HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 11, Page 740, No Ordinance Numberr ' STANDARDS FOR THE INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE AND USE OF PIPING, APPLIANCES AND FITTINGS FOR CITY GAS, ForewoM. The main pan of these atanduds icciude.prrri- sions considered avprnptiato N' -I. weProvipions of a supplementary. or informativedtn;;tcler are pl'esented in the Appendix. These provisions are inlended to ¢iil.ly to iln i::,talla- tion of gas piping in buildings -i }he. use of dh• gas, tha ig natural, and maRwaetcrtd wr mixed: Thry do le?.ling 1%rlo buiWm s ."d ir•CI ;arrtbbl a ISei :j"Arm a: tl:e ania.fncturing plants; n0.. '.v^ic'a a -c the ptcprr- tics of g •sVmpau:es• ul-ficd tr:te'wtm gas,i:at'lL• _ tions ui'Kaytred by tln• separamly. patdNrd Sla{ulan!i r.,Liper,6Pet 1 Petroleum J,3— loo G)(r'T7ERAL 7 101. Definitions of Sp"i Tcrma... The follmving d"Wtiaus give 1f:d„^:ieaningsjrfi moo, terms ocarrring i$-iSe+c.rules. Ter^ ?not ddmfK�?virl he und)ersto:d t0 jlgvc,d'miP usual ale�i,gs (a The tem `adniirilalrwivc;jsljlt",'.", as <i;el Ise definod as•yaptggl1�un, t.4plhg'nf r¢d pi: iaw ur ordinm:ce to aolkl', Ores rxamplipq'n( gas piping and V, appliances, hi,1'i5silaots m.ngcryb ;. or in the ahsen<c of such an oficial;aky�islcll gaa7a'Jplpinp; (b) Gu Fts 'meyn9and ,�uJifiduil, firm,;corpara- timt or campany ' l*h' entice .in. (crson or thruegh a representative is engaged in and •for, gas fitting or the connection or hhstallation of gas appliances within a building..•• \ore: 'The term doav-e include r as l—, wlw o'" der n.e f v Pv' fills" ruck' e tri, meet i; helver. A b.—I vue fitter. or s mwrv'Numlxr or ivurueymvn plumhr A GENERAL d,e hrm "gv employees do . (e) Gd' UNDSS Paa"URE means gas in piping or appli. ances which is under pressure imparted from the source of gas supply, usually by the gas company from outside the building, (d) U..-suaaa Gds (or nllmetered gas) mC,ln9 gas which'has not poucd through a cuitomcr's service meter. (c) Coacet¢n Bas PlPlna means piping which, when in place in the finizhcd Luilding, will be hidden from view by the structure. M L•xrosl:o Gns�P"l- means piping aeh:ch will be in view in the finished structure. (g), S -r" m— (or maii). means a portion of the system used for &tributing gas, generally foyited en- tiroly;outside or,tllc customers. premises, aild"wl-b is 4... cd to supply 'gas to the service pipey.of one or nlore.customefs;: the nein h: generally parallel to the line aLthu stgct,in'Avhich it lips. \mc; • In ooaqs mauntts the iistivct:vn Letx- We ms;v and a rer:ke'is �rt;hr,l^ss arhitrxry,�vs, far esamrle; whrn a lava son:ea•Id;:e �(dr nyAl is ren tb .uvPPtY n emote <esttma, yr i-retr''J1Tsin Ptf+'s'rvn to cupPty; a an,atcr of 'Honer scrvicw taa9t'.4ve PrcmNdr�s ary t..((t{l�'.t§yn:tce'pyrz (or serviec)'715ca1)s Ule pipe and tdig3:'u;cA to t+jp•rey umncasutrs}gay, from the nein to tlip;pten»scs to;bo ^hppliel, end m�ge:eral cstcnds under - gr dtothc!n'id}d m<c of LiN.fir'st ni:in=iounrbtGon wall 'his point passes: !Fa: fitting is used at this paint to d "Ch Ulf direction of 7lic jipe, the service extcndi.to and indudes chis fitting„- `s (!) Senvtee 13x'reVsiptiC4rcans ;jl}of the pipe and fio- ting' , Ile)'in;; any'?c vlec pre>,urc regulator, meter header, etc.), which •is .installed irside o! the premisea'to the ul , pl end of Ilsd'ervicc di:L the fitting to which the inlet Piping for tlic;mctef ins car. n is to be attached, and tvhich contains unnlcsurtd gas, (j) -Morn Coaxarna.% (Inlet or Outlet Connection) means any form of pipe. combination tilting', or any device ae(d to connect tie intet. of [I1C of 'er''ice meter to 744* 5 section 100 - Seetioa 100 6 D. L-227.030. 227.060 also apply to existing buildings, installations, equipment, con - Prefix adopted ditions and occupancies where safety to life requires their. . .I Sections 227.030; 227.060 K. R. S. enforcement. In Re: Standards of Safety(a)' The- Standards herein contained are to be., e coasider.d affecting regulation of building construction and fire hazards. minimum. Where an ordinance has been adopted by a munic- ipality, these Standards do not modify any provision of said , ordinance, except in so far as they iatpose greater restrictions, ARTICLE I r' in which case the provisions of these Standards shall 'control. _ (f) This Offiee may permit certain modifications in the SCOPE AND ADMINISTRATION requirements of these Standards where buildings or sections are protected by an approved system of automatic sprinklers. SECTION 100: SCOPE' (g) It is not the intent of these Standards to dictate use (a) The primary purpose of these Standards is to pro- of specific materials, provided the necessary degree of safety vide for a reasonable degree'of safety for human life against is otherwise attained. Other materials than those herein the exigencies of fire and panic, and to reduce, as fat' as is specified may be used if approved and having the equivalent practicable, loss of property by -fire: _ strength, fire resistance, and other qualities needed for the 1, By regulating the design and construction of build- purposes for which they are intended. iugs, particularly places of assembly, including, but (It) Many of these Standards are specific, Others, for the not limited to schools, educational institutions, sake ofbrevity and simplification, art of u general nature. theatres; motion picture houses, churches, auditori- For further. information and additional requireutcnls, see the ums, assembly halls, grandstands, night clubs, hotels, following detailed regulations, which have been approved and apartments, asylums, hospitals, department stores, adopted by the Director of the Division of hnsuifauec, place'[ and factories. of file its this Office, and are hereby made d.pm•t of these Siandards; 2. By providing standards for safeguarding the more except as modified or restricted herein: common fire hazards. CONSTRUCTION 12. Kentucky Regulations for 3. By providing minimum requirements for public and L Kentucky Building Code. Waterproofing and Drain - private care and cleanliness. 2. Kentucky Building Exits age of Floors. Code. 0. By regulating the operation and maintenance of cer- 3. Kentucky Regulations for ELECTRICAL EQUIPbIENT tain occupancies which have a direct bearing on gen- Protection of Wall Open. 13. Kentucky Eieetrical Code. eral safety of life and property (including provision Ings. - 14. Kentucky Regulations for for issuance of permits, inspection or property, etc.). 4. Kentucky Regulations for Central Station Signaling (b) Except as otherwise specifically. provided, the general - Incinerators. Systems. - 5. Kentucky Regulations for 15. Kentucky Regulations for provisions of these Standards apply to all buildings, oceu• Merchandise Vaults,Proprietary and Local Sig- pancies, installations or conditions, including those occupancies 6. Kentucky Regulations for naong Systems. for which special requirements are given, such as places of Airplane Hangars. 16. Kentucky Regulations for assembly, garages, filling stations, and dry cleaning plants. r. KentuckyRegulationso la fire Alarm (q) Rrhilc safety to life warrants as close compliance as Oven SysMmsal Flammable Finishes. possible with these Standards, nothing herein shall apply to 8. Kentucky Regulations for FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS AND private dwellings, unless located within the corporate limits Picts and Wharves. HAZARDOUS GASES of a city or town, or to farm property, unless there are 9. Kentucky Regulations for 17. Kentucky Regulations for activities of an industrial nature sufficient to, .requiro the con- Garages. Containers for Flammable sideration of the State Fire Marshal from a life hazard stand- ! 10, Kentucky Regulations for Liquids. point. A i r Conditioning a n d 18. Kentucky Regulations for (d) Unless otherwise provided, these Standards are in- Ventilating Systems. Oil Burning Equipment. tended primarily to apply to new or remodeled buildings, 11. Kentucky Regulations for 19, Kentucky Regulations rot - Blower and Exhaust Stove installations, equipment, or conditions; however, they shall and Range Oil Systems. Burners. 7 Seetitini 100 I ' Sections 100.101 g ' 20. Kentucky Regulations for 38. Kentucky Regulation9 for ; `3g. Kentuclty Regulations for DHSCELLANCOUS Valves Water Small Heating and Cook- Prevention Pf Dust Explo- Controlling 58. Kentucky Commerce Reg- { ing Appliances. sons. Supplies. Mations• •Pro 21, Kentucky Regulations for 39. Kentucky Regulations for 57. Kentucky Regulations for 59. Kentucky Code for - Discharging Flammable Dust Ignition in Country Private Fire Brigadca. Lection Against Lightning. Liquids from Tank Cars Grain Elevators. and Petroleum Lincs. N en OTE: See Appendix D for identification of the Codes, Regu- dor . COMBUSTIBLE SOLIDS 22. Kentucky Standard Code 40Kentucky Regulations for latiohs, and Standards listed above. for Pressure Piping. Nilracellulos. Motion Pic- SECTION 101: ADMINISTRATION. 23. Kentucky Unflred Pressure lure Film. Vessel Codes. 41. Kentucky Regulations for 1. Jurisdiction. 24. Kentucky Regulations for Photographic and X -Ray Dip Tanks. Nitrocellulose Film. (a) The Standards of Safety hereincon Luoed. are 42. Kentucky Regulations for 25. Kentucky Regulations for Pyroxylin Plastic in Fac- adopted vuder the mnhorily of that provisions of Bees. _g7,030 and 237,!160 of the K atueky Revised Statutes. Paint Spraying. torics. 26. Kentucky Regulations for 43. Regulations for (b) .4ty person, pm:,ou., Oruh or um portiimly, failin or Pyroxylin Internal Combustion En. Pyroxylin Plastic in Ware- rcfusin^.or neg4v;ling to coo 1'r will, these Slaudardc shall 1 lilies. houses and Stores. v _'_7 he liable'.lt punishment ns provided in bee. r.79t1 of the 27. Kentucky Regulati.ns for 44. Kentucky Regulations for Kentucky Revised Statutes. Dry Cleaning Plants. Combustible Fibres. 227.990. Penalties. 28. Kentucky Regulations for FIRE EX71NGUISIIING 1. "AnSP.rson who violate:; any of ih. pmclsions of KRS Compressed and Liq.,fl d APPARATUS 227.020.10 227.180 or any of the provisions of a lawful o.-dr•r Flammable Cries. •i5. Kentucky Regulations for 29. Kentucky Regulations for mad. under those sections, or who knowing$• hulucci another, direct[ or indirect) to v,r:•de ane ,.f the y Y' I""' First Aid Fire Appliances. Acetylene Equipment. PP ':cellona or o[ :a:� 7 ::• Iii r,;,•,1 _. " 9G. Kentucky Regulations for _ under them, shall be fined not Ivy traders e , shall 39. Kentucky Regulations for Foam Extinguishing Sys- more than ave hundred dollars, c.r Gas Systems far Cutting toms. jail for not mora than thirty day,.:: - and Welding. 47. Kentucky Re ulations for $ 2. `ln an y pruseculion under ,n 31. Kentucky Regulations for Carbon Dtortde Systeme. n that 0 , facie evidence of a violation that U�- . Gasoline Vapor Gas Ma- 48. Kentucky Regulations for chines. Autrmaue S p r i n k l e r comply with an)• ardor, regulatiar: Director (Slate Fite• his. aD r 1 32. Kentucky Reputations for Equipment. - place, and the burden of proof shall " to sllow that hu Inas complied adh 1 .�• City Gas Piping and Fit. 49, Kentucky Regulations for, .. ,t; .,, or n:quirc•ntent. ting^,. Standpipe and Bose Sys terns. � 3. "Any prison any of tL, t • .' .tits Wunot for 33. Kentucky of Fruits tiros far - Coloring of Fruirs and 50. Kentucky ie third 1 227.190 shall he need nut less Ih m 1.. r.:orc Lh;ar ouc lhou�an•! dollar.:, c 1 r ay No Vegetables, Water Spray Nn>zlea aCd ';.only JJ it bt' not kas thou one r.�n ,,..., , .. u:ornira, or Systems. 34. Kentucky Regulations for 51. Kantuck Re (br Manufacture of Spirituous Y F•oth" _ $, Permit3. ire Pons Liquors. Centrifugal Fir. Pumps. 52. Kentucky Regulations for (a) General. I•• n..t .:.hidl i � !dal..:.. 1I+••- EXPLOSIL'ES AND F.XPL0. Gravity and Pressure low. Such p. rcur. •.: it I., 1 ., e•d +. I.- IL.� 1, ., „I• SR'E DUST Tanks, this Ofllr•d Lave h. • n • • •.y li• d •.: ii h, ::n•t 11 ' 11 35. Kentucky Regulatiers for 53. Kentucky Regulations for Explosives. pendl,l r,v rrcoh,d it 11 �, Fire Department Hose 36. Kentucky Regulations for, (4snreetirns. Pulverized Fuel Systems. 59. KenluckY Regulations for eats- f- %fl sb dl Le j1��;1: I 1 rr h, 1 1 Fr I I„•., t f• 77. Kentucky Regulations [nr Outside P,.tecticn' foal }�irifa s \ - 1 r i 1 1 i.1 es hrt•eeeibr t d I i.. In 1 •, .,C i r Starch Factories, Tcrmmti al 55. Kentucky Regulations for Grain El-tr„-s, and Fleur Hose Houses Ion Mils ,, I se+.rnrl I Mills. Yuds. :g 0 Section 101 (b) State Permits. A permit front the State Fire Mar- shal shall be obtained for the construction or substantial remodeling of any building of a class listed in Item 3 of this Section; where required by the Sections indicated in Para- graph (c) below, regardless of where located, unless within .� the corporate limits of n city or town and a permit hits been issued by an authorized city official; and for the operation of It motion picture theatre. Also a permit, renewable annually, shall be obtained from the State Fire Marshal for the trans- portation by Iva. -Oil, truck, or trailer of (1) explosives, (2) flammable liquids except when in drums or containers of less than sixty -gallon individual capacity, (3) compressed or liquefied gases in other than approved -containers conforming to Kentucky Commerce Regulations (I, C. C.) ; the construction or operation of an airport; for engaging in the business of installing or servicing liquefied petroleum gas systems; for dry cleaning or dyeing; and, if located beyond the corporate limits of a city or town, ftine construction, substantial or remodeling, or operation of (1) oil refineries, bulk storage plants or distributing stations for flammable liquids, or (2) any plant or building used for the manufacture or industrial storage and use of large quantities of compressed or liquefied flammable gases; and parking lots having a capacity exceeding fifty cars, trucks, busses, or trailers; and for the use of tents for public assembly. (c) Local Permits. Each incorporated city or town shall make provision for the issuing of permits. A permit from an authorized city official shall be required for the con- structimn or substantial remodeling, within the corporate limits, of any building of a class listed in Item 3 of this Section, or for any other building if located within the Fir Limits. In addition, permits, renewable annuallyc• , after e Fire - tion, if conditions hazardous to life or property have not developed, shall be obtained when required under the follen•- ing Sections: 1101 (Flammable Liquids), 1500 (Cil and Gas Wells), 1801 (Explosives), 1901 (Gases), 2201 (Dry Clean- ing), 2500 (Airports): also for the use of tents for public assembly; and for the operation of parking lots ]having a capacity exeeeding,len cars, trucks, basses, or trailers. 3. Registered Architects. (a) The design of any school having a capacity in excess of fifty pupils, educational institution (including dormitories), theatre, motion picture house, hospital or asylum; orehnrch, stadium, department store, or factory, having a capacity in excess of two hundred persons; or auditorium or other place of assembly having a capacity in excess of one hundred per. Section 200 ARTICLE II DEFINITIONS SECTION 200: DEFINITIONS. Unless otherwise expressly staled, the follows following term, as used in these Standards, shall have the meanings indicated below: "Alley" meas any public space or thoroughfure twenty feet or less in width, which has been dedicated or deeded for public use. "Approved," as applied to a materials device, or nude of COIL ruetnon, means approver, by the State Fire Marshal, or by Gndenvriters' Laboratories, lite., the Testing Laboratory of the American Gas Association, Forest Products Laboratory, or older authority acceptable to Lite State Fire 3larslml. "Basement" ordinarily a]eans that portion of a building the main floor of which is ant less than two feet below gre]de, and the average height of which is nnorr. that half below grade. For tit,. purpose of those Standards, file space shall not be cansi forest a (msemrnt if its ceiling is term mud one. half feet or nitre above the grade. level at any' point next the hnilding. In hilly ""Hous, where opera of buildings arc nn aur, two, or more grados, refer to thin Office for rrynirenents s, to emnatrnrti,'n, esits, rte. "I1n5jneYs Building" means a hnilding oeenpied for ucr- raatite, nffi,e or industrial purposes, in•Inding, hat no,. limited to: office hoildiags, stores, markets, fscforirs, workshops. laboratories, Irakn erirs, and landri.•,, "Fire Resistrace Rating" ]mans the time is. hours that the material or c nsitruetion will withstand Ole• standard tiro exposure, as determined by a fire te.t made in Conformity with the "Standard Methods of Fire Taste of Building Con- strnetiou and )lsteriak." (Set Appendix It for fire resintam-c ratings for gIecitic type, of conctn]etinn.) "Fire Rall" means s wait of .--lid hick m...... or reinforced rnm:rete which subdivides a building nr separate,; buildings to restrict. the spread of fire, and whxt ieh oends continuously from tilt fenndation thrcigh all floors and roof, except where Oise roof is fireproof or semi-firepranf and the wail is-tti}-ricd up tightly sgainrt the nrole-Me of the roof slab. "Ifeight," m applirrl to building., neons the vertical distance from grade to the highest finished roof surface, or Section 101 10 sells; or residence building having sleeping+ooeihmodatio, for more than fifty persons; shall be entrltl{tel'only to an architect or civil (architectural) engineer regiifered in lien- lucky. Before construction or substantial remodeling is started, or before a change in the elms of occupancy, plats and specifications in duplicate shall be submitted to the State Fire Marshal or authorized city official for approval. (See also Article VIIL) i. Inspections. (a) Tito Chief of file Fire Department ilk each city or town having a fire department is hereby authorized, either in parson or by officers or members of his fire department, designated by him for that purpose, to inspect SII buildings. premises, or public thoroughfares, except MOO - interiors' of occupied private dwellings, for the purpose of ascertaining and causing to be corrected, any hazardous condition, or violation of any laws, ordinances, or nequirenncnts of these Standards, relating to the provision Of egriss fncilitil.,, ar to fire hazards and their control. Such inspections shall be subject to the supervision and dimetion.of the Stute Piro Marshal unit should F. be made not less than once every three months within lire 1 limits, and not less than every six months in all other terri- tories served by file Fire Department. A written report of num continued violations of these Standards shall be sent to file State Fire Marshal, who will cooperate with other authorities i to secure compliance with and observance of these Standards I or local ordinances. (b) It shall be the duty of file Chief of Police in tacit city or town having u Police Department to rmnder all possible assistance in the enforcement of file provisions of these Standards, and to direct and require Police officers to enter i places of public assembly for such purpose. Members of the State Police are authorized and requested to perform similar f duties beyond the corporate limits. I Section lob 13 to a point at the average height of roof having a piteh of more than one foot in four and ane -half feet; "height" of it building in stories docs not 'include basement. (See "Das - mcnt. ") "Hollow Block" means it cellular building unit of burnt clay or concrete, or other approved iaco dsoslible material, the gross cubic content of which is ]lot IC's III= fifty per cant greater than the sndard size of bri k,,und the cellular spaces ota f whieh aro iu excess of twenty --five per POOL of the gross cubic content of the unit. "Institutional Building" means a building in which pxr- sons are harbm•ed to receive medical, charitable, ov other Fav ov treatment; or are detained by reason of civic duty; or are held for correctional purposes; including, but not limited to: hospitals, asylums, sanitariums, jails, orphanages, infirnmries, nurseries. "Place of Assembly„ mems a room or space in which] provision is made for the congregating or gathering of n[oro than one hundred persons for religions, recreational, sduca. tional, political, social, or inasemcut purposes, or for the consumption of food or drink. Such room or space shall ;oeh d.• any occupied connecting room or space in the -i no .sf, y, or in a story or stories above or below, where euteno-c i, common to the rooms or spaces. "Public Dtdlding" meas a builsliuc in which persons congregate for civic, political, educational, religious, social or recreational purposes, including, but not limit.el to: court houses, schools, colleges, libraries, t.mstums, rxhihui.m l.nilu- ings, lecture halls, churches, asentbly halls, hike room-., Barco halls, tlncalrs, both house, armoric,s, recreation Lief-, stadiums, passenger vlations, howling alloys, skali" r;ot— gymna,inms, city halt:, 6,;­W:d" motiv4 piviur,• Ib.aiee:, nnditnritnns, Blabs, and rr:a airaats. •, Ite,ideuce Building," cxerpl ud:cn ,•Lased ;,- ::n i::.,:na- tinnal buildiu tit alar a lmildio: is, "Id ' -k .1 t i a, n datimr: are jo ler i, 1 includin^, bat not 1 u i[ 1 V h 11 r :., hut•nn•nla, nn,liil:,nvly hunsra, le'l. Imo, b.d/u.g l:oi, tan•irs, ccow,of'. .Inti.,-., chub luo,< , Np,ninoaus, ,mal vl.l pooplrs' hero,. u. "Slodi" sidrr,d e :,. nl i:l I,- ed.,,jo:,l, pr„L,r_iiuu of life au,i pap -rt. front fl— ” (or "prcf,, 14c") indicates advis"t;v I., •inns which, while not w;m,lo inrY. me bigLly J....n abl: wet Strongly recommended. 74-2, 13 scenes ago' I "Solid Block" means a building unit of burnt 'I Aly, or other approved incombustible material, the;, gross content of which is not less than fifty per cent greater than the standard size of brick, and in which there are no cellular spaces (not including the scoring of the face) exceeding, in the aggregate, twenty-five per cent of the gross cubic content of the unit. ` "State Fire Marshall' means the Fire Prevention and Rates Section of the Division of Insurance. "Storage Building" means a building for the Hensing (except for purely display purposes) of vehicles of transpor- tation; the sheltering of horses, live stock or other'iriimals; or exclusively for the storage of goods, wares, or merchandise; including, but not limited to garages, barns, hangars, storego warehouses, freight depots, and grain elevators. . "Story" means that part of the building comprised between a floor and the floor or roof next above. A vieziauine is also a story, although when the area of such a story;'iy•small (less than ten per cent of the story immediately below, it), it might be. considered a gallery. •?:`•:'- "Street" means any public thoroughfare or space; more than twenty feet in width, which has been dedicated or deeded to the public or public use. "This Office" means the Fire Prevention and Rates Section of the Division of Insurance. NOTE: For additional definitions, see the Kentucky Building Code. . •In. ?e'i' V•. ,F, t is sections 300-301 dimensions than required for heavy timber construction, or of steelwork not adequately fireproofed, (e) "Frame construction" shall consist of construction in which walls and interior construction are wholly or partly of wood. Buildings having exterior masonry veneer, metal, or stucco, on wooden frame, constituting wholly or in part the structural support of the buildink, are considered "frame" buildings. (f) "Unprotected metal em,struNion" shall consist of constrtielion in which the structural supports are unprotected metal, and in which the roofing and walls or other enclosures are of sheet metal or of other ineoinbuslible materials not conforming to llu requirements for "standard walls." :*o combustible material is to be. u,ed in any part of such con- strnetion. SECTION 301: STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS. NOTE: Only Lrief detaris of the requirements for buildings of moderate size and height are included in these Standards. For information regarding hollow walls, cavity walls, err., and for additiaaal requirements, sec Aim Kentucky Building Code. 1. Walls. (a) "Sninda•d" wuh,, Avhere required by this Artielc ••r elsewhere in these Standarik, shall be a nslrurbcd of approved masonry timing brick, stone, concrete, hollow bineks nr solid bloeks; or of reinforced eonwrete; or of other r.p:iv:r lent runt, -rials apprn'ed by lit•: State Fire Mar,iad; mol ,i,all ruuforw hr Ilse following rcquireinanti: CL A."'i 1 Ill E. -pt am in thi, , lalai,wti otlwn,kv hon-id••I, the tliirkucs, of -lid inae:,ory a'ali. (a wali of ,olid ur Loll— masonry- units laid sip withwlt hallow ,purrs le•I Ave•n, Ill" nuita), oiher than tire walls and {:arty +calla, +hall be il,a Iris than twelve indhe, fur the uppermost thirl) lir.• feet of the;r height, amt shall in.r as? Your inch=, in thickness f ­ _h .nert•asivn thirty'•t we feel or fraetian thereof measured do•sn,'arcl from the top of the wall. NOTE: For the Lhkl ners o1 Bre walls and Party -alts, see Umar 3. tc) In tt,_sin,ss baildir:gm and storage buildings of other Char flreprr of ennzlruetion, ti., ili.A cs, of .,lid masonry walls .1.11 be liot leas than to.-Nv indo, frr tile- uppermost rweray-flue Pet of their height, and shall in,res.c fnnr i!:elt,i in thickness for each __i- Iw'af,.11ye fret ar :•Aim; th,renf nea,ii e1 dn;ynteard fr,ri the rep of the -11 Section Sag 11 ARTICLE III OLASSIFIOATION OF CONSTRUCTION AND STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 300: CLASSIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION. Where required, recommended, or referred to in these Standards, the various classes of construction shall conform to the following: (For additional details, see the Kentucky Building Code.) (a) "Fireproof construction," as applied to buildings, means that in which the structural mcntltors are of approved incombustible construction having the Siq'}•Cssayt' strength and stability and having fire resistance ratil5gs4` Clot less than four hours for exterior nou-bearing trails mid for trail panels, for columns, and for wall -supporting girders and trusses; and not less than three hours for floors, for roofs, and for floor and roof supporting beams; girders, mud trusses; and in which exterior bearing walls, and interior bearing walls, if any, are of approved masonry or of•'i•cinforced concrete. (b) "Semifireproof `construction,?; "as applied to build- ings, means that in which the strucEtiral members are of approved incombustible construction having the necessary strength and stability still having fire resistance ratings of not less than four hours for exterior non-bearing walls and for Avail panels; not less than three hours for columns, and for wall -supporting girders and trusses; not less than two hours for floors, for roofs, and for floor and roof supporting beams, girders and trusses; and in which exterior bearing walls and interior bearing walls, -if any,. are of approved masonry or reinforced concrete. (e) "heavy limber construction," as applied to build- ings, means that in which wells are of approved masonry or reinforced concrete; and in which the interior structural elements, including columns, floors, and roof construction, can. slat of heavy timbers with smooth flat surfaces assembled to avoid titin sections, sharp projections and concealed or inac- cessible spaces; and in which all structural members which support masonry walls shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than three hours; and. other structural members of steel or reinforced concrete, if used in lieu of timber construe. tion, shall have a fire resistance rating of not leas, than one hour. (d) "Ordinary construction" shall consist of standard walls with interior structural elements of wood of smaller —1 section 301 10 (d) fn basine<. buildings and store gAlit ilding•,i of fire- proof construction, tlo tltielmcss of S -lid Ali;"" A y'V'all- shall be not less than twelve inches for [lie uppermost tfiirty-Live feet of their height, and shat( increase four niches lu,thil-kaM for each successive twenty-five feet or fraction thereof me;fs- Aired downward from the top of tile. sal. ` (o) Non.b,aring wtdh may be f-ar inth," I-, ill Ihiek- nesa that, otherwk, required for walls; prrividrd ulmt Buell wall may be eight in,d:r: Ikivk Ibr Ibe upl,cr,no,t. I,.rnly-five feel, if scall doe, hal. e-- il filly fecL in 1-11,111 ""t 11 cro. i walls, piers, or Luta,•.,:•.:; and provided fail:!.,,' ,h:,i uo twelve -inch wall hclnr: :m eight -luck ,'tdl >hall, -1,ii,i fur more than thirty feet in the height if the -11. Itc,•Irr-inch scall or it ,oalbinal ion of eight and I.welt'C in, hes a, provided in this paragraph ,hal not extend for ae... than fifty-five feet in the heigllt'of the ,•all. (f) Noll -bearing walls ,uppm•led by girdees•at each story lmry be eight inches thick-. (g) In dwellings, walls ineluding p:"'ly all, lint tot ind ling rabble sh•nr walls, slap t!c ci•:ht in. -It, , thick, ,hon such walls aro not wore than thirty Cert in b<i_Ll unr more ,hat, lift• r -A, in length betyeyu cro., wall or ad.goalr Lutressa,; provided that in a K•ti.k v:.;ll of a d"'Iling ill,. portion of Mull, nal wWliu live trot ,:f the 111.11: treed hot Io• considcrcd it, lWal, tileheight of "rant wail. (h) Bearing lr;dl, of b-incs Intihling, rnd Busse buildings, other than fire Ay:dll or part}- A mil,, not r r,- di", one story high, nmy In, nigh, in:l::: lLlc i:; pr:n ided they ar, reinfor•• 1 :a intervals, ],,,I,acrcdir._ re only feet, by cro,.: wall, I,,. r, rn• butU'e:+,•a, il,l E. fir fire ,alta aunt Party wall:, aro Cls, 3. t n,l:,blc the lir, Units ,f a ,ily ,.r Iowa, app"i"o.1 All. r. .:!I-, , iahl. in,h,:, ,i: i,•h, wuv be u -cd for buildings not r' lir, ,::Liv i.t IL -r neo sari,; in Itti;:hl. tile wall, of ..:. gliI,roid„they do r,.i ro, r: all,, pier, or L:rt. ,: l:.:IL: til' iLadu, .. r,f •And to in Iworngrgihs (b) l.:r I,.nlding, v.ilhin tlw ear- .. ., .1:. .d tc h.•ro- dere aro or err J . i.. ,. r,. 1 dlmt -0sl n•.m^ al lair lu•.•. I 1=t t •jrllto••cdr•I ,,at ,Le .. I. L.I,�It u. •Ir', tin .'11,d w,:11: r. L. .. t; a._ i.. ,...f ,.m•. h:. b, n,:.! ui bold 17 .?._-' Section 301 congregate, shall, regardless of location, be of approved masonry of maximum thickness. (k) The thickness of rubble stone walls shall. be four inches more than otherwise required for walls; provided that no rabble stone wall shall be less than sixteeniva2hcs )n thickness. • L; (1) 'Valls of hollow block shall not be used;as-bearing walls in buildings or structures exceeding forty feet in height. Brick facing or lining, when used in hollow block walls, should be bonded to the backing with a header course in every six courses of brick, or there should be at least one full length header in every one and one-half square feet of wall surface. When clip courses or wall ties are used to bond a facing or a lining to a wall, such facing or lining shall not be regarded as a part of the required thickness of the wall nor as contributing to its strength. CLASS 2 (m) Ila buildings of fireproof construction and semi - fireproof construction, tlm thickness of walla of reinforced concrete shall be not less than six inches for the uppermost fifteen feet of their height, and shall increase one inch in thickness for each successive t'venty-five feet or fraction thereof measured downward from the top of the wall; pro- vided that for walls supported by girders at each stony the thickness may be, but shall not be less than, five inches; and provided that in no caseialmll the thickness of any.part of n wall of reinforced toner to be less than one tv�ciitY-fifth of the unsupported height 'between successive flours, .unless file walls are latbrally suppii'ited by cross walls, piers, or built-in columns, aC intervals not exceeding twenty-five times the thickness of the tyall..0;' S' NOTE:,Tor lhicknesa of fire walls or party wdlls,� 'a Oe Class 3. (n) Ln buildings of other than fireproof couktrill tton and semifireproof construction, the thickness of ivalls'o[ zeinforced concrete shall be not less than one and one-half. 'times the thickness required for buildings of fireproof construction. In two-story dwellings, the walls may be six ingkes;throughout. CLASS 3—FIRE WALLS AND PARTY -`WALLS (o) Fire walls shall be constructed of'solidl6i'ick mason- ry laid in portland cement mortar or cement mortar, or of reinforced concrete. Openings in fire walls should be protected in an approved manner. (p) When constructed of solid brick masonry, the thick. Itemof fire walls shall be not less than required for exterior 19 Section 301 where the exposure is from small outbuildings or similar structures detached at least fifteen feet; nor on the walls of a building where the roof has an angle of more than twenty degrees with the horizontal. In buildings in which eight -inch iva)ls are permitted, parapets shall be not less than eight inches thick and carried at least eighteen inches above the roof. In all other buildings, such parapets shall he not less than twelve inches thick, and carried not less than eighteen inches above the roof. Parapets shall extend above and beyond roof houses located'w•il hin tiventy feet of wall. Parapets on fire, and party Aeolis should be thirty-six inches. Parapets shall be properly covered ii•ith a coping of incombustible weather- proof material. Buildings within the fire limits, other than dwellings, ahonld Ince parapets rvcen though exposure Play not exist at time of constriction. (u) Workmanship and building material, sliall be of good quality, and shall conform to specifications of lits Amerir,110 4iriety for 'testing 3lnleriola. Working stresses ,ball be. within the limits recommended by dile lientuclay Ituilding Code. NOTE: . other than hho,c we of by arete recognizcdgtestnq laboratory, is not recoP:mended by this Office. 'l.. Firestopping. (a) In ec,•rr, building larrcafter erected or altered to be ratcupicd lie it uoltifmnil,hrane, the door ron,lruelion imme- diately shove those parts of 11" building m•rnpicd for 1,A141 - purposes should have a fire r-idaneo rating of not loss fInaa tl nuc hour. IS -,Appendix 114 (h) hi. Mnildiugs of urdinnry eolod"Icti-a or frame can- • struelion, hereafter erected or altered to ehango their oeeti panty elessiliealio,n, the reilinS,S Deer baaemenu should have a fire msistanel- raring of not Irsa than one hour. (ci Fir -stopping in all claa,es of buildings should'be arranged to cut oft 1111 concealed drift openings and form effeetual dre barriers horizontally and vertically. In buildings Of ordinary roustruetion and frame eoustruetion, wool two iuehes 1n thickaess, innminal dimension, may he used; in obiter tykes of crust ruction approved inrnmhitstinle material shoed he used. (d) When the walls are furred, the space xhonld be fire. &topped :with incombuaible. material at doors, ceiling, and furring and4exten1 the d, front tl el"aihfig m the vn ler aide r ' tile dooriag r.'roof, Section 301 .tae hearing walls; provided that, in business buildings :laud storakpp buildings exceeding tivenly-three feet in height, no part of A, wall shall be less than sixteen inches thick. NOTE: For thickness of bearing walls, see Class 1. (q) When coustrnuled of reinforced concrete the thick- ness of fire walls of business buildings and storage buildings shall be not less than eleven inches for the uppermost twenty- five feet of (heir height, land shall increase two inches in thickness for each sue ,ssivL tiventy-five feet or fraction thereof measured downward from the lop of the wall; and for other buildings the thickness shall be not less than nine inches for the uppermost thirty-five feet of their height and shall it three inches in thickness for each successive thirty. five feet or fraction thereof measured downward from the lop of the wall. C NOTE: See Class 2 re thickness of reinforced concrete walls. (r) Party walls shall be constructed of solid brick masonry laid in porthuad cement mortar or cement little mor. Um, or of reinfurced conerele, not less ill thickness than required for fire walls; provided thatwalls supported by girders at each story shall be not lens doom twelve inches thick when constructed of wasou•y, nor Iv.si l,an eight inches thick when constructed of reinforced e.o,crete. Openings in party walls should he protected in an approved alliance, preferably with class A fire doors. (s) Wooden joists, beams and girders resting on op. posite sides of an masonry wall shall be separated from one another by int least six inches of suit,[ masonry. Such separa- tion may be obtained by corbeling the wall, or staggering the beaus, or tin beans may be supported by steel or iron wall Imngos, but alio will Stoll be corbeled more than two inches for this purpose. The end of wooden beams and joists resting int masonry walls shall be cut to a bevel of tln•cc inches in their depth. (t) Parapets shall be prodded ono all fire walls, party walls, and exterior walls of masonry or reinforced concrete, where such walls connect with roofs of other than fire -proof or semi -fireproof construction; provided that a parapet will not be required for a wall facing on a street having it width of forty feet or more; nor mn. the wall of a building, the roof of which is three feet lower think roof or any opening in the side wall of the building (adjoining or adjacent; aur on the walls of a building which is fifty feet or more distant, in all directions, from other buildings, except that when exposed within fifty feet, a parapet will not be required on a irall Section 301 20 (o7„r Whcn joists run parallel to the wall,' the space betwct;4 the wall and nearest joist should be not lrs's than tiro find o)rr-Ualf inches and should be solidly filled witli n(asonry `l I ,a- older approved ineambustible material. • -. jk (t)• hlerior staid partitions shod,[ be firesloppAtt�nC the flours and ceiling of each story by It two-inoh, ndu in'I di. } 4 mension,,plate, the width of the stud or the, equivalent: ;.F (g) When sliding doors are pocketed in partitions, such packets should lie completely tirestoppedat tlm top, bottom and cuts'. (h) Exterior wails of frame coustruction should be properly tirestopped at enoh llcor level, at the top stor-v eciling level, at lite roof level in the ease of flat roofs, ;and a[ i the foot of roof rafters in the ensu of sloping roof.. (i) dotal, in nil types of comatrued.n should be fir' - Mopped al, the cu,[s and over supports, for the fill[ depth of the ,jolsle. •(y) All openings aruuhl tomini' -. pip,.. nr,[lana. a..uLl be 191,•d ivith approved iu•omI lite' !• L .•r L I i 1.. ,•dosed ul]' by cleat-dtliug nut laud A ., and floor line or on each nide of Ii;,• 17:: 11. (It) All openings fur belts and oouveynrs Aould be pro. vided with apliro'cd slotted doors, or,bo otbcrr is, closed off. Belts Stoll not pas throngh fire wall!, unless protected in au approved umuner. (1) Except in sprinklered buildings and certain indus- trial buildings where ilia nature of the processes is such as to nuke enclosures impracticable, all floor openings, including clevalurs and other shaftiays, stairways, and escalators, whirl, allow eonmun)eation between tiro or mora Actors in buildiaas occupied by morn than 75 ptr"on, above utak ilrst floor, Jnall I.,- eneloied by eaustrtetion equivalent in fire"resistance t„ ,I it -,r -:.pierced, such coimrnetiou in no ease to have it I;— i-islaneo rating of besx than ono hoar (with all oper.inr: m file en,lnsures ln•ntected by automatle or self-tlosit;; d,-: or duora ,lased by tilt operators in the case or eleva, a,.,. vidtd shut fur stairways or escalators uut required ii, - Ila buildings hot cvectxliug three stories in height, or ,e , n..ld inga of fireproof or semidropreof construction Ali•.,, ,n t ,•„n aeoting Haifa than three stories, such prot•. Gni, rltl,oa;;h atrougly rec:muimended, may not be required (m) Where proteetirw for door opeolni. F. ,.•.r. „q ,iced 6 by Para ph (1) above, draft ourta)tu octet ,.,�;� ..I ..:,, iron ilia reifilfg, or other prnb^calve ennsfrtelinn or d. i;.. any he mgnir,-J. 21 Sections 400.401•'!: ARTICLE IV FIRE LIMITS AND BUILDING RESTRICTIONS SECTION 400; FIRE LIMITS. (a) Fire limits shall be prescribed in all cities and towns. These limits shall include all closely built mercantile and manufacturing districts, and should include surrounding blocks on all sides which may constitute an exposure to the district, or within which new construction of a mercantile or manufacturing character is developing. (b) The fire limits of a municipality shall be definitely established as follows: "Beginning,atti ; and to the point of beginning." Ara SECTION 401: LIMITATIONS W IRE LIMEYS. (a) Within the fire limits no; •e• or structure of frame construction, or of nmprote y,:' tat construction, shall be hereafter increased in heigln all such building or structure be extended on any side;. , the construction of the extension conforms to the'; events of these Standards for new construction. (b) No building of frame constrdctn`dn, or unprotected metal construction, shall hereafter be mogetl`fromone location to another within the fire limits, or from without to within. the fire limits. (e) No building, structure, or addition of frame con- struction, or of unprotected metal construction„or which has a wooden cornice, or wooden awning, shall. hereafter be erected in the fire limits, except the following!' 1. All -metal gasoline service stations, parking lot offices, real estate offices, or similar business structures, not exceeding one thousand square feet fn area, not more than one story in height, and located at least ten feet from adjacent property or street lines. 2. Buildings of franc construction or of unprotected metal construction, occupied exclusively as private garages or stables, not more than one story in height, nor more than seven hundred and fifty square feet in area, and located on the same lot with a dwelling;. provided that such building he placed at least three feet from the property. line;. 2. Outhouses not more than eight feet in height, nor more than one hundred square feet in area, if placed at least three feet from the property line. 23 :.•.'9`':"' Sections 401-402 (f) Any existing building or structure within the fire limits, which is damaged, by fire or otherwise,, to the extent of fifty percent or more, shall not be repaired or rebuilt except with construction conforming to the regngtmetiliaaG=this Seetfon. ,.t. SECTION 402: ROOF COVERING. (a) Every building hereafter erected within: -the fire limits shall have, and all other buildings hereaftererected within the corporate limits should have, a fire resistive roof covering. (b) No existing roof within the fire limits shall be re- paired or renewed with of her, than fire resistive roof covering, if damaged to a greater extent than ten per scut of its surface. Section 401 22- 4. Greenhouses not more i" Ana4 leen feet in height, erected inn the same ]or tai '#fil accessory to, a dwelling or store, •B'1.!., ,• ##..,Ir,. 5. Sheds open on the long side;.Jill, 6rc than ten feet in hoighl,`no' more than three hundred square feet in area, if, placed at least three feet from property line. G. Buill1m, sbautics for use only in conneetiou with a duly authorized building operation. 7. Coal tipples, ice houses, materiel bins, trestles, and water tanks, when -built of planking and timbers of dimensions usual for heavy timber construction. 8. Cooling towers, not in excess of two hundred and fifty.square feet in bnse arca and fifteen feet in height. 9. Piazzas or balconies on dwellings, imt exceeding ten feet in widtli,'-nor extending more than three feet above the second story; provided that no such slruc- lnl•e shall extend beyond a point within three feet Of a property line, or be joined in a similar structure of another building. ” 10. Fences, not exceeding len feet hi height. 11. In small municipalities, with specialpermission of the City Board or' Council, dwellings of frame or 'masonry veneered:construction, lot execeding two stories in height and 1,000 square feetgroundfloor arca, may he erected in blocks which are not pre- dominantly mercantile, provided they are separated et least five feet from the property line of adjoing in property, and provided further that all concealed draft openings are properly firestopped, and that the interior finish of all ceilings, partitions and walls aro metal lath and Plaster or equivalent coiingrnetien, (d) Only one of 'the buildings or strnatares listed in Items 1 to 8 inclusive shall be located on the same property without special permission. The purpose of this rule is to prevent a group of these structures forming a conflagration hazard. These buildings, or structures shall, in every case, be located at least five feet from, one another, nr from any other building or structure. (e) All buildings of fireproof, semifireproof, or ordinary construction hereafter erected inside the fire limits, shall have standard walls of masonry or reinforced concrete, conalructed in accordance with the requirements of Section 201. :Sections 500.501 ARTICLE V MEANS OF'EGRESS , 21 'Cho intent I4' II-rr. ul rine! in nl i 11 bd ,: i ,• exit rneilitio'. .,i 1 n that the oe,u;. or if r., ,n• oG SECTION 500: GENERAL. rC:(uirclurnn.,, ...::I �i.: L.-d•i.:: ...::.: ,:I:in�: ICS, th:m I., y:", I r a.c io'ibliw¢. uecupmnc)•, ;uul rel G:,�i: .. 1'.,b v!bt,cr! �. .,. .. ., hareaftrr, insudlcd snail ...... . I„ Il,o, re...., . ill ncx' building'.,. spacial oeeupalleta:: (h) This Ofine inn}' p :i:!i'i !i;n :� tL•. 1'�'�j:Li': :nrul. _:n'rl'!iir r:n io. m •i. 'i .. r SECTION 501: DEFINITIONS A11D NUMBER OF OCCUPANTS. 25 sections 501.502 (b) When the number of persons to be accommodated by the exit way is not otherwise fixed, it shall be decided on the basis of the gross area of the space devoted to• a particular purpose, and shall be, assumed to:lm one perAn for every fifteen square feet in places of 'assembly, court rooms, class rooms in schools and colleges, and rooms in public buildings not otherwise provided for; one person for every twenty-five square feet in stores, .markets, lodging houses and reading into no person for every thirty-five square feet in factories and workrooms; one person for every fifty square feet in offices and show rooms; one person for every one hundred square feet in hospitals, asylums, hotels, furnished rooming houses, and other residence buildings; and one person for every one hundred and fifty square feet in warehouses and garages. (c) In such places of assembly as audiloritws, assembly halls, lodge balls, and similar occupancies, where seats ar- ranged in rows are used or contemplated',Wio sealing capacity shall be the actual number of seats 'provided, but shall, not be less than that established by allowing six square feet per person in portions occupied by the audience. (d) When "standing room" is permitted in places of assembly, the established capacity shall include an allowance of three square feet per person for all portions which may be so used. By "standing room" is meant space in which persons are permitted to stand during a performance, lecture, court trial, etc. Standing room -shall be prohibited in balconies, galleries, or tiers, and should be avoided, whore practicable, on ground floors. Where such space is provided for, itshall be exclusive'df required aisles, lobbies, or other exitwayk and shall be well defined by ,railings, ropes, or other acceptable means. (c) The number of persons to be allowed in any place of assembly shall be certified by the State Fire Marshal or authorized city official, •signs stating that number shall be posted and no greater number of persons shall be allowed in any such place at any one time. (f) For occupancies not herein specified, the State Fire 3rarshal shall, by rule, establish the ratio to be used. SECTION 502: NUMBER OF EXITS. 1. Rooms. (a) Every room having an arca exceeding one thousand square feet, or occupied by more than one,hundred persona, shall have at least two exit doorways. 27 Sections 503.504 certain fireproof or sprinklered buildings this Department may-' permit these distances -lo be increased somewhat. (c) Exit doorway's .111-1( be located with proper. regard to safely of the occupants and case ul exit. The size and shape of the room or space, the accessibility of streets and open spaces, the ability to use horizontal exits, and the desirability of good separation of exit doorways shall be cousidered. Where two exits are required they shall be plaeed its remote from each other as practicable, and when more than two are re- quired they shall be distributed as uniformly as possible. (d) K'here n'iudow's of a room, in which persons are employed, cougregate, or sleep, are covered with bars or extra heavy screening. or are of wired glass, or where occupants of rooms must pass through it hazardous area to reach it safe pla,;e, additiotwl mnfelmards uay Lr• required. SECTION 504: INTERIOR STAIRWAYS, 1. Construction of Interior Stairways. iai .111 stairways shall Iove oolid risers, ,,curdy f.,t-,.,d a. place. (b, 'r_d. nod landings shall be eocdructrd sad main- tained it, a ma:nrr to prevent persons from slipping thereon. 2. Enclosures. (ai In buildings itiree storicv it' height nho•e grade, except dwellings, required interior stairwa)'s shall lead, either directly-, or through I„oscsgcwnys, preferably only on grade floor, to a street lir unexposedopen space- leading it,a street. Stairwaws sed 1-1ageways sb:dl I.. ,aalase,l with construe. tie. having a fire reeistauce rntil:g ..f r.,,t Ie.-, than one hour. In buildings of fireproof co..s!ru.4;,.n and spm ifirrl—of con- mrilmi,.n, ....closures, nh•re rcgnirv•J, •tall 1... ,,f incombustible material. ,t;, It is etr,mgly re.omur:-udc,l d,al ,t airways in t"' ap,ry btadmgs he protected as '1 .iii al m paragraph la, No openings, except the ---y •'.ary do,"rways, shall 6e. permittrsl in a stair enebnure regwrcd by paragraph (a). Such darrwaya Alall be eInil'I •d will' approved "oh-la"th" se1P•rltsirtg metal or metal -covered doors, or wooden doors of the ilueh type of nominal Ihiekuesa of cue acrd three eighths inches, or by other dwn of equtwalent fire resstan.c. This aball not, however, prohibit windows e,jwnieg to the exterior of the building. (dr F,1- baildl::ga ra upied by mare than: Italy J- ­s alwve or f.-low tin gn,le floor, and tar taiddir,g. •xeeeding three to rice in freight shove grade, regnirementa fc� the von• 0 7,1s Sections 502-503 20 2. Floor Areas.. (a) Every story shall have at least one exit way, and i every story that exceeds three thousand square feet iii -area , shell havent least7two separate and independent exit ways. 3. Height. - (a) Every building, regardless of height, should have, and every building three stories or more in height above grade shall have, at least two separate and independent exit ways; except that where the third story of a dwelling is of the usual' aloe construction (two and one-half stories), and is not used forsleeping purposes, only one exit way will he required. 4. Places of Assembly. (a) Every room, gallery, balcony, tier, or other space having a capaeity of more than one hundred persons. shall have at least two exit way's; and where the capacity is more than six hundred persons; at least three exit ways; and. where. the capacity is more than one thousand persons, at. least four exit ways. Such required exit n'ay's may use communicating hallways, corridors or passage ways, and exit ways from tlio•,• or more separate places of assembly may use common interior' w stairways, but the required exit ways 'for any ofir, jylaee,Of% assembly shall not use a common interior stai y. • -; ::: . 5. Basements.t`' e (a) Every basement room in which twelve or mo' e sons may gather, such as for parties or enrertahiinent,Ifiilt� have at least five exitways. •-& -' w? (b) All basements shall be provided with •t( stairway, window, or boistway opening connected direct to (lle outside air, so located and of such size as to permit of its iiso by &e - men at the time of fire; provided that such provision need iiot be made where the basement is protected by an, appyovO e' system of sprinklers, properly maintained'. SECTION 503: LOCATION. - : ••' '"' ' . �4.A (a) Exit doorways shall be so located that no point:9uTa floor area, room, or space served by them is more than one hundred feet distant from an exit doorway, measured along the line of travel; except that, when a floor area is subdivided into smaller areas, such as rooms in hotels and office buildings, the distance from the door of any room, along ah unobstructed hallway, to an exit doorway- shall he ant. mni'o than one hundred slid twenty-five feet. (b) Hallways or corridors above the first floor shall not extend beyond an exit as a dead end, more than fifty feet. In Section 501 25 nlraction of stairways and enelosur, '. and, , of l: -n: I r.r.. tided for in these Standards, shall 1: i s I :, :: !I". File alar-Aal er anllrm•it:M l'il,: r.;i,.:. I, iii In:.:..:I •. ,., stories, or more, in Leight, it i, r ". 1.i i j:.t.ct stairway extend to roof, for n..' as the occupants of the bail.. l'..., �'�� is %,.I r: ; adjoining buildings, an , , • ..1 :- 3. Basement or Ccllair (a) )lasenent or cellar way., I 111 upper :I:tri" •- :-.:I I 1 1, eoustruclion 'plical cnelo:, ,, .. .. I. ..... .. . no rev les: Ih:.n „r.. 1 1 ; fin puhlir. b ,ddl I :a,mv'bill l.:14 1., .. above. -I. Width. (a) Tho liduinmun e.,...1,.,,:•:.': +i ..:.D' swrag • buibii :n:. ._ ,'I I i� iled „ 29 Sections 504.505.500 (provided that in schools these proportions may be adjusted to suit the age of pupils for which the school is intended). The use of winders in required stairways is prohibited. 6. Landings (a) No flight of stairs shall have a vertical rise of more than twelve feet between floors or landings. The length and width of landings shall be not less than file width of stairways in which they occur. Flights of less than four steps shall not be used in required exit ways from places of assembly. To overcome lesser differences in levels, gradients not exceeding one foot in ten Wray be used. When stairways return directly on themselves, a landing of the full width of both stairways, without any steps, should be provided. 7. Handrails. (a) Stairways less than forty-four inches in width shall have a handrail on at least one side. When required to be forty-four inches or more in width, stairways shall have a handrail on each side. If the required width of a flight of stairs exceeds eighty-eight inches, an intermediate handrail shall also be provided. S. Ramps. (a) Ramps may be used in place of stairways, provided such ramps are constructed and enclosed as required for the stairways displaced. Changes of direction of ramps must have level platforms and lmidings, and all ramps used as exits shall have a slope not to exceed one foot in eight feet. Surfacing of ramps shall be of approved anti -slip material. SECTION 505: OUTSIDE STAIRWAYS AND RAMPS (OTHER THAN FIRE ESCAPES), (a) Where sills of exit doorways are not at the adjoining grade level, stairs or ramps providing access from such door- ways to grade shall be used. Such stairs or ramps shall conform in all respects, except as to enclosures, to the re- quirements of Section 504 for interior stairways and ramps. Railings shall be required for all such stairs and for such ramps, except ondwellings, when the difference in grade exceeds twenty -enc inches and, where required, shall be forty two inches high and shall consist of triple bars parallel to the slope of the stairs. SECTION 506: FIRE TOWERS. (a) Except as herein otherwise specified, fire towers, when installed, shall conform to the requirements of this Article for interior stairways. 91 Seetlodv 507-508.509 (d) When vestibules or open-air balconies are used they shall conform to the requirements for vestibules or open-air balconies of fire towers. (e) When bridges are used they shall be constructed of incombustible material an(] shall hone a Blear width of not less than )hst required for hallways. (fl' All doorways or openings within ten feet of such vestibule -i, balconies, or bridges, shall be protected by ap- proved selbdosing fire doors or approved aulomaliu fir,- wiudoi". (g) Where there is a difference in level behveen the conneetrd floor areas, gradients of not more that one foot in ten shall be provided. No stains lir steps shall be used -in it horizontal exit. NOTE: As a means of rapid and safe egress from a burninb building, the use of horimittai exits through or around a fare Wall Is-ninended by this office whenever fcssible. Such exits afford an arca of quick refuge upon either si'do, •with a read sense of security, and remove the necesmty tar hasty flight down long stairways. SECTION 505: HALLWAYS AND PASSAGEWAYS. hal The vkry 610, r.f e. von• b:dlw+ty lir je­ag„way arn•ing as required exit ic.ay- shall he not 1,•o-. thou lit tip, taro of twelve inrho. far every one hundred person in be :m,•om- mO,lsted, not le -a than the apgregate width lir r,'qui—I etair- wuya Or doorwacn ser -d thrrehy aad net, Its. Haut f-ly four inehest provi(led that in dwellings, or ue Baae les fl,en forte parson. are to be ae, onnna Nf,d, the oinnnain .dear width be lhirtri.ix Inrb., th) When fivers of hallways lir passageway, are unl level, gradient. of not m,1re tYtate ane f"et inten Andt he, n.ed. fes The clear i;right of every lodhray. pr pas.ageoiiy .gall I.,• ret 1-,; tt,ren eight feet, . SECTION 509: DOORWAYS. 1. Width aad Height. - t a. Nv exit d•,:.rnray x•n'ing au all fish for na•rr than forty persvr.. Shalt have a rlsar wu11h of leA than thins four inches (nominal thirty-six inch dr—,, and the aggrearate clear width of .11 deorWa)l —ing as required exits ehafl be .,t h±aa than dept catcalsted at the rah: of twenty-tm„ ilmhrs .f xulih fnr every- one hnndre,l persura ire be s.•romr..nd:a l.-+1. III, The minimum clear height of exit -I,,- rsay, silo?I be not hexa than six feet, eight laches. - 50 S«tion. 500.507 (b) A fire lower shall consist of n shaft or tower having — enclosing walls of approved masonry or reinforced vonaretI >k having no direct coamnnientions with the building" serve'1, and boring no openings in its walls except necessary doors or windows to the outside. The Ilre tower shall have n rout Ot. fireproof construction. (cAccess to the stttirtray lit elicit story, screed by at ) 'fire tower shall be by iuconibustiblo vestibtica, or oulside balconies With solid floors (except provision shall be made fur drainage) slid with substantial railings at least four feet high without ally openings greater than tight inches it, width. Such balconies or vestibules shall adjoin or overlook either a street or a court not less than ten feet wide nor less than one Ic hundred and fifty square feet ht arca, soft (lie Pt rat, uch doors and w•iudotrs in the enclosing walls shall gip Streeter court. Any building wall openings exposing badcuuiws or vestibules within tell feet slmll be adequately prOlected by approved self-closing fire doors or uuloumtic :dips w"m'il's,. The balconies or vestibules shall be level With the Jlaotx of the building and the stair holdings of the fire tower. 'file el'nr widless tthan thattcrcquireedg Ifor hallways.dis Self-e.s hiaslllrt 11" "of stringing in file direction of travel front the building to. IIIc fire tower, shall be provided at both building and lire tntyti• ends of such balcony or vestibule. (d) The court shall lead either directly or through ; t passageway to a sheet. or an open space which cumnnmiroac� with a street. NOTE: Fire towers are recommended as one of the has known means of egress. In addition to serving as exi's• they afford protective facilities for attack of flies Uy firemen. SECTION 507: HORIZONTAL EXITS. (a) Ila•izmttal exits shall consist of openings throut h.. or vestibules, open-air balconies, or bridges, around fir, wall., ! comtectiug ltro In".arCIAS, OpQltiltg in such fire walla: or onto such vestibules, badeonies, ur bridges, shall be protech•d by approved self-closing fire doors. (b) The floor area on either side of a horizontal exit .11411 be sufficient to hold lite Ogcupants of both floor areas, allowing not less thus three square feet of clear floor -space per person. (c) Olt each Side of tt horizontal exit there shall •be nue .I or more interior stairways, or fire towers, conforming to the requirements of this Article, adequate for the number of !� occupants on either side of such horizontal esti. II Section 509 32 2. Hanging. (a) The door, of required doorivay..hall be .e hung ;tad ara:•tnged that when opened they shall not 'in duty tragi. diminish or obstruct lite required tridlh of passageway, hall- way, stair, or other nttams of exit. ; (h) P•_xrrpf in dwellings, rooming boosts, and aparl- utr•ut house, laving lfOt ba eaeoed six aparhneuls, dnora:pls scrtin, ;I, required e%ifs to If lir in n VOurt or opru spa„• vomm�micaliug with n • Il'." I. hall liave flue doors, iurhtdiu•r the door; nl• "'filu1, :.., I:nu•t ;.; In stcim! oIlt.ard when ,q,raur"; InU. Ihi< n.nlir.•nrvl stall rad 11•• ro. .Irued to hillil alt•• a:, ni d.,..r, c: nein;.- I,ah .titan, rd :;na on7,c„rd. uta. ,:i •1Lliuc I,,":. i;l �d old,.:, c.l;�. r,:•. ,:r �Lip!•in:i ;;1,.1 re,-�,•ivilr; r,:mr. of I•::.i,ry I•nild i,;,-. ;md • All tri if dna a.., in r,:.e. d t,y fi:Ir ,n• ti•: r,. 7,.•t ,•n•, 0.11 :dl it ,1... in it r.r '*­:i'f,!.,., I:I v, .hall Lr Inn, • I,...r'i,• is 11:,. iiia . l6.,, of it Ir., r, 1. I•ni 'Iain, bm a l:unit: r. IIS. ! '1.1_11 ar.• I:,.t le=1 than till eidth nl' iiia:.: .I 1. Ino,,,.❑ such (Inn. mad nn, -h v.ifhiu nus foot of amt exil I. .'. (r) Wh, re til,- Ir.• ....ir taco lours in Ih,.:-.nue op, ..... i. .' i...• ... .:.:-:1 mel• r roN:,ill ,..viii i, n,.. N: I•ru i,:.fu it +i, It 1.,—t he in fnll accordaure O,ilh the requirements of tin, !C, I.: !:y Ituildiug Code. 1. Door Fastenings. �.:. I,. :. ,::. ... .. .. is l., i:•, .• I, .. .. ., :,rain •� .:. ,.. 7W1? 33 Sections 509.510-511 Sections 511-512-dW. 34 period of occupancy no exit door from a place of assembly (d) Where de me¢`iicucssary, illumination for exit or shall be locked, bolted, or otherwise fastened so that the• doer directional signs shall be by gas, or by electricity with current cannot be opened from the inside by ordinary door hnoliAl, rl supplied from an individual eireuit C01"I"t"d "head of tine by pressure oil the door, or by a pante release device. :_ i; ect device., with n•iring in individual main service discoune (b) Where panic release devices are used, they shall, 4111' rigid mend raceways. This shall not, however, preclude sup- so designed that the latches will release when a pressure u alter than fifteen in the direction of exit is ap]tdi@, plying current for exit lighting, exit signs, and electric alarm systems from a common circuit connected and installed, pounds gremo• t0the device. Releasing devices may be bars panels Intend- specified above. ,. ing not less than two-thirds of the width of the door;-and phecd, ordinarily, not less than thirty Icor more than for t$'• SECTION 512: OBSTRUCTIONS. four inches above the floor. In schools and other such loco- distance (a) No obstructions o• incuulbrances of any kind slu-dl'Jie,I way. In of asacaihly; + lions where children are the principal occupants, this should be modified according to the needs of the oveapaney permitted in any required exit places all required doorways, and the required width of whsle and'%• passageways, shall be kept free of easels, signs, standards. 5, Transparent Doors. campstoohs, chairs, benches, and any other n1l.icles that might (a) Transparent exit doors shall be provided with ban- delay file Coit audience or assemblage, during-A'arlc t, dies, push plates, or ornamentation, of such size and design as time any show, performance, service, Linn, ll p to make the presence of the door readily apparent when in the as%li-44, old. all concert, or other assemblage may be held. conte closed position. P elance, isle, paJiM not be permitted to sit or stand in any required aisle, pad.OQc, stairway, or other exit way, except where special pmvisi(w, SECTION 610: LIGHTING ]N EXITS. have been made as provided in Section 501. (a) All required stairways, passageways, hallways, and (b) No combustible materials shall be stored beli''Vi other means of exit from a building, including exterior open spaces to or through which exits lead, shall be adequately or at the bottom of any exit Aairway, or within the required lighted at all times the building served is occupied. When width of any passage, hall, or other exit way. ' (c) No part of any exit way of any kind slmll' bp, used natural lighting is inadequate, artificial lighting shall be pro- for any occupancy or purpose which may interfere •giih its vided. Where deemed necessary in order to secure reliable • operation, electric lighting circuits for this purpose shall be value as an exit. supplied from an individual circuit connected ahead of file r (d) No steam coils or radiators, pipes, electrical'equip- main service disconnect devices, with wiring in individual ment, or other apparatus, furnishings or equipmeut'shall be rigid metal raceways; provided that such Circuits may Also placed in any exit way of any type unless placed all a r Cess supply current for exit signs and for electric alarm systems. and properly guarded. SECTION 611: EXIT SIGNS. (e) The practice of some store and building operators the required exits diving col, of hocking or blocking part of d (a) All required exit doorways, or stairways, serving as weather is oatt pennissiblc. exits for Places of assembly, or for more than forty per- (f) Parking of vehicles within tell feet of file discharge sons (other than doorways or atAlrnP"YS normally used for entrances), shall be plainly marked with approved exit signs, 1 "chat of any exit shall not be permitted; and no awnings o• other obstructions shall be permitted 4eneat.h outside s(airn•:gs readily visible from the exit approach, and adequately illumi- with swinging sections. 1 listed at all limes when the floor area served is occupied.c:' (b) Directional signs, plainly marked, in conspicuofis SECTION 513: FIRE ESCAPES. locations, and adequately illuminated, shall be provided where 1. Approval. needed in corridors, hallways, and passageways, to direct (a) A certificate of approval must be secured fruulCthe occupants to exits. State Fire Marshal, before beginning the coustruetioluilid (c) Stairways or doorways which exist in addition to erection of a fire escape of ally type. Specific instructions those forming required exntways, but which are not suitable will be issued as to when and where such fire escapes may be for use as exits, shall be so marked. used. ss.—= 35 Section 513 Section 513 30 2. Exterior Stairways. approximately seven and three-fourths inches below (lie sill (a) This office does not look with favor upon the use of level, to avoid blocking of the door by snow or ice. exterior stairway:, for emergency exits on new buildings. (h) Except on dwellings, apartment houses, and oil ver. Wherever possible, new buildings, except apartments, dwell. Lain types of industrial buildings, exterior stairways and ings, and certain types of industrial structures, shall he fie balconies used as emergency exits shall be provided with ' designed that only interior stairways will he used in exitway,i. approved weatherproof enclosures, unless the omission of well (b) Except as herinafter provided, exterior stairways I enclosure is specifically permitted by the State Fire Marshal '1! •' shall conform in all respects, except as (e, enel-sure, to the or authorized city official. requirements of Section 504 for interinr slair%vaps, (i) If stairways or balconies an enclosed cat any side, ' such enclosure shall be of incombustible material. Any glass (c) Except on existing . buildings, exterior stairways used in the construction of such enclosure shall be approved .hail not constitute more than fifty per cell of the required wired glass. ' exit capacity for any building. - (j) Unless otherwise enclosed, metal mesh or other rigid (d) Exterior stairways and balconiies or landings used guards at least tette feet high :and with no openings greater MilaePhnp tilt?P%eiib, Snail lie, constructed of im+nmhuslihte than eight inches in width, designed to withstand It horizontal materials, except that by spceial permission, huildiugs of pressure of fifty pounds per running foot, with a factor of ordinary construction or frac- a ustructinn which do to, safety of six shall be provided throughout on unenclosed sides exceed three stories in height, may be equipped with soh- of such stairs or stairways. ,tanthally eonsinneted wooden stairways with solid trends cud afetal stairways, hateonies, and lard- it Outside stairways shall he so laced that. the are ( ) Y P y `' adrquetc guard rails. in,shalt he d,%igned to sopport a trod of one hundred pounds g. not directly in front of or over windows, unction such windows, ill buildings of other than frame construction, are fixed or PPr square fort, wife, a factor of safety of six, and stair treads Qodl b« designed to support. a concentrated load of two Automatic And are protected by approved wire glass in metal hardr+d pound. at the router of each tread. nsing a factor frames. Outside stairways should, %chererer pro i(le, !w sit at least four feet. from the building. All other doors or %vin. of safety of six. Th., minimnm dimenshin of any structural shall be one.fourth inch. When permitters, dots opening on or within ten fret of sails or hlleouies on metal memh[•r wooden stairways, inelodim, haleonies lir landings, shall be, buildings of other than frame construetion shall he protected by approved self-closing fire doors or :nntnmatfe fire wiudmvs. 'I,ign"i to safely carry a load t•f ane hundred pounds per agnare Pant, slid sfxirway (reads shall he of sufficient strength (1) Permanent ladders,c.,(,ndi.g frran it,, lop Inn ling to safely support a concentrated triad of two hundred pennd% to the roof and intended for use of the fire department, shall at the center of rash trend. be required. Such ladders shall consist of metal rails one-half ler Slairway risers mol trea& and haleony floor, shalt by two inches in size, placed sixteen inches apart, %villi seven- Ilo d, exeepf that provision sh,di be aide far dr/leapi. MAY lift in file 4form "sI irl,�­ cighl ha-inch metal rungs twelve inches apart. Such Iaddrrs I,hall lie either vertical, or have I% I—itive incline. 111111 S,Iuill For this purlo—, r1;ers r xlendllig down from the and+r sie of the treads mail leaving ext-, Ilot. I,—, than ferty.flve i.,heS above file rr,nf, ..1:, inch opens space at the bottom, and perf[matinns not exceed' (m) All metalwork in outside slairways shall lie painted nag roe. half inch in diem+tet may he need in treads and floors b,f,re and after er-ti.n. A thorough inspcetirn doll he road, - halroni+A. at Iwnst anuaahy, of oa h stairway, including hldeonles, Innd (fl Supporting ni—J rr, for Dither "lairs er hadfonies, ink., ]'ailing., et,., and any riceessary painting d•ae or repair, wI1Ca in ten._a aid Castel:=•! •1;reetty to a bililding. Ahall Paas throuAli the wail and hr - r• iy fAftenwt on it. other aide, nind.•, (n) Nr, .d. light er puwel wire: shall he direcliy rf 6fYalt I:C at'i'llrely f:i:r•• [.' i r' l'..• fr.l t.,••n.rrk of the Ialldmg. nYr P, lir -Thin 1111'.'