HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 11, Page 325, No Resolution NumberCONTENTS Ixnonvvrox „__„ Plate ARTICLECIIAPTER 1 -GENERAL azo Gncur. ............_.�_.._........,. ........ .._........... 9 CHAPTER ]-\CIIUNG DESIGN AND PROTECTION 'w N -11r I't-1 nox nr Srarexs .en Cnrcrn_ 21 210 Iluacn lYa. vin .�.._... A0 Snnm ....._ .. .. .... ]] 2J0 0 Orncvaacxi 1'aoncr,ox .. - - ....._.... ]6 2S 280 Lscmxsxc ,bourns .. _ 60 _..-.......,_ 7, CIIAPTER J_w'IIUNG METIIODS .{XD 31ATERIALS ]w ('11CO._ Rc9asuY-xra roa {Ynsxv So ]10 CO._ a3 "0 Orax Rima Ox Lrsuurvu - - "` J2a Coxcuuv 7] ]JJ ,\axw[p Uwau 9a ]!G Xox-Ma,wluc Strawrnu _ ........ 95 JJO C Enruar¢ Cuu S9 . 9xdtauuu wwunawr R'urxv....... ..._. N] Nox-Marwure S,...C. E.naatoxs JJ1 Uxolarswsrn Earaxa+o.. - 100 N4 Ihcu 91uau Coxvusr """ - - IOJ JJI Euauua Muxutc Tunac �...... .. ... IW JSa I•t[asau }'lent Coxvusr �. .. .... 1W JS[ Uxuarr.roa 1Gcax'.Ya ...... 107 J56 Crocus Mau. .. ....... las 110 Is J70 Ourur, Sx'star axp Jvnci,ax Doan wnv�Ftnncs 119 J7) Canrar- ary Curov< Dosu ___.._. Jl[ AuvrluaY CVnau """'^"•�--- 1:0 781 J90 Pauuarwiap ➢aruaxw .-,--"•"_.•."^"_. 12J -_._._.....�_..�...__ 139 CIIAPTER 4 -EQUIPMENT FOR GENERAL USE IwFraysvu C'oans 410 Lscutixo Furuua. I-rantowsu 1-sxry` IJI w -cra.nxv It[can I27 Aevu...axcas Hossnu _......_.....__.._ ......_....__.._ 1Jd 10 Covravuru .. ....._._....... Ir - NS CONTENTS 430 Turarno wxn Tu........ Vavus linrtud•rise M, Srcae6arr Two ....._._�.__...__..._.._.___ 169 __..._._._.._,._,,..__.. li) 1i0 N[aa,mu .xn Nucrou 179 180 Srvaaw Ilnnn,n ...-..__._....._. _..._... ....._.__..._..._...__._..., 191 CIL\PrER 5-SPECL{L OCCUP:\XC1E5 sw Il+r,r,.nra Ixwr+exa _. las SIO t..uau axe S+u,ua Occcrncru-__"�-•��� s_v '!noun I.rrwo,+c Morrox-, ..^_______ 219 !3J 31r.nnx•I9crc,c Smoux oxo lSmuallouaea _ _.. °19 310 Jlon�x-IYncu """"crou __ Lwnexs..._ 2t) CIL\MER 6 -SPECIAL EOCII'MENr 651 Srcra wsv 0111". Lnnnxa 610 Curti are !lam ...-. ._... 6:5 7acuxr Coxnvnau_....._.._.__.__'.._.. .. 211 NY G0 Ser,v a wxn R«vusxSrp+W Erwrsraxr.. .. ]1! a99 o.w- ... . as 169X.R[r FAvrrxaxr _ . 261 Gla Macuraa Two '-_.-'-"—.'""...•._... '69 C1IAMER 2 -SPECIAL CONIMTIOXS ]w Elven tar* Lscnma ,la Cu¢m on FLmrxaxr Onunxc car )fou 7xu 771 foo 3'vau Ronan Coxcerrcu ..... 273 720 Quern nxv Pgan -_---� era+r Ornanxv car Lsu Titan 3a Vncrs 775 Aaxmal'a�nca, Iww.P.uur 1'nxu nxv Swm Curcm _ 2b0 730 V, Nrnxo._. __ 785 CIIAPTER S-co""UNICATIOX SYSTEMS RA Ccxxvrrtannx Curmu . uY gwum Es:rxue __--.—.-- 21a ' •-.-..___. ._ 297 CII 1I'TP-R 9 -CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS CoxrraYrno+ Tn01AMEa I0 -TABLES, bLtr.RAMS AND RXAMPLES aa_. ......._...._-_.._.,_ in "MOM lay INTRODUCTION Purpose and Scope. The purpose of this Code is the Practical safeguarding of persons and of buildings and their contents, from electrical hazards arising from the use of electricity for light, heat, power, radio, signalling and for other purposes. It covers the electric eon• ductms and equipment installed within or on public and private buildings and other premises, including yards, carnival and parking lots, and industrial Sob - stations: also the conductors that connect the installa- tions to a supply of electricity, and other outside con- ductors adjacent to the premises. It does not cover installations in mines, ships, rail• way cars, automotive equipment, or the installations or equipment employed by a n&ay, electric or com- munication utility in the exercise of its function as a agility, and located outdoor, or in buildings used ex• elusively for that purpose. The provisions of this Code constitute a minimum standard. Compliance therewith and proper mainte. Ranee will result in an installation reasonably free from hazard but not necessarily efficient or eonven- feat This Code is to be regarded neither as a design specification nor an instruction manual for untrained Persons. Good service and satisfactory results will often require larger sizes of wire, more branch ch, cults, -and better types of equipment than the ini- mum which is here specified. Wiring LaYOuL It is recommended that architects when drass•ing plans and specifications make provi- sion for ample raceways for wiring, spaces for equip- ment, and allowances for future increases in the use of electricity. In laying out an installation for con- slanl-Potential systems, provision should be made for disthlrural centers located in easily accessible places for convenience and safety of operation, It is elsewhere provided in this Code that the num- ber of wires and circuits confined in a single enclosure bevaryingly restricted. It is strongly recommended that arebgecta and others provide similar restrictions wherever practicable, to the end that the effects of in eak-dolsmi froshort-circufts or grounds, even though reaultm ing fire and similar damage it confined ' e INTRODUCTION r to wires, their insulation and enclosurel, may not serin- volve entire vices to premise. nor interruptions of —critial and independent servfcea. Enforcement and Interpretation• This Cade i, in- tended to be suitable not only for the use o1 insurance inspectors but also for mandatory application by gov. ernal bodies exercising legal jurisdiction over else• trimemcal installations. The administrative authority SUP- '—sing such cnivrcemenl of the Code will have the responsibility for making interpretations ofthe rules, for deciding upon the apbrsnal of equipment and nsate- rish, and for granting the special Permission eontetn- Plated in a number of therules. In order to promote uniformity of interpretation { and application of this Code, lite Electrical Committee 1 of the National Fire Protection Association figs estab- lished a formal procedure for rendering interpretations I In case of question. ADPlicali0na for interpretations should be addreued to the National Fire Protection I Auoeiativn Ise- page .167 for procedure for securing official interpretations of the Code). It Is customary to revise this Cade periodically to conform with developments in the art and the roll, of experience, and the latest edition of the Code should always be used With reference to the approval of specific items of equipment and materials contemplated by the Code, it is pointed out IhaI fn order to avoid the necessity for repetition of examinations by different —ram—, frequently with inadequate facilities for surh work, and to avoid the confusion which would result from _rAictfng repona as to the sunabifity of device, and materials c,za fined for a g;vcn purpose, it is mces- ury that surh examinations should be made snider standard conditions, and the record made generally available t d and romulgalicn by organintinm Prop- erly equipP qualified for experimenut testing. Inapecuons of the run of goads at factories, and ser• vice -value determination through field ia3p6e4ion. Fundamental Rales• Throughout the Code ora paraauph- which -tate only fundamentab or objec- tive, of ufeguardinR. These are followed by par. - papbs setting forth the recogai<ed methWa and Retail • 2- a INTRODUCTION by which the purpose and latent of the fundamental may be satisfied. Accordingly, when employed, the rules stating a fundamental only will appear as the first paragraph of an article or section. Definitions. Article 100 contains definitions of a number of terms used in this Code which will facili- tate their correct interpretation and application. For definitions of terms not so listed, reference may be made to the Anmerican Standard Definitions of Elec- trical Terms. ASA C42. Code Arrangement The first four chapters of the Code arc of general application. Chapters 5, 6 and 7, apply to installations which involve special occupan- cies, special equipment or other special conditions. These chapters are supplementary to, or amendatory Of. the general rules, and the latter apply under such circumstances except as so amended for the particular conditions. Chapter 8 governs installations of com- munication systems, and is independent of the preced- ing chapters except as they may be specifically re- lerred to. Chapter 9 covers construction specifica- tions. The larger tables, examples and the diagrams are collected in Chapter 10. CHAPTER I. GENERAL ARTICLE 100—DEFINITIONS DeRnitiom hick dapnute thew in the American Standard DeRmriona of Elc<trical rerma. C{_, are markcJ imh an aawriak 2' Th—nor au ark,d eah<r Aurcr tram the American S,ar,d and o. are rot (.orad is rhe U41 cdawa [Accessible: (As applied to wiring methods). Not permanently closed in by the structure or finish of the building; capable of being removed without disturb• ing the building structure or finish. .Aceesn'ble: (As applied to equipment. Admitting .loapproach because not guarded by ocked doors, elst evation or other effective means. (Sec also "Readily Accessible.") Appliance: Appliances are current -consuming cyuip- ment fixed or portable; for example heating, cooking and small motor -operated equipment. Approved: Acceptable to the authority enforcing this coda Ask sel: A synthetic not1-flammable insulating liquid which, when decomposed by the electric are, evolves only nota-e:p;oarve gases. Branch Cireuft: That portion of A wiring system extending beyond the final overt -mm device pro- tecting the circuit A d cite act —1-4 ler aru<S ei,<uir pRreniw, rota u 0a a.�l J:tet c ...ler er<,mad Lrc+ttn.e d<ria. is nor <ovrid wW a rb[ a.<rcurr¢t dnKe Cro,ttr.r.( mhe cirtV1L Building: A struqure which stands alone or which is cut off from adjoining slruclum, by unpierced fire walls. 'Cabinet: An enclosure dedc•nrd either for surface or flush mounting. and provided wrlh it frame, matt or trim in which swinging dear, are hung, (See cutout box-) Communication Clrech; A circuit which isart of a so-called '•cectnl e,am,•n s stcrt�^ p ok—A. d,.•Knf .nwnarr. aR anal LurY•+r u,z+. ra¢hmc, ax ,arV.h:w auL<,<„vrr CRY.Ia ' C ait-Bmsdrer: A device designed to open under abnormal earditicus a <wrent-carrying Bireme wohrot injury to Itaell The at as tau I ,n this cndn applies In. ARTICLE 100 only to the automatic type designed to trip on a pre- determined overload of current. 'Concealed: Rendered inaccessible by the structure or finish of the building, Wires in concealed rata ways are considered concealed, even though they may become accessible by withdrawing them. Connector, Pressure (Solderless): A pressure con- hector is a connector in which contact between the conductor and the connector is obtained without the use of solder by means of mechanically applied pres- sure. 'Controller: A device, or group of devices, which serves to govern, in some predetermined manner, the electric power delivered to the apparatus to which it is connected. 'Cutout Box: An enclosure designed for surface mounting and having swinging doors or covers se- cured directly to and telescoping with the w-slls of the box proper. (Sec cabinet.) aDenund Factor: T11e demand factor of any system or part of a system, is the ratio of the maximum de• mond of the system, or part of a system, to the twat connected load of the system, or of the part of the system under consideration. Device: A unit of an electrical system which is in- tended to carry but not consume electrical energy, Disconnecting Means: A device, group of devices, or other means whereby the conductors of a circuit can be disconnected from their source of supply. sDustproaf: So constructed or protected that an accumulation of dust will not interfere with its suc- cessful operation. •Duattight: So constructed that dust will not enter the enclosing case. Dray: 'Continuum: Contiqunus duty is a requirement of service that demands operation at a substantially constant load for all indefinitely long time. aintermlttent: Intermittent duty is a requirement of service that demands operation for alternate in- tervals of (1) load and nn lead, or (2) load and rest; or (J) load, no load and rest. DEFINITIONS 11 'Periodic: Periodic duly -i< a type of intermittent duty in which the load conditions are regularly re- current. •Short -Time: Shorl-time duty is a requirement of service that demands operation at a substantially constant load far a short and definitely specified time. •Varying: Varying duty is a requirement of ser- vice Thal demands operalion at loads, and for inter- vals of time, both of which may he subject to wide variation. See wLle in ''tion {rl: far illaatrmiova of vuiau is - al aver. •Electric Sign: A fixed or portable, celf-eonufned electrically illuminated appliance with words or sym. bpis designed to convey iolorinati- or attract ancts- tioo. [Enclosed: Surrounded by a case which will pre- vent a .denral -matt of a person will, live parts. Equipment: A Reneral term including material, fillings, device., apphanres, fixlnres• appnwlms. and the like. u,ed as a part of, or in connection wish, an electrical inslal:aocn. Explosion -Proof: See Article 500. Exposed: 01 aPidivl In live parts) Exposed means that a live part cam Le inadccnrudy nm,hol ,r ap. aclwd ,carer 1171, a talc di•4pce 1., env parvo ,. ,.s applied to I," , nal —wh:y guarded or u.dated, 'Exposed: L\v applied m to wiring mhi,40. Acces- sible: not cooly " . .Ext emally Operable: (As applied to cr)uipment that is co,�, al m a case or calourt). Capab.e .4 be- ing np-10 tall -out exposing the pr,atnr to contact "illi live Parts. FecdeC Aray conductors of a wiring system be- tceco the aervicc equ potent, ,r the g,ovrat, s%itch- board „l an ,haloed plant, andr the branch circuit ovcr- runenm dcvmc. twiring uihi o, ohc1lpart of a sy,,c. which filerdug pruy ,o performs a mechanical rather Than an <Icclrrcal function, 3Z6 qb F 17 ARTICLE 100 Garage: A building or portion of a building in which one or more self-propelled vehicles carrying volati:e, flammable liquid for fuel or Low" are kept for use, sale, stooge, rental, repair, exhibition or demonstrating purposes, and all that portion of a building which is on or below the floor or floors on which such vehicles arc kept and which is not sepa- rated therefrom by suitable cutoffs. .Guarded: Covered, shielded, fenced, enclosed or othcrwfse protected, by means of suitable covers or easings, barriers, rails or screens, mats or platforms, to remove the liability of dangerous contact or ap- proach by persons or objects to a point of danger. Hazardous Location: See Article 500. Hoistway: A hoistway is any shaftemy, hatchway, well -hole, or other vertical opening or space in which an elevator or dumbwaiter is designed to operate. •Isolated: Not readily accessible to persons unless special means for access are used. 'Lighting Outlet: An outlet intended for the direct connection of a lampholder, a lighting future or a pendent cord tamfoaGng in a lampholder. Location: Dry Location: A location not normally subject to dampness or wetness. A location classified as dry may be temporarily subject to dampness or wetness, as in the case of a his under con- struction. Damp Location: A location subject to a moder- ate degree of moisture, such as some basements, acme barns, some cold storage warehouses, and the like. Wet Location: A location subject to saturation with water or other liquids, such as locations ex- posed to the weather, wash '.cons in garages, and Tike locations. Installations underground or in con- crete slabc or masonry in direct comfit with the earth, shall be considered as "et locations. Low -Energy Power Circuit: A circuit which is not nremote-control or signal circuit but which has the power suppply limited in accordance with the nquire- .cuts of CUs9 2 remote -control circuits. See Article 725. DWINITIOVS H Such dl-iu indude cleans door osenen and eje il. used in the tlKi of «morerued phonsararhr. Matter Service: The service conductors and service equipment supplying a group of buildings under one management. Multi -Outlet Assembly: A type of surface raceway, desih-ned to hold conductors and plug receptacles, assembled in the field or at he factory. •Outlet: A point on the wiring system at which cur- rent is taken to Supply fixtures, lamps. Healers, motors and current -consuming equipment generally. 'Outgne Lighting: An arrangement of incandescent lamps or gaseous tubes to outline and call attention to certain features such as the shape of a building or the decoration of a window. PeneBiased: A single panel, or a group of panel units designed for assembly in the form of a single panel; including buses and with or without switches m and/or autoatic overcurrent protective devices for the control of I.Rht, heat, or power ­ of small individual as will as aggregate capacity; designed to be placed m s cabinet or cutout box placed in or agaimt a wall or partition and accessible only from the from. (See Switchboard.) Portable Appliance: An appliance capable of being di,ireadily dilymused where established practice or the ton• ons of Sc make it nese—ey or Convenient for it to be d<tacl:<d from iH source of current LY means of flea:ble cord and attachment of g. .Qualified Perron: One familiar with the canstrua tion and cptratwn of the apgarama and the haaa:ds i.:valv<d. •Raceway: forh ,Iding w-Irn, cables or tus-bars, which a designed eapresSly for, and used vsly far, Ih.t Putpase. Ra . (r ,--arae^' r . °d. • :ais.a m' ' 1 rel dw term 1.-.: ,.. set .F r.e ]�_,i rn:�' .•ase a.7::r. rran.al e, ia___. ai �-, :de.r - .•., :ar m..aln.r r.�-ewars, ¢•d c•ral u.uP, wanVs.,i:��.p an] a aq fnien. s•Rasril;ht: So con slrurtrd or pwtntr•1 •'lest "P.—to a bcatmg con cats nyt r.aa in the entranre of wat". •Reath] A<ceaibie: f apaat n( Uein; :sorbed q.1k;y fyr cVe... —, re revel, cr msq<clien, wnhouL la ARTICLE 100 requiring those to whom ready access is requisite to climb over or remove obstacles or to resort to port- able ladders, chairs, ole. 'Receptacle Outlet: An outlet'quippcll n•ith one ar more receptacles. not of the sac.• -shell type, or pro- vided with one or more points of attachment within one foot or less, intended to receive attachment plug caps. Remote -Control Circuit: Any electrical circuit which controls any pther circuit through a relay or an equivalent device, SesUblo Equipment: Equipment enclosed in a case ar cabinet that is provided with means for scaling or locking so that live parts cannot be made accessible without opening the enclosure. The equipment may or may not be open ble without opening the enclosure. Service: The conductors and equipment for dclivtr- fng energy from theelectricity supply system to the wiring system of the premfscs served. 'Service Cable: Service conductors made up in the form of cable. Service Conductors: That portion of the supply conductors which extends from the street main or duct or from transformers to the service equipment of the premises supplied. For overhead conductors this includes the conductors from the last line pole to the service equipment Service Drop: That portion of overhead service conductors between the pole and the first point of attachment to the building. Service -Entrance Conductors: That portion of ser- vice conductors between the terminals of service equipment and a point outside the building, clear of building walls, where joined by tap or Splice to the service drop or to street mains or other source of supplY. Where unke 'here efuigmenl b located aatafde Ilia budding walls, may be ns emran« eanduasn, or 'hey may 1,sm• u«ly suuide Its Lul« dina. 'Service Equipment: The necessary equipment, usu- ally consisting of circuit -breaker or switch and fuses. and their accessories. Located near point of entrance of supply conductors to it building and intended to DEPLYTPIONS I1 constitute the main control and means of cutoff for the supply to that building. Service Raceway: The rigid metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing, or other raceway, that encloses ser• vita•entrance conductors. Setting: (Of eircuh-breaker). The value of the cur- rent at which it is set to trip, Show -Window: A show•-windoly is any window used or designed to be used for dlaplaying of Roods or advertising material, whether it fc fully or party enclosed or entirely open'.tthe rear, and wbeWer or not it has a platform .,atJ higher than the street floor level, Special Permission: The written consent of the authorities enforcing this lade. Switch.: 'Oeneral-Use Switch: A switch intended for use as a switch in general distribution and branch circuits. It is rated in amperes and is capable of in- terrupting its rated current at its rated voltage. 'Isolating Switch: A switch intended fur isolating an electric ciqu,, 11-inthe source c•f puuer. It has no interrupting sling andis intended to be oper- ated only after Ill. circuit has been opened by some other means. Motor -Circuit Switch: A switch, rated in horse• power, capable of interrupting the m—ratim oper- ating overlord cement of a meter of the same horse- power as the switch at the rated v 1tage. Signal Circuit: Any cicetrieal circuit which supplies energy to a device which gives a « ;rlminhi' signal, Such eircu:ta Ivie nruila ethos r>air._a. -trot teat., s::1 the Isle. Switchboard: A lactic single panel, fume, me ascan- bly of panda. un wlyds six mounted, on the tare or back or budl, swnch<s, uver<urrent and utter pratec- Live devices, Looses, and usually instruments. Switch- boards are geler illy accessible tram the rear Ss wdl as from the front and arc not intended to be irstalitd In eabuw_ ts" 1'anelbuud.) 'Vaporu thu So enclosed that vapor will not eater the eodosure• 327 I f if ARTICLE 110 'Ventilated: Provided with a means to permit civ. culation of the air sufficiently to remove an excess of heat, fumes or vapors. .Voltage (of a circuit): The greatest effective dif- ference of Potential between any two conductors of the circuit concerned. On "'I"'gnema ouch a JPhme Imlre, .Inrl< Phaaa Jndrs eat 7"vire dirnt currcny there may Ge euiaua circmu of nrl: am roln,es. Voltage to Ground: In grounded circuits, the volt- age between the given conductor and that point or conductor of the circuit which is grounded; in on. grounded circuits, the greatest voltage between ilio given conductor and any other conductor of the cir- cuit. Watertight: So constructed that moisture will not enter the enclosing case. 'Weatherproof• So con:trucled or protecInd that ,.Posure to the weather will not interfere with its suc- cessful operation. ARTICLE 110—GENERAL 1101. Approval. The conductors and equipment re. quired or permitted by this code shall be acceptable only it approved. See definition of "Approved" in Article 100. 1102. Wiring Methods. Only wiring methods res ogniztd as suitable are included in this code. Special types of wiring may be used only where recognized as suitable under this and other article, of this code The recognized methods of wiring may be installed in any type of building or occupancy except as other- wise provided in this coda 1103. Mandatory and Advisory Rules. Mandatory rules of this code are characterized by the use of the word "shall:' Advisory rules arc characterized by the use of tic word "should," or are slated as recon- mendations of that which is advised but not required 1104. Special Chapters Amendatory of General Roles, The provisions of Chaplcrs 5, 6 and 7 of this code are supplementary to„or amendatory of, the general provisions of Chapters I to 4, inclusive, and GENERAL V the latter apply under such circumstances except as so amended for particular conditions. 1105. Mechanical Execution of Work Electrical equipment shall be installed in . .,at and workman- like manner and all unnecessary and complicated wit. mg avoided where practicable. Conductors,raceways, and equipment shall be carefully secured in place and attached to fitting.. 1106. Mounting of Equipment Electrical equip- nent shall be firmly secured to the surface on which it is mounted. \Voaden plugs driven into holes in masaory, concrete, plaster or similar materials shall notbe depended on for security. 1107. Valtagea Throughout this code the voltage considered shall be that at which the circuit operates, whether the current is supplied by a battery, gener- ator, transformer, or rectifier. 110& Conductor Ganges. Conductor sues are given in American Wire Gauge (AWG). 1109. Conductors: Conductor3 normally used to tarry current shall be of copper unless otherwise pro- vided in this .d,. Where conductor sizes are given I. thin code, they shall apply to copper conductora. !.old f other materials are used. the sue shall be changed accordinglySte s<ctito 3107. 1110. D” on( Agencler. Unless approved for the purpose, ra conductors or equipment ahall be located rn a damp or wet lacati.n; where exposed to goer, lumea, .para, Squids, ar other agenthaving e deteri,,ating effect on the <onducton or equipment;tsar where exposed to .eeeaive temperatures. 1111. Light and Power from Rahway Conductors, Circuas lar lighting and Power shall not be connected to any syattm containing srollty will. with is ground refer.,' u pt in <leclr'e railway ears, tar house., pewit houste..r P ... eng1 r and lreiyhl .ta1i00s aper - ,ted in c.nnecti.n -,I e.ect", railways 1112. Working Spa. About Electrical Equipment. SuuL:< working apace stall be provided and main- tatr.W a!aouf vii e:ear+tel equiymcrt a Hwueoral Dimsndoulk Esce•t as elsewhere its, .r etmited i. Ih, s p a coils. Ile Af 1". tai t., me..was 07 the woek:ny apace m front .f live parte, ARTICLE 110 operating at not more than 600 volts• which must be handled while alive, shall not be less than: 1. For parts of more than 150 volts to ground on one side of the working space and no bare live or grounded parts on the otter side of the working space, yi feet. 2. For parts of more than 150 volts to ground on one side of the working space and bare live or ground- ed parts on the other aide of the working space, 4 feeL 3. For parts of 150 volts or less to ground on one side of the working space and no bare live or ground- ed parts on the other side of the working space, 1% feet.' 4. For parts IT 150 volts or less to ground on one aide of the working space and bare live or grounded Partson the other side of the working space, 2% (CCL Fm' Malar, rt1u.<4 See Article 710. b. Clear Spaces, Working spaces adjacent to ex - Dosed live parts shall not be used as passageways. e Elevation of Equipment The elevation of the equipment at (cast 8 feet above ordinarily accessible working platforms usually affords protection at least equivalent to that provided by the horizontal clear- ances of paragraph a and may be used in lieu thereat. 1113. Guarding of Live Parts. Except as elsewhere required or Permitted by this code, exposed live parts of electrical equipment operating at 50 volts or more shall be guarded against accidental contact by enclo- sure or by locating the equipment as follow,: a In a room or enclosure which is accessible only to qualified persons; IT. On a suitable balcony, gallery, or platform, so elevated and arranged as to exclude unqualified per, sons; I% Elevated 8 feet or more above the floor; d. So that it will be protected by a guard nil if the equipment operates at 600 volts or less For melon rax aemio. sell 1114. Enclosure of Arcing Putt Parts of elechi- cal equipment which in ordinary operation produce arca, sparks, flames or molten metal• shall be enclosed unless separated and isolated freta all combustible GEVERAL it material. For hazardous I ... tion, ase Article 500. For motors see sections 4308 and 4310. 1115. Interrupting Capacity. Device, intended to break current shall have an mterrul,ng capacity sum- tient for the voltage employed and for the current which must be interrupted. 1116. General Plan of Investigation. Material, devices, fittings, apparatus, and appliances designeJ for use under this code shall be judged chiefly with reference to the following considerations which also determine the classiftcatan by types, sizes, voltage; current capacities, and specific uses: t Suitability for installation and use in conformity with the provisions of this code. IT. Mechanical strength and durability, including, for parts designed to enclose and protect other equip- mens, the adequacy of tilt protection thus providesL c. Electrical im-didioa d. Healing effects under normal conditions of use and also under abndrnul conditions liable to arise in service. e. Arcing effect& 1117. Connections to Terrniusl& Connection of conductors to tcrmmai parts shall unurc a thoroughly good connection without damagmg the e.nduelarsand ahall be made by .feat, .f Pressure connectors (in- eluding set screw lyPe), solder lugs, or spl¢e, to flex - ibis leads eifhtl sofd'It d. brazed or canted, except thatNo. 8 or smaller soisd conductors and Na 10 or smaller stranded conductor. may be connected by means of clamps orf screws with terminal plates hav ing upturned lugs• erminals fer mnre than one con• duct., shall be of a type approved for the purpose. 1118. splices. Conductan shall he ,a spliced or join,d as t„ be meeiumnlly and ,helr,ra0v sea urs, wRh_t sold,, and, ..less an of pn•v,d splicing d'. vie is used, toll thenbe soldered with a Insible nte1a1 or alloy .r brazed or weldcJ. .\II splits and joints ..d the Tree ends of condu:ton shall be I— Bred with an insulation equal t. tlut on the eondut- 1o— 1119. Insulation Resistance. All wiring shall bit so in.talfed that when c 11Pltled the system will be (- AM s 20 ARTICLE. Ila from short-circuits and grounds, and in order that a re.sonable factor of satrty ,lay be provided the fnl- lowing table ofinsulatum r,•islanrcg is suggested as a guide where the insulation is subjected to test. 1. Fcr ci,eoil, of No. la or N.. 17 sire, I,W0.009 ahmr. Fcr 'rcuh. of Na. In cr lar<er cn•l aciV aft co Jucion rc upon feed WrhTa11c.1blar d Cb.,, enn. a, o 10. 0l thio «d< as Iollvwl:� 21 to 10 amperta, in<luai<e._.�-._ ^SO.OW ohms L to Ito anaK«a, indmire_._.- 10P1I t[ov ro ammperra, ir<c!uv.,iv+ee--_ IW"M oohmms, 25.(yO ohm+ MI to iWanme—. inel.4"..�_ N.W. ohms Over '00.=p -______ 3.000 ohm. 2. The obove value, eh,li Ir dewrmined with all ­161—A..pan<II-cal , fuaehold—, .—ho. and ev<rcurrent d- ­ J;, in plm J. U .Pholde,., r«<rado, futn n ure., o, grli.aoleo wn«wJ,hIh< ms i um «ratio« p,rmdled ler branch d—O. rvapbpPbn:a1. orae shall be ouehdi the salon .mal:eJ in Para- p a. 3%111. climatic—liliom are .,,h that the wiring or equip mint is""" w eat«.ive humidlq, it way be n«.scary w mwldr the fareavine Vrovi.iovs 1120. Marking. The maker's name, trademark, or other identification symbol shall be placed on all Cleo tricot equipment. Other markings shall be provided giving voltage, current, wattage, or other ratings as arc prescribed elsewhere in this code. POLARITY IDENTIFICATION CHAPTER 2. WIRING DESIGN AND PROTECTION ARTICLE 200—POLARITY IDENTIFICATION OF SYSTEMS AND CIRCUITS 2001. General. All interior wiring systems, except as provided in ...tions 2007, 2512, 2514, 2515, 2516, 2517 and 5083 shall have a grounded conductor which Is continuously identified throughout the system, pt as permitted by paragraph b of section 2005. 2002. Connection to Grounded System. No interior wiring shall he electrically connected to a supply sys- tem unless the latter contains, for any grounded "n- ductor of Ih< interior Dy,,,-. as corresponding con- ductor which is grounded. 2003. Circuits Derived from Auto -Transformers. Branch circuits as described in article 210 shall not be supplied through auto-t-nsformers (transformers in which a part of the winding is common to both primary and seconderY circuus) unless the 'system supplied has an identified grounded conductor which n I. solidly conected to a similar identified grounded conductor of the system supplying the suto-trans- former. 2001, Conneet ane to Screw -Shell.. An identified conductor, if run to a lampholder, shall be connected to Ih< "rew'-ahell. 2005. Mean. of Identification of Conducto_ Iden- lificatioo for ... duct.,..1.11 be secured as follows: a. Insulated eonductara of Nn. 6 or smaller, except eanductars 'ef the wea[herpr.cf type, shall have an outer nfer.ti6catis,n as -palfud in pan graph d of see- ds- 93101. 4 Insulted conductor. larger than No. 6. and wealherpr✓af c,.n•lurmrli of all aur, if u,ed ul.j. ., shall have an cuter'* , filaticn as .peti0ed m para graph d of —1, -1 291111E er aL.11 be hten66,4 by illi• tapctrve insrking at lerm:nai. during process of imtal- luica a Flexible cords shall be identified as provided in art:vo 4401:2. 72 .ARTICLE We d. Terminals of devices shall be identified as pro vided in section 2008. 2006. Identified Conductor in Identified Circuits Only. Conductors having ,vhitc or natural Fray cov- ering shall not be used other than as conductors for, which identification is rcgmred by section 2U01, ex- cept under the following cond,ions, and then only if they are, fu other respects, suitable for use as un. grounded conductors in the circuit, a. Identified conductors, rendered permanently on. identified by painting or other effective means at each outlet where the conductors are visible and accessible, may be used as unidentified conductors. The fartaainR permits the uw of two -vire <aLle baring ova hick and one white Co.due-or on Awite 611« tapped from th+ outside leg. of v J-wire .ynem err anY Iwo cvndumara ata of. « quem if the Wini ed condveI" err be 1w-0. <abl. I, «nd'led Permm<nt1Y -1,11.1171d al 1«mival.. It. Cable containing an identified conduator may be used for single -pole, three-way or four-way switch loops if the connections are so made that the unidenti. fied conductor is the return conductor from the switch to the outlet. Thio ¢<eyliop mates it uvv«<«ary to paint the l iinit of We idmufed «vdunar a! -be awa<b oude4 u \ flexible cord, for connecting a portable appli- ance, having one conduct.r i,entilieI ere «qub.d by section 941102 may be used even though there is no grounded conductor in the circuit supplying the out- let to which it is connected. 2007. Unidentified Circuits. Two -wire branch ch, quits and mulli-wire A. C. circuits May be tapped from the ungrounded conductors of circuits having identi- fied grounded neutrals. Switching devices in such cir- cuits shall have a pole in each ungrounded conductor, except as provided for motor controllers in section 4384. Polyphase circuits need not have one conductor grounded and identified, except as required by section 2514, but ff one conductor is grounded it shall be Identified. Other unidentified ungrounded systems or circuits may be used only by special permission. 2008. Identification of Terminale. All devices pro- sidedlvith ternlinals for tap allachment of conductors and intend c for conneetiod to more than one side of the circuit shall have, unless specifically excepted, a POLARITY IDENTIFICATION pair ofconne,ting terminals properly marked for Id,ntifscati... unless the electrical connection of a terminal intended to be connected to the grounded conductor is clearly evident. a. Ponell wit. and Devices. The terminals of fighting paneiboards and of devices having a normal current rating of aver 30 amperes need not be marked I., identification, except as required in paragraphs e . and f of this section for polarsaed recepl., c, for at- tachment plugs and polarized attachment -plug caps. bis . Utilisation AppCel The terminals of utiliza- tion appliances need not be marked to indicate the proper connection to the grounded conductor. It the terminals of uliliaion appliances, of which single - pole switches form an integral Part, are marked.lo' identification, the terminal connected to the avaitch shall be the unidentified terminal e. Portable AppQ+ocea The terminals of portable appliancca aced oat be marked for identification. d. Single•pol. D.,ke.. Devices, to the terminals of which only one side of the line is connected, peed not have terminal. marked for identification. a. Two-wbs RecePtaclas and Cepa. Two -wire it- uchment•plug receptacles without sacw +hells. and Two -wire attachment Plug caps, -mitt. of the Polar{t type, need not have their termillala marked for ideati. fication. Two -wire po.armed receptacles for altach- meet plug. and, polanaed utachenent-plug ups shall have the terminal intended int cennectian to the grounded conductor tltarktd for identile.tioa. L Thres-wlre Receptseln and Caper. Three- ire attachment -plug receptatlea and threawire attach- ment -plug taps,. one t<rmina] of which may be coed for the connection of a graundiag conductor, .h+II have such terminal identified in a manner differing from that .Pecified in section 20039. The other terral- -I, cared sol be marked for identification. g S vw-shsQj� In the case of devices with ser— .hell,. the identified terminal shall be the -,C oo- dated w lte screw -shell. This does not aPPto see., hrl1. which serve as i0xholdcra h, 8crew•.hell Device. with Leada. In the ore of K,w ,h<II device. with attached !tads, rhe conductor 329 0 0 to r - A 24 ARTICLE 210 attached to the strew -shell shall have white or natural• gray finish. The outer finish of the other conductor Aa be of a solid solar that will not be confused with the white or natural -gray finish ts•hidt is to indicate the grounded conductor, 2009. Means of Identification of Terminals. The marking of terminals shall be done by means of a metallic plated coating substantially white in color, such .s nickel or zinc, or tlhe terminals may be of material substanti311y white in color. The other I- Oninals sltall be of a readily distinguishable different Color - ARTICLE 210. BRANCH CIRCUITS. 2101. Scope. The provisions of this article shall Apply to branch cirtuits supplying ligihtiug or ap anrc loads or combination, of such loads. If motor,, or m*Io,,perated appliances, are connected to any circuit supplying lighting or other appliance loads• the provisions of both this article and Article 430 all apply. Amide 4J0 shall apply if branch circuit supplies only motor loads. 2102. Other Article Provisions. The provisions applyiug to branch circuits referred to in the follow. mgtable are exception, to the provisions of this article or are supplementary thereto, and shall aply to branch circuits supplying the loads referred to therein: Section Busways . ..... .......................... 3647 Cranes and Hoists .......................... 6142 Elevators .................. ......... 6251 Infra -red Industrial Hwting Equipment ...... 4237 instruments .................................93843 Moto..................................Article 430 Organs ...................................... 6506 Remote -Control, Low -Energy Powecand Signal Circuits . ...Article 725 Sign. and Outiinc Lighting ................... 6006 Sound Retarding and Reproduction .. „ 6406 Systems over 6DO Volts ................7141 to 7144 Systems under 50 Volta ... ' 7204 Theatres and Similar Occupancies ..5241, 5286, 5292 Weldon ...............................Article 610 BRANCH CIRCUITS J1032103. Classification` Branch circuits recognized by . article shall be classified in accordance with rho maximum Permitted rating or setting of the ov<rour. rent device and the classifications for other titan in. dividiial branch circuits, shall be 15, 20, 30 and 50 amperes. When conductors of larger size are used to provide for voltage drop, the rating or sctthul of rhe sP"ified av<rcurrent device shall determine Abe circuit claaffi<ation. General Provisions 2111. Mulli-Wlra Hunch Circuits, Branch circuits recognized by this article may be installed as mulli- wue circuits. A multi -wire branch circuit as referred to herein is a circuit tonsisling of two or more un• grounded conductors having a potential difference bet,v<en them, and an identified grounded conductor baying equal potential dig<rence between it and each ungrounded conductor of the circuit and which 5. conn«ted to the neutral conductor of the system. 2112 Color Code, If insfailed in raceways, as open work, or aA mncwsled knob and lube work, the conductors of multi -wire branch circuits and'2-wire branch circuits connected to the same system shall ...form to the folloxing color code. Three -wire cir- cuiti—one black, one white, one red: 4 -wire circuits— one black, one white, one red, one blue; $•wire Cir- cuit. ---one black, one white, one red, one blue, one yellow. 1f more than one multi— r. branch circuit I. domed through 1' single ruenay the ungrounded con. durtOt es the -11'eci ied. llcnit may be of colon other stun those spat[ b All arcmt 1. h,l".s of the amt m!.r shall d e,i1froed In the oma ata grounded Ie<Jer <6nducter tgrougheut the installation. 2113. Voltage. Dranch c!,rlai , supplying lamp• he:Ctrs, fiA'o < 1 or res<;aacks of the standard IS - a r.:pere or less non; sha;l nrq steed 150 volt, to ground, ucrpt (tl m in.iustr�al esul.iishmems the velssge m.y exceed 150 valL to ground but shall rot exceed Jldl suit. to Rrwrd for Lro rch cieuib sul�ply- inK lighn.g fixture. only Chat are equipped tither with I mogd.burewI"phulden or w.h lav:phc!du. cCiti« tYGe. r< appruvcd for the aP?lira- trn, mcu.:rd lot less than (f leer from the whsh d. rot have awJch <crtr.l as an integral pan If tis, fixture; (2) io railway prep<rif<, as described 2s ARTICLE 210 in section 1111, (3) for intra -red industri al heating appliances as described in section 42,17, dsrdling o«npanaes, dm voltage between conductors supply- ing lamphulders of the acresv-shell type, receptacles, or .pPlia...., shall not casted 150 voI[s, except that the voltage between conductors supD15•'nR only Per- manently connected appliance, or po "1" appliance. of more than 1,650 watts may exceed 150 volts. 2114. Heavy -Duty Lampholden. Heavy-duty lamp- holders as referred to in this article shall include' EJison-base lampholders of the mogul type, and oilier lampholdfng dcs•ices required !or lamps exceeding the maximum Wring of the nleJiunt-base lamp as provided in section 94103. 2115. Branch Cirluits Required. Branch cittuit3 shall be installed as follows: A , Lighting and Appliance Circuit.. For lighting, and for appifances not specifically provided for to paragraph h, branch circuits shall be pr tion computed for a u computed load not [.a than that determined by sea The number of circuits shall be not less than that determined from the total computed load and the capacity of circuits to be used, but in ever case the number 31131! be sufficient for the actual load to be served. 1Vhere Che IoaJ is computed on a "walls per square foot" basi,, the total l..d, in so lar as pr3cti%I3 shall be evenly proportioned among the branch circuits ac- cording le their .,.city, It Iirhlirt< u.11a to he imlallyd "'Tei_ether thav 700 per emh poxrr (actor, ,re rye •rani b of ,retain 2I1$ for mu,mvm ampere Imd hxr.h.d . meMrAatl�atacn11—i elf amtrerrl hranrh �rFcuit atievio�ull dlf Ar<rr<, h 300 quare het (at•pr........ 2 emu Dcr a.uare Irot) AI seer ra Sc. E,ample Fa 1, Cbapler 10. I. Receptacle Circuits (Dwelling Occupant(,.), For the small appliance load in kitchen, laundry, pantry, dining room and breakfast roam of dwelling occupancies, one or more branch circuits shall be D+o• vided for all receptacle outlets (other than outlets for clocks) in these rooms and such circuits shall have no other outlets. Tire conductora of such circuits shall be not smaller tMn no. IL ' Sm accdsv 212404. ARANCII CIRCUITS 27 u Other Cfrcedt.. For specific load, not otherwise pprovided for in paragraph, A or b, branch circuits shall be as required by oil'<r sections of the code. 2116. Calculation of Load. The he circuit load for lighting, and appliances shall be computed in As. cordance with the Provi'i. of this section. Where in normal operation the maximum load of a branch circuit will continue for long periods of time, such as store lighting and similar lo.ds, the minimum unit loads specified in this section shall be increased by 25 per cent in order that the wiring system may have sulfi<icnl branch circuit and (ceder capacity to insure safe operation. R. 0e..rid L18hdn8• For general illumination: I. In Llued O..0 .nciea In the occupancies Ifaled in the Cable In section 2203, a load of not lea than the una load of Culumn A shall be included for eachsqu.,c foot of fl—r arca. In dcte+mininl the I.ad on the "watts per square foot" basis, the I our arca shall be computed from the outside dunenuans of the building, apartment or area involved, and the number of goo.; not including open porch., gauges in con nation with dwelling occu- pancies, nor unfinished spaces in basements or attics of dtacllinRa• All receptacle outlets of IS•amyere or itis rating in aingle-f.mfV and multi -family dwellings and in gue,t rooms of patels (except those connected to the re• e<Ptacl< <iamis Apes ed in paragraph b of section 2" 2115) may be'0"'er<d as outlets for general ilium• '0"' and no additional load need be included for such outlets. The provisions of paragraph b of this scarlet^ ., le11 r pOcaupande..eln eotherco< uuptan< a, A load of not Ira than Che unit IoaJ spaifieJ in para• graph L of this section shall be included for each outlet. b OChee Load.. For lighting other than general fllumWlwn and for appliances other than motors, a load .I riot less than the unit load specified below .hall be included for Cath -det. •Uudeu supplying Apcafic appliance, and usher tosyls .. ..:\mp• rating of appl-mal Uutics s,rWng heavy.dmy lamp- "Adcra 5 ampere, .Uthcr nutlet. ISS ..Peru 330 0 i 331 ARTICLE.110 •For mown, am S<uions 43M and 4316. }Thin nroviaian not arPlipble m rmePmde oudets connected to ,I:c ,;pinna .eanKd ppxxraPb b of s<nio,h 2113 or to mq.tade oudets PmeidN fur the nnmtivn o[ toed Liebling unite b SxOitau acn'icivR and rmlaunaevL c. Exceptions. The minimum load for outlets spe- eifhud in paragraph b $hall be ntodlfued as follows: I. Ranges. For household electric ranges, the branch circuit load may be computed in accordance with Table 29, Chapter 10, 2.Show-Window Lighting. For show -window Ifghting a load of not less titan 200 watts for each along its base, may be allowed nvlieu of ti erizontallspecified load per outlet. 3. Multi -Outlet Assemblies. Where fixed multi. outlet assemblies are cutployed, each five feet or frac. tion thereof of each separate and continuous Icnglh shall be eonsi,lcrcd as one outlet of not less than 1% ampere capacity; except in locations where a number of appliances are likely to be used simultaneously, when each on4 foot or traction thereof shall be con. sidered as an outlet of not less than 114 amperes. 4. Telephone Exchanges. Shall be waived for manual switchboards and Switching frames in tele- phone exchanges. d. Existing Installations. Additions to existing in. stallations shall conform to the following: 1. Dwelling Occupancies. New 616its or exten. sions to existing circuits may be determined in ac. co -lance with paragraph, a or b of this section; except that portions of existing structures not previously either Of ,ed. or additions to the which exceeds SOO square hfeetgin structure, shall be determined in accordance with paragraph a of this Section. 2. Other Than Dwelling Occupancles. When add. ing new circuits or extension, to existing circuits in other than dxvdling occupancie,, the provisions of Paragraphs a or b of this section shall apply. Specific Requirements 2121. Conductors. Circuit conductors shall con- form to the following: BRANCH CIRCUITS "Carrying Capacity. Shall have a carrying cap. .City ofnot less than the rating of the branch circuit and not less than the maximum load to be served b. Minimum Size. Shall be not smaller, than No. 8 for ranges of 8y kw or more rating, nor smaller than No. 14 for other loads. S. rararapb b of Sada. 216. c. Exceptions. 1. Range Loads. See Note 4 of Table 29, Chapter 10. Where the maximum demand of a range of 8;f kw or more rating 13 computed according to Column A of Table 29, Chapter 10, the neutral <onductor of a three -wire bunch circuit supplying a household eIta trio range may be smaller than the u.4munded con. doctors but shall have a carrying capacity at least 70 per cent of the currcm-carrying capacity of the on. QQrounded conductors and shall not be smaller than No. 10. Calle ay.mhllin eirh the n<utnl eondvrar amilkr ,ban W ar<raacdcd <ceduarr alias 4 b marled, 2. Taps. Taps to individual limphetders or fix- tures, taps not over 18 inches long to individual out. lets, or taps to infra -red lamp industrial heating appli. ances, may be of Tess spacity than the branch circuit nting; but not fns than the load to be served and not smaller than 5a 12 for SO-impee circuits and No. 14 for other circuits. 3. Pasture Wires and Cords. Fixture wires and cords nis Le of smaller aim, bol not less than the sisRspeafi,d in Paragnpi, d of section 2403. Tat ( J Cbastu 10. 1<r xbo nrylna eaeauV of Gros sriru ad arcs 4. Outlet Devices. Outlet devices may have less arty.rX <aparty than th, Lnrd, circuit rating but notlea thin tin types and rffi.ga specified in pars. graphs a and b of s«ion 2123. 2122. Ovetterrent Protection. The nling or, sea ring of overcurr<nt d ­ ices shall ecn Iowmit; form to the !04 s. Rating. Shall be not in <aceu of the carrying capacity of the urcmt eooduetor. Is. Simile Applianes. S1-11 net ezeeed 150er I'm Of the nh.rg of rhe appl.anee, ,f the c. C." supplies only a sj:c spF:'encs of or more rating. 30 ARTICLE 210 C. Exeepti003. I. Taps and Futuro Wires, Taps, fixture wires and cords as permitted in paragraph a of section 2121 may be considered as protected by the circuit over. current device. 2123. Outlet Devices. Outlet devices shall con. form to the following: s. Lampholders. Lampludders shall have a rating of not less it,.. the load to be served; and when cora nerved to circuits having is rating of 20 amperes and over shall be of lire heavy-duty type. b, Rtteptaclea. Receptacles 311311 have a rating of not less than the load to be served; and when eon. nected to circuits having two or more outlets shall conform to the following: IS -amp, circuits........ Not over 15 -amp, rating 20 -amp, circuits .......... ...20 -am ratio 30 -amp. circuits ...........20 or 30-p. rating SO -amp, circuits ................50;amp. rating •See wregrapis e3 v[ Ibis aecdoa. Recepudea connected to circuits of marc than 150 volts between ...ducjors shall be of such design that attachment plug c90 used on circuits of other vola a9e3 on the same preini3e3 cannot be inserted in them. Q Exceptions: 1. Range Loads. See Note 4 of Table 29, Chap- ter 10. 2. Lampholders- Medium -base lampholders of the Porcelain unswitched type and Lampholders for fluor. escent lamps may be connected to 20 -ampere branch circufta if only faxed lighting units are supplied. Fiats Ggbhinx uvfts are phare that are immd.,h ,......,. ,. 3. Receptacles. Receptacles rated at 15 amperes may be connected to the 20 -ampere circuits referred to In paragraph c-2 for the connection of fixed light- ingorals; to 20 -ampere circuits conforming to the Provisions of paragraph b of section 2115; and to 20. ampere circuits supplying only small appliances and lisht ng units with heavy-duty lampholden. 2124. Receptacle Outlets Required Receptacle out. It shall be installed as fellows: BRANCH CIRCUITS a.. General. Wherc portahin cords are used, except where the atiarhmenl of cords by other mean. is spa eifi,ally per mnmd. A mrd ......... ne.maveni t, euiu, ad mrd -dull u mnnd<rd a accphx.e ounr� Is. Dwelling Type Occupancfea. In every kitchen, dining ro ln, Lnakia,t roam, living panni parlor, library, Icn, sun rnonh, recreation room amt bedroom, oneecgaxle outlet shall he prwi4cd taevery very 20 linear c' or or maPm frar10n thvrcoi of the Saul (grans) dwau,, around the roan, a; .,a cd hori. zunlally along the wall ar the fl.:nr line. The recep. ode .utters shalh in so lar as Practicable, be spaced equal dh.unac< al'art. At lean one receptacle outlet shall Lc instilled L -r t cnnn,ction of laundry appli- ances. This raepuck shill be of a 3-Pu1e type de- signed for grounding. Receptacle mllcli in floor shall not he w mted as part of tl,c squired number of re. eept,ide outlets ullew lecand close to the wall. Sea Ra 0n 1. Clueur to 2125. Maximum Load. Tire ma.imum load shall conform la tire following: a Molar -Operated Appliances, The total load shall not exceed Sq per cent of the branch circuit rat. lost if ."aux-opermcd appliancca are supplied. If circuit sal,phes Oily inoror-operaicd appliance loads. Article 430 is to apply. Is. Other Loafs. The lout load shall not exceed the branch circwtng. In computing the load oI nd lighting units w'b;ch ,!,ploy ballash i. transformeri or mn aut_mfor, the load shall be based on rim total of the .."pert rating of suds units and or on the wattage of tire lampa. e. Exuptiona: 1, Range Loads. See Note 4 of Table 29. Chap• ter 10. 2126. Permissible Loada, Individual branch cir. coils may suPldY any h,.,di. Branch circuits having two or mule oudets may supply only loads as fo;laws: s. Is. and 20 -Ampere Branch Circuits. Lighting unRa and/or appl+ances. The rating of any one port. able appliance shall out exceed W per teat oI the V 32 ARTICLE 210 branch circuit rating. The total rating of fixal appli- ances shall not exceed 511 per «rat of the branch cuit rat,uK if Lg.nul. unjta or portable appliances are also supplied. b, 30 -Ampere Branch Clrcuite. Fixed lighting units in other thou dwelling a<cupanaes: or aPPli- ancee in any occupancy. The rating ui any one Port- able appliance shall not exceed 24 amperes. e 60 -Ampere Branch Circuits. Fixed lighting units in other tLan dwelling oceupancies: or fixed Cooking appwa liances: or fixed rant;, and ter heater; or fnfra-red lamp industrial hearing appliances. The rano fn<d" m ureJ in rhir action recatnfay cord eoa. necdona wberq vthaww pemined. 2121. Table of Requfremente. Tlm acquirements for Circuits Laving Fsva or more outlets (other than the receptacle circuits of paragraph b of stttion 2115) as specifically provided for above arc summarized in the following table: Branch Circuit Requirements (Typo R RIF, RIV. RU, T, and TW coml.'ta.a In rmaway or cw,.) CIRCUIT MTI\G IS dmR 24 .\rap, 30 Amp. 30 A., COSDCCTORS: (Mit. Suet Cimuie 1Vha 11 12 ]0 6 a 14 14 14 12 y""re Ntra aria Cord.• OVF.RCURRENT 1'ROTF.CFIVN IS Amp. 20 Amp. 30 Amp, 30 Amp. OUTLET DEVICES- 1-imphotd... Anr lleavr Ileac Ilse 1'crmi.N Typo UUVt 11uVy rami Re<eptadd May Raena 13 Amp. 20 AMM 201,30 SO Amp, Amp. MAXIMUM LO.W . 13 Amp- R 20 Amp. 30 Am30 Amp, F WAD SIDLE Src, 2126 Sea: 126 Sae `126 See, 2126 • p i5ae SrKc��on 313J<], i5ae Salian 213JaJ. FEEDERS 13 ARTICLE 220—FEEDERS 2201. Feeder Sue. Fierier conductors shall be oat smaller than spaified in Tahles 1 and 2 0( chapter 10 for the Computed feeder load as determined by pter Pion 2203. A 2 -wire feeder supplying two or more see - 2 -wire branch circuits, or a ,-hire feeder supplying more than two 2 -wire branch circuits, or two or .tore ,-winm re b l0.ranch Circuits, shall be not smaller than No. If a feeder Carries the total current supplied by the service•entrance conductors, such feeder, for ser - ,fees of No. .n smaller, shall be of the same size as the service -canna conductors, Tl a any time it . found that feeder conductors will be, or arc, ovvloaded, the (ceder capacity shall be fncreaaed to comply +%ith the provisions of Table, and 2 of 0131fcr 10 for the actual load served. Sae Ems—. Ny, 1 eo S It Chapter 10. 2202. Voltage Drop- The size of the feeda con- ductars ahoutd be such that voltaKe drop up to the firul dirtrihutfon point (or the load as computed by section 1- s. will not Le more than J per cent for paver loads, and not Mort Ihan 1 per cent for light- ing loads or combined hghting and Power load. 2207. Calctdatfan Of Load. The computed load of a feeder shall be not less Ihan the sum o[ all branch <irtuit Iwds auDPfi<d LY the feller, as determined by section 2116, subject to It,, f.,,Iowing provision: s. Oenenl Llghting. The demand (actors specified In this paragraph may f:< pto c branch __n I.ad (or ....qalplied li", 11 the omputed bark Sac paraerapb a Unit Loads and Peed<r Demand Pactors Th coir < oral IAe d. a....a f. pw Grp.,G aaifarcr uu. irAr vats::.u�..nf �avumplaml.r In a:e. c1 alis trend bard L; 6:ay<r vd ,o ,sect :.oda eras ro v:era__�'y�•Ir are cl R. J 1ed iY�fa� a'a:oxo, mrh ,mi.'Lf.cn x it d as aU rkr I.ad I.i.lr N 4 imposes seri Ilia aa;.a<u ,�, ar.r.r._a r sato In ic.va ufa a. w'ten .•.rife r.+'LIK I:IAr'st r3aey va ro W Enna:l•d, d w.•r:4ruu raw k•a:3 b uaW ., e , aria rr G iacrea..1. • r4 emJ.ar:r eaprr.tl 34 ARTICLE 220 COL A COL 0 Tyre of Unit Load Load to .hkh O«upa my I.- So. F6 Rema., Ihan- Demand t wSurI Annliy (33'-110 F.I., •See Caraaraph a of thio rection. -Forruhl<Nen ro arm in hmpiralr ova 6oteh wM1erc eosin b ilhrina is likely b he u.ed an enc rime; a. iv op<carina comm,dlmnma..IniIs roomy, ere, a deman4 tactor or IW par ant -Mall .I..lr"L FEEDERS 31 b.ShawlWindow Lighting. For show-windo+, lighting, a load o, not less than 200 +tat1. shall be included tar each linear foot of show -window moa3- ured horizontally along its base. e. Small Appliances, The shall appliance load sP<cifird in subparagraph c•1 and the mnlputed branch circuit load for rcnptacld oudeta in cillo, than dwelling ISecuPancies, for which the allowance is not more: dun 1% amperes Per owlet, may be included with the general Lghtmg load and subject to the dt- mand (actors in paragraph a of this section. 1. Dwtgin� O«upon<i<a In single-family dwell- ings. in individual alurbncrtts of multifamily dwell• inns luting provisions for tonkinK by tenants, and in each ha,l suite ha+•ing a serving pantry; a feeder load of not Iris Ihan 1,500 watts shill be nlcludr,l for small appliancef fPnrtahle apt,liances supp,i, from re<cptulrs el IS amperc or ria ratio,;) m dining room, kiahen and laundry. If the load is subdivided through riv. or more ('ceder, lh< rompuled load for each shall iridal, not kis than 1,500 watts for small appliances. d. Electric Rangel The feeder load for household electric ranges and olhtr coakmg appliances, fudi- , vfdually rated mnre than M ka•, may be calculated in accordance with Table M. Chapter 10. In -der m prided fee a ble f,turt 'nnallafien of rrnso a! bi{a ralinrr. Ir a r u-: rn hf tnar �er< cancer of kr. than ipaeiMr mr+a,�inum domand,iraly<1. rhe leeaer ra a.ial t< nm kx 29. Chapter 10. gt-,i6e1 iv (:clam A of Table Where ? number of ranges are saDPlied by a 3• phase, 1-4r. (eedcr, the currcn( shall b, computed on the basis of the demand of twf<e the maximum number of ranger conna-led between any ewe ph an oiree. Sc, gympic No. a, CM1rcaer 10. s• Fled ADDlfandes (Other elan Rangte). Where lour a more fiord app .ancvs, in .'J,,lwn ,, an Neari< range el ranRra. are <our—rd M the same fredfr m a I lint a or to ihi.family dw'rllmR, a demand (actor n 25 her cent may hr apPhce to the lade app:utac load• mss fncludmg the electric range. f, Motors. Fnr motors, a load computed afford• inn m Ile Pronsion of aciduria 4314 and 4316 shall be fndwtd, 332 Fi ]a ARTICLE 230 g. Neutral Feeder Load. Thencutml feeder Ica d shall be fire maximum unbalance of the load deter- mined by section ZZ03. The maximum unbalanced load shall be the maximum connected load between the neutral and any one ungrounded conductor; ex. sept that the load thus obtained shall be multiplied by 140 per cent for $•wire, 2.phase systems. For a feeder supplying household electric ranges. the maximum unbalanced load shall be considered as 70 per cent qE the load ori the ungrounded conductors as deter. mined in accordance with Column A oY Table Zp, Chapter 10. For 3 -wire d•e or single-bhase a -c 4-n•ire, 3-phase and Swire, 2 -phase systems, a further demand -factor of 70 per cent may b, applied to that portion of the unbalanced load in excess of 200 amperes. See F•-^plet 1. 2. 2 and 4. Chapter 11 2204. Common Neutral Feeder. A common nevi Ira( feeder may be employed for too or three s<b of 3 -wire feeders, or two acts of 4 -wire or S -wird feeders. When N metal endmnres, all conductors of feeder circuits employing a common neutral feeder shall be contained Within the same enclosure as provided in section 3018. 220S. Diagram of Feeders. If required by he authority enforcing this code, . diagram showitng feeder details shall 6e supplied previous to installation. This diagram should shore: Area in square feet; Toad (before applying demand -factors); demand.factors selected; computed load (after applying demand-fac. ton); and the size of conductors. ARTICLE 230• -SERVICES General Requirement. 2301. one Set of Service Cogductor Only. 1. gem eral, a building shall be supplied through only one set of service conductors, except; a. Where more than out service drop is permitted by section 2321. Is. Buildings of multiple occupancy may have two or more separate sets of service.entrance conductors which are upped from one aOrrict, deep, or two on more 'cub -acts of aervlce- m. cc conductors may be tapped from a single act of main service conductor. SERVICES a Io a single occupancy, where a act of service conductors is alrcad7 imtalled for one class of ore, nae additional act may be installed for a different elaaa of use. 2302 Service from One BuBding Through Auothar. No overhead service, na underground service, and no service from an isolated plant shall supply one build. ing through another, unless such buildings are under single occupancy or management. Conductors in con- duit or duct placed under at least two inches of con• vete beneath a building, or buried in two inches of brick maaoary or in concrete within a wall, ,ball be eaesideIt outside the building. 