HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCMPacket2014-02-25CITY COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA FOR FEBRUARY >>. 2014 x:30 P.NI. ROLL CALL INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE -Jack Hutcheson, Clark Elementary 5"' Grader ADDITIONS/DELETIONS PRESENTATION: 1) Annual Pilot Payment - Cal Ross 2) Paducah Dogwood Trail 50t" Anniversary Preview — DABNEY HAUGH/CAROL VANDERBOEGH I. MINUTES II. APPOIN'T'MENTS A. Paducah Human Rialits Commission B. Nuisance Code Enforcement Boarcl C. Paducah — McCracken County Urban Renewal & Cocnnulnity Development Board III. MOTIONS A. R & F Documents IV. MUNICIPAL ORDERS A. Personnel Actions I B. Approve Application for Cycle Kids — Fit Kids Are Happy Kids Grant — S. ERVIN C. Ky Heritage Council — Certifiecl Local Government Grant — S. ERVIN V. ORDINANCES — ADOPTION A. Accept KLC Safety Grant Award — S. ERVIN B. Approve Agreement witli PaCILIcah Police Department Bargaining Unit — C. INIEDFORD C. Approve Agreement with the Professional Fire Fighters of C, Paducah, Local 168 — C. MEDFORD D. Agreement for Professional Inspection Services with ICA Engineering for the Greenway Trail Phase 11 Underpass — R. �IURPHYy E. Authorize Contract for Concrete Ready -Mix — R. MURPHY VI. ORDINANCES — INTRODUCTION A. Approve Memoranduln of Understanding with Higdon Development — S. ERVIN y y B. Authorize Change Order #1 for the Ohio River Boat Launch Project — R. MURPHY C. Closure of a Portion of Ridgewood from Topeka to Olympia — R. MURPHY y D. Closure of a Portion of an Alley from Bethel toward Main Street — R. MURPHY VII. CITY MANAGER REPORT A. "Citizen Survey Community Engagement/Neighborhood Revitalization Committee Updates" -- P. SPENCER VIII. MAYOR & COMMISSIONER CONNIMENTS IX. PUBLIC COMMENTS Y. EXECUTIVE SESSION BOARDS and COMMISSIONS APPOINTMENTS and REAPPOINTMENTS FOR CITY COMMISSION CONFIRMATION vY Appointment Reappointment �^ � D Joint Appointment NAME: AiAJICS Joint Reappointment NAME OF BOARD OR COMMISSION: _ kUMAi� i 1Csl HT--_ C0Mi`^,ZSS-1Gr\i DATE TO BE PLACED ON AGENDA: _ 11 e, 073. U 1 EXPIRATION OF TERM DATE: Jug, so ti APPOINTEE'S HOME ADDRESS: Street: uT i j S, A-ln Cit./Zip:-- Phone: QUID - 1\0 - i -s, -L4 1'. Email :address: o=n VSra.-�ie-5�I�onnCor-n Appointee's Business Name: Address: Cite/Zip: Phone: TO REPLACE ON BOARD: - Thanl: you VResigrrerl ,ADDRESS: —4M E Teriu Expired Other (eq)lain) CitN,Zip: r �n Ll i -appointee Confirmation: DiLc: Board of Commission ApproN al: Ori«inal to: f,1nunara S. Sandersorn. Cir% Clerk BOARD CFIAIRN[AN: Cc: file BOARDS and COMMISSIONS APPOINTMENTS and REAPPOINTMENTS FOR CITY COMMISSION CONFIRMATION /Appointment Reappointment Joint Appointment NAME: , �-� �y pyi r n 4-t Joint Reappointment NAME OF BOARD OR COMMISSION: -i u ,ti A- ;\ �2 T_ Ca H TSCo ,ti t,, ; c� s G Al �-- --- DATE TO BE PLACED ON AGENDA: EXPIRATION OF TERM DATE: J ' APPOINTEE'S HOME ADDRESS: Strect: City/Zig Phone: _-,) ,_ C� - r7 Li - ?D_/�s Email address; -#-Irk i �. l �e r�(,'U . CC�ti� Appointee's Business Name: .-address: Cite/Zip: Phone: Think you Resigned :1 Term Expired Other (explain) TO REPLACE ON BOARD: ADDRESS: Citi Zip: Appointee Confirmation: Date: Q% Board of Commission Approval: Oci,inal to: Tammara S. Sanderson. Cite Clerk Cr: file BOARD CHAIRMAN: BOARDS and COMMISSIONS APPOINTMENTS and REAPPOINTMENTS FOR CITY COMMISSION CONFIRMATION 2 Appointment i Reappointment Joint Appointment NAME:J� -V lr r Joint Reappointment 1 NAME OF BOARD OR COMMISSION DATE TO BE PLACED ON AGENDA: I 75-i zcI L _ EXPIRATION OF TERM DATE: t, to UAL APPOINTEE'S HOME ADDRESS: Street: l 1 t\id '2 r, LA 5+ ' U a Q0 5 cit,/zip: L 176 b I Phone: CQ 11U" L I Ll2 - 2 L-98 Email Address: �Y Appointee's Business Name: Address: cite/Zip: Plione: TO REPLACE ON BOARD: Thank Nou 1 Resigned ADDRESS: =; Term Ckpired 71 Other (explain) Cit%/Zip: appointee Confin t iatioct: Date: L E3� Board of Commission Approval: Original to: Tammara S. Sanderson. Citv Clerk BOARD CHAIRNIA\: Cc: Mite BOARDS and COMMISSIONS APPOINTMENTS and REAPPOINTMENTS FOR CITY COMMISSION CONFIRMATION ❑ Appointment Reappointment ❑ Joint Appointment NAME: t �SkQty r 0 ti.nC� ❑ .Joint Reappointment NAME OF BOARD OR COMMISSION: DATE TO BE PLACED ON AGENDA: EXPIRATION OF TERM DATE: APPOINTEE'S HOME HOME ADDRESS: Street: k f, ve . ��i o (fix a 01 u- Citi -/Zip: `�� Ll Phone: 1r.)crL1C', Email Address: \a Z. v 1 a I �0 f) CC I0.& 14, C + C S . � C� U Appointee's Business Name: Address: Cite/Zip: Phone: E Thank you ❑ Resigned TO REPLACE ON BOARD; ADDRESS: 1-1 Term Expired Other (explant) Cit%; Zip: L'(-�njtkLs Appointee Confirmation- Date: B� Board of Commission Approval: Original to: Tamn)ara S. Sanderson, Cit\ Clerk BOARD C:HAIR.NIA : Cc: tiie FEBRUARY 2�. 2014 mope that the follo%\ ill« docurtlertts be received and tiled: DOCUMENTS BIDS Certificates of Liability Insurance a. A & K Construction, Inc. b. Central Paving Compan\, of Paducah C, CrouCh Building Associates d. D & D Construction of Paducah e. Smith Builders Commissioner's Deeds - a. 1200 Hampton A�,enlle b. 1_143 North l3`I' Street <rr-ee r»en is/C o rl t r -ac t s: n. Prom issor, Note bet\\een Paducah Golf Commission and the Cit% of' Paducah, Kentucky for capital improvement project and equipment needs for the Pa\toll Park iVfunicipal Golf Course (ORD # ?013-1 2-8109) b. Financial Advisor Engagement Contract \\ith 1-1illiard Lyons for project bonds (ORD #'_013-09- 8074 ) c. Change Order Number 1 «ith Aquatic Renovation S\ sterns, Inc. for the Noble Park Pool Rehabilitation Project cf. Settlement A�4reernent and ifutual Release \% ith Aquatic Reilo\ ation Systems for the Noble Part: Pool Rehabilitation Project Paducah Po\�er System Electric Rates for Fehl'LI<1I'\ 2014 J ✓ C Itv of Paducah Financial Report for the period ending September 30. 2013 Cit\ of Paducah Financial Report for the period ending December 3 1, ?013 Continuation Certificate \\ ith Western Surety Company for Excavating Permit bond for Rai Black &, Sorts, Inc. ENGINEERING -PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTiVIENT Bid for Concrete Ready -Mix 1_014-201 a. Federal Materials X b. Kotter Read%-iv1ix — Bidder Disqualified PARKS DEPARTrIMENT Bid for E\cluSl�e Be�era,e Rights for Paducah Parks Facilit} a. COCA-COLA b. Pepsi ivI idAmerica Denotes %Vlmunu Bid CITY OF PADUCAH February 25, 2014 Upon the recommendation of the City Manager, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah order that the personnel changes on the attached list be approved. City Wager's Signature f; Date CITY OF PADUCAH PERSONNEL ACTIONS February 25, 2014 PAYROLL ADJUST MENTSITRANSFERSIPROMOTIONS[TEMPORARYASS IGNMENTS PREVIOUS POSITION AND BASE RATE OF PAY FIRE SUPPRESSION CURRENT POSITION AND BASE RATE OF PAY Denton, David A Fire Lieutenant Fire Captain S15.78,/Hr $16.57.,Hr Denton. David A Fire Captain Fire Lieutenant S16.57/Hr $15.78/Hr NEW HIRE - FULL-TIME FIT POSITION RATE PLANNING `Alincrester. Melinda Downtown Development Spec S24.76/Hr NCS/CS FLSA EFFECTIVE DATE NCS Non -Ex November 6, 2013 NCS Non -Ex December 3. 2013 NCS/CS FLSA EFFECTIVE DATE NCS Ex March 6, 2014 Agenda Action Form Paducah Cite Commission NA�etinw Date: 25 Februar % 2014 Short Title: Cycle Kids — Fit Kids Are Happe Kids Program ❑Ordinance ❑ Emzrvenc% N Municipal Order ❑ RCSOIution Motion Staff Work By: \mie Clark: Sheryl Chino Presentation By: dark Thompson: Steve Ervin Back -round Information: The Cycle Kids -- ril Kids .-lre Heippv Ki& program is a three-year prog,ranl desi,ned to promote good health in a holistic fashion tlu•ou�,h M111-ition, ph\ sical actik itx. tmellectull stimulation, and emotional well-being. Cl•cle� Kicls uses a comp�'eheasive curriculum incorporating pli%sical activity. reading, arid writing skills that teach not just the skill and safe practices of ridings a bike, but also how to make good nutrition choices. The program is designed for -I'1' and 5'" grade students during a ph\sical education class or during an after school prograiu and requires at least eight (3) class sessions for a minimum of one ( I ) 1101.11' per session. The cost of the program is Sl 5.000. The Paducah Parks Department is proposing to bring the Cvcle Kids program to Paducah b\ creating ;ln after school pro,ranl. The Cycle Kids grant %\ill fund the cost of the program and a match requirement for the urant in not required. This program «ill enhance existing bike -Friendly initiatives such as Bikes on Broadway, Bike Rodeo, and the development of the Greenway Trail. Recipients of the grant kill be awarded bikes. helmets. and textbooks: as �kell as, support from the Cycle Kids program. If the Commission desires to authorize the submission of the proposed grant, it must authorize and direct the Ltavor and;or \,,la\or's Designee to submit and execute all documents necessar% to do so: as %kell l,. authorize the submittal of the grant application through the on-line Cycle Kids website b\ the Planning Department, if an award is offered, it will be brought before the Commission for consideration. Goal: ❑Strong Fconom� ®QualitN Ser ices❑ Vital Neighborhood;❑ Restored Downtown, Funds Aaillble: .account Name: Account Number: Finance Staff Recommendation: Approval Attachnients: DeparnllenC Fleld Cit.\ Clerk "City `ilna,er MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. A MUNICIPAL ORDER APPROVING THE EXECUTION OF. -\N ON-LINE GRANT APPLICATION TO OBTAIN A CYCLE KIDS — FIT KIDS ARE HAPPY KIDS PROGRAM GRANT, THROUGH CYCLE KIDS. IN THE AMOU\T OF S 15.0100. TO BE USED BY THE P.ADUC.AH PARKS DEPARTMENT BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH. UN-TUCKY: SECTION 1. The City of Paducah hereby approves the -x,-cution of an on-line grant application to obtain a Cvcle Kids -Fit Kids Are Happy Kids Program Gram. through Cycle Kids. in the amount of S I x.000. ro be used b� the Paducah Parks Department to create an after school program which w ill teach the skills and safe practices of riding a bike and how to make food nuu•irion choices. This ;rant Joey not require a local cash match. SECTION 2. This order shall be in full lbrce and effect from and after die Jate o its adoption. 1-Ltkor .ATTEST: Tam mora S. Sanderson. Cin Clerk Adopted by the Board of Cornmia;ioners. February _'S. 2014 Recorded by Tanunara S. Sanderson. City Clerk. March 20:-4 '1110" -.MT11-0 INirk-z -cycle kids 2-'+1t r Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: 25 February 2014 Short Title: Certified Local Government Program (CLG) Grant ❑Ordinance ❑ Emergency ®Ntunicipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff \ ork Bv: Josh Sommer: Steve Ervin: Sheryl Chino Presentation By: Steve Ervin Background Information: Jointiv administered by the Kentucky Heritave Council. State Historic Preservation Office and the National Park Service, Kentucky's Certified Local Government Program (CLG) is a local. state, and federal partnership that promotes historic preservation planning and protection of prehistoric and historic resources at the local level. The Kentucky Heritage Council allows for a variety of initiatives under the CLG grant program including archaeological sutweys. national register nominations. and historic preservation education. The cit}- is choosing to apply for historic preservation education funds. The Paducah Planning, Department is planning to utilize CLG funds to host a training event that includes the Commission Assistance & Mentoring Program (CAMP) and the Historic Preservation Mini -Conference. The CAMP prod_>ram is hosted by the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions and Mini -Conference is hosted by the Kentucky Heritage Council. The event kvill provide approximatel) 16 training hours for the Paducah Planning Commission, FIARC Board, Urban Renevyal and Community Development A�zenc\. Board of Adjustments, and staff. Approximately 175 will be attending the conference. The total estimated cost to host the event is $10,600. The CLG grant program requires a 40°o match in either cash or in-kind services: therefore. making the city's match requirement total $4.200. Matching funds will come in the form of cash from the PRA Traininttl and Travel account. The cit} is appl\ing for `$6.300 through the CLG grant program. If the Commission desires to authorize the submission of the proposed grant. it must authorize and direct the Mavor and/or Mayor -s Designee to sUbnUt and eSeCUte all documents necessary to do so. [fail award is offered. it will be brought before the Commission for consideration, Goal: ❑Strong Econom} ® Quality Services❑ Vital Neighborhoods® Restored Dovvntoutts Funds -available: .account dame: Account NUmber: Staff Recommendation: Approval Attachments: Finale Department [lead City Clerk Cit\ Nlanaaer Finale l4L'N1CIP.U_ ORDER NO. A MUNICIPAL ORDER AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION FOR A MA FCHING GRANT IN THE A.(OUNT OF y6.300. THROUGH THE KENTUCKY HERITAGE COUNCII.JSTATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE AND NATIONAL PARK SERVICE FORA CERTIFIED LOCM. GOVERNMENT PROGRA�1 GRANT TO BE USED TO HOST .\ COMMISSION ASSISTANCE & NIENTORI`1G PROGRAM (CA\IP) AND HISTORIC PRESERV.-\T[Oiv .\IINI-CONFERENCE BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. The'vtavor is herebv authorized to exectne an application and all documents relating to same, requesting a matching grant in the amount of `fi6.300.00 throuwh the Kentttckv Heriatse Council/State Historic Preservation Office and National Park Sen -ice for a Certified Local Government Program grant to be used to host a Commission Assistance & menwring program and Historic Preservation mini -conference, for atotal project cost of SI0.1�00.00. SECTION _'. This grant will require a local cash math of S4?00. These runds are included in the PRA Trainin, and Tra%el .recount. SECTION 3. This order Shall be in Full force and effect from and .titer the date of [IS adoptiott. �Lrt ot. ATTEST: Tantmara S. Sanderson. Cin' Clerk Adopted b\ the Board of Commissioner:, 17ebruarp25.2014 Recorded b% Tammara S. Sanderson. Cit) Clerk. Februan ?S. 2014 uno�gr:uus`,Kentuckc Heritage Council 2-2014 Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commissiolt Me:.tin! Date: FebruarS 13, 2014 Short Title: 2013-2014 Kentucky League of Cities (KLC) Insurance Services Safety- Grant ®Ordinarnce ❑ Emergency ❑ N[unicipal Order ❑ Resc)lctior. ❑ �[otiotl Staff Work By: Stc%e Ervin, Rick Murphy. Chris Yarber, Cindy. Medford, iheryl Chino Presentation By-. Ste\,e Ervin Background Information: KLC Safety Grant Program was developed in tt=99asa -�kav for members to str;,tch our safety budget. The program offers really two ;rants in one. it has a 50/:0 matching Funds safety ;rant program that %k ill reimburse a city up to 53.000 For prior -approved items/equilpment that will reduce Workers' Compensation exposures. and another grant up to 53.000 for prior -approved it.