HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 11, Page 476, No Ordinance NumberAPI ORDINAIXE A: ?DING SECTION 2 OF A_i 0".DINANCE EPITITLIM: 7 "All ORDINAIXE RELATING TO AND REGULATING THE I.:ARKET HOU.M OP TIIE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND PRESCRIBING THE RUL &; FOR THE CON- D'U'CT THEREOF, AND THE PENALTIES TIIERELAD,;R", WHICH ,'AS ADOPTED Oil DECEI.:&ER 13, 1915, AND Ai:ElIDED ON JULY 17, 1939 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE LOARD Cr COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: 2/ SECTION 1. That Section 2 of an ordinance entitled: "Ail ORDMAINCE RELATING TO AND REGULAMUG _r E MARKET HOUSE OF TILE CITY OF PADUCAH, I1,IITUCKY, AID P?:SCsIIE ?;r.- T?E RULES FOR T9E CONDUCT 7'^REOF, AND TILE PEiiALTIES T'E EU-iDEi2", which was ad•pted on December 13, 1915, and amended on July 17, 1939, be, and the same is hereby amended and re -ordained so that said section as amended and re -ordained shall read as follos:s: "SECTION 2. The ,_arket stalls in the I,:ar::et Fouse shall be numbered as follows: On the I_ortheast side, beginning with numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19; and on the aouthdvest side, numbers 2, 4, o, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 18 and 20. The prices for the license of said stalls shall Le as follows: Stalls numbers 1 and 19, ;14.00 ;ger month; stalls numbers 2 and 20, IP10.00 per month; stalls num•;ers 9, 10, 11, 12, 16,00 per month;'and the balance of said stalls, to -11t: numbers 3, 4, 5, r, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, le, 17 and l8, r12.CO per month; provided, however, that these stalls may be rented at one-half of the fore3;in,- rentals if used -:1nl,y for fruits and ve--etables. The .`arket house is divided into the -.e sections by two partitions, and the prices for the license of tenches in the section next to Kentucky Avenue and in the sectio next to Eroadway shall be as follows: East "'L", East "D" and 'hest A" tenches in the section next to L'roadway, and i,est "G", East "G" and 'west "E" benches in the section next to Kentucky Avenue, „;2.00 per month for each bench; benches parallel and nearest to the walls alohg Second street in ::nth sections, 11,'5.00 per month for each bench; center benches numbers 33 to 42, both inclusive in the section next to _roadway and center benches numbers 57 to 08, both inclusive, in the section next to Kentucky Avenue, :;,3.00 per month for each bench; provided, hovrever, that any of the foregoing benches except center benches numbers 33 to 42 and 57 to 68, may be divided into t';:o parts and each such Part shall then be rented at one-half of the foregoinC rentals. Provided, ho:iever, that when any of the said end or outside benches at either or both ends of said market place are not occupied a{ 47'7 by the lessee or lessees thereof, any farmer, grower or marl,:eter may, upon obtaininC a permit from the I.arket ',::aster, and by paying in advance a fee of One (;;1.00) Dollar for each day he may so occupy said bench, obtain permission thereby to use the same for one (1) day; but no such permit or permission shall be for a greater length of time than for one (1) day. Any person using or occupying any stall or bench for the use of which a license charge is herein imposed except those specifically permitted herein to use same without paying the license fee for the use thereof, without first paying the .license fee charged therefor as above set out, and complying with all rules and regulations relative thereto, shall be fined not less than x;10.00 nor more than .-20.00 and each daj this Section is violated shall be a separate offense". SECTION 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, are to the extent of such conflict, hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after April 1, 1948. ri.ayor ero�e.r o Edward Carlick, Commissioner Passed by the Eoard of Commissioners, i,;arch 30, 1948 Recorded by Sarah Thurman, City Clerk, March 30, 1948.