2301 1 -cilia of Servlet Condsetor. Service conductor shall have an ia.ukting covering which will normally withstand exposure to atmospheric and other conditlour of cue and whfc6 shall prevent any dctrimeoul leakage of torrent to adjacent Coaducton, objects, or the ground, a. UdnaaLtd Netter.l, to the ase of service eotsdxtors char hoe a nominal voltage to ground of not or, than 208 volts, a grounded central service conductor without an insulating covering may be in. staled. •b. Undergrotsnd Except as provided In paragraph a, underground service <oedneton n to the point of attachment to service equipment shall he covered with ruLber, cambric rh<rmaplattie, paper or orher ap- proved insulating mac<ral. Service conductors in- .I.Ved underground or in ceocrete slab. or masonry in direct contact with earth, shall be ked -covered or of other types specially approved tot tbe purpoaa Q &rola Drops. Fx<ept as yrovided in paragrapph service drrp :enduar,rs in multiPI—riductar cables efu11 be rubberKovered or ehrrmopWtm covered. All .Pio individual <onducmrr then be .I-t-bbcmtre ll a weatherprwf (type Wpf. d. On go-riev of or Etste tiag Bitildlets, Except as provided in Paragraph a, amide rund__ exuod- int' long the ertoier of or entnmq Duild{nQa ,hall be rsabbertor<r,d tar ehem]oDla.tic covered it in ract- vny; or in .errwe cooks OPtn individual rtmdue. tors wbich ,mer he builo.g shall be ruLber•co.erad la ARTICLE 230 or thermoplastic covered, but where on the exterior of the building only may be weatherproof (type WF). 2304. Size of Service Condutten. Service cotsdac- lora shall have adequate current -carrying eapacg to safely conduct the current for the loads supplied wllh- out a temperature rise dctrimeoul to the in.u..4 covering of the conductors, and shall have adequate mechanical strength. a. Service -Entrance Conductor. Serviaentranee conductors, indudjpg underground services, shall have a current -carrying capacity su0icient to carry the load as determined by section 2203, and in accordance with Tubles 1 and 2 of Chapter 10. They shall not be .malice than No. 8, except for installations consisting of a single branch circuit, in which case they shall be not smaller than the conductors of the branch circuit and in no case smaller than No. 12. The use. lral of the service -entrance conductors shall have a current -carrying cayacity in conformity with ims. graph g of aectton 2203, and shall be the same size as the ungrounded conductor when the ungrounded cots. doctors are No. 8 or smaller. It h rewmmepdM Clot a minimum of there Nu 6 wadamaa 6e mid far INV tetmlktwm. b. Service Drops. Conductors io service drops shall be or smaller than No. 10 if of ao(t copper, or No. 12 if of medium or hard -drawn copper. Ceedvrton 1. a hvildlne trmn a pole en wbkh •miser •:,e swiuh ie Inmlted s,91 be wmid<red u t terrke drop and smWlyd smwd,zly. 2305. Service -Entrance Conductor without Spute. Service -entrance conductors shall be without .splice except as follows: a. Clamped or bolted connections In a meter endo- sure are permitted. b. Taps to main service conductor, ora permitted as Provided in paragraph b,of section 2301, or to in. divsdusl sib of se- c equipment as provided in para. graph a of section 2351. a A connection Is permitted, If properly erichmed. where an underground service conductor enters a building and is to be extended to the service equip• ment or meter in another form of approved service raceway, or service cable. SERVICES ]) d. A connection is permitted where service con- ductor at extended from a service drop to an out' aide meter location and returned m connect to the service -entrance conductors Of an existing installa- tion. 230& Conductors in Service Raceoy. Conductor, other than service conductors, groending conductors, or control conductor from time switches having over. current protection, shall not be installed in the service raceway. • Underground Services 2311, Meehanleal Protection. Underground service conductors ,hall be protested against mechanical i.. jury by being installed io duct, conduit' in the form of a cable approved for the purpose or by other ap- proved means. 2312 Protattlon On Pelta, It underground at -k. conductor, arc carried up a pole the mechanical pro- tect{o. ,hall be imtalled In . point at leaat 8 feet above the ground. Such mechanical protection may be provided by the use of approved cable, Pipe, tar other ,PPI-lemeans. 2311 protection When Emedng Building. When underground service conductor. enter a building, they .hall h.ve mechanical protection in the form of rigid or flexible conduit, electrical metallic tubing, auxiliary gutter., the metal tape of an approved service cable, or other approved means. The mechanical protee• tion shall extend to the enclosure for the .,,vice equipment vales. the service .witch k Installed on a .witchboard, in which case a bushing shall be provided which, except where lea d. conductors are used, .hall be of the mmlatiag typb 2314. Scaling JIM of Raeaway. When a strike -""Y or duct enter, from an underground disid- bmbn gate-, the end within Hae bdiding shall be waled with .0{able compound w as to prevent flu enigma of moisture or gaud Sparc or no." duct. ,hall also be waled. 8arvka-Drop Cocducton 2321. Number of Drop. No building shall b. ,up- pliad fro. the .cmc transformer, or from th. es.. 333 /O .1 IRTICLE M secondary distribution system, through more than one service drop, except a, follows: a Fire Pumpa. If a separate service is required for fire Pumps. b. Emergency Lighting. If a separate service is re* quired for emergency lighting purposes. c Capacity Requirements. If capacity requue. mems make nmltiple services desirable. d Buildings of Large Area. By special permis- sion, it more than one service drop is necessary due to the area over which a single building extends. e., Multiple -Occupancy Bndldinga. By special per. mission, in multiple -occupancy buildings where there i, no available space for service equipment accessible to all of the occupants. 2322. Clearance of Service Droll Service drops shall not be readily moeasible and shall conform to the following: a, Clearance Over Roof. Conductors shall have a clearance of not less than 8 ft. from the highest point of roofs over which they pass, except where the voltage between conductors does not exceed 300 and the roof cannot be readily walked upon, the clearance may be not less than 3 feet. b, Clearance from Ground. Conductors shall have a clearance of not less than 10 feet from the ground or from any platform or Projection from which they might bt reached. m Clearance from Buildings. Conductors shall have a clearance of not I... than 36 inches from win- dows, doors. porches, fire escapee, or similar, locations. 2323. Supporta Independent of Building. Where practicable, conductors passing over a building shall be supported on structures which are independent of the building. If necessary to attach conductors to roof they shall be supported on substantial structures. 2324, Point of Attachment to Building. In gen• eml, the point of attachment of a service drop to a building shall be net less than 10 feet above ground and shall be at a height to Permit a minimum clear- ance for service drop conductors of 10 feet above sidewalks and 18 feet above driveways, alleys and public roads. The attachment should not be mon SERVICES 41 than 30 feet above ground unless a greater height is necessary for proper clearance, Where the form of the building will not permit placing the attachment 10 feet ar more above the ground, the attachment may be less than 10 feet provided all other clearances are obtained and all conductor, and connections with. in 8 feet of the ground are properly insulated with rubber or equivalent i ... latioa 2325. Means of Attachment. bfultiple-conductor cable& used for service drops shall be attached to buildings by fittil approved foe the purpose. Service Conduction on or in Budding. 2331. Wiring Methods, Service conductors extend. fog along the exterior, or entering building., may be installed as aepante conductors. m cables approved for the purpose, or enclosed in rigid conduit, or, for circuits not exceeding 600 volts, in electrical metallic tubing or ss busways, k:e pmmnfalremee bvildm .lcaW ,tt h< rvo wirhl, the hd• _."'a s.owrniav u rnr"ruter m6rovWed wiN &mowart 2332, 11.1simiw Proeecaoa Individual open con. duet"'. or cable, other than approved service-<mnn<e cables, .hall not be inua01d within 8 feet of the ground or wh.re exposed 10 mechanical injury. Ser- vme-entrance cab'.., if cable to camact with awning., shutters, swinging sign,, installed is exposed place.' fedriveway., near coal chutes or Gibcj Ise exposed to mechanical injury, shall be al the protected type or otbe her approvedyrac..�Ali • e!ecencal metallic tubing 2333. Individual Conductors gapc..d to Waatha. lal. dmf open wrtd. lars,i expand to weather, sha;l be supported Gn ma4l.". calk., Lnekel., or other mean., pla.ed at inl.... nal ._cling 9 feet sn4 separaund the .ondua0r. q least 6 inches from .alb other and 2 rl Item the surface wired aver; m at interWs net exceeding 15 kat flex they maintain the r,.rd.,,0 at learn 12 mrh" apart pot maJ60 voh& u i<a., condurt,r. may have a .ep&ration of not leis than 3 inch" I aupyerb arc Placed at fntervas nal aaceeding 4% feet and c.ad..,,, are t»t leu than 2 inches Ircm dee facia., w;red mer. W I..he ror2 <uadw.to" (type WPI on axtai<e of buildiagsrihall sr ARTICLE 210 have a clearance from the ground of not less than 8 feet, and a clearance from windows, doors, porches, etc., of not less than J feet. 2334. Individual Conductors Not Exposed to Weather. Individual open eonducton not exposed Io the wcatlier may be supported on glass or porcelain knobs Placed at intervals not exceeding 4% feet and maintaining the conductors at least one inch from the suifacc wired over and a separation of at least 234 inches between conductors. 2335. Individual Wins Entering.Buildings, Indi- vidual conductors entering buildings shall pass in- ward and upward through.abating non-combustible, non-absorptive insulating tubes, or shall enter through roof bushings, and shall conform to the Provisions of Article 324. Drip loops shall be formed an the con• ductors before entering tubes, 2335. Service Cable.. Service cables of a type not approved for mounting in contact with the —11 shall hart insulating supporta at intervals not ea ... din, 15 fact, sad maintaining a distance of at least 2 inches from the surface wired over, Service cables mounted in contact with the building shall be supported at intervals not exceeding 434 feet. 2337. Strviea Hand. Service raceways shall be equipped with a rainntight service head. Service cables, unless continuous front pole to service equipment or meter, shall be equipped with an approved nintight service head, or be formed in a gooseneck, taped and Painted and held securely in place by its connection to service drop conductors below the gooseneck or by a fitifng approved for the purpose. Drip loops shall be loris on individual conductors. To prevent the entrance of moisture, service -entrance conductors shall not be connected to the service -drop conductors At a Point above the Toldof the service head or the ter- mination of service -entrance cable sheaths. If service heads are used, conductors of Opposite Polarity shall be brought out through separately bushed holes. 2338. Enclosing Raceways Made Raimigbt. If rigid metal raceways are insta11fH1 where -Posed to weather the raceways shall be mad, raintight and arranged to drain. SERVICES 43 a 2339. Terminating Raceway at Service Equipment. If conduit, electrical metallic tubing, or service cable is used for service conductors, the inner end shall enter a terminal box or cabinet, or be made up directly to an equira!"lI fitting, enclosing s.8 live metal parts, except that fF the service disconnecting means is mounted oa a swichbe.rd having exposed bus-hara on the back, the raceway may be equipped wish a hushing which shall be of the inaulativg type unless lead -covered conductors an used. Disconnecting Meana 2351. General. Each set of service -entrance eon. ductor. shall be providrd with a readily Act: e..ibk means of discoonecti ig all conductor, from the source of ,nPPIY. a. Switch and Circuit -Breaker. The diaconnectfng moms .hall be manuolly npin6le. Il may consist of not more than six switehec or tax rircun-Ureaker, in a cotmnan enclosure, or in a urnup Of separate en• closures, located at a readily arcessibl< point n"real to the enhance of the c Iducmre, tido inside or Outside the budding wall the disconnecting means shall be of a type apProved for scrv•ice equipment and for prevailing condmom. b. Multiple -Occupancy, In a multiple -occupancy building, each occupant shall have access to his dis- connecting nc<an,. In a nmltiple-occupancy bu0ding supplied bye service in cmniormhy wilh Paragraph b Of section 2301. and having a commn.aa read,,, at• , s ihle space available, Ilse dwori a ting coram may consist Of nomore than six swftebts or hrcuft-Ureal.• ars whicl, shall ronhunth r to e requirement, a! Pa..graph aof Ibis union. e D6conii-tiro of Grounded Conductor. if the "'Ich or circuit -breaker it,,,, not interrupt the grounded conductor, other n:can< shall be provided in the service cabinet nr on the awitchboard for diseon- n ,Isl the grounded conductor from the interior .;rind. d, Mart than Ona Bnflding, In a pn>penr mm• prir;ng mere Ibsen one budding under ung�e mamas mann, the wndu+face. supp;y,ng each bud4mg served .M71 W pmvidW rilh a readily .ice .lible areas,. 334 r as ARTICLE. 230 within or adjacent to tl,e building, of disconnecting all ungrounded eanduaon from the source of supply, In garages and oulbuildinga on residential properly the disconnecting "sans may consist of a snap switch, suitable for use on boor, scants, including switch controls at more than one pal 23'2 -Connections Ahead of Disconnecting Meana Service fuses, nua•ra, high -impedance shunt circuits (such as Potential coils of meters and control circuits of tune switches), surge protective capantors, li ninF arresters and circuts for emergency Iightf"R and for fire slams as prm•ided in section 2375, may be connected on to supply sid, of the disconnecting means. The wiring method for such a control circuit Shall be one specified for service -entrance conductors. For dealed acerin Praririem for fire alarm, sprinkler sup ervi+orY. o wamfimm aYdems. +cc StanJardr of the SanionSl guard o[ Fin Uaderwritcra 2353. Simultaneous Opening. The disconnecting means shall simull...o ly disci,",,,, all ungrounded conductors, except for 3 -wire direct-current or Slagle - phase circuits or multi -wife lighting circuits. 2354. Types Permitted. The disconnecting means for ungrounded conductors may be a dmnnally-opar- able switch or circuit -breaker d the air -break ar oil - immersed type, equipped warn a handle or lever for mechanical operation by the hand. A pmh-brawn I.A. of J,c.,i,.I —vu, control m,1 be .1.4 in sdJi"na w the manual ba.dle. 2355. Indicating. The disconnecting means shall plainly indicate whether it is in the open or closed position. 2356. Externally Operable. An enclosed service er switch or circuit-breakshall be externxlly operable unless additional enclosed, exiernallyoprrable switch- es or circuit -breakers are provided for central of all individual feeders and circuits supplied through iL It h raommrndrd do, caber. the eurrcm of atingle risme or ¢roup of circuit+, is ud`ardeI eter<d. as in arynment• noun tnnallalie.s, deka be Inaulkd in a e.n,evient lo<miav no eonuol och +et ara<1> maemd 'mnllnkn, cacti de+len being enclmed and die .lith or cinuitbnsker bei.¢ ealemally aper• .W. 2357. Rating of Service Switch A service switch shall have a rating not less than the load Ii, be r ... icd determined in accordance with section 2203. Except SERVICES 45 byspecial permis,fon. 30 -ampere switches shall not be used for a 2 -wire service supplying more than two 15 -ampere branch circuits. It is _..mended dial it, service vim, here In all eases, e rune ria Ito than 60 smAeas. Slid the 6_71, esker vat las tb . 50 arnAcns. 2358. Connection to Terminals. The service con- ductors shall be attached to the disconnecting mean, by pressure eanplctors, clamps or other approved nuans, except ,that connections which depend upon solder shall not be used. 2359. Hazardous Laea to Service equipment in- stalled in li—dous locatiom 5M1a11 conhply with the requ:rc cros of Article $00. 2360. Service Equipment Grouped. If supplied at the Same mdc of 'he buaAing by more than one oecr- head service drop ar more than one set of underground service conductors, the service equipments, except for services as permft,d in sections 2301-e and 2321, shall be grouped and exh >cl of wryipmnt marked to identify it. Overcu ,cl t Protection 2371 , Where Required. Each ungrounded service - entrance conductcr shall have overcurrent protection. a. In Ungrounded Candocter. Such protection $hall be provided bun overcurrent device in seri<s with each unRrvunded serv,ce candu<taq havinR a rating or sritmq not hiK%,er than the allowable carrying tapa,ily of the conductcr, except as fallow1. 1. For ort—slartinR currenis, ratings in confirm - fly with secucm 4342, 4.k.2, ar 4363 may be used. 2. Clrcu:t Ur -l- may have a sewing in conform icy witb Wrier+pin b and c n! acorea 2403. 3,," more than six ri,,.:..h..sl,_ or six ..is of feses may stye as the over,urrrnt devise. 4. In a mult:pl<•arcuparry Lr :ding. (1) supplied tr a secs ire ,n -.nl•.riu:ty w;tl, paragraph 1Yii-L, (23 ,acin. a readay a..... 6 apace. avadab!v, and t3) Y.avfng more Ih:" Sia uparate subdiv,>iona of the service, main r.vcrrarre nt hevicta <onfisrlr.g of rot more Shan six <:rcu3-Lreaktra ix sw u4 of (uses shall W prov.ded. 4e ARTICLE. 220 b. Not in Grounded Conductor. No overcurrent device shall be inserted in a grounded service can. ductor except a circuit -breaker which simultaneously opens all conductors of the circuit. C. MoreTban One Building. In a property com- prising more Ilan one building under single manage- ment, the conductors supplying each huilding served "hall be prmectcd by averearrent devices, which may be locoed in the building servedor fn another build- ing on the Same property, pro— , they are aeees- sibla to the occupants of the bufiding served. 2372. Location. The service overcurrent device shall be an integral Part of the service disconnecting means or shall he located immediately adjacent there- to, unless located at the outer end of the service race- way. 2373. Location of Branch -Circuit Overcurrent De- vices. If the service overcurrent devices are locked or scaled, or otherwise at readily accessible, branch. circuit overcurrent devices shall be installed on the load side, shall be mounted in an accessible location and shall be of lower rating than the service over. current device. 2374. Protection of Special Circuits. If necessary to prevent tampering, an automatic overcurrent device protecting service conductors supplying only a special load such as a water he:htcr, may be locked or scaled if I ... led so as to be accessible. 2375. Relative Location of Overcurrent Device and Other Service Equipment. The overcurrent device shall protect all circuits and devices except as fol- lows: a The service switch may be placed on the supply side. b. High -impedance shunt circuits for measuring and control apparatus, such as potential coils of meters and control circuits of tote switches, and surge protective capacitors, may be connected on the supply "shall of the service equipment. The wiring method shall be one specified in section 2331 for ser- vice -entrance conductor& a Circuits for emergency lighting may be con- nected on the supply side of the service evercurreet SF.Rk9CES device if separately provided with overcurrent pro- lection. d. Crcuits used only for the operslian of fire -alarm or otic, protcrive signaling systems may be con• netted on the supply side of the service overcurrent device if separately provided with overcurrent pro- tection. e, The .,it, may beplaced on the supply side of the overcurrent devise for a111rmling current supply not in excess of 100 volts het,—n conductors, and PIIIc conductors between meter and service equipnhenl are inaallyd by any of tlnc nnllwds sped• lied in section 2,131 for "'vice cr`nduct— Grounding and Guarding 2311. Encosmc. Live tarts of scrgce equipment shall be encased sec that they 11,11 n.:t be r.l. ucd to shaldrtml S•mnrh unl,ss mounlvd on a swircLL.4ard. PanelL.ard or n,Nndlcr acre>sib!e to iu,l.0ed per- s,ms only a,n•I located in a room or enclosure free front rawly unitiNle natcria1.Su,h an enclomre shall be provided vitt mcaus (or locking or scaring doors giving Clt. 10 live pat'& 2382. Grounding• Service equipment shall be grouoiled as (ollmes: a Equipmene. The enclosure for service equipment shall be gronn,kd in the manner spcuhcJ in Article 250. unless (q the voingc does not $areal 150 vola in ground and sari a,cosurcs are (.1 isolatal from conducting surface., and (3) unexposed Io ",tall by pees• ,, or ,al aIs that may also be in contact with other condo, ling surfaces. b, Raeenaya Service racelays, and the metal sheath of service cables, shat! be Krouode4. C—duil and octal pipe (ram undergrounA supply shall be co.sal ea snticienlly grounded if conmiyg :cad• id—lhrd calJe hond,d 4] a ecmtio-ir, underground Iead•shra,hcd cable system. a. Flexible Conduit. if a service an of rigid meal rarra'ay is imerruptod by 111x!47, meal—du,', the aecto•ns of rigid metal rmcway thus mtrrraidcd shall be U+�m1u1 r•,Rrtar by a coyl:er con:iu.-tor n ,smaller Ill.. No. 8. using <Im l'. ,rr other aPprV l mean+. The conductor and bonding device, shal3 be protected X3-6 J� .s ARTICLE 230 from mechanical injury, If the flexible conduit runs to the service cm,ineh similar bonding shall be in- stalled between the cabinet and the rigid raceway. Services Exceeding 600 Volts gcpnaar�ung ,thee+reree trnnduire" to<th<uLmlJ..9 eprepe, 1. rhe lollvwmg <ax+: 1. w•hee etrp damn tnmlarmen are lxated out where veP'de van+lor��{{rn are located 1. fo . a aepante tv hvildiug linin the one +erteJ. r. Where lisp down uan+formen ore lamtwi in the huadina artel in a ',,'.' mer vault eanfornung 1a rhe m•,uire- er:,., ,.f . liI'll 11 130, -d under the vole Cant l of Iter +ul•PIIon. comp. -Y, In na eine will the pm.idons oI this Acids app1P a Mgip• m.1 nutJ.reeely rnnnrard to arrvi<e enndvm:•r., anJ een.r- 1,, U ill net uppty to equipment in —4.ulldsr rhe sole con- - ollhe a.;,0, evmpsnr, 2386. General. Service conductors and equipment used on circuits exceeding 600 volts between conduc- tors shall comply with sections 2301 to 2325 inclusi-, sections 2335, 2381 and 2382, and also the following sections 2387 to 2392 inclusive. 2387. Wiring Methods. In locations accessible to other than qualified persons service entrance eondue- tors of more than 600 votes scall be installed in rigid conduit, or .,,multiple conductor cable approved for the purpose. If lht voltage exceeds 15,OW volts be- tween conductors they shall enter a transformer vault conforming to the requirements of sections 4541 to 45.87 Conductors in conduit or duct and enclosed by concrete or brick not less than 2 inches !hick shall he considered outside of the building, a. Open Work if open work is emplo3-cd where n , accessible to other than ' . -vol persons, the service conductors shall be rigidly supported on glass, Paarelafn or other insulators approved for the Purpose, which will keep them at Inst 8 inches apart, except at terminals of equipment. They shall be not less Ili an 2 inches from the surface, wired user and for voltages exceeding 2500 not less than 3 inches. Is. Service Cable. Where cable conductors emerge from a meal shCalh or raceway, Ilea insulation of the conductors shall " p,.,.C, ll from moisture soil mechanical injury by a pothead or other approved means. SERVICES 19 e Conductor Siae. Service conductors 'hall be not ama�ler than No. 6 unless in cable. Conductors in cable shall be not smaller than No. S. d. Supports Service conductors and their sup- ports, including latorR shall have strength and stability sufficient to insure maintenance of da ma clearance with abnormal currents in wet of abort. circuit. e. Guarding. Open wires shall be guarded where accessible to unqualified persons. 2388. Disconnecting Meana. The circuit -breaker or ,he alternatives for it specified in section 2389 will constitute the disconnecting means required by sec- tion 2351. 2389, Overaw,ent Protectfoo. 0 creurrent devices ov 'hall be prided in accordance with the following: a. In Vault er Consisting of Met'I.Enclosed Switchgear. 1f the atrvice equipment is instaUtA in a transformer vault meeting the yrovisiaon of sections t ,I eq .rem or consfsU of metal enclosed switchgear. the requir<menb for or ........ I Drat«tion and df.- 1-11tfng means may be fulfilled by the following: I. On circuits .I i5,pgg colo or less, oil -filled or other fuse' of suitable sung and tYP< which conform to action 71(13 may he used vithotrt switch or eircuib breaker plaided they may be operand as a discon- starling means. 2. if"" voltage is 25,000 volts or less ■ non-auto- cratia oil swfuh and maaLle lose' may be used. 3. Autommic-trip cirruit.hreak<rs may also be used under the Lmdamon< outlined m uagmpl" 1 and 2. If there limiutigm are rarr<de,f, n summons -trig Nnait-Lrrakcr .1"111 he ins"Ctd fnacompliance with the r<gmrcmenn of ParagnPh I' 4, it the antiage is 15,000 or kali a'wi! 1, wind, of it terrufning Il:e ro-!wd current of 11;a tran+fmmeq and—tal.Ie fuse' may be _7 y: aided Iter. ra'itch is imerlak„a 1 with a .cuit-brrakrr in tP:e sra;nilary I ncuft of the 11—f rmrr sa O,at Ihn .wit.h rano,.{ be opened when the <ucmt-Lr<aker is dated. 5%M axie<hgear referted to in thin action 'hag —1:11 d sxitc8gear havini a wlstan- t"I steel Hwetare and a stet! a 1c ,ar. of th.ckns:a A ARTICLE Ise not less than ;ti inch, over the side, and top. The en- closure shall he furnished as an fnlel,�al part of the equipment. if installed over a wood floor suitable protection thereto sloth be provided. b. Not in Vault or Metal Enclosure, If the service equipment is not in a vault or metal enclosure, the over -current device shall consist of an anion"lic trip circuit -breaker of suitable current-carryir8f and in- terrupting caPacit3• wfth an overcurrent unit in each I ngrounded conductor and so arranged that the opera- tion of any one device will open all ungrounded con- ductors. if the voltage of the circuit exceeds 5000, the regulrimi-I of section 7135 shall apply. A circuit - breaker used as -,,fee equipment sltall be located as near as possible to where the servicecon but lding. ductors enter Ilia building, or else on a pole outside the e, Fases. Fuses used as permitted in paragraph a shall have an int” I.. rating at least equal to the maximum short-circuit current possible in Itis circuit. d Cirxuit-Sreakera. Provision shall be made so that the cfrcuft-breaker is free to open in case the cfrcuft Its closed on an overload. This can be aceom- P,lisheby means such as trip-fm ree breakers, by ul- tiple breakers having an operating handle per pole, or, for an air circuit -breaker, by a switch in series with each Pole of the breaker. A service circuit -breaker shall indicate <karly acether it is open or closed, and shall be capable of interrupting the maximum Acirt- circuit current to which it may be subjected. 2390. Isolating Switches. Isolating switches shall be provided as follows: a, Air -break isolating switches shall be installed ee betwn oil switches or circuit -breakers used as ser- vice switches and the supply conductor, except where such equipment is mounted on removable truck panels or metal -enclosed switch -Rear units which cannot be opened unlesa the circuit is disconnected, and which, if removed tram lite normcraal operating position, auto - fromll disconnects the cfrcuft-breaker or switch from all live parte b. When the fuses used with uon-automatic if awitcIt in accordance wish 2389-a are o/ a type that may be .faceted as a disconnect .which, they may SERVICES sl serve as the isolating switch if they completely dis• connect the oil switch and all service egniPmcut flour the source of supply. "Air -break isolating swirel,es shall be are ... ible to qualilicd attendants only. They shall be arranged so that agrounding mm,enion on the load side can readily be made. Such grounding means need not be pea" d for duPlirate isolan,il,g sn'itcllcs, if any, in. and "mlafntd by the auPPly Company. 2391. Lightning Arrester. A IighlnfnR ...."at complying with the r<quire,,a of Article 280 shall he Placed on Carl, ungrounded overhead service Con- ductor ao the supply side of the service equipment, if called for by the authority enforcing this code. 2392. Equipment In Secondaries. If elle primary service equipment .op I one or mare transformers whose secondary windings feed it single set of mane, and the primary rirruft-breaker is n"nually operable from apoint onside the transformer vault, the dis. connecting mCa., and overcurrenl pr.tection may be omitted from the secondary circuit, provided the set. ting of the Prin"ry circuit -breaker is such a. In pro - tett the secondary circuit. In .110 her uses the sec- ondary circuit shall be provided with a disconnecting .,an, soil ....current yrole<ti.n a, required by vari- ous paragraphs o! ,his anisic. ^llanvatly tivrable"—ke,, "I b than only v,cooial, Imbae briwren the <i,ran a.r>her and the prim vl oPrra,ivn, anJ refer. w ucth ,be er<n,n' aeJ <I.:un' n, labia. ARTICLE 246—OVERCUURENT PROTECTION Installation 240L Cameral Requirement, ()veno__ P..tee- tion lar con—ors l, provided for the Purpose of opening the electric circuit if the ......I ,caches a value ah,ch a•d1 -use an excessive or 4-Rereu1 tem - 1_o ,l ., the -o-h col or ea ,Ju,t.rt '% grouitd,d conductor is con.i,I r d to Iso Pr:,la.tcd from .vrrcnrrenl if a protrcrire device ui a sun able rasing ,•r ,ruing is Pros i.icJ in each ungrounded con. doctor of Iter same circuit. /b 53 ARTICIF- 240 2402. Overcurrent Protection of Equipment. Equip- ntem shall he Protected against overcurrent as speci• fled in the references in the following table: llmnch Circuits .. ....... .. .Article 210 Capacitor.. . .. ...... SccdOns 4607-h, and 4608 Cranes and Hoists ...........Sections 6141 and 6142 Generators ............................Section 4454 Motors .................................Article 430 Over 600 Volts......... •Sections 7141, 7142 and 7143 Panelboards ............................Section 3882 Srrvires ......................Sections 2371 to 2375 Pcmnlc-Control, Loa• Energy andSignal Circuit. ... .. .... ...... I.. Article 725 Signs and Outline Lighling ............Section G006 Sound Equipment ................... .Seelion 6406 TransformI'S ..........................Article 450 2403. Overcurrent Protection of Conductors. Con. dila,,, stall be pnuceteJ in arcorclance u•ilh their current-cuq'in I .apathies• as given in Tables I and 2. Chapter !0, except as follows: a. Fuses. If the allowable current -carrying cap- acity of the conductor docs not correspond to a atand- ord sire fuse, dtc next larger size or rating may be uud Unt nal escecJing 150 per trot of the allowable current -carrying capacity of the conductor. Plug fuses and fu=elmlders shall not be used in ar<uits exceed• ing 123 colts between conductors, except circuits of a system having a grounded neutral and no conduc- tor at more than Iso volls to ground. The screw shell of plug type fttsehniders shall be connected to the load side of the circuit. b, Non -Adjustable -Trip Circuit -Breakers. Non-od- jurlaM1le-[rip nmuit•breaktr=, .,rcpt a5 mhcrrsvi.e per- .1, in sob-par:u;mph 9 of Tanks 1 and 2 of Chapter I0, shall he rated in accordance wall the current - carrying capacity of the conductor. a Adjustable -Trip Circuit -Breakers. Adjustable - [rip circuit -breakers of the thermal trip, magnetic lime -delay trip or iroanan..... rip types stall bt set to opemle at nM more don 150 per cent of the allow. able ctirrtnt-ralr3ing capacity of the conductor. Thr Rert of th• [r,rprmmre ,•n the orrrmi„n of Thermally inn,.11rvl .irtn+tLwalwa ah,m1A I:e t.ken im., ro »Orratinn ns ai. liratan d rich circ mhnaA-, x,h=n tl•q carr nd,iertr,l [o r. emelt lov or e.namrtr hixh unu•rrawru. OVERCURRENT PROTECTION S) d. Fixture Wires and Cords. Fixture wire or flex• ible card, sizes No. 16 or No. 18, and tinsel cord ,hail be eonstde..d i s protected by IS•amPer, overcurrent devices except as provided in section 6251. Flexible cords approved for use with sprcific appliances, shall be considered as protettcd by Int overcurrent devices of the bench circuits of Attici1 210 when conforming to the following: 20.antpere circuits, No. 18 ant larger; 30 -ampere circuits, 10 amperes or over cap- acity. Fixture wires of the sizes permitted (Or larcdps in paragraph a-2 Of section 2121 shall be considc as protected by the overcurrent protection of the 20- amperc. 3i -ampere and 50 -ampere branch circuits of Article 210. e. Motor Circuits. The conductors supplying motors and mr4or•operated appliances shall be considered as protected by the overcurrent prolective devices speci• tied in sections 4322, 4324 and 4342. f. BTu io Circuit' Taps to individual outlets and eir<mt conductors supplying a single household Ott- trie range shall be considered as protected by the branch circuit overcurrent devices schen fn accordance with the requirements of sections 2121 and 2122. g, Remote Control Except as provided in Article 725, the tnnducmrs of the control circuits of remote - control sait1hel shall he co idald as protected•from overcurrent by overcurrcnt 1-i<es that are not of the NKalled time -1:g lYP< and are need or set at not come than Sm! Per cent nl the —ry:ng capacity of the ream<•umtn,l conductors, as specified in Tables I and 2 of Chapter 10. be�oT peerrdAas p,hi+ctlt IaPped from a feeder shall Y Prr4ected from overcurrent If irrt.1.ed in aceerdance with secticn, 2434, 3647 and 43415. 2401, Thermal Device' 7lurmat cutouts, thermal reI,Yb and ether devices net des:Nntd m open abort• actin,, slut! act Le used 1•.r Pro:et[i•,n of n;nduc- torb aa3:nit GS'f.t ClSrrYnl der t0 S!Iv:rt'rlrCa113 Or aroards but mat be coed m Proton in Or branch <ucuil mndus.:ra Isom overloud it protected in ae- cordarct tech ,.erten 4330. 2405. Ungrounded Conductaty, An overcurrent etvice tics= or ererrurrem It, unit of a tired brwker) shall be placed in each onx—sided 54 ARTICLE 240 conductor. Circuit -breakers shall open all ungrounded conductors of the circuit. The number and position of thq overcurrent units such is trip coils or relays ,hail he as given in Table 28, Chapter 10. Individual single•pole crtcuit-brcaken may be used for the protection of each conductor of ungrounded 2 -wire circuits, each ungrounded conductor of 3 -wire direct-current or single-phase circuits, or for each on' grounded conductor of lighting or appliance branch circuits connected to 4 -wire three-phase systems, or 5 -wire 2 -phase systems, provider) such lighting or ap. pliance circuits include a grounded conductor. 24015. Services. For services the number of over - current units shall be as specified in section 2371, 2407, Motors. For motor -running protection the number of overcurrent units shall be as specified in sections 4326, 4327 and 4328. 2408. Feeders at Supply Stations. Each conductor of a constant -potential circuit entering or leaving a supply station, except grounded neutral conductors shall be proltcled front excessive current by a circuit. breakcr, or by an cqusraknI device of approved de. sign. St. Prmectivt dcvice< shall be of as neat as practicable to the point where the condu:tors enter or Icase the builrlinN. For the outgoing circuits not connected with other sources of power, the protective devices may be placed on the supply side of trans- formers or similar devices. 2409. Grounded Conductor. No overcurrent device shall be placed to any permanently grounded conduc- tor, except as follows: a. Simultaneous Opening. If the overcurrent de. vice simultaneously opens all conductors of the circuit. It. Conductors of Branch Circuits. In locations where the conditions of grounding, or the likelihood of reversal of connection warrants, the authority en. forcing this code may require, on sysl%ms having a grounded neutral or having one side grounded, that the conductors of 2 -wire branch circuits shall have an overcurrent device in each conductor. 2410.Change in Size of Grounded Conductor. where a change occurs in the sire of the ungrounded OVER.CURRENT PROTECTION SS conductor, a similar change may be made in the site of the grounded conductor. 2411. Fusee in Multiple, For the protection of con- ductors, except the conductor of moroo-branch cir- cuits, having allowable carrying Capacities exceeding the rated capacity of the largest approved cartridge type fuse, cartridge fuses arranged in multiple may b< used, Drovided as few lusts a, possible are uctd and the fuses are of the same type, characteristics, and moist. and provided the (useholder terminals are mounted on a singe continuous pair Oi bus -bora, or have an equivalent arrangement that will eliminate ant Palenliah difference bctnecn the terminals of the fuse. Logsdon 243,. Loeatlon In Circuit. Overcurr<nt devices shall be located at the point where the conductor to be protected receives its supply, except as follows. ' Service COodoctor' An overcurrent protective device for service conductors may be located as speci- tied in section 2372• b. Smaller Conductor Protected if the overcurrent device pro[emng the larger conductors also protects the smaller c 1Cr 1t1.,r m accordance with l able, 1 and 2 of CIIaP e. Taps Not Over 5 Feet Long. if the smaller conductors have a <urrenl•carrymg capacity of not It's than she sum of the allmvahl< current carrying "Is" , l for the <onJuc� r,of PV!Y.hProri led he more taVtia suits or 1wJs, w'hic I she not over $ fset hag and dors rars[a:.l brym+d the switchboard, panelboard. or control device, which it supplies and, except al the Paint of tonneebon to open u:res on insulators, a <ml.,•ed m r.nelwt, <kc- Irteal metallic tubing Win metal gm,". when not a Pact of the switchboard tar panc;bu.:rd. d Taps Not Over 25 Feet Long. If the smaller tondurturs have a current"a") cape it y at 1. 1 one-d:ud slut Of the conducmr from wh¢h IheY are a,q,plted, lmd provided the eaP is suitably protected from tneduni<al injury, is ort over 25 flet long. and termi+utn in a emNle circuit -breaker or set Of fan which wdi limit the load on she tip to that allowed 337 14 338 s6 ARTICLE :rts St ARTICLE 240 by Tables 1 and 2, Clsapter 10. Beyond thispoint the conductors may supply any number of circuit. break s, or sets „f :uses. 2435. Location in Premises. Overcurient devices shall be lucalal where tlsey still be: a. Readily accessible, except as provided in section 23 72 for soviet cqu,p:nent and section 3650 for bus- ways. b. Not exposed to mechanical injury. 0. Not in the vicinity of easily ignitible material, Enclosures 2436. General. Overcurrenl devices shall be en- closed in cutout boxes or cabinets, unless a part of a specially approved assembly which affords equivalent Protection, or unless mounter] on switchboards, panel. boards or controllers located in rooms or enclosures free from easily ignitible material and dampness. The operating handle of a circuit -breaker may be acres- s(ble without opening a door or cover. 2437. Damp or Wet Locations. Enclosures for overcurrent devices in damp or wet locations shall be of a type approved for such locations and shall be mounted so there is at (cast one-half inch air space b,,mven the enclosure and the wall or other support ing surface. 2438. Vertical Position. Enclosures for overcurrent devices shall be mounted in a vertical position unless in individual instances this is shown to be impracti- cable. 2439. Rosettes. Fuses shall not be mounted in roaches. 2440. Disconnection of Fuses and Thermal Cutouts Before Handling. Disconnecting means shall Ira pro. vidcdn the supply side of all fuses or thermal cut. outs m circuits of mmc than 150 volts to ground and cartridge fuses in circuits of any voltage, H accessible to otlscr than qualified persons, so that each individ- ual circuit containing fuses or thermal cutouts can be independently disconnected from the source of elec- trical energy. except as provided in section 2352 and except that a single disconnecting means may be used to control a group of circuits each protected by fuses rri'F.RCURRENT 1•ROTECTION 52 or th<rnsal cutouts under the conditions described in section 4410. 24.11. Arcing or Suddedy-Moving Parta. Areing or suddenly -moving parts shall comply with the fol- lowing: S. Location. Fuses and circuit -breakers shall be so lamed or shicld<d Ilia' persons will not be burned or otherwise injured by their operation. eiLh Suddenly -Moving Part.. Handles or lever of t•breakers, and nmaar part. which may move suddenly in such a way that persons in the vicinity are liable to be injured by being struck by them, shall be guarded or isolated. Construction and Use of overcurrent Devices 2451. Plug Fuses of the Edison -Base Type- Plug fuses of the Edison -ba., type shall conform to the following: a. Classification. Plug fuse, of this type stall be eTasihcd at lot 'ver 125 volts, 0 to J0 amperes. b. Marking. Plug fuse. oI 15 amperes sting or less shall be dating uishcd Irom (hose of larger rating Gy an hexagonal oDen.nq in the cap through which the mica or similar window shows, or by same other prominent hexagonal feature such as the [arm of the top or Cap iudf, ar an heaagoml nceaa or projection I. she top or P. 2452. Holden for Plug Pasts. HoMera for plug fuses of JU amperes cr Ica, shall , bl installed un• fess they comply with "alien 24 u or are made to <umrdy ash sect... 2453 LY the insertion of an adaDtcr. ai:n sal ,: r✓. f,.., 1-b 11�,�iib � ar A c�l F:re W-,' 4L< „a•a cr Lr tr-..^:... a'�,i rcta.,.-0 art fun�'ar�u,rn LY 24$36 TPlug Fuca and Poaetsofden of Type S. Y i.e 5 p>•d f'd bare to bt used .,,the ev<r- eurnnerdcv+cc requ.r<d by Thu code the ,thea and (us<f�:luen .hall co.furm to the fol. I . rr the• a:<nrs: d 0 a. Classifications. Mae (saes ash fu T'p< S h::a•I to a."I..,"'I at h hs<holdrrs est y M gree 1 VO(U; 0 to 13 amperes, 16 to 30 amperes. b. Furca Usable Only In Fua<holdera of the game Classification. Fuses ,1 the i6 to 30 anQrere dasaifi- Canun shall out be usable w�illt hrsellolders or adap. tern of the 0 to 15 ampere classification. o, Fuachslden and Adapters. Fuses, fuscholders, and adapters shAl be so da:gncd that a fuse other than a Type S fuse cannot III, used in a fuseholder or adapter designed for Type S fuses. it TamPeiability. Fuses, fuscholders and adapters shall he so designed as to be subject to tampering or bridging only will, di0icul4y. is. Live Par(.. Funs sad fuselfoldcn when Install - cd and assembled logetbe, shall have no live parts exposed. E Adapters to be Non -Removable. Fuse adapters shall be so deigned that when once inserted in a fuseholder Ihcy cannot be removed, except that adap. 11rs without the Tucking device tray be used in in. sullalions existing befurc the effective date of this code. g, Interchangeability. Fuses, fuscholders and adap. ters of variuui manufacturers shall be interchange- able will' each other, and list plugs with adapters shall be suitable for use in lite Edison -base type fuseholder. 11. Plug Type. Fuses and fuscholders shall be of the Plug type. I. Ampere Rating. Foch fuse, fuseholder and adap. ter shall be marked with its ampere rating. j. Marking. Fuses of the 0 to 15 ampere rating shall be distinguished frons Ill... of larger rating by an hexagonal opening I. the cap through which the mica or similar window shows, or some other promi. trent Ise.agoml feature such as the form of the top or cap itself, or an Iwxagon.l recess or Projection in Elie lop or cap. 2461. Cartridge Fuses and Fuseholdere. Cartridge fuses and fuscholders shall w (urm to the following: a Classification. Cartridge fuses and fuscholders .loll be classified as regards current and voltage as follow.: O\•ERCURRENT Na trrr 250 rola Nm w<r 600 rain Ampere Amtrcrn 0. 30 0. 30 31- lS0 31- 60 61.100 61-100 101-200 I0I.200 201-•100 201-400 401-600 401-600 b. Non -Interchangeable. Cartridge fuses and fuse. holders shall be so dcsigncd that it. will be impossible to put a fuse of any given cls.. into a fuseholder which is Jcsiµned for ashcurrent lowit belong,. erelo, or voltage higher, than at of the class to which nglt "Marking Each fuse shall be marked with its rimpere and voltage slings. 2471. Link Fuel and Fuseholden. IJnk in... shall be mounted on approved fuscholders. s. Minimum Rating,Link fuses and fuseholder, dull be used nnlY in sizes rated at n ur. Ill.. 60o .rapiers, and only Ly special Permission• 2481. C(rau(hHrcakera. Circuit -breakers shall con. form to the following; a. Method of Operation. In general, circuit. breakers shall be sljable O µ ( Leinclosed and opened by hand witheul vmPloy(nR any usher source of power, although orrm.[ opera,:'. may be by Other Vo such as elatrinl, pnruoaUc. an.l 111, like. Large circuit-brei.ers which are I" be closed .rad uPrnrd by declrisi, pncu.,a or o(her Pmrer. shall Le eaPabk of being closed b -hand for maintenance purposes amt ,hal) also b< <apab'e of being Inpp<d by hand und,, load svithuut the ua<'f Power. Is. Injury to Operat0e. Circuit -breakers chill be orranµeJ and mounted son that their operation is not likely to ;.lure the operator. <. Indication. Circuit -broken shall indicate whether they are in dw open of closed position. d. Non-Tampetable, An aic circu'T breaker, used fur him Lsmh cinuifs dorrvSrd in Artini, 210, shall hs .1 au.h dealµ. that arra;lrration of it. ,ip Point (cabbra.,m6 or in the came rtgmred for ice open- liva, will be dig:tuh. t •,�; W ARTICLE sso e. Marking. Circuit -breakers shall be marked with their rating in smh a m:,nner that the marking will be visible after installation. ARTICLE 250—GROUNDING 2501. Scope. This article treats of protection of electric installations by grounding.. Insulation. Isola- tion, and guarding are salable alternatives under ecr- laid conditions. Systems and Circuits 2511. Circuits. Circuits arc grounded for the pur- pose of limiting rico voltage upon the circuit which might otherwise occur through exposure to lightning or other voltages higher than that for which the cir- cuit is dcsigncd; or tolimit the maximum potential to ground due to normal voltage. Pot 1.7Z ... ..... fo... r greundipg, see rection 2671• 2512. Two -Wire Direct -Current Systems. TsvO-wire: direct-current systems supplying interior wiring• and operating ae not more than 300 volts between conduc- tors, shall be grounded, unless such system is used for ;ipplyiog industrial cquipment in limited areas and the circuit is equipped with aground detector. 1, fs rcommendeJ thee 2 -wire Jiree[eurrmt aoVtema arse xii., at amt thin 3W vulir M1rtwrcn ttrnJutten 4e gr nJel it a n - Ud poet gait he cs1a41,+hrJ 11th (hot 'he nwxmmm Iiff-- of :ounl,at Letveeo the euiral 'mins and any other ainl 14e rrtm dor not racrrJ son rola. ❑ it rrommendeS on drt 2wire dincrrurrrnl aTnemv Ie na xreunded 'f the vellase le around of e:[her cendua., would exceed 300 vola afar grounding. 2513. Three -Wire Dircet-Current Systema. The neutral conductor of all 3 -wire direct-current systems supplying interior airing shall be grounded. 2514. Allemating-Cuerent Systems. Secondary, alternating -current systems supplying interior wiring, and interior alternating -current wiring systems, shall be grounded if they can be so grounded that the maxi. mum voltage to ground docs not exceed 150 volts. ,"here a service conductor is uninsulated in accord. aner with section 2303• paragraph a, the system shall be grounded. It ;s weaem<ndM that all<matimyeurrent aroma be areunded ar provided in this rticle where the voltage tp around kra na e.cerJ JW vola. IliYhet vuttaae circaiu u,ay Le RreundeJ. 2515. Furnace Circuiu. Electric furnace circuits need not bt grounded. e GROUNDING ss 2516. Electric Crane Circuits. Circuits for electric cranes Operating over combustible fibers in Class III hazardous locations shall not be grounded. See sec- tion 5033. 2517. Circuits of Len Than 50 Volta. Circuits of less than 50 volts need not be grounded, except as follows: a. if sup)ilied by transformers Isom systems of mare lion Iso votes to ground, except as pro•fded jn paragraph a of section 2545. b. If supplied by transformers from ungrounded aystcros. e. If An overhead outside of buildings. Location of Grounding Connections 2521. Curent Over Grounding Condurtme. The grounding of wiring systems, circuits, equipment, arresters, cable armor, conduit, or other metal race- way's as a Protective measure shall be so arranged that there will bq no objectionable passage of current avec the grounding conductors. The temp—,T, cur- rents act up under accidental conditions, while the grcand:of conductors are per(Orming their intended protective funttiom, arc not to be considered as objee- lwnable. If an objectionable be of current octan over a its conductor, due to the use of multiple grounds, (U one le mare cf soh grounds shall be abandoned, or (2) their location ,hail ht changed, or (3) the continuity Of theeonducWr between the grounding mnriecuon. shall be suitably 'of cropted, or (4) other mean. utisfaClcry to the authority en- Ix<ing this ode shall be ta'<en to limit the torrent. 2122 Oroundfng Coanaetion for Direct -Current Syetenm. Uire<4current system;. which are to bt grounded ifull have the grcuoding connection made at enc or room supylr nations hut' or at individual wrnces nor elsewberc en mterwr —mg. 2523. Gromdhit , mm-dmm for Altemadng•Cur- ram Ey,lerrta. Secondary echo mai i n8-ru rent <ir<ui 1. whish are in he groumled shwa hour a ronnecunn to a 4n.undmg la pude al each ir,d tvrinhl servile, ea• cele as pruv:ded far in aviien 2111. Ibe term<ct:nn ,,,all be made on the smpily side of the arrvRe coanttl:r.4 mean. Each secondary dMO,wion a,.- tellwhish is 8rcumded shall have at least one ad4i- 62 ARTICLE 250 tional connection to a grounding electrode at the transformer or elselsiicre. No ton..cliou to a ground- ing electrode shall l+e made to the grounded circuit conductor on 1111 load. side of the service dfstonnccting meats, except as provided for in section 2524, 2524. Two or More' Buildings Served by a Single Service. If more titan one building is served by the same service, the grounded circuit conductor of the wiring system of any building, utilizing one branch circuit supplied from such service my be connected to a grounding electrode at such buil( mg, and in the case of any building utilizing two or more branch circuits supplied from such service, and in the lase e s of a building (musing fivtack, shall be so connected. 2525. Conductor to be Grounded. For alternating - current interior wiring systems the conductor to be grounded shall he as follows: a, Single-phase, 2 -wire: the identified conductor; b. Single-phase, 3 -,vire: the identified neutral con- ductor; e. Multi -phase systems having one wire common to all phastavthe identified eouunou conductor; d. 1,=c systems having one phase ground- ed: the identified conductor; e. Sfulti.phase systems in which one phase is used as in (b): the identified neutral conductor. One Phase only can be grounded. The fd,eilrwd mnJucar la Brow. 1, low— as '%be ebles wire." 252& Isolated Systems. For an interior wiring system or circuit which is required to be grounded and which is not connected to an exterior secondary distribution system, the grounding connection shall be made at the transformer.generator, or other source of supply, or at the switthboad, on the supply side of the first switch controlling the system. - Conductor Enclosures 2531. Exposed Metal. Exposed conductive materi- als enclosing eleetriy conductors are grounded for the purpose of prevent g a potential above ground on the enclosures. 2532. Service Conductor Enclmures. Service race- ways, service cable sheaths or armoring, if of metal, shall be grounded. GROUNDING 2533. Other Conductor Enclosures. Metal imele. sures for conductor, ,lull be grounded, except im mita Of It,, than 25 feel which are free from probable con- tact with ground or grounded metal and which, if within reach+from grounded surfaces, are guarded against contact by persona. 2534. Spacing from Lightning Roda. Metal enclo- sures of conductors shall, wherever practicable, be kept at least 6 feet sway from lightning rod conduc- tors. 1V here it is not practiable to secure 6 feel sepa- ration, they shall be bonded together. Equipment 2341, Exposed Metal. Exposed eondactive male. rials enclosing electric egwpmenq or forming . part of such equipment, are grounded for the purpose of preventing a polcnual above ground on the equipment. 2542. Fl:ed Equipment—Genarsl. Under any of the following f fi iho lel exposed, eohich re tarrying metal para Of fixed rgbe nun which are liable to become <nrgizeJ, shill be grounded: a If equipment fa supplied by means of metal -clad wiring; b. II equipment is located in a wet location and Is not isolated; e If equipment is located within reach of a person who can make contact with any grounded surface or object: d' If oniihe gruunJment is cated within reach of a Versonstanding a If equipment it fn a hazardous location; sec Article 500; L 1f equipment is in electrical contact with metal or metal lath; F If equicmlmt operates with any terminal at more than ISd volts to ground, except as follows: 1, Endoatres for switches or circuit breakers where ,cRpible to qlified persom only; g Metal fumesuaof etetaically-heated devices, empted by special permission, in which case thellimel ,half be permanently and adite ively insulated from ground; I. Tramformn emounted oo wooden poles at s height al more Ill.. 8 feet from the ground /` 64 ARTICLE 250 2543, Fixed Equipment—Specific• Exposed, non- current -carrying metal parts of the following kinds of egmpmcnl, regardless of voltage, shall be grounded: a. Frames of motors as specified in section 4436; Is. Controller cases for motors, except lined covers of snap switches; e. Electric equipment of elevators and cranes; d Electric equipment in garages, theatres and motion picture studios, except pendent lamps on cir- cuits of seat more than 150 volts to ground; I, Motion -picture projection equipment; f.Electric signs and associated equipment, unless thin ese are accessible to unauthorized persons and are also insulated from ground and Ira. other conductive objects; g. Generator and motor frames in An electrically operated organ, unless the generator is effectively in both from ground and from the motor driv- ing it; L Switchboard Games and structures supporting switching t I Pi rnL except that frames a[ direct- currenh single -polarity awilchboards need not be grounded it v ctivcly tasulall, ; i. X-ray tubes used in therapy. For exceptions see section 6633. Far iv-trummu, melon lad -days, sec adions 26:2 to VIC 2544. Non -Electrical Equipment. The following metal parts shalt be grounded; a. Franey and tracks of electrically operated annus; b. The metal frame of a non -electrically driven ele- vator car to which electric conductors are attached; c Hand-operdted metal shifting ropes or cables of electric elevators; d. bfUal enclosures such as partitions• grill work, etc-, around equipment carrying voltages in ucess of 750 Volta between conductors, on in substations or vaults under the sole control of the supply com- panY. 2545. Portable EquipmentUnder any of g meithe fol- lowing conditions, exposed non-current-carryinn parts of portable equipment shall be grounded: GROUNDING 67 . a In hazardous locations; b. If operated at more than 150 volts to ground, except: 1. 111o1o13, if guarded; 2, Molal frames of electrically -healed appliances exempted by section 4238; 3. Fnelosures for Xray tubes used in therapy ex. empted by section 6633. ,In other than residential occupancies, exposed metal par's of pble appliances used in damp or wee locations, or byortapersons alandfng on the ground or on metal floors or working inside of metal tanks or boilers, shall be grounded, except where snppced through an insulating transformer with ungrounded secondary ad not over 50 vohs. Thin ......ph .ball nor be «mrrued to ppr<hWl rhe sew .1 iraulauna nan•toar, .rah a arronAa•yy rotwgr grnnr than SO in nv:u, d rhe egoaedr mail sant of 1�aPeonnw,r6 Ie .a<b • uanafarmc• erov�eJ, and srcv,41dN ober <aaJn,— of tai. armcle are IW'J;<d. T k raemmeadN roar Ice bees of 11 portable mann wtkh brte ' :•• 'ban SO vvfla sol Ina iban lin lu to pound trvurde0. ebrre Ion un W naJds ucumrinbed 254& Spacing from Idshm;ng Rods. Metal tram,. and cal,. of electric equ.pmant shall, wherever Drac- tfrable, be kept at Itaat 6 feet away from Ifghlning I, conductor. %%'here it is o ,, pr..icablt to secure 6 feet aepuatfan, they shad be bonded together. Methods cf Grounding 2571. EHetdv. Grounding. The path to ground tram circus, component, cr rarduclnr enclosures skald be prrmal:ent and cOnGaucw and shall have ant• P'e carryinR,tapaory to eondact vilely any currents ;ALI. ,, be Imposed to it, ant I o,11 have I -p l nce aaii6tntly Iuw In 11-11 he prunt;al .love ground, and In N .0 the opera -ion of Il:e Gverccrrept de- v:cts fn the circuit. 2552. Grounding end to Circuit. The Rreund- inR ren du: est may bbe <cnrentd la tY.e Rronnrkd eua er:ndustcr at anY convenient point on tF.e Prem• ¢ea.. fisc. .. Dat saY4tY a+de d D:e service d.aconnocting 2555. Common Grcundfng C•andlxtor, The round• inR car.d4 or far crcu.v :i" a!a.i bt nerd for gro:aud ,ng [qupreat, ccr.-un and arh<r meal racew.Y. or ARTICLE 250 enclosures for conductors. including service conduit or cable sheath and service equipment. 2554. Common Grounding Electrode. R9nae the altematiug-current s3'>Icm is cunne<Icd to a roun- d ing electrode fn or at a building as specified gm see - home 2523 and 2524, the cane cicctrndc dull be used to ground wire enclosures and equipment in or on that building. 2555. Underground Service. Where served from a conYauuuus underground ictal -sheathed cable sys- tem. I in sitealll or armor of underground service cable Irmallirally connected to the nndermonnd sys- tem, or underground service conduit containing a metal slw•alln cable bonded 10 the ugderground sYsrcor raced not he grounded at the building and stray be in. sulaled from tie interior eondmt or piping. 2556. ShortSeed ms of Raceway. Isolated sections of metal mreway ii, cable armor, of ro In" I to be grounded, shall preferably be grounded by connecting I., or, grounded raceway or Armor, but may be grounded in accordance with section 2557. 2557. FeEquipnbcm boxes, cabinets on -cm and fillings wing metal pans of other fixed equipment, if naerallieally connected to grnwnded cable ar-nr or mein raceway, are consid- ered to be grounded by surh connection, If not so emmected thty may be grounded in one of Ile fol. lowing ways: a. BY a grounding conductor run with circuit con- ductors; (his cunducior may be unimulated, but if it is provided with an imlividual covering and is part of a cable, the covering shall be finished to show a green color. It. By a separate grounding conductor installed the came as a grounding conductor for conduit and the like; e, fly special permission, other means for ground. ing fixed cquipnent may be used. 2558. Equipment on Structural MetaL Electric equipment secured to and in contact with it, ground- ed structural metal frame of a building, shall be deemed to be grounded. Mcial car frames supported by metal hoisting cables attached to or running over GROUNDING dr sheave,. or drums of elevator machinesshall be deem- ed to be grounded if the machine is grounded in ac- cordance with this coda 2559. Portable Equipment. Non -currents ryinIt metal pans of portable equipment may be grounded fn any one of the following ways: a, l means of -he metal enclosure of the conduce tors fcc ng such equipment, Provided an approved muiti•prolg plug or equivalcm is used, one prong for the purpose of grounding the metal enclosure, and prov+Jed, further, -hal the metal enclosure is attached to the plug and to lie equipment by connectors ap• proved or the purpose; b. By coram of a groun4fng conductor run with the circuit ton•lurerr, fn cable assent r. or 0exible cards. provided an appruvrd multi prong plug or eguivalert I, used, one prang tar lbe purpose u( eonnecung such gronndmg conductor to the grounded meal raceway or cable senor; 'ilia cunduaor may Lt nolo sullied but if an mdia'idual covering ie prowled for this con- duelor, ft .ball be fnishcd to show a green color; a ➢v means of a separate flelible ,it. or strap, ,.,..led ar bare, prnlecud as Will as Practicable against cotchamcal injury. Epp, /rarenes of Electric Ranges. Frames of ecce• tele ramps dull he gronnd<J by any of the means row led for in sections 2557 and 2559, or he may 8e wounded by connection to -he NroundcJ circuit 'onN 1;.1 Epi• Grounding Fqufpment to Circuit Conductor. The gr,ynded sonic" tonduclar, on the su;tply side O! YI< xrwe disconnecting m<am may be used far 01 "cling outer housing anA service equipmerlt. The grounded. cfrcuft <onduclor on the lead side of the aen•i" it,, oneeting means shall not be used for grounding equ'pmlr cable armor, ar meal acewava esprit scconven256O.nn paragraph a of section 2557; and 'o Bonding 2571. 'Hooding at Service EqufpmeoL Nh.re the aoplJy fs coding Ovr0h d ht .buho system the eknrllra. tmuinultY of the 9,,unding circ nr for the Idlowmg equipment and anclOsurra aha'1 be scored by sena al the mean. pfven in tecuan 237.: t"% /7 63 ARTICLE 250 a. The service raceways or service cable armor ar sheath; b. All service equipment cncfosurcsronuining ser- vice entrance conductors. including meter fittings, boxes or the like, interposed in the service raceway orarmor; a Any conduit or armor which forms Part of the grounding conductor to the service raceway. 