-Tris/equipment that will reduce General Liabilitx and Property exposures. The application was originally approved by nunlicipal order 1751. The Cir: of Paducah ha, been akkarded 53.000.00 for the proposed project. The original total project cost Was S12.000.00 to purchase MO security cameras and to cover the K`IESHA training costs. The city had prepared anapplication requesting 56.000.00 BecauSe funding %kas reduced to $3,000.00. the city will reduce the numberefcaineras and the IlUmber of :tart attending the KMESEIA training, This grant requires a 50/50 match: therefore, the city's financial obligation to the project is S3,000.00 for a total project cost of 56,000.00. The grant requires authorization by the Paducah City Commission to allow the "All"or to execute all ,rant related doCL111lent.. Goal: ❑Su-ong Economy ® Quality Ser\ -ices ❑ Vital \eighborhoods❑ Re!aored Dottlltomi-" Funds Aailable: Account Name: 2014 KLC Safety Project Number: MR0061 Z Finance ACCOLML Number: 001-0501-514.42J��'(Caitlera Pxt.on) 001-35 1 1.513.38-01 (Training Portion) Project Number: 6.254 CFD: : \/A Staff Recommendation: Appro%al attachments; ranent Head City Clerk CI Agenda Action Form Paducah Cite Commission Vleedmg Date: February 23,'_014 Short Title: Paducah Police Depal-tment Bargaininc r.nit Agreement (FOP) NOrdinance u Emergency " Municipal Order 17 ReSOIICiJn [ Motion Staff' Work B.: Anthony Copeland, Brandon Barnhill, Cindy Medford, Jon Perkins, Audra Herndon, Heather RLlshitlil, Je:f Pederson; Stacey Grinl:.s. Brian Krueger. _kdrlaime Gleeson y Presentation By: Cindy Medford, Brandon Ba-rl^i l Backaround Information: The current contract with the Padacah Polio Department Bargaining Unit, expires June 30, 2014. Negotiations on there+R contract befall oil Januar 10; 2014 and concluded on Janual•y 28. 2014. The Cite has f �,-n advised that the membership has voted to approve the attached contract. The Contract includes the followina mjOr teriilS E—Uld ChEIIWCS :YJnl the pl,-VIOtls FOP contract: • A1mllllsuativke Chanes Changed Reference to all dates to retlect nc k ;dear contract (Jule 1. 2014 - June 30. 2017} Updated table to include proposed wageiureas:.s Dues Deduction section changed to reflect Iai: share language Shift Assignment section changed permanent .�iiu cy from 6 months to 3 months • Wages \Vorkweek and O%--i-time changed retir,—J officer icer v fitness Lmy to S40 day trolls S25 day include 5.70 hour in the %%age tables for Set is Proposed annual increases o f 1.0' I .5').). 2.0 t, in 21;1-1. 2015 16 respectively Wage Rates to add longe%it% pay as tollows: • JUI\ 1. 2014 Addit.ional 5.25 hour to \'embers or more rears of service • Jtil% I. 2015 Additional S.23 hour to N`.erl�-lers %%itis 15 or Illore %-Cars Of service • Jtll%- l- 2016 _additional S.25 hour to Vemlwrs %% ill- 20 or more %ears of service • Total wage and fringe benefit increase impact over the three year Period is estimated to be S434,000, Tl:e calculation considers maintaining current staffing levels. • Sick Leave c Reflects changes to CERS Retirement Time Pu: -chase instituted by the State Change the date of Payment .alternative payotit D Chance the minimum amount of time charoe� for sick leave to one-quarter holo' from one hour • Military Leave Reflects changes to Cite Police in order to colro3 �-vtth Federal Law. • Life Insurance c increase of double indemnity in-rite-line-of-&tY death benefit to S50.000 ti•0111 S25,000. This increase will be accomplished CUCLigh sett -insurance u is an annual set aside in the budget process. Goal: ZSuong ECUIlUl114' iZ QUaIIC� Services__7.Vital \eiJhcencoedsi Restored Domito«ns Fonds Available: .account Name: .account Number: Staff Recommendation: Approve an ordinance authorizing the NIavor to exeCLIte the agreement x ith the Paducah Police Department Bargaining Unit Attachments: Agreement between the Cite of Paducah and the Paducah Police Department Bargaining Unit. ­' I '�Depa meat Head Cite Clerk Ca -Manager Agenda Action Form Paducah Cite Commission M_ -c a Date: February 25, 2014 Short Title: The Professional Fire Fight-rs of Paducah Agreement (IAFF) Ordinance Emer,enc�''-t,��. Municipal Ord1-r.7 Resolution —1�(o:ion Staff �Vork By: Ban-, Cart, -r. Steve Kyle, C inly Xledford, Jon Perkins, Audra Herndon. Heather Rushing. Jett Pederson, Adriamie Gleeson Presentation By: Cindy \,Medford, Steve Kyle BackgrOlilld Information: The Current contract «Itil the Professional Fire Fighters of PadLlcall, expires June 30, 201 4. NegoCations on the tie \\ Cotllract began on Januat'} 21. 201 4 and ConCluded on January 29, 20t4. The Cit\ has been ad\'ise\1 ilia[ the rn,;mbersllip has voted to approve the attached contract. The Contract ilICIL1CIeS the COIIo\\ing major t:,Ims and change_ (r,)m the previous IAFF contract, • -�dtllitlistrati\':. Changes: Changed Reference to all dates to reflect ne%v') y-ar convl. t (JUI\' 1, 1014 - Junkt 30, 20 17) L"pclateci table of contents c Updated "age table \\ ILh proposed wag,- incr�-aies • M..lte Insurance: Ale -11:d 550,000 CIOLlble indemnin' in-the-line,if duty-deatl: `jeneht, to remain the same as an\ othCr public sa e:\ employee.Coterage veil; be obtained through Anthem Lite ke; pin, IiC�- itlsut•anCe a: S _500 arld adJIM-1 525.000 indemnity. the r�_-nlalnln;; 525,100 \\lit be S, -I': WSUNCI \\'l'i11 .l speCl.11 :3nt311,11 s:.t aside in the budget process. • ActinQ Pav: Excludo tralnliw asslunmenti las'1ng long; lr t'. -c-1? 1t.1 shifts from qualifying the substituting employee for Actirp- Pay. Give Captains aClltlg 3s AsslstCln. C•111:f 5.7t) acuradditional tmv ,llstrlbm—ed ai tollOWS: j.30 11OUr to Acting, AC ;'-I : S. 15 110-,r to A,:t:n`? AC =2:'3.05 hC)LII- tO AcEIng AC =!. Defines the setectior, prOCess for Reliel'Dri\;,:• .0 based cv imiorw, and b\ r,-cornmendation of the appropri t: Captain. • SiA Lea\',- and Pay: Cloves pa\'lll:.nl of 51,:i� Leave Paym.'Ilt t :o no 'a:et' th,Ul til, s1,wI,d pay,�h,:ck in Februar%. 11,121-2 • lnjur� in the line oCdut,- resulting in Worker's Compensztion: New _article (lilserted as .article 18) Allo«s wtrbers to use 8 hours of sick leilve (depending on availabilin-) per of niury to address pa\ disparity in %korkersI compensation calculation. • H,::alth and Safety .added lamiage indicating the Cite will adher: to Federal Jt:idelines in regards to medical spending accounts when depositing arrual physical agility testing incentive money into such accounts. • Concession Allowance Clarification added that funds arc distributed cuarie, Iy to :mch station. • Wage [fates 1. 5'''o, and 21)/o cage increases in effect Cor inch Ofthe next 3 %-ears beginning July 1:_'014. Increased Captain wade base 5?8, hour Total wage and fringe berleht increase impact over the three year period is estimated at S378,000. The calct:lation consid.-rc;l maintaining current staflina levels. V - Goal: ! Soong Econotll� Quality Seri ices-L7--7-Vital \eighcorl:c, (kL Re,te-ed Do%\iito%�n; Funds Available: .-\ecoutlt Name: .-account Number: Finance Staff Recommendation: Approve an ordinance at1010ri2ing the Mayor to eXecute the .-agreement with the IAFF Baraaining [:nit. Attachments: Aareement bet-,veen the Citi' of Paducah and the Professional Fire Fighters of Paducah, Local 168, int; rnational Association of Fire Fighters I Dep�lrti' aleft Head Citi- Cl:.rl:it4 \[a;gager agenda action Form Paducah City Commission Healing Date: February 18, 2014 Short Title: Greenway Trail Phase II Engineering Construction Inspection Agreement With ICA Engineering ®Ordinance ❑ 1~mergency [:] 1Iiunicipal Order ❑ Resoltvion 71 Motion Staff Work Bv. Angela Weeks. EPW Pr llgr Presentation By: Rick'Nlurphy. P.E.. City Engineer -Public Works Director Background Information: On September 30, 2013, Harper Construction LLC, began construction of the Greenway Trail Phase H Project. Up to this point, work has been focused onthe concrete trail construction on the Fioodwall levee. Due to weather conditions, the construction of the Underpass was delayed until weather conditions could improve sometime in `March or April of 2014. During construction of the Underpass, it is imperative that work be completed in full compliance with the Project's permits, design and specifications. Therefore, itis requested that during construction of the Underpass, professional engineering inspection services be conducted. As ICA Engineering (formerly Florence & Hutcheson) was the design engineer for the Project, ICA has agreed to provide professional engineering inspection services during the construction of the Underpass in an amount not to exceed S35,000. The attached Agreement Cor Professional Inspection Services outlines the scope of work to be provided by ICA. Corporate Counsel has reviewed and approved this agreement. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ®Quality Services Vital Neighborhoods ❑Restored Downto«ns Funds Available: Account Name. Greenway Trail Phase QIL/ I V/-, o Account Number: 040-8821-536-2307P078, , Finance Staff Recommendation: To adopt an Ordinance authorizing the iMayor to enter into a Professional Service Agreement with ICA Engineering for construction inspection services associated with the Greenway Trail Phase II Project in an amount not to exceed $35,000.00 Attachments: ICA Engineering Proposal and Engineering Service Agreemetit Departn)nt HeV 11 City Clerk 11 City Manager Agenda action Form Paducah City Commission \-teeti ng Date February 18, 2014 Short Title: Agreement for Concrete Ready -Mix for 2014-2015 ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ I Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ i/Totion Staff Work By: Angela Weeks, Engr-Pub Works Prod Mgr Presentation Bye Rick 1Nturphy, P.E., City Engineer -Public Works Director Background Information: On February 13, 2014, sealed bids were opened and read aloud for the City of Paducah's purchase of Concrete Ready-i✓lix. This contract will be utilized to obtain Concrete Ready - Mix required for various construction projects, street repair and nuscetlaneous projects within the City of Paducah for the 2014 and 2015 calendar year. Ttivo bids were received, with one bid being disqualified. Therefore, the qualified bid of The Federal Materials Co., LLC, is recommend to be accepted for the unit prices as shown on the attached bid tab. The contract unit prices shall begin upon execution of the contract and end December 31, 2015. The contract has the option for an additional one-year renewal, ending December 3 1, 2016, upon the mutual agreement of both parties. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ®Quality Services ®Vital Neiglibcrhoods ❑Restored Downtowns Funds Available Account Name: Various Accounts Account Number: Finance Project Number: Staff Recommendation: To receive and file the bids submitted for the 20 14-20 15 Concrete Ready -Mix Contract and adopt an Ordinance authorizing the Nlayor to enter into an agreement with The Federal Materials Co., LLC, for the unit prices listed on the attached bid tab for the 2014 and 2015 calendar year ending December 31, 2015 and to authorize the N'ta.yor, subsequent to the recommendation of the City Engineer -Public Works Director, the option to execute a --One- Year Renewal Agreement" extending the contract time period For the 2016 calendar year ending December 31, 2016, upon the mutual agreement of beth parties Attachments: Advertisement, Bids, Bid Tab, proposed Contract Depart nt ea City Clerk Cit) Manager ❑ P.-� Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission \teetinL? Date: February 215, 2013 Short Title: Lakewood Villa — Infill Development Agreement — Sectiotl Ordinance ®Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Staff Work By: Stephen Ery in Presentation By: Stephen Ervin Background Information: Phil Higdon is requesting infill development incentives for Section l f of Lakewood Villa. Lakewood Villa Section 1 is a 64 -unit Condominium development located on Bleich Road. Section l is complete. Lake�%,,00d Villa Section ? is in compliance with the follow Ing Infill Development findings: • That a Resiclential Development ,agreement wil.I increase residential development in the City of Paducah. • That the City of PacILICah's economic well. -being is related to and in many respects clependent upon, sLtstained oro th of its population and tax revenue base thrOUgh development of vacant properties. • That a Residential Development Agreement Will encourage clevelopment of single-family owner-000UPled holtsing on vacant, orphaned. or widertltiltzed I.and located In the mature portions of PadUcall Wllere lnfrastrLICtUre and services are iIl place. • That a Residential Development Agreement will encourage infill development that may have been underutilized or blighted, llelpinLy to catalyze revitalization. • That infill residential development will increase the re%-enue tax base necessary to meet various capital needs, especially In the Area of public safety, maintain infrastructure and facilities, promote economic development, and will aicl in the maintenance of existing infrastrltcttire and facilities. • That a Residential Development A2reernent will help maintain growth through infill development, which en.COUrages a healthy econoniv, • That a Residential Development Agreement will encourage Infill residential development. which will increase the population base of the City of Paducah, therefore increasing the possibilities of becontiny a designated urbanized area. L,enda A,:Ilon FOrfn Paye The 10 -year infill development agreement allows the City to reimburse the developer for the actual costs incurred in connection with the construction of qual ified "municipal facilities" {streets, gutters, and other public infrastructure} %vithin the proposed development, in an amount not to exceed the total cost of facilities or the total sum of all ad valorem real property taxes collected by the City from the property, whichever is less, over a ten year period. Goa[:M Strong Economy® Quality Services® Vital Neighborhoods❑ Restored Do%vntowns Funds Available; Account Name: Account Number; Staff Recommendation: Approve agreement Other Recommendation: Motion: Attachments: Aareen)ent tilap Department Head City Cleric r��City Manager Finance j?),)S-;: "JII ORDINANCE 204 —3- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, .APPROVING ,a .