HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCMPacket2014-01-07CITY CONI`-IISSION MEETING AGENDA FOR JANUARY 7. 201=1 5.30 P.M. ROLL CALL [N VOCATI 0N PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Will Hancock -PTHS Senior ADDITIONiSIDELETIONS RECOGNITION: Christmas Parade Awards I. -NPINUTE S 11. MUNICIPAL ORDERS I _ A. Personnel actions - C. MEDFORD B. 201 4 Natiornal Endov%,illent for the .krts "Our Tov� n" Grailt :application -- S. ERVIN, L. BR1"A T-GRFCVE C. Declaration and Sale of Surplus PrcEerty - 1235 South Street - S. ERVIN I III. ORDINANCES - .ADOPTION A. Authorize Nlayor to Execute A Cooperation Aureement with the United States Army Corps of Engineers for Paducah Le%ee Repairs Sustained Durin`g the 2011 Flood -R. t\IURPHY I IV. ORDINANCES - INTRODUCTION A. Sale of Property Located at 40t Waslungton Street On Behalf of Paducah Water - G. ANDERSON B. 2013 Ky Office of Homeland Security LEPP Grails <A" and - ASST. CHIEF S. GRIMES, S. ERVIN i V. CITY MANAGER REPORT -- �- I I VI. .lIAS"OR & COIIIIISSIONER COIIIIPNTS VII. PLBL[C COMMENTS VIII. EXEC UT(VU SESSION CITY OF PADUCAH January 7, 2014 Upon the recommendation of the City Manager, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah order that the personnel changes on the attached list be approved. Citoariag�Ps Signature CITY OF PADUCAH PERSONNEL ACTIONS January 7, 2014 NEW HIRES - PART-TIME WMITEMPORARY/SEASONAL POSITION RATE EPW- FLOODWALL Griffin, Joe Temporary Pump Operator $7.25/Hr TERMINATIONS - FULL-TIME [FIT) POSITION REASON FIRE - SUPPRESSION Greif. Robert A. Firefighter - Relief Driver Resignation NCS/CS FLSA EFFECTIVE DATE NCS Non -Ex January 2, 2014 EFFECTIVE DATE January 2. 2014 Agenda Action Form Paducah City, Commission Meeting Date: January, i, 3014 Short Title: 20t4 National Endowment for the .arts Orrr Town Grant application -- Columbia Theater Project ❑Ordinance ❑ Emergency, ❑ ivlunicipal Order 71Resolution❑ tilotion Staff Work By : Jeff Pederson. Steve Ervin. and Shery, l Chino Presentation Bv: Steve Ervin, Landee Bryant -Greene Background Information: The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) has announced the ayailabiIk\ otgram applications through their Our Town Program, The Our ToL%n Program encourages local partnerships and seeks projects with the potential to integrate design and the arts into the fabric of community lite and that serve as a vehicle for economic revitalization. Projects should have a positive, innovative impact on the community, together with their arts and design organizations and artists, to improve their qualitN of life and encourage creative activity. The COltrmbia Theater Project involves the restoration ofthe facilit7, wheetr will preserve and revitalize a Historical Landmark in Downtown Paducah. The NEA requires a partnership between a local unit of government and a non-profit organization. The Columbia Theater Task Force and the Paducah Film Society are requesting grant finds through the NEA Our Town Program to assist in the development of the Feasibility, Study, which %vi 11 identih marketing strategies, financial resources, and outline the operational viability sustainability of the theater. Furthermore, the Columbia Theater Task Force and the Paducah Film Socierti etre requesting assistance in architectural tees. The NEA Our Town Gant requires a one-to-one match, which can be in the form of both cash and or in-kind services. The Paducah Hill Society, and the Columbia Theater Task Force are proposing to utilize in-kind services to match the NEA grant, should the project become Funded. Such services could include, but not be limited to. volunteer work during the clean-up process, administration services, architectural services. information. website design. etc. The total estimated project cost is estimated at S163,000. A request for apprONimateN SS I. -OO will be submitted to the NNEA Our Program. If the Commission desires to authorize the submission of the Our To%\ n Application, it must aUthOriZe and direct .1Y3a%or and or Nlayor's Designee to submit and eXecute all documents necessary, to do so: as Lyell as. authorize the submittal of the gram application through the Grants.gov s,stem b\ the Planning Department. [fan a\vard is offered. it will be brought before the Commission for consideration. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ❑ Qualit\ Services❑ Vital NeM)borhoods❑ Restored Doy,nto\yns Funds Available: ,- CCOLlnt Nance: ACCOtrnt Number. Staff Recommendation: Apprm al .attachments: done Department Head CitN Clerk Finance tMUNICIPAL ORDER NO. A tIMUNICIPAL ORDER APPROVING AN APPLICATION AND ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH PLA.vi\ GNG DEPARTMENT IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE COLU%,[BLa. THEATER TASK FORCE AND THE PADUCAH FLL,O SOCIETY TO APPLY FOR THE 2014 OUR TOWN .MATCHING GRANT FUNDED BY THE NATIONAL ENDO`VNIENT FOR THE ARTS FOR $81.300. FOR THE COLUMBIA THEATER PROJECT BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY: SECTION 1. The City of Paducah hereby approves an application and all documents necessary for the Planning Department, in partnership wAh the Columbia Theater Task Force and the Paducah Film Society to submit for the 2014 Our Town snatching grant. Th,- request herequest is in the amount of S81.300. and will be Funded by the Naticaal .Endowment for the Arts. This grant is for the Columbia Theater Project to assist in the developiiient of the Feasibility Studp, tyhich will identify marketing strategies, financial resources, m --Undine the operational iability/sustainability of the theater. SECTION 2. The Nfa%or is hereby authorised to e,ezettte the application and all documents necessary for an Our Town matching grant approved in Section l abme. SECTION 3. If the Our ToW n grant is approved, theColumbra Theater Task Force and the Paducah Film Society %� ill provide in-kind services intbe.anroum of 581.300 for the matching grant. fora total project cost estimate of $163.000. SECTION d. This order shall be in full force and effrct from and after the date of its adoption. Mayor .-ATTEST: Tammara S. Sanderson. Citi Clerk, ,adopted by the Board of Commissioners. Januar} 7. 2014 Recorded by Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk, fanuary 7. 2014 1molerantslnatl endo %mem for the arts -our toktin 2014 581.300 1-2014 Agenda Action Farm Paducah City Commission .Lleetino Date: Jan. 7, ?01 4 Short Title. Decl2r2tion and Sale of Surplus Praperty 27 1235 S. 5" Street. ❑Ordinance ❑ EmerLenc% vlunicipal Order ❑ Resohltion ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Ste%e Ervin Nance Upchurch Presentation BN: Steve- Ervin Background Information, This action �wuld declare 1235 South 5"' Street surplus propert\ owned by the Cite of Paducah and authorize the transfer to the property \vIrs. Julieann Rose. She submitted ;,m offer to purchase the property for S 175 on Dec. 4, 20 13. She % ould use the property to grow produce to distribute to the need%. The property was adlertised in the Paducah Sun ,art Sundae. Nov, 3. 2013 requesting interested parties to submit a bid by No\. 14. 2013 at 9 AM. No bids were received. Sec. '-654 (4) c. of the Paducah Code of Ordinances allows the cih to enter into competitive negotiations once an invitation to bier has been nude in accordance �\ith section 2-645 (a through 0 and no bids are received from responsive and responsible bidders. Therefore, staff recommends that the Commission declare the propert\ surplus and transfer to )vIrs. Julieann Rose. Goal: ❑Stfong Economy [QuaIity SerNicesJ7 Vital Neigl&orhoods❑ Restored Dov�wovvru Funds Avnilnble; Account Nanne: N A AcCOttnt Number: N A Finance Attachments: additional supporting documentatic to meet requirements Sec. -668 of the Paducah Code of Ordinances. See. 2-66& Disposition DT surplus or excess property, t> Description of property: 1235 South Stn Street 2. Its intended use .Rt the time of acquisition: ThP, lot «as acquired by the Cit,, of Paducah on by deed recorded in Deed Book 1174 Pa,,e 161 on Sept. S. 2009. The Cite (lid not have a specific use for the property at the time of the acquisition. 3. The reason why it is in the best interest of the Cite to dispose of the itzm i Set oral months �ti7o staff compiled a list of properties that the Cit.- had acquired over the years through various means . This lot is on the list of properties staff deemed as surplus. The City of Paducah rr�s o.�ned and maintained the propert% since 2009. It is in the best interest of the Citb Of Paducah to transfer that property to a responsible owner that %gill take over and mairrain the property and possibl\ develop in the future. 4, The method of disposition to be used The property \% III be sold to JUliealln Rose. She submittCdJ bid and offers to pay `i;175 for the property. Therefore. staff recommendation is that it is in the best of the cite to declare this propel-th surplus and appro\ e the transfer of this propeny to Nirs. Julieann Rose. ::7� -2. Steve Ervin. Jeff Pederson. Director Planninu, Department C'itN' Manager Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: December 17, 20 U Short Title: Cooperation Agreement with the USACE For Paducah Levee Repairs Sustained During the 2011 Flood ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Angela Weeks, EPW Proj Mgr Presentation By'. Rick Murphy, P.E., City Engineer -Public Works Director Background Information: On May 18, 201 1, the US Army Corps of Engineers notified the City of Paducah that under Public Law 84-99 the City was eligible to request Rehabilitation Assistance for damages sustained to the Paducah Levee System during the 2011 Flood. On June 27, 2011, correspondence was sent to the USACE documenting the 2011 Flood damages sustained on the Paducah Levee System and formally requesting the USACE to provide the rehabilitation benefits pursuant to provisions under Public Law 84-99. In March of 2012, the USACE inspected the flood damages made to the Paducah Levee System as described in