,, of ci A-crcci lilt :ind scdlniellt ir;lp�lcted arL.a_ is ;C::nec;teh to €)c: dircc,,[, c ihtc aii)rcmentioncd indir::ct imIxicts to adver,,ely ai CCct a pc,rtion o[' the lift JAM ktthc_mks in the Schuh/ l)mk 1,Xpanslon ac:Oori arca io an un4;no« n extent: hc)w c� cr, it is fI01 po) sihlc to JCILermiiw (or ciu<lntif'vi t13e iilclirect ef" cis to l 11 pc)ckctl}c)A_s in this _irc.i. Pi;lk muck:;t. Oranuc.(•c)c)t €'ir)lpleh;tck, and S11ec - nu'S €�ctsc ci )rt the incl scl ,iSScn1hI Auc anci hil€)itttt c:onditl()11:, r'c:c()l'dCd Jurir)1+ IhC sur\'c`', it is iikc;ly tljc mink muc:kci, ortn(_,o`fi Ut pimplchack. and slicepnc,sc c rc:ur in scut thIc hahit:tt lhroij�h()ut 111c Bumnt Strcct Hout Ramp ar)c3 Schultz far€: f:xpansiun p0rtiulls of the ,Ictlon ar; a: llc)s�c; LV er. thcc _ire no�t c-sncetcc3 to he ciistrihutt'cl Wtl)in 11)is ;tr _1- Sirltc the mi155as1 ,urvc J+iLl not rceclrd ir), lhc, e tl)Gi; ,lsec;(:s, 11)e _,xac:t nt)mbcr ot• ificse lnlasselti Ili this Portion (il'the aclic)ri arca IS ec)rrcr)tI% unkvic-.) n '`><,e hose chit' e tii)liites hcicM- c)n Other n.cissc€ ,survc%s 1hiit h_ -c %cewiv t):cn ncr;•)r11wd in c:l()sc prc).�iir)it�. tL) this pr4)1)osc.;u tic:tic)i). 111: 101tdI ncllrlhcr c4 pink muc'•:ct. 1_)r:tr)Lcli?<)', l}itrlpl; hack, :And s11ccpnl);t: cstillt_ttcd to occur i; the Burnett crest € oat 1<<lmp Lind Schultz Park 1`xpansion i,c)rtiow, c)l the Ltction area is not 1­10ssihle t() etc( iurattls., determine. `Vc do not expect the prolw d 1'.mior; 1c) afiCo these spc;cles_ in tllc Burnett Street € olat Rl-imp pornon of th.: action arc:{t. JO eXpec< the prof w'..- i acuort to ti T(1 ct the: w,c:r ill flopulat)c111 eel` 1()ese thrcc species in the Schultz Park portion of 1hc: tic:tion _r ,,a. 1 IC co%Crcc�. ti€l _trca is estilnatcd tit 1 '•55 ,tc.rc._s. Ell Much 0 21) ac;rds consists oC iikc 3` nnusscl h.ihitat -whcrc tfic;sc three: ,!)dies rtl_tc occur_ %.k e e\pest thu _dbrcmcnti(-)ried1 it),li eL? i;�)f�_ic t,; t�> ac' .arse{� ;tl�tcut t€)esu three Specie 11) the 5Lhu1i� Park I�:�p,ir)sic)n portion c)I t€l":.tetic)r.:t1c:t tc) Al) Wlkncv�,l) 6x cw: hov) c;�m i1 iw nc)t pr75tii1�lG to;tcettr;ttcl� ;iet; rn)inlr ({yr- q,c;:intiiC (TL• uts to lltc;sc si)cc:ies m this 6 Sen,itivi[v to chanix I lie dei►ct it) MIA the lit pockeloa, pink mucket. orangefcat pimpleback. and slicupnose are prone hi change "hen disnwhed is unknomv. 1 hese kmr spedes are thought to be relaticei� scdc:ritary cyithir. the substrate. -1S a resu[t. the; etre liken unahlc tt} wslwnd to charge b) nioning great distmieey howner it is p(Whlc they could tnoVe several meter,. When disturbed, mussels. in 4emal, tend to close their Wes for a period of'timc: however, this response will vary depending on the disturbarlcc. Musscls eKposcel to disturbance events cell! likely, close thurr varies Men disturbed and rurnain clotted it' continued to be disturbed Fhey are not likely to mol c oui lit the iirea of disturhalnk:C on their own because of their inability to move grea; distances in a Shur: PAM Of I kne and hecause their valves CH likely rernaui closed. Ilesilient:e: Rosilienc;: relates to file characteristics of pcipulatiotis or a► species that allo-w thein to recover froth dit7erent magnitudes of disturbance. Assunting that the Row characteristics and habitat conditions in the at_ticm area are not appreciahly JIanded, the magnitude of disturbance is expected to be lti" and rctiillt nuc is not cxpuctud in change From its corm:: level. I lo%,tever. this can onk he determined through monitoring of the population arta hahitait over time. f�uco%crt rate: In this hiul ywai opinion. the recovery rate relates to the time required for a fai poekcthook. pink muckct. orangeinot p implehack, and sheeptiose individual or papulation to return to e#11rhmi after eXlm,ure u7 a di�mrbanet:. glosses! llopul,-aWMS are expected to CUI96WC to SpaWtl and recruit im individuah Am the popWatiom houevor. the Wel of miccessful recruitment ,o the ;adult stage is unknom eSpec►ally In areas that nlai ' he hjCtai:d ill I-CpCatCd tle2raidation (Le - the ,hallev.. neatr-shore areas). I lit; rccovury rate for these Cour mussel Species is liyelc to vary v\ithin tllc action,rest. (_'i Nil L.\ I I VE E F'FE('"I'S CUniUlall\e el'I'ccts include the cf ects of future. State. tribal. !ocal or p,-iyatc actwns that are rcaSonabl) certain to occur rt: the action area cmAdo-ed in trig biological opinion. future I-cdcral actions that are unrelated to the proposed action are not cmisWared ,n this section bCL:3u;,e thc� red.rire separate consu cion pursuant to section 7 of the Act I'ric:_ate actions in tilt.' 1,iCinit\ of the action area are primarifc ttrba►n and ag.ric:uiture-related aett-, ILles. We are rca,otiabl:.' certainn these actions %%ill cu-minue and do not expect VCsc acWhies to change appreciabo in the future from current ennditicros. I.0'ects from urban and a►L)ricultural ,clivi i;ics on fait pricketbooks. pink ntuckets. oranguel-'oot pinlplebacks. and diccpno.t: CUt.11d inc udo increased sediment deposition. turbidil�. and herbicide pesticide Ie v is in localized portions of the Ohio l:.i.e r. I lo%wever. these cfiectk if they xe occurring. are indeterminable. Private boating and conlrnCrcitll navigation activities also occur in the 00) River and are 37 expected to Continue. but thcv are not c.xpeoed to result in adMonal adverse cf'fi;cts e\cn tltough the\ could putentiali.,, result in increased turhidit), physical disruption of habitat, and spills of petroleum products. lssentiall\-, cannot predict that these specific t\-pes ot' advcrsc effects m ilI Occur. \L c are not ,t"are of vin\ :)cher ~tato tribal nr local iclkns to include under Cuniula% Mims. (MCK SION Aftcr trx current status of tilt fat pocks-tbook. pink nluckct, orliit{,CIUot ptmpleback, and sheepioNc7the en\1wi-imental ht dinc Ar the action area. the effect~ ,)t the proposed action and the Cumulative Off�cis, it is the ServVe's hiologic:al opinion that the pnTowd acti(-tn is not likc1% to j;op,!rdize the continued existence of' these spccK and is not lii aly to destroy nr ad\.