2572. Means of Assuring Continuity. Electrical continuity at service equipment shall be assured by one of the following means: a. Bonding equipment to the grounded service con- ductor in a mawner provided in section 2613. It. Threaded couplings and threadal bosses on en- closures with joints made up tight where rigid con- duit is involved. I -- Threadless couplings made up light for elec- trical metallic tubing. d. Bonding jumpers meeting the other requirements of his artic:e. Bonding Jumpers shall be used around concentric or eccentric knockouts which are punched or otherwise formed so as to impair file electrical con- nection to ground. e, Office devices (not locknuts and bushings)•ap- proved for the purpose. 2573. Metal Armor or Tape of Scrvice Cable. With service cable having an uninsulatcd grounded service conductor in continuous electrical contact with its me- tallic armor or tape, the metal levering is considered to be adequately grounded. 2574. Voltages Exceeding I50 Volts. The electri- cal continuity of metal raccttay or metal slteatlhed Cable which contains any conductor of more than 150 volts to ground shall be assured by one of the meth- ods specified in paragraphs b, c, d and a of section 2572, ar by one of the following methods: a. Threadless fittings, made up tight, with conduit or armored cable; It. Two locknuts, one inside and one outside of boxes and cabinets. 2575. Loosely -Jointed Metal Racosrys. EsPan- aioo jotota and telescoping sections of raceways shall be made electrically continuous by bonding Jumper GROL•x DING 69 or other approved means. Metal trough raceways used in connection with sound recording and repro- ducing. made up in sections, shall contain aground. leg conduelmr to which each section shall be bonded. 2576. Hazardous Locations, in hazardous loca- tions, regardless of the voltage involved, the electrical cons, of metallic nc<way, boxes and the like, ¢hall be assured by one of the methods specified in paragraphs b, d and a of section 2572. 2577. Bonding J ropen. Bonding jumpers shall conform to the fallowing: a. Material and Sue. Bonding jumpers shall be of copper or other corrosion.resistant material and shall be of sufficient rine to have current -carrying ea- pactty nal less Than is required for the corresponding grounding conductor; b. Attachment. Bonding jumpers shall be attached to cabinets and the like m a manner provided in sc<- tion 2613• where used between grounding electrodes or around anter meters and the like, thay shall be attached in a manner Prm•tded for in section 2614. Grounding Electrodes 2581. Water Pipe. A continuous metallic under- grwnd water piping system shall always be used a, the g,-aedmg electrode where such piping system I. "'"I"b:e 258L Osler Arsilable Electrode, Where a water rysum as described m ntthon 2.81 is not available, the gn:und:ng con ,e rain r..ay b< made m any of the fo0ow:ng: -The metal frame of the building. If effectively gr6urded, IS A continuous metallic underground gas piping .num; a A Ictal m<taCic un4e1gmund piping system, m<vl well w.rg, sad t!:e Lire, 2581 Made Eleetrodsa. Where-,letrMe, des<rihed 1n wctinm 2NI -425!!2 are not sva„aF.le, Ila grqunding e!crr..de .till f'min mf a sirloin p�1e, dicta ref. boned pace cr mtxr d;nre a -wooed /ar the purRne sn4 rovf:wm.eg to the fnl:owmg require• P,(nla' ARTICLE 250 a. Plate Electrodes. Each Plate electrode shall Present not less than 2 square feet of surface to late- rfor soil. Electrodes of it.. or steel Plates shall be at least ye. inch in thickness. Elce title 9 of non-ferrous metal shall be at least 0.06 inch in thickness. b. Pipe Electrodes. Electrodes of pipe or conduit S hall be not lass than 31 inch internal diameter, and if of iron or steel shall be galvanized. C. Rod Electrodes. Electrodes of rods of steel or iron shall be at least ;i inch in dieohetcr• Approved rods of non.ferrous materials or their approved equiv- alent used for electrodes shall be not less than y inch in diameter, d, Installation. Electrodes should, as far as prae- tcable, he Dnbedded below pernnncnt moisture level. Except where rock bottom is encountered, pipes or rods shall be driven to a depth of at least 8 feet regardless of sire or number of electrodes used. Pipes or rods celien hiss than standard cnnrnercial length shall preferably be of ane piece. Such pipes or rods shall have clean metal surfaces and shall not be cov- ered n•ith paint, enamel or other pnarty conducting materials. Where rock bots n is encountered at a depth of Iess than 4 feet, electrodes shall be buried In a horizontal trench, and if pipes or rods are used as the electrode they shall eonhply with paragraphs b and a of tills section and aliall not be less than 8 feet In length. Each electrode shall be separated at least 6 feet from any other electrode, including those used for signal circuits, radio, lightning rods, or any other purpose. 2584. Resistance. Buried or driven electrodes shall, if practicable, have a resistance to ground not to ex- ceed 25 ohms- If the resistance is not as low as 25 ohms, two or more electrodes connected in parallel Shot] be used, Ccntimwur metallic un keno d air or car pp P og gnemr in m.neral %ar, a rcai+en<e to ar9unJ of leu than ,'ohms. ]final 4e. o of OuiLlina. ar.J tocol cultic „Jergr:.un4 Pmmg sya tem., mesal well ea+in.a, end the life. hare, ec amoral, a cr to race ,in or ...ally hal•+w r1 alma, h it eccmmrnJed char in ttea where r it ne<e MN. ry ore hari<d ar driven n.h,docti.k.h fcr ¢roundm¢ interior whin¢ gnemr, aJJilivml erounJr h v <onvauane to a rynem arwn.l cenducmr Le PhcN cn rbc dn- mtunon <' coir. It i+ ala rn + oJN that n fe elccuvJe ¢.9andr when ionillN, and peri9iva11Y allevarJ�, �e cited for rYlalan<e. GROUNDING 71 2585. Railway Traeka. Rails or other grounded conductors of electric railway circuits shall not be used as a ground for other than railway lightning arresters and railway equipment, conduit, armored cable, metal raceway, and eh< like, if other egeclive grounds are available; mid in nu case shall such rails or other grounded conductors of railway circuits be used for grounding interior wiring sysunu other than those supplied frons the railway circuit itself. 2186. Use of Lightning Rods. Lightning rod con- ductors and driven pipes, rods or other electrode, used for grounding lightning rod c, 31.11 not be used for grounding wiring sysleuls, equipment and the like. Grounding Conductor 2591. Material. The material for the grounding conductors shall be a, follow,: a. For System or Common Grounding Conductor. The Recording condull"I o1 a wring system shall ba of copper or atter mrrusinrrresistant material. The conductor may b< solid or stranded, insulated or bare. Except in cases of bus -bars, the grounding conductor ahsll be without Joint or, splice t'nroughom its length. IF the grounding conductor i, nut of copper, its elec- trical resistance Drr linear (sof shall not exceed, and its tensile alrength shall nut be !ea than that of the allowable COPPe. <onone or for such a purpose. b. For Conductor Enclosures and Equipment Only. The grounding conductor for equipment and for conduit and other metal raceuaya or renclosures for conductor, may he a conductor of copper or other eorrosice.r<sisant maanal, stranded or solid, in. sul.ed or hart, a bus -has or a rigid Conduit, steel pipe or <Iertricai metallic tubin, except that under canditmns favorable to corrosgion a grounding con doctor usedr<r or other corrosion-rststant materiai ,hal 2$92. Imtallatfen, A Reminding conductor, Yea 4 or larger, ...Y be attached to the surface on which it i. peri<d enhout Ibe use of knobs, tube, or insu!.wrs. It need not bare lgelectimn mdeaa expmaad to avert mrcdanipl injury, A No. 6 grounding wndu<mr, vrhhrh a Tree from exposure sat m<chan:aal injury, m¢y be run along the .octose of tae. bm.dmg tom sussgtwt wrUn:ut metal corenag or proteaoo, it it 3,4/ .A yt 73 ARTICLE 230 armor. Grounding conductor amatler roan rv` 6 shall be in conduit, electrical metallic tubing or cable armor. Metallic enclosures for grounding conductors MY be continuous from the point of attachment to cabinet or equipment to the graunJing electrode, and .hall be securely fastened to the ground clamp or ting. {Vhert rigid metallic conduit or steel pipe is used as . grounding conductor, the fnstall.tion shall amply with the requirements Gf Article 346; where electrical metallic login. is used, the installation shall comply with the requirements of Article 348. 2393. Dirett-CurenI Chea le, The carrying tap- of the grounding conductor for x direct<utrent supplysystem or Fen<rator shall be not less than that of the largest conductor supplied by the system, ex- eept where the grounded chcuit conductor is a neutral derived from a balancer winding or , balancer set Protected in accordance with requirement of para• graph a of section 4454, the sire of the grounding con- ductor shall not be less than that of the neutral co n• ductor. The grounding conductor shall in no case 2594. 'Alternating -Current Circuits and Service Equipttunt The size of the grounding conductor for an alternating -current system, a common grounding conductor, or a grounding conductor (or aervrce equip- ment shall be not less than given in the following t.ble, ,,cert that where connected to electrode, as described in station 2583, the Rrounding conductor need not be larger than No. 6 copper or its equivalent: Sura a, G........ Co..... Size of lax For wiring q.r SrnittSraem and1. FerSmice Por Senitt Cmduemr er yqutralert Jenice Equiammt EOuir•mmt for Panikkd Cmdutton .,W,—.t Orly Only Ei....;1 l per Conduit MOa01e ere or Plpe Tubi, 2 or .mag. N8 tt.,e) (Iurbl 1 oro 6 51 W °v`o00oa°atow,oro c.u. i ; its Or. J50,000 [0 600.000 Cat. 0 3 2 Orrr 600.CW to 1 100.000 C.J[. m 1 2 0— I.IOO,aoo Ctit. 000 1 a GROUNDING rJ Coad l alp, w rleaMd mwalge tabtva cannot M vnd alae. y�[fir neund:a` condcnor far wir:n. n:ra See prra• �• 1 offer .591. {Yoe tiara apply huh w Wrr sad b• md mvductar,. 2595. Interior Raceway and Equipment The size o! the grounding conductor for conduit cable 'heath or armor, and other metal n<ewaya or enclomr<s for conductors, and for equipment ;haU be not less than given in the following table• excepe that where the. nected to electrodes as described rn section 2587 the grounding conductor need not be larger than Tie. 6 copper or hie equivalent: P.O.. se Son., of A wmui< Orncur- Bus a Gaovrea erne Deme In Circuit aoornna CaB1eadW All v/ Roaip�.ent, tbn� «Pule M, Ile Conduit, eta.. Nee W T.bi. Eased+ns, (Aspen,) Nq lung) (toe 13 16• yS 30 le y SS 40 12 60 10 100400 g 600 2 1 N 800 0 )< l 1000 001 2 1200 000 1 2 •P.m;aLt'r ndr •hon per rt an yprea.d ub4 ruemblr. 2596• Portable eV Pawl ., Pgoipmevt For grounding ytruble or pendent egmpmenq the con• dactnn of which are protected by furca or circuit. teeak<r rased Or vet ;the <aceedmg 15 amre pe., Ho. IB <oypr wire may be nasi. Cri.d.ew" of Nm. 16 or Ig copper, whkh are used Ice grounding portable equipment ,hall be part of an apProeed 6eibl' cord ■u<mbly. Fer groun6:ng Nxtab!e er pendent a.1tai"p•- mrnt protected at inert IF.:n 13 amperes, tl:. table In veru:. 2595 .hail be fo::uwed 2397. Oatgne Ug6dng. Wat'd een•qurtevttar- givg metal Par. 01 wain' fghenF systema may ba ban"tnaaher by a No. 1/ tnndoctar pr.tetled from aaut taa 2555 1. icnr)'adqt, oiaround rounddahe e,umP, lyiwah sec - 74 ARTICLE 250 2598. Common Raceway, A grounding cendador mayhe run in the lame metal raceway with other conductors of the System to which it is mnaected 2599. Continuity. No automatic cutout or switch .hall be placed in the grounding conductor of an is,. feriae wiring system unless the opening of the cutout or awilch disconnects all sources of energy, Grounding Conductor Connections. 2611. Grounding Conductor to Raceway. The point of Connection of the grounding condo«or to interior metal raceways, cable armor and the like shall be as near 23 practicable to the source of supply and shall be so chosen that no raceway or cable armor is grounded through a run of smaller size than is called (or in section 2595. gr251Z Gannedetion 1t ntilettelettro- tod<Elshatrodll e long ed as follow.: a. To Water Pipes. System or common grounding conductors shall be attached to a water pl," system on the street side of the water meter or on a mud water pipe of adequate currcnt•carying capacity as near as Practicable to the wafer service entrance to the buildrne. Where practicable, the point of attach• ment shall be accessible. If the point of attachment is not on the atr<et aide of the water meter, the water piping aYstem shall be made electrically continuous by banding together all part, between the attachment and the street aide of the water meter or the pipe entrance which are liable to become diwCnnected, m at meters and service unions Equipment may be ;,at to a cold water pipe near the equipment A To Ga. Pipes The point of attachment of a grounding conductor bs gas piping shall always be on the re Pr clic of the gas meter, and shall be accessible where practicable. I To Other El<etrodea The grounding conductor .hall ha attached to other electrodes permitted in sea Lines 2582 and 2583 at a point which will'aaame a permanent ground Where practicable the,-poioV of attachment shall be accessible. 2611 Attachment to dredta sad ltgdrment The grounding conductor, bond, or bonding Jumper .lull be attached to circuits, conduits, cabinets, equipment, GROUNDING yy and the like, which arc to be grounded, by mean. of suitable lug., pressure connectors, clamps, or other approved means, except that connections which de. pend upon solder shall not be used 2514. Attachment to Electrodes he grounding Conductor shall be attached to the grounding electrode by means of (1) an approved bolted clamp of east bronze or brass or of plain or malleable cast iron, or (2) a pipe fitting, plug, or other approved device, screwed into the pipe or into the tilting, or (3) other equally substantial aftProved mean,. 1'ht grounding eonduaor shall be attached to the grounding fitting by meso, of suitable IuR", prcssurt eonnectan, clan:"., or other apprmed mean,, ....pt that connection; which depend uyon solder shall not be used Not more tlun one conductor shall be ConnectedcOnne<d to the grounding O'elrede by a afoot clamp or frttin.. sto- les the 1..P or by is of a tyle aPPm,,d for ouch use. 2615. Oround Clamp". For the grounding eondue- lor of a whin}: system she ileet-m<la4rinp tyre of ground clamp . nut considered adequate unless it has n rigid metal base stated on the water pipe or other electrode .rad the strap is e( such material and dimer. .,.no that it is nal liable to stretch during or it,, installation. Ground damp, for vas mi esm, rat. At., 'M cn9arr, Grua. or 1<aJ IeaC+•+IJ rrereralJ In 1 nister. J throe ter air an aloof, n moa he�l wad®tlr is el ......bw 4ov and ao dedsned,y w amid n:«aav,<d alter 9s, mpr. ?416, Protection of Attachment Ground clamp" or other fittings, unless approved for general me with- out protcttion, .lull be Drotected Irom ordimry me• chariot in)ury (I) by being Pliced where they are not liable to be damaF<J or (2) by being enclosed in meal, wood, or equivalent Protective covering. 705y Clean Sictacr. If a ran.conductive protm- five coaling such as pain ar enamel, is used on the equipment conduit, couplings or fittings, rvch cm.6.8 shai be removed from thrnd, and other contact sur - fans is order to incur- a good <1,,,,k., c...."ioa. Inrriment Trasufm orer", Ratays, Me. 2621. atrwnent InTrondorm., Circuits The am. oedary circum 01 c...... and potential faatrumees 342 B-. A i9 26 ARTICLE 254 transformers shall be grounded if the primary wind. ings are connected to circuits of 300 volts or more to ground, and, if on switchboards, shall be grounded irrespective of voltage. 2622.Instrument Transformer Cases. Cases ar frames of instrument transformers shall be grounded, except that cases or frames of current transformers. The primaries of which ausedre notc. over 150 volts to T, to meters,tcneed not be grounded to supply cur - 2623. Cases of Instruments, Meters and Relays— Operating Voltage 750 or Leas. Instruments, meters and relays which operate with windings or working parts at 750 volts or less shall be grounded as fol- lows: a. Not on Switchboards. Instruments, meters, and relays not located soon switchboards. which operate with windings or working parts at 300 volts or more to ground and accessible to other than qualified per - ns, shall have the cases and other exposed metal parts grounded; Is. On Dead Front Switchboards. Instruments. meters and relays (whether operated from current and pomnual transformers, or connected directly in the iiicuit) on switchboards having no live pans on the front of the panels shall have the cases grounded; C. On Liva Front Switchboards. Instruments, met- ers and relays (whether operated from current and Potential transformers, or connected directly in the circuit) on switchboards having exposed live parts on the front of panels shall not have their cases ground- ed Mats of insulating rubber or other suitable floor insulation, shall be provided for the operator if the voltage to ground exceeds 150. 2624. Cases of Instrgments, Meters and Relays— Operaung Voltage Over 750. Where instruments, meters and relays have current-carryinR parts over 750 volts to ground, they shall be isolated by elevation or protected by suitable barriers, grounded metal or insulating covers or guards. Their uses shall not be grounded, except as follows: a. In electrostatic ground detectors the internal ground segments of the instrument are connected to GROUNDING 77 theinstrument case and grounded; the ground det— tar shall be isolated by elevation. 2625. Inatrumcat Grounding Conductor. The grounding con4uctor for secon(lary circuits of instru- ment transformers and for instrument cases shall not besm.IlTr than No. 12, if of copper, or, if of other metal, Thati have equal conductance. - Lightning Arresters 2631. On Secondary Services, 750 Volts or Lena Where a lightning arrester is installed on a secon- dary service, the connections to the service conduc- tors and to grounding conductor shall be as short as practicable. The grounding conductor may be (1) the grounded service conductor, or (2) the tomman gro"1"' 'onductuq ar (3) the service equipment grounding conductor, or (4) Is a,parate grounding conductor. The bonding' os. grounding conductor shall be of copper mat smaller it No. 14 or of equivalent corroram.makunl material. 2632. On Primary C'wcuhs, The grounding con- ductor of a lightning amster yrafeen., a tra.110ma r which supplies a secondary 8istribution system may be in ter...ra"nd as falows: a Metallic Inert eetioa, A metallic intereoa- necti0n may Lc made to the seecndary neutral pro - lido that, m addnroa to the direct grounding con- nection at the artesite: 1. The Rr...ded eondaeter of the secondary has ei+ewhere a Rraundmg ce.nectiun to a continuous Initial n: urd<rground water piymR s stem. In urban water pipe ares where there ate at least taut —I - pipe canrrcnans on the ".Tutt'! an4 net less than lour such conneclicna•in each mile of neutral, the metallic mterc,:nne.tna maY be made to Il:e secondary neu- Ira1 wish ora—unit a( I- direct ground,eg eenne'd u., n the arrester. Z. The grounded etmduttar of the ateandary Tay., Is part of a multi•grwuled neural system, o! which the pnrsry ecu!ral I: at least Lsr ground eorneeuam m etch rade of tine is addition to a geea.:d a each sTrwice. b. Through Spark O•R Where the <emherwser<.< adala du4 9usuh imecaenecioa,atgar ui8gyd• ARTICLE 260 if made, shall be through a .,ark g.p IlavinR a 60- cycle breakdown voltage of at cast twice the primary circuit voltage blit not necessarily more than 15 kg and there shall be at least one other ground on the grounded conductor of the secondary at least 20 feet distant from the lightning arrester grounding c1cc- trod c. e. By Special Permission. Except as above pro- vided, interconnection of file arrester ground and the secondary neutral may be made only by special per- mission. ARTICLE 280—LIGHTNING ARRESTERS Industrial Stations 2801. Where Required. Lightning arresters shall be Provided in industrial stations in locations where thunder sienna arc frequent sad adequate protection against lightning is not otherwise provided. For liehudua .rroten in knardaus hnativar, tee Article 300. 2802. Number Required. A lightning arrester shall be connected to tacit ungrounded overhead conductor entering or leaving the station, except that where there is more than one circuit, a single set of arresters may be installed on the station bus if means are pro- vided to protect circuits that may remain disconnected from the bus. 2803. Where Connected. The arrester shall be con- nected on the line side of all connected station apps - .to.. Other Occupancies 2811. Utilisation Equipment. Lightning arresters installed for the Protection of utiliralinn equipment may be installed either inside or outside the building or cuci_urc camsming the equipment to be protected. Arresters. unless tsulmed by elevation or made other- wise in:rcessible to unqualified persons, shall be en- closed, and d the operating voltage of the circuit ex- ceeds 750 volts between conductors they shall be in. accessible to unqualified persons. General 2821. Location—Indoors. Arresters installed in- doors shall be located well away from other equip- LIGIITNING ARRESTERS re Intent. passageway. and combustible pans of build - Ings, and if containingflat shall be separated front other equipment by walla meeting the requirements of section 4542. 2822. Location—Outdoors. If ..resters containing oil are located outdoors, provision shall be made to drain away any accum)ulm;on of H. Oil �EurtcdhanJ d nKr oat bre J,nae.•mnr t b- .,,,hethe > rJ It tinder er .her shs,.hrne water,si u a d<rrh of uTerJ iaeber. 2823. comeerion"Int and MaterbaL The eon. sections between lite arrester and the line wire or bus, and bet%lctn arrester mad ground shall be of cop. Per wire or uLle or the eguiraltnt, and• except as provided on air "'ary seniles in section 2rU 1, shall not be smiler than N...6, .,ad shall be nude as short and as .insight as PraclicaLle, avoiding as far as Dos- sbble all bends and turns, especi.11y slurp bends. 2824. Insuiath"' Lightning -protection ac......im such as gap electrodes, and Nuke cod. it used, shall have an ineulatioo Iron ground or from otlwc con- doctors at least egnal to the insulation required at Other Points of the circuit. 48y5, IwladnR Switch. If ieolattnR switebe, or d;uonnecting devices are used they shill w�itlutand, in full open Position, a voltaRe test between live parts 10 per tent to excess of the maximum voltage test they will withstand to ground M26, Grounding. Lightning arresters shall be grounded to the manner prcsctbed in Article 250. 343 s0 ARTICLE ]N CHAPTER 3. WIRING METHODS AND MATERIALS ARTICLE 300—GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR WIRING METHODS Oe premiac, where a c,,No.., und,nn... d melaille water• . DipinR elwark aynem is rte an,lable v a A tot inx tleetrade Dapenwrd where it ie vol nrutimble orherwiae to acture a Hound af dose. corn cinpplu; re hot.- tne� lar the urt voice chi eof IwI.iM�relnnBa�maetnummh evmJNw wiring sYnem. u. Prov sions of 302 to 20 inclusne. shall eApply lto all wiring in to latio s, except for remote•comrol, low-ener6ry power and sig- nal systems as provided in Article 725, and commum. cation systems as provided in Article Soo. The prasifinns of Ilia snide are not InUp d to apply le the oil, hich loan an enua<at to. of east.......oh as moron, ma, re", cw and the' like. tied002' in Clnpter d ay bolus d forrlMltoaesfnot "Cecil. fng 600, unless specifically limited in some article of Chapter 3, and may be used for voltages over 600 where specifically Permitted elsewhere in this code. 3003. Protection Against Corrosion and Meehan, Cal Injury. Conductors and equipment shall be pro-. t<cted against corrosion and mechanical injury in ac. eordance with the following: a. Corros,oa Metal raceways, Cable armor, boxes, cabinets and all metallic elbows, couplings, and fit- tines, unless made of corrosion -resistant material, shall be suitably Protected against corrosion insiN and outside (except threads at joints) by a coaling of approved corrosion -resistant material such as zine, cadmium, or enamel; except that ferrous raceways, fittings and boxes protected from corrosion solely by enamel may be used only indoors and in occupancies not subject to severe corrosive mflucnces. Sre 'Hint 7162 for conduit, and sntian 3433 far ebInk.l meullie robios. Yea<pxki^r Phnta, gnnnin, hide «liars, mrin, rooms,. sue h an ferub,er Cama, ails Hawse, came chemical work., til re6nn,n, pvlu mill; vdgaer m;lb, roonJ hours%, some .code., ancoyd retire tlanJriana a re �Arl db � xcvranNsa Calc%% a<rrrc • r bt .mews GENERAL al b. Moehardeat Injury I1 .object to mechanical in. jury, conductors shall be adequately protected 3004. Secured In Placa, liacenays, cable assent. blies, boxes, cabinets and fittings, shill, unless ocher• wise Droxided, be securely fastened in place. Race- way. and cable aaeirbliu slsall be mcChaniwllY so- cared to Loxes. fitting-, cabineta and other enclosures, —,Pit. provided for non.metallic boxes in section 3710. 3005. Rona Contimsens, Raceways and cable as. aemblirs shall be continuous from outlet to outlet and from fitting to fitting• Conductor. shall be Cortina• ovs from outlet to outlet and, except as permitted for m:t.fary gutters in section 3748, and for "mitteya to section 3625, there shall be no syhce or tap within the raceway itself. least33t0six rout ofgtiree o conductor 11 t Outlets. ts. Act outlet and switch Point for the making up of joint. or the connection of fixture, or devices, except Calera conductors are ,mended to loop wiliwut joints through hmDhOldell, receptacle, and afmfl.r devices 3007. Rax". at Outlet" r-mPI .1 Per in .sellers 3369, a box ,hall be installed at each outlet, switch,w or junction point of landau, electrical metallic t.bmg. Unfaec metal raceway, armored cable, or noo- m<talbe -bathed table, and At .,, curler And switch Omnt of rxcaled knob -and• work 30084 no" and Fittings Whcrs Conductors Am (!,ought Out. Except as Provided iq s«rico 3009, x Ec: ar luminal fitting banag a aryarately bushed I,o:e for each conductor shall be used wherever a change fs made from conduit. <Iectrkal where tub - fall, nan•mclonic ah—had cable, armored cable and ...face meul raceway wiring l0 wiring or to maaaled-kneh-amlauh< vcrek "Pers g A fittsng used for eh,a pvrpou dull eengln nes to Oa cr optic". sad shall rat be used at 11 Cori outlet. 1000. Rmbing In Ller of Sox or Filling A bu-h- in9 maY be used fn Ifeu of a bc, cr lermtnal icing at ends of omduil or <fenrcal meal!{r tabacg where conduuua (cave the conduit a teb;na awiteh!— a a.f,.Im more than 4 condu bhlnd a L.h leve Z2 ARTICLE site the conduit or tubing at control apparatus or in sim- ilar locations, in which case the conductors shall be bunched, taped and painted with insulating paint. Such a busking shall be of the insulating type except for lead -covered conductors. 3010. Through Studs, Joists and Rafters. When. ,n exposed or concealed n•ork, conductors in insulat- ing tubes or cables are run through bored holes in studs, joists or similar %vood members, holes shall be bored at theapproximate Centel' of wood members, or at least 2 inches from the nearest edge. Where there is no Objection because of %weakening the build. Ing structure, armored or non-memllic sheathed cable may be laid in notches in the studding or joists if the cable at those points is Protected against the driv. ing of nails into it by hawing the notch covered with a uildsteel Plate at last 1/16 inch in thickness before bing finish is applied. 3011. Conductors of Different Systema. ConduC- lors of signal or radio systems shall not occupy the same enclosure with conductors of light or power Sys- tes except as Permitted (O mr elevators in sections 6216 and 6217; for sound recording in section 640S; for remote -control low -en Power and signal cio- suits iO section 7292; and communication system in lapsnof 1000 volts orris matmay oto cc electPY ric discharge closure as file branch circuit conductors. Conductors of light and poser syat,,Us of 600 volts or 1—may occupy the same enclosure, without regard to whether the individual circuits are aIlcrnatillg-current or direct- current, only if Al conductors are Insulated for the maximum voltage of any conductor within the In closure. Conductors of light and power systema of over 600 volts shalt not OCCUPY the same enclosure With conductors of light and Power Systems of 600 volts or less, Control, relay and ammeter conductors used in connection with any motor cur starter may OCCUPY the Hanle enclosure as the motor circuit con- ductors. 3012. Number of Conductors in Raceway. In gen- eral the percentage of the total interior cross-sectional area of a raceway to he occupied by conductors shall not be more than will permit a ready installation or withdrawal of the conductors and dissipation of the GENERAL e.3 heat gentnted without injury to the insulation of the conductors. See the fallowing sections of this code: conduit, sectio n 3466; electrical metallic tubing, 3486; surface metal nceavys, 3524; underfloor raceways, 3545; cellular metal door rscewaya, 3564; wireways, 3624; auxiliary gutters, 3.45; theaters, 5212; ai na, 6021-d; elevators, 6214; and sound recording, 6403 anA 6404. 3013. Inserting Conductors in Raetways. Race Ra. Mays, except those used for C -Posed wml and having a removable cover or capping. shall first be installed as a complete rauway system without the Conduct.,,,Conduuors shall not be ins<rIed until all mechanical work on tate building which is liable to injure the con- ductors has been completed, as far as possible. Pull wires, if used, slsall not be installed until the raceway G systemin plaF`capllitC. tale, or an llitC. tale, or anapproved compomy be used as a lubricant in inserting conductors in raceways. Cleaning agents or lubri. ventshaving a deleterious effect on conductor co,er. lmis .half sot be used. 3014. SuOFarting Vertical Conducts". in Racet".Ya Conductors m vertical raceways seal be supported at intervals not greater than those specified in the fol. lowing table; No Is m Nn 0_�_�_sa arsater shin 100 fee Na N rp 50. N__pol ar<awr sbw 90 test 730000 G Y. to 730.000 G Y..___nnl a.rxer lbav 6e. tee seamaN,NO lG __...-ora Renu shw 30 ire stew, C Y. m 7]a0N C. Mnntrr lb.. 10 fen Abate 730AN C 7t._._ __rte pester lh.o ]f Inc The following methods of supporting cables arc recommended: a, lly ci.mping device. cenetructeal Of or employ. {rte insulating sledges im<rttd in the ends of the coo• drat, 1Vith cables having --iAed cambric ar then in.', i ... lalton it may also be nttosary to damp the conductor. 6 Sy inserting boxes at the required imemsla In wbfrh huulating supporta are installed and a<ured in a aaliafartary manor, to withstand the wefaht of the randu<lma attached there lo, the bI... being provided with —c- 344-11 Pr ARTICLE IN' e. In junction boxes, by deflecting the cables not less thin 90 degrees and .,lying them horizontally to a distance not less than twice the diameter of the cable, the cables .gins carriedon two or more insu- lating supports, and additionally secured thereto by tic wires ff desired. 3015. Raceways Exposed to Different Tempera. tures. If portions of an interior raceway system are exposed to widely different tcnlperaturn, as in re- frigerating or cold -storage plants, provision shall be made to prevent circulation of air front a warmer to a colder section through the raceway. 3016. Electrical Continuity of Metal Raceways and Enclosures. Interior metal mcasays, cable armor, and other metal endosarcs for «mducters, shall bo metallically joined together into a cuntinuons dec- trial conductor, and shall he so connected to all boxes. fittings and cabinets as to provide effective electrical continuity. 3017. Grounding Metal Enclosures. iafetal mco- ways, table armor and fittings shall be grounded if and asprescribed in Article 250. 3016. Allemating-Current Systems in Metal En. closmcs. Where run in metal r-eng or cable armor; ur Micro a current of more than 50 ampere: enters a metal enclosure; the conductors of circuit, operat- ing on alternating -current shall be so arranged as to avoid overheating of the metal by induction. If the capacity of a circuit is such that it is intprac- tieahle to run all conductors in one enclosure• addi- tional enclosures may he used provided the conduc- tor in any one enrl ze are balanced in size and include one from each pbasa Induced turn.. in an endo.... can be molded by so group fig the andbo., in cue m<lourc .bee the corn.. in ave dba• don wall be aubri-11.11y equal to tha menu. in the opPaalte dwndua In the cage of c mollyi.x vacuum car it .... ie dixharae RtbtinR eYe.ma car sato, n \rat PPanl... and undenPlaalrf eannnms rermnwd LY srtnrns ]gala w 3u+ i elusive, .he cur• rents tarried I:Y the nndu<u:re are so mall .hat a sinRµ< con• Jc<1..r may be It., in a —W, Me— or able armor ilhout e:u„n11,r.nLle 1r.:n: indnrti..::. w'h... the educwn .f a cir<ui. mass ..rough individual Iwlra in the all of a metal cabinet. the einl of inJucl;an .y be livi m11N by culling Blots in 1be .:cul Let.... the !ndiridual b.W lhravab wLi<b 11,e mnductara of the circuit mass, r by .... At she eanducwn in the circuit divest, an .mingling GCNERAL N bk k, is<d m cmrt a bole in the mr.l cabinet eufndntll larr4 1 dl tb nnduttera 1 tM <r ,i, and Dr ,d,na iv4,eiduat hpin a the smua.ing U. for its slyarau canductars. 3019. Underground Runs. Conductors run under- ground shall comply with the provisions of sections 23,1, 2312 and 2313 as far as mechanical protection is concerned. 3020. Wiring In Vib tflating Ducts. Electrical in- eallatiom shall be so made .hal the possible sprad of fire through Erre-stopped partitions, hollow spaces, of was a or fire partitions, vertical shafts, ventilating or air-eonda,oning it is reduced to a minimum. No wiring system of any type shall be installed in ducts for dust, loose stock or vapor removal. Where it is necessary 90 run a wiring system through air -condi. tion... ducts or plenum chamh.rc r5,. wi,ino mrthnd of circuits of such wiling systema shall be so located :hat it will not be neceatary to install motors or con• trol e.uipment m the doth, except for temperature and humidity control. Raceways shall not interfere with the operation of automatic fire dampers in ducts Ce aeration hm!d he env.. b lanai.. and mn.acdon of r._” N umdait from tmtaaun <Larg<a. ARTICLE 310—CONDUCTORS 3101. General The intent and purpose of the fol- lowing ru!ea is to provide that —doctors shall have meclunical strength, Insulation, and carrying capacity adequate for the P.111 car eonditine, under which they are to be used. TM P.wivirs d ,bb arti<!e a r,<e 'r.•ss,d.d to a^Dly to dmdu<w.a wtiib Icm u u.R+i un el a...<-zenl ouch ed m.ea < wubn gad the Iu<. ur .E.rh aae e,eaiJN W d�..twn in th:r cw:<. 3102. Conductor Inadatfen. Candccenra shall be insulated, eaelpl alien uniaaulal<d a:ndulWn ace fir J, perm'dud in the cod1. Cendunur in5ufa- Uoae as spe.ifie•J in the 4:1!a w.in4 tC.n may L1 use - for ,n 01 the wirinN mel!'.ods re<ngniied in Ihia chapter, except se niherwive pravul<:I f,r in me table or the ccees fO:!nwing, rr car a1,e ire aPcr:Led in 'his lade, They are su+able fcr bl'1 1111. unless usher. rine sPlliud. ARTICLE 310 Latey Rubber RU fag. G< al use. T-1, T— O�<at. \came 1 90C =id PNr1aNM Thamonlutic T TemnR T2.. 14 No. H w 1/0 1-1-1- RuLLer.CmerN RF W GOC Fiatnre wiring. Fi:uure wire— NeItE<rm�f 1+AF Llmnr.f to ]ens V. F.lid r NFJJ 00{{{{;; Fi.mrc wiring. and u per. Sanded vinh<arby<1pnid tvai<a tui avnable !or IIGF muted in aeetim ]IOJ. A.M.,.0—A FF01 CIC Fi.unn wiring.• Flavum 1Vir TA I+OF I. to J<nl V. Fl -N, FF•Ls 3. Flamm wiring. 51nndmg HGF Thermmnlastio Vaniabcd caber Tid ore T, ViC i.OP m W b, Ztu 3109. �• S.—d<d isSF than No. 0 by gpnid ary mw,en Asbenos a,:d Vgmi,hN Tbrrmnrlanit 1I0C Dry luafwm telt. Cambric Wier-Flau4br TFF IaOF Pluton cairn[. Suandi.a zmF tun 1--d... cam �yN ikat Aden. gvd VansuhN Naoiom. CF 9oC Fiamre wiring. Fiamre wi,. ­FDrY 19+F Limited to JOG V. Adeq CmmN CSC FixI,— wiring. 111.1141i:wn1, AF 252E LimitN to JW V. Fiamre wine JIM i,o, lar ludo 10 cap .]a Limit to! G V Cade Rubbn R POr. Gm -1 use. AA 2.0 392F l+GP IImVAalo..t All 2$C Genera! me. RubLer IOiF Jloi,mr Ae HALL<r L", AW I+OF en Geral rue and wa locations. Latey Rubber RU GOC G< al use. 1.5F termiu.m. a+OF Dry larallms mfr. open Platy• SD 90C e. vee Thamonlutic T BAC 14 No. H w 1/0 1-1-1- umnucacnrN conJucwra. 140F DN wok No, 1110 2.W0,W9 C.V. Ihy krat.vs "1" Orn NeItE<rm�f i14F General use and wet Rnis.nt Tw' W. .1. 1+ 1. +/0 Inciu<irr. Th<rmaplank vinh<arby<1pnid tvai<a tui avnable !or ,all 0- �: 111. uw5ma racd:Gma. The ruLLrr imnLlmm w:i::Jr tbn,e made from natural and ar'IM :N• LLrr, awr,,PDrr..e .000 2.Th k TA <::Tmya1 nmY.rawrn brow M ,:wJ is na rutaitatis car Swi.bbard wiring only. Nbn 19901 CONDUCTORS fly Vaniabcd V PSC Ihy Igimnr ...1 smaller Gmtrie isSF than No. 0 by gpnid ary mw,en Asbenos a,:d Vgmi,hN AVA 1I0C Dry luafwm telt. Cambric 330F Ad<rtn and AVL zmF tun 1--d... cam �yN Aden. gvd VansuhN AVO lautiunr ode. Camb,4 ­FDrY thyIxai,un+a.I,. Not fn Aib,s A 2..0 a...it .- In ru<wa1,s. JIM i,o, lar ludo 10 cap .]a Limit to! G V Jho I«aticnr Cnlr. Ops. A". AA 2.0 392F :loco Nal loo [ I uM Io nnw�ra eNy_tur_lud< nn Irodcm cul>. Na for Aabab At 2])P �ri.aicr I�adr stn ac.iilln •WualuF L, W la 1. V AIA 1250 ort Iwadcm nub. Onv A"- AIA In � �' Na t<+ba IerdluMla PaO� atC id F"M ud �'a ue by s< ch 1.5F termiu.m. Dry larallms mfr. open Platy• SD 90C wtioetemo<nw.e� wrti •up Dutiful XF les rlheu rrea,.n1<d label umnucacnrN conJucwra. SRW WC Ihy krat.vs "1" Orn NeItE<rm�f i14F rme only. ^hev cal* w`ab.rpnof WP ' W. I20F vinh<arby<1pnid tvai<a tui avnable !or uw5ma racd:Gma. The ruLLrr imnLlmm w:i::Jr tbn,e made from natural and ar'IM :N• LLrr, awr,,PDrr..e aid vibrr < :at:gal:. maler,aia .51 lir inaulanm , I�JC gfHFs gnJ race Amb i<mnruurea. mc) gM.utJ <::Tmya1 nmY.rawrn brow M ,:wJ is na rutaitatis car 5145 ,-I -0 L� .2,X0 W ARTICLE 310 Fm cze of mndadm, r,tnani,A Isua�iercn v 0J10j.aladna omerintz. and [err wmtruc'w. dcwb, a. Temperature LimimHoro. No conductor shall be used under such conditions that its temperature, even when carrying current, will exceed the tempera- ture specified in the table for the type of insulation Involved. 4 Wet Loadona Inaolakd conductors used un- derground, in concrete slabs or other masonry in direct contact with earth, to wet Iocatians, or `h.. condensation or accumulation of cunisture within the raceway Is likely to occur, shall be moisture -resistant, rubber -covered (type RW); moiriure-resistant, ther- moplastic covered (type TW); lead -covered; or of a type approved for the purpose. unless hof a t1Pr aptMc,4,.Us�,,,.v.dmfariruit, bow'. she earth a Corrosive CondlHotu Conductors eaposed to oils, greases, vapors, gases,- fumes, liquids or other substances' having a deleterious effect upon the con- ductor or insulation shall be of a type approved for the purpose. 3103.Minimum Sire of Conduclora. Conductors, whether solid or stranded, shall not be smaller than No. "'except for prinung press control circuits; as provided for flexible cords 'n section 4006; for fixture F- in section 4142; for fractions' horsepower motors in section 4312; for cranes and hoists in section 6112; for elevator control and signal circuits fnsection 6205; for machine tools in section 6721; and forremote- control , low-energy power and signal circuits in sec- tion 7263. 3104. Stranded Conductors. Except when used as bus -bars, conductors No. 6 and larger, . installed in raceways, shall be stranded. 3105. Conductor In Multiple. Conductors in sizes 1/0 to 500,000 c.m., inclusive, may be run in multiple provided they are of the same length and have the same circular -mil area and type of insulation. Not more than three No. 1/0, four No. 2/0 or five Nos. 3/0 to 500,000 c— conductors, inclusive, may be run in multiple. Except as herein provided, conductors shall be run in multiple only by special permission or as permitted in section 6205. Where conductors are run in multiple, they shall be arranged soil terminate OPLV WORK at both end, in such a manner as to Insure equal divi- sion of the total current between all conductors that areinvolved. 3106, Current.Carrying Capacity. The maximum, continuous, current -caging apac'tice of copper con - .,,o are given fn Tables 1, 2 and 3 of Chapter l0- Tbe currenl<arrying capacities of aluminum dfo tors shall be taken as 84 per cent of those givenr the same sizes of copper conductors with the came kind of inmlaHon. ARTICLE 320—OPEN WIRING ON INSULATORS 3201• Scope. Open wiring on Insulators shall eom• ply with the 9rovis,.. of sections 3001 to 3020 in• elusive and shall also comply with the Provisions of thefollowing sections 3202 to 3215 inclu. l 320E Use. Open wiring on insulators shall not ba used (q is commercial gara8es, (2) fn theaters, (3) I, motion-picture studio,, (4, in haistway', and (3 I. hazard... locations, except fn storage compart- ment3 of Clas, 111 locations as provided in pangnp)t b of section 507J. ffi07.. Types of Cendmon, The type of cnidae tore shall tonI.rm to Article 310. 3201, Support. Condul-3 shall be supported Its accordance with the (allowing: a. Open conductors ahall he rigid]y suDDort<d on •son<ov:bmpLlq non-absorptive insulating material, ucept a. provided in aIciia. 3" Z Rigid supporting requires undo ordinary civ^ cumnan'... it wmpg over Sat s."._a' a.pPa. at least every 4y feet. thin lnterva( Wit shortened It the <ondunen are Isble to be disturheL Coododura 'hall be supported by tune, et a knob er deal within 6 inch,' of a tap. In bmldinga of mill construcli0n, main' rut smaller than NO. 8, whtre not liable to be diaturted, may be s<parue,l a:.iut 6 inches orad rvn direct tram Omb<r to Kmlur, being avYG.rted from catIs timber only Ifwhore cirevhe . !Ja, 8 or larger are ran acnes open not haLle to is dia- turbetb<y may btaro e auDoortct al 1 dialan<ta not grater thea IS feet ff aspazii d eanaon:y. _t nonwbwrP tiro (n'.latnrg kpualcra providyg ant Len than 2)f ARTICLE 3:0 inch separation between conductors are installed at ntervals of not over 4% feet. I* \Vhen nails are used to mount knobs they ahaU not be smaller than 10 penny. When screws are used to mount knobs,or when nails or screws are used to mount cleats, they shall be of a length sufficient to penetrate the Wood to a depth equal to at least one•balthe height of the knob and fully the thick- ness of tl;r cleat. Cushion washers shall be used with .3119. 3205. Spacing. Open conductors in dry places and forv.],agr+ not exceeding 300 volts shall be sepa- rated a incl',' from each other and y inch from the surface wired oter; and, except as provided I. pangnph b of section 3201, for voltages from J01 to 600 volts .lull be acpanted 4 fiches from each other and 1 inch from the surface wired over. In damp or wet locations a separation m of at least 1 inch fro the surface wired over dill be maintained for all voltages. 3206. Plegible Tubing. In dry locations, where not exposed to severe mechanical injury, conductors may be separately encased in flexible tubing. Tubing shall be fn continuous length not exceeding 15 feet, and secured to the surface wired over by straps spaced not exceeding 4% feet apart. 3207. Dead Enda. Open conductors shall not be dcad•ended at a rosette, lampholder or receptacle unless the last support is within 12 Inches of the same. 3208, Tie Wim, No. 8 or larger conductors sup. ported on solid knobs shall be securely tied thereto. If conductors are used for tying, they aball have an insulation of the same type as that of the conductors which they ctmfinc. 3209. Paging Through Walla and Floors. Open conductors shall be separated from contact with wall; floors, timber or partitions through which they pass by tubes or bushings of non-combusuble, nonabsorp. live insulating material. If the bushing is *better than the hole, a waterproof aleeve of son -Inductive material shall be insetted in the hole and an insulating bushing slipped into the sleeve at either end in such OPEN WORK a manner as to keep the conducts absolutely out of contact with the sleeve, Each orconductor must be earned through a separate porcelain tube or sleeve. 3210. Separation from Metal Work OD<n con- ductors shall be separated at least 2 inches bon' me- tallic conduit, piping, or other conducting material, or from any exposed lighting, power or signal con- ductor, unless a<Parat<d therefrom by a continuous and firmly fixed non-conductor additional to the insu- lation of the conductor. 1f any insulating lube is used, it shall be secured at the ends. Deviation from this requirement may, if necessary, be allowed by the au- thority enforcing this code. 3211. Separation from Piping In Damp LeaHena. Open conductors located .lase to water Pip" or tanks, or in other damp Loli .is, *lull be so. placed Ihatytn air apacewill be perganently maintained between them and pipes which they cross. Where Praeuable, eondu .....lull be run over, rather than under. Pipes upon which moisture is likely to gather or which may leak. 3212, prottxHan from M<cisnlal Wary. Where open conductors crow ceding joiab and wall studs, and are eaposed tomeclua:al injury, they shall be protected by ane of the fnaowing metlwds. Conduce Iota within 7 feet from the floor shall be considered exposed to mechanical injury, a. By guard •rips not les, than 3 inch to thick• o<u and at least as high o.3 the inanlming supPuna, placed on each side of and dose to the wiring. b. By a substantial running board at least )i inch thick bark of the conductors with side protections. Running boards shall extend at I ... I 1 inch outside the conductors, but not more than 2 inches and the protecting sides shall be at least 2 inches high and at lean h inch thick. a By boxing made as above and furnished with cover kept at lean 1 inch away from the tonducors withim Where protecting verbal conductors on aide walls the boning shall be Il.srd at tI,- top and she holes through whith the conductor Pau shall be bushed. 341, a. s 91 ARTICI.F. 334 d. By conduit, in which case the rules for conduit shall be followed, or by metal piping in which use the conductors shall be encased in continuous lengths of approved flexible tubing, The conductors passing through conduit or piping shall be so grouped that current in both directions is approximately equal. 3213. In Accessible Attica. Conductors in unfin. ished accessible attics or roof spaces shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of section 3247. 3214. In Concealed Spaces. Conductors shall not be in contact with any object other than their insu- lating supports. If run in concealed spaces they shall he installed as required for concealed knob -any tube work in accordance with the provisions Of Sec- tions 3241 to 3248, inclusive. 3215. Entering S ces Subject to Dampness, Wet- ness or Corrosive Vapors. Conductors entering or leaving locations subject to dampness. Laciness or eor- resive aapors shall have drip loops formed on them and shall ! r. am, upward and inward from the opt. afde of buildings, or from the damp, wet, or corrosive location, through non-combustible, non-absorptive in- sulating lubes. ARTICLE 324—CONCEALED KNOB -AND - TUBE WORK 3241. Scope. Concealed knob -and -tube work shall eomPly with the provisions of 9celiens 3001 to 3020. inclusive, and shall also comply with the provisions of the following sections 3242 to 3248, inclusive. 3242. Use. Concealed knob -and -tube work may be used in the hollow spaces of walla and ceilings. It shall not be used (1) in commercial gauges, (2) in theaters except as provided in section 5211, (3) in motion -picture studios, nor (4) in hazardous locations 3243. Type of Conductor. The type or conductors shall conform to Article 310. Only single conductors ah.11 be used. 3244- Supports Condualors shall be supported at intervals not exceeding 4% feet by knobs and tubes. There shall be a knob within 6 inches from each tap. Tic wires !hall comply with section 3208. If such Support is impracticable and the conductors are in a E.\On AND TIME 9j If ry location, they may be fished if separately encloaed in flexible tubing extending in continuous lengths from one support to the next or to an outlet box, or from one outlet box to another. Otherwise, conduit, arm- ored cable, electrical metallic tubing or non-metallic sheathed cable shall be used. 324S. Conductor Separation. Conductors shall be separated at least 3 inches and maintained at least 1 inch from the surface wired over. At distributing centers, meters, outlets, switches or other places where apace is limited and the 3 -inch separation can- not be maintained, each conductor shall be caused I. a eawti.... a length of flexible tubing. Where prac- ticable, conductor shall be no singly on separate timbers or studding. 3246. Separation from Other Objects and Protea tion Conductors shall be separated from other con- ductors and objects as follows: s The provisions as to rigid supporting and clear- ance from foreign wires and other objects. as specified for open wiring in sections 3209, 3210, JZI1, and 3215 ,hall be complied with. b. Conductors passing through cross timbers In plastered partitions shall be protected by as additional tube extending at least 3 inches abort the timber. 3247. In Unfinished Attics and Roof Spaces. Con - in urhn-had atfica or .Of apace, shall com- ply with the following; "Conductors in unfinished .life, and roof spaces shall be run through -1 en the aide, of joists, studs and raftera, except in attics and roof apace, having V_4 room at all point of less van 3 feet in buildings completed before the wiring is fnstlied. b- II conductor' in aceaiLle unfinished attics or racI apace- r<adsed by -'--'way or permanent ladder are run through bored be:,, in 8gcr joists or through bared hula in ands or rafters within 7 feet of rho n,", or floor jeisn. such eandurtcra 'hall he pro- tected by I.bvan+,al runcairg bard, encoding at Inst 1 inch on each rale al the canducnaa sad u - rarely fss!ereJ istp!u e If eanied atcng the sides a( rate,,, clads or nor joi,ts, n<:rher running buazda caw goad grips wiz be req.ired. ft 94 ARTICLE 328 3248. Boxea of Insulating Material. Nan -metallic outlet boxes may be used as provided In section 3703. ARTICLE 328—BARE-CONDUCTOR FEEDERS 3281. Use. By special permission, bare conductors installed in accordance with the provisions of sections 3001 to J020 inclusive and in accordance with the pro. visions of the following sections 3282 to 3287 inclu- sive may be used for feeders only. Such bare eon. ductors may be installed only in a chase, channel or shaft of non-combustible material in a building of fire -resistive construction; and only if the voltage be- tween conductors doe. not exceed 600 volts Bare conductors shall not be used in damp or .vet locations, nor fn any hazardous location, nor where subject to 'oas'i's vapor, exccPt in storage -battery roams as provided in section 4807. 3282. Size and Capacity of Conductors The maxi• mum permissible current shall be 1000 amperes per square inch of crass-metianal area of conductor in unventilated enclosures, and 1200 amperes per square inch in ventilated enclosures. 3283. Bunch Taps. Branch taps from bare -con- duct- feeders may be installed as specified in section 2434; provided that the mechanical protection speei• fled by sub -paragraphs a or d of section 2434 shall .at be required for that portion of the conductor located in the chase, channel or shaft. 3284. Accessibility. The conductors shall at be ac• eessible to other than qualified persons 3285. Support.. Conductors shall be supported as J2415. a. Conductors shall be supported on noir-combus. tible non-absorptive insulating supports of adequate mechanical strength. . b. Conductors shall be so supported that a saps. ration between conductors, and between conductors and ground, of not less than that specified in section 93847 will be maintained under all conditions of caper. .that. 3286. Firs Cut -Offs If floors are pierced, suitable tut -offs against vertical travel of fire shall be pro- Tided. ARMORED CAm-F. 3287. Special Safeguards In addition to the pro- visions of the preceding sections, the authority en- forcing this code may require other safeguards in view of special conditions that may be met in a par• ocular installation. ARTICLE 334—ARMORED CABLE 3341. Scope. Installations of armored cable shall comply with the provisions of sections 3001 to 3020 incluse, and in aJJition shall comply with the pro- viaiona of the following sections 3342 to 3348 inclusive. 3342. Use. Armond cable (type AC or ACT) may be used for both exposed work and concealed work in dry locations; for underplaster extensions as provided in Article 344; and embedded an plaster finish on brick or other masonry, except in damp or wet locations. Armored cable (type ACV) in size, No. 4 and larger may be used for exposed work fn dry locations in builJmws occupied for industrial par. poses. Armored cable shall contain lead -covered can. ducton (type ACL), if used where exposed to the weather or to continuous mainure, for underground run, and embedded in masonry, concrete or fill in buildings in course of ronnructwn. or xhere ex. posed la oil, carinii,or other conditions having a de- teriorating %a'ct on the insulation. Annaral cable shall not be used (1) in thrae,s. except a, pruvidel in tion 5211; (2) m motion-piuure alud,os; (3) in anYsecl.!Ild,lus Lrcari.m s; (4) •dnere exposed to corrosive lumes or vapors; (5) in storage-banery rooms; (6) on cnnea or hoists, except ae pro,(ded in sub -paragraph 6113-c; nnr (7) in hofnways or on elevators, except as Provided in section 622 3343. Supporta. Armored cable shall be secured by approved staples, straps, or enndar 11W res. so de- signed said installed as not to i.i.re Iht table. Cable ,hall he secured at intervals cant tx,crdirg 45f feet and within 12 imhea from ever, outrrt bra or fining, rxcePt where cable is fueled and except lengthl of not over 24 inches at terminals where deaibibly i- neces- nry. 3344. B.pwed Work. Exposed runs of cable shall closely fallow the surface of the building finish or of ,canning board,, exeepC ,?47 96 ARTICLF 334 4 Lengths of not more than 24 inches at terminals where flexibility is necessary. ' b. in accessible attics and roof spaces, for which see section 3346. c On the underside Of floor joists in 1 ,=emcnts wheresupported at each joist and so local,I as not to be subject to mechanical in)ur3'. 3345. Through Studs, joists and Rafter. Sec sec- tion 3010. 3346. In Accessible Attics. Cable in a, -sible attics or roof spaces 36.11 be installed as follows: a, It run across the top of floor joists, or within 7 feet of floor or floor joist across the face of rafter, or studding, the cable shall be protected by su: ran. tial guard strips tvlsicb are At least e,3 high as the cable. If the attic is not accessible by permanent •t.ir or ladders, protection will only be repaired within 6 fat of the nearest edge of scuttle hale or attic entrance. Is. If carried along the sides of rafters, studs or floor joists, neither guard strips, nor running bar4 shall be required. 3347. Protection at Cable Ends, At 311 taint, where the armor terraill.l., a fitting shall be pro- sided to protect wires from abrasion, unless the de- sign of the outlet boxes or fittings is suds as to afford equivalent protection, and in addition, an approved insulating bushing or its equivalent approved protec- tion shall be provided between the conductors and the armor. The connector or clamp by which tic armored cable is fastened to boxes or cabinets shall he of such design that the insulating bushing or its equivalent will be visible for inspection. This bushing will not be required with lead -covered cables which shall be so installed that the lead sheath will be visible for inspection. 3348. Bends. All bends shAil be so made that the armor of the cable will not be injured, and the radius of the curve of the inner edge of any bend shall be not less than 5 times the diameter of the cable. NON-METALLIC SHEATHED CABLE 97 ARTICLE 336-NON-blETALLIC SHEATHED CABLE 3361. Scope. Installations of non-metallic sheathed cable shall comply with the provisions ar sections 3001 to 3020 inclusive, and shall also comply with the pro. visions of the iollowing sections 3362 to 3370 inclusive 3362 Use. Non-metallic sIi,.Ih,d cable may be used for both exposed and concealed work. NO.- metallie sheathed cable shall not be used as sersice- em-ce cable: nor shall it be embedded in vi-etry, concrete, fill or plaster, nor run in a shallow ch- in masonry or concrete walls and covered with plaster OF similar finish. Non-metallic sheathed cat It na. be run or fh.hed in the air voids of o neetr nu- Fry Nock or it, wall, where such wall, are no, ext sed or subject to excessive moiaure or dangnns. '-on- meuliie sheathed cable shall not be install -4 ( in eommeceal gar.Res. (2) lin theaters easel. Ms ro- ihded ,n section 5211, (3) in motion-pictru. sw -os, 4) in 'toraRt battery rooms, (5) in hoe,. ay,, ib) in any hazardous Inralion, (7) in breve ries, n• pl.-o,. cold at..at warehouses, and similar wet local. as where subjce to mildly corrosive funnel slid rap •e. or where exposed to the weather, but not fn•lud-g dairy Larns, chicken houses and similar locations. 3363. Supporta Non•meuilie sheathed cable sbl I be secured by approved stapes, straps. or similar sI- tieg,, sn daag-I and installed A, not to injure t,, cab.e, Ca7.1e shall be -'cured in place at interval, no ucerd,nR 4%z feet And withic 13 inche. fro-, every cullet has or fintin& except that in conrealr3 work in fmiiln•C boiiding, where such suppoNng w impracticable, tM cable may be f 4F.ed from outlet a. 4atfcr. 3364. E.posed Werk- lemnal, In exposed work. ex:rpt as p:o,vJed i ,e<rhr•m 3J66 and 3367, the e,b!. .Fall Le instilled as fci:ewu a, The eahle -hall rloxly follow the surface of Ilse LuilJ:ng Lr.:.b a n( running (wards, b.It ala!! be protected from mechanirsl injury calls. neussarY. LY condos• p:,,.guard grip. For... d ether e... !f pasting "'r-gh a fioor the eabit 9g ARTICLE 336 shall be enclosed in rigid conduit or pipe extending al least 6 inches above the 00-1- 3365. Through Studs, joists and Rafters. See see- liun 3010. 3366. In Unfinished Basements. If the cable is run at angles with joists in unfiniMnld basements, as.em- blies not smaller than two No. 6 or three No. 8 con- ductors may be secured directly to the lower edges of tit joists; smaller assemblies shall either be run through bored holes in the joists or on running boards. Where run parallel to joists, cable of any size shall be secured to the sides or face of the joists. 3357. In Accessible Attica. Cable in accessible allies or roof spaces shall be installed as follows: a. If run across tiro lop of floor joists, or within 7 feet of floor or floor joists, across the face of miters or studding, the cable shall be protected by substan. tial gu.rd strips at least .s high As it,. cable. II the Mule is not accessible by permanent stairs or ladders. protection will only be required within 6 feet of the nearest edge of seat tie hole or attic entrance. b. If carried along she sides of rafters, studs .r floor joists, neither guard strips, nor running boards sha11 be required. 3368. Bend.. Bends in cabit shall be so made, and other handling sha11 be such, that the protective cov- erings of the cable will not beinjured, and no bend shall have a radius less than 5 times the diameter of the cable, 3369. Device. of Insulating Material Switch, out- let and tap devices of insulating material nnay be used without boxes in exposed cable wiring. Openings in such devices shall form a close fit around dee outer covering of the cable and the device shall fully en- close that part of the cable from which any part of it,, covering has been rcra-rd. If connections to conductors are by hinding-screw terminals, there shall be available as manv screws as conductors. unless cables are clamped within the structure, or unless ter- minalis are of a type approved for the purpose. 3370. Boxes of Insulating M.teriaL Non-tret.11ie outlet boxes approved for the purpose may be used as provided in section 3703. SERVICE -ENTRANCE CABLE of ARTICLE 338 -SERVICE -ENTRANCE CABLE 3381. Scope. Service -entrance cable used as A - vice -entrance conductors shall comply with the pro- visions of Arlice 230. Service -entrance cable used for interior wiring shall comply with the provisions of ,ections 3001 to 3020 incluvve. Cable with metal hi. terlocking armor (type ASE) shall be installed in ac- cordance with tine pravixiom of sectious 3742 to 37.16 and section 3348. narmored cable (lylie SE) shall be installed in accordance with the provnsiuus of sec. tions 3302 to 3370. Service -entrance cable .loll also comply with the provisions of sections 3382 and JJ83. 