HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCMPacket2013-8-27ROLL CALL CITY CONI-[[SS[ON MEETING AGEIN-DA FOR AUGUST 27. 20 [ 3 3:30 PAM. INVOCATION - Joe lIetzger, Elder -- Father's House of Paducah PLEDGE OF ALLEGfANCE aDDITIONSIDELETIONS PROCLAMATION: Women's Equality Day - 1C. KEMP L MINti TES II. APPOINTMENTS j A. Paducah .area Transit Board III. MOTIONS A. R & F Documents II`. MUMCIP L, ORDERS A. Personnel Changes B ,=accept Humvee and .armored Carrier From the Dcfeitse Logistics :1g;.ncy's Law Enforccmznt Support Office (LESO) - .ASST. CHIEF 13AR. HILL C. Sale of 511 North 5n Street (Tract ,a - S. ERVIN I D. Saiz of 3 [ [ North 5' Street (Tract B - S. ERVIN E. Sale of 5t7 North 5` Street- S. ERVIN I V. ORDINANCES - ADOPTION I A. KLC Premiums for ,tnd Property C. ,NfEDFORD B. Home 20[2 House 43 - 1322 Madison Street - S. ERIN i C. ?Ol? Fire Prevention and Safety :� wird E.et; nsion - S, ERVIN D. Chance Order 41 for the Ri,erfmnt Rede�elo mens Pro ect Phase [-A. Piles and Mass Fill, For Demolition of the E.eecutive Inn Concrete Slab for use as ',Mass Fill - R.'vCURPHV E. Purchase of Solid Waste Dumpsters For FY20i3-2014 - R. MURPHY j F. Purchase of a Trommel Portable Screening Plant For Use- at Compost Yard - R. MURPHY G. Contract for Services: I l) Paducah area Transit -CITY MGR PEDERSON I 2) Barkley Regional airport -- CITY NIGR PEDERSON f 3) Paducah Junior College, Inc -Paducah School of Art Funding -- CITY MGR PEDERSON i 4) Paducah Junior College, Inc. - Community Scholarship Program - CITY MGR PEDERSON I V1. ORDINANCES -INTRODUCTION � I A. Change Order for Riverfront De�,Aoprnent -- R. MURPHY B. New Construction Bid award For71' Harrison Street -S. ERVIN C. Change Order 43 For Uniform Service in the Fire Department - FIRE CHIEF KYLE D, Contract for Services with GPEDC For FY2013-2014 - CITY MGR PEDERSON E. 2013/2014 Kentucky Transportati,at Di>cretionary _application - ASST. CHIEF GRIMES VII. CITY MA -LAGER REPORT i I VIII. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS i M. PUBLIC COMMENTS Y. EXECUTIVE SESSION BOARDS and COMMISSIONS APPOINTMENTS and REAPPOINTMENTS FOR CITY COMMISSION CONFIRMATION ❑ Appointment 4Z Reappointment ❑ Joint Appointment NAME: �� 0.0 K ❑ Joint Reappointment NAME OF BOARD OR COMMISSION -Tc DATE TO BE PLACED ON AGENDA: EXPIRATION OF TERM DATE:tia_ APPOINTEE'S HOME ADDRESS: Street: L� >OI s V�uckneC n City/Zip: V) 1-1 acc 1 Phone: �l11 U Email Address: Mark C'IG.y,�, QLtfckcLJ&C�J8 or,� Appointee's Business Name:�0-C�)cj,So Address: 1 O C> l l City/Zip: Phone: Thank you ❑ Resigned �] Term Expired Other (explain) TO REPLACE ON BOARD. ADDRESS: City/Zip: Appointee Confirmation: Date: Board of Commission .-approval: Bv: czIl 5i9- 8 i iO Original to: Tammara S. Sanderson, Cite Clerk BOARD CHAI MAN: Cc: the Jonathan Mark Davis 4018 Buckner Lane Paducah, Kentucky 42001 Familv • `,[arried 26+ years to Kelly S. Davis • 3 sons, Matthew, Andrew & Patrick, all attending the Lnk ersity of Kentucky Church • active member of Concord United \Methodist Church, usher, Pastor -Parish Relations Committee, currently developing anew adult Sunday School Class with fellow members Education • 198 t graduate of Heath High School • Attended Paducah Community College 1981-83 • BS from Murray State University, MSU Geography Student of the Year 1985 Work • Employed at the Purchase Area Development District since 1987 in Regional and Transportation Planning fields • Serve on the Kentucky Public Transit Association Board of Directors • Recognized by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinetas the 1987 Outstanding West Kentucky public transportation grantee • Recognized by the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet as the 2005 Outstanding West Kentucky public transportation grantee • [nducted into the Kentucky Transit Hat] of Fame, 2099 (13`" person statewide) • Serve as the West Kentucky representative on the Rural Transit Assistance Program (training funds for transit agencies) Committee Community Activity • Served on the Paducah Transit Authority Board 2001 -present • Past President of the ;McCracken County Youth Soccer .association ACL a ST _7, 201: 1 move that the follo�cinJ documents be received and tiled: DOCUMENTS Cormnissioner's Deeds a. 1724 North 121' Street b. 614 Husbands Street c. 902 South 5'h Street d. 1245 Park Avenue e. 2820 Bradley Street f. 1 126 Park Avenue 2. Contracts/Agreements a. Construction 0v -crane Agreement beween the Citeof Paducah. County of McCracken. G.P.E.D.C., M., and Teletech Services Corporation for construction ora customer care center building and associated parking lot located at Paducah Commerce Park (MO 1735) b. Management Agreement bemeen the City of Paducah and Paducah McCracken Countv Joint Seller Agency (JSA) Por Information Technology Services (ORD = 2013-08- 8055) c. Contract for sen ices %%ith the Luther F. Carson Four Rivers Center. [nc. for Fiscal l car 2013'20IL4 (ORD Y 2013-08-8058) d. Contract for services with Paducah Tilghman Highschool — Tornado LzaLue Football for Fiscal Year 20t3 201-4 (Executed by the City Manager) 3. Notice of Cancellation for the Board oP Commissioners of the City of Paducah. Kentuck% a. Regular Meeting scheduled for 5:30 p.m.. Tuesday. Jul% 16. 2013 b. Regular Meeting scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Tuesday. June 18, 2013 c. Regular Meeting scheduled for 5:30 p.m.. ruesda}. August 20. 2013 4. Deed bet�seen Cit of Paducah and Todd Teas and Deborah Teas for Sheehan Bridge Road Property Tract I (ORD ` 2013-07-8048) 5. Deed between City of Paducah and Karen Jackson for Sheehan Bridge Road Propert} Tract 11 (ORD 4 2013-07-8049) CITY OF PADUCAH August 27, 2013 Upon the recommendation of the City Manager, the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah order that the personnel changes on the attached list be approved. City Manager's Signature Date CITY OF PADUCAH PERSONNEL ACTIONS August 27, 2013 TERMINATIONS - PART-TIME (PIT)fTEMPORARYISEASONAL POSITION REASON PARKS SERVICES Dunlao, Bruce L Lfeguard Seasonal Temporay NEW HIRE- FULL-TIME IF/T POSITION RATE EPW - STREET Petty, Xavier J- ROW Maintenance Person $1374,Hr StewaC. Bryce ROVV Maintenance Person $13 74,Hr A �, e C' EFFECTIVE DATE Aug,s:12 2013 NCS/CS FLSA EFFECTIVE DATE NCS Nan -Ex August 29. 20 t3 NCS Non -Ex Augusi 29. 2013 Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Data, 08, 27 2013 Short Title: Accept vehicles from LESO []Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Captain Mark Roberts Presentation By: Asst. Chief Stacey Grimes and Captain Mark Roberts Background Information: Through the Defense Logistics Agency's Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO), the police department was able to acquire, at no cost, two specialty vehicles. A military High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (H'vL%ltiy V commonly known as the Humvee. The department intends to use the vehicle to transport officers and equipment during disasters, to reach remote areas inaccessible to police cruisers, and for use by the SWAT team and Bomb Squad in their duties. The original cost was S39,052. It was manufactured in 2008 and has 5,380 miles on the odometer. 2. An at -mored truck, known as a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (\/IR -AP) vehicle. The original cost was $4 t2,000. It was manufactured in 2008 and has 4,893 miles on the odometer. The department intends to use the vehicle to rescue officers or civilians under gunfire, or to get Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) or Botnb Squad officers close to dangerous situations involving gunfire or explosives. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ❑ Quality Services❑ Vital \aighbcr'ioedsi❑7, Restored Do«nto%cns Funds Available: _Account Name: Account Numbcr. Finance Staff Recommendation: Accept property Agenda .action Form Attachments: Department Head City Clerk Cit='Managger Page 2 ,MUNICIPAL ORDER NO. A MUNICIPAL ORDER ACCEPTING THE D0NA11ON OF A MILITARY HIGH MOBILITY NIULTfPURPOSE WTI:EELED VEHICLE (HAD f(V I COMMONLY KNOW -NAS A HUMVEE ANT) .A MIN -E RESISTA-NI V IBUSH PROTECTED (V[R.AP) VEHICLE FRO�.M THE DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY'S LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPPORT OFFICE TO BE UTILIZED BY THE PADUCAH POLICE DEPARTMENT BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY. SECTION I. The City of Paducah hereby accepts the donation of a 2005 military High Nfobility Multipurpose 'A heeled V2hicle (MIT[MV) .ommonk known as a Humvee (original cost $39,052) and an armored truck :known is .t dine Resistant ambush Protected (MR.AP) vehicle (original cost S412,000) fromthe Defense Logistics Agency's Law Enforcement Support Office to be utilized by the Paducah Police Departmcnt. SECTION 2, This Order shall be in full fore, and effect from and of er the date of its adoption. ATTEST Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk Adopted by the Board of Cotnmrsioner. August I' 20! 3 Recorded by Tammara S- Sanderson, City Clerk,,'gust 2'. 20'3 mo�donaticn- police -humvee A umored:az LA -W ENNFORCENJEEN7 AGE -N C -Y f LEA) U�LIYIORED TACTTC--U, iv`EffiCLE REQUEST SC REE\T'R ;D: KY28941 AGENCY v.Ati[E: Paducah Police D3partmert POC: Mark Roberts A-DDRESS {\'o P_O. Box): 1400 Broadway CITY: Paducah. ZIP: 42001 mroberts@paducahky.gov PHON-E: 270-444-8548 FAX 270-444-8663 1. Type of. ored Tactical Vehicle Requested (ifa specific type i>>ccuir�d): Wheeled vehicle: Up -armored Humvee, APC Style vehicle STATE. ICY =. Vumber of armored �'ehielcs EZequzsted: 1 '� 3. Geo aphic Respon3N1itti (Square ',files Covered): 240 4. [s the L.E_-y in a Fligh lntens;tv Drrsor Trafficking Area C DTAI: Yes No at: hid"a 5. Is the LEA willing to accept an .=lrmored Tactical Vehicle that is: -lck;,dC) ,heeled � Fiber O 6 Number Ttpe of 1209,03 3 A =ored Tactical Vehicles Currently on Ia4entory: 0 7 SpacialCoosiderarions: No cu ­w t .armored caoabiQies UXe ser/ice 3 tacticai teams, and th.a .bset armored rah cie is over 4 ^ours away' We respond to a DOE uranium enrichment facility, a national railroad hub, an airport, multiple, petrole:.m storage facilities and river ports, Tennessee Valley Authori and is the rte,seOan of 3 -ra}or river;. The Chie—C Execuri%s Orftcial. Head of ,agency (Local Field Office), by sig jri 2, . et^ities that the. requesting ageac% listed above has the appropriate binds, personnel, and equipment. to operate ar,d maintain the requested vebicle. It is also understood that this agency will not sall, trade, or cannibalize for part3_ armored vehicles acquired through the 1033 Program. They certi ti Char all in -formation contained above is acct, -a-,- and Inc request for an ar-morwd ractical v—.bicle is warranted and bas been approved CfffEF EXECI,'TI'Y-E DFFICIAL,: _ _. ��' t'_� DATE: ���0 2 - HEAD OF LD,C.kL .AGE. ""C1 STATE COORDLNATOR: E: ('i0T UQCIRED FOR FEDEI_-kL) PRE TEDX._tIE --- — LESO DFFICLAL: SIGNATL-RE LESO tiSE ONLY - PKK .' 'E D \ A_X QC SiGNAiL .F. DATE LEA WAS-VDDED TO THE N.-\TIONAL PRIOMTY LIST. MESO NOTES: DISA?PRO'\,' D BV LESO:'_ REASON: IILy 41. O (D C n _m �s (D H . aj fir Ort Ol 7 ar j V1 Q w w rD Q n O M G r* rD CD 3 ul VC, v mrXo CL N 3 CL n (Dm O' cu C U) d 3 �• ro O � CLa°o °' ro rn 0 C C � n. M r3D 3 oj n W rD zi rD n ° M m L ° fD c a. � � n ou � d SU O .0 m rrr R •h O h r+ fI M m D C w w Mc Qj � M m v 3 m 1� CL rD 3 a j• 7 in ,..r h X r- v? � M O X C cn Q X Q 0 O: C) n" -�, O ami x m -o rD qa Un 2 ���� n a m m n m cD m py' N U o n ro n p, � v —, w 3 r�� ='� O C^ ro * ro , vi L' ro � p V' ro to O,q-0 Oq 03=+ •C n kA vroi 0� a `D 7� rD ° o p ro o v rt -, m O (D t�D o n M rD r QT rt 3 Mo rD O � Ln Q' © rn Q O o. rn o ns ro == - O npr © cn (D rul c c R1 O �{ �^. rD O n (D (D a w p m N LA 7 S rr n Q n O v ro O in ro i-+ m 3 O m ori `¢ m 3 fl. as m Q — n ti 3 5 a m m'+ -, � ro CL rr • G co ; Q Q- n m 3 C r+ �' -„ O r%T s(D 0. v O M fD k d ro 1� tD (D r+ rD roQ !" ti t 3 w •� -+ 0 ID a rte« �+ rD ,� as of Di p 0 0 r+ ro ro :3C? K ro ❑. p v e+ O rD O' (D w '+ - V) O (D C n _m �s (D H . aj fir Ort Ol 7 ar j V1 Q w w rD Q n O M G r* rD CD 3 ul VC, v mrXo CL N 3 CL n (Dm O' cu C U) d 3 �• ro O � CLa°o °' ro rn 0 C C � n. M r3D 3 oj n W rD zi rD n ° M m L ° fD c a. � � n ou � d SU O .0 m rrr R •h O h r+ fI M m D C w w Mc Qj � M m v 3 m 1� CL rD 3 a j• 7 in ,..r h 0 Q ;r o Ln QJ rD M Cl •. .�. ay' � � y n m p f> 0 v `-: `� a ra ro arb o N n a D r= Q QO �^ fo a A w m Q� O n k to a a p ro �^ a. O VTi a s ¢ p a' °C C a OZ, O 3 a n• M y n ~'a ip 'fa • ' a, a y k ,[]� o .. rb `n' a a• ,� 0 4 ren T3tr ro :� a o g co a s ° a c ro q. �o C 3 c y a p o TZ „r a r3 cj -1 go° a a Q n p p c a'* sQ �� :� a ti '� v n a a A Q ro`•" � ati►i Dro° °{ �ao3 o�aa�A"pec - f 4 f 3 f'11 r --r fD o n Im �' 'O -a' cmn y '0rho m o 3 n (DG ami rt O m n r r QO ---1 m _' o m a. v \� as 4 a ai a �, -, X 0 3 v n, �' o� a a � -a a 3 a �. N° v _C p c o o a'. O n m N F' Q n O o O fD. er ^, t3 CL -0 13 M a I'17 P9 a ro rn vr^i -r v °a a r� '' C Q o O m �; M 7-0 rr -0 O O � � 3 �, o ° Q 'o 3 rr a, rD r3D rD a �; a rn nD p- CD CL (°* N °' rn aD d Q- v ' q " w a a C p' 3 vi is rt' a'o a a o o O�w t�D CL 0 tr p o `°, 3 '� n rt(D fD� n n V) ° p o m cru Z m e r0n =' ul 0nq C -r Cl O rC+ 2� n o: a, n O n ,' a rp -+ v -r O O z 3 �. 0 v a � rr r+ ul p_ 7 QJ � ro r=r re (D ro Oa rD rD o v, D !D -0 Or °� rn O vrni n f� n �• o _� `� H n c m d W w (n W Z) D �, -- O o o r, Q o d -1 o S 3 r. ro to a_ -+ t^ rr 3 C to ro V) V, 0 Ln v rv+ Di rD (Ef FD v fD 0--m Eu rF o =* c t7 c o vrt', Cl W 3 ro° n c D in -w v O ro :3 mro °' n °1 3 d o ro 4 W m m _3 o o n rD a f 4 rD C/, C v o `n c C' p rD D' 7 n a� rt tl O rD -' (D s" v n 3 rD 6, n• fD W h O N W N vi }.a d } Q n, y, N D, � N .0 –h -'h rnr p v CfU fti (D (n n c O D a C (D C2 On r- W Q N C v 0 3 (D I r�r Q o- (D o w a Ln 3 ° c' n 3 ro N a aj s J a » °° } # $/ n0rD 422m w:7CL - ro M >=i=�&m ` ��2�§E }2{/§E0 —0CL< :G \\|km <®\/27=a«} �A�, /( \}!>`®=o§ $\ !� ¥; =iffy®�! - gx0n \] /±e&. - 03 ID (3 �fD )� (D rD = LA �� 000D �`lMCL -� ®) \}}\\aC (D ID k-0 m }mwrnc \§>c,�n,.„R 2\±222@J%&Z) lu ` I2.0 CD 0 0 §ƒ (DmCL /2¥$(an �2n§a �� \}25{=�»}§k0= \%}k{/ .. 2; \ 2-�/3 w / -;; ect_nsl- Logistics ALjcnc,, In trt, t.:un DLII 1: 1 ern b e r ®- DR\{S 1-;f F h P.eiervrcc,. mete lc Eii.,J sitcr I 1. PI`RPO E a. ThIi, Der'ensc L.oJisuc,en IDL. 1 Instl-uction t'DLA: 11zscri!,z: the processes used by D -k tO prOvide support to Lavv Entorcennent Activitic_ (LEA The DLA I_hS Ottice LESO I administers and executes section'Z,76a. Title I0. L-nite!- States Code. For Clic DircCtor. DLA. at the direction oCtlie Secretaries oCDeCense. The LESO nesters excess Deparurent ot• (DoDI persx)rial property deemed suitabic for use to Fe�i_r.M and s!a:e EJ1v enforcehtetll acti :;ie This i; l novv n as the 10 Program. The cus:.: )er has: i= e.xla1v entorcem�nt and participation is controlled through the LESO.