.' f,-,-t if, (•n laid,' nl.dr. ul• h:lenlde, Illdfrri iq� Fah sG:., 1—ay "hall base , by ill rim Nit N.. 6 to:rfnl ns ,•urn as awing, al windows or lid sl 711 I pernitled. Ihlrl.ing ..r a`hiele, .11"11 , t ..:•f{{ to it e aam': • %'ay- pr:;1+.!etc ,tear The I v,l n( .walks, he slinwud u hf tun I, n h•rt of the di,rh:,rgc paint of any [xis pf b.•.rr Y�a.Y Uta+tf .ball bC ice bei:..- ar lar: z.. -. . t way, or beneath nntsalc Dl.wwdy'a with.winging fiCUtloni w•hell 37 Section 513 these are permitted under Paragraph (o) below. During cold weather, outside stairways, landings, and balconies, shall be promptly cleaned of snow and ice." (o) For existing buildings where installation �•f, Outside stairways in full conformity with the foregoing rc(lanromrnis may not be practicable, certain modifications with regard to minimum width, size of treads and risers, height of pard rails, and use of swinging stairs may be permitted. (p) A dry standpipe for fire department us,:,, wli,iliprd with valved outlets at each floor and roof, may 6e required of onside stairways for buildings over three stories in beiglir. 3. Spiral Slide or Tubular Fire Escapes. (a) Slide type fire cseapes of approved design may be accepted in existing school buildings, orphan asylums, or other buildings where the principal occupants are :children, and in existing hospitals of low- height. Such a type of exit. shall not constitute more than twenty-five per cartof the required means of egress, (b) In new and existing industrial buildings housing high hazard occupancies, such fire escapes may be acceptable from certain particular sections. (c) Slide type fire escapes shall not be used to provide means of egress from buildings exceeding seventy feet, or six stories, in height. (d) The construction and design of slide type fire escapes shall be such that a person using the elute shall be dis- charged without injury. All sheet metal used for the chafe shall be non -corrodible, shall not It,, painted, still shall be maintained so as to be free from rust; and parts of the chute with which the user may come in contact shall be free from cracks. crevices, or any projection 'or roughness which may cause injury or reduce efcctivearss of the chute. The slope of chutes shall be not lem than t elltv-fouu• nor mono -than fnriw-two degrees with the horizontal. The lower edge'of,'thc chute ar-the discharge point shali be of least twelve inches, ;Ind not`over twenty inches, above -tile ground, and inhere hospital pads are used the discharge end shall tcrmivatc.in•.a,' straight level discharge table at lonst fifteen feet in length'i Doors at the entrance to the clmte'shall have approveo panic ' bar releases, shall swing with filr',rxit. Lrayel, mid, be so installed that thew will not obslruct.lbp. use of the %lute.•; No doors shall lac per at the discharge end. (e) .111 chutes shall be of ample size and adequate strength, and supported in a substantial manner. The maxi. mum width for spiral or straight chutes shall be forty --two 39 Section 514 i section, alld'the legii...of the end seat of each suction then held in place by serexvhig la• halting to the floor; or special per- mission may be given for the use of rubber tips or shoes. 'file width of seat allellad In each person shall be na1 less than twenty iucheim, and Sean:, whel her fixed or aovahlc, shall, except in boxes or.loges not exceeding sixty ,quare feet in area, be arranged in rows not le„ than Ihirle inches apart i from hack to back, mea>umd in a horizontal direction. No scat shall have more than six seats intervening between it I old all oi,le, and not avec than twenty rows of seats shall he placed to tweet eros.; ❑iJr . 1 tl lib dining halls, oi;tht :dubs, and similar plsces of r as.euhbly where individual I....,•• emirs ore pa•rlitwd, the use of ordinary folding chairs i, proi:ll:in•d; not atihre than one ..hair ,ball be provided for fill'n ­gn:u•e fret or gross Il -or spare in such eccapau,.i,... . (e) In chnr:•i, halls. :old..iwilar placcs of aasrmbly of a h.,tt cn .' r..ynir n; rile n'-. of as is ill rows un eertain nr1asioo, ami If,- ; •,i I,.: s:' i„liwidioil seats .,n other cceasiots, a limited earn i.,':' ..i I•:,... foldin_ .d..+ire may hr slloweJ, sn,-0I IInu;6 r I., d.;:. n..i •Ip'•n .:mai it i..m rd ean,truw-'t Aisles , , i.. ,. •1::11 li:lll•: '.Ir ... .. I I ..� r. r.l ail l.. •.1 .. II .. • i r. ”. is 1.-.. tr l .. . ;�: _ _ l:�nlilig :,Bail t-,: • . . ... clarity n+ u1,_1. .. t:yi.; ,i.tgWhlt}' at —cry Sections 51 -514` 35 inches. The minimum widtlu shall be tawenty.right inches for spiral ehufec mal twenty-four inelles for straight chutes2. except that where hospital pads are .u,ed the mininntm width shall be thirty-four inches for both spiral and straight chutes. ('hoe; and their supports shill' be. designed to carry Llie weight of the structure itself.,anil a load of one hundred pounds per lineal foot of slide, with a factor ,of safety of six.' : Balconies, platforms, and railings shall conform to the reinter meats or [tem 2, preceding. llori&ontal distance between ve, t- eal supports for straight clunes shall not exceed ten feet. ' Supporting members for balconies at chutes, when in tension i and fastened dircedv to the building, shall pass through the wall and be securely fastened oi, the opposite side, or shall be I securely fastened to the framework, of the building. (f) Chutes Shull preferable be shielded by blank walls; any necessary exterior wall openings, in buildings of "then Than frame constr 0iou, within ten feet shall lm protected by 1 approved automatic or self-clnsiug fire doors:or automat ie wired glass windows. !� (g) Access to slide chutes shall be through doorways, with directaccess to the chute, or by menus of balconies or vestibules of approved design and. construction. (h) Slide escapes shall be' thoroughly itlspeetrd :11. Ieaat. annually and any necessary repairs made. SECTION' 614: SPECIAL EXIT REQUIREMENTS FOR. PLACES OF ASSEMBLY. (For additional Requirements covering Special occupancies, See Article VIII.) 1. General. (a) Except in fireproof buildings or scmifireprool• build- ings,.no auditorium or other ronin used for file as 111111v of i more than one hundred persons shall have any part of its floor more (hall twelve feet below grade, or more that' three ,lo•fes above grade. Such rounhs in fireproof buildiugs shall trot have any part of their floars.nmrc than twenty feet below grade. °. Seating. r (a) In assembly halls, auditoriums, and similar places of assembly illwhich seats are arranged in rocs (except churches, stadiums, reviewing stands, and ten 1, i, individual seals should be provided for each person. Where more Ilton one hundred persons are to be accommodated in such halls still audituriuna. seats shall be securely fastened to the flour; provided that, in halls or auditoriums with level floors, scats may be securely fastened together in sections of not less than three seats per il� Section 514 40 inches above the floor is not less that, five foot candles; pro vided that daring the, s,b'owing„of motion pictures, or during other performances. requiring; diiuncss, such light. n tensity shall.be not les. than nuc-bv ufiilih of a fool candle Such lighting shall he by eleetrieily, and ehrc deemed ro-ve"ary shall be so a—u ged trot iltarruplion or nervier on one eircuil inside the building will alit interrupt the required lighting. -i � � l «'i Sections 600.601-602 ARTICLE VI BUILDING FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS SECTION 600: GENERAL. (a) Fire alarm systems shall be provided in all sellools, and in all buildings used as sleeping quarters for twenty or 'more persons; except that fire alarms shall not be requited for apartment houses not exceeding three stories in hc�ght. (Sec Section ROS.) (b) Where fire alarm systems are required in factories and other places of assembly, such systems shall be installed in accordance with the regulations of this Article. (c) Each system shall he under the supervision of a responsible person, Avila shall test the equipment at frequent intervals (preferably daily). SECTION 601: SOUNDING DEVICES. (a) Required sounding devices shall be used for fire alarm purposes only. (b) Sounding devices shall be of such character and so distributed as to bo effectively heard in every room above all other sounds. (c) Sininding devices shall be distinctive in pitch and quality from any other signaling devices. All alarm sounding devices on the premises shall be of the same type. SECTION 602: SENDING STATIONS. ' (a) Alarm sending stations shall be provided near all main exits and in the natural path of escape, from fire, at readily accessible and visible points which shall not be ob- structed. Stations shall be markets in a conspicuous manner and, if accessary, properly illuminated. (b) Sending stations shall be so located*. 'that, from any part of the building, not more than two hundred feet will have to be traversed in order to reach a sending station on the same floor, or more than one hundred feet and one flight of stairs to reach it sending station upon another floor, located i" the natural path of escape from fire. Where conditions - •41(re such that but one sounding device is necessary for an entire building, the functions of the sounding device and send- ing station may be combined in a single mechanism. (c) The arrangement of sending stations and the manner of their connection with sounding devices shall be such that 43 , - =Sectlons 700-101 ARTICLE VII FIRE EXIT DRILLS SECTION 700: APPLICATION. (a) Provieiou for organizing unit conducting fire exit drills and for schooling cunployees, attendants,and others in the proper procedure illevent -'Of fire, shall ba'. made It, a;; schools and educational institul inns, 11-pitals,t ;is}'luuus, ;wit 7, corrective iustitutiuns, and ini"du,lrial esnrhlishumuts al d . other pluees of assembly ill w'hidr "lore tlrw dile luunlrrd person,, may eongrrgale, ill a„ardlinve with the requirrmeuls of this, Artide. SECTION 701: GENERAL. (a) The primary parpo, of fire exit dhill. slurll be to insure the efficient and safe use of available exit Grcilities l with the emphasis ou order and control. Speed iit rmptyi-g buildings, while 'le. rithlc, %hall be made secondary to the l ala}atenance of proper and discipline. (b) Drill, shall be h`dd at intervals of such frequency a.; to make thein effective, hat preferably not less than once •web month. (e) Uritis shutl he so arranged that that' will iu,ure orderly exit under fire eou,litious, and, for this nas.,u, shall br e held in uuxpe, teJ way, and at uu,•xp,n-led lima... Roanaes duds be varied, making use of the ditferant. mr:ui, of Byres+ availabh`, Parti, utarly uutsi,b•. sta}rways or oAe r � ;er, once exits, not habitually -j, in order to fnughar¢c ocwlp;lul. with all exit facilities that are available. "Itiu.:krJ exn"drills or. valuable in this res(wrl; is ouch drilla it k a uum••I dmf on, ler mere of the lural exits are uuavailahle burrs requiring race of Iles familiar egress facilities. id) The pian At,'] 1 'id -t. 1,- file illaroflll I sriwolrl hand, of respol,•eible p +" fire emergency prF.•`c•.:'+r" ;e} Five alartru. v . r- 116.idcd, ,hall he a: a, r!,rJanre with the requirements I.t Artclr VI. am} ,:hall 6• -:i u, III, *igall for starting th 1;- • c ' 461iw rrb r ;lard fire :aarma or other signals + o a 1 rmpio}el .sly for drilla or far 111 fn the l - l:a: r inter exaeurl r} level, and rale "It be chIlerved bet .:, ,tnirwayc out afar z-s.r Ir• -ad Iretwe-; i ' •.. Section 602 42 there will be uu difference between file sounding of actual alarms and drill signals. (d) The almmer of operation of alarm systems should he standardized, so }flat persons moving from one locality Lo an. other, or from one building to another on the sane premises, will not he misled or eonfused by differences, (e) Lt eleetrieal alarm systems, current shall ho supplied by an individual circuit connected ahem of the main service (liscilltacet devices, provided that earreut for exit, of exit sign lighting, only also he supplied from this circuit Wiring for such systems shall he in individual rigid metal raceways. Sections 101-702-703 44 (g) Complete discipline shall be maintained during the entire conduct of the brill. Running, lagging, se.rea ring, laughing, talking, loitering, or stepping oul of line shall not be permitted. SECTION 702: INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS. (a) When iuduntrial establishments are required to pro- vide for exit drills, an organization sl 11 be appointed, trained, and maintained for Air purpose of condueting xiteh drills. Such organization shall be in charge of a "drill ,•hiof" with such subsidiary oflicrrs as lloor ehiefs, room captains, searvh. er,, monitors, and inspectors, as may be required by the nature of the premises and the number of oecupantiL . (b) Drill gongs or bells, or other acceptable signaling devieav, shall be provided on each It ir, or, if ne".,Ia•y, in each room, a ,ladl he independent or the building fire alarm system, ria^ailra4l. tine, .signaling devices shall be ewplueed by floor. elders, ,monitors, or other officer, upon sounding of the generalalarm, to direct employees or occupants in the ueeoumylixhitlg uN porde%igu:rt r.l task, is the followh.r order, and slmdl he a -d for no other purpe ,: ; First, lu remove all sl uclr, chairs, ur I los frau aisles; stop machines; etc, Second, to form dmlble lines Luring the exit to be ..a Third, to mart linea fu motion tamard the pro Sy. (c) The movement of each If shall be I rth �u- trot of a floor chief or mmmilor mal clmll be iu m•,• writ, prearrangetl.procedure, ,viiieli %hall take into aeramrt the number and arrang-o-ut of exits, and order of proeedure of various departments. (d) The orglinizalion of fire exit drills, ' ' uding•a I49L of all oftivers with their re+prel(ve duties, a`rat'ndes to be ohservrd by all oeeupunts or worker, pasted in readily n,•ccssihlc loemi.n. en all floors. il, (e) 1Vlu•ru the Imture of lho r;,. ,pale'•:}cyui'es such preliminary work as cutting off po'.c,•r, ,topping maehiaes. cutting off gas ur a11o•r upon llaum, vh�.uu' door,, or window', "'the p,•rr.vu re or similar 'Int., Iu,trud.00, shall ba puwtell in the immediu le ririnily of eta employee expected to p+,form -,h dull,,. "d( SECTION 703• HOSPITALS AND.p UMS err. the , ill yds , [ , prt pvinauc: incant. prise m lurk 1 in {n aeons ut ttal� of pay axi) do obit ly removal I, fin. ml ale. or ,.(,T istat1,:o,e,. t) other.. marring, I.t ill•` l—heal or IIIIpPaet o'ailr, ereept a, a I.,I rr,l,r. 7sa 45 Sections 703-704 Consequently, in most cases, fire exit drills, as ordinarily practiced in other occupancies, call not be conducted in these institutions, Also, as a result of the generally loan ratio of attendants to patients, and the very nature of the attend- ant's duties, no regular ov cm. taut de,nguation of duties as members of exit drill organizations ran be made.'Vuada- mentally, safety to life in buildings housing sick, infirin-and restrained patients, is pre(licated upon firesafe construction, fire prevention and protection practices, and competent per. sonnel. Nevertheless, in institutions of this nature the eodingen- cies presented by the possibility of fire must be recognized, and such provisions made as are within the limits of prpetieability, for the education of attendants and employees in the 'removal of patients and inmates in event of all actual emccgency. The following minimum requirements must be ollscrved (a) Alarm systems shall be provided as specified in Article V1, except that where physical and mental condition of occupants is such that they may be affected by the sound of a general alarm, the alarm system may be so designed that signals are sounded first in departmental offices, engine rooms, fire brigade stations, or other central locations, and provisions made for authorized persons to sound a general nlarnt.af(cr ascertaining the necessity for such. (b) All evacuation evolutions shall be in charge, of •Q.I institution Fire \Iatmh d. or Fire Chief, whose duty it shall.be to instruct or direct all employees in the use and melhodaof operation of the fire alarm system, first aid extinguishiing apparatus, and exit drills. (c) Attendants shall be schooled in the method of direct- ing walking patients and in proper attention for Led -ridden patients. Monitors' duties may include opening of horizontal exit doors to adjacent :sections, conducting of annbulifat patients to available exits, and keeping a check on possible delinquents. SECTION 704: SCHOOLS, EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS (EXCEPT SECTIONS WHICH CONTAIN INFIRMARIES, SIOX BAYS, ETC.). (a) Drills shall preferably be conducted twice a nnonth, provided that, during severe weather, drills may be postponed to avoid endangering the health of pupils or inmates. Weekly drills may be held at the beginning of the school term during good weather with an occasional praetice'drill during the in - element weather, such practice drill being predetermined with 47 Section 705 SECTION 705: THEATRES, MOTION PICTURE THEA. TRES, HOTELS, DEPARTMENT STORES, AND OTHER PLACES OF ASSEMBLY. (a/ In ,,,up ... ics where th,- population is of a changing rharavter and cot w;,b•r di,eiplin,•, ,, i- the case in hotels, department ,t.af• , ih.•atres, and ,ini lar loiddinps regular organized fir,- exit drill< are obvfou,ly- not pra+4icablo. The Persons in ch::rgr'ot such oe,upancic,, however, shall make provisions for iLc seLoaling of all repuLu• cngihnv.•, vuneena- ing the prop.•r procedure in the eveut of a fire, with rtapha is on training as to the best method for directing oecnpents to exits, and far tU, eontrnl of panic. Itrguhr p.•rind, ,hall Le setaside for the up.cessary schooling and r(•hear,ing of on. pbnyces in fire emergency' procedure, (Ser Sell.inus 500, SOs, -d .415.) (L) Detaibnl sugd,-siiw., ;nal rvvvo luarndanionas ratty he obtained from thus Offna npnt. application, `t r•. Section 784:.._'.•.•.. AQ the ails r p p g006i)a .ligving had an opportunity to properly clothe t(�' Q,zlvo cf6i•c the thrill. AI ally case there shall he 'hot le.s'%_ 1� one drill'vaoh month. j (b) brills shall be vxeet6d. at different hours of the day or. evening, during the changes of classes, etc., in such u mamaor as' to destroy distinction between drills and .actual j emergencies. (c) Since all drills represent actual lire conditions, pupils ,hall not lie allowed to obtain books or clothing, or loiter fur any reason after the alarm is sounded. (d) Drills shall be in charge or'the principal, teachers, or other attth0riz(-d person in eachbuilding, who shall keep a f% record of the date of each drill and the time required to cnnpty ,• the building, -•a, , ,. (c) The purpose of each drill eLall be to attain complete control of the class or.Jecupants, so that ranks maybe formed quickly and quietly,;aiad may be halted, turned; Lr, directed as desired. Stress shall be laid upon. the execution of each.:t drill in a brisk, quiet, and orderly manner; and ill lite cvcmt ; there are pupils or persons . nuapablo of holding place, ill a I line moving at a reasonable sliced, provision shall be made, to ' .nave them taken care of by: mot,e sturdy pupils or persons, I moving independently of the regular line of marell. (f) Roent monitors shall be appointed from .the more mature pupils or inmates, toas$ist in the proper execution of drills. There shall be at IeasQ tyo-substitutes for each of these appointments. 1)uties of monitors shall include holding open of exit doors; specific dirties shall be assiglied to each nnoltor. (g) The searching of toilets or cloak edea, .shall be the ! duty of leachers or outer members of the-, haol or building f staff. (l) Upon moving out of a building, "w-11 class or group shall proceed to a predetermined point, at lez"(4ifty feet frau I building and clear of fire hydrants, anti, upon reaching this point, shall fame the building, remaining in line until the •. t. rill bas been called. ` (i) Wherever possihti.,, brill lines stall not cross a street or highway, especially where traffic is Leary; Where it is necessary for drill lines to cross roadways.'a poli b ofliect, school janitor, or male'.tenclitr acting as tr;dfle officer shall be on duty during drills: .2., (j) Recall signale•shidl be scparidc and disliricpirom any other, and accessible only. to milharized personsid order to avoid returning pupils or inalales to a bur)Ilhig bu,ilding by mistake. Section 808 18 ARTICLE VIII SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS REGULATING THE CON. STRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PLACES OF ASSEMBLY, INCLUDING MOTION PIC• TURE THEATRES; AUDITORIUMS AND THEATRES; OPEN AIR THEATRES; TENTS; NIGHT CLUBS, BOWL- ING ALLEYS, RECREATION HALLS, AND SIMILAR PLACES OF AMUSEMENT; SCHOOLS AND EDUCA. TIONAL INSTITUTIONS; CHURCHES; HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS; HOTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES; FACTORIES; AND DEPARTMENT STORES: SECTION 500: MOTION PICTURE THEATRES. I. General. (a) The follon'iag n•p.ir.•un'ni, ,tall apple to building, or sections of buildings ,,,upi..d snlaly I— motion Piety, theatres in which Ihumiahlc nit•nea•Ilulnse motwu picture It I N used, and in which there arc nod_,ing rooms, tixr,l na• movable scenery', or other faliliti,-s or equi] n,ni for ,t:q;.• shows, operatic productions, ere, The,. rr(p.ir,-m<'t.I, mall n„t apply to the use of approve(1 vit"i.hn,-s using null „IIulo,r acetate film marlied "safety film,” in lecture ronin.=, ;wdi. toriums, schools, and similar occupaacics. (b) No portion of any building hereafter erected or altered, used or intended to be used ns a motion picture theatre, shall be occupied or used for any bu,inr„s dealing in any article or material which nap' be dangerous In life. (c) No motion picture machine shall be, installed or operated in any building containing other orrupaueies, utak_ the auditorium and Ilam taotion pi.•t re nnn•luuc tare srparatrd frown the remainder of the building by unpierced fireprr,o' walls and floor,. Tbi, rrqun'ru.rnt ,hall not prohibit the leen. lion of mnrJI o wnp:mud••, .d' Iq;la ha'aard, ,u,lt ax randy store,, rrfreelanrnt .•enolor::, Anal Ile•aa n• nfli:es, on the street floor of tnotun pirlor. Il:,.:n n-,. art.,... i.d ,nrh oerupaneiex err cul off frim Ibe "b..,rium. L.idro Anal pa. ea geways, hr Laennt- bmethle parti..,,n, 1.-m;- a 6r, rt-6,tmtrc rating of of lean t,,,. hour- and hn,mg ra .,p•..0 og'. rzcrpl u.6, the 1M.I.I. ar cntritn a nay, 1.1"'n p.•noaod, ,u.•b .: p.•..iog, shall I per.. teeted eitb by appr.i.,J II 1, .I..': 1i do.rrs or Ly r,xed windows rd w;n l Illua:. i.. I.p l.d f r i, hl. TLo main 11 ..1 .i., audrterma of eslnLilint. coon. ,hall be not more th.�,: t• - I ahovr, or below d.r adjeianinp grad. level at any peal ..t reit. F__7IIJ L_ 40 , Section 800 (e) An architect or civil (architectural) oligincer regks- lered in Kentucky shall lie responsible for the design of all motion picture theatres constructed in this stale. Plans and specifications in duplicate shall he submitted to this Office for approval before construction is started.. . (f) No building hereafter erected ur,a'cmodcicd notin accordance with these requirements may bo,used as a motion picture theatre. '�• 2. Construction. A;A,:• (it) Every building or sectiun of isiA it. occupied a. a motion picture theatre shall be built :of, iliproof or semi. fireproof construction, except as providetf•• dtem 23, follow- ing. Interior partitions shall be incombd"s(ible construction, with openings protected by approved self•ali'sing incombustible floors, or approved automatic fire doors having fire resistance ratings equivalent to those ,of the partitions where installed. If windows are permitted in interior partitions they shall be of wired glass in metal frames. (b) Basements or cellars shall be separated from the remainder of the building by fireproof floors and walls, with openings protected by approved automatic. fire doors. Slair- ways or other entrances to basement sections shall be so located and marked as not to be confused with any required exitway. Basement rooms containing heating boilers, storage rooms, or building equipment, should preferably be located beneath the rear or "stage" section of the building, with entrance from the outside only. (c) To overcome differences in level in the ground floor, gradients employed shall not exceed one foot in ton. All floors shall he of concrete or other npproved inenmhustible material, and no wooden boards or sleepers shall be used as a covering over floors, sent platforms, aisles, steps, landings. passages, or stairs. (d) No combustible doors or trim shall be used in the anditorium, and none of the walls or ceilings shall be covered with wooden sheathing, wooden wainscoting, or other com- bustible material except approved rigid type acoustical mate- rials fastened directly to masonry or plaster background. Seat coverings shall not be of pyroxylin plastic or similar highly combustible materials. 3. capacity, (a) The capacity of a motion picture theatre shall be the actual number of seats provided, but not less than that estab- lished by allowing six square feet per person in portions occupied by the audience, plus an allowance of three square 51 Section 000 6. Aisles. (a) Every aisle shall lead to all exit door, or to a cross aisle, that is, an aisle running parallel with the scat rows and leading to an exit door. (b) The width of cot aisle. runtiug at right angles to the seat rows, shall be not less than thirty-six inches, pins one- quarter inch for every foot of length of such aisle, from its beginning to an exit door or to a cross aisle, or between cross aisles. Cross aisles shall be not less in width than the widest aisle with which they connect, bill in any case not less than forty-four inches. (e) Steps sb;dl not be placed in aisles umbras the gradient would exceed one foot rise in ten feet run. Steps, whcu ucees- .ary, shall be grouped and, so far as practicable, kosbotcd steps shall be avoided. such steps shall extend across the lull vidtl. of the aisles aid shall be illuminated. No riser shall be more than seven and three quarters inches in heiglit, and no tread .hall be les. than (line and one. half isidws is, width,--luskve of nosing; whenever the riser of seat platform is four inches or 1'... the soar of tine aisles Shull he made a gradient. Aisles ,droll It, used only for paeaagc to and from awns and ,hall be until;strueted at all times. i. Entrancex and Exits. (a) )Iaio •ntrancrs simll be at grade level, or may have ramps (gradient of oot more than one foot. ill Len feet; to grade, pn,vilyd the x1!11 of such «ntriune(. are rut mare than I.roty wte loch,-, ahoy,' ti- ud.ioinmg etre,•t, calk, er b-rraee level. Terraces existing L:4we01 "ax.,", door. and sur«eta or wally,, .ball, if more ti:au three feet above the stnai or walk yradr'br, half of ones square fo,A f,,rrunrlirnareupantr I of lls• 1. r:n..•�.5 serving it,.. main finny (wG•I lo -•r .a• not a r A, A:ndl t.U!; ;: minimum u:.ltb of li.r - inay be ,...-.. i. r.a a. exit. ut tb.• ort• r thus it, mem '• . .. . ra•h• 1-A, .tziiib lir rmupa I• may Lr o I .... r .. .•-lutry:mean. of t. .. - f.,r rail u,F arnIt, i T., f . tier Y.J Section 800 50 feet per person for all parts of the auditorium where "standing room" may be provided as allowed under !tent •1, following. 4. Standing Room (a) By "standing room" is mcantspace in which persons are allowed to stand during a performance. "Standing room" shall be prohibited in balconies, galleries; or tilers, and shall be avoided where practicable in the ground floor of the audi- torium. Where such space is provided for, it shall be exclusive of required aisles, lobbies, etc., slid shall be well defined by railings, ropes, or other acceptable means. The number of persons allowed in "standing roost" space shall be ecrtifted by the State First )larshal or authorized city official, signs stating that number shall be posted, and no greater number of persons shall be allowed in such space at any one time. (b) Where persons are admitted at times when seats are not available for them, waiting space should be provided out- side the auditorium in the lobby or similar space, such waiting space to be restricted to areas which will not encroach upus the required clear width of exitways and to be separated from such required exitway by a substantial• permanent partition or a fixed rigid rail not less than forty-two inches high. Exit shall be provided for such waiting space on the basis of one person for each three square feet of waiting space area. 5. Seating. (a) The width of seat allotted for each person shall be +� not less than twenty inches. (b) Seats shall, except in boxes or loges not exceeding sixty square feet in area, be arranged in roues set not less than thirty inches apart from back to back, measured in it hori- zontal direction. (e) No seat shall have more than six seals intervening t: between it and an aisle. Not more, that twenty rows of scats l shall be placed between cross aisles. (d) Seats, except in boxes or loges not exceeding sixty square feet in area, shall be fixed and shall be separated by arms. � (e)In boxes or loges not exceeding sixty square feet in area, not more than one chair shall be provided for each six square feet of floor speee. (f) All boxes or loges where loose chairs are permitted : shall be provided with rails or other acceptable means for pre- it venting the chairs or scats being pushed or knocked into the aisles. Section 000 52 stairs. Where ramps are employed, the gradient shall not exceed one foot in eight feet; such ramps shall be constructed of incombustible material with anti -slip surface and shall con- form to the requirements of [tent 8 (e) concerning width. landings, and means of Recess. (d) Each floor, balcony, gallery, or tier shall have at least two exit%,ji s; and tvbere the eupaeity is more than 600 persons, at lcust three exitways; and where the capacity is more than 1,000 persons, at leastfour exitivays.. (e) Exits shall be so arranged that the'jiecessury dis- talice of travel from the farthest seat to an exit is not over one hundred feel. (f) Where two exits are required for a flour area, they shall be placed as remote frout each other as practicable, and where more that two are required they shall be distributed as uniformly as practicable. (g) At least one-half of the sequined number of exits shall (.poli han a street lir itdo a fir, -proof passageway leading into fila street.; til( olliera may open iw., itit uuaaposed yard or ether space leading I. a strut and oeusid—d safe. (h) Not nwre duel unedulf of flu+ l.tal r quired exit capacity from the building, lir from miy balcony or tiers there- in, shall be through a single lobby or vestibule. 8. Stairways. (a) Stairways from balconies, boxes, or loges, the ver. tical height of vvilkh dor. lot (xeeed eighteen feet, may he uncucloscd; otherwise, (:tell inside stairway serving as a required exit shall be- separated frog all other balconies, tier., rooms, and space, above the main floor• by walls of incombi s. tilde materials having a lire rrsistauee. rating of not less than two hour., with it,, optonings except from the level served, and if,., opening from Ill,- lowest flight into a public lobby or cutranee way, er to the eourt or sl reef. (b) 1vb,•u stairways 16 6-9, through a public lobby or entrance w:¢u , srli lobhy or entrance way, and any eorridur Ieadnig theta....., mu..t ha". a width adcgoate to ueanm nmdatr if... aggregate capaeit3 of til( levels wrest!. (c) The nuuinunu uuobnsinieled width of any sluirway xerving a, a le pard exit, sLnll be forty four babes, measured betwtea handrails (exeepl whrn. handrails project not mune shot. three and nor half I be. int. shell width)• and the aggre- gun• witllb of -0; xhti,.ays shall be u(it Icw titan at the rata of twenty -1w6 m . e-., for each one hundred persona to be acrommodate.d, fpm (rails shall be provided oil each side of all stairways if the required width of a Dight of stair. (xeerdx T S�- 53 - section $00 55 eighty-eight inches, an intermediate handrail shall also be provided. ' (d) Treads and risers shall be solid, of incombustible materials, anti of uniform width and height. Risen shall not exceed seven and three-quarter iael:es in height and treads shall be nn1 less than nine and one-half inches wide, exclusive. of nosing, aunt shall be of anti -slip materials. The use of wind= ers in required stairways is prohibited. (e) Approved exterior stairways may be used to proridc not more than fifty percent of the required exit capacity from balconies, galleries, and tiers, provided the space served is not more than seventy feet above grade. Exterior stairways, and balconies or landings used in comnection.therce,ith, shall be coustructed of incombustible materials, and shall be de. signed to support a load of one hundred pounds per square foot, with a factor of safety of six. Star treads shall be de. signed to support a concentrated load of 200 pounds at the center of each tread, using a factor of safety of six, The minimum dimension of any structural meal member shall be one-fourth inch. Risers and trends and balcony floors shall be solid, except that provision shall be made for drainage, For this purpose, risen may be in the form of "skirts" extending down from the under side of the treads and leaving one inch open space at the bottom, and perforations not exceeding one- half inch in diameter may be used in treads and floors of balconies. Supporting members for either stairs or balconies, when in tension and fastened directly to a building, shall pass through the wall and be securely- fastened on the other side, or shall be securely fastened to the framework of the building. Each balcony, gallery, or tier served by all exterior stairway shall have access to the stairway through an exit doorway, protected by an approval aulonnatic or self-closing fire door. The level of the balcony or landing to which such doorway leads shall be approximately seven and three-fourths inches below the sill level to avoid blocking of the door by snow at- ice. rice. Exterior stairways and balconies shall be provided with approved weatherproof enclosures unless the omission of such enclosure is specifically permitted by the State Fire Marshal or authorized cit- official. If stairways or balconies are en. closed on any side, such enclosure shall be of incombustible material and any glass used in the construction shall be ap. proved wired glass. Unless otherwise enclosed, metal mesh or other rigid guards at least four feet high and with no openings greater than eight inches in width, designed to withstand a horizontal pressure of fifty pounds per running foot, with a factor of safety of six, shall be provided throughout on unen. closed sides of such stairs, stairways, or balconies. Stairways section 800 twenty-two inches width for every one hundred persons to he accommodated. Where only two doorways are required nn the main floor of an au litnrittm section, neither shall be lee' than forty-four iuebes in width. Doors shall swing in the direction of exit travel and in such it way as not to obstruct. or diminish the required width of any path or exit. No door "ball open immediately upon a flight of stairs. A landing, till length And width of which are ant Icss that, the width of the door, shalt be provided between such (loon and stairs. No rier shall be ligated within one foot of nn exit door. Where the sin of the doorway' require, two doors. they shall be hung so as rot to enquire a ri•utt•r pont. Door fastenings shall he approved pressure -relief type (p:unie hardware)., o Iv. Where done err. transparent they shall tale provided with handles, push plate., or ornam••uta,ion, of such size as•tr make the proseurr of the door readily apparent when in the closed priaiti,,n. 12 Lighting in Exits. !ai E ­ r) imide or „chideStairway, or esitvny, iodod- iug wry ext••rjor up,-,: sparer to or Ihrougln which the ryth nC exit 1e44,, sh.11 be awr.fnA-1y lighted it all limo•, the buildjug i. urcopicil. when•• de, -mrd neccS+n ra• h, oil. r to,• r-.• reliable operation. ,', 16, lighting J, :his perp.,". ,I•all be ",applied from art d,,: r..a..al ,-ir,uit r„ m -'n'.1 :J:,:ui r.f the rnuin aerwiel dr. -o•: n.-, .: irk w: ii'; r:! o+ indieni,uit rigid metal F,.it digs. .1h1 ox,r •tall plainly : ., i. sypr:'... ,. i..,:,•. :'. :Il,.rmia.fatrd at all .. -n toe 1 .I .:lion for exit or with -, rant 11. a3. and ­li- r. :l, r '' � � � hall not pr i rent f•.t . s.t H bL,Lat ant exit sign ft + : ,.:. a.:• o :r ,i.,. .mnnrct<d aid #rna`.all+:', sa cperi5nl a{:. U Ezit OMtr.:chi:�. any hind shall .. ,. .. •.., -, it l I: relays - � :i.,• antler Section goo ♦ - ..... : . 54 — shall be so placed that they are not directly in front of or over windows, unless such windows are fixed at, automatic and are protected by approved wired glass in metat-foames. All othor'r, doors or windows, opening on or within teuloet. of. stairs orf balconies shall be rotected by approved Aflefo$ing fire doors - or automatic fare wjudow's. A perutanent Iadiler, for use of the Fire department, shall extend from the top landing to the roof, ja accordance with Section 51.3, item 2. All metalwork shall be painted before and after erection. A thorough inspection shall be trade at least annually, of each stairway, including balconies, landings, railings, etc ,.mnd tiny necessary painting t done or repairs made. No eleetrie light or power Jvires shall t be directly over, or within. Ihree feet of, stairs or. balconies unless in conduit. No obstrijeGons such as Awnings -ytlwindows ' or sidewalks shall be permitted. Parking of vtldeles-shall not be permitted within tea feet of;the point of discharge from any outside stairway. Durfng egld weather, stairway's, land-, ings, and balconies shall be prpmptly cleaned of snow mal ice. 4. Landings. •:� .� •:�:. . (a) No flight of stairs sl:alf'hayc a vertical risb•of more than twelve feet between landiiigs. The length said. wvidth of the landings shall be not less llfaiithe width of the stairways in which they occur. Plights of less than four steps shall trot. be used, Put, instead, -gradients not execeding.olte foot -in ten may be itsed. When stairways return directly thenarIYes, n landing of the fall width, of b<rtlt stajrw•ay�; ojtl. any sfrpa should be provided.R 10, Passageways. - l,, (a) •'rhe clear width of passagetsay:,aarrfl at the rate , of twelve inches for every 'o a hundred IiEljoft, to bc=arconu- modated, but not less than five feet, or not less than the'. aggregitb iwidth'or any stairway or doorways served therrbv. The minimumWeight of passageways shall bc'eighl feel, Mani, no single ita.4 igeway shall serve more limit jie4. doorways all stairways, or one of each (except in main enrfrWes or loghles which may ser(re as exitways). Where govr�of passage Cs: if, t level, a gradient of not more than one ffiot I'll ten shall be used. The enclosing walls, floors, and e6ling3klmll be of materials having a fire resistance rating of ine less ilia wo hour.;. (See Appendix B.) 'a-.. rl, •. 11. Doorways. -.�...: a.'. (a) No exit doorway shall bat -c,41 Sl � tltli �'lEs f ib"at5�s:.7 �� thirty-four inches(nominal thirty. -sit dq>.l},<;apd="t(iC•'•! aggregate clear width of all doorwayr.6oLYZng• as required exits shall be not less than that enlcnlard the rale of Section 800 56 sit or stand in any required aisle, passage, stairway, nr other exitway, except where special provisions have been made as provided under Item 4 of this section. (b) No combustible materials shall be stored beneath or at the bottom of any exit stairway, or jn or near any paveage, or other esitway. (c) No part of any esitway of any kind shall lie mrd for any occupawcv or purpose which may interfere with its valve as al exit. (d) No stcaut cods or radiators, pipes, electrical equip. ,tent, or other apparalas, furnishing, or equiptuent shall be placed in any cxitw;ay of any type, antras in a recess and properly guarded (e) Parking of vehicle. shall be prohibited within ten feet of the diaclmrge point of say exit. 15. Heating. (a) All healing shall he by sLaun:, )tut water: or hot air, with equipment installed in aecordanec with the rvtprirements in Article S of these Standards. 'rhe ecnlral healing plant shall he located in it fireproof room, with entrance pri•ferably from the outside, but in any case cut off from the renuaiader of the building by approved automatic fire doors. 16. Ventilation and Air Conditioning. (a) Ventilating and air a tAitiouing ,joipm,alt shall be installed and nmintaiurd in arrovdanv,' with the Standards coptained in Article all. 17. Lighting and Eloctrical Equipment. (a) All lighting and electrical equipment .hall he in- stalled in accordance with the retjuircm.,nta of the Krilhieky Eit•erieni Code, Wiring throughout the building, r,pet-jall, that in the proJeetiou booth, should be in+tallad ill rigid a.uduit. abi Darin ,q+•ray. It hair ur til• auditorium, ,ball it a,h that lhr 1. h, iow"ity at a ry point thirty' iud,­ shove the fl,or i , a. 1 than i n, t mirth nfat fr i candle. Where deem i r ..:, t ni rd, r to iowre rvliablr t 1 rajou, snah hghtm:r . ,.dl .. , .:.i , o.:.,1 -,q,a nil,. frvon other on','uiln lhrougle t :h. 1, J.I:,.;•, I•n,•. id,,d m:'1; ".•paste rir, oit miw ileo be ,n -•,I r,. -,... ..: ,µ'id, l+joir,d mol -r tt.nq, 1 aml 11. In. Mirrors. (a! The ane of n; r. r•:, ,.: ii -till., do„r .Fall he prnhihitrd fl:,, ::4>.,;t ti . Ailo'i,:. , , l.ehn> b.lroairv, gallrrirs, iin.l i , ,,, rest or v.&, 57 Section 800 r 10. Smoking. (a) Smoking shall be prohibited, except in sections occupied exclusively- for offices or in entirely fireproof rest or toilet rooms. Snell rest or toilet ronlni shall be separated from the auditorium and front lobbies, eutranees, foyers, or corridors leading to tine auditorium by vestibules provided with two sets of self-closing doors. 2U. Curtains—Flameproofing. (a) All curtains or other decorative materials through- (a) the entire building shall be of incombustible ntalcrials unless satisfactorily flumeproofed, 21. First Aid Fire Protection. (a) Throughout the theatre there shall lie provided first aid fire protection equipment in accordance with Appendix A. 22, Exit Drills in Motion Picture Theatres. (a) This Office wishes to emphasise the importance of training the employees toward the prevention of panic. To insure best results all employees should be organized into exit drill companies, with special duties assigned to each. Flit- further orfurther details applications should be matte to this Office. 23. Non -fireproof Construction, (a) When not over one story in height, and without balconies, galleries, or tiers (except small rear balconies having a seating capacity of fifty or less), and when having standard walls with bearing walls not less than twelve inches thick, buildings occupied exclusively for motion, picture theatres, with a total seating capacity of not more -titiin 400 pencils, may bave a roof of gypsum slab, or 2-inch.(ti4»umq wooden decking, suppmtird oil steel or wooden arises or beams, provided the ceiling below is of approved 'plaster aggregate or other approved incombustible material having a fire resistance rating of at least one hour. Such ceiling shall lie suspended below all beams or trusses and may be carried on wooden ceiling joists, properly secured to the beams or trusses. (b) When not over one story in height, without bal- conies, galleries, or tiers, and when having standard walls with hearing walls not less than twelve inches thick, buildings oetupied exclusively for motion picture theatres, with a total seating capacity of not more than 200 persons, may have a roof of ordinary wooden or metal decking on ordinary wooden • or metal joists, provided a ceiling of a/,t-inch gypsum plaster till metal lath (or equivalent) is fastened directly to the undersides of the joists. Section goo 59 ft finable. Each ripening shall 6e. pr 10._ugrdedrliron,•r av%'iaelnnlhnrrd ronitruetr•ri or not less lb-, 10-g. "Slay -t0. boor(], or other material of e(piivalent fire resistance, and arranged u, slide in guide" so ennstrncted that shutter, will overlap the opening al least one inch mi each side. top, Iuu, when closed. Shatters shall Ire so arranged that I bottom all shuters will close autonvitic 113, in event o[ lure To tie• rnmplish chi, their should 6r n fusible link above each nhuticr, ar,d aka mer Incnrd above rar•h projrctnr magazine. which. uprn nprratinu, will close all "bolters. Thur shall aka 6r ,-j led snjmn d, means for "Ill ,lpy cloning :dl slndlrn:i sima}lancously- from :up' prniret or brad, and from a point ,•:itbin the projrrtinn room, near the door. r,It Ventilation. Crutilation shall br by nuc or more tiuodrani.-al exst sy,trm . w'hirh shall draw air front eaelu arc ianq+ hnniing and fawn nor or more points wear the ct•iliug. �c.rrn:. -hall ••x imn•I to "tdnors, either directh• or through ao immnd�n:.ii61r f1n., nir,l for an other part, }xult nir:.i;;; tl 1; • p:a f.•=, than firtrru, nr morn Illan Oltp cubhic :.t p", min,nr inn . ,,•h :re Ian;p plus two hundred cubic Systems shall be nu........cnu- f•"t p+.r mit,. I,.r the• .nI feud hayc pilot lights to iia r,l ffon; a❑lira Ibr r.nrl It l:a•:u':drincht, ill i iameler,t]rail. .. ,��.•", . �.•r •.f rh... ,;ir,c :wit acu ting dirrgt)- to the - ;.hl I r ant Ir., fhann avvrnty-awn .. i.., all hot franfsides of i.. A__ for floor. Intake, d r in iirr t Ihrpc d+'�rriilm .�. fr r - , xl.:h t t. irp•1. to ran- - .. r., - I,., t -an +rc ,. in•i Ibr of .. .clue: •-. niton'. ar.d he I r .... .a 1.t r,m• It 7-*,r-TMq Section 800 - 58 _ (c) In buildings permitted mider Paragraphs (a) still (b) above, interior partitions shall be of incombustible can- str,tation, having a tire -resistance. riding of not. less Bonn one hour, with door opraing. proteeled In• approved aatolnnlie or self-closing "Falautriu." Irl• olllcr -incombustible doors of equivalent fire resistua•e.'I•hrr,• shall be no opening's in ceilings except fon• ueeessaty electrical and air-conditioning outlets. Partition construction sliall not penetrate the incombustible ceiling except where necessfiry to attach suppurtiug members, where it shall be properly fire -stopped. NOTE: See Item 2 of this section for other structural require- ments concerning basements, floor construction, use of combustible doors or trims, etc. (d) A small second stol}• for housing theatre mmnage- ment offices may be allowed above the lobby or entrance section of non -fireproof nation picture theatres, provided %,tell second story is entirely of incombustible construction. 24. Regulating the Installation and operation of Motion Picture Machines Using Nitrocellulose Film, and the Construction of Picture Machine Booths. (a) Construction. Alotion picture machines using nitro- cellulose film shall be operated, or set up For operation, 01113• in rooms or booths not less. than seven feet high, will, the are., or floor space varying in accordance with the number of machines or devices installed, but not less than six by eight feet for ane projection machine and at additional twenty. four square feet for each additional machine. Such rooms or booths shall be incombustible throughout, with wall:, Iloa:i, and ceilings of construction having a fire resistance rating of not less limn one hour. All joints shall be reasonably light to prevent the discharge of smoke. Any shelving, furuumr, or fixtures installed in the room or booth shall be incombustible. (b) Doors. Doors shall be not less that two find line - half feet by six feet, constructed of materials buoying a lire resistance rating equivalent to that of lho.rooun construction. Doors shall be self-closing. (c) Openings. Opening% for the operator's view shall be not larger than two hundred square iuehis; and those through which the picture is projected shall be not larger than one hundred and twenty square inches. Where separate stere- opticon, spot or flood light machines are installed in flit, same enclosure with picture machines, not more than one opening for each stereopticon, spot or flood light machine shall be provided, for both the operator's view and the projection of the light, but two or more machines may be operated through tine same opening. Such openings shall be as small as prte- Sections 800-801-802-805 so (j) Smoking. Smoking and the use of Itlatelle% shall be prohibited within the booth, and sign posted. SECTION 801: AUDITORIUMS, AND THEATRES OTHER THAN MOTION PICTURE THEATRES. (a) In general, atditoriuuti, and theatres other than motion picture theatres, hereafter erected or substantially remodeled, should be of fireproof or semifireproof- construe• tion, with :dl interior walls and partitions and all floor sur• laces of incmnbustlble materi:ds, unit with no combustible trim i • except approved rigid au,oustieal nralerixls fastened directly �• to masonry or plaster. n ,. (b) fit of lite wide variativa of conditions of run• slruct.ion, ocmupmtey, mrd capacity, eneounlcred in connectimt with auditoriums mrd theatres, specific regulations governing tile. construction, operation, and midutenanee of these eca. policies are not given ill these Standard, ha general. the .] requirements of the IC.•utuehy Building Code, the lienwcky Building Exits Cuda and Ibe general provisions of Ihexr Standards, shall apply. Before beginning the ennstraeliou or alteration of any building or portion of a building anntoi driv an occupancy eocered by Ibis Section, plans and sprr•ifioatinm in duplicate -flat[ br subolilled to this Office, in nerordancr with Section lot of these Standard+. (c) The ase of flammable nitrorrllob,se nation picture film -ball be prohibited in auditoriums and theatres, unless the building containing such oeenpaney fnliy allot, the rcgaire- mcats of Section Soo of this Staudar,ls, enyermg motion picture theatres. SECTION 802: OPEN AIR THEATRES. (u) Plan" .lad spreifneatimns ro ,ing tine ronstrru`I inn nr alteration of open air thealrrs shall 1„• subutilted In ilii. (Iffil, or ,it anthorii,d ity -ffi lal, in duphrall, nr a„r•nnl :unr. with the rrquin•uu•uh rf Settam fill of ih.-v vinn lard, sprrilir requirrurnt ll,taining to these oerupancies shall Ila ablalnrd from this hff1e. SECTION 803: TENTS USED FOR ASSEMBLY. 1. Permits. N1 A p.a ertI , hp,in Ibo prr,vi.ioa oP Src•I ion lft, _'. O.Al I: ,.I., i,.r I f...... th,• Ston.- Fir, NI-A'al or if u.•d err. ..Vnr..l 1..11..n:• rrwdnlh, ..peratiui! or I,io, any t. till . r • •l.rc• :7s” .p. err Cv,t for rebgir.as nr prditi al a, :rrnl.l}. ••r .any b rpt rt Inr,d 1'!0 aqui rn feel for tun, II...v. hl, nP frr•..nr. ur .+our "i o. it It n rirVo,, rarnival, side.ileo. Pair, or chaatauqua, Appit t nn. when +heated uecrssarv, elull e. " ­ :. Section 803 62 cross aisle running parallel with the seat rows and leading to an exit way. Such cross nislcs shall not be less ut.;vidth than kl the combined width of aisles that they co ntV ntteut)+ having a capacity of 1,000 or over, facilities shall-li'p`•pi'oi•Sde$: for admitting patrons on opposite sides or cads convenient to. their seating local] oils. (c) Aisles and exit ways shall be �usi�d�only for passage to and from seals and. -for vendors carrying their wares. NO poles or ropes shall be permitted in aisles 'and exit ways, and all exit ways and exits shall be kept unobstructed at all times and so maintained'as to not present a hazard from fire. 'file .area for a distance of twenty feet beyond any exit shall be kept free and clear and he-madc readily passable. (d) Where two or more tents adjoin, with an opening between, an exit to the outside shall be provided at file point of ,juncture. 4. Marking and Lighting of Exits. (a) All required exits, other that those nornally used for entrance, shall be plainly marked during hours of dark- ness, as to be readily distinguished. Required exit ways shall also be kept adequately- lighted at such times, including like immediate area outside the exits. 5.. Precautions, (a) All umteeesay -combustible material shall be clim- inated from the tent and .its ituntediate surroundings, All dry gross and weeds shall be cut, or burned under the supervision of the fire department, before the tent is erected. No paper ;or rubbish %hall be allowed to accumulate under stands. (b) No smoking, or the nue of gasoline, gas, charcoal, at- other r other heating or cooking devices, such as peanut aind popcorn machines, shall be permitted in or near tents. 6. Lighting. (a) Lighting should be by elecirieiic only. and all elec- twiring shall be installed in accordance with Ilse Kentucky 'Efeetrical Code. 7, .•-Fire Appliances. - (a) An adequate supply of first aid fire extinguishing equipment shall he kept on hand and ready for use near all platforms, demonstration rings, etc., and near each exit. Em_ ployees shall he thoroughly driller( ill Uh.• use of these devices. S. Inspection and Supervision by Fire Department, (a) If located within the corporate limits, mmiformed firemen shall be detailed .to all circuses, carnivals, or other 63 • Sections 803-804 exhibitions where large crowds assemble. They shall familiar. ize themselves with all fire protection facilities and fire pre- vention features and with the condition of exits, and shall patrol the entire area of the tent during file into it is occupied. •l'peeial policemen or firemen shad, sle lhnt aver-vrowding is not permuted, that nislcs au I axil ,va3. arc kept open aunt that "no smoking" rales are of e -M. NOTE: When tents are erected beyond the corporate limits, this Office will authorize the Linc of any prate officer to do the testing and patrolling required under Items 2 and 8. SECTION 804: NICHT CLUBS, DANCE HALLS, BOWLING ALLEYS, RECREATION HALLS, PAVILIONS, AND SIMILAR PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. 1 Conaruttiwt. .. L':;Ii,:.:•,up4,1 i,} u; LL clubs. dna.•.• lolls, L.,•.:;.� ;r .,. :.i.:n: ::,,':!_. pan ili.nis, and sinnilar pla.ry •S ;u..u: -er •;i... fd;- ..nL rt:u i.uo-.ul. i,hall not x,."d th"', .inn•., 'r.•,yFlr r.ni:„ref lin-I oaf or srconstruc- tir.u. Pram.• holding, housing nnrh occupancies ehnll not ezeeed two stnrios in height or five Il,ou,fiad square feet in area. ib) Where night clubs, dart- halls, bowling rJleys, recri-tt” halls, pavilions, nu, einnihor plaers of amus+•mruU or pubis, cnterttmmeut are heroYr !••rated wilhi„ ar at. tache., to a building eoaaining 1,11r , uparricx cunsi.lared f a Lacv.3 n. nature, "I'll 1-!i- ,ou-nnetd or Innbii' ni -'t be sep,u ,1, ,! 1 ,:,• rema4nd,r of ti:.. -! :rnu•tinrt ba.0 .• .r ry ktanee ratan• •...,-. IV dtr•., 0I Section 803 include plans drawn to scale, shelving exits, aisles, seating arrangement, and details of structural support of tent scats, platforms, etc. 'l. Comitruction and Materials. (a) All tents shall be constructed and erected to with- stand a wind pressure of len pounds per square foot. All canvas, curtains, cloth, rope, netting, and decorative material shall be rendered flameproof. A test, conducted by the fire department or a representative of the State Fire Alarshal, shall be made of the tent prior to each erection, and of the decora- tive and other materials before they are attached to or placed therein. In lien of such tests, a certificate from the manufac. turer that the material has been tested by a recognized laboratory, and found to be permanently flameproofed, may be accepted, provided the material has proper identification markings, is not more than three years old, and has not been waterproofed subsequently by a process which increases its flammability. NOTE; Tents may be Oamcgpoofed in accordance with Federal Specifications CCC -D-748. (b) Where tents are used (is places of assembly with a capacity of 200 or more persons, the seats, chairs, jacks, and other appurtenances, if of wood, shall be suitably treated to reduce the fire hazard by a suitable application of a surface treatment or by impregnation. (e) No tier or seats shall rise to a height exceeding twelve feet. (d) Unless floored, file ground around teats shall be level and without holes. 3. Exits, Aisles, and Seats. (a) A minimum of two exits shall be provided where a tent is used as a place of assembly with a capacity of 1.00 or more persons, ill any tent where ten or morepersons sleep, and in any tent involving conditions bnzardons to life. When tents are used as a place of assembly with a capacity in excess of 500 people, each exit shall be not less than nine feet wide, and the number of exits shall be based upon the ratio of one exit to each 500 persons or major fraction thereof which the tent is designed to seat or hold. Such exits shall be placed not over seventy-five feet apart and exit'rays sere_ ing site],exits shall be not less than nine feet in clear width. (b) Aisles not less that forty-four inches in width sball be provided so that (here arc unt more than ilia setts between any seat: and ata aisle. Where individual seals are notprovided, a distance of eighteen inches alo ug any bench or platform shall constitute one sent in computing required aisles and exits. Every aisle shall Iliad directly to an exit way, or to a Sectloit.804. • 64 3. Decorations and Scenery. (a) Decorations, scenery, curtains, and hangings should preferably be of incombustible nmterials. If cornbusfible ma- terials are used they shall he satisfactorily flameprnafcd. 4. stage. (a) Where phtces of al"a"uwut or publicrutertaianeut covered by this Section make use of a stage which rvquires or uses a curtain, portable or fixed ,eenory, special lighls, or mechanical appliances, requirements for the location, volt• struction, and operation of such stage shall be 6111,41,,l from til.• Shue Fire llar,hal or antimrive,l city official, •. 5. Dressing Rooms. - (a) Dn.sing roams used in connection witit floor shows or other entertainment shall be separated from the remainder of Lite building by partitions of metal lads and plaster for equivalent eon.trnvl ion) having stomatic Lir self-elosing doors equivalent to file pnrlitirnr in lire resistance. 6. Bowling Alloys. (a) Resurfacing or refinishing of alleys and cleaning of alley surfaces, with preparations of a flanumlde nature, shall not be carried on when any part of filo cstablislmneul is ill .> operation or open for busine. While such work is in progrr•s, -..p any fires, open flames, or o(lier sources of ignitiou .hall h,' eliuninntcd. Snacking shall be prohibited sad air c ,dutouu system, shall he shut down, hilt uattnl ventilation mull 1."Q provided both during and afta•r fini.hiug for (b) li,fiai,hing of bowling aIle. pins should be dune otf+"T' tali prv•m isrn. Lir in a small deua(hvd huildiog. If carrier) nu 1' in th.• I ildiug ran 1;dnmg lir bowling rll.•vs, such operatiarts !.hull In• ,ouliio•d to It sprrial "linidt r.a, n" located uhove grade uud n.•po ruled from.tho rrnuain,lr ..1' the ,urcupincy Ly ronntnn4tan having a tiro rc,istunre r:niug of Plot les than I 1 r- All :ggshr:J. b• pravi?haus of Ih,rr �Igo-1 knn taininlf to lite ahavgt• e nod Imndhwg ,•daosinabli,.lis, Yentilsl.ima, heating, IiglH in K, and the lo"Alatinu' Of hazard. ;t idrutal to dippotg or sI,rnyutg ,:h,dl Lr observed. ,� tri All fur -,pier li.61, rn.iduo. .hall hr• (bornugity sv,f do,vu and hrpl m o o"lal coota;nrr mal rcuwved n, solar ns poo,illm, but at k»:il doily, 7. HotuaketrpinQ.'� .'..; '. • (al All -.4m.6161.waste material, uud n�LL;di "hall Ile collmdrvl and dispo-d of daily. 65 Sections 804-805 S. Wiring, Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, and Cooking. (a) All wiring and electrical equipment ,ball he in aceordauce with the Henttl,k%, Electrical code. la "finish rooms" of howl•uug.alleys pa•fieular attention shall be paid to the requiremcus for hazardous locations. (b) Ileatiug turd conkiug appliances shall be installed `l and maintained in accordance with Article S. Ventilating and air conditioning equipment shall conforut to the requirements of Article SII. !t. First Aid Fire Protection. (a) An adequate supply of first aid fire appliances shall be provided in accordance with Appendix A. SECTION 805: SCHOOLS AND EDUCATIONAL ' INSTITUTIONS. NOTE: when building contains a dormitory section refer to this Office. >. 1. Construction. (a) School buildings over• one story in Leight„hereafter erected, shall be of fireproof or semifireproof construction, except that ordinary masonry construction maybe used in school buildings not exceeding two stories, and frame cou- struction when not exceeding one story. (b) Where such nonfireproof construction is used, all hollow spaces in wooden stud walls and partitionii shall be firestopped at the floor lines and at ceiling of top floor with incombustible material, and wooden floors on wooden joists shall be double floored with fire -retardant felt or paper be- tween layers. Wall and partition construction shall be plas. tered or otherwise made acceptably smoke -tight. Int nonfnre. proof buildings it is strongly recommended that flustering be on expanded metal lath. Walls, partitions, and ceilings of all basement rooms, and of other rooms when used for manual training, domestic science, kitchens, laboratories, shops, storage rooms, or other similar occupancies, shall be con. structed of materials having a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour. Doorways in such walls or partitions shall be protected by approved self-closing metal or metal -clad doors, wooden doors of the flush type not less than one and three-eighths inches in thickness, or other doors of equivalent fire resistance; where windows are provided in partitions facing hallways or ''corridors they shall be approved wired glass in stationary metal frames. (c) All floor openings, including stairways or shafts, such as those used for light or ventilation, or any other purpose, s.s.—s 67 seolion 805 3. Motion Picture Equipment. (a) The use of motion picture film other that the cellu- lose acetate type marked "safety film” shall lie prohibited in auditoriums or other rooms in school buildings. 4. Wiring, Cooking, Heating, and Ventilating Equipment. (a) All wiring shall be installed in accordance with the btandards of the Re Lucky Electrical Code. (b) Cooking and healing appliances shall be installed in aceordance with the provisions of Article S of these Standards. Boilers, furnaees, or other central heating equipment shall be located is rooms of fireproof construction, cut off from the remainder of the building by approved automatic fire doors. Such rooms shall be provided with adequate ventilation. (ci Any ventilating and air conditioning sysicul shall be installed and maintainer( in acenrdance with the provisions of Article XII Of these, Standards. j b. First Aid Fire Protection. j (ai An adequate supply of ffrst aid fire cxiingui,hilIg apparatus shall he provided in accordance with the require. ment, of Appendix A. ° G. Exit Drills. (a) Fire exit drills shall be -va nized and held in ace,adanec with the provisions of Article VII. « i. Alarms. "I A suitable alarm system shall be provided for eaeh building in acs ordae­ with the provisions of ,Article VI, fu addition, alarm systems in localities under if,, protection of regularly orgavilsd fire departments or private fire brigade, should prcferabl-v be arranged to cause automatic transmfo si.in of abrins to -ell fire departments or brigades if the area prntrcter1 by the system is usrd by me hanlred or more ---' pupils. Whcre no such comnection is provided, it fs reeom mended that a municipal fire alarm I,ox be installed either at Ike main en Vance w the principal building, er at the nearest street canter if plainly 1. fR c from the main entrAnce and.;r not more than tin •, I:oodred f • t distant thercrrom. R Fire Prevention Lectures. is r .ri—N af:d I-dwra .d ::iiI djl,ren•, an� fare: f—I :i h:aola &Sul other edit -b aro re. lett•':! u. ;ivc d«PiureY on fire pr«-- 'cash ..'•.k Tipp are al-�., required to — tt.,• n .. :...1 arta 7�• section 805 00 shall be continuously enclosed by construction having a fire resistance rating equivalent to that of the floors pierced, but in no case less that one lour, and all openings into sucli enclosures shall be protected by approved automatic or self- closiug doors of fire resistance equivalent to, That of then enclosure. Where necessary, panels of wired- gloss ill fixer(" metal frames may be permitted. 3. Exit Facilities.`. (a) Except as provided below, exit facilities shall be provided for each room and each building in accordance with Article V of these Standards. i (b) Exits shall be so located that there is at least one stairway or other exit -way within one huudred feet of an exit door of each room. Corridors, passages, and stairways, shall be so arranged that there are no pockets or dead ends in which pupils might be trapped. Corridors shall be at least eight feet wide, and where doors swing into them, the clear space width shall be not less than six feel at any point. Where lockers are located in corridors, additional width shall be allowed for that purpose. (c) Not less that two stairways, ramps, fire towers, or doors, leading directly outside the building, shall be provided to serve every floor, including basemen. (d) All required stairways shall be located adjoiuing outside walls and shall opeirdirectly to the outside. This shall not be construed as prohibiting vestibules or other protection against the weather, provided there is no curwilment of exit facilities herein specified. Handrails shall be provided for stairways in accordance -with the general requiretuents of these Standards, except that in elementary schovis'inler. mediate handrails shall be provided where the width of the stairs exceeds sixty-six iinchcs. ' ' ?' • (c) All exterior floors shall be operated by pmnic,hard- ware. (f) Where auditorium exits lead througli'ca•ridcrs or stairways serving as exits for other parts of the building, the rapacity shall be sufficient to permit simultaneows'exit front both auditorium and classroom sections, except that whore auditoriums and gymnasiums are of types suitable only for, and used only for, the school population, the sante exit facilities may serve both sections. (g) Slide type fire escapes conforming to the require. mens of Section 513 may be used for existing buildings in which the principal occupants are children, and provided such exit does not constitute more than twenty-five percent of the required exit capacity. Sections 805-806 68 in such school buildings are kept unlocked and unobstructed wbh n occupier(. 9. ExtraneousOccupancies. (a) School 'ui'cducational institution buildings should not be used for apy extraneous purpose unless such buildings ;lot no studedts or teachers, and are located so as not to ckposc..any building in which students or teachers are housed. The location of mattress shops, brnotn shops, or similar in- dustrial occupancies in selmot. or dormitory buildings, or the use of such buildings for housing inalates In dev restraint is particularly objectionable and should not he permitted. SECTION 806: CHURCHES. 1. Construction. v' (a) Churches over one story in height, above 'grade. hereafter erected, shall be of fireproof or sen itfreproof cmu- struction, except that churches of ordinary construction, wlith standard walls throughout and with the main auditorium not. exeeeding one story and balcony, may have two-story sections or additions used for Sunday School rooms, choir rooms, offices, and similar purpose;, provided all partitions and cell• ings in such sections or additions are of construction having a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour. Frame churches shall not exceed one. story in height and five thousand square feet in arca unit the seating capacity of the auditorium sections of such churches shall not exceed two hundred persons. (b) In buildings of ordinary construction, all wall,, partitions, and ceilings, of basemen rooms, including any occupied space. bencuth tate floor of the auditorium, also rooms used for kilchens, storage, or the housing of pipe organ binerr aid motor, shall be of coustruolion having a fire resixtonee rating of at least one hour. Oprnings into such riots shall he equipped villi approved -If Io iug metal or tactubeovercd doors, wnndeu dears of it,,, flush Is pc having a unmfual thick. ness of nuc sad three-eighths inches, or with other Hoorn of ,qui-I"ut 11 -c resistance. Exit Requirements. (ai ExitP:ntililic:a shall ho provided in accordance with tlh- requircmeuh of Arline V of these ylandards. It is strongly recon, nu•u,h•d trod allrhuldhes, and r+peeially Sunday' School rooms, have at hast two rxilwnys. :1. Motion Picture Equipment tat TI:: ,,:e of mobs, picture Mina other than ccflulosc acetate type marke•1 "safety film" shall he prohibited in 73.6 69 Sections 806.807 churches, unless the building conforms in all respects to the requirementg of Section 800 covering motion picture theatres. •1.Wiring Cooking, Heating and Ventilation. (a) iVvetric ceiring mill equipment shall be in accord. aacc Willi the requirements of the Kentucky Electrical Code. (b). Rooms coutnining heatiag boilers, or other central building" heating equipment, shall W separated from the re- mainder of the building by 1v lls, floors, and eciling of fire. proof construction With any openings protected by approved automatic fire doors; except that ill buildings of ordinary - - construction, the enelosure may have a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour With openings protected by approved s self-closing metal or metal -covered doors. All rocking and � - bestial, devices shall be installed in accordance With the - requirements of Article X of these Standards. ' (e) Ventilating and air conditioning equipment shall be installed and maintained in AcClirdance with Article XII of these Standards. 3. First Aid Fire Protection. (n) An adequate supply of first. tad fire extinguishing apparatus shall be provided in accordance with the require- ment, in Appendix A. SECTION 507: HOSPITALS, ASYLUMS, SANITARIUMS, AND SIMILAR INSTITUTIONS. 1. Construction. (a) hospitals, nurseries, asylullls, detention buildings, orphans,", aunt penal institutions, hereafter erected or sub- st ntiallIv-I'emodeled, shall be fireproof or semifnreproof eon. st ruction; .exeept that hospitals where occupants are not involuntarily delained or bedridden (s:mitariumc) may be of nmifircpraof cotistrnetion, provided they do not exceed two stories in: height, and floors, partitions, and ceilings are con- structed as epecifled in Paragraph (d) below. Existing frame buildings up1 exceeding one story in height, or ordinary brick buildin•,;a }}nQQf. exceeding Iwo srorI— and attic (patients not I. be Iwnt,.ahnce the ,.conJ floor) may be permitted in small to'rytt��s•where n b.v bmpital facilities .are not nvailnble, provided l�Ilbaz:hrds nn• :nl+•+punrly sat 1'egu:u•dcd and provided such buililidg is ant expnsrd b -y any slrncuu•e8, other than dwellings separated at bast ten feet. (b) In buildings of fireproof or semifireproof construc- tion containing patients or inmates, rooms or portions of buildings containing ocenpaacies listed below shall be fire. 71 Section 801 (b) Exits shall be so placed that the entrance door of every private room, and every point i i ilpett wards, day rooms, dormitories, and dining rooms shaX.be ahb there than one hundred feet (along the line of travcl)`frnrn the nearest exit; in buildings properly- equipped with automatic sprinklers, this distance may be one hundred and fifty feet. Exits shall be as remote from each ober as practicable. Exits should be •.o arranged that them are no pockets or dead (ands in which o„cupants may be trapped. - Exits stall be of the. following types: (at Ilorizontal exits. rh) Doors leading dirert.ly outside the I ilding (with• ant flair,). (C1 Ramps. W; Lroidc enclrtsed stairways. NOTE: In some iostarces the use of approved type outside stairways or slide type fire escapes may be permitted. (c) Not lens than taro exits stand more where required) shall be provided for each floor (including baswmeut) of every, building ,r section of a baildimg. Ia buildings of neer Ibrec lhr.uaatd wwur,- f(..t or a, pr,njnms us.d for bedrid,bm patients should bar,• at Ina,t ,:a1,• tnri>..mtrd exit, or n (1,,,w or ..Imp leading dir,ctly autaid,• t,r: inufding. At Past „rr +•sir ,hall be of type rb), rr;}, r.r td), listed ably,• (d) All r,quir.4 Mair., hor...... W ,•xih. soup.., ool ,-thrr exits from honpilal and itdinna•y *••,Minn., .loll b, not. I: fbam forty-four ilw1ws in clear silt:. EaIv;o, a dress :end hallways or corridor, soap I,. wa I.ss'Lau eixtc odo, ,n width, and in n„ cane nit rv.wer d,an a sutfi.i,-tat. Wald, to p,•rmit the trans lm Iatl,m of twliemt, on Ir•d., rubs or :rout ,,no- s.