-'rsel\ im.•,di1N desi�gInated critical habitat. At `his Me no critical habitat has been designated i'(1r ;K species: thcrcfi)re. none \01 be af-Tected. I`'C'II)f,-M*A1, TAKE STA 1: NT `eciiori 9 of the An( and Federal regulations pursuant to seuinn KINI of the Act prohibit the take of crilwigned or threatened species, respectively. "Man special exemption. •I oke is defined as to Or= hams. purine. Ituttt. shoot, \\ound, kill, trap. capture. Or Collect. or avempt it) ::nragc in any such conduct. Harm is further delined b)- the Service to include significant habitat modification or dogradaitiun that results in death or hjur\ to listed species by sigmlicaunl\• Apttring essential beA iorai patterns, including breeding, teeding. or sheltcrin, Harms is (defined b)- the Stn\ We its intentional or negligunt actions that create the likelihood (;f wy) to listed ,pccies to such at) extent is tel disrupt nonnal behavioral patterns \\hich include:, but arc not limited to. breeding., ieedink, or shellrrin.g,. Incidental cake is dCtined its take that is incidental an and not the purimse of, the carrying out of an othen\ise IrwMI aclivit\. 1. rider the tdrrns of :ccih)n Abl(•t) and section 7(uh, takint1 that t:•; incidental to and not intended :t�t pan of file ,tgcrit - action is not considered to be prohibited mkin`z under the Act pnt%: idCd that such taking is in compliance "All the teras and conditions of thk Incidental Take STaLciriclit. I lie n,,z tmuncs dC5C:ij)Cd bele\\ are and must he till dertak�n b\ tite 11I1�-.1. Corps. xid Sc:\ice, tin dwi thea became hindlg;.,:)mbioms of an\ graft, permits tlr C(lUMCt • iia apprupriatc. liir the cxcrupuun in section AM; to appl)-. The FI [WA, C'orp's. and Service have a continuing clot) to rLLulate the wi%it\ co\creel h) this incidental Dake Statenicttt. If* the F I IWA, C'cirps. and or SONIC t ; 1 fails to assume and irupletnent the terms and conditions or ('_) foil, to reclaim the 11crinittce to adhere to the terms and conditions ol* the Ineidcwi d Take St oment thrnneh t;nkraathle terms that are added to the grant, permit or contract. the protecti\e co\crgc uF section TuA21 may lapse. In order to monitor the impact of incidental take:, thr i-l-I1VA, Corps. and Service must report the progress of the action ant its impact on the ;petit, to the Ser\ ice as specified in the Incidental lakeSimenwrlL 150 CIA § 402.14 t 1 )f 311. 8 :1,NUM- Y O TAK1; 111( ticr� ;Ck: e:X cclti that. F ,29 acres ;,)l i ussc;l habitLat cc)uid be t�akc:n as a resid-, ()l` this prc)l)oscd Ltcrc.s ()t ItL�i)i[at c�tin)atccl (�� lac tiakcn [!ic 1lI( l� '1.49ac res €rc)r.a dirLrt ]ill. 2.7, acrL� c�i\ aalaa5scl 11,ai)1tLtt ii in acted b) scdimenI.Al an, and ().()7 acres cif' 11Labit:tt co) .c:rcd b\ nlana)La Ltaic:hor.7. Ialclir::(:: 111pLtc[� include marmn,l co nstructicin and operation, potential iom--cerin 111d hilhital cllsturharicu- f l)c Ser'. expects that 16 I'Lat p�)ck�thook t))ttsselS. ? I)iril; rllucl Ct Musscls, 2 Oran�)et"c,c)t p1mlicbzick irrussels, and sJ)ce l)nc),c, �S iIJ he takcii its a result o tlli prc)J��)secl .mic)t1. I Itc take pra)ided li)r (lac pink- muckc�t, or<an`aeJOot pimpleb.ack. and s1 ccpriosc� is set lo)� because thcSc: ,q)CCics not Irom the project taotp, int arca; hc)vvevcr. the Scn ice be-lic;vc;s it is i!{Lc l th;11. some kir all c) f` the tic: species could occur in the: project €i_ mprialt arca. I €' so. di [Like t}rs?� idccl �� ill 'J'If I' ta�-c �)c;i)t EE)r �mv� ul th(,;sc; spc;cie, uikL)i due it) tlliS pn)jccts acti`its . la: tl)c �I)Lll,'SL fisr- efltct` nf' tltc act.,on" skctic)n ahc)vc, the Service determined that the pr,)l~c)sed action W'01.11d result ill incicJl�n[al take throuLdh (a) direct mortLalM as a resiit c)l' tllc° clilaitz Park etilmw[ lon IHI Lary 3 M)d rchc ation of any fat pockcibOok. pink niuckc:t, dicepiio) c, ,ar1d urrial��c�t'c)c3[ pirnl,lCh-t �k [nussc'15; (,l)i htarn) frum construction auli� itie5 thLa( «i1i Jikc Jti result in 4 1 : ph�.�ic !I :lt:ratt (i.o., crLackc d sllc ll. bruisi()LJ) ILO rllusscls shill were no( illc:lLA-; J in d1C rci��cti(i�1c1. (� 1 nc�Lal \ c1J�'ct (4 sediri)en[Lmori~that cciuld crittjmi). ;tarvc. andor 5tal i)c,atc iald i�. icita�tls. t .) la> 5` and )r cJc ra; at on cal` habitat. (4j rc+icatlon cf`€Orts. and (}) disruption c)I' I1.»t I, -,h avLlil,jhi?its at kcti' tinlck� clairirl1 the aLproduc;ti�e LvclL; ;incl (c) harassment a� it re5tal101 disruption ir, repr()dt:ctik-c cxpa lhihtiCS Jay but Welt h1l)iteCi tea, tl)e spOrataml , cis Labortimi ol. ,l()ch'&.Ll durin�s rk:1o:ation mid/or moiiitcsritlg L'Cf }rt>. 11ld1V 1daa;il'�, being disludgk:d do\) nrivcr int,-, t.rl-,uit:1Wt: 11�lhtt;at, mld 1)OtC[1t1L111\ Ie).4 cJi::tic71<<ei c.s�4`r��l) lc:�clw, Ir) 011 aIC c:O nI?.arty inF,� hi0iOUI LO I up[nIon, isle St ry ice &(er17)iIWd 01Ltt 11] IS 1e,'cl :_l -,:\I)(:ct;;d tLikc is -�<<t li.