%IE,IORANDUi✓I OF UNDERSTANDING BY AND HONG THE CITY OF PADUCAK KENTUCKY AND HIGDON DEVELOPMENT, INC., WITH RESPECT TO TF{E RESDIENTfAL DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF VARIOUS DOCUMENTS RELATED TO SUCH MEINJORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING. WHEREAS, the City of Paducah is charged \,vith tale responsibility of overseeing the proper and orderly development of vacant or underutilized properties located within it's corporate boundaries and of insuring the integrity and q>_lality ot- it's existinuy residential Ileiahborhoods: and WHEREAS. the City of Paducah's economic well-being is related to and in malty respects is dependent upon, sustained growth of it's population and tar revenue base through the development of vacant or underutilized properties; and WHEREAS, Higdotl Development Inc., a Kentucky corporatioll. (tile 'Developer") is the present owner of certain tracts of real estate located within the corporate boundaries of the City of Paducah and has expressed all intent to purchase or acclutre another tract of real est.1te IOCated Within the corporate boundaries or the City of Paducah. ul)oIl which the Developer proposes to Construct a cotldolniiliurll/illulti-family residential de\-elopincnt, which real estate is ;enerally bounded by Bleich Road. Lakewood Drive. Ridgekvood Street and east of K -Mart, in the City of Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky (tile "Property")-, and WHEREAS. the residential development will encourage development of vacant Oi underutilized land located in the illature portions of Paducah Mitre infrastructure and service -S are In place: and W EREAS, the residential development Wilt erlCoturaUe Infill development oil property that may have been ulltlerutilized or blighted, helping to catalyze reg italization: and WHEREAS, the residential development will help maintain gro�� th throtlUh infill developnleilt. which encourages a healthy economy: and WHEREAS, the residential development agreement. \,� ill encourage infill residential development, which will increase the population base of the Cite of Paducah. therefore increasing the possibility of becoming a designated urbanized area: Lind WHEREAS, AS, in order to insure that the residential dei elopment will have a positive 1I11pact oil the entire ComtlltlnlCy and to encourage the public: purpo>e of infill residential development, it is necessary and desirable that the City no%% authorize the y-Iemoranduill of Understanding by and among the City of Paducah and the Developer, NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED B�' THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY, as follows: SECTION 1. Recitals and Authorization. The City or Paducah hereby approves the ti-ICIII0 'alldLInl of Understanding (the "NIOU") amonq the City and the Developer In substantially the form attached hereto and is made a part hereof. It is further determined that it is necessary and clesirable and in the best interests of the City to enter into the NIOU for the purposes therein specified. The Mayor of the City of Paducah is hereby authorized to execute the 1IOU. together with such other agreements, instruments or certifications which may be necessary to accomplish the transaction contemplated by the \/IOU. SECTION ?. Severability. If any section, paragraph or provision or this Ordinance shall be held to be Invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the inval iclity or unenforceability of such section. paragraph or provision shall not affect any of the remaining parts of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. Compliance vc ith Open tMeetings Laws. The City Commission hereby finds and determines that all formal actions relative to the adopilon of this Ordinance were taken In all open meeting of this City Commission and that all deliberations of the City Commiss1oll and of it's committees, if any which resulted in formal action. were in meetings open to file Public III full compliance with applicable legal requirements. SECTION 4. Conflicts. All ordinances. resolLMOI1S, OtTICI'S OI" paI'ts tllel'eof In Conduct %k ith the provisions of this Ordinance. to the extent of such contliCt, are hereby repealed and the provisions of this Ordinance shall pre` all and be given effect. SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be read on two separate clays and "ill bcconle effective Lupoil suIZln7ary publlcatiOn pLUSLlant to KRS Chapter 41_4, Attest, Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk Illtroducecl by the Board of Commissioners. February 25 Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, March Recorded by Tammara S. Sanderson. City- Clerk. tMarch Published by the Paducah Sun. J \ord\plats\mOLI-lligdorl dev-bleich rd '1014 2014 'Mayor ?O l -I �IEMORaNDU�t OF L'\DERST.A\DING ORIGINAt This is a Memorandum of Understanding made and entered into on the day d 2014, by and between the CITY OF PADUCaH, KE\TUCKY (the "Cite" or "City- of Paducah"), a municipality of the second class and HIGDO` D E V E LOPME. T, INC., a Kentuckv corporation (the "Developer''). WHERE aS. the Developer is the present owner of a certain tract of vacant real estate generally located at 45 1 Bleich Road in Paducah having acquired same by deed recorded in Deed Book 1659 page 407 in the NIcCracken Count\- Clerk's office, located \vitltin the corporate boundaries of the City of Paducah, upon which Developer proposes to construct a residential development, which real estate is generally bounded by Bleich Road. Lakewood Drive. Ridgewood Street and east of K -Mart, in the City of PadUcali, McCracken County, Kelltuck�- ( the "Phase I Property"); and WHEREAS, the Developer is also the present owner of certain tracts of real estate generally located at 319 Bleich Road in Paducah haying acquired same by deed recorded in Deed Book 1036 page 499, in the aforesaid clerk's office. and has expressed an intent to purchase or otherwise acquire another tract of real estate, which is 309 Bleich Road in Paducah. and more particularly described in the deed recorded in Deed Book 989 page �0, in the aforesaid clerk's office. all located Nvithin the corporate boundaries of the City of Paducah. Lipoil which Developer proposes to construct a residential development. which real estate is generally bounded b�, the Phase I Property. Bleich Road, the Olympia AVC11Lie area and east of K -)Mart. in the Cite of Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky (the "Phase 1I Property")-, and WHEREAS, the City- of Paducah is charged vyith the responsibility of o\ erseeing the proper and orderly- development of vacant or underutilized properties located kvithin its corporate boundaries and of insuring the inteurit�, and quality- of its existing residential neighborhoods_ and WHEREAS. the City of Paducah's economic v, -eh -being is related to and in many - respects is dependent upon, sustained growvth of its population and tax revenue base through the development of vacant or underutilized properties; and WHEREAS, the residential development (as defined herein) will encoura,e development Of illulti-family housing on vacant or underutilized land located in the mature portions of Paducah where infrastructure and services are in place; and WHEREAS, the residential development will eilcoLirainfill development on property that may have been underutilized or blighted, helping to catalyze revitalization: and WHEREAS, the residential development will help maintain gromh tllrouUll infill development, which encourages a healthy economy. and WHEREAS, the residential development will encourage infill residential development. which will increase the population base of the City of Paducah, therefore increasing the possibility of becoming a designated urbanized area: and WHEREAS. in order to insure that the residential development ,vill have a positive impact on the entire community and to encourage the public purpose of infill residential development, it is necessary and desirable that the City now authorize the Memorandum of Understandin, by and. among the City of Paducah and the Developer. iVOVV, THEREFORE. in consideration of the .foregoing premises and for other value consideration, the legal adequacy and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by all parties hereto, the parties do covenant and agree as follows: A. Developer agrees to the following: 1. To acquire fee ovvnership of 309 Bleich Road prior to Developer's submittal to the Paducah Planning Commission (the "Planning Commission") a preliminary subdivision plat for the residential development of the Phase Ii Propertv. 2. Develop a residential development on the Phase I Property and the Phase II Property in separate phases for the exclusive use as a condominiunLhnuItipie -family residential development and construct and install all public improvements within the residential development in accordance with the final subdivision plat or plats approved by the Planning Commission, the subdivision plans and stormwater management plan as approved by the Cite Em�-yineer. and all applicable subdivision regulations as set forth in Chapter 102 (the Subdivision Ordinance) of the Code of Ordinances of* the City of Paducah. Kentucky (the "residential development"). For the purposes of this Memorandum of Understanding, public improvements shall include: streets, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, storm sewers and storm water conveyance system. water supply and distribution facilities, sanitary sewer facilities. electric distribution facilities, street lights and survey monumentation. The residential development on the Phase I Property and thePhaselI Property do not have to be completed simultaneously, provided. however, the Infill Agreement (as defined herein) relative to the Phase i Property must be executed within one (l) year from the date of this Nlemorand LIM of Understanding and the infill Agreement (as detined herein) relative to the Phase II Property must be executed within five (5) years from the date of this Memorandum of Understanding. 3. Submit to the Planning Commission for approval preliminary subdk inion plats for the residential development on the Phase l Property and on the Phase if Property. 4. Submit to the Planning Commission for approval final subdivision plats for the residential development on the Phase I Property and on the Phase II Property. 5. Submit to the City Engineer for approval the subdivision plans and stormwater management plans for the residential development oft the Phase I Property and the Phase 11 Property in compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance. 6. Restrict the use and development of the Phase I Property and the Phase ii Property to only condominit:m:"multi-famil\• residential units. �rhiclt co\enant shall run with the land and shall be binding on all parties claiming tinder and through the Developer, unless cancelled. altered or amended by a writing entered into by the Developer, or its successors, and the Cit, of Paducah. This covenant on the use and development of the Phase I Property and the Phase II Property shall be incorporated in the covenants and restrictions of the .Phase I Property and the Phase 11 Property, which will be filed with the applications for the preliminary and final subdivision plats of the residential development and ultimately placed of record in the McCracken County Clerk's office. 7. Submit to the Planning Commission an application for a Conditional Use permit to utilize the R-2 Zone properties for condom iniunv'multi-family residential development. B. Cit -v agrees to the following: 1. In consideration of the commitments and agreement of the Developer set forth above. the Cit} agrees that upon the approval of the final subdivision plat for the residential development on the Phase I Property and acceptance of all public improvements as defined in paragraph A (2) above to be constructed and installed by Developer on the Phase I Property, and simultaneous thereto. the City of Paducah agrees to approve and enter into a residential infill development agreement in substantially the same form as attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Infill Agreement'') with the Developer as to the Phase I Property. 2. In consideration of the commitments and a,reement of the Developer set forth above, the City agrees that upon the approval of the final subdivision plat for the residential development on the Phase [I Property and acceptance of all public improvements as defined in paragraph A (I ) above to be constructed and installed by Developer on the Phase lI Property. and simultaneous thereto. the C itv of Paducah agrees to approve and enter into the Infill Agreement with the Developer as to the Phase II Property. 