•+•ttoa t„ aunther. tet Exits, ami hallware sr cnrridnrn trading to .sits. 4,8,11 be adejuatety Lghrc+l. The current fur sc.h ligi;ts should be from a ryxtern separate from that ordinarily used for I;Rhtina ptnq„ams, If a vparw- nyslrm n., ant os!+I, en rrenl !or sorb hghtuahall he oil a srpar:ate rirenii. ronre�t,-d to Ill, - ,apply ai.I., of the _rviee it, ..r. r.,•, i d.vir•-.. 1`.; , •,l,uii 1,. !u individual metal raeeway­ S. Alam Byatema and Zvi Drl!3. (a) A Iniblic bre alar.. 1. . 1,,i 1- 1 i .ea• rlelwrl- raeat headquarters aha &I t, Ulapital, and sits nor had:. w!rere pat” ient,i are Ip -v1 [-hi S. .... ... yl_ry . - c.."tar bd aafdu.; ut the ;; . •:,, r..:e or to ! _. ._. - .. , .. .-. .. Section 807 70 proof or se tilireproof construction, with openings thereto protected by approved automatic or self-closing fire doors: Central ]testing apparatus ov boiler rooms; rooms used for the storage of combustible inaterials; wort; rooms, such as repair shops or carpeuler shops; laundries; "min kitchens; store rooms (furniture, or other mis- cellaneous materials), or similar hazardous occupancies. (e) Where frame or ordinary brick buildings''a•0 per - milted as' provided in Paragraph (a), above, the o(;cupgncies enumerated in Paragraph (b) shall be located its ,Pphrnle rooms, the wall,, floors, and ceilings of Which have a: fire resistance ruling of not less than one hour, with openins protected by approved self-closing metal or metal -clad do0n:,, wooden doors of the flush type not less Iluun one sad fhi•ee- eighths inches in thickness, or other doors of equivalent fire resistance. (d) The interior finish on wooden stud walls, ceilings, and.pa•titions of buildings of ordinary construction shall otherwise consist of meta) lath and gypsum or cementplaster nOVJess than three-quarters inches thick, or other material of equivalent fire resislancc. Firestopping shall be provided in walls, :partitions, and floors to exit off all concdeled draft openings and form effectual horizontal and vertical ftrestops. No unnecessary combustible interior finish shall be used. (e) All corridor and room doors shall be metal or metal - clad; or woodein,deors of the Gush type, not less than one and three-eighths inches ill thickness; or other doors of equivalent fire resistance Doors to rooms other (hall those contniuing patients shall be self-closing. (f) Every shaft such as those for light*or veutilation, stairway, elevator, (total) waiter, or chute, shall be continu- ously enclosed by construction having a fire resistance rating r of at least five hours, and any openings therein shall be y protected by an approved automatic or self-elnsing fire dnor, Where-bllass is necessary, wired glass in fixed fire, windows i with metal frames shall be employed. (g) The various sections of the hospital or asyluat buildings shall be separated with standard fire walls basin;; all communicating openings protected by approved automatic fire doors. 2. Exits. (a) Except as otberwise provided below, exit facilities shall be provided in accordance with the provisions of Article V. Section 807 _ - •,' 78 In cities having no fire alarm system, a telephone may be used for this purpose. ' (b) Standard keys, fitting all idokit: shall. he provided for locks oat all rooms in which pe}'soui are under legal restraint. There'ilfilll be as wide a distribution of these keys as necessary-, and at, atoudanf eapatilo of relea,iug auy person ' confhued ill •I rm;u .or. sell ,Iodl.bi. mh duty ;,I all times. It should not be. ucccasav In unlnek more duan two doors to remove It person to a safe location. -, (c) Where the nature of tl!c oceupaney permits, a standard fire alarm system installedsin uceordnuee will flue requirements of Article VI shall bel}jlvid.d i'„r oaa•h building. (d) Fire exit drills and/or sciiuuliag of ut h•ud:alis anal employers ill the use or. lire appliance', egr.s Neilitien, pre. ventioln of panics, etc., shad be ill a,"Manec with Article 1'If. i. Cooking, Heating and Ventilation. (a) Buildings shall be healed by meal, or hot water supplied from a central It en ting plans. (b) Conking curl heading devices and ve tilatia;,• ;old ail- conditioning ir conditioning equipment shall be installed in aeenrd;un•.- will, the standards contained i I .\rtieles X and X11. ,. Storage of Nitrocellulose X -Ray Films. (a) file storage of uitroccllulose xray fihav shall b.. sal•,•guarded in accordance with the ixquireme is of tlr• Iieu. Lucky Iteguhnioos for Pholographie and, X -Iia.- Nitrocellulose Fila. G. Storage of Flammable Liquids and Miterials. (u) The slnr.g, and u,e Of Ilivaualdc liquids shall be is .....fortuity with Ibe regulations of Article SI\', (b) 1.7ammablc uuntcriuls ouch as caftan, wool, cotton gate, and Ilaunrbgto, shall be shtr.• I away hem spark dan. g-, and -,l 11 m,t 1 0nra1 in thew same dept with flannnable. liquids. 7. Storage of Combustible Oases. ., tai Ab ..)Il I.— .owaining eomprcnseri anarstheti,• gale, ,bail ire <wmt•n,M., 1, bated, and tilted ill award:..,,.,, wilhl K.olurky (',•num•ry l(v8nhatioux. (b+ .111 eyhhnb rs rnhdaining ti amuabl+•-olopt,s• d noun. shall be 6,­ln ,shard -lb It,,- man,• ,•f lb••. ,,, roulamrd therein As 41,411 tat• Mn 'd m Iv rlry, unndat,•J rOnma of hrcaniluL.iddc cor.•tr.:aa iyn taxing a hr. t-si+du:rat rating ,.f art haat than tw„ hours with openia8 prate, b.i by spores e,l its 43 Saffon 807 automatic fire door:. Under no - circumstances shall such cylinders be stored ani. the operating roost. Storage location for cylinders shall be such that they,,,vill be kept away front radiators, steam pipes, or other ,kourees of heat.. Cylinders, containing reducing gases, such atf ethylene or cyclopropune, shall be kept out of proximity, ur cylinders 'containing -oxidizing gases, Snell as oxygen or nitrous oxide. '." (c) Extreme care shall be exercised to prevent any 'accumulation of grouse or oil o,, any cylinder containing . ` oxygen or on any of the fittings attached thereto. Oxygen .Fylinders shall not be stored in proximity to flammable materials, such as wood, fabric, or flammable liquids. (d) Nb equipment should be used for coupling cylinders containing compressed gases which might permit the inter- mixing of gases, either through defects in the mechanism or through error in manipulation, do any portion of the high pressure side of any system in which these gases may Row. It is particularly important that the intermixing of oxidizing and reducing gases under pressure be scrupulously avoided as such mixing inevitably results in spontaneous eombustiou and explosions of terrific violence. (c) Compressed gas shall not be transferred from one cylinder to another on hospital prenikes. (f) Where piping systems are employed for distribution of gases, the piping, tubing, and fitting:, shall be of suitable materials for the gases to be used, $[tall be substantially installed and pruteeted.feon mechanical injury, and shall be tested at one and one -If times the maximum working pres- sure but not less than-$ty'�• hundred[ pounds per square inch. Distribution pipes oc itt sho ld be properly painted or marked to indicate lha gu3:•contained therein. (g) In addition fp the cut-off valves within the operating I room, est -off valves shall also be provided outside thereof, in each flammable gas and oxygen line. 8. Wiring and Electrical Equipment. (a) Electric wiring and equipment shall be in accord- ance with the standards of •the Kentucky Electrical Code. In operating rooms imd bl,brr locations where combustible anaesthetics are, used or.baudled, all electrical equipment shall be approved explosi:no-pnrc,L type. (b) Telephone, edit I. t, -l( -phone -ringing apparatus shall not be located within the_operaling room, as surae apparatus is liable to produce igniting sparks. (c) No open flame or other heat or spark -emitting device shall be used within the operating room while a patient 75 Sections 807-808 feasibly, such oceupa ei, :s Judi he completely cut off from the remainder of the building by fireproof or sentiftreproof ennstruHiun,' as provid,•d ill Item 1 (b) of this Section. 12. Motion Picture Equipment. (a) Tile usy of motion picture, film other than the eellu. lose acetate type marked "..,rely fila]" shall be prohibited. 13. First Aid Fire Equipment. s (a) First air[ fire e;luipment shall be provided in accord. ,nye with the requirem­ts contained it, Appeudie -,1. SECTION 808: HOTELS, APARTMENT HOUSES, AND OTHER RESIDENCE BUILDINGS. 1. Application. (a) The requirr-ntents of this Sectio] shall apply to buildings or occupancies providing sleeping accommodations for twonly or more persons (whether or not meals are served), including but not limited to hotel], apartments, flat buildings, tenem¢nt sou-, lodging houses, rooming houses, sorority or fraternity houses, nurses' hvme:, and dormitories. ib,Tho requirement, of this jectio] shall apply to new r• a,nde.led buildings, aad to existing buildings except as ..ti.,.rs­ expressly stat"d brreiu. .. h •stain mquirements of this fisetiou may he modified by U,i. r":. .• when the IR+'llpanry'-iq tt ronrnin,, Lou-, sorority nr fr+.h- : r.ty )--ease, uunyd homy, dormitory, al—lit cut house, tour;- + a:o, flat huitding, or feuonw t lou C—nc ctiOn and Occupancy. :ildina covered by this re •tion shall not 0- a,,r,,, in bight ahoy, grad. a] iy.s "f fireproof r p r ­f canstraction. If of 4rome iorotraction, such ... , It not rxvrnl tw•, sv,ries with attiy, attic tint to tmrpos,s. 1,... krtJ hnddw!� 04 other tins fireproof or . ,:..traction, and. Pour stories or more. in height r .h , _.-l.aq apartment hoaxes or other building; whir" are of other than ilreprrmf or tion an 1 a tura stories or more in . :Pali ,:: ? t'. r.v.. Rhoant with nn ,lppe.ndix A.) Z.11 be drl!" and Section 807 74 is under the influence of a combustible anesthetic. This is not menet. to apply to strain or, hot water radiators or other low .tegtperature. dcviees employed to keep the patient worm. Where the eautery must be used the attendant hazard stay be overcome by resorting to incombustible and local anaesthetics. 9. Static Electricity. (a) The most elusive furan of ignition of an mmeslhe- tiziug_ggs or vapor is the static spark. TO guard against this hazard, tine use of insulating material in tit.* operating room shall be avoided, and uuehines, tables, patients, and operators shall be bonded together and to thG ,floor and the latter thoroughly grounded. I:xtrenc caremust be exercised to prevent the introduction of ungrounded foreign objects into the completely grounded arca. (b) Door plates at entrances and exits of operating room shall be thoroughly grounded. (c) Where cylinders or other containers of combustible anaesthetics are mounted on a portable truck, preeautions ,i shall be taken to see that the complete unit is properly grounded. (d) Where a combustible annesthctizing gas is condncled to an operating room or other location through a piping system, such piping system shall be thoroughly grouudod. (e) Electric charges which are liable to riceuinula) ion a rubber breathing tube should be directed away lhrotigh it spiral wire placed around the tube, connecting with ferrules on the ends and an internal wire or metal lining. (f) For complete protection of operating *room,, lho safe practice 1•ecommendalions suggested by the National Fire Protection Association entitled "Recommended Safe Practice for the Use of'Combustible Atiaestbeties in hospital Operating Rooms" shourd be followed. 10. Housekeeping. (a) 'Meta] caus,shall be provided for rubbish and soiled cotton %]rite. All rooms shall be kept clean. Special attention shall be give,, to the removal of papers and packing material. All closets and lockers shall be inspected frequently to prevent the accumulation of rags and other combustible material. 11. Extraneous Occupancies. (a) All paint shops, carpenter shops, storage roams, and other extraneous Occupancies should preferably be removed from hospital buildings occupied by patients, and such occu- pancies housed in a detached building. Where this is not Section 808 76 hotels will] all hinzarZis properly safeguarded, enclosing of the main stairway from grad,- to the second floor may be on]itled provided such stairway is not, part of at required exitway, and provided further Mutt the building is of firrvr,,ktive co,,atrue- ttion or is proterled by an appt•uced systrnt of aulon]atic sprinklers. (it) horizontal dral't stupe ..hall be provided so that not more than 150 fort of vorridor will be without barrier against the lateral passage of sittoke. Doors provided at such harriers shall be sell•-e108iug and shall fit light. (e) In fire -resistive buildings, large anu,uuts of wooden paneling or otter combustible constcuct ion, shall not be per- mitted, either for remodeling or fo•ne.w eou,trt Betio,,. In all buildings, ¢xtensive paneling ;rad Lnrnidhings or. decorations used inu nsilinrec y uupaucils such as cocktail lo4ges, dining rooms. and Os. -nobly rooms, shall he of iucoabuyWblc materials or properly tivuel [red. lit existing.biillliugs, aiab rooms or occupunr.ie, roulaining paneling, fuhiivliing .Or do -rations, which have not been properly Ibuueprvofed sltnjl br• protected by tut approved system of aftoAatie sprinkbiok. Suvb pro. tection slmll, if necessary, iuelnde coueeldrd t58prs 1-whind combustible trim. - 4, (f) 'Plc use of glass in irnusaa% ltd• iu �ryxlfit"of guest rooms or closets facing corridors, ]s.prohibitad�-Transoms shall be of equivalent lir¢ resistate- i,i-il-40'and shall be permanently closed. , - .It L. (g) No occupancy which is of all uttusutully hazardous nature shall be permitted iu any building covered by this Seetio. The use of guest rooms for storage ur display of vombustible materials ill large quantilies shall be --prohibited. (h) fiserpl. its otherwise provided in this lectiou, Monts routaining garages shall be constreted and located in nevorduner with the requirements of Article XVI of these Standard+. (i) In but Ings of utm.r than tire r.u,titr s adruciiuu, rooms or !,•-Be ns r mlainmg hailers or ,tkcr ,.,.ntnal beating equipment, Int, h, us, latmdro s, ganrt,es, refrigerating ma. 'hurry, tram G:roers, or other service equipment, umiutemua•r mrd ]'.ism• :,bop, (ho-Nding earpentor, upholstery, furailuro repair, paint, or mattress shops), ¢xir.neons oecup;uwirs such a, stare+, or slier ureas of nerd than nolyinml hncard, .,haul l not he lo—VA hr-tdy under or adjaecit to axil. All such room. shall be. srparet,d fn'mn Ole remuiti-Iq of the building by ,oustrur tioa bracinga fir,: a•c,istagr" rutin(•, of at least ane hour, will, upet,i ;,f, pr, .t_I,d by atgnrov,d automatic or self- 77 Section 808 closing metal or metal -clad fire doors, and such rooms or., sections shall be protected by an approved system of automatic'^ sprinklers; or, if the building is not spriuklered, by all approved automatic fire detection and alarm system. Where kitchens are protected by automatic sprinklers, ordinary. doors utas be used. Lu existing buildings which are protected by an appruved k'A-stem of automatic sprinklers, or which do not exceed two stories in height, the one-hour construction specified V -this paragraph, may not be required. (j) In'Vi pings of fire -resistive construction, rooms or areas contaiditig boilers or other central heating equipment, refrigerating noehiuery, lana I , garages, transformers, or other service equipment, maint tine or repair shops (in- cluding carpenter, upholstery, $u ittj,�o repair, paint, o• mat- tress renovating shops), attics, basembnts of stores, or other areas of more than nominal hazard, shall be separated from the remainder of the building by standard fire partitions (Live - hour) with openings protected,by approved automatic or self- closing fire doors, and till such areas shall be protected by an approved system of automatic sprinklers, or an approved auto- matic fire detection and alarm system. Kitchens in such build- ings shall be out off by -'standard fire partitions (two-hour) with openings protected by approved self-closing fire doors, except that where the' kitchen is protected by automatic sprinklers, ordinary doors may be used. Ordinary doors may also be used where the kitchen is not protected by automatic sprinklers provided the communication between the kitchen and dining room is through a passageway at least six feet in length with swinging'doors at each end, and with the pass- ageway properly spriuklered. Where fire -resistive buildings do not exceed three stories in height, requirements for enclosing and protecting hazardous areas specified above may- be modi- fied by this Office. Where a store adjoins a hotel lobby, cor- ridor, or arcade, in a building of fire -resistive constructiou, such store shall be separated therefrom by a ;standard fire partition (two-hour), with openings protected by approved automatic or self-closing fire doors?. unless fliKentire store, lobby, corridor, and arcade areas are protected by an ap. proved system of automatic sppinklers. Display windows may be permitted in the fire partitions between stores and corri- dors provided such windows are of moderate size, and are of fixed wired glass in metal frames. In existing buildings where the hazard in such stores is not severe, ordinary glass display windows may- remain, provided an approved automatic fire deteetiot; and alarm systeni is installed in such 'for ' ,�k) *.The requirements of Paragrdpba-(i)-aitd" ), pre",n eedingyehall not apply to kitchens in apartments, or to laun- 79 Section 808 or by electricity- supplied by it Separate circuit connected ahead of the service discomretting device, ;fail shall Ire installed in individual. rigid metal raceways. 4. Exposure. (a) In all buildings of other than frame construction, where exposure is severe, exposed exterior trail openings shall be protected by wired glass in approved metal frames. 5. Wiring, Heating, and Cooking. (at Electric Wiring shall he installed in accordance with the Kentucky Electrical Code. (b) Cocking slid heating devh-r. shall be installed allot maintained in ac•^_ordance with the r••quireanents of Artiele \, snit all central heating apparal-, ..reh as h-il.— or romances' together with rdeetrical tranxforO,,r and refrigerating nut. chinery, doll be )nested as specifi,A in Item 2, peace•+ling. 0. Air Conditioning and Ventilating. (a; Ali air conditioning %ani ventilating oyat••uh shall bo installed nod maintai-d in m.eordanre .with the Standards in Article XII. t tbi .%If building, hniiOg r£.f. naive lir large air': ,m. dttioning or ventilating systems, or large individual exha-1. fans, ,hail have approved nunam-tie type; of nmeke dater -ling equipment, the o4•erufi!m Of xlw-h will atop all motors clod Pana and wind it oudrhir• Idarut i:enr the t••h,phon, slyibgt- board. Whoere Iwsai6l^, such eto..ky de Yr,a ing cgwpmgqqt� chili able he crmneeted to the fire departmint or the centratskat,ian of a euperviaing company, except flint where this is not ieasible, thin Office may permit the alarm ti. he sounded on an approv- ed weath-proof r cO It fr 1 of ti:• hnilding Where air rgaditteninv or lhraugh fir•• dile"I'll walla or oth.r 1. •! r+ nhnll haw. .. .+ r..n t i. B r, i. , lid Furnishings. if ex!.- ,rnfxetorilq• tiar•pr• I .. .. ... -shall also he •.i - t] ..I'd, and ib TE•• • •.f r.•mi:aauhl•t .ul •i: he apron t... fire dOfcartment anthl.l .acts offitul. tach sf'Frr'A Rhall Rost W ara:.ifd wile_,, If— Section 808 •; 78 dries in apartment houses having not more than six apart- ments. . I . 3. Exits, (a) Except as olherwisc provided below, exit facilities shall be in accordance with the requirements of Article V of these Standards. (b) livery building covered by this Section shall )love at least two separate and independent exitways, located re- mote from each other. Interior stairways and exitways shall lead either directly or through passageways, jrrefGrably on the grade floor to a street or unexposed open space leading to a street. Stairways, corridors and passageu•tiys should be so arranged that there are no pockets or dead -ends in which persons might be trapped. In buildings of other than lire - resistive construction, interior stairways, passageways, and exitways, shall be enclosed with construction having a fire ' resistance rating of not less than one hour, with all openings protected by approved self-closing or automatic metal or metal - clad doors. In fire -resistive buildings; such enclosures shall have a fire resistance rating of not less than two hours, With till Openings to such enclosures protected by gpproved automatic or self-closing fire doors. In all hotels, doors leading from guest rooms to hallways may be tvdialen of the flash type, of nonninal thickness of 1% inches, and such.doors need not be automatic or self-closing. In existing buildings of ordinary construction, hallways and passageways forming part of egress facilities may remain unaltered, provided (1) all hazards are properly safeguarded, (2) hallways and passageways do not pass over or adjacent to a hazardous location, (3) the interior stairways are enclosed in a shaft having a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour, and (d) such shafts are continuous from brade to lop floor. Existing doofs to guest rooms in such uildings may remain,, provided all glass is removed and re- placed with wood of a-tldekncss to provide a fire resistance equivalent to the doer,' (c) Seating capacity, means of egress, and capacity placards for places of assembly -in buildings covered by this Section shall be in accordance with the requirements of Article V of these Standards. (d) All required stairways, passageways, hallways, and other means of exit including exterior open spaces to or through which exits lend, shall be kept adequately lighted at all times when neoessary. All exits shall be marked with signs that are fully visible the full length of the corridor. Where necessary, directional signs shall also be provided. All exit, directional, and fire escape -signs shall be illuminated by gas, Section 808 •, r so it proposed construction or displays are of moderate size, file materials used are either incombustible or properly flame. proofed, or the proposed location is protected by an approved system of automatic sprinklers or tin automatic fire doloctiou and alarm system. 8.1 .Alarms. ., �(a) Automtitic fire detecting systems and sprinkler systeuts shall have alarm facilities connected to the municipal fide department through either a central station ora master fins alarm hex sigualiug dircel. through the nuutieipal fire alarm system. Such ;dartos shall also register at the telephone switchboard. A municipal fire alarm box shall be located in each hotel lobby, or within one hundred feet Of the building entrance. Int small (owns having vnlnnt•er fire deparhnents, or where It paid man is not always oil duty, Ind in towns mol having n municipal fire alarm ,ysfmn, or where fire alarm circuits are remote front the building and it is not feasible to transmit alarms to the fire deparfnn•at. 'his Office tmq'. int lieu of requiring alarms to he transmitted tiufornatieally to the fire station, permit analarm to be sounded me -n approv. ed weatherproof gmag alt the front of the building. (b) Every hotel, and all Other buildings eoierrl by this Section whfeh are used as sleeping quarter; for twenty Or mire persons and exceed three stories in height, shall be equipped with an approved alarm system conforming to the re.1aire. nients of Ardele _ N7, except as those requirements art - modified herein, Irl hot, -hi, suet) alarm systems shill have minimal cif nue aetfi ing station on each fluor, with alt sddi. tion.) aeuding station ilk the hotel Office or adj;teeut to the ir•Irphoae operat.r, All syslrmse�,hall ineltule on adequate Oumh,•r of nbarm .utlydml- de"i -Ons. ill nernplutts Of the bnildi ng mud to,iiihotlft the Mlline fire hri,:ade ill event Of fire•• I, -. Onion ..f .. ndnig sfafi mi and alarm sounding tie. ,."..hull he approved by thin hffi••e. (ei It ,hail he o;,a&dory fur the fire department In ho sum m+med inUantly np::n repnry of a fire in tiny haildiog covered by thiv Sertioo 2. Provisions for Evacuation.;- (.; Ifricf linin:^tionv M.Al he ,-nnvpieuonsly posted in ea••b ram-, infr•nninu ne..•s r•f thO pr•:••e•lOro to he filllntre•d in the e-ni of fir'. I-g,•th. t. .It. espl.•u,,l,••u ..f rhe 111e -tion ad exit far.ilitieq (bi In all hotels havir:g fifty or m•.ra 9:1, l r-Okik +uul in other budding, rolir,esl toy this Vemion whi••h have per! mann) Garr. of employrca, a private employees' lira brur'dt. r, 81 sections 808-809 ! - Sections 809-810 82 shall be organized and regularly drilled in the evacuation ofli, hotel installed for fire medium or low hazard occupancies, one hundred.-feet. fn guests and in the nae of equipment Such drills shall be made tender the super- Illedium or low hazard occupancies in buildings of fireproof fighting purposes. and semifireproof construction, and in buildings of ordinary vision of the municipal fire department. construction if completely sprinklered, specific approval may (c) Cas masks foruse by guests, ropes, or other dc' be given to increase the distance. vices to be used for escape through windows, shall be appro•- (c) In medium old high hazard occupancies, not less +- ed by this Office before installation. than two menus of egress shall be provided for every floor, 10. Fire Protection, including basement, of every building or section. (a) Where automatic sprinkler equipment is required by (d) The Ilse of slide type fire. escapes for buildings of this Section, the installation shall he in conformity with the this, class shall be limited to high,harard occupancies, KR,pticky Regulations for Automatic Sprinkler Equipment.. 5 Alarms (b) Where automatic fire detection and alarm systems (a) Standard fire alarm systems may be required in are required by this Section, the installation shall be in ae- of the Kentucky Bloc- factory buildings over one story in height, when the conditions eordance with the applicable provisions trical Code, the Kentucky Regulations for Central Station of construction, occupancy and protection are such as to war- ratlt such systems. Signaling Systems, the Kentucky Regulations for Proprietary and Local Signaling Systems, and the Kentucky Regulations 4. Exit Drills. for Municipal Fire Alarm Systems. (a) provisions shall be made for exit drills and Ila (c) All buildings covered by this Section shall be equip- organization of eulployces for emergencies in Ill factories ill ped with first aid fire protection in accordance with the re- which more than one hundred persons are employed. quirements contained in Appendix A. u. Wiring, Heating, and Ventilating Equipment. 11. Self-Inspection. (a) Electric wiring shall be in accordance with the vc. (a). Self-inspection blanks furnished by this Office shall quirements of the Kentucky Electrical Code, and heating ap. be filled in regularly and forwarded to the Municipal Fire piianees and ventilating equipment shall be in accordance with Department Headquarters monthly. Such reports shall bear the provisions of Articles X and XII of these Standards. the signature of the manager or other person responsible for G• ,Miscellaneous Hazards. the premises. (a) Operations or processes involving the handling or SECTION 809: FACTORIES. 1 storage of flammable liquids, the application of flammable finishes, welding, or other miscellaneous hazards, shall con- t. Construction. form with the applicable regulations of ibese Standards. (a) Factory buildings exceeding four stories above grade or fifty feet in height shall be fireproof construction, except 4 First Aid Fire Protection. that, if not over seventy--five feet in height, such buildings (a) First aid fire protection equipment shall be installed may be heavy timber or semifireproof. Frame factory build- in all factory buildings in accordance with the requirements ings shall not exceed two stories or twenty-five feel, and an- of Appendix A. ' metal buildings shall not exceed one story in height. protected SECTION 810: DEPARTMENT STORES AND OTHER 2. Exits. LARGE MERCANTILE BUILDINGS. • (a) 6xcepl as hereinafter provided, exit facilities shall 1. Construction. be in aecordmu•e will' the requiremrcm< of A,tiele V of these (a) Department stores or other large. mercantile build- Standards. a building or section shall be further ings over four stories in height, above grade, shall be of fire- (b) No portion of travel) from the nearest exit than the fol- proof construction, except that if not exceeding seventy-rive I (along the line of high hazard occupancies, seventy-five feet; feet, such buildings may be semifireproof construction. Frame lowing distances: bnlidiugs shall not exceed two stories in height. Sections 900-901-902 84 83 section 810 2. Exits. (a) All department stores or large mercantile buildings ARTICLE IX shall bo provided with exit facilities in accordance with the re. - quirements of Article V, CHIMNEY, FLUE, AND STACK CONSTRUCTION 'I. Wiring, Heating, and Ventilating Equipment. SECTION 900: DEFINITIONS (a) All wiring shall be installed in accordance with the "Chimney" means a vertical masonry or reinforced con- Kentucky Electrical Code, and all heating and ventilating or erete short enclosing one or more flue., for the purpose of air conditioning equipment shall be in conformity with the removing products of combustion from solid, liquid, or gas requirements of Articles X and X11 of these Standards. files 4. Fire Protection. "Fine" tl nulla a vertical passageway for the products of (a) First aid fire protection shall be provided in acenrd. combustion. "Smoke pipe" nuvms a pipe or breeching connecting a face with the mgnirements of Appenulix A. heating appliance and u chimney or u 1'Ine. (b) Basements exceeding 5,.500 square feet in arca and pipe, ' as applied to heating, a a pipe far used for the storage, wee, di-play, repair. or handling of u plia rem"Wioving of col from gas appliances, or heat rumoring c-ombostib)e am,kr should be equipped with sprinkler pro. heat els race front low heat electrical furnaces. f teetion. "Smokestack" means It vertical Sur constructed of metal, ' fi. Exit Drills. to which is connected one or more smoke pipes. (a, Provision+ fur the schooling and training of em• SECTION 901: GENERAL. pluye-s eoneerning procedure in evcia of fire xlcul%1 be made in huiWn,g� � v--d by thi. `;�•efi!nq wh,•n over ane story (a) Except electric appliances and domestic type gaao- in h.•iallt title or kerosene stoves, and as utherwke provided for gas uppliunees, every heat-producing /novice referred to in Article X shall be corrected to, or have as at integral part, a flue ` conforming to tic provisions of this Article. (b) If a chimney- flue has suloke pipe connections in u.ore than one story of a building• any unused openings Shull be closed with incumbustibh• Material, (r) Kutbing is these titaudards simll prohibit the join. iug of Uro or mune -malt, pipes for a single flue cols 1-tion, provided Ilat sm"he pipes ;nld flues arc of sufficient size to serve all the applinu,on Out, eenarcted and provided dull, except for veal+ for gas appliances (.cc Section 101G), tic {{ aeweral smoke pipes are .oastruct,d to comply with the 4,r-- xsv ,- t n•q nirrunmtn for any nuc of those connected. .�,. (d) For special rrquireaenta governing fluor and vents for ga, appli;m,ea, see yle,tiou 1016. SECTION ft02: CHIMNEYS. i G i ). Construction. i (Ity ('I........ y:x -ball Ile t•+alxtrlleteil of brivk, solid block n.axlnlry, e.oncrete., I.r stone, and xhall have walla slid elle { linings of the, type and th6_kll.•s• Ms bvreafher specified. No f{i19 huihimg ilructurAl Shull enter any el,immry, 74 D 85 Section 902 (b) Such ebim new shall estend at least three feet above the highe_t point where they pass through the roof of the building, and .should extend al least leo feet higher titan any ridge within ten feet of such chimney. (c) Every such chimney %hall be properly capped with brick, terra c, ata, stone, east iron, concrete, or other approved iueombusliblc, weatherproof material. (d) Such chimneys shall be 'wholly supported on ap- proved masonry- or self-supporting fireproof construction. (e) No such chimney shall be corbeled from a wall more than six inches; nor shall such it chimney be corbeled from a wall which is less than twelve inches in thickness unless it projects equally on each side of the wall; provided that, in the second story of two-story dwellings, corbeling of chimneys on the exterior of the enclosing walls vin, equal the will[ thickness. ht every case the corbeling shall not exceed one inch projection for each course of brick projected. (f) No change in the sire or shape of a chimney, where the chimney passes through the roof, shall be made within a distance of six inches above or below the roof joists or rafters. (g) A spark arrester, constructed of No. 10 gauge wire screen having mash not greater than % inch, shall be pro- vided on all chimneys serving fireplaces in buildings having combustible roof surfacing. (h) Satisfactory lightning protection, in conformity with the Kentucky Code for Protection Against Lightning, should he provided for all non-metallic chimneys. (NOTE: Sec also Section 2619.) 3. Flue Linings for Chimneys. (a) Except as otherwise provided, required flue linings shall be made of fire clay or other satisfactory refractory material, not less than % inches in thickness. Approved corrosion -resistant linings shall be used in flues for gas ap- plinnees. (b) Flue linings shall be built ahead of the construction of the chimney as it is carried lip, carefully bedded one on the other in mortar as hereinafter specified, with close fitting joints left smooth on file inside. (c) Flue linings shall start from a point not less than eight inches below the intake, or, in the case of fireplaces, from the throat of the fireplace. They shall extend, as nearly vertically as possible, for the entire height of the chimney. (d) Only Portland cement mortar, cement lime mortar, or fire clay mortar shall be used in setting flue linings. 87 Section 902 double walls, each not less than eight inches in thickness with an air space of not less than two inches between them. The inside of the interior walls -shall be of fire brick not less than four and one-half inches in thickness laid on the four and ore -half inch bed in fire clay mortar. 6. sizes of Flues. (al The cross sectional areas of smoke flues shall be designer] and proportioned to meet the conditions of tem- perature within and without the flue, thickness of masonry, exposure, shape and material of flue, and other influences; for solid or liquid f. -Is they' shall be noless than seventy square inches for hot air, )rot water, and low pressure steam heating applhane.,%; not less than forty square inches for ordinary „toyer, ranges, and room beaten; not less than twenty-eight agaarc inches for small special stoves and heaters; not Ice. than fifty square inches for firephaees, but at least mto-twelfth of tie fireplace opening. (b; The cross sectional area, of flans and vents for gas burninga pit lianeen shall Inc not. less than one, square. inch per 7,500 hourly R. T. IT. input, and in lto ease shall this ."Bonn bo 1— than three in,hes in diameter. Flues and yenta shall have errors sectional arena at least r•gnal to the ,q%,,.n1, areas of the vents of the appliances eomnceed to them. 7. Fireplaces. (a) The Well and side -a of ftrepla..- hen•:di,r ereele-d ;hail he of oli.4 masonry ar reinforced concrete, nt les than aright inch" in thirkn— A liltiltg of fire l,rirk at I,•a,t tato u:•1c.: thick, +,r other approved material, shall be provided usl•-n:, the thickness i, twelve inches. it is ri—ann ndrrl that %1,,;e firelda s be lined witb fim hri,k. ib, 1.• u' -:^es shall have harms of brink, ,tone, tile, or +itb•r airs..,. ie:aombustihla material, suppOrte.li on a fire- prca•f'':i•.. n brick trimmer -arches. Such hearths shall e'• ewy ineher notai,le of the chimney breast, heyond each nide of the fire i. r. r. -c breast The r: mhiced thick- .. - •oan;,lu:n shall be net lea £lass, -..s of tray Section 902 86 (c) When more than two flues are contained in.uhe sane chimney, at least every third flue shall be septi rated by masonry at least three and three-quarters inches thick, bonded into the masonry avail of the chimney. Where flue liuftlgs are not so scpal-MM, Ilse ,joints of adjacent f1110 linings slr,Jl be staggered at (cast seven inches. 3. Chimneys (Flues) for "Low" Heat Devices. (For Classi- fication of "Devices" see Section 1001.) (a) Chimneys (flues) for stoves, cooking ranges, hot air, hot water and low pressure steam heating furnaces, fireplaces, and other low heat devices or appliances, other than for dwell- iugs, and other titan gas appliances elsewhere provided for, shall have walls not less than eight inches thick; the walls may be solid masonry using brick, stone or concrete, or of solid moulded or solid cast chimney units of concrete, or of burned clay, or of suitably reinforced solid concrete cast in place; provided that for stoto masonry other than sawed or dressed stone in courses, the thickness shall be not less than twelve inches. The walls shall be properly handed, or tied with noncorrosive metal anchors. In dwellings and buildings of like floating requirements the thickness of the chimney walls may be reduced to not less than three and three-quarters inches. (b) Every such chimney hereafter erected, altered, or re- paired, shall be lined ivith a flue lining conforming to fine requirements of this Section. (c) Specifically approved flue assemblies, consisting of linen, insulation, and outside shell or cover, with lnill-iu roof jack and weather cap assembly, may be used as flues for domestic heating appliances when installed in accordance with the conditions of approval. 4. Chimneys (Flues) for "Medium" Heat Devices. (a) Smoke flues of high .pressure steam boilers, smoke houses, and other mediumheat appliances shall be approved masonry or reinforced concrete not less than eight inches thick (provided that stone masonry shall be not less than twelve inches thick) and, in addition, shall be lined with not less than four and one-half inches of fife brick laid on the four and one- half inch bed in fire clay mortar, starting not less than two feet below the smoke pipe entrance and extending for a dis- tance of at least twenty-five feet above the smoke pipe en- trance, above which point flue linings as specified in Items S and S, preceding, may be used. - u. Chimneys (Flues) for "High" Heat Devices. (a) Smoke flues of cupolas, brass furnaces, porcelain baking kilns and other high heat appliances shall be built with Sections 902-909 88 shall not be used to vent any heater excepl, electric or gas heaters of a type lint regairiug a flue or vent connection. (c) All wooden beams tad joists shall b, trimmed away from flues trod chinuloy's. lleeders, hearty tad joists shall be not less than two inches front the outside face of at choanae, or from mnsanry enelosing it flue. (leaders supporting trimmer arches at fireplaces shall hu not less than twenty inehcs from the face of the chinntev breast. Trinunem shall be not. less titan sic inches from the inside face of the nearest flue, (f) No woudwurk shall ba placed wilhh, four inahos of the httek face of o fireplace; aur shall combustible lathing, furring, or studding be pla, cd against it ehitmey; but this shall not prevent plastering directly tilt the masonry or tilt metal (nth and furring. (g) No waualan umnlol ar Wh woodwork s1a11 be plaeed within eight inches of either side, nor within hvehy inches of file top, of a fireplace• opening. (h) All space between if., uutsmnry of chimneys or fill,, and wooden joists, beams, or headers shall be firetoppe(I by filling will, incombustible material. (i) All spaces buck of con.lowihle mantet, shall be fill,,, with incombustible materials. NOTE: See diagram of standard chimney construction in the Kentucky Building Code. SECTION 903: METAL SMOKESTACKS. (a) )fetal ,.a kcstu k..,tall by of adequate thicknes,, properly riveted or welded, and unless structurally s,lf- hupporting shall It,- guyed securely; Or firmly anchorad la, lir otlerwiso nuppurtod bc, the building served thereby. ,111 metal work slutll be painted or g:dvaniteil. ['lean -cut op,uing, slutll I,.• provided M il,e base of every such slack. All Hoch htncks r,,ntside. or independent of a building, shall he sups purled on auh,t+u,tinl masonry foondation. fh) All rnmill nmokestaeb, used for [nigh heat applimn,•rs hhsll hn lined wit), four and one-half inch fire brick, laid in fir, clay manta r, nest l—, than twenty five feet from wh,r, fhe hmaka pipe ,ware, tet Mack, -1,dl 1„ of u,, Ir„ that.. tela fact. -tr c fhe Li, h t I .::.1 • 1' soy rof ,a,ithm h,Oty fly Feet. alt ti,n,n, r ..-i t s..ro", of u huiblir,g shall have a Wran- fr-, ti ,If i ,...j ie: than Iwenty.ft„tr inal— if til, wait -r fro—, n. tv.n, and n,4 1,•x thou four mehei if it i .ef ,o-.4 ,i. r type of eonstrt„tiou. \u Imo-\ i r`. - I 89 Section 903 - sueli stack shall be nearer than t%•enty-fou• inches in ay n direction from a wall opening, exit, or fire insulated Oil IIIc exterior in escape. Whensome approved manthe ner, elearanees herein prescribed coag• bo reduced to itner, irds of those specified. (e) Every- sl'm•k, or part thereof, Inealed in a building facing one nr mare stories horn -ern tba sloe}• in n•hidl the /� vPpdiance served therehv 1, located axil the roof, shall he ^"�' lie with apprat•ell •masonry,, or other approved incom- bustible construction having a fire resistance rating of um'. less than two hours, extending front the lower edge of the Ther above the appliance, continuously through the roof, There shall be space on all sides behvicen the slack and the forenca )ng walls, sufficient to render the entire stack accessible for examiuntioil and repair (minimum of eighteen inches except six inches for low heat appliances), And the cndociug walls shall be without openings, exeept for uecossarr doorivays equipped with approved se f -closing fire doors. (fl 11'here a metal stack, not lined and u-ithout. masonry enclosure, passes through n roof of eonlbuslibic mal assriaf it stroll ,e to 11114 by a galvanized iron collar or rim, so in. stalled as to pruritic a clearanec cot all sides clacks used for Paragraph (b) of the stack not less than six inches for low hent spplimmof I for medium heat al pplianceses; and eighteen 3Idn1 high heat appliances anti . lined with fire brick, as specified Ill(b) preceding (but not including foundry cupolas Ali,[ similar upright furnaces sc•Itich constitute their ouvn stacks), shall, %•here passing through cotabtttute roof eon- sball1on, ,e guarded by a galvanized iron collar or rival and shall fare a clearanec on all sides of not less than eighteen inches. aqui an additional approved ventilating collar Is provided equidistant from the stark cad the outside rim or c;]lar, exlendina net. les. Ilum six inches felon• aha ];aver edge 6f the roof con,Iruelitnl, 11 clearanec required bclower the stack aunt Cite roof may- he reduced to three inches for low beat appliances and twelve idaltes for medium heat ap. 1)"anees- All weather hoods provided in connection with in- stallations covered ,t• this paragraph shall be in failed with at bras] A two-inch ciear space above the roof to permit free circulation, (g) In certain buildings, provided they are located 'Inside the fire limit, of a cif• or fawn (such as in low-valueorted isolated ,airings or vermin nmnufacluriag buildings in from danger ton , health and life is not a factor), smoke pipes s[omsrmudts]mitar tllowsl ntpees'raturedome�rlevi etic pse(also tentranges attrry om section 1000 ARTICLE X THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF HEAT PRODUCING DEVICES SECTION 1000: GENERAL. 1. Hazardous Locations. (a) This Office st run airy reoontm+•ads chat nn fwd pro-device emrdoyiva :tit opo' flame or ineutdewenl ,d,•etrical unit he installed ur operated in tiny location in which flnmrnable vapor or dust is, or may be, liberated in A sufficient prurtily to form art esp]mive mixture with air. Where the n.••;,ii �ti,m or is, of such ]tenting device in a hazardous lrA•n- ._ rear', a roudil ion unsafe to life, n•Inwation of it,, device or �.,J.,.lifullolt of n safer ,our,eof heal will Ire required. This .Loll viol, l+owever. be cousins,] to prol.ibit lila use or drying and bakiog oven.+ or similar industrial installations making use of ,p••n flAm- ,, in•amlelent electri"Al unit,, provided ,ratda+ir:g or "purging" system, properly interlocked •�,i+ll tl,c fi-i some,•, . some ;ober xatisfnelnry means for .-;.,:nrd,nu th-, d,.li—, k employed. Mounting and Clearances. fa, Thr m; otina and rl+•arann+ r,q- irem is harnin- after specified ars intended t; reanlale the arrmlgement of heat -producing devices, including ele,•l.rieal, so that their ,-ontinunns ole -ration will not raise the temperature, of sur• romuling or adjaee.t combustible fl s, ceflinva, wells, wood. work, or oth+•r eomlmatible mat«vial, morn than 04 &grecs F. Hhove normal room temperature, or above, a ulasimnm cede I• mperatore of 175 degrees F. (131 degrees F. for dcetrical •�pphan••es). When, because of Ineal conditions of occupancy. d. /arnra Unn cif davieer or insntation, lark of ventilation, ;r ti ,.thee etuat.ionn, ineunling and elearane regrnroments herein d; not pr,rd,.ree a safe installation, further preewt l e;.:r µall t✓ req .lied. `: C•: F As a rough guide it rr:vvy be assmmcd that when A heal prod.' vv device is .1 ;_Wlled that, as a result of its r�iYra. Li:C 81:f t:+r,: ,:f cry --try C'r :hYYtICIC arNr. :eilir.$, wan, or f.aL:.,. a i -•:.•^d fo a plata where it is rot Lae: able to ib from that device to turd i -;N, f inuAliatim is WiJafe. 1j"1wss-,;t S I' tv r. ., o bost4b+e mater ff, ,.: ,. ,! .<. _. taw I. care. Tl ­ Al—, mum. avid. whw.revar prartu., sntsrld he provided. ft throe - _lr t , P.•. Sections 903.904 90 low hent electrical furnaces) may be permitted to pass directly- to the outside through a wall or roof, provided such smoke pipe is installed as specified by paragraph (a) of Section 1015. - NOTE: For requirements for vents for Bas appliances, see Section 1010. (h) All metal smolic slacks shall be adequately ground• cd uv proteel)on against lighwhig diseluirges, SECTION 904: CUPOLA CHIMNEYS- I (u) Chimneys of cupola furnaces, blast furnaces and similar devices, hereafter erected, shall extend at least twenty i feet above the highest point of any roof within a radius of i fifty feet thereof avid be covered on the top with Leavy wire netting or other approved spark arrester. No woodwork or ' other combustible material or construction shall be erected or placed within three feet of oily part of such chimney. Sections 1000-1001 93 safety of an installation, and greater clearances cannot be provided, protection should be installed as specified in Section 1018. 3. Specifically Approved Devices. (a) Certain types and models of lots temperature ]tell,. Ing furnaces and boilers, heating And conking appliances, floor furnaces, teal] heaters, unit heaters, counter or portable ap- pliances, and industrial furnaces, which have been Approved specifically for installatimt on a comintsti,le floor or frith lesser clearances than are specified herein (either to the Appliance or its vent or snmke pipe), may be in,talled in accordance with the conditions of such approval. For this purpose the published listings or approvals of Underwriters' Laboratories, hue., the American (]ns Association Testing rmborntorics, or any other nationally recognized testing agency which is quAlifi,d And equipped rnr rxperino nt l 1,.I. ing, which nuaiutnius At least +tit -1 uAl inspection program on current production of listed or approved devices, And wlliell makes available A published record of sne.lt listings or approvals in which cpecifie information is illOuded regard- ing mounlina or clearances, may he areeplcd. 4. Accessibility. (a) The installation of hent Appliances shall ill ,It rases he such as to make them acee"ihle rnr deeming of hediug surfaces, removal of burners, motors, controls, filters mol other working parts, and for adju,tment And lubriention ;f parts requiring stte)t attention. SECTION 1001: CLASSIFICATION OF DEVICES. (a) For film purpnses of these Ntandards, heal -producing devices or appliall—, shall ho di—ified as indiratrd below. When a device or applimuee is er in unusual etmrn,ler, or 7a ' not eletirly defined in the follns'ina p-a-ilplls, the tilde Fire, N—Aal nr authorized oily official ails desigugtr Ila. I classification to he used in determining mnuntiog aro) deer- anee rr+luiretneAls. (1) Heating Furnaces and ]toilers (Floor -Mounted), Ilcatilaf flruao', and hailer. A mll inelud+• floor- nunudod In•t air furnaces ;P both irratily null mr- rhnni+vd typo.+, Tod , ,a L,.i b•rs. and A,.a it boiler:: 'peraling at. ,.it in ;Cors. of fifteen I.uod. :•ane prc.aure, used fur h.•alu;v ,.f bluidio;rs .,r stvurlurrs. 11-I'lmir:d I'M .lir Curu`u+ev Are auln;at i.vd ly Pn ed hot air furnace si ieh are r•quippel sill. it fat t; circulate file air. When se,im I., qj!o,, L•;Ih•Y, operele 33 Section 1001 Section 1001 94 _ at more than fifteen pounds gauge pressure, they shall be classified as Industrial Boilers", as pro• an electricelement, then rising and thereby drawing vided in Item 7, below. in fresh air at the bottom. Except for electrically- (2) Floor Furnaces. heated appliances, circulating; type space heaters are usually double chamber vented type, in which the Floor furnaces are self-contained furnaces suspended burner or fire is contained in an inner combustion from the floor of the space being heated, with means for chamber vented by a smoke or vent pipe, and air 'Is observing flames and lighting the furnace from heated in a separated surrounding note, chamber or such space. shell. Ilowever, some gas-fuel circulating space heat- (3) Unit Heaters (Ceiling-Type, Direct-Fired), ers are of Cao unvenled type. Such heater contain Ceiling-type direct fired unit heaters shall include one or more burners (with or without incandescent direct-fired unit heaters which are suspended from refractory material) inside a single shell; air entering at the bottom together with the products of the ceiling, mounted between uprights or.on walls or collision brackets. Unit healers are appliances con. passes, combustion, over the heating clement and through sisting of a combination of a heating element and a louvers or holes into the room or apace being heated. fan, having a common enclosure, and plated within Electric heaters employing a fan to force or draw stir over a heating clement only be considered circulating- or adjacent to the space to be heated. typo space heaters, provided they are so constructed (4) Well Heaters, that the heating element may not be operated inde- Wall heaters are self-contained heaters supported pendently of the fan. from or recessed in a wall or partition of the room c. Restaurant type ranges and ovens shall be classified being heated. as "Industrial Furances-Low" as provided in Sub- (a) Heatingand Domestic- Type Cooking Appliances item 7, below. (6) Counter and Portable Appliances. (Floor-Mounted). a Floor-mounted heating and domestic-type cooking a. Counter appliances shall include hot plates, grid- appliances shall include domestic-type cooking dies, coffee urns, warming tables, and similar devices stoves and ranges, laundry stoves, space heaters, gas. steam or gas-hot-water radiators, and water heaters, which may be so classified. b. Portable appliances shall include pressing irons, , of types designed for mounting on the floor; and curling irons, soldering irons, glue pots, small electric such other appliances as may be so classified. Space space heaters, and other small appliances of a similar heaters are defined as above-the-floor devices for nature which, by reason of their' use, cannot be per- direct heating of the space in and adjacent to that manently located and may be properly classified as in which the device is located, without external heat- portable. ing pipes or ducts. Typical space heaters are ordi- (7) Industrial Furnaces Including Power Boilers. nary coal stoves and gas heaters. a. Industrial furnaces, including power boiler::, Ahall b. In the following regulations, reference is made to be further classified as "low", "medium", or "high", space heaters of tale "radiating type" and space heat. heat producing appliances, in accordance with their - ers of the "circulating type". A "radiating-type" character and size and the temperatures developed space heater is one in v1deln the henting effectiveness in the portions thereof where substances or materials depends primarily upuu radiation, either from the are heated for baking, drying, roasting, melting, heated body- of the applla m'e ilself, or fronts heated vaporizing, or other purposes. or incandescent elements, retleetors, or refractory b. Low—Furnaces operating at temperatures up to the materials embodied t,ertiu. A "circulating-type" melting point of lead, or about 600° F. Typical are space healer is one in which the heating effectiveness restallealnt type cooking appliances, such as large depends primarily upon convection, the surrounding ranges, ovens, and broilers; baking ovens; candy fur. air being heated by a fire chamber, a direct flame, or nates; coffee roasting ovens; core ovals; steam hoil-. ers operating at over fifteen pounds but not over fifty 90 Sections 1001-1002 Section 1002 98 pounds per square inch; steam boilers of not over ten the base of the device by reason of all air space of the height specified. Ordinarily, thc' length of the "legs" will coincide boiler horse power, regardless of operating pressure; with the distance between the floor and the base of the device, stereotype furnaces; and wood drying furnaces. Ae; sterid otherwise classed as "medium f ria be con- i but short extensions of flue sides of fhc device, in the form of sidercd "low" not over 100 cubic fret. m size. aprous or decorative bounds, may he permitted without dis. qualifying the height of the legs (f. c., the distance between C. Medium—Furnaces with temperatures necessary to the floor and the base), provided the free circulation of air anneal metals, or glass, or about 600° to 1500° F. Typi- beneath the device is not impaired. cal are annealing furnaces (glass or metal) ; charcoal furnaces; galvanizing furnaces; gas producers; steam 2. Fireproof or Semifireproof Floors (Floors Only). LOilera of Over lei, Loiler horse power operating ;it (I,) industrial furnaces or boilers of the "medium" class over fifty pounds per square inch gange pressure. having legs less than 'i inches high, and all furnaces Or boilers Appliances otherwise classed as "high" may be con• of the "high" class, sill,][ be mounted un list ground or ma sidercd us "medium" if nut larger than 100 cubic feet flours .r fireproof or aemifireproof construction. in size. (b) All other fluur•numuted, stationary, heat-producing d. High—All furnaces operating at temperatures devices, including heeling furnaces and boilers, heating and necessary for ore roasting, bloom or billet btating, cooking appliances, industrial furnaces or boilers of the iron smelting or lasing; or 1500' F. and above. Typi• "mcdiunn" class Iun'iug legs not less than 4 inches high, and "ah are billet and bloom furnaces; blast furnaces; all industrial furnaces or boilers of file "low" class, should, brass furnaces; brick kilns; coal gas retorts; cupolas: where practicable, be mounted on the ground or on floors of earthenware kilriv; glass furnaces; open-hearth for- fireproof or serrifnreproof construction, but may be mounted nota.; p"rrela;n hakm� and glw.i,;, kilu,; water ea, on combustible floors antler conditions a,o specified in Item 3 retorts. ! below. SECTION 1002: MOUNTING OR SETTING OF FLOOR (c) Floors of fireproof or sessifireproof construction shall have incombustible surfacing, ,hall Lave nO cosdmstible MOUNTED STATIONARY NEAT-PRODUCING DEVICES mat•rial of their undersides and shall extend Lerund the sides (REQUIREMENTS AS TO FLOORS). Of the appliances us follows: 1. Gtncr:a, I's I'd k1e1. s is se'•'.: L-.i ,n lt:•' f"Ilu wing hollow n:anonry a Atnnmam n Nr nt retllJ ll'� a:,a;1:,, ILC Un119 ,hall Lf: Iant t4'Ita ,'.dam aln1,•:11.'tt ;Inst ur on aidC+ j' rinse matched, to a'ayide chami., , I i. lLe rhe lalio ; ,d air. w•nera Wn,mum If Cita euprnae are files rad, the suit, stall he L•�id :eito tl„• its witauneia as right angles to each ,tLea .,n wJr+ nemo,eJ Ilealifl Furnaces and Butlers (b; Devices referred Vi as "such that flame or hit g.°a, p 12 in. 18 in. (fl--in.—ted) and Itrating anA Caakina ApPliancas do not come ta contact ,lith thn base" include Conventional- (11--m-noodl .. Gin. t9 in. fndmutrial furnace, and Pow r type fncunre. and tm{h=ra, noting an alit Pit rr similar t' a h<;xun g sa Boilrrc Space bencatu the burning fuel (whether using .61id, loss, ur Low 12 in. is in. ,ft; o ,god lett., and like dei,, es in which the Lase is of d,rccily' 6ftdmtn .... 3 fl. alit. exposed, to dames and produeU of combustion. Devi— re. )fifth . 10 ft. 30 It. un,; ° feud to as "an-h that flame Or hot gases roma in contact with :1. Floors Other Than Fireproof or Setnifireproof (Floor. the base' ica:iude furnaces having a downdraft, certain soiid Only). fu-1'lanae- er-.cvertel t.) od burin use, anal aimdar levhres lot which the baud is m.ira er I­ d;t,,Iiy ­Poul in lame r,r iii Stationary beat producing desi.:es (except industrial "high" Pat ii :-s daring operation.. furnaces and Loiler, of lbe claw, and industrial fir. "median" lie; Ie tile following nq::ireresnts reference I. msd.: to narein and I iiera of the cla+s having Iegs les. trw i Poetic: in height) may bt mounted cu eomb"atibie floor, if deviee kav,ag Or not hava,j "iEge" By "I+gs" is meant sup protection is provid.•d os al,rcifled in its: "T.LI.• of Protection Peru of a type which alluwd free r*,r,id ticv of .V lmncath 03 section 1003 or vent pipes (except where such smoke,or vent pipes pass through partitions, floors, or roof (see Sections 1015-1016), to unprotected combustible material, shallbe provided as indi. cated in the following "Table of Clearances". The clearances apeeified, particularly for vents from gas -fuel appliances, as. same well constructed, properly designed "equipment. Where Practicable, greater clearances should be provided. (b) The clearances specified for vents from gas -fuel appliances do not apply where approved Type B vent piping is Permitted and used in full conformity with Seelion 1016. (c) The clearances specified for cauls from gas -fuel ap. pliances may be reduced to six inches for approved gas appli• ances which produce flue gas temperatures not in excess of 550 degrees F. at the outlet of the draft hood, when burning gas at the mannfacturer•n input rating. (d) Heating furnaces shall not be installed in nttics IMIM of a type approved for such uss. installation shall lip in accordance with fill. mounting and clearance provkions of this section and venting in accordance with Section 1016. TABLE OF CLEARANCES _ 7c. l 97 Section 1002 Sections 1002-1003 90 '. ^ - �— for Combustible Floors", following. Unless otherwise slated, No protection is required, however, beneath or in front even with the sides, front, and of electric space heaters. such protection shall extend rear of the device; provided that, in addition, for appliances c. With legs not less than eighteen inches high, (12 inches if appliance uses liquid or gas fuel, or is electrically burning solid fuel, the floor for not less'than eighteen inches heated) and with no burners, elements, broilers, ovens, beyond the front of the appliance, or the side Ichere ashes are or ash pits within eighteen inches (12 inches if appliance removed, shall be proteoled with not less (halt I;-Illell asbestos uses gas or liquid fuel, or is electrically heated) of the mill board, covered with sheet metal of not les, than 24 U. S. floor, and with one metal baffle between burners, element, broilers, ovens, or ash pits and floor; no pro - gauge: or o'ith proleetiou equivalent. thereto, gauge: except that, if solid fuel is used, floor in front Ilei, of or on side where ashes are removed shall be protected TABLE OF ]PROTECTION FOR COMBUSTIBLE FLOORS as heretofore provided. (1) Heating Furnaces and Boilers, Floor -Mounted (3) Industrial Furnaces, Including Power Boilers and Res - (Floors Only): taurant Ranges, Stationary Type, Classified as "Low"; and a. If appliance is such that flame or hot gases do not come Industrial Furnaces Classified as Tledium" and Having in contact with the base: Legs Not Less That Four Inches High (Floors Only): 1. Without legs, or with legs less than four Inches high; a. It appliance is rvlassified as 'clow•' and is such that flame four -inch hollow masonry covered with 24 U. S. or hot gases do not conte in contact with the base: gauge sheet metal. L Without legs or with legs less than four Jnches high; two four -inch hollow masonry covered with 2. With legs not less than four inches high; one-fourth courses inch asbestos coveted with 24 U. S. gauge sheet 3/10 -inch steel plate. metal, protection to extend six inches beyond 2. With legs not less than four inches high; four -inch appliance on all sides, except as provided for solid hollow masonry covered with 24 U. S. gauge sheet fuel in Item 3 (a) above. ll. If appliance is such that flame or hot gases come in metal. 3. With legs not less than eighteen inches high, and contact with base! 1. Two courses of four -inch hollow masonry covered with no burners, broilers, ovens, or ash pit within eighteen inches of the floor, and with one metal with 3/10 -inch steel plate. baffle between burners, broilers, ovens, or ash pit, c.Heating boilers of the water -base type may be mounted and floors; no protection, except that, If solid fuel is used, floor in front of or on side where ashes are on combustible floors, provided the water chamber extends under the whole of the ash pit and firebox, removed shall be protected as heretofore provided. or under the whole of the firingchamber if there is no b. If appliance is classified as "love" and is such that flame or hot gases come in contact with the base: ash pit. d.hfechanical warm air furnaces using other than solid L Two courses four -inch hollow masonry covered with 3/16 -inch steel plate. fuel they may e so arranged that the fan chamberle ooccuplestthe c. In addition to protection specified in a and b above, entire area beneath the firing chamber, and forms a well where restaurant ranges, broilers, doughnut kettles, and similar devices, are so arranged that the possible boil. ventilated air space between the firing chamber and the floor, not less than eighteen inches in height, with over of flammable greases or fats may constitute ahazardous of at least one metal baffle between the firing chamber condition, some special form of protection may be required. and the floor. d. If appliance is classified as "medium": (2) Heating and Domestic -Type Cooking Appliances, Floor- L With legs not less than four inches high; two cotuses Mounted (Floors Only): of four -inch hollow masonry covered with 3/10 -inch a. Without legs, or with legs less than four inches high; four -inch hollow masonry covered with 24 U. S. gauge steel plate. ' , 2. With legs not less than twenty-four inches high and sheet metal; except that electric space heaters having with Ore chamber or burners not less than twenty - the heating element not less than three inches above the floor, and having a baffle or bottom between the four inches above the floor: four -inch hollow masonry covered with 24 U. S. gauge sheet metal. element and.the floor, may be set on 94rfnch asbestos covered with No. 24 U. S. gauge sheet metal. SECTION 1003: CLEARANCES (OTHER THAN TO b. With legs not less than four inches high; 1/4 -inch asbestos FLOORS) FROM FLOOR -MOUNTED STATIONARY covered with 24 U. S. gauge sheet metal. In the case of HEAT -PRODUCING DEVICES, ' space heaters of the gas -fuel radiating type, the metal extend face the device a D[ininuuu clearances from floor -mounted stationary t or faces of edgesctof thion e incandescent cen heat -producing devices, and from their breeahings and smoke S.S.-4 03 section 1003 or vent pipes (except where such smoke,or vent pipes pass through partitions, floors, or roof (see Sections 1015-1016), to unprotected combustible material, shallbe provided as indi. cated in the following "Table of Clearances". The clearances apeeified, particularly for vents from gas -fuel appliances, as. same well constructed, properly designed "equipment. Where Practicable, greater clearances should be provided. (b) The clearances specified for vents from gas -fuel appliances do not apply where approved Type B vent piping is Permitted and used in full conformity with Seelion 1016. (c) The clearances specified for cauls from gas -fuel ap. pliances may be reduced to six inches for approved gas appli• ances which produce flue gas temperatures not in excess of 550 degrees F. at the outlet of the draft hood, when burning gas at the mannfacturer•n input rating. (d) Heating furnaces shall not be installed in nttics IMIM of a type approved for such uss. installation shall lip in accordance with fill. mounting and clearance provkions of this section and venting in accordance with Section 1016. TABLE OF CLEARANCES 1. Ileiting F....... and Boilers. RCCCflllnq & Smoke or Vent aldnn.. anA (See lAn al NeCtinaa Jlet 0.,]•!f I:::IIr .\bneC• Ilei, Rr.nl Id16-10161 r:1 Itl nNnrirl P.f n,:t rr ae, li Pit+: r.,lp VM'MI,IIP, andfiI '•parerMan­ IyfM ne I,ivins a Jvtnl .:r h,:mg .r mYnnry Vl 0A•IAlA.1rtY lF. •':''!lite mnt noI.I.,nlaaIinalA p' Aolld furl _... _ fi la. i In. IV 111. li In. narnlns In. i lit. li lit. 91n. }916binlrAl n," iIf fYTn A're, '•alit. rgliexlly f1". veal w10+ TL M6rfe ' ,awren,cte I:+r1r p:rnn'x Ir;,+a of ..,11.1 I: •! A In. n 1„ 4t ,n. Ir In IA In. IIt a rr,... Ilan r.:Ta:e Section 1003 100 sonde control, ars properly functioning may he substantially altered It any part x( aha control system .Mould be rendered lnoper.uo. by 'en,On of fnllu'o of mechnntcnl or electrical CnulPment. I.mlr.rina. to III-advlaed alterntiona or .dluatmeatn In the controls. `ccord• Ing1Y. lila oftlea recommends that the elenranes ¢peclflr•1 fur "(Other healing boilers and hot a" tars.ce," be provided wherever pxaalhlo. 2. Heating and Domestic -Typo Cooking Appflammit amus" or Vast Pip rN1 alnd se't alfa and MIMS• hear I`r.nl ICF 10161 apacx I+enl' y (common testing p.. a J, and 'I'd an alnvex, rn,linlina t>To. an- Jncar. and unlined: flor=a .end m IIquW fuel 061n. 4a fn. IV In. Ihlrnlna ly fi, hYed _—. A. pl t:lc.lrlcnlly al —_. 0 fn. !6 In. _ aP:tC. llentcrn lllCnllnu .loves) with ants nlr 1111"t (clrcul¢Ilna t pe): nurnlna an11J or Iluuld rue) 1! in. 4V In. li [.. flllrnlaa aux _ Mit. IA In. 91n. 6laclrlenlly IZ_Ie ___ slit. s in. _ nomeallc type ,..sea and cook ]Jules ules i sell,] M1lol, wilh.lt el.y t, olid foe nnlpl.A' cell,] fuel a,fthliquid cl fuel#ed flrap.[ or burning Ilauld fueitf _— 11 L•. -s y10Is. 161n. nurnlna snit __. Il iw:'13i lit. 91n. Clcclrl<ally healed BU,• stn. _ W.— h.—le: nurnlna soil,] fuel: hIlhxut --Jacket, .f e—hlnati.. ent lug Pmv.e and wnler healers _ 311.. 41 Is. Ill.. nurning (Plaid fuel; without wale, Jacket, or c,,bl".Il.n testing stove. and water1—ler. __-_._.---w 161.. 19 in. 1s Is. nu'n's", solid or 11'ald fuel. water lackeled nurning Can. unJackoted ¢nd unlin.d_ 191n. IV In. Alit. nurnlna a... ..,or lnfkeled —_ m In. 111n, 91it. EkelrbC uy h. ­J _ Ifo. 1 In. _ (:.x -steam or a h.l-venter radlat.ra 6In; 6In. 6In. 1!IcelrlV clean. I.dbdae. __. _.. _ I an., • unlined nad nnlnckntN Ileating and ka.J1, e - deM-4 far ..lid foal but ennverlcd t. be -e V1 — fact. ad Cm P1nY1 ,, In...4 • n.nl rnfr¢..... nlalerl.la (such as 11.Y Cnal.). PM11 knee . 'learn.... of 16 lnrben Ia conlbuatlbb. se-11al at PIdCa, 1'a1, font, and .1's— 'rinx-fal1 I.T.I.n1" IIMIOrP niaklaa IL•e nt pP1+ePlnA r rCfrACl.ry rlal -1.1 In old rn,11.11.., and hn\Ini n AoaF.le. hark nr molal nr Yrnnllf mnlerinl. Inny bo mnmilrvl with clear. arcs In—1.1.hln nal'rinl of Iv Illfhr. nl al:l'P, an., 11 lo'hew ren r, hal shall haus w , Irsrnr In fl—I and nh.- At nut 1'n. lh.n X 1nYaca I Tb. nein .I, III—s— fro., nrntlnr^ and d—lull I\'Po e.oking al•. Pll.n•e t} Ilii tld, m.lorl:ll ei— whether Piaal.1.4 nr un. PIAPif, ' pti.a f:,nnlAefphly wllll t!.e Altf.%nl lYPea .f aNpllancra has cal 1nr+n111 �wnlxmllnfhesl acornCfA16Ca�rf'IlPanna a.A I.dndIV AlnanP, and n1lAlinr d -b— in alllfli Il.n heat er lhP nam. lun.a.l bl.ln all 1 IaI9' 1+ruV 1.1cA It+i lu hill II.P nndrtniile of II,C Nrul C.lr.1 l•Y ai.esl::A ..1111 I, 1 vel Irl is rma•1 a..Ior Inrh Iln.k..-rant wll •1 .heel mel.) n,l, Ina,] {hon A gaV.., Ile fl•'a+nn•a nl,Y I�.'f P:1 ICda 11:an lWflll i' tVaeIllehfP. •CI1P Nralrnllnn ahwll ..Irnd nhln Ing .en h. rnnit Ill. aide. of apPliiaeva. D are, ae a., IMn Ir furl. 'nide of a 'anon I..arnlna .,lm fo'l. and I— the burn•, .0, at w r4nan hanlna 11nu1J fuel, Inn rlearnnc. w1 .lap w" real aa} he r1abl CTn Incllp. 101 Sections 1003-1001 3. Industrial Furnaces, Including Po\ver Boilers and Restaurant Ranges. \\'here Ind::atrlal fornarr� nr aPl'Ilancry err of np,ei,l plc.=I.; n, anU cenatrUcltal o[ mntrrlala provl,llnn mom than netmal iuxuinl ton (evclt an "InauannC•' flee hnc�k), Ica:rr clCaranccn Than Ihexo spr.•i lard hclnn' may be Prrntitl M, sWrltic re0nnemenla for unci, installnn0na w',it be [urniel,cd or llaa Office upon regnaal. Smoke PIno All since SIdeA (hCtplea and 101 10ne AN".I0I ove Rear Front S1016) A. '•Som" A➢Pllancea.T I. \tit Mick+ncascd 19 In. It lIn.• iS ln. 1, n. -. nrlck-t—a— _ L" In. 12 a• fA In. 18 I". • "I a wall or 1—ad.—table 1enat1uc110n adfacenl to Ila: c0okinc tell f a rcfl hkh h rano, th x.. lar n',Pd e, Ix oat ahl'hl d by n I�ar.l, ti itch shelf, or k, h ,such earl of the nl',,hok Iaee seed.. IrM, paracroph (bll. the troll prolectlan shall extend at boat . feet shave tl,c surface Of Ihr cenkln8 lop. r ,t rlrarnMr n[ sol Ievx Ilan 1. Indica bo Provided from "low" l,ral npnllapCra !O walla Or relllnFa of1 1. InC0mbuallbl0 Cnnatrllcllon "melt have„ or pre Iikrly the to hare, ,o,ab%a jbi. material placed on opposite flldoa thereof. antoko PIP. Sides (Sao ¢leo ' and 8ectiana .