�clti tea icsuft it,. to the or (�rse moditic;ition ,)"critical hohitat, RFAIIO'ti:i[ AI" AM) PR( DF::`T N1V,ASt.,R11_S it? Ic) c)�.�'(FIQ r-ison;l , e ars( prat c;r`I I1'1�.`asurc(�) ;Qr� fltt eitiar� L; )i� ;tppro prlLatt to Ill Iill ill r/_C talo c)€ €:![ pl,_U :� till}��}�S, l he I.,1 l `aV A. (.: orps, and Servic=e must cnsurc thLtt thk! projxisc:d actin, %� il1 c)ccur Lis di:SIQI1Cd. 111L[nra�!d. and JG::LII11Cr11c(J in the H..,V .il, ;uppclrting irl`'om)Ljtim, pi,ov1dcd b thc; ('its 01' PIdllcslJl. Lincs ()pinic7n I ht:� 1' E I iA'A. Corps, aa'd Service 11tuSt c1)S'W'e that dl',' Cit% 01' E -4hic.all has 3 plall U.) rgflacc Eat J�,)c.kc:thooks, pillk ntuckels. shcxpnosc. and-►i'.iallrcf'�)u( pi[itP lCh.Ltck iikL ,. tc) l,c takcal h � the prnpn-ie � _act i, rn. - s m I he 1.1 ]ll ;l. Corps. anti SCIN ice roust etlsurc that the City cal' Paducah Implements mCa,alrCs t.x minimi/c or climin_Ite impacts ol' the Harriett Boat (tamp and Schultz Park I_xmil",ion ;itc. to I'C'tt pocketbooks. pink nluckela, shcepnosc, and orangefoul pUrtpl.ehacks In carder to be exempt I'Wrtl the prahihitions ol` Section c) of the Act, the FHWA anti City of P.ac?t:; tail nluyt comply ,r ith tltc following terms oral conditions. which implement the reasonable 'Incl I-irude•nt rrtC:ttiureti descrihed ahovc and outline; rCeluired reaor-tingirnonitcrin« re:x1mrements. I hc.sc tc rins and CUluhtIOTIS are nora-discietion,an'. Ilse I IIWA, Carps, Service and:or Cit% cit' Paducah must agree tc implement the propos d action as described in the 13A. int<ludin" ITILIS,el measures hS(ed in This hiolo�'ical opirliorl that are rererrcd to in thu BA. the HA's sul11,ortir ig dot:uniciltatioll. ,lIld this biulogica) 0I)iniorl (scc '*.Musscl Conservation tilc:asures" section ahurC). Thin 'berm and Condition supports RP -N] l and 3. I"he FI1W.A. Corps. Service andr'or Cit~ of 1':aducah Aall develop a Mussel Relocation Plan, ,-incl obtain the Sen ice's prior \a-rmen approval of the plan, prior to relocating fai pockethook, pink ii-mcket, orangef'ow pimpleback mussels. sheepnow, and other nlusse: species. hel'(m: art% neve• ConstruC(ion actio it\, occurs at ur bclo,.v the ordinary high «atter levee. chis i;€art Will IOCILIde a mussel relocation .1TOrt I'rom mdmij an area ahi�ra� mLttcl� 6'9 acus in size m the Schutt./ Park Expansion action arca. the c<imatc that about 4.000 mussels occur in this 6,29 acre area. ReIUCallun entp'r;asts \%III be in th;; ,.-Ic) ar"a of :mpatet h" till. An e;tirnawd 2?()0 mussels occur in the 3.41) acre area direct 'III ilortion• .n estimated ;.800 mussel., occur in the 2.8 ,teres of indirect and anchor I(l MIOIlS. It is not e.\pectc:d that all mLISWIS in the entire arca rill likely he relocated. kme�cr. the Ser.icc bchcves that ir.tppr.lxilruttel. 5(} ourcCtlt ofnlussel; In till~ area arc rclnc ltCd that kill he All :I&Lluaw Icvel of'relocation cllort. This eflOrt should lie largeted at the tour tcderall� listed specie addressed in this 13() tend other species :hut are similar in appearance to t'w iedcr;ally listed specie~, 11 -lis Nlusscl R.lucation Plan will also include a ba -;elute 'rllonitoring' component. I'uture monitorinc etTorts are addresed in M erins and Conditions -;3 bckm. All federally listed mtt>>els %III be tauacd and either relocated to a nearby ;uta oi' suitab1C habitat grit i:; prote;acd from naviution and 11ceting aCtiti M', as indICACd in the NfLlsscl Relocation Plan, or as directed b4 the Scr+ice, to the I:OF%k R w h; used in propa4gimlon .Incl culiure activities at the: Ki)F VR Ct�ntler tier 'viollusk Conservation in Frankfort, Kentucky, This "term and Condition supports RP,\I I . ? I'm: Corps, SCT% ic. and. oj, City of Paducah shall contribute S20,0110 to the Kentucky Kentuck% Aquatic Resources fund (KARi-) to he a;Cd ['or moijitorinu at the Schultz Park L.:xp ansion area. and the site rclucated mussels will be t7lucecl- ltonitorin�, c611 hC dune 1%vo \cars tend lice years ahcr the baseline 401 111011koring descrifi cl in, rel -Ins and (_'uaditiun 1 iy cernpicted. 1 he total ,c.inirihutiun of x'20,000 ,hall be amde doll' eertiNed fields and should be made out to "Kentucky W,itericay: Alliance- Frith KAR1, and any other appropriate dc(ails in (he memo section. l he cuntribu:ion shall he mailed to: .attention: Judith Pet.rscn, k.xccutivc Director. ker.tuck) Watemayi AUKric, 120 Wchster Sireci. Suite 217. l ouisville, Kc;t,tuck. 402n`Jfl. the Kentucky Waterwa�s Alliance'sol'lice telephone nuinher i,'_70- 524-1774. Contact. ,Ms. Petersen il'the contribw.i,.ln Mill be made by direct dcpo�i( or a %lore tratlsftr. Chis Arm and C:undition supports RPTI I 1. l he FI IW.A. COP, Service and,cr Cit.- cli Paducah shag contribute a total of'S71,706 to the Kentucky alliance 1 K`wV.1) KCMUCky ALIL[ tic Resources Fund (KARFj 1i111o,xin`, ssuanc: elf' this biological opinion and prior to illiti�itirig :Iny coll_tructiml helcm the Ordinar. high .«ter leA. US cumiiMUnn mnumv coati derived using the 2009 aigicultural Knd value of s?. o Per acre with a ratio orm w impact. to a total of' b?c> acres_ This contribution gill pro. ide mussel habitat impact minimization and Includes both dir :ct and indirect impact to habitat, Mese funds ,cil! be used for the presercmion, crcitticln, cnliancenlent, arld,or protection ol* tederallt Holed 111LISsel habitat :n the lower Ohiu River. fhc toMl contribution of' S71,706 shall be plate using certified funds :irld shOtild he made out to Acmucky \t,';.itcrc ays Allince" with KAIU, mrid arc Other apnropriatc details in the meino section. 