3. The Infill Agreement for both the Phase I Property and the Phase II Property shall evidence the Cit}'s agreement to reimburse the Developer for the actual and reasonable initial costs and expenses incurred by the Developer to construct and install the public improvements kvithin the residential development to be developed on the Phase I Property and the Phase 11 Property, which public improvements are to be acquired and o%xiied by the Cite, up to an amount not to exceed the total amount of ad valorem real property tax, -s assessed and collected by the City over a ten (10) year period, commencing with the execution of the Infill Agreement for the Phase [ Property and the Infill agreement for the Phase [I Property, from the residential development constructed on the Phase I Property and the Phase II Property, respectively. In the event the conditions precedent to the execution of the Infill Agreement for the Phase I Property are not satisfied fully within one (l ) year of the date of this Memorandttrll of (.understanding and the Infill Agreement for Phase I Property is not executed within this time frame. then the City's obligation to enter into the Infill Agreement for the Phase I Property shall automatically terminate and be of no further force and effect. In the event the conditions precedent to the execution of the hifill Agreement for the Phase II Property are not satisfied full< within five (5) years of the date of this Memorandum of UnderstandinLi7 and file [still :ygreement for Phase II Propert-, is not executed within this time frame, then the City's obligation to enter into the Infill Agreement for the Phase II Property shall automatically terminate and be of no further force and effect. 4. The Citv shall have no obligation whatsoever to reimburse the Developer in excess of the total amount of ad valorem real property taxes actually- collected and received b�- the City annually during each Sear of the ten (10) year period from the Phase I Property or the Phase II Property, respectively. Further, the City's obligation to reimburse the Developer for eligible costs and expenses applicable to the Phase I Property and Phase [[ Property, respectively. shall automatically terminate upon payment in hill of all such eligible costs and expenses or at the end of the ten (10) year period, �vhtchever occurs First. C. Miscellaneous Provisions. The following miscellaneous provisions shall apply: [ . assignment. This Nfemorandum of Understanding shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, and their respecti,,'e legal representatives. heirs, successors and permitted assigns. The Developer shall not assign his rights and obligations hereunder, in whole or- in part, without the prior consent of the City. but in no event, shall an% assignment hereunder release or relieve the Developer from any obligations of this agreement for �,vhich the Developer- shall remain fully bound to the City. ?. Merger Clause. It is agreed and understood bem-een the parties that this Memorandum of Understanding represents the entire and exclusive agreement bet�,yeen the parties and that all prior representations, covenants, warranties. understandings and agreements are merged herein. This tilemorandum of Understanding may only be modified in writim, executed by all parties hereto. �. Construction. This "vIemorandum of Understanding shall be governed and construed under the laws of the Commonwealth of .Kentucky-. 4. Assurances. The City and the Developer agree to execute such further documents and instruments as shall be necessary to hilly cam out the terms ofthis Aueement. 5. amendments. This Memorandum of Understanding may not be modified or amended Finless in ,writing signed by both parties hereto. 6. Execution and Deliven-. This titernorand Lim of Understanding shall be of no force or effect unless and until it shall have been executed by both the Citi and the Developer and approved by the governing body of the Citi of Paducah. 7. lime. All times referred to herein shall be strictl\ construed, as all of stich tinges shall be deemed of the essence. � F'ot• signatures see following pages.] WITNESS signatures of the Parties as of the year and date first above «Mitten. DEVELOPER: CITY: HIGDON DEVELOPi\:IENT. CNC. CITY OF PADUCAI=I. KENTUCKY B%- B _�� hi lip ,dors, V ce-President Gayle Kaler, N—lavor Date: Date: EXHIB IT A Residential Infill Development Agreement THIS INFILL DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT (the ''Infill .agreement") made and executed on this day of , 20_, by and between the City of Paducah. Kentucky, a city of the second class, 300 South Fifth Street, Paducah, Kentucky 42003 (hereinafter referred to as "City") and Higdon Development. Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Developer" ). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners adopted Ordinance ft authorizing the approval of a Nlemorandum of Understanding (the MOU) between Development. Inc. as the Developer and the City of Paducah, which NIOU is dated 2014, and IIigdon WHEREAS, the Developer is the owner of a tract of real property consisting of acres. which is located in Paducah. Kentucky, a document describing real property is set forth in the final plat which is entitled '`Final Plat of the survey dated T by is attached thereto (the --final plat"): and WHEREAS. the Developer has obtained final subdivision approval for the Developer's development of said tract of property as a subdivision for residential purposed from the Planning Commission on and by the Board of Commissioners on Ordinance 44 which approval is evidenced by the final plat recorded in plat section page in the McCracken Count% Clerk's office; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Cite ofpaducah tinds: That an Infill Agreement with the Developer will increase residential development in the City of Paducah. That the City of Paducah's economic \,yell -being is related to and in many respects dependent upon, sustained grokvth of its population and tax revenue base through development of vacant or underutilized properties. That an Infill Agreement will encourage development of multi -family housing on vacant or underutilized land located in the mature portions of Paducah where infrastructure and services are in place. That an Infill Agreement will encourage infill development on property that may have been underutilized or blighted, helping to catalyze revitalization. That infill residential development will increase the revenue tax base necessary to meet 6 various capital needs, especially- in the area of public safety, maintain infrastructure & facilities. promote economic development and will aid in the maintenance of existing infrastructure facilities. That an Infill Agreement will help maintain growth through infill development, which encourages a healthy economy. That an Infill Agreement will encourage infill residential development, which will increase the population base of the City of Paducah, therefore increasing the possibility of becoming a designated urbanized area; and WHEREAS, the City desires to provide municipal services to benefit the Developer's residential development and ultimately to the residents to be located therein, but requests the Developer to construct, at the Developer's cost, the public infrastructure and improvements which are necessary for the provision of such municipal services, including streets, gutters and other public improvements depicted on the final plat; which upon completion and acceptance by the City will become the property of the City; and WHEREAS, for reason that such public infrastructure and improvements will become the property of the City upon completion of construction and acceptance by the City, the Citi- is agreeable to reimbursing the Developer for the costs and expenses (S per _ ) incurred by the Developer to construct and install such infrastructure and improkements within the residential development to the extent of the total cost and expense of same. or the amount of ad valorem real property takes collected by the City from property located within the residential development for a period of ten (10) years. commencing with the execution of the Infill Agreement. the lesser to apply. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the fore-oing provisions and for other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby ackno4%Jedped by all parties hereto. the parties do covenant and agree as follows: 1. Construction of public infrastructure and improvements. The Developer shall construct and install within the residential development the public infrastructure and improvements which are necessary for the provision of municipal services by the City in accordance with the final plat, the subdivision plans and stormwater management plan as approved by the City Engineer and all applicable subdivision regulations as set forth in Chapter 102 (the Subdivision Ordinance) of the Code o f. Ordinances of the CAily qf' f crducah, Kentucky. which shall include streets. gutters, storm sewers and a storm water conveyance system (hereinafter referred to as "Municipal Facilities"). All Municipal Facilities shall be located in public right-of-ways dedicated by the final plat. The City Engineer shall have the right to inspect all construction of the Municipal Facilities during the construction process to ensure that construction of the ;Vfunicipal Facilities are in compliance with the final plat. the subdivision plans and stor-mwater management plan as approved by the Citi Engineer and the Subdivision Ordinance. ?. Acceptance by the City. Upon completion of construction of the 7 Municipal Facilities, and acceptance of the i✓lunicipal Facilities by the City Engineer, the City shall accept the Municipal Facilities, at which time the Municipal Facilities shall be deemed the sole and exclusive property of the Cite. Upon such acceptance, the Cite shall thereafter maintain the Municipal Facilities at the City's costs. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is agreed and understood by and beoveen the parties that the City shall not be obligated to accept the iV[unicipal Facilities which are not constructed in accordance "-ith the final plat, the subdivision plans and storm«.ater management plan as approved by the City Engineer and the Subdivision Ordinance. 3. Reimbursement to the Developer for costs and expenses of constructing the Municipal Facilities. In consideration of the Developer's construction of the Municipal Facilities which are to become the property of the City; the City hereby agrees to reimburse the Developer for the actual and reasonable initial costs and expenses incurred by the Developer to construct and install the Municipal Facilities to the extent of such costs and expenses, or to the extent of' the amount of ad valorem real property taxes realized and collected by the Cite from the City's levy and tar on the residential development for a period of ten (10) years commencing with the execution of the Infill Agreement, the lesser to apply. Reimbursement of these costs and expenses shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: A. Eligibility for reimbursement. Only actual costs and expenses incurred by they Developer in the construction of the Municipal Facilities which are constructed in accordance with the final plat. the subdivision plans and stormwater management plan as approved by the Cite Engineer and the Subdivision Ordinance shall be eligible for reimbursement. The determination of which costs and expenses are eligible and whether construction was made in accordance with the final plat, the subdivision plans and stormwater management plan as approved by the City Engineer and the Subdivision Ordinance shall be made by the City Engineer in his reasonable discretion. B. Time of request. The De -,-eloper shall only be entitled to make a request for reimbursement at that point in time when the Developer has fully completed construction of all of the N[unicipal Facilities. Any request for reimbursement shall be filed with the City on or before \•lay 31 of an calendar year. C. Request for reimbursement. Any request for reimbursement shall be in written form. Each request shall itemize the costs and expenses which %,,,-ere incurred by the Developer in the construction of the Municipal Facilities. Such itemization shall first describe the Municipal Facilities which were constructed, then describe the material and labor incurred in the construction of such facilities and thereafter an itemization of the costs and expenses relating to same. The Developer shall attach to each request supporting documentation that verifies the costs and expenses incurred by the Developer in the construction of the Municipal Facilities, The Developer shall also provide to the Cite Engineer any other documentation li requested by the City Engineer which the City Engineer deems necessary or advisable in his review of the request. Each request made by the Developer shall be verified under oath. D. Review and approval by the City Engineer. Upon submission of the written request, the City Engineer shall evaluate the request and make a determination as to the eligibility of the costs and expenses as described in the request. As part of the evaluation, the City Engineer shall also make a determination that the N/Iunicipal Facilities "ere constructed in accordance with the final plat, the subdivision plans and storm�yater management plan as approved by the City Engineer and the Subdivision Ordinance. In the event the Citv Engineer makes a determination that the Municipal Facilities, or any party thereof, �-vere not constructed in accordance �. ith said standards, such determination shall render the Developer's request ineligible for reimbursement. In making such a determination, the Cite Engineer shall provide a written description of the deficiency or deficiencies. In such event, the Developer shall not have any funher right to request reimbursement under the Infill ,Ngreenlent until such time that the noted deficiency or deficiencies are cured and remedied. In making his evaluation. the Citv Enaineer shall have the right to consult with the Developer and an%- architect, engineer, contractorOrsubcontractor with whom the Developer associated with prior to or during the construction of the Municipal Facilities. E. Upon approval of eligibility of the costs and expenses of the NILinicipal Facilities, the City Engineer shall make a � ritten report evidencing such approval. The City Engineer shall state in the written report the amount of the costs and expenses which were approved for reimbursement. In the event the City Engineer should reject any cost or expense as set forth in the request, the City Engineer shall provide an explanation in the written report for such rejection, Upon completion of the written report, the City Engineer shall cause a copy of such .vrit_en report to be delivered to the Developer and to the Finance Departmentof the Cite of Paducah. F. Reimbursement from the Finance Department. Upon receipt of the written approval by the City Engineer, the Finance Department shall make a determination as to the amount of ad valorem real property taxes which were levied by the City for the City's sole benefit against the real property located in the residential development and actually collected anti received by the City annually during each year of the ten (0) year period commencing with the execution of the Infill Agreement. The Finance Department shall make payment to the De-veloper in an amount equal to such taxes actually collected and received by the City annually during each year of the ten (10) year period, subject. however. to the following conditions: 9 (1) The City shall have no obligation whatsoever to reimburse the Developer in excess of the sum total amount of the taxes acutally collected and received by the City during the ten (10) year period. In the event such sum total amount exceeds the sum total of eligible costs and expenses, the City's obligation of reimbursement shall terminate upon full payment of such costs and expenses. ('_) Any taxes which may be collected by the City for the benefit of others. such as the school board, etc.. shall not be deemed a part of the reimbursement herein. (i) Only taxes actually received and collected by the City during the aforesaid ten (l0) year period following the effective date of this Agreement shall be utilized in determining the reimbursement hereunder, Any taxes collected prior to or after such ten ( 10) year period shall not be included in such determination, regardless of the date of assessment or levy, issuance of the tax bills or in the event of any delinquency in payment. 4. Enforcement of Agreement. Each of the parties to this Agreement shall have the right to enforce the terms of this Agreement. In the event of such enforcement. or in the event of any dispute between the parties regarding the meaning or interpretation of atty provision of this Agreement, all parties do hereby agree to submit such action to the McCracken Circuit Court. Each party shall have al.l rights and remedies as provided by law. In the event such action is tiled with the (McCracken Circuit Court, each party does hereby waive trial byjury. It is agreed by and between the parties that the prevailing party in such action shall have the right to recover its reasonable attorney's fees from the non -prevailing party as part of its costs of litigation. 3. arbitration. Should any dispute arise bem,een the parties, the parties will try to resolve the dispute by negotiation. If the dispute has not been resolved by such negotiation, the parties will submit the dispute for administered mediation. In the event a dispute cannot be resolved by mediation, the following provisions shall apply: (a) As to any unresolved dispute, upon the �iritten request of any party, tite dispute shall be submitted to an arbitrator to be selected by the parties. if the parties cannot agree \within ten (10) days after the receipt of written notice from the other party- requesting it to do so. the appointment shall be left to the American Arbitration association. (b) Except as otherwise specifically set forth herein, the arbitrator shall conduct the arbitration in accordance %viith the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitration shall take place in Paducah, Kentucky. (e) The decision in writing of the arbitrator, �rlten tiled with the parties hereto. m shall be final and binding on both parties. The arbitrator shall award the costs and expenses incurred by the prevailing part} against the non -prevailing parte to such extent as determined bx the arbitrator as the arbitrator deems just and equitable. Judgment may be entered upon the final decision of the arbitrator in any court having jurisdiction. Any party shall have the right to sue in court to enforce the arbitration award. In accepting arbitration, the parties expressly waive trial by jury. 6. Miscellaneous provisions. The following miscellaneous provisions shall apple: A. Notices. All notices provided for herein rill be in writing and addressed to the parties. B. Other rights and remedies. The duties and obligations imposed by this Agreement and the rights and remedi-Is available thereunder are in addition to and not a limitation of any duties, obligations, rights and remedies, otherwise imposed or available by law. C. Governing Law. This document shall, in all respects. be governed by the laves of the state of Kentucky. D. Entire Agreement. The Infill Agreement and the .IOU expresses the complete agreement of the parties and supersedes all prior kvritten or oral agreements or understandings between the City and the Developer with regard to the matters addressed herein. The making. execution and delivery of this agreement by the parties hereto has not been induced by any representations. statements. warranties or agreements other than those expressly set forth herein and in the VIOU. E. Amendments. The Infill Agreement mai not be modified or amended Unless by in writing sinned b} both parties hereto. F. Time, All times referred herein shall be strictl} construed, as all of such times shall be deemed of the essence. G. Counterparts. The Infill Agreement may be executed simultaneous[% or in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement. H. Successors and assigns. The hnfill Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns. Effective date of Agreement. rhe effective date of the Infill Agreement shall be the date that the Mavor of the Ci-, of Paducah executes the Infill Agreement. v CITY" OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY By Gayle Kaler, Mayor HIGDON DEVEL.OP'NIENT, INC. r By Title STATE OF KENTUCKY ) COUNTY OF McCRACKEN } The forecyoma instrument was acknowledged before me this 2014, bv Gayle Kaler. .\,lavor, Cite of Paducah. %My commission expires Notary Public, State at Large STA'I-E OF KENTUC K�' ) COUNTY OF McCRACKEN ) day of The foregoing instru lent was acknok ledged before me this Z6 day or 2 14, by J !` b���'�5�"�C� (title) on behalf fHiudon De"'elopment Inc. commission expiresG��. I? J4 Notary Public, State at LarLie -� �r4F Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: February 28, 2014 Short Title: Authorize Change Order 41 with Jim Snuth Contracting Co., LLC, for the Ohio River Boat Latuich Project Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Angela Weeks, EPW Proj Mgr Presentation By: Rick Murphy, P.E., Citv Engineer -Public Works Director Backgrotmd Information: On April 20, 2013, Ordinance #2013-04-8028 was adopted authorizing the Mayor to execute a contract with Jim Smith Contracting Co,, LLC, in the amount of $2,588,465.78 for construction of the Ohio River Boat Launch Project. This Project was bid on a "Unit Price" basis and NOT "Lump Sum." During construction of the Project, it was determined that adjustments regarding various construction quantities were necessary. Upon final reconciliation and tabulation of all construction items, the final contract amount increased by $17,139.83 which is a 0.66 % increase above the original contract amount. Therefore, the new contract price will be $2,605,605.61. The Contractor has completed all items of the contract responsibilities and this reconciliation Change Order reflects all final quantities utilized on the job site. The Project Account (PF0039) has sufficient funding to cover this expense. If approval is granted by the Board of Commissioners, this Change Order documentation will be forwarded to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Office of Local Programs (KYTC- OLP) for official execution by the required KYTC representatives as required by the FHWA grant LPA process, Goal. ❑Strong Economy ®Quality Services ❑Vital Neighborhoods [:]Re s d Do%vntowns Funds Available: Account Name: Ohio River Boat Launch 2-1 Z f Z p ! t f Account Number: 040-3315-532-2307 PF0039 ,.Finance UJ Staff Recommendation: To adopt an Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute Chance Order At for the Ohio River Boat Launch Project authorizing the contract to be increased by $17,139.83. Therefore, the new contract price will be $2,605,605.61. Attachments: Original Ordinance, Change Order #1 c Depart ent H d City Clerk City Manager CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY - LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY CHANGE ORDER Page- 1 Contract Id: 174 FHWA #DPR 0174-001 Change Order No: #1 - Final Project Quantities Contractor: Jim Smith Contracting Co., LLC Address: 1108 Dover Road Grand Rivers KY 42045 Pro,00sed Chances in Connection with Contrar:t itPms� Project Sponsor: City of Paducah. Kentucky County McCracken Project Numb?r: 2008-01-122.01 Project Name Ohio R -ver Boat Launch Project Item No. Description Quantity Urzit Unit Price Amount See Attached Summary Sheet $0.00 Change Order #1 & Final Project Quantities Total Contract Items $17.139.83 Proposed items of Suoolemental Aoreement- Ref. No. Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount Not Applicable $0.00 Total Supplemental Agreement $000 Total Change Order Amount S 17 139.83 Time Extension/Explanation: Not Applicable Reasons for Proposed Changes: Work has been completed. This Change Order summarizes the Final Contact Quantity Adjustments Contractor- Jim Smith Contracting Co.. LLC Date Aporoved Mayor Approved Date '_PA Signature luthanty Date City Engineer -Public Works Director Tale Requested Prc _;t =^g neer Date Recommended: D1SVA:_PA �Ocr7,ratcr Date Recommended. Cer'-nss ore, or R, rai I Vun c:oa, A c Date Approved. Secr;tary v Trarsc,�rycr ,aoiret Date CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY Ohio River Boat Launch Project Change Order 41 and Final Project Quantities Contract Amount = $2,589,465.78 Jim Smith Contracting Co., LLC Change Order Amount = 517.130 83 1108 Dover Road New Contract Amount = S2.605.605.61 Grand Rivers, KY 42045 I T VA DESCRIPTION - CONTRACT Af.IDUNT TOTAL 11-1 DATE V CHANGE ORDER ANIOUNT I . .- .... CITY UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL . QUANTITY ` TOTAL -'ONTRACT QUANTITY TOTAL 10' %Iooiozatici-7smco izatic, -3 575.7CO -'-.0 575.000C 30 S75.C791C .3110 a" 102 Vainwn and -:rvt. j,affn 1 0 LS 510 'CO :0 510000 31-01 X so 71, !03 Taooray 3, t.---3nce 3 2CO -0 LF ......... ..... .. . .. . 33313 312.352 X. 3 200 X OC so )C • 1C4 ir:et orotiazticin •s**,%5m72- 14-,0 Eacm 5302 42 54 233 aia 14 DC V 233 3e 1 ic SC CC a CO Eacn 3300 :3' S2,400 CC 0 7 50102 TS -8 -32 40C 3C 106 42 arld;of 43 Store 255 ;O Tons 521 35 $5 954 25 0 so :C- 255 CO -55 354 25 !07 Temporary Seeo-nq 3rd--ittect on 22 775 -0 Sy - 5025 -----' ........ 55 i93 7= 030 30 00 1qt -22 -15 55 533 '5 LS 5'5.73010 515.-:C Do I so 0C 11,9 C:ear:pg and .3rucoirq i 70 LS 2 :00 '00 C S12 , OC 1 X ID', a $0 L111^ Roadway r-.ca,-a:.a- 290 ^0 C, as 57 740 CC I 290 X 37',41C CC 100+1 0 CC 3C W Borrow E (ca, 3,jcr 2,7C0_CC CY 3650 313 lc�c 00 2.^,C0 30 3, 3 XC 0--.0 so X 2 EmDarkment 'lace 14i390,00 CY 51295 3'34 12050- 3eS 50 5192._47 Oa 9914 2'S3 5:57343 113 Gear-j)ar --mn3r.kmer, r=ace 14583:0 X Cy 33232 SJ80 072 16 !448'!2 S4%5,-2830 99". -'J1 5a -53344 '1 '4 E,osion C3-itml BlarKat -308 10 SY si 25 59'56 25 12.1CC 'G zj,-, J 535 X 35.'43 75 '5 Remo,ng -jps3:I3n3 '1- 53'5 12 593'5 71, 7 CC $2.�88 71 C 0') so ^C -._6 S7.30 5'2 Ota 7C !..14 :0 5'3.418:0 I C C W so X 117 Geotexule "aor.c Type Sy S42 33 57-274 3 CC So X 31t. -1 X 5772'4 118 Gemext-le =aw:c. ',pe 11 24 !CO M 51 31 32 S31 312 n :3.aco 10 a3l.243 CC aS'-. -25C 5254:. 201- ------------- Asc'rai4 la -n-1 �A,11:ng --- ---e ms . - !65 0 . 0 . Tan .. --- - 35533 53-375 X . 50-0 52.75C 0 . I i,21� -i 15 30 s5 1,25 CC 2C2 A30na-t Paii!--ent - SLOace - .. - 75330 'in -------------- Set 1J ... ...... S62 5A6 J^ 76320 SC2.iSx - 1:011 :1 10 so :C 2C3 Asphaa Pa-,emenl - Base 330 :0 Ton 575 X, 599 750 CC 1 330-10 553 -5C C- 0110 so Co 2,'4 GGA Base --------- - . . . ------ 5.5%5 JO T -M 521 25 5 -a.-ies 75 5-32372 M '3 X04 3-1, 13 4a -2 54 1135 2G &O' nar4le Sias as , 5 .3 CO_20.5 1Sy S�7 00 1470 CC 10 00 3J7-1 0 O0 so 2C5 Concrete --.ca.-.aik S'C Ra -o .......... 2 -C �3cn 59�0 X s! 3CO.-IC, --- ----- --- 1 30 3>5C JC 5F:-5350 '.0 207 Cwc,iata Srtrance 3averrert V 2C5 CC SY 3---6 CO 5*1 530 OO 4C4 523'61 0- ^0 S:3 '24 -JC 208 Concrete -::'D an: 3:1, 21,5201, I_- 121 343 -92 00 22-29 W 119 a- Co 33 W :C* 209 Concrete V,r:ih, = u,e 3 --lass 4 2' C SY 372 CC, 5' 5:210 310 50 C.- 'n -31 512 30 2'0 Slo^ed i =Iarad 530 a c n 31.,50 '0 55 'SC OC 5 555033. :C.", X 2' 1 Sloced I are �ead-.,.-a I , 35 2 X Eacrt 32 275 54 55C 71, 2 00 S4 550--0 so 3C 212 - . .. Sicced gcx;nlel Tres 2 - %Acc-fiezi - .. ........ . . .." 11 X Each :"- S2 a0c p- 3GO 0C Co so �21 .0 .2 ;Go OC 2-.3 1 1. Grob Box Nei 71ce '5 2 00 Eac, 5 .00 54.aCo CO 200 - '4 3c, so CC 2111 CLM BO.K'n(el -;ps - - -.4c:11ral a 00 r',,ri 52 45006 as 3co 63 5 3'2 24-0 C- 12511 71, 52.4--C CC 2115 Stoped 3 o ar-a1 Crop 3a,, ^iet 200 E!Itin 5' 55C OC 53 100 X 2 X 33 ',: 31, ;,S ' so CC J i.in t.t.lor, R:x - 7ipa 3 110 E3.n 32.1 CC 2C 52 ica 00, 030 SOC: X -32 'Co C^1 2:7-:LrCbCn 33x: 130 HXI = 32.'CO �10 ----------- -- -52_1G0-30 010 so 01^ :V> f Co -52 'Co 00 .1-1 . .. 2:8 ...... I ------- - .-. Mai-incle ------- .1 20C Each -2 SCO:C• 35 000 00 2 _^0 35 100 CC "Vs S-350. 2'9 Stomn sever D pe - '2 220 -0 'L z S55 CC 515.350 CO 290 Co 5'5 350 ^0 '--'C', si3 X 220 C,.il,arl lite 26' .14 70 -F_ 3'45 1 1638000 . .......... -!J "1 .:6 3803 C-3- 310 so OC 2n7l Remove r -et 13 7G ac -1$3'30 ,--^ 53 300 :0 15 V, 54 C) CO I 5N 2 sr=- 20 222 Funte rW 230 Eau, S'.700 Do 53.400 CC 0 20 S) -2 M 53 JLC 'C 273 AILst St.