\bora near Prost lilt -1M0) H. ^MadlnH'• AYDnanco� L sot brick It In. Z4 In. S ft. M In. Iirlck-enalsrd _ _, 87 In, t8 In. S ft. Y, In. • :t elearnnce a[ oat leen Ilan •t Iaehea chap ha pr—Ided f— "19= rom ••m Num" heat nnPlimrcen to "•aIle or cell Inca of Incombastiblo ooa- etrurtlnn "�hlch have, er ere Ilkcly la I,nve, combuatlble material Placed nn Ihr arrnana tilde Ihere"; P-1k1. d that lvllrre ouch aP- I no are hri _kkk= the clearance ahnva to 1e111— Of such inC0111hUanhlC C0¢ElrUC110n ma)' be e1FItI" Inelo.. Front ar Sid, wh0r0 Sidra not and Prodoei. Above Rear nemnved O. "High^ ADPnaMw. —_ 15 ft. 10 It. SO ft. SECTION 1004: VENTILATION. (a i Buildings or rooms containing "medium" or "high" furnaces or boilers shall be properly ventilated to carry off overhead ,pat. Blower systems, or wall or roof ventilators, the later preferably of incombustible construction, shall be pro. vided for this purpose• (11) Large of the restaurant type, and other com- mercial type furuavr, snrh as candy kettles, cruller furnaces, renderin- fnrnaept, and similar applianees, shall be provided with ventilating hoods and ducts to take off smoke, gases, vapors. and the flume in eyenfof fire. Such hoods and ducts shall 6e construeled of not less than No. 18 gauge metal (pre- ferably No. 16 gauge) or other acceptable incombustible material, shall be adequately- supported, and shall be not more 103 Sections 1005.1006 vided under the furnace. Sides of pan or pit shall extend four inches above ground level. (d) Floor furnaces shall be made readily accessiblo. Openings in foundation walls and trap doors in ,floors shall be not smaller than eighteen by twenty-four inches. Under. floor passageways to the furnace shall be not levy than twenty- four inches high by twenty-four inches wide. (e) Provision shall be made for proper air supply for efrmbustion. (f) Floor furnaces shall not be installed to file upper floor of any building except that approved gas floor furnaces clay be installed in upper floors, provided the furnace usseul- bly projects ,,;low into a utility room or similar non-hubituble place. In upper fluor installations the furnace shall be lucalcd is an enclosure used for that excllaive purpose and con- structed of metal lath and plaster, or equivalent fire resisting material; furnace clearance of six inches oil all aides and bottom shall be maintained, and suitable mems., for air intake for cumbuntion front the atmosphere and access for service .Fall be provided. (g) No floor furnace shall be installed in the floor of any ai,le.or pa iklf way of any auditorium, public fall, or public assembly room, or egre.s from any su,!h roorn or ,pace. (h) yenta or sra,ke. pil— from approved floor furnaces hwty bo installed in accordarrn with tike conditions of..,left approval. Where the approval does not specify vent or ,tnoke pipe ClcarancS., thr: rlea,.ni ,, give. far vent ur smoke pipe, from "Beating FurmP ,t au.I hall apply i,8retinns 1103, 1015 and 1016). SECTION 1006: ARRANGEMENT OF UNIT HEATERS (CEILING -TYPE. DDIECT-FIRED). (a; 1'.;Imt'T;i ,i.r.-•t;ir,d nut, hn terx xbail not ire inetallyd :o y--',, , . •r airplara: hangara nate:.-, of a 'type approved ., and umtall.d w,t less than eight feet above til- ; .r •ba l:a, ,t as ;,tL•rai.e provided, roiling-typ•t dire,t- tir.:rl atilt i-.,:01 b:: mntnlled t, Ln vide a clearam'e in soy dirna:.. .:,ts'ork or other Ciriia,tible a:aterial, r l:ether cnplasz,red, of trot lea, than eighteen iacl:r: .t':. !:..::. til,• };,:..h•• 1..;:c .,t ,:leh an ap• (;._a eighteen W- •i .. _.:rept that trot_, j 7 .. _ _ ,;:_ay be six inc Lr- .. :'. •i: may W as Sections 1004-1005 102 than seven feet above the floor. The width and breadth of hoods shall be at least equal to that of the appliances served. Each hood shall have a clearance of At`tess than eighteen inches to any combustible material, still shaill?ba vented either by a connection to an independent flue conRtrmiug to the ro- quirements of Article IX for low, Heat appliances, or by an independent metal vent pipe passing directly 4o the outside. Where used, such independent vent pipes shall have clearance to combustible materials of eighteen inches, except that, where passing through combustible walls, partitions or roofs, the point of passage shall be guarded by a metal ventilated thimble not less than twelve inches larger, in diameter, than (Ile vent pipe. Such vent pipe shall be carried to a point not less than six feet above the roof. Ducts connecting hoods to flues shall be substantially constructed and supported, and shall have clearances to combustible material as spccifaed above for inde. pendent vent pipes. Exhaust systenns should be so designed m to create an operating air vggeiLy to the exhaust system of not less than 9,000 feet per minute. Range or grease filters, if used, shall be of incombustible construction, designed for the specific purpose, and so proportioned as not to decrease the air velocity specified. Vents of gas -burning appliances may dis- charge into the space beneath the hood, but shall extend through or beyond any grease screen or filter provided in the hood. SECTION 1005: ARRANGEMENT OF FLOOR FURNACES (FURNACES SET IN FLOOR OF SPACE B E I N G HEATED), (a) Floor furnaces shall not be installed in floors of combustible construction, unless approved specifically for such installation and installed in accordance with the conditions of such approval. - (b) Floor furnaces shall be supported independently of the floor grilles. (e) The bottom of floor furnaces shall have at least six inches clearance from the ground. Whore the ground must be excavated to provide this clearance, the excavation shall ex- tend at least twelve taches beyond the furnace on all sides, and not less than eighteen inches on the control side. Where such excavation exceeds twelve inches, or the ground contour and ground moisture conditions are such that water may come to within six inches of the bottom of the flour furnace, a water -tight pan constructed of copper, galvanized iron, or other suitable corrosion -resistant material, and properly- an- chored in place, or a stater -proof concrete pit, shall be pro - Sections 1007.1008-1009 104 SECTION 1007: WALL HEATERS. (a) Wall healers (self-contained heaters supported from, or recessed in, the wall of file room being healed) shall be prohibited in walls of combustible construction, unless spe- " cifleally approved and installed to accordance with file con- ditions of sue, approval. -,J SECTION 11008: STEAM AND HOT WATER PIPES, RADI-':`?• ATORS AND UNIT HEATERS. (a) Steam pipes and hot water heating pipes, radiators and alit heaters, Shall be installed with a clearance of at leand. one inch to all combustible construction or material: provided that larger clearances may be required from stcan lines and equipment of industrial type, mating use of high pressure or super -healed slcann; and farther provided that at points where pipes carrying steam or hot water at not over 15 pounds ganga pressure emerge front a floor, wall or ceiling, the clearuneo at the opening through the finish fluor boards, or wall or cciliu, boards, tray be less than ane iuell but not Inxr than eu,.,alf inch. Each such opening shall be covered with a plate of uot- combustible material. i•c f SECTION 1009: PIPING OR DUCT SYSTEM FOR HOT AIR FURNACES. 1. Application. (c) The requirement,, of this Smtion apply to piping, or duet syaterns, used in ennucetion with hot air funaces of either ' gravity or Mecha icul types, whether or not filters, cooling units, or other air conditioning equipment is also employed. Where ducts ore ..,,it will[ s}•xlems rnllkloyiug only steam wits or other indirect. uwaus for heating air, or where nu., healing unit is involved (such as some air eonditiulnhl9 syn. " tell.. in mcrrmtile or indivilrinl uP,upaurip.,), the provikinaa of Article X11 .,ball apply. -' (b) The cicurvmce4 requirod for ducts of '•cMehunirul lust hot air furnoms with 2W drgraes F. Len,peraUkre limit control" ' •arc .01newhat lean Ilan rhos, apecific.d for dura, of ,they type furnace,. In addition, further aoditicaliou of rcquirerucul. is peraittvd, In apeeinl lostalcee, for dm•ts of I— hempol'ulure syateas having positive contrnla whir, Maintain fila air tem. perature In ducts at '(if) degrees F. or Ica,It m ravogni2ed that conditions which obtain .,•hen all like requ--.1 nut, n uin controls urn property lnuytioniug may be 6uh.t:n+li+,ll}' mitered if any }cart of the control system abould he nruderrd iuopern. - 105 Section 1009 Section 1009. 100 tive by reason of failure of mechanical or electrical equip- ment, tampering, or ill-advised alterations or adjustments in the controls. Accordingly, this Office recommends that the greater clearances and the installation requirements specified for ducts or furnaces having no automatic controls be pro- vided where possible, even though automatic controls a - installed. 2. Hot Air Pipes or Ducts (For All systems Excepts Those Covered by Items S and 4 Below). (a) Such pipes or duels shall be constructed of metal -or" other incombustible materials of adequate strength and dura- bility. Any kiting or covering used shall also be incombustible. Made-up joints shall be securely fastened and made substan- tially air -tight. Slip joints shall •have a lap of at least one inch', and shall be individually supported. - (b) Ali duets shall he securely supported so as to avoid sagging and to maintain the required clearances. No nails shall be driven through pipe or duet walls. _ (c) Portions of duets which run approximately hori- zontally near the ceiling shall have clearances to combustible material or construction as follows: 1. Within six feet of file furnace— a. Ducts from mechanical hot air furnaces with 250 degree F. temperature limit control (as defined in Section 1003), six inches. b. Ducts from hot air furnaces other than as in (c) 1 a, preceding, eighteen inches. 2. Beyond six feet from the furnace— a. Duets from mechanical hot air furnaces with 260 degree F- limit control; from 'octal duets to com- bustible material, whether plastered or unplastcred, one inch; from approved' ducts made of asbestos cement or equivalent material, one-half inch; still from metal duets covered with one-half inch or more of iaemnbadible insulating material,, no clearance. b. Ducts front loot air furnaces other than as in' (c) 2a, preceding: from metal duels to combustible material, whether plastered or unplastered, six inches; and from metal ducts covered with one-half inch or more of incombustible insulating material, one inch; provided that when such ducts are in, 167 Section 1009 v: ith an air space of not less than one inch between the inter outer walls; or they shall be made double with an air ,pace of not less than 5/16 incl. between the inner and outer walls and covered with ,at less than twelve -pound asbestos paper. (h) Where ducts pass through (pierce) a wall nr par. tition of combustible construction, they shall be protected us specified in Paragraph (g) above. A metal thimble may be used to provide the double wall if the space between the duet and tu. thimble is flat less than one inch. This space may be filieJ with iueou:hu,tible material or closed with metal collars. til Where the installation of ducts in walls, floors, or Partitions requires the removal of any frestopping, file spaces around the duct at such points where ftre•stopping is removed shall be tightly filled with asbestos, mineral wool, or other inrombu.tilde insalaling material. (j) Where Lustibl a la r`n,'tnL;ti ui,the register box sd in hall be covered woors or walls of ith twelve -pound asbestos paprr, and a clear space of not less coin 5/1G snrh shall be left hetween file sides of the box and any combustible map:rial- (k; Where regi,ters are installed in the floor over the furna" (av in a so.ealled pip:•less furunee), the register box shall bo load, dr..d& with an air space of not Ir•,sthan four '"ll" Lctbvren ata walls, ex,•ept where the warn air large ,mrrcuuded by a roll air passage. fl) That nor furnace ,yslruav, other that tic,.• whieh ore :11.7,ilatirally tired with ,it -;.tad and haa'e approved tempera- • :r, limit eortrots, shall have at least one register or grille v.. ds,ut a closable sb'tter, and the duct leading thereto shall 1.•: without a damper: provided that this shall not apply to systems where dampers and shutters eannot shut oil more than eighty percent 4 the total dn,t area. 3. DU%Aor Low Temperatare Systema in Dwellings. raj When s)atems using au-cmati-fly fired hot air fur. G—l", equipped with a fan to cirealale, the air are, 0, it:atalled in or serve not more tF..,:; ! :--.ii.rs ill multr I ar iy „::e, (2f equippof with , r f... shutting X t!-- l ,apply ac,l for starts,•: ..- the air in ! ' ar it tit: • i;egtaning i ... iy duet (at 4C., +, i,y radiated L,atr. ..:;.:Veraturr. thanL i'., aha !3; 1Fa dem;,: .. 'sA¢d tb.,a man ,..t . !.- .: i,P.Tat,:l - •:'.f Ci.l:tr•,i, stalled in systems in dwellings or serving not more than two families in a multi -family house, the ducts and clearances specified in (a) 2a, above, nu.y be used, (tit) Where duets enter it flour, a partition, or caclosure, of combustible construction, within it horizanlid'dislauce of six feet of the furnace, the duct shall be so arranged that heated air must travel at least six feet from : Ute ehoscA primary heating surface and change direction egnl'ddcut to tit least ninety degrees before entering such floor; partition, or enclosure. This shall not apply to so-called piprJesi furnaces. (o) Where ducts cuter the floor of the first story above that in which the furnace is situated, they shall be separated from all combustible material in the floor construction by at' least 5/16 inch, unless the duet is of double wall construction with a continuous air space of not less that 5/16 inch between the inner and outer 'calls. Any remaining space around Ila duet where it enters lite floor, whether the duct is single or double wall construction, shall be tightly filled with incom- bustible insulating material. i i (f) Where ducts are enclosed in combustible partitions, walls, or concealed eeiling spaces: (1) They shall be covered with not less than one thick- ness of asbestos paper weighing not less than twelve pounds per hundred square feet, with an air spmee of not less than 5/16 of an inch provided between the duct and combustible material, unless bun incom. bustible insulating covering or cellular type at least t/cinch thick is provided; or (2) Such ducts shall be made double with a continuous' air space of not less than 5/16 of an inch between: the inner and outer walls; or (3) Sueh ducts shalt be of approved 1/ -1 -inch -thick asbestos cement or equivalent, separated from com. bnstible material by an air space of at least '/s inch. NOTE: It is recommended that, where practicable, metal lath, ) rock lath", or equivalent incombustible plaster base be used for those portions of combustible walls, partitions, : floors, or ceilings, which contain hot air ducts. (g) Where ducts are located in closets they shall be covered with not less than 1/ -inch cellular asbestos or its equivalent in approved fire -resistive insulating covering, prop- erly protected against injury; or they shall be made double Section 1009 108 (h), (j), (k), tad (1) of Item 2 preceding, may be waived provided all other requirements of this .lrlirle are observed. d. Cold or Return Air Ducts in Dwellings or in Systems Serving Not More Than Two Families in a Multi -family House, (a) Such ducts may be constructed of metal, or oma -itch (ttonninal) wood boards, or other suitable material not more Ilaamtable than ane -inch wood boards, provided that ail par. tions within six feet of the furnace shall be rm.structed of metal or otter incombustible material. (b) Where such duels are installed i' wall., floors, or partitions, their installation shall comply with the provisions of Paragraph (i) of !term 2, preceding, regarding fire -stopping. (a) Where, spaces Leper --eft binds ill walls or partitions or'spaces between joists in floors, ;lre used as cold air ducts, the portion of such spite" so used shall be cut off tram all r:mm]ning .mused portions by tightfitting stops of sheet metal, or of .rood not less that, two inches thick. (d) The interior of r.mbustible ducts shall he lined with metal at points where there might he doubter from ineaudescuut particles dropped through the register, such as directly Under floor registers and at bottom of vertical darts. (c) No vertical stack f..r return air shall be connected to register.%, on more then one floor. (f) Return air shall be condnct:•d to the furnace thrmagb eoutinnulls duels, except that Underfloor ,pace, nuty tae used rs ducts for return of air from rooms dire, tly ;dove, pruvided ,uvh ,pace, a- not over two feet in height to Liitum of Moor ,joists nod ore .Iran of Al loose combmatibtc iiinterial and era lightly and sahstauliallc ruriosed. :lir shall nal be raei,eu. luted from inn boa:•nunU , eti.n ,at Used f, living quarter.. 5. Air Filters. tat NVh,p- i -A, air filler, shall Lc of approved type that wit]not i:anti frc,dy or emit large-'olumes of smoke or odor .d.jrrti: u,uld. produrls of combnsti,o. wlu•n attacked by il.no, iLl l,iyui.l adli-i... cmatingv usvd ole fill.,: shall L:n•e o lla,b pam:t of :5511° h'. or higher, hi Cowling Unite. ta; t'..d, carrying refrigrranls which are flammable or tozic sbail oot ba plarea in air do -ti or ollier air a•irculntiug I,..R,age:. n a. .r 109 Section 1010 SECTION 1010: ARRANGEMENT OF COUNTER OR PORT- ABLE APPLIANCES. (a) Counter or portable appliances burning gas or liquid fuel, or using electricity for the source of heat, may be set on combustible shelves, tables, coulters, or floors, provided all four of the following infliguardi exist: (1) the surface of such combustible material upon which sucha device rests is,pro- tected by bit -inch ashestos covered with sheet metal of not less thin 28 gauge, (2) the burners or heating cloli(ents are separated from such surface by at least one metal baffle, (3) the legs or base are so arranged that air may eiiiialate freely beneath the device, and (4) the over-all distance between any burner or healing element and such combustible surface is not less that the following: Distance net wcen Darner or ilg Clemezie ent and Com dace o Surface Appliances burning gas or liquid fuel ...... _........ __. 4in, Electric Appliances ._.__._ .............._....._ .............. ... 3 in. (b) If there is no baffle, or if base is such that air may not freely circulate beneath the appliance, or if the distance between the burner or heating element and the combustible surface is less than that specified above, such appliances shall rest upon incombustible construction, unless protection, con. sisting of a course of hollow masonry covered with metal, is provided; except that (1), electric glue pots with elements submerged in a water jacket, may be set on a combustible surface, provided such applianees are equipped with not less than one -inch legs or bases constructed so as to allow a free air space of one inch beneath the appliance, (2) small portable electric space beaters may be set on unprotected .combustible surface provided they comply in all other respects with lite provisions of Paragraph (a) above; and (3), in the ease of sadirons, pressing irons, curling irons, and similar portable appliances, used or resting on combustible construction, incom- bustible stands constructed with a baffle and so designed as to hold the appliance at least one inch from the surface it rests upon, and to allow free passage of air beneath the baffle and between the baffle and the appliance, may be accepted as adequate protection. Separate boners, plates, or furnaces, used to heat such appliances shall, however, be protected as otherwise provided herein. 111 Section LOU minimum -sized outlets provided, so as to avoid undue loss of pressure between the service and appliances. All piping should he so installed as to prevent accumulation of condensation, to be not subject to mechanical damage, and to make a durable, substantial and gas-tight system, it is suggested that gas piping be painted a distinctive color in order tlmt.it may be readily distinguished from water, steam, or other piping. (c) Where gas pressure in the street main is hi excess of one pound per square inch, an approved gas -pressure regu- lates shall be installed Yn the service line to preve.ni'pressures in excess of one pound per square inch being introduced into the house piping. This requirement is not intended to prohibit the use of higher pressures for industrial applicatilihs. (d) All piping, connections, appliance,, soil equipment shall be examined and tested ns prescribod by the Kentucky itcgulatious for City Co. Pipings and Pilling, before gag 6 turned on for a new installation or for an existing hIslallalion in which other than minor changes have been made. (o) When an appliance is removed from an outlet. whish is not to he inmtediatel•v rensed, the outlet shali be securely elosed gas-tight -.with a threaded iron plus, or eap. }very v outlet connected to a gas supply shall be $o Closed immediately after installation and left clob 1 until an appliance has been conne•aed thereto. In no cost siudl the. outlet be closer] with learn caps or ph'gs, or a valva or -,,ck relied upon to close tine outlet. (fi Wbere possible, rcneea)ed piping, particularly in unvented llccr spam,, should be, avoided. When enncealed piping is employed, it shall he bl.tallrrl lend tested bs spceif ad in the Kentucky IL•gulatiocs for City Cas Piping. All eon— rection. on concealed piping should bo rnsde by the nae of ground joint tmirr..., liush!ng, or owing jointil should not be nafd in such incat.io's. .. Outside Shat -Off on City Gas Scrvice. la: All Outset, walwa .i i:1 1: 165101:^! rerviee pipe, regardless r f• r}.r;t ,.app] <, !sr. •, faetdrit", bchm•!s. !:csp;la L., >'•.. ,: ;:N;.:: of tmaembly, in diameter. (b) She'. i....... i .. able atop or c wbi,h shat! 1.<:r ". name ..f c 4 ... identify. ., ; ... Sections 1010.1011-1012 110 6 ' (c) Clearance from counter or portable appliances to adjacent combustible material at sides and above shall be not less than as follows: All Sides Above 1. ; Hot Plates and Griddles— `•• Electric ......._...._.....__....._._..._.._.._.., gin, 48 in. Burning Gas or Liquid Fuel ....... ..... 18 in. 48 in. Coffee Urns— Electric._.... _...................................... 6 in. 6 in. Burning Gas or Liquid Fuel ... _........ 12 in. 6 in. tWarming Tables .... ... _._... _................. 1 In. I in. While Pots (water-jacketed)— Electric..._...... ........ ,.......... ....... ...... 3 in. 18 in. Gas or Liquid Fuel .... .-_........ ...... _..... 18 in. 48 in. Soldering Iron Furnaces -......_ ......... 18 in. 48 in. Small Electric Space Heaters— Radiating Type _.__.......... ......... _._._ 6 in. IS in. Circulating Type .._..._.......-............. 3in. 18 in. : t Warming tables using as. or liquid fuel shall be arranged so that burners are not clover ann. elgin.en inches (measured through any Intel .ening oven walls) to nearby combustible material. Thoao wills elee,rle hearing elements silent be so arranged that the element is not closer then .is Inches to such aombus,lblo matcrod. 11,.. note sadirons, and etmllar portable appilancea using oleetrle current, shalt have an approved pito, 110I Installed In tlw clrcu ll. . (d) For requirements pertaining to coulter or portable appliances burning solid file], refer to this Office. SECTION 1011: GAS BURNERS AND BRACKETS. (a) Except as otherwise provided in these Standards, gas burners shall be placed at least three feet below any wood- work or combustible shelving or ceiling, unless such com- bustible construction Is protected by a shield, in Which case the distance may be not less that eighteen inches. (b) Cas brackets on any lath and plaster partition, or woodwork, shall be rigidly installed without stringing joints, so that under no conditions can flame be closer than six inches, laterally, to any woouivork or flammable material. SECTION 1012: SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS PERTAINING TO DEVICES BURNING GAS. 1. General. (a) No appliance shall be connected to a gas supply which, unless having a distinctive odor of its own, has not been effectively odorized. (b) All piping, valves, and fittings serving gas apppli. ances, shall be installed and maintained in full conformity with the Kentucky Regulations for City Ons Piping and Pittings. New piping should be properly planned, with recommended Section 1012 112 3. Gas Connections to Appliances Buming Gas, (a) Cas connections to appliances shall be mude by metal pipe; or by semi-rigid or flexible metal tubing approved by a recognized testing laboratory and securely and perma- nently fastened in place; except that, for industrial applica. tions, and certain devices which, because of their nalure require a movable connection, approved flexible tubing as specified below may be used provided there is no shut-ofr on the device, or between the device and the rigid piping, (b) All such flexible tithing shall be approved in accord. all" with the following specifications: (.1) Tubing shall be made rip in suitable lengths, with rod pieces securely attached by the manufacturer. (n_) Tithing must Ile madc ftp of a strong, gas-tight metal core, with rubber packing, and covered with a Iayer of good quality rubber or tither suitable gastight material and a braided cloth covering; sueh loyer or covering of rubber to be put. on over the 'notal Pure in such a way that it will of itself form a gas-tight wall. (3) Each length of tithing shall lie labeled by the uu$'•O,f faeWrer with a tag attached to the tubing, or a m ;` ing on lite end piece, or both. The inseriptiml sfffiffij state the manufacturer's name, die length of, the tubing and any other information pertinent to;.thr public use of thk piece of tubing. !4i Rubber end piece., sdudl lie of good gaulity, shall be at least two mehes bag, corrugated inside, and lava an onlside wall thickness of at lenut 5,39 inch at the gas "IT"; nee end, and shcdl be so attached as to eland a poli equal to lifting at weight of fifty Butt ls, (cl Where Ilexiblc tubing is used, whether meld or non, niet.114., type, slut. -If, for widinocvs they sr stir :hall he In the rigid piping o ly, and nm in the (,'Ling or nt the appliance. A key or other slat off Anil nal lie placed eh eie to the flout• or in any -tile, position where it inay br. D'rn•• I no by aeeid,l •1. Safety Shut Off Devices on Gas Appliances. (a, Cut b.; n,e... urd:dhd m 1,.'a pr. .. ,nn' .ensu L•:ihcr... hat w;tcr b.,;b•r., ur Y•: ni.r,., n.,,l hit h:mtuy! build in;r.:• nail al! au lnrnaLeul ly:ootrodtd appli,un„ slsJl b• pt,n id•d v:itb a thrrmoslillw pilot b t t ,, ,,:uMtrr,• tell -od gas can flow through the main burner unle a, ibe pilot light is boring; or with 1111".1 other A ,ilar safety the same ted. Ti:, r..rb:: of the anfMr dot n.c t.h'ch shut. pa 0 Sections 1012-1013 off file main gas supply shall not depend upon the closing of ,in electric circuit. 5. Liquefied Petroleum Gases. (al Installations in which liquefied petroleum gas is employed as a fuel shall conform in all respects to the require• ments of Article XIX of these Standards. SECTION 1013: SPECIAL REGULATIONS FOR KERO- SENE OR OIL BURNING APPLIANCES. (FOR GASO. LINE FUEL DEVICES, SEE SECTION 1014.) 1. Scope. (a) The regulations in this section apply to small heating and cooking appliances burning kerosene or fuel oil. In got. oral such devices are equipped with fuel tanks of from one to ten-gallon capacity, tittles" lntegrallyanounted. Require- nnents governing heating appliances which require fuel tanks having a capacity of more than ten gallons, but which would otherwise he covered in this Section, may be obtained from this Office. For regulations governing the installation and operation of oil-buruing equipment requiring large supply tanks mid the construction and installation of tanks larger than ten gallons, and for details of construction and installation of piping and appurtenances, see Article SIV. 2. Nature of Fuel. (a) The fuel used with appliances covered by Anis Section shall be kerosene, or a hydrocarbon oil having a flashpoint of not less than 100 degrees F., and shall be flee from acid, grit, and fibrous or other foreign matter likely to clog or injure burners or valves. Fuel Tanks. (a) Tanks supplying stove or ruuuge oil burners directly by gravity shall not exceed a capacity of six gallons, except. that where tanks are all integral part of a complete assembly of stove and burner they shall not have a capacity in excess of ten gallons. Tanks of the inverted -bottle type shall not exceed k eapaeity of three gallons, and not more :ban taro such bottles or tanks shall he onneeted hr a single heating, : unit. Such tanits sh:dl le located not less thou two feet front the device ie, wili,h the burner is insitdled, or shall[ bre pro- tected with suitable insulation, or with baffle plates, i,) assure that during normal operations the temperature of the oil in the tank will not exceed twenty degrees F. above the room temperature. Unless integrally mounted, they shall be securely attached to incombustible supports rigidly fastened to the _`V6.;P i a Section 1013 s 114 floor or wall. Such tanks shall he provided with means for determining the oil level which will not involve the possibility of leakage of oil. (b) The filling of supply tanks shall not be (10110 a�hiL• burners are in operation, or under conditions requiring the rise of lamps or lanterns. 'r (c) The filling of vacuum tanks of oil burning slave•:,, kerosene cools stoves, and tine removable founts of portable heaters, should preferably be done outside the building, or at In special location where precautions may be taken to minimize the spilling and exposure of oil. (d) Gravity supply tanks may be equipped with'ap. proved automatic or hand pumps drawing fuel from a storage tank in the basement or underground. If a hand pump is used, the supply tonic shall be provided with mt overflow pipe connected to the storage tank. (c) Filling of safety cans from storage tanks, or drums, shall be [lone by means of hand pumps. Gravity discharge faucets on storage faults or drums are not permitted. 4. Piping and Valves, (a) Supply piping between burners, supply (links, and storage tanks shall be not less than '/,-!rich steel, brass or wrought iron pipe, unless approved brass or copper tubing is used, in which case the tubing shall be not less that 5/1.0 -inch outside diameter with wall thickness not less than .049 inch. Installations shall make allowances for expansion, contraction, jarring, and vibration. Piping or tubing shall be well sup• ported, protected against mechanical injury or settling where necessary, and not concealed behind walls or ceilings. (Con- nections used at burners shall be of a type to facilitate removal. (b) fit cases where the burner is supplied by 11 gravil,y tank or automatic pump, a shut-off valve shalt be iusbtlled in the piping close to the discharge of such gravity tank or automatic pump, 5. Appliances. (a) Appliances covered by this Section shall be placed on the floor or other substantial foundation (never on:boxe or temporary supports). R'bere nonintegral tanks are used, the appliance shall be rastened In the floor to prevent bgeaking of lite fuel lino (b) Clearances Clearances fro t appliances to combustible material shall be as great as practicable, but in no event less than those specified by the foregoing Sections. f 115 Section 1019 Sections 1014-1015 110 SECTION 1014: GASOLINE FUEL DEVICES. (a) The use of heat -producing dCVieea banning gasoline is not recommended where any safer source of hent can be employed. (b) Stationary hent -producing devices burning gasoline shall not be used, except that, when approved by a recognized testing laboratory as Class A (furnished with anti -flooding devices and supplied by either one -gallon tanks at barriers or six-gallon outside tanks), such devices may be used outside the corporate limits of any city or town. (el Portable heat•producing devices burning gasoline hball not be used inside of or near any building within tine fire limits of any city or town, and should not be used else- where; provided that nothing in these regulations shall be construed to prohibit the inside use of approved -type gasoline blow -torches, srddering or lead pots, or similar appliances, by competentworkim•,i, in the course of construction or ra•model. ing operations, or white making repairs to building or equip. merit. (d) The bundling and storage of gin-liul- shall lie in sir'"aeeordam,e with t.hr• liruvisions of Article X14'. Filling of reaervoin of portable appliances should be done outside or buildings. Tanks or reservoirs on stoves in buildings shall - I:,• filled only from approved safely calls, in flit daylight, wilt :.'.t in ally room in whirl, a fire, flame, or blaze or any kind is leaning, or in which th— is an incandescent unit. - (e) Ucvices Lurl.ing gasoline shall be. placed on the floor u on permanvat foundations (never on boxes or temporary supporta), and shall be lauated away from wiaduws or atber opeafng- where drafts may extinguish the flame. Appliances pr„vided will, n,rn b=tegral tanks shall be attached to the 1'`::r to prev-an breaking of the fuel line. C'learaneas from :,ppliancos to combustible material shall be as great as prac e -able, but in nes event les- thou those spceified by the fare. gong sections. , (fy Fee! piping for earnectieg outside, or m—integral utsidr, tanks to stationary stoves shall eonform to the ful- Wwing: fir Ruch piping ahall be not less than 3/16 -inch ouut•le diameter, aearnbnei drawn copper or brass tithing having a wall tbiekre," of at :east 3, GI inch, 4114 shall be of suitable quality to willutaad the l`ff" a of haudfing sad taarnpularian in installation and use. T:,Linl. e!:ait Le pr.a:rir.1 ui•b al,pruved filling - !.l .. itting-..,_.. ; . ,b ry r f:r 'r—It4. (2) Fuel piping shall not be secured in place with staples or other fittings likely to injure file tubing. Tribes shall he run in iron pipes from supply tank to inside of building wall, and lie protected by wooden mould. iugs or iron pipe wherever tine distance above the floor is less than seven feet. (3) Fuel piping shall in no case he conceded behind malls or ceilings, and shell be protected by sleeves where passing through fhior", partitions, or walls, (4) Fuel piping shall be supported in eliling runs :it intervals not exceeding six feet, by metal straps ur the equivalent. (5) Wheu piping is instilled• near electric wiring, the requirements of till- Kentucky Electrical Code stili][ he observed. Where tribes cross wires, pipes, or metal girders, protection from aeelumical injury shell he provided. (G) 'tubing shall be thoroughly tested after all conuec- lions have been made, and shall riot show loss within one hour at a pressure of fifty pounds per square !rich, (7) Tubing shut[ be provided with a separate shut-off valve installed inside the building at a point easily reached in an cmorgcury. SECTION 1015: SMOKE PIPES AND BREECHINGS (FOR SOLID OR LIQUID FUEL APPLIANCES). (a) Eyrr, siuoke pill, and Lrreehirg shall be connected to a uiasoury or eouerrn• ebiu wy. or a molal smokestack, cou- furtiug to the. provisio:,. of .trti,le IS. ,.r'ecpt then in certain buildings, provided they it,, I-atcd onhide it,, fire limits of any city or town ("tell ai l,nv-cablec isolated buildings or .-main trial fiulUming Imildinga, in which clanger to health read lid's is not a Neter), snwke pipes from eonnnu,n healing stoves, donteinie type, ranges, Landry stoves, mid nintilar decicc«, ulna v,uts from low -hent elretrlwl furnaces nun• Lo pr:l'lli It led In pan+ direetly, to the utii,le tlweugh a wall r,f roof, gravid„d .00h "mike Opip, dies act pass tl:ramgh any ,wraakd wti,, l -h. -I, or similar concealed spam (.flier than joist or stud spars. and provided ,learmiecs where passing through walls or rr•of are not les than is specified in Para. graph (b) bola.•, and furlh,�r provided that such smoke pipe is snbatautially sandfro t,d null supported. (b) No an:ukc pipe or baulking shill pans through u floor. Noamok, pile of any "nicdiunt” or "high" Iw'at uppli• .ties shall plus through a enmLustible wall or partition. (Sec flection 9u3.I Smoke pipes of other device't shall not pass 117 Sections 10154016 through combustible walls or partitions for roofs a-beu so permitted by the provisions of Paragraph (a) above;, n:dess guarded at the point of passage by a metal ventilated tiquiblc not less than twelve inches larger in diameter than? Ug smoke pipe. ' (c) All smoke pipes shall be adequately suppnrtrJl to . prevent sagging and at maintain specified ole:araan« , Weather . sf hoods shall be installed so its to provide adequate ventilation. _ SECTION 1016; CHIMNEYS, FLUES, AND VENTS. FOR GAS APPLIANCES ONLY. 1. Where Required. (a) Every gas appliance listed below, except hot. plates, griddles, and similar devices for which vents are not prac- ticable, or which are designed for use without vents, shall he connected to an effective flue or vent pipe extending to the outer air; provided that such connections shall not be required for industrial appliances of such siza or character that the absence of a vent does not constitute a hazed. 1. Domestic appliances with input rating in excess of 50.000 B.T.U. per hour, except domestic gas ranges. 2. Automatieall_y co trolled appliances with input rating in excess of 5,000 B.T.U. per hoar, except automatic instantaneous water heaters of the single faucet type, inhere the single faucet is attached to and made n part of the appliance. 3. Automatically controlled appliances with input rating less than 5,000 B.T.U. per hour, unless equipped with an automatic device to prevent the escape of unburned gas at the main burner or burners. d. Each of several appliances, except domestic gas ranges, installed in the same room, and which, in the aggregate, have nn input rating as great as 30 B.T.11. per hour per cubic foot of room content. 5. All house heating steam and loot water boilers and hot air furnaces, including floor furnaces. 2. Types of Flues or Vents (Gas Only). (a) Standard chimneys or smoke slacks conforming to the regulations of Article 1$, shall be provided for (1) all incinerators; (2) all appliances which are of such a nature that they may be readily converted to the use of solid or liquid file]; (3) all boilers and furnaces other than attic furnaces, and except approved boilers and furnaces where the use of Type B vent piping may be specifically approved; and (4) all other appliances for which vents are required, except those. 119 Sections 1016.1017-1018-1010 such gas appliance is equipped with an automatic device to prevent the escape of unburned gas at the main burner or burners. Where a gas appliance vent pipe is joined with a smoke pipe from an appliance burning some other type of rued, for connection into a single flue opening, they shall be joiner) by a Y fitting located as close as practicable to ilia chimney. With liquefied petroleum gases, the automatic device should shut off the pilot light as well as the main burner or burners. SECTION 1017: DETERIORATION AND MAINTENANCE. (a) The mounting r"ttiremmnts and clearances, specified in the foregoing Sections, contemplate basting devices and appliances being in good physical condition. Tf firepots, walls, bases, or tops of such devices, or vent or smoke pipes, are not in good condition, greater protection or clearanees than those spro•ifird ro:,s 1,, .-dad RECTION 1018: REDUCTION OF CLEARANCES WHERE COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL IS PROTECTED. 'r,,.. ,1,aran—, t, •..,,t„b,.:ri;moat-ial specified in Line t� rvgoin„ Sec tions f- healing h:lcrnac,:s f ilieirding duet work) and boilers, heating and cooking appliances, unit heat - am (ceiling type;, coater or portable appliances, and indus- trial furnaces ar hoilera of the "low" da". together with the re.quirod elearances from the make nr vent pipes from hush device¢, may lin reduced one half by protection consisting of asbestos board (prcferahly !/{-inch int in no event less than nun ineh thick), together with she, -t natal of not less than 28 gauge, apaeeal out one ineh from the surfare or eonatrnetion ar be protected, by incombustible spacers. :hl (7eamnees to eombastiblr material spry ified for sides and rear of counter or portal;le appliances may h,•. rMn-d Our half by proiection eonsiating ,•f tai. ineh aabnetos board. tnpethar with ¢beet metal of not !,— than 2i gunge, fastened Ans&ctiy to the anrface or ronsir,uticn to bo pro leeted, Metal in 1 inim!lcd on the ontaide to protret the asbestos from J uy, op"ified in paraarapi. aa', and !h) shall edger r,f ;k,. appliarie, dor-, ural smoke a distanea rut leas than fie cl--va required SECTION 1619: INCENTRATORB, Ir. ... tf In operotisa r.•�:;ir• of in..nerah,rs. Section 1016 4110 which produce tine gas temperatures not in excess of 550 degrees P. at the outlet of the draft hood, when burning gas at the manufacturer's input rating, (b) Vent pipes known as "Type B" vents, constructed of approved inconabust ible, Corrosion-resist:lit. .uaterial of ade- quate insulating value, and having tight joint.¢,, may- he. used for vents through walls, partitions, or roof, for appliahees which produce flue gas temperatures not in excess or. 550 degrees P, and which are otherwise approved for -use with such vents. Clearance from "Type B" vent piping to nearby combustible construction or material shall be not ic,s than one inch, except that three inches clearance shall be provided for a distance of three feet from the outlet of the draft (mods of water heaters, space heaters and floor furnaces. (c) Vent pipes of sheet copper of not less than 24 U. S. gauge, or of galvanized iron of not less than 20 U. S. gauge, or other approved corrosion -resistant material, may be used to connect an appliance to a flue, or may be used for runs directly from the space in which the appliance is located, through a roof or exterior wall to the outer air. Such vent pipes shall not pass through any attic or concealed space, nor through any combustible floor. Where passing through combustible roofs, walls, or partitions, such vent pipes shall be guarded at ale point of passage, by metal ventilated thimbles not less than six inches larger, in diameter, than the pipe; or, in lien of such protection, all combustible material in the wall or partition shall be cut away from fine vent pipe a sufficient distance to provide the clearance required front such cent pipe to com- bustible material. Vent pipes or flues shall be adequately sup- ported to maintain required distances. Weather hoods shall be so installed as to provide adequate ventilation. (d) All mortar for flues or vent pipes front gas -burning appliances shall be acid resisting. (o) Every flue -connected appliance, except -incinerators, shall, unless its construction serves the samepuijese, be equipped with an effective draft hood which either (1) has been approved as part of the appliance or (2) complies with natiolfally recognized standards for draft hoods. The draft hood shall be attached to the flue collar of tine appliance, or as near to the appliance as conditions permit; and in it position for which it is designed with reference to horizontal and vertical planes. The draft hood shall be so located that file relief opening is not obstructed by any part or the appliance or adjacent construction. (f) No vent pipe from a gas appliance shall be intercon- nected with any other vent pipe, smoke pipe, or flue, unless Section 1010 180 regulations for ureic devices are given in these Standards. Detailed requirements for incinerators may be obtained from this Office, upon application. 121 Sections 1100-1101 k`. ARTICLE XI ELECTRICAL WIRING AND EQIID?MENT SECTION 1100: GENERAL. (a) All electrical wiring mud equipment shall be installed in accordance will, the regulattious of the Kentucky Electrical Code. (b) 111 electrical equipment (including materials, fi- lings, devices, appliances, fixtures, apparatus, etc.) used as part of, or in connection with, an electrical installation, shell be of approved type and suitable for the purpose ant. location for w-hieln it is intended. As evidence of approval, such equip. alert should bear a label of approval, or manufacturer's inark- ing sufficient to identify it in published listings, of a reeog• aired testing laboratory. (e) It is recommended that every municipality adopt an ordinance, or regulation, prohibiting the sale of any electrical equipment which does not bear a label or marking indicating the approval of a recognized testing laboratory. SECTION 1101: DETAILED REQUIREMENTS. While compliance with all regulations of the Kentucky Electrical Code is required, the following are some of the more important hems to be observed in connection with ordinary electric light and power installations. 1. Service Equipment. (a) The point of attueliment of service conductors to m building should be not less than ten feet above the ground; if Within eight feet of the gronud, such conductors shall be in conduit m• cable approved for such use. (b) Main switches and meters shall be placed in dry locations or be of a type approved for use in moist locations. (c) ilail, switches and fuses shall be enclosed] Ilrcferably in approved metal cabinets), imless isolated .from all corn-. in,stible material and so located as'lo preseut.no life 'azard. A orvice snitch shall plainly indicate w•hetheg. it is it' the' •q•• it or closed position. r•:• (d) Service equipment shall be loeat0d,ai .•.0 readil.• aecessible point where service wires eater the.10hilding. r� 2. Grounding. : , `� :'•+ (a) In general the identified conductor [see Paraerap)t (e) belowl, of wiring systems having a grounded supply and Section 1101 Tzf; 122 having a voltage between any conductor and ground of not more limn 150 volts, shall be grounded. Such identified call- dnCtors of systems having higher voltage should be grounded. (For exceptions see the Kculuehy Electrical Code.) (b) All service equipment • nd metallic enclosures for conductors (such as armored (-Ohio, conduit, ete.), shall be grounded unless properly isolated. (c) Such ground connections should preferably be'to 5n underground water piping system on the street side of fjue meter, but may be to an underground gas piping syzteau tin ole street side of the meter or to a metal rot[ or pipe driven dot IM s than eight feet into the ground. {r (d) Wires used for connections to grounda shall not. Tc smaller than No. 3 if protected against mechanical iujury,"or No. F if unprotected. (c) The identified (neutral) conductor of a wiring sys. tem it insulated, shall have a white or natural gray outer covering. Branch circuit neutral conductors shall connect to the screw shells of ally lamp holders they serve. 3. Branch Circuits. (a) All brunch circuits shall be protected against over- loads as required by the Kcutuelty Electrical Code. Brunch lighting circuit wires supplying ordinary (medium base) re• eeptacles shall not be smaller than No. 1.1 gmige, shot[ be pro- tected by fuses or other overcurreut devices laving at rating of not over fifteen amperes, and shall have a connected load of not over fifteen amperes. This will generally allow about ten ordinary wall receptacle or ceiling outlets of one circuit. (b) At least one heuvy fluty appliance circuit should he provided in all dwellings, for kitchen and laundry- purposes, Conductors of this circuit shall not be smaller than No. 12 gauge, with overeurreat protection (fuses) of twenty amperes, receptacles on such circuit shall have a minimmn rating o1 twenty amperes. I (c) Overcurrent protection for branch circuits supplying motors shall be in accordance with Tables 20, 26 mud 27 of the Kentucky Electrical Code. 4, Common Wiring Methods. (a) General (Applying to All Wiring Methods), t'Ondue- tors shall be continuous between outlets or switches. Where joints are made, conductors shall be connected by approved solderless connectors, or joints shall be made mechanically and electrically secure and soldered. Unless solderless con. nectars of the insulated type are used, joints shall be covered 122 Sedton 1101 Section 1101 124 with an insulation equal to that on the conductors. Where metallic enclosures for conductors are used (such as armored cable, conduit, ere.), such enclosures shall be electrically con- tinuous. An outlet box shall be installed at each outlet, switch, or junction point, of conduit, electrical metallic lnbing, sur. face metal raceway, armored cable, or nonmetallic slneall, cable, and at each outlet and switch point. of concealed knot and tube work, except that all approved special filling may he used under certain special conditions. (b) Open Snob and Tube Wiring. Open knob and tube wiring should not be used in commercial garages, theatres, Or hoistways, or where exposed to (lanmmble vapors or duct. When saeh wiring is used in ordinary- dry locations where the colrn6•e does not exceed 31X7 volts, the wires shall be supported .n ;,trrwab, not, exceeding four and one-half feet, and within Inches of a tap or twelve inches of a rosette, and sball he .: nl tint 21,1' from Beach other, tic-' from the $arfacn wired r, and two iuchea fr,4ni piping or cher eouductill, a:atcrials. : , • rc w:—pare throogb. c,•ahastihlc material, such material ..::8 Ir• prot•clad by incombustible irtvnlating tub -,s, . Wires -ung ceiling ,joints nr wall studs within sm-en feel of Ila • r 4-01 be pr„t•eled by guard strips or by- on enelusare in moiroaincd between the wire. and Concealed Knob and Tube Work. The rules of Para. graph (b) above, governing the installation Of open knob and t uhe wiring, apply except as follows: Condolctr,rn shall be "p—ii,d thr- 4:01- from each other rind maintained nuc o••h from ih.` surface wird over. If separately eo,l -ed in d_l.!e tuf,irg iu c Itinnn,us Icng0ei from rine wqq- rl Ir, Ile- Le;t mut- to riled tl:,-;rb cane,-:d.`d spares in walls, Armored (B%) Cable and Nonmetallic Sheathed Cab -r Ii ,all not be ii—I n, 11 rad err , r h u,rvbr;n ,able shall not br o-1 where soh�r •t 1,. nonmetallic sheathed sande shall not ,;ted I,. rcronn*•reial garages. Both types of cable shall he q pOr'trd at intervals net rxemding Poor and One-half fact, ,, •. ,., saris•', e•' :at ,:.,II••t bol or filling, except ',,or inches, where . .. ..f:•flowthe ,urfac, nto.la or joists . 1 r,.treted Ly guard ... I•i nutlet b<.xre. by :; hasYirg shaii t.c .. acme., at. the can: (e) Conduit and Electrical Metallic Tubing. Conduit or electrical metallic tubing shall not be used in cinder concrete, or when subject to corrosive vapors, unless proper protection against corrosion is preyided. Electrical metallic tubing should not be used in hazardous locations. Ends of conduit shall be reamed and bushing provided to protect the insulation as conductors. Approved couplings and connectors shall he used with electrical metallic tubing. Under no conditions shall water pipe be substituted for conduit. 5. Flexible Cords and Portable Appliances, ' (a) Flexible cords shall, under an cireunistnnae's, be used as a general wiring method. They are intended only for wiring pendant lights or fixtures, or to connect portable lamps or applianee% (b) rill ticxihle cords used should he approved by a recognized testing laboratory and should bear it label or identifying mariner as required in Section 1100, Paragraph (b). (c) Except as permitted by the Kenlacky Plectriral Code for special purposes, flexible cords shall be used only in short lengths, shall be without splices, and shall not be fastened to any part of the building or equipurent. (d) Where entering applian-,. Flexible cords .sludl he protected by insulating bushings, and words shell be so ran. nested that tension will not bt• transmitted to joints or terminad screws. (c) Flexible cord shall not be smiler than No. IS gauge. except that No. 20 gouge cord may he used where approved for iso with certain specific deviees. (f) Ample clear space shall be provide(] between Imnp g1che. and shades or other aomh-tild, material. (g) Aleal-produving rlrrtri: ,tl appliance, shall be in- ntalled in accordance m'ith the applicable rapuiretneats of Article S. G. Motor Protection. (a) (sedations, dolly mature of morethan one II. 1'. „hall, with few rsrrpli.,n.. Iavc running overeurrent protection in addition to Ila hranrh .•ircuit overrur,ent protection sprrillyd in Item 3, 1':,nugori J, tri, of thi, t,Yllha. uol, vrcaler than 1251,!. of the rat. :l full bcnl I rn•rt ,f;,n.fr I ,h, III-, mots. (b3 Ilnnning ot-rrearreed p,•,a.ti;m k I t n•quircd for manually nr.rt,d n,tl .ra rated at ,„c If 1', Or 1'.." localrrl within eight of IIIc ops rater, hhl „ required ou all i nt,- 125 a• �• ;n•. f rsection 1101 matically started motors unless other acceptable protection is provided. 7. Hazardous Locations. (n) Special equipment and proteefion is required in hazardous locations. AIt wiring and equipiue t installed in such locations shall be specifically approved for the condition of use, and shall be installed in full compliance with the provisions of Article 500 of rho Kentucky Electrical Code. 127 Section 1201 the outside of ducts, except that when positive means are provided for temperature control so that the temperature of air entering duets does not exceed 175 degrees F., the use of certain types of combustible duct covering may be permitted, provided that. if such coverings arc used in concealed locations an outside coating of cement or gypsum plaster time-fmlrth inch thick shall be applied. -Where flexible connection 'are used, joints shall be made with woven asbestos or other approved fire -resistive material. (c) Rork involving the use of torches shall not be.. under. taken on ducts until the system has been shut down, the duct r.Feaned, and any combustible covering material removed from the portion of the duet being repaired. (d) Return ducts, other than vertical, shall be so can. structed that the interior is accessible for cleaning, except that accessibility is not required where, (1) the ocenpaney is not productive of et.mbustibie- material;sa0i us lint, dust, or greasy vapors, (2) the return openings am at Last seven feet above the floor or are protected by corrovitou-resistant metal screens tell that they will not draw in papers,:refuse, cigarettes, and other comhnstible -lids, and (9) fine design velocity in the return duct is not greater than 1,00(( fret per minute. Supply '.luck, ohne than vertical, shall conform to the above regula. linna un[ess on of the %apply :nir passes though either water .pray or filters. lei All metal ,furca shall have a elearato- of at IPa,t Aix inch- to stored remhuatiblc authorial, aid t,ir.half inch no conlrttatrble cunstructinn- including I'lanlcr on combustible F;asc, unless prutectrd with at least one fourth inch of .,ill—tun or other approved insulating material. if; Where duct& pas. through warts, Hoon, or partition,, the epaee around the 'lust shall bo sealed with rope asbestos, mineral weed, or ether ir>eomb:,.tible material, to prrvent the pa.,aage of th ime unit smoke. -, (g) Where the inseallation 'r° ducts -in walls, floors, or panic Futrs rrq,are ll:e rem•lva) of .ry drestoppirrg, the space r. .1 U.: •i :..t a :v:y p,outs -tier.• frnatnl:ping is removed �I _I '.:lh azh,,,v,--,, mineral w,t'•F, or father suis suss ,� cater,'al. frau e n, -:1 :;. r:..yll fleurs tui: •.. . _ ., -:.r _ ter,. in •f.. r 1 .. .. Section 1200.1201 120 ARTICLE XII VENTILATING, AIR CONDITIONING, DUST, STOCK, AND VAPOR REMOVAL OR CONVEYING SYSTEMS SECTION 1200: APPLICATION. (a) The regulations of this Article upply to systems en1- ploying mechcanical means for the movement or, air through pipes or duets, except Incating, ventilating, nir conditioning, or air cooling systems used in connection with hot air furnaces or installed in dwellings or serving not more tbnn Uro families in multifamily houses. (See Section 1009.) ' (b) For the purposes of these Standards, systems env- ered by this Article are divided into three classes as follows: Class A—Air conditioning and ventilating systems, in - eluding plain ventilating systems, air condition- ing systems (air filtering, washing, etc.), sit, cooling systems, air heating systems [except those excluded by the provisions of Paragraph (a) above], and combination systems. Class B—Systems for the removal of flammable vapors and residues. Class C—Systems for conveying dust, stock, or refuse material by means of air currents. (c) The design and installation of systems covered by this Article should be entrusted only to competent persons, and their maintenance and operation should be in charge of reliable and experienced persons. SECTION 1201: CLASS A SYSTEMS. 1. Ducts. (a) Ducts shall be constructed entirely of incombustible material, such as iron, steel, or other approved material, and shall be of adequate strength and durability. They shall be of independent construction or may be formed by parts of the building structure, provided that they are used for no extraneous purpose and otherwise conform to the requirements of this Section. Construction consisting of not less than s/t-inch cement or gypsum plaster on metal lath applied to the inside of either combustible or incombustible supports may he used as duct walls. (b) Only approved fire -resistive material shall he used inside the ducts. Combustible coverings shall not be used on Section 1201 128 for branches which are cul off front the nmin portion of the duct by approved fire dampers. (i) Ducts shall he substantially supported.:'tlanger, and brackets shall be of metal. 2. Automatic Fire Doors and Dampers. (a) The passing of ducts through fire walls shall be avoided wherever practicable. When ducts or their uutlets or inlets pass through fire Willis, they shall tic provided will, approved automatic If" doors on both side -s ofthe Wall t ItruugIt which they pass. On openings out exceeding eighdeen inches Fu diameter, %-inch steel plates may be used as sLeh fire door,. An approved fire damper shall be provided at each duct open- ing through n tire partition. (b) In it syslcut having a total full eupacity Fu excess Of 9,000 cubic feet per miming mete main duct Which serves wore than one floor shall ho provided twit It ;in approval fire clamper at cacti flour level, or at each direct opening in such main duet and in each branch at its junction Will[ the main duet. (c) Dampers in systems used solely for exhaust of air to the outside shut[ be installed in the branches so as notto interfere With the outward flow of air in the stain Duct. Where direction of exhaust air flow is upward, sub -duels at least twenty-two inches in length may be carried up inside the main duct frau each Filet, in lieu of dampen.. :t. Fresh Air Intakes. (a) Fresh air intakes shall be so located an; kr avoid the likelihood of drawing in smoke. dust. or tiny Fhuunnuble materiula. Ib) FreAt nir inudtes shall be prtaertvd. if nceeisary, against exterior lire exposure by approved fire dours, damp- rr., or oth:•r onitob[e protection, in navordauce with the degree of hazard. (r.) Fre.,h air iut.okes slurp he prutewtcd by srre•ens or ,urr-no, r,.,6t i ur terial out largor than otic half Fneh t'raoi meati. 4. Room Inlets and Outlets. „en (a) In a ayabmr having a total fail rapacity in excess of 't!aX1 eubi: fret per mumu, diarhurga and exhanst air ollcu- lag, moil r•.•irrululfig nir Intake, shall be loeuted at Ieast three inti+. al, -o lila floor, -rept that flour opening. lorry be r."nuttvd under seats, in phreva of ax,eably having died seat.. (h) Wtnen located Irs. than sewn f• t above tlae flour, imiri slid outlet ups•, u:ya JiaFl be protccled by a sah.tantiai `.Y 127 Section 1201 the outside of ducts, except that when positive means are provided for temperature control so that the temperature of air entering duets does not exceed 175 degrees F., the use of certain types of combustible duct covering may be permitted, provided that. if such coverings arc used in concealed locations an outside coating of cement or gypsum plaster time-fmlrth inch thick shall be applied. -Where flexible connection 'are used, joints shall be made with woven asbestos or other approved fire -resistive material. (c) Rork involving the use of torches shall not be.. under. taken on ducts until the system has been shut down, the duct r.Feaned, and any combustible covering material removed from the portion of the duet being repaired. (d) Return ducts, other than vertical, shall be so can. structed that the interior is accessible for cleaning, except that accessibility is not required where, (1) the ocenpaney is not productive of et.mbustibie- material;sa0i us lint, dust, or greasy vapors, (2) the return openings am at Last seven feet above the floor or are protected by corrovitou-resistant metal screens tell that they will not draw in papers,:refuse, cigarettes, and other comhnstible -lids, and (9) fine design velocity in the return duct is not greater than 1,00(( fret per minute. Supply '.luck, ohne than vertical, shall conform to the above regula. linna un[ess on of the %apply :nir passes though either water .pray or filters. lei All metal ,furca shall have a elearato- of at IPa,t Aix inch- to stored remhuatiblc authorial, aid t,ir.half inch no conlrttatrble cunstructinn- including I'lanlcr on combustible F;asc, unless prutectrd with at least one fourth inch of .,ill—tun or other approved insulating material. if; Where duct& pas. through warts, Hoon, or partition,, the epaee around the 'lust shall bo sealed with rope asbestos, mineral weed, or ether ir>eomb:,.tible material, to prrvent the pa.,aage of th ime unit smoke. -, (g) Where the inseallation 'r° ducts -in walls, floors, or panic Futrs rrq,are ll:e rem•lva) of .ry drestoppirrg, the space r. .1 U.: •i :..t a :v:y p,outs -tier.• frnatnl:ping is removed �I _I '.:lh azh,,,v,--,, mineral w,t'•F, or father suis suss ,� cater,'al. frau e n, -:1 :;. r:..yll fleurs tui: •.. . _ ., -:.r _ ter,. in •f.. r 1 .. .. Section 1200.1201 120 ARTICLE XII VENTILATING, AIR CONDITIONING, DUST, STOCK, AND VAPOR REMOVAL OR CONVEYING SYSTEMS SECTION 1200: APPLICATION. (a) The regulations of this Article upply to systems en1- ploying mechcanical means for the movement or, air through pipes or duets, except Incating, ventilating, nir conditioning, or air cooling systems used in connection with hot air furnaces or installed in dwellings or serving not more tbnn Uro families in multifamily houses. (See Section 1009.) ' (b) For the purposes of these Standards, systems env- ered by this Article are divided into three classes as follows: Class A—Air conditioning and ventilating systems, in - eluding plain ventilating systems, air condition- ing systems (air filtering, washing, etc.), sit, cooling systems, air heating systems [except those excluded by the provisions of Paragraph (a) above], and combination systems. Class B—Systems for the removal of flammable vapors and residues. Class C—Systems for conveying dust, stock, or refuse material by means of air currents. (c) The design and installation of systems covered by this Article should be entrusted only to competent persons, and their maintenance and operation should be in charge of reliable and experienced persons. SECTION 1201: CLASS A SYSTEMS. 1. Ducts. (a) Ducts shall be constructed entirely of incombustible material, such as iron, steel, or other approved material, and shall be of adequate strength and durability. They shall be of independent construction or may be formed by parts of the building structure, provided that they are used for no extraneous purpose and otherwise conform to the requirements of this Section. Construction consisting of not less than s/t-inch cement or gypsum plaster on metal lath applied to the inside of either combustible or incombustible supports may he used as duct walls. (b) Only approved fire -resistive material shall he used inside the ducts. Combustible coverings shall not be used on Section 1201 128 for branches which are cul off front the nmin portion of the duct by approved fire dampers. (i) Ducts shall he substantially supported.:'tlanger, and brackets shall be of metal. 2. Automatic Fire Doors and Dampers. (a) The passing of ducts through fire walls shall be avoided wherever practicable. When ducts or their uutlets or inlets pass through fire Willis, they shall tic provided will, approved automatic If" doors on both side -s ofthe Wall t ItruugIt which they pass. On openings out exceeding eighdeen inches Fu diameter, %-inch steel plates may be used as sLeh fire door,. An approved fire damper shall be provided at each duct open- ing through n tire partition. (b) In it syslcut having a total full eupacity Fu excess Of 9,000 cubic feet per miming mete main duct Which serves wore than one floor shall ho provided twit It ;in approval fire clamper at cacti flour level, or at each direct opening in such main duet and in each branch at its junction Will[ the main duet. (c) Dampers in systems used solely for exhaust of air to the outside shut[ be installed in the branches so as notto interfere With the outward flow of air in the stain Duct. Where direction of exhaust air flow is upward, sub -duels at least twenty-two inches in length may be carried up inside the main duct frau each Filet, in lieu of dampen.. :t. Fresh Air Intakes. (a) Fresh air intakes shall be so located an; kr avoid the likelihood of drawing in smoke. dust. or tiny Fhuunnuble materiula. Ib) FreAt nir inudtes shall be prtaertvd. if nceeisary, against exterior lire exposure by approved fire dours, damp- rr., or oth:•r onitob[e protection, in navordauce with the degree of hazard. (r.) Fre.,h air iut.okes slurp he prutewtcd by srre•ens or ,urr-no, r,.,6t i ur terial out largor than otic half Fneh t'raoi meati. 4. Room Inlets and Outlets. „en (a) In a ayabmr having a total fail rapacity in excess of 't!aX1 eubi: fret per mumu, diarhurga and exhanst air ollcu- lag, moil r•.•irrululfig nir Intake, shall be loeuted at Ieast three inti+. al, -o lila floor, -rept that flour opening. lorry be r."nuttvd under seats, in phreva of ax,eably having died seat.. (h) Wtnen located Irs. than sewn f• t above tlae flour, imiri slid outlet ups•, u:ya JiaFl be protccled by a sah.tantiai 120 Section 1201 grille or se veru, tale „peuiug. in whi,'h ,till 11-11 pa,i a half. hwh sphere. (e1 .lit• for rreireuhuiou shall not hr talion from aur room or apace in wllirlh ob,jwetiomablo plantith-, of flametahlr vapors or duels are liberated. G. Air Filters. (al Air filters Abell he or approved lypas that vv ill not horn freely or trout large rnlmn.e of .mike or other uh.jrrliou- able prodarN of eontbu.lion when attael:ed by Ilam,',. kb) Liquid adhesive catlings mel ., I air fillers shall • ham ;t flash pointnot lower than :190 de_•rr.•, V. ti. Fre Extinguishing Equipment. (ill Ili air conditioning s',teuts having a lot:d fan eapaeity exceedjm_ 20,000 cubic feet per minute, -r ,arcing bloc, that, uta` lien If,(• installation if alit n•o t'e•I mif-1l.lit l h• rxlinguishing e,ptipment ongvloy'iug water, gas, or of her suit- ' able agent., to protect agaiu,t cemhu<I ion of ulaeri:d that map aceumalale in file endosurr of Ilse vowlili,,ning equip-., required, where, he:•:nisr nl -1eru plat ry- or -filer onditi,in,, the hazard involved ,ju,litios such pent e,'I inn, (h; In btuihlings equipped ,mill automatic sprinhb•rs, sv h•ms .hall not interfere with the prnp.u• aper:u lou Or the s�:riukler system, or ohstruvi the di,n•ihr,tinr, prinkl'.r hoed,. Where the distrihuti-n i:+ "I,,t l'm•t••d. addjlionnl head, almll he installed. Ili many ease' nbstru.-ri:,ns cast hr me;d,d by exercising proper care in file I( aliml :i:ld :n•ran^_.one:u ,d duct, and other equipitiew. All ,c,I,au, i!nl:filed in bufidings equipped with automatic sprinkicr: ,In,nld he provided with automatic devives to shut down the fan:. when sprinklers operate. 7. Controls. (It') Each installation shall be ,quipped with one or moire mmnaid eur.•rgeucy stop controls, loutled ;it conveniently accessible point,, for quick Abutting dnvvu of the fan in race of fire. (b) In systems utilizing meiranbninn, and serving uton• than one story of it building or more tile, one fir'. s,tmu, fats shall be arranged to shut down aniootlically it, event of fire, by means of an approved manual-roset Lhermosntlie device, with it setting lot in excess of 125 degrees F. (c) Effeetive means of dol,cfing and c -"it ling the spread of smoke in air conditioning systems should Ire provided jn premises where the panic hazard is prnnouured. Ih•rw.es 131 'Betio¢ 1202 (f) Farts shall be so located still installed as to be readily aece,sible for repairing, cleaning, inspecting, and lubricating, and shall not be located in fire walls or pavitions. (g) 'When flammable materials or vapors are to pass through fans. the blades and spider shall be of nonferrous material or the casing shall consist of or be lined with such material. ,ample clearance shall be provided between the Llad�•s and the racing. (h) All metal parts of apparatus used in systems for the removalof flammable gases or vapors, or in systems vied for conveying flammable dust, stock, or rcfu,e, and shafting in conm,etion thcri with, shall tie, eleet•ically gromrdcd in an effeetive and approved manner. NOTE: Soereport -m "Static Electricity: published by the National Fire Protection Association. ail in hni!ding, equipped with anlontutie sprinklers, -'•-las shut[ reel :Ia^rfere with the pr„per operation of the riid:ler sv,t•-I,:. • . •,i,siruct Ill.- di,rrihrliott from sprinkler . 1C F.• r• a.. a _uibution i+ .d.,an- r.•I, additional itcad. I!T ,any ,ra+.; oi,.t react torr, can be avoided !.'. r ;. ,,� :.r:;.. r •.n•e in If, 7•.,:,lieu :old arrangement of .:..,:.i e,i.• r ,:i,:ipuu•nt. Systems for Removal of Flammable Vapors or Residues (Re,jmrcmcnt, Applying to Class B Bystottts Only). I:. •:,terms for Ihr• removal ,f flaunmablr .. .^ +,. tl,,. ,•:d id:• of d:e bnildmg :., the mai lie lioiiL in :valla. i s . and ,LuIlbl oat pi,rcn «ix instar•. c1+:1r- ir. Dazt, Btoek, end P.cfr.:c Convcyir-g Sy+toms (P.equuemccta Aprlyirg to Clara C Sr -'C3 Orly). Sectlons 1201-1202 7'9h' 130 for this purpose ,hall be provided in the umin supply duet on the down-stremn side of the tillers, so located ns to oprrnl,• reliably in ,a,, .d sutohc in any pa•I of lite air stream. S. Air Cooling Equipment. (a) Aleehtwieal refrigerationequipm.•nl. used for air cooling shall be so installed if,;.