1 he contribtitioll shall be mailed to: Attcntion: Judith fctcrsen, l:xeeuiiVe Dircc(or. Kentuckc 1Vaierl.ay5 Alliance. 121: `A chster Sircci. Suite 2A 7. LuuisM, Kentucky 40206. Ile Kentucky 1Vater.rays Miance's office telephone number is 170-53-1-177.1. Contact k1s. Petersen il' the cOntributiot kc ill be prude by direct depa it or a •+irc Valwicr. This Ann and (Wei lition suppurts 14PNI 3. sigma) 5. 11w FI-l%VA. Corps, Ser%lee and;or My or Paducull shall contribute 53AM114 to the Kwituc,k-. V.mcr.ways Alliance (K\4:\) Kentucky aquatic Rcwurccs i•unu (KARF; Coilo-'krims) iSSLl lrce 01' this hiOIM,)ical opinion and prior to any construction bekm the ,lydinart high dater level. These funds "di he used in recovery efl ms fir the Ibur f�dcralf. listed nius-\ ' addressed in this biolOgictll opinion, thereby minimizing the take iFr4,K expcetcd to occur on this project. To derive the fi,,'ure ell' S37,000. ',%e estimated an 1 amount that could be applied toc`ards an appruxilllately titres dear cl'furt to replace ;hu 14, 111u-s;cls e,til?jatcd io be taken. 'l hese l'unds will be used to collar adult musscli and Nsli Q hosts. care Ar adult mussels and !ish. prllpa�fate and calture juvenile mussels. and to monkor reds.: c;ffurts, Fat pockethook: For the 70 1:11 pocketbooks taken .cc ;.,milnmc S19,000. This funding:will protide additional l'unding w an already ongoing project io propagate alld e.ulturc: tins squic, Smile considerations Or the fat packetbook. cilia include cons :such as Jacthtius and stall to -%ork on (lie specics. the species is Serlsitke (O haluilin'6. has a kno..n host fish that is a challeilgt: to keep i1kc in capti6i,-, Ims a rela:iY short life Span, acid food requirk:llle'.11s are not ..ell understood. `ri•'e expect a relaic:ly lo.% cost to locate adults to use for propagation anJ culture. Pink mucket: I•or the 2 pink muckets taken, ice eytiniatc SI.000. Considerations itivoked in deriving, this amnunt inrllidc: (d) there..oulcJ he :1 rc atiicl. high cost c1l'0I ii11ing adult, to xwrk AN N A fish hosi is already kno"n and emil} obtained, and (c) the species h:ns 1•remusk been successkill, propagated olid cultural Orangefoot pinlplehack: For 41 the 2 orarige foot pi:nplehack taken, we enint<ited Si l fi.(GO Consider lhons inQued in dcrivin!, [iiia amount 1nClW 0) there is an anticipated very high cost to locate adults. (b) the lith heist is unknow (c) the species k a short term brooder and has never been propagated or cultured. (d) the specks etasily aborts larvae ishen handled, and (e) little; is knriyyn regarding ho% this species "HI mspond to wpt:t Q. Shecpnose: For the 2 sheeprime taken we estnnawd 58.000— Consideration:; involved in dcrivirr this ti:nount include: (a) there is all anticipated i'iigh cost to locate adults. (b) the ,1pccics is a short tern) brooder and casily ahorts kirvae o. -hen handler), tc) there has been are\ ious success on fish host iduntificatiun with this species. (d) there has been previous Success on propagation and culture with this species. and (e) litt!e is knoyvn regarding ham- this species All respond to captivity. W expect :he contribution shall be made using certified funds and shoWd be mvide out to .. "Kentucky \katenvays ,Alliance" - -vitt) KARt,` and any other appropriate details in the memo section. the contribution S11<111 the niailcel U): AIte116017: Judith Petersen, Fxccutiyc Jircetor. Kentucky \Vatervkavti Alliance. 120 `1�ebster Street. Suite 217. Louisville. Kentucky 40206. "I-hc: Kentucky 11 aicrwa: s .Alliance'; office idephone number is 270-524-1774. Contact k -Is. Petersen if' the contrihutioll will be made by direct deposit or .t wire trtnster. The contribution shall be made "i9& 15 %wekAs of the completion of' the relocation clTort. This "Terni and ('ondition supports MINI 21 t !)on locatin'. a e.;id, injured. or :ick individual of an cndariuvrcd or threatened species. initial iiwification niust be tn.adc to the f=ish and %- ildliti Service Layti f ntt)rc nicht office at taut %�, (3rciadyv,ty. Suite 115A, Gent: Snyder Courthouse. L.oui_s%Him Kentucky 40202 (phone 5()2152- 5989 extension 21 ). Addittunal noti(i dun must be ivadc to the Fish and M1014 Service Ecological Services I-itld Office at 330 %Fest Broadwal, Rtmni 265, Frinktriri, Kumucky 40601 iphc)ne 5016950460 60 ('arc should he token in handling sick or injured mussels, All fi;derally listed mustie k that are moribund or hay:` died recently are to lie pre ervvd according it., standard 111)(1,SCUM prai:tiCCS i prC4erabli kept ft' /en anTnr preser,..Qd in 95`�n ethyl alcohol and ther. frl�ec;itipletc scientiic and cUtT11'11Ur)cin.\tt nall-11 . Latitude and !o(tzitude c.)I' cullection site, dcscription ice collce:tion sites, and submitted to 11i: Kcntuckti L-:colueicaf Services Field Ot-ficc in Drank-f'irt, or to another location it' instructcel h. the KY (). rx rea sona)le and prudent nicasures, with their hnplvmcli W,,, terms and conditions. are designed to ndlinke the impact. or incidental take; that inight utlienyise result fruit[ the pn)posed ac:iou. fhc Service; 11clicves that no awirc than 76 fat puckelbuolcs. 2 pink mucl(ets. 2 oran;..+,efoot pimplchacks. 2 sheepnnse, and 6.59 .teres of necupied f:;derally Wed mussel Minn "91 he incidentally Ken. It Hurn« the course ot'the action, this level of ii:cidental take is exceed"L :•Mich IIwAntal take represcril1 m.!