-,c*ur-I cis i X H -;C, 5'50=0 57500.71 C11 t7 3C^ SCO $0 X, 225 Boflaras in _ate 2 ^0 E acn 5550 --0 5E Soo 30 .3 io to -C. o 2 -'3 -51 SCO 17 • 3C1 As--�alt -3,6^A-r 3ur-'ace 1 1'7 00 -:n $821, 568 311CC ... ...... .. 1 155 .35 3,19 03 il a' 529,10 3C2 -ksp.,aa Pavement Sase 2.1. 3 X nn S75 1J 3 177 373 CC 2 ',tJ ^a 3.123 305 I'S -4 ' 3C3 DBA Base ; DCC DC Tan 42' 25 3:31 2=0 SCC 13 297 57 52'3 423 25 1 -.7 31 527 573 36 304 V.s(k., 5 294 ;3 ... .. . . .... sc 35 . - - J 5- n '-s 23' 320 -^0 .6 30, :;- i 3 15115 5, 944 1, _Pavement 3C5 Pavement %lak-pg - :23.rt • 4 oj-�e 504 1O L= 5055 32:? Ic 298 3152 31 53:1 .2C9 .3' 14 41, 3C5 Palament Vark,g ;53;rt-3 372-0. 51 M, 3372 CC 0,0 -172 -5372 307 Pavement Var< rg 9 00. Eacn 543 10 3320 -'C 9 :0 5267 CC 540 401 JPC Ccrc.eta q.A;-.c ;lass 4A - 3" i 1 355 CO S, ^3 $63 - 3. 1 3C0 C3 356 -,C SO Ic 4�2 --ec recast 1 3' -nt! 21 4.4�OC SF S62 :I Rq-- CC 4 524 323C 484 C S^. ^C .. . . 433 ..-- - - .- Ca,nesy DOCK :n ;a. i :0 -S CCC c 112 :CC d' Store •nolace I 8:C 20 'ors 32; as 545 7a41 941 S47 332 -a 4:5 a57 Stone -7.-alca 5'5 X 329 ;a 3:5 439 930 32 527 390 53 3'21'0 A; 4C6 :1-arr.e- rarg Z_ A in :.ace n 7-rs $29 :t 525 2 3 as 539 775 2' '43;- 13.3 5*2 3-5 2, 437 Lriarnei - r -g I - .gate 00 Tars $2'0' 34725%5.. 743 'J 54'7e22 -A 1 406 S,3,irie. -.r-r3 r.: ace 3 117 C0 T --'s S2- 75 5-:5 3-4 .1--. 5 239 zc 515 717 52 54d 353 SW Aet;ar. 3ee:!,r3 9 30-%z-3 32 361, C..3:5.-ga C -328 598 'r 502 P arit-rc; or 2 scu-� i ecirg 2 aCO J1 _5'f 31, CO 3 -2 9C3 -'C _14 J.nSC_ 503 ot Z-u-Icn 3: ass s -ea rg ',745 0' S( so sl a :94 53 79-3' '94 35 ..505 --irf Ratr1:rg 4 595 CC, S' 519 981 G X 595 J -52; 357 4� TOTAL AMOUNTS S2,588,465.78 52305,606.61 $17,139-83 4 ORDINANCE NO, 2013-5- AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE BID OF JIM SbIM4 CONTRACTING COMPANY, LLC, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE OHIO RIVER BOAT LAUNICH PROJECT, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT FOR SAME BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. That the City of Paducah accepts the bid of Jim Smith Contracting Company, LLC in the amount of S2,588,455.78, for construction of the Ohiu River Boat Launch Project, said bid being in substantial compliance with the bid specifications, and as contained in the bid of Jim Smith Contracting Company, LLC, dated March 2d, 2013. SECTION 2. That the Mayor be authorized to exeme a contract with Jim Smith Contract Company, LLC for construction of the Oho River Boat Launch Project, authorized in Section t above, according to the specifications, bid proposal and all contract documents heretofore approved and incorporated in the bid. SECTION 3. This expenditure shall be charged to project account PF0039, account number 040-3315-532-2307. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall become effective upon summary publication pursuant to KRS Chapter 424. Mayor ATTEST: Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk Introduced by the Board of Commissioners, April 23, 2013 Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, 2013 /��%'11 4pi73 Recorded b Tammara S. Sanderson. City Clerk, �� 2g13 Rec r o�b o y Published by The Paducah Sunt \ord\.eng\bid-Ohio River Boat Launch -coy Aruction 1013 0RDINA NCE 2o 14-3 - AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTIvG THE MAYOR r0 EXECUTE CHANGE ORDER NO, I WITH JIM SMITH CONTRACTING COMPANY. LLC FOR THE OHIO RIFER BOAT LAUNCH PROJECT WHEREAS. the City approved Ordinance No. 2013-1-iQS to enter into a contract «ith Jim Smith Contractinw Company. LLC. in the for construction of the Ohio River Boat Launch Prgect; and WHEREAS. Change Order No. I is required for an increase ift the amount of S1'.139.S3 for adjustment of final contract quantities and in order to finalize the project for the ahm e referenced contract. the total contract amount will increase to S-",005.605.61. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. The. %Ia%or is hereby authorized and directed to : yecute Change: Order No. I for a contract increase in the amount of 51 ?.139.53 For die Cit% of Paducah's Ohio Ri%er Boat Launch Project, increasing the total contract amount to 52.00J.605.61. SECTION '. This expenditure shall he chanUed to Proj'cct Account No, PF00 39. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be read on m -o separate day. s laid will becoute etfecti%'e upon sunimar% I)llhllcatiott pursuant to KRS Chapter=-4?1. .aTTEs'r Tammara S. Sanderson. City Clerk Introduced by the Board of Commissioners Fehruar% 23. '_i)14 Adopted by the Beard of Commissioners. March ?()14 Recorded b; Tammara S. Sanderson, Cit% Clerk. March 201 4 Published b% The Paducah Sun. \ord\em-�\chJord I -Ohio River Beat Launch Project Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: February 25, 2014 Short Title: Closure of a Portion of Ridgewood Street between Topeka Avenue and Olympia Avenue ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Angela Weeks, Engr Proj Nigr Presentation By- Rick Murphy, P,E., City Engineer -Public Works Director Background Information; The following adjacent property owners have submitted an executed application requesting that a portion of Ridgewood Street between Topeka Avenue and Olympia Avenue closed: • Higdon Development, Inc. • David and Kristie Stuber • Ronald and Shirley Hagan • Charles and Linda Hayden On February 17, 2014, the Planning Commission held a Public Flearing and made a positive recommendation to the City Commission for this closure. All of the utility companies have agreed to this closure with utility easements not being required. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ❑Quality Services ®Vital Neighborhoods ❑Restored Domito«lls Funds Available: Account Name: N/A Account Number: Finance Staff Recommendation: To adopt an ordinance authorizing the closing of a portion of Ridgewood Street between Topeka Avenue and Olympia Avenue be closed and authorizing the Mayor to execute the plat and all necessary documents to complete the transfer of property to the adjacent property owners. Attachments: Original Street Closure Application, Proposed Closure Plat, Public hearing Notice, Planning Commission Resolution 11 Departta City Clerk City Manager ORDINANCE NO. -2011-3- A` ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CLOSING OFA PORTION OF RIDGEWOOD STREET BETWEEN TOPEKAAVENUE -\`D OLYVIPIA AVENL'E. -\`D AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE .ALL DOCL'\[ENTS RELATING TO S A\1E BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY: SECTION L That the Cit;. of Paducah does hereby su«norze the Josin; of a portion Of Ridsea00d Sireet bet,,%een Topeka A\enue and 01,,mpia A%enue. and being,, more perucHlarl% described as f011o" S: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION A PORTION OFA PUBLIC RIGHT OF W'AY" — RIDGEWOOD STREET Being a pomon of a public right of �%a� located ut Paducah. NleCracken Cotmt\ Kcrtucky. dedicated to the Cit% ,tf Paducah as part of THO\ISPON HEIGHTS SU BDI\ [SION lodged in due Mccrackzn Counts Clerk > Deuce in plat book - G.. page 104. ,end being more parucularl% described as iollm;". BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE NORTH RIGHT OF \VAY LINE OFRIDGE\\ OOD STREET (UNIMPRO\EDi. SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE SOLTH\\ EST CORNER OF LOT 6 O THE THOMPSON HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION tPLAT 1300K "G" PAGE 10-4 . STUBER t DB 370.13G 383. AND IHE PONT OF BEGINNING OF THE TR,\CT HEREIN DESCRIBED; THENCE \\ ITH THE NORTH LINE OF RIDGEWOODSTREET AND THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 6. SOUTH ri' DEGREES 34 MINUTES 4' SECONDS EAST. 3",) FEET TOA 12" X 'T" REBAR \V ITH ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED -SITE\\ ORX K) PLS 3790" SET THIS SLRVE)i, THENCE- \LONG THE EAST LINE OF LOT6. NORTH 11 DEGREES 3 MINUTES' SECONDS EAST. 132 44 FEET TO .\N EXISTING I" DI.\\IL:TER IRON PIPE FOUND THIS SURVEY: THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHLINEOF LOT 3 LHAGAN DB S4' PG S19t. SOLTII S0 DEGREES 41 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST -1 13 FEET TO AN EXISTING 1" X a" CONCRETE \IONL HENT. CORNER TO HAGAN \ND HAYDEN t1DB 939 PG 21 1). FOUND THIS SUR\ EY. THENCE. WITH FHE SOLTH LINE OF HAYDEN SOUTH 80 DEGREES 41 \IINI-TES _0 SECONDS EAST. 204.c9 FEET TO \ '!"'X 24" REBAR WITH ALLMINLM CAP STAMPED 'SITE\\ORXKYPLS 3'1)0'' SET ,THIS SURVEY IN THE \\ ESTERLY RIGHT OF \\- -\Y LINE OF TOPEKA\ A\'E\.UE: THENCE. ALONG A NEW LIVE- AND IN SOUTI IERLY DIRECTION WITH THE \k EST RIGHT OF \VAI' LIVE OF TOPEKA \\ ENLE. SOLTH _'.? DEGREES 3" MINUTES 1' SECONDS \\ EST. 53-66 FEET TO A t i' X 21" REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP ST \\[PED -'S1TEWORX KY PLS 3'90"' SET THIS SL'RVE-Y- .\T THE INTERSECTION OF THE \\ EST LINE OF TOPEKA A\ ENCE \\ HERE IT INTERSECTS THE SOUTH LINE OF RIDGE\\'OOD STREET: THENCE ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF MCDON DEVELOPMENT INC. CD8 1019 PG a07,. NORTH 80 DEGREES 41 \I INLTES '0 SECONDS \\ EST. 230.63 FEET TO AN IRON ROD WITH CAP ST,\\IPED PLS ;131? FOUND THIS SURVEY. THENCE ALONG THE \\ EST LINE OF HIGDON. SOUTH 11 DEGREES 3 MINUTES ? SECONDS WEST. 15' 3' FEET' TO .AND EXISTING IRON PIN FOUND THIS SURVEY: THENCE, CONTINUING \\ ITH THE NORTH LINE OF HIGDON. NORTH 5' DEGREES 34 MINUTES -t' SECONDS \\ EST, 1-1c) 7 FEET TO AND EXISTING IRON PIN \\ ITH CAP ST.AMPED PLS #'lib FOL ND THIS SURVEY: FHENCE\4'Ifll THE EAST LINE OF DAVIS CDB '13 PG 6100, NORTH 3? DEGREES 3' MINCTES = SECONDS E \ST 83 FEET TO AND EXISTING [RON PIN \\ ITH CAP STAMPED PLS 413-1' FOL ND THIS SL R\, EY. THENCE ALONG A NEW LINE CUTTING :ACROSS THERICHI' OF \\.\1 OF RIDGE\VOOD STREET. NORTH 31 DEGREES' MINUTES'I SECONDS EAST -W u, FEET TOTHE POINT OF BEGINNING The propert% described abo%c contains '-1.291 sgptare C'm or +) Sit acres \ddtunnall}, dais pr0pert} 91,1% he utblect to puhlt.: or pri%ate easements. rights of -.u,., or restrictions not disclo>cd to ilii, sunc•or ,u, tilts perfornied '.%ithoul dee benefit of a title opinion. Thus ;ur.e�or makes no Claims ast(1 the true .end nghnul '.c rt, r, of tett propert% described herconoran,v portion thereof: rhe beans_: cited are based die Kenatck. State Plane Coordinate S%itent - SruthZwc. Thu descrtpuon Aa, dratted bk \hchael Tadd \l.:Bee. KY PLS I3"17A). of dtc firm Sttc%kov( S tr-.L% and Deet_nt. 1640 McCracken Boule',ard. Suite 200. Paducah. K1 42001. from x plat of ;ur'.e} made oC the ;uiye_t prnpett% .omplrteel on or about Fehnuar) I 15.'01 land recorded in die M,:Crack n Count% Clerk's office SECT[ON 2. In support or its decision to clO;e the alar said puhl,: pkat,. the Boarti of Cutnmissioners herzb\ m,ik.s clic tk)lloct trig fundi!! offal -t. a. Higdon Development. Inc.. Datid and Kristie SiuOer. Ronald and Shirlek Ha;aw and Charles .Ind Linda Hayden. are the o\%ners of property ahut:itt� the public wa\ which the Board of Commissioners has awhorized to he closed as is e-, idenc�d b\ the application for strut andlor ai[c:v . osmt z �%hich is attached hereto and made part hereof - b. On the l?th daw or February. 2014. the Paducah Plannin! Com if) is,iott of the City of Paducah adopted a resolution recornmendinz to the Ma}or and Board of Commissioners of the Cit\ of Paducah closure of the aforesaid public wa} C, Wrinen notice or the proposed closing «a!, to a]I proper(\ utters ill or abouina the public way or the portion thereof being, closed as is ideneed h} the application for street andnir alley closing (which is attached hereto and made a part her of. d. .All propem owners in or dhutting the puhIic «av or the portion thereof heing Josed hake ?i\en their tyritten notarized consent to the closing as is:k;&nced h, the application !*or street .ind,or alley c[osing xyhich is attached hereto and made a part hcr.el'- SE-CTION 3. A[1 reyniretrnntS of KRS 1-1405( 1 ) and 121 hayinu, been met. the Board of Commissioners of the Cite of Paducall hereby concludes that :he aioresatd public way. aK described tbo\. e. Should be closed in accordance \\ ith the prole isions of KRS 32_.4051 SECTION q. The Mayor is hereh; authorized. empowered. and directed its eyrcute a quaclarn) deed from the City of Paducah to each or the property owner' in or ahiming the public «.n to he closed lyith each to ,require title to that portion of the public ll ay mmiguous to the property ii(m ox\ned by said properly owners up to center line of the said Pmsided, 1`10%e Lr. Ilia( 1110 City ,hall resetx.` ,uch :asentents Upon the above described real aK it deem: ncceK.ar. Said de,:d shall provide the reservation M the City of Paducah an,, if!cctin_ the herein described real propert} as described in Section 1 above SECh1O\" ;. This ordinance shall be read on TWO separate days and «ill heconw eifecuyr upon summary publication pursuant to KRS Chapter 421 Mayor -ATTEST: Timmara S Sanderson. Citi Clerk huroduccd bw the Board of Commissioners. February _i. 2014 .Adopted by the Board of Commissioners. March . 