3382 Use. Approved sr -k -entrance cables (types SE and ASE) nay be u -I in interior wiring systems if all the conductors of the cable are of the rubber - covered or thernnoplastic type; but if without individ. tial insulation on the grounded conduelor may he used only for range and ron't-c waterdieater circuits. or as faders from a .,aster servile cahnwt to supply olLa buildings, ee as service -entrance conductors for such other buildings, ii the following conditions are met. a. The cable has a final nun -metallic outer cov- ering. Ill The supply is alternating current not exceeding 150 volts to ground. e, No domestic water -heals is supplied through a conductor without indwideal immlatlun. 3383. Through Studs, joists and Rafter.. See A - tion J010. ARTICLE 340 -NON-METALLIC WATER- PROOF WIRING 3401, Scope. Installations of ran.metallic -ter. proof wiring shall comply with the requirement. of e, se. -1 3001 to 6120, and in addition the following sailors J402 to 3409 indusire. 3402 Use. Subject to the approval of the authority enforcg this code, non-inmetaliie asattrpruaJ wiring may Le used for exPuseJ work in breweries, ice plant.. cold storage aarehousea or urn:,lar as et locations where subject to mildly corrosive fumes and vapor,, if the vmhage docs nal exceed 300 rolls between con- ductor. or 150 vohs to Arouud. ��i Ll 15 ,ro ARTICLE. 343 3403, Condaeton, Rubber- sheathed multiplocon- ductor cable approved for the purpose shall be used. The individual conductors of the cable shall not be smaller than No. 12, except that the cable may Con- tain an approved size of conductor, with or without Individual insulation, to be used for equipment ground. ing purposes only. See paragraph a of section 2557. 3404, Supporta, The cable shall be supported an insulators approved for lire purpose and spaced at in- tervals not oxecoding J feet. 3405. Attachment to Fittings. The cable shall be securely fastened to all outlet boxes, fittings and cab- inets. A moisture -proof seal shall be provided be. tween the cable and all outlet boxes, fittings and cab- inets. 3406. Passing Through Walls. The cable shall be enclosed in rigid conduit, electrical metallic tubing, or appreved insulating tubing, where passing through ovalis,and where so enclosed, the enclosure shall be sealed with a suitable fitting. 3407. Protection. Where exposed to mechanical injury the cable shall be protected. 3408. Boxes and Fittings. Boxes and fittings shall conform to the following: a. Outlet boxes, fittings and cabinets shall be con- structed of cast metal, insulating material or other material approved for the purpose. b. Switch plates, futures, and similar parts shall be of insulating material when mounted on boxes, fit- ting., and cabinets of insulating material. 3409. Grounding, Metal boxes, fittings, or cabinets if used shall be grounded in accordance with Article 250. ARTICLE 342—NON-METALLIC SURFACE EXTENSIONS 3421. Scope. Installations of non-metallic surface extensions shall comply with the provisions of s- 1,— 3001 to 3020 inclusive, and in addition shall com- ply with the provisions of the following Sections 3422 to 3429 inclusive. SURFACE. FXTENSIONS 101 3422. Use. Non-metallic surface extensions may be used only If all of the following conditions are met: a. The extensions are from existing outlets on branch circuits. b. The extensions are run exposed in dry locations. c The building is occupied for residential or office PmTr I— r. The extensions are not in unfitshhed basements, altiu, or roof spaces. a The voltage does not exceed 150 volts between .ado"" ' L The extensions are not subject to corrosive vapOt& 3423. Outlets Per Circuit. The total number of oat lets supplied by one branch circuit, including those riously imtallcd and thou of the extension, shall n conformity with the requirements of Article 210. 3424. Net to Ran Outside Roomext . An enslon shsB not be ran through a floor or partition, nor out- side the room in which it Origin t,, 3425. Locatkn ba Roots One or more ext ... ions may be run in any direction from an existing outlet, but .at on the it... or within 2 inches from the floor. An extension shall be attached only to woodwork or plaster finish, and .hall at be in contact with any metal work ar other conducive material except the metal prates on receptacles, 3426. Supports. Non-metallic mita,, extensions .11.11 be secured in place by appreved means at imer- ,als net ..reeding 8 inches, except that where con- cecticn to tl:e supplying outlet is made by mea. of mattachment plug the first (..tering may be placed 12 inches or kit frc'r tF,e p:ng. There shall be at but are listening tetwceo each two adjacent outlets aupplird. 342(. SpOen and Tsp& R.tenzfnn, shall consist of a vnemveus urbraL!n length of the s.mbi , ­h.t asiir<a, and without eryas<d eaM'etm. be. tavern f.t ingt. Tap. +nay t2 made it filings cons. p:etely rims. J& rhe up ccrnen :n. Ire used. 3428. Head& A tend in an sw!mbly which to Cun. If:. aorxaal syncing hetween the coMucrn I., ARTICLE 344 shall be covered with a cap to protect the assembly from mechanical injury. 3429. Fitting.. Each run of an assembly shall terminate in Is fitting .[rich covera the end of the as- sembly. All fittings and device. shall be of a type approved for the purpose. ARTICLE 344—UNDERPLASTER EXTENSIONS 3441, Use. Underplaster extensions, installed as pernritied by sections 3441 to J444 inclusive, may be used only for rxtel6ious of existing branch circum if laid on the face of masonry or other material and buried in the plaster finish of ceiling, or wall., fn buildings of fire -resistive construction 3442. Materials. Such extensions shall be run in rigid or flexible conduit, armored cable, electrical metallic tubing or metal raceways approved for the Purpose. Standard sizes of conduit, cable, tubing and raceways shall be used except that for single conduc- tors only, conduit or tubing having not less than 5/16 inch inside diameter or single -conductor armored cable may be used. 3443. Limit of Ran. No such extension shall ex- tend beyond the floor on which it originates unless standard sizes of rigid conduit, electrical metallic tub- ing or armorod cable are employed. 3444. Methods of Installation. The methods of in- stallation for such extensions shall be as specified elsewhere in this code for the particular type of ma- terial used, except that when alternating current is to be employed, all of the conductors of a circuit need not be contained in a single raceway or cable. ARTICLE 346—RIGID METAL CONDUIT 3461. Scope. Installations of rigid metal conduit shall comply with the provisions of sections 3001 to 3020 inclusive and in addition shall comply with the provisions of the following sections 3462 to 3471 in. clu,iv. 3462. Use. Rigid metal conduit may be used under all atmospheric conditions and occupancie& except UNOERWASTER EXTENSIONS Int that ferrous raceways and fittings protected (earn car- ro—ri solely by enamel may be used only indoor, and in occupancies not subjrcl to severe corrosive infln- cnees. Conduit, and fittings exposed to severe corro. sive influences shall be of corrosion -resistant material suitable for the conditions. If practicable, the use of dissimilar metals throughout the syslem shall be avoided to eliminate the possibility of gala is action. 11utp.cm., Planer, t.nnerier, Fide cdlarr,h .ulna roses, I, arca, (<n:liur Iona(,.., roti race, wme cemical or.& meld naW�yrin.f call, rear irii enri)I., -ear vn, and honer, e .er<r. <orrorire and,rivvr un. I�kil> ra t4e p ew.L uyanrirr rear 3463. Cinder Fill. Conduit, unless of cormsia'• rcsuant material suitable for the purpose, shall not be used in or under cinder fill where subject to pen .anent moisture index, protected on all sides by a layer of non -cinder concrete at lease 2 inches thick at unless the conduit is at least 18 inches under the fill. 3464, Wet Locations. In partials, of dairies, lawn. dries, ramerin, and o ife, wet laralinni, and in lora• tion, where wails are, regn—ily washedI the entire Conduit sYarni, includng all boxes and mtinga used ew ther111r, shall he nude watrrtighl, and the conduit ,hail he mounted so that there is It kart one-half inch air spare betwren the conduit and the wall or other supporting surface. 346L Minimum Size. o conduit smaller! than : inch, electrical trade \ e size, .hu-1.all be ud, except as pro- vidcd for under -plaster extension, in Ankle 344, and for enrlosmg the leads of muton as permitted in paragraph b of section 4479. 3466. Number of Conductor. fn Racswq- Ons conduit shall not contain more conductors of a given six than are specified in Table, 4 to I I of Chapter IQ 3467. Reaming, ,VI ends of conduit shall be reamed to remove rough edge& 3468. Hushing& Where a conduit enter, a box or other fitting, a bushing shall be Provided to protect Ih, who frons abrasion unless the derign at the box or fitting is such .3 to ari_d equiva!ent protection. See paragraph b of section J736 far the protection of conducoro at bushing& 2469. Cpling& Threadles, cwplinga and eos-c- lou uuJ wouhh "'Jail siva he male Baht. They shall 3.49 .0 a Ire ARTICLE Sea be of the watertight type if buried in masonry, con• Crete o , fill or it installed m wet places. Running threads shall not be used on conduit for connection at couplings. - 3470. Benda -How Made. Benda of rigid mnduft shall be so made that the conduit will not be injured, and that the internal diameter of the Conduit will not be effectively reduced. The radius of the curve 'If the inner edge of any field bend shall not be less than shown in the following table: Radius of Conduit Benda 3471. Benda -Number in One Run. A run of con- duit between outlet and outlet, between fitting and fit• ting, or between outlet and fitting shall not contain more than the equivalent of 4 quarter bonds, includ- ing those bends located immediately at the outlet or fitting. ARTICLE 348 --ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING 3481. Installations of electrical mttallie tubing shall comply with the Provisions of section. 3001 to 3020 inclusive and in addition shay comply with the pro- visions of the following sections 3482 to 3490 inclu- alre. ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING101 3482. Use. Electrical metallic tubing may be used for both exposed and concealed work Electrical metallic tubing protected from corrosion solely by enamel shall not be used. Electrical metallic tubing shall nm ot be used (1) where during installation or afterwaI. a, it will he a. Act to severe echanical injury; (2)in of or concrete or fill where subject to PC ...nt moisture unless prutKted on all sides by a layer of non -cinder concrete at Irat 2 inches thick or ural<aa the tubing is at Ieaat 18 inches under the fill; (3) in any hazardous location except a. other- wise provid<d in Article 500; (4) where <ap03cd to corrosive vapor except as permuted in section 3483. 9483. Corrode, F®N, If tubing h exposed to mrroaive fume. or vaDon such a" may exist in on packing planta, tanneries, hide cellar., calling roam.. Slue houses, fertiliser roma, salt etorage, same chem• Ica, works, metal refineries. Dulp mill sugar mills, round house', Dome stables, and similar�ocahomiIu6• ing and finings of eoaoafon•reaiatanl material suitable for the conditiana shall be used. If Dracli<able. (ha use of di..'ro ar metal. throughout the q. Cut .hall be avoided to eliminate the Possibility of galvanic aetiOM1' ]464. Wet Locadoo.. Io portions of dahlea, lauu- drf<a, canneries, and other wet location; and iv lona• tions where walla are frequently wished the entire tubing system, including all boats av4 fitting. used therewith, shall be made watertighq and the taping shall be mounted ao that there is at least one-half Inch air spare helween the tubing and the way or other Supporting surface. 3465. Midmtam and 14asdmom Sloes No tubing smaller Ill.. A Inch, electrical tradeinti be ns<d e:nDt a prorided for mderplaa"er eatemlonD ae,!CiI JN and for encleaing the leads of motor- ...,reas permitted in pargraph b of section 44J9. The _ we I tubing sluts be the 2•;ach dxainl trade sire. 34x6. Nmalur of Conductor ti liacaway. 011e Iab:ng shall n0l contain mere cendurton of a aiwa sire than are specified in Tab1oD 4 to 11 of Chapter 10. 7N7. Threads 7u:inA shall a0t be coupled to- gphn nor cennrC.ed 10 brass", fif ti ng., or cabinetby mass of d,sada in the wall u( th. seting. e.capl ba IOD ARTICLE 330 fi Itin8s approved for the purpose. Threads shell not be of the standard pipe Thread dimensions. 3}88. Couplings and Connectors Threadless wop- lings and connectors used with tubing shay M made up tight, and shall be of the watertight type If burled In masonry, concrete or (ill or if installed in wet places g ,hal be a0en aA Hit, Ecadtct'st Bgenvill not lbs injured and Mat the internal diameter of the tubing will not be effectively redurcd, The radius of the cure of the inner edge of any field bend shall not be leas than shown in the table in section 3470. tr cal me a"ic p 4 ng bchic �nouUetLa Aroulleun t,cbe- hveen fitting and fitting, or between outlet and fisting, shall not contain more than the equivalent of four quarter bends, including those bends located immedi. r ately at the outlet or fitting. ARTICLE 350 -FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT 3501. Seopc. Installations i. flexible metal conduit shall comply with the provisions of section J001 to J020, sections 3343, 3344, 3348, and of sections 3465 to fill the pr6o8visionssof the followings setlition ons13502 anld 3-1111 50J. used (I) inlwet locations, on,_ condunore're of be lead.covered type or of other type specially approved for the eonditio"6, (2) in hoislways, except as pro• ittd (4) 1 in section 6206: (3) in storage -battery roams; iecCmna SOS f1and 507Jp nor (5) whcrearubb<rt-covered cogquctors are exposed to ail, ggaasoline, or other mdferl.ls having a deteriorating effect on rubber. 3503. Minimum Size. No flexible metal conduit less than one-half incl[ elalrical Inde size shall be used except (I) as ppermitted far underfpplaster be P nerPhebtof a ctcn(4439; pond s(3)d forr on, station not over 48 inches in length, or longer on approved aasembliea, to equipment where tcri use of one-half inch c larger alae flexible metal conduit is not Pnc- licabk, in which qa. flexible metal conduit of three - eighth Inch eI,cIrjgI trade sista may he used. SURFACE METAL RACE\\'AY I., ARTICLE 352 --SURFACE METAL RACEWAY 3521. Scope. Installations of surface metal race- way' shall comply with the provisions of sections 3001 to 3020 inclusive and in addition ,hall comply with the provisions of the following sectiom 3522 and 3527 inclusive. 3522. Uta Surface metal raceway may be used in dry locations. !t shall not be used (I) where cora• coaled, except that the back and aides o multi -outlet assembly may be the by the building finish: and metas raceways approved for. the purpose may be used for under -plaster eatensiona; (2) where subyect to Deva. mechanical injury unless approved for the purpose, (3) where the vohaRe is 309 volts or more between conductors unless the metal his . thickness of not leas than .040 inches; (4) where a", "t to corrosive vapor; (5) in hoiatwaya; (6) in mnrage- battery roams; nor (7) In any hazardous location. 3523. Sue of Conductor. No conductor larger than No. 6 shall be installed in surface maul raceway. 3120 Number of Conductors In Raceway, The number of conductors insu!Ied in any raensvy shall not be greater than the number for which the 1. C, way I. approved, and in no case shall more than 10 conductors be installed in a single raceway C..Part• meet 3325. Extendon Through Walls and Floor. Ea. apt i^muhi-outlet assentaliea, nreway3 may be - forded throuRh dry cast's, dry partitions ..it dry Door, if in unbroken lengths w1mre passing through. 3536. Combination Raceways it combination meed raceways arc used both for signal and for lighting and power circuits. the different system, A.11 be ron In "C"an"e eompam nlml. identified by alurply on- tneting color' o! the ivterior finish, and the rise n lti position of rompartmema shall be malouined ehreughout the Premise.. 3327. Mutd-Outlet Arembb. ldulti•outtet .rem• bly, and ,I fittings . im m�nectian with the bly. shall be approved tar the purpose, ,350 Coad..- Conduelan V., of Caadatt Witham 4r Shwth Wits. Lead S= 54 in. 3.7 in. 6.2 in. g in. 4.9 in. 8.3 in I in. 6.3 in. 10.5i% 14, in. 8.3 in. 13.8 in. 1.55 in. 9.6 in. .16.1 in. 2 in. 12.4 in. 10.6 in. 2-); in. 14.8 in. 24.6 fa. 3 in. 18.4 in. 30.6in. 3-y in. 21.3 in. 35.5 in. 4 in. 24.1 in. 40.2 in. 4 -SS in. 27.0 in. 45.0 in. 5 in. 30.3 1' 50.4 fn. 6 in. 36.4 in. 60.6 in. 3471. Benda -Number in One Run. A run of con- duit between outlet and outlet, between fitting and fit• ting, or between outlet and fitting shall not contain more than the equivalent of 4 quarter bonds, includ- ing those bends located immediately at the outlet or fitting. ARTICLE 348 --ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING 3481. Installations of electrical mttallie tubing shall comply with the Provisions of section. 3001 to 3020 inclusive and in addition shay comply with the pro- visions of the following sections 3482 to 3490 inclu- alre. ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING101 3482. Use. Electrical metallic tubing may be used for both exposed and concealed work Electrical metallic tubing protected from corrosion solely by enamel shall not be used. Electrical metallic tubing shall nm ot be used (1) where during installation or afterwaI. a, it will he a. Act to severe echanical injury; (2)in of or concrete or fill where subject to PC ...nt moisture unless prutKted on all sides by a layer of non -cinder concrete at Irat 2 inches thick or ural<aa the tubing is at Ieaat 18 inches under the fill; (3) in any hazardous location except a. other- wise provid<d in Article 500; (4) where <ap03cd to corrosive vapor except as permuted in section 3483. 9483. Corrode, F®N, If tubing h exposed to mrroaive fume. or vaDon such a" may exist in on packing planta, tanneries, hide cellar., calling roam.. Slue houses, fertiliser roma, salt etorage, same chem• Ica, works, metal refineries. Dulp mill sugar mills, round house', Dome stables, and similar�ocahomiIu6• ing and finings of eoaoafon•reaiatanl material suitable for the conditiana shall be used. If Dracli<able. (ha use of di..'ro ar metal. throughout the q. Cut .hall be avoided to eliminate the Possibility of galvanic aetiOM1' ]464. Wet Locadoo.. Io portions of dahlea, lauu- drf<a, canneries, and other wet location; and iv lona• tions where walla are frequently wished the entire tubing system, including all boats av4 fitting. used therewith, shall be made watertighq and the taping shall be mounted ao that there is at least one-half Inch air spare helween the tubing and the way or other Supporting surface. 3465. Midmtam and 14asdmom Sloes No tubing smaller Ill.. A Inch, electrical tradeinti be ns<d e:nDt a prorided for mderplaa"er eatemlonD ae,!CiI JN and for encleaing the leads of motor- ...,reas permitted in pargraph b of section 44J9. The _ we I tubing sluts be the 2•;ach dxainl trade sire. 34x6. Nmalur of Conductor ti liacaway. 011e Iab:ng shall n0l contain mere cendurton of a aiwa sire than are specified in Tab1oD 4 to 11 of Chapter 10. 7N7. Threads 7u:inA shall a0t be coupled to- gphn nor cennrC.ed 10 brass", fif ti ng., or cabinetby mass of d,sada in the wall u( th. seting. e.capl ba IOD ARTICLE 330 fi Itin8s approved for the purpose. Threads shell not be of the standard pipe Thread dimensions. 3}88. Couplings and Connectors Threadless wop- lings and connectors used with tubing shay M made up tight, and shall be of the watertight type If burled In masonry, concrete or (ill or if installed in wet places g ,hal be a0en aA Hit, Ecadtct'st Bgenvill not lbs injured and Mat the internal diameter of the tubing will not be effectively redurcd, The radius of the cure of the inner edge of any field bend shall not be leas than shown in the table in section 3470. tr cal me a"ic p 4 ng bchic �nouUetLa Aroulleun t,cbe- hveen fitting and fitting, or between outlet and fisting, shall not contain more than the equivalent of four quarter bends, including those bends located immedi. r ately at the outlet or fitting. ARTICLE 350 -FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT 3501. Seopc. Installations i. flexible metal conduit shall comply with the provisions of section J001 to J020, sections 3343, 3344, 3348, and of sections 3465 to fill the pr6o8visionssof the followings setlition ons13502 anld 3-1111 50J. used (I) inlwet locations, on,_ condunore're of be lead.covered type or of other type specially approved for the eonditio"6, (2) in hoislways, except as pro• ittd (4) 1 in section 6206: (3) in storage -battery roams; iecCmna SOS f1and 507Jp nor (5) whcrearubb<rt-covered cogquctors are exposed to ail, ggaasoline, or other mdferl.ls having a deteriorating effect on rubber. 3503. Minimum Size. No flexible metal conduit less than one-half incl[ elalrical Inde size shall be used except (I) as ppermitted far underfpplaster be P nerPhebtof a ctcn(4439; pond s(3)d forr on, station not over 48 inches in length, or longer on approved aasembliea, to equipment where tcri use of one-half inch c larger alae flexible metal conduit is not Pnc- licabk, in which qa. flexible metal conduit of three - eighth Inch eI,cIrjgI trade sista may he used. SURFACE METAL RACE\\'AY I., ARTICLE 352 --SURFACE METAL RACEWAY 3521. Scope. Installations of surface metal race- way' shall comply with the provisions of sections 3001 to 3020 inclusive and in addition ,hall comply with the provisions of the following sectiom 3522 and 3527 inclusive. 3522. Uta Surface metal raceway may be used in dry locations. !t shall not be used (I) where cora• coaled, except that the back and aides o multi -outlet assembly may be the by the building finish: and metas raceways approved for. the purpose may be used for under -plaster eatensiona; (2) where subyect to Deva. mechanical injury unless approved for the purpose, (3) where the vohaRe is 309 volts or more between conductors unless the metal his . thickness of not leas than .040 inches; (4) where a", "t to corrosive vapor; (5) in hoiatwaya; (6) in mnrage- battery roams; nor (7) In any hazardous location. 3523. Sue of Conductor. No conductor larger than No. 6 shall be installed in surface maul raceway. 3120 Number of Conductors In Raceway, The number of conductors insu!Ied in any raensvy shall not be greater than the number for which the 1. C, way I. approved, and in no case shall more than 10 conductors be installed in a single raceway C..Part• meet 3325. Extendon Through Walls and Floor. Ea. apt i^muhi-outlet assentaliea, nreway3 may be - forded throuRh dry cast's, dry partitions ..it dry Door, if in unbroken lengths w1mre passing through. 3536. Combination Raceways it combination meed raceways arc used both for signal and for lighting and power circuits. the different system, A.11 be ron In "C"an"e eompam nlml. identified by alurply on- tneting color' o! the ivterior finish, and the rise n lti position of rompartmema shall be malouined ehreughout the Premise.. 3327. Mutd-Outlet Arembb. ldulti•outtet .rem• bly, and ,I fittings . im m�nectian with the bly. shall be approved tar the purpose, ,350 103 ARTICLE ]aa ARTICLE 354—UNDERFLOOR RACEWAY 3541. Scope. installations of underfloor raceways allot, comply ,with the provisions of sections 3001 to 3020 inclusive and in addition shall comply with the provisions of the following sections 3542 to 3556 in- cinv<. 3542. Use. Underfloor raceways may be used when installed beneath the surface of concrete or other fioot- ing material, or, for signal and control circuits in office occupancies, when laid flush with the concrete floor and covered with linoleum or equivalent floor covering. OPrn-bottom type of raceways may be used in concrete fill between the rough and the finished floor only. Underfloor raceways shall not be used (1) if subject to corrosive vapors; (2) in any hazardous location; (3) in commercial garages; nor (4) in stor. age -battery rooms. 3343. Covering. Raceway covering. shall conform to the following; a. Raceway. Not Over 4 Inches Wide. Raceways Of half -round or flat -top sections not over 4 inches m width s11211 have not less than N inches of concrete or wood above the raceway. b. Raceways Over 4 Inches in Width or With Less Than % Inch Separation. Flat -top raceways over 4 inches in width or placed less than % inch apart, shall be covered with concrete to a depth of not leas th.n Il[ inches. a Rseewaya Flush With Concrete. Metal flat -top raceways in -011e occupancies and not over 4 inches in width used for signal and communication systems and metal flat -top raceways not over 2 inches in width used for Power and lighting circuits, may be laid flush with the concrete if covered with substantial linoleum not less than Sfi inch in thickness or with equivalent floor covering. Where both of these raceways are to be installed contiguous to each other the raceways should be Spot welded together so as to form a= raceway. 3544. Size of Conductors. No conductor larger than No. 4 shall be installed in underfloor raceways. 3545. Number of Conductors in Raceway. The combined cross-sectional area of all conductors shall UNDERFLOOR RACEWAY tee not exceed 40 per cent of the interior area of the raceway; except that if the raceway contains only armored cable or non-metallic sheathed cable, these requirements shall not apply. 3546. Splices and Taps. Splices or taps shall be made only in junction boxes. 3547. Discontinued Outlets. When an outlet is dis- continued, the conductors supplying the outlet .hail be removed from the raceway. 3148. Open -Bottom Raceway—How Laid. Open. bottom raceway shall be laid ona smooth pad of can. crete extending at least 1 inch on each side of the raceway and At least 1 inch thick, except that this thickneaa may be reduced to y, inch where the race- way crosses a run of conduit, and except that in lieu of a concrete pad• fitti-R. which will protect the con- ductor. from contact wills piping, aWctural steel and .,her obstructions may be used. Raceways shall be tuechanimlly secured to the concrete pad. 3549. Laid In Straight Linea, Underfloor raceways .hall be laid se Ihat A straight line from the center of one ju.ction box to the center of Use next junction be. will coincide with the center line of the raceway system. Raceways -hall be made to Dme<haniplly secure en tion. revt disturbing this alignment during eontrac. 3550. Marken st Enda. At every end of line of raceway a filling shall he instaPed extending through The floc, to mark the line cf the dA, Where a duct line is inurrutned by soother due( line, but continues i. a .Might line beyond, and has lunclion boxes or oullels -n evU.cr rde of the ara.a;nR brae, eo marker are uecasary a 'Le ........prong pubC 5551. Dead Ends. Dad erda '1-1 of rauwaya shall be M72. Law Pc;n[a C. Fere pta•lirahre raceways and (heir f.uirga shall be -a arnnacd as m avoid low P,-,. that —Y fust Uaps for water. 35,3, aptecial Fi,han-rah her Angles. We raceways ar ,half be prorwed, if in the jvd lies' ,peels( ,,6,y d'se�'t of the avlhority mlprr;ng Chia cull", Thee are recear,ry, Ho ARTICLE 356 3554. Junction Boxes. Junction bnxes shall he lev- eled led to the floor Reade and lcaled against the entrance wale". Junction boxes used will[ metal raceways sh1If be metal and shall be electrically continuous with the raceways. 3555. Inserts. inscrls shall be Icteled to the floor Rmde and scaled against the entrance of water. In- serts used With metal raceways shall be metal and shall be electrically continuous with the raceway, in. serls set in or on fiber raceways before the floor is laid shall be mechanically secured to The raceway, Inserts set in fiber raceways after the floor is W4 shall be screwed tato theraceway, In cutting through the raceway wall and setting inscrls, chips and other dirt shall not be Allowed to tall into the raceway, and Innis shall be used which are so designed as to pre- .venl the tool from entering the raceway and injuring conductors that may be in place. 3556. Connections to Cabinets and Wait Outlets, Connections between raceways and distribution cen- ters and wall outlets shall be made by means of rigid or flexible metal conduit or by means of fittin93 3pe- ciafly approved for The purpose. ARTICLE 356—CELLULAR METAL FLOOR RACEWAYS 3561. Scope. Installations of cellular metal floor raceways shall comply w;[b the provisions o! sec- tions 3001 to 3020 inclusive, and in addition shall com- ply with the provisions of the fall-wI,IR sections 3562 1. 3570. For the Purposes of this article a "cellular metal floor raceway" shall be defined as the hollow spaces of cellular metal floors, together with suitable fittings, which may be approved as enclosures far eie<tnwl eonduaorr A "cell" shall be defined as a singly, enclosed tubular IDA," in A cellular metal floor memher, the axis of the cell being parallel to tit,ax is of the metal floor memher• . "header' shall be defined as a transverse raceway (or electrical en I......pro- viding access to predclermined cells of a cellular metal Door, Thereby per The installaliun of electrical conductors from a distnbutlon center to The cells. 3562. Use, Conductors shall not be installed I. cellular metal floor raceways (1) where subject to CELLULAR METAL FLOOR RACEWAYS corrosive vapor; (2) in any hazardous location; (J) I. commercial gar -R11, except for supplying ceiling outlets or exlens,ons to the area below the Moor but not above; nor (4) in storage battery rooms. No elect tris conductors shall be inL,lled in any jell or header which contains A Pipe for steam, water, air, gas, drain- age, or other service than electrical. 3563. Size of Conductors. No conductor larger tM1an No. 0 shall be installed, except by special per, mission. 3564. Number of Conductors In Raeaway. The combined cross-sectional arw of all conductors shall out exceed 40 Per cent of tlu interior arca of the header feeding the individual cells; except that if the raceway contain only armored cable or non.allic alitmhed cable, thmmet ese rcqu,rem<nls shall not apply. 3565. Splice. and Tap.. SNi<es and taps shall be made only in loader .cess uuus or juncuo t boxes. 3566. Discontinued Outlets. When an outlet la discontinued, the conductors supplying the outlet .hall be removed from the raceway. 3567. Markers. A suitable number of markers shall be installed -trading thronkh it,, (Ines" fee it,, future locating of cells and f -r system idennfieAtian. 3566. Junction Boxes. Junction boxes shall be levelled to the 11--r grade and sr3led agaiml the en- trance of water. Junction boxes used with these race. ways shall be of mrtal and shall be electrically con. tinuom with the raceway. 3569. Insert.. Inerts 11,311 be levelled to the floor grade and scaled agau,et the entrance of water. In. serts chat[ be of metal and slull be eiectrially eon timtous with Phe raceway. In cutting through the cell will and setting inserts, chips and otlser dirt shall nsn be allowed to fall into the raceway, sad tads shall be used which are designal to prevent ta tool from enuring lot cell and injuring the eonduchtars. 3570. Connection to Cabinet. and Sztenloas From Cell.. Ccmurction b, cAh;nets and earnnsian, from cells W uuncts shall be made by mea.. of rigid or flexible conduit or by .,an. of fittings approved for Ill. purpose. All lir ARTICLE 362 ARTICLE 367 WIREWAYS 3621. Scope. Installations of wirctvays shall com- ply with the Provisions Of sections 3UU1 to 3020 inclu- sive and in addition shall comply with the provisions of the following sections 3612 to J630 m4lusiva 3622. Use. Wirew•a3•s may be used only for u - posed work in dry locations in industrial occupancies, g.rage, and theaters, including motion -picture houses. Wirew'ays shall not be used (1) where subject to severe mechanical injury or corrosive vapor; (2) in, hoistways; (3) in any hazardous location; nor (4) in storage -battery rooms. 3623. Size of Conductors, No conductor larger titan 500,000 ,ni. shall be installed in any wireway. 3524. Number of Conductors in Raceeray. Wire.. ways shall not contain more than 30 conductors at any cross section, unless the conductors are for sig- naling circuits or are control conductors between a motor and its starter and used only for starling duty. The sum of the crass -sectional arca, of all contained conductors at any cross section of a wireway shall not exceed 20 per cent of the interior e(W,-SeeliOnal area of the wireway. 3625. Splices and Tap. Splices or laps, made and insulated by approved methods, may be located within the wireway if they are accessible by means of hinged covers. The conductors, including splices and taps, shall not fill the wireway to more than 75 per cent of its area. 3626. Supporta. Wiseways shall be securely sup- ported at intervals net exceeding 5 feel, unless aDe- cially approved for supports at greater intervals, but in no use shall the distance between supports exceed 10 feet. 3627. Extension Through Walla. Wireway, may extend transversely through dry walls if in unbroken lengths Inhere pawing through. 3628. Dead -Eads. Dead -ends of wireways shall be closed. 3629. Extensions From Wirewaye. Extensions from wireway, shall be made with rigid or flexible metal WIREwAY5 113 conduit, electrical metallic tubing, surface metal race. way or armored able. 3630. Marking. Wireways shall be marked so that their manufacturer'. name or trade ..,it will be via- ible after legalistic. ARTICLE 361 -BUSWAYS 3641. Scope. Installations of busways shall com- ply with the provisions of sections 3001 to 3020 inclu- sive and in addition 'hall comply with the provisions of the following sections 3642 to 3653 inclusive. 36[2. Use. Busways may be used for exposed work Busways shall not be -led (1) where subject to severe mechanical iniur or corrosive vapors; 2 I. hoistwaya; J in an n ( ) f) Y (5) outdoors location; (4) in storage -battery rooms; pec (5) outdoor or t wet or damp locstiovs unless specially approved for the poo- poen BvanaT aur be wed far amlcneeVaea cand_a Ste ,raiw ]331. 3645. Support 13-Y. shall be s.corcly support- ed at intervals not exceeding 5 feel, uoless specially approved for support, 't greater intervals, but in no case shall the di,Unce between supports exceed 10 feet. if a busway i, installed in a vertical position, the ppo,U for the boa -bar. shall be desk. nes for vertSekal installation, g 3644. Extension ThroughBusways may blend tnnavtr.ely through dryV�y if is unbroken length, where Paving Ihrouglc Busways may extend ,,,dolly thm.Rh dry goer if totally -closed (un- vmrilaud) where Paling Ihmugh and for a minimum quate proleM.- frc one Ian gnnr to provide ade- m me<hanual injury. 7641. Dead -Enda. Dead-end, of busways shall be c:w<d. 3646 Branches from Bwways. Branches from bmwar. atlas be ma.1[ a:nh Cwuvp nr with rigid or 6biY.e mutat lv:y electrical m- tubing. sur- a7� ianr<4 wqL ruYab:e cord a. able or, fur parable hard usage. ,<r1ILliea spprnve4 for 111 ARTICLE 364 3647. Overcurvent Protection. Overcurrent protea tion shall be provided in accordance with Sections 3648 to 3652 inclusive. 3548. Rating of Overeurrent Protection-FeMen and Sub -Feeders. If the allowable current rating of the busway docs not correspond to a standard rating of the overcurrent device, the next higher rating may be used, but not exceeding 150 per cent of the allow, able current rating of the busway. 3649. Reduction in Size of Busaray. Overcurrent protection may be omitted at points where busways are reduced in size. Provided that the smaller busway does not extend more titan 50 feet and has a current rating at least equal to one-third the rating or setting of the overcurrent device next back on the line, and Provided further thatsuch busway is free from con- tact with combustible material. 3650. Branch Circuits. Where a busway is used as a feeder, devices or Plug-in connections for tapping off branch circuits from the busway shall contain the overcurrent devices required for the Protection of the branch circuits, u pt as permitted in section 2430. Where the overcurrent device is not readily accessible it shall be enclosed or guarded until Is. e is a ccescceswil, disconnected from the busway. 3651. Rating of Overcrurent Protection -Branch Circuits. A busway mapp be used as a branch circuit of any one of the types rlescrihed in Article 210. When so used, the rating or setting of the overcurrent de- vice protecting the busway shall determine the ampere rating of the branch circuit and the circuit shall in all respects conform .rids Are requirement, of Article 210 applying to branch circuits of that rating. 36SZ Length of Busways Used as Branch CireuitL Busways which are used as branch circuits and which are so designed that loads can be connected at any point shall be limited to such lengths as will prwide that in normal use the circuits will not be overloaded. In general• the length of such run in feet should not exceed three times the ampere rating of the branch circuit. 3653. Marking. Busways shall be marked with the voltage and current rating for which they are de- signed, and with the manula,ii-'s name or trade- mark in such manner as to be visible after installation. BUSWAYS 115 71 b Ord. rnd,d toot � o trnvd.rr arrhema .n onerous vnxreuvded, a <.m...... an areund Irl.., anA rcetntialiaer nlur de6a led mrrn[ial utider<,vni.�,ween the b -b- anolrlha aucJ[J sauna f the 4uawa Ih Tl,i.. 11 Rne le drain o1 am .tails oe ether charas from the enure -h r arse- ,Rlvd;na iu em. ,wired a(gaealua, aw•PIY anJ Lranch rirm:t <onJuctori ARTICLE 370 -OUTLET, SWITCH AND ]UNCTION BOXES, AND FITTINGS 3701. Scope. The provisions of this article shall aPplY to the Installation of outlet. switch andjunction box-, and fittings as required by section 3007. In. stallations in h -ding. 'cations Shall conform to Article 500, 3702. Us. of Round Outlet Boxes. Round outlet boxes shall not be used where conduits or connectors requiring tie use al lockouts or bushings are to be connected to the side of the boa 3703. Non-MMIlic Outlet Boxes, Non-nrehillic outlet boxes nay be used ..,,Iy pdt open wiring on insulators, cnneWcd knob -and -tube work, ran -metal- lic Sheathed cable, and with non-metallic waterproof wiring. 9700 Metallic Outlet Boxes• When used with knob.and-lube work or nou.,uehallie sluMhed cable, and mounted on metal or metal I.,11. oiling, or ,tall,. such Loxes shall be insulated from lhru, supports and from the metal or metal lath, or shall be gtuunded. 3705. Damp or Wet Location. In damp or wet locations, boxes and fitting, shall be w PT -rd or equipPcd as to prevent moisture or water Irons enter. ingand-cruufalintai Win the box or fining. )luxes and fittimg ng. installed in wet kaaalierrs shall be weather. proof. For boxes in floors, see sestina 416? h b wrommendrd ,hat t-. of non <cndmdre --ha W arJ �irh nnnmetan:e rt1-14 I.A!, ween rwh eaela 1s. u.ad , IP' I,WI Wl:ere Ihile Is. hath tJ hn ortu:.Tal OmRWe n(errOl ..,t u in yin 1wc� 3706. Depth of Boxes for C m,.ald Work. Our. let boxes for concealed work shall have an internal depth of at [cast ISS inches, except that where the Installation Of such a box will result in injury to the building gruclure or is impracticable, a box not less than Sr. Inch internal depth may be instal:ed. 352 A9 116 _ ARTICLE 370 3707. Supports—General Boxes, fittings and cab. ineU .,trail be securely taslened in place. Boxes and fittings, not over 100 cubic inches in size, which are attachedto firmly secured "Posed raceway by thread- ing or other connection designed for the purpose, are considered as so fastened. a. Concealed Work. In concealed work, except as prescribed in paragraph b of this section, outlet boxes and fittings, unless securely hell in place by concrete, masonry or other building material in sv!neh they are embedded, shall be secured to a stud, joist or similar fixed structural unit, or to a metal or wooden support which is secured to such a structunl unit. Wooden supports shall be not less than 75 inch in thickness, Lath ➢f wood, metal or composition shall not be can. sidered a structural unit. See sections 4131 and 4132 for support of fixtures. Is. Exposed Work. Incxposed work, and in con- cealed work in existing but ing. where conductors or cables are fished and outlet boxes cannot be secured as provided in paragraph a of this section u•Uhoo dis- turbing the building finish, the boxes may be mounted directly upon the plaster surface if securely fastened in place. 3708. Pull and Junction Boxes. Pull and junction boxes shall coniorns to the following: a. Minimtun Size. For raceways of I% inch trade size and larger, containing conductors of No. 6 or larger, the minimum dimensions of u Pull box or a junction box installed in a raceway s islI conform to the following: 1. Straight Pulls, In straight pulls the length of the box simll be not less than 8 limes the trade diam. ttcrof lie largest raceway. 2, Angie or U Pulls. Where angle or U pulls are made, ""distance between cacti racecvat entry inside the box and the opposite wall of the box shall not be less tl,.n fa times the trade diameter of rite nccw•ay, This distance shall be increased for additional entries by the umount of the sum of the diameter of all other raceway entries on the tame wall of the box. The distance between raceway entries enclosing the same conductor shall not be less than 6 times the trade diameter of the larger raceway, BOXES AND FITTINGS 117 3. Exceptions. The limitations of sub -paragraphs 1 ..d2 of this section are not intended to apply to terminal housings supplied with motors, nor to types of boxes or fittings without knockouts and having hubs ar recessed ports for terminal bushings and locknur. Is. Conducton in Pon or Junction Boxes !n pull boxes or junction boxes having any dimension over 6 feet, all conductor, slull be cabled or racked up in an approved manner. See sada 3736 for im larian ar ry jJa ae bvahinas 3709. Ntmtbcr of Condun ctoin a Box. Boxes shall b< of sufficient size to Provide free space for all conductor enclosed in the box. a. Tle maximum number of conductors, not count. ing fixture wires, permitted in outlet and junction bees" shall be as in the following tables with the aceptios noted: 118 ARTICLE 370 conductor, and each conductor terminating in the box is also counted as are conductor, If single flush boxes arc ganged, and each section is occupied by a flush device or combination of flush device., on the same strap, the limitations will apply to each section individually, b. For combinations not shown in above tables the following table shall apply: Sieeo( Free Spere tYithin Das C<ndunor Is r Gash COnduetar No. 14 2, cubic inches No. 12 2.25 cubic inches Nor10 ...... .. ....... .... .. 2,5 cubic inches No. 8 ......................... J. cubieinche3 G The limitations in paragraph, a and b of this section shall not apply to terminal housings supplied with moms,, nee In typpes of boxes or fittings without knockout and having hubs or recessed parts for ter. rout bushings and lockouts. pi fngranba a and b eaiaidH radon JiM da not tannin, to ennductars Charter IQ, --Y. nrxeware as refrrad w to Table i l of 3710. Conducton Entering Boxes or Fittings. Conducts, entering box.s or fillings shall be pro- tected from abrasion, and shall conform to the fol. lowing: a. Openings to be Closed. Openings through ivRieh conductors enter shall be adequately closed, b. Metal Bases and Fittings. If metal outlet boxes or fittings are used with open wiring or concealed knoband-lube work, condneora shall color through insulating bushings or, in dry plus.,, through flexible tubingextending from the last inn Uti% support and firmly secured to, 11,c box or fitting. Uhere, raceway or cable is used with metal outlet Loxes or fittings, the mcevay or cable shall be secured to such boxes and fittings. a Nan -Metallic Boxes. If non-metallic boxes are used with open wiring or concealed knob -and -tube work, the conductors shall enter through individual holes. Where O'.ible robing is used'to encase icer conductor, the tubing shall extend from the last in- . sulating support and may be run intothe box or terminate at the wall of the box. If non-metallic sheathed able is Osed, the cable assembly shall enter ➢ORFS AND FITTINGS 116 the box through a knockout opening. Clamping of individual conductor or cables to the box is not re- quired if supported within 8 inches of the I— 3711. Coven and Canopies. In completed installa- tions each outlet box shall beprovided with a cover unless a fixture canopy is used. a. Non-metallic covers and plates shall be used with non-metallic outlet Loxes. , b. If a fixture canopy or pan is used, any combus. tible scall or ceiling ftmih he uposed between the edge of the nnopy or Pan amt toutlet Lox shall be eov- ered with non-em"Lusti c materia(. e. Covers of outlet loxes having holes through M&I, flexible cord pendants pass, shall be provided with Lu3hings d......d for the Purpome or shall have smooth, well-rounded surfaces on wdtidt the cords may Lear• So-called hatd-rubber or composition bush. ings shall not I used. 3712, Unused OPenings. Unused openings in boxes and finings .,lull be e8ectisely closed to allonl Pro- section suLslantia llY equivalent to Blas of the wall of the Lox tar "rung. Metal Plugs or Plates shall not be used with non-metallic L.xcs ar fittings unless re- eesscd at least :S inch (rant she• inter surface. 3713, Boxes Enclosing Flush Devitt.. Peres used to enclose flush devices shall be of such design that the Jeeices will be completely ..dosed en Lack and Bides anJ that substantial support for the devices will be provided Screws for suPl"`ring the box shall nos be used in attachment of the device contained Mersin. 3714. Fastened to Gas Pipes. Outlet boxes used Jeol gas outlets are present shall be so fastened to the gas Pipes as to be mechanically secure, 3713. Po.ision In W.H. In walls or reilimis of Miners, file or other nan-combu vible material, boxes and Mmsit shall be so installed that the front edge of the Lox or fitting .,sill ns set hark of the finished surface morn Ilan !i inch. In lis and ceilings ton- Rructed of svao,l or oiler emnbnstib'< mineral, Outlet boxes and fittings shall be hush wdb the finished ,urfat< or project titcrdrom. 3716. Repairing Plaster. Fxcept an walls or ,il- in.r of ro l etc, rile s ether nom<ortbusbble mala -L a Pl:aa surface wh,ch is broken ar incampl<Ia 353 par ➢axes Q a .. Stxntar Trane Sur lfuimum Number tar Ca 4d ... Na. 14 ISi x3Si octagonal .. Na, IJ No, 10 Na.8 $ 5 Ice x 4 octagonal ... 4 0 8 7 6 5 11 9 7 5 (!$x411/16 -quare ... 16 12 10 a 2!y x411/I6 o!uar<.., 25 16 a 14 IU 2 x1Ya x24: ,- 5 y Ili x l451 2si .., 6 6 5 J x1;i x2;f .....,, 7 i 6 Swau taw Poser or I- t!;• D..... Ru•Iraen,iv�ue MT... -.:m_m Nuxtxr of CnnA�u,era 3:f .... ... ........ 4 4 J 4 .... ........ 8 G 6 The abme ubk- a-plv wl:ue no C:nhgs ruck as f Rin• e. or devices 111 ¢ . ss.r rl:rs or res, r%:,a,!,-, . f+m;rr", "I m tie: h'I:c:c ane w n:.rt amuined m r'.• ,. _ ! �' . � r l ,ace be W lest 11 ,•1 .. �� :'1/,li fih..'1 dcduc!mn ci cone aoumed n 118 ARTICLE 370 conductor, and each conductor terminating in the box is also counted as are conductor, If single flush boxes arc ganged, and each section is occupied by a flush device or combination of flush device., on the same strap, the limitations will apply to each section individually, b. For combinations not shown in above tables the following table shall apply: Sieeo( Free Spere tYithin Das C<ndunor Is r Gash COnduetar No. 14 2, cubic inches No. 12 2.25 cubic inches Nor10 ...... .. ....... .... .. 2,5 cubic inches No. 8 ......................... J. cubieinche3 G The limitations in paragraph, a and b of this section shall not apply to terminal housings supplied with moms,, nee In typpes of boxes or fittings without knockout and having hubs or recessed parts for ter. rout bushings and lockouts. pi fngranba a and b eaiaidH radon JiM da not tannin, to ennductars Charter IQ, --Y. nrxeware as refrrad w to Table i l of 3710. Conducton Entering Boxes or Fittings. Conducts, entering box.s or fillings shall be pro- tected from abrasion, and shall conform to the fol. lowing: a. Openings to be Closed. Openings through ivRieh conductors enter shall be adequately closed, b. Metal Bases and Fittings. If metal outlet boxes or fittings are used with open wiring or concealed knoband-lube work, condneora shall color through insulating bushings or, in dry plus.,, through flexible tubingextending from the last inn Uti% support and firmly secured to, 11,c box or fitting. Uhere, raceway or cable is used with metal outlet Loxes or fittings, the mcevay or cable shall be secured to such boxes and fittings. a Nan -Metallic Boxes. If non-metallic boxes are used with open wiring or concealed knob -and -tube work, the conductors shall enter through individual holes. Where O'.ible robing is used'to encase icer conductor, the tubing shall extend from the last in- . sulating support and may be run intothe box or terminate at the wall of the box. If non-metallic sheathed able is Osed, the cable assembly shall enter ➢ORFS AND FITTINGS 116 the box through a knockout opening. Clamping of individual conductor or cables to the box is not re- quired if supported within 8 inches of the I— 3711. Coven and Canopies. In completed installa- tions each outlet box shall beprovided with a cover unless a fixture canopy is used. a. Non-metallic covers and plates shall be used with non-metallic outlet Loxes. , b. If a fixture canopy or pan is used, any combus. tible scall or ceiling ftmih he uposed between the edge of the nnopy or Pan amt toutlet Lox shall be eov- ered with non-em"Lusti c materia(. e. Covers of outlet loxes having holes through M&I, flexible cord pendants pass, shall be provided with Lu3hings d......d for the Purpome or shall have smooth, well-rounded surfaces on wdtidt the cords may Lear• So-called hatd-rubber or composition bush. ings shall not I used. 3712, Unused OPenings. Unused openings in boxes and finings .,lull be e8ectisely closed to allonl Pro- section suLslantia llY equivalent to Blas of the wall of the Lox tar "rung. Metal Plugs or Plates shall not be used with non-metallic L.xcs ar fittings unless re- eesscd at least :S inch (rant she• inter surface. 3713, Boxes Enclosing Flush Devitt.. Peres used to enclose flush devices shall be of such design that the Jeeices will be completely ..dosed en Lack and Bides anJ that substantial support for the devices will be provided Screws for suPl"`ring the box shall nos be used in attachment of the device contained Mersin. 3714. Fastened to Gas Pipes. Outlet boxes used Jeol gas outlets are present shall be so fastened to the gas Pipes as to be mechanically secure, 3713. Po.ision In W.H. In walls or reilimis of Miners, file or other nan-combu vible material, boxes and Mmsit shall be so installed that the front edge of the Lox or fitting .,sill ns set hark of the finished surface morn Ilan !i inch. In lis and ceilings ton- Rructed of svao,l or oiler emnbnstib'< mineral, Outlet boxes and fittings shall be hush wdb the finished ,urfat< or project titcrdrom. 3716. Repairing Plaster. Fxcept an walls or ,il- in.r of ro l etc, rile s ether nom<ortbusbble mala -L a Pl:aa surface wh,ch is broken ar incampl<Ia 353 V- 3 a loo ARTICLE 371 shall be repaired so that there will be no gaps or open spaces at the edge of the box or fitting. 3717. Junction Boxes to Be Accessible. Junction Ell shall be so installed that the mooring contained I n them may be rendered accessible without remov. Ing any part of the building. 3718. Exposed Extensions. In making an exposed extension from an existing outlet of concealed wir. Big, a box, extension ring or blank cover shall be mounted ser the original box and electrically and mechanically secured to it. The extension shall then be connected to this box In the manner prescribed for the method of wiring employed in making the extension. 3719. Boxes at Future Outlets. Boxes used at outlets for fixtures shall be designed for the purpose. At ox•cry outlet used exd-lively for lighting, the box shall be so designed or installed that a fixture may be attached. ARTICLE 373 -CABINETS AND CUTOUT BOXES 3731. Scope, The provisions of this article shall apply to the installation of cabinets and cutout boxes. Installations in hazardous locations shall conform to the provisions of Article 500. 3732.Damp or Wet Location.. In damp or wet locations, cabinets and cutout boxes of the surface type shall be so placed or cquippcd as to prevent moisture or water from entering and .-ru l.1ing within the cabinet or cutout box, and shall be mounted so there is at least one-half inch air space between the enclosure and the wall or other supporting sur- face. Cabinets or cutout boxes installed to wet loca- tions shall be weatherproof. it b 1 --fol that heaa f ran.....!.Itrm a aterial b< Ieed with non meta.ie theatM1e.l eaele .1- tech e is a,ed N atism whore lb ­i4 hildy w be Debt- Pe , 3733. Position In Wall. In walls of concrete, tile, car other non-combustilale material, abincts shall be so installed that the front edge of it,, cabinet will not set hack of the finished surface mare than Y,inch. In walls constructed of wood or other combustible material, cabinets shall he flush with the finished sur. face or project therefrom. CABINETS AND CUTOUT BOXES 111 3734. Unused Openings. Unused openings in cabi- nets or cutout boxes shall be effectively closed to afford protection substantially equivalent to that of he all of the cabinet or cutout box. If metal plugs or Plates are used with non-metallic cabinets or cut. out Loxes, they shall be recessed at last %inch from the outer aorta'. 3735. Conductors Entering Cabinets or Cutout Boxm. Conductors entering cabinets or cutout boxes shall be Protected from abrasion and shall conform to the following: a. Openings to Be Clo.ed. Openings through which conductors enter shall be adequately closed. Ill . Metal Cabinets and Cutout Boxes. If metal eabmcIs or cutout boxes are used with open wiring or concealed knob -and -tube work, conductors shall enter through insulating li-hings car, in dry places, through flexible wiring extending from the last insulating sup. port and firmly secured to the eaLnsa or cutout box. 3736. Deflection of Coulk,".rs. Conductors enter- ing or having rAli-rtl or cutout bones and the like shall conform to the follolving: a. Width of Gutters. Vertical conductors No. I or larger shall not be deflected ewe,, they enter or lea.. a cabinet unless a Puller hams• a width in ae- -4ance with the following ta.Ic is provided: Cva.rtcr Sias Y:,rimum width d .unrr m leeee4 No. I .................... ....... 3 `o. 0 m 200,(40 e.m........... ...... 4 :1 I,GA to 4. a1, u0 m AO,fAn1 c.m... ....... 8 r 1 •ra,rdA to IArIq,Ofeq cm ... .. .. ......10 A I'S'. 6W l0 2.G moo .m ... ..... ......12 b. Itsn4t"" at Bushing. Where ungrounded can ducts cl .`7o ser 1-91 are d<fl«ted more than 30 degeo .1:<re i:ntrnes a raceway m a cabinet. Pull bo janrtian box, cr an,. lacy gml<r, the conducinra shall be .1 IF by a ari,oaal lal Lushmg Providmg a arrmthlIF ro 11 rs•da,inR -E.", .mess the con- ducicn are aeparau II..— enc noway filing by s.b. stamial inmluing r..atv..I sernrrly fasten«1 in Place 11 conduit Imshin4. are ,,.oa!,ocled wh"Vy of insulat- ing mat.l.t, a kaskaut shall Le PI-ded both uil lde 132 ARTICLE 374 and outside the enclosure to which the conduit Is attached. 3737. Space fn Enclosures. Cabinets and cutout boxes shall conform to the following: a To Accommodate Conductors, Cabinets and cut. out boxes shall be selected which Ihzvo suficicnt space to accommodate all conductors installed in them with- out crowding. Is. Used as junction Boxes. Switch enclosures shall not be used as junclion boxes, troughs or raceways (or cond...... fecdinu lbrough or tapping off to other switches, unless special designs are employed to pro- vide adequate space for this purpose. 3738. Side or Back Wiring Spaces or Gutters, Cabinets and cutout boxes shall be provider) with back Nking Spa-, gutters, or wiring compartments ab Ib quirod by paragraphs a and it of section 93732. ARTICLE 374 -AUXILIARY GUTTERS 3741. Purpose. Auxiliary gutters, used to supple- ment wiring spaces at meter « .ten, distribution cen- Iers, switchboards and similar points of interior wir- ing systems, may enclose conductors or bus -bars, but "tall not be used to enclose switches, overcurrent do- rices or other appliances or apparatus. 3742 Extension Beyond Equipment. An auxiliary gutter shall nal '-lend a greater dist ... c than 3o feet beyond limo equipment which it supplements ex. cePt in elevator work Any extension beyond this distance shall comply with the Provisions for wire. ways in Article 362 or with the provisions for busways I n Article 364. 3743. Supports, Culter9 "shalt be supported through- out their entire length at intervals oat exceeding 5 feel. 3744. Covera, Covers shall be securely fastened to the gutter. 3745. Number of Conductors in Raceway- Auxil- nary gutters shall oat contain more than 30 conductors at any cross section unless the conductors are for signalling circuits or are control conductors between a motor and its starter and used only for startfug AUXILIARY CUTTERS I:r duty. The sum of the cross sectional areas of all con. tained conductors at any cross section of an auxiliary gutter shall not exceed 20 per cent of the interior cross sectional area of the gutter. 17- devatcn .ae ,reason 6211. 3746. Carrying Capacity of Copper Ban. The cur. rent carried continuously nt bare conductors in auxil. iary gullets shall not exceed 1000 amperes per square inch of cross-section of tie canduclor. 3747. Clearance of Ban Live Parts. Bare conduc- tors shall be securely and rigidly supported so that the minimum clearance between bare current -carrying metal parts of opposite Polarities ounted on the same surface shall be not less than 3minches, nor less than I fruit for parts that are held free in the air. A spacing not less than 1 inch shall be secured be. Iween bare current -carrying metal parts and any metal surface Adequate provision shall be .lade far expansion and couiracuon of copper Lara. 3148. Splices and Taps. Splices and taps shall conform to the following: u Splices or laps, made and insulated by approved methods, may be iucatcd within gutters if they are accessible by means of removable covencar doors. The conductor,, including splices anti taps, shall out fill the gutter to more than 75 per ,at of its arca. Is, Taps from bare conductors shall leave the gut. ter opposite their terminal connections and conductors shall not be brought in contact with umnsulat<d cur. rent -carrying parts of opposite po;arity. e. All taps shall be slsil.bly identified at the gutter as to the circuit or equipment welch they supply. d. Tap connections from conductors in auxiliary gutters shall be Providrd with overcurrent protection in conformity with the provisions of section 2434. 3749. Conatructi.n. Auxiliary Dunn shall be can. stncted in lecordaxce with the fal!awing: a Cullers shall be so eonstrurrd and installed that adequate circle k.I and mechanical commu.1y of the completp raceway system will be ..cued, b.Gun- shall be of substantial construction and .hall provide a tomplela eadaaure far the coataioed 354 31 IN ARTICLE 3" conductors. All surfaces, both interior and exterior, shall be suitably protected from corrosion. Corner joint& shall be made tight and where the assembly is held together by rfcem or bops, these shall be spaced not more than, 12 inches apart a Suitable bushings, shields or fittings having smooth rounded edges shall be provided where con- ductors pass between gutters, through Partitions, around bends, between gutters and cabinets or jime- lion boxes and at other locations where necessary to Prevent abrasion of the insulation of the conductors. d. Gutters shall be constructed of sheet metal of thicknesses not less titan in the following table; Stamm.. Widtb oftura CUSS 56«t ie Wided Tbieknaa Surface of Gut5­1 t)p to and including 6 inches...... No. 16....0598inch Over 6 in. and not over 18 in...... No. 14.. ,.0747 inch Over IS in, and not over 30 im.... No. 12....1046ineh O... 30 inches .................. No. 10...:1345 inch e. Where insulated conductors are deflected within the auxiliary gutter, either at the ends or where con- duits. fittings or other racewa7•s enter or leave the Rutter, or where the direction of the gutter is deflected greater ill 30 degrees, dimensions corresponding to section 3736 shall apply. ARTICLE 380—SWITCHES 3801. Grounded Conductors. No switch or circuit - breaker shall disconnect the grounded conductor of a circuit unless the switch or circuit -breaker simuita- ncously disconnects the ungrounded conductor or con- ductors, or unless the switch or circuit -breaker is so arranged that the grounded conductor cannot be dis- connected until the ungrounded conductor or conduc- tors have fust been disconnected. 3802. Three -Way and Four -Way Switche& Three• aya)• and four-way Switches shall be so wired that all ewdcbfng is done only in the ungrounded circuit con- ductor. Wiring between swdtchts and outlets shall, if in metal enclosures, be run with both polarities in the same enclosure. 3803. Enclosar<& Switches and circuit -breakers, except pendent and surface type snap switches and SWITCHES 125 knife switches mounted an an open face switchboard ar p. n lboard, shall be of the raurnslly operable type enclosed in metal boxes or cabinet& 3804. Wet Location& If a switch or circuit -breaker is in a wet bastion ur outside of a building, it shall be arclosrdneatberproof endasurc or cabinetins Wiled to conform to section 3732. 