%y infi)rTnation requiring, rc-initiation of consulta kin and review of the reasonable and prurient ineasttres pro%ided. In addi(ion. if tory Other Ucrall., listed 111L1-'eSC!S arc rccorded durkig (lie niussLl relocation activities. re-initiation of r.onsultation and rev iem of. the nnisunable and prudent ireasare;s provided is required. 10 Federal ug ncy must immCc3iatzl•. provide an explanatkon or the C0111Se'i of the taking anti revie". %N lel, the Service the need A possihle mortification of lite reasonable ,ind prudent nit a;tireS. 4-1 t-•()NSFIR :1-1 1{)V RRC O.M `f l;u l):\ i`!t),\ cc iiilrt ?� c� J(l) r t' thy. -\c t dlirc�ct Fcd -al .i c ncics k) l;tic their authoritic-s !o 1`tllthcr the t�urrc>scti cri t}td \: t h,. d rlr-v ink c ut conservat,1 171 prourams titr tic hciieill( w' enc. ingcrc d �,md thrc,ltetwdl �E)cctcti. C dtr 5erw �1t14tft re'eOMITICTId. OD11ti ars dji crd:tic)riary aQvricv° ac_uvltics tU n11n1IT11lL' OF M diicl ad;vcr:,c ci?t'clw of a i�roposed action ctrl lisicc:l spccics or critical h2bltttt• lc� heli carry cart r-CCW-erw PI,111s, or to d}cv ejo1T iflft rtllm,ctrt. ihould consider iMpIcniewina the lullowirtg (:ollservatirtrt I'eCI,�r3`rT'id:ndl�llldfrt: M l'rcr; Lid itT<<ljtci,11 JSSiyl.if,c c to tlic K n,uckw Dcp,r-tiiient cit• F-1sli ,ind Wil. iclliC Rcsc urcc-} C'c:nwr Iur 'vlollusk Uon:ycr,: Lit) on to tiuppctri pro rams that \i-()rk to re- do re Federally listed rnusseh1 and ulhcr nativc wusscls in the lc-vvcr Ohio River Such ,ltisistarice �ctulcl tak#c the fitrm of proicctirtQ 01, ,:r1hancim, similLrr hat-wat and/or providing funding w ihQ C NIC-' facilitw (o propagmte fedually listcd rm,s�c:ls ,acidd, colter native mu")SCk h, order 'Dr the Sci .1ce tc, Esc Lpt inf(Jrm,.,d1 ot�ac:tions nlrnimiling or,tvOiciilts? isc],crsc C1I� cis or ben: 11 1 ZZ ]is(c;dJ -:pcc:ic;s or their habitats, phase; providic rtr)ti#ii�tfictrt to ilii S�r�;c `5 1~�n(uck� 1- ['"CIL! (A l ic:c; 01'111C iMP1CITtcrttdtti011 OFMP. COnscry diictrt r,;cm n m;:tldmi0111). lm(k:color ult:ltirrll cIrt the tzclior, ourlIned in the I-1 l\V,\ L\, cvrilttm (_T l` Of lM Ml cctrtSttlttition is required �Olc:ri diiscrv(iu ar} 1: 1-1 `;'c \, Corps, .trod scry ic-c; III"("] �. (:m 'nl car c ontrof o,. (:r the Action lw,` hcc;n rc t,li;id cJ ! „r is ,tutltttri�c c] fav ,:nd il'. 1 l) Clic, ait-Ic. unf, or c\tcni of irtcl.tIcn(al tdlke is exceeded,, ("_'j nc%y irtl'orimition revcal_� cffcc:ts uf dlef 1-i\VA. 111d! Service; a— tMF1-S 11131 rna\' afTect 11-t(Cd til)cc;ie; ctr Critical hLihit;lt in 1.1 nt�lnlzc;r or to ,ifi C\k!nt nut cmisidler(rd in this bicdnoic.il I}pitT3m1the l=1 [\\ :\. Corp,,, and c:r. is k: ;snort i5 lat;:r iTtod'Imi iii ,i ITt,lrtrte!" that e<trlses ui c°ff L:I to the li:;tecf species or c;rincal #.ahitLit nett eMnt;idJe c' d1 in this Nologic:il op'nion; or ,;-1l -Li ncvy spe'cie5 •rs hsU der critical lE<ll�it;it dCS')''—)MitCd (ibis MIL\ lid: df C:C1Cd b\' th4 C-IctiOn. hl inslances 1\h ri.: the „bits U11t Or e\terit ct1 iricid ental s. -Ac is c cc ; dlc i1• drily oper,mon c;iusi.n`� titri !t t,tkc s7tust cc<isc� tlrt(il rc irtiti1011. 1-(;r tht,,: 171c11oi;Ic;ii opli ic-1n. rite istcidlcnt,ll A4L \v()jilj he cxc:ccdicd. wl-n t#tc i,ik,: cN::ccds 76 cri ,1. c1; t1,c;4tkti, pinl: or►nuel'Oo,t p.-Im tichacks. ;Bill sh-epno tie ;chicly is wyhiit h,ls L-cc►t fron-I dw prollii-,iiic}ns of section Q by this biolog`cA t_-pimon- l he ` t:rvicl: a lakt s (lit! cf)c)peratWn (d' clic FI A'A and Corps during Tis c�r)t�Eltrition. �� C �m[tlil like w (()E)[lfllte in� %vitll You and i'c)l1F stAf'red;;irdino this Prc)j�;c. Har hirtllcr ct)orciination, please lrc or I crt)\K()t:l� r)f }�i:, cif fife ,tf -()?!(,9 .()4 E8. �i[�ccrcl�. i V in2iI I,ec (: ield SUper,:'isc)r 1)00c Otll� son. WIi, Frankf'csrt, KY tilichacI RIck. `rt�, 1.�.1('L:, fiills District, I arh�[L Scot[. Fr�inkfiw- ICY 4 L IT F R A -1, 1 -! R F c17 r1) hlsror� of ill,: spcctaclmusc, Cumberlambel monlidoma Sc-ty' IS"; -i r 16 1' ridat) 'NA -S, thesis. sout - tc l)I vc, r;' 11% S Id. 1 11 P 13m-T-111-irt, M,( , 191)7. R-, I 'I ,(101 - od(111) Arld fish I of L,tltillid S1�C64; Of C011COM. Pk:11�IfCd Columbia. Mlssourf. 5 pp- Bm,tibl-Jr, M.0 H90- Fat pock,C-tbook pcarl %--musticl 11waimittv F. i id a i , U c r c: d S I-) c c I C 13 u I I c L 1(6 j 3. HLJ1'r)hLLFt. LIM! 1' A. 1()()". Rv-1111-ccoon )I' hoyt 11shes %cith po�:keikook. Potamt-bis cotiax. Friannual 1-Ifnionid R(2port. 13.-16. Harrthart, M-(- F v Lind A.D. Re.herS. 109 ?, 1:1x11 110 -MS O!'111C fcdcralh -,ndamicr(;c pink. lnuck,,. L11111-j.\11t) a0ru[ita 1'rlanmt�ll L'nionld Repori t 3:-15. M and .,V PIL+CFI�. 193 ,'O, Flat lloaicr nc�vs. Kama,, Pearl I --, I-V- J! -.(j S -D- I MUSSCI ( \'Aiad I SLJrV'%"---St. I-17,111CIS. \� 1111e. Af)d ( 'LICI-J� Ar'-Ar�a,,, and Nh-: ,�mjrl, i-'Hnal rcptirL. PrQrjrt:d t'()r €;.tiAm-,. Corp, cd 1:n-j1lCL!1-ti. .M.--,nplik Districi. . 89pp. Apptmd, 57)ntp, BM -1,11111. A� And P, 198 ,. i clmcs- (:C`s R('AP-c Mollusks, in: Tcrmc,;scv� R,.ir-,: W141111'e. Report: I I k2ritauc Prour,mi o -L" the [Departmcm cal' Con-savlation. JL,1h: 1979 1. I , e r s I t i f k: i i f , L: s,-� c L!, K ri i I I c. (()01)p. C 11 �1 I �: C-1 III ill -� 1111 L:: I I I () n v, a A o �-,u s t Seph�'In'(� hance. Buticr, Rob. 1) �rt� I I Scv% 1(:c lnuludin,-� drtl'l, Pink M.Jckct, Lwnlisih.v edwul)ra5-Y,-�m, SlimiTlar\, "Ild Stmus rnlcf"v cot- PICrIlubasus cwll\u�, Ullnubl 1�) I, --d i'()l- Ohio PA%cr V_dlc,r- T(2,anl- %JarCh '200 [ .