2_01-4 Recorded by Taminara S. Sanderson. Cit) Clerk. \l.u•ch 2014 Published bs The Paducah Stn). ord`en�`st c4»e`ridgcuood be[ween rop&a & oiympia CITY OF PADUCAH STREET - ALLEY CLOSING APPLICATION FORM �i Date: Z // Ll Application is hereby made to the Mayor and Board of Commissioners for the closing of: A Street or An Ailey Located: c Included herewith is a filing fee of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) together with twenty (20) copies of a plat showing the streetlalley to be closed. This application form, indicating consent of the right of way closure, has been signed and notarized by all real property owners whose land adjoins the portion of right of way proposed to be closed. If the application is not signed by all adjoining real property owners, the "Street - Alley Closing Guarantee" form must be attached. Respectfully submitted by all adjoining property owners: Signature of operty`Owr&r G Property Owner;6 Name Pro ted z_z2 Address r Signature of Property Owner - - - W lao (-_W Property Owner's Name Printed Ll S A)v 4,4 Address STATE OF KENTUCKY COUNTY OF McCRACKEN The foregoing instrument was sworn to and acknowledged before me this tqlt-day of >0Ce1y18eg_ , 20_Q_, by My Commission expires Notary Public, State at Large SEAL STATE OF KENTUCKY COUNTY OF McCRACKEN ) The foregoing?instruwas s ornto an acknowledged before �e iof ���� J 20L by My Commission expires 4�_, Notary P I' , State arge SEAL January 23, 2009 �1 } CITY OF PADUCAH - F STREET - ALLEY CLOSING GUARANTEE Date If all real property owners whose land adjoins the right of way proposed to be closed have not signed the application and plat, then the following guarantee shall be executed and notarized: The undersigned unconditionally guarantees that they shall be personally liable for and shall promptly pay all damages, including attorney fees, that may be awarded pursuant to KRS 82.405 in any civil action for the closing of the street and for alley named herein. STATE OF KENTUCKY COUNTY OF MCCRACKEN The foregoing instrument was sworn to and acknowledged Signature of Property Owner before me this day of 20__ by Property Owner's Name Printed My Commission expires Address Notary Public, State at Large tti Signature of Property Oveer !a,4- A,) Property Owner's Nam Printed l/f IK)GrZar. Address SEAL STATE OF KENTUCKY COUNTY OF McCRACKEN The foregoing ins//�rent was s rn to and cknowledg bel this �1 dd?ky/of Pit h .20 c� by My Commission expires �Z Notary Pu ,it, to at L e SEAL January 23. 2009 Dr F AOW& N Aj� Signature of Property Owner ROOD P- Property Owner's Name Printed 2L42 �/t Address Sig ature of Property Owner A LA � � � - � C-, A 4 --41- Property Owner's Name Printed Address Signature of Property Owner Property Owner's Name Printed Address 5T�L F L Fob z STATE OF KENTUCKY ) COUNTY OF McCRACKEN ) The foregoing instru ent was sw to and a knowledged before this day,0 L��a _ 20 - at L SEAL STATE OF KENTUCKY ) COUNTY OF McCRACKEN ) The foregoing instrument was sworn to and acknowledged before me this rgyrday ofd 20 J=i, byr My Commission expires No6y Public, State at Large�`�d�c% SEAL STATE OF KENTUCKY ) COUNTY OF McCRACKEN } The foregoing instrument was sworn to and acknowledged before me this day of 20 by _ My Commission expires Notary Public, State at Large SEAL January 23, 2009 i Signature of Pr erty Ownr '%tried V�no6m Property Ow er's Nam Printed 2-21 `d i o Ave - Address Signature of Property Owner Property Owner's Name Printed Address STATE OF KENTUCKY COUNTY OF McCRACKEN The foregoing instrument was worn to and acknowledged before me this da of. t / 20 i by My Commissi n e ires Nota P. i , tate a arge SEAL STATE OF KENTUCKY COUNTY OF McCRACKEN The foregoing instruurpynt was My Comm isksbp}-,expires is SEAL STATE OF KENTUCKY COUNTY OF McCRACKEN to a d acknowledged 20 arge The foregoing instrument was sworn to and acknowledged before me this day of 20! by My Commission expires Notary Public, State at Large SEAL January 23, 2009 Signature of Property 9 ner, . AGi J Property Owner's Name Print6d Address i Signature of Pr erty Ownr '%tried V�no6m Property Ow er's Nam Printed 2-21 `d i o Ave - Address Signature of Property Owner Property Owner's Name Printed Address STATE OF KENTUCKY COUNTY OF McCRACKEN The foregoing instrument was worn to and acknowledged before me this da of. t / 20 i by My Commissi n e ires Nota P. i , tate a arge SEAL STATE OF KENTUCKY COUNTY OF McCRACKEN The foregoing instruurpynt was My Comm isksbp}-,expires is SEAL STATE OF KENTUCKY COUNTY OF McCRACKEN to a d acknowledged 20 arge The foregoing instrument was sworn to and acknowledged before me this day of 20! by My Commission expires Notary Public, State at Large SEAL January 23, 2009 Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: February 28, 2014 Short Title: Closure of a Portion of an Alley from Bethel Street toward Main Street ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolutior. ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Angela Weeks, Engr Proj iVlgr Presentation By: Rick vlurphy, P.E., City Engineer -Public Works Director Background Information: The following adjacent property owners have submitted an executed application requesting that a portion of a 15' Alley from Bethel Street 132' in a northerly direction toward Main Street be closed.- Fraternal losed: Fraternal Order of Eagles • Douglas and Sue Ingram On February 17, 2014, the Planning Commission held a Public Hearing and made a positive recommendation to the City Commission for this closure. All of the utility companies have agreed to this closure with a 15'x30' Public Sanitary Sewer Easement being required as shown on the plat. GOal: ❑Strong Economy ❑Quality Services ®Vital Neighborhoods ❑Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Account Name: N/A Account Number: Finance Staff Recommendation: To adopt an ordinance authorizing the closing of a portion of a 15' Alley from Bethel Street toward Main Street be closed and authorizing the Mayor to execute the closure plat and all necessary documents to complete the transfer of property to the adjacent property owners. Attachments: Original Street Closure Application, Proposed Closure Plat, Public Hearing Notice, Planning Commission Resolution Ii Depa ht ead City Clerk - City tilanager r V ORDINANCE NO 3014-3- A\ ORDIN-\NCE PRO%IDING FOR THE CLOSING OFA PORTION OFA 15' ALLEN' FROM BETHEL. STREET ToN ARD MAIN STREET. A\ DAUMORIZING THE MAN OR TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO SAME BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF P.ADUC.AH. KENTUCKY SECTION I- That the Cit% of Paducah does hereb, authneia the .losing of a I i' alleN from Bethel Strut to\,tard Main Street, and being, mor.- particuljrl5 d.:scribed as 11111ou S• PROPERTY DESCRIPTION .A PORTION OFA PUBLIC RIGHT Of WAY - AN .ALLEY LGCA'iED Lei BLOCK' OF THE TI{URNLAN, HUGHES, HERZOG AND BETEIEL .ADDITION TO THE CITY OF PADLCAH Bem�2 a portion of 1 public right of -xa, located ut Paducah. \f:Cra:ken Coumc Keru:cl;. dedicated to he Cm of Paducah as pan of THE THCRMAN, HUGHES. HERZOG..AND BETHEL ADDITION TO THE CITY OF P AD( - CAH lod tcd in die McCracken Count,- Clerk', office in plat book "A -page SO. and beets more particul,trll. described as falimks: BEGINNING ATA POINT IN THE NORTH RIGH"r OF WAY LINE OF GFTIIEL STREET. 25.00' FROM rHE CENTER OF SAID. WHERE THE WESTERLY RIGHT OF \k A1' LINE OF BETHEL STREET- INTERSECTS THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF W AY LI\E OF KY 234 [BRIDGE STREET): THENCE, ALONG THE WESTERLYLINE OF BETHEL STREET NORTH 34 DEGREES _' MINUTES ii SECONDS EAST. 167 70 FEET' TO MAG NAIL SET 1N ASPHALT PAVE\TENT THIS SURVEY. SAID POINT BEING THE SOUTH EAST CORNER OF THE PARCEL HEREIN DESCRIBED. THE NORTH EAST CORNER OF THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES (FOE) TRACT(DB 5-16 PG 102).. -AND THE TRL1: POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED: THENCE AT RIGHT ANGLES TO BETHEL STREET .AND WITH THE NORTH LINE OF FOE . NORTH 55 DEGREES i' MINUTES i SECO''DS WEST, 132.00 FEET TO A MAG i\.AIL SET IN \SPHALT THIS SUR\ El - SAID BEING THE SOUTH \\-EST CORNER DF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED .AND BEING LOCATED IN THE NORTH LINE7F INGRAM IDB ul PG'_'ii: THENCE. AND ATA RIGHT ANGLE. NORTH 3.1 DEGREES 2 MINLTES ii SECONDS EAST, Iii00 FEET TO A PIN WITH CAP STAMPED PLS41615 FOOD THIS SL R4 EY: THENCE AT A RIGHT .ANGLE AND CONTINUING \% IVI THE SOLTH LINE OF FOE, DB 533, PG I SOJL 5'0), SOL TH ii DEGREES 57 NlINUTES i 3ECONUS E -\ST. 132,00 FEET TO aN IRON PIN \b ITl{ C -AP STAMPED PLS:t16-15 FOUND THIS SLR\ EY SAID BEING rHE NORTH EAST CORNER OF THE PARCEL HEREIN DESCRIBED .AND THE SOUTH EAST CORNER OF THE FOE ! D838-1, PG 130& i"O) TR.\(:T TF(ENCE .AT k RIG14T ANGLE. SOUTH 3.1 DEGREES _' MINUTES55 SECONDS \\ES -r. 15 9) FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGIN', ING The property described abo,•e :ontarns 14SO Oil square fe,t or 0.040 ,torus Thr. prapvt% may be subject to pubhc .)r prnate Ga,cmerits. rights of %%a%. or re.Ui,:iio U not diicIwed to this sttr,e,•or as this sr:r• e, ta, pert rmed •.�Idxwt the benefit of a utle oputton. T'hu sur•. eyor mak:. nu :laini. as to the true -md rignttitl c.,aer, of the prr�pern Jts:nhed hereon or an.. portion thercof The bearjtgs :heti are based the Kenatck,. State Plane Coordinate Sy stem - South Z set Thi, de,:r!puon a,ts drafted b% Michael Todd \1:Bee. K1 PLS - 3-90, of the firm Sitcv.orx Sur.r. and De.,sn. 15-h) \1:Cr.i:ken Boule,ard. Site _'00. Padii—di. Kti' 4_'('(,I. from a plat of sur.,.: elude , f 9i: ,u))e:t propert'. :ongtletod on or about Februan 6`- '011 and regarded in the \t:Crat ker. Cotum C crk': ofii:::n Oic lo,:auon luted aba. e. SECTION 3. In suphrrt of its decision td close the .tGr,"aid Puplic tta\,. ;he Bkmrd of CanuniSSutnrrs hereh% make; the follim ing findings of fact Dou•,Lts In�,.ram, Sue Ingram and the Fraternal Order of F•aaje;. are the cvaneh iii Property abu1011,1 the PubiiC ea, t%hich the Board !af COmnr,S1i(41uN 1.1,1, a lihortzed m be clo,etl a, k a� idenced h. the ,tppkc ation for street and,ur Ale% :It,:ino %khici\ attach�-d her, %, and mad, part her:of. h. On [Ile 1 7th day of Fehruary. ?014. the Paducah PLlnnrn�! Commission or the Cit% Of RWLICah adopted a resolution recommending to the `lasor and Beard of Coillinls.lon.�-rs or the Cite oC Paducah cio�,ure of the aforesaid public «ak . C Written rn011c of the proposed closine was to all pre pert% o%%iters in or ahuttinJ [he puhlic way or the portion thereo[ being closed as is ekidenced by the application for Street and' or al le% :losln�! Mhich is attached hereto and made a pert hereof. cl. All property owners in or abutting [!1e pubilc way or the portion thereon being closed have zl%en their k%ritteil notarized consent to the closing as is-�Idcnc,�d b% [he application ror street andior alley' ciosin�z \\ hich IS attached hereto and made a part herzor. SECTION 3. All requirements or KRS 31405( l ) and 21 hak ing he, -n met. the Beard of Commission:rs of the Cite Or Paducah llereh; concludes that :he atoresaid public way. as deScrib,d Libor e. should be cloSed in accordancL� k6th the provisions k)r KRS SECTION 4. The Nla%or is hereby authorized. cmpow�red. and directed to a quitcialm deed from the Cil% of Paducah to each ol-' [he prnpei-t\. Owner: in or abutlinz the puhlic WLI\ to be closed �\ ith each to acquire title to that portion of the public way contiguous to 1110 property no« owned by said propert% owners up to center line of the Said puhl is kkay. Prop is M. however. [hat [he Cite shall rescrk e such gas niicros upon the abo%e described real property as it deems necessary. Said deed Shall provide the reser%a[ic)n b% the Ckv of Paducah ani easement, alldctirl2 the herein described property as described in Section l above. SECTION j. Thi; ordinance shall be read on ( o sepsrat. Ja%) and '.kill becotll, cffec[k e upon surnirlary publication pursuant to KRS Chapter 4 `-1, ATTEST Tammara S. Sanderson. Cite Clerlk Introduced b` the Board of Commissioners. Fehruar% _'()l -i• :adopted h\ the Berard of Commli�lolleri, `larch R:corded h� Tamniara S. Sandcr,()n. Ci[% Clerk, March Published b� Th Paciucall Sllf;, ord\en_:%.st cloSe`ali:% cioSe-bethel to«acd main 'c)l� -N 1,1% or CITY OF PADUCAH STREET - ALLEY CLOSING APPLICATION FORM Date: z/ii /%y Application is hereby made to the Mayor and Board of Commissioners for the closing of: A Street or ZAn Alley Located: Sf e_z>< Sf . Included herewith is a filing fee of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) together with twenty (20) copies of a plat showing the street/alley to be closed. This application form, indicating consent of the right of way closure, has been signed and notarized by all real property owners whose land adjoins the portion of right of way proposed to be closed. If the application is not signed by all adjoining real property owners, the "Street -Alley Closing Guarantee" form must be attached. Respectfully submitted by all adjoining property owners: STATE OF KENTUCKY )., COUNTY OF McCR C"4N TCLA- /v r CL 7 The foregoing in�r2ntSys s�vc aQacknowledged Signature oProperty Owner before me this day) o > zu.' 20 L /n by Dom ( v a Property Owner's Name Printed My Commission � c Address, Notary Public, State at Large � � r SEAL TgTr ture of Property Owner Property Owner's Name Printed STATE OF KENTUCKY ) COUNTY OF McCRACKF� ) The foregoing ins>fy t s wQr before me this r I :�. a by iZ z ' :I My Commiss"sor=1.3;Qs bsw, ` Address Notary Pub 6,'Sf6fe at Large SEAL acknowledged / , 20_14 1--11'k onno Signature of Property Owner Property Owner's Name Printed 76 7 �4� S l r Al ,�- Address l C o ,2 r K\� q76:3 f Signature of Property Owner Property Owner's Name Printed Address Signature of Property Owner Property Owner's Name Printed Address STATE OF KENTUCKY ) COUNTY OF McCRACKEN" }' The foregoing inswas s wor ' acknowledged before me this 1 ' ay , 204, by My Commission elle Notary Public, State at Large SEAL STATE OF KENTUCKY ) COUNTY OF MCCRACKEN ) The foregoing instrument was sworn to and acknowledged before me this day of , 20^ by My Commission axpires Notary Public, State at Large SEAL STATE OF KENTUCKY ) COUNTY OF MCCZACKEN ) The foregoing instrument was sworn to and acknowledged before me this day of , 20^ by My Com m ission expires Notary Public, State at Large SEAL January 23, 2409 MEMORANDUM TO: Commissioners FROM: Public Information Officer Pam Spencer St BJECT: Action Plan Recommendations for Neighborhood Re\italization and ColnmffliM Engagement Citizen Survey Committees DATE: February ?l. 2014 This document provides information on the ;fiction Plans recommended b\, two of the three committees created to mo\ e forward \with priorities resulting from the post -Citizen Survey ovorkshop. Che third committee %vhich is focusing on the Citv's Role in Economic Development continues to meet and de\ elop its .action Plan. This report focuses on the Neighborhood Revitalization and Community Engagement committees. Background: In early 2013. the City of Paducah conducted a Citizen SurveN to gain feedback regarding various public