a Project Information Report (PIR). On November 21, 2013, the USACE Division Engineer approved the rehabilitation work described in the PLR. In order to proceed with the 2011 Flood Damage Rehabilitation Effort listed in the PIR, the USACE has requested the City execute a Cooperation Agreement. In accordance with this Cooperation Agreement, the USACE will complete all rehabilitation repairs noted within the PLR. The City of Paducah will be responsible to establish a suitable borrow site that will be utilized to procure the volume of soil needed for the proposed riverbank embankment fill. The City has located a suitable borrow site having a sufficient volume in close proxim ty of the project. The cost for the fill material is estimated at $10,000to $15,000. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ®Quality Services ❑Vital Neighborhoods ❑Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Account Name: Floodwall Repairs[Upkeep Account Number: 001-3308-532-3305 Finance Staff Recommendation: To adopt an Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute a Cooperation Agreement with the United States of America, Department of the Army Corps of Engineers for Rehabilitation Assistance for damages sustained to the City of Paducah Lecee System during the 2011 Flood pursuant to Public Law 84-99 as documented in the USACE's Project Information Reports approved by the Division Engineer on November 21, 2013. Agenda Action Form Page 2 Attachments: USACE May 18, 2011 Notice, City Formal Request June 27, 201 I, Cooperative Agreement 4 Depart entad City Clerk City Manager 1655 U Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: January 7, 2014 Short Title: Sate of 401 Washington Street on Behalf of Paducah Water ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Presentation By: Glen Anderson, General Manager, Paducah Water Background Information: As a result of the completion of the Paducah Water's new business office building off of North 8`s Street, in Paducah, the former business office of Paducah Water located at 401 Washington Street, Paducah, Kentucky (the "Property") and owned by the City of Paducah. Kentucky, for the use and benefit of the Commissioners of WaterWorks of the City of Paducah, DBA Paducah Water ("Paducah Water") was deemed surplus real estate and was authorized to be sold by Paducah Water by Municipal Order No, 1685, adopted by the Board of Commissioners on September 11, 2012. On August 13, 2013, Paducah Water entered into a Real Estate Purchase Agreement. as may be amended, (the "Agreement") for the sale of the property to Great Rivers, L.L.C., an Illinois limited liability company. for and in consideration of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS (5250,000.00) and in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement. The sale is to be consummared on or before February 3. 2014. The monies due to Paducah Water for the sale of the sutTlus property shall be remitted to Paducah Water following execution and delivery of the aforesaid deed of conveyance. Goal: ®SLong Economy ❑ Quality Services❑ Vital Neighborhoods[] Restored Do%�nto�cns Funds Available: Account Name: Account Number: Staff Recommendation: Attachments: Finance 163506 ORDINANCE NO. 2014 - AN ORDNANCE APPROVING THE SALE AND TRANSFER OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED REAL PROPERTY HELD FOR THE USE AND BENEFIT OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF WATERWORKS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, DBA PADUCAH WATER WHEREAS, certain real property located at 401 Washutston Street. Paducah, Kentucky (the "Property") and owned by the City of Paducah, Kentucky, for the use and benefit of the Commissioners of WaterWorks of the City of Paducah, DBA Paducah Water ("Paducah Water') was deemed surplus real estate and was authorized to be sold by Paducah Water in accordance with the requirements of KRS 82.083 by NLunicipal Order No, 168, adopted by the Board of Commissioners on September I t, 2012; and WHEREAS, on August 13, 2M, 3, Paducah water entered into a Real Estate Purchase Agreentent, as may be amended, (the "Agreement") for the sale of the Property to Great Rivers. L.L.C., an Illinois limited liability company, for and in consideration of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS (5250.000.00) and in accordance with the terms and conditions set Forth in the A,reememr and WHEREAS, the Property is located in Paducah. McCracken County, Kentucky and is more particularly described in the attached Exhibit "A'% and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: Section I. Recitals and Authorizations. The Board of Commissioners hereby appro%es the sale of the Property to Great Rivers, L.L.C., for and in consideration of TWO HUNDRED 1 P[FTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS (S250,000.00) and in -accordance with the terms and conditions set Forth in the Agreement. Section 2. Recitals and Authorizations. That the Mayor of the City of Paducah, Kentucky