=:t!er: l and xv .n,t,rcemten: actio hies requests tIor excess DP -\10 equiprnollt aro s_Ihrrritted to the LESO tvho I:,- lurn approv es t,r the request. Mcnioranclums ( W) Al have heen entered into 1v ith each dale ar,d Cour territories. estaNIShin; the:n ris Doo cu�ll�tt�er;. L, F-I—ja: %\','od c :ess propert\ deemed sultablu t'n sup -A-! U1 the puhie CunctiC,n� Lit ;31'I'est anti appf'�hzn�lon and nor dutics dlrectl\ iuppotiing la\1 el'.li! en�tnt Jctl'� I'te� l reLL[I!l7_ed nen: `r \ !o lij_i,l r I DcO. �} i m i n ,u ,� t. � z Y L e E.�s at �� cost t� i z.s . i�,l�'��•: r�r:.ed � t ��orSultatlor '.\ i'h the Arorne\ Gen.-ral: Department oL ,IusucC; <:+._I d)e Secrelar\ of DeFen�e. Or1`tce oC\3tion-,d Dru'j EnCorceml-nl Policy and Support, in acc-:-Jance 1vith PLJ,]ic Lavv ;ui,pc1rtiM'_ :he presidents Rational Homeland Defet7,c strategy . L 1 �e \ c 1, I_ 1 S) tran_t.r f proper.\ under the i G„ ;.n� order ler t,l,aient r IS t., ensure cu;l,,m:rs recti;v e property in a tail-, equitable, and tilr.el:.�_rn;�er POLIO . a. It i� DLnollev t0 e\zCute anal adll�iMstei' the United States Cede. [or ,ho Director. DLA. as direcled by tli_ Dziun>e. 11w- DII'ecI01'. DL.�. 111.11 �ei'1 3s the deal mated a2?frt For the �eCret.t ; .:}i De ten se 1")r mana2ennen and �,v ersiaht t:,r the LES0 Program Office. DL_ vv ill :oord111 ,11th. the O!"Z.ce v,CT he 1ssi�tan'. Depot_• i_ nc! r Secretary eCDeCen:e. Supply Chaim �Dl SD SCIS. and the Di`.D tICZ ;Jr' l-� `''aI11 pr llc\ a ince. DLA 1\111 1ns'l1l;1e moi.}! al -?d 1vtth -,[lc Directorot Nallcmal DR p o. 1Cn :arM1l-- -,Ut the NOTE: DI -A pro%Ides mananzement o%ers!ght of the LE`;0, mo;rds to con_resswal and the' inquirics Cin behal? ('t the Agency Wand to the progrann. ;ssues ;):-'?rarn gu!dan,:e in all Ag,,—r,:1 instruchon. and ewcmes a woments nkPh the sate coordinator,the program. Request_ \\il he iairl\ and thoroyQ re\ie\1ed to determine pr+_'t� and strita'Di ir1 of the ';r!feria de\ doped in constaltatlon Si 4h DUD and \'..I n and to ensure excess p ropcnt is in direct suppon of the police functions of arrest and a ywhension and or duties dkectl\ sYY0n&9 la1\ enforcement act]\ AWY Appmved requests an met on a first-come t;N'L- ser\ ed basis 1\ Ah WON criteria for special categories of prcn� err\ i, aircraft. \leapons3. Tmnsf.r of proper-?\ A on an as -Is \\here -is basis and is in accor'_.::-ce 16th established DoD polis\ [ DoD 4150.E 1 AL Chapter 5, Attachment I . paragraph , I ..nd terms and conditions stated in the applicable \10.-x. All costs associated with propert\ and wonportadon are borne h\ Me LEA or Federal a2encl. b. Th: Defense Retrtihzaiion and \fart; by Service i DR\!S ',til,' pros idc management owrskht GI' issued under the program and assist LESO'r' accessing the autornitsJ s\ AM for defense aNcess propert\ c. The DsCense Reutilization and ifarkethy Offices IDEA\(€-, ,.fill issue exces propene appro\ed for release under the program. permit onsite screenin= : `propertl b� approved screeners. and "hen appropriate, in accordance \\Ah terms and c '1_:itions in the \10.-x. accept property Or Jemil:tarization and disposal action 6vm the state co�jmawr LEAs. 4. RI_ SPO\S181LI I'tF.S a. Develop plans. pohcv- procedures, program objectives. g .dmce. and pmgmrn eNNuation cr'Itsrta r'egardiny the adn"nisurabon. management, oAersigh[ and ,7plementat!on of the Do!) LES PwL,ran) Coordinate Wou_ i DL.A \\ hh the O ffice oCle .'..Ott n Depute Lnda Scawar: of Defense. Supp4 Chain 1nte2ra(i0n �.ADUSD SC11. the DoD wiiicz for proyinm poli.:) `uidawo and consult \W >W and the D!rector of \alio t_. Drug COntrcl P01i0 in carr\ in g cart the program. b. Wds and sdr &� 'ter :he LES Pro_'ram + lnttp: \1\\1\.t+ ._:._j, ie, t r. cornmonl\ referred to as elle 10 Prousm. on hehalfoFthe Director. DL.-\- :nd t)e Oft -ice ofthe Secretarl or Defense. A De\ slop procedures orkaria for 103 , Program ( ht[�-' ieso sac bon! 0 3.!ttm) equipment transfer to include types ofrruterial that mal be transi,-ri-Ld: maxin.tlnt equipment a+lo\\ ance. -, I_tilz,catlon requirements: ot requests: sr ecr.;i handling criteria ke., %leapons. aircraft. etc. is I I:'. Program eq rsco\er\ _find disposal procodure_: program performance and es aluadon measures: ant! in, elop any other special program procOures. is needed A e.. ircmakional distribution 1?i7.: :,. CIIStomer'.-ever\,e stocket r 2I Del elop police and procedures ?ter D-133 Program err" 'r.sm app; atlon i'ltip' \111'.\ I _ 0o Aewt:on10 WC.anPart.html I !1 - \1111.d1a.')-J eSQ SOn i h 11 -'er:r:�;1,htlTn 1. ,Approve or denycustomer Zwllmew royests 1111\1 ;areysot?. coTln1. EStahrlsh a%uswmerba-�e Illttp: 1\", ' Ta.2-r � — T 3 Ieso Seco,n I DA-C_1PDFSHEET.pdt ) and pro. ide approv,-j I. EAS ,lith a Iettel" of suth orization so the, mai screen DR -MOs For excess personal pr: �.r 1 or sty thc1 max screen online b1 accesSMn' :he DR\1S automated sl Stem wins their as�i_t'ed LEA identification number drms.d!a.nn I ieso 1_esoHor c,html). anj L}G\-'Iup, MOAs ( htlj�: 11b\'1�.Q1a.11r i�';I��u !1 Zm;3;'I !Lilll.��l"CZ."Ilii] I beo\een DLA and each state terri,,orl, in consultation and coord:l;a-,Mn 11ith the DLA General Counsel and the Deparrtment of,lustice for rules; policies, and pri,.edai-es acverning the ! 033 ProUram The \10.\ must contain the terms and conditions for paill cipation in the prosram 1110 - each state. Stat. coordinators sign the \10.`x estabiishins them as DoD eus101'11erS. General!, \IOAa' are not execut.d %N'ith Federal agencies. (q) Delelop and implement property management s,ster-, and accountabilit\ poiicl for the adinIStration of the I0Program to include deleIopment c system i " I rtace +i., . DBMS to the La11 Enforcement Equipment Data Slstem [LEEDS]t. (al Delelop, operate, and maintain the Do D. DLA LES ofFlce Il eb site (httr: logo ) to proxide information. instructloa's. and program guidance to the la11 enforcement communit\ and other DoD aeerncies ,lith inter -t= in the 1033 Program. Protide a W6 -link to DRIS LFSO application for automated re ai;itit,nins chtt��s: 1e�.dr!l;>.�la.mil leso LesoHome.hunll. (bi Del -,lop. operate. and maintain t!lc DoD DLA LES Counter Drug '\larla2'enlent Illf')rlllntlOn S1 stern (CNIIS) dat;lhase 1lhlch SCI'% �S as all aCCOUr_,t '-";lltl and tracklrU i\item for propertl rransfer7-ed though the 1C)33 Program (hup: 1\11aboutcmis.hrllll c. Process cu, twnler regUeSB. ( I )Recoil e I 0"_" Program rcque;t; tion1 the customer tl-.r �Ll2h the automated DBMS system I ttpS: +1 e�.drms.dia.r lil ieso Leso}Iame.html(or 1 is fa :\_110llat.d requests 11'11 hale priorit\ 01 er manual DR\IS Form 103- Screeners Tally Request (htt : 111111.u'ia.mil G-3 ieso S&ction1033 drills I0,.htiri. nhich v,_1€ be accepted on a:asc-b\- case basis. Training au;Jes on processii)s automated requests hake `�en created tier the LE_!. state coordinator. and LESO. The LEA and state coordinator trairir ( Uuides arc alaiIlble on. the %ESO GI e site (ht p: 111111.dla. nlil i=logo DR\1S�LESO drn�_-I;,so auto11t NOTE: Special request prOCedtlres are in place Cor the transfci-: :!cess 11e3pons and alrCl'a)l. s:.o LESO Stand-ird Operating Procedurea ISOP). located on the LLSO share Ji i`I I I Approl e or dtn\ rzquest based on established procecu:es. I I iet.ied. pro 1 ile rat!onales to Mate Coordlnators and F;deral a�zencles and offer aIle'! ,1C11C SOUrCe pLons, 1t Ilz-re al ai13b appi-,1 ed, transfer propzrtl to eligible rrar Sfzrees. -n accordance 11;lh the terr!ls an l conditions stated ill the applicable \10a. ! U>^, rnanuad r.clue:u. proc.-S: the approl ed request in t1:e LEEDS database and prox iUe th4 customer 11 ith a LESt_j coordinator approl ed si-ned DD Form 1 ',43-l.-\. authonzi^ the ct's(,-)m.r to reCe:le equipment tri m The �zupplier ( Dl -\10 Or RCP CJI' aUlJmated req_l.'itj ane!" t11, 1_E�h a��p rC)l al pl"t�Ce,S 1laS ta�eli pace. the rZ— 1111'St I� ;;i^%1!t;ed I la Lie %\1S atit�ma;ed _vstem t,� Military Requisitioning and Issue Procedures WILSTRIN for m.= ofd,t\ processing. IBIH. STRIP appro\es the reque, a DD Fam 13411. QH be avaKabie Cron-, rhe s_ipp:'ier iDR\1O or RCP), i4) 0!1 DR\IO requests, the applicabie DRAW the request. LESO Ouse neer, must coordinate \1 fail the DR -4,10 Lo pay for sl-iipment ;'t mawhIs or to MUM lick U,• the nlaerial_ themselves. tDn RCP requests, the RCP fulfills the rawest and ships the materials to the customer ;ree 0�'charge. LESO \veil do\\nioad data pro\ ided from the DRAIS s�stom to the L EEDS for material u- Un? purposes. LES0 WH also con: ua inventory reconciliation v\ ith the caster to ensure approved materials are recei\ ed by J'e requesting agmy We Coordinators may access Ir;\ entory reports for their- State through he LESO 11 A We Q leso lnzon.as_V Materials no longer nee.'.--; b' the cu:toMer man he returned to DRNIS. transferred to another authorized agency. ordisposed. in accordance "Ah emahIished proceduios rhe: avv�v.dla.m_ii i Ieso Section 10, of Re\ ie\\ pmgranl by conducting? i0_33 Program comphan::e ret ie\\s biannual;\ to each one and U& ttr KNO to monitor and evaluate compliance "ith Qe 1033 Program guidelines and VOA specibcatiorts. Use established checi<lists to conduct 7�,e rerie%v. Aarticipate v6th other DI 1 ot'fices and other ; xecuti\ e agencies to ensure LEA compl lance and application & Dot) ,lisp{);al policy. Al ork vv ith DoO audit agencies regarding valuation of the 103-3 Program and \Seel: in conjunction \\ Ah DoD. DLA. General accounting Nice AM). and other field hlf?Ccs L riminal lnlestlgailon den ices and Special InAestignt ,:a� Juices rc-garding cases beim.'_ inv emigawd my oIv ing property recOod by LEAs through the IZ03 I`03Proemny Take appropriat: action for- material noncompliance \\ith the terms and conditions applicable \10.-1. VodiC\ the \IO V as needed. by ne\\ legislation. rules. a\\s. Executive Orders. 0 ice ofthe Secretary of Def,-nw dhocK m DLA or DMIS pulley. and cus mer feedhack 1hup: "\\\\.dlaNI P Ieso 00back.a3p). t I i Ov erwe and prepare submission of reports regarding 1033, Prr--�ram. Prov ide rmponses to congass Onal. Stale gm ernor. and other IND agenQ lilJrrles. as \\ell as public alfair'c. ingUir es Linder We Freedom of Inturmatlon Act concem.i:-? thke transfer o[ DoD excess personal property and the 1033 Program. {? F Prov ide staff assistance and guidance to DR\is and anduct contNQ obiecti\ e analy sls o pe Ormance and compliance relat!v e to goals and standards of the 1033 Program. Participate in DoD-level memings regardkg policies and procecm m rel:irim to the udlka;ion and u'ans& of cress DoD permnal property dmugh the 1033 7nogr'am i Plam coortrime. and host the annual DLA LES National onlet•ence Illit'�' ',I VA<<A.dla.11lil A inso i'.'.SOQrlKm&we cont deNdLhum de>l?n.'lI t,i brret. pr-escm. and discuss 1 i" PrC`� orn Ismas and .'[feCl intpro\ ements to the prc_"-I.n PROCEDE RES T tDeANOP 'l3W policy, pl-JCedLlrt-s and �. Proce„ iU>tOn121" reQC2,6 J R2cci%cc r2quest. e a1,pnrove or den -\ request. f. Proc2s, requisition. g Sati,[c requisuion. h. Rei i2%\ program. 6. EFFECTIVE DATE Iuly la. 'Wy) COL Thomas \1 LatF2\. �S-AF Director. DLA Enterprise Suppor[ Enclosure, Enclo,ure I —References Enclosure ? — Definitions Enclosure - additional Intormation Enclosure References I L tilted States Code. Tiiie 10, ,mion '`-6a. EVicess Personal ? Vper[v: Say.: Jr DonaUor NI" LavvEnforccni.nt:Acti,itie, P.L. 104-201. A�10==1 http: vv vv°a.- avv. or;iell.eduuscnde: ,.ttp. vv,v�y .!;.v. onte!Lea 'iseode: http'. C25OUI'Ce,�JmmlCTee.110 UCe.goy l�)Jcor4la%1 s 10411mr.; hCCli::' -omas.loc. goy bin query F'cl�)d:l:. tenr> —clip vZ\�Tie'068'61. '. Letter Crom the Office of the Attorney General to the Secret°[\ l of Defense. '6 Alar 9-, The Attorney Generafl advises the Secretary of Defense on the admir;�:m:ion of the L.a%v Enforcement Eycess Property Pro=ram. - Letter hom the Secretary of Defense to the Grader Secretary ni Defense for Acquiction and Tech110102\.'0 Jan 9f. SeCtIOn 1208. Eecess DOD Personal Pio_�ert\ Program. d. Letter f om the Secretary of Defense to the Grader Secretary of Defense for :acquisition and Technol,,ev. S Feb 99. DOD Excess Personal Proper)} Program _ Letter tion :he !-O Tistic Director to the .assistant Deputy Lrc i Secreta[\ of Defeuc for Supp1v Chain Integration I \I- DL SCh. 10 Jan 00. Criteria Co, ksuin= �iicra7. b\ capons. and Peacekeeper A ehicle, under the transfer of E\eess Property uv Lavv Enforcement A,:tiv hies 6. DoDa160.'1-AI. Defcnsc Matenel Disposition Manual rhae: vv%v v drm dia.mil Puhlieations-I160.'1 toc.htmt. DoD 4160.'1 -AI -I. Defense Demilitarization Alama! (http: vv,vvv di -.-ns dia.mil publications). Higher level directives. etc. 9. DoD policy See mission and Functions at the DL rhtt�vvvv ,lla.mil i, 10. Defense Log,i,tic, 1 ,fncv Al:morandum of,Asreement i All; �, ,v ith state ih�vyvyvv,a'.a.nll'i-= ie,�men,randum�,nree.html. De Fin itions 1. Defense Reuti'Iization and \!arketina Office (DR\10) - The D:_2 oiganizationa! emity ha�;ne aero°antahain for and .Ontrol oyer disposable prope n Defense Reuulization and \larketina Sen ice (DR\IS) - fhe IL Aorganizational emitv hay ina management responsihilit\ for the Defense ilaterie! Disao='tion Program. Eliatble Entitc - _A Federal a_enc\ or a state agenty thiou_h'> state coordinator. 4. Exccss Peroral Propern - _Anom personal propern under the control of am Federal agent.\ v hich is not lcquired for is need; and the discharge of its respoas Jetennined by the head thereof. s. Federal .aaencN - -Ani aaencsdepartment, independent estl-Hishment. commission. administration. authoi;n, board or bureau of the United States. o-ary corporation in \011ch the L nited States has a proprietary interest. I See 18 CSC 6.) 6, Late Enforcement Actin its LEA I - [.a%v enforcement actio hies are those actin ities undertaken by Goyernm.ntag.n.iest\)lose priinar\ Punctionise a.nforc-Ine"I fapp'rcable Federal. state. and local I,m;. and whose compensated la�� enforcement officers ha%. powers of arrest and apprehension. 7. Lays Enfoicern nt Support Office (LESO) - The DLA entire -a\ n2 program iesponA ilits and mann_ement for the uansfer ��f excess personal property fot :z�� enforcement actin itis. 8 \ILmorandum of_Asreement (A10_A) - The memorandum DLA and the state \\hich sets forth the t.rms and conditions of the relationship for transf rr rg excess property determine.. to be suitable Por layv enForcement purposes. c), State Coordinator - I'he ao\emor-appointed person authorizes 10 enter into the \f0 \ forthe State. Y hes Pei Sol: \\ Ill act as Sponsor follocal LEAs that desire e°.:es5 personal properi\. COOrdinatllta their I-e��tKSLS. Enclosure Additional Information Interna sN stems. a. LarcFniorceIrentSuppoi2Office\\ebsite (http: �����s.ta.iri=lesot. h DRYS A\ eh s to ihttr: a\v\\.drms.dla.mil ) i 1 ) Re.,tiI zatIon;hnLLa%v�\,drms,dIa. miiitda 1, 12) Teel f Special Reutilization Pro_rams �http: drms.dla.mil rtda RID Info Special Programs sperm LI programs hor!) c. DRAiS LESO 10;; .automation (http. %yes drms dla rrNeso LesoHome.htmll. Lave Entorccment Equipment Data S\sten) (LEEDS) databas, Lh, LESO develops. operates. and maintains the DoD DI -A LES office La%\ Data S.