3805. Time Switches, Flashers and Similar Device. Time switches, Ildshers and similar d<vic<,. unless mounted on switcbboarJa or control panels, if not in approved hil,widual housing, shall be enclosed in mem, boxes nr cabinets but need not be of the ex• terna.ly-operable type. 3806. Position of Falls Switches, S,ngle•throw knife switches shall be so placed that gravity will not tend to dose them. Double -throne knife switches may be mcumcef so that the throw will be either vertical or horizontal as preferred, but if the throw be vertical a locking devi.e shall be provided which will insure the blades remaining in lira open position wbell so sea. 3807. Conneedon of Knife Switches. Knife aw tches, unless of the doable -throw type, shall be so connected 113t the blades arc dead when the switch is in the upon posidom 3808, AccesubiN and Gomping Switches and cirrus-In<ak<rs, --ofar as pract.cabk, shall b< readily atccss:ble Coand slut! L< grouped. 3809, ven of Pluth Slnp Switches Flush snap au nth<& if r..oamed m urground<d metal boxes and iraa«d willun teach of eenduuing floors or other cor:fucting surfaces, shall he pras:ded with covers of r:.,n-condo<tinK., Le "Ot host Ste material Face platen. d rf metal, a..a!1 Le nut fess than G.I)4 inch in thick• ren, and P,atrs of non aonducnn,r, non•comFsusuble material &hail be not less Chau 410 in;;t in Witkncss. 3810. Masasdng of Surface -Type Snap Svritches. Snap &witch& uacd with cien wising rn iuw!aton sha11 W moum,d on sub -bases cf :.misting ms«r:ai wi..cb w:,1 s<;,.eat< the co.Iiiew s at kaat Y'+ inch fr,.-n I, a'�flaar NVed vier, 3a1L Ctrw:!-Breakers 4 8w1rc1he& A ei«sit- hrea'ter e5rti.:e d rvrt;y by ypl%,dig it.. hand to a 1e.v a 1::n1:o may nerve as s ens -h prowled it has in. eum:<r of P0:es rMuirnl h., such anirh. 1.16 ARTICLE J60 3812,Grounding of Enclosure& Enclosures for switches or circuit -breakers on circuits of over 150 volts to ground shall be grounded fit the manner specie ficdin Article 250, except where accessible to quali• reed operators only, 3813. Knife Switches. Knife switches rated for more than 12110 amperes at 250 volts or less, and for .ore than 61N1 augwres at 251 to 600 volts, shall be used only as isolating switches and slmll not be open- ed under load. To interrupt currents J:rcater than 1200 amperes at 250 volts or less, or b00 amperes et 251 to 600 volts, a circuit -breaker or a switch of apse col design approved for such purpose shall be used. Knife switches of lower rating may be used as general- use snitches and may be opened under load. Motor- circuit Switches (see definition) may be of the knife. switch type. 3814. Rating of Snap Switebea. Snap switches shall be rated as follows: A. Non -inductive Load& For non -inductive loads Other than tungsten -filament lamps, switches shill have an ampere rating not less than the ampere rat- ing or the load. b. Tungsten Filament Load& For tungsten•fila- ment lamp loads, and for combined tungsten -filament and non -inductive loads, switches shall be "T" rated, except where lite three following qualifications are satisfied: 1. if switches are used in branch circuit wiring systems in privntc homes: in rooms in multiple -Deco• panty dwelling& used only as living quarters by ten- ants; in private h -pit. or hotel rooms; or in similar locations but not in public rooms or places of assem- bIY; and 2. Only when such a snitch controls permanently cognected fixtures -or lighting outlets in one room only, or in one continuous hallway where the lighting fixtures may be located at different levels, or on porches or in attics or basements not used for assem- bly purposes; and 3. When the switch is rated at not less than 10A, 125V; SA, 250V; or for the 4.way, types, SA, 125V; 2r\, 250V. SWITCHES Iii, Inductive Loads. Switches controlling induclive loads shall hive an ampere rating twice the ampere rating of tlto load unless they are of a type .Pproved as part ui an aventbly or for the I—I V_ 'uploy'«I. I'•r vinhn w aignn and <udin< tiahlma, a.< arnicv 600J, Pm a ache. mmrdl'rs mean, a<r &crag -n dJeJ, ARTICLE 384—SWITCHBOARDS AND PANELBOARDS 3841. Slope. 'Ih< rcquircmmna of Illi, article &hall apply to all swiic I oat, s, panelboards, and distribu. lint hoards gad for the control of light and polver c.cuila, except s4wilcbbwrd, in utility company ups— at<+1 ...trill stations and/or substations, which di. rectly r'..Ituol energy derived from generator& or lionsf 11—c"I us"]s, andi"ly swontroa signal par• lions tlmrrut used exclusively la control signal this .uiu npeaal by baUcries. The reyuiremutla of this snide sh:dl m bor .Y.cbarg,nR Pdneln if cur- « rat is ukrn i::!:1.Y,;gh1 or p0xr nrcuit. 3812. APPlicotion of Other Articles. Switdlts, cir- cuit-baaktrs and ,rcrrcurrea devices used on s tch• bwrJs. 1'anCln oral: and d�srtihnlian b:nnls, rhe b...4, and til«r enchosu«•. sh.di conform to the require• menta u( ,\rli; lrs '4u, 3: G, 310 amt a,thrr artitlt, which apply: `nil ilcLhv:uds anJ pandbcanh in hu- ardeoaI,—Ii.ns shill c: fo,aa to tilt requ.rtu:luta el Article 500. 3813. Support of Bus -ban and Cooductara. Co.. ,.cors and bis-4,-rs ,•n :, swig hh.as�i• pmep,aard or «mtrol hood, shall he w L�cacd as to b< free tram nwdunid injury ;,.d shall b< hrld in such a manner m to ht rigid. Switchboards 3851. Location of Switchboards, cwhthtoarde MITI: II II.:\P .114 +\',', �.frl 1,\'! Ild(Ir njlall lir e. .,et _ul,t u<r dy clic 1o: atom ;rad U+tn Doll where unJer «.mb<trnt sopa vl.ian and access:hie only to qualified prr.nu! 7832. Wet f.o<atfana. If a switchb.vnl is in a wit lu:dtrm w' �ula de of a building. it shall be oclosrd 355 3 2- 1-5 ARTICLE 391 in a wmlherprrusf enclosure or cabinet installed to amfunn to section 3:32. 3853. Location Relative to Easily Ignitible Mate- riaL Suioehhanrds shall be ss flared as to rcducc la a minimum tlm probability of conunuilicming fire to ad)went easily ignitible material. 3854. Clearance from Ceiling. Switchboards shall not be built up to a non-lirrpruai cri7ing, a space of Ihrrc in3 Leine telt bclwatn the c. ilei::uRI flu, brrard, unless• au adcgnatc li,epr—i Alh4d r, provided be- tu'een the board and the tied in:;. 3855. Clearance Back of Switchboard. If the equip- ment or wiring ran Ibe bark u1 the -.ilehhoard is acees:ible only from tl:e space behind the board, There slw it be a clear space of at ]cast 18 Indus between sucIt e, u ln-ut or miring and the u:dl Its a single panel an'ildJ+„arc not exceeding 42 inches in width, and at least 24 invhes when the board cmmisls of a uA,, panel er more Than rale 1,; -1: If the space Ldiind the L: n. rd i+ accessible only ollc end, Il:osr q'ares r!rdl he fns c—A by ;d least 6 incites. The .lore Lark of the board shall be kept dear of foreign mater.:d and shall not be used for storage put Re lvcGcn e! cl v—,, s far h.rt W—A, hr bonding column. t. ed ll+e aw.lcl+l.,arJ, a L1 <•;u:1`ntnv c a:nale land m the ivtl+S•,aN, errmmml Irat+JrA vie char be.i arc ret re• dv¢d b*f t base 1 dish- bra vu.,le paid be. S•me of the "love dimtnctn• are «crpdans to vatlon 111:. 38M Conductor Covering, Insulated conduclors "litre closely grouped, as on the rear of switchboards, stall each haves game-rclardmu muter covering• The conductor covering shall be stripped baek'a sufficient df,mnce from the terminals so as not to make contact with them. Insulated conductors used for instrument and control wiring on the back of switchboards shall be fl,nu-retanlan4 either inherently or by means of an outer rovrrinR, and Lc nnc of the follo"ving types, R, RTI, V, ,\VA. AVR, T. or TA. 3857, Protection of Instrument Circuits. Instru- mrnu, Dhru light., potential trensfonners, and other 'u'ilrhhoard dea'ices with potenial coils, except "viers the operation of the overcurrent device might tri ere duce a hazard in the operation of devices, shall be supplied by a circuit that is protected by standard Sw'll".11nOARUS ,”,\L 1'ATELUOARUS 119 overcurrent devices of a rating not greater than 15 amperes. except that for ratings of 2 amperes or less special types of enclosed fuses may be used. 3858. Grounding Switchboard Frames. Switchboard (mm� old structures suppuiting switching equip- ment shall be grounded, except that frames of direct- current .+nine -polarity switchboards need not be grounded if effectively insulated. 3859. Grounding of Instruments, Relays, Meters and Instrument Transformer. on Switchboard& In- strumcnts, relays, meters and instrument transform- ers Wretcd on switchboards shall be grounded as specified in sections 2(i11 to 2625. Panelboards 788E Numbtr of Ove—Trent Device. on Do. Panelbosrd, Not more than 43 overcurrent devices of a li.bling and appliance branch circuit panrlboard ,hall be installed in any one cabinet or cutout box, 3882. Ov<rctment Proteeton. Except as installed for services as in paragraph a-3 of section 2171, a panelboard supplied by conductors Lavin. overcurrent pr.Wtvon greater than 200 amperes shill o protected on to aupply srle by overcurrent devices having a coling not Rreal<r than bat of the panelboard. Snap ,witches rated at 30 amperes or Ina and employe in l—Ib—d, shall have overcurrent prosection not m otitis. of 1W amperes. 3887. PsnelboI'd' in Damp or Wet Locations. Pmea.oards in damp mr wet locations shall bE in- Ids in cc L—ky I. norm 3732. 34184, Enca.est. P. nclb—As tall be mounted in cabmen or coram boxes. 7887. Relative Arungement of Switch.. and Fp.e& Pona.boaros having anacF.es tin ni+e InaA side of any ,Yvc of Jose 'lull net be instal:ed ."pt a" fat use as service equ.e"^mens is prcvi :eA in section 2375. ARTICLE 390—PREPABRICATED BUILDINGS 7901. Stop- The intent std Pnrpcse of the fol- Icu:nR seat ons is to rl,] a!i ,, d ;,,n,. a for nh.e svuir.T of P 4fee rI... ...c is e. ....i Pane L, or ua.0 des.4ned ter later tuuiun m ueemldy u rJ Iso ARTICLE asp integral parts of huildinps whether aired in the pra- tes. ,i manuiarmrc or at the site of erection or as. aembly. 3902. Wiring Methods. Only wiring methods rccognizrI in Ibis rode .trail be axed. 3903. Code Provisions to Apply, The provisions Of this cade'IJI apply ter the type of "tiring method used and the type of emhstrudion employed. FLEXIDLE, CORDS III CHAPTER 4. EQUIPMENT FOR GENERAL USE ARTICLE 400—FLEXIBLE CORDS 4001, Ge .... L Flexible eords shall be suitable for the conditions of use and location. 400L Type& Cord, of the several types shall cram. form to the descriptions .(Table 31 of Chapter 10. Types of flexible cords other than those listed in Table 31, and other uses far types IisteJ in the table, $hall be the subject of special Invetigat]pm and shall not be used before being approved. 4003,FIex31e card may be used only for (1) p<ndanu• (2) wiring of fixtures; (S) connection of portable lamps or appliances' (4) elcvatmr *bl, ..(I wiring of cranes and hoist,; (6) for the emnneclus of stationary equipment to facilitate their interchange; or (7) to prevent the Iramm�issian of noise or vibr,- timn. Plexrble cord shall not be used (a) as a sub- $tilute for the (ueA wirinr� of a structure; (b) where run Through holo in wa la, ttilin.s, or it Sc) where run Brough doorway,, windows, or similar openings: GU where alta<hed to building sur(acea; or (e) where concealed behind building wall,, ceiling; or floor& ON. Splice& Flexible cord shall be used only In continuous lengths without splice or tap. 4007, Sit— ,or,-Window. and SMw-Caaea. Fkxible wed show•winAows sad showcases shall be of type 5, SO, SJ, Sf O, ST, SJ'f or APs, except for the wgfmg of dram fixture, and for aysl'plying current to portable lamps and other merchandise for exhibition purpose& 400& Minimum Slav, Flexible cords shall not be smaller than No.I8, except that ti mel cords, or cord, having equivalent characterislir of '..tire site may be approved for use with specific appli-- 4007. Insulation—Over 300 Volt& If the voltage between any two conductors exceeds 300, but does not exceed 600, Ocxihle cord of No. 10 and smaller .lull have cubist oe Ih<rmoplatie insulat,on on the Individual emndncton at least 3/64 inch in thickness. unless Type S, 50 or ST cord is ac -L -4. J3 13: ARTICLE 410 400& Overcurrent Protection. Flexible cards not smaller than No. 18, and tinsel fords, or cords having equivalent <hamcteristi<s, of smallet. sae approved for ase with spc<ifta applian<rs, shall be considered as protected against overcurrent by C. overeulI"be de- vices JewrihcJ in section 240J. Cords shall be no[ small,, than required by Table J, Chapter 10, for the rated current of the appliance. 4009. Pull at Joints and Terrainala. Flexible cords Ad! be so connected to Jevicr and to fittings that tension will not be transmitted to joints or terminal sr"" This shall be accomplished by a knot in the cord, winding with tape, by a special fitting designed for that purpose, or by other equivalent means. ARTICLE 410 -LIGHTING FIXTURES, LAMP - HOLDERS, LAMPS, RECEPTACLES AND ROSETTES General 4101. Scope. re Lighting fixtus. lampholdtrs, pen. dants, recepmcles, and rosettes• incandescent filament lamps, arc lamps, electric discharge tamps, the will", and equipment forming part of such Ianrps, fixtures and lighting installations shall conform to sections 4102 to 4216 inclusive, except as otherwise provided I. this code. ppli 4102. Acation to Other Articles. Equipment for use in hazardous locations shall conform to Article 500. 4103. Live Parte. Futures, lampholdcrs, lamps, rosea,' and receptacles shall have no lice Parte nor- mally exposed to contact. except in the case of cleat, type lampholder', m"ptacla and rosettes which are located at least 8 Net above the floor. Lampholden. mceptatl,s and switches which have exposed noes. sible terminals shall not be installed in metal fixture ,-Pies or in open bases of portable table or floor lamps. Provisions For Future Locations 4111. Fixtures in Damp, Wet or Corrosive Loca- tion. Fixtures installed in damp or wet locations shall be of vaportight or other types approved for such locations and shall be so constructed or installed FIX.VNI.S• L\31pIlOLDFRS. Nil•. 1JJ that water Cannot at,, or a,CUT"" in wirewaYs, ProIampholJers or other electrical parts, Fixtures tu- ro ed in corrosive Ineatio.s shall be of a type up. roved for such locations. 4112. Fixture near Combustible Material Pixtl,res .hall be so constructed, or ins,alle.l. a equi ped with shades or guard' that combustible material will nae be subjected to temperatures in excess of 90C p74F). 4113. Fixtures over Combustible Material Lamp- holders installed over specially combustible malenal shall bo of the un'seit<Led type and unless individual switches are provided, shall be located le Icast 8 scat aLm•it the floor, or shall be otherwise so located or guarded that the Ianrps cannot be readily. removed or damaged. 4114. Ffxtures in Show -Windows. Na externally vvircd fixlure other clan of the chain type shall he used in a show•..indoor• For use of cords in A - windows. see section 4005, 4113. Fixture in Clothes Closets Fixtures in ebnhcs dottts shall he innalkd c.olhes .n the ceiling or on d she t all -b-the don,. Pendams "hall not be in. smilem closets. Provisions at Fixture Outlet Boxes, Canopies and Pana 4121. SPa<e for Conductors. Canaries and outlet boxes lakrn tr•Arlher stns t'rm'i'k adegnat< space so that fixture Co,.I. ,tors ani{ tlr conn,,tin devices may 'c r."'l rly irstalled. g 4322. Temperature Limit of Canduaon in Outlet Boxes P�ater,s shall h, .:+, such cr.n.rruction or so insa8<.1 tial the rmJw4,rs ire corset boxes v: ill not he s"hlrcic,l to tempaaurcs ,,rater U:an tlut Sof which the ianduuon are approve•t. 4123. Oude[ Boxes to be Covered, in a cam Peel LLniin.rf3<Cb9nrCr, let box a!- be provided colics 1 by mcanx r,! a (:coir canopy. ;ar.,pl:o!deg rec<Platde. to"", , e( sinvlar device. 4124. Covering of Comhozn ll M>teru] Outtet Boxes. Ar•y cam Lust.. ,Ie wail C,, 6at n 9, ex. p+>srl h<s,'cen ll:e Hae of a L<t"r< ranrr,,y or pia ud res -.1t box S. -I Le covered with nor.-tombus• eateral. 134 .ARTICLE 410 4123. Connection of, Fixtures. In generale fluor. 'sent fixtures when supported independently of the outlet box shall be connttted through metal ncewayya or armored conductors. Phis requirement may be waived when mrd.,glppped fixmra•s are suspended directly below the outlet box and the exp,aed cord is not subject to strain or mechanical injury. Fixture Supports 4131. Supporn-General. Fixtu,cs, lamphoiders, rosettes and receptacles shall be securely supported. A fixture which weighs more than 6 lbs. or exceeds 16 inches in any dimension shall not be supported by the screw shell of a lampholder. 4132. Means of Support. Where there is an outlet box, a gas pipe, or a fittingwhich will provide ade. quate support, a fixture shall be allached thereto; otherwise a fixture shall be supPorled as required by ,section J707. A fixture which weighs more than s0 lbs. shall be supported independently of the outict boz Wiring of Fixturca 4141. Fixture Widng-General. Wiring on or within fixtures shall h< neatlyarranged and not ex- posed to mechanical iniury. Excess wiring shall bo avoided. Conductors shall be so arranged that they will not be subjected to tcmpentums above those for which they are approved. 4142. Conductor Size. Fixture conductors shall not be smaller than No. 18. 4143. Conductor Insulatloa Fixture. shall be wired with conductors havinR insulation suitable for the ,anent v.huge. and tempperature to which the conductors will be subjected. \Vh<re fixtures are in- stalled in damp, web or corrosive locations, eondue- Wrs shall be of a type approved for such locations. Por current carrying capacity of fixture calg temp.if, see Table J, Chapter 10. For maximum operatin eratpm and voltage limitation of fixture wires, see section 3102. 4144, Conductors for Special Conditians Fixtures provided with mogul base screw -shell lampholders and operating at not more than 300 volts between conductors shall be wired with Type AF fixture wire. Fixtures provided with other than mogul base acm.. shell lampholdtrs and operating at not more than 300 ment FIXTURES, LAMPIJOLDERS. ETC, las .doctors shall be wired with or Type AFG AFPO. or F-6i4and FF -J2 fixture wire may be used use n fixtures of decorative type on whi,h not over 60 watt rating 3(t Uaed In eOnnK• I mitation candle& ;ondueton for Movable Pana Stranded I shall be used on chain fixtures and other arts. Conductors shall be so arranged that I ofthe fixture or movable part, will out ,ion on the conductor& are for intermediate- or candelabra -base lampholder& It tie pendent randuetors are longer than J feet, they 911-11 be twilled together. 4142. Prote<tlon of Conductors Conductor shall be secured in a manner shat will not tend to cut of abrade th,i.. .tion. Conductor bull be protected [ions abranon where they pax' through metal Ex- posed flexible mrd or fixture 'vire shall not be used to supply permanently installed fixture' itishow cases or wall coxes. 4141 Conductor Protection at Lamppholders. Where a metal IampLoldcr is atmched to a flexible cord, the inlet shall b< equipped with an insulating build.q which, if threaded, stall not be smaller than nominal ff inch pipe sire. Th< edgm at the buahinA :hall be rounded and all inside fins removed in order to pro- vide t m smooth bearing rfam for the conduct.,' anY..,. h.vint 6a4. 9111 tui h to Jl.m,r.r .mY9L Ins .�iY ,nnlv.ad r1rn1 geld .i ha:n IJIsI In,6 u li.aw 351� 4 .�d lab ARTICLE 410 4149. Connections, Splices soil Taps. Fixtures shall be so installed that the canncctions between the fix- lure conductors and the circuit conductors may be fnVrcted without requiring the dis<onneclian of any part of the wiring, mdess the fixture is connected by means of a plug and receptacle. Splices and taps shall not be located sl•ithin fixture arms or stems. No un• necessary splices or taps shall be made within or on a fixture. For approved means of making connections, see section 1118. 4150. Fixture Raceways. Fixtures shall not be used as a racmvay for arcurt conductors unless the fixtures elect the requirements of aPp...rd raceways, except that the ennduct.rs .f' single bench circuit may be carried Ifuni ch an installation of fixtures ap- proved for end to end assembly to form a continuous raceway. 4151. Polarization of Futures. Fixtures shall be so wired that the screw -shells of Limpholders will be eonnecmd to the same fixture or circuit conductor or terminal For pnWity identification of conductors to screw -shells of lampholders, sec section 2004. Lampholden 4156. lampholders, Screw -Shell Type. Lamphold• ers of the screw• -shell type shall be installed for use as lampholders only. 4157. DoublaPole Swftthed Lampholden. Where used on unidentified 2 -wire circuits topped from the ungrounded conductors of multi -wire circuits• the switching dafce of Iamph.o.11 s of the switched type shall simultaneously disconn'ct both conductors of the circuit See section 2007. 4158. Lampholden in Damp ar Wet Locations. lampholders installed in damp or wet locations shall be of the weatherproof type. Receptacles 4161. Rating and Type. Receptacles installed for the attachment of portable cords shall be rated at not teas than 15 sniper's, I2$ volts, or 10 snipper.., 250 ,,,,,.,ban shall be of a type not suitable or use as lampholders. 4162. Rees We. in Floors. Receptacles located in Hoon shall be enclosed in floor boxes especially approved for the purpose, except where such mcep- FIXTURES• LAMPIIOLDERS. ETC. Isl tact's are localed in elevated floors of show -windows or other locations n•herc the authority enforcing this code In Rca them to be free (tom m<chaninl injury, moisture and dirt, he standard apprm•cd type of flush .'.epode box may be used. 4163. Receptacles in Damp or Wet Locations. ReC<PI-clew install<d in damp -r suet locations shall be of the weatherproof type. Rosettes 41imull< 65. Approved Type.. Fusible ....Iles shall not be SepanLle which make possible a change in Polarity shall not be used. For eons Iia: tion specifications, see s.ction 94104, 4166. Rosette. in Damp or Wet Locations. It - site' installed ;n damp the weatherproof typo or wet locations shall be of Comtructioa 4171. C-11mitible Shade. and Enelo.ans. Ade- quae air space sh.11 be Provided between Limps and shades or other enclosures of comb.,uble material. 4172. Portable Iiandlamp.. liandlamps of the Dat- tabie type supplied through flexible cords shall be of the molded comp-sni-n or other type approeed for the pure'•'. Brassshtll paper-liped IampholJera shall -1 be asst. Ifandlamps 'hall be equipped with a handle. 1Vl:ere subject to mechanical damage or where lamps may come rn contact with combust3le material, haodlamPs shall be equipped with a sub• its I'd guard ranched to the Umpholder or the fandli Fu bsn.sc we _'_ 1151 4173. Marking. All fixtures rcquirinR balLisb or Manaiormlrs 'hail Le pUivly markM with their elee- In[al res onq aye'] the marasaaurer'a namq trademark or ctF.ev suaahl< mune .( tdent;fytina. The eleclri- n1 rnmg she:. indmle It., vWta9e and (r<gven[ry', and 'ha raring -f he un.1 mduding the La:1"t. va"slermer tr amo-h+rater¢'., Special Provlai.ra for Flush and Receaud Fistulas 1176. Aper -red Type, Fixtures which tee 'installed reces+ed nv �ies m vela cr cec"a, dale he of an apyaived tyre and shall contains to tenon. 4177 is 4160 nl['usrvI. tis ARTIO.E 410 4177. Temperature. Fixtures shall be ao constructed or insmllcd that adjacrm combustible material will not be subjected to temperatures in excess of 90C (194F). Where a fixture is recessed in fire-resistant material in a building of fire-resistant construction, is temperature higher than 90C (194F), but not higher than 1500 (302F) is acceptable if the fixture is plainly marked that it is approved for that service. 41713. Clearance. Recessed portfnns of endosura, other than at points of support, shall be speed at least % inch from combustible mattri.L 4179. Wiring. Conductors having insulation suit- able for the tcmpera,ure encountered shall he used. Where conductor temperatures arein excess of 60C (1407), conductors shall be brought through at I -it 4 feet of metal mceway from the fixture to an outlet box at ]cast one footfrom the fixture. Such conduc- tors, unless approved for the purpose, shall not ex- tend a distance of more tlmn 6 feet from the fixture as measured along the raceway. 4180. Conatractiun. For the construction of flush and recessed futures, see section 94105. Special Provisions for Electric Discharge Lighting Systems of 1,000 Volta or Leas 4181. GeaeraL Equipment for use with electric discharge lighting ''ens and designed for an open - circuit voltage of 1,000 vola or less shall be of . txpe approved roc such service. In addition to complying with the general requirements for lighting fixtures, such equipment shall conform to sections 4182 to 4187 inclusive. Transformers of the oil -filled type shall hot be used. The terminals of an electric discharge lamp shall be considered as alive if any lamp terminal is connected to a potential of more than 300 volts. 41112. Dirctt•C.,-nt Equipment Fixtures shall be installed on alternating -current arcuits only, unless the fixtures are equipped with auxiliary equipment and resistors especially designed and approved for direct-current operation and the futures are so marked 4185. Voingee-Dwelling _=, Is Eq'ipmen{ having an .pen•circuft voltage of more than 1000 volts shall not be installed in dwelling occupancies. Equip- meat having an open•circuit voltage of more than 3W FIXTURES, LAMPDOLDERS, ETC. IM voles shall not be installed ]n dwelling oceupancin '"less such equipment is so designed that there 'hall be no expo d live Paris when lamps are being in- serl<d, are in place, or are being removed, 4184. Fixture Maanting. Fixtures having exposed ballasas cr transformer shall be so installed that such ballasts or transformers shall not 6e in contact with combustible material. 4185. A'xilf i7 Equipment Nat Integral with FIx- fore. Auxiliary equ;pmcnt, including reulors, wpacf• torn, resistors, and similar equipment, where- not in- s1a1kA as part tet a lighting xlure assemblyy shall be enclosed m ace<ssiLlr, permanentlyinstalled metal ghiuets. Such separate equipment should be installed close to the lamp' to keep the conductor' between lamps and auxiliaries as short as pws;hle. 1V here display cases .re not permanently installed, no Por, tion of a secondary circuit may be included to more than a single case. 4180. Auto-Trandormers. An auto-lran'farra'. wbi<h is used as part of a ballast (or sappiging light - Mg suits and svlu i raises the 1-11-91 Lo more than 3W vola s'.If be supplied only by a 910undtd system. 4187. Switch'., Snap avrilche, shall conform to section 3814. Special Provisions for Electric Discharge Lighting Systema of More Than 1,000 V'In 4191. G"ne" Edisch.quipment for tete wish <I<arie circuit rvvOlt2get of more han^1,000ssells aha11 he of a type approved for such service. In addition to eom- p17v^g with eh< general requirements far lighting fix- tures, such equipment shall eenfmm t- s«eons 1191 to section 42u3 inclusive. Th< laminal of an ei<etrit discharge Ismp shalt be eunsidaed as .1rce when any Loop lamterminal is connected to a potential .1 tome than 300 volts. Por a'lcs and wgine Iiahtin4. uv Ml[4 x00, 41.. C-nlml. Fixtures or lamp imtailation, shall be <onlrollal either singly .r in Fr-u•+s by an ext<o- "ally-ferable switch or eircurob... k,r which will open a 1 un9111nded rimary conductors. The witch or curuit.b cafe<r shall be Located within 9h1 -( the fix '"" ter lsightanapa, or it may be locaed elsewhere if 358 w_,40 9,5 - it S' 14a ARTICLE 41v it is prm•idt'd crid, means for locking in the open position. 4193. Switches Snap alritches shall conform to section 3814. 4194. Transformer Rating& Transformers and bal- Usts stall Iwa< a secondary open -circuit voltage ui not m,•re than 15.a( volts with an allowance on test of 1; iW .ole .dditional. The secondary current ral- ing •hilt' !:, ,c more Ilan 240 milliamr<rrc, 1Vhen the ••P• t c' ,it ruitage is more than 7,500 colts, 16e see •n! rY :ra nl rating shall not be more than 120 m,. 4191. T: insformcr Typo Transformers shall be of _7 In,, 1)'P%. ,,.,, olm- of other than the .skarcl insulated or dry type shall not be u-, 430- Transformer Secondary Connections. The !, i;''.• Transformer a+n:d,o- ai Uansformers alall not Le 'n vacs 1-1 in Parallel, excret that for two !r.rl, lr.,ring one end of its hist-volmgc J c,autedcd tq threndgsurr, the 1. ;s map Ue «mnern•d in serf`- to f of a mkt -point ground cd Irans- t :::� i b• vdcd rods shall he conn,ctal by an is uiard mmivaWr not smaller than No. 14. 4192. LOeatfnn of Transformers. Tondm'mrn s` dl he acccsiLlr after inatalhu n. The tmndormera al .uld be installed as near to the lamps as pra<ticalde n: keg , the secondary conductors as dwrt as possible. Tcm,�orrnrr, si,all b, so localcd that aJjacrnt cqm- bucti!r!e malrrials vein not Le suLj,cicd to temPera- tures in esccss of 90E. 4198. Wiring Method, Secondary Conductors. Ap- proved gas-nlhe sign ^able nit:dile for Ih, voltage of the circuit shall be used. For installation of condo,- tors see section 6031. 4199. Tmmformer Loading. The famPs connected to any Iran -tonne, shall be of sndl length and char- ad,rialf: s as not to cause a condition of continuous m•er-soltagc on the transformer. 4200. Lamp Surs-5.. Lamp, shall be adequately supporl<J as required in section 603J. 4201. Mechanical Injury, L -Ps shall not be lo - ca ted where normally expose I to ntrclanical injury, FIXT'U'RES, LAMPHOLOERS. ETC. 141 4202. Lamp Terminals and Lamphoidcr& Parts which must be ormovcd for lamp rrplattment shall be binned or fastened Ly an approved meant. Lamps or Iampho tiers or boll, shall be co deigned that there shall be no exposed lire parts when lamps arc being inserted or are being removed; this ccquiremcnt stall be in force one year irom the ,Retrive date of this code, a vaous to that time section 6011 of this code shall Lc appUad. 4203. Marking, Each fixture or each seccol. circuit of tubing havmR an open.circuit voltage of more than I,bliO volts shall have a clearly 1<NiUle marking in Iceren not less than q inch high reading Caullnn........vghs." T ., voltage indicated shall be the rated. open -circuit voltag,- Arc Lamps 4205. General. Arc UPs ua<d in theatres shall eonfmm ,mesion 5234, and arc lamps used in so- hin l)otion mac,, shall egnfmm to section 54.31. Are lamps used en c•,noan _trent systems shall con- form to section Gic, uTding " 114211. roundsGenerasProvi- and lighting aufpm<nt Wlu,m grounded as Provided in w<tion, d21? to 4216 inrinvoc. 4212. McWllie VJirinewiSt yasa.nt Acetal Salutes ins or, gt vnd,d armored able snnCr is v-n<d metal raaay 2rcs cw 42U. Nom Metairie Wiring $Tr,rounded. ema Afetal fixtures or in>I on , ,:nil„++ w'u.d u.tl, .n.,b•, nl-orb cork, a1 154 vnf vstye Ica�s stn <d cable. , cif. .its mprrating ground, V -, ,rpt as iulis a: •! he rroond<d ez- 1. Fixturr< mnunt<d on metal .r uncal Lath `ed- am fry,:n a!!, ;iay <inola huhted fr up n ti=n sporta o:ms cr (.are sec wnr Y the we ,s in •ulaLns j t K and uroPr ins4lahrcs. drinvn 44:1-. see 2. Fixmrel net en -W-4 nn anal c,• m•1aLlsth grouml<d''See aaeuinn e4215< nri:her in.vinrd oar .n.'+j i.,<sr •.r �:•a 1 ••.a. w a,Ca ir.N p+aw�i r .crew s4rrDi:1 e4nr e% baro+e� u1 4sc4ilce� r 14) ARTIME 413 4214. Equipment of More Than 150 Volta to Ground, 11cr.J future., trn!storin- and Iris -former enclo.nr-on circuits nPcnlmR at more than 15U cults to Rroun,l shall he grounded. Other ex(uned n,rlal Parts stall begr,nmdcd unless thl'y are is nwhavd Tram ground and alter «ntJurtfng xuriv'c•s and err in:m- cecsiLle Io unquali8vd persons, ,xnq,t that lamb tie n'mcs, --1116114,nos, circ and &-cootie', Lan, c ml glass lanqu sp;,ced n•,t les d;an I;i inches from lamp terminals need nor Le Reminded. 4215. Fizluns, LampholJers and Receptacle Plates N<ur Grounded Surfaces. lingrquadal metal lighting 6atuns, hnwh.hh- amt fare plates stall not he in n! within 8 f cl va ti; :Jlp or 5 feet ImrizontaIly of laundry UJ,;, ha;h tube. slmwrr baths, plumbing fixtures, si,au: plpcc nr r.q,cr grounded meal work or grtnnnl,d vu Cv, =. 1fr.:J Pou chains -A at these location.. •]al! L.; prtc :d`d oath insulating links. 4216. Methods of Grounding. Fgairyncnl shall Lc eom- rad a. ;:. und: d v.ln n ,.,crli.r,:ir:Jly connccled in a p• nn:man .,,d c,i, : rc n::nmer to naval rare'n'a I' the arm.,r ui ancom.l a.•I,.<, lh< grounding roe- duaor in n,nruai.,lkc ;hcni,<d nLle. a seParale Rr.nunllry•;«nnlunur um su:aHcr Than No. 14, or to gas piping, Provided Ih•d tLc m«•uaY arrtwR NronnJ- uy onvhtdor, or y., pipe is grumuicJ in a manner sp,cfncd in Arurlc _c0. ARTICLE 422 -APPLIANCES 4221. Scope. This article shall apply to electric appliances -d in any occupaa,y, 4222. Branch Circuit Requi«•m<nl& Every aPPli• once .hall Lv anp;,livd Ly n Lr.,:.•i, cirsuit of one of tLc tylms >prau,'d in Article Aforor-operated ai'Pli:u,c,c shit also confun,t W 1hr rcquircmvnta of Ar In lc 430. Rye Ta6!, Sl nr rlayter is I,, ,Le an.lcner.+ cl a hounheld rams br-rch dreui,. Installation of Appliances 4231. Insulation ofCords, FI<xil,le cords used to connect heating appliances shell comply with the fol - 1 -rig: a, APPliasees Requiring Heater Cord.. Flt•xible cord; uwd to canunct emrnnhin,, nuns, or to connect Portable clectri-IIY•Iteared appliances rated at more APPLIANCES 141 than 50 cults and which Produ<c icmperalum in ex- c'ess of 121C (250F) on sttrfaccs wlth whish the cord fs liable m b, in emtacl. shall Le nor of :h< fyp<c of aPProvad beater cords li>ted in '!'able JL ch,lncr !0. b. Other Heating Appliance& All other portable electricallyIwatcd eppinmres shall be connected by one of the approved lypcs of -rdlisted in Table 31, Chapter 10, selected in accordance o'idt the usage .Pccined in that table. 4232. Insulation of Appliance& Portable -,,phones A.11 be provided with an adeyuate .lidectr:c Inter. L<Uvicen current-grr'ing parts and those rxlr nal sm (aces whidt persons can touchr- , ;arc c fur toasters, Frills or otter healing appliances in which the cur ---carrying girls al high ten,peralure are na......y ex(assed. n locations where the dielecni< is cxpn.<d W ntc.luniral injury, ft s,;a!I be suits Ie proucicd. 4233. POIWIJ- Immersion Fleaten. Ekdrit heat. en of the 1"' ""' inmwrsfun lypc atoll Uc so con• structcd mtJ i, c,i!<d that t'urrenl•carr)'ing parrs are .ub,lir,ly ins, and from electrical 11""c'xfth the su6sanc< in n ,ch immersed. The -04.6,ycac - ins this «,I, r iY '•,oke c -Prion of special applies. tions of array. as where sudabk precautionary meas. urea arc follo•cd. 4234. P -coon of 11b lbsMat,ruL Esch electrically -'.-ted y,plim:ce tial is obvi„•a,!y inicn•1- edby ai:e, .1911 and s`m'ite to be located m a fixed P. ,lis si,il be so placed as to provide ample pro- nctign be vee•, the appliance and adjacent combua• tible male• al, 4235. Sta for Portable Appbame- Each amowhmom v fr, i and other portable eleaucall➢•haled appliance s'h h fs intended to be spl,!icd to cmmbux- lible martial shall be <quippcd wnh an approred aWnd. u9 �h a:O' Le a cc of equipment or may he : pa , of the appliance. 4236. Signals for Ideated Appliance& Fn Mher than nafd<nrr o, ,ilnncies. cad, ,!<circally-Fasted ar"i• ante, m gr •up of deetricailY•Lcand appfan,ea, in. tended le be apP:icd to c-bustibls material, shall La 359 4b 36 to a ARTICLE 432 installed in connection with a signal unl,.a the appli. ance is provided with an integral temperature -limiting device. 4237. Infra -Red Lamp Industrial Heating Appll. nines, Inira-red hearing lamps rated at 300 hart, or leas may be used with lampholdcrs of the medium - base unssntcheJ porcelain type. or other types ap- proved for the Purpose. Screw I- lampholdcrs shall not be used with infra•rcd lamps over 30U watts rating urates; the lampholdcrs are especially approved for the purposes These lampholde," may be connected to any *1111, branch circuits of Article 210 and, in industrial occupancies, may be operated in series on circuits of more than 150 volts to ground provided the voltage rating of the lampholdcrs is not less than the circuit voltage. Ea.h att0en, "net or .trim e+rtr!ne a number o[ snlrared LmtDvIJ<rr (inrlud�ns the inrimd .rainsS v( ruck renlon, ryntl mn.drreJ i rpptian.e. the [ermines. tonne.[:.. hbrt .f euh sash aaxms,1, is .cooed a. tnJ,vidual *rine.. 4238, Grounding, )fetal frames of portable and stationary eicelcical,yheated appliances, operating on eircuits above 150 volts to ground, shall be grounded in the manner specified in Article 250; provided, how- ever, that where this is impracticable, grounding may .be omitted by special permission, in which case the frames shall be permanently and effectively insulated from the ground, 11 it re.o inolld l [has tee Iramu be srou"d,d in ail esser. For fedtW of amundina Inma .( rife be , e,osa, sin section 2537 and 2540. Control and Protection of Appliances 4241. DLconnecting Means. Each appliance shall be provided with a means for disconnection from all , ungrounded conductors as follows: s. Portable Appliances, For portable appliances (including household ranges) a separable connector or an attachmentplug and receptacle may serve as the dii colitc.,rE means. The rating of a receptacle or of a separable connector shall not be I— than the rating of any appliance connected thereto, except that demand [attars authorized elsewhere in this code may be applied. Attachment Plug cape and on shall conform to the following: AMu.xcas NS 1. Live Patty They shall be so comvuded and installed as to guard against hindvert<nt contact with live pans 2- Intertnptin9 GPadty, They shall be capable of interrupting their rated torrent without hazard to the operator, , 3.InterehangeablUty. They shall be so designed that they will not fit into receptacles of lesser rating. F,,, h`uxhad chemic ee atl--i hlaa ..d rwmurle oonnnllon rt At `a,< of • rav rr<e.ihlt ft.m the Iran. Dl 1-1.1o/ drawer, is am,dwN u mea,va We Inane o! Wit rut. L Ststlaury ADDllances. For stationary appli- pow rated at sot over SfA volt amperes car Si hone• power, the bnnch•<ir<uit overcurreut device may serve as the disconnecting means. For stationary ap-o/ greater .stint[ the branch -circuit switch or <arcuit-breaker may, lj readily accessible to the means. .ser of the aDDlfance, .erre ae the disconnecting "U Swleehes. Switches which ue s part oI an apphan« shall not b< considered as taking ilia place of the single disconnecting means required by this section unless there are other mens for discoa- nectto. as follow.: t. Muld-Fanu1y Dwe,lisM In multifamily (tome than two) dwell""". Ore disconnecting m<,m shall be wiahin the ayanmene, or on the same floor as the apartment m which [Ise appliance is installed and may control tamps and other appliances. 2. Two-PcimO HtDwellinga. In two•family dw,0• :rags, . mans may be outside of the apart m,.^.t in which I;, appliance is Installed. This wiz permit so indfvldaal .witch far the aDartmeut m be us,d• 3. Single•Psasill7 DwelOngs, In ainple•faml9 dw.0- ft."", ILe as wee dcunne<tmg .corse r..aY L< used. brant other OceuPande. In other may 1, i<a, the eircuio-hreake6 if readJy ae- eusd;le to ti:< mer e[ the applimce, ma be used (m Zhu tar:.,se. Y d Switch m Ckcalt•Breakvr To lis Iadlcatfog• Swi[eko or rof the ind Il used as dieron*eo4ng meats shall be of the i.dfcuia9 type 146 ARTICLE 130 . a Motor -Driven Appliances. A switch or circuit- bicaker uhirh s.m•ec as the lWomz,c1in4 names for a italimu ry mntar•d:ivrn I..... ncC ui nor, ub:m !A barxp 1"" :ball he looatcd within siuln of the I, for cool-11,r„r shall be capable of being locked in the open po,ai,�n, 4242, Overcurrent Protection. Appliances, other Ilan such 11 zu "I a I,d appliance, as arc required b)• :Article 430 to have additional overcurrent protca- tion, m shall be considered as protected acanast overcur- ren•h<n supplied by one of the circuits of Article 210 and in acn,nbmce with the rapdrenlents therein specified. A range, hot ()[all, or sinular appliance lvith aur a.. healing elements, and having a raring of are Ihan 70 ampere,. +Tali lave two or more subdivided circuits, ,arh provided with overeurrent protection not ,acceding c0 amperes- infra -red lamp heating appliance: shall have ovcrcurrcnt protection not a:- eecding 5Uamperes.ortwtie 4243, AutFlatirons. Tt is recommended that ehcarically-holed smurrtbhag irons be equipped with an apProv.d lemperalurc-limiting device. Marking of Appliances 4261. Name-pl.te, Each electric apPlinnce 'r!: bs provided with a ".mo- Plate, giving clic makers name and til, normal rating in volts and amperes, or in volts and watts. 4262. Marking of Heating Elements. Individual hurling elements which are a part of an electric ap- pliance containinR more than one heating element shall each be legibly narked with normal rating is _it. and amperes, or in volts and watts. ARTICLE 430—MOTORS AND CONTROLLERS General 4301. General It is intended that the following general provisions shall cover all provisions for motors and controllers which do not properly fall into the other divisions of this article. 4302. Application mf Other Articles. the following: Motors and cent'llikes shall also comply with s o the provisions MOTORS AND CONTROLLERS t+r Auto -transformers ....................Section 1003 GPaeitors .........................Section 4W8 Cranca and Hoist ......................Article 610 Elevators .......Article 620 Oarag<s .. ................:.........Section 5103 HauI, . Locations .....................Article 500 Machine Tools .... .................... ..A'title 670 Motion -picture Proj<ctara.........Seelians , Molion•Picture Stud, P, 53105411, 5416 $311 Ore..... .. 6503 .......................Section Resistors and Reactor. ..................Article 470 Theaters ..............................Section 5246 4303. Ovmrheadng From Dean Aecumufatfana in locations where dust or flying material will collect on or in motor. fn such quanmia as to seriously in. terfere with the ventilation or cooling of motors, and thereby cause dangerous m s teperatures, suitable type. of enclosed motors which will not overheat under the prevailing conditioner shall be used. Especially severe conditions may require the use of enclosed pipe ""I - hated .*fora, or enclosure io separate dart -tight ,,some, Properly ventilated from a source of clean air, 4304. Identification of Motors A motor shall be provided will a name -plate whish shall Rive the mak• er'a ",rale, the nti"R in robs and amperes, including those of the secondary if a wound•rotor type of motor, I, normal full,,*,, spec,, and rile interval during which it tan operate at full load starling cold, before reaching it. rated ecmperat” " The rime interval shall be 5, 15 J0, or 60 minul<., or <ontinuou., Far a motor nrodthars<power or larger the hone• Pil rating shill be narked. except that the mato," of are welders may be marked in am Pere., A mob, provided wnh a proaeetive device integral with the motor (see e<etion 4!w), "hail have a marking which will so indicate. Far an alternatinC rue rent motor rated at Y. horsepmrer or larger, earept a pa!yphaae wound•rolor m*ror, the nameplate shall he marked with a code 1<uer to shave its input I. kd.,vatt- ampere with locked rat:., selected from thin tall. given in accti*n 94lOd, Chapter 9. The mJ< Inter Iwlkaina oras. inrn[ wtW IeckM Mm mol ti, a rWr toter it la W uxJ far J•ina.r:vo b,a.ra <i.rua rnr �ie�dmaprnr«,ivy bf rele,ena ru T.Q. 26, eha.nr Id, rr car. 360 37 Ira ARTICLE 430 4305. Identification of Controllers. A controller shall be market with the maker's name or identifica- tion symbol, the voltage, the current or horsepower rating, and such other data as may be needed to prop- erly indicate the motors for which it is suitable. .,Wb- a eommller is built 'n v an 'ntepral part f a ores wllyf aarkecd r...r III .r<asaryndaullmwt De snub. olio r III — 4306. at of Terminale. Terminals of motors and controllers shall be suitably identified, as by marking or color, where necessary to indicate the Proper connections. 4307. Wiring Space in Enclosures. Enclosures for controllers aoJ discmi ctiug means for motors shall not be used ., junction boner, troughs, or raceways for conductors feeding through or tapping off to other apparatus unless designs are employed whith provide adequate apace for this purpose. 4308. Enclosmea. Suitable guards or enclosures shall be provided to protect exposed current -carrying parts of motors and the insulation of motor Icads where installed directly under equipment or in other locations where tripping or sprsY[nR oil, water, or other injurious liquid may occur, unless the motor is designed for the existing conditions. 4309. Current -Carrying Capacities, Whenever the current rasing of a motor is used to determine the current -carrying capacity of conductors, switches, an brch-circuit overcurrent devices, etc., the values given in Tables 21 to 24 of Chapter 10, including foot- notes, shall be used in lieu of actual current rating marked on the molormamcplatc. Motor running over. current Protection shall b< based on the motor name- plate current rating. If a motor is marked in amperes, but not horsepower, the horsepower rating shall be assumed to be that corresponding to the value given in Tables 21 to 24, prorated if necessary. 4310. Location ofMelon. Motors shall be located se. that maintenance such as lubrication of bearings U replacing of brushes can be readily accomplished. Open motors having commutators or collector rings ,ban be located er prolecled so that spark, cannot reach adjacent combustible material. This does not prohibit the installation of these motor, on wooden floors or supports. MOTORS AND CONTROLLERS I., Size of Conductors for Motor Circuits 4311. General It is the intent of the following provisions to specify sizesof conductors capable of carrying the motor current without overheating under the conditions specified. 4312. Individual Motor. Ennch•circuit conductors ,upplYing an individual motor shall Have a carrying capacity not less than 125 per coot of the motor full! 'I'd current rating; provided, that conductors for motors used for short -time, intermittent, periodic, or varying duty, may have a carrying capacity not less than the Percentage of the motor name -plate current rating as shown in the following table, unless the authority enforcing the code grants special permission for conductors of smaller size. Prr<eniaaer v/Nam<I•IaI<Cnnm[P,ri, Cturi,,miae of S,finuta MIIs. is rains innaua Olt' kmaf Rau, Raw.. pwna 5T.- ne,r nuns atMn, mins I'd 11a Ise mi,ie.rnr33ull . . InP nabl d w•nvnr civ - o,le••rrr•r:.r c oafs,. lar m il arldi, <¢ _ is B rY im Pededua PUiM .stand. vn>,nr `avw .-___ ___ /la ;:a es no emacs n __- The ihel nf+lal cn�0 The conductors between ststiocsry motors, rated or Iesa, and "I separate t<rmiml e.closuro ee.mlued In paragraph 4439-b, nay b< emalkr than ; o. H but not -.soler than No. 18, rcvided they have stirs<nt-carrying capagty as 4peciiPed abme. consort. ^�as oy<rmi arty `°s�nw< hI,S .cn'Ir a m re.• eller h.,e ca. • 4i Nr <er.I d+V r>da ni cs• AVJ •^ • h r,mk,+Mt`b 1n ries:.:w em> von Ila cm<.�~rrn. 6:c�a.r:,:> .0 W!•,w' <,a itv re. _w Tu .r eftends.. u:<va,w a re. r •e; e.,l.c.:n of „� arT,s's `.� (1e.»n i0.• `� wre�v4„of 131'.er �en � yw t:af sura., n our 4tv4r i� � °ice b u,eif nnw•e, c:.r 4:wp raffia ev, ciao,. is 'n t4+an sae ue ...soma 170 ARTICLE 430 See saamrle N. 6, Chad. 10, and IN— No. J0, Chap err 10. 4313. Wound -Rotor Secondary. The conductors connecting the secondary of a wound -rotor A.C. motor to its controller shall have .carrying capacity which is not less than 125 per CcnI of the full-IOad secondary current of the motor if for continuous duty. For other than continuous duty, these conductors shall have a carryinH caPactty, in per trot Of full load secondary current, not Iesa than flat specified in the table in section 4312.Where he secondary re- sistor is separate from the controller. the. carrying capacity of the conductors between controller and re. slater ahsll be not less than that given in the follow. fill table: Carrrine` Gpulry of NIn Io Redalor Dvi ClaraifiauIn P,r d, of Full•Lwd J S,mr n Currrot II<ar Interminrm civ >..•.""" rs Coo[i0uew doer ....0.......•••" e.7 ............... Its 4314. CondncteP Supplying Scvenl Motors, Con• ductora supplying two or more motors shall M1ave n current•nrrying capacity of not Ic.. than 125 per cent of the full -load curtent sting of the highest rated motor in the group plus the sum of the full -load cur. rent ratings of the remainder of the motors in the group. See Ea—rJ. No, 6, Chaperr 10. 4315. Combination Load Conductors supplying a motor load, and in addition a lighting or appliance load as computed from - 220 and other apPi- eable tectioos, shall have a current•carryinR capaciely sufficient for 1111 IiRhting or appliance load plus the required capacity or the motor load determined in accordance with section 431 J, or. for a single motor, in accordance with section 4312. 4316. DemTnd-Factor- \Vhere a reduced heating of the conductors results from to operating on duty -cycle• intermittently, or It,, a,i motor, not operating at one time, the ,.,her," enforrinR this code may grant permission for feeder conduclora to MOTORS AND CONTROLLERS ISI be of a capacity leas Ikon specified in the acetic. 43,4 and 4315, provided the eonductor is of auRcient carry - ma fng eapaaty for the ...in load d<ar.in.d by the siren and nun[ber of moron supplied and the character of their loads and JutI.. Motor Ove ,'t Fronctipn 4321. General. The following provisions specify overcurrent devices intended to protect the motors, the motot•mntrol apparatus, and the branch -circuit conductors against excessive heating due to motor overloads. 4322. CiRitia" Dar. Motors. Each continuous duty motor shall be prorated against running over - current is s follows: A. Mon Than Ona Horsepower, For a motor rated ruse than one horsepowror. Ihia protection shall be secured by the use of one of the following means: L A a<paote everco—tit device which is re.pon. sive to motor current. This device shall be rated or set at not more than R5 per tent of 1ht motor full• load current rating for an open type motor to to have a temperature rise not over 40C, and at net more than 115 per cent for all .,her types of motors. This value may be nmdified as permitted by section 4324. 2. A protecYve device integral wfth the motor which is responsive 1. motor eurrenl or to both motor current and trntperaturI. This device muse b< ap- proved for me with the motor winch it protests on the basis that it will interrupt current to the motor when the motor a operated in an ambient tempera- ture of 40C and with ....torrent of the Percentage values given in paragraph 1 of th14 section. This value may be to as permnte,l by sect.. 4324. If the motor current interrvptintr device is separate from the mol., amt its eom-1 encu, iv ofnrated by s proactive device integral with the .mor, n moat he so arranKwt that the opening of the control circuit will result In mterrupt;on .,I current ,,the motor. b. Ona Hersepotv,r ser Lao, Manually Stand, Any moles of one horsepose<r nr less whrh is .an- ally lou, s and whish is w,tlrn sight from the surfer Caution, shall he amsidrrrJ a pl-leaerd against overcurrent by the ove,urlrnl dev .e pr.tlCtipj the 361 f 153 ARTICLE 430 conductors of the branch circuit. This branch circuit overcurrent device shall not be larger than that spe- cified in Table 2U, Chapter 10. except that any such motor may be used at 125 volts or Icss on a branch circuit protected at 20 amperes. Any such motor which is out If sight from the starter location shall be Protected as specified in paragraph c for automatic- ally started motors. A di.Ynw of mors dun So red h eaadd_d eyui,.1wt ro brias aur ca aiehn e One Honepoh or Les. Aataoatically Started Any motor o! one horseponer or less which is started automatically shall be protected against overcurrent by the use of one of the following means: 1. A separate overcurrent device which is respan- afve to motor current. This device shall be rated or set '"a' more than 125 per cent of the motor full. load current rating for an open type motor marked to have a temperature rise not over 40C, and at not more than 115 per cent for all other types of motors. This value may be modified as Permuted by section 4324. which is protective responsive loom motor cvice ont orwith to both motor current and temperature This device must he ap- proved for use with the motor which it protects on the basis that it will Prevent dangerous overheating Of the motor due to occrltd ar failure to sunt. if the motor current interrupting device u separate from III mator and its control circuit is operated by a Protective device integral with the motor, it must be so arranged that the opening of the control circuit will result in interruption of current to the motor. 3. If pare of an "Proved assembly which does not normally subject the motor to oterloads and which is also equipped with other safely controls (such as the safety combustion controls of a domestic oil ,a ,er) which protect the motor against damage due to stalled rotor current. 1Vhere such protective equip. acral is used it shall be indicated on the name-Diate of the assembly where it will be visible atter instal- lation. 4. If the impedance ofttbe motor windings is asfS- dent to prevent averheatiog due to failure to star. MOTORS AND CONTROLLERS IJ] the motor may be protected as specified in Paragraph b for manually started motors. sfany durnati......mt moron of 1<u As" 130 hanepa.er, ac<h as dock meant, crier motarr, etc., a d -�a anme lar¢<r m.a ru', ter�ae mora, came ritM1in thin etataifi<It daaa<e mt , IuEe aP ,tGhar<.maor- htrivt aulomaua twiuhei.h. - b dirmenect the tunica rivdmp. d waned -Roto: Secondaries The setendary cin euits of wound rotor alternating -current molars in• eluding conductors, controllers, resistors, eta, shall be considered as protected against overcurrent by the motor -running overcurrent devices 4323. Intermittent and Similar Duty, A motoc used for a condition of service which is inherently abort time, intermittent, penodic. orvarying duly (as illus- trated by the table in section 4312) a considered u Protected against overcurrent by the branch -circuit ov<rcarr<nt device, yrovided the overcurrent pioleo- tion dts not exceed that specified in Tables 26 and 27, Chapter 10. Ann "'1%- -la c< VII to 4 (or am,iavaaa duty volar tb opa.uur hic6 h drint is ruch that the name oprat oavuamwly rnh had cad.;Z am rovdniaa of vas x.4324. U"tlon r Settin of Prole=,. Devics Where the valuta eD.ctfied �r motor -running over. current .11.9ion do not cort<apond to the standard sues or attires is fuses non-adluriable circuit-br<aiV• <n, thermal cutou4, thetela a, the heating ole• menta of thermal trip motor svritc�ea, or possible set. lines al adjunable atretut•hreaku. adequate to carry the toad, the Ldat higher six rating or selling ro- be mrd but not eaceMing 14� Per cent of the motor !ul:loa� current rating. I[ oat shunted during iho starting period of the marcor (are acction 4725), the .......e desire -hall have sufficient time delay m permit the mcwr to start and ....]crate its load 4321 Sb%rirs Dar(ng $ttrdng period. If the motor is manua.lY atoned, the running overcurrent prolc<ticn may be chum, r tut out rat circus during the starunR p.nod Gt {be motor. pronded tY.e device by which the ovaeurrmt pretee son is shunted t Int rut canna be left is the atart..ng prn'ition. sad the mu: or aha3i be eonr.:fered as protected tsinal over - ""at during the Itarting penrA it Ins" Oe lime• de;aY tircaabrcaken rated ar see at not aver 400 per rent of the W;1•.vad turret 01 the rromr, an so located is tea circuit a. to be opuauva during Wes 154 ARTICLE 430 starting period 11 the "rotor. he motor-runnmg t•crcurrcnt protection slmll not be Tshunted or cut out during the starting period if the motor is automatic- ally started. 4326. Fuses, In Which Conductor. If In are used for motor -running Protection, a fuse shalt be in. sorted in each ungrounded conductor. 4327. Devices Other Than Fuses—In Which Con- ductor. If devices other than (usw arc used far a ti or running protection, the following WGIe the shall govern minimum allowable number and location of over - current units such as trip calla, relays, cutouts or thermal 4328. Number oI Conductors Disconnected by Overcurrent Device. Af,.zdUcunning pratcaire de- vice$, other than fuses or thermal euIS la, shall c d.. taneously disconnect a sufficient number of uallsi nd- ed conductors to interrupt current mow to the motor, If 7�c< rerema4 vdaN `hrortm R vnaroundN e<oducian ba spay D erirh,na nils ora t "a 310TORS AND CONTROLLERS Is] 4329. Motor Controller as Running Protection. A motor controller may also serve as the runningover- current device if the number of overcurrent unite complies with the foregoing section 4327; and if these overcurrent units are operative in both the starting and running position rt the case of a d -e motor, and in the running position in the case of an a -e motor. 4330. Thermal Cutouts and R.I.". Thermal cut- out; thermal relays, and other devices for motor- runninq protection which are not capable of opening short-nrcuits shall be protected by fuse or cin<uit- breakers wish rating. or settings of not over 4 times the rating of the motor for which they are designed, unless approved (or group Installation, and marked to Indicate the maximum site of fuse by which they, must be protected. 4331. Rating of Protective Device. Motor -running overcurrent devices other than (uses shall have a rat - Ing of at least 115 per cent of the full -toad current rating of the motor. 4, W.T Lamps r Receptacles Overcurtent protection for moron used o,I branch cirwila which also suppl lame. or rereptadea, as permitted in Article 210, shall be provided as fottuws: s One or more motors without individual overcur- rent protection may be <unneaM to he branch cir- cuits described in Article 210 only when the Gaiting condition specified for tach of two or rare moron In paragraph a of section 434J are complied with, , b. hfolora of larger ratings than specified in para a of section 4347 may be connected to the brunch circuits described in Article 210 only if pro- vided with individual running overcurrent ly if pf .M,vd to protect the motor H aP<ciit<d m section OZL Both the controller and the motor•rvnning over. device .hall be apProved for group instama- tion with the protective device of the branch circuit to 1C. Is the motor is connected e ]f a motor Is connected to a branch circuit by mean. of •plug and receptacle, and individual over- eurtrnt Protection i. .muted sa Provided in pparagrapM1 a, the rating of the Plug and rec<Dtade aha11 out ea Beed IS amp« n at 125 volts or to ampere at 250 rafts. II individual u!""'ient Protech.. is regtdr<d 369 Numh<r and luaus" or m -«current cans, Iva a� riaimaia'Pin Rind at Muter SItPaI- N Lphate AG ar U,G A.C..arta ].w;ro. 1•Phau Aor 1 in ci,ha mndec 1-P�Ce A.C. U.G. rourWN tar C., ane conductor armndN v[raunJN mnduaar 1•phaw AC or U.G ]-wire. 1-11h- A.C. llv ei@erunrraunJ- ]•DA.C.U.C., htte HrovndNne ]wire, A.C.utd NcunJu<,er ]•phew AG 'n de aneroun.le leirc ].rhea A.C.. ], one in each Pp+ry ]qYa AC one anduaar I. A.C. 4 -wire, I. 2 ^[roundel o e coat ,G. arourdN or va¢roand•r<r 7, Dhaae m nnoanJN 19hrte AC 3•rl e• ]'Dh°re eon• o, corer [!__ carol ar Dharr in a uneraunJrd u A.C. ]ghabc varovnded ]-rn ].hueph AC.. ; r 're ! Yphare AC vneiauP ]-r;re l DraC'w A.C. nam 7 mndvo- ]-phos A.C. ane un« ¢rou mndnded Jlre, ]rte ^hounded condvaan •w ]. A.C. ¢ravnJN ] in avl ] eondu<• ]..kae AC. s.wire, J DhauUl < A C.,rata ]ion; nr ]p{ro emvndr,lveutrai ar merauvdN ee� ventral « 4328. Number oI Conductors Disconnected by Overcurrent Device. Af,.zdUcunning pratcaire de- vice$, other than fuses or thermal euIS la, shall c d.. taneously disconnect a sufficient number of uallsi nd- ed conductors to interrupt current mow to the motor, If 7�c< rerema4 vdaN `hrortm R vnaroundN e<oducian ba spay D erirh,na nils ora t "a 310TORS AND CONTROLLERS Is] 4329. Motor Controller as Running Protection. A motor controller may also serve as the runningover- current device if the number of overcurrent unite complies with the foregoing section 4327; and if these overcurrent units are operative in both the starting and running position rt the case of a d -e motor, and in the running position in the case of an a -e motor. 4330. Thermal Cutouts and R.I.". Thermal cut- out; thermal relays, and other devices for motor- runninq protection which are not capable of opening short-nrcuits shall be protected by fuse or cin<uit- breakers wish rating. or settings of not over 4 times the rating of the motor for which they are designed, unless approved (or group Installation, and marked to Indicate the maximum site of fuse by which they, must be protected. 4331. Rating of Protective Device. Motor -running overcurrent devices other than (uses shall have a rat - Ing of at least 115 per cent of the full -toad current rating of the motor. 