(. ;dl [if... lire, ;nal explosiouj hazards are safeguarded in :u•e,a d:nue witi. r,•ro„uized Bond' s practice for such systems. (tie, .lrtiolc Xlll) twat 9. Air Pleating Equipment. �a i (a) Air Le;Iliug equipment shall be iust:fled in it %mull and rammer, o nth rine regard to proper cleartuu•,•s behrceu hot surfaces and wnodwm•k or other combustible I nlerial,.I (See Article X.) SECTION 1202: CLASS B AND CLASS C SYSTEMS. I. General (Requirements Applying to Both Class B and Class C Systems). (a) Duos of blower and exhaust syxtoul, row,•red Ip- Illi, Section shall be constructed of inconlbu,tible m;tleriols. ,rh_ shall be of ample sl•en,11, and thickness to meet the emnlitiuu, of the service for twbieb Ihey are used and the conditions anlrr which they are installed. (b) No roost, hallway, attic, void, hollow:, .a' conre;doJ space, nor other part of a building. shall N. n,oJ a, part of a duct system handling combustible m;neria, or vapor,. Duels shall be tight throughout and no opvaings shall be I itled except those necessary to perfo•nn the required fit tion, of the system. Duets shall be thoroughly braced and, aldo,s huill within masonry work, shall be snhstardialhy supported I,v metal hangers, brackets or their equivalent. (c) Changes in tine size of duets shall be made o I a. fill (d) There shall he a clearance of not less than one inch on all sides between mete[ duets and combustible material or construction; and all rotuhiWible material or ennsiructinu wilhill six inches of such metal ducts shall be protected by incombustible imlerial. Where ducts operate at elevated tem- peratures, larger clearances will be required. (c) Ducts shall not pass through fire walls unless all. avoidable, When ducts, or their outlets or inlets, pass througll fire walls they shall be provided with approved nalomatie fire doors or shutters, on both sides of the wall, Where ducts pass through walls, floors, or partitions, lite space ;nrnmid the ducts shall he sealed with rope asbestos, mineral wool, or other incombustible material to prevent passage of fool, and smoke, Section 1202 132 (b) Exhaust systems for couveyiug refuse-r,luck shalt be rented to file outside if the building, either directly by meals of flues, or indirectly by wan' .d the separators or the bills or vaults into which they discharge. Snob veld, Shull he of ample size.. fa no rase Ahall srso•nns he vended into chimneys, pipes, vents, or flues, used for other pnrp-1ses. (c) Metal screens, nr eqI 11,Moans .hall efficient Moan. shall I.,,provided al. the uullvi, of open air vents to proveut lir entry of sparks. Wbou u,ed at safely relict' vents, s,reens shall not be fastened dal .. (d) sar,lt rdirl' scuts lrxplasion wenn; ,hmdd be pro. tided u I all s.- tem. u,•d for eon,,viug refli a or sleek -f an ryph"it•, uulurr, TI..* ,hall be til' ample siz••. When lalwu off pipes ,a- itn.s. Ih,•y ,6;111 be of albast Ito s::uo, erns, i seA loos :.rr:. ;n If,. pit•: ..r flue trul,•l, I I 'ball be taken ` off ahond til' III.. lin',,,, .•r ;,I dn•ir p. ., i:, bat u.,i b,•cond, Th ­ shall I. -ad I.y Ill.- u1.,,I dir.i1 pea. fishy, runt,• In due .... .• of liar build iu•q :rad in as II.•nrly • rIi:l.• direviinu a.+ pmsildv. Inst ran 11 1. nd,j.dniog bnil.iio s,, and nhmdd testate I..l slot', th:ul ”255 degree, from the dirretian .,I' the duct from which tib•y 1-.I. lb.rizuutul eons ,h,,,,dd h. . ,,W.d. Suol, vents shall not hr cnuu+-,•lot into rhi un..•. .. pit.,,, yrtils, m• flues, used for other parros ,. (o) Saf'ly rrli:•f tvtit ,nn lets 'hail I" pnnhided with yowls ur load,, m•, when nom,• -rap,• of mall •v ;:.1, i, re,rulild with P,.I I,,-] lameed rrhief vales or e(n'.r, pi.• ided will. .oft fall. g:i,kei.:d I,a,t threrq ua rl run of aun tall. thick. to 'I'bo cyrluue, ,n'...i..u'..I,n','Imll hr. oubid'. the 1 1.1 logs when rnndiliva, I"emir, and ,,. L.xdrJ :, b. r-r,tilnt, u Iiniuuuu hazard no ::d.la:cut ,i rueturrs. '\'heir eon, h'W tion imd .npporl, ,hall hr (,f iucnuttnlsl ildr n.:d.ri.a It rerauuu nd..l th:d tbev be prori,l,.l will olcau..nt d..,:r. „1, i. c. til p..i-.oil ..vmniu.d i.on of tin• i:,irl'i"r. If IL,I, ..i ..... i,t. p! 'd .:Obit. I.•,; ...1 ,d au••.i1i1,. il.lr wink { ..a :n.pl.a:.rl. ,I ..p..uiur, u:o.. i:::d •h..•�..d •.Ull be pro .,I,i .. ni. ;, u.. 1.:l .•nt Ir.p- rV.::•Inv, o.:. p..,. j-- tiny roan .!Li:, Ilan,• L.I ... In wh:. .I ,I:�.,.. ,I;' anis Ib,- f.rvi. ...i i=�„�i ., Ian n...• �u. I .!:1:•51. ,...I ... ,I I ,I 1... 1�.:.. :,.. 1:,-.•l:.�a' Ilm.t 11.•• 133 Section 1202 trfn,e 1, to hi• need a, fMet. vol ais,•I a—, st'etnftt ibold hh so desi•_ucd that, by uwau: of chime a chok,• t•rrd,•r or , choke convccor, a po,il ice ; al.off i, provided to preveut a flash Well from th,• ns,g+tziuc to the vault. ti) \'nulls for r"e"ieiug combu,61,1v refuse front exhaust .c,h•nn ,houhl preferably b,• located out>ide of building.,, bill, wbon lu,at"d in or adjoining baildiug,, they should be coon. ,n a"o•,1 will, right -inch masonry walls ("" reinforced concrete .i:. in"he, ihiekl onl will, floors and veiling, of fireproof con - if asp-, h,•t sc,•n vault and boiler room .h.,n not exceed nine .uq u.r feet tit area, and the bottom of "peuings ,ball be not le,, than six inches above the level of I.,.i lar roout fluor. llp.atiu•_s ,b;dl Inc located at least eight feet fn• m the firing doors of boilers and shall be protected by approved aulonuttiv fire dour,. When vaults are located inside of Inrildiugs and do not extend above the roof. vent flue.: of I,.,,m,hlnlible materials and protected as required for duets, be varried from the vaults to the outside of the building. Section 1300 134 ARTICLE XIII x REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS 4• SECTION 1300: REFRIGERANT. (a) The use of refrigerants which are toxic or flaamable in nature reptiles special consideration front fire and life Imrard standpoints. Such rrfrigernnis are not rccomlacinkd where the use of non-toxic and non-flanuuable refrigerants is praclieable, and shall not be used in coils which are phle-ed ill air duets or passages of air cooling systems serving wrens in which people live or congregate. (b) Following are some of the more coalition whieh are flammable or toxic, or both flammable and toxic. Ammonda Methyl Bromide Butane Methyl Chloride Dieblorethyleue tlIethyl Formate Ethane Propane Ethyl Bromide Sulphur Dioxide Ethyl Chloride (e) Systems containing any refrigerant which is harm- ful to health, and the vapors of which arc not readily ap- parent through odor or irritating effect, shall have added to such refrigerant a suitable leak -detecting agent which will give warping before dangerous concentrations are reached. This restriction shall not apply to systems employing carbon dioxide. (d) Except ht plants used exclusively for ice making, refrigeration, or cold storage, no system containing over 100 pounds of toxic or flumruuble refrigerant shall be installed unless it conforms to the following provisions: (1) Refrigeration shall be by indirect method, except that direct refrigeration will be permitted in centrist, vaults, or other spaces used for storago only, or in connection with It manufacturing proeess located on the ground floor only and having adequate exit facilities. No brine circulating system employing n brine or other cooling medium having a flash point below 100 degrees R shall be permitted in any location in which an indirect system only is permissible. (2) Each compressor shall be in it special machinery room with suitable exit. Adequate ventilation shall he pro. vided by means of a door or window opening to the outside, or by a mechanical system of ventilation. 135 Sections 1300.1301 Sections 1301-1302-1303 (3) Remote control shall be provided so that all machin- ery can be. stunt leen without entering the machinery room. (4) Alt doorways between the machinery room and other parts of the building shell be normally closed and .ball be tight fitting. \o outer openings between the muchincry room and other parts of the building shall be permitted. 15) NO open flame or spark-produeing device shall be permitted in any refrigerating macbinery room with a system containing a flamnahle refrigerant. (c) No system eontaining over 1.000 pomds of brlaue, ethane., propane, or other refrigeranthaving a flash point below 25 degrees F., shall he prrmitlrd within the fir,• limits of any city er town. If, \osty :,leen of th, inbsrmitt--lit al—ti,tion type eon. tabling over 1(X10 pounds of refrigern;t dr:dl he permitted, and no system of the intennitt,•nt abwrption type eontaining over 100 pounds of refrigerr,t slmll he permitted unless the l+catimg medium is law pr.s..me ,oven. SECTION 1301: EQUIPMENT. In) All r•i r:T lTa�t. pi p:ap, tubing, and fitlimga shall be of a ntaleriul-;Iabl, for Ilse refrigeraw. eraployrd. (i„ `;I ,0 , Fr ,.+I. • i al I•r in: -rolled til each ,"wire ,..it', it I". _,. .. null in a;,,h riser or mari- DtLI , . . i.• ;,,r-. -,r. Ii:,.• -uvea shalt •- frit 1 %-h . r x,11— no aro of r•ady opsn- tion, ax c!i i.• ; c,: Ii,:.rrof. (e.j i?., • .,n':m;u:.a o•.er t—oty pounds of r"frigetco,l .. : ;J,—P ansaspheric pressure, and ever over twelvo ported,; of r. fj- r Sri; a pressure in exeear oft r, _ —Iha prrs,ur•ddmiting IW pound: rf re, r :...rotor pcot.;,ted by a t-. )—,i, I.F. -" ,• vide _.Crator. • .. - I .. ..I r.P the nu tit,, i f•Art of the 130 system protected thereby, unless live pressure-rehof devie- of required size are Used, and so arranged that only one pres- sm'e-relief device can he cut off for repair purpose, at any one time. (f) Systems exceeding twcuty pounds capacity "hall have a pressure -relief device oil shell type apparatus (sat -11 as liquid separators, liquid receivers, condrusers, evaporator,, and absorbers) whivh call be shut tiff by stop-valcvs. (g) Every system eontaining more than lel pounds of refrigerant shall •be provided with a Inaud-nperntod relief, for discharging Ill(- refrigrrmt in east,• of I•it•e. venting rilher to the atmosphere or la a suimble body of wale,. F,}r <y,leni, Containing irritant: or Ilannnable refrig"rain,. the di -I.. r.•• to the atmosphere•. sh+dl be through a proper diffuw•r above the roofs of buildings within fife G•,•I, 'I'lo• hound-opelatrd relief valve shall be Ine:ned nnlside Iho ooa,•h iu,•rr room, or shall he "tillable of operation from the nnl,id,, (It) A rupture inennber luny he ,;d,.law-,1 for Ill. -re. lief valve in carbon dioxide sy,,-tit -lir ,p•f, m, operaliug belo%v nlaaspherie pressure. (i) lilevatm•, dinaloailr•r, or rilher loft. "on mining ( moving objeels, shall ani he used for outlet or ,immtiu„ boxes, nm• for tubing or piping varrpio:,• refrigerant. SECTION 1302: LOCATION OF COMPRESSOR. (a) In .y sires exceeding Iwenly pcoilo s papa. -it" ibv compressor. if no lusted in it machinery- room. A,all not to. located under the ,taivwacs or m•ar dumhwaiter ur elevanor ,hafts; shall hr 1—ofr,l as u••s rly Lew•otlt tl„• riser as prar- tir-able: ,lull jn.-re-hlp nut h" in a on, eoutai n tog ,fortg.- of mobs„ill,• w:neri:d; ,loll u: iw; ' 1” lor¢ned of boat I..., 1'r,•I from .veli ,Iora t ; ,b:dl hrIe..Jed in nn a" ee-..aible port of the loot.(;, g, aili, a.lrgnaf" p.glding farilltt prn'id-l: mud sludl I pent rrbd ., vaio.t ; I n,i;ol in prty by :. ..... ua lnitibl" pa rini•m. ..r by I: •:,., ,:.-n.d ,:,•tlu+:l r.rcurd I„ two hy.f.,nr in. -It „'o, d, o .bold;,:.,• .r f,. ;n• t.,l (oras. SECTION 1303: TESTS. (at No sty, .1n ;J;ill I„ II I nutd Ill.. rompleto iu.mllalttor Ivan tilirate of appr,val shall he ltontrtd en. tb I, -:1 -- the ,,the ayxleat ,r namlled T, .1, ehatl i-tud,• ,., .i :m tea ,d the eomplcle piping nyan,,u I","-1.1, ui!i, il."tap.•r,Aa;, installed. but valves 1b,re•„ ,,r b.. dra,val of the refng ram . ::.L : , ... ,. , .. ,ria t•.., ,o, f� 6 137 Section 1303 inches if mercury shall he paired upon lite system and shall he hold far it period of nyenty minute., n-ith It,, delectable 0 139 Sections 1.401-1402 SECTION 1401: PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. 1. Sate Permits. (a) It permit subject to the provisials of Section 101, Item 2, shall be obtained front the State Fire Slarshal for the erection, substantial remodeling, or enlargement of refineries, bulk storage plants, or bulk distributing stations, located out. .Arlo the corporate limits of Odes or towns; and for the Trans- porting of flanmabldi liquids in tank wagons, trucks, or trail. er,, niner than Ili rlruEts, eans, or oilier containers, of loss Ilam sixty gallons individual capacity. (li) Took trucks shall be inspeeled tunnially by this U ffi:'c and shall Lear evidence of such in.pccliuu by the dis- p::,: 141 Sections 1403-1401 ahoce the sec,nal .tory shall Lava all rnunl, in tchieh flmu- inble liquid, aro mixad, b:uulle,i, or ,t ored in r:•,•,•pinvlys pormilliug e,vapr of aperce iable queoil iv, of cal -r. cul. 'Int i"d ill iteeerdallee 111111 Ill,. I'e, plll'i•IIIeIIi, fel' ,pernll Wit,:wage or Prov—, Iluunn. (d) No class 1 or Ch1„ II liquid, "hall be stored or used it :,uy -hoot. 0 reh, or Ibetdre, exe,yn ill "mall plaillilie. 1':.r ,>p.:riluelltal iustrneliou:J pli'll r,, uudvr Ihz superci- , .lL ,.1all exp,•riyn„rd pvrwu and Icill, Ih, hazard properly. ,a le_.Llydwd. Su ,nth liquid shall he ,bored willdu t,•n feel of cue .fairway, elocalor, or othl•r vxil way-, ode„ sep:uuted therefrom by adequate fire ri•sistive eau,u•ucliou: our stall any snr•h liquid Ire mixed, handled, or slurs 1, ill open con. tainers in any store located ill a "Rv,ideuve Buildiuu", ex- cept drug stores, where Such liquid. play be used in yonl- pounding prescriptions. (e) No person Shall place ally flammable liquid in tiny imlk track unless said tank trucie ,hall have Leen approrl•d by this office and has displayed a windshield slicker shon'ing evidence of approval as required by Paragraph (b) of Item 1, lection 1.101. SECTION 1404: STORAGE AND HANDLING INSIDE BUILDINGS. 1. Quantity Limitations Inside Buildings. (a) Except where Larger gnanlities are permitted under the. provisions of Paragraph (b) of Section 1403 or Paragraph (e) Item t', Section 1.101, the quantity of flammable liquids stored or u,ed aboveground in any building shall not exceed the following: Class I: lit origival containers or approved safety eats, of not more than one gallon capacity each; not cxc•evdiug ten gallons. Class It: Lt original rentaiuwrs or surely calls, of not more than five gallon. ,;lpa,ily each, or ill barr,-Is, druids. or tanks, of nut niers' Ilan sislc gnllous capacity covin; not exceeding 37:, l,A1,, . Chtas III: In oneio:a eoatainer, Of not, more then five guUous capaviuy soh, or ill be'rvl,, drtnns, or tanks of Int more than 2.10 ^utile() v:q,zi,ity cod, (unless properly enclosed) ; sol e>„e..,.iia;: 275 _adieus. Method of Storing or Handling Insido Buildings. (a) Storage or Process Rooms. Special Storage or Proc. es, Room., whore required by tit.- pro'isinus of these St:ntd- arib, shall he of conal ruction having a fire rv,iklance rating of 143 Secliom 1404-1405 lowing requirements shall be observed in order to reduce the hamrd. These regulations do not apply to domestic storage for supplying oil stoves and ranges (see Sections 1013 and 1014), nor do they provide for storage at refineries, bull: oil distribut- ing plants, or distilleries. Requirements for such installations shall be obtained from this office. (lt Tanks shall be cunsu•u11,'d til acem•danvo with the Kentucky Itegi laliolls f,.r l' ,Rainer, 1'o• Plaunntabh• Liquids. t'entinit. Rrouloiil.z, pipiug, stud :gqau'- tenances shall be in awes. r,.: a:ec with Svrtiuus I Iu3, I W9, and 1410 of the"' :�l I:dards. '\•:mks ,b;J1 be get on a firril ;'o n:datioa I. if. exeeediug 2,5110 gid - lot's rapacity.-i'."Id I•, :pp,rted independently of the flcur a•L•.:..lion. Tank, talc Icvel of any piping or, if this is inihoac. . r:: .. .. provided to pr,•v,•ul well of ae'We"'A 1 ..j1 sail(: ... :. I :1 hat\• SECTION 1415— STORAGE AND IiANDLD4G OUTSIDE BUILDINGS. WAerial and Construction of Storzge Tomo. .r,.r Section 1401 i 142 not less than one hour. (See Appendix 11.) Opeuiugs Trout such rooms into other roonts or sections shall It, [,"()levied by I!Jr- proved automatic or self-elrning fire door., ;Ind door Ni"' shall ho raised at least six inehes above the floor level. If necessary, floor scuppers or drains shall be provided. Ade- quate ventilation, taking into accountthe natum- of lite vapors to be removed, shall be provided. Wlivre the hazard is more flout moderate (hased upon consideration of the (Inr :u tity and nature of the liquids involved, I.lie. extent of the oper- ations, and other factors), a greater degree of safely shall be required. (b) Handling of Class I Liquids. Unless used front uV- proved safety calm, or under conditions permitted ba Pa'a- graph (b), Section 1.103, the handling of Class I liquids inside buildings shall be through approved disch arge syst,•ms, (akin. suction front outside underground tanks still having 1,•rulilul> only in special Storage or Yrocoss Roans, (c) Safety Cans. Not more than one gallon of Chess I liquid in an approved safety can shall be stored in any room or section below grade. Safely calls of not more than tell gal• Ions capacity may be used in other parts of a building, pro- vided that, if exceeding one gallon capacity, they shall be kept or used only in special Stora!;e o• Process Rooms, (This revvll- lation shall not prohibit ❑ e, ase of approved portable emdaiu- ers int garages and manufacturing plants.) Safety- cauls, where used or requited, shall have self-closing spout cover,, shall bear the label of it recognized testing laboratory (or by constructed in accordance with equivalent specil'ieations), mud shall be painted red. (d) Barrels or Drams. Except where otherwi,,• per- mitted tender the provisions of Paragraph (b) of ,io,'u„ , I403, flammable liquids in barrels or drums, or onpty barrel, o' drams which have contained such liquids, should Le stored inside buildings only when in accordance with the lintils of Item 1, Section 1401, and when kept in special Storage or Process Rooms, Barrels or drums In storage shall be ade. quately supported to prevent overturning. Caps or plugs shall be kept in place on all barrels or drum not actually in use, including empty ones. (e) Aboveground Storage Tanks in Buildings. \\'here possible, the aboveground storage of flammable liquids inside buildings should be avoided. However, in certain manufac- turing still industrial plants the nature of the process is such as to require inside aboveground storage of Class It and Class Ill liquids. Such storage is also sometimes nece—ary ill con- nection with oil-bmrning equipment. Where perulitted, the f„I- Section 1405 14.1 provide :t rea,uu:d,lv dvgrav of flexibility it, order to pre ,-ul undue strain rI frasl a,•uou or selllcumni. (e) 'fella iuleuded fur Ina with symi.n.. under prrs. sore shall be wau=tlit"I"d in In•wurdaltee with Ibe Klotiur•kv I hlfireJ 1't•rs,ur„ Crscel Cud". • (d) I In instullalio 1, Imlhs shall be given Iles: y,al1, of red lend, and ill Ihy ra_ of underground lane:, Iii. ,hall be fill[ un'r I by a nom Or hill n,phah. If ,oil lou Ulins vorro,itc suhstauev,. spe,'ial prulewtiuu (rill be rvquir. d for null,•".. ground I:nd:,. In nddilluu b, sorb .pe,•i:l proteeliou, it is advisable b, [,roc id,• ,uitablw pwc g rub•eliwrappinto t'ea prel abrasion Id preH.9ia v Lean fogs Ill oude rgroulul Rude,, (e) l',•uls. ::::()ging J• rices, pipiug and appnl'tenao.- ,lull ha ill i r. 1: ,rill. Ila• ..... euu•lde if Neetion, I lox, 1109, :uul 1410 it I le•.., Sta lards. Uunderground Storage. int 'rhe limits til' forage of flat able liquid, of 1'hls,y, I. ru 11, mud 111 palis led ill uud-,vrunuit talks slodl d,•pvud u P,m Ihr L,r:diou of sale hulk wilh r—IN-cl to Oral'l'y build. ings ;I, follows: Maximum Capacity of Tanks for Underground Storage Ir 1 ll I.:.I.:. i.' .•I.. 1 1,laail ,11,::11 1, II 1',.11. : 1..'1 1.. 1 • • I1. ,.,,I 1..d! _., , .t 1 ...,.11,1a i•1�1 L..L,1: ,,. ..0 L..• , lis. �. n•dl,d .., 'pl ,.I• ;•Ian il, 11.. 1 u, p.. .1 :I. i.1. 4,..11:•. . !: 11 ,11. ,i ., 11, .,1 :I.I. ., I .. 1„�I• .II I•,. t :1:.. i1 .11 =1'' I. :1 i ,..1. 1• 1r r• i I I ., :.1” 1 .. .. In,; i. � I•r ,p., it n.,l Ir,f r� section 1405 --�, y �s 145 u ucide,I, huu'rerr, tank shall b,• not L•s. tL:n Ihrre feel; 1' Section 1405 198 \Ilnir I...11llbaIl l,I., IIIIA' Itll,illlll llleli lw ttlhellle(11 Ila\'tIr- '- 1'iltll101 II'' learn products or other flu hie liquids not subject to May Ir l'l.dn�ed In tv" 11•,'1. \\'hCl'.` it t:lllk b,• rocrrell neer \cilli earth to a 11011-Ot'l!r, SIIRII be SO locnlcd that the (IISCRIICC 1/Cll{'t'CII shell of tank luau lice entirely buried. h .hull Ie l depth of ut Ic,nl n\., feel, kith a slope o, all sides 11,11 sl.•.•'bv to I,i propet'ly or ue+lrest. ltuildine• shall be not less than 11/Z limes the grculcet diwcnsimt of, the be lees than oar null °o'''L:di fret boriznutal I 1 liugllshuuldl tank, except that such distance need not rsceed 175 fevi. Inlet: till ar(na , I:u,k. doll r„"""`lin^ other m;dorinl,' berillg Group C Tanks, Any all -steel, gas -light talk construelod (rola ciudol'�. I:age .aloe<.,.• a, r;m>r rorrosio❑ uc Iduvniml' in Compliance with these Stan[Ia'ds and equipped cifLor with (1) an approved n tendrm•y \I•\cic-last alkll nnd"rgr,lulutd finds sbuuld r rap:l- per •guar,• Pe•mnuently attnelled extingnish- lug syFloa or ('S) an approved flouting roof, which is to �,•, Idr of \cithst;Imliug a starts pre'sure of five puuulls` throe pululd. hydrust uric prrssuI with be used for rile storing, of crude petroleum or other flaiu unable liquids subject to buil-over, inch air prey nry m' lo1[au I that fore Ign i, III,,thane leaking. such tests Ienhuml l shall he so located that. the distance hcilvicen shell of tank and propert}' line ur ,nn lludtsl pipi',,, 'Ve Covered, , wi'-f - ^ he rdamce lw`ill 1elh" lint`reals\retested nit, nearest building shall he not less that twice tic gr"ale's dimension of I] taut: Ux['Cpt that such dl9lanCe bC ae!<•nld Suter int five-year )u morel ion 1-111, following. shall not less that twenty feet and need not exceed 175 lent. procednw.. speeificri of flamtunblc liquid Group D Tanks. any all -steel, gas-'.• elitist in l,nld 11 \\'h,u a l.,oatiun is su.pertrd (d' i:llllk IiC IIIIIIin lI1C'OI\'Cil Fl101ilil he ilial l•. canplimce with these Standards not eilber with (1) nu approved I,•;Ik:lg.', i, 11•.l el till• iu N.•rlion lkll. pernum"ul11' attached ex. llllglllSlllllg F}:YLCIII OI' ('3) an approved floaliug roof, a'sprrilio,l Aboveground Stora$c, �I,c. given ip ahieln is to be used for the stolagc of crude petroleum or other flauuulble liquids .abject to boil -over, be (a) Location. 'Silbjeet 11, the resu'ictiults alewegrouild storage shall so located that the distance between shell of tank Inn I cion 1409, the hx•ntiolh of rush untsidr or intended for Cla-.' 1. Ili or 111 `lam- she, property line or nearest building shall Lc not less th; three times file greatest dimension 1 teed, tank used, IWi shall liquids, with respect ItIld, l>F of the t ok except that xudl distance shall be not less linin nv"uty feet and enable n`I ,�1T1 }�I [ten nearc.fll 10 Ill, lilte Of adj"ii1in" I 1 '"°'trail' rrl'nRnf u11 and grenl-' need not exceed 550 feet. ,lopenrl upon till. construeho". Pliameter, leugtil, or luugln`ovisioatso talk and NOTE: Many crude oAs, residual fuel oils, crude naphthas, saki other viscous unfinished r.l dimension dm11 Lr ill neo-erdaue(l wilh the following pVo ti„bt [Mille Von- a11 -steel, g' .- oils containing free or cmulsi- tied water, after burning in an open tank for a period of time, will boil over the top the Groep A Tanks. •\ny ill cumpllaul•1• \\:rovedl•Pe?mall” illy and lex- of tank with more or less violence, sometimes ejecting a considerable quantity of oil. atrueuad either with (1) an OV 1 nu nllprocrd `unsling roof, llllglll�hillg gynLelll el' (7) of refined Pel rill (b) Distances Between Tanks. The ininiaum distauee bettl'eeli ehClls Of fit \CbICh IF l0 be used only for the stcr:lgr ol• Other fla»»uable "Ills 1101 FIIbn s .11 bet"', •shill any all-SteCl, gas-tlgllC lallka shall 111• not less limn OIIC•hnlf the gl'CR1CSl (lilllei'ion (dimnetrr, length, IClnil pr0lllnl'I� shall be local that lite distnuce boil -over, . nearest building shall h" or height) or the smaller funk, except that site], dis- lance shall be not less than three feet, of tank slid 11"Perty lac °'• that dinlelsiun of the tank, "sc,pt. that and for tanks elf IS,OOn gallons or less the distance aced not exceed tlu•ec feet. Icss than the greatest welt di�taliw. ne,d not exceed 120 feet. -.1 1 gas•li,bt hulk (c) Tanks in Flooded Areas, Talks shall be so located as to avoid Possible danger front high ll olrulaod . Tall with these sialda•ds bat not eryuipped Group B Tanks. :\ tv all ultilclled VN- Water. Where tanks are of necessity located on the bank of a stream, and within ill welt "rnmuetitly rill],"r n•tih (1) Inn npry•ocr•[ p ' nn approved floaliug roof. (") or above any city or town, their location and safeguards shall be such as to eliminate the tingui>in"� `>'`l01° or I, to L" used only fur the storngc of rrfinr,l prlm- possibility of flowing oil oldang"r• ing wharf or other property. (See Sections HO1 Holt endanger. ) which Tanks lnd ,hallNhaave foot. aholetile grmoind four dation a. supports lar 197 Sections 1405.1406 masonry or protected steel. No combustible material shall be permitted under or within len feet or any abovegro ud out. side storage Inks, exceptthat wooden cushions may be used. All abow-ground tanks shall be electrically grounded in a satisfactory manner. No insulated corrections shall be per- initted. 'telephone poles o• other projections liable to net as , lightning discharge points shall be kept as far as practicable from tanks, All steel work of reinforced concrete tanks shall be intereonneet"d and grounded by an approved method. Aboveground tanks containing either Class I or Class 11 li,luids shall have painted cory+pienously upon their sides, in letters at least four inches high, the wording" —KEEP FIRE AWAY", esccpt that this marking require- ment may tie waived at oil reftncries, large water terminals, and similar properties, if other precautions are adequate. (e) Outside Drum or Barrel Storage. Barrels and drums- --d for the storage of firmanaldr liquids (fall or empty trans?, when stored in (.poll yards, shall not he stored lin an pa•:ng%\say or beneath any window. Distance from Loildiugs will depend upon the amount of storage, arrange. ment of piles, protection, eta LI r.eneral, sneh storage pile„ should be not more than nuetier high, should oat be closer to buildings than fifty feet, and the total gnantith• stored in A single pile should not exrr•ed 1,[)(10 hllrrrls. rndividnnl piles should be separated frena aur another by nisloways at least twent}.fire feet III wirilh SEOTION 1406: DDIES. [al In locations w'hrrr at c'e910al,r1 tanks ora liaLle, in ea- Of breakage or oc•'rfle,v, to endanger surrnnnding grrrup of tanks shall he surrounded by :i-ko or erubankment withont openings, ono- . L or masonry, with a tact ero'.lo'rd rapacity percent grwlter Ilia. tui! total Volu ri, of the kn surronnrled. nmim.in I,eight of anrh dikes shall ba three +• : a.,i thirty ir•ehrs if of masrntry. The m.xi. .. :' d:kea owl be six fret. Eartben dikes shall have. All Rat ucliat sot Ira, Il:nn ..- wilt at the top, and sbAR bare a asps rosilit.nt .......,. augle of repose for the type of earth ravel. Masonry angular -alb,shall M provided with "spa:Sinn - trw,al of single abut, sa6-eo -I. metalWhere , arrete "s hued, the steal ninfo.reirg it�nban .:I be foto-tosne41ed. Sections 1406-1401.1406 140 (d) The n•eu rnrloxd by at til:,• lir omL:ulkuA•nt .hall be provirlod wills adv,111AI nna n, for drai,.agr, sur•h a, n "(117 well", capable of draining Iwy surl'are wal"r that ncty aceumnlate within ihr enclosed spa,, ti,lil within arra, en- closed by dikes or eirdoinkinents shall be u'e:ned Ill pr"cent the growth of grass or weeds, oseepl. that, wh,•rr earthen dikes are used, no part of tine surface of such dike: A will be so treated. Weeds lir gran gVOWing All the aurfaco of "al -then dikes shall be kept eat shol•t. (e) Dike, or IIthadunrnis sarrouuding tanks routnin- iug rrudl• nil shall Lo pr,.vid-d will, snil: bh- roping ar kri..c- len:. prajeeting ine'a,d :..1 designed to. ..v,•roon.• the rl i.•,•I .f it "Lail-ovo'" Ivan'". Thr dklauce bel {ecru the inuar .ids of'in .I dike o• inh:udnwnt old the shell lit'an, tank or talk.: surrounded 1her. l.v 'ball be egnal In lir greater that Ito• dilunelor al' the larged lank in Ile, . md...ur.•. SECTION 1407: PROTECTION OF TANKS IN FLOODED REGIONS. (a) Where Innkc tire luxated or I•:.ui;..,t <I rr:uua or iu regions subleet to. high wulr•r er fL.,.d" Iter .hall bo d oil Ili" downgIr.-all aid,• of ril r. ..r n.,+'m od, l Celell aguiliA lens of r"a,l•nt.:,. ado -,!.<I nl (I., nod I• . below'. (It) Cerlival a6o .......ani 1;mii, .hall hr >a Im•at,d :...I eonslructed that uul Inure 01,.o 7n•. of li,,. luuxilntnn all.., able liquid sowwgr, capm•i,, ..1 • 1, 1, rndt 1, Lehnc the osnai, lis)rd calicum rinod >I:r_.-. II,u'iz.,nrd I:olks onrl io pj, storage rands Shull Lc soourr.i 1,. com•rot.• and st.•I found„ tion of s-iffideni Ivoight and ,I rr ngth to pre vw flaaliug of the tanks. Adequual faeiliti­ Irdl Ir pro ci..ir'd for leading parti:diy [•nipty lurks Nidi Ieau r. (e) Uwl"rgrou.d tanks, sit in tA1,,I tl,,rl urn"• flail 7n'; of tLn morn gr e.p.,ity will h,• suLbtr r•_.•d ,l. mu'tonal Ilo.:.l stage, >ludl Lr loaded with rvnl.•r.'ir lir , 11..: ;q•prv,u ..l I"adm '.."1 40 ,IIIA U a f.. peer. a Iue conlPnl ..I No, to l,' ,P L. nl6 d 60 lla--wahlo liquid ail xuhnlor' r,J I., Ila,d ,rul••r. Adegnalr ra,dilir Aadl Lr prulidrd fo-r in;uliog part ladle .0:plc Lada will e,aa•r. tot; %',,it p.Ie... lu.udurl.` cud of Ler tank .ga uiir.. I,,dl bo xu arrs.ned lila[ Illuuumble hgkad will um uu.L:; lir. .lot I'1-11 SECTION 1406: VENTING OF TANKS. .. .lit .qmr, g••ll n.lerd n.,:, { ad pqn lir ..I. as+q,:nl 714 149 Section 1.108 nap• contah, fhnmi n bb• nal r. TI:,• lawvr vn I al' Iter vvnt pipe shall not rstrnd flu•ongil III, lop tole Ib,• tt,ak for;; III,- lance is- 1 ce of more than ono iurb, au,l Ihcre .hall ho I trappe,l or undrained points in the enlire b•ugill al' llm• pipe. (b) Cent opening, os, all tanks, except undergrunnd tanks containing Class III liquids, aboveground tanks tilted with floating roofs of acvepta le design, tied abuvegrmmd tank, under 1,0(1(1 galla„ aparity. shall be protceted by ap. proved fla m• arrestors, , hieh shall be aeeassible 1'ur esanti- notion lull clrauing. (c; Operatiug scut, shall be as large los needed to sat- isfy the particular coislitions resulting from du• volatile of the vapor space. vapor pressure of the liquid stored, filling. and withdrawal rte,. and other operating fact,,,-, lilt, such vents shall not he smaller than iudicatvd in til,• folb,wing table: Capacity of Tanks in Gallons Diameter of Vent 0 to 500 1-1:1 in. 501 to 3,000 1-1, in. 3,001 to 10,000 2 in. 10,001 to 25,000 2-5: in. 25,001 to 50,000 3 in. 50,001 to 100,000 3-t: in. 100,001 to 150,000 4 fn. 150,001 to 400.000 5 in. 400,001 to 1,000,000 6 in. (d) All nbovegrotmd tank, (inside or outside build- ings), with the esuptior of vertical cone -roof tank: hating It roof slope of less than 2% inches is, We Ile inehcs uud in v, .1n11 the strength of the joint between roof and shell is no rtamter than that of lire weakest vertical joint is, .Le .heli, shevi,;. Lave some acceptable form of relief for preventing develop. ment of excessive internal pressure in evert of run expo,ury fire surrounding the tads. (c) Vcat pipes shall extend to the outside air and shall be provided with weatherproof hoods. When tanks contain Gass I liquids. vent terminals shall be not Ie.., than twelve feet above the top of the fill pipe, except that if a tight cou- neetion is made in the filling line and filling is by gravity, the vent terminal shall be at. least Once foot shove the level of the top of the highest reservoir from which the tanks may be.• filled. When other than Class I liquids are stored, vent pipe,#sludl terminate sufficiently aboveground to prevent ob. strctimt by ice and snow, prut•ided that when tanks are heated, vent pipes shall be extended to a location where oil vapors discharging from vents will be rradd diffused without daug,cr of ignition. All cent pipe o•rmivas shall he not less 151 Sections 1405.1410 3. Pampa (a) Pumps delivering to or taking supply from above- ground storage tanks shall be provided with valves oil bath suction and discharge sides of pumps, or a check valve shall be provided in the delivery line to tanks to prevent flow of liquids from tanks to pumps. Internal combustion engines, or electric motors other than the approved explosion -proof type, shall not be placed beneath tanks or elsewhere within the lime of vapor travel. (bJ Irunnps used to supply intend combustion engines orad fuel oil burners shall be equipped with an oil pressure gauge, and the system shnll be so arranged that oil pressure cannot atany time exceed u safe working pressure. A relief valve or by-pass shall I,e provided (n retuni surplus oil to the supply tank. .{. Test Wella and Gauging Devices. 'a All tanks in which a constant oil level is not maiu- fai,_1 I,y m; amtou:nti, ,tarp ,hall be equipped with an lip- provcd dart i, -c fur d, -I cru aiag the oil I••v,•h •,r otb,rwisc ganged in al a(iprwed amun,r. ib, Test well, .!,all amt b.• ilmtall•.I utile buildi ugs, amt wlwrt permitted fur outavle .art i,.0 shall be kept closed, wiles, out in ase, by a metal coc,rr designed b, p%vent tamper - in . ie., ria ugrog .i•yice� s,r,�h un liquid lec•d iudicaturv, or slKualr. shxli be that ,it or vapor will not be dis. -farje.1 is,to the I",,'tlruV. (ihrsc gnug,w, the hrcaknao .a wide}! wdl ntlow the esr:ape of liquid, shall not be used. SECTION 1410: DELIVERY TO AND WITHDRAWAL FROM TANKS Deh:ery ly - ;.y d llaurs I al„ i If, nim l,t4mg, lrn;k ar pipe betw♦rn . r •....k car, from whi,h r fr. in tank trucks to . ..._ r. land txnka er all. �.- rases ..+ el.i«s{rer itaaa 1 as, 63a,w II ,!efivtn+l to tank tr::^td, or ftte0 tanks of - .. i • thrnoah a.pyn.•:ea pvmp0 rr by mealy Sections 1.108.1400 150 than two feet, mtmsured horirouudly and vertieally, front any wind«n' or other budding opening. (f) Individual vent pipes shall be pro t•ideJ for each tadt, except that, where till installation is such that a batler� of tanks will Contain Only liquids of the smite class, tine veal pipes may be run into a unit, header. In such case, the iudi- vidual vent pipes shall be provided with screens betrvicen taut, and header, and the couucclion to the header shall be out less than nue foot above the lop of the highest reservoir from which the talcs stay be filled. SECTION 1400: PIPING, VALVES, AND APPURTENANCES, 1. Piping. (a) Piping used in systema for fltutmable litptids'shall be standard full weight wrought iron, steel, or bra+', for woclr- ing pressures less than 100 pounds per square inch. I%rn• worli Ill.- pressures in excess of loo pounds per square ineh, extra heavy pipe and fittings shall be used. ' (b) Abovcgrollnd piping shall be rigidly supported, mol. where within five feet of the ground, sholl be protected against mechanical injury. (c) All piping connected to underground tanks shall pitch toward the tank. - (d) The end of the filling pipe for underground storage tanks for Class 1 and Class 11 liquids shall be carried to au approved location outside. of nay- building, ;Ind not within five of any opening. and if at grade level, shut] be set in all approved metal hex with cover n1d,il %hall be kept locked except during filling operations. Filling pipe shall be closed by a sercw cap, and a non -corrodible screen strainer (prefor. ably 40 by •10 mesh, but not less than 30 by 30 tuesh), or equivalent, shall be placed fit Lite supply end. (c) Piping carrying Class I and Class It liquids nolvs without joints or connections, shall not extend througll ally roma containing any open light or flame. °. Valves. (a) Drawing -off pipes terulivating inside a building shall have shut-off valves of, the discharge ends; when deliv- ery- by gravity is permitted, these valves should preferably be Of the automalically-closing type, and in addition, there should be an emergency shut-off valve rat a remote location. (b) Where tanks are aboveground, there shall be a val" located near the lank in each pipe. Where two or more tanks are cross -connected, there shall bell valve near each tank, Sections 1410-1411 152 2. Withdrawal. (ill %%*badrnua should preferahly be by nnems of pumps, locoed nnlside or os, or above the grade floor of „ building. w'i(h piping and apparatus arrutge(1 t0 provide conunl of Ihc• anmuut. of dix•Iru•ge ,all to prevent leakage or disa•hm'ge inside the budding through :uq- dennlgcmeul. Ihc of sy:aenl. (h) Eseept :ns perutitled in flat I'll (d), below, liquid shill It,. vithdr,", from tall, bya snbstantia)c ronntructod drvie.•. of approved design, wilivb will pact'<'m Ute dclivvr)' ,m Ir:dtiug I of liquid nhen nal is, use Opening for prer„n'wilhdlrarctd of liquid "bath be provided with :1 lock to lumpr_riug. (e) lixcepl ❑s prelnitled is, haern ph (d), below, m, tame, chums, ,:r of I.,r ,•nulnimr= is,<id,. a building• nr Ill. ,hat-ginginside a in,ild mg..lodl L,• l.r„cisb ,i with a 1',rncvt p- other bulonn-elr.nv i, i, d••vice ,chi•4, v;!I per,nit II gravity flow ul' liquids inside Ihp Inn ilding. 1'ip�. shall nal termimne at any I inl lower Ilam the I-..1 of .onr,r of supply. td) \Cithd.......I be ••ran ilv nasal L,. p, run inti,l i❑ ells Ino uiug vynipmew” is, r,.l'ineri.:., aunt in nmuufm'Inrn,g or dislribuliug pluuls "Iter'. prucrs"•, mgaire sari, fluty mrd whvre III,- nalun• „t' Ibe {nnducl kill nal p, rru it pun attar. Where gravu• ity di.clug,• i, used, piping ..hall be m,:nrg,vl I„ prrc,o i till. almoruml dish: urge ,g' bqutd is, ,„nr „I donm", I. piping or equipul Thi, sill re.p,ir.. .cpbeniog or :inti -flooding detiros. SECTION 1411: GENERAL FIRE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS. int Electrio.4 Equipment. .111 ell. ,ri..,l c•pup,:n ul ,i:.:ll L.• iu,l:died is, ill ria -1 u,•, r•rd.u,,..• ,; ,11, II„� r:,tuirrl n.�„+. Rrub,el:y I:Irel ri„d ('ode. vii: earl is -u Su- entice is o. _;a,t,�t ll„ til:, re:udntiac� for L.0:rtduns lee:,ti„u. tLt Open Flames, I III nw.,ble figmds.)rli ,aur b:,mlb•d in 0o. 1.., ,.yno ill I••• •tra:'I, null bn idled ashen IiciJ urcbdind \u fluon+uddv Ihpud d, all I ...,•1 0• A,,;dl�, �,•'I ti,'�` P•; Smoking Prohibltcd, ill ell r,•••m, or ]Wats „f ie,,i lou vmd: ,..,gain Ilur:oi:,L1,• ligridm in ..pen rantiu+• ,.. ,n , IC I. n . wabin Ii..l.—II tare rrr•..• 1.1`•'i'•,r+ "ton, lin,,. a'Rd it, tun 1Lunntn� I , L,,.. Liiq. ' ng mm�kuy.• ,ball i. i.. r, t'a ••I ;6 �r Ill Ventit"am, lt.,oatyi- b,l,:ala :,re ¢sed :n ,.p• , .41<. ps,. • ..r . ti,• 153 - Section 1.111 class 1, class ll, nr Cla.a 111 liquid, are hr;ted or.nlit,•re'i= heated so as to produce flonunabh• ,it r., Audi ba \,,-It ventilated. In surll room, inhere natural rontilu)iou is not enffieieut, utevhauieal yeulilutiou designed to provide a rmu- plete ebange of air ever., five minute. 'hall he provided. (e) Heating of Oil in Tanks. Where neees,m•y to host ,.it in storage hulls, sneh lwatim_ .hall he dauv by los pressure steam, hot water, or appr"y .l oleyl ria Lvale". Healers shall lie substantially em"truel'A ,ilh all d„int, made nil tight. Thermometers shall ho hi,talicd m sukabb- loe;uiou, to indi- cate the tmuporahure of tale heated oil. Healer, shall ba hy. passed or ptsgn•rly eottrolled to prevent ;lie uud tennpera- ture. (f) Underground Leakage of Flammable Liquids. Any complaint of the leakage of flauun ible liquids sludl be re. ported f ninediatch' to file chief of the fire deparuneul or ,dltl• - andtori-d ('try offieunl, If elle hteati I i n l.1,ed is beyond the corporate limit., of a city or• town. n report shmdd be trade ll, this Office. Neeessar', step, .should thea Ill -taken, under direction of the proper autl,rity. to locale the source ,f the leakage and to safel_�mr,1 the hwnz:n'd, as far as possihle. auto the cause has been located :ltd eorrecied and all I] I,ha- tions of liquids or yapar, removed. In locating, rho scute,, ..I leakage. an inspection of the surrouoding area should fi.-I be made to determine the extentof the. danger and Ute na- ture of the caper involved. Nearby basements and nilithole: should be checked to determine whellwer or dol there are other unreported seepage.. Public utility opetcnots should by consulted if their properties are involved. The seepage location should lie posted a..d other prcrmIliou., tak:vu to minimize lite pos,ibilily of fire m' esplasieu. h:volyod pecan I,,-, shouted he kept lo,h,d, if passible, (o preceul the entrance of unaulhodwd persm- mal inunedimc step, shotdd be tak'eu to reni.- the vap,r h;,,.ard by sealing foundaiion walls. and removing the liquids awd vapors by outside dheln or ,nnnp drainage, or b}• inside ,map pumps. Adequate veutilaw- i tion should he provided for all operations All open flame ,hould be extinguished, and the use of akl sparking type moors, switches or other ekeetrivak apparrtus (other than approved expinsiou-proof equipment) discounuued. In cliffn- eult ease, a survey shodd b•-• mall, of the entire district to detarmiul• who location of uud,•rgmund tanks, streams, dried up wafer courses, filled )u ditches ,r ,•reek.,, open drains. „•icor:, tank ear unloading points, ail ,towage plants, ,aso- liu.• cervico stations, and similar features elwielt only have I, bearing an the leakage. When a location n, definitely sus - ,I, 7W Sections 1411.1412 154 pected of leakage, it te.Nl of the Iuths involved should be made as follows: 1. A standpipe, five feet in length, should he lightly con- nected to the fill pipe and if the vent pipe is mani. folded it should be broken be? ow• the manifold, and Pumps should be disconnected from the ta..ks. o_. The tanks should then be filled with gasoline (or ether flammable liquid) unit allowed to remain undisturbed for approximately twenty-four hours to allow for tell,. perature equalization of the liquid. 3. The tanks should then be filled to the mandpir. level after bleeding all air froth the vents nr olln•r lines and securely cupping them, enw- being takmt to eliutina(e all nirpockels, 4. The liquid level in the standpipe should be obvrc.•,I for about six hours. A loss of four inches in liquid level definitely indicates a leakage, 5, If no leak is found in the tank, an air pressure test Of from five to ten pounds per square iueb should be placed on the piping. NOTE: Locating the source of the leakage and correcting the trouble may not immediately eliminate the seepage or vapor hazard. Frequently pools of gasoline are formed In the ground and after heavy rain storms may con- tinue to flow for several weeks. It may be well to dig a pit near the source of the leakage deep enough to collect the liquid in the surrounding ground. It could be pumped out, thus reducing the time that dangerous vapors may be present. Posting of the involved area and safeguarding of the hazard should be continued Until all danger of fire or explosion Is passed. (g) Tanks on Motor Vehicles. Nothing contained in tIt,- foregoing shall be construed as applying to gasoline or other approved motor fuel, contained fu the trunks of motor cchielrs, vessel,, boats, or aeroplanes, whor such tanks are permn- menlly connected with the motors or engines which they supply, (h) First Aid Firo Equipment, Where fluiniable liquids are kept, used, handled, or stored, first aid fire extinguishing apparatus of the proper type shall be provided. SECTION 1412; FUEL OIL EQUIPMENT. 1. General. - (a) Fee the purpose of these Standard.,, '•FOil Equipment” shall mean any equipment desikmed to baro tact oil and having a fncl tank, or container, with a capacity of more than ten gallons. "Piot Oil Equipment" x11,111 include 155 Section 1412 Sections 1412.1.1134414 156 oil burners and all tanks, piping, pumps, control devices, and (b) Rooms in w•hieh oil burners ;Ira loenfed sinall he pro- aceessorics connected to the burner. The requirements of this vided with adequate cenlilatian to -urs ennlinuoim coirpl,to Artie] I shall not apply to oil stores and ranges having fuel combustion of the oil. tanks of a capacity of ten gallons or less, oil lamps, and port- SECTION 1413: TANK CAR UNLOADING OPERATIONS. able appliances, such as blow torches, or soldering pots, using 7. Location of Siding. g• ,it f,r feel, which requirenien(s are contained in Sections 1013 and 1011. (a) Tank car unloading site s!onld and he located w'ithiu too feet of ally building.. sit,, shall be -basal, with rasped n, _. Burners. ' w.opography so (hal. vapor, will not tend to flow toward upon- iu) Oil tot-ers nhall be of all approved lype. Burners ings in ba"Ineuts and cellars of nearby building.. Sidi l_: which are not I•claipped with automatic means for preventing shall be equipju a'ilh proper piping fneiltlfess shall he pro - abnormal discimrgc of nil at the burner shall not, be operated vided will derails, nod shall u,l be conum,n r, al her users. in auy building wln•re it competent Mtendtun. will not be •_, Unloading. eotulantly,n d,uy in lie rerun where the burner i, located. (n) T:.ob eau:, ,lan,1d pref,,oidy be uolmaded through (L) Oil burn, -r, shall be securely installed in a workman. the don u, ur .......hale. Pumj. unit piping chJuld be of app H110, manner ill aeeardanre with tine instructions of the ataul- proved type, s,r i-ly iu,tntivJ. Elo,n'ie molars shall lm of ;r Iacturer, mrd by qualified mechanics enti ieuced in making Iype approved 1'„r is,. in baz:u'dous lo.•aw ions, and Nhllll IIA\'a wo:h itstullntious. reutote e.ntrJi, nv well n, :'owl r•,I :;t. lite pump. ;:y Whet,- nil baruws are iustalb•d in furnaces originally (h) 'Gunk Ivo:, child mol I unto;eled din•etly into hank designed fh,r a,lid rite), the a=h door of it,, furnace shall he trucks. removed, or tnrit,ul veutilmieu otherwise provided to prevent (,•'I Before uulo:aling upernliou. nr.• ,acted, or ally I!,, aeeumolati,n of vapors in dile ,sit pit, unless' the burner he eleecnlly re made. tm.c -:,r ues tri piping eomw•etion, asl I 1 n of a tylm which mechanically purges the ash pit. gronnde(1 it, an vll'cctivr nuance. :. ruaL ;I. Delivery Piping. (a) (ill user) shall hove it flash point of not lean than Iti0 (;t) Piping scall he laid in nee,nvk,l..r r will. the ragmre- •lrtfrers F., cbsed cup fp-!.r. 'rhe grade of fuel use,I ,hall he nlenls of Ncetiou 111-1. "VI. -o pipe passe• ander railroad trach, v,oe wfd.h testa and experience have shown to be satiable for it shall be laid four feel lIll-, hollow IdII- I-,- .;Ili tLo hum-,- . (h) Plptle� shr.l 1..• I:r..leyl,'d :.:'•,n,l .ai'I"J,n.11 ".0. 1 Auxiliary Equipment asphalt or other r rrmiom rrsi,lin_ c::d..rh.l.:rod jail., shall • tu, 'Geula, cnl..•s, and nt her appurtenauccs ,folk he rondo up willh Ilu,•.nlo.l „•upinrr,, I.c :.. Idiu•f. ,.r a,luichr p;pinb•, i:, tr„tall•'.1 ir. aecar,l:m,e :villi the f••re„g:,big requir•vaents of Irnl ,uh,tnuli;. V•i �sloo .d, \:d\,•, ,lull L, ia,h:iL. . n, ii:, di,rlr.,rge thii Arti�!r. late, attit,• pinup .I u.i I.: .,r ale•,I,'Z p- Lea•:- f.•.u_ lue” 110,11 .� 5. Ventilalicw: be;.„pn,\id.•.II.i,Ln,na'::. c,li;da lL;.l ,'., . ..,.•' which I`' L.:ru••ry or,• in,tnllc,l s}mll be ,. rd: .VI ,•,u., h,":. .i.ail i:.. nil:..•: n. ...1 ,nil : e lavingsuli..:..,.:• dt uft at all limes to a,.,urr :hl n:n. o"'I 1: i. ,..+ .I .i':I hnq i,.• b it :,.: I'd L. pip•• Im., A,:,• draft regulating device •. . . pl :. L. n n.., ..;( ,. ...o . r:. „ t„ prevent txemive draft. ,.I ,t h.:.o I. .n aneh that they cannot '0.. I:- ..I d r:. .'t, -:.r L dq. ,;II ..r .•\!•••,••d •i h•: I, .::f til, internal erol:,ection f .tat..,... o .,i... ,.. �. Gu: •, t. .I _ .. '- aerated dampers abaR ,'a a safe damper SECTION 1414: INSTALLATION OF PETROLEUM PIPE :eat starting of the LINES 1—f tvreaty pateent I• l .li.. .I slat .,:I- . !..dw I, hn..J: ..i .. ..... . �_ P the sank, pipe 157 Sections 1414-4415 - Sections 1915.1416 158 of adrgn,lt, mr,nglh i,1 ,,lfely '611 Tand till, Mr—es to which tile}' will ix' aahjc,'t is ,errire and Ill Ill,- tt,l maLlu liquids aro stored, handled, or used, shall be obtained ,periiied pros. ,or-. It i, r,-rnunarmlyd Ih:t so flit, a, it is apphivald,, pier from this Office. liar.; confirm to lite vurreat edition of the lientm•hv Slau:.tard SECTION 1916: TANK TRUCKS. l'odr for Pre„ure Piping. 1. Definition. ih) Pipe line. shall he suilably protected against (n) Any vehicle other (hall railroad talk cars, aunt boll,, mvrhauieal iujahe Exa'pl un pwo,fe pip, line used for the transportation of f ani noble liquids, And \vhiell loanhere d dial r i',:It,.of.n'ar, iLec ,Call L.' buried lit least Neo tort uud`'1` for such purpose is provided with It tank or tanks mounted oll -ground, or aov.'red tcili, at l,a,e to”, feet of fill Within the the frame, chassis or ]led of such vehicle, shall be classed As a limit, of •: ilir, and 1„wn,• , vepi where located oa private tank track. This classification includes self-propelled vehieb`s righl,-of nay', pipe lin., ,Intl Ile barii•ll a laillinium d'-pth 01' alld so-called "trailers" UC "scall -t 1'lIIICCN" withoutmotile 1't'rl I:0.- the ,lll'f:,t',', anal 'mra ,tr.ng pip, sIm1I he power and with wheels currying either part or all of the IoAd. used \cheer se:n.inrd pipe lis. would oth,rwi,e be s;ui,l'artur°' (For requirements of windshield "stickers", sec Item I, Section c,traug or da11LL• xtru pilar n'ilere extra strong pipe \could 1401.) other\ckr• be required. where located inn street. pipe lines ,halL so far A, i, pracl icaLle, be laid bvloa- all other piping, NOTE: For tank trucks far liquefied petroleum, bases, sec cxe,pt -,,,r pipe,, ,tai shall be kept at Ieast six iuehc, I'l-mu Article XIX. moulL,,I,. dumb, anal other subsurface striwtures, Pipe lines L'- Construction. ,llnlild not he pernlilled in high-value business and m,rcaul ile (a) 'ranks shall be constructed of open-hearth or blue all- .li,tl'iel, of cities, and town,. Pipe lines parol lel illg railroad nealedstecl, or of other suitable material of equivalent strength hulk, a::ill 6,• plaid a ,uffivi,w distance frole• the tracks and quality, in Accordance with the specifications of the lith- .,ud a ,lifti,i,lo depih below the surface of the ground to lucky Commerce Itvgulatious (I. C, (1), or with the folluwill, pri.vido rdeq.ni.• ,al,n• ag,liot t rapture of the pipe line by regulations where they are more restrictive. lI of mild or blue der:liled seers. \CII.•n• Ilwy :rl•e \cilli. I""I'l ' feet (mcn,ured Annealed steel, the minimum thickness of metal should be ill hori'rool:dlpj of the near rail or ill wuhio tmmly' feel of the accordance with the following table: top of 1 hr t•albnllklnlot, -0, pilot lines ,hall be buried at lea,! •' three f• -i nndrr:rromtd. , Table of }llnimuam Tblckaess, U. S. Std. (. 1 lilnergeney' shui•atY enhvs slmuhd he located in pip, ❑end Wena unn,eu. In—aI pallll, \':Ilei'•', b,e;111Ni• of local Or lrlpagl11 p111C tell• Flat or Corrnratrd Not or diti,.,aa, valve, ;Ire 111•ressEry to prevent drainage of ail from Cnanclty in Gall— Shell nnlntorwll Ctelaf„, e d him': w hill, living repaired, and at large river crossings and an or I(— _—__— a bangs M s ... c a sa ,, \':I.. r,, pipe lines enter And leave the corporate limits of cities (YglI rlA—_ r. mase la An,— an:m ae „r te•\ti n,' o� tr (n) Di.ld.d Into comport- ' :d) Pipe lin­ within till, limits of (•lt irAnd tal\'It, ,1.111 -" meats of 0)) gall... each, or IS i nail 10 knttao Id gauge I.,' iv,t,d after ill,iallation it it p reNNtu1'.' of Ilet ICN, khan I,ao Y'� (b) DI,Ided Into comparl- .,Ipl 011e -hair tins •N xrot-king pressure, bill at not Ie.,, that, 150 A IlonNl cava: o1r not 1 pollad, p.•I' ,:panre inch; outside till' limit, of cities and towns, aapdivWed __._—_ 10 soagn s snusc 9 wave ,11,• till.•, ,II:a1 Ile le,te(l :ll 110Y less 111611 110',1 Of I11C nlaxinlUrn I t Vote—,\ toieroncn of ten 1,— cent ailnll bo allowed In capacltlea of lounp111_• lire„urs. Test should continue for Nrent.' rout hullis coml,artmtn and ankh. \vitaoul it uoli:,:able (trop in pressare. (b) Joints shall be welded, riveted and welded, brazed, or riveted and brazed, or made tight by scale equally satin - SECTION 1415: REFINERIES, BULK DISTRIBUTING factory process. STATIONS, ETC. (c) No bulkhead shall be required for ally cargo tank, ;al IL"plinaul•at, for the lo -lion. ,•olslrueuml- and regardless of capacity, which is designed for service where m:. in[vnuuc,• of rciiueries, bulk distributing sinllou,, distill- [here will never be less limit SO;b of the capacity volatile of :'ri•;. marl lnanufarnriag or induarial plants in which little- the lank, while in transportation, and which ill service I. to discharge its entire contents at one unloading point. 159 Section 1416 Section 1416 160 (d) Except as provided ill Paragraph (c) above, every sch r lvc ,hall in• (t) 'rhe operating nIYPLani,m fb u cargo tank larger than 1500 ;fattens stall be divided into come provided wish ;1 seeondary control. rvaiol, from Ili, tank partments, the number of which shall be tit• result of dividing ase w recut of filling purls and discharge Iry ope the capacity of the tank in gallons by 1200. dent, or lire during delivery e, ti Illam, :nal ,u,h rmnrill it mtchnui,m dull be provided with a hl,iblr erelian \\-hirL will (e) Unless bulkheads are double, they shall be of ade- , vause valves to close aulonmlieallyill ,'an ill tiro. Crili(•:d ,prate strength to sustuin the load which might be imposed by temperature for I'miug of such -,tion ,hall lot oxered the Contents in the compartment on either Fide if the coal. 2100• F. partmerita 011 the opposite side were empty. (Il) 'I'hl,•I'e ,Ililll hl• lll'arldrd lt('1.\t'1•, 11 1•ila•b 'hu(.off \'al\', (1) If fluids of different classes are carried, compart- seat :old Ji,eluu'ge tau,rt a Nhrar serliun tv 1601 till hrca It menta must be separated by double bulkheads with an air under atrnin, ail•., Ili., di,rLnrge piping i, ,p arranged o, Io spare between, such air spa Ce to In` arranged so as 10 be vented afford 1`II111va1.•lll 111'nleelloll, and I-- Ill.. ,IlllI -oil, sal\',• 'rat n11d drained At all times. intact 111 mise of m,-A.'nl 1,. Ill,, di, Karg„ 1:1II,•el •n' pipho, (g) Even' tank or compartment over ninety inches in (el \\'Carr di,hara, i, eller amu Ip' cruelly ;,all u„ length ,ball 1ic provided with baffles, not Over sixty inches dlseharg, t'al-, or fmo-,l, al., pro,id,A ell 1h, lank" requir'.. apart, each, baflc lmrirg nn area r.•gnal to SO,c o[ the arils,, uuuts for vale,•, mil safely d,•cu•,•, m;ly h; ,.Ltainrd frena srctlonal Area of the compartment. IIli. Offuve, (h) Fill opening% shall he net less than four inelo., 3, Overturn Protection, miainama diameter. II All elo,ure, for filling „I, i.;.•, ,hall b, ( ) nl prof r,•Ir,l (i) Tanks shall be adegn;tb'ly, rigidly, and securely from thunage, it, til• ,vent of overtnrnirg .d' the motor rrhiel••, mounted oil the frame of the:trurk or trailer. Ly- being enrl.sed within the body of tw lana; ,a' a ,fool.• 3. Vests. attached thereto, or by the use of ,nitald, al. loll ,^,nand. (a) Earh tank or ta11k enmpariroent shut] be provided sxnrely attached to it,., rusk or the II:Iia- of the• idolor v0d,•Ie. with a vacuum and pre+sur; op,'rab•d vent \i'ith it minimum effective oper„ng of forty-four Il.ndre•hla of a vluan- inel 6. Grounding. (0411. utast +I.:,d al.y, be la—l4­1 :\ith ,In t•tllar{4e(ley- venting la i T;oth.'. 0l:!„1,, :l xl,�,, :III,I ,p ri n'_, ,I:.II] I., IIII'l it facility A•, ,....•ntetrd as to provide a nlinlinuml fre,.venting lieally vmuu•, teL Tm,k Irarh, ,l,,11 i•.with dr.. ,lfn•ni.g Lr. c..r : I:et area in vpmrv• inches -qual to 125 plus chain, long r..... n, r; a,•h 111.• ;:.....sol A .oft link Jell 6.• :an,_, 1., ., capacity of Ibe tank' or ra ol—tulent it gal ja,.•r1:.1 in lin,, dr.l;r .'la.irl ,,, mai pari if drnygiu¢ 1' „ ..`rgrn,•}- ccntmg facility operaL•a ill re,ptas-- .:d .el. 1„, „u :o.\ „iLl ,d.,lra. Ie.,l. I:,lyd ,'haul ii.k, elodl ,.. ..., %+.ratares- the critical Iein1>/•rnturr f,m a.eb 1,,...,, a:..l ,o ILe l:sol bell sued lis.• drn..r h•'LI rv;po:nibl.. f..r ll,t oxc.ed'+106 F. tV.r,.n r• :u, ..II}lu ill ,, u1'I: ne! un'.I„1' Valt•e: , e U , , Iidn ,• r p. Lill .I r.i re I e , lull Lr .:1; cshv or faunas shalt have d,whilrge ,-1 lel i 1 I I:mn,,:.•n.n 1,.1. l II 1111 Iii .I 11-• Ln,k '� is L•.ndir 11 1. , fl•. In. 1�: 1 1 n , • .. rn.... xn .i-itint'd ax to ll—it of tivi.r : sur, '..n•• _. xt. ,.d ti hit -pier. I r\u••,1 l lis' ulhl i rl I.0u,.'1 ,I .. _. peaOirV dischatite track tank , 1` I ,I: ern' I, I'..I d el 7 (IA s It 17gm,I. shall ha• 71•I„� . r, A, 1. . p. :1.4 11 •.a, till '.I 11,a',, :u "I .J„h ,. d , ..ItlP% and, .,Ij 1,, L,I:k 11'.., kis i. ertM1. liwl•J ,.' I• I. , 1... 11•.'1 .., ,'I. 11:. a.• 'a9 ., .. I,rok bask and till- tank or a . is lnl 'll i-. loan 161 Section 1416 ,liselmrge Lase, or suilahh- gronmUmg vnunactauts as de -riled in Parrog"aph lb) above. 7. Bumpers. (a) Every tank truck shall be provided with properly attached rear •hamper of Ilea\ -y- steel. The rear bumper or ch;u.<is extrusion shall be so arran6ed as to adequat0v pro. tett the draw -off valves or faueels in vaso of collision. S. Marking. (a) Each tank shall be marked with the date of its con- struction and the eapacity in gallons indicated on a metal Male perm:uoeully allaOtcd to the lank. Such markings shall be easily visible and readily accessible and shall not be oh - ,eared by painting or otherwise. (bt Every tank truvk .hill[ be conspicuously and legibly marked oil each side, and rear, with letters at least three - inches high on a baekground of sharply contrasting cellar, optionally as follows: (1) With a sign or word reading `•FLAM'MIBLE" or " I S FLAM IU ABLE." (E) With the common name of the liquid being trans- ported. (3) With tilt name of the carrier or his trademark, when and only when such name or mark clearly indicates the flammable nature of the cargo. (c) Tank trucks carrying more than one hind of flau- mable liquid shall have dome cover (oyer filling part) :md discharge faucets marked to clearly designate the contents of each compartment. Red paint or tags %hall lie used in designating Class I liquids. (it) Every tank truck shall bear an appropriate wind. shield "stir-kr•r•' as required by Item 1, Seclion 1401. 9. Tests for Leaks, Distortion or Failure. (a) Every compartment of a completed tank shall lie tested and proven tight at three pounds per square inch pressure applied for a period of at least five minutes, before being placed in service, before being restored to service after an inoperative period of one year or more. after major repairs, or after any accident in which the lank is damaged or its safety rendered uncertain, and at. least once every five years. 10. Cans and Can Compartments. (a) Can compartments in tank trucks shall be subslau- tially constructed and arranged so that can carrot fall out. They shall be kept clean and io good repair. s s.—c r 103 Section 141G Bally constructed and eopable of operating roniinumusly for not less Thal twelve hours) and three approved warning reflectors, for use in. event the vehicle becomes disabled or must be parked on any part of the right-of-way. Such lights or reflfetor,, when in use, shall be placed as directed in the Kentucky Commerce Regulations (l. C. C.) and .shall be capable of being seen at a diatanve of 5500 feet under normal alruos- pherie condilious at night. The isc of flares (pet torches), fuses, or any flaw.,•-prion-ing signal in conueetion with tank back, or trailers is prohibited. 1`. Tank Truck Fuel System. 'a) Phe main fm -1 tank .b:dl not I.c placed over ar Adjacent to, ti:c engine. rrauk .hull he arranged b. p. -rail draining w-ithow rcmnval from; its. ruuauting. rt.; Fuel feed y,o—, in•loding pipit_, carburm-, rte., shall Is -n ••anxl rased and arrang,••.l a, to minimize the fire Operating and Maintenance Precautions. t,J!,.n -hall I- ,Inver ,.nly by a .. .• I. tLu, r.only-ane y.,,-: .rr, section 1416.. _. 1G2 (h) Cows used for Ira -I I -ling Hi'lufile liquid: ou look trucks or from rant: un,•hs fn rnusia•r's premises. it nut of a type approved by a ized testing, Lelia rah -y. shall lie of mdislanlial coustrio-I ion uritlt to liquid light closure. preferably of the serene type, -eured to the eau with a ehaiu. 11. General. (a) .111 trailers shall he firmly and securely allached to the towing vehicle by mtvuts of suilable dram -Lars, supple- mented by safety chains. (b) Every taiih truck or Irailer shall he equipped with a reliable system of brakes rut all wheels, with suitable pro- visions for operaliou from the driver's seat of the vehicle. (c) Tank truclts and trailers .shall be equipped vid, rubber tires. Sour -wheeled trailers shall be of the fifth wheel or equivalent type or coust•nctiou, whieb will prevent the lowed vehicle from whipping or swerving from side to 'id" dangerously or unreasonably- and will rause it to follow anh. stantially in the path of the towing vehicle. (d) When operated during periods when lights are re- gnired, tauk t•ueks, tractors, nod trailers shall bo provided w-itk permmlocmlly monmted electric lights ruul n-ileelors at least as specifier) below. Such lights and reflectors shall con. form in all respects to Kentucky Commerce Regulations (L C. C.), and at least one of each type of lamp bulbs and fuses for replacement purposes shall be earried on eaeli malt truck or trailer. 1. Tank Trucks: Front, two headlights; rear, ora red tail light, onered or amber stop light. and hvo red reflectors, one on each side. On truclts etieceding eq inches overall width, there shall be provided, in addi, tion, two amber clearance lights OR the front, two reit" clearance lights on file rear, and on each side, out red and one anther side light, logether with ane red and: one amber reflector. 3. Tractors: Trout, two headlights and two anther clear. .Once lights; rear, Our red tail light and one red or amber stop light.i 3. Trailers and Semi -Trailers: (Exceeding 3.000 pounds gross weight.) Front, two amber clearance lights: rear, one red tail light, our ret[ or amber stop light, tw-. red �r clearance lights, and five red reFlectors: in addition, Or each side there shall be one amber and one. red I clearance light :and one amber and one red reflector. (e) All lank trucks in transit between sunset and sun- rise shall earn- at least three red electric laulerns (substan. Section 141G 104 14. Fire Protection. (a) .1b least. one, mut preferably two, hand fire exlim- guishers of a type suitable for exliu_uishiug lies in ihunniable liquids ,ball he provided oil each truck. 15. Further Requirements. (a) Except. when nmkiug lactl deliveries, tank trucks shall, where possible, follow a rout.. whieh avoids that nwn eautile district and any other Leavy traffic districts. 165 Sections 1500.1501.1502 ARTICLE SV REGULATING THE DRILLING OR OPERATION OF OIL AND/OR GAS WELLS. SECTION 1500: PERMITS. (a) The drill in ..f any oil or gas well shall be prohibited within the fire limit,, and should be prohibited within the corporate limits lei' coy city or town No person, firm, or cor- poration shall drill, bring fu, or operate any oil or gas well, or install any tanks, pipe lines, or other equipment for the storage or ]to i fling of oil or gas ill coaucction with such wells, inside the corporate limits of ally city or lowu, without having first secured it permit, from all authorized city official, subject to the provisions of Sectfou fill, liven t'. (b) Application for such permit shall be accompanied by plans and specifications in duplicate, showing (1) the location of well, sludge pond, tante or tanks, and pipe lines, with reference to surrounding structures, roads, streets, and alleys; and (2) the capacity of any lank, tanks, or containers. SECTION 1501: LOCATION AND SHOOTING OF WELL. (a) No gas or oil wells shall be drilled or brought in w'ithill 150 feet of any building or structure (except derrick or auxiliary buildings), or w•itlln twvuiy-five feet of any road, street, or alley. (b) Nitroglycerine may be used for shooting or bringing in wells provi(led the shooting is done by a representative of a licensed torpedo company. All transportation, handling, and use of explosives shall be in conformity with the regulations of Article! -VIII of these Standards. (c) No well shall be loaded, or any torpedo set, except during daylight hours. (d) Empty nitroglycerine cans, or Other explosive con- tainers, shall be returned to a magazine the same day they are used. Leaky or discarded containers shall be properly 4-troyed, as provided in Sectfou 1505, Paragraph (c). SECTION 1502: SLUDGE PONDS. (a) No sludge pond shall be located with any point of its border closer than fifty feet to any building, structure (except derrick or auxiliary buildings), highway, street, or alley. -lbl .111 And6c ponds shall be drained and covered with earth as soon as practicable after drilling operations have been :•nmplef ed. 161 sections 1600-1601 ARTICLE XVI GARAGES, AUTOMOBILE REPAIR SHOPS AND SERVICE STATIONS SECTION 1000: DEFINITIONS. tat Tit,- uar.i ..para;:.•", a., used her..in, shall uo•an a Wilding or ally j-,, tI,.l—i in u'bieh there ,ball f..• hoaxed. or kept f.,r ,n.r.rt ngr.r, r. ..r di,pfny, nue nr mon• 1.11'. pnipelle,} c••}:i :.... .r arra ouu.bfl.•<, containing IL•uumable liquid for f:in-0 ..revue.- ,Ldi„u u, ustd hrr.•iu, .lull ne•:n: i.,,iu—i wi;ere gs.olinr, or other volatile Cen•:, ;'�r , .:r inz-ool combustion engine:, are sold - :,t r•aaii nr are dispensed. SECTION 11141: CONSTRUCTION. 1 G-tr,gcs Not Ezcccding GAO Square Feet in Area, A :':: r_: „I;... idnt •.ynnr.. f..•I. hi :arta cal i�,, �•1. ,. i•• � .lour. lfhtn dna ... .. - ... ., . �f,:rg ill iY}' .... '• Sections 1503-1501-1505 lea SECTION 1603: TANKS AND CONTAINERS. (a) No receiving faults, or other containers, for the storage of oil or gas shall be located closer than fifty feet to any building or structure (except derrick or auxiiiary build- ing), or closer than twenty -live feet to any highway, street, or alley. (b) N'a such lank or container having a capacity in excess of 100 barrels, and no group of more than two such tanks or loathers having -,tit aggregate capacity in excess of 500 barrels, shall be, located within 100 feet of any building or structure (except derrick or auxiliary building). (e) The individual captivity of ally lank or container shall not exceed 500 barrels, and the aggregate capacity of ally group of tanks or containers shall not exceed 1,000 barrels. (d) The location, installation, dyking, protection, etc., of tanks or containers shall lie in conformity with the require- ments of _article XlV, with particular attention given to those regulations pertaining to tanks or containers holding crude oil. SECTION 1504: PIPING. (a) All piping installed for use in handling of petroleum shall be of suitable material, and shall be installed and tested to accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 1412. SECTION 1005: VALVES. (a) Cut-off control valves shall be provided in pipe lines at points where such valves are needed to prevent drainage of tanks or pipes, or continuous flow from pumps, in event of rupture or during repairs involving any part of the equip. ment. (b) In installations where the rock pressure is such that wells aro of the "gusher” type, a cat -off control valve shall he installed in lire shaft pipe at the point where this pipe rises above the ground; or, in the case of a wildcat well, all oil and gas saver shall be properly- installed on the casing ]lead. ED Section 1601 166 it should have a sill rallied ;it Ica,t r.gbl inches abawv the garage floor level; or the doorway shall lead into it ve.fibule from which it second door conueets w'ifh utell r.xnn. (e) Garage floor shall be of cmleretr, or equally fire resistive null impervious material, and shall Inv:• a slope suf- ficient to permit natural drainage or gases, oil, and wader lu file outside. 2. Garage Not Exceeding 3,000 Square Feet in Area. (al) A garage not exevi-ding 2,01111 }q 11:11',' feel in area will used for Ihr ,forngv of pa,s.•uger Inn.......bd. ... ..r irurlis of one and nue-half lin, or I—, u:ac I.. oll.o.1 I b. or forma part of :nq building, pn.cided h:u-:tint from other occapanrics shall be by anmU'uetiou frac ill;, ;0 Ir;tsi ane -hoar fire resistance (seo ,%I,[ lis. If,. with all coma.... ieadiug open. ings provided with approved ...•li-rbsiu;: liar d..ors. Floors Audi he wilhnul pit, or d.•pro,vion+. Garages Exceeding 3,000 Square Feet in Arca. (a) A garage exeeeding :5,000 sgcane I'vet in amu note In• located within, or alla,lwd to a building ,arcupied for :u.y other purpose, provided if isseparapal frena sli'll other occupancy by wall, of alpproved mo,oury- and by fluor. and ceilings of fireproof rouaraviimt or senaifireproof roux rnrfira., Floor, sloth be vvithan' pil, ar deprr,,.ioas (b) walls, floats, old eeling, which +Bert ,u•1, ncp:aa tint ,hall be r—tiumn.. and u.. pi, r, til I., .q•. oio-1. ,.I kind; --pt that dour open ur±s ,qu qq••. I v, it 1. ,oll'elv,nu• fro door, leading to ,ale s......... .... ..fli. Il.at ;:n•-prrwl.•.l ill coolleetion vcilb such gnt:ave, audl rwi be I,rnLib.tcd: :n.d rir.git ala- tad .,airway, .a' 001.0b1-, 11"obag to olio., .torics in"), I., prnuitl.4, Imus fled (hw ill sur• In.ild.ag us•d to lo.us,• mors that. fif.3 I .... ....... ti,. ix through a veto ibulr, ,•r .n..r .. I.:1 .•u., b:.v i.n. ai Lm,t ....,. side open lu tll: ..n ri•.ie ".0i .I...m:. iunn fl. :;rag,. h. su+^h v,-,10..1, ..r I•.dr.nn p..a. t 1 I : ppr,.. •-.! cl f.rlo..iu;_ faro door 4. Truck 1 o vdant and Unloading Areas. f., A 1, !"ado" ..od uul 't b- al . h.• v ubm the hod i ..f .lore Inef mdn tt.nl , I. , it .11" nal.. . ,. �.:n p;ni beanug nlrarf ;u.•I I..n .: .b Ln'•l!.r. o-0 Try'du i - ..-'r L•..f .,nl,frrt. arra 1 ..' .�..,,, n of.;.li 1: flz !. I '.•i..rm. shall I. Ll Sections 1601.1602-I603.16f.1 3. Service Stations Within Fire Limits. (a) see section 4(11. SECTION 1602: FLOOR DRAINAGE. (a i Floors is g;u•ages ""Aill washing and greasing roams -•f ,ervr+e stations (when of other than earth construction), dr;.irrd to sewer or storm drains, shall have all drain con. m.,eions equipped with oil separators or grease traps. The ­,t,ref, A oil separators or traps shall be collected at frequent iutrrn':it, and removed from lite premise.. SECTION 1603: HEATING. (a) heating of g:u;agcs within the fire limits shall be, and outside these limits should be, by approved unit heaters or by steam or hot water. lleating planets (other that direct - fired unit heaters) shoal.i 6 0 in a cut -oar section separated from the garage section fit. eoastruction having at least one- hour fire resistance, u-itlt upenings preferably from the out- side only, but, if inside, protected by tight self-closing doors of equivalent construction with the door sills raised at least eight inches above the garage floor level. (b) Direct lire -heated unit heaters shall be of a type ap- proved by a recognized testing laboratory for use in garages, and shall be installed at Icast tight feelabove the floor. used. (a) Gravity warut air bvatiug n"It .1 should not be (III Fant, used for reehvuluting air within the garages, that are not tit least four feet above tine floor, and fans draw- ing air from within four feet of lite fluor, shall be constructed in aeeordance with Section 1604, Par. (c), Subsection (5). (e) 'rhe foregoing requiremeuts do not apply to heating devices to offices or other segregated areas not subject to fllmi l lc vapor which may be present in garages. (f) Ileal 1)"'Adutillg devices shall be installed in accord- ance with if,, rcquiremcuts of .article X. e NOTE: Open or direct -fired floating devices in garages are serious fire hazards and such dcvlces should not be used in areas where flammable vapors may be present. SECTION 1604: VENTILATION. (a) Ventilation shall be adequate to insure dilution and removal of gasoline vapors mol motor fumes which may accumulate. (b) Natural ventilation may bo considered adequate in gurages; where floors are entirely above grade, provided suf. ficient door and window openings pre provided. (e) In garages whore repairing is done and where floors ar,• below grade, an ndequa'.e system of mechanical ventilation ,bull lie provided. H1 Sccltons 1605-IGOG-1607-IGOO , II ,,-.