for the use and benefit of the Commissioners of Waterworks of the City of Paducah, DBA Paducah Water, be and he is hereby authorized to execute and deliver a special warranty deed of conveyance of the Property to Great Rivers, L.L.C., together with all other documentation necessary to effectuate the transfer of the Propett3-. Section 3. Distribution of Proceeds. The monies due to Paducah Water for the sale of the surplus property shall be remitted to Paducah Water following execution and delivery of the aforesaid deed of conveyance. Section 4. Severability. [f any section, paragraph or provision of this Order shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section. paratrraph or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this Order. Section 5. Compliance with Open Meetings Laws, The City Commission hereby finals and determines that all formal actions relative to the adoption of this Order were taken in an open meeting of the City Commission, and that all deliberations of this City Commission and of its committees, if any, which resulted in formal action, were in meetings open to the public, in full compliance with applicable legal requirements. Section 6. Conflicts. A11 ordinances, resolutions, orders or parts thereof in conflict with the provisions of this Order are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed and the provisions of this Order shall prevail and be given effect. Section 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be read on two separate days and 2 will become effective upon summary publication pursuant to KRS Chapter 424. Mayor ATTEST: Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk Introduced by the Board of Commissionersm, January 7, 20t3 Adopted by the Board of Commissioners, January 14, 2013 Recorded by Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk, January t4, 2013 Published by The Paducah Sun, \ord\pww-40t washington EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Being a part of Lot 171, Block "N" 19, Paducah, McCracken County, and identified as Parcel No. 3, in Block No. "N" t9, in the Downtown Civic Center, Project No. Ky-R-30, as shown by a plat of subdivision recorded in Plat Book `G," page 36.1, in the McCracken County Court Clerk's office, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point where the northerly right-of-way line of Washington Street intersects with the new westerly right-of-way line of South 4h Street; thence, from the point of beginning S 59 degrees - 42' W a distance of 109.0' to a point at the intersection of the westerly subdivision property line; thence, with said westerly property line N 30 degrees - 20' W a distance of 115.42' to a point at the intersection of the southerly property line of a lot now owned or formerly owned by Paducah Newspapers, Inc.: thence N 59 degrees - 40 E a distance of 36.38' to a point at the intersection of the easterly property line of the above- mentioned lot; thence, N 30 degrees - 20' W a distance of 37.54 to a point at the intersection of the southerly right-of-way line of a 20.00' alley: thence with said southerly right-of-way line N 59 degrees - 40' E a distance of 72.71 to a point at the intersection of the new westerly right-of-way line of South Fourth Street; thence, with said westerly right-of-way line S 30 degrees- 20' E a distance of 153.02' to the point of beginning. The above described parcel contains .352 acres (15,324 sq. ft) The above described parcel is subject to an encroachment along the westerly most property line. Said encroachment being .45' at the southwesterly property corner and 1.55' at the northwest most property comer. There exists on this parcel a ten -foot wide sewer casement more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the centerline of a ten -foot wide sewer easement, said point being S 30 degrees - 20' E a distance of 228' from the intersection point of the southerly right-of-way line of Kentucky Avenue and the new westerly right-of-way line of South Fourth Street, thence, with said centerline S 59 degrees - 40' W a distance of 72.71' to the easterly property line of a lot now owned or formerly owned by Paducah Newspapers. Inc. Being the same property conveyed to the City of Paducah, Kentucky, for the use and benefit of the Paducah Water Works by deed dated October L 1968, of record in Deed Book 502. page 218. in the McCracken County Court Clerk's office. NOTICE OF ADOPTION AND SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 2014 The Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, at meetings held on , 2014, and , 2011, gave first and second readings to, and adopted, the following ordinance: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE SALE AND TRANSFER OF MUNICIPALLY OWNED REAL PROPERTY HELD FOR THE USE AND BENEFIT OF THE CONLIIISSIONERS OF WATERWORKS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, DBA PADUCAH WATER In this Ordinance the City of Paducah ("City") approves the sale of surplus real property located at 401 Washington Street, Paducah, Kentucky pursuant to a Real Estate Purchase Agreement dated August 13. 