4, W.T Lamps r Receptacles Overcurtent protection for moron used o,I branch cirwila which also suppl lame. or rereptadea, as permitted in Article 210, shall be provided as fottuws: s One or more motors without individual overcur- rent protection may be <unneaM to he branch cir- cuits described in Article 210 only when the Gaiting condition specified for tach of two or rare moron In paragraph a of section 434J are complied with, , b. hfolora of larger ratings than specified in para a of section 4347 may be connected to the brunch circuits described in Article 210 only if pro- vided with individual running overcurrent ly if pf .M,vd to protect the motor H aP<ciit<d m section OZL Both the controller and the motor•rvnning over. device .hall be apProved for group instama- tion with the protective device of the branch circuit to 1C. Is the motor is connected e ]f a motor Is connected to a branch circuit by mean. of •plug and receptacle, and individual over- eurtrnt Protection i. .muted sa Provided in pparagrapM1 a, the rating of the Plug and rec<Dtade aha11 out ea Beed IS amp« n at 125 volts or to ampere at 250 rafts. II individual u!""'ient Protech.. is regtdr<d 369 37 114 ARTICLE 430 as prmided in paracraPh b tar a motor or motor '04P ..It appliance Provided with an attachment plug for attaching to the branch eireatl through a .seep- tzcle, the running overcurrent device shall be an in- tegral Part of tilt motor or of the apPiianca The rating of the Plug and receplade shall be assumed to determine the rating of the circuit to which the motor may be connected, as provided iv Article 210. d. The overcurrent device protecting a branch dr- cuit to which a motor or mcit.,op".gi appliance i, connected shall have sufficient time delay to per the motor to start and ­ its load. 4333, Automatic Restarting. Amotor•running pro• tectivc device which can restart a motor sin at,,. ly atter overcurrent tripping shall not Ue installed unless aPProved for use acith the motor " l it protec a. A motor which can restart automatically after at IIn stmtl not be installed so that its automatic restarting can result in injury to persona , Motor-Branch•Circuit Overcurrent Protection 4341. General The following provisions Specify overcurrent devices intended to protect the motor, branch -circuit conductors, the motor control apps. .acus, and thmorons oron against *...current due to short-circuits or grounds They are in addition to or amendatory of the provisions of Article 240. 4342. Rating or Setting for Individual Motor. The motor-branchovercurrent device shall be mp. able of carrying the starting current of the motor. Overcurrent protection .hall be considered as being obtained when this overcurrent device ha. a sting orsetting not exceeding the values given in Tables 26 or 27, Chapter 10; provided that where the overcur- rent protection specified in thetable is not sufficientfor the starting current of the moor, it mbe in- creased, but shall in no case exceetd 400 Peray tent of the motor full -load current. Fun Minas nlrulmrd on this inns are rhea inellemvs 7. A 9 and to of TIM, 2q Chapttr t4 to S,, Elionpl. Na. 6, Cbapter 1% and IN.—. Rd 20, M, 4343. Several Moron on One Branch Circuit. Two ar more motors may be connected to the a... branch circuit under the following conditions; ROTORS AND CONTROLLERS IIs s Two or more motors each not exceeding I horsepower in rating and each having a full -load rated current ex not ceeding 6 a- Peres, may be used on a branch circuit protected at not more than 20 amperes at 125 ­"' or less, or 15 amperes at 600 volt, or Iess. Individual or overcurrent protection is unneces- sary for such moron unless required by the provisions of section 4322. b. Two at, more motor o[ any ratings, each M1av ing indiviJual running overcurrent prosection, may be connected to one branch circuit provided all of the following conditions are complied with; 1. Each molor-runninlz overcurrent device must be approved for group installation. L Each motor controller must be approved for group installation. 3. The branch tirmit must be pprotected by fuses having a rating equal to "hat sPecifmd in section 4342 for the largest motor connecled to the branch circuit plus an .moan[ equal to the sum of the full bad cur- rent ratings of all other motors connected to the etre cu7L 4. The branch circuit fuses must not be larger than allowed by section 41.70 for the thermal cutout or relay protecting she smallest motor of the group. 5. The conductors of any tae so PPlYing a single mem. need nos have individual branch circuit pprole. tion, ((rovideJ they comely with either of the follow- ing; (l) no conductor to the motor shall have a cur- rent tarrying capacity 1".than thatunof the branch cirecit cnnducbon. Or III no condor to the motor Ghali have a lu,"lnI< ,ryioR Capacity less than one- third list of Sit branch <ucui[ <en•lue[ors, wish a minimum in accardarce with xcEcn 4312, the con- ductors to the ol,tcr rn uning prom4ive device being not more than 25 fret Irng and being protected from mechanical injery. 4144. Cor.,bined O.srvq'mt Protection, Motor• braochm71cai1 overcurrent P......bm and motor- ran—.in, overcurmnt prcetttien m:y Le een4ned in is single mersnrrert device if the rating er setting of the deice P-5'. the rocsiag oarcurteot pro"' I.. spaifed is section 472E 4 138 ARTICLE 430 434S. Overcurrent Devices, in Which Conductor. Overcurrenl devices shall comply with the provisions of lection 2405. 4346. Capacity oC Fweholder. FF ivies are used for motor-Lnnth-circuit oecreurrcnt protection, the fusclic s shall not be of a smaller sac than re- quired to accommodate the fuses specified by Table 20• except that where the authority enforcing this code is satisfied that the conditions of maintenance and supervision provide that appropriate fuses for the starting characteristics of the motor will be continue ally arailable, fuschoiders of smaller size than epecf- led by Table 20 may be used. son - for llhav 3motarR-Lranch•cirtuit protect lin -sha. e is cbreakon- tinuous current rating of not less than 115 per cent of the full-'.oad current ratings of the motors 4111, Fder Taps in Inaccessible Location. If the locationelof a tap to the feeder conductors is not. accessible, the motor-branch-circuft overcmrcnt devce may be placed where it will be accessible, pro- vided the conductor between the tap and the over. current device have the acme current -carrying capac• ily as the feeder; or provided they have a current- wrrying capacity of et least % that of she feeder and are not more than 25 feet long and are protected from mechanical injury, 4349. Selection or Setting of Prolective Devine. If the values sou br.ndu circuit protective devices give* 7r. Table 26 or Table 27 Jo not correspond to the standard aiz. or ratings of fuse., non-ad)usl.ble sir - mit -breaker, or thermal devices or possible setting le adjustable circuit -breakers u�equ. , to carry the load, the neat higher size, rating or setting may be used Motor -Feeder Overemrent Protection 4361. General. The following provision, specify overcurrent device, intended to Drelect feeder coa. doctors supplying motors against overeurrcnt3 due to shore•cucuits or grounds 436L Rating or Setting—Motor Load A feeder which supplies motors shall be Provided with over - current protection which shall not be grrster than the MOTORS AND CONTROLLERS 159 largest rating or setting of the branch -circuit protea five device, for any motor of the group (based on Table. 26 and 27, Chapter 10), plus the sum of the full -load currents of the other motors of the group. rIf ne or mom moron / e0val horaapo�er miy v 11, L Far in the arou0. at, Wr.e moms abadd b mv.idawl as fila laraut (« Wo bore calculrJooa II t� at, ore be macro of t o vV mvat be nartai Imuln- ..It .scour. a .call tarter feeder cenducnn an4 1. <orrn«nnair Waer raripp or Mlmp of /coder carr. <utat Dr«Min Sra d gtaaaylc N"6' Ch.""14 4363. Rating or Settleg—Power and Light Loads if a feeder supplies a motor load, and in addition a lighting or a lighting and appliance load, the feeder overcurrent Prolective device may have a nlin8 or amine suRicient to cony the lighting or the lighting anA appliance Io' as determined in a«*.dotes with Article. 210 and 220, slut, for a single otos*., the rat• Ing permitted by s<etwn 4312; and, for two oq more motor., the rating permitted by section 436E Remora -Control Circuits 4371. OeneraL The following deviations from the ge.... I r'quilcin in, in this code ora Intended to provide for the peculiar condition, governing remota control 'I ... im 437Z Overcmreat Protection. Conductors of con- trol circuits of remote-control)ed equipment Ghali be protectedagainst overcurrent in accordance with sec. don 2403, Paragraph g, except that such tood.,t_ shall be considered a. being properly protected by the branch -circuit overcurrent devices wader soy one of the follo)s•ing conditions: a. If the rating or setting o! Cha bench -circuit overcurrent device is not more Than $00 per cent of the carrying capacity of the coc t-1,4rcuit conductor., Is. If the controlled device and the point of control (sort and sap button,, pre,snre swish, thermoesatie switch, ere.) are both located on. the Gams machine slid the control circuit doe. not .:tend beyond the machine. C. If the Opening of the control circuit would create a haaard; as for .sample, the <ocar.1 circuit of lira• pump motor,, and the blie, 363 Vo 140 ANTICLE 430 4373. Mechanical Protection of Conductor. Where damage to s renmte-cuntral circuit would constitute a hazard, all conductors of such rem0te•conirol cuit hall he ilntall<d in a raceway or be othcrn-isc suiwbly pndcaeJ from mechanical injury outside the control device itself. 1t is ra"mmeniled (hal Central eircehs be eco arran3ed that m aee,drnw .'.orad u:R rut curt tae odor. 4374. Switching. Control circuits shall be so ar- ranged that they will be disconnected from all source of mpply' when the disconnecting means specified in section 4i06 is in the open position, except when a "P- arate asritell is used for the control circuit, if a trans- former or outer device is used to obtain a reduced voltage far control circuits, such transformer or other device shall be connected to the load aide of the dis. connecting means. Motor Controllers Par the puribw of this ankle, Ill.Iran "conlHII," bill -ill. -Y alrimh w d,vi,e aermatly mod 1. start and racy the maws. 4381. General The following provisions are in. tended to require suitable controllers for all motors. S. M—in No. 20, Charter 1o, 4382. Suitability. Each controller shall be capable of starting and slopping the motor which it controls, and for an alternating -current motor shall be capable of interrupting the stalled -rotor current of the motor. 4383. Rating. The controller shall have a horse- power rating, which shall not be lower than the horse. power rating of the motor, except as follows: a.Stationary Motor of 9 Horsepower or Lea,. For a stationary motor rated at A horsepower or less, that is normally left running and is so constructed that it cannot be damaged by overload or failure to start, such as clock motors and the like, the branch. circuit oyercurren( device may serve as the controller. b. Stationary Motor of 2 Horsepower or Les,. For a stationary motor rated at 2 horsepower or less, and 300 volts or less, the controller may be a general -use switch having an amPerc rating at least twice the full. load current rating of the motor. MOTORS AND CONTROLLERS 161 c. Portable Motor of V4 Horsepower or Leas. For a portable minor rated at % horsepower or less, the controller may be an attachment plug and receptacle. d Cireui!-Beeaker as CoW1,.I n. A branch -circuit circuit -breaker, rated in amperes only, may be used as a controller. %V lhu circwt)breaker is also used for overcurrm protection, it shall conform to the aPPropriate provisions of this article governing overcurr<nt protection. . 4384. Nrveed Not Open All Conductors. Except when it sees also as a disconnecting means (see section 4407), the controller need not open all con- ductars to the motor. U85. In Grounded Conductor, One V.I. of the cUntralle. may be Placed in a permanently grounded conductor provided the rontroller is so designed that the pot, in the grounded conductor cannot be opened without dmullaneously opening all conductors of the circuiL 43(16. In Sight from the Controller Location. A motor and ice driven machinery sluil be within sight from the controller leration ua ing conditions is c 114,ed with:leas one of the follow• a. The controller or its disconnecting means is cap- aLle of being lacked to the open position. Is. A manualiy.opemble Switch, which will prevent the ranmg of the mc,.,, is plarerl within sight hum, the motor luonaa 7h a ewrtch may be placed in she remora-c0ntral circuit o(a remote-comrol type of ewflch. �A dVai e.le sghL.:rt cissa A tea b wandered muialeat to t Special permission is given by the authority to- fca:ng this cads Y d. As otherwise Specified in Article Soo of this code. 4387. Hssmber of Masora Served by Each Can- Fach u:at.;r s1:.;1 L< Yna­rd w'sh an indi- riim! ro*troller, except hal fa1 -`111.a( Wil viii .I.: sans nae ole f the lfupe:ay serve a grasp of motors. s Y .to" d ecndu•ons: II a number cf mewrs drive a.vrral arta of a smd:macbias u Firm W aYY+ratna such a metal -i 163 ARTICLE 430 and wood -working machines, cranes, hoists, and sim. ilar apparatus. Is. I( a group of motors is under the protection of one overcurreat device as permitted m paragraph a of section 43.13. a Ifa group of motors is located in a single room within sight from the controller location. A dining of more than 50 fat 1, —sidewd evuivalmt is 4ina out of siaht. 4388. Adjustable -Speed Motors. Adjustable -speed motors, if controlled by means of field regulation, shall be so equipped and connected )hat they cannot be started under weakened field, unless the motor is designed for such starting. 4389. Speed Limitation. Machines of the following types shall be provided with speed limiting devices, unless the inherent characteristics of the machine,, the system. or the load and the mechanical connection thereto, are such as to safely limit the speed, or unless Abu machine is always under the manual control of a yuzI1 led operator. a Separately -excited direct-current motors. b. Series motors. "Motor -generators and converters which can be driven at excessive speed from the direct-current end, a, by a reversal of current or decrease in load. 4390. Poseholder, Rating. The rating of a combi- nation fuseholder and switch used as a motor -con• troller shall be such that the fuseholder will accom- modate the size of fuse specified in Table 20, Chapter 10, for motor -running protection. Disconnecting Meati - 4401. General. The following provisions are In- tended to ralmre disconnecting means for mclues and controllers capable of disconnecting them from the circuit S. Di -sr -in N. 'Xi. CUP- 10. 4402.Type. The disconnecting means shall be a motor -circuit switch, rated in horsepaxer, or a cir- cuit -breaker, except as permitted in the following ParagraPhs 3, b, c, it d. EVCry snitch in the motor. branch orcin within sight from the controller loca- tion shall -comply with these requirements, MOTORS AND CONTROLLERS 161 A dlvanre 7' f marc than So fat b mnddrred muivalmt to b,in[ out It vybt. o. Horsepower cur Lea$. For stationary motors of 51 horsepower or less the branch•cilcuil overeur• sentdevice may serve as the disconnecting means. Is. Two Horsepower or Lea, For stationary mot• are rated at 2 horsepower or less and J00 volts or I..?. the disconnecting means may be a general -use .wileh having an ampere rating at least twice the full -load current rating 0f the motor. ,Exceeding 50 Horsepower. Far atatianary mot- or. rated at more than 50 hon<power, the disconnect• ing means may be a moor -circuit switch also rated in amperes, a general -nae twitch, or an isolating switch 71 is raommmded that Irdalns vimbn for curs exeNiea ,u b .., .. vet u1:aL!e of i IrrrWni rtakriaalar <mnnet, b plaialr oiled "W raw nam ode, Ica ^ d. Portable Mature. Far portable motors im at. tachment plug and receplacle may serve as the dill. e0nn lug means. 4403. Carrying Capacity, The disconnecting meant shall have a carrying capacity of at least 115 per cent of the name -plate current rating of the motor. 4404. Grounded Conductor, One pole of the dis- connecting means may be placed to a pernunently grounded conductor if the disconnecting means is an designed that the pole in the grounded conductor can- not be opened without the disconnecting all conductors of the circuit 4403. To Be Indlesting. The disconnecting meant shall plainly indicate whether it is in the open o, dosed position. 4406. To Diseoanect Bath Motor and Contimain, The diuonnccting means shall disconnect both the motor and the controller from all ungrounded auPVly conductors. The fisconnccling means may be in the same enclosure with the controller. 4407. Switch or Circuit -Breaker at Both Controller and Disconnecting Meant A switch or cir<u8•breaker .I've a, tis rise provisions of aeaan 438.E may ane as bath controller and disconnecting means if it oDrna all ungrounJeJ <onduaon to the motor, h Pint ecled by an overcurrant device is ho,ch may ba the 364 40 W/ 164 ARTICLE 00 branch circuit fuses) which opens all ungrounded candilda to the switch or circus -breaker, and is of one of the fallowing types: A. An air -break switch, operable directly by apply- ing the hand to a lever or handle. b. A circuit -breaker operable directly by applying the (rand to a lever or handle. c An oil switch used on a circuit ,host rating does not exceed 600 volts or 100 amperes. or on a circuit exceeding this capacity if under expert super- vis;on and by special permission. The OR twitch or circuh.b...k,, srwi6ed aIe may be beth P carr a,'l manually. wp atle. It voa<rore W,. rrovhion rheuld Oe ode to Iuek it in the teen ttoo's, The evercurrrnt'µl<l�e rroteteng the eootroll" may be pert o/ the comwller n smL1Y er may k mparrte A eampenumr cape of ....roti, b nae i.ncluded .ban sod will require a a<paraw d.sccrnquv. meats.. 4408. Service Switch as Disconnecting Mesas. If an installation consists of a single motor, the service switchmay serve as the disconnecting means, provided I conforms to the requirements of this article, and is within sight front the controller location. A distance or ..it thou 50 ft' is onridered -il i'seat to bona out of sigh, 4409. 'In Sight from Controller Location. The dis- connecting means shall be located in sight from the controller location or be arranged to be locked to the open position. A dir..c or more Thad 50 feet l, eenridered eyulvaleat to bring 0 , or aignc 4410. Motors Served by a Single Disconnecting Meant Each motor shall be provided with individual disconnecting means, except that for motors of 600 'oils or less a single disconnecting means may serve a group of motors under any one of tilt following conditions, The disconnecting means serving a group of motors shall have a rating not less than is required by section 4402 for a single motor whose rating equals the sum of the horsepowers or currents of all the motors of the group. a. If a number of motors drive several parfa of a single machine or piece of appantus such as metal and woodworking machines, cranes, and hoists. MOTORS AND CONTROLLERS t65 Is. if a group of motors is under the protection of one act of overcurrent devices as permitted by para- graph a of section 4343. "If a group of motors is in a single room within eight from the location of the disconnecting means, bsmf di: --.c, -I more thou 50 req u eavaidwwl e0uivatmt to 4411. Readily Accessible. The disconnecting means shall be readily accessible Requirement. for Over 600 Volta 4421. General The following provisions recognize the additional hazard due to the use of high voltage They are in addition to or amendatory of the other provisions Ot thio article. Other requirements for cir- cuits and equipment operating at more than 600 volts are in Arlfde 710. 4422. More Than 7560 Volts• Motors operating at more than 7500 volts between conductors .half be In- stalled in ftre-resistant motor rooms. 4423. Motor Overcorrent ProtadotL Running overcurrent protection for a motor of over 600 volts 311311 consist either of a circuit -breaker, or of over- current units Integral with the controller which shad sir..uttzaWsly open all ungrounded conductors to the motor. The overcurrent device shall have a setting Ss specified elsewheee in this article for motor -running Qr4t<Ct�ab 4424. Circuit Overetarant Protection. Each motor branch rirruil and fet•ler of more than 600 volts shall be Profaned aRam,t aver current 6y one of the folios` fn& L A ruruft-breaker of suitable titin g M .ranged Its. it ran be &uvud witl:va haearA. b. Fuses of the til.&peri cr other callable t7pe- Pusea .bili be used with --Malde diacanntcfing means or'hty .ha0 U< of a ty<< wkirh ran alta serve as the d;ercrnec_g mum. lrhey 3haa At ..I' the.! they ranewt lie r<•fused car repla<td while rlwy are enerrprtd. TL•e rarr..a n( Iv.n ahai! hi hmited w It..e 'alts,. permitted by .ecnua 7UH, 442L Disco.—Hag Marna The efrruit.}rteaker or the Poses sPe r.,4 in sen.an M-4 n(hr rcmnmfe IIs d:Konreet-9 .:ram tf 4 they rnt to the -1 sG:cuU:e n;mrrxeau 4f thI- .'We. 166 ARTICLE. 4J0 Protection of Live Porta—AB Voltage. 4431. General. The following provisions specify that live parts .lull be protected in a manner judged adequate to the hazard involved. 4432. Where Required. Eap... d live parts of mot- ors and controllers operating at 50 volts or more be- tween terminals, except for stationary motors having commutators, collectors and brush rigging Iocated in- side of motor end brackets and not conductively con- nected to supply circuits epenti.g at more than 150 'Oita to ground, shall be guarded against accidental contact by enclosure. or by location as follows: L By installation in a room or enclosure which is accessible only to qualified persons; b. By installation an,a suitable balcony, gallery br platform, so elevated aft1- arranged as to exclude un- qulified persons; . Q By elevation 8 feet or more above the floor; d. So that it will be protected by a guard rail when the motor operates at 600 volts or ICSL 4433. Guard. for Attendant.. If the live parts of motors orcontrollers Operating at more than 150 volts to ground are guarded against accidental contact only by location as specified in section 4432, and ff adjust- ment or other attendance may be necessary during the operation of the apparatus, suitable insulating orals or platforms shall be provided so that the attendant cannot readily touch live part, unless standing on the mats or platforms. Whero necessary, steps and hand- rails should be installed on or about large machines to affordsafe access to parts which must be exam-. ined or adjusted during operation. Grounding 4435. General. The following provisions specify the grounding of motor and controller frames to pre- vent a potential above ground in the event of acci- dental contact between live parts and frame. Insu- lation, isolation, or guarding are suitable alternative, for motors under certain conditions. 443& Stationary Motors. The frames of stationary motor shall be grounded if any of the following conditions exist: MOTORS AND CONTROLLERS 167 a. If supplied by means of inetal•elad ,king. b. if located in a wet place and not isolated or guarded. c If in a hazardous location (See Article 500.) d. If the motor operates with any terminal at more than 150 vol" to ground. Grounding of the motor frame is preferable, but if the frame of the motor is not $rounded, it &hall be permanently and effectively insulated from the ground. 4437. Portable Motor The frames of porubte motors which operate at more than 150 volts to ground shall be guarded or ground. See paragraph c of section 2545 de on groundmR of portable appliance. in other than residential occupancies. . .It 1� Ito.­.4,,1 IJO d dt&to t oaed y� of ..— bits opsau rnmb .t 150 . &mmdd 1% tbi4 . M Sm "-h b of reNoa 2559 for eolw of sroaudlvf toe. dustar. 4438, Cantroders. Controller cases, except those attached to ungrounded portable egwpment and - cent the lined Covera of Snap switches, shall be grounded regard),., of '.Mage. 4439. Method of Grounding. Grounding where required shall be done in the manner specified in Ar- tide 250. s. Grounding Through Terealeul Hou inri If the wiring to fixed motors is in armored cable or metal ncewaya, junction box,. to house motor terminal, sball be provided. These housings shall be of ample size to properly make co ; nnectionthey aban be of subs"ntul metal construction, and the armor of the cable or the metal raceway, Ghali be Connected to them in the manner specified in Article 250. b, Sapsradon of Junction Be. from Mao,. The junction box required by paragraph a may be se a. rated from the motor not more than 6 feet provided the leads to the molar are armored cable or armored Cord or are stranded I< h <nclmrd in draible or rigid Conduit ore eitrical metallic tubi,& not smaller than If inrh electrical Made alae, the Intal Or ncewa� being connected beth to the nmic,l and to he box, stranded lead. are used. protected as sptlifi,d above. 345 A 40 In. ARTICLE 44S theyshall not be larger than Na 10, and shall comply with other requirements of the code for conductors to be used in raceways. ARTICLE 445—GENERATORS 44S1. Location. Generators shallbe located in dry places, and also so a, to meet the requirements for ..lots in section 4310. Generators installed in haz- ardous locations as described in Article 500. or in other locations as described in Articles 510, 520, and 530, shall also comply with the provisions Of thos,4 articles. Ir is re ...,ed ths, waterproof onn. be prvcided far ass in _,4 . 4452. Identification Each generator shall be pro- vided ,,fill As name -plate giving the makers name, the rating in kilowatts or kilo -volt-amperes, the normal volts and amperes corresponding to the rating, and the revolutions per minute. 4453. Drip Pans. Generators sball be Provided With suitable drip pans if required by the authority enforcing this cod& 4454. Overcurrrnt Protection. Constant -potential generators, except alternating -current generators and their exciters, shall be protected from excessive Cur— real by circuit -breakers or fuses. a. Two-Wiro Generators. Two -wire, direct -cur. rent generators may have overcurrent protection in one conductor only if the overcurrent device u actu- ated by the entire current generated, except that in the shunt field. The overcurrent device shall not open the shunt field. b. 65 Volts or Leas. Generators operating at 65 volts or less and driven by individual motors shall be considered as protected by the overcurrent device p ­ letting the motor if these devices will operate when the generators are delivering not more than 150 per cent of their full -load rated mrrtnL "Balancer Seta.Two-wire, direct-current gener- ator' used in conjunction with balancer seta to obtain neutrals for 3 -wire systems shall be equipped with overesevent devices which will disconnect the 3 -wive GENERATORS las system in the nae of excessive unbalancing at volt• ogee or currents. d. 3 -Wire, Dirett-Corrent Generators. Three -wire, direct-current Re ... store. whether Compound or shunt, wound, shall be equipped with overcurrent devices one in Back armature lead, and Ad Connected as to by zctaated by the entire Current from the armature Such overcurrent devices shall Consist either of a double -pole, double -coil circuft•breaker, or of a 4 -pole circuit.breaker connected in the mein and equalizer leads and tripped by two overcurrent devices, one In each armature lead. Such protective devices shall be ro interlocked that no one pole an be opened with. out simultaneously disconnecting both leads of the armature from the symern. HSS. Shia of Conduomn. The conductor, from the generator tereninseln to -uplifted equiymenl shall have a carrying capacity not Ia, than 115 per Cent l I the name plate carrtnt rating. Neutral Per shall be the nA.. size As the conductors of the outside legs. 4456. Protection of Live Porta, Live parts of Ren- - W c of more Iha. ISO voila to ground shall not be exposed to accid<.tal Contact it aeauible to ungtug- h<d Derat3ns. 4/37. Ooards for Attendants. Where necuury for the safety of sttendanh the protdsioae of section 4733 ehsll be compiled with 4458. Oromddinp If s general., operates at a ter• .lint voltage m coca of ISO vc14 to ground, the Inure 25a UIf the ltame grounded fn the manner specified in Artidc 250. is ort grWaded• it shall be pumaneatiy a.d eirlcl sly inauAted from the ground. ARTICLE 454—TRANSPORMER4 AND TRANS- FORMER VAULTS (Inc:vdir� Ifecendaty Ties) 4501. Appilestle- Thio artiAe >0'v;iea In the I.- miuuo. cl all wanAmmea esuyr (If current tone• f.m•.eo: (Z) dry -type tnnainrmne which connituq a umxren! part Of ether aapanlua and wh.rh tan• farm in the r.qa m!ma Ice sash apyaraw; (3) t,nadcrmn f+r tare wisS Xray and high-irequeaq: (4) vaedcrcoa used wish Cures 3 rem ata..e.ud. 170 ARTICLE 450 low energy power and signal circuits which shall con- form to Article 725; (5) transtormcrs for sign and outline lightingg which shall Conform to Article 6011;and (6) trams .1rdets for electric discharge lighting which shall conform to AtliCIt 410, Thf, article applies to the installation of transform- ers '"hazardous locations except .s modified by Article 500. See atm Aetid< 7I0. CIwWu and Pquiprnrnt Operadna at Mare than 600 Volta Nrtwee. fondvrivrr. and Crrrice Innalla ewoa Orer 600 4'du as red to i. Article 230. GCneral Provisions 4511. Location. They shall be located and arranged to minimize possible life and fire hazards. The Idea- tion of transformer vaults m affected by ventilating rtquirements is covered elsewhere in this article. 4512 Overedirent Protection Oaercurrenl pro- tection shall conform to the following. As used in I section, the Word "transformer' means a trans- former or a bank of transform,,, operating as a unit. a. Primary Sid& Each transformer shall be pro- tected by an overcurrent device in theprimary con- nection, rated or act at not mart than 250 per cent of the rated primary current of the transformer, ex- cept that an individual overcurrent device is not re- quired if the primary circuit overcurrent device pro- vides the protection specified in this paragraph, and except as provided in paragraph b of this sectroa. Is Primary and Secondary Side. A transformer having an overcurrent device in the secondary con- nection, rated or set at not more than 250 per cent of the rated secondary current of the transformer, or a transformer equipped with a coordinated thermal overload protection by the manufacturer• i, not re- quired to have an individual overcurrent device in the primary Connection provided the primary feeder over - current device is rated or set to open at a Current value not more than six times the rated current of the transformer for transformers having not more than six per cent impedance, and not more than four times rated current of the transformer for tnnsform- en having more than six but not more ban ten per cent impedance. e. Potential (Voltage) Trandoreten, Potential transformers should have primary fuses. The fine TRANSFORMERS Irl 1 not exceed 10 amperes for circuits of less, and 3 amperes amperes of more Its. A resislor should be connected fn igh tension fuses if necessary to limit the rt -circuit current to a value within the capacfly of the fuse. sndary Ties. Aaused fn this section the armor" .tans . transformer or a bank ,s operating as a unit A secondary tie operating at 600 volt, or fess between connect, two power source, or power i, such as the accondana of two trans - C tie may Consist of one or more e.n- duadr, per phase. a. Tia Circuits. Tic circuits shall be prodded at each end with overcurrent protection as required in Article 240 of this code, except under the conditions described in sub-paraRraphs 1 and 2 of this section, in which Cases, Ilse overcurrent praeclfon may be in accordance with Cob -paragraph of of this section. 1. Loads at Transformer Supply Points Only. If Ril leads are connected at the transformer supply polnu at each end of the it and overcurrent pprotec- tion is not provided in accordance with Arlide 270, the rated currrntsarrying Capacity of the tie shall be not less than G7 per cent of the rated secondary cur- rent of flu largest transformer connected to the see- ondary it, system 2. Loads Connected Between Transformer Stip. ply Points. if load is connected to the tie at any point between Iramlormer supply points and -recurrent ppromclion is not provided in accordance with Article Z70, the rale. Current -carrying capacig o.1 the tia shall be not Ins Than IW per Cent ai the rased sec- ondary enrrent of the largest transformer con.eded to the secondary tie system except a, otherwise pro- vided in sub -paragraph 4. J. Tia Circuit Protecdom Under the condillewa de,erihed in sub -paragraphs I and 2 of this xecli0q Uoth ends of each it eamtucter shall be equipped whit a prolrctive device wldch wf1l .pen at I under a p a. determined «mnl penrt of the lie rondo dint,, rir ;t tondidfms. This Tell fen shall consist of the folluwhsg: (q > tmihle link c+ble manort0r, 1e111,mt at, I.K. commonly known at, a limiter. -h 36G 46 Ila ARTICLE 450 king of a size corresponding with that of the con- ductor and of approved construction and character. istics according to the operating voltage and the type of insulation on the tie conductors, or (21 automatic circuit -breakers actuated by devices having compar- able current -time characteristics. A I=,.,<ction o[ Pbasa Conductor Hatween Transformer Supply Pante. If the tie consists of more than one conductor per phase. the conductors Of each phase shall be interconnected to order to es- tablish a load supply point, and the protection speci- fied in sub -paragraph 3 shall be provided in each tie conductor at this point, except As follows: Loads may be connected to the individual conduc- tors of a multiple -conductor lie without interconnect- ing the conduelon of each phase and without tM1e protection specified in sub -paragraph 3 at load con- nection point, provided: the lie eonJuctors of each phase Dave a combined capacity not less than 135 per cent oI the rated secondary current of the largest transformer connected to the secondary tie system; the total load of such taps does not exceed the rated sewndary current of the largest transformer, the loads are equally divided on each phase and 'on the individual conductors of each phase as far as prac- ticable. S. Tie Cheat Control 11 the operating voltage "'T"150 volts to ground, secondary Ilea provided with limiters shall have a switch at each end which when open will de -energize the associated tic conduc- torsand limiter. The current rating of the switch hall be not leas than the rated current of the con. ductors connected to the a.ilch. It shall be capable of opening its rated current, and it shall be con- structed eco that it will not it. under the magnetic forces resulting from short-circuit current. Is. Ovenmsent Protection for Secondary Connee. does. When secondary ties are used an overcurrent device rated or set at not more than 250 per cent of Ike rated secondary current of the transformer shall be provided in the secondary connections of each rnnaformeq and in addition an automatic circuit - breaker actuated by a rev<ne•cunent relay set to open the circuit at not more than the rated secondary current of the transformer shall be provided in the aaondary connection of each transformer. TRANSIORMERs cls 4514. Parallel Operation. Transformers may be, operated in parallel and protected as a unit if their electrical characteristic, are such that they will divide the load in proportion to their rating. 4515. Guarding. Transformers shall be guarded as follows: a HIeehaacal ProtecHoa ADDro nate shall be made to minimize the D provisions to—raformera from exterml Poaaibility of damage formers are located where they a ..... if the Iran.- anical injury. posed to mech- b. Hs:posed Lva P it,na the pThe transformer installa• tion shall conform wh a rovisions for guarding live Parts in section IIID. e Vc1Wge Warning. The operating voltage of nn,id live Darla of transformer installations ,hall b< inJicated by signs or visible marking, on the equip- ment or ......urea 4116. Orotmdlnq, Exposed non- meWl Pana of Iramform<r torrent earrYlnB installations including !cote, shall be grounded under the conditions and in the mannv procrib<d for electrical egoipmegt anJ other esyosed mewl Dart, in Article 25(1. 4517. Nana-p4ta Each tnnaformer, shall be Dro• dd<d with ,name -plate giving the name he the ran• and .secondary .led'"Oft-91:lvlt-amperes, frequency. Primary qY. it the Iran formcrud kin ext fn,ulahe am- sindt li au' ian seeds 2> kva. 11 Clava H inauarien as defined in American Standard for Tr ndvmen C 57.1 is used In she ccnatravtirn rf dry type tnnsloC 57. of more thio 100 kn, the name -plate shall so fndipla Specific Proeidcna Applfcakla to Types of T,...( his Different • 4121. Dry-Typ, Tnnafoemen Irrtaged indoors. Tnn,lcrmera reed Iriri Ova or Ira shoal ri I a cep• .anon e( at lean 12 inch,. fr,;m a;nibast0;le matafal n.eu separated tl:ere(rn:n mn!at(ng harrier, lar el ley "sa r ,;,.a nuns ice v'. op<ningano d. <cmpl<tely erc'r a,d except .for x'. di,g Traasfc," d .core Iha� 100 insnL',d in rma Inndnaw:o r f ruing he.,, be atzvctfcn un!na they ars ta^m rtefilra-resh Class<i 174 ARTICLE 450 insulation, as defined in American Standard for Trans- formers C 57 1, and are separated from combustible material not less Ilton 6 feet Imrizontally and 12 feet vcrtitally or are scpamled therefrom by a firc-resis- tan l hcal•insulaliug Wrricr. Transformers rated more than 15,000 volts shall be installed in a vault. 4522, Askareldnsulated Transformers Installed In- doors Askarcl-insulated transformers rated in excess of 25 kva shall be furniehtd with a pressurc•rdic( vent, If installed in a poorly ventilated place they shall be furni,hcd with a means (or absorbing any V-11 generated by arcing insiJe the rase, or the pres- sure relief vent shall be connected to a chimney or Rue .which wdl carry such gases outside the buildi.R. Askarel-insulated transformers rated more than 15,OOj1 volts shall be installed in a vault. 4523. Oil -Insulated Transformers Installed In- deora Oil-imaul.ted transformers shall be in,talled in a vaulows:t constructed as specified in this article except a, (oli s Not Over 100 trkva Total Capacity. The provi. cions for ansformer vaults specified in this article ,DPIy except That the vault nay he constructed of reinforced concrete not less than 4 inches thick. b. Not Over 600 Volts. A vault is not required provided suitable arrangements are made where nec- essary to prevent a transformer oil lire igniting other materials, and the total transformer capacity in one location does not exceed to kva in a section of the building classified as combustible, or 75 ktia where the surrounding structure is classified as fire-resistant construction. "Furnace Transformers. Electric furnace trans. . formers of a total rating not excecdmg 75 kva may be inslalled without a vault in a building or room of fire-resistant construction if arrangements necessary to prevent a transformer oil fire spreading to other combustible material are provided d. Detached Buildings Transformers may be in- stalled in a building which does not conform with the provisions specified in this code for transformer vault. provided neiiher the building nor its Contents presents a fire hazard to any other building of property, and TRANSPORVERS Us provided the building is used only in supplying else laic service and is accessible only to qualified persona. 4524. Og-Irnulated Tranafotmen In., d puF doors. Condruatible builJings, combWtible part of buildings, fire exap<a, door and window openinRa of buildings, and other eombuatfbl< material shall be aa(eguarded from fires originating in oil -insulated tnna(ormva installed on, attached to, or ,djacent to a building or other properly by providinK eReaive apace separation or an eRective fire-resistant barrier, and Dy providin means of re Wining or Safely dl,po,. lig o the oil from a ruptured transformer tank in cases where the I, ... former installation would present a fire hazard without such pfecautiomary measure& Providom for Transformer Vacate 4541. Lacridos. Vaults shall be located whero they tan be ventilated 1. the o.Wde air wirhout us• Ing Ru,a or ducts wherever such an arrangement is pr 'Jeable. 4142. Walla Roof, and Floor. The walla .rad root of v.ulls shall consist of reinforced concrete not Ina than 6 indiea in thickness or of brick not Imo than 8 (lades In thickness, or of foul-bearinK hollow life not less than 12 inch,. in thicknaa. the inside surface Of the wall being coated with cement Plaster. The V, shall have a concrete flwr at least 4 trachea thick. The floor or walla of .lie building may be used for one or more Darts of the vault if they are approved la being equivalent to the foregoing specifications. 4143. Daortvaya Any doorway leading from the vault into the building shall be protected as follows: a. Type of Door. Each donrvay shalt be provided With a u8ht-fittintl door of a tyy, a aPpraved for open- Inga in Class A atmtione as 'I'll in the 1937 edi. tion of the standard of the Natioml Board of Fire S7nderwrilen for Protection of DP<Oi"Is in walls and Partition. Against Fire. The authority enforcingg IN code may require ouch a dna, on each side of the wall it conditioW warrant. b. Sig. A door sill or curb of mgdenl height to confine within Ibc vault the al from the largnt tram- Innner shxll be provided and in no case shall the height be Ina than 4 trachea e Locke. Entrance doors shall be equipped with Ix4r, and door shall be kept lacked, acme being 3U7 176 ARTICLZ 410 allowed only to qualified persons. Locks and latches shall be so arranged that the door may be readily and quickly opened tram the inside. 1544. Ventilation. The ventilation steal( be adequate I o prevent a transformer temperature in caccss of the values prexrbed in American Standar) for Tran, form<n Publitalic. C 57.1. 4545. Vention Openfnge. Openings for ventila- tion shall he'll, provided us aceorJance with the follow- ing: a Location. Ventilation oDeninRs shall be located as far away as passible from door,, windows, fire escapes, and combustible material. b. Arrangement. Vaults ventilated by natural cir- culation of air may have roughly halt of the total area of openings required for ventilation in one or more openings near the floor and the remainder fn one or more openings in the roof or in the sidewalls near the root; or all of the area required for ventila- tion may be provided fo one or mare opcniliga in or near the roof. "Sizes In the case of vaults ventilated to an out- door area without using ducts or flues the combined net area of allventilatin7 openings after deducting the ares occupied by screens, gratings, or louvers, shall be not less than 3 square incites per kva of transformer capacity in service exttpt that the net arca shill be not less than 1 square Joot for any cap - .city under 50 kva. d, Covering. Ventilation openings shall be covered with durable gralinga, xreens, or louvers, according to the treatment required in order to avoid unsafe conditions. . I Dampen, If automatic dampen are used in the ventilation openings of vaults containing oil -insulated transformers, the actuating device should be made to function at a "oull—tune resulting from fire and not at a tempenlure which might prevail as a result of an overheated transformer or bank of transformers. Care should be taken to avoid unintentional closing of automat!: dampers. I. Ducts. Ventilating ducts shall be constructed of fire-reaimire, material. TILMSTORlrgRs 177 43•!6• Dnituge. ]f Practicable, vault, containing more than IW kva transformer cap"itpp shall be pro• vided with t drain which will tarry og any aeeumu. lotion of oil ll water that may collect in the vault. The floor shall be ruched to the drain opening. 4547. Water Pipes and Aeteaeoriee. Any pi a or duct systema foragn to the el<clrical installation should not enter or pass through a transformer vauU. iI the presence of such foreign system1 cannot be avoided, appurtenances als hal which require main. the vats L regular intervals ,hail not be located inside the vault Arrangements shall be made if necessary to avoid passible trouble from condenaatitn, leaks and br"ks m each foreign gatem,, Piping or other facilities Drovided for fire protection or for watco- cooled tran,fermera are not deemed to be foreign to We electrical installation. 4348. Stonga In Vaclte. Materials shall not be stored In Ir stored ARTICLE 460 --CAPACITORS 4661. AppScathm of other Is. This article ,ball not f h to capaci bra constituting a compos• est part of other aODargba and con(ormmg with the requir<m<nts lot ouch apparatus, in hazardous location, shag tom�Cap ....... .mulled except as moT with the pmvF siona of this article ed by Article $00. 4602 Locations Capacitors aha, be endwed to Waits c:mplym8 with the pravi,:' of Article 150 unless they are askarel insulated or unless each unit cont—, not mare than 7 gaSuna cl a combustible o it 4607. Mechanical Praleeeloa ADDr r' d mage to o�ac era fro m°I. the pouibil Y of acitcn are Iccated wh<rm external :maga if the eap- a they ue "Po"d to me anirsl injury• 41A1. Tnrtafcrnun Gay with GDeciton. Tran, loaners asr•1 cons capacitors afalt be inus0ed in ae- not In. cosh Article 4 t The Fva ratmir sha`.I be not Ie se. than 175 per cent N Iha capacitor kva "ling • 4665. Dnina s, o! Stared CfyRn• Capacitors shall b< Pruv,do wuh a ..ane. ( dr4:nmg thn abred caugn <a aci•c�r�iof Dihiurs. h be d toh SOrc°dual voltage of a rd . or less wnhm 176 ARTICLE. 160 one minute after the capacitor is d;s rr,ct,d from the source of supply in the case of capacitors rated 600 volts or less and in five minutes in the case of capacitors rated marc Ihan 600 volts. b. Meana ofDischarge. The discharge circuit shall be either PcrutancnJ, mnnaled to the terminals of the capacitor or rapaalor bank, or provided with automatic means of connecting it to the terminals of the capacitor bank on remmal of voltage from the line. hfantoI means of z\vilching or co nnccting the discharge circuit shall not Uc used The windngs of motors, of transformers. Or of other equipment directly connected to capacitors wilhcut a switch or overcurrent device interposed, constitutes a suitable discharge mein'. 1606. Capacitor � Rating. The rating of capacitors which are connected art the load aide of a motor over. current device shall not exrecd the value required to slag the no•load power -(actor of the motor to unity. Capacitors of this maximum rating \gill usually result I' a lull load power -foetus of 95, 5 to 7N per cent. The maximum eapaeftar ratings permitted for uzc with open -type, three•plos'. sixty-cyc'.e induction motors are given in Table 30, Chapter 10. 4607. Capacitor Cimuite. Capacitor circuits shall conform to the following: aConductor Rating. The stincapacitor cin it conductors shall he not Tess thag n of 135 per cent of the rated current of the capacitor. The sting of con- ductors which connect a capacitor to the terminals mile, motor or to motor circuit con,luctors shall be not leaf t han one-third the rating of the motor rir- cuit conductors or the rating shall be dclennineA as uplatned above if this method gives a greater value. b. OverwrteProteerion. An overcurrent device shall b< providedd in each unRrosmdcd <nnduttar, ex- cept that an overcurrent device is not required for a Capacitorconnected on the load side of a motor over - current device. The rating or setting of the overcur- rent device shall be as low ss practirable without causing unnecessary ry opening of the circuit. A rating or setting of 165 to 250 per cent of the rated current of the capacitor will be suitable under average con- ditions although the selling or rating may have to eueed 250 per cent in some cases CAPACITORS In. a Dlaconnecdng Meana. A dimonnat(ng device shall be provided m cath unRroundcti conductor ex- cept that a di—itn,4ung device is not required for a capacitor connected on the load side of a motor discon--ling device. The disronneelmg device need not open all ungrounded conductors simultmeabely. The disconnecting device stay be coed for discnnnett• ing the capacitor from the line as a regular operating procedures The continuous current carrying capacity of the dixnnn<ctin. device shall be not Its, than 175 per cent of the rated current of the capacaor. 4608, Rating or Setting of the Motor Overwreent Device. If a motor insoiutian include, a capacitor connected on the load si4e of the motor orereurrcne device, and the overcurrent device used can be ad - Jutted as e.Pl.i.,d below, the rating or seumR of the motor overcurrent device shall be determined as pro- vided in section 4722 except that (naread of using the corre full•Iwd rate) current of the motor as pruvg 11 m that a<aion a lower value ,ponding with the im- proved ppower•fartor of the motor circuit shall be used. The redanion fn the full•loa 1 current ItquireJ is'jollied in pahie ]0, Clupter 10, for open -frame, three-pbax, sixty -cycle in Nei.. muton. Section 4712 applies with respect to the sting of the motor circuit conductors, 4609. Grounding. Capacitor ,axe shalt be ground• ed in accarJance with Article 250. 4610. Guarding. All live puts of nPaciton which are connected to circuits of more than 600 valla be- tween conducbn and are accessible to unqualified peraena, shall be enclosed ar isolated For (solation y elevation, see tectien 7162, 4611. N.—Plate. Esih capacitor ,half b, provided wish a name•Plale giving the auker'a mote, rated 101--1 frequency, kva or amperca, number of phase. and it liquidfilled, the amount cf l:grad in Ralluns, together with a statement that the liquid will or will not burn, as the Otero may be. The name-pplate shall I,4,cale whether nr t a capacitor unci has a di, dorge device inside the rasa ARTICLE 470_.RESISTORS AND REACTORS F. Ptw.,Uu as ua:am 4111, WI 0.W 911". 4701. l.ae01on. Resisters and reagents shall not be placed where exposed " ur.haai:+t injury. 11 is 368 µ Il too ARTICLE aro the Immediate vicinity of easily ignitible material they shall be of the oil4mmersed type or shall be enclosed in metal boxes or cabinets. See Article 500 for Hoa ardous Locations. 4702. Space Separation. Unless attached to a switchboard or other non-combustible material, or no- ses mounted as provided in section 4703, resistors and reactors shall be separated from combustible ma- terial by a distance of not less than I foot. 4703. On or In Proximity to Combustible Material li placed within a distance of I foot from combustible material, resistors and reactors shall be installed as follows: a. Slab or Panel They slsall be attached to a stab orpanel of non-combustible, non-absorptive material such as slate, soapstone, or marble, b.Silo of Slab. The slab shall extend beyond the edges of the device and shall have a thickness Pro- portioned roportioned to the size and weigld of the device but shall not be less than y inch thick e. Supports. The slab shall be secured in position by supports independent of those fastening the device to the slab. Bolts which support the device shall be countersunk at least % inch below the rear surface of the slab and shall be covered with insulating ma- teriaL 4704. Mounting. Casings when mounted on plain surfaces shall make contact with such surfaces only at the point of support, an air space of at least Sg inch being maintained between the casings and sur- faces. 4705. Conductor Insulatlon. If insulated eonduo tors are used for connection between resistance ele- menn and controllers, the conductors shall be suit. able for an operating temperature of not less than 90C (194F), except that for motor -starling service other conductor insulations may be used. For eleva. tor motor starting service, ase paragraph Is of sec- tion 6204. 4706. Incandescent Lamps as Realators. Incandes- ear lamps may be used as protective resistors for automatic controllers, or may by special permission R131STORS AND REACr0N5 Itis be used 39 resistors in aeries with other devices and shall conform to the following: a. Mounting. They shall be mounted in porcelain receptacles on non-combustible supports. b. Voltage. They shall be so arranged that they cannot have impressed upon them a voltage greater than that for which they are rated. e Name -Pham They shall be provided with a name -plate, permanently attached, giving the wattage and voltage of the lamp to be used in each receptacle. U Not Carry Main Carom They shalt not carry or antro! the main current nor consttule the reau. bating resistance of the device. ARTICLE 48"TORAOE BATTERIES 4801. Scope. The provisions of Ih;a article shall apply to all atatiomry in-11mioa, of storage list.lodes using acid or alkali as the electroln• rising of a num hi of oil:,connected .l series will and coth & ......I voltage to excess of 16 volts 4802. Definition el Nomhul Voltage. The nomi- nal battery voltage shall he calculated on the basin of 20 ruin Per Bell fur the ;sad -acid type• and 1.2 rolls Per cel for the anuli type. 4805. Wiring and Apwnm. Supplied From Bat- pews Wrrtng, appieeeey and aDparama supplied menUso(rth s cute&rs jha11 be subject 1. the require• pp yiag to wiring. appliance., and apparatus operating at ac the me vol L-91, except 8 Aet:cte 86!1.pas atbencrsnvided f,r eammurtan aYigstems in :4104. Inadati m of Batted" of Not Over 2S0 V-11. Tl:e privoa uo , of tl;r ."';_ shall apply to storage tagrnrs having thio eel's sit cenrecte.l ar to .;crate at a tool:: +:al Wn<ry voltage out euetd:og 250 roh. a. Lead.Aefd B.tt.,I_ Cella;n lead !fined wood nrkr, where toe ru.-6rr cl re!'& in aeries dnu not tsar<:1rmY:ab�asuy crud irdlviduat;y on glass or g: re 1( tF.e munber cl the coils d seen exceeds 25, s. eI4 shat! III sapposled iodiridw'3y w cit icsa!atara In ARTICLE sea b. Alkali -Type Batteries. Cells of the alkali type in jars made of conducting material shall be installed in trays of non -conducting material, with not over 20 cells in a series circmt in any one such tray or the cells may be supe-tcd singly or in groups on porce. lain or other suitable insulators. a Unsealed Jars. Cells in unsealed jars made of non-conductive material shall be assembled in trays of glass or supported on glass or glared porcelain in- sulstors: or, if installed on a rack, shall be supported singly or in groups on glass or other suitable insu- lators. d Scaled Rubber Jars. Cells in scaled rubber or composition containers shall require no additional in- snlating support if the total nominal voltage of all ells in series does not exceed 150 volts. If the total voltage exceeds 150 volts, batteries shall be section- aliied into groups of 150 volts or less and cash group shall have the individual tells installed in trays or on racks. If trays or racks are required for this type of cell, such trays or racks shall be supporlyd on glass or glared porcelain insulators or oil -type insulators. a Sealed Class Jan. Celia in sealed glass jars, with or without wood trays, require no additional insulation. 4805. Insulation of Batteries of Over 250 Volts. The provisions of section 4804 shall apply to storage batteries having the cells so connected as to operate at a nominal voltage exceeding 250 volts and• in .4di. tion, the provisions of this section shall also apply to such batteries. "Cells shall be installed in groups having a total nominal voltage of not over 250 volts, in trays or on racks supported on til insulators; except that if each individual cell, or sub -group in the tray or rack, is supported on oil insulators, no additional insulation for the group need be provided; and except that cells of not over 10 ampere -hour capacity in sealed 91233 jars may be grouped in trays, the total nominal volt. age of all cells in such a group not to exceed 250 volts, and each such tray to be supported on glass or glazed porcelain insulators, the trays being mounted STORAGE D.ITTERIES Is, on racks supported on oil insulators with a total nom. incl voltage of not over 500 volts for all ells in aeries on each such insulated rack. b(uimum Orcrretion h —e b,—i... hid.. hiab,.11 a haneriu ;mo «D (toss, is -oo I ... .ash cher. 4806. Rack. and Trays. Racks and trays shall con. I. rm to the fcllmving: .. Racka. Racks, as required in this article, refer to frames designed to support cells or trays. They shall be substantial, and made of: 1. %%'sed, an treated as to be resistant to deterimat. ing action by the electrolyte; or 2. Metal, so treated as to be resistant to deterimat. ing action by the electrolyte, and providedwith non. tonducsing members directly supporting the ells or with suitable insulating euterial 0-1 conducting mem• beer, or J. Other similar suitable construction. b. Trays. Trays refer to frames such as erste, or .hallow bones usually of wood or other non-candur4 jag material, so constructed or treated as to be resist• sat to JetcnonOng action by the ettctrolyte. 4807. Battery Rooms. Battery room& shall con• form to the following: s- U.e. Separate battery rooms or endoaures shall be required only fee batteries in unsealed jars .rad tanks %•here the aggregate capacity at the 8 -hour d;a- charge rate exceeds 5 kiloaatt hours, b. Wiring Method In conductors, open wiring9tonRe battems, bare . or conductor, battery rooms, cane duit or electrical jr,,sq;c tubing shall be in userid as Ina wiring method. e. Vandabed.Cambri, Condierlora Varnished. eambric-cuvmed condunon. Type V, shall not be used. d Han Cmtduetora. Bare eendaceoa shall not be Is cRseews7, Rigid metal c0n.!uit. or elerldcd me. Iattic luIs it used, -,hall be of co"o,ien-o-count material or shalt be suitably pro it,J fmm toren a. . 7 a°< . ARTICLE. ,W L Terminals. If metal raauaypr other metallic attery ro covering is used in the bom, at least 12 inches of the conductor at the end connected to a cell termi. nal shall be free from the newsy or ntc•talllc cover. ing and shall be bushed by a substantial glazed msu. )sting bushing. Tlm end of [Ile raceway shall be scaI'd tightly to resist the entrance of electrolyte by spray or by creep.Re. Sealing compound, rubber in- sulating taP, or other suitable material shall be used for this Purpose. g. Ventilation. Provision shall be made for suR- cient diffusion and ventilation of the gases from the battery to Prevent the accumulation of an exp!osive mixture in the battery room. HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS Iia CHAPTER S. SPECIAL OCCUPANCIPS -ARTICLE so0—HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS pnaur al d:0 mracea in ehancse•Init• of hua.dom vtmer r �vl+. de,ien rJ canatruc,ion of eampm:m Icy a ,n a Lf.< nuard.ur Iwanan up LYe i to •mouvt the 6aramui. v� of sbe :tmo+PMre. Fa<�hbea bare b<m made eaila4le fat ten• ,ryr eacipmrnt toe zea[ in ab< feaa.ins umwphmra: Chau I, Grcuy A, dsmmphme• wnuininr acrtrkra; Char I. (.roup D, Asmwphwr• tac[nrl eenutninr;.u h - or da..da..a rapers of <nunil<ee hararJ rush • o e5 Chia 1, Grace C, Atmo•.herr t Uz.jnx ethyl cdiv valor, upth•t alwh<1 ,vu 1<reMla neer• <Irmi rna vaaalineyenrokam. a, •o and mril ar; Clan IL Greve E, Asmo•nhem Z.'as vuW duce; or Itt. G—P F. Atmc+pb— avlieiuy ­t­blrk, w•1 Char It. Cuaav G, Asmoph_. tevt•Inina seal° drib 5001. Scope. The provisions of this article apply to locations in which the authority enforcinll this code aud.e. the aPDDaratus and .1i%g to be aublrct to the <onditiom inAfcaied by the following classification.. It is intended that each room, section or arca I..- elndipa motor and a'n.nr....____ __ 'red muavmuavy m Oe)erminfne fta tlavffirauon. Ea reDI a. mpol <d by this anicle, all other applicable rule. contained in shia code ahaU a 1 PO PPy to eleelri<ni apparalu. and wiring final!ed in bazar Diss locations. I•u garaRea, see Article 510. For definition of nap• proved' ad wed in Chir nude roe Arude 100. The term exPlosfnn-prop! as used fn thla said shall mean, <ncinaed m a ase wh!ch is tapable of wilh.tand+)nR an,exi•[pt a�n ei a aP¢i5ed Ra, or vapor lRni Gan t tht rG'eifxI in it, and of Drevent(nR the gar tar vapor mrrounding the mdcsure LY sparks, ga she. ee exp'wr.iegr of Lhe gas tie npor within. Tb•••:th the e•<riu er 4t...;:iw In tb hr<m of tl•e<dri ' Lyr.. . 1.•r .r<.:u, Ir,v..cM i, i, irr I ..t. mxa r ,5[ e• a.P,n1-a k MHrd:.., acrin ran6t.+a � M+ w.:^+d blr't Y •rr:+gM a'aievr < rwe4a t4 m<.4 .1 •-.a h.rf�rr.;l+ie w:i�.•' :' o�,°-`.K ri. s.,'.a�.: rr^.• al tM N,�..w,• weer),-.ar<:ca xn6,'.,�.ta .x\I b d rr r war dumauw t/ vuw utr .<\ rraw w ia•u, led ARTICLE dm Far raomm<ndmiom for pprat-i— axainn mdc 1«td<I, 6aanda. refer so she abndvdt of the N"m.1 Poe Rm<tJtaa dnoc!ation ov thi. au6lett. SOOT Special Precaudon. The intent of this article is to rcqumc a .Prem construction of equipment, and of installation that will insure safe performantt under conditions of proper use and mainte"Me. It, there. lore, is assumed that inspection authoritica and intra will exercise more than orJina,y care with regard to installation and maintenance. 5003. Pit'"" LaeQuen End F[nishea. The provi. ,ions of tlife section shall apply to locatipm which arc or may be ha:uJous because of readily ignitable deposits or residues from paints, varnishes, lacquers or other types of finishes. In ,encyst, eeadgj fanhahie_depoaib aeur In the InhrMr of na InanlHnq voiatil< 4mm•64 salvmt• or thimm� t<ciwn afAi, a;,P!'1- Etrical Equipment. No el<etrieal equipment or shall be installed or used in any location where readily fgnftable residues may be deposited, except that wine, in rigid conduit or in boxes or fittings, containing no taps, splices or terminal con- nectiona may be installed in such locations. b. Lighting Through Olasa Panels. Illumination of h.—dous areas throuah Dane), of vla- mr -h— or is so protected that breakage will be unlikely, and if lh< arrangement is such that normal accumulation. of hazardous residue on the exposed a.,face of thl 8anel w 11 not be raised to a datageroua temperature y radiation or conduction from the wwe o! illum- nation. 