(ihaled oil room. srpa rut rel fr::ua Iit, g:u•age opera iug , Oiou by fire partitions. (h, Itis recommended that. r,:.crcoir, of motor vebiele, br filled o.u.ide cf ,ragas. Wlwls- this is not feasible, inside allling operations ll,- 1- peruaith•d, provided only approved 1r,rtable buggies +u.-1 approved inside disehargo systems are 4-'d. In all e::-• . 11;I.u_ .hall be by approved gasoline baric. (c) O'I:•:,efound tanks emltniuing dissimilar i!•na.u�:ddc li�pn' ,.i. 1"�.nrd it, et i proximity to each other (,I, I oil), tine fill pip" Cron. ,^aril . .. is •.. vii-lilt:'t It'„ e.for or ,ih,r0... ...... ir., p, ;, i.• II:,• rouh•als of Ih,• took . - .. ., .. ... U i,• :. •i :, •Ir -ire tr �,u„liar. i, ._ � J f�n� •.�. �.�I,�L�ars ir,:; liquid. from .. li. i. .. ..0"� In pl•; yin}' fl',•ru a tial, R CCTMN ;C(,i' iN:}Pi:G7ION AND P.F:PAIR PITS AND TRESTLE: ;. . , ,. ., -. i� rah:�� f„• ti,',. :iECTIO?:!Ci7: L L ECT Iii CAL EfyU., Pb; F.LiT -d ., , i.rd- AUTO F1lil3ifINGit' Sections 1601-1605 ,a► 170 (d) fits or other depressions fn floors of garages, where repairing is clone and where natural ventilation cannot be depended upon to remove vapors or fumes, should -be equipped with ttdegUIlle positive air ;aspiration. (e) 5lechallic;d ventilation systems, which may be enn- bined with the beating serf wn, siudl comply with the fallowing: (1) Positive provision ah;dl be node for the inlet of at least one cnl:ie foot of air per ninu(c front out-of- doors 1'oe each square foot of floor tura, a• for renov- iug ale same amount and discharging it to the untsi(Ie. (2) Positive means of handling air refers to power -driven funs and also includes, for garages of not over tliir(;v- five vehicle capacity, air exhaust stacks, provided they have not less than fifteen square feel of steam heating surface for etwh square foot of duct area, and not less than one square foot of free area through both beating coil and ([tet for each 330 square feet of floor arca. Such nn exhaust duct shall discharge above the roof and extend in any- case to a height of not less than ftfleea feet above the heating calls. (3) Where positive nysth•ms of exhausting air are used, Clue exhaust duct adets :full be lot mere that five feet above the flour, anti shall he not more than fifty feet apart around the prriu„ L•r of tilt• garage. (4) Where mechanical sysk•m., of inrodoeing outside air are used, and where air is reeirculah•d, tae air sha[] be delivered burizoutally ;rid in sufliciela volume and with sufficient velocity to secure di,iributioa to all parts of the. building. 'rite height of the air inlet opening shall be dell, that rile an• will be disi-harged above the top of the vehicles. (5) In mechanical vcalilating symculs the falls shall lac of nonferrous oaterial or the casing shall consist of or be lined wish such material. (f) All duct openings, either supply or exhaust, shall be covered with 1/ -inch mesh screen. (g) The passing of air ducts through fire halls should be avoided. Ducts shall be installed in accordance with the applicable provisions of Article XII. SECTION 1605: STORAGE AND HANDLING OF FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS. (a) The storage and handling of flammable liquids shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of :article X117. Bulk storage of lubricating oils and grca ccs should be in. a Sections 1609.1610 172 SECTION 1609: GENERAL SAFEGUARDS. (a) Tho use of gasoline for cleaning of pawls .)Intl he. prohibited, and the. use of other volatile flamnrahle liquid. for such purposes shall be restricted as far as possible. To safe. guard against fares mad accident,, preferenee should be given LO systems for cleaning and washing which utilize compressed air, steam, water pressure, or nonflanunalde Ovaniug cutn- pounds. (l) Cleaning vats or systems utilizing liquids wbieh must he heated shall have healing dycir,•s iusl;dic.l it, aeverd- unca with Article X. (e) Garages intended primarily for tilt storage (,f motor vehicles shall he kept as free front the hazards of repair work its possible. Repair sections should preferably b, eoparaed front the storage seetionn by fir-, purlili•:us. (d) Approved moral r. t rarhe, with self -0 -tug covers shall he provided for oily nasi.• tool rngn. ('nni(uls of such receptacles shit[ ho dispos,•d of daily. (c) Welding and ratting O'all ho 'a"i"d ml it. aceord- ance will, fire applicable prnyi,iun, of Artir], X.X. (f) .\isles and dric+•vacs shall he kept Glenn ;at :dl times. (g) smoking shall he prohihited --lot in offices or roosts provided for such pn rpu,e, sign to this effect shall he prominently disphayerL (h) In repair shops where tu,,I-s are run iu,idl i lin• building, exhaust pill,. scan hug la, rhe outside shall 4,e attached to the anter exhaust pipe;. (f) 11-nis or areas in which: strr.,g,- balteries are charged ,hauld ho ventilated to If;--a;n.ni•• fhe nerd for veutilatiou will depend upon the size „ f Ian• room, the oro+ant of natural ventilali, a: -.1 li.. , .icor .•t Ile operations. SF.OTION 1010: FIRST AID FIRE APPLIANCES (ri) Film +ad lir,, a '...anal., I” a , J i h, is ,aaL,I mad raain4,iau•d. as a,.,a.Loa•• vat, d.•• IS',Iil moa. for Ila,, brtidhtir,aa ni hu:•r .1 i,1 her,. Apptia i..,. -' �:•; .\pp,n,ii, ,a. Appm-1 t•fo : 1; ,•ll uryuni„r. m i. a, ,­ :r it: a,:.,.t the as,Auu, r.• I..I L r Cl.. III yup;.a 1, all Lr prof id• d in a,r,, eau n• r•pnuia,;.•`ri m.ianq;, on,i ether f.r,rc', -;- ,a triM ;,arriM ani, mr ,Slav,. • .I:, or arrea.e, ave Iu„ IL •i AI :my ganoliae anal oil fllmg station, ther, ,,. is In. approval f'lua B mail teal,.,•., m-1 .o ,v,n: ,girr tiraa thane novel, shall ho pro:,.[• d '.. ai: aplo•nr•i i iu,:, .a ,.r .\ It unix {a scot the rv•gxh,aa. ;n . flan a I II . ur• ir. P;,, 173 Section 1700 ARTICLE XVII THE APPLICATION OF FLAMMABLE FINISHES SECTION 1700: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. 1. Definition. (a) The term "finishing slop" shall scan a building or part thereof used for the application of flammable finishes by means of spraying or dipping (including holy coal work). 2. Location. (a) Finislim, shops in buildings used in whole or in part as residence buildings, or in connection with stores or places of assembly, shall be cut oil from other portions of tho building by partitions having a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour, with openings protected by approved anlo- malic metal or ictal -clad doors, or other doors of equivalent fire resistance. Finishing shops shall not be located below grade. 3. Storage of Flammable Finishes in Finishing Shops, (a) The storage of flammable finishes inside of finishing shops shall be restricted as follows: (1) Not to exceed twenty gallons, with no•contimer exeeeding one gotten in capacity, may be stored on a substantial shelf, at least four feet above the floor and with suitable guard strips to prevent containers from failing. (3) Not over fifty gallons, with no container exceeding five gallons in capacity, may be stored in a cabinet, entirely enclosed and made of suitably stiffened sheet iron of at least 18 U. S. gauge in thickness, and double walled with 1% inch air space, or equivalent construction. Doors shall be of construction equiva- lent to the walls of the cabinets, be provided with 3-poiut lock, lit closely, and be kept closed when not in use. Door sills shall be raised at least two inches above the bottom of the cabinet. (3) Quantities in excess of those given under subitems (1) and (2) shall be in suitable storage and mixing rooms. (Sea Section. 1404.) 4. Mixing. (a) Mixing operations shall be carried on only fu stor- age rooms m unlined in Section 1404, or in special mixing 173 Section 1700-1701 8. Housekeeping. (a) Finishing shops shall he kept free front all unncces. s,iry combustible materials and refuse. 16) Floors of finishing shops, drain boards, and the interior of spray huoth.; shall be thoroughly eleaned at least our,- a day, and all fans. duets, side walls, .mi ceilings kept m ebs;u as may be practicable at all limes. Ili rlraumg. care should be taken to use implements which will mol creme sparks. When -ver practicable, surfaecs to be cloacal shall be sprayed or otb(•rwiso wet down with water brfor, cleaning. :3weepimg, or deposits front spray hoolhs or rooms, duets, or stacks shall fie immtdiatr•ly r,•luot,•d front the building and safely dislvrsed of. fr ]1-4al w. sty ea,, will: sadf-,IG%hlg co—1-, shall be pr•nid•d for :ail is u,i,- aul rag, '•,I,ie is have ems• in contact. ,will: p.:u..l-, wart•; -I::.,, :. a•1 •,ih, r I:uidling ."lop n lads. Open Flames and Heating. N., :qw,. '1.n::e-...,II I„• p, rmill-1 io-tnra_r or aix- i:.- .. ::.., >,. r.,:•:• _alai n.q'.. L!lidaim,; ra,.o;•.. nr .prat Loot las. : .:;n;t perpo i,.:lie,-1 'soya,. •adv. it i. J, Grounding. Lake ,•vI,., aux It, ,hetrirally F' C'.rrguri.. _ a •. rt Section 1700 174 rooms of equivalent vonstruclimni provided that containers or it total capacity not exceeding five gallons may be opened and their contents mixed in the finishing room duriu_• -m•h time as Iles ventilating system is in operation, (b) Receptacles containing IlanumlLle fiuishiw shall be kept tightly covered. a. Containers. (a) All containers of flammable finishes shall be of metal, suitably constructed to prevent leakage. (b) Containers used as part of the spraying o flit slur]] be of metal, except that glass containers not exceeding oft• pint in capacity, also containers with glass imucr ]filings of not more than one gallon capacity (protected with a metal holder e• guard perjuanenlly fixed around the coutainer) uup' be used. 6. Ventilation. (a) Unless suitable ventilated spray booths are used for all finishing operations, finishing rooms shall be continuously veutilan•d during operation. Ven.ilalian shall be such Its to effect. at (cast one complete change of air every three minutes. (b) Exhaust outlets in finishing rooms shall be locacd not over five feet above the floor and shall discharge dirrvtly outside of building. Stacks and duels shall be of suhstantial construction, with joints riveted or soldered or olhcrwia• made tight. They shall extend as directly as possible to the outside air and preferably not through other towns. They shall not be connected to other ventilating or collecting "ys- tems, and shall conform in all respects, to the requirements of Arline \Il. 7. Lighting and Electrical Equipment. (a) Artificial lighting shall be by electricity only. All electrical wiring and equipmentshall be in accordance with the Kentucky Electrical Carle for hazardous Locations. (b) Where spraying is done int properly arranged spray booths, portions of the room more than twenty feet from a booth need not be considered "Ilazardons Locations,” unless such portions are so classified as the result or other operations. In the area within twenty feel of properly arranged spray booths, motors of the totally enclosed type, or of the open induction type having no brushes, make or break contacts, collectors, or other arcing or sparking parts, and lamps of the enclosed vapor -tight type, may he allowed, provided such equipment is not located inside vent stacks or spray booths or in the direct path of vapors. Sections 1701-1702 176 willr sheet iron. Doors in openings in spray room partitions shall be equal hn fire resistance to partitions, and shall be of the self-closing type or so installed as to close automatically ill case of fire. (c) Spray bout]" shall be of metal or other incenbus. lible nl:nrriul and of maple size to aceomnlodae the objret to ]e sprayed. (d) Spray rooun ur booths "]rant] be provided with ox- hausl. .systeuts of ,ofl'ivivio eapa,ity to adequately renioyr vapor, or rrsida•. Supply of :,n• ,•titering Ile room shall bo subsl:tnli;dly equity:d-w to ib, exhaust eapavity provided. Each spray laoonh ,Icdl loi- ,ata iudcpeadelat slack ov veal, except tial not w,a',• Ileo dery booths, each with less than ,,is square furl. iroui.d ;--o. any e.i.... . to ono stack. They "lull he properly ,app,.n vd and "land have at Ictlst It six-inch rlearaiec wan rr p:—fi.-I tl:rough Irooden floors, roofs, or par. til ions, or in rho- p,—iwit, to tllra or other routbustitil, anterial. lhlside lrrwin.d, of —.t pips ill• ata•k, shall be vo arranged llai rrsidurs will 0,,1 he disrbargcd upon buil,.ling surfaevs, vapors will 0•4 ,roti,+•I in low paint or porkels, or disvh:n'ge will lot is :on' ,:I fear uulift or pt•operiy: suet] v vll pip,:, „r .I ,,:•i:..i,o I'l prvd'or.ddy rxirnd corliralir aLo�e do, nv:uv ..i roof 1.-1. ibaiug f:uas il:.in:ac room, :old in,.0 L..Icdt L,. to b, ,auli❑alu, op -mi ou aline .prat iog I. i e, GO' and .Intl loot Lr slapped nulil ill ILuua;dd, �., 7.,•rs Innv b•a•u rounn'od. I; . or ........ preh•s .halt not - ..ed fro ra p.o':ic f,i ql arils C, , -d to spray gun.. mud shell L,• kept ,ro:.tad "i l: li¢Irtdllliog 0;',nu Lu'llble covers. Unly wit,. uI: „gil.,iuing "borated wiry cora "hal ]r used la ..,Laud :rr:r;in -f••,I pails. poif; or reeeplu(I,•s 'aul hi, retu'Ir I to Ihr "t rage ra bias] er :i, r.,•.m „I Ito elm ..f 'a•4i d:+l. •. 1':b .",: iL-in. -h:, 11 i,.• proinl.il •',1 usid�• ,lu„ ,..,.:n- :. .•i :i.,..r. ,ud :n .m;. .•I i:.�r lornli.w �, l:rr„ Ih:'r•• „ I, L,• � ,L: ..Li fur• a hr rl. 1, 1 ,, :Ih U:• . ., h,. ,. I,., tl: Ile• L,:, ,a 11. L,.:II,, :uol iu•1. Elrr I „ SECTION 17(„•. fill- TANKS I (« .� 177 Sections 1102.1103.170.1 roux or kept well painted. Tanks shall be well supported to prevent falling or overturning in event of lire. (b) Dip tanks having al -area in excess of tell square feet shall be equipped with overflow pipes, and provided with approved covers arranged to close automatically in case of mire and also arranged so that they can be closed manually. 1Chcre deemed necessary, a satifaetory drainage system shall be provided. Smaller dip tanks .hall be provided, with Nttit- able covers or with asbestus blankets which eau be placed over the taus. If dip tanks are protected by an approved automatic fire extinguishing system employing a fire retardant vhemical or gas, the covets specified above may be omitted. SECTION 1703: FLOW -COAT WORE. (a) The regulations pertaining to dip tanks apply Its flow -coal equipment where applicable. Other regnlution' governing the details of installation and operation of flow- cuat equipment will be furnished by this Office upon appli- cation. SECTION 1704: OVENS USED IN CONNECTION WITH FLAMMABLE FINISHES. (a) The hazards involved ill tine use of ovens ill conuee- ,ion with flammable finishes vary greatly, depeudiug upon the type of ovens. Idle nature of tine finish, etc. In general, such ovens should Ile of ineumbustible co ,(ruction, with ade- quate clearances and protection for eombustibleAmaterial. Detailed requirements with reference to other features will be furnished by this Office upon application. SecUogs 1800.1801 'V°4 178 ARTICLE XVIII EXPLOSIVES SECTION 1800: DEFINITION: (a) The term "Explosive" (or "Explosives"), where used herein, shall mean and include the following: gun• powder, blasting powder, nitroglycerine, dynamite, fuses, detonators, and any other chemical compound or mechanical mixture that is commonly used or intended for the purpose of producing at explosion, and that contains ingredients in such proportions, quantity, or packing that an ignition by fire, friction, concussion, percussion, or Lite detonation of any part of the compound or mixture, may cause such a sudden generation of highly heated gases that the resultant pressures are capable of producing destructive effects oil contiguous objects, or of destroying life or limb. The term does not mean or include gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, turpentine, benzene, butane, propane, colloided nitrocellulose ill sheets, rads, or grains not under ole -eighth of an inch in diameter, art nitrocellulose, wet nitrostarch containing twenty- percent or more moisture, or tvet picric acid containing or in tell per- cent moisture. Manufactured articles sueh as fixed aunnuni. tion for' suall arms, fare cracker:., salMy fuse, matehes, etc., shall not be held to be cxplosiveI when the individual units contain explosives in such limited quantity, of such ']Allure, or in such packing, that it is impossible to Of a siund- ttncous or a destructive explosion of such nails, to the in,iury of life, limb, or property. (See Section 9610.) SECTION 1801: PERMITS. (a) It is prohibited for any person, firm, or curl -,oration to possess, store, sell, or otherivise dispose of, manufacture, handle, o• use any explosives without obtaining a permit from the State Fire Manvhal or other authorized state or city official, Such permit shall be obtained in accordance with and subject to the provisions of Section 101, Item 9. (b) A permit, subject to tine provisions of Section dol, Item 2, shall be obtained from the State Fire ;.Iarshal for each vehicle regularly cu. -aged in the transportation of explosives. Such truck shall be inspected annually by this Office, and shall bear evidence of such inspection by the display of on appropriate windshield "sticker," which will lie ,applied by this Office. 179 Section 1802 Section 1803 180 SECTION 1802: GENERAL REGULATIONS. !a; Any person, firm, or corporation usiug, handling, or transporting explosives shall comply with the ap- plicable provi;inns of the Kentucky Regulations for Explo. sives anti the Kentueky Commerce Regulations (I. C. C.), exeept that where the provisions of these Standards are more rc„ trictivc, such provisions shall control. (b) Nothing herein contained shall be construed as Alp. plying w the regular military or naval forces of the. United :hates, tic duly authorized milidi, or the Police or Fire llepartn:cnta of a municipality, in Line proper performance of their ,i,,, bs. Notbiug herein cuut,iva•d Aall be emnstrued as ap- pl;u:�• the Iaboratori- of schoois, colleges, and similar iasG,.,a.,,::y, w•l:en contiued to purposes of instruction or re• ••,r h: or to explosives ill the forms prescribed by the of;: L'a. ited States Pharmacopoeta. 1. It shall be prohibited for any person to have, keep, ,+•n , r for ,ale, give away, Or tele any' Of tine fellow- any quantity, within Ilan corporate limits of a•,.nt I,ieiaid nitroglycrriue, b-sel,sitzed liquid a •..,;7ya.or..• or dirtiylen„ 911,11E dinitrate V'xcept "bell • •i All of well, in conforuuty '%ith th.• provision., of Article .Ct-,; I.{%h exploanve, atmtalinig over silty pareent of nitro. Fly ,...• 'except R"lath dyaamitcr; high rxptna,ives having an _'.:factory atrsorbent, or Allow that w"'Alit leakage of N,1, rate nnrier any eondat,:un liable to -int during its.,. at ttoo or awrage; nitrv:,•llnlosc in it dry condition it, it; greater than ten pounds in Gee p:mkugc; fulminate ..f a ..,ry An balk at a dry c�,n,iitira; fulloivabw of all rather ue :a any vnmlition, A- 'pt ay a composra;t of ananufao ,I,. sot hereinaft,r forbidden, rxplo•oie romp-, ,l at i'll"n" apontaneomaty, or and r,go u.:rrkrd d,com- A r ndering the products rr their as me hazardous, -ted for forty iXbt r earl A 1 u Or les. to a .. rl 167 degree+ F'.; .,r ,•x F:•'�'t•r` .••ntaimug au ....... �.,; .�:r and a ell ,rate. it i, probibi€ed for any p•rrsou to a.anufactora any . ..: within /he eoeparate limit, Of any day or tomo;. Y.. ;. proh;lated for any penin to diwilargo any r than aanall arm *=XkMmitma, within the nor .. .r,y may, town, 4w 414W eaaept for pnrppie. .. ' JAI* operaiinva. k aYooting a'f IRI wtli. ...: tot Ote proriairnaa f Article XV SECTION 1803: STORAGE. (a) Except w'bite being transported or Asad in run formily with the provisions of these Standards, or while ill the custody of a common carrier and awaiting shipment (it delivery, all explosives shall be stored in iagazines in Ale. eordance with the requirements of this Section. (b) Magazines in which explosives mal. lawfully b,• slured in accordance with Paragraph (a) shall be of live classes, as follows, except that portable magazines used ill connection with blasting may hr permitted ne .pvvilied ill Sactiou 1803, Paragraph (a): (i) Class A Magazines (Stationary -over fifty pounds). Class A magazines shall be required for the storage of explosives when the quantity is in excess of fifty pounds. Such magazines shall be con:.lrueted of brick, concrete, iron, or wood with the .•xterior of the wooden walls covered with iron; or other acceptable conslrueliou having bullet reei�tiog gnalilivs Nhiga. tines shall be lined with not, part o:: material. 'Ther, - shall be no openings rxe,•p, for cvolilaiiau and entrance. The vrntilaiinn openi„g hall uol. cxror I 110 square inches for earl, ,:pa•uh,:r, and shall be properly screened to prevrut If,,, .at ranee if sparks. Magaziurs coulaining black po, da euly may be on slrucied wilhout cr•utdatiun uprating,. (9) Class B Magazines (Portnblc fifty pounds or less). When the quanitity of esplovia-i to 1„• stored in; iifly pounds or less sueh .t-ag-, if wan in a t•lae..1 mago- zine shall be an a trio:. It magaziu,•. Such Al magazna• shall be eoustnmled of two-ineh tougnr• and groovy hard wood. or tlnrr.awl, -21, wo,d, voecred ou Ila• oulside with tier -sty gauge .ahe,•r iron; or of otber c,pnally Abort "',ktant a,:at+•riaL Any melnl A aria• shall he liucd iwitli a sou ,parhiog moteriul. Ilug.A- riues shall h,• pro„ Ir 1 with a top eon rr hmfl-•d Ana oar aide will, not I-, N, u, t i .tr.mg hung s a-un•ly held ill la1n. r. nova t..,r Ai -I a I„r prowdcd ,.if, a aabsttintial 1 131 hn+p and 1.•.6 11agaabtes shall ho paiuned v, ramlli,n, mod ,Al h•• p!nialy nau•Itrd •.I:xpl••.i,.- la aa:il,h:1— at i.:,•.i. de..” -alliin, in ha i,:!.,, ani .,ll ,."i,: ice All .. a: u�.. i i .. Im-i; , , :n, apt pr ..t:.red aunt Ito f000 t 1: ,.a, hr ;;I; ways, and 6u1n , 1. it i I ,h 11- 111, sad Dia,tan- Table ,A i',ia'at rq a J ' , i • I., Ii: do, l.r itahla• t'la.e II. inngaamn re-io u , ,t, :w ilii,., 7 8 It 181 S"tion 1503 pounds of explosives may be allowed within a building, if. located not more than ten feet from, on the sane Iloor with. .,aid directly opposite to, the entrance to the floor nearest till street level; and in addition, one portable Class B magazine containing not more than 5,000 blasting caps may be allowed if located on the floor nearest the street level. INTO portable magazine shall be placed within twenty- feet of a stove, fur- unce, or open fire or flames, or within five feet of other sources of external heat. (d) The quantity of explosives that ma; be stored in any magazine shall depend upon the distance site], magazine i, situated from other buildings, bighways, or railroads, and ou the protection afforded by natural or efficient artificial barricades. Without barricades, the quantities stored shall not exceed those given in the following table: Quantity and Distance Table R::en 1 Cofama2 Cooney. a Celaen 1 Dunnet, Dlcnvxe VIA- Q-1;4Ilan n-ait frvm hum rkeme a1Lfr xr-r<;t xcvcn scorn[ D!_Y.! . Cane ENna:,u D^- m. Alfa) 9116- Number 116 rNumber Pounds Number Not Pounds Not Over Over Over Over Fact Feet Flet 1,000 5,000 30 60 40 20 ll 5,000 10,000 120 70 35 10,000 20,000 20 000 25,000 50 145 90 45 25000 50000 50 100 240 140 70 50,000 100,000 100 200 360 220 110 100,000 150,000 200 300 520 310 150 150,000 200,000 300 400 640 380 190 200,000 250,000 400 500 20. 430 220 250,000 300,000 500 600 800 480 240 300,!100 350,000 600 700 860 520 260 350,000 400,000 700 800 920 550 260 400,000 450,000 800 900 980 590 300 450,000 500,000 900 1,000 1,020 610 310 500,000 750,000 1,000 1,500 1,060 640 320 750,000 1,000,000 1,500 2,000 1,200 720 360 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000 3,000 1,300 780 390 1,500,000 2,000,000 3,000 4,000 1,420 . 850 420 4,000 5,000 1uantities stored ,500 900 450 NOTE: iven in this baen le, the limits that shall apply may be those obtained from this Office. tci Wbenecer a Class A magazine is effectively screened from buildings, railroads, or highways, either by natural ft, Ires of the ground or by efficient artificial barricades, bar- rX", or property rev-etted walls of earth of a minimum thick- nr;, of three feet, and of such height that any straight line 6raw-n from the lop of any side wall of the magazine to any 183 Scction 1804 SECTION 1804: TRANSPORTATION. 1. General. (u) All vehicle; usad for tine transportation of explo- sives shall he constructed, operated and maintained ill accord- anee with the Kentucky Regulations for Explosives, and tine Kentucky Commerce Re;mlations (l. C. C.), except that where the provisions of tbese standards are more restrictive, such provisions shall control. (b) It is prohibited for tiny person to transport or carry u n.y exp' n•i y,•s upon tray public conveyance which is carrying pas f„r hire. _. Vciscle2, ..it fat be trauspm'ted iu any form of •...ail:•r. ,Al any trailer be, attarbed to nay . `.1 ti:•• Iru'sportation of expla,icc, . .acre I);, - It vcliicl,• dura .. r. Ji L� .•.vcrrd ,all, a, moisture and ,: .... .iiall have light material xhiell r..;r; •inane int" or, is ,.:,play red Inas, not ­+ a maser halt .. I.r. ,,ors, with ill! •:,.r,l lab. irrt.r, . . . ,. • 7 hit i.•, :nal refer : : .. ... t,y (",-meat, R+g+t• of lamp bulb. and :,: rigid cit each %,lilies headlights on front, ,..:. rip light, and two red t !l!T VI inrk- .-till :.d maul tight. _ .l f:. .rl...ky Sectloa 1803 182 part of the building to be lirotecled will pass tbroagh surd' intervening natural or artificial barricade, and any straight line drawn from the top of any side wall of nmgazine to any Point twelve feet above lite acuter of the railroad or highway to be protected will pass through such intervening nftttll•al or artificial barricade, the applicable distances as prescribed by the table in Paragraph (d) may be reduced one -ball. (f) Any Class A magazine shall have a cle':uauee to tray other magazine of at least 200 feet, provided that w-herc untg- azincs are protected, one from ilia other, by barricades as specified in Paragraph (a) this distance may be reduced one- half, and further provided that the required distances bolw•eeu magazines may be disregarded where the total .P'anlily of explosives stored in Stich n,ngnzines, considered ns n whole, conforms with 1110 (quantity and Distance Table. in 1'aag ipl' (d) above; except that in all cases the quantity of esldo:.ives contained in Class A cap magazines shall govern in rogard to spacing such cap magazines from magazines containing other explosives, and under no circmnsllun,cs stall a cap magazine be, within 100 feet, not barricaded, or fifty l•ert. barricaded, of any magazine other than at cap nagazine. (g) Blasting caps or detonators of any hind shall not be kept in the same magazine with other explosive,. (h) All magazines shall he kept locked excepl wben being inspected or when explosives are being placed therein or being removed therefrom, and the key shall be available only to at authorized person. (i) All magazines where explosives are stored unlit b:• kept clean and free front grit, rubbish, and empty package,. 0) \o fire, or open flame of any laud, shall be permitted within ten feet of a magazine containing explosives. (k) Smoking shall not be permitted inside of, or in lbe vicinity of, a magazine. (1) Magazines shall not be provided with artifneial beat or light, except electric flash lights may be used and magazines used for the storage of nitroglycerine may be heated if an approved form of indirect heat is employed. (m) The premises on which a permanent magazine is located shall be conspicuously narked by signs containing the , words ''Explosives -Beep Off," so as to want nny person approaching the magazine of the presence of explosives, but the signs shall not be so placed as to direct general pnblie, attention to the location -of the magazine. No signs shall be so located that a bullet passing directly thraugh the face of a sign will strike the magazine. Scction 1801 184 (a) livery vehicle used for the transportation of explo. sives shall be equipped with not less than two fire extin. guishers, suitable for use on oil fires, filled and ready fan• immediate list,, and located near the driver's neat. 3 Drivers, (a) Wbickes trausporting i:xplusiycs shall he driven ouly by persons who are familiar with traffic regulations, (b) Drivers or helpers shall not nIuoko, or carry unatehe, or firearms while .in or near It vckiele Ittorvpurting explosive.,. (c) Driver, shalt lot leacc the driver', .,•lit until brake, Are sec.Iu•cly mel, :'lid shall not leave It yvhirko UllUttcuded except while aei any making delivo•ies. to lin• rasa Or Iwr,o. drawn crhicles, til, t::un shall be securely tied :out bvilli- set. to t. Precautions. (n) Vehicles trtu.npurliug rxpiu,iv', .hali '.'y their cargo only ,itbin Ill, body of tin•-idd-.:n'd pmdangr, small nut be played oh. -V.- they lnay fall •Jf. I 1, n„•l:'I :u'I lett,,, or similar u.:d,•riak Maid, n.ig L. •i u:.;- Abdl not br carried ill a rebid- lr;ani Ifwn • , YI,!:.:: _. '•c ios. pr..p,•r1}. ,-ured and by :ooq.'t:u.,yw less;.lu'ads 'a: ,.I lov' 'nimble wr:na. lllasliug y.q„ +.,.dl r.,4 .. '... mpw'b'd m tie• xaue• ve160, will. whrr rvpinsitc,, out...., t.i i:.•d in ,(, it •I•ll.g euulainera your Ling to henturin' t'•mam':• IlegnLdiou. I I.l•. t'.i. ur iU spb,nu,l ial pndde,j i,.r; .d nut 1, s tlao ou••.inoli woad, ur uuutb'•r hvchr gn..., ...t 'u.t:d hoed will. ti!r,e ,•igbth inch plywood, -4 pn•r,.l. . '•..Ili ,r, l.,lanliai Inuq•, and lucking d.•rice. .. i., Wt.cu po.-�ildr, ovpl,si- .i: •'u I%i i;. Ira:,purl r.i "Dir dnri'w darlighl hum's. All rafrc1i ;;U';�iug ..I' !''..rluiii• ,, :,ti:io; li:!li., :r .' il- lies :, I,r, n"ril;,vl in fl:•. Regula['::.,. , 1. l'. .'. if- o i,, ocean 11., c, i....t.. 1;.._,...... •I:::Jd;d uy nbid Lr I:a r!:, •1 •.n :, : pa. t ..,I r cif lA'•,n.I, list,,, .,r reflect„". LI n i. :...;..Lull 1:, pLr "i • lass o it m Ik.' h, -n u; i.y .'rr.au.•..• I:.. ;.a.;l i,n:, n.p,. -1 i' I' i i .. ".:.!I L. pd,l.. ..1 1,.. •• ,li J...t.,m .. YI 1. .1 ,, 1.1,'i „•,'r:.:il .:I,.,•:.1;1 -,'I :, ,...'sial t,'. i.'. ... „i••Ia .. .pin .... .... ,:. ,y ..i, •L . , :. ��t -1.-.. ,.r ..,., ,.. L,.. ,t....l• I :- .,..�, l.a.lr ,i: sir i .,• ! .. .. .. 1.. h, ,u: h.;.t �. c Section 1804 185 (c' Vehicles transporting explosives shall not be driven closer than within 300 feel of each other, except when passing: (f) \When loading or unloading explosives the engine of nsutor-(liven vehicles shall he stopped. ]tale hook. or other metal tools shall not be used to handle packages of explosives. gpeeial care shall be exercised to see that packages do nut aaeh fire front sparks or hot gases front tine exhaust tailpipes of motor vehicles. ;;. Special Regulations for Vehicles Transporting Liquid Nitroglycerine, Desensitized Liquid Nitroglycerine or Di- n ethylene Glycol Dinitrate. (a) Liquid nitroglycerine, de'eu,itized lignid nitroglye- a-ine, and diethylene glycol dinitrate, shall be transported b • properly- licensed persons and then only in containers raid motor vehicles, the construction, nnaintenauce; and opera - 11 of \vinich folly- conform to current Kentucky Commerce it,gulatious (I. C. C.). In addition to the foregoing provisions of this Section, the following is also required: (1) Portions of motor vehicle bodies for such use are required to be strongly constructed of not -sparking material, thoroughly waterproofed, and shall be of such size that only one tier of individual containers may be carried therein. The total load shall not exceed 900 quarts liquid measure of liquid nitro- glycerine, dcscusitized liquid nitroglycerine or dieth- ylene glycol dinitrate The inside of both body anti cover .91,8111 be lined with copper or other nou.sparking ,deet metal, which lining skull be liquid -tight. The lop shall be covered with metal, but no ferrous metal or parts may be exposed on the edges or iaeide.. This body shall be divided into compartments by wooden or other suitable non-metallic, non -sparking eenstrue. tion, each compartment being of a size that the •'boats" and containers, described in Paragraphs (2) and (3) below, will fit into it snugly. The inside of the top and bottom of the body shall be covered by % inch of felt padding or other shock absorbing material, so arranged ns to prevent vertical movement of the container when the top is closed. (2) Individual containers for transporting liquid nitro. glycerine, desensitized liquid nitroglycerine, or dieth- ylene glycole dinitrate, shall be constructed of cop- per or other non -sparking material; and ,ball be liquid.tight, \o intlividaal container shall exceed ten -quarts capacity. 187 section 1885 be kept away from the charge far two hours. When electric Ida,ting caps are used, this \visiting period may be reduced to thirty minutes. ' (,•, Empty buses whiA have prc\•iously contained high -plosives shall not be used for any purpose, bat shall be destroyed ky burning in the open air in locations whete sur•- rouuding property will not be endangered. Used metal con=- tainers shall be innnediatdy returned to the magazine. Leaky or damaged container, shall be destroyed kyr sonic. recognized ,aF mcth"d. \„ person shall smoke \chile, handling explostvos, or ,. .:.:,y thereof. open Ilane lamgn or light shall be used ill 111, �\p1as1\'eve : Jail"', of yspla iecs A.11 ant be opened in any .: ni;u fifty Pert of any magazine. In opening _ ... • .:sedge,, and wooden, fibre, or rubber m:d- r:c•.:1 ,.. .I. If metal tools are used for this purpux, ehe}• .u..l' .. „f no—parking material. sittlons 1801.1803 186 (3) A "boot" or container constructed of rubber, and having grooves on the inside surfaces to prcveit entrapment of air, shall be provided for each indi- vidual container described in Paragraph (2) above. (b) No liquid nitroglycerine, desensitized liquid nitro- glycerine, or diethylene glycol dinitrate may be carried above other explosives. If other explosives are transported in the same vehicle with liquid nitroglycerine, desensitizedliquid nitroglycerine, or diethy-leno glycol dinitrate, they shall be fm a closed compartment firmly- fastened above the lid of the nitroglycerine compartment. When blasting caps or detonators are carried in the same vehicle m•nit nitroglycerine, desensitized liquid nitroglycerine, or diethylene glycol dinitrate, they sluill be in approved containers having individual pockets for each cap and shall be segregated in separate compartments of the vehicle. (c) When tools or other supplies are transported in the same vehick with liquid nitroglycerine, desensitized liquid nitroglycerine, or diethylene glycol dinitrate, they shall he properly secured, or segregated to prevent their coming in contact with any explosives. SECTION 1805: USE OF EXPLOSIVES—BLASTING, (a) When explosives in excess of immediate require. , ments are removed from a magazine and delivered ft the vicinity of a blasting operation, fhcy shall be kept iu ;in approved Class B portable magazine, or in a small portable building similarly constructed and covered. Such portable magazine or building shall be kept securely locked at all times except when necessarily opened by an authorized petsom, and shall be conspicuously marked "ExplosivtiDango•ous" in white letters not less than three incites iu height. 1Phet possible, a distance of fifty feet should be maintained between such portable magazine and the work in progress. \ (b) When blasting is done in congested districts or in proximity to a structure, railroad, or highway, tiro blast shall be adequately covered before firing. At least three minutes before firing a blast, adequate earning shall be given. (c) Electric blasting caps oily shall be used as tine detonating agent for blasting operations in congested areas, or on or adjacent to highways. (d) When blasting caps are used. they shall be securely Attached to a safety fuse with a standard cap crimper. ,111 priming shall be done at least fifty feet from any magazine. j If misfires occur while using cap and fuse, all persons shall Section 1800 188 ARTICLE XIX 1 COMPRESSED AND LIQUEFIED FLAMMABLE GASES OTHER THAN ACETYLENE (INCLUDING LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GASES) SECTION 1900: DEFINITIONS AND APPLICATION. 1. Definitions. (it) Tile Went "ligUelied petrobeuul gas", as used herein, shrdl meal old include any Inateriad wlaiels is ,Omp.,e,l par dutoillanlly of ally of the following hydrocarbons, or mixtures of them, whether it, the• liquid ur it, the gase—s st:ite: pro. pane, propylene, bnUmc ltnu•n 11 bntale or i.o.butalevj, and butyls ne. (b) The term "Rus", or "coupresed ov ligaelicd gas", as used herein, shall mean and inelnde any llu enable cool. pressed or liquefied gas, other than acetylene, im•luding lique. tied petroleum gases as dclined in Paragraph (It) above, (c) 'file terul "emn;tincrs", ac. used I—ein, minus and includes all vessels such :is talo.,, cylinders, or drums, n., •.i for the trauspnrtatfou or nwring of -iolo —1 or Iiqurti I gases as defiled and regukaed to .-iu. (d) The teen,'•systems", a, u..,d herein, means at a,. .embly of equipmruu rmuistiug ev-ntimlly of the contaiuer or containers', tuajor devices and appurteurures neh a, vaporizers, carburetors, relief vales, excess flow calla,, and I-eguluur,, together with ueecs:.:,ry iwvry oanect ig piping, kat not ine•luding gas-cunenming opt lien.... and Uu•i. eauneeti,w.,. 2. Application. (a) The reguiariou..I obi, .1r60c. aggdy to Ii., d.­iy a, eln-uum, loratirnr, in.,t:ul:a ilea, :old of Ii.•u :•f rrnu- I",—,l or Lqu.-liad ,,^,u. }•:•rc o\r, pl. Mat i.,-: ❑,u. o. i'll's pip, hl:.. :�%1 .uu lar In, . •,� \alta•• Ln:,ni.a-, nen:u:+l y .,,lin.• pl.:!J �, n'liu• re Ian6 1;,aur:..n' I'll :•lu iral .iu.I ai di7.';;{tit, Il:auul..• i.a❑r„ id.. �, b., ,,; t'..n H.a,io is \51.1. ;, :.i :: :.. :I pvirt.frvlei n . Oil ::1•.. air' appr.•.:d .•!' It, i. .. .I ran,,;, ,n, I,,.I„ ::pp,•• .I ..1'... � Ir,.,• .....I .i..l:dl ,I...n ,�.r it." mm,.1f.i:l a nr ,c.. hi rid - �.r.::•` e.:.i „ I':I q•, 0411." of ,i':ol '...;! e.r 'up: ..I , : •I: ..: �I Lnnnl r.wnnq pil.r. nim•, un+l ,olithr lar,.. ,..I- qsL Sections 1900.1901 natural gasoline plants, refineries, tank forms, and chemical or utility gas manufacturing plaits). (c) Requirements governing the construction, iustall:r tion, and maiutenance of systems in which liquefied petroleum gas is used as a motor fuel shall be obtained front this Office. (d) Wheu compressed or liquefied gases are used for cutting or welding, the applicable provisions of Article J% shall also apply. SECTION 1901: PERMITS AND INSPECTION. (a) A permit, renewable annually, and subject to the provisions of Section 101, Item 2, shall be obtained from the State Fire Marshal for ill,• transportation of cotupressed or L•garticd gases in container, other than portable coutainers oaiforming to the specifications of the liofiueky Connuerce N, ulations (L (J. C.). Application for the original permit for a tank truck or trailer shall be accompanied by (1) plan's and ,pecitleations showing the eonstruetion of the container, man. ner of mounting upon the vehiele, and all necessary connec. tions and equipment, and ("_) a certificate from the manu- facturer or assembler statiug that the completed tank truck has been approved by u recognized testing laboratory, or that it has been coirt'ncted and equipped in Lull accordance with Ute Kentucky Regulations for Compressed and Liquefied Fiam- mable Gases and tine Kentucky Commerce Regulations (I.C.C.). (b) All tank t•u4i and trailers shall be inspected by this Office before isivanee of the original permit, and annually thereafter, and the propelling vehicle shall bear evidence of ouch inspections by the display of an appropriate windshield "sticker" which will be supplied by this Office. (c) No person, firm, or corporation shall engage in the business of installing or servicing liquefied petroleum gas systems, or equipment used in connection with such systems, without obtaining a permit, subject to the provisions of Sec- tion 101, Item 2, from the State Fire Marshall. (d) A permit, subject to the provisions of Section 101, Item 2, shall be obtained from the State Fire dlarshal, or authorized city Official, for the installation of any system con' nected to a compressed or liquefied gas storage container or containers having au aggregate capacity in excess of 210 gal Ions water capacity, and for all systems installed in connection with schools, hospitals, churches, motion picture theatres and otter places of assembly. Application for such permit shall be accompanied by plans and specifications showing the size and location of vontainers and all necessary piping, connections, and appurtenances, other than gas -consuming appliances. SecRone 1901-1902.1903-1901 190 (c) A permit, subject to the provisions of Section A ? Item 2, shall be obtained from the State Me Maushal, authorized city official, for the construction, mlbstalltAl rc modeling, or operation of any plant or building used for the _ manufacture or industrial storage and use of large quantilies `f I;. -� of compressed or liquefied flammable gases, such as marine, pipe line, and similar large volume terminals, natural gasoline , Plants, refiucries, talk farms, and chemical and utility gas - manufacturing plants. SECTION 1902. USE OF STANDARD SYSTEMS, (a) All systems shall be designed, ctnstrur.ted, fuabtlled, and maintained in conformity with the Kentut•ky Regulations for Compressed and Liquefied Flammable Gases and tine all. plicable provisions of tie Kentucky Commerce Regulalionis (L C. C.). It is strongly recommended that, where possible, only systems approved by a recognized testing laboratory be used. (b) Every system for domestic or commercial use, utiliz- ing containers of 1,200 gallons or less water capacity, shall he tested and approved by a nationally recognized testing labora- tory. (e) In systems utilizing containers of over 1,200 gallons water capacity, the container shall be constructed, installed, and maintained in conformity with tine Kentucky Regulatiolls for Compressed and Liquefied Flammable Cases, and each regulator, container valve, excess flow valve, gauging device, and relief valve installed on or at the container, and vaporizer units, shall be approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory. SECTION 1903: ODORANT. (a) All compressed or liquefied flammable gases shall be effectively odorized by an approved agent, of such character as to positively indicate tilt presence of gas down to concen- trations in air of not over etc-flflh the lower limit of flam- mability; provided however, that oderization is not required if harmful in the use or further processing of liquefied petroleum gas, or if odorization will serve no useful purpose as a warping agent in such use or further processing - SECTION 1904: CONSTRUCTION AND MARKING OF CONTAINERS. 1. Construction. A ntainers shall be estedslid stame at the time of manufacture in accordance twill, ,tbc Kentucky ,) 191 Section 1904 Sections 1904.1900 192 Commerce Regulations (1. C. C.), or with the applicable pro. visions of the Kentucky Regulations for Cmnpressed and Liquefied Flammable Cases. Conanines shall be designed for it working pressure not less than the vapor pressure of the ,r -red product at 100 degrees F. No container shall have a -i.r11 or head thickness less than 3/10 of an inch. (h) Except "bottle gas" containers constructed in ac- cordance with Kentucky Commerce Regulations (I. C. C.), and containers intruded for the use of liquefied petroleum gas as a motor fuel, storage containers shall he designed and c)nssifned as follows: Minimum Design Working Pressure of Container b yabor � Y: r'nntnin•i 1•.t, r•, I.t•., nwr ,',NI.. so A.P.I. t f... i'a.. I rya q Cuao • i . •J, it lin. •inn Ib. aa. • IIs In rix, fir Ib. Oa. Ifl lis ria. � tib Ib, ria. sat ' 1•:, t na. 1y! la lie. xti: aft..r ..,....r .. . , ]ter Md T'kc:i 11% i,, thou t, y t'om.mrr:e len. -1 :.. r eked m nrtrrdanr.O *,fill tfcec i,;aioly om1 Ix-rntanendy, the re- ... ,.header, ]..-ad. +•r nrrk of th,• wit1 i, i':3•:. in mrrst instances. the Ln, : letters .I. C. C:•, the river ,:. ;look d:c ccr.tairer was i !fie ;.: esaare (this latter may :..ma c.::•. :.,vs): on ll—thrr tine. a .ra rr.;.....a and narkirg tr.+i,caurg rf t ;ruts - 11. ra a turd Ju'F F asT✓ C Srr.i tie. 3iii 341 XY Container's for which a retest is required by reason of their period of service, or for other reasons, shall have the dale of such retest stamped below the original test date. Other information may also be included, such as the net weight of the container, owner'.. markings, etc. , (b) Containers other than those cunfot•miug to Kentucky COnnneme Regu atious (1. C. C.) shall he marked as iudic+ard below. Marking speeifle(I oil -'eontalipr•r..•• shall he all the con. tails- itsrll'. \larkings ,p"if,d mn •'srsi .,n nanu'plate" ,hall he on a ureud tag or muurpl: le atia,-Ind to lit,- ,ysL•Ia it, such a naunte, and locnlinn its lis he rradilr !'i>Ibir•, (1) %It vuulaiurr.: (and ileo tilt xylan w...r•plal,. it the eontaiuer is undrrgnnuuli .hall have uutrking iudi raliug: n. a cnutphNn-'r Wilk till' Cod" under which the condniurr asst. eounlrneled (fir shell hrvu• Wo 'fill :nal other laarhiugn rcquirt,d Ly Ih•• N,fiaual toard of Iluil,•r and Prt,s.uro Ccsrl lo.pr, iOrs: b,tile 111111'rrapa,ily of the crnd;t,,. r in pentad. or gallons, U. S. SI: m lard; c, Ill.. uorkiug per..nr,. in Pounds per vfuara iurlt, for !ria, h Un• , entaincr i., dr.igned; and d, t1w wall turltle=:• of thr >h,•II :wd Mads. (2) The moor and addres. or ibr ,uppiwr or it,, nadr nano of the ,y:.trm shall I., taorktd oll rah .y ,atm unueplate. (3) Thr wording "Thi. ccaiair- Wirdl not rent oll a It—luct craving it vapor jt, -,Or,• in otos, of I suds pre square inch :d Intl shall 1,t, mnrktd on tilt, nano -plat.- or lh,• filter connct,tiou of each ,y.lrm. i 1, Exec -pt where ,•onium-, ars pr••cid"d tcilh it, i awxinunn Irvrl iudirator,, or art. H-1, .1 Ip' Ill.• ,take I iu 1,1at, or liquid I ^., I ,..rc:ink d,•ri• ,hall baro u,il rkiog lin air r,•nirnp. 70 ;I.:: r, . p iadicatil,!• nhc loaximinn h.rrl to t+L;t:: ti„ tn.u' hr• lillyd will. liq;u.i al I,.aop•r.ngn. }::.I ,,, ..,� 211 dr;rmo: I' and 180 d,;:r: ... F. 1••.j Wt.- (11 von luhnr i. ...... :r,.,;r J, th, naLtrplal.. .I:all bo uvu'ip-d illi lis.. cud til^ .,orad.. ,h.,t,,,.t rt, of lis.. ,. ,.i.,,.,. r ,:, ,.rd:... SECTION 1905: LOCATION OF CONTAINERS AND REGULATING EQUIPMENT. • Uenerrd. fol F:z :;d ;ipp:., ;.,.:...v. .. ,.i,.•.:. u. - n. •(.,.t- ' vl F _7_� e 193 Section 1905 Miners shall not be located inside the fire limits, and if having I Crater capacity- in excess of 500 gallons, should not be be located elsewhere within the corporate limits of it city or town. (b) Underground storage containers having a water capacity in excess of 500 gallows shall not be located inside tyle fire limits. (e) Loading or distributing stations, and aboveground storage conainers, except approved containers conforming to Kentucky Commerce Regulations (I. C. C.), whether inside or outside the corporate limits of a city or town shall not be Permitted in congested areas or in built-up neighborhoods priwarily of a dwelling character when the installation of sut'11 containers (could eonstitute a serious threat to the safety of life and property it, such areas or neighborhoods. (d) Loading or distributing stations involving the trans- fer of liquids into portable containers of any type shall net be permitted within the fire limits. Where transfer of liquid is made from containers used in domestic or commercial service into portable containers, such as on tractors, skid tanks, or similar applications, such containers shall be located not less than fifty- feet from the nearest building, and twenty-five feet from the nearest public thoroughfare. 2. Containers Installed or Connected for Use, (a) No such storage container shall be located inside of, or buried under, any building except those especially provided for such purpose, and then only when adequately separated from other buildings or adjoining property as specified in Paragraph (b) below, except that containers conforming to Kentucky Commerce Regalations (I. C. C.) when used for welding, flame cutting, or other industrial applications, may be located inside buildings, and such containers, regardless of their use, may be housed in properly constructed and venti- lated vaults in hillsides or embankments, provided such vaults are drained and ventilated horizontally to the outside air from the lowest level. (b) Except as otherwise provided herein, each individual emltaincr shall be located with respect to the nearest impor- tant building or group of buildings, or line of adjoining prop- erly which may be built on and with respect to other con- ininers,in accordance with the following table: ?nnimuin to D,lldl.g Do` Del. Duet. net. or 1•roncrtY Dl,tnncc Abora- Under w'atrr Cu.eci(r Line .\bore- Freund Ctound I— ,,o IJnderar.und Ground Ceotala,rx Contnlner. I.ea, than = Callon, _ 10 feet \one Crone 9 feet l]; to t[e callonn _ 10 feet 10 feet 3 feet a feet w'a to 1,X0 Cellona _ M feet . 5 feet a feet S feet aver 1,9Y, sell... — 50 feet fd fee, 5 feet 5 feet S.9-7 199 Sections 1905-1900 least twenty-five feet from important buildings or regularly busy main thoroughfares. 14) Readily combustible marrial shall not be piled within ten feet of containers in storage. A warning, to keep open flames and fire; away, shall be conspicuously Hosted. (5) Containers shall not be stored, whether full or empty, inside tiny building containing a store, place of busi. ness, or other occupancy frequented by the Public, .or shall such containers be stored on public property. Containers may be located inside su,•h buildings or on public property for display purposes, provided they are gas free. (Oj Containers in storage shall have valves closed even though (hay may be empty. Containers which require valve -protecting caps shall have such caps it, Place, band tight, while in storage. 3. First Stage Regulating Equipment. Fin(: singc regulating equipment shun be located A- of buildings onher than those especially provided for 1-nrl,osc SECTION 1906: INSTALLATION OF CONTAINERS. 1 Aboveground Containers. Ilentneky , .. ::..; ,. : i ' .,r„1 i•=•t1:+i,ir• ra,,,iUiin•rri Cem- r �.i. .'..., -.': '.. .: :,'I .:: u!.,iu.•+'.; nrdalh•d nbavr- - nr ,titer .. � .L. !1 , . .. ,! , • ut.iu,. ri shat, n•9t. on .. .• ., L: .,.nCr-nirat loll or exne\hire of the shel[, analshall he i„ p• nait therm:] rxpnnsinn „r ! mr oe,htnarllvl h 'iIrd inn lv pori +, ! . Wily t i -d d ani , :.r,•r has a is nal r,. _. 7 $1 Section 1905 104 In the case of buildings devoted exclusively to gas mono- factoring and distributing operations these distances may be reduced provided that in no case shall container- of Capacity exceeding 500 gallon, be lorided closer that, IO ft. to sneh manufacturing and distributing buildings. (c) No readily ignitable i!alerial sneh :Is weeds or ruh- bish, shall lie Permitted within t0 feet of any eontwo,,. 3. Containers Not Installed or Connected for Use. (a) Except containers stored or in process of filling at loading plants having permimently located bulls storage talks, or at plants devoted primarily to the storage and distribution of other petroleum products, all containers not in use or colt- necled for use shall be located in accordance with the pro- visions of Item 2 above, except as provided for in Paragraphs (b) and (c) below. (h) Portable containers conforming to licutucky Cow. •merec Regulations (I. C. C.), when on the premises of indus- trial users, may be located and stored in accordance with the Provisions of Paragraphs (n), (b), (d), and (a) of Section 2006. (c) Such containers awaiting resale, as may be stored on the premises of manufacturers or dealers, shall be located and stored as follows: (1) Ila a building or a separate room or cowpartment used exclusively for storing gas containers. Such room or compartment shall not be below ground level and shalt have no openings communicating Ivilh olhgr occupancies. The space below the floor shall be of solid fill or properly ventilated to open air. The building, compartment, or room shall be vented top and bottom to the outside only, and the outlet from such vents shall be at least five feet horizontally Tran auy other Opening into anv building. Such storage Of containers shall lot be adjacent to a school, ehureb, hospital, athletic field or other points of public gathering. (2) Containers may be stored in tike open, provided they are stored within a suitable enclosure where uecessary to prevent tampering. Containers shall not be stored adjacent to a school, church, hospital, athletic field or other points of public gathering. The valves and safety devices shall be protected against accumula. tions of ice and snots•. Protective caps shall be deemed adequate. (3) Where the storage exceeds 10,000 pounds of gas at. one storage location, such storage shall be la•nted at Section 1906 196 (c) Portable containers conforming to Kentucky Com- merce Regulations (I. C. C.), shall be set upon firm founda- tions, and, if installed or connected for use, shall be firmly secured. Possible effect on the outlet piping of settling or other movement, shall be guarded against by a flexible con- nection, or other special fitting. If located outside, such con- tainers shall be provided with an approved type of weather. proof enclosure or hood. (d) Valves, and regulating, gauging, and other took necessary equipnnent shall be protected in an approved mauner against tampering and ntcelmnical damage. (e) Containers with foundations attached (portable or semi-portable containers with suitable steel "runners” or "skills" and popularly known in (lie industry as ''skid I Woks"), may he used if ](-signed, installed, autl used in ac- cordance with these regulations, ,abject to the following exceptions and addiliats: (1) if they are to be used at a given general location for a temporary period not to exceed 160 day's, they need not have fire -resisting fuundations or saddles but shall have adequate ferrous metol supports. (2) They shall not be located with the ont.idc bolt -Inn of the container shelf more than( Ove feet above the, sur- face of the ground, unless Ore -resisting supports Orr provided. (3) The bottom of the skids shall not be less than tivo inches, or more than twelve inchrs, below the outside bottom of the contain tr shell. (4) It is recommended that such containers have outlet, only in the heaths- Flanges, nozzles, ralves, null fit tiugs having emumunivatin t with the interior of like enottiner sh:dl be protected against injury. IO) \Vhen connected to piping and not permmneutly Ineated tan Ore -r'ai'ling f"urnlafio s, conned ion: shall be sufflrirutly tlovihla Io minimum• puswihihty of becalingo or leakage of (`ancations of cautainor ,m. ib•9, moves, or is otherwise displaced. if, LChrro the slope of the. ground or other local con. ]iti,rna would prrmit aboveground contaiin"', it, rase of rap turn or nyrrlhnv, In rudauger adjacent prOij," ty, a nrh em+min-r ,hall 1,e xurroomkA by a dike of sue)% rap;o icy as may b,• ronaidcre•d neeeaaary, keit not more than the raparilc of Mh remtijR+'r. (q) Where aboveground I oulninrri ar,, initialled in lar:, tiidla .14bject to flood, they ,hall hr r,..,;rrly anehor(A er ;.cailkhted to prevent floating. 197 Sections 1906-1907 2, Underground Containers, (a) All containers buried underground shall be entitled with a suitable protective material to prevent corrosion stud shall be surrounded with a backfill of soft earth or sand, well tamped. (b) Containers once installed underground shall not be reinstalled either abovegrouud or underground, unless they successfully withstand hydrostatic pressure retest at the pres- sure specified for the original hydrostatic test required by the Code tinder which the container was constructed, and unless they show no evidence of serious corrosion. Where containers are reinstalled underground, the corrosion -resistant coating shall be put in good condition. (c) All connections to underground containers shall be located within a substantial dome, housing, or manhole, with access thereto by means of a substantial cover. SECTION 1907: PIPING, TUBING, AND FITTINGS. (a) Piping or tubing shall be wrought iron, steel, brass, or copper pipe, or except as hereinafter provided, seamless copper, brass, steel, or other approved gas tubing. All piping or tubing shall be suitable for a working pressure of not leas titan 125 pounds per square inch, and shall be tested and proven free from leaks (without the use of flame) at not less than normal operating pressure. Copper tubing may be of the standard K or 1, grade. Aluminum tubing shall not be used in exterior locations or where it passes through masonry or plaster walls, or insulation. (1)1 In any system in which compressed gas in liquid f.nnt caters a building without pressure reduction, only heavy walled, seamless, brass or copper tubing having an internal diameter not greater than 3/32 -inch and it wall thickness not less titan 3/64 -inch shall be used; provided that this require- ment shall not apply to commercial gas plants, bulk stations where cylinders, drams, or tank trucks are filled, nor to indus- trial vaporizer buildings. (c) Pipe ,joints may be serewed, flanged, or welded. Where fillings are used they shall have a working pressure of at least 12$ pounds in systems where the oncrating pressure is 125 pounds per square inch, or less. Extra heavy fittings shall be used for pressures exceeding 1-5 pounds. Cast iron fittings shut[ not be used. :Joints for seamless copper, brass, -heel, or non-ferrous gas tubing shall be made by means of 199 Section 1909 _. Shut•Off Valves. (a; All eo rectioua to eotain— exeept gange (•omaee- tions and safety relief connections, shall be provided with alq r,, .i .hut; if Valves elose to the roulain( . Cr,k,a it tiro Isserol,ly of .ysi.•u,. using two m• mare .hall Io. so arranged that the eh:nlge of containers I. _..,,; l 'balling down the sc.tem. W,,- c • owitiners are not co fileted to the system, a:vtb I valve., si:all he kept lightly rinsed or plugged, even the r•onlilin,rs are ro sidered en,ply. Gauging Devices. 'a � E - -p, oomaiucr, filled by weight, rrcry container :i.:ii i..• ..,uipiu•rl with an approved liquid level gauging .L,1. •... r, a rotary gaage• slip tube, antoirmt.iC outage ts,d:. •.i . 'ie or MY,.I title, device. .! ...mull be arranged sit that the :.... ,,•: I :.. f.•- •f.•,w, tits is rP,ulilw d.•t•rw ina]lIr. 1 �:I i..'... :.,., .., : �.:. u -:onkel , u , it i:.•r tin. ,.velem .;. ._ ...i .. t.i a. ,nen ::t -.iiug of ale prod - Z. i. ;� n; a r•aary 1a1,e, iix.d lube• and L.� .. ,..:.•,cal that the- roasiaum Opening is size, odes:+ provided with an of the column type shall le• r. ,!, te,l ... .Idunt%,•bliree it,, in,I is 6lid—a in Ilio ...,�, $itch 2.1gew shall I rgaipl:tad will, waives ... ,'.r ootid wheels, whit, Manse It,— uralves, and with p1,,,a adequately prv•fert•• I h;: a metal 111t'ing ts• ,,stalled w is to be siaill,led agaiu'tdir,ct ray' I::r s ^avg-::,r•• 1-4,md..1 .e, took Incite, motor _ ,.•,i :n d�.:e• ,i i•-, .•umuaerc,al. n,rl 14.:::.- with 'hall have r t, :G"llsi, and if Sections 1907.1908.1909 198 approved fittings. Valve seat material, packing, ga.kels, and similar parts shall be of such quality ns in he rsia;uu tO flu- action of liquefied petroleum gas in the liquid please. (d) Piping shall be ram as directly as practicable; pro- vision shall be made for expansion, contraction, jarring, and vibration, and for settling of alae container. At points ,-here piping passes through outside walls below ground levels, snit - able provision Shull be made to insure substantial gas light. ness. (e) Piping outside buildings may he buried, above- ground, or both, but shall be well supported and protected against mechanical injury. Underground piping should ba buried below the established frost line, but in no cusc less than two feet below ground. (f) Approved flexible connections nuty be used ma either I lie high pressure or low pressure side of the syst,•m. ahjeea to Ile- regulations for appliances burning gas fuel. in li,•n, a of $e,:tion 1013. SECTION 1908: HOSE. (a) IIoso shall be fabricated of materials that are resist- ant to the action of the gas for which it is intended. (h) Ilose subject to container pressure shall be designed for bursting pressure or not lesv than five times the nrtsinum pressure for which the container was designed; and has(' con- nections, for twice such pressure. (c) Rose an the low pressure side of regultm:s or reducing valves shall be designed for a bursting pressure of not less Ilrut 125 pmuuls, but not less than Live rimes thv pressure+ setting of the safety- relief device protecting thin portion of the system. (d) Where hose is to be '[sell for transferring liquid front one container to another, wet hose is reemnateuded. Such hose shall he equipped with suitable shat-oir valves at the discharge cud, and provision shall be made to prevent execssivc hydrostatic pressure in the hose. SECTION 1909: VALVES AND ACCESSORIES FOR CONTAINERS, 1. Use of Approved Equiliment, (lit) Each coulaiuer valve, rvglda tor, excess flow valve, gauging device, and relief valve, installed on or ;u the con- tainer. or vaporizer unit, shall be approved by a uaiouallw recognized testing laboratory or .loll be part of at sy :me," which tins been tested and approved to its entirety I,., i, nationally recoguized testing laboratory. Section 1909 200 direct communication with the vapor space of the container and shall be so arranged that the possibility of taupering will Ile minimized, with provisions, if necessary, for sealing adjust. mets. Each safely relief valve shall he plainly- narked with the "container type", with the pressure ve,sel (.ado designa. tion for which the valve is designed- wilh the pressure in pounds per square inch at whielt the cadre is setto discharge, will the :te.tllall rate of discharge Of the• calve at its open position (it, cubic reel per minute of L. h. Gas at. GII degrees F, and atmospheric pressure), and with (lie manufacturer's nano and catalogue number. (Por example, 7'200-UG9-210-1050.) Con. neetimN to which relief valve1 are atlaehed, such as couplings, Manges, nozzles and disehargn lines for venting shall have. Iheir internal dimensions such ill.( the net relief :neva or lite valve is not. restricted. (b) Container safely relief valves shall be set to start to discharge as follows, with relation to inn• container type: Containers Minimum Maximum A. S. M. E.—U-60, U-69 ......- ..100:'[ 12550 A. S. M. E.—U-200. U-201 .__..... 90 100 A. P. I.—A. S. M. E, ........ __.......... 00 100 I. C. C ........... ..... .As approved by Bureau of Explosires (e) The discharge from safety relief calves shall he .,it side of buildings and not less Ihau It- feet away front any building opening which is b,lmv the level of sueh disrharge. ()it eoutainet•.s of more ih:ut 2,000 gallons water captivity, the safetyrelief' di.,harge .]loll he piped ap to a point at least. 10 f,�et above the rontain— (di fidety relief enter. dis,•L;u gr terminals shill he located so as not to he subi-I to uteehanical injury and shall he provided with Inure rain raps. Return bends and r,,trirtire pipe fillings shall nil. be permitted. It IV,i,,d, discharge linea frv,n, two or mor, .arty rrlier i -ii -es. located r.a the same unit, or sialar linea from I-- er more different units tray I.e rah ii,to a e,o tion disolarge heads, provided the ero-ss >e;aiou:d olie. nr the leader be at lean ,gnat to the aggregate rn.sa sectional arra oP the loth id nal di,,:Its rge lines, amt flat Ileo. setting of safely r.lief ud,rs are tlo! enuna +ei When the Ii,,+,i,ge presuro from the loud al.,, revulator is not morethan fico pounds, the low prrssore side Auill be equipped with a relief valve net at not los, than t,r„ —il taut a,.,rv• than Ihree tiers, but, in any v;111 not mon. tion, flys pnmds In esTss of the dt.ebarge pre—ure. When the dis barge prranre is utero than five pounds, the relief vote„ shall be set to n13 leas titan ane and one�tin and uol more that, thrrd timed ti:e discharge /n' 'Chi' I-1 ur.•- `id +, 'e--"- nle , 201 Section 1909 uwnt may be waived on liquid feed systems utilizing tubing, I,., heretofore specified. (f) When a regulator or pressure relief valve is installed inside a building, the relief valva and space above the regu- lator and relief valve diaphragm shall be vented to the outside ---� air, except that this provision does not aptly to individual appliance regulators when protection i, ullasivise, provided. Also, in buildings devoted to gas di.triln tion purposes the space above the diaphragm need not be vculed to the outside. (g) On underground ilnlallations where. there is a proba- bility of the manhole or housing becoming flooded, the dis. charge from vent lines should be above the possible water level. (h) All containers, other than those complying with the Kentucky Commerce Regulations (I. C. C.) (which shall have safety devices in accordance with such Regulations) shall have all liquid and vapor cmmections, except relief connections, equipped with approved automatic excess flow valves to pre- vent discharge from tanks in lite event connections are broken, except (1) the filling connection shall be fitted with an approved combination back -pressure check valve and excess flow valve, or a double or two back -back pressure check valves, or a positive shut-off valve in conjunction with either an internal tach -pressure valve or an internal excess flow vale: i'•-1) excess flow valves may be onitled for liquid level gauging devices so constructed Ilett. the outward flow of con- tents nay nut exceed that passed by n No. 54 drill size opening; (3) openings front tanks or through fl(lings attached directly thereto, to which a pressnro gauge connection is made, need not be equipped with :un excess flow valve if such openings are protected by not larger than No. :11 drill size opening; (h) no excess flow valve will be required in the withdrawal ,ervice line, provided the di,eharge front the service outlet is controlled by a manimile-operated shut-off valve threaded directly into the service outlet of the container (or an integral part of a substantial fatting threaded into or on the service nutlet), the shut-off valve is equipped with a hand wheel, the controlling orifice belvecn the contents of fine container and the outlet of the shut-off valve ddes not exceed 5/16 inch di- ameter for vapor withdrawal, and 'In inch in diameter for liquid withdrawal, an approved pressure reducing regulator is directly attached to the outlet of the shirt -off valve, and such systems' totalwater capacity does not exceed 1,200 U. S. _allons. (i) Excess flow and back -pressure check valves required above, shall be located inside the container or at a point out - 0 203 Sections 1910-1911 injury and tampering by unauthorized persons, and should be. kept locked whin not in Ilse. (g) Except containers 'noforming to Kcnlucky Com- mere,- Itegi lations (I. C. C.), which shall be fulled according to Ike requirements of those Regnlatious, the fnlliug density for storage co tamers ,hail amt exceed 0.., limits provided in the Kentucky Regulation, for C—pres,rd and Liq,wfivd Minn. mable Cases. SECTION 1911: VAPORIZING, MIXING, AND HOUSING OF EQUIPMENT. ear only iudirrcttired vaporizers utilizing steam, water, ,•r other hcated mcdfum slollI he permitted. (b) Vaporizers shall be located inuside of buildings, except that they may be instalivd in buildings, rooms, sheds, or kat-u;�, usal exc)usively for gas manufacturing or dis- tril;atioo, cr in other alrurures of ligbt fire-m,istn'e construc. tion sell ventilated nror slue On- line. and the r,mf: provided Nal ou syetems atilizing vaporization supplied witlmut arti- finial ia.ann, vaporizer., may I:e castled in buildings if of vat more Hoon ,aro• quart capacity. and Ineated ebse to :t point at which pipe l o - aporizcr enter, the building. (,:j Cap„rfze conArat,11 in aecordanee with floe re. quirrm-nt, of tier A. R %I. E. I.lttired Pressure Vessel Code. shall he marked with the Cede marking ,ivDifyioV the speeifica• N„n to which the vaporizer is constructed, fine allowable work. ❑:a pr.., re and t tniventire for which the vaporizer is ,14*ed, the oul.ids aurtaee• and If... inside. beat esebange nurfare (-zpreased in square f. et, alai the name or symbol of the matufattuteri except ti.nt vaporven having an inside ,bameter of six inches or les:.:, -,,plod by Par.lgraph V.I (A) of the I7afired leressurc Vn.:..; C -I”. shat) have n d-iyu nvvk. fag preauurc not Its tLal,, ':i, I., m.h lkr ajo,a-- inch, and oted net b. Inermanerth ,I Coporfzers may he m) in, tepfral part of a fuel :.fainor dilly cwmectrd to _,tion of n'--. . ,•r both. 6'ayrinum 'wird with snrtabie automatic pest liel:r, : from ih, vap,u,zen to the gut+ f ipir g. ;• .,,_ ,. ;,i.!;es the. nreraaary Leat for heating medium, may be .. r,.om, or Ion to, which r.:.i .of to the oatsidt. • .. .'., (apdFl2Fntrn or roomd _.rapoRz r. parch„, and : watt off ,... *.r-aially fit,. - sections 1909.1910 202 _ side where the line enters the container, suit in the -latter case installation shad! be made in such a manner that undue strain beyond the excess flow or back -pressure cheek valve will not cause breakage between the container and the valve. (j) Excess flow valves shall close tuttoinatielnly at rased _ (lotus of vapor or lkpaid as specified be the ,t u,facturer, and the connections or line, inchuling valves, fittings, etc., being protected by an excess flow valve shall have a greater capacity than the rated flow of the excess flow valve. (It) Except containers conforming to Kentucky Coln- j merce Regulations (L C. C.) all inlet and outlet connections, 1 except safety relief valves, liquid level „aaging devices atol pressure gauges on containers of 1,200 gallons water capacity, or more, and on any container used to supply fuel directly to an internal Combttatialn engine, shall be labeled to designAe whether they communicate with vapor or liquid space; labels may be on valves. SECTION 1910: TRANSFER OF LIQUIDS. _ (a) No transfer of liquids shall be made from any coir •. taiuer used in domestic or commercial service, to portabluf containers such as on scales, tractors, skid faults, or similar applications within the fire limits, within fifty feet of :uq' building, or within twenty-five feet of any public thorough- fare. (b) At least otic attendant shall remain close to the transfer connection from the time lite connections tare first matte until they are finally disconnected during transfer of product for filling containers. (e) Gas or liquid shall not be vented to the atmosphere to assist in transferring contents of one container to another. (d) Fuel supply containers shall be gauged and charged only in the open air or in buildings especially provided for the purpose. (e) No product shall be transferred into a container if the vapor pressure of the product at 100 degrees F. in the origivating vessel exceeds the safety valve setting on the receiving container. (f) The filling pipe inlet terminal on containers other than those conforming to Kentucky Comnnerce Regulations (I. C. C.) shall not be located inside a building. Filling pipe inlet terminal* on such container., .,Irnll be located not lex limn ten feet away froth any building and, where practicable, not less than five feet from any driveway. Inlet terminals shall be protected in a substantial manner against mccltaufe.al } Sections 1911-1912-1913 204 resisting material and vapor -tight construction. This require- ment does not apply- to doneslic water heaters which may supply- heat for vaporizer in a domestic system. (f) Gas-fired heating systems supplying heut excbldvely to vaporizers shall have suitable :tutomatie safety devices to shut off gas flour to main burners if pilot. burner should fail. (g) In domestic installations, no liquid or gas shall be led into the building at it pressure exceeding 90 pounds gauge. The initial pressure reducing device shall be installed eutsido of any building, except a vaporizer house. (h) Na gas it, ale liquid phase shall be piped into any building for ftiol purposes, other than those which are devoted exclusively to gas manufacturing or distribution operations, those used principally to house internal combustion engines, or as permitted by Paragraphs (b) :old (g) of this sectima. SECTION 1012; ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS AND OPEN FLAMES. (a) lu tile, immediate vicinity of storage containers, ill vaporizer or pungl houses, in ey9fnder 0llillg ruocs, in gas plants, or in Miter similar locations, all elemrieal inst:dlatiow shall be in strict aecordaee wit], till, reginirmnenis of the Kentucky Electrical Code fnr (.'lass I hazardous loeatimrs. (b) No artificial light involving flumes or sparks shall he used in vaporizer or pump Moues, in ry'liuder falling rooms, or in the vicinity of container charging ol—niionc. SECTION 1913: APPLIANCES. (a) All new applianecs burning liquefied petroleum gas (whether domestic or commercial type) shall be, approved for such usu by a recognized testing Inhoratory, and, as evideuee of sueln approval, shall have a label or seal, or mamfactarer's nmlrking ollyi6v'It to identify it in file pnidfahed listing. of such a laboratory. Certain esiaing ,gtpliahres, if of good design and adoptable for the purpose, may be. converted to flu+ use or hgioofird petr,dcum gases, provided burners, reg” Mors, and other rglpurfen:uecs or rquipm,ut employe.) ill if.., conversion are approved, and pn,vided the ermversicm is 1m44, In IIs apprnv, d :aid warhmnnbke roamer. (b) The oounling and arrans(ment of applfauces nud their vent pil;eo, with reAvert to clearanees to caa iustiblr material shall he fn nconrdanca with the provi.ions of ,%rlicle X. (el Wni, fr,xn nod :•omectinru to appliances, and safety shat.off devi vs, .ball be in necordence with the proviaians of firetion 1016 and D--. 