� Fkh r11)d '\I 'I't- I L: ti I le. � t I r I C.11• 111 a, !X1)1' AA I 1W MuZ-L:l Stud\ St, 1:ratl(:IS Mid Whitc Rr, crs, CRI -SS, Count,',, \rkL11's;js- Dcpartmcnt oC clic Arm% Ot'strict, COFJ)� 11EMec5S. Mcmp'thl'�. -1-ciines,,ce (Order No 84NA 1606R). --)S pp. irld apkpendiccs, Uncle o i - k,dL: r,i I kc - -I [,I tIo i,�. -1(I'. Lndanot:- cred and threatnd �I1clhIte and pI lant-i: - erccl 'animals- 1,cdvral RcL,1,,-&2r 50 CFR 17. 410 15j�24062-24�j stmu�, Jor 15�) tLIXL1 (d -(7 L 5 kit: oder,i 17 - C 1 200- , Fndam,;�:rcd vid thi-catcred �%Ildh L� mid p 1-, 11 s: w, 1`\j)erM)ew;d Popultitioll f0l' Frc.Ai,.�mur `nail. �t > f ishe> in thu Ilm"er French Hmad Ri er iod in the I.+imm I- dsmn Mr. I-cr•:n,,;;;cc: Fina! Rulc- I•edc;raI R<<gistcr 50 CFR IT Wt 1770WKSMI. 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IMPLICI'S 01, ditch Harin, harass or [..s i.?i[IwG kill Oullet [)itch, October -3.200) and up to 5 gilled Mississippi Count,,,. .Arkansl..ts during III" rCJOLa1' cjfl the l'at p(:Lc.tbook- nlusscl "(1 (tad CeIJUX) n i.,1rL:d11!c dispostal, p[le. st Nu.,.cmher 8. 2601 1) c,tcn t I al ill pJc o I' I h rcc ti(.;our A r k, J 1) SA 1� I [Ann. hamss or Up to 20H 1pdl�-Idkjajs Ill 01c. St. Ofhc k.: 11 Wd 111) M 2 Hncd,,Aa\ on the 111( \111-11 '00' killed durlm`' ihc PoA-k!tbook- rnus5L'.,_ rclocaticn. amount ol,.mall musscls ,]()( relok:d and buried. lilocimim-ton, IN Hzirm. harass, Undciimcd bw Of 1!1C 01110 col!cct or kill discov�:r\ of mo0 chanflel at WaL)i1sh l"J"Ind 1),xicnihcr _1002 lire rmi.sL!1� in I (.,Lc -LI t c,j in 1) cl� c U u I I -I simflc and Its cf(,t;cts C -in t'j"c Esc ccl�ccl 11tt p()c;1kcil)(wk 1%'aIIV WLISSCII Arkansas r(:1,1,1c::i1icn1 wcr Ditch I Gr nc,,ir I_ S I, ) 11 It L: c thi2 cl(N AK i 0 1 bc 1 ;1. 2, G fur a Arkansas 0 Individuak '�c LA �L' 42 1aWF[ (: III kzl n 1ti III L! P, gr ,;- I d nvm. t1'e city JuTic 10, lakell to N.-Lidisun, Arkal)�"At) hC1111v P 0 (L: I It I L. I I L, FfC(: IS L [h L2 A rr'�l I) Srls I nd Iduak COAT t]'ULWAI 01'a i'ilion Piicn-ic L., S 0 ff I IZLlllr('Ild I1r':LlLc across the Si. October 21), 200" ral-L C 's '-A a on the ['a o c k c t 1) o P fain i! Ii c cip ej.v Arkmsas 16 1 Ild I i d (1�1 I mm fit �:Ilanct: 'cictivItWs wIL1111" ks 01'11c�: Dltch 10 Gln the 1.iE pock-ediock April 1-8. [ll ussd (Pwa)rilfl) o t c I I I I -.I I III Pacts t1 C A r k'a n sa -s E I arm twrtss or individuak I Ill- 3 p r�- S[ I'% JC I -casi concrerc I S 0 H'I ice I H I ,clucaiL:d �ind k'iltd I bndi2�: -icro-s; Ditch 61 on the septcl-ill-)a i'C-Jcr:jkv �:nd.nn,,,:rcd I"r-11 1f7117 pock-enhook i-nu;-:rcl (Pwom.rhi.� 11 u (C. I " t I'l I t� I Yl� �: t th c r.�' I I) o \ i -A I R 100111V-12(011, IN' hi'ur\ )rd1T'-'Ct I 4 IndiVidUAS" and r(2p.11accrri--m of ific Routc I -1-s Ofllc(: k I v duritiu, reloc.ii-on. 2 - I 15 brid,-,L! ot:r Jit: \\.abtash (-)CtOhc1- construction. ki%cr .it MOUnI CaraMCI, Indil'-tnj on the Cia pkcketl-mok h) 111 IS L'(1/) (IN Pot 1 it I L11 I ill pctti 0t' thc N.-fil sso I, ir i Dcadi or injur\ ~ intik idUAS propwcd se(back c)f 1-"Ik ChWLf L's Love� In I)1_1110111 (,()tlntN J,i �'I U,1 F\ 10, MS on Oic 1't:dcrall%' (-')ninlon t'mt (lie `Vashlngtori OC No iakc \0 [Likc '�IFOVICIC(I CY)A "'Orcsi Ser,. ice 1,chruar% 2008 prm,IL1;cd ApplicLit.lon (YhrRcmrd,mts ()I) X'mlorl-d f.allL k - Oninlorl on the Kentuckv MorWalii,, . hdrin 4X6 individijals and 40 0 !"Ls t I -UC I I () I I S m I th, I al I LJ ()F liar J'.�Slm2fll 'd(2 F� 11 Od' hill)l 11-11 1\ drock:ctrk: J1I1Lid1'\' 2009 1.1\ I nu�slon CM11M KY' on -iss, 6 1 I nd'iduals gild ailci lc)adi:)L' f�icllitlt f(,r the KI 101 011 12.E .Icrc` o F 11 -ah", tj Rt'% -, r Vic w Coal Compan,,. I UcLlnl".. KY 1 2009 Opiln'!On L;ll ll',iducah K c i i t u c k "Acrtalov. harm 546 Individuals and or h:-ir,isswcnl 7 5 a c r cs o m 1) 1 t,L) I \|`|"[�X)/N B yink muck-Cl/1u»yv//�(IhnYvu)Noluiicu\ opinions inc|udim�umoun/uoJ [ornlv[mkc cxcn�puJ 111ROJECTS SERVICE INCIDENTAL TAK-E EXEMPTED or OFFICE AND 'FAKE (FI-) SURROGATE I) ATE 1-10 11-01 1� �1 INIEASURETO T1011 :Wt \jjajttI, 6A hA Lill 11,3 13 �� tohc r I Q0 3 thill the -.t r7l I Or 11 d M�� Afl )p1mon )r i Pr�,)po"vil UhAfllicl 1:_`; I'leld Ot,flcc r (sj C_ (o the ('tj:iihL:r1,irtd CookeviHc, -1 N Rive, L'R\ +:fl I I 5A k ")pw.1oll I-OrAll" v.-ItIlli, the )Ctobcr I Q9A I lAr.)i or 'h'! (11, Forcllc�• F's Field 11-ifficc P r oi I a I t:,l `Il l (I J C 1 p .11 1 r_„ tt:d '�C'-4 u'_.r Cookc v il I c. VN _)i. all, I L rp�ni(in I C)QMwii or hirjy= Une Clic ., ,Sr1S(rllcS:�SiI of ?Ili !_:S F-xid ()iic�_ RC Mirch N A No juthori�ed tor the PrOJIC,Cd Ul'iLl: Upur;itjun :,I 'Lilt: W-At-s Bar Cookc'vi'lc, I T”' 1,:r. to ':0 I[\-k: -Ij Mober 1 1)1)'--) Tillmil lur t ni per S i !d C t: ort� 111,11r) ell Indi\ ppr,�)S: lo! Ok: R,:SL ;JL i;f Cr)I lu:j! 'N 1 \Ll "CIL, In "A" io: o ;c.t i n i u nIM \1,1rch I X -,Lr -n or hd(LISN not he JdcrmineLl'- I Ac 1%�ri cxctcd :I' (herr Is A ;sI" 14,k: S I I I I \Nv de---hric of ,.;p (o 25O', 01 (tic MUSSC. Ded Jcllsw'� or duchile ;I' IX „(,t1 C,-.urjt\ up ro _0,6 ul the live-to-dul-1d ratio or ticclille of up to 1111 [hi: twil iw:iibcr ofw,pec:os CflLokmiercd o I o tCa I k:]i ('mi net bi: )J)JIML11) FCr he Pmpoi�:d C1\ A L-S Held 01 lkcc rC'ItCd 11iphn"., C 1111eYll:C Iti,er 1101- ICLJ I 11AM li.ivx-s, kir k,.] ()ilt: i It it u a! k% I It I t) I ill plo Li r, pi i i ic. A !,al ou"It lt:N� 5� X1=1,1 P r, , � r7i rn 1,11 11 11-C t 11 1 Fri 13;-'f t io !w_::c j ' Op ; !von Add rc� s, ii )I,- RIC"IOT11-11' Ut -CC ct� acct cin I ()( A'( I )( A I Alhrlts. (J) A R I lo L, Zc I )p1 rl 101 1,017 j 1,' 19110 Hartz, or v Vurl 14:TO ("I -.