5004. Cie. I Locations, Cie.. I location. are Wo.. fa which flammable gases Or,spurs are or my HAZARDOUS LOCATION'S Isr be present in the air fn quantities sufficient to produce explosive or ignitable mixtures. Class 1 localiona shall include the following: ,Class I, Dfaialon I, Locations (1) in which hax- ardon, concentrations of flammable gases or vapors exist continuously, inlermittently. or Periodically U. der normal operating eonditiona, (2) in which haz- ardous concentration, of such it.... or vapor, may exist frequently bttause of repam or nainlenance opp. etationa or because of leakage, or (3) In which break- down or faulty operation of equipment of Processes which might release hazordous conc<ntraliona o[ flammable gases or vapors, might also cause incuX tancous failure of electrical equipment. TM. claniandon wnutd uamlb WNde 4[niona wh— gam• m•ble rcl,nle I;amd• or b^uu[fiN 4mm,64 eau• •r< trn+f.... d from we anum<r to • thrr; mlf rnrar hcotaa uJ tin be rrc1—i"of •cn'w Y j I ry• ens —Ii— I. .Fera volatile 4mma64 tahenn • rN; a[•I,an+ cnl,ni•,a 4 n unYa ar r•cf rdaule aamm<il.la bavidr: JVin1y scam• tam. nanm<nn for the er poraiiw of a,mmably ral•rntr lallien• Lim••vv�x ht and oil nnmsov •nwnen a+int rafnde nam. 6b.....,i. nu; Pornun• 1 aeaninx rnl J^eiry ^tans .hen a„Mout IpoWr arfuv11; war a•nn•Lr r m v I Ther Iwr• Iwn, of pr m nuanurinr stmt• .Fire u0ammat�k r evy+: .unm a to da•n �L an (er costate t�imm�p4 lidmdu 1 •I1 ,tier In•nw• .Ye.e A�r•rdout ea•KenLn4m 4inm;ble�e zees w nwr •rt tidy w onur a tat tavrr F rt protw!Iw taivrt the WnrM o/ s•mm,e!< •nenhn4t ar<J b h +t,ll ewrv.nr room+ reler b she ranJud• al tM Nnianil I—irolctwn Arwwiao co the rWaeet Is , Claw I, Divl+ion R, Location, Sq In which flammable volatile liquids or flammrb a gats ars handled, processed or used, hu1 in which the haaard- our ligm a, vapor. or gates wit] normally be confined within closed c ntafnera pr closed s➢stems I"- , whish they can escape oly in case of arodemal rupture or breakdown of such containers or systema• or in case of abnormal operation of equipment, which harardon, concentrations of gases or npor. are not- maliy Pr<venitd by posit(,, methamcal verullli- but which might become hazardous through Iai n or abnormal operation of the venula,,., equipmeet, os 13) which are atgacenl to CI... 1, Uivfsion 1 lova• tions, and to whirl, hazed- roneentriti-9 of Casa or vapor. might occasionally be—rritmieated. Thb daze;&,IWn .wall amAh Include Ix•li:ra vr\me 4n,. m,l.ir .14t, W blt [a:•Ia,mm,t'e • rayrr - e0. pi W luy,aaiJr mnor l al sG soil mlanba •urLv,V. p 370 4 W ARTICLE 500 I—-,become h .... d....nlj I. tam of an at 1je or .f cone an. Ika.murine mrWitwn. The .uanlhy of ha,.tNout nat"M t might errata in tae of ... M n Ill. ad,,f of ve also qq Maq,mm[, the tn,J Orta rne'olt'rJ, anJ the rtto.f the inJ.vrY r Lwmua xnh rc•: n1 to tapnv.+nm or (urea ate I fatt..r+ na[ ahoulJ w<rirr e,n.nlm.ni.n dewrmininq the <lao intatiao a.J ul<nr of cath hazarJoua area. PiQinq eilb.ut alvei, ebo,ks. Hera and dmiLar detigs amulA ane Ima<rIY D< dcerr+N , intra,u.1 a h+zarJ.us tnndnwn cern Aouah mN fm hua.Jom li._riAr or arae L„, ... urN fur rhe u.nne cf hvad.aa Ii.unb or orf G. vehN or id 4frN P+au rn a1sJ a nhawtra ul" nor nornra�ly be t. a],, bar• arta.. uNaa u4Jat w ocher bararda.. mrrdniom shoo 5005. Class II Locations. Class 11 locationsarc those which are hazardous because of lire presence of combustible dust. Class II locations shall include the following: a. Clan II, Division 1. Locations (1) fn which combustible dust is or may be in suspension in the air continuously, internsittenlly, or periodically under normal operating conditions, in quantities su0icfent to Produco explosive or ignitable mixtures, (2) svhero Ilie normal or abnormal operation or the failure of equipment or apparatus mig�lt Cause such mixtures to be Produced in or in tire vicinity of electrical equip. meat or apparatus, or (3) in which dusts of an elee- HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS las b. Clara II, Division 2. m(.orations in which com- bustible dust will not norally be in suspension in the air, or will not be likely to he thrown into so,• pension by the normal or Abnormsl operation or the failure of equipment or apparatus, in quantities suffi• curt toPY04ucc explosive or ignitable mixtures, bill (1) where deposits or accumulations of such dust may be sufficient to inleriere with the safe dissipation I heal from dgctrial equipment or apparatus or (2) where such dppn hs or accumulations of dust on, in or in the vwinity of elcclrical equipmrnl might be ignited by arcs, sparks or burning material from such equipment. w +GJAat.�nal<b_rt dan¢mva eancentntkns ./ au•Pm dN Jaat Lnr M1<re. deet attumabnnne M harm en, in or n r��e vi luau cl eletrir+ral e.wPment, w 'aLF mrimle arlovd Wes or h"rK a,n.rrmac�+`Ir anJ Ve.,rn:C and tonus>,.0 aPP,t obk mules d duet w 14 a Mui mul rum+ whnM1 PPr aonN .rdfruam; room. oe acus ; f" .urr a der abarmar «rGN wuraaa • of lhir rec,icn Ji+c i-. bwhnb eeVlar:ar aiM,r[A efielyf 'rdee'n n� mal aM,a,+,[ tanAni..n.:iahl 4ec; mmu. tar,.Vol Aon i P�e.rnre5 `hy `tM1e Ite+mLle c r<.,mrulicn�`.1 tanrrd M+nVmere� arthsc,n ane ` +�'an do edn<ive Asch p, dowse •r^„ • a ;, j-_. <r Wb dui YPon raaaer' Juet taenm; and aha orals, c cam 5006. Class I11. Location, Class III loation' are those wh!Ch are haaardaua bcause of the tion,presall Of easily limitable w"',f or flying', but in which such fit rea or flying+ are trot Moil W be in suspension in tar in lvantiue. saff�tienl. to produce ignitable mia- turea. Clav IfI laationa shJ11 include ll:e (olluwing: S. CI•as III, Diviafon 1. Loatfana in which easily iggnilablt fibos or mat";Sla prahxiog combustible flying• are half lcd, olsnul"Iml.l ler used. ocher hen Atia+a awoula k�1M.: wmeH rtr rf rar,n. c•.runn and m. P 4aLeirc n�la.:t>'�e P'.m acct ..ie. �u nV,<tua.:J iNN!.�hwraL a+f , .., n. ,. Ni sAv.,: k:ri .bra: a• taaau at r'.n?.,.vea.r •. a'+,:tr huard:ia rum b. Clan Ill. Division 2, Lorkg„+a in wldrh easily cental of maratttare)tnrel w Fradled (ettept in pro- Pa:Y ir'at le rJtrr aN Oa'nay w3 l.::.1. Ytkre+�vK��.'i. Pr=.?. i:: o+:N oek stn a xa,br.krL fl �at•E.:k..- ataa,M rmu,. u<rsu w a' �. tl ex+.ar ue,wa, Ise ,ARTICLE 500 Clan I—Imnallation 5011. General. The general rules of this code shall apply to file installation of electrical wiring and equip. ment in locations classified as Claw I under section SONthis article except as modified by auctions 5012 to SD26 inclusive. .Wanhar i+ allot la be adJiticnal renuiremenu r t fnwh in arta ar y+•+J f:r ixahi•+n+ where rerdril i.niraLle d<Id fi r rW irdn wings, varvisdea, iaryrsn, or cehtr q'I.ts of nirh mnayY C. lvrvletJ. 5012. Transformers and Capacitors. The installa- 'ion of tr nsiormcrs and capacitors shall conform to the following: a. Gass I, Division 1. In Class I, Division I lop. tions, Ifaulfornlers and capacitors shall conform to the folloxingp L Containing a Liquid that Will Bum- Tran - formers and capacitors con Laming a liquid that will burn shall be installed only to approved «aulls, which shall conform to sections 4541 to 4548 inclusive, and in aJJIM., (1) tiler. shall be no time or other eom- Inuniating opening between the vault and the hxz- ardcus area, (2) ample ventilation shall be provided for the continuous removal of hazardous gases or vapor, (3) vent openings or ducts shall lead to a aafe o lalfun outside of buildings, and (4) vent ducts and openings shall be of sufficient area to relieve explo. sion pressures within the vault, and all portion of vent dusts tvitllin the buildings shall be of reinforced Concrete construction. 2. Not Containing a Liquid that Will•Bum. Trans. formers and capacitors which do not contain a liquid that will burn shall (1) be installed in vaults conform. ing to file requirements of sub -paragraph a-1 of this section, or (2) be of explosion -proof type approved for Class I locations. b. Claes 1, Division 2. In Gass I• Div6km 2 loca- tions, transformers and capacitors Shall conform to sections 4521 to 4524 faclusiva 5013. Meters, Instruments and Relays• The instal. lotion of mete,,, instruments and relays shall con. form to the following: HAZARDOUS LOCATIONg nr a. Chau I, Divitf m L In Class 1, Diviaian 1 loca- tions, me ten, i0rdrumentl nd relays, including kilo• watt•bour meters, instrumeant trana(ormcn and re- siswra, rcctifiaa and tlm..... a tubes, shall be pro - Tided wdh a Plo'ion-proof a I...... approved for Class I location'. II is r=—d,wthat .... Mui_t be bated oat” of na 6aaarJ.ua aro here r.snbre. b. Clara I, Diviaian 2. In a... I. Division 2 lcea- tiona, meet, instrument., Sod relays shall conform to cite following: 1. With Make or Break Contacts. Meters, inatru• menta, and relay. in which are incorporated Contacts for making or breaking current ahall conform to para graph a of thia section unless general purpose m: closurea are Provided and such coniacta are (1) im. mewed in oil, or (2) enclosed within a chamber ber- metiauy waled against the entautt of ganef or ,.per.. 2 Redaton and 8lydlar "'I'd enL Rofeton, reaf.unce devices, thermionic tubes, anJ le',. h' are used I. or in connection with meter, in- struments and relays, shall conform to paragraph a of This section, except That enclomrea or rn'ph which operate normally at aPProximalely room taop- erature may be of general purpose type. 1 Without Make or Break Contacts, Transformer windings. hopedance coils, roieooida, and other wind - Ings which do not incorporate sl,' i, or make or break contacts shall be Drorfded with enclosures which may be of general purpose type if aeon ade- quate to Permit prompt eaape of Sly gores or vapor are provided. $014. Wiring Meehtida Wiring methods than con- form to the following; i Class I, Division 1. In Cha., I• Division I foes. tions, rigid metal conduit with threaded exnlliaion- proof joint, and exploswit-proof boxes and firings, shall be she coifing medwd employed. Aif threaded joints ahali be made up xith at Ira, five full threads engaged \V here neee... y to employ flexible tom nmti..u, a at motor terminals, Neuble Ruin's of ea Plo.inn•pro type apPr4 id Ior she locat;.. ahu Lr ...J. 37/ J? 192 .altTll LR Seo b. Class I, Division 2. In Class 1, liciS*on 2 loca- tions, rigid uu•u, conduit or ekes*cal nhelahit tubing Shall Le the wiring mrthad enlpfoyeJ. WLcre neecs• Bary' da cmh���y IlvxiLlc connecuans, as at nwlor ter. utivals IIcx:L:e srctal conduit shall be used. 5015. Sealing. Seal, are provided to prevent the passage of Rous, vapors or flanks from one Portion of the el-li-I in-lallation to :mother through the conduit and slydl « i(ornl to the iollowing: a. Class I. Division 1. in Class 1. Division 1 low• lions, scab al.3 be located as follows: 1. In e,rh conduit run enuring an enclosure !or ,witclhr5, circuit-Lnvkcrs, ruses, rdaYs, rcsislars or other appanttis u -NO, may producearcs, sparks or high tahn,eralwres. Seals shall Le placed as docs as p...;*.:dde and in no case more Ill.. 18 inches from still, cndosure5. 2. In rich conduit run of 2fall, size or lager entering an enrlo•nre (including terminal and junc- tion boxes), and within 18 inches of such enclosure. 3. In each conduit run having the Class I, Div* - siva 1 hazardous arta. Ther,• shall be na Lox, coup- li.g or titling in the conduit between the seal and ,lac pufn, at which the conduit leaves the hazardous area. b.Class I, Division 2. In Class f, Division 2 loca- tions, seals slsall be located as follows: 1. 1n each conduit on entering eco enclosure which is required to be explos*on•proof. Seals shall be placed as close as practicable and in no case more than 18 inches front such enclosure. All portions of such can- duil run between the seal and the explosion -proof enclamre shall conform to paragraph a, section 501.1. 2. In each conduit run leaving the hazardous area. There shall be no box, coupling or fitting in the can. dui,between the seal and the point at which the con- duitleaves tial hazardous arca. c. Class 1, Divisions 1 and 2. Where Seals are required, they shall conform to the following: 1. Fittings. Enclosures for connections or for equipment shall he provided with approved means for scaling, or sealing fittings apphoved for Class I loca- tiom shall Le used. IL%ZARI)0US LOCATIONS 193 2. Compound. Sealing compound shall be approved far ale purpose, 511"11 not be affected by the 5urrounJ- ing atmtasphvre or liquids, and 511"11 not have a melt• ing point of Icss than WC. (20UFJ. 3. Thick ..a of Compound. In Ilse completed seal, the minimum thirknrss .( the Sealink <mnpound shall be not Icss tl1"n the Inde sae of the conduit. and in no case less than JJ inch. '.SV .. and Taps. al Splices and taps shall not be made in fill . inlcndonly far sealing with earn.pound, nor shall other f.ti..R, in which splice or UPS are made be filled will, compound. S. Dmirnge, Where there is a possibility that water or other mndens<d vapor may be irappeJ at any ppont *n tLe nc<,- system, 'Pprm•<d means shall Le Provided m fervent aceumuhtian, or to Permit periodic draining of such water at condensed vapor. 5016. Switches, Circuit -Breaker, Motor central.len and Fuses. Switdms, tirtuil•b«akers. molar call - trailers and faxs shall c..(orm to the following: is Chu I, Didsion h In Class f, Division 1 Iota• t*ons, swrtdu•s. anon -breakers, motor conlrollcn and fuses, imludmg Push I,u„nns, «lave and similar d<- vices, shall be Provided with explosion d si enclos- ures, and the enclosure In each ease laxether with the enc:os<d apParaws shall be approved as a complete is sembly for use in Class I locations. b. ClassDfvlaton 2. Switches, circuit-breakerss,, motor t•.nvo0e+s =d lusts in Cuss c Division 2 location" aha11 cunfrrm la the following: y Type Required Cirmit-breaker, motor ton• the no mat txncha *,tended to hntrrrupl current in the normal peied 11, ce of the funchm for which they are inset*cd nh.dl fie P+.vidcd with <rp:os.an• tt n:ol <nrlrsures ap0.,rcv<d ler flaaa 1 laealiuna, on• k1" xenrral puryaae errmc«s are lrcv:ded sod (17 rhe in:<rrnpnnn a( torrent rxeurs w'itlhin a ehamU<r herr..eun0yr'<a hd aga',rot the entrance of gases and 9afGra. ct ) 1 e d -r. intrrru-J:nR "'Mac'. are e*1-meters. and hhe nerve is spp_4 for locations of eh:a class sad dnriaicn. Ts3e .i:f irt!ade ae be atl 41244 err.lt v user end 14• :::...; s.,•l.Y:.'a:J r•, a�< <:Is.';a w.�li,.: J:'i::: �.:': �.a ant n<r rt h<rairr( lm W . t N La`.f,ca •' 1 s 1. ami swc,rm. U.1lamwrd crrw.pubn sad aaavd'+n •u/ 40 191 ARTICLE SPO ordinary F,<nernl ua< 1Y9e n,a o n 1 tontine euml�l(a^r n,e arc rroJuc<J ,n the in1<rrurei„n f heart m'er4,u,1 y a.. anr,vv+l for keatiana vl thu da•. anJ Jivinwt iss lb -f -see• eaara. 2. Isolating Switches. Enclosures for disconnect. ing and isolating ewit6c; without fuses and which are not intended to interrupt current may be of gen• enl purpose type. 3. Fuses, For the protection of motors, appliances and portable lamps, (I) snndard plug or nrtridRe fuses may be used prmulyd they are Place.l within explosion roof enclosures approved for the purpose and for the location, or (2) fuses of a type in which the operating clement is inuncrs it in oil mr other approved liquid, or is encl,ucd vetd:in a chamber her- metically sealed against the entrance of gases and vapors may be used provided IheY are approved for the purpose and are placed wftnn general purpose enclosures. 4. Fuses or Circuit -Breakers for Overeurrent Pro. teetion. When not more than 10 setsof approved en- aloscd fuses, or not more than 10 circuit -breakers which are not intended to be used as switches for the interruption of current. are installed far branch or feeder circuit Pmtenfan fn any one local*ml of this class and division, the enclosures far such fuses or circuit -breakersmay be of general purpose type, Pro- vidcd the fuses ar eircuio-brcakere are !ar the pro- tection of circuits or feeders supplying incandescent lamps in fixed positions only. A 4t of foam shall be conrvu<d a mean a Sir.- ... .. n un c<nuinine o . cirsui�re Fury <��amyle. ei<em o of ] �I m:(moleu. ins a --i a tilt, nnJ i axle lu.e Prwetl- c the i r." -JN -1-r idrnhi,inl (wo wa< rinx:e• slow(esti,.. xoul,l u h Im _.."M .,_ as a wN .. fuse+. 1'444 on(m,iux b 1•amerayh 4S i+. a«n... red nm ssmd A in< .w in rwnunx the 1V ecu of foa P<rm<in x<neril purPoae endmure(. 5017. Control Transformer and Resistors. Trans• formers, impedance coils and resistors used as or in conjunction wide control equipment far motors, gcn• entgrs and appliances shall conform to the following: R. Class 1, Division 1, in Class I, DiA,ki. 1 I... clang transformers, impedance coils and resistor, to- gether with say sw•itcLing mechanism aasacialed with tlhenb shall be provided with explosion -proof enclos- ures approved for Class I feell'i_ HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS I's Is. Cl... I, Malaga. 2, In Class I, DM,*on 2 toes• tions control transformers and resistors shall conform to the follmcing: 1. Switching Meehanianu. Switching mechanisms used in conjunction wish translorner, impedance coil, and resistors shall conform to section 5016, para. graph b. 2. Enclosures. Enclosures for the windings of transformers or impedance ca*l5 may he of general purlins, type. huh shall be Provided with vents ads• quote to permit Prompt escape of Rase, or vapors that may ..... the enclosure. 3. Rea*ston. R,,ktnrs shall he provided with ex- Clasion•Pron( end i -c., approved as complete ass<m- lies with the resistors for Class I locations, 301& Molon and Generato s,Motor and genera. Sort 311211 camfonn to the iollowing: a. Cl... 1, Division 1.In Class 1. Divialon 1 Iota- r*on,,,molar, genome and a11Hr �otallnR d<Clrical machinery s:,all he of enclosed explosion proof type approved I. Cls. I locations. b. Class 1, Division 2. In Class 1, Division 2 lot.• t*ons, molar, g+-neraton and other rutalm, electrical machinery m v'h*ch are employ<J sliJinR contacts, eenlrffugal ar nlh,r type, of asvnehim, mechanism (*nd.,c,i mot« m t<r while'ercurrmt Jcvices), or inlrgrl re- sislane< Jes res, e*tstarting cr while running. shall be of <c1cned rxplosinmp-M type approved for Chas, I leic"Ols' un "I such sliding contacts, "itch- ing mechanism ce resistance devices are provided with explo31an•prmf rndosure approved for Class 1 lova• ,*ons, 5019. Lighting Fbetmes. Lamps shall be installed in fixtures which shall conform to the followi.g: s. Class 1, Dieidma 1. in Class f. Division 1 lop- tiom, lighting fixtures shall mn(orm to the following: 1. APPloved Figures. Each fixture ,ball be ap• proved as a complete "..mbly for locations of this els,,, and 111111 be clearly marked to indicate the maximum wa0age of *amps far which it is app,o,rd. 2, Mechanical Injury, Each fixture shill he pit'. torted ... :oSt m Illalwal in{my by a suitable guard or by location. 372 373 f a 116 ARTICLE SCD 199 ARTICLF. SM 3, Pendent Fixtures. Pendent fixtures shall be suspended by and supplied Ihnmgh tlweadeit rigid conduit stems. For stems longer than 12 inches, flex;- bihCy in the form of a fitting or tlrxible connector approved for the puha and fur the local;". shall be pno•Ided nut mora than IL inches front the point of a«acluncnt to 1n, supporting Lox or lilting. 4. Supports Boxes, box assemblies or fittings used f.r the airppon of LRlning fistnrrs shall Le approved for Uw purpose and for Class I locations. b. Class I, Division 2. In Class 1, Division 2 lora- tions lighting hxmrvs AlAl conform to the follon•ing: 1. Portable Lamps, Portable laws shall be of the explosion-prooi type appruvcd for use in Class 1loca- lions. 2. FixedLighting. fighting fixtures for fixed light- i­shaf br prmcctnl from mechanical injury by sm::ddr guards or by location. 3. Pendent Fixtures. Pendent fixtures shall be su.;:cr.d,,l by threaded rigid conduit stems or by other apprucul minus.. For rigid stems longer than 12 in:hes, flexibility in the f.nn of a fning or flexible connector approved for the Purpose shall be provided not more than 12 inches from the point of attachment to the supporting box or fitting. 4. Supports. Boxes, box assemblies, or fittings used for the mpporl of lighting fixtures shall be ap- provcd for the purpose. 5. Switches. Switches which are part of an as• 5emhled fixture or of an individual lampholder shall conform to the requirements of sub -paragraph b-1, section 5016. 6. Starting Equipment. Starling and control equip. cent for mercury-vapor and fluorescent lamps shall conform to the requirements of paragraph b, section 5017. 5020. Appliances, Fisted and Portable. Appliances, fixed and portable, shall conform to the following: "CI... Ir Division 1. In Class T. Division 1 loca- tions, appliances, including reeirically-bested and tumor -driven appliances, shall be approved for Class I locations. IIAZARDOUS LOCATIONS 197 b. Class f, Division 2. In Class f, Division 2 loca- tion;, appliances, fixed and portable, shall conform to the following: L Heaters. Electrically -heated appliances shall be approved fur Class I locations. 2. Moron. Motors of motor.driven appliances, if of a type incorpontinR sliding cunuds, centrifugal or other switching mechanisms (including owlet - current devices), or resistance devilf I. s, shall be ' ex- pWwE ripe approved for Class I locations. 3. Switches, Clrcu -1,111ken, and Fuses. Switch". circuit -breakers and fuses shall inform to Daragraph b of section 5016. 5021. Flexible Cordo, Clava I, Divisions 1 and 2. Fhxdele weds shall (I) be of a q!pe approved Ear hard usage. (1) contain, in addition Io the eonduswrs of the nw -,,ductor conforming to section 9400J, (3) be mm�ecled las terminals or to supply conduanrs in an approved m:mncr, (4) be sup - paned by canqu orb oUwr suiabiI means in such a manner thal•Ihere +1i11 be no tension on the ter- minal irn<ctions. and (5) suiuble seals shall be provided w4:erc rhe Ocsple cord enwn Loxo, fittings or cndwsurcI of rxpluaiao-proof type. 1 KTwue IGn. di{R, err �ycvd (, Rqu:da havins„nan 50012, Receptacles and Attachment Plug, Class f. Division I and 2. Re<cplaclri and auaQnnen1 plugs s1:A1 he "I p_',"d "I previ:Lng ler connection to tL' gmurdmg cnndmror cf ICt flr 51, cord, shall be af•Prcvrd far Cls' L locations. 5023. Ccndactor Iwsulatlon Class !,Lid 1 V 2. \\'erre .und<n v:J vap.;ra or I:yuiJs having a de!rtrr ma chert on rnh.sar may Wl,,t nn or come in amtaA •.J:+h the in.:Ilation en rer.,lu•-w... such m- auWi.. lb -!l h. of a tyle ai+;roved (,:r ma under such eo- 6`L�=: ur IL+e i,:+u'ar;cm ni:all br prurraed by a sheath of !rad "1 by Lllter a}Pt„red wtans. 5024. Signal, Alarnr. Rs+nate-<en+rol and Cammu• pfcati.n Systewr. S,z :a7, a:;•n+. rcvwuraiarol sad c. -:,.cat ai.':: +Yatr:na s1yJ «,.turn; to ti.. U.11u.v- fzQ a. CU. 1, Division 1. In ClassI• Division 1 lora• ;fans, .!I ap `a ' ­4csa:�meat of ugmllmQ, alarm, remote -control and communication systems, irrnpertive of volta);e, shall be approved for Class I hrcalfons, and all aeirinst shall codon to Paragraph a, section 5014, and paragraphs a and c, section 5015. Is. Class I, Division 2. In Class I, Divisian 2 loca- tions, signal, alarm, rrmoie-nmol and communica- tion systems shall conform to the following; 1. Contacts. Switches and circuit•breakers, and make and break contacts of Push buttons, relays. and alarm hells or horns, shall have caplosinn-pr.w en- el.sures =at or Claes I locations, unless general Purpose are provided and current fnterripl• lost Co."<I9 are (Il inuncnrd in oil• or (2) enclosed within . !amber Ihermetically sealed against the en- lnnce of R.'s or yaPOr9. 2. Red"'"" and Similar Equipment. Resistors, resistance devices, thermionic lutes and rettifi". shall conform to paragraph a of this section Iselin it.., enfor r<sfslor whiclt operate normally at approximately twin lempe.lure may be of general Purpose type. 3. Proteeton. Enclosures which may be of gen. ... I purpose type Miall be provided for Iighming pro- tective devices and for fuses. S02s. Live Parts, Class f, Divisions I and 2. There shall be no exposed live parts. 5(im. Grounding, Class I, Divisions 1 and 2. Wit- in8 and equipment shall be grounded in cenf.rmity with the following: a. Exposed Parts. The exposed non-current<ar- ryiuR metal Parts of equipment such as the frames or metal exteriors of motors, fixed or P.ortalde lamps or applianec5, IdRhting futures, cabinet_, casts, and con- Juit, shall be grounded as specified in Article 250 of this code. b. Bonding. The locknul-hushing and double- locknut types of canaclx strati not M1e depended upon for handing purposes, but bonding jumpera with pproper fittings or other approved means sha1lI be used. If flexible conduit is used as permitted in sub -para- graph b of section 5014, bonding jumper with proper fittings shall be Provided around such conduit. e. Lightning Protection. Each ungrounded service conductor of a wiring system in a Class I location, HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS 199 when supplied from an ungrounded overhead cleclrl. cal suPPly system in an arca where lightning disturb- ances are Prevalam, shall hr: protecl<,l by a lightning Pnueclire device of Proper Ivp" I.a AmaR Protee- live dreices )ball be connecied to the service con- dutinrs eat the )apply site of the service Jisinnact- ing means. and shall he hondcd la 1L< raceway sys- tem at the sc kc entrance. d. Grounded Service Conductor Bonded to Race- way. \\'icing in a Class 1 location, when supplied from a grounded ahvrnaling current supply vsivm in which a grounded inductor is a part of the ser- vice, shall have Qin xrounJc! sen ire il,kw1or hooded to JIe raceway sysmm and to !l" gnemdfn- randuclnr L.r Ilw ramway sy+lan. q'h< Lording I be nrrle to the g,IY side sr•the service lnr )lull be nide on the supply site of the service disconnecting nhcam. e. Transformer Ground Bonded to Raceway. Wir- ing in a Class I Iotalimy when sufl•lird from a grnandcd alicenalinir current suprly system in which no grmmlr.l omdu<hrrt is a Part of the s<n•ic<, shall be Provided with a metallic emit; rii.n between the supply syian groan! and the r- ­y system at the servdc< emmnee, The n+rb!lio ;ranee tion shill have a current -carrying eapaciiy not Icss than 115 that of the service <nnducmrs, and shalt in no case be smaller than N. IO if of soft copper, or No, 12 if of medium or lard -drawn nglirr. f. uhip. Grounds. Whe'e, in the application of seaion 1521, itis n wary In at...%!nn .., or more grounding svu....10 s to aruhl ebjecu'mable Passage of'.'rem over the mo.ndln, imlu,e.rs, the Rraund. ing i inccl!on rrquirc! in paragraph d and a of Ihia scall," shill not be a1 a 44,ned .loth any other, gmmnding c"nnecUon rrn.ins <onreileJ to the sop - ply system. Class II-]ntalWica SOSI. General. The genrul ret,, .f this code shall apply to the installation of rrctri: al wir:"g and app.- tat+us in locations doss;{ir.l as Class 11 and« K:men SOuSof Ih., arlid, except as mcdifial by sauum 5652 1. SQcO incluaiv<. I 700 ARTICLE 500 5052. Transformers and Capacitors. The installa. tion of transio.....s and capacitors shall conform to the following; a. Class II, Division 1. In Class If, Division I locations, transformers and capacitors shall conform to the following: 1. Containing a Ligvid that Wili Hum Trans- fonners anJ e;nVacitors emnaining a liquid that will burn .ball be mstaile<I only m approved vaults con- forming to sections 4571 to 4548 bl brlivo and in addition (1) door or other openings mnnnunicaling with the huzanlous area shall have self-closing fire doors on . sides of the wall, and the doors sl .1 b< carefully filled and ^ravided !,fill suitable seals (sur% as wmthe' svlPpingI to minimize the colon.. o0 dust into the vault (2) vent openings and dots shall somnnmicatc only w•ilh the outside air, and (3) mrt- able pressurr•rrlief openings eommunieatinc with dee outside air shall be provided. 2. Not Cdnta(nfog a Liquid that IN I Furn. Trans. formers and capacitors which do nm emdain a liquid 'fiat will burn shalt (1) be installed n vaults con- forming to ...•tions 4541 to 4548 indasive, or (2) be of approve) Jusuight eomlrudion w.th dusltight ter- minal CPCIatUrlS 3. Metal Dusts. No transform -r or capacitor shall be installed in it location where dost from the Produ, tion of magnesium, aluminum or aluminum bronze powders may be present. It. Class II, Division 2. In Class IT, Division 2 locations transformers and :apacitors shall conform to the following: 1. Containing a Liquid tlut Will Bum. Trans- formers and capacitors containing a liquid that will burn shall be installed in vaults conforming to sec- tions 4541 to 4548 inclusive 2. Containing Aslmrel. Transformers containing askarel and rated in excess of 25 "' shall (I), be provided s'i'lt Prassurc-rdfcf vents, (2) be provndcd w•fih means for absorbi.R any gases generated by are, ing inside the case, or the pressure -relief vents shall be connec'ed to a chimney or flue which will carry such gases outside the building and (3) have an air space of not less than 6 inches between the trans- former cases and any adjacent combustible material HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS 701 3. Dry Type Tranaforrnent. Dry type trans- formers shall be installed in vaults or shall (1) have their windings and rermfnai connections enclosed in light metal housings without ventilating or other openings, and (2) operate at voltages not exceeding 6UU volts. 5053. Surge ProteHion. Class II, Divisions I and 2. in geographical locations where lightning disturb- antes arc prevalent, wiring systems in Class II loca- tion' shall, if "I 'ill' from overhead supply systems, b< suitably protected against high" ."Re surges. This prof<crf0n shall include suitable lightning Protective devina, intcrcannenion of all grounds, and surgc- prolective capacitors. Sit[ All Gahm;,. pmuuive deliru AW, 'ndml< primary de a J Iw i ogre deviate n evr,hcaJ ra.n,ury hoer reed 5. Icer in 1<esrh er It .<ran•larr it rouvded. ufntrrconnrs+:wu(311 greuudi '%"I ineludv .rounds for ort• If a _.__.......... $014. tongMethod..Wirng mcthadi shall con• form to the loauw m,: s Cl... 11, Divisign 1. to Class 11, Division I larmi0na, wiringshall be in rigid metal conduit with lhr<adal boxes and fitnnga 1. Fitunes aM Boxes Finings and boxes used in Incatr:ns where duets arc .( an <I<ctriWiy-con- duchn8 nature sl:.11 he rlu NtighL 2. FTexftle Connntions Where nesessary to em- pIOY De<i'de mon«Loos, R<a{h!r metal mndun nr ypr y Ile<ivle rm.l with hush,d frrlrugsshl be wl ar I— er _N rxn4e cnnreninm are sulijrrtr,l to ee carni:Lans. rho randanara of rhe dr a:Y, cord shall be al a r)IK ayp•ovat lite rhe ccn:l iusrs. An add.unnal <omjurbr far Rrcor.AinB shall!r< Ur.,vided m ehe 0,, %I, eerd union he, means of granndme are Geavidnl. It. Clan It. Division 2, In Ciat. il, Division 2 l0caicrs. wmaq sh>II be in "A. wets{ wndun or declncal maalLc Iob;nR, 2e4 ARTICLE SOD 1. Filtings and Boxes. Fittings '"'b ... fn w•bich taps, joints or lcrinitial eonnwuona arc made shall b, provided vs•ith telescoping or close filling covers, mr other <Qedie. means to Prevem the escape of sparks or burmng material, and (2) shall have no openmRs (such as holes for attachment screws) through which, after installation, sparks or burning material might cic`Pe, or through which adjacent combust 1, material might be ignited 2. Flexible Connections. Where flexible conn.- tions are necessary the provisions of sub -paragraph a-2 of section 5054 shall apply. 5055. Sealing, Class II, Divisions 1 and 2. Where a raceway provides COmntulniration between a non- dusttight fitting or enclosure and one which is re- quired to be dusttight, suitable means shall be pro• 'tiled to prevent the entrance of dust into the dust- tight cnelosnrc through d c ntta•ay. This means may be (q a permanent and el7ec'ivc seal, (2) a horizon- tal s«tion not less than ]0 feel TORR in the raceway or (3) a vertical section of raceway not less than i feet long and extending downward from the dusltight ericlosure. 5056. Switches Cireuit-breakers, Molar Control- ler, and Fuses. Switches, circuit -breakers, motor con- trollers and fuses shall comornn to the following: s Class II, Division 1. In Class 11, Division 1 locations switches• circuit -breakers, motor controllers and fuses shall conform to the following; 1. Type Required. Switches, circuit -breakers, mo- tor <onlrollen and fuses, including Push bultdns, rt- lays and similar devices, which are intended to in. terrupt current in ehe rtmntai prrfnrmance of the function for whieb they arc mtrallcJ, or which at. installed where dusts of an elevlrically-conducting mature may be present• shall be provided with dust. tight enclosures approved for Class 11 locations. ThirL01 McWs renis. and ll a lh t evil force, rriwl,ra and elreunreaarra, moor <enriullera imd,:lmc mush I,urrnnr, I•dat avii<her, retaYr, and muter earrlwl proucrire devicrr), and amuhn I. 1, mi drone hrraaaa for rhe eomrol soil prpua lien al lishima and apphs euo,iu. 2. Isolating Switches Disconnecting and isolating switches containing no fuses and not intended to in- terrupt current, and which arc not installed where dusts may be of an electrically conducting nature, shall HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS 701 be provided with light metal enclosures which shall (1) be equipped with telescoping ar close fitting covers, or with other .fleet'. means to prerent the escape of sparks or burning mmen.l, and (2) have no openings (such as holes for attachment screws) ihrouRh which, after installation, sparks or burning material might escape, or through which exterior accunmla'ioo of dust or adjacent combustible material might be ignited. 3, Metal DUSIL In locations where dust from this Graductrun of magnesium, aluminum or .Wtuim l ronse powders may be Praeno, lose., stitches, motor eontroIf rs and circuit-Lreakcn shall love dusltight enclwur<. specifically approved for such locations. b. Clan iI, Division 1 Ln Class 11, Division 2 locations, endosarcs for fuses, switches, circuit -break. era and minor controllers including Push butlons, relay's and similar &n11, shall conform to the re- quirements of subparagraph a-2 of this section. 5057. Control Transformers and R<dstors. Trans- formers, impedance cal, and re.iswis used as or in conlunc l fent wh tom col equipment for motors, gen• colors and app! ian cs thall conform to lhx following: s. Class II, Dividan I. In Cf- 11. Division 1 locations, control traosforn:a". iuq,,ll c coils and resistors, and any uvercurrent devices or switching mechanisms associat<d with them shall have dust• tight enclosures approved for Clain 11 1-11w- No comm, ra- fo mer, impedance toil or resistor shall be installed in a luratiou where dust Irons the pro- duction of magnesium, aluminum or almninum I—— powdus may be Present unless prodded will: a dust- light enclosure ,P<ubcally am'e pprd for tush 10- ht . b. Class II, Division 2, In Class If. Division 2 locations, transformers and resistors shall canfona to the following: 1. switching Mechanisms. Switching m<duni"ms including overcurrent devices aaso ,,,, with centro lramfonnc, impedc cols and roismrs "full ba providedn wirb ano endo...... conform,., iso tub -para• graph a ' of section 5054 2. Enclosures Control tr>nslormen and impedance cols shall be Provided with 4;hr ..Whausinea with- 'sling ith•vsling opening.. 374 201 ARTICLE $00 3. Resistors. Resistors and resistance devices ex- cept heating elements of orcrcu...a dcvrccs, shall have dusttight enclosures approved for Class 11 lo- cations. SOSS. Motors and Generston, Ilotors and gen- eralors shall conform to the following: , a. Claes II, Division 1. In Class 1I, Division I locations, motors, generators and other rotating elec- trical machinery shall be [olally`cndoscJ not vers• tlaled, totally -enclosed nice vcntilaled, or tolally- endosed fan -cooled, and shall be approved for Class II locations. Motors, generators or other rotating electrical machinery shall not be installed in.lorations where dust from the production of magnesium, alumi- num or aluminum bronze powders may he present unless such machines are totally -enclosed or tolaily- encieseJ fan cooled, and specifically approved for such locations. Is. Class II, Division 2, In Class II, Division 2 locations, motors, generators and office rotating CleS- trical machinery shall be lot.11y-endosed not ventil- ated, lolall)•-endoscd pipe rentflaled, or totally -en - dosed fan -cooled, except that fn locations where, in the judgment of the code enforcing authority, only moderate accumulations of non•eonductim;non•aliras- ive dust are likel • to occur, and where the equipment is readily accessiple for routine cleaning and mahnte- nance, self-cleaning textile motors of the cage type. type, standard open type machines without slid- ing contacts, centrifugal or other types of switching mechanism (including motor overcarrent devices), or integral resistance devicca, or standard open type machines hiring such contacb, switching mechanism. or resistance devices enclosed within tight metal hous- ings without etnlilating or other openings, may be installed. hfmists. generators or other rotating cles- trical machinery of p,.I,ct d or splasisproof type shall rat be insmllcd in Class 1l locations. SOS9. Ventilating Piping. Vent pipes for motors. Reneralors or other rotating electrical machinery, or for enclosures for electrical apparatus or equipment shall be of metal not lighter than \a 24 USS gauge. and shall (1) lead directly to a source of clean air outside of buildings, (2) be screened at the outer ends to prevent the entrance of small animals or birds, (3) HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS 203 be of metal or of equally substantial non-combustible material, and (e) be protected against mechat damage and against rustnising or other corrosive influ- ences. in addition, vent pipes shall conform to the following: a. Clan II, Division 1. In Class 17, Division I locations, vent pipes, including their connections to minors or to the dusWRht enclosures for other equi(s• mcnt or apparatus, shall be dusttight llrrouRlmut them length. For mesal y;pes, scams and joints shall be (1) riveted (or balled) and soldered, (2)- wddcJ, or (3) rendered dusttight by some other equally 'free - rive mwns. Is., 11, Divlsion 2, In CT... 11, Division 2 localians, vent DiPe] and their connections shall be ciab:c qua light to ,I im.1 the entrance of apprt- oren quantities of dust iib the a escaled equipment or enclosure, and to prevent the escape of sparks. flame orla burning mnenal which might ignite dust accumuhliona or cembu9tible material in the vicinity For metal pipes, lock seams and riveted or welded ))Dinh may a used, and tight.,fitting slip joints may 6e used where some flesiblity s necessary as at Co.. mations to motors. 5960. ADplances, Fixed said Portable. Appliances. fixed and l"a— c, -hall contcrm to the following: i Claw II, Division 1. In Class 11, Division 1 meter drivrnp apleunc",fi,l, da'trically-heated and 11 lacauana. I{+acd cr hall Ee approved for Class a 'Pplanecs shall not Le intalled ni mn1 in In, aynr..• svl+vc duet !row mag- besPne�rat unless ­ha^icor-' br•nre pan+lees may +nplu,rrs err dusttight and are s""fi<ally afp,"veilw1, die b, Cliw Ii. DivieWe }, in (•lav 11, Division 2 for re 1. he f.:1 ­,w. ray 6zs 1 soil porabiq shall con- i. Hasten. F'r; tr;csn,-heard a(.;,lianua shall be aPProvtd fur Class 11 lo, atics4• 2. M0t0n. Ifrat.r. nr mote aka. viof:-rm to Garaanph b r•drivrn appi'anrn of argtan :Lie. !, g.ritshes. Cinrlt-t+.ken and Fuses, F.m1ac- mrs Lr sort -Lr., c.rcu.t .reaav s, a,:d hag Ghali conform to sa`rvaragaph s.! n( yrclnn 54:v. 200 ARTICLE. 3t9 4. Transformers, impedance Coils and Resistors. Transformers, impedance coils and ...islors shall form to to paragraph b of section 5057. will" 61re is a pvssihsm, ,hat a rortaLle a},011antt mar M sue u, b.nl, n,+oim 1 ar pu',+i. n _ Y<mon, of [his lass, such af•ptian<e sh-M < I ... [v [he rtqun<mrnu Ice Uivoioa 1 locasnaa SO61, Lighting Fixtures, Lamps shall be installed in fixtures which shall conform to the following: a. Class II Division 1. In Class If, Division 1 locations, lighting fixtures for fixed and portable light- ing shall conform to the following: 1. Approved Fixtures. Each fixture shall be ap- prored far Class 11 lulations, and shall be clearly marked to indicate it.. maxinmm wattage of the lamp for which n is approved. In location+ .1-1 Just I'.. magnesium, alnmmun, or alwninu i bronze Pow• den may he present, fixnnres for fixed or Portable lighting, and all auxiliary equipment, shall be dust• light. and shall be speciacally approved for such To - cations. 2. Mechanical Injury. Each fixture shall be Pro- tected against mechanical. injury by a suitable guard or by location. 3. Pendent Fixtures. Pendent fixtures shall be sm- periled by tiveaded rigid conduit stems or chains with approved Oui,g,, or by other approgl means. For rigid stems hanger Than ]_ inches, gexihilily in the form of a filling or a flexible connector approved for the purpose and for the lo—ion shall be Provided not more Atm 1_r inches from the point of attachment to the supporting box or fitting. 4. Cord Pendants, Where, wiring between an out- let box or fitting and a pendent fixture is not enclosed in conduit• flexible cord approved for hard usage shall be used. and suitable als shall be provided sphere the cord culers the fuseture and the outlet box or fitting. S. Supports. Box", box assemblies or fittings used for the support of lighting fixtures shall be ap- proved for the purpose and for Class 11 locations. Is. Class II, Division 2. In,Class 11, Division 2 locations, lighting fixtures shall conform to the fol- lowing; If.1Z.ARDOVS LOCATIONS 207 I. Portable Lamps. Portable lamps shall be dust- lighl, shaamllt shall be i aPPrneed car Claate v 011Iel locauons. Tl:ey be dearly markal to ndicmaximum wattage of lamps for sch,,, they are approved. 2. Fixed Lighting. E.iglninR fixtures for fixed lighting 91,x11 provide cnd.nmrs far tangs and lamP- holdcrs. Enduwres sluff Le Jesigncd to minimus the deposit of dust on lamps and to prevent the ea; tape of sparks, burning material or hat metal. 3. Mechanical Injury. LigMinR fixture. for fixed lighting shall Le Pma•ctnd tram nuerhanisl injury by wimblc guards or by localiun. 4. Pendent Fixtures. Pendent fixtures shall be ,u,Pr led by threaded rigid 'on•luit Stems or chain, with appr-ed fitongs, or by usher approved v"es. For rigid sums lung', than 12 inches, flexibility in for if,, Purposellslialing l Ire P -iii not, emme tlhanctor v ll' inches hum the point of attachment to the support• ing box or fitting. S. Cord Pendant,. %Vhcnwiring between an out• ning let box or (ii, and - Pendent fixtis not enclosed cunadL mflexible cord approved forure lord usage shall used. 6 Supporta. Aoxes. boa assemblies and fittings used for the s�r�art of lighting hxlures shall be ap- proved for Class 11 loraiien3. 7. Electric Discharge Lamps. Starting and control rquipm-t for mercury vapor and flet-ra,cm lamp, .,all conform to Me requme11 n15 of paragrapih h of sceliun 5057. 5061. Flexible Cord,, Claw I1, DM,ions 1 and 2. }:rxhblr cords .,ed in class II lucaui0ns shall (q be r, a ry'pe approved for hard usage (1—h a9 'ryi-v S). fill eon sm• in a:Wuion Io the « mduc "s of the tir- <urt, a grounding rnrduaar «informing to section 91103, (3) be connected to terminals or to supply conductors in an approved mannrt er, (4) be su;•poed by dames or by artier suitable means in such a roan• nrr that the c will be no n,nscn on tb terminal— and (5) be pra,idcd wish suila4!e seal, to prevent the entrance of dust where t!,e flexible rend enter, boxes or sitting, which ate rcqu,,,.l to be dust• tight, 375 40 4 208 ARTICLE 500 5063. Receptacles and Attachment Plugs. a. Class Ii, Division 1, In Class II, Division I locations, iceepladcs and atlacluncnt plugs shall be of pal:uiaed t>'pe p""I'lim^. for eonnccnnn to the gronnJing conductor of the flexible cord, and shall be appras'cd iur Clens II locations. b.Class II, Diviai-n 2. In Class II, Division 2 locations, receptatles and mLschment plugs shall be of polarized I 'pe providing for connection to the grounding con,�uclor of the flexible cord, and shall be so designed Ihat connection Io the supply circuit cannot be made or broken while live parts ora exposed, 5064. Sigtul, Alarnh Remote -Control, and Local Loud -Speaker Inter -Communication Systems. Signal, alarm, rcmolc•control and local loud•speakcr inter- commumcation systems shall conform to the follow - Ing: Refer to Article P00 Is, rates is, sing the iatlaUnko <f Commuvirari,m tlrcmn m ddcad is N, _I. IW. a. Class II, Division 1. In Class It. Division 1 locations signal, alarm, remote-contral and local loud- speaker intenconununication systems shall conform Iotint fol!otving: I. Wiring Method. Where accidental damage or brmkdasus of insulation might cause arcs, sparks or high tcmpuamrcs d molal conduit or dcdriwi metallic IULmg shall be the wiring ntedtod ensplay'vd, and the number of conductors fn a raceway shall he Iimfted only by the regpiremcnt that the cross•see- tkm aro' of all candu<tars shall not exceed 40 per cent of the arca of the raceway. 2. Contacts. Switches, circuit -breakers, relays, con- Wctars and fuses t'I may interrupt other than voice currents, and 'I interrupt wooers for bells, barns, howlers, sirens and other devices in which sparks or arcs may be praJnced, shall be provided with dusltight enclosure approved lar the lacahon, unless current -breaking contacts are immersed in oil, or utile<v the interruption of current occurs within a ehatuber smicd against the entranm of dust, in which case en 1—ures may be of general purpose type. 3. Resistors and Similar Equipment Resistors, transformers and choke cods v0dell may carry other than voice currents, and rectifiers, thermionic tubes, and other heat genentiug eggipmcnt or apparatus HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS 209 shall be provided with dusltight enclosures approved for Class II locatioa'. 4. Rotating Machinery, }foto., generators and other rawting electrical machinery shall conform to paragraph a of section 5058. 5, Electrical Conducting Dusts. Where dusts are of an eleclrimlly-conducting nature, all wiring and equipment shall be dusltight. 6. Metal Duets. "r"dust from magnesium, aluminum or aluminum hr -nae powders may be prey a t.all apparatus and equipment shall be dusttilt and shall Le specifically approved for such locmiana. b. Clan II, Divfater 2, is Class 11, Division 2 lomdons, signal, alarm, remote_Control and local loud- speaker inlercammunication systems shall conform to the following: 1. COntactL Enclosures shall conform to sub -pan - graph a-2 of this ,colon cr shaft be in tight meal erdosures bavmg telesc.pinX or tlxht fitting covers, and having no-prnmga {hrough which, after instal- lation, sparks or bugung n'atcrial might escape. 2. Trandortnen and Similar Equipment. The wind:ngr and terminal wnncUiom o! uamiormers amt <Lake coils s!ull be provided with tight meal coal -sures wuhoul ventdaanq opcnfne'x ]. Reeiston and SiLI Equipment Resistors. resistance devices, thcrmtnmc tubi,., and rectifs<n shall Oorlorns ua stat d:aragrayh a-3 'his section except that endoaures (car rcvstcrs which operate at approxi- matdy roam temperature may be of general purpose type. ]065. Live Pana, C1aae I] Divisions 1 and 2. Tl:ere shit br no expcse+l live 5066. Grounding. Chau If, D!Wsipane.ons 1 and 2. Wir- ing and rgary':rm shat! be X'aC"d io w.lormity wish tF.t tol:ox�nq: a. Es d Partes The en- ing r..eul�,�ns tat e;oiyn;rni acrd n-nturtent•arry• mt'ai <vr<con o1 mo...r.. 5a. vU+ as the lranvs -r d or prrtab!e lamps of asp; !:a n-rqLL<ghlfYtoenA,rng p..mda, 250 of r•r. raL!net s, Casa, amt crn- d :h aye;«:ed in Artxle this Wit caste. Is. Boodir;. Tke larknut-hyclinq a,1 donLle-oak• out typal ei o:aUa shat: oat Ue shye-des upon Ise 210 ARTICLE 500 bonding Pnrpase,s, butbonding j1lmPeea with proper listings or rather arnroved means stall be used. If ficxible eeslduit fs used as permitted in section 5057, bonding junipers with proper fittings shall be provided around such conduit, e. Lightning Proteclmo Each unRraundeJ ,service coni; of a wiring system us a Class II location, when supplied from an ungroundcJ merhrad electri- cal supply scslrm in an arm where IIFhlafng disturb- ances arc rrevalcnt..lalf be protected Ly a lightning protrctve device of proper Vill. Lfglumng protective devices altail be connected to the service conductors onthe supply side of the service disconnecting means. and shall be bonded to the raceway system at the service entrance. d. Grounded Service Conductor Bonded to upRace- way. \\'icing in a Class lI locuion, cote. splied from a grounded alternating_Currcnt supply SYstentin w9tidt a grounded eondutmr is a part of Jce service, shall lure elle RrounJ<d service eonducter bonded to the raceway system and to the grounding conductor for the raceway system. The bonding connection to ilio grounded service conductor shall be made on file supply side of the service disconnecting locant, a Transformer Ground Handed to Raceway Wir- ing in a Class II location, when supplied from a grounded alternating -cumene supply system in which no grounded and or is a part of the servieq shall be Provided %%-fill a metallic connection between Ilse supply system ground and the nccaay 5)'stem at thR service entrance. The metallic connection shall have a current -carrying capa<dy not Its, than 115 that of the service conductors, and shall in no case be smaller than NO. 10 if of soft copper, or NO, 12 if of medium or hard -drawn copper, I. Multiple Grounds. Where, in the application of section 2521, it i, necessary to abandon one or mare grounding eonnedians to avoid objeetfonable passage of Current over the Rrounding conductors, the ground - fog connection reguired in paragraph d or a of this section shall not be abandoned while any -tiler grounding connection remains connected to the Sup- ply system HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS 211 Class III—Installation 5071. General. The general rules of this code shall apply to the installation of dcctrical winoR and ap- parl i in locations classified as Class 111 mulcr sec- tton $006 of thio article except as mal:ficJ by lens.. SUi, to 5087 inclusive. 5072. Transform<n and Capatitoro, Claes I(I, Div inions I and 2, q'nnsi.rtulrrr and capacitors shall conform to pan graph b of section 50:2. 5073. Wiring Methods. Wiring method, shall con- form to tl¢ m foltowg: a. Class III, Diviafon 1. in Class III, Division I 1 -rations, rirel metal conduit shall be the tuning ntelhud employed 1. Boxes and.Fittings. Finings and boxes in wI,i,h taps, jtunts or terminal c„nnrclions are made shall (1) be provided with le est -Wo. or dole titling rov- ers, or other rlfective nwm, "prevent the escape of ,parks or horning material, and (2) .+hall have no openings (such as holes i••r anachmen, were.,) through alnch, after installation, sparks or burning material might escape, or tLmugh which adjacent combustible material alight be ignited. 2, Flexible Connections. Where flexible tonnes- tions ,are necewary the 1'•rovbions of sub•psugraph a.2 of section 5054 shall apply. b. ClaIII, Division 2. In Class ill, Division 2 locations,n the wiring metho,l shall Conform to para- graph sof this see exrrpl that in C­O­ cam- putments ar areas usnl xo:ery for s!orahv and con - no machinery, open wrong on msu.aton mayy he employ<J if installed to conform ro .Artirle 3.U, but only an condition that protection as required by section 321.' be provided where conductors are not run in roof spaces, and well on of reach of sources of mechanical injury, 5074. Switches, Circub-Breakers, Motor Contra&. Imo and Fuses, Class III, Divisions 1 and 2. Ssviiclwa, cir A -breakers, motor cOntrol!rrs au.l rate. 'ball eon. lorm Io paragraph a of 'alfa. Sii6. 1075. Control Tmnaformsn and Resistors, Clan 111, Diviaiona 1 and 2. Transiatc:as• tmf•nlanre <aib sad re,iamrs .-I as of to canlunctiasn with control 316 712 ARTICLE Sea equipment for motors, generators an,[ appliances, shall conform to pacagraph a of section 5057. 5076. Motors and Generators. 51atals and genera. torsshall conform to tit. following: a. Class III, Division I. In Class III, Division I locad+ar•, minors, generators, and other rotating .lea trical machinery shall b< totally -enclosed not ven ated, tolaliy.enclosal ptPc ventilated, or totally-en- cleiscJ ian•caded. except that in loalions wlwrc, in the judement , de arJe enforcing amhonl)•, only modemtc• acan,:ulatmns of lint and flyings will be likely to ,lb, .u; m, tar in the vicinity of a rotating eleciri; a nm! se, and where snch machine is readily sere aildr far cosine 1,a Ig :unl maintenance;,.=e1[ rlcanmg t.xtilr npdnre of the squired -rageStan. dard open r'pe machines wilLnut Aiding eonta[l<, cen- trifugal or eth-r types ofsscitAdng mcdnnism (in- cluding motor overload dcvire.l; or standarA open type machineshaving such coin nate, switching mech- anisms or resPannee davicrc enclosed within tight metal housimts., without vcuidming or other OPcninga, may be installa.L Is. Class Iii, Division 2. 1. Class III', Division 2 locations, movers, genemrors, and other rotatin„ ele.- trial machinery shall b^ total y -enclosed not v.:nti- lated. (wally -enclosed Pipe a•eniilatcd, or totally -en- closed fon-cooled. c. Protected Type, Class Ill', Divisions 1 and 2. Motors, generators or other ranting electrical ma- chinery of the Protected or splash -proof type shall not be installed in Class III locations. 5077. Ventilating Piping, Class II1. Divisions 1 and 2. Vent pipes for motors• generators or other rotating electrical machinery, or for enclosures for electrical apparatus or equipment, slall be of metal not lighter than No. 24 USS gauge, and shall (I) lead directly to a source of clean air outside of buildings, (2) be screened at the outer ends to prevent the en- trance of small animals or bird. (3) be of metal or of equally sohsnnial non•combmtildc material. (4) be protected agamst mechanical damage and against rusting or other corrosive influences. and (5) vent pipes and their connections shall he sufficiently tight to prevent the entrance of appreciable quantities of liAZARDOL•S LOCATIO\S 211 fibres or flyings into the ventilated equipment or en- closure, and to prevent the escape of sparks, flame or burning material which might ignite accumulations of fibers or flyfnms or combustible material in the vicinity., For metal pipes. lock scams and riveted or welded joints may be used, and light fitting slip joints may be used where some flexibility is necessary as at connections to motors. 5078. Appliances, Fund and Portable, Class 11I, Divisions 1 and 2. Appliances shall conform to the following: a. Heaters. Elearic2HY•heated appliances shall be Provided with dusttight enclosures, and shall be ap- proved for Class III locations. Is, Motors. 'forces of motor -driven a pliances shall conform to paragraph b o[ secants 5076. Apph- anus which may be readily moved from ore locauon to ire shoulJ conform to regmrementit [or the more hazardous location. e. Svdttb". Circuit -breakers, Motor Centralism and Fuse.. Switches, circuit-brtakers, motor control- lers and (uses shall conform to paragraph a of section 5056 5079. Lighting Fixtures, C6n III, Diviaiona 1 and 2. lamps shall be installed m fixtures which shall conform to the fallowing: a. C"Toirvctlon. Foch fixture shall be of dnsttight Type eo de ogned than m the trt of burnout al lamp ar la ml+holder, no 'Park ar Mt" mesal can escape Irons the (rxture, and sorb buure rhall be clearly marked to igd--e the max!nmm wattage of lamp for which it it Jn+Hnrd. b. Mechanlut Injury. A fixture whish may be coo, pass; to mrrhamcs .-Jury aha'1 L< p,ctwcd by a au UM,guard. C. pendent Fiatmes. Pendent 11-Iarer shall be sua- p<r.d: d [.Y at<uu d t!:rtadaf said r .,bot or tyreaded mesal m'+:r.R of egonal<nt 1h!a ss. Fur stems longer ,ban 12 inrhe� dex.'.tdttY in he f man et a finM4 or is fl<,:!lr. u•ncec t-: .:Iroved far she Pmprne shall Ge qru+ided nos .-vire •Wit 11 irrhrt (rum the f+oms of iteathmert b. d:e au;gn:riir.g lens pr fis ring. d, gtrPParts. A.xes, tr:..r assemLlin os fuinga used [cr t`e sv'vert of 1:;(!•.t;ag f:vtarra shall be of s type ap;rcacd fu the pa arse, 214 .ARTICLE 100 e. Portable Lampa: Portable -lamps shall be dust - tight, and shall be protected with substantial qua',.. Lampholders shall be of unswitelied type with no ex- posed metal parts, and eacthh portable lamp shall be clearly marked to indicate e maximum wattage of lamp for which it is designed. 5080. Flexible Cords, Class III, Divisions I and 2. Flexible cord; shall conform to section 5062. 5081, Receptacles and Attachment Plugs, Class III, Divisions 1 and 2, Receptacles and attachment Plugs shall conform to paragraph b of section 5063. 5082, Signal, Alarm, Remote-Contmi and Local Loud -Speaker Inter Communication late.., Class III, Diviaiona I and 2. Signal, alarm. remote -control and local land -speaker nt ier-communication systems shall conform to paragraph a of section 5064. 5083. Electric Cones, Clan III, Divisan. 1 and 2. L•lectric cranes may be iastailcd under the following tondilions: Elctaric cranes operating over combustible fibers shall not be operated on a systcm with a ground conductor, Feeders for eleetr`. rates shall furnished svilh a re<ardil,R ground ;6ro.cmr, and protected by a relay whid, swill autontaucally open the feeder eirruit-breaker in the event of tits insula- tion of the systcm falling below 1000 ohms, flare conductors for cranes necrosing in rooms used for the storage of combustible fibres shall be protected by barriers so arranged as to Prevent any escape of sparks or hot particles, and the moving current col- lectors sl!aIl 'so designed as to minimize sparking at sliding contacts. It is reecmmrnded last :Erre be di+more of tracer rvmlu, current to the rr < IR snl'4h.' I Ih,aUMh I'LL flrx,Ur fOodeG• ton ""rind wish aaVr<rrJ type of rat or takauP device. 5084. Electric Trucka. Electric trucks shall con- form to the following: a. Class III, Division L Electric trucks shall not be used in Class III, Division 1 locations. b, Class III, Division 2, 1. Class flh Division 2 locations, electric trucks shall have wheels equipped with rubber tires or made of non -conducting material. Electric trucks shall have their lwterir. charged only [n rooms meeting the requirements of or 5085. 5085. Storage -Battery Charging Equipment, Class III, Divisions 1 and 2. Storage -battery charging GARAGES 215 equipment shall be located in seParate rooms built or lined with substantial non-combustible materials so constructed as to adequately exclude flyings or lint, and shall be well ventilated. 5086. Live Parts. Class III, Divisions 1 and 2. There shall be net exposed live Parts except as pro- vided in --- 508J. 5087. Grcundfng, Class III, Divfdoto 1 and 2. wiring and equipment shall be grounded in conform- ity with section 5066. ARTICLE 5J."ARAGES AND SIMILAR OCCUPANCIES General 5101.Scope. The provision. of this article shall apply to madame lungara, _gauges, commercial F - ages, gasoline srrvice .,.nuns, and otter locahona %here gasoline or other highly volatile motor In is .torcd in vehicles, dispensed, or where service and repair operations arc tart led on with this type of equipment. where service or repair operation, in• volving more barardo , condtlions are carried on, he provisions of other applicable articles of this code shall apply. The Provisions of this article shall not apply to any portion of . building w'hi<h is suitably cut off from the garage and not used for the above purpose. 5102. General. This article Provides additional re- quired precautions in installation of electric equipment where -,de or flammable ligmds are handled or used as fuel or power in self-propelled vehicle,. 5101. Type. c[ Equipment Equipment which tends to ProJu<e am or sparks, such as cutouts, .witches, receptacles. IamPholdt•rs, charging panel,, generator, motors, or ether equipment J_mg make or break or shJing wnmcts, v,hen 1 -led w:thm 4 feet of the floor. shall be of a type a 'rm•ed for use In Cl.1. Division 2 locaians as d<fincA N Art* It 500 of this code. Equipment which may prcduce tentperaturea which may cause ignnien of such fuel or in, when located within 4 feet of the floor, shall be of a type 'X7,.d for use ,n Class 1, e. Where (•,anions as denn<d in Arlid< 50(1 C1 this code. 1VM1rt< su,h <yaimnrnl is l,,c l d xLove the 4•la�I ler'rt, it shall be aI tLe 1wa11Y.-Iteaed type or shall have all 216 ARTICLE SIO oPcnings guarded or screened so as to prevent the falling tai hm metal panicles in case an art occurs. a. Show Rooms and Switchboard Rooma. Equip. mens Imatml in a alae, rVon1 separated by a Partition from lilt Range preper, or in a room or Criticismprovided for flu purpose, need not conform to the requircmulis of this section. 5104. Polarization of Pendants and Portables. It the %lying system is identified as provided in Article 200, flexible C -4s shall be idCnlificd and the idcnli• fed comi.o r shall be connected to the sell" shell of all fmnpholders on portables or pendants. Recep. tach=. anadmunl plugs. twremis, and similar dc- vice • Mall be of the polarized type. S105. Conneetoo. Cords used for the connection of p.,rable appliances shall carry the male end of a Pol; ri t, -type Inn -plug connector, or equivalent• the feast,, ,ml long of such design or so hung that the celml, for will break apart readily at any Position of rhe cable. The connector shall be kept at least 4 feet above the floor. 