\stcm (LEEDS) database. which serses as 111e accountabihiv and tracki _ system 'or proper[\ transferred tho ioh dt" 10_, Prosram. LE-Adatasheetrhtt;�: ������.dla.mil - 1esoSec0on10_3DA-NPDFSHEEI.pdti. DBMS Form 10: request iillp: v\\r\v.dla.mil Ieso Sectionl-)3, drnsl0Q.hilm DD Form I 1S -I ". forpropert\ uansizrlhtip: tulrn-u�i Boston Police Department's arrrorzd vehicle-] us)Qd during the cao��,� 0.r .the Boston 1vlarathon bombing suspect, nr Big Start' br-otherla 3v �-!" L `JDS. 'I and _,___��+ 7.LL'iAN Aor 20 !2.25 101 =_ - love , lbssa"Osan, , 305an aomang wyea :amind WO&W <Ilea Pon n lam='gear =noun a samon or a suspeG r ta 30mon manfd -., samdmp =r day Apr; 13 27 3 n'1:'aiera'.vr. lass 'ie uon-cs''ra� ofei ; sacords a0a lear'he lri�. '!ie ]f :E a 3os;p ?,I at 3: vn. 'e t'r3 s,ree'3 sca"wd ml V=c 3rd go& and ga,g puma r xro 7we'o aua=_ and tiny -5 "1WMW Ruur'<a' Al -ER -1101 �r'33s n '_-P q cayS of vkery 7r 3 M 1" 3 -a", -„ ga _ohc- :dc. rec :n. .. ,rvir g 3ovor 'vfaWwr Dant; ng MOTS .Q,-ra "Wad ac ., n _rasa 3n7 gun oatt.a'rat e._ nser c^thar lead and Am. 3rd is 3ea,ed r 3r ?,cr37r7 rarr "7ag,-2, ,,_ go. "rp 3: voi V3,,, -f :r' mod p7and -ear Ti ,care ar'_i i ,.er 'as ].-ao_=. _-S'C ' Torg a ora -I . 9 , Tame -%.Sday no nW -Ap W=ys _-. cv. and -,ire-an -iar^a3v 61ed an it police Won severaiy Noundsd anal a'.vman and hared axmcxves 5 pone -n a jespemte ,e'amay a;!er^o� apt'Xives sa:d :ink Now-; Appeals c amn a3 Wu MATZ'°12 lan k ad .s3 IA -N i %n."i a t Sem fouz saes holo r antumm CaWAS& hylanship -Q 2. 3 13 OV crInd a2mmazwZ5 - g 213K N "ha -i sSOGdCed ?'ai5 AP 'e Ann wed 1035 .:I_,[ :.;. , -_ as Jo/ ass -al s- -'_ ' ano, '_ror yes sac r_ waren Jr srx-3' AP '3C lrovel T'..tl<is 'ra, 'II,a] 31wr re �3.;ea,co JOJage sf_te'd `JH] y„n .o -a l:at ue3<a13t J;/ 3 _. .Y I_, -J j;, ' leacg on D"rcl ^3 r . 3rJCtc-_.c_'^a. _ It: 303-• "J✓'ts can ^y r - ::> >3 rim A 3brl3i -3 lis so 'a zoo r 33 -_o ._ ...tlor-rale:c 3a Lesio-a3 3c.tt `s 3r3r3- Sa"33V >j i13C ^'re i'ODtovt Sary n',, -a caV A; 3'a c3lrt '_ ,33 r J,a_r a)v._ ,ge, n3:ar 3s -3Y .: ca73">c rg r,. a S:,. g a1:ir3 'e : o:art a^tgama a-rc -ad 'c -r lays arler :ha lcmomg and Is, a .a/ aea' not =31 e easel 3wreila-ca-ar,ar3 mal=_s of wo /eorg mer susoecae It -1a--g 're areas ,-3-c-:net ax. -s,,as 1Iat"'coal through he :r'JWO Y T3 ^aa;'or r -.a, a"nrg T'a-e g-ccle II .elane,r I -^.ore spar 3� :.. .3 - can -e I, 3_D JPty3 a,d 'sat :33 30 3trr C.. -e C'^ -3 "a- soura_rn'ias a ono at see, r Is 3 It, aCc,t a lacate s^C are _,-_- I ,•,Irg r 3t -c' age us:)'tach 3cston 3u: r e3t'gatcrs ga:e ^J ]ala, 3 3n 'D_ Troy;z Cr:r3 at-aCK s'9'.ar' 33'3ck cart3 33 1 re -a::Cn JWes 3 colt -If ]- rat tuita tO avr -fe-sar^ert )keels ara re carols of 3osien for thsrt rale r tri sea c' 3.: -s sa'.o :cera ara nary _^ars.-rat lu=_sccrs about tre 3o,vr so" rgs ^c,, .J n _. _r fru `,rt —a -'aa re I rr,, Jt -ars -_ rgai, I -cc e 1.,::J �ogme alcur 'ren 1.01.:3t'C�s _ ."Sd Qnq�gr a 3 ,Vra- 3 ^ar r 3 rratar cV:r -e [grbg -OCC 3a,, 3 `r 3 coa' ce fso r a ;3„ 3^3 :_ ioe lack :n3 'arc 'e see a Tan :c:erci P C COS 3'..t^Jr r:as idly TY_ as Ilrt 12 :ad 31' 3rd hren lC'iCa 3r' ric 'r') it ad LO a h'ha susoec: PLC g3C rg out 3f :sa ooat Sall 303'Cr cJI, a .,_-m,ss.orer 3t Jaws -,a -as nt ar^murcauve .3v 3 33 c 5 =aa '3 sad tner3 r.33 31 axrnarge Jf g..nyre _'he Ina ,,Is, It gra o� the Jlgg=_st marr''-e r Y^arc3r stem,^ -asl9erts vno rat Jaar rola r :ns TCn,rg 'o s'3y rsaa caul od<at 3:C,3 NCurah IT if :nal• -crass 3n. 'r3C Lhe st13ets -Jlr3'_r 011'a -i icas as --a/ -ooed 3v:ay=Jm'-.a scene :a eat3t3r/ Jello r3rg `0, 3 :,,-r :C:Ver aar3g3rs N3:ec Ila' Is, t139i ,ars rcr,?d 3.ar, •Irre 3- a"3rg=_-_Y rar ala nen:I, s=ees J'Bayo `^ay =r3, y i, t'Pa at, sa d -use -Ira: Sov a '._ m33 3c3-' t as a_rsa _,_3 3a'd 'nae 3ther aeries ,vara 'ata^ :uerady for 3.est.ti, r; 3t a- ;rt 2-a,3 lz_slr3 ror p e, 3t're . = blassacn_3at's a: Ja—c.t- .I-e s :rs /Jurar -^an Tay -a',a '7n.. 30c aLlia re ',rtr3 3'n anlot Camert JJ^'fPl.-.--/ `or 3 ]J -ena ar3 'r-st '.hat aur , .i e sY:er^ .vr no'n cc @ oe sa..:ra a^' . - 3-,e3r01 bl1'. R cnar'1 :mg'. ed r 're z"'C"g _ -3' >as sn3r D3C .v.. -,ls - ler-1, a - 3'3r re -=_,aerie :,a a_r:al arx-oara;a orate ::.t mrat -a'^etsa c a',ao r -N Irergr: =:as- as _-- oar >tate'l, ice ig13sr-11 :ave c'lCCc�c said lolled 'a...=_I '.rar ',-e rest I-9 .v.^'ha nc__ s_3Ja_-:5 Jasad In ,a[ "e - ."c -e- or, ^g r _.- ar r,g 'n_. „gr: Ii ar--e -3 sear- =Y'^oras: gs ai av, arbr;arar uf(Ica_rs a.' at Cara o at ^a 3gsor ended cr ^,..c^ It -ns 2a J`ca'a sr..Ia.,, 3,1 rasa _c ,�� F'ne dssoclatad crass AP oaolCEiauhg S. The Assoclaced -ress AP 3„ APthe Ass Jciat3d =rase dA� LQVd9Kx`/Vx( ",Is 'o eav, x< 30, Sad oIares3las _t -C ccer a-, .ver -ac -us- -c -__ r.y 0' _, lo -ed -31.9_ d oa, . _ 3_»__.3 .. o,_ R_sar Sar-:13ye Vo o en:ec a,. -ae,sial ^c<,r a' f lo,. ere an',=_ asx--r .. "ars oann.:a t :.3a com-g aka 3 grrc :ay'ar p '-_ is -y,o,it r,y 3n-., rill' ha, re, ,- ale, e,az'<'P.- ..,r3']'1 li slay- rdoo , cid=r across 3oti aro so'e of is scows ac �_.. _r roe o'sa< aare 3rd .,illi a :oil a cf 'C-rs i'e o.raal area ;las _-3,-ev sas-aon_rao sone a mde frail, 'r=_ sea of ''e -a! %Jlac -,s -rac^r,a -as oaan r a ilara or rvc Adr3 le,,zae^. Rosa a -'oras 3rj 3oc3raast3 snce'334 ilii_S of ,ere cliea-sa,jP,oar o-moh^g Tia'. scan:^ad 3n 13�3mc rs.. rgaroy ilei was ar-eo o.r leadrl lomD',rgs n �_s313 3rd ire "eg c.- a'ih Jbgn 'tat', :r'_ „_o --2 oiler',Mner-ad 3trerg JOICI-i] I',"I allotToa 'Plod->>t.3i'_i sell ' 2r3-nt I-,cr 13 3l,wrst34s-3Cai- Jeri negnDCr ^ ,3r`l"13ge 1.r--c- _o,a,_ 3arraeV as 3dy rg:ha!'he _J ' Se5 't'. a 3 Dia as 3"'-x;6aB'0, nv3C.-a )trier -o.rtr es so : - =3 n,a^,lawad :he 91dar aa2her at'ra'ed�es! cf a brag, a-me'r P - 3l^. -11''.01 :a'9y30r/ :.as'C.-1 aidOO'g'c 3' oe 3_ 3o a-rcca:-'er- ct l i,l .vro :las s acr•orzed 'o _ scc33 :re lase n.- I-, and aoake a- ^rd4lcr of a-cryr'rr: a >a ole, om :ail the orzigl -ouu-1 s as, n -y t T.aoe ire a_„_s --„dies as c Vb —'re re r 3„rg,assas a a : --ar<o3sea I -ap.lane=_-w-e,a scr.ras — Sas T3^�3 .e,r -33r-ie. :, S,sdec' SIJ ? '-a ],e r 9 .+rte aaaelG,l 30 lull JaJllll ',3S - 3 /;urge- prpti-er 211l! , ^cw the eng -g-i of -r'm'- pegs- as lrcear 3m ooPce as c Pe JU69a,> -are=Kad 3 Tar n 3 r -acro, ige .'-a: acr"53 -rl ]rar'as R+ler nom 305tDl 'rar 'e.eased r m r ^awed 3! a gas stat Cr --ay a so a of rc s massacp_si rstl'_!e )f --Tl egy JJl,ce :A[3- '3 -leer -ca Saar 7dla- :,lila _e :(as °sscond n3 io a -eoor of a 713:_r;aroa r.es:'.gatars said -2 3larii_ `or :: e V3e3aas ea :o a _rase at allied r '.3lard.',n 3_trantres said the susoeots Ihree', explos,e devices from the ear and eschargae 3' -erre .vlth all ce a n,ans,t police oecer 33 -year-old R c; -a.: ]o-eh_e mas snot and crtmaty mowded author ties said _<`3r =arraev somelz, spaced a'i3y 'e 3^ aSa-r -s 3,- ^e( a3 ^e led a^,_-Jrd r^y'0 -.vn a',V 3ri]' _TBr: JMI _.3 a '-o 3l",K3 3' Jo -altar of 3^9ry-1 .y =els'.-s3-i el :?P'l'i 3'.d'CrSed (0 1so_ss :.a srga:,a^ :. soma x,-, _'ll'a3^ll-3nr3,^d 'ar 3.,ay '3.-ar 3^ "aanaav c ea a; a 3cc?n -osl.:a e'er ssifa:ng :,ret a -:'ora sea .v_._ ..aloe g., rarct .,ocro3 arc a oc3arla wast -re orothers ^ab omit an arsena of pipe oombs 3ranades and mum, sea explosive devices and used Some c''he '.veapons In trjing'o -a'<e -nae r getav+ay said Rao `i _A:h R,ocerscerger D -bid 3 limper of ria -.o_sa roe 'ysr,oa GDr-Mee r._._.... zi-'p5=ac ; - - n s s- _a -rare 1 ,r,thI a.1 a'aroo-v- ascent <ay'a J.c10 a sau 3ra :,as .,-,ar _0Iva,^q^. r. 3._r `r= a -c a arta 31' c c- I I: 3o_roaj <_ . as -gr: -ecr-c -y eaa ar, ,ro0< re a -_z ose _ ea'j 3 _ as hang s re r. _ .-c _r a %I a: ame hr^"gr 71 a ._ 3a^e.r3 3Pr?':3a^ Dfizera:?_'3 "1,r -g a.l r,ar ler yr] s. 3 sa:z as ,a -,scar, sr.e3ad-_.eare r:u:,,et-a es n'Fa sae ct-y vcse a- oyte:=cr ocr :-.er=_ 3a^Jt-e,. -3,er ar Sar^ae, lad sumed as a oa-='me r_ce- a:. 3_-,zr ]cm,-^„nry sdege r 3oston n-, samesrars'r-r 2,..9 c 2]J3 _ acme sa4 Tsar—,,e, .vas ag ate al as a s7Jja-t at -he .."IW_rsi-, Jf '�IassoF _sets .ar "'t, 3,n -s Sad le "I en Arps a see, aCe-_ 3as:Or MoralhJr aon drg a -I -^ s -nen 30w" -"Id3y 3.Org N .i ages arJura :^a 3osLf aP_3 ., 3`3:,^er arz3' Ier33avad:' 131eeG.:-e -tel, P_'ry :n„'»`- .._ Rassan srti st Maeracraaa :rat l s /o_-ga, sor, Jz,oarar s 'a r_a 3rge1 e 3a:d -,a as, as 31-j/'rg rej cure 3 a s,cn 3r rtel 3a,, a,, a 3 -3Lrar an a 7.e i. eC:el -'r"O 3or ra ar 'aitlays ,.er= ^a _y or iamb' a3e arnocncetl 7,10 /ears ago rat t rad avamee a 32 S: 3cnoarsr,o :o vm At 're ::ma 'e Na3 3 savor 3: �arrordge R.rage 3 -a:.r hood a r grq egarjed aub',,C IC, DC: eL^oae 3.--': nc :,ae Matt Ja^o^. 3 �: , as, ara 11381 ._a.l Cr =3-er 1r, c, Sam, 'he ^en s :,de Ids :.`e a ao-ers :r3,eec are ;o 3e'.ler - ::- '-is a -' :a:Ha ^a leen3:vs ,wse's ' 3^j aao Ira, ^30 3trv33 ec Ic 3-_._ arc ardee p ther=_oy ,s: raan3 we,-pne 3.dbvan 3, d A3soslVtId I ass :vr _ , arae-.ar 3'33r 3rd A:< -d I- -'dorm: `rD, Plasnirg= a350c,"ri'"eas :,.._;3 v,a - :JI /.She Zez.-a Rat _3t0"- boo and 3:ays _e3lanc r 3asm- an el 7c^r r :3-sr.C3e �M33a ca,v 0_tej'0 T 'Looe Tags -urope 3overmer[3ld p>nacs 3aroc:<Ob3m3 ^bcr<.imata o"tes 'ntlu3N'res 3_slnass '..nand 3;2.03 g0"arnn;ant Spores E�ar[s >ner 3 3aors Ad.; dcCtS "9ai 00 rtd'J 0^ 1[lj8nt5 AT ntcac's s J casters 3aneral a,, Tnnsao^31,on ^.a Na'.v 71'1 Lr+r's ',v3r and atxest. digPer ed,:caCon '>aPcol ro:er-a Crmml rrlstigatl ons. State govor-m,o^ts 'r'a'.en[ a' ma-ducatim' 3oc.-1r. 3ffa,rs 3j ucatmr. sues 33c31 ss,_3 ; o:enca Schoo'i saiety Ylossacnusatts Ralad oneh:ps Laesey'3 31)oohngs ndusrry ragt.l a^. cr 3o,arnment ousn".es3 T:d 5nerca 3,+, n:Ren* •ngulp::ans Soe:::, matla �nllne nada drieda iealt: _3cr an Fa rsamenf 3gerc.ea Obama indtatral arodt,cts ace ser, las -rack and rieLd A�nmdrv= 3cc:dents TnnspO: _aeon and s]:poa•.g 'o.we 30ston, castarn . as 3onlbings Rcbo3ry -'+eft Ar"o`sn Noscow T3rrorst 3r.3 ',orovisej explosyss A, e,33 a lnde-graduata aducruo. ,,tar; crate and :veld nu:ruta It-oonro.ogy 3= adcr3l 3urr3u ci 3garc ds Je.n'a:^c. ;,stage s::uaa0ns.71,3mas tdenc+o Iden a a-3ulo,s ',damn'^s ej,to,a! Boston Uer.Ttn or ,',lass 'racst sysroms a..tomotl 11 n[•'st,', aqulauor CA 2uopersho'3cr 31.11'011 3,b13r.vs slo'.,`bs. Mcracn rllaa.^a:no_1 AHL?�,^_cnu 2.-_ .a biassachbs 3K.s 3t5Y_ 4hoorer R sarin; Bullarproor �, sr Gins Do %n ] P,,sb.xgn O:Ssr,. CpseL O,�r Lowe_ f;'o ?cx \a:os Shooter Wearing Bulletproof Vest Guns Down 3 Pittsburgh Officers, Upset Over Losing Job Publisheo .ienl Od 20A Associatad ',ass !'.no m rA Ijile'proci r."_sr G, -n:; Dorn 3 Pias'ouroh Otfic:.r3, pset ov- r Las1:1 i,a r( -K \._'N1 P 1= vear'i,ng a bullel:Qroof Jest and 'lyirg ',11 ,va,t' JpAned ''re ]r )ffcers resccrdr.rg to 3 Tomes:ic dlsturoar.ce call Saturday. <:[ling '^r=_e of r^3r-, and :ur^Ir., a quiet P t:sourgh sleet nl:o a oatt,efe:d, police said. Pcl:ce C .e[ 4ate -arper said :^e move For the 31,=ing sin t :'lest b t ends Said :he gurl-,an race-Jy nad oaar ',oset abo:.t :os:ng his jot) and =eared :he D'cara aim r;stra:.c- ,v?s poised to ban g',.r s R!cnard Poolawsk:, 23 met officers at :he doorway and shot two ar'ram L e read immediately, Harper said ,- w'icer'.vho tried to 'help the two also nras ,-:Ice here "Or ohotCS, r ?cpiavrsici, armed with an assaWit tl -and Nvo Otil gifrts, thein held police at bay for fourf �aurs as tl efaHeri 6ffi'c=fs ver e�bleeFd+ngyhe Fb ifF� irtcofleagoes=unableAo>raach.the'. _,according to pohceand tivit,nesses.'Mo�e than 1 J'rOL? S°6 fir"a� by the-SVIAT'le rias ^.c `?bplaraski.'HarUer said The three slain officers `freta _rc Kally g 1 Stephen ;Llayhie. 29 and caul Soiullo li. 37 Kealy nad been or are `Oros for 14 years Mayhle and Seiullo for rvo rear each. Another officer T'motl y MciYanaway. ,~.gas s^ot in the hard and a fifth broke nes leg :)n a lance ?opleivvsk; had gunshot ,vo-.rds .r his legs 'put "vas other,Mse unharmed because I--- "vas �Jearing a b',+letproof vest" lar ger said. He was charged valth '.hre counts of romicide aggravated assault and a weapons violation. The shooting occurred J lust two'veeks after four police officers were fatally shot in OaKc arc, Ca!lf.. in the deadliest day for J 3 law enforcement since Sept 1 ; 2001 The off'cers aver= he First Pittsourgh city cf kers 'o die `n the lire of duty in 13 years This is a solemn day and It's a very sad day in the city df Pittsburgh." Harter said Vle /e seen 'h;3 <ind of violerce naCpen in California. We never :N'JUId tNrk ;his klyd of J'.o!e-ce `,Could 'happen in the city of Piz`.sburgn " -�t 7 a :m- Sciu!lo a^d ;b'layhle aspondec to a 911 cart from Popla`vsk,'s mother. ,v-0 remained :ncied ::p :n the basemant during the entire disputa and escaoed unharmed said V\ihen they arrved at :he norm 3ciullo was Immediately snot in the read hJlayhlle rf~o nras r.ght behind him was also snot in the head. 'It appears ne',vas'.ying n avail for the officers," Harper said. Kelly• Vw'no },+;as On ''^!s :Jay home attar completing his overnight s; ri when fie hard :re .a `or naip risned to the scene and was 'Killed trying to help Sciullo and Mayr e. - a,"pe said SWAT teams and other o"icers arrived and were immadiateiy fired on as avell, Ccr, S3rc, vjho gives across if e street from Poplar,vskl said fie was ,'Joker up oy ::'e so',_r cf gunfire ,Hunkarlr'g jc,vn den nd a ',vall in his home he sasj the frrst t` io 7 floe's go ,d ;%-J, ar.d then sawKelly get shot Tnoy couldr. t yet the scene secure enough to get to them Tney',vera ;w; iyirg ii -ere bleeding " Sand said. "3y -.i-e terra they secured the score arough 'o gel to them it `,vas too ,ate " Popl3wsk.' feared "the Oba:r.3 sun can :hat's on the .Cay" and "did^:'t I;ka our rights peing Infringed upon.' said=d`.va'd Perkov'c his 'best friend Per'<ovic, 22. sa[d na go: a cad at work from him In which he sa,d '=dd'e i sm going to his today. 7-30 your far Fly i 'ove !barn and I !ova you " Par<ovic sad "ii heard gunshots and he hung up He sounded ike he was in pa,n i'<e -:e got shot." PaplawS'K had nr.ce ;red to icln the Marnes, but was k cked out or 000r camp offer .hro"v'rg 3 food tray at a drill sorgaar.;.:Ivkovlc Said another Iongt!me frena. Aaron `Jiro, said Poplawsk; fearad that Prosident 3arack Cicada rias goirg to lake a"`,'ay hr r'ghis, though he said he "wasn'I violently against -�bama " Vire 23, sa,d ?opla`,vski crca ^ad an Internet talk shoe but that it ",vasa'` successful Je sa d ?Oplaws'<' 3,,vrad an AK -4" ':{le and several powerfL! handgLxs ;roluding a 33' M3gr.,r Obanta nas 3a,d he raspects amarcans' constitutional right to oear arms, but that `•e fa fors Icomi-ron s9rse' g'i:n "a`rls ;,ur rights advooWes Inter'''pret that as -mear`ng fie ,vsuld 3co� vt of curbs on owre;rip df assault and concealed weapons. P•Dplawsk: had peen aid orf frorr his' ob of a glass factory earlier this year said arctrer fr,er.d. Joe Dlivlarco �DilVaroo said fie fdn't know the name or :he ,ompary, but kre`,v -is friend nad been upset about t Tn.e last pit`sburgh Police cffiicars <:iled :n the line of duty ,vera Officers T nomas L `lemon and Joseph J Gri!, accoro+r.g to s `Neb site that tracks poiice killings Ti""ey died 3�l.er''re oatrol car collided wd'r, another vehicle ,Chile ;hasing a stolen car or. Varc^ 3 ' 39' �n 1395 an orf -duty of`icar seas snot with his own gun afler'ne -,on routed a Aro iD 0 ;eeragers about graf`:d. Tests later snowed the officer had beer. dr.nking According to :he Nailorai Law:Enforcement Officers Memor.al Fund. 133 :aw 3-force—me-t officer died in the ".fie of jury in 2008 3 27 percent decrease from year before and :'re iovJest annual otal since 1902 Poplawsk, had often fougnt w th neighbors and nad even gotten nto'is' fignis volt" a wo`4 Sand said 'This :s a relat!'JB:y reail'y eignborl 3Od except for ^am ' Sand said ""e ,V,2S Us: 7;'e ]f }arse I(ds gnat ,ve <new to s;ay clear from." aroer coni . ea colice nad fesoondeci to calls from the 'zloclaWS'<i 10use Se`.'era:J­33 SLA sad the lcideris -mere nh be ng Investigated. TRJC :elft, 4.5•',fdho !lyes a b CG< awa�) said lite Well -kept slrgle-famiip r.ou'Ses 'vlth awns are ;erne to mar'y p•clioe cfficar firefignters para•^'edics and other city ,vo"<ers "'r's just a eery puie' ^eig^h or' ood 'Off said r7 '.t ',5 '.c :J'in„'t-3.:Jr.i i.J'' ' ";"9 _;4 r'4 3hO0t... u:1Y'.