services. The sure\'. conducted by the National Research Center (NRC), \k -as mailed to 1200 randomly selected households. Paducah had a 3l1,'o response rate. a statistically valid sample. On June 12. ?013 the Paducah Board of Commissioners and the department heads participated in the Next Steps Workshop conducted by the LRC to re\ ieW surVey results and determine the next steps in using the results For groWth. At the Conclusion of the workshop. three topics \%ere determined to be the priorities for the city to address and strengthen. The priorities are • City's Rule in Economic Development • Neighborhood Re% italization • Community Engagement The Cite 10anager assigned director teams to facilitate the development of action plans for each of the three priorities. The Colnmunit\ Engagement committee was led by Public Information Officer Pam Spencer and Fire Chief Ste\ e Kele \\ ith Plannin-? Director Steve Ervin and Parks Services Director \lark Thompson leading. the Neighborhood Re\italization committee. Each committee used the graphic to the right provided b\ the NRC as a Guide in creating action plans that \\ould have strategies and tactics under each priority. Neighborhood Revitalization: The Neighborhood Revitalization Committee met three times to review the strategies and establish tactics to establish strategies and tactics that \gill enhance neighborhood revitalization in the City. The Committee met September 24, October 23. and November l l . In addition to Er\ in and Thompson. the Committee members are as follo\ys: Monica Bilak, i ransitional Student Services at Paducah Public School S\ stern Greg C.herr}. Depllt\- Chief of Fife Pre\'entlUn Pa;!e 2 Charlie Doherty. Community Dexelopment Planner .Llan Rhodes. Cite Commissioner Jeff dills. Community Development Banker U.S. Bank Burford Wilson. Urban Renewal :agency Chairman The committee initial[\ established 14 strategies to strengthen neighborhoods. Through combination and elimination. the recommended strategies and tactics for review were reduced to the following: 1. Enhance neighborhood code enforcement, structure demolition. infrastructure improyernents. and infill development strategies. a. increase inspections to rid alleys and properties of rubbish. b. R,,view demolition budget and increase as necessary to accomplish demolition plan. c. Continue and,or increase budget for sidew-allc'street irnpro\rements d. Create infill strategy for vacant cite -owned properties and other properties w ithin LAI census tracts. i. Design infill house plans and utilize existing pre -approved house plans that complement the character of the neighborhood. ii. Offer pre -approved plans for tree as an incentive for infill development. Iii. \%'aiye permit tees for all new infill residential construction on City -owned property or properties within the L,", -I census tracts. i\. Establish down payment assistance forgivable loan for infill construction on City lots or construction in L;'%[ census tracts. v. :assemble vacant City parcels that could be used to develop affordable housing. e. Continue neighborhood revitalization efforts utlllzlnx the Xelghborhood Plan concept and identity next neighborhood for reg italization in 201 5. . Create a master plan for bikeway neighborhood connectivitN including bike lanes and shared use paths. a. Hold public forums to seek out "best routes' for Share the Road signage b. PU•Sue an educational component for bicyclists and motorists C. Pursue Sate Route to Schools and Transportation Enhancement grants innplementation plan. Comntnnity Engagement: The Community Engagement Committee met three times. September 25. October 23, and `oyember 19, to review the strategies and establish tactics to increase colnmunity engagement in the City. It should be noted that the Citizen Survey results regardingengagement and public information are similar to other cities. not below average. In addition to Chief Kcle and Spencer. the Committee members are Richard Abraham. Cite Commissioner Danny Fugate. Section 8 E -lousing Director Gayle Kaler. Mayor Greg dueller. Information Technolog,, Director Robin Newberry, Police Department Executive .-assistant Andrea Underwood. Director of Community Relations and %larketing. Paducah Power S%stem Chris Yarber. Engineering -Public Works Operations Manager The group began with the tollow"ing three strategies and worked to develop lactims Under each stratzL,\. • Effecting understanding th-rough public information • Obtaining feedback through consultation • Creating empowerment opportunities through engagement The committee tirst reg iewed what the City alreadk does or has done in the recent past to engage and Inform citizens (see attached document). One oCthe main points is that the City prop ides numerous ways to inform and Paye _i etlgage citizens SLIC11 aS the use of Social media. e -news subscriptions. meeting, h[QhliQhts. � ideos. display cabinets. and a speaker's bUreau. However. those methods, in addition to :tnvvne« tactics, could be packaged into an Ejwli- ment Initicaive to make it easier for citizens to know about �,,ay, to be informed and involved. Belo% are the three strategies and the %ariouS tactics discussed and recommended by the committee. It is noted if a tactic needs more research or revie%%. Also, if a tactic vyould require funding. it has been noted «ith a "S Some tactics do not need research or funding: h00%e�er. they may need implementation guidance and attidelines. Effecting understanding through public information a. Increasing traffic to City- of Paducah website i. Name and promote engagement initiative (under reN ie«v> S) ii. Pay- fees online On progress with Sungard upgrades. 5 i iii. Create additional informational graphics iv . Create quick response (QR) code \. Create mobile «ebsite (needs research. S) b. Information distribution I . Name and promote engagement initiative (under re,iew• S) ii. Better utilize church bulletins and school distribution lists iii. Provide additional information when citizens reUister for services iv. Increase number of participants for Citizen's Police Academ\ Utilize signature line of entails to advertise inforinatton ti I. Promote YOUtLibe page (i.e. on graphic at end meeting videos) ii. Continue to post content in display- cabinets at Kentucky Oaks Mall viii. Utilize alert systernAext.app to distribute breakin;-news information (needs research. S) ?. Obtaining feedback through eonSultation a. Create written segments called Ask the Mayor and Commissioners or :ask the City Manager b. Organize town hall type meetings c. Utilize a portion of a Commission Workshop to ans%\er citizen questions submitted prior d_ Visit neiUhhorhood organization meetings e. Set up neighborhood walks f. Visit citizens at coffee shops. restaurants. etc. g Improving customer seri ice i. Make sure employees are knowledgeable and polite ii. Utilize Ambassadors in lobby of Cite Hall (needs research) iii. Place informational sivns and directions in City Hall weeds research. S) iv. Place message board.'TV in lobb,,- of Cite I lall (needs research. S) 3. Creating empo«erment opportunities through engagement a. Staff'elected officials attend student council nleetirtgS b. Utilize 31 1 informational systenn allowing citizenS to report problems information (needs research. S) Conclusion: The strategies and tactics that k�ere identified b\ the respective committees are being directed to the applicable Department(s) for administrative review and consideration for possible implementation. The tactics range in scope from those requiring only minor enhancements toprograrns procedures already in place. to those that require significant research. fundin1J. and policy development. It is expected that some tactics %ill be brouvltt forxvard in the decision-making process associated «ith the upcoming budget development and adoption. Existing Community Engagement -Public [nformation in City of Paducah February 2014 `Websites: • Cite website k%titiv.paducahky.gok (.averaging 650-950 visits per day with about 30.000 hits (pages and do,knloads) per da%-). Website is.rielding at least a 25% increase in visits in past 12 months. • Fountain Avenue Neighborhood website. kezvw.fountainave.corn • Paducah Renaissance Alliance website, v,-xvtiv.paducahalliance.org • Intranet for Cite employees • ti1AP-GIS 1 r a a a a a a a a r a r a■■ a a a a a. a a a a! a a a a a a a a a. a a aSoon ■■ a■■■ a R a a. a a R a a a 1 a a a a a t a a a a a a a 1 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Social Nledia: • Facebook o Cite of Paducah (launched 2009)-3202 likes Parks Services -13-33 likes o Fountain avenue Neighborhood -84 likes Paducah Renaissance Alliance -2487 likes Paducah Police -1254 likes o Paducah Dogwood Trail -162 likes • Ts fitter --Cite of Paducah account (launched 2009)-1690 folloWers • Voutube--Cite account (launched 2011)-241 videos with 16.600 vie�4s I a a 0 a M a s a r a a a a a a a a a a a R a a a. a■ R a. a a a a a a R a a a a a 9 t a a a a a A a a a a R a a a a a a a a a a a a! a a a r a a a a a a a a a a a a a a E -Nuys: Nearly 400 subscribers who receive ne\.vs releases.'Commissioa hiehliUhts at the same time as media ! a a a a a a a a a a■ R a a■ a■ R a a a a a a R a . a a a l a mangos a a a■ a a■ a a a R a a a a a a ■ala a a!! a R a a R a s a a a a 1 a R a a a a a a!! R a a a■ News Releases/Meeting Highlights: An1lLially approximately 330-400 news releases and meeting highlights distributed (includes releases from Police, PRA, and P1O office (includes Parks Dept)) l a a a■■ a a a a■■ R■■ a a a a a a a a a a R a■■ a a a a■■ a 4 a a a a a f a a a a s s■■ a■■ a a a a■■■■ a l a a a a a a a a. a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 6 Government 1 i Programming (all videos posted on City's Youtube page, too): • Rotating bulletin board with informational slides and programnting information • City Commission titeetinU aired live and tape -replayed twice • Planninsa Commission \,[eeting aired live and tape -replayed t\NIce • Paducah View (short 2-5 minute programs hosted by Pam) • Your Citi at Work (20-30 minute programs hosted by Pam) • Cite Profile (30 minute programs hosted by Tom Butler) • Human Rights Commission (30 minute programs hosted b� HR board members) • Parade coverage (Veterans Day and Christmas Parade) • Tot School (crafts and teaching segments for pre-schoolers hosted by Kathy Reese) • Other public meetings (examples are major announcements such as Riverli-ont announcement) 1 a 1! a s a a a a a a a 0 a s a r r a r a a a r r a a a r■■ a r a a r a a R r r a a r r r a a r a r a a a a arra ■ a a s a a s a■■■ a a f a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Speaker's Bureau: ( launched, in 2011 ) provides an a\ enue for organizations to inN ite cite personnel to speak about a specific topic hap: paducahkv._ov paducah speakers -bureau a a l aaa ME ME on a a a s a a l a a a a a R■ f a a a r s a t a s a a a a a a a a R■ aaa ■ R a a a a a a a a R a. a a a a aaaa aaa ■ aaa ■ a R R a a a a a f a s■ Paye 2 Neighborhood Walks ane! Walk the Greenway Trail events: (laLinched in 2008) neighborhoods can ins ite elected officials and directors to walk their neighborhoods http: paducahk6-.Uov paducah. neighborhood -walks ir■■■■r■■ar■■aa■■aa■■a■■a■■■■■r■■■a■■a■■■r■■■■■a■aa■a■■argained ■■■■■a■■r■■■a■■■■0a■mom ■■■■ a Cite Commission Meetings: Weekly meetings that allowfor Public Comments, _-fired lige on Channel I I . tape replayed t\k ice on Charinel l l . and posted on YOutube. i ■ r • ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ a a ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ a a ■ a ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ a a ■ a a ■ ■ r a ■ a a a r ■ ■ ■ goo s • ■ ■ ■ ■ Police Department: • Citizen's Police :Academ% • Junior Citizens Police Acaderriv • DARE and GREAT • Police Explorers • Coffee «ithaCop • Community events (classroom visits and festivats) i ■ goo ■ Madams ■ a Nam era ■ ■ mom Manus a ■ a ■ s ■ a ■ ■ s ■ a ■ ■err ■ r ■ Nam ■ r a a ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a a a r a ■ s ■ ■ a r ■ r r ■ a ■ a ■ ■ ■ r ■ a a r a Fire Department: • RIVC111le Firesetter Intervention Program • Fire Safety House—teaches kids how to aet orlt of house safely • Freddie the Fire Truck ---interactive small fire truck that's great fur VOLIma kids • CUI11IM111 t� events (classroom visits. (esti als. etc.) � ✓ • Electrical, construction. and firefighting \, orkshops ia■aa5amea■■■raga■■mad ago ■■■ Egg ■rasums Mae ■a■seems ■a■■■man Ogg gas ■a■■Mason ■■■■■aaar■Issue ■was Parks Seri -ices Department: Numerotis classes. special events. parades, etc. ■ a ■ ■ ■ a ■ a ■ r ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ e mom was ■ ■ ■ NMI ■ ■ go ■ a r ■ was ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ was Nags ■ a ■ a ■ a ■ a ■ e ■ r ■ ■ ■ r r r ■ a ■ ■ a ■ a ROEMER a mom May'or's [nitiatives: • Nlayor's :art Club. Patriotic :J�rt. Christmas Ornament Contest • Mayors :inti -Bullring Task Force • Mayor's Book Club • Mayor's Cultural Leadership Committee (for arts and CLIltural agencies) Ire■aa■■a■s■■■wagon mom man ■■■■rago used moves none ■■ was ■■■■■r■■■■■■■■a■■■avows a■■■ra■■■a■■■sea ■ Boards and Commissions: Several boards have their own Cornmunity Engagerne:nt initiatives such as • flrinlan Rights Commission's Evening of Performance and the prograITl they host on Chan-nel I I • Civic Beautification Board's Dogwood Trail events. Houst of the Month. Adopt a Spot. etc. ia■■rrrr■ass ■ MEN ■aa■■memo ■a■■■a■■a■a■mom ass ■■a■■a■■■■a■■■saaama■■■■■■ a■■ a■ads ■■■■4aaass amaa Cite of Paducah and Police Department Display Cabinets at Kentucky Oaks Mall: Citi cabinet is in hall ay next to J.C. Penney's. Allows for posting of flyers. docuIllents. etc. ■ ■ a ■ ■ r ■ r ■ ■ a a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ s ■ r r ■ a ■ ■ r ■ r ■ ■ a ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ a r ■ ■ a r ■ a ■ a a ■ ■ a ■ ■ r ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ a s a r a ■ ■ Paid -Marketing/Advertising: • [List Paducah and Purchase Parenting. .ids in Paducah Sun (i.e. Spring Clean Up Dai and classified)