\ppro\iniatc,lle it LookL-v'[11c. I A I S up p I v 111 c rit to the 1991 Jallil'IF" 2000 Ha:rm or kill 1l1 titdlviLuak w!thln ei,L! o 64 31c,lu,_lc,ii Opinion I -or Thc ES FIL:Ij Of D1 lmp�blcd Propo"':d lind-ou" and j k c v c. clrillin,_- and con,,tnictiom M i id -I-cLt;icn to lhc Ki�muck\ ici;vifw� I I !,I w. A lllcdclL!14:"ll Opiwoll I -Of 1-chrit;mv 18. 'C,00 LUTTI. hHNI�S Or ; ill - 1:(,�;h:I:iL:ILJ 01,11cu ID-Liphrlc. AL Rl%�cf- ii 4vladl'�lfljl Arid )110T',_IITI c I i Fchruai-\ _7001 Lij-w-, liar -,i car I I I Al d d tl,C 'A I 1 1) c H�7or 7 �ilic Propo�c�! 1pmfm on L< Field )0 -,�:c pro ��:t .()rf;(.i !1-.L": Srmc Xowc Cookuvilic. I NN Li rl d C 0 VL r the I v i L: s -_,cc L-Okl&ml COUIRV. 'I 1 V.- A i I t: r) -u or hcirj,,> All il)LhV".dUA-S A ithLlI) 1110 r3 C- 1',j [ItC c c PrO k'Ut �Qn!L!L.W ill rop, �"I_ dic St'ItL: Rill-lic llrld�_�c (hcr uhi2 I OkldWl ('Otif!(V 'ym' lrll-ihlt.Lt n-, mcl or Al 1111111. Lll'i'LLlF!','_-d arCA 13111 ltw) Culllt\ dcgr,ldil: loll C I (ld. Ll Ll A I [�c F c ar ol "I.,I\ 1011cl I S .0 it d I A r i I 1 11 bc 2 0 1-.) 2 X a I I o I 1 11 mo I-m1diltu till "hc 1,_S, i lcjd CWL,c c n I c,,, mw !);till -IklJN L ", I: I N I) L) AR L- 1'1d11j)L' DA111 I m'd III < omw., . e I A PRI[1 O5ed • Lim 3 )dcrn izm ior (if Ali- m t cl) t L I'd 11 illd 'oVL B ca wcn kirl 1hu i r i -,j I i o I I M Co,j c I s anti W1 Juin X00.1 'tile fli'Ile t: T1 L I V J U1 r I t+ !:s I lie A R Aciolic'mcn! tO AR ()I WI(ail I J j :)jj � �j H;irm ur hAT,i15 M -11.11i ulr:ls, ,r kill I On, : ;nd, ."Idud 'o A Harm, 1)11Ta�>. Of collccl 14 _0 Indl-Au"t Can lint Ili: -1�tcrmllloci 'ja o -,t:1 t ;IIF,, Ll or it ri w hac, m or 1, rvc !Ihmwgh rcli,c�[,Loll Ind m, imrc 'Tian one ' 1 ".V,\ B!( uic ll.:(1 Opinion on i)�CU :•011�_tr:111111 L1( (i1r: I? '_'h\\,t\ 167 AR Lmit:w, ',0. 2006 1: S F I c 1 d f )CtlC,,' on\1.3\. AR Hjr111, or k1IE (I1iul (;�,� I Idit idudls (�f- S }3"oul- n11111;1(,c n 11()( be de(ir7111r11 (i \11.r t_7;'flli+::l +!C (h11'�;L(!�;1� I {c il!iYr i;� �'1Gi(, CiCs:cL' \\'UuM EhC ilS$Otiil(ctI \\Itil •1 E'U"_`_i onvva\, AR rcturn ;o bascil c 4f1f1(J!( (JIT , F 111d 'AUU?ai -1W In�'01 11141i",Iduah assoclatrd wiIII prc- t or pcI+ (-bascE111c r1parfdll �(ln(jj(�CInS. 1 13i�:1+-;`roc �1 01"Irlxln cin :Ili O (ober I 2011f) H'Ir111 or h.-Ifas5 C'an not i)r �I (enlliiled.:111 it1 R'otlllre 1, PCP, oll ;md 1:� held (-�� Ii�L t',\(> nsilc r( 1(11x.7 +�i (?lc ri\r r �f.ill:le'I1 Sn�iaE' I VA 1)-,Ing I11 �' ;ut;�\ ocio \v 1:_. (-; 1. KY 1 `. and E-CLIJOUI). Walt, Tar. jt \h'i1c; lar. Wilson. Plck\\!ck I_,Incii(1�, and Kclliuc;k,; dins\ M' E� k� ,(;it'iliri(iurt ,it JOilWAMI:"11C LIN i'Xld ri!ficr i)i kli( A-di ,J!5po,)di AreLl l`(. t X11?t'• I �:11 .,j�AlII�t_(1\liie "I!Ij 1 N' 111 ['1 (1n E;��citu�4�� ►.`; `ltlrt;il\i(Zt i(Zdi\i(IuJl; ,((l,i 7.5 1)Aiur lI`t\(rlrons t't'U c)rhar;(55svLnt ;►�rj�ti c)t'llili�it�(E ._,(_•rac kcn C ULIT'It\ . f Y i k��►71;�; r �' 1. 20 Ili kPPENDI\ C ( >�"n���'i�li)t �irltt;i�lltt( �. !`i'it'��rrrhir�rr.) °r�rJfrr�rcrrrrrr,� I hiiilEl i��tl !)PII OAS indudinu amount J11d fOrnt of lakc n,.-rnptcd. PROJECTS SERVICE I;N(ADENTAL TAKE I,;Y, ,M PTED or OFFICE AND TAKE (IT) SURROGATE UA•TE BO F0RNA iMEASURE TO I.SSU FD I%IONITOR 13ic)1(7;1L:11 (A;:ln1011 ,}ri ;tipr)l N .� 1cUiJ,lr.f� f %r11t11()It �'E3 ;;f es tltc M'° ' R::,i(>lial O ic[ stltl).-)r:z�cf ✓� [� 17C(,f?tJ�t•Ej �:i; L;U �' cC-t;il'� '\ftp: .'1 �Itl:i;llL. '\'�� s?li thu ()1i:i) River )tikiNkI CvUEit� f �AC-'1: 11:11 111C)(,c+_1.ic-,II kne l"'. No Llht 'w1h razed ();.);n Lw 4111 !kc 1:1 it:et_, ,)I1 i= 1 lci.cf Offic:: i lirc:mk :nc;(f and int �Ip :c'y �,,I, Aic ?-tilk,,r ()ills) Iovcr f `y ,\ t3:?);(tt!li ti i )r};{)l;ift t)I1 •.11e )e �;LIt1I�r C �. ! i12�� /� No IA: itillioi-izcd h- S:-. 1'CL!t rl:ll t)ifa'c (JA [tic t oll-lrl[rttun ,)I llic l!lriivEC::c! E' � i' I�'scl c.}ifiE t :i:iEi io 110 fi!i)loulcll ( i; inion f )r Sgptcinl%r I`►`1 N A '.t) 14.'; _ L101 tr`/1:f tlt, I7r(tli,-i�LiJ E- tr)tiEnl�llc)rt cil' S'_ �c{,it1[:�il i_)f1`!c=c ul[1c of 1hc; ILI:Iu . (.-�:� 3•-311.tK , ' f f i',\' \ 13!iilO'�:C:;i (if)1[iirin !Fir ,,ov(:nihcr 23- : `.1 � f'{:{rri! of 11dr;)v (J[l(' I[ltjl` li�;la tfit �.`O1i�.IrllClll�(i <)f llit' It�k[Ellli LS i' Ic[d 00 l:v-.iIl f :3r Id L: i ).1hitltC A _. i `a iL,:.,tJ ' o i ritllci l OCt( ISL'f 1')945 t_ UiICE'tlE)El Ul „�'E' L �1 i,1 i{} iIY� ;llU!'+llfti.11i, [ii)t �Y FS Incre I[l,ill ll) 11iU;t!dual pa ti� I( u L�Fmyl; I I a is A ALI k I h, L' ' 1, 199S in III (I r I jrj to Ad A .11 ITi U S Se i r HcjloL!;t.iil Oviviori AJdrcs,;InL! SI" kc-ioll,I]l c41r I TI I;i, C.'\ J... B olt7g C'l I I 11, o I I tilt larw ur har:i­, Vmn't(;r'.Arcc DrCLI-111L, ES lc1d 0i'llicc I N' !o !he 1 ir31 jalloar, ](1100 M -inti or All lodk.,dual" wthil" thc T04 ctrl Opit'llq)L 01 i - !od 01 1 'tcrc 'It uokc�'ille, I N Alld mict [ml .lcl I it "t�s 1.0L:k '\11(116CO) PIL)JC�E MAl_',hd11 KQWuck,, I I 1A A k t_.: S' A L-. 3 11, 1 u", �c A Fvbruiirb 1-larn. 0 r A I Ind i v dw'ds 111, It Ole n oll :ill'llropo')C�J. 1;S !.icl'd Ot'11CL Prcil:ect corr,dor kit [hc S!mc Ru,11C Cooko'lllc. ovv� 01C f I k! I A A Fchvj�lr:' 2002 {firm i i r I i ii rqiy s A I I 11) d I V I (I 11:. 1 "(",r thc L'S :Cid ()IT'L: n r o e c I l'ilrl I du r R,,:Pi;s;xrncrit A lit: !tc Routc- ' 1irldl_'LL 'It: ChIL11-1111L�Lc"'I L o H,&i[za vcd or AJ 3,011rhol '11C'l ',C'\(] L L: ad j k) I I rcioc.ttlon SL: p ic inhcr iarill or ")fl(� T)d V� 'UL11 I !.