^,a-'JL,,:.l^['004- �jt �'Inr..,_'t:. 1'._ .r a.'.ai: - CNN _am Shooter who ambushed firefighters left i,iote showing intent to burn, kill ny Alan Duke. STORY HIGHLIGHTS (CNN) -- A sniper Who aftijshibd vol�o sar firefighters ins'upstate NEW: a r.3frea oovy ^ef=v ^ New York on Monday, killing tavo _andseriously wounding two others, fo ae +.re shooter; s:st-2!r'3 i»s !eft a note saying he hoped to burn dove his neighborhood and kill ,'aund ,n r.er bur^ed ",c;,se as many people as possible, police sa J Tuesday. Tine sn�oier'used a o s r.ast� rifle the same 'Kind ;;sed r .re A charred body, believed to be lois sist-�'s, was found In the buumed Sancy Hock say house she shared with 'nim Tuesday, roli:e said 'j1j liamSpe,7glar. 32 Snot `lll"S2�r .0 J03t}1 3"t2'.^.i3 3mcus' Vled ,,M irsrg.:ars William Spengler 82 used a Bushmasterserniau#omatic rifle.:he police say same kind of weapon used in the assait on Sandy Hook FieMertar� Sperg ar'N3s^'jt—,e a. �31 School. Webster Police Chief Gerald Pickering said .r {illing ')i3 -and -r; r ,��n •.4�.v\c.,;.i:.�.)m,�'J1'_ ._ ..Sn� �C�C':Ir'It� �.,Jo"I: 1 S STORY HIGHLIGHTS (CNN) -- A sniper Who aftijshibd vol�o sar firefighters ins'upstate NEW: a r.3frea oovy ^ef=v ^ New York on Monday, killing tavo _andseriously wounding two others, fo ae +.re shooter; s:st-2!r'3 i»s !eft a note saying he hoped to burn dove his neighborhood and kill ,'aund ,n r.er bur^ed ",c;,se as many people as possible, police sa J Tuesday. Tine sn�oier'used a o s r.ast� rifle the same 'Kind ;;sed r .re A charred body, believed to be lois sist-�'s, was found In the buumed Sancy Hock say house she shared with 'nim Tuesday, roli:e said 'j1j liamSpe,7glar. 32 Snot `lll"S2�r .0 J03t}1 3"t2'.^.i3 3mcus' Vled ,,M irsrg.:ars William Spengler 82 used a Bushmasterserniau#omatic rifle.:he police say same kind of weapon used in the assait on Sandy Hook FieMertar� Sperg ar'N3s^'jt—,e a. �31 School. Webster Police Chief Gerald Pickering said .r {illing ')i3 -and -r; r ,��n •.4�.v\c.,;.i:.�.)m,�'J1'_ ._ ..Sn� �C�C':Ir'It� �.,Jo"I: �aoot_-r w io ar..�u�i i }ttt r ieCC of sho+vin� 'ntCnt :o -urn. <i:! • u\�; .oat "He was equipped to go to war." Chief Pickering said ±e3r ilr3ay.,`e-3 CSI a d'`.9f 3iOC!'?T?y^ rlf Tl a,^`grS �r ..=.7.3C'-35 P3s�, " ;3 The shooter. who was conv�,�:ed of killing his grandmother decades ago Was found dead 3f s self-inflicted gunshot wound hours later. Read more. N.Y man 4vho zrct diad ? firefighters killed grandmother in 1930 Pickering, at a news conferlrca Tuesday. read a sentence from the three-page typewrifte'r 'rote that detectives believe Spengler left behind 'I still have to get ready to see how much of the neigh�crhood I can burn down and do what I like doing best -- k l i rg people " The note indicated Spengler's iniertions but not his motive, Pickering said. The rest of the contents will not be made public because it is evidence in a criminal investigation; he said. There is "all kinds of speculat!on' about why he wanted to destroy his neighborhood and ki'i firefighters and residents, Pickering said. One theory is that he was mser about a donation his mother, who died in the past year, made to the fire department, he said, another theory is there could be a ;annect;on to his arrest in the killing of his grandmother he said "Motive is always the burning question and I'm not sura we'll ever really know what was going through his -rind Pickering said Spengler was convicted in 1931 of first-degree manslaughter in the death of his grandmother and had bean released on supervised parole, Pickering said It will be a challenge for the medical examiner to determine if'Nilliam Spengler's sister -- 67 -year-old Cheryl 7peng;er -- was killed before the fire was set, because it was a "ragin a irferno ' Pickering said. A former neighbor, Roger Vercruysse, ;aid that Spengler was a nice guy who used to come over to Ve(cruy;;e's sister's house for holiday parties and would wave to the family fr-)rn his front porch. where he often sat during the summer "He'd come to our house. +)ve used to'rave picnics,' ne said 3 _' _ ,. c- •�r'.< .ir tl; _er :;t nr.; 3. 1. _. i N'Y .7C �;:n;^,<,>-. 59i .,C :0 3� p^` ifr.'•"g� !g.3 ±e3r ilr3ay.,`e-3 CSI a d'`.9f 3iOC!'?T?y^ rlf Tl a,^`grS �r ..=.7.3C'-35 P3s�, " ;3 The shooter. who was conv�,�:ed of killing his grandmother decades ago Was found dead 3f s self-inflicted gunshot wound hours later. Read more. N.Y man 4vho zrct diad ? firefighters killed grandmother in 1930 Pickering, at a news conferlrca Tuesday. read a sentence from the three-page typewrifte'r 'rote that detectives believe Spengler left behind 'I still have to get ready to see how much of the neigh�crhood I can burn down and do what I like doing best -- k l i rg people " The note indicated Spengler's iniertions but not his motive, Pickering said. The rest of the contents will not be made public because it is evidence in a criminal investigation; he said. There is "all kinds of speculat!on' about why he wanted to destroy his neighborhood and ki'i firefighters and residents, Pickering said. One theory is that he was mser about a donation his mother, who died in the past year, made to the fire department, he said, another theory is there could be a ;annect;on to his arrest in the killing of his grandmother he said "Motive is always the burning question and I'm not sura we'll ever really know what was going through his -rind Pickering said Spengler was convicted in 1931 of first-degree manslaughter in the death of his grandmother and had bean released on supervised parole, Pickering said It will be a challenge for the medical examiner to determine if'Nilliam Spengler's sister -- 67 -year-old Cheryl 7peng;er -- was killed before the fire was set, because it was a "ragin a irferno ' Pickering said. A former neighbor, Roger Vercruysse, ;aid that Spengler was a nice guy who used to come over to Ve(cruy;;e's sister's house for holiday parties and would wave to the family fr-)rn his front porch. where he often sat during the summer "He'd come to our house. +)ve used to'rave picnics,' ne said 3 _' _ ,. c- •�r'.< .ir tl; _er :;t nr.; 3. 1. _. i a'ho.,rer a ho iri�ushed :irvrigr:ers Izr nate shawin� .n:ent o :n, 'i'r. C' \N _om Spengler was especially attentive to his rotf.ar. who passed away in October, Vercruysse said, visiting her avert' day in the nursing home where she lived until she died. "He koved his mama." Vercruysse said ".He always talked about his mother." Spengler did not share the same closeness vvith his sister, with whom he shared his home, Vercruysse said. "He told tree he hated his sister and never could tell me why." he said. "I'd always wave to the sister, but she was not friendly." Firefighters from the Rochester -area town of VVebster responded before 6 a.m. Monday to a 911 call, reporting a fire that Spengler is believed to have set, when the gunfire began Pickering said. "This Was a clear ambush_'on first responders," he said. Spengler was firing from "a natural depression" against a bank and a tree, he said. An off-duty police officer, who happened on the scene, returned gunfire and sheltered firefighters with his car Pickering said "Had the police officer not been there ,tore people would have been killed because he srrmediataly engaged the shooter with a rifle." he said. "Essentially, it was a combat condition." Investigators won't know until after an autopsy if any of his snots hit Spengler, he said Officer ,Sohn Ritter of the Greece. Nevv`rork. Police Department, suffered minor shrapnel wounds but was released after treatment at a hospital The two wounded firefighters Were in stable condition after surgeny Tuesday. Pickering said Tuesday moving They were being treated for "serious injuries" in intensive care at Strong Mem&al Hospital in Rochester. New York he said. Seven houses were destroyed and se��eral others damaged by the fire, which investigators believe spread from a car parked next to the home where they believe Spengler lived. Pickering said Authorities do not know how Spengler obtained the Bushmaster rifle, .38 -caliber revolver and 12 -gauge shotgun �e used, Pickering said As a convicted felon. Spengler was not allowed to legally possess weapons. _n.l _om ''1''_i 3 2', '.3 Shooter w., Io 1IT. !I)usrC��J �i!an[�Y.i .''��ii ilo[c Sr0s:41R� ;l [ORS :0 :ur;1, :G1L�1..JOCI In chilling audio heard over a scanner V1z)-iday, a 'Nest 'Nebstar Fire Department firefighter reported "multiple framen shot" -- including himself, with wounds to his lower backend lower leg -- and "shots still being fired." "I'm pretty sure that we have two DOA3" -- the term for dead on arrival -- "on the street" the wounded f.r?fighter said. They're down and not good." For several hours after`trat the theeatof;gunfire stopped firefighters from battling the blaze and forced police SWAT teams to evacuate 33.;people in the heighbb�hood`o�'-small ✓alerfront homes. ' The fire destroyed seven houses It was under control by 2.30 p m. ET, but authorities weren't able to get into any of the homes Pickering said it's possible that more victims could be inside Lt. iMichael Chiapperini, a firefighter who died at the scene, was a veteran of the West Webster Fire Department and a police lieutenant. He'd been named Firefighter of the Year just two weeks ago. And not long before that. he had volunteered to go to Long Island to help those suffering after Supersfiorm Sandy, New York Lt. Gov. Bob Duffy said. The other slain firefighter was Tomasz Kaczowka. who was also a 911 dispatcher He'd been with the V\/esf b�lebster Fire Department for just more than a year, department spokesman AI Sienkiewicz said. P1,: i )r 3 The shooting occurred amid a renewed gun control debate after the December 14 elementary school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, that killed 26 people, most of them children. The gunman in that case. Adam Lanza also killed his mother and himself The head of a lobbying group that represents first responders said the Monday shooting was "senseless and cruel " "The firefighters who responded today wrere performing a selfless meaningful service to their community, unaware that a cold-hearted maniac was planning to ambush them and take their lives." said Harold Schaitberger, general president of the �Nashington-based international Association of Fire Fighters. "Coming on the heels of the horrific tragedy in Newtown, COnr18GtlC;Ut and on Christmas Eve this shooting is even harder to comprehend." rp . nn.,:o!n n zi h -r- -.1nI ) ; U Shooter %v ho am brsha,', aa:13hr-'rs :en not-' shotcing in=t :o'aum. kili - CS\., om pay, 4 er 3 New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo described the'vVebster shooting as 'horrific " And the state's attorney general called it a "senseless tragedy" President Barack Obama has set a January deadline for 'concrete proposals" to deal with gun violence a ter the Newtown shooting. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D -California, has said she will introduce legislation to reinstate the assault weapors ban that expired in 2004, s. while National Rifle Association CEO V/ayne LaPierre has said his D group will fight any new gun restrictions. saying most gun laws now on the books are rarely enforced. '% Pickering the Webster police chief. sad it was important -- after the 3 3 shooting in his town and others -- to "get a 'handle on gun control " y He also said more needs to be done to make sura that dangerous people aren't in society, where they can k,ll. 1 T "For the last 20 years, we have been tum ng people loose and de- fc institutionalizing people, and I think weve swung too far," he said. "I e think there are still people that need to be in institutions that are a danger to themselves or others. And this is a classic example ' SHARE THIS 41 Print 10233 Email comments o More sharing From Around the Web More from CNN Overqualified: Higher Education Can Prevent You 5 questions 'Breaking Bad' must answer From Getting A Job? 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', "_3 �.nein-.or:<-nimi'h--r-s:nooang 3. ?9 3 Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commissi®n Meeting Date: August 27, 2013 Short Title: Sale of 5 1 1 North 5" Street — Tract A ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency ® Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Steve En in Presentation By: Steve Ervin Key Components: In an effort to reduce tot inventory and promote development wiftr the Lowertown neighborhood, staff recently solicited bids for the sate of 5 1 l N. >`" Street (Tract A) for new residential infill construction. S 1 1 N. >t" Street will be divided in half. The remaining portion of 5 1 1 N. Sa' Street (Tract B) was advertised separately. Bids: In full compliance with the City's procurement policies, staff solicited sealed bids through an advertisement in the Paducah Sun on August 7th, 2013. Bids were opened at 9:00 A -%I on Monday, August 19th, 2013 with the following results: 511 I . 51" Street Tract A Bids: 1. Henry C. & Neva F. Rudy: $ t,500.00 Mr. Rudy has submitted a bid that includes the construction of a 2,.500 sf home on 505 N. >'" Street and Tract A of 511 N. 5t" Street. The proposed construction cost of the new home is 5275,000. Upon approval by the City Commission, staff wilt proceed with the subdivision of property b,' the Planning Commission and design approvals through the Historical and Architectural Review Commission. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommendation is that the property be transferred to the highest responsible bidder, Henry C, & Neva Rudy for their offer of $ t,500.00. Goat: 17 Strong Economy ❑ Quality Services N vital Neighborhoods ❑ Restored Do��ntowns Funds Available: Account Name: Finance Account Number: AVnda .Action Fonn Attachments: Elevations Pa,,e 2 Department Head City Clark — City Manager NILNICIPAL ORDER NO A MUNICIPAL ORDER APPROVINGFILESALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 511 NORTH FIFTH STREET ,TRACT Ai IV THE AMOUNT OF 51,500 TO HENRY C_-LNR NEVA F. RCDP_ AVD AU FHORIZLYG THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A DEED FOR SAME W HEREAS, on August nth, 2013, the City Dr Paducah sel Ici¢d Sid, Sy public xatce in the Paducah Sun for the ,ale or 311 North Fitch Sneer Tnct A) *0 reduca lot :mentor. and to promote development wahm he Leiner Town nei?hborhood_ and WHEREAS, only one bid was received rrom Henry C. ?c Ne' %a F. Rjdv ind W\ nREAS, he City will accept their'oid based upon rhe rx )inmendauon rr:he Planning Department. BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PADCC AH. KEN'TCCKY. SECTION L The City of Paducah hereby approvas the sale of raal property located at b 1 1 North Fifth Street (Tract A) for and in consideration oC S 1.300 to Hanry C. & Neva F. Rudy SECTION 2. The Mayor is herab} uurhorized is eeeCu¢ a deed and any ueCe ssury documents relating to same to.:omplete the sale dill, real properav appror ed in Section I above. SECTION 3. This Order shall be in hill force and _rfect from and after the dare OC it, adoption. �la.or ATTEST. Timmara S. Sanderson, Cm Clerk adopted br she Board m Comnta,ioners. August Recorded 'ov l munm S Sanderson.Cw Clerk. mo,prop ak-ill \ i' Tnct Ai PURCHASE PROPOSAL Property Description: Tract A, 511 N. Stn St., Paducah, KY, 42001 Offer Price: $ 1,500.00 for Tract A. In addition, buyer to pay 50% of subdividing costs upon completion of subdividing. Property to be used for new construction: See initial proposed pian, attached. Approximate Cost to Build: (2,500 sq. ft. @ 110.00/sq. ft.): 3275,000 Financial Ability: Balance Sheet (alo 811312013; Cash in Bank Accounts: $ (Bank of America -attached) Cash in Brokerage Acct: $ fNJMft (T. D. Ameritrade-attached) Cash in Brokerage Acct: $ 110M (T.D. Ameritrade-attached) Equity in 409 N. 5th St, Paducah -- to be sold during construction of new home - condo has no lien. $ (on tax roils fr>r MMkM Total Available Cash $ BUYER: Henry C. & Neva F. Rudy 409 N. 5th St. Paducah, KY 42001 (214) 236-1431 Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: August 27, 3013 Short Title: Sale of 51 l North 5'h Street — Tract B ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Steve Ervin Presentation By: Steve Ervin Key Components: In an effort to reduce lot inventory and promote development within the Lowertown neighborhood, staff recently solicited bids for the sale of 511 N. 5h Street (Tract B) for new residential infill construction, 5t I N. a th Street will be divided in half. The remaining portion of 5l t N. 5`h Street (Tract A) was advertised separately. Bids In full compliance ccith the City's procurement policies, staff solicited sealed bids through an advertisement in the Paducah Sum on August 7th, 20t3. Bids were opened at 9:00 .Ayton ylonda%, August 19th, 2013 with the following results: 51 t N 5'e Street (Tract A) Bids: 1. Gary Jackson: $4.00 Mr. Jackson has submitted a bid that includes the construction of a 1,840 si home on 517 N. 0' Street and tract B of 511 N. 5`a Street. The proposed construction cost of the new home is 5300,000. Upon approval by the City Commission, staff will proceed with the subdivision of property b.' the Planning Commission and design approvals through the Historical and Architectural Review Cornmissior_ Staff Recommendations: Staff recommendation is that the property be transferred to the highestresponsibte bidder, Gar-%, Jackson Por the offer of $4.00 Goal: ❑Strom Economy ❑Quality Services 1 : Vital Neighborhoods [I Restored Downtov�ns Funds Available. Account dame: Finance Account Number: Agenda Amon Fonn Attachments: Elevations Page 3 Department ment Head City Clerk �Cih Manager \IU ICIP-\L ORDER NO. .A'vIC"vICIP AL ORDER .APPROV" G THE S ALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED .AT 31 i NORTH FIFTH STREET •T:�.-\cr B) IN THE NIOC7,'T OF 34 TO GARY I_aCKSON.A\!7 AUTHORIZING THE M aYOR rO EXECUTE .A DEED FOR S.ANIE WHEREAS, on Au, -,St 7di. 2()1), the CEty ,r P2dn2i1 ;i„ted MdS ov pubiic noucc n the Paducah Sun for the ial--,)r 5 i I \:orih F!k,.h Street ;Tract B1 �o reduce ioi :nventorc and o promote developmem within ,he Lox -,r Town aetghborhood: au. WHEREAS, only one bid was racei red rom Gary lack;on. anti 1VHERE.AS' the City .Lill accept itis bid based upnn iii r-ccommendation or he Planning Depanment, BE IT ORDERED BY TETE CITY” OF P.ADUC.AA ;CENTLCKY: SECTION I . The City or Paducah hereby appro-: �s the sale of real property located at 511 North Fifth Strut (Tract B) for and in .cctsideration of Sd io Gary 1aekson. SECTION 2. The Manor is herebv authorized to.K�ctte z deed and anv nec,-ssary documents relating to same to .owplete the sate of the real property zpproved in �eCllOn i d170��. SECTIO' 3. Mis Order shall be in Lull force anti trout and atter the date of its adoption 1i.1%Dr .ATTEST: Tanun.u-a S. Sanderson. City Clerk 10{tt d r. ;he BUard or Conuniss;oner�. Au;tut '_ 1013 R°corded by ranunara S Sandcron. Citi. Clcr!<. V11111s[ .'- moprop ;a1c -S 11 N 5''' Tract B Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission \teeting Date: August 2'. 2013 Short Title: Sale oC 5 l 7 North 5�h Street ❑ Ordinance ❑ Emergency IZ Municipal Order ❑ Resolutioa ❑ \lotion Staff Work By: Steve Ervin Presentation By: Steve Ervin Key Components: In an effort to reduce lot inventory and promote development witain the Losvertown neighborhood, staff recently solicited bids for the sale of 517 N. 5" Street for new residential infill construction. Bids: In full compliance with the City's procurement policies, staff solicited sealed bids through an advertisement in the Paducah Sun on ,august 7th; 2013. Bids were opened at 9:00 AM on Monday. August 19th. 20t3 with the following results: 517 N. 5`h Street Bids: 1. Gary Jackson: S4.00 Mr, Jackson has submitted a bid that includes the construction of a t,8i)0 sC home on > 17 N. 5'h Street and Tract B of 511 N. 5" Street. The proposed construction cost of the new homa is 5200,000 Upon approval be the City Commission, staff will proceed with the subdivision of property by the Plamung Commission and design approvals through the Historical and Architectural Review Commission. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommendation is that the property be transferred to the highest responsible bidder, Gary Jackson for his offer of 54.00. Goal: ® Strong Economy ❑ Quality Services Z Vital Neighborhoods IF] Restored Do%�nto%cns Funds Available: Finance Account Name: Account Number: A,enda Action Form Attachments: Elevations DeparCment Head Ciry Clerk City ,tanager MUNICIPAL ORDER NO A MUNIC[PAL ORDER APPROVING THE GALE OF REAL PROPERTY LOCA FED A F 5 l' NORTH FIFTH STREET IN—HE V,,[OtNT OF S4 TO G.-1RY fACKSON, AND _A THORIZIM TETE �I.aYOR 1 0 R.`CECUTE _� DEED FOR SA_NIE WHEREAS, oil 'th, 3013. rhe City )t Paduc t >cii�ued ^rds �. puhitc nut c; in the Paducah Sun for the Saiz ,r 5l' North Fifth Street to XA4,:e lot !nV _'ntur. and :o promote del,e!opment kk ithm th. Lower T')wli net,hlorhood; .and W'HERFAS. onto .Dne btd .gas reset;ed from Gare lack;on: anti WHEREAS, t}te City sill accept rrheir bid based unun tine ^--commmdatton )[';he Pljnnut� Department. BE [T ORDERED BY THE CITY OF PAD( -"C.\[(. KENTUCKY SECTION" 1. The Ciry of Paducah herby approves the sale of real property located at S 1 , North Firth Strut for and in unsideraucn of >j to Gary Jackson. SECTION 2. The ._Mayor is hereby authoriz d to x_ -cute a deed and any nece5aary document., relating to same ro complety the sale of rhe real property appro�';d to Smifm I ahov',;. SECTION 3. This Order shall be in tall fors, - and eff,:ct from ind .tfier the bate of its adoption. ATTEST: Tammara S. Sanderson, Cir, Clerk a.iopt:d by rhe Bond of R -corded w Tammars S Sandtrsmi. Crc:. Clerk, ��.tgtt>t 09 mu prop sale -i 1 " N i a August 19, 2013 To Whom It May Concern, Below is my proposal for the purchase and transfer of the property located at 517 North 5c° Street, ±40 feet, in the city of Paducah, Kentucky. Proposal Price: $4.00 Intended Use: Residential Please see attached documents for financial ability to complete the proposed project, along with structural facades. Thank you for your consideration, Gary Jackson 5420 US Highway 60 West Paducah, KY 42001 August 5, 2013 To Whom It iVlay Concern, . — -- www,signetfcu.com Gary Ronald Jackson has applied for and has met the requirements to Le pre -approved for a Construction Line of Credit with Signet Federai Credit Union. He is approved for a loan amount not to exceed $200,000.00. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me ateither 270-443-5261x215 or via email mfdriskill a)signetfcu.com. Sincerely, Margaret �, riskill Loan Officer - PADUCAH OFFICES --- ��C 333 .v 252G_ MUIL IMM --- MAYFIELD OFFICE — LEHDSRoea ___- PROJECT Jackson Residence DURATION: JOB N0- PERMIT YDS BOND NO SQUAREFT BUILDERS RISK RATE: "50,3000 I I $100 CONTINGENCY %: LABOR MATERIAL SUB EQUIPMENT 0o OVERHEAD /o PROFIT" I O' SPEC CODE DESCRIPTION CODE LABOR MATERIAL -1 SUB EQUIPMENT TOTALS 1000 GENERAL CONDITIONS 250 !00 UTILITIES 0 0350 0 850 1350.101 Rc–NTAL TOOLS 0 0 750 0 750 1500 103 DESIGN FEES 0 0� 0 0 0 2000 SiTEWORK _ 21 10,210 SITFDiVORK —SUB —0 0 4.500 0 4,500 2900.990 LA,NDSCAPEIOUTDOOR LIVfNC 0 0 7.500 0 7,500 2900.990 GARAGE 0 0 1d, 500 0 18,500 3000 CONCRETE 3000 990 CONC SUB 0 0 14 5C0 ]:_�O 14,500 4000 MASONRY 4000.980 iMASONRY SUB 0 0 22.500 0 22,500 5000 METALS 6000 WOOD & PLASTICS 0100.980 ROUGH CARPENTRY 0 0 35 CCC 0 35,000 6200. t01 FINISH CARPENTRY 0 0 7.530 0 7,500 0410101 CASEWORK 0 0 7,500 0 7,500 7000 THERMAL & MOISTURE 74!0 15C ROOFING -SUB 0 0 7,500 0 7,500 7460.010 SIDING 0 0 5 500 0 5,500 7530-01 1 GUTTERS & DO),NNISPOUTS 0 0 1,000 0 1,000 7920.010 INSULATION 0 0 7 700 0 7,700 8000 DOORS & WINDOWS 8500.020 VPIINDOWS 0 0 13 5C 0 13,500 9000 FINISHES 9250 020 DR`(1yVALL 0 0 3,500 0 8,504 9630.100 FLOORING SUB 0 0 1.500 0 1,500 9910 oil PAINTING 0 0 4.5C0 0 4,500 15000 MECHANICAL 15400,430 PLUMBING 0 0 3.JOC 0 8,040 15500.110 HVAC 0 0 8,300 0 8,500 16000 ELECTRICAL 10010 IGD ELECTRICAL SUB 0 0 3.500 0 8,500 vertical total> 193,800 SUBTOTALS 0 D 193.800 0 193,600 OVERHE{ Pb D 0 0 1 0 0 PROFIT 0 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL 0 0 193,800 0 193,000 231,23100 ICONTINGENCY 3.00% 0 0 5,614 0 5,814 171.17100 TRAVEiJPER DIEM L13'..18100 BUILDING PERMIT 0 625 0 625 191 19'00 GENERAL LIABILITY 216 216 SUBTOTAL 0 0 1 200.239 0 200,239 201 20100 BUILDERS RISK 21 1.21 100 I SITE WSIT 601 0 601 0 221.22100 IWORK PLAN 0 0 241 24100 1BOND 0 0 TOTAL JOB COST 200,839 0 $200,839 3/1912013 3:32 ,AM Page 1 Conceptual Estimate ,Autosavedl Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: .august 13, 2013 Short Title: Accept proposed premiums from the Kentucky League of Cities for Workers' Compensation, Liability Insurance and Property Insurance Coverage. Total cost of all premiums is $941,284. ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolutiun ❑ Motion Staff work By: Cindy Medford Presentation By: Cindy btedford Background Information: Each year the City of Paducah receives from the Kentucky League of Cities the invoices for payment of premiums to cover these areas. Total Fiscal Year 2013-2014 (FY 2014) premiums are for the following: (1) Workers' Compensation $306,525, (2) Liability Insurance $502,448, (3) Property Insurance Coverage $132,31 1. J. Carroll Convention Center to reimburse 532,960 for property and $3,098 for liability expenses associated with coverage of Expo and Convention Center in absence of executable hotel lease agreement. Coal: ❑Stron, Economy ❑ Quality Services❑ vital Neighborhoods[] RcA0r,'d Do,,�ntos�n, Funds Available: account Name: Gtsurance Fund �� i( i Account Number: 07? Finance Staff Reconunendation: That the Mayor and Commission approve the proposed premium rates for Workers' Compensation, Propertyand Liability insurance from the Kentucky League of Cities for FY 2014, Attachments: Premium [nvoices for Workers' Compensation. Liability and Property Insurance. Department Head Cite Clark City ylana�er Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Short Title: HOME 2012 House 46 — 1322 �Tadison Street Ordinance ❑Emergency ❑ Municipal Order Staff Work By: Charlie Doherty"Steve Ervin Presentation By: Steve Ervin Background Information: Key Components; Meeting Date: August 13, 2013 ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion 1322 Madison Street: "Rolling iclds" :after receiving final SHPO approval to build a new 20t2 HOLIE houseer, the lot at 1322 Madison Street, staff solicited bids for the construction of the 1,380 SF'Rolling Fields" home on this lot in a Public Notice published in the Paducah Sun on July 22'd, 2013. Bids were opened on July 3C',21 ') - ith the follo�ting results: D&D Construction: Elliot Construction: Jim Steele Construction: Staff Analysis: $139,49.00 ($101.1) 8, SF) S 136,825.00 (399.1 i. SF) S 133,200.00 ($97.) ",SF) as stated in the Public Notice, contracts are to be awa- rded based on the gest e� aluated and most rLsponsi%-.- bids. ,agenda .action Form Page 2 • Jim Steele Construction was the low bidder at S 135,200.00. His eoaIuation was scored at 99 based on previous experience with City projects and being low bidder. Staff Recommendations: Based on the evaluations, the URCDA Board recommended that the Board of Commissioners award the constnrction contract for 1322 Madison Street to Jim Steele Construction toe $135,200 00. Goal: ® Strong Economy ❑ Quality Services IZ Vital Neighborhoods ❑ Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Account Name: 20t2 HONIE project Account Number: 008-1216-513.230 % Finance Project Number. CD 0081 Staff Recommendation: Approval Attachments: Department Head City Clerk City Manager Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission tt feeting Date: August l 3, 2013 Short Title: 2012 Fire Prevention and Safety Award Extension Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ ResolAiert ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Fire iV(arshall Greg Cherry, Cheryl iMeadotiis Presentation By: Chief Steve Kyle Background Information: The Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEND.) offers the Fire Prevention and Safety Grant (FP&S) to allow Lire departments to reach a higher level of fire prevention and safety and fire -related hazard mitigation. The Paducah Fire Department submitted grant application °trder Municipal Order 'M1656 and accepted an award through Ordinance 9012-8-7966, as offered from Department of Homeland Security. The requested amount of $78,979 was combined wit'1 t $3,771 local cash match for the total project budget of $87,754.00. The amount of $69,254 hale been used for the salary and benefits of a new position, with the additional $18,500to bz used for the Juvenile Fire Setter Intervention Program volunteer training and juvenile testing. The funding has allowed the department to hire a Deputy Fire M.rsliall to perform various duties as a Fire Prevention Education and Code Enforcement Coordinator, as well as the fundimz needed for the Juvenile Fire Setter lttervention Prevention. On July 26, 2011, at the Paducah Fire Department's request FENLA granted an eight (8) month extension until tMa-ch 30, 2014 Lf the Commission desires to accept the FENTA Fire Preventioni,is Safety A�,ard extension, it must authorize and direct the Mayor or May'or's designee to comp°:At; and sign all required application documents. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ® Quality Services❑ Vital NeIQAcrhocds❑ Restored Downtowns Funds Available: account Name: FET Fire Prevent Account' Number: various 1803 accotuts "Finance Project Number: FI0025 File Number: 6.237 Staff Recommendation: Approval Attachments: Dcoartment Hoad City Clerk City Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission ;Meeting Date: August 13, 2013 Short Title: Change Order .4 1 for the Riverfi-ont Redevelopment Project Phase I A, Piles and Mass Fill, for Demolition of the Executive Inn Concrete Slab for tise as Mass Fdl ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ klunicipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ klotion Staff Work By Angela Weeks, EPW Proj NI[gr Presentation By: Rick iNIurphy, P.E., City Engineer -Public works Director Background Information: In 2010, the Executive Inn building was demolished by the City. However, the work associated with the removal of the concrete slab of the parking garage area was deleted Dorn the demolition contract. The concrete slab remains today and will need to be removed at some time. The Executive Inn concrete slab is estimated to be 8 1, 000 square feet by 0.25 feet thick, which equates to approximately 1,460 tons of concrete With construction of the Riverfront Phase 1-A Project underway, the idea of utilizing the concrete from the Executive Inn site as filL for the land mass area has become a viable option After discussing possible alternatives, )AAC Construction and E.rcavating, Inc., submitted a proposal to demolish the exiting concrete pad and place the concrete in the mass Lill area for the total lump sum amount of 516,800. With the installation of the Executive Inn concrete slab material in the mass fill area, the required tonnage of stone for fill will decrease. In order to not increase or decrease the current contract amount, $16,500 will be deducted from the change order - which equals 1,400 tons of stone fill at $12.00 per ton. Therefore, this Change Order will be a substitution of materials used on the project only With no cost increase or decrease The opportunity to demolish and utilize the concrete slab durng this project would allow multiple dividends- the concrete would be removed from valuable property awned by the City in preparation of a higher better use, the materials removed from the slab would offset tonnage of stone being placed on the project and the cost of a future contract will be avoided. In the event the slab removal is postponed, the City will have to pay a separate contractor to perform this work at a later date, essentially doubling the cost of its removal. Goal: ZStrong Economy ®Quality Services ❑Vital Neighbancccds ®R�,stored Dovvntm4-ns Funds Available: Account Name: Riverfront Development Phase L-A, Gangway Piles and Nfass E11 '-Hance Account Number: 040-33 15-532-2307 DTOO15 Agenda Action Form Page 2 Staff Recommendation. To adopt an Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute Change Order .41 for the Riverfront Redevelopment Project Phase l -A, Piles and Mass HI contract with MAC Construction & Excavating, Inc., for the follows: 1. To increase the contract amount by $16,800.00 to allow for the demolition of the Executive Inn concrete stab for use as mass fill. 2. To decrease the contract amount by $16,800 deducting 1,400 Tons of Stone Fill at $12.00 per ton. Attachments. Ordinance 92013-4-8029, Change Order 91 and support documentation Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: August 13, 2013 Shots Title: Purchase of Solid Waste Dumpsters for the FY2013-2014 from Municipal Equipment, Inc., Utilizing the Kentucky State Contract ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Chris Yarber, EPW Operations Mgr Angela Weeks, EPW-Engr Proj Mgr Presentation By: Rick Murphy, P.E., City Engineer -Public Works Director Background Information: Municipal Equipment, Inc. is the current Vendor listed on the Commonwealth of Kentucky's Contract for the purchase of solid waste dumpsters. The Engineering -Public Works Department, Solid Waste Division is in need of new dumpsters to be utilized by commercial businesses within the City and would like to utilize the existing Kentucky State Contract for this purchase. Every year, an amount is allocated toward dumpster purchases in the annual commercial refuse replacement budget. Therefore, we are requesting authorization to order the required dumpsters along with additional replacement parts and Gds during the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year in an amount not to exceed the budgeted amount of $70,000. The Kentucky Master Agreement number is iVIA-758-1100000316. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ®Quality Services ❑Vital Neighborhoods []Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Account Name: Solid Waste Fund - l -Y ( ( 13 Annual Dumpster Replacement Budget Finance Account Number: 050-2210-531-421U Staff Recommendation: To adopt an Ordinance authorizing the purchase of Solid Waste Dumpsters for the FY20I3- 2014 utilizing the Kentucky state contract price from Municipal Equipment, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $70,000.00. Attachments: KY Master Agreement U Depa e ad City Clerk Ci y Manager U Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: August 13, 2013 Short Title: Purchase of a Trommel Portable Screening Plant to be used at the City's Compost Facility ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Randy Crouch, EPW Maintenance Supt. Angela Weeks, EPW Proj Mgr Presentation By: }'lick yfurphy, P.E., City Engineer -Public Works Director Background Information: On August 6, 2013, sealed bids were opened for the purchase of a Trommel Portable Screening Plant for use by the City ofPaducah's EPW Solid'haste Division at the Compost Facility. One bid was received from Ohio Machinery Company dba Ohio CAT in the amount of $172,850.00. This bid is below the budgeted amount of $34,000.00. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ®Quality Services ❑Vital Neighbcrkccds ❑Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Account Name: Solid Waste Non-R;.hng Stock t �Lq �l � Account dumber: 050-2211-532-4219 Finance Staff Recommendation: To receive and file the bid and adopt an Ordinance authorizirgg the Mayor to execute a contract with Ohio Machinery Company dba Ohio CAT for 64,, purchase of a Trommel Portable Screening Plant for use by the City of Paducah's EPW Solid Waste Division at the Compost Facility in the amount of $172,850.00. Attachments: Bid Proposal, Bid Tab, Proposed Contract Depart nt ea City Cleric City Manager Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: August 13, 2013 Short Title: Contract with Paducah Transit Authority ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Presentation By Background Information: Claudia Meeks Jeff Pederson, City Manager As part of the General Fund Decision Items for FY20t4, the Commission approved appropriation of the sum of $215,000 to Paducah Area Transit System, to be paid in quarterly installments. When the City provides funds to any organization, we prepare a simple Contract For Services agreement that describes the public services the organization will provide as a result of receiving the city funds. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ® Quality Services❑ Vital Neighborhoods❑ Restored Downtowns Funds Available: This expenditure was appropriated in the FY2014 Budget. Account Name: General Fund g'i Account Number: 001-0106-511-8008 Finance Staff Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to enter into a one-time Contract For Services with Paducah Transit Authority in the amount of $215,000. Attachments: Ordinance Contract Department Head �� City Clerk /��City 1v Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: August 13, 3013 Short Title: Contract with Barkley Regional Airport ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ ✓lotion Staff Work By: Claudia Meeks Presentation By: Jeff Pederson, City Manager Background Information: As part of the Investment Fund Decision Items for FY2014, the Commission approved appropriation of the sum of $136,430 to Barkley Regional Airport, to be paid in quarterly installments. When the City provides funds to any organization, we prepare a simple Contract For Services agreement that describes the public services the organization will provide as a result of receiving the city fords. Goal: ❑Strong Economy Z Quality Services[] Vital Neighborhoods[] Restored Downtowns Funds Available: Chis expenditure was appropriated in the FY2014 Budget. Account Name: Investment Fund g �� Account Number: 004-9999-699-9040/TR0003 Finance Staff Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to enter into a one-time Contract For Services with Barkley Regional Airport in the amount of $136,430. Attachments: Ordinance Contract Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: August I3, 2013 Short Title: Contract with Paducah Junior College, Inc. — Paducah School of Art Funding ❑Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Claudia Meeks Presentation By: Jeff Pederson, City Manager Background Information: As part of the Investment Fund Decision Items for FY2014, the Commission approved appropriation of funding for the Paducah Junior College, Inc., Paducah School of Art in the amount of $75,000, to be paid quarterly. This expenditure will be used to pay for operational expenses for the school's two locations: 409 Broadway and 919 Madison Street. When the City provides funds to any organization, we prepare a simple Contract For Services agreement that describes the public services the organization will provide as a result of receiving the city funds. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ® Quality Services❑ Vital Neighborhoods[] Restored Downtowns Funds Available: This expenditure was appropriated in the FY2014 Budget. Account Name: Investment Fund ( $ A I) Account Number: 004-0401-536-2307 Finance Staff Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to enter into a one-time Contract For Services with Paducah Junior College, Inc. in the amount of $75,000. Attachments: Ordinance Contract Department Head City Cler[�� WIt—n-a' t— Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: August 13, 2013 Short Title: Contract with Paducah Junior College, Inc. – Commuaity Scholarship Program ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Presentation By: Background Information: Claudia Meeks Jeff Pederson, City Manager As part of the Investment Fund Decision Items for FY2014, the Commission approved appropriation of funding for the Paducah Junior College, Inc., scholarship program in the amount of $125,000, to be paid by June 30, 2014. When the City provides funds to any organization, we prepare a simple Contract For Services agreement that describes the public services the organization will provide as a result of receiving the city funds. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ® Quality Services❑ Vital Neighborhoods❑ Restored Downtowns Funds Available: This expenditure was appropriated in the FY2014 Budget. Account Name: [nvestment Fund Account Number: 004-0401-536-2307 Staff Recommendation: Fiance ([� Authorize the Mayor to enter into a one-time Contract For Services with Paducah Junior College, Inc. in the amount of $125,000. Attachments: Ordinance Contract Department Head City Clerk— t�ager Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date. August 27, 2013 Short Title: Change Order 92 for the Riverfront Redevelopment Project Phase I- A, Piles and Mass Fill, for Additional Stone Fill for Land Mass ®Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Angela Weeks, EPW Proj Nlgr Presentation By. Rick Murphy, P.E., City Engineer -Public Works Director Background Information: On April 30, 2013, Ordinance 92013-04-8029 was adopted authorizing the Mayor to execute an Agreement with MAC Construction & Excavating, Inc , ("MAC") for construction of the Riverfrom Redevelopment Project Phase 1-A Piles and Mass Fill, in the amount of $4,490,600.00. The installation of the stone for the mass fill began in June and has proceeded consistently during the past few months, On August 15, 2013, NIAC gave the City official notice that the stone fill contract quantity in the amount of 3 16,5 50 tons was not sufficient to complete the land mass fill according to the Phase I -A Project design. Subsequent to receiving this notification, the City, in conjunction with MAC has determined the Project has undergone initial settlement into the river bottom that was not accounted for in the Engineer's original estimate for this phase of the Project. This initial settlement has caused the original Project quantity to yield a stone elevation much less than the approved design elevation. On August 22, 3013, MAC completed installation of the 316,530 stone fill contract tonnage, resulting in MAC having to temporarily shut -down the stone installment of the Project. This 'downtime" has created a financial domino effect to both MAC and the City, as the City must pursue authorization from the Board of Commissioners for any change orders resulting from the under -run of stone fill. Due to the temporary shut -down, the Contractor's employees and operational equipment are shut down, thereby causing a $6,000 per day "down-time" daily charge to reserve the quantity of deck barges need while waiting for direction from the City. Subsequently, MAC, the City Manager, and the City Engineer -Public Works Director have been investigating alternatives to prepare the way for a viable Phase 1-B Project. The Phase l -A portion of the Project represents a corner stone for the completion of the ultimate Project. Therefore, City Staff was challenged to produce a revised project plan that considered the following alternatives/options: Agenda Action Foran Page Z • Instruct the Contractor to stop work for Project ( -A once the contract stone was completed. This decision could cause the City's forfeiture of future grant and match funding in the amount of $5,111,000 • The City is obligated to complete its commitment With the granting authority of HUD. • The City is obligated to its permitting authorities to produce the project acceptable to the USACE and the Kentucky Division of Water. • The current status of the Project will not allow ordering a Stop -Work order. In the event that would be desired, additional monies would be required to the Contractor to manipulate to a condition that would not allow for a future Project pursuit. • Several iterations/scenarios have been investigated including significantly reducing the park elevation that would cause the park to become submerged several times during flood seasons. Given the circumstances above, the City and MAC have been negotiating a strategy to determine a suitable mass rock &11 elevation that would yield the best foundation for Phase 1- B of the Riverfront Project. At