3 and 4 of section 1012. 205 Section 1914 SECTION 1914: TANK TRUCKS AND TRAILERS. 1. General. (a) The regulations of this Section apply to any vehicle (other than railroad lank cars and boats) which is used for the transportation of compressed or liquefied gas and which, for such purpose, is provided with a cargo tank or tanks, mounted on the frame or chassis of lite vehicle. (This classifi- cation includes self-propelled tank trucks, and so-called "trail- ers" or •'semi -trailers'• without motive power bat with wheels carrying either part or all of the load.) ALL propelling vehicles shall bear windshield "stickers" as provided by Paragraph (b) of Section 1901. (b) The design, construction, markings, and use of eon. tainers and all pertinent equipment, the transfer of liquids, and the odorizing of gases shall be in conformity with the applicable provisions of this Article, the Kentucky- Regulations for Compressed and Liquefied Flammable Gases, and the Kon- tucky Commerce Regulations (L C. C.), except as modified and extended by the following provisions. (e) It is strongly recommended that only trucks and trailers, the complete assembly of which has been approved by a recognized testing laboratory, be used. Such trucks or trailers should bear an appropriate label as evidence of such approval. 2. Safety Devices and Liquid Level Gauges, (a) Filling connections shall be provided with approved automatic valves to prevent back-flow fn case the filling con- nection is broken, except that where the filling and discharge eonucet on a commonn opening in the container sbell, and that opening is fitted with a quick -closing internal valve, the automatic valve shall not be required. (b) All other connections to containers, except safety relief and liquid level gauge connections, shall be provided with approved automatic excess flow valves, or in lieu thereof may be fitted Willi quick -closing internal valves, which, except during delivery operations, shall remain closed. The control mechanism for such valves may be provided with a secondary control remote from the delivery connections and such control mechanism shall be provided with a fusible section (melting point 2088' F. to 220° F.) which will cause the internal valve to close automatically in case of tire. (c) Any portion of piping between tank and pump inlet, which at any time may be closed at each end, should be pro- vided with a relief valve to prevent excessive pressure. (d) If tank filling connections are located at a distance of more than 20 feet from the truck, the pump discharge shall 201 Section 191.1 200 be provided with an excess floe, valve to prevent escupe. of liquid in the event of hose or connection failure beyond the pump. (c) The discharge front safely relief valves shall be (nvuy- from the container upward, and unobslrueled, to tit,: open air in such it macer as to prevent impinges cut of gas aped file container; loose fitting rain caps shall Le used. Size of discharge lines from safety relief valves slmll not be snntller than tale mmlinal size of the relief valve outlet connection. Provision shall be made for draining condensate which nmy accumulate in the discharge piping. (f) All container inlets and outlets, except safety relief valves, liquid level gauging devices, ;and pressure gauges, shall be. labeled to designate whether they communicate with vapor or liquid space. (g) Liquid level gauges of the glass column type shall not be used on containers on trucks or trailers. 3. Tank Truck Fuel System. (a) fn tine event liquefied petroleum gas is used :is a feel for the truck cugine, tine fuel system shall be in full con- formity with the Kentucky Regulations for Compressed and Liquefied Flammable Guses. (b) Where other l•pes of fuel are used in the truck engine, the provisions of'Itent 12, Section 1416, shall apply. 4. Loading of Truck or Trailer Containers. (a) Truck and trailer container, shall be lead,d by weight, by meter, or by suitable liquid Icvel gaugitw device. If containers are to be filled according to lupoid -level, each container should have a thernionteter, well so that the internal rid temperature call be easily determined and Lire amount 1,�Miquid and vapor in the container corrected to a 60° I,. ba%is. (b) Pumps of suitable design and properly protected may be mounted upon liquefled petroleum gas tank trucks and trailers, and cony be driven by the truck motor power take -off or internal combustion engine, land, mechanical, hydraulic, or electrical means. On electrical means of pumping, the electrical installation shall be in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code for hazardous locations. The Pumps, except constant speed centrifugal pumps, shall he equipped with suitable pressure -actuated by-pass valves, per- mitting flow from pump discharge to pump suction, when file pump discharge pressure rises above a predetermined point. Pump discharge shall also be equipped with a spring-loaded safety valve of non.leaking type, set at a pressure not to exceed Section 191.1 Section 191.4 :lir per ecut higher that, the predetermined setting or the by-pass vale. u. Mounting of Containers on Trucks or Trailers. (a) Containers shall be rigidly and securely mounted on the chassis or frame of the trnek or trailer. Suitable "stops" ..hall he provided to prevent backward or forward movrulent ,f the container with reference to the vehicle, and aaa•lorage shall be by same positive deyiee, shell as steel bands and turn buckbs. 6. Grounding. In, Containers, cbassis, axles, and springs shall lie toctallieally e.ouneeted. and drag chains %hall be provided its .pr.66e1 in Paragraph (a) of Item u, Section 1416. i. Electrical Equipment. (a; Ta::k mok,. tank trailers and semi -Invaders, shall not Le equipped with any artificial light other than electricity. Lilrhting eirenits %ball lin­ .pita Lie neer-cun neer-current proteetin. and wirirw shall Ie- suitald:: se,•nr„rl, in„ luted anal protected agai's” physirsl da ... ge r. Collision and Overturn Protection. ,is Evary halt I,,,. :,nal tr.,d,, ,hall he. pmvlded with pr"gm0l alb„ 1:,.1 ,reef !,a u. p..I or rho i, uxten.ion%, so a •rnu;,e-1 as t•, za:., u,!..!v Irv,!. -! tit, r,;W:sif.,•r, piping, valves, and:. Ii! ", of collision. •b. .Ili s.a •.... .. I:nmps, It:ung:•%, and other :,d against damage from i n" Paragraph (a) edit, r -i: i' . • .. i, !..!, . .nwunr„ shall, if ant a• d ... r r,drJ by a soh. mal"A guarding M t.. . - ,.•' weight _ ... ._. Jews with the Cel•. Jlariaiog zea at least three inches high on a background of sharply con• trusting color, optionally as follows: (1) Wit]. a sign or lettering with lite words "hdfamulable Compressed Cas", or (Lr) With the common name of the gas being transported, or (3) With the name of the currier or his trademark, when slid only when ouch ,Ione or mark plainly indicates Ito natnre of the cargo. 10. Testa. (a) livery container alull be tasted :and proven figbn i, accordance will, tiro requirivnni, of tile. 1: 1, und,•r which it was constructed, as follows: (1) before being placed i, ser6s,i, fit"' first tint.; (2) before being restored to service after an ianporali,e period of lino year or more.; (3) after major repairs or after any accident in whirl" the tank is damaged or its safely rendered waa•tniu; and (•I) not less than every Ove years. 11. Fire Protection. (a) Each truck and trailer shall Le provided will at lend one approved hand fare estinguisher of it type and Bio- suittnble for extinguisbiug oil fires. 1'S. General Operating and Maintenance Precautions. (a) The provisions of [tams 11, 13 Jexeept Para r,ph (e),1, and 15 ,1' Sectio, Hit; shall apple to all %'hiders -,"I for the Irnu-p.,rudi,u of r,.list .cod or liquefied (L) ('I,„cit Ido,hs aluill he I,ro,ided for the rear wheris, ,r,d rh:rie. d p, roan ntly In the v0d,le. Sueh bbmkx shall be ,,toted in ,lid:,Lie oarri,r, e. Iieu nun. iu use. Tl,,, bin•ka %boli I-, plan ••d ,I n -, :v1 „1, to prv•v,•,d nulling of it., cel,iMe av Is ia,iodiug Inulin; and -loading operaior... G,.ld Imdts %haul not be i I in ptaee of tank trn:•ks, ! „ : •s.: 1- r, or Irak -,i,, r,, for rrgnh,r deliw•ry. Than sl:.al ' • , u,(dr,yed only lie ha r,- Ih. I,, ,i it u„ • it fur their :lie as a L:, o,poti uad M'.rittr,.::nit 1\Fero !ki-.l honk: are u."d, tine. !:,aft '.:"plj ¢:Ib all my of Ilii, Article. of of s r 209 sections 2000-2001.2002 ARTICLE XX GAS WELDING AND CUTTING OPERATIONS SECTION 2000: APPLICATION. (a) 'fbe reip,irc icnts of this Article apply primarily to the use of portable welding or cuttingequipmentfor macre reliance work, for making of repairs or alterations, or in con- nection With construction work. It k recognized that manu- faclaring and industrial rise of welding and coiling equipment presents special problems, regulations for which are not given here. Detailed requirements for such installations may be obtained from this Office uponrequest. I-fowever, such regula- tions herein contained as are applicable shall apply to canto- factoring or industrial operations or installation%. (b) Unless otherwise slated, the word "gas" as used in this Article means any gas used in Welding and cutting opera- tions, and includes acetylene and liquefied Potrolcum gases, when in approved containers conforming to Kentucky Com- merce Regulations (I. C. C.), when used With oxygen. Where liquefied petroleum gas is not used with oxygen, is used for other than welding or flame cutting, or is used from other than approved portable containers conforming to Kentucky Commerce Regulations (I. C. CJ, the applicable requirements of Article SIS shall apply. Where acetylene is supplied front generators, the applicable requirements of Article S<I shall apply. SECTION 2001: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. (a) In the perCormance of welding or cutting operations, only approved equipment (including blowpipes, torches, regu- lators, etc.) shall be used. (b) .111 cylinders or containers used for the storage of compressed gases shell be constructed, charged, and marked, in accordance Willi Kentucky Commerce Regulations (f. C. C.). SECTION 2002: OPERATING PRECAUTIONS. (a) No etas welding or cutting shall be done in or near roosts or locations w -here flammable liquids or vapors, lint, dust, or loose tombnstible stocks, are so located or arranged that sparks or )rot metal feel,, the welding or cutting operations may cause ignition or explosion of such materials. (b) 'When such welding or cutting must be done above or within l0 feet of combustibleconstruction or material, or above a place where workers are employed, or where persons 211 Sections 2002-2003 (j) Tanks supplying gases shall be located at no greater distance from the work than is necessary, and such looks abill be substantially mounted. Tanks of fuel gra, unless secured tot a specially de.iomed track, shall not he moved unless the caps of suet, tmaks are in place. (k) under no conditions shall acetylene he generated of utilized at a pressure in excess of fifteen ponds per square inch. (This requirement is not intended to apply to the storage of acetylene dissolved in a snitable solvent in eylinders manufaetured according to Kent,,eky Conaneree Regulations (I. C. C.) ], The use of liquid acetylene is prohibited. Acetylene .a, ,hall not be brought it, contact will, unalloyed, copper except in a blow pipe or torch. (I) Regulators or automatic reducing calves shall be a. e l only for the gas for which they are intended. (m) Where liquid oxygen in a quantity exceeding 100 galloon is to he used for w.-Iding audl rutting, the container or containers shell be Ine.,+,•d .e:i;vle or in a special building having m other "IeTit io..3 related In the belittling and ga.ifiration of nxya• o (a) C,e of portalJ, .,ui 1.1 i:caders shall be restrieted to le,,atione out of doors, ;,,;,I b, i.-mporary service where the conditions preclude a direct s,,hphY frim ontleta located on the s•-rvice piping system. (a) Each outlet on the servic, piping from which oxygen or fuel gas i. withdrawn U, supply a portable nutlet header .),.it be equipped with a shut -oft valve located in a readily a" —ibie j,_,tiun. Snnlet heallm for fuel gas ner,io ,ball Le IT11111 -It tt-e`in rtdiena.ed tPre .dhnghydraulic tc r hw—rvi.ke to ti.t. t Meta o ,,a n(pr :v"1 --bee, rrRalator, thtek valve, or hydraulic bark pmsa:rd• valva ca,'•frr;i at each outlet. 3laster ,11 •+bna7 v:dw­ if,, boli, az'. .1 fns J..Ij be p""el"I at ti;r a::try owl a. t I... Y: ;Elul ltt,rV, lr,T-I:�. ul:•I .:lw ! ..... - X11 he kept fro, - V. �, kept n, _ ••I SECT1ryf ?ry;;: PIPING t,• made of xi—I or • +aa..- ' � rf e.altt ;6pieg, er apF'..:'-,I. .. u may be Lawn l..r paw i• r h 1'.. r jrv.- eea 7y! Section 2002 210 are likely to pass, incombustible shields shall be interposed to protect such materials and persons from sparks and hot metal or oxide. Where practicable, all portable combustible material should be moved to a point thirty feet or more distant from the proposed operations. (c) Floors should be swept clean and Wet down before operations arc begun, and, if Wooden floors are worn and have large cracks, such floors should be covered with an asbestos blanket or other suitable fruonibustiblo material. If there are floor openings of tiny type in the vicinity, it should be made certain that there are no highly combustible materials on lower floors which sparks might reach. Similar precautions should he taken with reference to cracks, holes, or other open- ings, it, walls or partitions, and at open doorways or broken windows. (d) If equipment to be welded includes containers, pip- ing, or similar equipment in which flammable vapors, liquids, or dust bare been handled or stored, such equipment should, if possible, be removed, and the work done at a detached location. Wherever the work is done, all such equipment shall be cleaned and purged before operations are begun. NOTE- Recommended procedure for cleaning and Purging is contained in "Recommended Procedure to be Followed in Preparing for Welding or Cutting Certain Types of Containers Which Have Held Combustibles", published by the American Welding Society. (a) One or more first aid tire appliances shall be kept at the location where welding or cutting is being dune. (f) At least one person not engaged in the actual handling of equipment should be on hand during welding or cutting operations, to see that sparks or slag do not cone iu contact with combustible material, and to make use. of first aid equipment if necessary. (g) Oxygen shall never be used from a cylinder or manifold unless a pressure regulating device intended for tie with oxygen, and so marked, is provided. Cylinders, valves, regulators, hose, and other apparatus containing or using oxygen shall be kept free of oil and grease. (h) Fuel gas shall never be used from cylinders through torches or other devices equipped with shut-off valves, without reducing the pressure through a suitable regulator Cinched to the cylinder valve or manifold. (i) Suitable cradles shall be used for lifting or lowering oxygen or fuel tanks, in order to reduce the possibility,of dropping. Ordinary rope stings or electro magnets shall not be used. Sections 2003.2001 212 extra heavy pipe shall be used. All piping or tubing intended for use with oxygen shell be thoroughly washed out and made grease -free before use. (c) Except as provided in Paragraphs (a) and (b) above, piping shall be of wrought iron, steel, brass or copper pipe, or approved seamless brass, copper, or other nonferrous metal tubing. Joints of pipe shall be welded, or node up wilh threaded or flanged fittings; rolled, forged, or cast steel, or malleable irou fittings may be used with .tool or wrought iron pipe, and socket -type brass or copper pipe joints may lie made with silver solder. Joints oil approved seamless tubing shall be made by nems of approved sittings, or if socket.typ,•. With silver solder. No cast iron fittings shall be used. Threaded ronncctions in oxygen piping shall be tinned, or made up with lithargo milt glycerine. (d) Piping intended for use at pressures up to 1•.0 pounds shall be suitable for a safe working pressure of not less than .125 pounds. Except as provided in Paragraph (b) of tai, Section, piping jut tol,.l fur prensi ros in excess of I?5 Pounds shall be extra henry. (o) Piping shall be protrcl,•d against injury, and allow- ance made for contraction, expau,6.nn, jarring, or vibration. If laid underground it shall. be bobr.: the frost line (but not less tinct two feel.) and protected aaamt,t eorroAou. Low points in piping shall he provided with drip puts and drain valt•cS, the latter to be normally closed with screw cape or plugs, Oxygen piping site][ not be7 placed in nay Ineitiun where it may be exposed to eoutact with ail. (f) All piping shall be tented and proven tight at. uric and one-half limes tiro tuaxinnua working lrescnre. Any alediuut used for tenting oxyg,m liuvi must be nil -fuer. Fhuacr amst not be us,•d to dehwt leaks. (g) All piping shall be painted. Oxygen liner should he I iutcd green, and .•ash Ilan gas line a ditTerrut and distinetivO color. MOTION 2004: COUPLING OF CYLINDERS, to, Cyliudrry nay he m+nifu]dea for the purpasa of -nirahaiug the gas suppty i.. Praeade a continuous supply of gas, and to protide gas at it ripe ill eieeas of that which be obtained Creat an single c,loob.r. 11,.rtablo lunnifoldx ruaw I,.• of n lyp.• to wbi,dl the garpa,sys freta the cylinilrrs lhrn.u;gia iadivi,hml t+ylindrr leads en a siuglo rvmuon coupler bicek, and ftern them through a a nllle common pe—u e -bo iag regolator to the comunn.g device; or troy be of t typo in :a. which tha gii6dtre are vnaneewd together in—luence, the 1 Section 2100 _lb Section 2101 216 213 Sections 2001-2,005.200 Sections 2006.2001 114 individual cylinders being provided with coupler lees attached gas). For storage in excess of 2,000 cubic feet total gas io the cylinder valve. In the latter case a properly supported capacity, a separate Croom or compartment of fire -r -Wive regulator serves the entire group of connected cylinders. construction should be provided, in accordance with (he (b) %lauifolds must be of substantial e,nlstruction and requirements or the Kentucky Regulations for Compre,sed and of a design and material suitable for the particular gas and Liquefied Rlaunuable Cases, nr eylindcrs should be kept outside service for whieh they are to be used, All component parts or in a special building. used is manifolds shall be approved by a recognized testing (b) Cylinders stored inside of building, ::hall be away :by .., laboratory, either separately- or as an assembled unit..ltani. from highly combustible materials and in locations where they tial - folds and parts used in manifolding still 11 he used only for the are not subject to cxecssiye temperature rises, mcehnuical gas or gases for which they are approved. injury, Or tampering. All eylindcrs, including empty ones, shall (e) The aggregate capacity of fuel gas cylinders can- hat•c their caps in place and all valves tightly closed. nn•(•led to a portable manifold inside u bullditlg shall lull (c) Inside of buildings, cylinders of Oxygen shall not be execed 2,000 cubic feet of gas, or 250 pound,, in the ease of stored in an acetylene generator room or in proximity to liquefied petroleum gas, eylindcrs of. combusl ible gases. Unless well separated by spier, there should be all incombustible partition between the oxygen SECTION 2005: HOSE. cylinders and the combustible gas cylinders. Cylinders of (a) The hose necessary to connect torches to gas chefs oxygen shall be stored well away frau oil or grease. shall be of a good quality of rubber having a sufficient number (d) Storage roans, compartments, or buildings shall be of plies of fabric to withstand the service for which it is em- constructed in accordance with the Kentucky Regulations for played. Ped is the generally recognized eolor for acetylene Liquefied or Mannmable Cases, and shall have no open flame , hose, and green for oxygen hose. or meaudeseeut electrical units, and shall be well ventilated. (b) ]lose shall lie eapablc of withstanding a hydrostatic Cylinders of fuel gases slot] be stored with the valve end up pressure of 200 pounds per square inch held for five minutes. for hose carrying gases under pressure and the cylinder caps in place. Cylinders For heavier service and higher than fifteen pounds per square inch, a lose capable of (a) may be stored in the open provided Valve's and safety devices are protected against accumulation of ice or ,withstanding x test pressure of 400 pounds per square inch snow. shall be used (c) A single, lose having more than one gas passage, a SECTION 2007: PERMANENT INDUSTRIAL OR SHOP wall failure of which would permit tho flow of one gas into the SYSTEMS. other gas patlsage, shall not be used. When parallel lengths of (a) Detailed requirement'90vcruwg the construction, oxygen and acetylene hose are taped together for convenience and to prevent tangling, not more than four inches and of each installation, and operation of istrial shop systems are ndu or not given in these Standards. Requirements for such systems irl:t should be covered with tape• may be obtained frons this Office upon request. :d >1�ird-clad or armored hose is not recommended. IT -v eouncetions shall be made, through substantial outings, and clamped or otherwise securely fastened to these vonnections in such a mmoner as to withstand, without leakage, a pressure twice as great as the maximmn deliver%y pressure of the pressure regulators provided on the system. SECTION 2000: STORAGE OF CYLINDERS. (a) Except on premises of manufacturers or distributo:a (requirements for which sec Item 3, Section 1905), cylinders or fuel gases stored inside a building, unless in actual use or attached for use, should be limited to a total capacity of 2,000 cubic feet of gas (250 pounds in the case of liquefied petroleum ' Section 2100 _lb Section 2101 216 SECTION 2101: ACETYLENE GENERATORS. (a) Acetylene generators shall be approved type, ARTICLE XXI anal shall be plainly marked with the acetylene capacity (in cnhi(•. CALCIUM CARBIDE, AND ACETYLENE GENERATORS feet per hour), the amount or weight of carbide necessary- for ' a single charge, the manufacturer's name au(1 SECTION 2100: STORAGE OF CALCIUM CARBIDE, address, nal the name or serial number of the type of the generale',' (a, Calcium carbide contained in approved metal puck- (b) Portable generators sball not be aced inside Imild- iags, ayes may -j stored in buildings containing other occupancy, 600 oands vents that except in rooms having a total volume at least. thirty.fivc tines the u."'blal gas ttenorating capacity of ill,`. Unit .. when in gofstora not exceeding well the place of storage be dry, waterproof, and well ventilated, units used therein and loving a exiling height of at Ield tell feet and :d:+. provided that all but one of the packages Of wdn size (c) eltationary generalors .lull he be, alled in 11 vd lie scaled. The seal shall net be broken to long as there is Ie, ill One ill any other unsealed package Ince with the eon(lilions of their approval and in rouformity p{ regulations on file in this Office. Itequi,- caro;: excess of {wood of ti:,;, .:z•- ill, the building. men silaveroiel,lle.. governing such installations may be obtained from this Office upon request. Paa carbide ill a -. ,I' OW pounds but not in -.(x10 1 -..:•1• i a ---d in approved metal (d) When nec•tylelo grnernlors ire used ill ronneelim, „pan- „- ,r compartment, provided +'--..,,Iruction having a fire with welding or cuttiag operaliont, Ill,nppli, ;ddr provisions or Article XX shall apply. se, .. om[:•_.. ., ., hour, ,. idu opeainhs loaeamtie .\,o-..1,;,, ,. ,.elation . .. •. . , .ra {;"amt. +:Intl be ...._. - ,.. .., .... ,. without basement ,+ It ,than tTr, fr..t fr•aa anile "kali ,.. •. - .. .. - its el ....,..' ...: _. taarl• _ .,. 077 Sections 2200.2201.2202 ARTICLE XXII DRY CLEANING AND DYEING SECTION 2200: DEFINITIONS. (a) For the purposes of these Standards, "dry cleaning" shall be considered the process of removing dirt, grease, paints, and stains from wearing apparel, textiles, fabrics, rugs, ele., through the use of riot -aqueous liquid solvents by one or more of the following methods: (1) immersion and agitation in open vessels; (9) immersion mill agitation in approved closed machines; (3) spotting or local application of solvents to spots of dirt, grease, paints and stains not removed by innnersion i and agitation processes; and (4) brushing or scouring with solvents. (b) "Dry dyeing" shall be considered the process of dyeing clothes, textiles, fabrics, rugs, ete., in solutions of (lye colon and flammable liquids. (c) In the following regulations, wherever reference is made to "dry cleaning", that term shall be construed as applying to both dry cleaning and dry dyeing operations. SECTION 2201: PERMITS AND PLANS. (a) \o person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of dry cleaning or dy(dnig without first obtaining a permit subject to file provisiols of Seetion 101, Item 2, from the State Fire 3faminal. plats and spceiiwa ions in accordance with Paragraph (b) below shall accompany the application for such a permit. (b) Plans shall be drawn to an indicated scale and shall show the relative location of the cry cleaning building, boiler room, finishing building or department, storage tanks for solvents, and ilio location and arrangement of all equipment, such as pumps, washers, drying tumblers, extractors, falter traps, stills, coudcnsers, and piping. Specifications, based al the following rules, shall accompany the drawings. SECTION 2202: GENERAL. (a) For the purposes of these Standards, dry cleaning operations or installations shall be classified as follows: Class I—Operations or installations using flammable clean- ing solvents in ordinary unapproved machinery. Class II—Operations or installations using systems which employ only approved equipment, and utilizing 210 Section 2203 dry cleaning and other buildings shall be blank. Two exits shall he provided, remote from each other and leading directly aI the outside of the building. Wire,[ glass for trindows shall Le in sash ey so Lung that thwill readily swing mat in case of au explosion. SuOt sash shall not be fastened when plant I., it, operation. Clans arca in walls shall be sa located as to vent the force of any explosion in the direction or dircctious of least exposure. fc) Floors shall not be below grade, and shall little no pill, wells, or pockets. The wearing surface shall be of an incombustible material, preferably of non -sparking type. (d) Roof shall be flat, of fire-resislive construction. If, b":arse of [,aril eaa(litions, it is (lesirable ell rout p—ible extd,el,ns alm•ard, the roof shall be of light construction and ,f incnmbu.tible material. Fc) Skyliglu4 sball be prodded. They shall he of wired "In-. io met it frames %o Itmrg as to readily swing out in case or, in lira thereof, ,kyligids any be. con. 1; u• +.,I frame aid sash with plain thin glass panels .:> i :: r. is a •: ire saemn provided ab,va the skylights. I trying rooms, if under the .acne roof as the dry . , : .•. o: ;rc-, ,).all be selranted Erato sueh talons by a fire. •.:d:i inches brick masonry or it.. ,:,plivalent, .a� such drying room or ro,ms shall be n,vcd •elf,rlosiog CIas4 A fire d,or+ If the a separadl building, it clall dnnf•n I:: ,n the . : I . r dry cleaniug and dry dyeing huil•Ir,::� v -t latioa and Air Conditioning. . l cndr--. , irnu,I::r or dr. ir.g n.nm shall L'.ul.p.:! It- _ .. .. ..:. ... . ... .... ' r. 2222 Sections 2202-2203 218 solvents of a type for which the equipment alas tested and approved amt whidh eon form to the, following specifications: Fire Hazard Classificaltan— Not above 25 Flash Point— Not lower than 138.2 F, Initial Boiling Point— Not lower than 357.E F. Ignition Temperature— Not lower than 453.2 F. Limit of Explosive Range— Not levolumsi thaan r8al r cent Intl 1 temperature of 302 F. Spontaneous Healing— The s [vent shall not heat spo Class III—Operatious or instidlatioue using Only non fUtnnmble eleuling solvents, or cues classed as nonflammable lit ordinary ienlperaturex and only slightly 1L•Dumable at higher temperatures (hazard elassiiie:diou of 5 or under). Where machinery nnrl equipment is approved type, but the solvents employed do not eanforun to the speeifieatious given above, the regulations for Class I operation% or installati,ns :.hall be applied. (b) Dry cleaning operations or imst:dlati,ns in Class III shall he exempt front the regulations of Section 2203 and 2201. (c) Except as permitted by Item 6 of S.,•tian 2203 and Item 5 of 2204, (try- cleaning by immersion and ogitatiaa in open vessels shall be prohibited. SECTION 2203: CLASS I SYSTEMS. I, Location. (a) Dry cleaning plants should preferably I,, locate, in outlying, sparsely built, sections. Rwldiugs used fel dry cleaning shall not be used fel tiny other purpose, amt .loll not be closer than ten feet to the line of adjoining property, except that when the exposing wall of the dry cleaning build. ing is of standard brick or c(luivalent eonslructien and without openings, it may be located or the property line; but in no case shall mote that, two sides have bland: walls. o_. Construction of Buildings in Which Dry Cleaning Opera- tions aro Conducted. (a) Buildings shall be not over one story in height and shall be without atlies, concealed roof spaces, basements, or pits. (b) Palls shall be brick not less than twelve inches thick, or equivalent construction. Wall finish shall be either plain, or plastered without furring. Division walls between Section 2203 220 and drying purposes shall be at least one incl( front all woodwork, and shall be protected by substantial metal screens arranged so as to prevent combustible goods or material, from coming in contact with such pipes and radiators. Boilers shall not be located in buildings used for dry cleaning or drying. When possible, boilers should be located in a detached build. ing. When iu a building adjoining cicaliug or dry dyritg rooms, boilers shall be eat oil by an unpiececl brick wall at least twelve inches thick, or equivalent. (b) ,Artificial lighting shall he by electricity onh. Wir ing and equipment simil be approved for use in Clas+ I. (Imnp 1), hazardous locations as defined by the Kentucky lilt: in,,:l Code, and shall be installed in full accordance with the regulations of that Code for such locations. (c) Electric motors, overeurrent devices, swilehes, and other power equipacnt, including wiring, Shull, if installed in dry cleaning or nther harardons sections, be approved fol such locations and installed in accordance with the regulations of the Kentucky Himtricat Cole. Wbere. power is transmitted through walls from all outai(b! driving tneebanism, such trul - mission shall be by means of shafts passing through properly bushed holes. (d) When pulleys and bells are used in dry cloning rooms, the clanger from static el, :•Iricity shall be guarded against by the installation of pr p; rly gro rid, d elmbi or collectors, or by other approved moo',%. :,. Tanks, Machines, and Equipment (Including Pampa, Pip. ing, Storage Tanks, Purifiers, Clarifiers, Washers, Dryers, Extractors, Separators, and Stills), (u) Except as hereinafter :,therwiie provided, till sol:,! ,I,rage tanli, shall be eountruetcd, ii..talled, and uraoloin,•d in aernrdnn,e wish Ill, applicable r -r- tots of .1rti:•b• RIV. (b) 'I•rc;dment tanks, puridw's, supply tw&. I- .-E. lir•rn, still., :,al similar nbvvgrnmld. eaillain-, shall br 11. liquid -light, ("I have an individual cipa.ily antin exec:>, •d 35o gall,,., Intl (3) It. provided with aun,matie Leal-nellian-d emergency ,h:,in r,nneelian% of luuple capacity to dksrbargr. the c,.ntemt4 I o,dergrrnu,l ntoracr lank+ within ., per n,d , I lice ruinnl.•a. All— I :d •n er.• .r lr.ataival C h, . .. ..);all I:e p(,rid"t w,Ill . +„ p.1.,4 old L •s Ilam 11 1 incl. •u dinmel•r, o%t.n4ioJ 1" 11 nuhide• ,.r li:. baddia, anI pr..L.,:ted by .qqi r,i+.1 flab•, . ,.I • 1'larilk— :Asst! I., 1 --1 ., p,.., -dr!• w t1:e I:..: i:n:es lhc_y %:. 1,:.,il -,o- -. ,,. r,,. tl„ rc :.I,:,li 221 Section 2203 Section 2203 222 be previded, at suitable points in the piping, quick -acting (m) lhuaps shall ho approved type, mol, where used in systems of clarification, shall, If Of POs111we dis- Valves for completely draining all pipes and {Yaps to lander- l•mttinileas type, be provided with it by-pass and relief valve gromd tanks. (0) Washing machines shall be liquid -tight \with splash- placement to prevent development of excessive pressure. discharge connections shall be proof self-closing or automatically closing doors. Supply pipes to such machines, whether from pumps, filters, clarifiers, or (n) Separate suction and provided for the removal of sludge from underground treating be carried to the :file storage tanks, shall enter above the charged liquid level where and settling tanks. The suction pipe shall bottom of the tank, and the discharge connection to a cotell the top of such apparatus or container is above the charged for each dry cleaning room, kept on a convenient ruck at the liquid level. Each washing machine shall be provided with an overflow pipe one size larger than the supply pipe, such basin. (o) Gauge glasses, loot{ boxes, unci similar rlev ices, the overflow pipe to be without shut-off valves, connected to the bearings, In•cahagc of \vhielt \vould permit escape of flammable liquids, by heat and shall be shell of the washer below the bottom of tte and shall Le of a type not readily dauaaged arrauged to discharge to an underground took. adequately protected against meclu'llical injury. (f) individual button and lint traps Shull be provided (p) All equipment shall be permanently and effectively for each {washer, and a master strainer shall be installed in the grounded. This will include piping; cylinders and shells of I of cylin- main waste line. washing machines and drying tumblers (grounding (g) Each still shall be equipped with A \'na1LL111 anddors to be through the end of the shaft and across the Surface shells pressure relief valve, arranged to discharge outside the build- in one], case); all above ground containers; walls and ing. Such relief valves shall be not smaller than 11 inches of cabinets; outside shells of extractors; etc. and set at not over file pounds. When a shut-off valve is or area where llumnable liquids are stored or used. installed between it still and condenser, the relief valve shall be located on the still side of the shut-off valve. G. Scouring or Brushing, and Spotting. . (a) All scouring or brushing operations shall be carried (h) Stills shall be heated only by steam or hot water. A on in the dry cleaning room, or in a separate fire -resistive to the outside only. check valve shall be installed in the steam line between Ibe boiler and the still. compartment with wall openings (b) The scouring or brushing table shall have a liquid - (i) Drying tutablers shall be provided with approved mechanical ventilation Diseharge ducts or pipes shall be tight top with a curb oil all sides not less than one incl{ high. The top of the table shall be so pitched as to ensure thorough carried to a height of lint leas than six feet above the roof, au'1 shall not terminate within ten feet of any door, window, or drainiug to a 11/._. inch drain connection, with liquid seal trap direct to underground tank. \fetal tops, where used, shall be 1 frame wall. The fail shall be interlocked with the tumbler liquid -tight, and permanently and effectively grounded. The mechanism to insure its operation while the tumbler is in use, table shall be secured to the floor or wall so as not to disturb (j) Drying tumblers shall be provided with self-c]osiug the ground and drain connections. explosion hatches, arranged to open away from the operator (c) The scouring or brushing table or scrubbing lull -13141 having an area of at least ten per cent of the total area of shall be so located as to ensure thorough and effective disposal the cylinder.a, excluding ends. (k) Extractors shall have rims mad covers of nonferrous of vapors through the ventilating system. metal, and shall be provided with a drain pipe not less than (d) Articles, the character of which prevents their in washing machines, may be cleaned oteat 11 • inches in diameter, connected either directly to an under. tank or to a washer through an approval extractor washing the usual scouring or brushing tables or in approved scrubbing tubs( ground pomp. If brakes are used, they shall be such as to prevent provided the total amount of solvent used in such open exceed three gallons. Solvents for this striking of sparks or developing rxuessive heal. (1) Tine handling of solvents from the storage tanks, containers shall not purpose ,(Tull be ,I.rc t in approved safety cans and returned t through the various machines, back to tile. settling and clear to settling tanks as soon as Iho operation is completed. tubs shall be scoured to the floor, and shall )'ie advent tanks, etc., shall be through closed circuits of piping. .UI piping shall be protected against mechanical injury, and Scrubbing provided with permanent II/--- inch trapped drains to under- : nil be tested and proven fright at not less than fifty pounds. ground tanks. Section 2203 224 223 Section 2203 , 8. Fire Protection. !e) Flammable solvents used in connection with spotting (a) An asbestos bholket not less than 7 by 7 feet and a op=.,rations shall be limited to one. gallon, and shall be stored boat hook with 0 handle at least six feet long, shall lie provided is and applied from all approved safety can. for each dry cleaning room, kept on a convenient ruck at the principal entrance. Where the size or arrangementof the room 7. Operating Requirements find Fire Safety Precautions, is such as to require. a travel of more Ilion fifty feetfrom any (a) All employees sha11 be ❑mroughly inslnwfwl as to point in the roan to reach tile. principal eutraiwo. additional the hazards inenlrcd in their departannus mol in the work asbestos blankets and boat ]rooks shall be provided. which th,-y perform. (b) Approved extinguishing devices of a type suitable (b) All clothes, when received at tin plod, shall be for use oil oil firei shall be provided for every room or arca thoroughly searched in the receiving room, ;rod all foreign where. llunmable liquids are stored or used. These any be nmt-iMs, r•,pPeially watches and mota]lic substauces, rennnved. hand extinguish,•rs, :rod, if necessary, wheeled extingui.hers, • TI -fore removing a hatch of elotics from a wasln•r, depending upon the size of the plant. in no case shall there :. o,..'f•:! .s metal drip apron should be placed So ns to reel be less than one extinguisher at each entrance of every room ,,n rit;l basket of the truck and the cyliud- of Ile- or area where llumnable liquids are stored or used. v.a h,.r. (e) In cities of tine IirA and second class each city fda All g„ods removed from washers to extractors must cleaning room and drying room Niall be, and in all Other he kept in light metal Paris with under side of bottom covered locations such roonns should be, equipped with an approved wit( wood, and ew gore(, or wailed stocks shall be taken extinguishing system, of ane of the following types: from n'anhrorm; till washing lupoid bas been removed by the (1) An approved aunmatic sprinkler system. cxtrartor; all dried Boot k shall he rano—1 from extractors at (2) An approved carton dioxide room tlncnliug system. •4oec of ePer:,f inn. (3) A steam smothering system, manually cnntolled, by F3aan,:aLl•• ii,.m, >.laill not Ix n,cd fur %learning i means of a quick -opening valve, frem a can\'cnieu l.ly :..r. accessible point outside the room, will a continuously f Su:oking oil tic- paean-,•: +.I;cdl Ix•'tri- it., prohibited available steam supply at a pressure o$at least liflcen ....,. , 44muking•• sign. sl:all be po,tcd, pounds per square inch, and with dioeharge piping tied wad r•bre O.all in• r:a,;„e..•.1 from all traps and outlets sufficient to ],liver eight pouuds „f ,tram ser mhiuute per 1011 cubic fe•t of velum. of I;", , 1 Paco d•� r t•r ••.... of th, da.y's w,•ri:, p•sited ill ♦Taal•• protected. ,. . .. .� frun. the pre mi e :, and s4,1, dish:�,•:I 1-f- At '_' NGTper minute i.e. I: One pound of stea }: m eVt{ to two .1! � '' p'-• bell,, or. er hse o\v,:r. Steam di_rharge tnhro rough ori. fla•s wth ,apply of nut lhau .. :. rra p.—tac a nus fifteen pwnds per -quer. —b may ate bo calculated rev Lb, hound u; formula: W =' 07A (P t15) whore %N, . ,. .. •:a• n poundof etemn per trlivew. A .: area of cullet in Squur,. inches, P = g3uge pressure et mtla in -lett pounds per square inch. NGT' 2: 'file use of steam for err, extinguishment is oat g,m—lly saWf.ctury except in very small apace:: - .:: ... -: 'I• whirl mc, or can be. caoplIt.ly -ch cd, amt, as ,_ ... - • drying wahmets, d+ymg lurnWers, etc. For effectiv .,.., protraion na ,ily_ cranlug le. rus or similar 1;,,g;: large e .. '. _ - i,paer8• lite quanntica of 4trani required to 4"Olf, p:nen extmami,hment are usually c., exceaslvo as to ' unhko this adequate I.wilcr rapacity can fah u• e'..1 - Lc nada aws,dufr:e. daaima .di (:art+ va.4iog utachiuo and drying, lumblor Niall be rith u,rrovcd r•xtin uohim r.11li meat, mrrang,•,1 225 Sections 2203.2204 to operate automatically, or by remote control, consisting of all approved carbon dioxide system, or it steam jet of not less than ?!t inch, with a continuously available steam supply at a pressure of not less than fifteen pounds per square inch. SECTION 2204: CLASS II SYSTEMS. 1. Location. (a) Where dry cleaning plants of this class are located in the same building with other occupancies, such plants shall be cut off vertically and horizontally from other parts of the building by construction having a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour, with openings, if any, protected by ap. proved automatic fire doors; provided that the requirement for this construction cut-off may be waived where, after con- sideration of the construction of the building, the nature of protection, and other factors, the conditions are deemed such that the cut-off is not necessary, 2. Heat, Light and Power. (a) Heating shall be by indirect means, preferably by steam or hot water systems, with all devices installed in accordance with the requirements of Article S. if possible, central heat -producing equipment, such as boilers, should be Located in a detached building, but, if located in a room adjoin- ing dry cleaning or drying sections, the boiler room shall be mut off from such sections by tat unpierecd brick wall at least twelve inches thick or its equivalent. (b) Artificial lighting shall be by electricity only. All light and power wiring shall be in rigid conduit, with in- stallations conforming to the requirements of the Kentucky Electrical Code. 3. Capacity Limitation. (a) The total solvent capacity of abovegromnd inside solvent storage and treatment tanks shall not eseced 5550 gal- lons, and the individual capacity of any one such lank shall not exceed 275 gallons. Where storage capacity in excess of this quantity is desired, that in excess of 550 gallons shall be in approved containers installed underground or in approved _ onclosures, specifications for which may be obtained from this ..Office upon application. (b) The total operating solvent capacity of the system, r%duding storage tanks, shall not exceed 550 gallons. 1. Tanks, Machines, and Equipment (Including Pumps, Pip- ing, Storage Tanks, Clarifiers, Filters, Washers, Dryers, Extractors, Stills, and Condensers). (a) Systems in this Class (Class II) shall be approved by a recognized testing laboratory, and, as evidence of such s.s.— Y24 Section 2204 solvent will he thrown out while it is in operation. If covers are provided, they shall be equipped with automatic mechan. ical or electrical interlocks which will prohibit operation while covers are open. (i) Drying tumblers or cabinets shall be healed only by steam or hot water. Steam or inert gas systems in dryers shall be so arranged that in event of electric power failure at a time when the inside temperature of the tumbler or cabinet IS above the flashpoint of the solvent, the interior shall be automatieally flooded with steam or inert gas and the machine automatically locked closed until electric service is restored and nntil the temperature is below the flashpoint of the solvent. Drying tumblers shall be provided with interlocks so that the cylinder cannot be power -driven while the door is open. (j) Stills and condensers shall be vacuum type only (pressure type prohibited) and shall he, liquid and gaslight. Heat shall be from steam or hot water only, and, if steam is used. a prexsure regulating valve and a check valve shall be insulted in the steam supply line to the still. 'the went from the: va_uom release valve, shall extend to the outside of the bail•lirg. iia=dn still shall be provided with a combination va•num and pressure gauge, andeach stili shall be equipped whit a constant level valva to automatically maintain the srdv,.nt liquid level tit the proper height. 6. Scouring or Brushing and Spotting. ta% All ss,wring ex hnsbirn, and spotting operatinns shr,a,, toraidy- he eordmt nal with liquids nr r,&rnls having a hazardr1ns.::Gr at i<•r. af'_ : rrt lea, eraept ,hilt nniseats having a bigher bit? r3 raiinz may ho used in ganr,tities not exoeeding a total 04 r.r gallon. if diepenred from approved safety cans. Additional storage shall be in approved safety cans of not over one gallon capacity. W When s )llr:ng !:r bra+hing operations utilize and vmta hsv;og a hazard nai,rg higher than 25, in quantities taseedioir ere gallon, s:uhoperation. shall he eeadacted in ""mt. buiidiails eamplying ir all rapecty with regairemrnts for (-'les I systems or inetaliaticns. 6. Opareong pequirementa and Fire Safety Precautions. 'aThe prarls;oca o! Pars;; raP'ra fnL tb1; ld;. (d J, ie,, ' ._ . l'.er„ rf gest:.... all apply, to 01", It rf ar;Icert. fn,m the shipping or supply _ .... `'f,:ring the initial charging, or whenever .. _'t. "plemistied, shell be accomplished by r Section 2204 226 approval, shall bear a label of approval or manufacturer's marking sufficient to identify it in published listings of such laboratory. The solvent used shall be of a type for which said equipment was tested and approved, and shall conform to the speeiflcations given in Section 2202. (b) The design and construction of Class if systems shall be in accordance with the detailed requirements on file in this Office. The installation and maintenance of such sys- tems shall be in accordance with the provisions of Paragraphs (a), (1), (1), (m), (o), and (p), of Item 5 of Section 2203, and the provisions of Paragraphs (c) through (j) below. (c) All liquid handling parts of equipment, such as tanks, washers, extractors, filters, traps, moisture separators, and stills, shall be liquid -tight. (d) Solvent storage tanks, washers, and extractor drain tanks shall be provided with not less than a 1%t -inch vent pipe extending to the outside of the building. (o) Each aboveground storage tank, extractor, drain tank, and still shall be provided with a liquid level gauge, preferably of the approved magnetically operated float type. If practical considerations require flue use of sight glasses, they shall confirm to the requirements of Paragraph (o) of Item 5, Section 2203. (f) Washing machines shall conform to Paragraphs (c) and (f) of Item 5, Section 2203, with the following additions and exceptions. Doors, instead of being ordinary self-clnsing or automatic type, shall be arranged with automatic mechan. ical or electrical interlocks, so that the machine cannot be operated or the power turned on unless the doors are closed. Overflow pipes may discharge to a suitable aboveground container instead of an underground tank, provided such container is emptied at least once each day. Clarifiers, tanks„ or other solvent containers shall be located as close as possible' to the machines they serve. (g) Pressure filters shall be equipped with a reliable pressure gauge, and filters shall not be operated at pressures exceeding that recommended by the manufacturer. Air vents from filters should preferably discharge into the washer or to a storage tank vent pipe, but shall not discharge into the room. (h) Extractors shall conform to the requirements of Paragraph (k) of Item 5, Section 2203, except that the drain may discharge to a suitable aboveground container, and the extractor may he without cover if so designed that no liquid Sections 2264.2205 228 utilizing either the system circulating pump and piping or a separate pump and piping installed and maintained in ac- cordance with the provisions of Section 1409. 7. Fire Protection. (a) In addition to the regular first aid fire extinguishing equipment required to meet the general needs of the occu. pancy, approved extinguishing devices shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph (b), Item 9, Section 2203. SECTION 2205: CLASS III SYSTEMS. (a) Class Ill systems shall use only solvents classed as nonflammable, or those classed as nonflammable at ordinary temperatures and only slightly flammable at higher tempera. tures (having a hazard classification not over 5). (b) in view of the slight fire hazard inherent to dry cleaning systems of this class, installation and operating requirements ore mainly unnecessary. It should be borne in mind, however, that this freedom from restriction and regu- lation is based upon tho operation of such systems with solvents as specified in Paragraph (a) above. In view of the toxic nature of the solvent vapors, it Is recommended that Class III systems not be installed in basements or other loca• lions difficult to ventilate. ' (c) The use of any flammable s 110 1 for brushing, scouring, or scrubbing shall be probibitcd in Clan: Ill plains. The use of such liquids for spotting purpose; shall be limited to one quart, with storage in and application from an approved safety cam. (d) First aid fin: protection in aceordanee with .1p-. peadix A shall be provided. 7 229 Sections 2300.2301 ARTICLE XXIII STORAGE AND SALE OF NITROCELLULOSE MOTION PICTURE FILM SECTION 2300: REGULATION. (a) It is not permissible for any person, firm, or cor- poratiou, to sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of, any nitrocel- lulose motion picture film, for use in any toy, stereoscope, or miniature motion picture machine. SECTION 2301: STORAGE. (a) Nitrocellulose motion picture fill[ in other than original shipping containers conforming to Kentucky Com- mcrte Regulations (I. C. C.), and in amounts not in excess of 1,000 pounds, shall be kept in approved fire -resistive cabinets, if not in approved vaults. Not over seventy-five reels may be placed in any one cabinet, and cabinets having a capacity of over ten reels shall be provided with a vent from each com. pertinent to the outside of the building. The vent shall have u minimum effective cross sectional area of fourteen square inches per 100 pounds of film capacity. Cabinets holding over fifteen reels of film should be equipped with at least one auto- matic sprinkler; provided that a cabinet so constructed that each roll is in a separate compartment, and would burn out without communicating fire to film in any other compartment, need not be equipped with as automatic sprinkler. (b) Film is excess of 1,000 pounds (200 reels) shall be stored in film vaults. The construction, venting, and auto- matic sprinkler protection of these shall be in strict accordance with standard vault requirements for such purposes. NOTE: The standard roll of film, 1% inches (35 mail wide and 1,000 feet long, weighs about five pounds. (e) Smoking, or the carrying of a lighted pipe, cigarette, or other smoking material shall be prohibited in any room where flammable nitrocellulose film is handled or stored. Sections 2400-2401 ARTICLE XXIV 290 STORAGE AND HANDLING OF COMBUSTIBLE FIBRES. SECTION 2400: DEFINITIONS AND APPLICATION. iv,,d (a) The term "combustible fibres", as used in this Article, shall include cotton, sisal, henequen, ixtic, jute, hemp, I tow, cocoa fibre, oakum, lapok, Spanish moss, wood wool, and similar materials which have file following common characteristics to a greater or lesser degree: (1) high combustibility or "flash fire" hazard. (2) Capacity for absorbing water, with resultant increase in weight and danger of exceeding maximum safe flood' loads. (3) Tendency to swell as a result of moisture absorption, with consequent danger of wrecking containing build- ing by pnslning out Walls or columns. (4) Bursting of bales by burning of bands or ropes, with consequent acceleration of combustion. (b) The regulations of this Article do not apply to com- bustible fibres used or stored, (1) on farm property, 01 -1 private or industrial barns or stables located outside filo fire limits of n city or town; or (2) in connection welt const rue tion, alteration., or remodeling of buildings. (c) .Where combustible fibres are used in moderate quan. tities for packing, or where existing os waste material, the requirements of Article XXVI shall apply. SECTION 2401: LOOSE FIBRES (Not in Suitable Bales or Packages). (a) Except for quantities actually in use, loose com. bustible fibres inside of buildings should be stored in approved metal -lined bins equipped with self-closing or automatic metal - hard covers, or in approved storage rooms or outside storage, houses. (b) Not to exceed 100 cubic feet of such fibres should be stored in such hills. Quantities in excess of 100 cubic feet but not in excess of 1,000 cubic feet should be stored in rooms having a fire resistance rating of not less than one hour, with openings therein protected by automatic or self-closing metal - clad doors. Quantities in excess of 1,000 cubic feet should be 231 Sections 2401-2402 Section 2402 stored in approved, vented, fire -resistive rooms or outside storage homes, requirements for which may be obtained from this Office upon application. (c) It is recognized that in certain industrial and com- me.reial oce.apuncies, such as upholstering establishments and packing floors of large mercantile homes, the nature of the operations requires the handling of considerable quantities of loose fibres in the open. In such occupancies it is recommended that the main supply of loose fibres he stored as outlined above, and that an incombustible "tote box" or truck be pro- vided for each workman or group of workmen, such "tote box" or track to contain riot over a half day's supply of material. At the Anse of each day's work all "tote hoses" or trucks should be emptied and all named fibres either stored in approved bias, rooms, or storage houses, as outlined above, or dispov-d of as waste rruterial. SECTION 2402: STORAGE IN BALES. tial Ti,,- r,,lircmeats of this Secti•ut apply to the sh ra e of combustible fibres in conventir,oal baba, ill which the. fib— are coMpreolM, and confined by ropc,..'u ,k, vires, or bands. l dere fibres are parked in si—ial enw.littrr.. or are envered with suitable wrappttngr, or i.hero the fibres have been apaeially treated with dame -proofing or wat,r-pro lfing agent., the char:u•trristic. named in Section 21(o) may be suhattarnially altered. Begaimments fur the, storag, of -eh flbres may be obtahr-d from this Offlce ftp ri applical."n. (b, Storage in any one, compartment sl,:ill be in twl .i rata plies or bilks. tin single block to contain oinre- it" e•' -Int l) euhi, f -t (rzclnaive r,f ah les rr elearancea) of A*c tot 10 -kr kr pile. shall be separated frost adia-, io atara;;4 by —4, not lever than five feet wide; or b., d::i. fire learners, . um'sa,gg of eontmn un , she:gs of li., .. ; :lisle niat—ld cxtrrdtng from the 0,.r to a height of ..r --t -no fart above til•; h;ttti-st point rf piles and yrojertr '; :-a,: one, NA begird tin: aides of die pil. td} S•. F..:cr. cF.aii i>r Inadrd t...y'r,d !lfr, i ver. earr., r f 232 where possible, so as to "break joints", each bale above the bottom tier bridging across two or more bales beneath. Lt all cases, any outward-Ictuning or bulging side of a pile shall be at once torn down and rebuilt. (f) Fibres covered in the preceding parngraph Shall also be stored to allow for expanaionl to the extent Of ti,enty per cent of their bulk, in any direction, wilbout eudmtgcrfug building wall., ceilings, or columns. Not. less than three-foot clearance shall be maintained between any sprinkleu pipes and lops of pile, or h. -twee.. ,railings and tops of piles if building, is not spriukk-r-1. Not 1—s than three-foot clearance shall be left betwer•u building ,all, and sides of piles• except that, if storage eumpartnteat k not more than thirty feet in width, one -foot clem•nnce at side walls will be snfiicient, provided a center aisle not less Man live feet wide- k maintained. bo .rte Sertiwu °500 :7501 °502 Sections 2600-2601.2602 234 233 ARTICLE XXV AIRPORTS SECTION 2500: PERMIT. a (a) A permit subject to the provisions of Section 101, Item 2shall be secured from the State Fire Marshal before beginning the construction or operation of any airport, or haugar, or similar building intended for the storage or service of airships or airplanes. SECTION 2501: LOCATION. (a) No airport (including buildings, fields, and ruu- ways), or hangar, or othel- building used for the storage or 'service of airships or airplanes, shall hereafter be constructed or extended so that any part is within 1,000 feet of any above. ground tank used or intended for the storage of flammable liquids or gases; or any oil or gas well; or any- building used for the storage, handling or processing of flammable liquids or gases, or explosives, in qumntitics considered dangerous. NOTE: distance thanpracticable, feet p Where it is re rime ded that a Greater dist SECTION 2502: GENERAL, (a) In view of the wide variation in conditions affecting construction and protection of modern airports, detailed re- quirements are not given in these Standards. Except as pro- vided in Paragraph (b) below, requirements governing these features may be obtained from this Office upon application. t• (b) The storage, handling and transportation of flaw- mable liquids shall be in strict accordance with the regulations ,of Article XIV, except aboveground storage tanks shall not be permitted. 235 Sections ZG02.2603-2604 or vacant lot, unless burning be done in receptacles of one - inch wire mesh, or of metal. The Chief of the Fire Department may issue a general permit, by publication, during seasons of the year, for the burning of leaves or other like materials outside of receptacles when conducted on still days, during daylight, with an adult in constant attendance, and when done in a location w'berc standing grass or weeds will not communicate fire to nearby properly. SECTION 2603: STREET GRATINGS. (a) AR open sidewalk gratings shall be protected by attaching wire screen, of not larger than %-each mesh, to the under .id, , se, that matches and lighted cigars or cigarette stubs will not be dropped into the ba senicat. (h) All flaromallr materials shall I), kept fro- under these gratiigs. SECTION 2604: PACKING MATERIALS AND DECORATIONS. L,• •' •;.ir.g -t, -rials, sa••It as excelsior, hay, nt CJ-.: c•'p1 in ilrr:i:'.• bins. earl, to have a cmc. u,nn hpt suis G't, and to be substan. uin ��.. , .i. •i:.1..r , iid:' o,:::• ri,!, or of wood. lined ,.,. . 1...'. n.,a ::::•I r .ide of cover and r:, he hinged b). karrek, or rather the —oit .. _ ... u,,ra, [hail . .... ii at least ..tin:on. may . - - .. .:,.• r.f pa's All such st*.raa•• ' -. .. ... nr urs•. - den.n:abl• ARTICLE XXVI MISCELLANEOUS FIRE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS SECTION 2600: DISPOSAL OF RUBBISH (a) No accumulation of waste paper, tiny, grass, straw, litter, combustible or flammable waste, or rubbish of tory kind shall be permitted to remain in any court, yard, vacant lot, or open space, unless in bales or containers awaiting collecliou, and located at least ten feet from a combustible wall, or window or door opening, of tiny building. All weeds, grass, vines, or other growth Which may be fired and thereby endanger property, shall be cut down and removed (other than by burning) by the owner or occupant of the property. (b) At the close of each clay, or oftener if neees,arr, any accumulated shavings, excelsior, rubbish, sacks, bags, IitR•r, hay-, straw, or combustible trash, waste or fragments shall he removed from the premises, or shall be completely baled and stacked in an orderly manner. (e) Nothing its this section shall prohibit the depositing ' of rubbish and waste materials oil municipal or lieeused dumps; nor shall the regulations of this sectio[ apph' to waste paper or rag handling or reclaiming plants, or similar estab. lishments, provided the best housekeeping consistent with tile. nature of the operations is maintained in such plants. SECTION 2601: ASHES AND OILY RAGS. (a) Smouldering coal or embers, greasy or oily rags, or other materials liable to cause ignition or ignite spontaneously, shall not be deposited within five feet of any wooden or plastered wall or partition, wooden fence, floor or sidewalk, lumber, or other combustible materials, except in metallic or other incombustible receptacles. Such receptacles, unless resting on an incombustible floor or on the ground outside the building, shall be provided with incombustible stands, so. designed as to provide at least taro -inch air space between the bottom of the containers and the floor. Receptacles slall be kept at least two feet away from any combustible wall or partition. SECTION 2602: BURNING OF TRASH. (a) No person or persons shall kindle or maintain a bonfire, or burn trash, lumber, leaves, straw, or any other com- bustible materinl in any street or alley, or on any premises Sections 2601-2605-2606-2607 236 however, that nothing in this section shall be held to prohibit the display of salable goods permitted and offered for sh! in the store. Electric light bulbs shall not be decorated with paper or other combustible materials, unless such materials shall have first been rendered flameproof. SECTION 2605: OPEN FLAME DEVICES. (a) No person shall take ;in open (lame into any munu- facturing or storage building where highly flammable or explosive material is (rept. (b) No heating apparatus with mi upcu flame, or inean. descent electrical unit, and no artificial lighting system other than incandescent electric light, installed in accordance with the ICnnlucky lilcetrieal Corte, shall be used in any warebouse for Ibe storage of rags, excelsior, hair, or other flammable or combustible mrlirial; nor in any shop or factory used for the manuftature, ,,pair, or muovaling of malt—s— or bedding; nor in any eshrbli;laneut for lho uphotstcrimg of furniture. SECTION 2606: OPENINGS. (a) All irap doors and vertical shaft doers, except those which are aulmaaic in their operation, in any factory building or buildings aced for sbo'agr should be closed at the eomple- timt of business caelr day. Iivvey outside wimdmy which opens directly on any hoistwav or rther vertical shaft between two or more floors in a bnildiug should be plainly marked with the word "SIL\I•"C R':\1'"' in letters of colors contrastini, with the background and ;it least is inches high, snrh warning sign to be so placed as to be casnly dise,rniblc frr•m the outside of lila building. 11—y- door or window opining mn to such .1niftway Cron, Ila• interior of the budlcdiug, nudes, the cos0ructio, of lb,, part;lion surrounding the shaftway is of snrh di,lim'tir.• nature a; t,, make its purpo„• evident at a ,k,uld ki .in,ih rlr uurrk•'.1 r,ilh the n•arniug word .\1 " •, pkn',' I a; Io i,:,'.r-ily visible to any one appra.,cbing the 4%iiftnvay from th,• interior of the building. RECTION 2007: PARKING OF VEHICLES. I. Parnnit. (a1 A Imran from tlm 1In1. Fire 11ar.1al shall he ollnim"1 fir thv ,q.• r;,,, of cloy parking lot located outside the ro,j rato looits of sly city or town aid havlog a capacity •,f fifty or mon: c•'hielrc fbl A pcnait from nor stahori—I rely n[licial shall be rhtaa,ed for the eper.,ti. of any 1—limg lot within the cr•rprralc limits of a city or town and having a capacity of ten or mom vehicles. i9$ 237 Section 2607 — ^_. Parking Lots. (a) \of more than ten automobiles, trucks, trailers, or similar vehicles shall be parked in any court, yard, lot, or open space, unless the following requirements are observed. (b) Parking shall be so arranged that any group of vehicles shall contain not more than two abutting lines of vehicles, with vehicles in each line parked side by side. The space occupied by any such group shall notbe greater than thirty-five feet by 200 feet, and not less than eight feet shall be allowed for the width of each vehicle, (e) Each group of vehicles shall be separated from any other vehicle or group of vehicles by a clear space or alleyway of not less than twenty-five feet, and a clear space of twenty- five feet shall also be maintained between any such group and any buildings, except those in which 'the exposed walls are of masonry, without openings, or with all opening below the second floor protected by approved fire doors or fire windows; provided that not more than five feet of clear space is required between such group of vehicles and watchman's or attendant's house of other than frame construction. (d) Ropes, chalk lines, or other acceptable means of marking shall be provided to indicate the required spaces and alleyways, (c) Every- court, yard, lot, or space, used for parking of more than ten vehicles, shall abut directly upon a pnhlfe alley or street, and shall have access thereto by a hard -surfaced road not les than twenty feet in width. (f) When filling stations, repair pits, etc., are operated in connection with parking lots, the applicable provisions of Article XVI shall be observed. (g) The use of salamanders or other open fire devices in parking lots shall be prohibited. Heating devices in watch- man's or attendant's house shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of Article X. (h) Where facilities are provided for the parking of more than ten vehicles, first aid fire protection shall be pro- vided and shall consist of not less than two extinguishers for each two hundred cars or part thereof; one of these shall be of a type suitable for use on electrical fires, and one of a type suitable for use on fires in ordinary combustible materials. Extinguishers shall be of a type not subject to damage from freezing. 3. Obstruction of Fire Equipment, or Exits. (a) \No vehicle of any type shall be parked in front of, or within ten feet of, a fire hydrant, the entrance to a fire 239 Sections 2608.2609 open flames or incandescent electric elements, shall be pro- hibited in areas containing dust -producing or dust -agitating operations. Artificial lighting in such areas shall be by else. -deity, with v: iring and equipment installed in accordance with the Kentucky Electrical Code. (q) It is recommended that the danger of static sparks be minimized by -,rounding all metal parts of machinery and equipment. SECTION 2603: HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS. I. Definitions and Application. ta) Thr terra "hazardous ehemieals" as used herein, means materials which may involve fire or explosion hazards when stored or used without proper ssfcenards, and those which make fire extinguishment diffctlt 1?y reasonou s of noxis fumes ur hazardous reactions from the a joi-tiru or water. (b) Requirements for certain wi,l,ly' spread materials which may be properly rlaased as "hazardous ehemieah'• are given elsewhere in ileac Standards, a.] ar•,. uharefure, not tneluded in this senti.n. Ruch aat-rial, ireludr ilanunahle liquids, explosives, fi oulooble Basra, fibr,:. dr.•.w, nod ecrtain pyroxylin plastic pmduets. 2, F'amigants, Insecticides and Moth -Preventatives. (a) It i. :tr•,e iy re^ern rn•ndna that n•here possible only ""id'. at,. „... ,. ,�,•. •i !l,n.;aants are be with ... .. .. ti's dna, not Ies . - .. may be nsed frr Nnii- tar., '. . .._ .