-S '-)LId t I I Ii_c Cou Ill ­,c-&n(a. mk-mjiLinr /cd FS 1 onne-,-,a Ri cr `V 13 r I 13 VC I fl, h ri 011A j I d Ll -3 ic km rk, po eJ i Lt r-i i. liaraor tilii I 20 lrd.vidu,Lt" -irld collllll�z. AI 1 ) C 1 0 t h.-, 1`191., j L, Haril IFIdividti-ik rcr 'I L!A I c J Cow.� jv� AR i t;,111 1(11 1 Itt -,]I if) il,1, .Itcr M kj� iCk "ll -I V A ()IM11011 011 'hL: Ocitibcr 17. 2006 ihrm. hair-J5,, CLIll not by duicrTTIHIC(I A11 110111;111 'kild �.,00k.c\ 111C. f [I-l:[c rc.jL:J)cy til ilic I N Ri�cr 011 I A Setif I'll L c bc1lj,-%; "jiudmill. (I KY MS. 13,11% CJuntcr.. J. -, %.- t I Ic, I Ic k y ck. I Id' -,:oii on FS ()rlct: Mnrt,d.l\. 1mr,111 or l Y irldiv.,du )c,: i: rl 1-,c r , 1 ,t) 1 111 ci Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: August 12, 2014 Short Title: Purchase of Solid Waste Dumpsters for the FY2014-2015 from Municipal Equipment, Inc., Utilizing the Kentucky State Contract ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Chris Yarber, EPW Operations 1v1gr Angela Weeks, EPW-Engr Pro] Mgr Presentation By: Rick Murphy, P.E., City Engineer -Public Works Director a k ound Tri_ ormtztior�: Municipal Equipment, Inc. is the current Vendor listed on the Commonwealth of Kentucky's Contract for the purchase of solid waste dumpsters. The Engineering -Public Works Department, Solid Waste Division is in need of new dumpsters to be utilized by commercial businesses within the City and would like to utilize the existing Kentucky State Contract for this purchase. Every year; an ar nount is alliocated toward durripster purchases in the apurual commercial refuse replacement budget_ Therefore, we are requesting authorization to order the required dumpsters along with additional replacement parts and lids during the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year in an amount not to exceed the budgeted amount of $70,000. The Kentucky Master Agreement number is Nf1-758-1100000316. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ®Quality Services ❑ Vital Neighborhoods ❑Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Account Name: Solid Waste Fund - Non Rolling Stock -Equipment Other Finance Account Number: 050-2210-531-42[9 Staff Recommendation: To adopt an Ordinance authorizing the purchase of Solid Waste Dumpsters for the FY2014- 2015 utilizing the Kentucky state contract price from Municipal Equipment, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $70,000.00. Attachments: KY Master Agreement .. C L� Depart ent d City Clerk City Manager ORDINANCE NO. 2014 -8 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF DU,IPSTERS. LIDS AND FITTNGS FOR FY2014-2015 FOR UTILIZATION BY COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES WITHIN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR SAME WHEREAS, this equipment is available under State Contract No. MA - 758 -1100000316 and competitive bidding is not required. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF PADUC,AH. KENTUCKY: SECTION I. That the Finance Director is authorized to pay an amount not to exceed 570,000 for FY2014-2015 to Municipal Equipment, bic., for tilt purchase of various sized dumpsters. lids and additional fittings for the Solid Waste Division of SECTION 2 File ".Iayot i5 ill',reby atlLhUrized tU%XeCtlte a ContraC, �vitil .Municipal Equipnlenr, for the purchase of various sized dumpsters, lids and additional fittings authorized in Section I above. SECTION 3. This expenditure shall be charged to .account No. 050 - SECTION -t. This Ordinance shall be read on two separate clays wid will become effective upon summary publication pursuant to KRS Chapter 424 Mayor ATTEST Tammara S. Sanderson. City Clerk Introduced by the Board of Commissioners. August 12, 2014 Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, August 26, 2014 Recorded by Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk, August 26, 2014 Published by The Paducah Sun, \ord\pworks\dumpsters 8-2014 Doc ID No: MA 758 1100000316 1 Paae 1 of 5 eF_ Commonwealth of Kentucky Une CL Description Delivery Days; Qiaantlty n t Unft Price GotitraCt Amt Tota! Rrlce,: 1 RECYCLING EQUIPMENT -MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 Extended Description PLEASE REFER TO SECTION 8 OF THE MASTER AGREEMENT'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE COMPLETE LISTING OF THE REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS MASTER AGREEMENT. IMPORTANT MASTER AGREEMENT Show Doc ID number on all packages, invoices and correspondence. oc Description: RECYCLING EQUIPMENT -MUNICIPAL EQUIP - (RFB 758 1000000937) oc ID No: MA 758 11000003161 Proc Folder: 3023027 rocurement Type: Standard Goods ffective Date: 2010-08-16 Expiration Date: 2014-08-15 Not To Exceed Amount dministered By: Donald Robinson Cited Authority: FAP111-35-00-G elephone: 502-564-6525 Issued By: Donald Robinson v` E" MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT INC N;< D. 6305 OLD SHEPHERDSVILLE R; LOUISVILLE KY 4022.8 `� Us j Une CL Description Delivery Days; Qiaantlty n t Unft Price GotitraCt Amt Tota! Rrlce,: 1 RECYCLING EQUIPMENT -MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT 0.00 0.00000 0.00 0.00 Extended Description PLEASE REFER TO SECTION 8 OF THE MASTER AGREEMENT'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE COMPLETE LISTING OF THE REQUIREMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS MASTER AGREEMENT.