2013 by and between Paducah Water and Great Rivers, L.L.C., an Illinois limited liability company, for and in consideration of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS (5250,000.00) and in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the aforesaid agreement. This Ordinance further authorizes the Nlayor of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, for the use and benefit of Paducah Water to execute and deliver a special warranty deed of conveyance of the surplus property. I, the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, hereby certify that Ordinance No. 2014 - was approved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, for first reading on , 2014, and was adopted after second reading on 2014, and was further approved for publication following adoption according to law. I further certify that the foregoing summary was prepared for the City by Lisa H. Emmons of Denton & Keuler, LLP, Attorneys at Law, 555 Jefferson Street, Paducah, Kentucky, 42002-0929. WITNESS my hand and seal of said County, this day of , 2014. /s/ Tammara Brock City Clerk, City of Paducah, Kentucky The undersigned Attorney at Law, licensed to practice in Kentucky, hereby certifies that the foregoing title summary of Ordinance No. 2014 - of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, was prepared by the undersigned and constitutes a general summary of essential provisions of said Ordinance, reference to the full text of which Ordinance is hereby made for a complete statement of its provisions and terms. /s/ Lisa H. Emmons Lisa H. Emmons, Esq. Denton & Keuler, LLP 555 Jefferson Street Paducah, Kentucky 43003-0939 P® !i Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: January 7, 2014 Short Title: 2013 KY Office of Homeland Security LEPP Grant Award Z Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Asst, Chief Stacey Grimes, Sheryl Chino Presentation By: Asst. Chief Stacey Grimes, Steve Ervin Background Information: The Kentucky Office of Homeland Security (KOFILS), Law Enforcement Protection Program (LEPP) will reimburse law enforcement agencies for prior -approved items including body armor, duty weapons, ammunition and electronic control devicas. The Police Department has received awards from this agency in the past and desires to develop and submit an application with for the KOHS. The Police Department has been awarded a LEPP grant in the amountof 50.100, to reimburse the city for the purchase of eight (8) body armors. The grant award does not requira any match funds. If the Commission desires the Police Department to accept thisaward funding and it must authorize and direct the Mayor to sign all grant related documents. Goal:❑ Strong EconomyZ Quality Services❑ Vital Neighborhoods❑ Restored Downtowns Funds Avaitabte: Project Title: 201-4 LEPP Grant Finance Project 0: P00077 Pile a. 6.253 Account 4: 4: 040-1616-521.23-07 Staff Recommendation: Approval Department Head City Clerk tt , tanager ORDINANCE NO. 2014 -1 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH ACCEPTING A 2013 LAW ENFORCEMENT PROTECTION PROGRAM GRANT AWARD FOR THE PADUCAH POLICE DEPARTMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EKECUTE AN AGREEMENT AND ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING THERETO WITH THE KENTUCKY OFFICE OF HOMELAND SECURITY WHEREAS. tate City of Paducah applied for a Law Enforcement Protection Program Grant Award adopted by Municipal Order No. 1722 on blag 14. 2013, for the purchase of body armors for police officers: and WHEREAS. the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security has approved the application and is now ready to award this grant. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SECTION I. That the City of Paducah hereby accepts grant finds in the amount of 54.100 through the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security for a Reimbursable 2013 Law Enforcement Protection Program Grant Award to purchase body amtors for police officers to be used by the Paducah Police Department, This award does not require a local cash match. SECTION 2. That the Nfayor is hereby authorized toexecute a Grant Agrecment and all documents relating thereto with the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security to obtain a grant in the amount of 54.400 as referenced in Section I above. SECTION 3. This eepeadh!Are shall be charged to Project .account P00077, account number 040-1616-521-2307. SECTION 4. Phis ordinance shall be read on two separate days and kill become effecti%e upon summary publication pursuant to KRS Chapter 424. Mayor .ATTEST Tammara S. Sanderson. Cit) Clerk Introduced by the Board of Commissioner. Jamrary 7, 2014 Adopted by the Board of Commissioner. January 14. 2014 Recorded by Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk, January 14. 2014 Published by The Paducah Sat, crdtplamgranuApolice-body armor KOHS LEPP 2011 1-2011