•: 1',r. .a of if ... •. -•.f the rb+ra .. .atm1: Sections 2607-2608 238 department station house, or the discharge point of any exit - way. SECTION 2608: PREVENTION OF DUST EXPLOSIONS. (a) The term "dust" as used herein, means dust which is readily oxidizable and which, if mixed with air in the proper proportions, becomes explosive and nay- be ignited by a fiano or spark. Such dusts include those from most flammable sub- stances, and those from some materials not ordinarily con- sidered flammable. dfost commonly encountered are dusts pro- duced by the storage, handling, or processing of grain, flour, feed, fertilizer, wood, soap, leather, and some metals such ns aluminum. The problems of fire sarety connected with clads are primarily ones of housekeeping. In many existing plants, such as country grain elevators and feed stores, building con- struction and the nature of the equipment is such that libera- tion of dust cannot be entirely prevented except at prohibitive cost, In such establishments the primary concern should be prevention of heavy static accumulations of dust and elimina- tion of likely sources of ignition. (b) in the construction of those portions of now plants which are to contain dust -producing processes or operations, consideration should be given to such structural features as the elimination of unnecesso3• ledges and similar horizontal surfaces, the subdivision of vaults, bins, and rooms, the pro- vision of relief vents, and similar features which may tend to minimize the danger of explosion or the spread of fire, See - tions coutnining pulverizing processes should be detached, or at least located in an upper story under the roof. (c) All dust -producing or dust -agitating machinery, suelu as grinding mills, separators, elevators, and conveyors, shall be kept in good condition with casings or enclosures main- tained as nearly dust -tight as possible. Where practical such equipment should be equipped with an approved mechanical dust collecting system. Plants producing flammable refuse of a dusty nature, such as woodworkers, should have approved refuse removal systems. (Sec Article XII,) (d) Accumulations of static dust in any part of a huild. ing shall be kept at a minimum either by mechanical means or by manual sweeping. (c) Approved magnetic separators shall be installed ahead of all attrition mills, pulverizers, and similar machines in which the entrance of foreign materials may cause sparks to -be generated. (f) Smoking or carrying of matches other than sarety matches, and the use of heating or other devices employing Section 2609 240' in readiness and the area being fumigated should be carefully watched until fumigation is complete. (d) When fumigants, insecticides, or moth preventatives,. are flammable liquids or gases, the requirements of these Standards pertaining to such materials, shall apply. 3. Strong Acids. (a) Slorage locations for strong acids, such as full- strength nitric or sulphuric acid, should be cool, well venti. lated, and well away from coal, packing materials, or other- organic therorgo»c substances. Carboys or similar containers or such acids, should be stored in groups, with passageways between groups and with not more than ten carboys (in single or double rows and one tier high), comprising a group. Unless storage is outside, carboys should be stored on a grating or wooden strips, or on some similar arrangement having drainnge faeili- ties to prevent lenhage from coming into contact with con-. touters or other neids, chamieals, or foreign substauecs of an organic nature, (b) Except for stlnll quantities, nitric acid shodd he stored outside main buildings, preferably in clean, well venti- lated outbuildings. If apprts•iah)v quantities are of neee-ity stored inside a main building, such storage should he in separate vaults or compartments, preferably in the hasenu•nt. The wrapping and stoppers or carboys containing nitric arid should be of incombustible or fiameproofed materials. 1. Other Hazardous Chemicals (Not Otherwtao Covered by, These Standards). (at In view of the large number of materials whielt may be properly el—ifled as "other hazardous ehrmicals" and the wido varianinn in the ,•ondilions of their storace and use; specific rcquircwent.s for chemicals are not given here. 'fhrsu whi,h urn mostenmrnon and th—o e1iielu are euusider,rd the mn:.t hazardwry are listed 1-0-v \shore thee, ar ,ther 1 uxnrdnns, In•mieuht are Winn d, i. iu 11 i •r uscdin appre,•ialde quar6ti•w, tpeeitlr from thi,. (Iftiep. Mnct 1'amnwn Ilu:udam l'lemicatt (Nat Qum J.r Powered in 7h -c Standard,) I A(rt:e A,A f.. Ann W.- : Ai mw nu 91 n:iron b -t 7. I r 1 ,J I-, it.,kern 7 l.—h;r, 11tv.dcr (Cateiva) OAd,r) ttypexhl',rM1e1 a. ateKttc„u:n or MaQnsiva 4. Hr.nre Plast Attova !, Chanxoal and I her Sections 209-200 241 \loll llazardous Chemicals a (Not otherwise Covered in These Standards) A. (Classified 'Maim' from Fire or Explosion Hazard Standpoint./ Phosphorus 5. 1ociide of Nitrogen '. Ces, hloratsuch aro Pohr, 7. Peroxide,,Phostsuch asSodium Iro m � shaClorate Peroxide Perchloric Acid ,. Chloride of Nitrogen B. (Classifncd'Mainly from Toxicity Standpoint.) 1. HydrofluoricAcid 4. Phosgene :. HydrocyanicAcid 5. Carbon Monoxide 3. oxides of Nitrogen C. (Classified illainb' from Standpoint of Pe Peroxide Water.) 1. Potassium 3. 2. Sodium SECTION 2610: FIREWORKS AND PYROTECHNIC DISPLAYS. 1. ApPlioation. (a) The term "Fireworks' ti used herein, means any ,nmbuslible or explosive ccmpositimn, ore aced eters iMac puwr eambiaolion of substances. or Arttcles, prepared pus, of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration, or detonation, wh,u the individual units of such composition, suhsumce or articles are of such metre, or in suck at Packing. that it would be impossible to produce a simultnueoas, or destructive eSPlesienl of such unit to result ill injury to life, limb, or prop0rtw. The term includes, but is li mall candles.ted to, l)avgo Wallis,u1andaOtherpfrre orlst or pyro- technic materials of like character, coustruelion or com- position. Caps for toy pistols, blank cartridges, purs nk, tape, and 1parklers shall not ordinarily- be considered fireworks. When fireworks are such that the individual units contain Whencembastible or explosive s distances in such quantities, or in such wrappings, that it. would be possible to Produce a simul- taueaus or destructive explosion capable of producing a destructive effect on contiguous objects, or of destroying life or limb, they shall be classedas "EsPlosives", and the reg]• l lions of :Article SCM shall Apply. General Regulations. ' (a) No person, firm, or corporation shall keep,bar or use, for tine purpose of retail sale, discharge, or display ally fireworks or other pyrotechnics; provided, however, that nothing in these Standards shall be construed to prohibit (1), any resident wholesaler, dealer, or 243 Sections 2612-2G13 SECTION 2612: SMALL ARMS FIXED AMMUNITION. (a) The term "small arms ammunition", as used herein, shall mean any shotgun, rifle, pistol, or revolver, or similar cartridges, when of such size and nature, and in such packing, that it would be impossible to produce a simultaneous destruc- tive explosion of such units. (b) No person shall manufacture, within the corporate limits of any city, town, or village, any small arms ammunition. (c) Small arms fixed ammunition, in excess of 500 pounds, kept in buildings, shall be surrounded with enclosures of the following or equivalent construction: a screen of No. 1S galvanized wire, 1,!t-by-lfi-incb mesh, extending from twelve inehea above the floor to within eighteen inches of the bottom of ceiling joists, suoh screen to be securely fastened to vertical and horizontal supports, or frames, constrleted of wood or substantial angle iron, Wooden frame members shall be at least two inrhe+ by four inches, with more substantial supports at door openings, Vertical supports shall be placed net to execed eight feet apart and shall be securely fastened at flour :and co-ifb:g. Supports shall b.t placed so as to 1wrtoit ,`xsteu- u:g all edges of wire s"teen therein. Doors at openings shall i•^ of Ih+':mrnc I Luo;: nn sub,lautial hardware. SECTION 2613: LIGHTNING PROTECTION. ll. s,ival li;;lrtning shall lr.mcky Code for pro - r ri tuna, r. r I ....1,, cIll rc l:,: s, helpitnls, i s •.1. gess( ut.,rl . ,.1 vi, i. fame ies, depart- . oi! plass-. s ,a e scmbly, ineb,4l:,g, but not ... .. .. ,. Ii: alts .. a,rlitorii: r.:A, olxn•air „;l or ga. tank.,; and : I •.call" AtII all {wen to 14ri1ated ,. ..:;lar platy tuber. . . . .,..cmc. Sieh prntac- n bli.p arid, where . _... people live. sleep, .. . , _ ... .. ..: ear -trio linea and :: ahamae t t _ to M • .. i t.: :I,ly lu or icx _ .. .. ..it,.p .r ri:,eip built. pertinent Ili! Sections 2610.2611 242 jobber from sloth],- in reasonable quantities and from selling at wholesale, or for use permitted below, such fireworks as are not herein prohibited, or front selling any kind of fireworks provided Ill(- sans are to be shipped direotiy out of slate; or (2), the asu or fireworks by railroadi or w1wr transportation agencies for signal purpesos or illuuninaliou, m• [ho lade and use of firearms and fixed ammunition Ihorofor; umd further provided that written permission may be given by the Still(. hire Marshal or au authorized city official to properly quali- lied persons, for giving a pyrotechnic display of fireworks in a public park or other safe open place. (b) The following minimum restrictions shall be ob- served in conducting a display of fireworks or pyrotechnics, permission for which has Leon obtained as require(( by Para- graph (a) above: (1) Public display of fireworks shall be permitted only 1`1101 the actual point rat which the fireworks are to be fired is at least 100 feet from the nearest permit - rent building, public highivay, railroad, or other means of travel, or fifty, feet front tine nearest above- ground telephone or telegraph line, tree, or overhead obstruction. (2) The audience at a public display of fireworks shall be restrained behind lines at least 100 feet from tine point at which the fireworks are discharged, end only persons in charge of the display shall be allowed inside these lines. All fireworks that remain unfired after a display- is concluded shall be inunedinieh• dis. posed of in a safe way-. No fireworks display stall be held during any windstorm in which the wind reaches a velocity of more than thirty- miles a] hour, (3) There shall be, at all lintel, at least lire operators of the display on duty, both of who l shall he able. bodied men of at [cast eighteen years of age. (4) .1st least two soda -acid or other approved Class A type lire esiiuguishers, of at least 2>,6 -gallon capacity each, shall I1` kept at as widely separated points as possible within the area in which the discharging is being done. SECTION 2611; FIREARMS, (a) The discharge of any firearms at or wilhiu 500 feel Of any magazine or factory where explosives nn• stored or manufactured, is hereby prohibited. 5FC 7-1.PAI .0 /!1 Appendix A APPENDIX A FIRE PROTECTION Piro Departments 244 Fire Departments should be organized and equipped in accordance with the requirements of this Office, which will furnish details upon request, Inasmuch as training is essential for every efficient lieu department, this Office has established a department to furnish adequate training. fnstraclious arc available, without cost, to every city and industrial plant. In addition to constant drill- ing mud sclloeliug by its officers, ,very departln,ul, sheuhd avail itself, at least nuc week in every year, of the scrvi,es of this Offnee's Fire Department lustrncrt,rs. Waterworks To insure reliability, all pnmpiug equipment, including boilers, supply mains, etc., should he in duplieare, and the pumping station should be of fireproof emvifrumi.n. Addi. Iional reliability tall he secured be it large eh"caled tank, preferably located on the side of town opposite tie pumping station. plains should be of adequate size and gridiruned fn furnish an adequate supply of water at all effective pressure. Snudl mains are never an ec.mmny, red no mniu loss than aix inches should he installed, with the passible cxccptinu of nmins in remote, thinly built-up, residcnee sections, Water mains should be of a good grade of pill,, laid well below tl,c frost line- Fire hydrant eo neetionx to mains should he not les, than six inches in diameter. Fire Hydrants Fire hydraufs .I1`, Id I„• -,f a slruelnrd type, ,apahle of dolin•riug not I—, len sic I; b",l •,allmoi per minub•. ,ilb is loss of not more fliz lac„ :mud lu:. half pounds in III,, IrrdrarJ, ,,fill It luta( b", „f m4 a , than fiwe (round, 1 : ,-u It. wr.•t ,,,ml 1`,4 the unit 1 Ib,y A-ald have act I,., ti am ttw„ ''Gb i.1, 1, ,nal 1", amt "1". :, lar;-,. ,.Ir ltim ronr,•efi•+u is brrt• ;- -ll by lin• d p.0 h,aa:l, havu,G puwp e,. Tf.,.� .humid b:• of i,110, that ub,„ it I.ydeua hare! n I.rak'', •.fi the :ydrarlt "'lln,tuain rl..>••.1. Wr: ,•f ,,.,nn'.ii.,r.could 1,,. rods less than xis io"b, m d,❑]else sod e,beniJ i ,,I ..I Ib,e, thread+ ( +nt lkfs sltuoll b. :bon d cull, 0 w, lire drl,,atm• nt p:u:ilmrn, obis h-1,ovld of pet,i l:h• . I•ouu In fl:,• Nasi't ui Suaa ard. To ted,!,:c thu fri,two Idee h..1`. Iq dr.wl; .Laub( be I.ratcd nit m,r.: titan Ove hendred feet apart, and in 245 Appendix A heavy value and uumufarturin_` dlsiricts this distance should be reduced. Hydr:uns should be loratrd so as to be easily acre"ible to the fire department, with outlet. 'Arfi iently above the ground level to permit the full suing of au 18 -inch hydrant wrench. Hydrants should tiny kepi clear of weeds, rubbish, tvlr- phone poles, or other obstructions, and parking within ten feet. of a hydrant should M prohibited. Semiannual iuspr. tions of hydrants should be made in aeverdalce with tLe su ge,t,d procedure ou file in this r6v,. copic. of which Amy he obtained Alton request. Automatic Sprinklers Automatic sprinklers :are file mosteffective mans of extinguishing or roniroOing a fire unit this Office urges flat All large mervartile null warehouse areas :old ruetury build- ing,, rspreiall}' hazardnns sretions, he protected Ly it standard system of antnmalie prinklerm. Aulannitic. and even non- mlomatie dn• pipe twith water supplied ,daly by the fire department through a eonte"tdoi on the building front) sprinkler .y.,i,zm are particularly elective in combating fires in the kit ntcnt, of department and five:and-ten-cent stores. In special eonditiwr,, this Offiee may require the installation of spriulilvrs "r other alt"nmticextinguishing nystems, especially w'her,• neeessa•y to proti-et liven. Efective protertior front aureniatie spriiildr•ra depends upon uninterrupted service. It is, therefore, imperative that. once sprinkler equipment has been installed it bo given regular attention and properly maintained. Sections of piping contai"_ in,- water trout be kept adequately heated during cold w•enthcr, the required air pre.isure must be maintained in dry pipe scAcuts, And trapped portions of such systems must he kept. drained of condensation to prevent freezing. Control valves, dry pipe valves, and other appurtenances must be operated periodically to insure that they are in good operating con- dition. When A... partitions, 61.,o ceilings, or new additions or roustruetion of alt' type are contemplated in sprinklered buildings or sections, consideration must he given to the extension of the sprinkler system to cover all new ureas. Where "approveil sprinkler systems" are referred to in .p..: -,• Standards, such syntenns should be instilled in full com. ll.,m with the Kentucky Regulations for aulomatie sprinkler rquilnurut. 247 Appendix A :.i tam becomes familiar, immediately brings tic appliaccs into prominence, and will save valuable time in rase of emergency. In many industries temporary harards exist from time. to time. A good practice is to mninteia a few portable stands nr racks consisting of a horizontal bar Mt uprights with fret, locale these Stands as necessary, and hang on them such first aid fire appliances as are suited to the "Special hazard" to be protected. 2. Classification of First Aid Fire Appliances. In order to cspress the relative values of First Aid Fire Appliarcrs the following el—iffealion plan has been adopted: Classification of Fires. For all practieal purposes there are tl,rec g ii,•ral lane, of incipient fires. Clava "A" Fln•s may be defined as incipient fires in or -;nary c"mbuslilde materials, reLcre. the "Ctnenclliug" Anil roalintg rti+•cis of Iuautite, of water, or solutions conta;ring large le•rceutag••-i of water, are of first im. portance. Clans "is" Far, may L,•. 14-4,4 as inripicnt Ores in small quantteA e:( }1i115:nlanle liquid+, "'r. As", ric., where a "llianketi,:g" IT, .t i, c.•.rmi:d. Plass •'C•' Fire.: war. Lr d,a:sed As iacipieut Fir,, in etc:'i ri•al cyuil.n:,'ra; -,: i.. rc the n•.e of it "VemCuu,ln,i- n,g" ,z nal Y•:i d.a:x :: ;o- v.t ',-, :,f lirSl. im p.,rt:air„ Umt of Firsj�Aid Fite Protection. A unit Lai Lern adept• I for snail:i,.r.•„ in nleaaaring ti,e fire preteen son aflonlctl by first sial fire• Apld iatlaPa. The unit dN conpnnrd of fou+ un,• to }ire firs' aid fire ap4,disturA, d.•prading Upas if;* eatil:goW,ir,f volar• of It,, kind of apt,6— it campers;,,- till' "tut. 11 Appendix A 248 Standpipo Systems Inside standpitiva equipped with 2'/z -inch hose for lir, department use, and/or I'li-fnelt linen hose for the use of occupants, are very effe+aive ill fighting fires, especially it, industrial plants, wad may be required by this Office to con- . o—, trot a fire in a hazardous occupancy. To be effective, stand- of pipes must be properly designed, installed, supplied, And .It equipped. Specifications will be furnished upon request. Outside standpipes Attached to fire nsr:gars arc very useful for the work of the fire department. 1. General, First Aid Fire Appliances First Aid Fire Appliances are essentially what the name implies: apparatus provided close At hand for unucdiate it,, - when needed. It should be understood that they Are designed to cope with fires in their incipiency and are not to be regarded as a substitute for Automatic sprinlder-s or standpipe and hose. Various types of first aid appliances are described heroin. Each type is of value, but all are not equally eircctico upon various types of fires. For this reason, consideration :•li,nld be given to the class of fire which may occur oil aceouni of Ili,• nature of the processes }n, or cements of, it building. The requirements given herein are, in general, miuiuunu and file State Fire 'Marshal or authorized city official should be consulted in all eases. While file methods of operation of alae various types or apparatus are generally apparent from their very nature, it is important to give instructions to occupants of inuildin­ it order that all may understand their purpme and how to m,• them effectively. These instructions should he suppieurmell by yearly or more frequent. demonstrations. It is extremely important that the instructions regarding maintenance should be carefully followed so that the first aid fire appliances will be always fully charged, in their desi,, naied places at all times, and in it condition which will permit efficient operatfeu at any nionieut without delay. Au buildings where appliances sure likely to b,• ub cur"d by piles of stock, lumber, rte., it is de.inlble to paint. oil till, walls, or un I ards loaned well abuse if,., applianveA, a sign approximately one foot wide by fnur feet long, eousisting of Alternate diagonal stripes of sharply contrasting colors. Tbi, Appendix A 248 CLASSIFICATION TABLE The classes of fire, the appliances suitable, and the number required for a unit, arc scl forth in the following table: Tyle and Size Chemical ..lull.., __— (soda Acid) --- W.— ._— Ann I•,'neza Nonlllon ... .__ 1•Wam _�,.._..__.� I.caJeJ elrcum y-1,iinq I.nluid W,ol,"n Ti•lrachlande) No sat Nu s•, my l'umiwunJ Ullemical _- n i C 1 sat N,an,aelen and Il,.a,. vcxlem A,null i,nea - �- .\ arson The Pla,liflc.fi i ' :1•t" signifies that the appliance; sat d—silbsl ore N lif.i;bi for ase on "A" till's and that ouc such applla,l 1 is requ}rl•:I to make one unit of First And Fire Pro. t.•rtian. The cLassilirntion "It L; ( ,il.uifl, that it,, ap. pliaaee so classified is suimblo for it,, eft CIa+s "It" fir, :+ aa,i be CNA, "C'• Ix, and dal two such aptdi,ue r, are. '01, ir',i to make no unit of first aid Ore pretretiou, ole. 114rrels and pada tout not pump t+u,k.i rr „t la.r cxlin gui,h ,m, containing \-ler may be prv; Wld from ff.-,A.; I;e I1;.• addition of t} roc +nit one half punadsof ('Al, mal I'Id+a tale („ carp, gallon +f urates (effective to twelva de}frr, •. l al .0 ...r„ four I—Aide rfre,fit'.. to twenty, ion drrreea bel:c: rat lllg !brew r.- 1'roteC- ,'Irv.irl. nun Tram I+reczlnA .\ 1 Yce _ .\: Yea A.) A n Yea A I Y" _ A t Yrs A I You A IG Yea Yea No sat Nu s•, my l'umiwunJ Ullemical _- n i C 1 sat N,an,aelen and Il,.a,. vcxlem A,null i,nea - �- .\ arson The Pla,liflc.fi i ' :1•t" signifies that the appliance; sat d—silbsl ore N lif.i;bi for ase on "A" till's and that ouc such applla,l 1 is requ}rl•:I to make one unit of First And Fire Pro. t.•rtian. The cLassilirntion "It L; ( ,il.uifl, that it,, ap. pliaaee so classified is suimblo for it,, eft CIa+s "It" fir, :+ aa,i be CNA, "C'• Ix, and dal two such aptdi,ue r, are. '01, ir',i to make no unit of first aid Ore pretretiou, ole. 114rrels and pada tout not pump t+u,k.i rr „t la.r cxlin gui,h ,m, containing \-ler may be prv; Wld from ff.-,A.; I;e I1;.• addition of t} roc +nit one half punadsof ('Al, mal I'Id+a tale („ carp, gallon +f urates (effective to twelva de}frr, •. l al .0 ...r„ four I—Aide rfre,fit'.. to twenty, ion drrreea bel:c: rat lllg !brew r.- L40 Appendix A ,% rauvenieut welted of mixing i, to fill the barrel or other euutainer about two-thirds fall of water and slowly pour int ill,- pr-A,termined It lit}- of Ca h,iuw Chloride,stir- riug if na,rs.:u•y. 'rh,a add the aider ......wary to fill Ilse container, mad .tit• again until the A"hdi,ar IS uniform. When Caleiam Chloride k di-o!yrd in waive, cu ,ider- able heat is deet-0opcd. l•aleium 1'hlorid, s 111liou for use in galvanized euntaiuers shout" be prap,u•ed in it Aeparate tank and allowed to cool I" -for'. heing pbnvd in the eenitninet•s. The u— of n„•'al pair en- 1,t 1, is--onuuended, since ,•spm, lie.• ha, shown that III,., are wore Akfa,lor over Ir long polio" of live than 1. i,& wade of wood ra• litre. It is furile•r suer I. -J that round bottom pails be used, as they ill not Acord upright unit tiro therefore unsuitable for other n tea ilau for fire prevention. Pails of this kfud, painted bright red and .,ieneiled "FOR FIRE ONLY", are not .,, likely to he removed front raolls Ind will therefore he atrays on ]land when needed. If wooden containers are used, they Ahould he heavily coated with pitch or asphaltum. (This is also desirable in the ease of metal pail, to prevent water rust over great periods of time.) Core Ahou!d also be taken to see that hoops of wooden barrels are driven "corn tightly and are kept in a tight posi- tion. It is reeoin n ob-d Ihnu pails and barrels be covered to avoid accumulation of ordinaa;y dust and flirt. Covers also serve to prevent mapornion, and dilution from rain where the equipment is placed in the open. Only approved anti -freeze solution recommended by file manufacturer should be used in pump tanks and stored pres- sure extinguishers. WEIGHTS OF EXTINGUISHERS The following table gives the approximate weights of various types of hand extinguishers, when charged and ready for use: 1 Quart Carbon Tetrachloride ..................................... 7 ]b. 1 Gallon Carbon Tetrachloride ......................................... 25 to 35 16. 3 Callon Carbon Tetrachloride ............. ...... .......... ..... ..... 75 ]b. 7% lb. Carbon Dioxide ...... ................. ..._...._..... 35 lb. 15 Ib. Carbon Dioxide -... _........_ ......_-....... so to 60 ]b. 20 Ib. Carbon Dioxide (with handles) ......_.................... 55 to 75 lb. Ill or Ili Gallon Soda -Acid or Foam .....__.............. 20 to 25 lb. 212 Gallon Sada-Acid or Foam ....__. ..... _.........._...... 35 Ib. 21i Gallon Pump Tank .......... .. .... __.___.... .... ... 40 1b, 24i Gallon Calcium Chloride .._ _.._....___. ......... .__ .. 40 Ib. 5 Gallon Pump Tank ._.._ .. _. .....__....._.._..... ....... - . 65 lb. 5 Gallon Foam .............. ..... _............ ...._._._.......... _......... 70 Its. 251 Appendix IS SFcria� .�G/5" APPENDIX B FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS Tile Kentucky Building Code contains data and tables on fire resistance rating of walls and partitions, column prolee• lions, beam, girder and truss protections, and floor mad roof constructions. A very small ptlrt of the data follows: NOTE: In constructions where plaster coatings provide an im- pornt to note the pk nd of plaster used, theart of the fire resistancey proporit is tions of ]the ingredients, and the type and the method of fastening Of the lath. Gypsum plaster is superior to portland cement or lime plaster to resisting heat transmission. Unless asbestos or other fibre is added to porlland cement plaster, its fire resistance is further limited by cracking and spalling. The richness of the plaster mix has a considerable effect on the fire resistance, particularly with gypsum piaster, and if that luted ratings are to be obtHncd the n:ix must not he leaner than specified. 8 A/ Appendix A 250 a, Distribution of Units. Hand Devices. The number of units of first aid fire pro. teutjon stall be determined in accordance with lite character of tile incipient fire anticipated its indicated below. Where there arc special hazards in udduiou ro the ordinal-, lazarets of the occupancy, additional units of suitable type should be installed for the protection of such special hazards. Class I. fight hazard ur,•up:nleies, whore, because of relative1v small amouni of rnuhu.libles, incipient fires of minimum severity um}- be autiripaded. Units so lo, -ted Ilol a person will not hove to tined more that' our hundred feet from any point to reach the ne"""t unit. (ane unit may III- required erequired for each five thousand sgnla rr feet of hour area, NOTE: ols (ex- cluisiveclass of alrudeinclude schools office and shops), public buildings, etc. Class II. Ordinary combustible oteupaneies, where ineip- ient fires of averago extent may be anticipated. Unit so located that it person will not have to travel more than fifty feet from any point to reach the nearest unit. One unit may be required for each two thousand five hundred square feet of floor arca. NOTE: This class may include occupancies such as department and dry goods stores, warehouses, miscellaneous manu- facturing of average hazard, etc. Class III. Extra nrzardous occupancies, where, brenalse of character or quantity of combustibles, extra severe ineipicnt tires may be anticipated. Units so located unit a person will not have to travel more than fifty feet front any point to reach the nearest unit, plus additional units as directed. One or more units may be required for each two thousand five hun- dred square feet of Floor area. NOTE: This class may include occupancies such as wood- workers, paint spraying and dipping operations, etc. 4. Detailed Specifications Regarding the Operation, Care and Maintenance of First Aid Fire Appliances. Detailed specifieatiori regarding the operation, care and maintenance of First :lid Fire Appliances may be obtained front this Office upon application. Appendix B 252 Rating Details of Construction hours 3 in, 1:2, 1:2 gypsum and sand plaster on ?'s in. ilamc-pprooifed fibreboard plaster base - ............. 1 15 in. 1:'2 gypsum and sand plaster on % n. per- forated gypsum lath, one A in. diam. hole or larger for each 10 sq. in. of lath ........................ 1 Si in. unsanded, wood -fibre gypsum plaster on 1 expanded metal lath ........... ......._......:.................... (c) Partitions of 2 ]tours fire resistance may be bolt of 8 inches of brick; 4 inches of brick plastered on both sides; approved 8 -inch concrete blocks, preferably plastered; 3 -inch solid gypsum blocks; 3.inch hollow gypsum blocks, phlstcred; 8 -inch hollow clay tile, plastered; a inches of concrete; slid at 31/4 -inch solid partition will' metal studs and unsmaded, wood. ftbered gypsum Pinder on metal lath. 2, FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS OF CEILINGS, (a) Wooden Joists. Rated as "Combustible." slating Ddrlls of Construction hours Floor consisting of rough wood lloering, layer of Cabi Cabot's quilt insulating material, 2x2 n. wood furring strips, and finish wood flooring; —l- ing of ?a in. uneanded, w•.od-fibred gypsum FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS OF NONBEARING PAR- plaster on =s no. diam—d mesh expanded TITIONS. metal lath of 25 U. S, gauge attached by 2 in. in: Metal Stud Hollow Partitions. G -penny nails a in. apart or by egmvahnt 1 Rating staples . - with asbestos paper weth- Double boardn floorinG g Dude <.f Usnlrurtion Yours ing14 Ib. per 100 sq ft. between ceding of ?'e in. ursanded, wuxl-figy bred pi sum plaster on i5 n. 1:2 gypsum :,lid sand plaster on as in. expanded metal lath, each side steel studs. . I perforated gypsum lath attached by 11. in. 'i in. 1'2 port}ard cement and sand 4lruter In the halls with N m, heads; 3 n. stops o[ expanded scratch coat. 1.3 gypsum and uuA plaster n metol lath nailed over all Joints rn g5'pst'111 lath the ilea.., coat, in expanded rr:N rl lath, each using 19i in. nails with 1i in. tends ,,do st 1 bled. . 1 (b) Steal Joists, ?i In. 1:2, l:2 g p+um .1i l sarst plaster on ex- 2 in. concrete floor slab on expanded metal tell' par•dcd rectal lath, earn sole zVc studs - .. i on steel joists; coiling of l in. ununited, wr,nd- I n uraaaded, w,✓nl-111, A gypsum plaalrzr rn fibred gypsum plaster on expanded metal lath d 2,1 in. eunercte Iluor slab on eupa!:dcd metal expsndev'1 in" lain, carh s. a steel t4uds .. 2 lath on steed joists; ceiling of ?i in. L•2, 1:3 gyp - Ii no I Lypfmn and sand planter no ?e In sunt arid sand plantar no cxp•t I,d metal lath gypratl patter Ix,.rda tach talo steel xnlds pe.:;l:rg 1,,. Ir,. a I.A :.:r 1L, Wood Stud Hallow Partttfans (Stud 2x4 Inches or Larger. Finished on Each Side). Rat" as "Cam- hcatihle." - - IcItng a, "ads i_IP—.,a Stud. ' Existing Buildings. (at to the applieatfon or these Standard. to ovi"tfng buildings, this tittle, may. in certain cases, aerept three, quarter inch(. t7l'sunr (wood fibre, sand and g}psuta, lir 'l-ownt plu.ter oat expanded metol lir gypsum hath applied rl;r—fly to studs or Joists in partitions lir ceiling -1, in lieu of full "ane-bawr" cru"truetiou, ouch as is specified in Items 1 and 2 above, provided (1) the construction of the renin" or purlitirns is .thenvise good and 121 the degree of haeard is art teSi 253 Appendix C APPENDIX C "DON'TS" 1. Don't forget that the best time to prevent a tire is when the plans are on the drafting board. 2. Don't expose valuable property to an unnecessary fire hazard either inside, or ill sheds or additions adjoining or exposing. (NEWS 1TEAL-"Large warehouse destroyed by fire Which started in adjoining watchman's shanty." 3. Don't praelicc. false economy Where safe construction or fire prevention is concerned. 4. Don't overlook the fact that clean premises seldom burn. 5. Don't be careless with fires or tbiugs that will cause fires. Fires look more than len thousand lives last year, - mostly Women and children. 0. Dont fail to provide adequate space above, beneath, and around all beat producing devices. 7. Dont fail to investigate, if you smell smoke. S. Don't become excited during a fire, -stop and think. The fire won't increase much in a few seconds, and cool action on your part may save your life or the life of a loved one. 9. Don't rut if your clothes are on fire; beat the fire out, using a towel or, rug, or roll up in a rug, if handy, -if not, roll of the ground or floor. Don't breathe the flames. 10. Don't open a door leading into a space Which is afire, unless you are braced so as to close it quickly. immediately close the door into a room whielt is on fire, and keep it closed until the fire department arrives or you are prepared to light the fire. Remember, a draft always increases the intensity of a fire. Il. Don't walk through a space heavily charged With ,moke,,-crawl; there is always fairly fresh air near the floor. 12. Don't jump from a window except as a last resort. If o11 lite second floor, ling from a window sill, then drop to the ground. Sheets or curtains may be torn tip and made, into a rope to escape from the second or third floor. 13. Don't fail to locate a way to get out, other than the entrance, when you attend any public function, and before you go to sleep in a strange place. 14. Don't fail to call the fire department promptly when you discover a fire. 255 Appendix C 33. Don't keep oily rags or mops in closets or other con- cealed spaces. Keep them in proper containers, or outside in a metal box. 31. Don't f uilknowto all of or write to severe fire hazardhe eor a1C f or to this Office, if blo ked }' or locked exit in a building where large numbers of persons assemble or sleep. Il�lhhhhh■n Appendix C 25.1 15. Don't fail to have at least one chemical extinguisher, in good working order, in your home and in your place of business. If you have, no extinguisher, keep It filled Water bucket bandy. 16. Don't lot children play with fire or matebes. 17. Don't put hot ashes in wooden boxes or barrels. 18. Don't start n lire With kerosene. 19. Don't use gasoline for cleaning, especially if there are ally open lights or slaves in use. Gasoline vapors are heavier than air and Will travel a wnsiderable distance along tine floor. Many Well-known products on the market contain gasoline and are dangerous. 20. Don't fail to provide a good, Well -fitting, screen for the fireplace. 21, Don't leave an electric iron without turning it off, to anstver the telephone or the doorbell. 22. Don't twist electric light cords around nails, fasten them with staples, or use then under rugs or in other places where the insulation may become worn. 23. Don't pill pennies behind electric fuses or use any- thing except a fuse of tine proper size. The fuse on an electric circuit is there for a purpose; if it blows a second time, call an electrician and instruct him to make the necessary changes. 24. Don't use tallow or wax candles on Christmas trees or place them in a window. Also don't use cotton or paper for decorating Christmas trees -use glass ornaments and min. eral wool or other incombustible decorations. 25. Don't allow rubbish to accumulate. 25. Don't keep matches where children call reach then. 27. Don't start bonfires oil windy clays, or where they may communicate to heeds or combustible property; and don't leave fires unattended. 28. Don't loot: for gas leaks with a lighted match, candle, or open flame. 29. Don't look for anything in a closet with a lighted match. 30. Don't throw that cigarette out of a window, or mny-- where else, unless you know it is out. Better put fn in ash receiver, or step on it. 31. Don't smoke where you arc not supposed to. 32. Don't forget to squeeze the ]lead of a burnt match before you throw it away -,-thou you will know it is out. r, Appendix D .. 250 SgCr/O r/ aGl9 . APPENDIX D MENTIMATION OF CODES, REGULATIONS, AND STANDARDS Various nationally recognized Codes, Regulations, and Standards have been adopted by the Director of the Division of Insurance as Standards for the Commonwealth of lieu- lueky. These codes, regulation,, mud standards, as listed fn Section 100, are in aceordmnce with the current edition of the following: L Building Code of the N. B. F. U. 2. Soilding Exits Code, of the N. F. P. A. 3. Regulations o/ the N. D. F. U. for Prutcetion of Wall Openings. 4. Regulations of the N. D. F. U. for Incinerators. 5. Regolmlom, of the N. B. F. U. for Merchundix Vaults. g, Regulations of the N. D. F. U. for Airplane, Hangars, 7. Regulations N the N. B. F. U. lir Ovens for Flammable Finishes. 8. Regulations of lis N. D. F. U. for Piers and Wharves. 9. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Garages. 10. Regulations of the N. D. F. U. for Air (.auditioning and Ventilating Systems 11. Regulations of the N. B, F. U. for Blower and Exhaust Systetas. 12. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Waterproofing and Drainage of Floors. 13. National Electrical Code of the N. B, F. U. 14, Regulations of the N. D. F. U. for Central Station Signal. Ing Systems. 15. Regulations of ate N. B. F. U. for Proprietary and Local Signaling Systems. J0. Regulations of the N. D. F. U. f.r Municipal Fire At Systems. 17. ReY.ulotiaus of the N. R. F. U. for Centaur for Flam- mahle Liqukh, 10. Ri puhrwons of thv N. D F. U for Oil flaming Equipment. la. ld•11. inns 'A rho N. R. F. U. for Stowe ami Hang, Oil Burners. 20. C xklsrgr,Applt:a 111 N. 11. F. U. for Small heating and 21. lo.gotaliors of it,,. N. 11. F. U. for Dichar tog FI...,blc I lquida twin T+mrk ('ars+, wed Petroleum Lipa Lninea. 22. Alan,. -:,a ti1.,ndarJ (bdo for Preisurc Piping. 23. A. F. M R 11.1m d Pr i e:.ure V-1 Cole and A. 1`. 1 -- A. S. ht E Cud.,. 21. ltegulall. of the N. D F. if. for Dip Tanks. 2.a. tfcgalations of alto N. Il. F. tf for Pant Spraying. 2a. Aequlstln- of the N. Il. F. if. for Inlr-rna Cr,m -lion Faaglnell. 27. Rcga.aurn: el tho N I1 F. 11. for Dry Cleaning Plants 23. ltct�ulalia., �+1 mho N. D. F 1f. 4:r Compr..•ased and ldque. ani Flammable C1a¢¢s 254 Appendix D "9, RegulaGens o(I the N. B- F. U. for Acetylene Equipment. 30. Regulations o[ the N. B. F. U, for Gas Systems for Cutting -nd Welding. 31. Regulations of the N. B. F, U. for Gasoline Vapor Gas Slachincs, 32. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for City Gas Piping and Fittings_ 33. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Coloring of Fruits and Vegetables. 3+. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Manufacture of Splrilu- otis Liqucis. 35. Regulations of the Burcau of Mines, U. S. Dept. of Agri- culture. 38. Regulations of lite N. B. F. U. for Pulverized Fuel Systems. H Regulations of the N, B. F. U. for Starch Factories, Ter- minal Grain Elevators and Flour nulls. 38. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Prevention of Dust Explosions. 39. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Prevention of Dust Ignition in Country Grain Elevators. 40. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Nitrocellulose Motion Picture Film. 41. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Photographic and X -Ray Nitrocellulose Ft in. 42. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Pyroxylin Plastic In Factories. 43. Regulations o[ the N. B. F. U. for Pyroxylin Plastic in Warehouses and Stares. 44. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. far Combustible Fibres. 45. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for First Aid Fire appliances. 46. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Foam Extinguishing Syi stems 47. Regulatons of the N. B. F. U. for Carbon Dioxide Systems. 48. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Automatic Sprinkler Equipment. 49. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Standpipe and Hose Systems. 50. Regulations of the N. B. F, U. for Water Spray Nozzles and Systems. 51. Regulations of the N. H. F. U. for Centrifugal Firc Pumps. 52. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Gravity and Pressure Tanks. 53. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Fire Department Hose Connect 1, as. 5t. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Outside Protection. 55. Regulations oY the N. H. F. U. for Hose Houses for Mill Yards. 56. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. for Valves Controlling Water Supplies. 57. Regulations of the N. B. F. U. far Private Fire Brigades. 58. Regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission. 59- Code for Protection Against Lightning (Dept. of Com- merce). NOTE: In the foregoing list, the National Board of Fire Under- un'ilers is briefly referred to as the N. B. F. U., the National Fire Protection Associntiort as the N. F. P. A., the American Society of Mechanical Engineers as the A. S. RI. E.. and the American Petroleum Institute as the A. P.. Compressed and Liquefied Flammable Gases (other than Section Acetylene)..__............................................_........_..._...... 1913 Applianccs..._......_........._._........._._...._.._..__._..,............_ 1913 Construction & Marking of Containers ........... _.._.._,_.... 1,'J04 Definitionof.....__._..._........_._...._......._.._--._..-.._.._....._.... 1900 Electrical Installations and Open Flames .....__...__ ....... 1912 Hosc....... ............._......... _......... _........_.."-"_._.__........_..... InHosplu"..__...__._............_._-.........._._....__......._.-......_. 1908 807-7 Installation of Containers ..-.._....._.-.._.._..._..-._ ................. 1908 Location of Containers -.....-....__ .............__.___....._.._......- 1905 Odorant_...... ...... -....... ..... ..-....._........_...�_.._........ _........ 1903 Permits and Inspection.......,._._......_........_..................._101 & 1901 "of Piping. Tubing &Fittings ..................... _.. ....10 Tank Trucks and Trans urtation ..-. p .-- 1911 Tr•.n,fcr of Liquids - .q .t......_...-_ ............ ._...... _. ...... W10 IL, re of Standard System ....._......__ .... 1902 ....... ....._ 301-3 2601 1909 aiticalian..._....^..........-._.._-..�•-.._..-__. 1911 Cr. tratRonr--Cla ..._._......._._.._..._..._-._._•-._._-...... 300 Flrstrppire.......__.........._......_._....................__._.-.-.......... 301-2 General R lluireme its for ..._......_.._._.__._.._..._........ .... 301 InChurches ..................... _........ ..... ...... ................... ......... 806-1 In Department Stores ....... _........... .__.-..-.-........ ..... 810-1 In Dry Cleaning Plants _.._-.-....._......._.......... 2203-2 & 2204-1 InFactories _._....,.._..._.__. _._.......__.._..._._.... __..... _.. 809-1 in GaraKes ant Setvlca Statioru ......._...._..._............ __.. 1601 In HtIt AFsrtmorls, etc ..._....._._......,___......_......._ 808-2 (n Itr iials, Asylums, etc...._.......-__ ................._._...... 807-1 In "daCra Picture Theatres ._..._...._ _._......_- _...._.... 800-2 In NiKat Clubs, etc..__ ..... .. ....... ...... .................__ 804-1 In . C Ooh ... . _-_..--.. ._ .. .. .. .. ao5-1 Itcqulrrmer:ta for hfaterials ........ 501 & 800-3 Cuaking APPRances-See "Ikat-Prodarirg Devitt " .............. .... 2100 Cupola Cblame'.... ._ .. .. 504 Col. •'Dcenrat:oinl' ... D Permits and Plans __...... _......... ._....._......_.._..._..._.101-2 & 101-3 Dante 11,16- Sec "Night Clubs, et", Ueroratoms-In Slatlon Picture Thnatre. - 800-20 Apartmi. r4s, ifau:a, Residences 808-7 In Night club,- ate.. .... .. 1104 3 1n Places of A-arbly .. 2104 oral . IlefiarUsisst 200 t 24lorea--(ir-raral SLo Ilep,;, 010 Farnri. oral P;e_ ice can 101-2 fiaabI3st of - Apf-di. C tl.x-rcays--Uanr Fasie '.Lv - 1� 2200 .__......._...... . ... __... ._. Dust Explosions ........................... 800-13 513 ...__ _..... ......... yc ng -See "Dry Cleaning and Dry Dyeing." 50-2 E L, -.Int:eu Psh:rc T):rv_-ea L;sbitrg of 510 itpva:ving Da%r: CiC� 9 Trorvl>arar.t MA 5 Width and Height Srf-1 is - 8 0i-8 d r INDEX (References are to Sections.) A Acids -See "Hazardous Chemicals-" Section Acetylene Generaiors-._...._...._..................... ................... ........ 2101 & 1201 .lir Conditioning SYstetns ...................................................800-0 Airports -General Recii,rements ....................... _...............2501 & 2502 Permits and Plans _........_.._....-___-._.....__..._ .............101 & 2500 800-0 Aisles-Iu 9lolioa Picture Theatres ............................................ 514-3 In Places of Assembly .......__..__.._ .................._.....-..._....... Alarms--Sce "Fire Alarm Systems in Bldgs." ........... Alley --Definition of..................................._.._........-........._-._.....- 200 2612 Ammutdllon-Small Anna ...............__............_ Apartment House-Sce "Hotels, etc:' - Application of Flammable Pinishes--Dipping ••-.-.... .......... 1702 FlowCoat .......... .__...-_...-.._........__.__..-........ In Bowling Alleys .__.___......... -._............. _._................. ._._.__,.._. 1703 ..... 804-6 In Finishing Shops ........-.._ .......... _.- ................... ...... _.._. 1700 1704 Ovens....... _..... _................. ..... ._... _.............. _.._.......... Spraying........... ......................... ......-............... _.-....... ........... ........ 1701 Approved -Dentition oP_.._....._._...... _._......_.._._......__.-..... 200 Architects -Registered .......-............ _.................... ....... ....._ 301-3 2601 Ashes -Disposal of ........... Asylums-Sce "Hospitals, etc." 801 Auditonums-General.__......_......... .-....... -............. _.._.-......... 101-2 Permits and Plans .._._....._ .................... ........ ....._.-...... Automatic Sprinklers ...... ...................100, 500, Appendix A B Basement -Dentition oP..............................._...._................. ........ 200 Blasting-Sce '•Explosives." Boilers -Sec "Heat Producing Devices:' BonFirm .. . ............. ........._................. -...................... ..... -.......... ...... 2602 Booths--Sce "Motion Picture Baolhs." Bowling Alleys -See 'Night Clubs, etc." Building Restrictions ......513-2, 301-2, 100, 401 & 402, Appendix B Business BuRding-Definition of ..._..._._._............... _....... .... 200 C Calcium Carbide & Acetylene Generators- Acetylene Generators ......-........... _.-___...... _....... _..- 2101 2100 Storage of CarbId........_..... _-..-...._.-_._._-....._.__..._... Capacity-Calcuhdh` 10, Exits _-.-.._..-.__..._._-__ ........ 501 & 800-3 Carbide.-.......-._.._._......_.-_._.___.-..._.....__-........_.... Chemicsls-Sec "Hazardous Chemicals," .............. .... 2100 Chimney, Flue &StackConstruction -..._..2613 & 900 through 004 For Gas Appliances ..........._................ __.._..... ...,_......_- 1016 Churches -General .. ....................... __...._.____....._.-_. 806 Permits and Plans __...... _......... ._....._......_.._..._..._.101-2 & 101-3 rn...";no Bre, "Dry Cieaning &DryDyeing." --a.. _r ��t of ........100 1 &Appendix D D,IIL -See "Fire Drills." Secliun _".. Dry Cleaning wd Dry Dyeiag ..... Class I SYslcros .. 2200 ................_....._. Class li Systems _... .. . ....... 2203 ._.......................�......... ..._ I ass III Systems _.. __ 2204 st.c.i ._...... _...._._._ ..._._ o[ SYslcros Clnssit' .. 2205 ......._ cfinitton o[ f 2202 ......_...._..... ... Permits and Plans - 1� 2200 .__......._...... . ... __... ._. Dust Explosions ........................... _.._ _.....101 & 2201 ...__ _..... ......... yc ng -See "Dry Cleaning and Dry Dyeing." _. 2008 E Educational Institutions- sce "School. el"', Iileclrical Wiring and Equipment -Detailed Requirements General .._6 ., 1101 In ApartmenIlotels, cle "" IIOJ �....... In Diy Cleamog Pianls 803-5 tit liospilaPiis, etc......, " .-103-4 & 2204-2 hi In olion elure Thrsdree - 8 0i-8 R'.1,41., Duilditlgs - --• 800-17 Exit Favililles-_Oviinif•. ,n „f 100 & Appendix B . Doorways .. 501-1 Figuring Capacity for 909 & 300-il Fire Esaapcs 5002 & 800-3 ,. Fire Towers 513 General. - S00 Hallways and Passagowals ..._ 500 Ilorizontal Exits ... 508 & 800-10 1Churches - 507 In Department Stare, 006-2 .. In Factories ... 810.2 In FlwPitals, 809-2 In Floteis, Apartments, ale 807-2 In Motion Picture Thcalres . W8-3 800-3 through B00-14 In Night Cluhs and other Places of Amuements In Places of &-ohly ... 004-2 In In Schouls- Sl4 - 803-3 Interior Stairways and Ramps.. 805-2 Lighting in . - 504 & 800.8 Iexation - 510 & 6011-12 Number Rcquirvd SU3 & 800-7 0 otruclirns to . fluhBde Stairway:, amt [Lamps 522 & ¢08-7 512 & 800-14 'lige, far 505 & 800.8 F:zlposlona -Su• "Ilwt RsPias:•,u �'• SI! & P.00-13 Isphrtives Iirt)nilion of /,;enersl llegul:dn.na Prints 1.,.. 1000 102 1883 SWragn & 1401 Transporb Ii"o 1863 1'sc /,(- Dli,nill:y' 1864 E F Section Factories -General ..._ ........................ ........... ......__......... _...... 809 Permits and Plans ..........._.......-._.. .... _..... .......... _._....._..... 101-2 Fibres-Sce "Combustible Fibres." __ 1.110 Film-Sce "Motion Picture Film" and "Nitrocellulose X -Ray Film:' Underground Tank Leakage .. ......... _...................... _........... FinishinAg-Sce "Application of Flammable Finishes." Fire Alarm Systems in Buildings-Gencral _._...... __ Goo In Hotels. Apartment Houses and Other Residence Buildings __ ................ .............._..._._._.._____...._... . 808-8 Sending Stations .. .......... .._............._._...._......_......._._...._.. 602 Sounding Devices .... ............. _.............._......__......._.......... 601 Firearms..............._...._..._................................. __._........__2611 & 2632 Fire Departments ..............._ ......... _....... ............. ._. ........... Appendix A Fire Drills -General .... .......__.......... _........ _....... ...... ................ _ 701 In Hospitals and Sanitariums _ ............._......._..._.._.._....... 703 /n Industrial Establishments .... ..........._.._..._...._.._........... 702 In Places of Assembly .__ ......................_.._.._.._...._---_-_--- 705 InSchools .......................... .......__......_...__ ........ ._._..._.... 704 Fire Escapes ­ Exterior Stairways ............. _-. ........ ._......... 513-2 General_ ........... _..__._........ ......._.........._....... ...... ........... 513 Spiral or Tubular ................... ........_.........__ ............. _.. _.... 513-3 Fire Hydrants..............._.._................_....__..._.................... Appendix A Fire Limits.................._._.._..........._..._.._.....__......_.. ........ ...... 400 Fircplaces..-.....__....._.._._._...._.._.__....._.._....__....._._..........._ 902-7 Fire Preaentioa Lectures -In Schools ......_-__ .................-'-" 805-8 Fire Protection _ ............._........_..... -...._................_.808-30, Appendix A Fireproof Coastruction-Definition of ............ .........._............. 300 Fire Res Nin"ce Rating -Definition of _ ......... _...............___ 200 TableoI... ....... ____ ............ _... ................... ........... Appendix B Fire Resistance Rating of Ceilings .................... _... ........ ......Appendix B FireStopping ............ _._.._........... .......... _......... ...._ .................. ... 301-2 FireTowers .__............._.__......._.............._._._......._.._..._..___ 506 Fire Rall-Dellnition of ....__......_............. .................. ......... _... 200 Requirements for .....-_..._ ... ........... .............. _._.._......... 301-L Fire ltiork........... .... ..._..._........................ ............ ....... ............ . 2610 First Aid Fire Appliances ............. .._.._.......Appendix A Flame Proofng-Sce "Decoratio." n..........................._._.„,. F.1':• x;:ry 'I:=, �tr.,� Tents ..._.......... .._............__._....._._............_.. 803 -2For Flammable Liquids -Application and Definitions ... __........ . 1400 Delivery and Withdrawal . .......... 1410 Dykes........... ._._...... _........... __....._..._._..._....._......_.._... 1406 Fuel Oil Equipment .. . ............ ...__........... _......... __.......... 1412 General Restrictions ..........._.. . ................ ___ .................... 1403 General Precauti¢ns............. ........ ....._.._......_ ....................... 1411 In Bowling Alleys............................_....._..._......_.._._....... 804-G In Dry Cleaning Plants __........... 22 In Finishing Operations ..........._ .............._................ _....... .... 1700 In Garages and Service Stations ......._.._.._......_....._.._. 1605 In Hospitals, etc. ..............._............__.._..............__.__...._. 807-6 Permit Requirements for .......... ........ _............._....... ..... 101 & 1401 Petroleum Pipe Lines ............ _._.__...._.._._...... _............ _ 1414 Piping, Valves and Appurtenances ....._ ............ .... _......... 1409 Plans and Specifications ..._..._._..­_ ............... ............... 1402 Protection from Flood .................................... _._........ ... 1407 Refineries. Bulk Stations, etc...._.._.._.._._.._.-._.._._.... 1415 Stile. and Handling Inside Buildings ..__.._..__._......._... 1404 G Garages, Repair Shops and Service Stations,— Section Stge. and handling Outside Buildings ................ ......... 1405 Tank Car Unloading ..........._ ...................... _.._.._._...._.------ 1413 Tank Trucks and Transportation ........................ .......... __ 1.110 -, Venting of Tanks ........... . .............. _............................ _......... 1408 Underground Tank Leakage .. ......... _...................... _........... 1411 • Flues-Sce "Chimneys, etc.” 1609 i Name Construction -Definition of ..__ .................................._.. 300 Fumiganls-Sce "Hazardous Chemicals." 1606 Furnaces-Sce "Float Producing Devices." 1604 G Garages, Repair Shops and Service Stations,— Section Construction of ......._......._ .............__ ----- ............_..__.......... 1601 Definition of ........................... ................ ........ ........................ 1000 Flammable Liquids in . ................... ......................... ...... 1605 FloorDrainage .... ..._._..............._......._................................. 1602 First Aid Protection _._._...._...._ ............... _... ...... ___ ....._ 1610 ' General Safeguards .. .......... .... __...................... ...... _........ _. 1609 1 Heating .. ... ...................................... _....... .._....................... 1603 r Pits and Trestles ......................... __....... ..................... _........... 1606 iVentilation .............__.._..........._......._........_.........._......_._.... 1604 Gas Burning Devices --See "Heat Producing Devices." 507 Gas, Odorization.._ .... _................._........ .......__._............aces." .. " Gases -Sec "C and Lfgticficd Flammable Gases' ............ 807-7 it Crc lsed Gas Welding and Culling 807-1 . ....lons- o ... ...._......_................_......_._.._......._........_......._.. 2000 Coupling of Cylinders .......... ..._........... ......._...._....___....._ Coupling 2004 General.... ...... ................ ..._............... .......... 2001 Illme..........._......_._....._....__........._.._._._....._.._.....- .............. 2005 OperatingPrecautions._........_....._._..._..__...._........_..._... 2002 Permoni:nt and Shop Systems ....... ..... ___ ........... .... 2007 Piping-......_.._._.._._.._......._..._..._..._...._......_._..._....._._... 2003 Storage of CYlinders......._.....-............._...._._..._............... 2006 Gas 1Velis-See "Oil and Gas Wells." 807-5 H Hall -See "Night Clubs, etc." Section In Garagcs and Service Stations ...... _.._.._-. --_..._._---.:. 1603 80-5 ....... ................. _ 800-10 ., 808-5 InHotels, cic............_........._...........-_._._......_................_ • In Motion Picture Theatres _.......-._....___...._._.._.._..._. 800-15 8051 In Schools ._......._.._._..............._�..-......._..._.._.......__.. ...1013 Pcoscrc Staves ....-......._.__......_._.-.........___..._._.......... r 1002 Mourtin8 or Setting .,......--_._......__.............._..__......... Prctceticn oL Combustible Material ...___..._.__.__...._. 1018 Smoke Pipe and Breeching -•-..••.-..••---.-• 1015 through 1008 Cnit Heaters and Wall Heaters _._...._... 1004 t',milaticm ..- ......... ......_........... 200 Heavy Timber Conslraction-De6uition height-Definitson_...._..._._............._..._._......._._......_._........... 200 hollow Block-Dcfimti¢n......_...._..._._......._...__._......._._._... 507 Ifor)rontal Exits _ Hospitals, Asylums, Sanitariums, and Institutions .._..._....._ 80803 tes and Fir. Drills .._. .. _. ..._._...... Alsrn Sysm ............ 807-7 Comhusubie Gases in _....._._......_....._ ... ..................... 807-1 Construction .. ..._...... .. .. _... ....._._.. -"'" ........ 807-2 Exits .. _. ., ....... 807-11 _.. Extrarecus Occupancies-- 807-6 Flammable Liquids In . ......... .. .......__.. _. 807-4 Heaung ._ ...... ._ . _�__................ ................ 807-10 Hotton irtc1 ......_.._.-._._.......... ..... ............. at .... .... _ _ Motion P 4.11• Fns .._2, 807-12 101-2 & 101-3 __ Permita and Plans _....___..... 807-9 Static Electricity .- -q., - ,997-8 Wiring and F.!e<t;:r..! F.quiFar.nr't - 807-5 X -Ray Film ir: n¢tels, Aputmers IlI—-, and Illhrr Iteside,11 Buildings 808-1 Appbcatina .. 808-4 Exporurc 808-9 Provixiors '.( F:varaai✓:: 803-1] S...it Inspect ua Appendix A lfydraats-<lencral Nb" rs in ...... ................ _.........._ _. _ _.. ...._ 1 Permits and Plans ..._....__.._........_. . . _.. 0-.i :.. PrWPl'r Picture Booths and Operation of Machines 800-24 lhacl ate.. des-5e�`Ilaiat -: 141.4 mepecti,xix-Grnrrai &T3.8 Of Trnri 1-0tutioinl Butldm,; -DILit:t.'a: It 290 L t'avilluns, .,it Similar Places of Amuse t -t- Lardings-: r �Sai� r.a; 5;' 510 LiihtinR-b.1:rllKr,yx - 3gri-IZ & Z(O-17 F.1':• x;:ry 'I:=, �tr.,� 514-4 In V.-`, -.:.:i7 .. fi92-t /l 2113 til Pr"l+elb)i1 htg.,5rd_Petrolecm (-1 :.i.kTue- 6.01-4 MU". I= Motion I•khr. Fil.. tl Iwii HCaaa O Mi+rrUramua Yeerwtto¢a S - - 1501 Pero.-. H Hall -See "Night Clubs, etc." ....__....._------ 2600 Hallways and Passageways-Gencral ............... _........ ...___ 508 In Motion Picture Theatres ........... _._.. ....... ................. _ 800-10 Ilandmils-Sec "Stairways." Fireworks hangars -See "Airports." Hazardous Chemicals..................._._------�__�_..__•_........... Hazardous Chemicals .....-............... _.._..._...-............. _............... 2609 liealers-Sce "Heat Producing Devices." Open Flame Devices _........_.__..._... _........_.. Heat Producing Device's --Chimneys, Flues, and Vents (Gas) 1016 Classification of Devices ......... 1001 Clearances ...._._......_........... ........... ... __.._....._.- ..... _........ 1003 Counter or Portable Appliances ................ _.._.__._...... 1010 Deterioration and Maintenance .........- ......... ..._................... 1017 Floor Furnaces ........ ....... __ ..........................1003, 1015, 1016, 1005 Furnace Duct Systems ......_ .............. _ ... ......... _....... ............ 1009 Gas Burning Devices ...._..... ....... _....... _ ................-.....1011 & 1012 Gasoline Devices..........._........................-_.......-._..__._.._... 1014 General..._...... __........................................ ._..... _... __............... 1000 Incinerators _........._._ ...... ..... ..-... ...... ............... .... ......... _... 1019 InChurches ... ............ _.................. _._ ................. _............. 80G-4 In Dry Cleaning Plants ... ............... _................ ....2203-1 & 2204-2 Section Disposal of Rubbish .... ...............-............... ... ....__....._------ 2600 Dust Explosions ............... ..... ___ ..._..........._..............._.._... 2608 Firearms........ ....... -_-_---------._................ ............ .......2611 & 2612 Fireworks 2010 Hazardous Chemicals..................._._------�__�_..__•_........... 2609 Lightning Protection ..._ ....................................... .....__. _.._ 2613 Open Flame Devices _........_.__..._... _........_.. ..._. _.. 2605 Openings.... .......................... ..............__._. -......... ..... 2806 Packing Materials and Decorations ....... ..... ...__.. 2004 Parking..__....................... .. .... .. _.......__.........._ __...512, 2007 Street Gratings ................ ...._.... ..... ..._. ....._............. 2603 diotion Picture Iloolhs--Construction and Operation of ...... 800-21 Motion I'iclur. Equipment -In Churches ... ........ __. _..__. 800-3 In Ilospilals _. .... ....... .__...._ ....._.. __......_ 807-12 In Schools . ....... _. .._ _ .. _...... ... .._...._. 805-3 \lotion Picture Film --In Auditoriums and Thwlres ._......... 801 In Churches - ... _ ..... ....... ... 806-3 007-12 In MOUOI, Picture lhealn. .. ....11OU-1 & 000-24 In Schools ...................... __...... .. _.... .. .._.. 605-3 Storage and Sal.... _... _........ . .... ........... 2300 & 2301 Motion Picture Theatres -Construction of .......800-2 & 800-23 Curtains and Dcwmlions in ._ ... . 800-20 Exit Drills for .................. .. --_.._ _. _......... ............... 800-22 Exit Facilities for ........... ... .. .. _.._.. 800- through First Aid Protection for _.......__. 800-+1 21 General .._........... ................ ..... .. .. .. _.__.. -..... 8-1 Heatingof ._ ............................... _. .. _. 800 15 Lighting and Electrical Equip- --- -- 800-17 Nb" rs in ...... ................ _.........._ _. _ _.. ...._ .._ _ .. 800-Ifl Permits and Plans ..._....__.._........_. . . _.. 101-2 & 101-3 Picture Booths and Operation of Machines 800-24 Smoking in .......... .......... ............ ..... ..-.._. .._ _. 800-19 Ventilation and Air Conditioning of N Night Clubs, Dance 11all% Bowling Alleys, Recreation halls, t'avilluns, .,it Similar Places of Amuse t -t- il vhug Alleys .... ... ... .. ... .. 8A 6 Ccr.:.tr uc Uon of .. _.. _... .. 6.04-1 Dec w:d:on.: mid S,cnriy .... ... ..._. 804.3 fire. a,:l Buono; .. __ 804-5 6.01-4 MU". I= Motion I•khr. Fil.. 2300 & 2301 H Nilnmellulrre Xdlay Fill, III¢apitole: 807-5 O Oil and Gar Well. L:x-anou and Shooting - 1501 Pero.-. lot & 15no F',p:r:il • rJ Valves 1504 & 1505 1502 T.mkn i.cd C ndeincn 1603 "it..... 1412 open Air Thratrea lite "Thratres" Oprnings 26 m ordinary Coaslrurllan -Demliti," 3'.:9 0"a.- `i Ili:,l 11"4urin8 De41l: ¢R Rags -Disposal o[ 2001 .........._............._...._.._........._.__...._.._.»........ Ramps--Inside......_....__..........___................._............_............... 504-8 Outside ... __._...................... ..-...._._..-...__....... ..... ...... _....... 505 ,.f Section Parking dlaterials . - .... "Application oL Flammable Finishes." 2007 Painting -See nardware-Sec "Doorways -Door Fastenings." 200 Panic Parapetssce "Walls:' 200 Parking-Gencral_.. ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..._...............-_............- 2607 & 2607-1 Permits._......................................................................101-1 512 Restrictions ................... plA "Hallways and Passageways." 'tanks Flammable Liquids)--Sce "Flammable pmv.ys--Sce Paciimas-See "Night Clubs, etc." IFor Liquids: Penalties -For Violations _ ... ....__..... ...... _............_................... 101 101 2 Permits -For Auditoriums ................ .....................-.........._._.. 101-2 & 2500 For Airports ....... _ . _..... _....................... _............... _..... 101-2 ForChurches -..__-__..._......._....__._......_..........._......... For Compressed and Liquefied Flammable Gases . (other than Acetylene) ........-.......-- .............._. 101 & 1901 For Department Stores _.. ... ...... ....... ................_.....-......... For Dry Cleaning and Dry Dyeing ............ .................101 101-2 & 2201 For Exlposivcs....._...._.................... .».......... ...................101 & 1801 101-2 For Factories ............_....._.._..__...._............ ... 513-1 ForFire Escapes : .............. ............. ..... .................._................ For Flammable Liquids _._.................. ........ ........ ...... .....101 & 1401 For Hospitals. Asylums, Sanitariums, and Institutions.. 101-2 For Motion Picture Theatres _._....._ ............... ........ ........... 101-2 & 1500 For Oil and Gas Wells .._._..._..._._..-_ ............................101 & 2607-1 ForParking .. ........................ ................. ...................101 For Pyrotechnic Displays - ................. .........__........-....... 2610 For Residence Buildings ............. ......................................... 101-2 101-2 ForRefineries..........._....._..._....._....._.._......_....................... For Schools and Educational Instituttow ........................ 101-2 ForTeals ............. ................. ............. ..... .._...............301-2 & 803-1 101-2 ForTheatres..._......................_..........._..........._......_............... 101-2 General Requirements ..... -........ ..._._.__.._......_.._..__.... 101-2 Local......._........_...-_ --- __..._.............. ....... __........ _...... ....... 103-2 State place of Assembly -Aisles in .._..........._......__._.._ .................. 5144 Definitionof ..._.__...__..._..__.._.._.._......._._.._._ ............. for 200 & 514 Exit Requirements ..._........_......._..._......_....._......b02�1 514-2 Lighting. )n._._........._...__.._.._.._.._._.._..._......._......_....... 514-2 Seating m ....._.._.._.. Scc "Night Clubs, etc." Sprinklers -Automatic ...... .................. ............ 500, 100, Appendix A Pians and SPeriScalions-Where required- A ' ....... For Dry Cleaning .. _........................_.._.........._................... ....... 2201 1.102 For Flammable Liquids ..._.....-.....__.._._.._........ 3901 For Flammable Gascs..._................. ......... ..__..._.._....._...... 84500 For Motion Picture Theatres ..._....._......._...._......_.......... ForOil Wells ... .............................. _........_............_.._.......... 803-1 ForTents ..._..... .................... ....._..........__............................. 101-3 .,General_ ....._................................................... .-_........_ _.__._.._. 200 ¢R Rags -Disposal o[ 2001 .........._............._...._.._........._.__...._.._.»........ Ramps--Inside......_....__..........___................._............_............... 504-8 Outside ... __._...................... ..-...._._..-...__....... ..... ...... _....... 505 ,.f - Ranges-Sce "Heat Producing Devices." Section Recreation Halls -Sec "Night Clubs, etc." 200 Storage Bdiding-DeOnithm of .._.__ ...................................... "Heat Producing Devices." 200 Stoves-Sce ....................... ........_...... Stot9-Dcf nihio of ___.__................ .... _ ........... . 200 Street-DcfiniUon o ............. ....._...... ..... .._...__. 1302 1 T .._. 1303300 'tanks Flammable Liquids)--Sce "Flammable 200 IFor Liquids: 1416 Tank Trucks ...._.._--...._...-_.._......-.__. Tent. <For Assembly) -Construction and Materials .............. 803-" 803-2 Exitsfor.....__..__......._......_.._........_...___......................._... Fire Precaution in ..-•--•-.....-._.-__..._........_...... _...... _..: 803-5 803-7 First Aid Protection for ....__.._....._..._.._...._..._...... 803-8 Irspccticn and SUPer Ien Of _....__..._..-........__........... 803-6 Lighi:ng for ................__.... -....._..__...,..._...................803-1 & 101-2 Pcrmis 1cr...._._....._............._....__.._.___....-_..... than Met- Pteture)-General.-........_.. 801 802 Theatre (Other _.... Open Air ......._.._..._.. .._.... -.. 101 2 & 101-3 , -_.......__....... 200 ........ Permits and Plans for ._..... .. ... ....... Exit Facilities ......._.._....__._._._._.».-._._.._ . ............................. This OfOce-DefiniBon of �. ....... _..,.-. 2002 Trash-Bumaing . ........... Fire Prevention Lectures ......__.__.._....._._.._....._..____. U Construeiioa-DaMiuen c - --- 400 1'nDrotated 7teu1 Permits and Plans for .............. ._...... .._.............. V Seating -In Places of Assembly •-•-__.._._......_____._.._....... fmlaating, Air Coadilioning, Uusl, filxk, and Vapor or funreying SYstmn.-"APDircalicn _ 1200 808-0, 1261 Removal CL.as A Sycten:a (Air cad:honing amid ventilohng7 CL•;e C ref n ry dg Semi -((reproof Construction -Definition of Clara D and • nvey tock, nrd mcval and A. .. ._ . 1202 sS'stcrcs} - .. y_Ii.:at Prodar j lies^•'' 1004 2203-3 In Dry elearir:r. P:�r,'� .. to Garagra 4c1 1? p�::* .,tops 1004 - 807 6 1lrl0s �Dt5n:lra ,_! 740 101, Smokestack-Defm)tion of ..._......_._......_.._.._....__....._._...... 900 General Requirements......._._...._..._._._._......_.........._ ...... 903 Solid Block -Definition of __. ............... _.......... ....... APprndia A and Cu11ir•8' tfeldmK and Cutting Sprinklers -Automatic ...... .................. ............ 500, 100, Appendix A - Ranges-Sce "Heat Producing Devices." Section Recreation Halls -Sec "Night Clubs, etc." 50.1-? Refineries -General ....................... _..._..... _ ....... .......... 1415 ............... 101-2 Permits..: ..... __... _.............................. _._......... _........ Refrigeration Systems --Equipment ...._......_....._.._ _.......... .... ....... _. 1301 Location of Compressor . ..................... ..... _...._..... ' .._...__. 1302 1 Refrigerant ... ................................ .............................. .._. 1303300 : Tests lPesidence Buildings -Definition of _..................... 200 .. ...... .......... General Requirements -Seco "Hotels, etc." -------- ...._.. 511 Permits and Plans ..._ ......................_.._.......................101-2 & 101-3 lfooms-Exits for ... ...._.._.._......_..__...... __..........._ : Itubbish-Disposal of .__........_....5... . .............._._..2000 ................... 502-1 through 2602 Treads and Risers ... ......... _....._.._._...___.._._...__._------- 504-5 Sanitarium.—Sce "Hospitals, etc." 5044 Scenery -Sec "Decorations." 0 Schools and Educational lastitutlOn.—Alarms ............ .. Construction.._..._......._._._.........._._._...._..__..__..........__. 805-1 ExitDrills.................. ............... ... �_...._.._...._._.....__._ 8054 805-2 Exit Facilities ......._.._....__._._._._.».-._._.._ --- ....----- --- 805-9 Extraneous Occupancies ._...._._..__...-----.. ........... ._._.... 805-8 Fire Prevention Lectures ......__.__.._....._._.._....._..____. 8051 Heating and Ventilating ..___..._._.._..._._.__............_.»... Motion Picture Equipment .»......... _.... ----------- 8054 Permits and Plans for .............. ._...... .._.............. 101-2 & 101-3 Seating -In Places of Assembly •-•-__.._._......_____._.._....... 514-2 In Motion Picture Theatres ._.._._--------- _._......_......__. 800-5 Semi -((reproof Construction -Definition of ...... 300 Shall -Definition of ..._.._.._.._._.....__._..._....._._._._.._.._.__. 200 + Should -Definition of ..._._...___._.-...__......._.._.....__....___.. 200 Smoke Ptpcs-Definitton of _._...__.____.._.___.._._....._._. 900 �• • Requirements for .. ......... _.............. ... _.... ......._...., ....... ........... 1015 Smokestack-Defm)tion of ..._......_._......_.._.._....__....._._...... 900 General Requirements......._._...._..._._._._......_.........._ ...... 903 Solid Block -Definition of __. ............... _.......... ....... 2 00 Specifications -See "Plans and Specifications.' Spray Painting -See "Application of Flammable Finishes:' Sprinklers -Automatic ...... .................. ............ 500, 100, Appendix A Standpipe Systems ........ ........._. -___...._..__.......__.........Appendix A Stacks -See "Chimney, c(c.' Slatnum-Scc "Theatres Open Air" Slags -In Places of Amusement .__.. ........... 804-4 ilainvays-Enclosures._......__....___.__....__.._..........__......___ 50.1-? Handrails......._._._......_.-.........:_.._._._._..._»_......___.__ 504-7 In Fire EScapcs—See "Fire Escapes." In Motion Picture Theatres _._»_ ........ .-...__...._._....... 800-8 Interior Construction ..»..___.__-...._ ----- -.._._..._....... 504-1 Landings ._ -_......____.___....__......___._-...._»_._».__513-2, 50.'" Lighting._......_..__._.._..__.......__..___....--...._ -------- ...._.. 511 Outside ........-._. ..... ..... _.___._..__._..»..-......__513-2, 505 & 513 To Basements .. ........... _._..__.»_............._.._._......._----- 5044 Treads and Risers ... ......... _....._.._._...___.._._...__._------- 504-5 Width._..._..._.._._........_....._.._._..__..__.__..........-.......... 5044 Standards --List of ..__......... ..... _....... ...._.__._...100 & Appendix D State Fire Marshal -Definition of _...__.._..... _._ ----......._.._... 200 Stalin Electricity -In Hospitals __._.._.._._..__..__.._...._.._..... 807-9