present, the City Engineer -Public Works Director has determined a revised acceptable lowered final elevation of 334.0 feet (NAVD88). The approximate elevation of 334' allows the park to be used for local river gage from 16 feet to 48 feet. As a point of reference, the street elevation at Broadway is local river gage 50 feet. With the revised final elevation, MAC has presented a negotiated $2.00 per ton ($12.00 per ton to $10.00 per ton) reduction in IAC's uCtit price for stone placement. It has been estimated by MAC and the City that an additional 80,000 tons of stone will bring the stone mass fill portion of this project to an approximate elevation of approximate 327 feet that prepares the Project for a suitable ultimate final elevation ofapproximately 334 feet. Therefore, we are requesting that additional monies be allocated from; the Capital Projects Fund, The Investment Fund and from the unspent General Fund Appropriations Accounts in an aggregate amount of $800,000.00 to the Riverfront Development Project to cover the expenses associated with the additional stone fill. Goal: NStrong Economy NQuahty Services ❑Vital Neighbcrliceds ®Restored Downtowns Fonds Available: Account Name: R.iverfront Developme,tt $ LV Z,0 Phase I -A, Gangway Piles and Mass Fall F ante Account Number: 040-3315-532-230? DT0015 Staff Recommendation: To adopt an Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to execute Chailge Order 42 for the Rivercront Redevelopment Project Phase 1-A, Piles and Mass Fill contract with iVLAC Construction & Excavating, Inc., for the follows: Agenda Action Form Page 3 To increase the contract amount of"Stone Fill for Laad Lass" from 316,550 tons to 396,550 tons, yielding a difference of 80,000 tons at a new unit price of $10.00 per ton, equating to an increase of $800,000.00. To authorize the payment of $6,000 per day negotiated as a daily down-time payment to secure the deck barges being utilized to transport the stone. To authorize and direct the Finance Director to transfer the following to the Riverfront Project Fund. • $280,000 from the Capital Projects Fund (Greenway Trail and projected savings in the Riverfront Pilings Extensions) • $325,000 from the Investment Fund (Street Rehabilitation/Reconstruction and Wayfinding Project) + $195,00 from the General Fund (Unspent Appropriations -Current Year) Attachments: Ordinance 92013-4-8029, Change Order #1, Change Order 43 and support documentation Agenda action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Dat;,: September 3"", 2013 Short Title: Construction of residential infill at 7 l7 Harrison Street ® Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Llotion Staff Work By: Steve Ervin Presentation By: Stege Ervin Key Components; In order to fulfill the public purpose of redevelopment of the Lower Town :arts District, the Cry Commission approved the utilization of the 5900,000.00 construction line of credit approved by ordinance $ 2012-t t-7987 to include construction of residential structures in Lower To��it with the adoption of Municipal Order =1724 on June 1 I'll, 20 l 3. Currently, staff has a homebuyer in place for a residential construction at 717 Harrison Street. A legally binding purchase agreement has been signed stated their intent to purchase the home from the Cite upon completion. Using standard policies and procedures which have been successfully applied to the Fountain Avenue revitalization efforts, the home buyer has provided staff with solid proof of financial ability to purchase the structurc from the City upon completion of the project including a mortgage commitment from Paducah Bank and a secured escrow account to cover any deficits between the final purchase price and the mortgage commitment. The City is acting solely as a construction management/funding agent and ��ill be under no liability in this matter. Bids; In Cult compliance with the City's procurement policies, staff solicited sealed bids through an advertisement in the Paducah Sttn on Sunday June 30`h, 2013 for the construction of 1,7100 SF residence to be built at 717 Harrison Street. Bids were opened at 10:01 al l on 'Monday, July 22'd, 2013. As stated in the Public Notice, awards are to be based on the best -evaluated bid. The following bid criteria dere used by to --valuate each bid.- 1) id: 1) 20 Points: Specialized experience or technical expertise of the contractor and its personnel in connection with constniction and, or the rehabilitation of liomes including the r, -novation of historic structures. 2) 20 Points: Past record of performance on contract with the community, and other clients. including gtialitti of work, timeliness, and cost control. 3 ) 20 Points: Capacity- of the contractor to perform the �%ork �%ithin the ime limitations. taking into consideration the current and planned workload of the contractor. 41 20 Points: Cost 5) 20 Points: Familiarity with local conditions relevant to the proposedproject. Agenda Action Form Page 2 Three bids were received and evaluated with Jim Steele Construction receiy in; the highest cvatuated score of 97 with the bid of $ 182.965.00 for the proposed project. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommendation is that the City Commission awards the coivract to Jim Steele Construction for $182,965.00 for the construction of the infill residential structure at 117 Harrison Street with Planning Staff acting as the construction management team using funds approved for this use by Municipal Order --1724 Goal: ® Strong Economy ❑ Quality Services ® Vital Neighborhoods ❑ Restored Downtowns Funds Available Account Name: Lowertown Finance J Account Number: CD 0075 Attachments: Elevations i Department Head Ciry Clerk Cit Manager ORDL\ANCE NO _)! -�- N ORDINANCE APPROVING THE RECOMMEtii]AMN OF THE PADUC.AH PL, -k\41 ING DEPARTMENT W .ACCEPT THE. BIT) OF fC\I STEELE CONS CRL"CTION FOR CONSTRLCTIC.-N OFA NEW HOML V" ' I - FAIRR3SO:N S FREET, V\,D .AL'THORVDL G THE MAYOR TO E`MC[,TF A FOR SAME WHEREAS. on June 30. 3013, the Paducah Pl.uoiae Deparmem solicited oids or. bohalf of the City of Paducah for ;;onstruction of a new home !ecated at . I' Harrison Street aria public notice in the Paducah Sun: and WHEREAS, bids wtre opened on Jul,. 33. '013. die Paducah Planntn� Department; aid WIAERE,AS. the Plaruiin2 department rdcommtndJ M? Ctt% of Paducah accept the bid of Jim Steele Construction for the construction of a nLw home located at '1 7 Harrison Street utilizing the S900,000,:oiistniction line ofCtedit approv—d b; Ordinanco No. 201 Z-1 1- 7987 �,hich includes construction of restiiaiJ structure in Lower Town ��,irh the adoption of;Municipal Order No. 1 724 BE IT ORD. INT --D BY T1IE CITY OF PADUCAA KENTUCKY: SECTION I. That tht Cit} of Patlltcah ace pts the bid of Iim St„, -le Consiruetion in the amount of S 143,965.00. for the construciionat' a ne�,, home ]t 7 1' Flari-ison Street, said bid is in substantial compliance %0h the but sratifications, id%ertisament for bids, and as contained in the bid dated Jul". 3'. '1A 3 SECTION 3. The Mayor is hereby authorized to ocx:ue a _ontract a oth Jim Sieolc COIBU-11Ct1011 for the construction of a nesx home at -;' Rarrisorn Stroet. ac. ording to the specifications. bid proposat .uid all contract do,'kiwen(s hor.tofor2 appro,-.:d and incorporated in the bid. SECTION 3. This -XpenditrirC n ill be funded thrcu;h the Lo�%cr T3%%n ac oust. project number CDQ0 7� SECTION T This ordinarn�;e shall be read on :.unarit-- jx�and s,ttll become effecti��e upon summary publication pursuant nu [QRS Chapter J24 'Lt•cr .ATTEST: Cammara S Sanderson. City Clerk Introduced by tiie Board of Commissioners. August 2', _'{)1) .adopted by the Board of Commissioners, September 3, ?4)1 3 Recorded by Tammara S. Sanderson. Citi Clerl . Sgtcmbz�r3.'I'3 Published b,. Die Paducah Sun. onl'plan' owract-lim Steele C nscruction I' Harri,or Agenda Action Form Paducah Citv Commission Meeting Date: 8-27-13 Short Title: Change Order 43) for Uniform Services for the Fire Department Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff work By: Steve Kyle Presentation By: Steve Kyle Background Information: The primary purpose of this change order is to update, and add items that were not previously incorporated into the contract. This does not change the overall amount of the clothing allowance that each employee has but increases the number of items available to each employee. Things included in this change order are clarifications, replacement items, small pieces of equipment available to the individual employee, uniform items that were inadvertently left off of previous actions, and additions for items that have been discontinued by the manufacturer. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ® Quality Services[] Vital Neighborhood[] Rcstored Downtowns Funds Available: Account Name: Clothing Allowance Account Number: 001-t 801 /1802/1803) t804/1805,1806 -522-16U) Staff Recommendation: Finance kpprove change order 4-3 for the uniform sareices contract Por the fire department. Attachments: Change order m3 d � 4Depment E d Cin Clerk Cite Manaacr CHANGE ORDER NO: DATE. CITY OF PADUCAH FIRE DEPARTMENT CHANGE ORDER August 27,2013 NAME OF PROJECT Uniform Services for the Fire Department OVVNER: City of Paducah, Kentucky VENDOR: B;ueqras,-, Uniforms THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE CLARIFICATIONS AND -OR ADDITIONS TO THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AT NO CHARGE: ........... ................ .......... Section . I ......... .. .......... ............................................................... ... :Description ...... . ....................... - ........... ...................................... ­­ ........................ 2100 1 15 :CHANGE: All uniformed personnel can purchase item SO .............. 2100 ........................ 1 1 7 ........... ............... ............. ............................ .. ..... ...... ;:Items 112-113,125-127. 132. 135-145 are available for ........................................................................... 3(andUmber uniformed personnel and non -uniformed inspectors ....... .......... .......... ........... ...... 2100 1 13 ':Items 114-117. 133-134 are available for all personnel 2100 1 19 .......... .......... I ..................... ::Items 118-124, 128-131 are available for all uniformed oersorriel ........... .................. 11- ....... t Item 47 & 48 Badges require a number on the bottom of :1-a 2100 ....... ....... 1 2 ......... ':badge. Badge number to be gotten from the Fire Depa.-�rrent . ........ ........... ........... I .......... .. .. ...... ........... ... ... 1 2100 ...... 1 21 ...... :Item 146-152 are available for ail personnel .................. ........... ...... ... ... 2100 1 22 ;Item 153 is available only for Christina Gowen ........... ............ THE FOLLOWING UNIT PRICES ARE HEREBY ADDED TO THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: .. ........ ................... .. ... ... .......... Style ...... ....... ........... ............. ... Section Description 3(andUmber Size Price ,Each . .............. . ..... ................ ..... ................. ............. ........... ........ CO3'3 Sr3rgE! te-n 439 :7mcarland PRO Ivilucari ES0 -liker Comosite -0e in C a, ard 13'565 390 00 .... .. ....... .. ... ...... .. ............. .. .......... . ......... .. . ....... 00310 Neyl ter al 12 �:'_,-aw nec.<under shirt, 3 )ack Yhite 4. .... ... .............. 003 11) [\JeW jeri ' 13 .... ...... ;�_73nK :00 f,.der 3nlr4'r 3 oac< Nhite ....... ... ...... 3-2XL 315 25 ......... 003 \1 ew tarn x"'1 iP�rK T -orbs For 3,e3st --anter IS 29000 :3-2XL . 3'050 0031 } Ne%v 1 ..... ....... ::Pink `.Snits `or 3:east Cancer SSS l arTar 3XL-4XL 312 50 . ............ 00310 .... .. Ne,.y ren 1 5 .. ..... .... .......... .. ..... ......... ::P,n.< —1 -Sjnjrts or Breast o3ncw I—S .. .... is^rear ... .. .. ........ .... 321;0 ............ :3- 2XL 313 50 00313 \1e,.v t3rr, ',P;n, 7_3h;its `or Breatst-,arcar LS �32t0 ............. 3XL 4XL:: 335 30 CO3'7 NeN tz,_` #1 13 Norrey Snort Sleeve 37irl. .%lcmoroid37y Navy Var,- 2`-„X-43 :3d-50 .......... ...... 389 30 ....... . ..... 0031 7 X! aw te* 3 . .. ..... .. .... ...... rzvS Shears 33 75 .. . .. .... ....... :Maj:cal '3^23 ............. 310 73 ...... .... .... .. .. ..... ..... %,.y :or., 2 r —older 3PS 38 30 .. ........ Aadges )',)3' 1iew tam -1123 .. ...... .. .. ... .. ... .. . .............. .. ..... ... ..... ... ... ....... RIT 334out 3ag ....................... 112500 lie.v terr V 24:Garment .... ..... .. .. ...... ...... ......... ... ... ........ Sag ....... 311 75 0031 3 'ia.v !e. -n -1 125 ....... ..... ............. ..... :�e�lraiser Clear Safety Glasses i5 75 .... ... ....... .... ... ..... - .. ...... ... ............ .. .......... .. ....... ... ... .......... . ............. ... 003') :tem -1'25 Hellralser Toted Safety Glasses L) C S1c z:2r"5,i <CZ $5 75 .......... .. .............. ................ .......... .......... S,j np,l — 0003 ........... New Item 4127 .............. ::G2K Pro L,ght ..................... {5A 1af7c :G2X-D-3K $7300 003'0 NJ ew !ern x'29 ........................ .. ...... .......... ..... ...... ::Duty Jacket. Navy ...... ................. ....... ............ :�120 .......... !XS -XL S. 127 00 003 10 Nev Item #129 ................... ........ .. ...... .... .............. ?Duty racket, Navy . ......... .............. .... .. ......... . 120 2XL 313900 00310 New tern 4130 ................... I ........... .................... ......... ... ...... :Cut y Jacket, Navy 5a.er .... :3I20 ...... :3XL ......... 3155.00 00310 New tem 413 ............. ........... ................................ !C)uiy Jacket, Navy ............................. a.e 16120 ............. :4XL .............. 3157,00 00310 ................ .......... Ne -v tern 41 32 ...... :Alpha Scout Folding Knife ............ ........ ....... I - ...... :51025 $3900 00316 .......... New tern #r33 ...... ............... ..................... .... ;Fl,eece Jacket L;ner for 5 1 1 -Ii -Viz Parka, Navy ... ......... ............................ ................ I .. .. .......... ...... ... .... .... .......... ............. :43333 ............ ............ 3-2XL ............ ............ $99.00 ........... 00310 .............................. New Ism 4134 ........ .. ..................... ... ................. TFleece Jacket Lmef "or 3 11 Hi-'Iiz 'arlka, Navy ........ ... ....... ............... 5 I ............ 8033l- 3XL•4XL: x105.00 00310 N aw tam 4 13 5 Light Mount for Helms( ........... ­ ............ B:acj<,ac,c .... $2000 0031'7 .................. New !tem # 136 ........... .......................... .................... ::Og)o Rage Bag, Red viernbroidered PFD Logo ...... .... SarrTla r ........ ]8089 ............... .................. 3x5.00 003'0 .................... New tern 9'37 .............. .......... -1 ....................... I ....... .. ::Dress ShoestringsRa .............. .......... ............... ........ ....... ............... ta 17 1 )4-3 ................ ...... ............ ............... $5 00 00310 .......... New !terns 4'38 ............ ........ .... .......... ............ ::Duly Boot Shoestrings ................ ;tanner 7')028 $6-00 0031.0 ................... New tem s, 4 139 . .......... ................... .. ......... .... .. .. ................ :Knuc.'t,olread 3attery Pack .. . ... ....... . iS:rearnli-jlrt :90332 ..... ........ ...... 538 00 603 3 ........ ... Na.v tams 41 S7 . .. ..... ......................... ......... ............ 'Steady -,h3rga plug :n holder ...... .......... ..... ............ ..... :SiraaT'l#t .. ... ......... 303 7 ... ........... ............... ............... $2400 00310 . ..... Ne,.v ierrs 4 1 11 ............ ... ':Xanor) 3jlb .. :Sreambqlrl :30311 .. 57,75 .............. 00313 New ::ems 4 1.12 ........ .. ......... ........ .. --r ............. .......... ... .......... �;-,JAA -ED 3uib ..... ......... L ........... ................. . I ....... ...................... ......... .. 2SlrPaml]qlf ... ..... 7L-33221 ............. .. 321 75 ............... 0031 NeW ;,erns' 43 ­ :CR 123 UhlLm Batteries. 12 oack ..... 33' 77 ... ..................... 326 50 .... .. ..... 00313 .............. r . ...... .. .. ,:ev; terns #144 . ............... ...... r .................... ..... ....... . :CR1 23 Lithium Battenes 2 o3ck S-e3miiel 135`.'5 ............. ............. . ........... $5.75 00310 N aW IaMS 4. 5 ........... ­­ .......... :R-jbter Fastener for Collar Pins . ......... Bench (L ..... .......... t ............ 11 ...... 34 99 103i0 New 1ems 1 JS :Hazrnat P -n ........... ... .......... Frz.rer :P4364 .. ... ...... ........... S4.75 . 00310 ................ ...... New 'tarns 4'4' ............. ............ :T,@6r%rg Instructor Pin, Gold ............. ........... .. ..... .. ............... 313c.ortor) ............ ;:13953 . ... ... ............... ............................. $24 50 .......... ............ CC3 0 .......... .......... Naw terns .1143 .......... I :GM—?in ....... ..... .. ... ..... .. ... .. 3L3Csjrt,, .. . .. .... .... :A619i ... ............ .......... 81375 ....... .... 1031) N�elr!-3rns 4' 13 .... ...... r- ......... . .... I'Mad al of V%o r ............... ...... .... ... ..... ... 73 $13 00 ............. 00317 .......... . Pj evi tams 11 i3 ....... :Orstirguisheci Servica A%v3rd 3 $1300 . .... .... .. 30313 �:ew :tLrn3 ,`5' ..... ............ ? ryla;le se Cross, Sold .. .. -7- 1 ............... $13 )0 00310 ...... .... `jep aems J' 32 ...... �HMS L:fesaving I3:ac6-tor, 123-3 . ..... 313 .00 0031) N31-1.tams -1 53 ;Va(setz Black 3oci -,or 'Piamen ............ ...... ­ . .. .. .. ..... I Cat - rats: . .. ... ..... 399 913 THE CONTRACT TIME VVILL BE INCREASED BY. r, Days APPROVALS PECUll LA FORE CHIEF CA m,ADR EA- � Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: August 27, 2013 Short Title: Contract with GPEDC Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ )/tunicipat Order ❑ Resolution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Presentation By: Background Information: Claudia Meeks Jeff Pederson, City Manager As part of the Investment Fund Decision Items for FY2014, the Commission approved appropriation of funding for Greater Paducah Partners For Progress and GPEDC in the amount of $250,000, to be paid in quarterly installments. In addition, since GPEDC has absorbed the role and all responsibilities of EntrePaducah, an additional $50,000 was allotted, also payable in quarterly installments. When the City provides funds to any organization, we prepare a simple Contract For Services agreement that describes the public services the organization will provide as a result of receiving the city funds. Goal: ❑Strong Economy ® Quality Services❑ Vital Neighborhoods❑ Restored Downtowns Funds Available: This expenditure was appropriated in the FY2013 Budget. Account Name: Investment Fund Account Number: 004-040 t -536-2307/ED0006/EDO l O l Finance Staff Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to enter into one-time Contracts For Set -;ices %vith GPEDC for a total of 5300,000 (5250,000 for GPEDC responsibilities and $50,000 for EntrePaducah responsibilities) Attachments: Ordinance Contract Head I City Clerk II Ci ORDEI .ANCE S"O. _O13-0- aV ORD[N.YGCE AUTHORIZING THE M.-AYORTO E.`GCCTE a CONTR.NCT bk ITH THE UREA PER P ADCC.YH ECONOMIC DEQ ELOPMEST COISCIL FOR SPECIFIC SERA ICES THAT WIE.L FNCLCDE SEP F, ICES FOR E`iTREPADCC aH BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH KENTCCKY SECTION I That the Mayor is hereby authorized to eCtcu[e a contract a nth Greater Paducah Economic Development Council m the amount of 325o),)(J). to he Paid to -qual quarterly allocations of 562,500. for performance DCery ices as oudlned 'm said Concoct. Furthu.:he contract sets out seances for EntraPaducah with fundln; iron the City in the amount of 550.000. to be paid In equal quarterly allocations of 512.5(,0 Tho;-onaact shall e<pire Inne 30, 2011 SECTION 2. This espendimre will be char,ed to dte [tv esunent Fund account. Project No. ED0006. SECTION 3. Thu ordinance shall be read .m nvo seParue days .cod will become aPfeeti %e upon ,unnmar% publication pusuant to KRIS Chapter 124 Mawr \T FEST Tammara S. Sanderson. Clw Clerk introduced by the Board of Commissioners. ?.ugust'_'. '_013 -\dopted by the Board of Comnus,iuners, September 3, 20t3 Recorded by Tammara S Sanderson, City Cferlc. September 3. 2013 Published by The Paducah Sun. — rord`conrzact-GPEDC r, 11 ` 1 1 CONTRACT FOR SERVICES This Contract Cor Serbices, effective this day of 20I;, bv and between the CITE" OF PADUCAH ("City") and the GREATER PADL'C H ECONONHC DEVEI.OP:tilFNT COUNCIL, I.NC. (GPEDC), a Kentucky not -For-profit corporation. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, GPEDC is a non-profit organization charged with the economic development of Paducah and McCracken County. WHEREAS, the services of GPEDC as described herein are For thor direct benefit of the citizens ofthe Cite of Paducah, and vVHERE aS, promoting Investment and economic development in the Paducah area as well as supporting entrepreneurs and business deVelopment in the comm ait;> serves a valid public purpose; and W"EREAS, the Cite oC Paducah desires to contract with GPEDC ror the services to be described herein under the terns and conditions set forth in this Contract for Services. N 0G'v-' THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises acct the mutual covenants as herein set forth, the parties do covenant and agree as follows: SECTION l: TERM The term of this contract for services shd'l be from the effective date of the contract until June 30, ?01=1. SECTION 2: TERNII\.TION Either panty may terminate this Cowract for Services upon Failure of any parte to comply v�ith any provision of this agreement provided vi.• such parte notifies the other in writing of such failure and the breaching party fails to correct the br--ach ti�irllin thirty t"30) calendar days of the notice. SECTION 3: OPERATIONS PAYMENT A, In consideration of the administrative costs including for personnel who earn out the objectiv es and services of GPEDC for services described the City shall pay GPEDC Two Hundred Fiftv Thousand Dollars (S250.000) to be P.}id ir. equal quarterly allocations of S62.500 each b,, the end of each quarter; provided however ;uch payment may be reduced to recover payment if loans to GPEDC become past due. _1 c,uar cd\ invoice %C JI be provided by GPEDC prior to payment. B. also, in consideration of GPEDC absorbing the role of ErtrePaducah. and Cor the additional services outlined in Section 5, the City shall pay GPEDC an additional S30.000, to be paid in equal quarterly allocations of St.2,500 each by the end ofeach. quarter. A tuarierk invoice %ill be pro%ided by F:ntrePaducah ("GPEDC) prior to payment. C. In the ev--nt rLhis Contract for Services is terminated. the Ci:s shad not be obliUated to mak arty further quarterly allocation payments SECTIO` 4: OBJECTIVES AND SERVICES GPEDC shal' ;azrtorm the following services for and on behalf: of the city in consideration for the allocation payments described above: • Market the greater Paducah area and promote econemic development through capital investment, job creation, and business retention. Incur costs and expenses for the advertisement and promotion of industrial and commercial sites. • Host visits by prospective investors and site selection con.sdtams. _pct as local liaison to the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development, the Southern Kentucky Industrial Development .association, the Tennessee Vaitey Authority, the Paducah Area Community Reuse Organization, and other regional economic de.�clopment organizations. Provide staff support to the Paducah -McCracken Industrial Development :Authority. • Incur costs and expenses related to data compilation and rrtaint�_,nance required by companies making site decisions. This includes conducting, analyzing, and maintaining ongoing information including: competitive studies, the local labor rmarke area, land availability, market trends, and such other data for the promotion of economic de,.-lopnient. • Conduct ongoing business retention program. • Maintain information regarding labor management relations. s Market GPEDC's Information Ave Park Coordinate and support property acquisition for and developirnent of Rli erport tit est Publish an annual report • Market Industrial ['ark 'West and Riverport \ est Coordinate GPEDC's business recruitment work witli the Chamber's support of retail businesses, EntrePaducah's support of entrepreneurs, the commercialization and innovation centers' support of start-ups and PUPAI "'s work with McCracken County's nuclear industry. s Monitor compliance with incentive agreements for the Cit,- and County and provide periodic written reports of such to the City Manager. SECTION 5: E�TREPADUCAH With the addition of the former EntrePaducah becoming a art of GPEDC', the following services are p� - also included in the contract: Will prop ide staff and conduct programs to support entrepreneurs ar,d entrepreneurial behavior in the communio, :Activities will include concierge support for entrepreneurs. development of networking forums where experienced entrepreneurs can mentor neve entrepr�-iteurs and their start-up businesses, coordination with existing government programs that support neve Businesses. including administration of the Small Business Incentive Program and assistance with de}:et,»tnew of business pians. SECTION 6: ACCOUNTING (A) GPEDC shall conduct all accounting, payroll, financial tnanagornent, and shall make c -e ular r, -ports oC GPEDC's expenditures to ensure such expenditcr-es arc proper. ("B) Citt shall have the right to inspect the operations of GPEDC, including reviewing its books, rccords, ledgers, or other docurnents, �kithout prior notice oC.iaid inspection. (C) GPEDC shall supply an annual Financial audit to the City Ekithin two (?) weeks or its completion. SECTION 7: ENTIRE AGREEMENT This contract for scr% ces ernbodies the entire agreement between the parties and all prior negotiations and agreements are merged in this agreement. Thi; agreement shall completely and Pully supersede all other prior agreements, both written and oral, between the parties. SECTION $: `vITHDRAWAL OF FUNDS Noo,�,ithstanding any other provision in this Contract for Services, in the event it is determined that any hinds provided GPEDC arc used for some purpose other than in furtherance of the services described herein, the Cit% shall have the right to immediatety withdraw any and all further funding and shall immediately have tate rinht to terminate this Contract For Services %%ithout advance notice and shalt have the right to all svmedies provided in the law to seek reimbursement for all monies not properly accounted. Witness the signature of the parties as of the year and date First %vrkten above. CITY OF PADUCAH GAYLE KALER, Nlayor GRATER PADUCAH ECONO_NIIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, INC. B r Title Agenda Action Form Paducah City Commission Meeting Date: August 2 7, 2013 Short Title: 2013/2014 Kentucky Transportation Discretionary Application ® Ordinance ❑ Emergency ❑ Municipal Order E]ResOution ❑ Motion Staff Work By: Capt. Don Hodgson Presentation By: asst. Chief Stacey Grimes Background Information: The Kentucky Office of Highway Sarety, a division of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet has competitive, discretionary grant programs that offer reimbursements to police agencies. Kentucky Office, of Highway Safety has contacted the police department in regard to discretionary funds that are available and can be requested. In an effort to reduce, unsafe driving behaviors and reduce collisions, the Paducah Police Department submitted a letter to request funds through Municipal Order 41734 on July 23, 2013, in the amount of $5,000. These funds will be expended for overtime traffic enforcement. There is no cash match required. If the Commission desires the Police Department to accept an award fi-orn The Kentucky Office of Highway Safety it must authorize and direct the Mayor to sign all pertaining documents. Goal:❑ Strong Economy ❑ Quality Services ❑ Vital Neighborhoods ❑ Restored Do��ntowns Funds Avai[abie: Project Title: Highway Safety - $5000 Project #: P00073 Finance File #: 6.249 Acct. 4: 001-1602-521.12-01 Staff Recommendation: Approval Department Head City Clerk Citi, ;Manager ORDCI�AN"CE NO. 2013 -9 - .AN ORDINANCE .AUTHORIZING THE',LAYOR CO EXECUTE A 2013-2014 KEN'TCCKY TR.ANSPORTATION DISCRETIONARY ,AW;ARD FOR A REISIB[-RSESIE\T GRANT W"ITH THE KENTUCKY OFFICE OF HIGH -WAY SAFE -TY. A D[% IS(ON OF THE KENTUCKSTRANSPORTATION CABNET WHEREAS. the City of Paducah applied for a 2013CCtI Kentucky Office of Highway Safety Grant, by Municipal Order No. 1734 adopted on Iwy 22.201 ;, for ),--rime traffic enforcement activities for [he Paducah Police Department: and WHEREAS. the Kentucky Office of Highway Safcr%has appro, ed he application and is no,.v ready to award this grant. BE [T ORD.ATNFD BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUM SECTION I. That Are City of Paducah hereby- authorizes 1120 )'U' Or to =----cute a ;rant agreement and all documents relating hereto for a 2013-2014Kent❑ek% TcL2sportmio Discretionary Reimbursement Grant Award widuhe Kentucky Offi,-,Y High%. 3, Saferp. a di,ision of the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, in the amount of 35D(G, ror )%--rune hours for tnffie --nforcemem.. This program does not require any local cash or in kind match. SECTION 2. This expenditure shall be charged to Project PO00-3 SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be read on two sgxai-e dacs and ,v ill become atfcetiye upon summary publication purntant to KRS Chapter 424, Vla�,or .ATTEST Tammara S. Sanderson, City Clerk Inuoduced b} the Board of CommissioRrs. August 2'. 2013 Adopted bo rhe Board of Commissioners. September 3. 2013 Recorded 'ov Tamma-ra S. Sanderson, City Clerk, September 3. 2013, Published b% The Paducah Sure. ord'pluP� ants'poL.:e 3o•.emor, �01 2_!')4 K� Truuponauon Dts.reuona , Crut