5 106. Cord for Pendants. For pendants, reinforced cord suinble for the type of service such As types S, Sj. AFS, and AFS], shall be used. 5107. Cord for Portables. For the connection of portable lamps, motors, or other appliances, flexible cord shall be of lite type S. SO, or ST, as specified in Tabic 31 of Chapter 10. 5108. Lampbolder. and Guards for Portables. Portable lamps shall be equipped with handle, lamp - holder, an insulated hook and insulated substantial lamp uuard attached to (lie Ianlpholder or handle. Lampholdcrs shall be of the uns,titched type and shall not provide means for phis in of attachment Cord caps. Limphoiders shall be of the molded Co.. or otlttr type approved for the purposes hlcui-shell, lined Lampholders, either of the switched or unswitdtcd type• shall not be used. 5109. Portable Lampholders Used in Pini. Wl"'. pnriabk (amps xrr useJ in pits or other places in witirh gasolint fumes arc liable to settle• they shall be ai a ).PC approved for use in Class L. Division 2, lec.u.ns as dcfined in Article 500 of this code. 5110.Lampholders. Where practicable, I"Phold• els shall have non -conducting outer casings. GARAGES 217 5111. Live Part.. Live parts of equipment shall be guarded to present accidental contact. 5112. Grounding. All metallic rottttotter enclos- ures and the exposed metal parts of ftxrd equipment. except pendent or Portable lamps operating on Nrounded systems of not store tlun 150 volts to frround, shall be grounded in Ile manner prescribed m Article 250. Residential Storage Garage, 5 121. Residential Stooge Garages -Six Car. or Loa. All wiring located 4 feat or more .1..,c the floor may, br of any type covered by the provisions of Arlide 3W of this code. Cemmereial Garages and Airplane Hanga, 5131. Commercial Garage, and Airplane L[angars. Only metallic raceway or armored cable systems nay be used. C, ...r metal 111- nccways nay be used only it suprlyhmr rifling outlets or calcnsimt. to til• are. belo,s the fl- but not above. No electric ren• cutter shall br untaped in any cell or header wh,eit contains a P:pe cur strant. water, aiq gas, d,lel. 1- or other servile than elrrrical. All wiring whish a uses m connection with C7uipertnl In'. cd bylaw die 4 foal Iran shall 1:<rinalal:c;l to rnnfarm to A.titie SW. CUs, 1, Division of this cn•1c. 513L Battery-Cha19ing Equipment. T'ar.cry charge en and contr,l rqugmtrnJ shall LC L•rcd al (cast 4 feet above the I.a '. Tables, rack', it, and ,vmnN mc(hnds .Qali to adI ninn Conform to ,he provisions of ArG;le 4E0. 5133, Et Mk Vehicle Charging. Fgalpmem for electric vehidr ch2rcmg shah r.-.nl, rte to the follnw•- fag: g, Type of Cord. Type g 50 nr 5T cord shall be used for charging b. Carirect., Rating, Ccrom-, s,,n be at least so an.. 211.1 rspa,:ly e Connectors. ' sn drsi9n<d and an rmragrd C -u ,Lep _1 p„yak .,net rorotily at any p--- r.f lira cL it rn4 7e. 1 �•:r (•arts shall be a- 'dad G'>ra ace Jen'+1 :nor art. WF.rm plugs for direct roars. t.%-` vel: :'s arc .y.�.e.^ar1 Irum rr•r• bud. the cord ossa fe arr:na.d so that Ila lowest point of sag I. st least 6 is<!:.a lrrm rt:e Durr. Where 219 ARTICLE SIO the vehicle is equipped with an approved plug which will readily pull apart and is arranged to am.1-tic.fy pull both Cord and Plug nut of tilt tray co as not to e subject to mechanical injury, no additional connect• for need be placed in the cable or at the outlet. Gasoline Dispensing and Service Stations 5141. Gasoline Dispenaing and btotor-Vehicle Ser- vice Station. Equipment fur gasniine dispensing and motor -vehicle service stations shall conform to sec- tions 51.11, 5142 and $143. t- Lubritorium Service and Repair Rooms. All wiring below 4 feet of the main level slall comply will, the Provisions of Class I, Division 2, of Article SOO of this coda All other wiring shall conform to the provisions of section 5131. b. Other Locations. Office, sal -tom, compres- sor rooms, and other similar areas which are suiubly, cut off from the lubrf(orium, service and repair rooms, shalt be wired to comply with the Provisuns of Article 300. S14Z Dispensing Island. The wiring in a dispense Ing island shall conlovm to the following: a Rigid conduit shall be used as the wiring method. b. All wiring and equipment within 5 feet of the ggrarade shall conform to the provisions of Class 1, Dfvfsfon 2, of Article 500 of this code, c. All conduits shall be scaled as they- enter dis- pensing pumps or other equipment on the island, it. Conductors in conduits entering or Icavfng dis- pensing pumps, tvhen covered with a rubber com. ppound or other compound upon s,hich the dispensed liymd will have a deleterious effect, must be sheathed with a suitable nulerial such a, Icad. e. All circuits supplying dispensing pumps stall be controlled by a switch having a disconnecting pole in etch conductor. 5143. Pole Standards. All wiring and equipment within 5 feet of the grade. unless located at least 20 feet front a dispensing island or pump, tank -fill pipe or lank -vent pipet shall conform to cite provisions of Article 500 of this code, All conduits shall have an approved seal within we foot of the ground level. GARACES _le Bulk -Stooge Planta 5151. BulkStorage Planta. EquiPment for bulk- a(onge plants handling gasoline or ether volmfle liquids w,dt atmilar Innnls, shill conform to seetios, 5158 to 5157 inclusive. 5152. Equipment. Until", controllers, wiring, and gwpment used as part of the bulk plant stall comply will, the pr ­ ion of Class 1, Divu;on 2, of Article 500 of (Itis code. S/53. Underground Wiring. Wiring I„cated in not less Than - fret of earn( stay hr• in ' 9Wd conduit, or an approved lead- covered elle assembly. provided Thal ng,l aoad"a fs ...ed I C thea nblrs Ic..0 the nrth earndrnq f ." a Poon of lox eq buried cable level to Ile r'1nipnwnt sn 'rived. All wiring above the able Irrnrlt level doll conform to the provisions of Class 1, Division 2, of Aside 500 of Ibis code. 5154. Pole Standards. All wiring Ieot..1 15 feel or less above flu ground Irvel shall mniorm m the provisions of Class 1, Division 2, of Article 500 of the code. SI53. Platforms. All wiring Ionted on filling plat- form shxll caniply well the pro. o,ons of Chia 1, Division 2, of Artele SW of that colt. 5156. Storage and Repak Garages for Tank Trueka All "'ring hall ar Bunn to the provisions of Class I, Division 2, of Art+1< 5W of this rade. 5157. Office Buildings. 1, oP.,re buildings, bafler rooms• and other ba 10,4 ,nits isolated by location and in "hitt' na gasnl'ne r conwncn arc -1 or stored, the wirimr shall cn•'Ply wnh the pmvfsion. of Article 300 of his ea1r. ARTICLE Seo -THEATERS, INCLUDING NOTION PICTURE HOUSES 5201. &.P• Tae requtremrnu of this article shall apply to Al ' nl,J r91, or part 01 a building. designed, iwe &', or n.•.I far Jnmatir, we mfe, .as-pic. lure .r "thee 'lona a. 3N2. Emergency Lighting. An ems ill";Y 1'ghting sY arm shall be ["'­& I while the attune opacity of the ouch„riant exc•eda IW Per 1- When eI,,- 3?8 220 ARTICLE S20 tricky is used for emergency lighting. this system shall conform to the requirements of Article i00. 5203. Motion -Picture Projectors. Motion -picture projectors shall comply with Article 540. 5204, Sound Reproduction. Sound -reproducing equipment shall comply with Article 610. Installation 5211. Wiring Method. Tie wiring method shall be metal raceways, except (1) as provided in Articles 670 and 800; (2) when the auditorium has a seating taparity of 100 persons or less, ar ui d cable as pro- vided in Article 334 may be used, or for concealed work, concealed knob -and -tube work or nnnnnclallic aheatlled cable as pprovided in Articles 324 and 336 may also be used. Portable cables may be used only where fixed wiring methods are impracticable. 5212. Number of Conductors in Raceway. The number of conductors permitted m any metal con- duit or electrical metallic tubing for border or stage pocket circuits or for remote -control conductors shall notexceed that shown in Table 9 of Chapter 10. The number of conductors for border or stage pocket cfr- Fuits or for remote -control conductors in auxiliary gotten or metal wireways shall have a.total cross sec- tional -area not exceeding 20 per cent of the cross sectional area of the gutter or wireway. 5213. Conductor Insulation, Foot, border, pro- seenfum, or portable strip light fixtures shall be w•ircd with conductors having insulation suitable for the empentures at which the condnclors will be oper- ated and net less than 125C (257F). Scc the table in section 3102. Stage Switchboard 5221. Dead Front. Stage switchboards shall be of IIJc dead -front type. 5222 Guarding, Stage switchboards having ex- posed live parts on the back of such boards shall be enclosed by the building walls, wire mesh grills, or by other approved methods. The colones to this enclosure shall be by means of a self-closing door. 5223. Control and Oveurrent Protection of Re- c<rc ptar3a Circuit, Means shall be provided at the THEATERS, ETC. 221 stage switchboard for the control and individual over - current protection of branch circuits to stage and gal- lery receptacles used for portable stage equipment. 5224. Metal Hood, Stage switchboard shall be provided with a metal hood extending the full length of the board to Protect all equipment on the board from falling objects, unless the switchboard is re- cessed in the building construction or is of lire com- pletely enclosed, dead -front and dead -rear type. 5225. Dimmers. Dimmers shall conform to lite following: & Disconnection from Supply. If dimmers are in- statted in ungrounded conductors, each dimmer shall haveovercurrent protection not greater than 125 per cent of the dimmer rating, and shall be disconnected from all ungrounded conductors when the master or individual switch or circuit -breaker supplying such dimmer fs ,n clic open position, b. Resistance or Reactor Type Dimmers. Resist- ance or series reactor type J:mmtts nay be Plated in caber le, of the circuu. li designed W open etcher the .upp Y circuit to the dimmer or the circuit con- ir,lled by it the dimmer shall then comply will, sec- ti.,n 3801. It h mcr..�.ndM tat raiavere <r inner a dim,ven b. �:nejacrxt care -uta uimtal -o- cf taenirrun L....Jrd c, Auto-Transfarmer Type Dimmers. An auto- tranalarmcr ,J Ye of A:mmcr ataIse <nerRixed by a eiloid operating a, not mere ,h:n 150 volts between aa:ductrn std the tr_tldrd ranductor shall b< tam - m.. to both the input And the cntput of the auto - transformer. Sage Egtdp,__Piud SM2. Circuit Loads. F-141111. border lights, and prnx<nium aide light "All be s, arranged that no branch bKan supplying such egv:Ymert wJl Carry s Irad exr<ed..g 15 amperes; pr6K,•d that where f.eavy-du,Y lamp:.nkders only are cs<d. such ccs c.ay trmf..rm to t1 -e Frcviss;,cs al Ani: le 210 fir <ir- pies a Peola bcavy11'heA"Y lan:phokders. 5241. Fcothghl& If the r,<;at ir,,,Rh tnnatruai,n speeif,cd in leets. sial it rot used. traakighu shall waist of fe:iy.da4 ..Ceti web i`.ders, wired 225 ARTICLE 320 with rigid or flexible metal conduit. The circuit con- ductors shall be soldered to the lampholder terminals. Di.appcaring footliglns shall be so arranged That lite current sul•I,ly Aball be automatically dhsconnocted ts•ben the f mtliglns are replaced in the recess de- signed tbercior. 5243. Cables for Border Lights, Cables for border lights %lull be '1)�pes K. S, So. or SI' licxible cord. Sec Table ,JI ,f Claptcr 10. The cables shall be suit- ably supported. Such cables shall be employed only Where flexible conductors are necessary. 5244. Receptacle& Receptacles intended for the connection of arc lamps shall love not less than JS amperes capacity and shall be supplied by conductors not smaller than No. 6. Receptacles intended for the eomteclion of incandescent lamps shall have not less than 15 amperes capacity and shall be supplied by conductors not smaller thin No. 12. Plugs for arc and incandescent receptacles shall nos be interchange- able. 5245. Lamps in Scene Dock& Lamps installed in scene docks shall be so located and guarded as to be free front mechanical injury and provide an air space of not less than 2 inches between such lamps and any combustible material. 5246. Curtain Motors, Curtain motors having brushes or sliding contacts shall comply will, section 5310. 5247. Flue -Damper Control. If stage flue dampers arc released by an electrical device, the efr<uft oper- ating the latter shall be normally closed and shall be eoutrollcd by at least two exterially-operable switches, one switch being placed at the electrician's station and the other where designated by the inspec- tion authority. The device shall be designed for the full rnlage of the circuit to which it fs connected, no resistance being inserted. It shali'be located in the loft -above the scenery and shall be enclosed in a suitable iron box having . tight, self-closing door. Stage Equipment -Portable S251. Arc Lamps. Arc -lamp fomes and standards &hall be so insalicd and guarded As 1. Pleven, their becoming grounded T1IEATERS, ETC. 22J 5252. Light. on Scenery. Bracket. on -,-y y shall be wired internally and lie fixture stent shall Int car• lied through to the back of the scenery where a bush• ing shall he placed on the end of the stem, except that externally wired brackets or other fixtures may be used when wired wfth Type 1' or other cords de- signed for hard uage which shall extend thrmtgh scenery and ilout joie or splice in canopy of fix- ture hack and terminate in an approved type stage .... _r lo: aced within In ioll s of the fixture, For - lures shall be securely fa.encd in place. 5253. Festoons, joints in festoon wiring shall be .,angered where practicable. Lamps enclosed in I... erns or $1131, at devices of combustible material shall he cqu:ppcd with appr... d guards. 5254. Special Effects. Electrical devices used for sin ul.,ing l:ghm,ng, ua:erfalls, and the like. shall he so .&eructed and Io zed that flames, sparks, or hot particles, cannot come in contact with combustible material. 5255. Connectors for Flexible Conduct... Con- otetors f, flcxdde conductors shall be so constructed ,hal tensi:m on the cord or cable will not be trans- miucd to the <onmeeions. Th female half of the confuter shall be attached to the live end of the .,it or c.blc, 5255. Conductors for Portable& Flexible conduc- tors used to supply p­Abke stage equipment shall be 'types R, $ SO or ST, exrcpt that reinforced curd ni:ty be used m supply atom lamp s if the cord is not liable W severe mmAunical iniury and is pm- tectel by a ovrrcurrett protect:., rated at not over IS amperes. DI -Wing Rooms 5261. Pendant. and Receptacle& Neither lamp Paidaaa or re:.Palet shAl be insta!k1 in dressing monis. k...... r User �'yn':e n:ar„al, rhea �l ,.: � 4r:{t��iiieJ arc r��erwca".,n .05262. Lamp Guards. All incandescent lamps in dr<xsnig monis, if Iris than It fret Froin the hoar, stall be cquip,rea with open end guard, rfacad ,o the v. -I I box curer ur ytl:erwse waled or locked to pave. 319 46 ift 224 ARTICLF. 5,'0 Grounding 5271. Grounding. All metal raceways shall be grounded. The metal frames and enclosures of equip- ment including border lights shall be grounded, except rhe frames and enclosures of portable equipment on grounded circuits operating at not over 150 volts to ground. Grounding, if employed, shall be done in the manner specified in Article 250. Construction $281. Footlights, If metal trough construction is <mPloyed for footlights, the trough containing the circuit conductors shall be made of sheet metal not lighter than No. 20 USS gauge (.0359 inch in thick- ness) treated to prevent oxidation, Lampholdcr ten .finals shall be kept at [cast y inch from file metal of the trough. The circuit conductors shall be soldered to life lampholder terminals. 5282, Horden and Proscenium Sidelights. Borders and Proscenium sidelights shall be constructed as pre- scribed in section 5281, shall be silitibly stayed and supported, and shall be so designed that the flanges of the reflectors Or other adequate guards will pro. feet trite lamps from mechanical injury and from acci. dental contact with scenery or other combustible ma- terial. 5283. Pockets• Receptacles intended for the con- nection of portable stage lighting equipment shall be mounted in suitable pockets or enclosures. and shall comply with the requirements of section 5444. S284. Arc Lamp, Arc lamps shall comply with the following: a. General. Portab)c are lamps shall be substan- tially constructed entirely of metal not less than No. 20 USS gauge (.0359 inch), except where approved insulating material is necessary- The design shall be auch as to provide proper ventilation while retaining sparks, and to prevent carbons or other live Parts of lamp from making contact with metal of hood. b. Hoods. Hoods for other than tell, lamps shall have the front opening equipped widt a self-closing hinged door frame carrying either wire gauze or glas, Hoods for lens lamps may have a stationary front, and n solid door on either back or sid, THEATERS• ETC. 2+5 of, Insulation, Mica shall be used for the insulation of the lamp fume. d, Switch. The switch on the standard shall be of auch design that accidental contatt with any live part will he impossible. Rheostats. Rheostat, shall be enclosed in a sub - ]' Properly v<ntilat<d meal wse aflurding a clearance of at least I inch Le{ween case and resial• once clement. If the rheostat is mounted rl the stand- ard, a clearance of 3 inches above the Oon, shall be maimained. Asbestos.covered type a conductors shall be used between the rheostat and the lamp. L Terminals. !1 stranded conductors are used, they shall be connected to lamp,' amp, rheostat and switch I—minals Ly menta of uppsoved lugs or e .... ctonl provided that approve pressure connectors shall be used at are lamp tcrmivala 5285. Parable Stripa portable strip, shall be inn- Rrutted in accordance with the requiremenb for bur• der lights and Proscenium ride 1!.hta in ,-,Clio. 528P. The supply cable shall be protected by bushings where it Dares Ihr-uph metal and shall L< so arranged that tension on the cable will not be transmitted to the connections. 5286. Lhall Potable Pluggi to theng (Hoxea Portable plugging oses smniurm c!losring; Enclosure. The cerjtI Itinn shall be such that no eurrcmcarrying Dart w+l! Le <:pused. b. R<centacin artd O'rercunent Protection. Each r:rf•L1de sl:a!1 line, a conte fir. ons less than an -0 tsl:al�:e pPaeity of overcurrent levans sit alrl ' protected by fire <VwPFtd wiR1 sell-ciosin �n an aPprovld en<les- e. Benham and Termmnsla ,erten l-nrrying capaply equal BI -the sum afhall vthe ..:Acre ranngc of all the Rreptade,. /_figs shall be Provided lot she cunr-rctic. of tf:< name oble. Pcrtab!< Swi,chLnaada on Stag. SKI. Sa, ply. Pcr,au!e swq,hyoard< ,hail be sup- purpr,a rd,Such eu'.,ea ee,lily provided 1-r It-;- <• shall oprnL;, erased taxed ,x' a"n,nt of externally rt<hea ter circuis-br<akerl 22, ARTICLE -520 mounted on the stage wall or at the awitcl,b..,d in locatiuns readily accessible front tie stage floor. S292. Overcurrent Protection Circuits front port- able ,sa•itdfbeards directly' supplying equipment con. taining incandescent lamps of file medium has, or smaller types shall he protected by overcurrent de• Vices having a rating or setting of not more than 15 amperes. Circuits for heavy-duty Iamphuld<ra may Le used if overcurrent protection conforms to the'pro- visions of Article 210. Other circuits shall be provided with overcurrent devices with a rating or setting not higher than the current required for the connected load. 5293. Construction. Portable switchboards for use on stages shall comply with file following: a. Enclosure. Portable switchboards shall be Placed within an enclosure of substantial construction which may be so arranged that the enclosure is open during operation. Enclosures of wood shall be com- pletely lined with sheet metal of not less than N. 24 USS gaup, (.0239 inch), and if not of corrosion• resistant type shalt be well gahaniaed, ejamelled, or otherwise properly coated to prevent corrosion. b. Live Parts. Except as provided for dimmer face Plates to Paragraph e, there shall be no -,.Posed live parts within the cndo,ure. e. Switches and Circuit -Breaker, All switches and circuit-hreakers shall be of cite externally -oper- able, enclosed type. d. Circuit Protection. ,Overcurre it devices shall be provided in each ungrounded conductor of every circuit supplied through the aw•itchboard. Enclosures 3112[1 be provided for all overcurrent devices in addi- tion to the switchboard enclosure. , Dimmer. The terminal, of dimmers shall be provided with enclosures, and dimmer face plates shall be so arranged that accidental contact cannot be readily made with the face -plate contacts. L Interior Conductorial. All conductors within the switchboard enclosure shall be stranded and, except for cable. fretting to or from the switchboard, shall be asbestos -covered type AA or other t pea approved for a maximum operating temperature of 200C (392F). THEATERS, ETC. 2.17 Each conductor shall have a <urrnbcarrying capacity at least equal to the rating of file circuit -breaker, switch or cutout which it supplies, except for conduc. tors for incandescent lamp circuits having overcur- r<n! Protection not exceeding IS amperes. Conductors ahold be endoseJ in metal voughs or securely fastened in position and shall be bushed where they pass through mesal. g. Pilot Light. A Pilot light shall be provided within the encl-sure and shall be so connected to the circuit suppi)'ing the ,card that the opening of the maser ,witch willnot cut -0 the supply to the lamp. This lamp shall be on aft in 1,,Cudent to having Overcnrrcut protection of a rating or setting of not than I more S ampere,. h Supply Connection.. The supply to a portable .wit shall bo by means of Ilexfbie cord (types K or S) terminating nnhin the switchboard enclosure or in an externally -operable fused master awiteh or eircuii-breaker. "rite supply cable shall have sufficient eurtrntaarq'ing capacity to carry the total load un the switchboard and ,hail be protected by overcurrent devices. L Cable Arrangement. Cables shall be protected by bushings where they pass through Incl -+urea and ,hall be so __Red that lesion in the cable will not be transmitted to the connections. j. Terminals. Terminals to which stage cable, are connected shall be so located as to permit convenient access to the ternamah. Ar terminals not provided with approved pressure connectors the following con. at ru<ton shall be employed: 1. For conductors of Ne, 10 or larger, solder lugs ah1ll be used. 2. For conductor, smaller than No. 10, the .[rands shall be s.,d"Cd together when c, nnected s. clamps binding screws not specifically app roved as P"'.sure tonncnor, ARTICLE 530—MOTION-PICTURE STUDIOS AND SIMILAR LOCATIONS 5301. ScoP<, The r,q.je. e , of this article ,h,ll apply to a .olio. -picture ....!io• eaA:anBr, factory or '980 7 223 ARTICLE 530 laboratory uilding. or a Portion of the building in which motiobn-picture films are manufactured, exposed, developed, printed, rewound, repaired or stored. Thio article shall not apply where only approved slow -burn - .1; (cellulose acetate or equivalent) film is used 5302, Sound Recording. Installations for sound recording shall conform to the provisions of Article 640. 5303. Wiring Methods, The wiring method shall be metal raceways except as provided in Articles 640 and 800. Portable cables or flexible cord may be used on studio staRea and at other locations where fixed wiring methods are impracticable. 5304, Side -Wall Lamps, Lampholders on fixtures if less than 8 feet from the floor shall be equipped with vaportigitt globes or shall be provided with open. end guards riveted to the outlet box cover or other. wise sealed or locked in place, 5305. Pendent Lampe. Pendent lamps shall not Lc installed in permanunt dressing rooms. 5306. Lampe at Patching Tables. At patching tables, composition or metal -sheathed porcelain key leas lampholders shall be employed and shall be equipped with guards to protect the lamps from me- chaai<aI injury. 5307. Lamps In Film Vaults. In film -storage vaults Is shall be installed on rigid fixtures and enclosed in v,p,,,ight globes. Lamps shall be controlled by a double -pole switch located oubide the vault Thia double -pole switch shall disconnect from the source of supply all conductors terminating in any outlet box to the vault, and no conductors other than those con. (railed by the double -pole switch shall terminate or Pass through any outlet box in the vault. Electric motors or portable lamps shall not be placed in the vault 5308. PtnYable Lamps. For portable lamps, com- pnsitimt ! meta 1calhed por«lain unswilehed Iamp- holders shall be used. The cord shall carry the male end of a pin -plug connector or equivalent, the female end being of such design ar so hung that the eonnec. for will readily break apart at any position of the card. The connector shall be kept at least 1 foot b1OT1ON PICTI•RR STUDIOS 759 from the floor. The Im..Phclder shall be provided with a guard, hook, and handle, The provisions of this section shall not apply to portable lamps used as Properties in a motion picture set of a studio stage or similar location. 5309. Flexible Cords. Types S. SO, or ST cord shall be used on portable lamps and equipment, <x- «Pl that Portable lamps used as stage properties in amotion-picture set on a studio stage or similar iota• tion may be used with any approve) type of cord with which they may be equipped. See Table 31 of Chap- ter 10. 5310. Motor and Generator, If motors or gen• they having hruahes or sliding contacts are used they shall nisei one of the following conditions: a. Ee of the 10"HY-enclosed, enclosed -fan -coaled, or enclosed -pipe -ventilated types. b, De enclosed in separate roams or housings built of non-combustible materials to constructed as to ex• elude flyinxs - !int, and properly ventilated from a source of clean a .. e. Have brush or slidirg•CCm .ct end of mato, en• dosed by solid metal carers, d. Have hrushes or sliding contacts cn<las<J in substantial, tight, metal housings. e Have the u'Per half of brush osliding•mntad It o nd of Ole mor <ncloaed by a wirer screen or per- m0etalId .11.1 and the lower hse ],.If enclosed by solid 1. lfav< ... .tree... or laced at she cnmmrut 'it er LPerforated metal p rwh eras, dimension of any oPemrx in ❑u .vire um.n No dimer perf... ted metal mull exert ,b5 '<•b. rtgard:ea. of the shape of the a cpenmg J cf she matcrul used. D 531 I. Motor ami Generate, pct Studio Stages. The Pr,asni0ns at..:ra,an ,.110 .I1a11 roc off ly to mom.. e! such mct re. dton atnd,o .m Res, but [hc Iwe .rte r x<ncrah�ra shall I.e cthr wise (s oeetiaa r5J171seJ in ten?nr+ndy w;M, Ort pwvtsfmu S31Z Soritehe . SwittFe. ahsll E ."able y>a e of the <aternaily- t 230 ARTICLE 5,10 5313. Live Puts, Live parts shall be enclosed to Prevent accidental contact by persons or objects. Rheostats shall be enclosed and externally operable. 5314. Grounding. All metal raceways, cable armor, and the exposed metal frames of all equipment and enclosures shall be grounded,except pendent and Portable lamps operating at not more than 150 volts to ground, ARTICLE S40-AlOTION-PICTURE PROJECTORS S401. Professional -Type Projectors, The profes- sional type of projector, such as is commonly used in theaters and motion -picture houses, shall be located in an approved enclosure. Such enclosure opsit not be considered as a Hazardous Location as defined in Article 500. The poofenianal prpjr<ror empplora • ]5 millimet.r atm whi,b b 1% e6 wide sad Wa au ewh edit. 5.e perfam:am r<r in<0. 5402. Non -Professional Type Projectors. Projec- tor of the ci-professional or miniature type, if em- ploying only approved slow -burning (cellulase ace - Ute or equivalent) film, may be operated without a booth. ' 5403. Sound Recording and Reproduction. Sound recording and reproduction equipment shall comply with Article 640. Equipment and Projector of the Professional Type 5411. Motor -Driven Projectors. Motor -driven pro. fedora shall be approved for the purpose as an assem- bly or shall comply with all of the following condi. tion!: L An approved projector .ball be used. Is. An approved projector lamp shall be used. e. Motors shall be so designed or guarded as to Prevent ignition of film by spark, or arcs. d- Projectors shall be in charge of a qualified oper- ator. 5412. Conductor Sue. Conductors supplying out; for projectors of the ion.j type shall not be smaller than No. 8 and shall be of sufficient size for the projector employed. )LOTION PICTURE PROJECTORS 5415. Conductor reumbntlon. Asbestos -covered can. ductors type AA or other types Of insulated conduc- tors having a maximum operating temperature of 200C (392FI shall be used an all lamps or other equipment when the ambient temoenmre at tLe eondu<tora as installed will exceed 50C (122F), S414. Flexible Cards. Cords approved for hard service in Table 31 of CIuPt.r 10 stall be used on portable equipatenL 5415. Lamp Guard& Incandescent lamps in pro - lection cornu or booths shall be provided with an ap- proved lamp guard unless otherwise protected by non. combustible shades or Other enclosure.. 5416. Location of Equipment. Molor•g<nerator cels, Innsfonnen. recnticrs, rLcosuts, and similar equrynlent, for the supply or conirol of current to are lamps an projc,,.r, allall, if practicable, be located in seParate rooms, If placed in 144 projector room, they sLa!I Le so located or Ruarded ha, arc. ar sparks cannot <omc in contact with film' and motor- genrntor srts shall h.rc the rumnmtator end or end, protected as Provided in se<sien 5310. 5417. Rewinding, Examination and Storage of Exln Films. It is rrc.•uunandrd tlmt the authority having jurndicii,., rcier to ti:e standards of the Na- tional IL.ard of F:re Undenvfiter% Sro PuLLcatian No. •10, \dtcmellulme !Motion Pic'of, Filnt. 3418.Equipment Pruhfbhed, No switches, over - cur -I drxcs, or .uiwr tg0i1'mcnt not m.rmally co- quircd or wed tar 1:mjc<Lrts, sound rrprodudien, flood, be otter special such lamps M other equipment shall be iu•talled in such trn0dts or r«mu, except remoto-wmr•:1 ss itchrs for the control of auditorium I," di or a soit,h (m tIT motor o; oat..g the curtain at the mOIi-Ticture screen. 5419. Con,tru<tion and Ventilation. it is re<om• mrndal ti:a[ tits awh,rtuY Im.ng jurinJicG.vt avrr the emlauuctuut and semilan•m of -rat, for prul<ea:oral ryPe Vn•je• ton rein m du atandarls ad the National IloaN Of Foe lindern dten. S« I'ubb.atmn No. 49, Nllwcdluloae SWO- I'irture Faca, a -3i ARTICLE 510 Construction 3431. Equipment and Projeetora of tho Profes- sional Type. Equipmto and Projector of the pro- fessional type shall comply with the following: a• Aroved Type. Projectors and enclosures far are orppmcandcscent lamps, rectifiers, transformers, rheostats, and similar equipment, shall be of an ap. proved type. b• Name Plate. Projector and other equipment as set forth in paragraph a of this section, stall be marked ,ith the nam, or tidemark of the linker and with the voltage and current for which they are designed. e. ProlcZorsPof 1Pa non -Prof o cO sip al Non ll3'Pt tah�atliftompy with the following: and carper c retro Ing ev cte oandl s milarcdevic. ces stall be approved 23 component parts of the pmjec- lor equipment. b. Name -Plate. Projectors shall be market with rent and voltaReafor which they areadesigntdh aoJ for rpro- jetlors of this type using the standard 33 millimeter film, with the wording "Por use with slow -burning rrlms only:" a Source of IllurNnation. The sourer of alumina.,ton shall Le a Tamp of a type approved for 3ttreop. rico" use or for motion -picture projection. d. Film to Be Marked. The slow -burning (cello• lose acetale or equivalenQ film shall have a perms. hent distinctive marker for its entire length identify tog the manufacturer and the slow -burning character of the film stock SIGNS AND OUTLINE LIMITING 233 CHAPTER 6. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT ARTICLE —IGNS AND OUTLINE LIGHTING 6001. Scope. The provisions of this article shall apply so 1111 installation of conductors and equipment for signs and outline fighting as defined in Arli<le IW. 6002 Switch Required, Each outline IightinR in- stallation, and each sign of other than the portable type. shall be controlled by an externally -operable switch which will open all ungrounded conductors. 6003. In Sight of Sign, The switch required by sexton UJd2 shall be wishin sight of lite sign or out- lint hghtinR w•htrh it comrols or nhebe located eta lure J capable of being locked to the open posh - tion. 6004. Rating. Switches, flashers, and similar de- vices canrral:+nR UsuaformRs shall p< either of a type approreA for the purpose, or Cave a current ret. tog nal less than twice the current rating of the trans. formers. 6005. Grounding• Sign, troughs, t born and other mesal lramts ,Cali he terminal Iht manner specified in Artid< 7c be grounded in They an insulated from e. 0 of dna code, unless $r and and It— other con- du.lmg surlac<s ar,J are +nacceniLIt to unauthorised Psra.lns. The dopa net aOPiy so signs a( [he arsablt ir.:arvinrrnl IahnP rYDe nor to partablr Ono csccnt- lamp rvl.e where the op<n•ciruit units' < dors n t raced 150 volts D1 grlund, holal< ; q barrymg rr.ryl Paas e( .Sime Itgltting n,ay be 1 ,oiled CY yn 11 r 5 duaan and groun4ed to accordance alit Arl,dr 1..0. 6006. Load of Hench CirtdL Circuits shall be w arrargrd that the number e( enCi tart and Vansfor connected to II:en1.:lull in no papa place mare titan IS amps,,, on a Crarrh eirntit ma 7•s Mra••r� 4 f,.,, red 11 be marked with the u crit -late➢ Signa .flit tF.r nvm!:<r of lamphold<n, and (or eler'Irie diss rhar e Teansb ,men .bill henrg k j rata or volt•amper It't the makee'a name. 234 ARTICLIf 61,1 and transformers for electric discharge signs shall be marked with the input coring to amperes or vnll- amperes, the input voltage anel the open -circuit Ligls- « nsion volaRe. The marking of the sign shall ba visible for inspection after installation. 6008. Enclosures. Enrinsnrea for signs and out- line lighting shall conform to the following: a. Conductors and Terminals. Sign bones, eabi. nets, and outlintr e oughs shall have mnduelors and terminals, except the supply leads, enclosed. b. Cutouts, Flasher, Etc. Cutouts, BasLers and similar devices, if a part of the sign, shall be in Is aeparate compartment. If not a part of the sign, they shall be cndosed in anPmved metal box,: the doors of which shall be arnngal so that they nu be opened without removing obstructions or finished parts of the enclosure e Enclosure Exposed to the Weather. F.ntlasstrca for Out' use shall Lc w,alherpronf ansl shall lave an ample number of drain holes, tach not larger than hall noX incht fie made through thellLaltoms of enclosures exposed to the weather unless the enclosures are of the taint tght type. d. Ma'I L Except for portable signs of c l in- door type, signs and o0thne lighting shall ba con- atmeted of meal or other non-combmtible matcriaL Wood may be used for external decoration if placed at least 2 inches from the nearest lamphoider or cur- ...t",ying Part. n. Strength. Enclosures shall have ample slrenglh and rigidity. L Thickness of Metal Sheet copper shad be at least 20 ounce (0.028 inch). Sheet steel may be of No. 28 USS gauge (.0149 inch) except that for outline lighting and for deetric discharg, signs slice. steel shall be of No. 24 USS gauge (.0239 inch), unless ebbed, corrugated or embossed over its entire sur- face, when it may be of No. 26 our gauge (.0179 inch). g. Protection of Metal. All metallic parts of en. closures slap be galvanized or otherwise protected from corrosion. SIGNS AND OUTLINE LIGIrrrSG Sys Tube Terminale boll. Tube Terminale. The I,rrninals shall be so designed Thar the tubing can be replaced wnhoul the ne""Ity of exPosing uninsulated live part,. If the spring comas type of recejtllc i, useJ, rt :lull be ao designed tial, euro auh the'lube removed, site live .Pring will be recessed a distasquat la :bice times the diameter of lbs recepade opening. ,com- mended that the primary circuit b, eantrolleJ by a relay that will open the circuit Mien a lace in the secondary shoals is broken or remm•,d. 1_ive pans .hall be Pros,tted Ly Barrien .hid, require other Than ordinary tools such s. plirr. and s<rnv-driven f removal unieas access W the parts rrrrytrs the dis- ur Canne,liun of lite priurary --,t. Sec stctions 42U2 and 603-1. Signa and Outline Lighting -600 Volta or Len 6071. InHalladon of Conductor. Conductors .lull be inhaled as follows: a. Wlrfng Meshed. Cnndaaors shall be installed as aPcn m duaors un nsu7ator, or in rigid metal cmtdlit, flexible mewl conduit, elecsrital metallic tub- ing, armored cable, or metal lr mghm, b. Insulation and Si.!. Conductor shall be of a 1-1pe approval ler 811 ns< and, excei•t in portable arRm and fur slwrt "ads Peanatmolly xauhed Iu Wilph-ld". or ballasts, :hail be nut smaller Ilan No. 14. a Fred to the Weather. Cnndunon fn rigid conduit, electrical metallic tubing. Oex�ble metal tun• dais, armored cable, or in metal Iroughmg exposed to the x•<asher, salt Lc of she lead-cuv,rcd ISP, or oU,a type sPctallY approved int the randiunn., eaePt where rigid conduit, elennral mrtaliia Iubmn^ ar <n. closures are mask rauuiRhl d arranged to Jnr. d. Number of Canduttonanfn Racewa Oashen Uhe numb,, of cor,Aunor y. F Wror sign frig ay be us xwrdance »•hh Table 9 o,'N,p` 10. a. Open Conduaon. Open condadur nn imu• lato�s shall cunlply with the Pani"" of Semon. 3W- w 3,211 in, I., "I. Anile 320, and. i( out d•: , Article ]!U, except that lite sepaoli•:n etwnn rmt- duavra need be o11Y 3 inches; providtd, that opt" 3x2 16 ass ARTICLE 600 conductors mayI be supported by lampholders located not more than toot apart. L Conductors Soldered to Terminate. Where the conductors are fastened to lampholdera other than Of the pin type, they shall be soldered to tine termi- nals and the exposed parts of conductors and termi- nals shall be treated to prevent corrosion. Where the conductors are fastened to pin -type lampholders which Protect the terminals from the entrance of water, and which have been found acceptable for sign use, the conductors shall be of the stranded type but need not be soldered to the terminals. 6022. Lampholders. Lampholders shalt be of the unswitched type having bodies of suitable insulating material and shall be eco constructed and installed as to prevent turning. Miniature lampholders shall not be employed for outdoor signs and outiine lighting. Signa and Outline Lighting—Exceeding 600 Volts 6031. Installation of Conductor, Conductors shall be installed as follows: s Wiring Method. Conductors shall be installed a. open worn, as concealed conductors on insulators, in rigid or flexible metal conduit, or in electrical metallic tubing. Conductors may be run from the ends of tubing to the grounded midpoint of transformers specifically designed for the purpose and provided with terminals at the midpoint. \V here such connections are made to the transformer grounded midpoint, the connections b etwcen the high-voltage terminals of the transformer and the line ends of the tubing shall be as short as possible, It. Insulation and Sire. Conductors shall be of is type approved for the purpose and for the voltage of the circuit, and shall be not smaller than No, 14. e Bends in Conductors Sharp bends in the con- ductors shall be avoided. d, Open Conductor—Indaor. Open conductors indoors shall be mounted an non-combustible, non- absorptive insulator& Insulators of porcelain shall be glazed on all exposed surfaces. A separation of at least 1% inches shall be maintained between conduc- tors and between conductors and other objects Con - SIGNS AND OUTLINE LIGHTING ISI doctors shall not be located where subject to mechan- sal injury. e. Concealed Conductors on Insulators -Indoors Concealed conductors on insulators shall be separated from each other and from all objects other than the insulators an which they are mounted by a spacing of cwt less than I% inctim for volages above Io,0o0 volts, and not less tion 1 inch for voltages of 10,000 'tar less. They shall be installed in channels lined with nen-combustible material and used for no other per- gon. except that the Primary circuit conductors may e in the same channel. The Insulators shall be of non-combustible, nun•aLsorplire material. f. Show -Windows and Similar Locations, If con-. doctors hang freely in the air, away from maombus- lible material, and if not subject to me<haniesl injury, as !n some show-w-indow displays, they need not be otherwise therise protected. g. Conductors in Rarsways, if the conductors are covered vah lead or other meta sheathing, the cov- ering shall emend beyond the end of the raceway, and the surface of the table 'loll not be injured. where the covering -...,n.. In dame or w•et ncariona. the insulating nn all conductors shall extend beyond the meal ern-rri.q or n[eway at bast 4 inches for volagef os.• It•UUrI, 3 inchra far voltages m<r 5A00 but rat e:e r<drag IQfi00 and 2f ­' for rohagea of 5.fa6rf or In+ la dry locations the iosufor shall ex- Iend LeycR.i tae -.2-1119f nd of the meal covering or ratt- ways not tra a 2;i incl:& for voltages over 10,000. 2 mxhes t:r rol'aga uvv S,Op but ret exdinR For vends Rn at It ours vola¢ea of000 cer 5,or leas. pat sia it trialred. Net Ina midP.,int Irnninals, no from s 771'et Hamformer aLaU'I"t 0l f e of tat taco- way where rpw<m:al Irrwven tht able and the raceway i, Writs ll:an S,Orx3 v,ilts. Is. Open Condactan—O.tdean, emdrr shat be mz 1m 1 cn ren or'. r' c.rd,inoo abve,pliae a( V,rretan shall be 0.11.1•+ns0 eap,y ul aurlaee<, A aefnratira of sl Ica rt 2 int ties aLaB Le maiarrn<d L<tw<rn rnn•!ur- eu'rlecrand tosictrnecehaa, ju and atl•<r cids,j& %Vb.. jun'• or where within ruck erns Yr .ad, ru..l. a w.ndaw, c. n, _ -- la;lcn mail L< Its ARTICLE 600 enclosed in raceways or johab� guarded. If Ruarded, a spacing of not It's than Ija inches shall be main- tained betwcen conductors and the enclosure unless the enclosure is nonconducting and non-combustible, 6032. Transformers. Transformers shall comply with the following: a, Voltage. The transformer secondary open-cir- eult voltage shall not exceed 15,000 voles with an allowance on test of 1000 volts additional. In end. grounded tran,formers tilt secondary, open -circuit voltage shall not exceed 7,500 volts with an allowance on test of 500 volts additional. b. for the purPose a 1 .hall rs shall l meof i <d in rat rating maximum of 45tO wdt-ampues, open corcmnd-cod type transformers shall he limited to 5,000 Qt with an allowance on test of 500 volts, and to indoor wit cations in small portable signs. Transformer for Out- line lighting installations shall have secondary current ratings not in caress of 30 milliampere, unless they and all wiring connected to them arc installed !n ac- cordance with the provisions of r\rti<le 410 for elect IIIc discharge lightfng of it,, same voltage. o Exposed to WWhen Transformers used out- doors shall be of the weatherproof typo or .hall be enclosed in the sign body or in a separate metal Lox, d. Transformer Secondary Connections. The high- voltage windings of transformers shall not be con- nected in Parallel: and shall net be connected in anseries, except that two transformers each having one end of its high-voltage winding connected to tlm metal en- closure may have their high-voltage windings con- nected in series to form the equivalent of a midpoint grounded transformer. The grounded ends shall be connected by insulated conductors not smaller than No. 14. e AceeastbAtty, Transformers shall be accessible - 6033, Tubing. Electric discharge tubing sball,con- form to the following: a, Design. The tubing shall be of such length and design as not to cause a continua.. over -voltage on the transformer. SIGNS AND OUPLiNF. LIGHTfVG 2s9 4 Support. Tubing shall be adequately swPorted on non-combustible non-absorptive supports. Tubing supports should, if Practicable, be adjustable. c. Contact with Flammable Material and Other Surfaces The tubing shall be Gee from contact with flammable material and shall be located where not normally exposed to mechanical injury- If operating in excess of 7,500 volts, the tubing shall be supported on n.n-comhustiblq non-absorptive, insulating sup- ports which maintain a spacing of not Irss than Si nth between the tubing and lite nearest suits 6034. Termiesals and Receptacles for Electdece. Ms. charge Tubing. Prnniluth and ....ptaclrs fur electric discharge tubing stall comply with the iollewing: a. Terminals The (ermined' of the tubing shall be Inaccessible to unqualified Persons and isolated from combustible m-lerisl and grounded metal or shall be enclosed. If enclosed they shall be -P -,.(,d from from Rreundvd metal and comLushLle ttnmrial by non-combnmlLle non-absorptive, insulating material Ta�ppproved for the vurs lose or by I5: -bus of ai,. rrminais shall Le 116-1d from stress by the indt- Pcndcnl supPort of the rub: ng. L Tube Connections Other Than With Raepta. Cies 11 lubes do not terminate in recegtacies designed for the purpose, all live parts of lube termiu-1, and conduct,.'. shall be so supported as lo. maintain a seq- araiion of at loaf ISi inches betwcen conductors or between conductors and any grounded meal. e Receptacles F.learode reeeDtardea for the tub. In "a be of non-combustiblt, n -,n. bs pn,o heu- la1mg material approved for the purpose. d Bwbings. Where el«(rodeo enter the eneto• sure of ..,d..r signs or of an indoor sign operating al a voltage in excess of 750) sells, buvhmgs shall be used unless recePtacles are pravidcd ur the sign is wined with bare wire mnuu(ed on approsed support which maintain the nt R In praPer P-altien. Bush- ings -hall be of non -roc nbustibk, non-aLwrptivt Ina. serial. Where bare wiring ICL used, the toa.luctnr'ball ba not los than Nu. Ii s.1id A1Ppce shalt be sup- ported so as so Prevent sagging and Idcening of the spumg rcquhed elsewhere m this ane k, an,l th, (rods unniral aeaenoLlie. shill be of an a, pruvtd ,, MM 46 66 240 ARTICLE 600 and supported not more than 6 inches from the glee. trode terminals. e, Show -Windows. In the exposed type of show. window signs, terminals shall be (t) enclosed by re- eepLacics approved for the purpose or (2) %•here hang. ing in air, free from grounded surfaces, enclosed in alcoves of vulcanized fiber, phenolic composition, or other suitable material which overlaps all live parts by at ]cast A inch, f. Receptacles and Hushing Seals. A flexible, non. conducting scat may be used to close the opening between the tubing and the receptacle or busbing against the entrance of dust or moisture. This seal shall not be in contact with grounded conductive ma. feria, and shall not be depended upon for the insuta- lion of the tubing. C- Enclosures of Metal. Metal enclosures for elec- trodes shall be of not less than No. 24 USS gauge (.0237 inch) .Leri metal. h. Enclosures of Insulating Material. Enclosures of insulating material shall be non-combustible, non- absorptive and approved for the voltage of the circuit. 6035. Switches an Doom. Doors or covers giving access to uninsulaled parts of indoor signs or outline lighting exceeding 600 volts and accessible to the general public. shall either be provided with interlock switches which on the opening of the doors or covers disconnect the primary circuit, or shall be so fastened that the use of other than ordinary toola will be neves. Bary to open them 6036. Marking. All signs shall be marked with the maker's name, and for incandescent -lamp signs with the number of lampholders, and for electric discharge sign, with input rating in amperes or volt-amperes. Transformers shall be marked with the makes name, and transformers for electric discharge signs shall be marked %fill the input rating in amperes or volt -am. Peres, the input voltage and the open -circuit high. trillion voltage. The marking of the sign shall be visible for inspection after installation. 6037. Enclosures. Enclosures for signs and outline Ii ghting shall conform to the following: SIGNS AND OUTLIVE LIGHTING 2+1 s. Conductors and Terminals. Sign boxes, cabinets, and outline troughs shall have conductors and fermi. mill, except the supply leads, soclosed. Is. Cutauta, Flashers, Etc Cutouts, flashers, and similar devices shall be enclosed in metal boxes the If... of which -lull be arranged so that they can be opened without removing obstructions or finished parts of the enclosure: a Enclosures Exposed to Weather. Enclosures for outside use shall be weatherproof and shall have an ample number of drain holes, each not larger than 95 I nch or smaller than 34 filch d. Materia]. Except for portable signs of the in. door type, signs and outline lighting shall be con, afrucl<d of metal or other non-comb®Uble material. Wood may be used forexternal decoration if pit attd rent-carcying part. e least 2 inches from the nearest lampholder or cur. ,Strength Enclosures shall have ample stm gth and rigidity. LThickness of Metal, Sheet copper shall be at least 20 ounce (0.023 inch). Sheet steel may be of No. 28 USS Range CON9 inch) except that for eutlire 11Rlning and for -!carie dischargQe signs sheet steel shall be of No. 24 USS gauge ( 02J9 inch), un- 1—ribbed, corrugated or embossed over its entire surface, when it may be of No, 25 USS gauge (.U1-9 inch), g. Prateedon of Metal. All metallic parts of enclo. nares shall Le galvanised or -therw;+e pr¢t<ded Ir¢m snrrcafcv. ARTICLE 610—CRANg9 AND HOISTS 6101. Scope. The prov;.ious of this article shall aL1y to clic fvataliatf:,^ ni .rare. rune runw+YL }.: rte, ar.A .roncr+'. In.talla+:oAa iu is ranirms Imo• ,mistl uomplY w.th I- pruvige,11 W soul% 508J. rf .arse:, L ria I ax4 Ari.ra < Arrr jWilling . 6111. Types of CordocCen4actms shall be c( u:< ru..bss-e¢vered t7p< tarepl; 212 ARTICLE 610 a. Exposed to High Temperatares. Conductors exposed to —ere external (real, and those between 1e951-1 and conmrt plates, if not exposed to nmis. lure, shall be a,br.tos insulated (Types AA or :VA), or if the temper.nure lore not rxceed 90C (194F), slow -burning ('Type Sit). If exp.md to moistme. such conductor, shall be rubber -covered or Type AVL. If rubber -covered conductors are Rr011 the group shall he taped with a liamrproof covering. b. Contact Conductors. Contact conductors along runways, crane bridges and monorails may be bare and may be of hard drawn copper, or aluminum, or steel in the form of lees, --Ries, tee rails, ar other Stiff shapes t Flexible Conductors. Flexible conductors may be used to convey current and where practicable, able reels or take-up devices may be employed. d. Vamiahed Cambric Conductors, Varnished. Cambric conductors (t) -pe V) or asbestos varnished cambric (type AVA and AVD) may be used in dry locations. 6112. Conductor Sizea. Conductors shall be of the followingails . s. Currant -Carrying Capacity. The allowable me - rent -carrying capacities of conductor. shall be as follows: CRINES AND HOISTS 245 Current -Carrying Capacities of Conductors Having Rubber or Thermoplastic Insulation which Supply Luse said Hoist Motors AafpERFS Sire Fer afvwr, its.�nq Far scars.. H..inr AwG JSAa rted 60\linute 5. and 15 Slinure rime Staenn Shdo-em< kmm� 16 10 ]1 14 10 22 12 25 28 ]0 35 39 8 45 50 657 67 5 65 72 4 77 85 3 90 99 2 107 1 130 143 0 160 176 00 "121S 000 245 27U 0000 J69 no 250 350 3g5 350 46011 0 510 400 515 570 450 565 610 500 620 65U The allowable current -carrying capacities of con. doctors having oiler than ruL.m: .r thrrmapLsuc Insulation. supplying nwtors of 5-, 15,, 3U-, or N3- minule ratings, shall be as given in Tables I and Chapter 10, increased by 10 per rent, Farthe carrying capacity of conductors between eomrollera and resat... sec sect(.. 4313, b. Minimum No, 14, Conductors shall .rot be smaller tion Na 14 e.ccpt, 1, On small cranes and h-411. No. 16 rally be used gd the I-J.IWrs are protected against mccln ailnl's, lCal in ury. 2. On operating eircufts Na 16 —)r be used pro- dded she conductor. arc protected agamat —hauled ,,.jury. ;J Is 6 Dat ARTICLE 610 e. Contact Conductor. The size of contact wires A14 be not less than the following: H�"M bani,— end Sire of ua on wire 0.30 feet Na 6 31.60 feet No. 4 over 60 feet No. 2 6113. Whing Method. Conductors shall be enclosed in eaecsvays, except: a. Bare Conductor. Pare onductors may be used as coulact Conductors. dubtar0paen eConpuet ar�i SI ectursgnccdfnotebecon. en- closed. C Flexible Connertona Where flexible contt• tions are nrec,-, 1 m. vrs and similar equip•nenp JuetOrr rubbrv. .,. d a iblereor Cao ePProvp iilc non• metallic cnclo„ c nay be employed. d. Pendent Punt -Burton Stations. Where mol.' I conductor cab i. ssr•I n•iW a SusP%ded r`uN ut, n station, tlw si.iio• muss be supported in some saris• d cwry man,. r •at will protect the electrical con. doctors again., B rain. I-av6•ing racftc�ay shall comply wifhmil nthe Provisions of sections Stir. std 3.707, 115. r. ate" y m. revoo one motof- cvme or hoist is r.. common returnncon- doctor of prover current- carrying capacity may be used. Contact Conductor 8121. ftssllimem of Contact Conductors. Bare contact conductors shall conform fo the following: ontact ires. If conduCors theyµshall be secured atrI Ic endused s by means on approved insulators in lthatsthcde3 all be so htoitmounted dila placement of the ,vire will note ot bring the lamer within less than lya inches from the surface wired over. b. SuPPorts Along RRX—y% hfafn contact con- ductors carried along runways shall be supported on insulating suppors.placcd at intervals not exceeding CRANES AND mOISTS eta 20 feet. and these supports shall be ,.....ling execpl for grounded rail conductor as providcJ in pargrapls I of this section. Surh coductors shall be separated not less Than 6 inches except for monorail hoists where a spacing of mol Irss ,ban J inches may be used. Where necessary, intervals be,,,, In insulating sup- yarla may be increased up to 40 feet, the separation between conJuctors bang incrrastI proportionately. C Sapporo on Bridges. Bridge contact conduc- I— shall be kept at least 2y inches apart and, i( the span at i.,s SO feet, insulating saddles shall be placed at intervals not exceeding SO feet. h 2 rmae. h Wn i$< d:mvw baweev vertu h Wranr Wan d3f ircaa waere., o, a1,o d.a!ong Supporta !or Rigid Cofactor, Canductars seri&dnio section 6111-bndit" if of the rigid t se P L„shall 4- carried on i su• lating supporta spaced at intervals ai not more than fN limes the vertical dimension of the canJutlor, but I' no case greater flsn 15 feet, and spaced apart . but eiendy to Rive . Clear electrical seParnion of can• ffi- ductors or adjacent collectors Of not Tess than 1 roll,, raa aTeranen Cireait Conductor. If... all, trae- run nay ne P11 ma➢ be used as a <on- ducmr of carrot for one Phase of a three phase oiler• rating -tree.. system furnishing power ro the carrier, 'lllutfi kAr trolley, pmvidrd the (allowing conditions xre 1 The c"Ifir"or, for auppl➢ing the other two pha sea r.( the W+over supply $hail be inthe .,. 2. The power far all phm ,shall an he obtained from m>u! lmg trap stnrmer. 3. The -!;.Re ..onehall not ..reed 30) ycl[a, 4 Fh< rail 1+; 4a ant ""be shall be effrc. _,ly even. r•, Prrl y HSl sfanuer, oahly a/ the t. Electrical Centinuiry d Coa e<ris.e cl Joined c�tl ii<aball Le 1-1- 111 ally Icued b press le a ennl•rmrua tknricll «.r,cea:w. K. Net to est Sup 1. ply Other F-quipinn[ r•onl:rt Inn• dort•dull hs roti as Ir<deq far auY egaip- maR oltar dao rtm mr,< s,r cores wbhh the pr.:a.anly d<,.gcM to at(:e. y are 246 ARTICLE 610 h. Isolating or Guarding CCIPtontact Conductors. Ex• admitted, in locations to whici, only qualified persona are admimeJ, contact conductors shall Le so isolated by elevation or be Provided with auilablc Ruardc so ar- ranged that persons cannot inadvertently touch Ill. current.c... yfnX Parts while in contact with the ground or will, conducting material connected to the ground. 6122. collector!. col lectera shall be so designed as to reduce to a minimum $Parking between them and the contact eondu<lo” and when operated in rooms useJ for Um storage of easily ignitible combustible fibers and nlalerials the requirements of section 5083 shall be camp led with. Control 6131. A'iscannRecj uY_ Conductor beDisco Disconnecting tingvrMe the runway contact canductora and the power supply, Such disconnecting means shall consist of a molly circuit switch or Circuit•break-" except that a general. use switch may be used lehen the disconnecting means is provided in accordance wills �eciion 6132. This disconnecting means 511,111 be reaJily accessible anis operable front the ground, shall be .rranged to be lock," in tine open position, shall open all ungrounded +gh of it" 'ralnenoruhioist and tithe ll brunw,,ydcoutap[ c-nduclors. 6132. Disconnecting Meana for Crime. if cranes are operated from cages or cabs, a motor -circuit a, nch r circuit -banker shall be pr6vided in the lead. Iron Ibe runway contact conductors. The switch m need banker shall be in the cage or cab or mourned , n the bridge and operable from the cage or cab %hex the trolley is a one end of the bridge. 6133. Rating of Disconnecting Means for Crane. On both ahcrnuing-tureen[ and if crane Protective panels, the continuous ampere rating of the and mmnswitch -0ineeran; actors,b I,rshall betno by sethnn50 per cent of the combined short -time ampere ratings per file motors, nor less than 75 per cent er the $um of of the ahorl•timt ampere ratings of Ili- motor. required for any single crane motion. TROLLEY CONDUCTORS yr 6134. Limit Switch A limit switch shall be pra vidcd for upper limit of travel of erne hoist% Overcuertat Protection 6141. Contact Conductors. The main cotta,[ con- Jucwr shall be protected by an avtrcurcent device. 6142, Crane Moron, It marc than one motor is employed on a Iran" cads motor�shail have individ- ua] as•rrcurrem protection as Provided in Article 4d0, except d„t if two motors operate a single haio, car- riage, truck, or bridge, and arc controlled as a unit by one contraller, the pair of motors ,;it, their leads may be Protected by a single overeurrent device which $hall be located in the cage or cab if Iherc is one. 6143. Redefors—Enclosure. 1[ a ,cone operaea aver readily a vvell:ble material, m ¢ol" shall be plxrd in a welbventilaitd caLincl composed of non-rmnLnstiLle material so constructed that it will mol emit panics or when metal, vxcePt where the resisiara are IncaleJ iu a Ogg Or cab constructed of non -co I orUble nstrri:d a9 o ran;loses the sides of the cage or cab drum the door Ia a point at least 6 inches above the lop of tis rc islors. 6116 Grounding• \furor (ramex, rocks, the entire frame oI a crane ur hoist, and ea.es of <oulrullera elsll be graundad in ilie niannrr sPedfieA jn lr. ,, 256. Small pnrtab[I hails $hail Lc grounded when required by sail,, 2545. ARTICLE 4513—TROLLEY CONDUCTORS 61ST. Scope, The provisinro of thh article shall apply to in.ud6tium or trolky wires and feeders for supplying choreic latommivca and cars. 6152. Insulation o[ Trollay Wira, Trailey wires shall have m Imo two separate and distinct insula. tion tram Ibe f:round. A wa: 4b 62- 248 L 248 ARTICLE 620 elevators and dumbwaiters. Innallana in baxarJ- ous locations shall also comply with Aati. Cie 500. In- stallatfona in garages shall also comply with Article 510. 6202. Voltage Limitations The following voltage limitations shall apply to elevator-coutrol and operat. Ing equipment: a. Gr Control System No part of any electric circuit having a voltage in excess of 750 shall be used on any car control system. Circuits of higher voltage may be used in machine rooms or pent houses for the operation of motors and brakes, provided that all control and signal wiring is thoroughly insulated from such porter circuits, and all machine frames and metal, hand -operated ropes are permanently grounded. b. Automatic Eievaton. The maximum voltage permitted in (lie operating devices of automatic Cie. vstor, having operating devices in the car and at the landings, shall be 300 volts to ground. mals Buttons The maximum voltage permitted on C I' thepush buttons of elevator signalling circuits shall be 300 volts to ground. 6203. Live Parte Enclosed. All live parts of elee. trical apparatus in or on elevator can or in elevator hoistw•ays shall be enclosed to protect against asci.' denial contact. 5204. Insulation of Conductor. The insulation of .conductors installed in or on elevator equipment shall comply with the following: a In Auxiliary Gutter. In auxiliary gutters used in machine rooms, under controllera, starters and sim. ilar apparatus for elevator machines, Conductors shall be of the rubber -covered or thermoplastic covered type. b. Control -Panel Wiring. Conductors between main circuit resistors and the back of control panels 1, all be suitable for in operating temperature of not leas than 90C (194F). All other wfnng on control WC (140F), shalless be of the mbbeto a rvcov<red aerature r tb<rmog- Plastic Covered type or shall be a other type specially approved for the purpose. ELEVATORS 149 a Elevator Controller Circurb, Conductors or groups al conductors having flame-retardant outer cover shall rat be used as connection., for the operat- ing circuits of elevator controllers unless such outer covering is also moisture-reaistant A+b<uo+ and ether rw.in.r b. rbine tmerinq+ are oat rcu e- minded Ivr the eDerauns e,reviy +rhe «eerma whrn cora➢ may carry evouah sura.. is ..c+e the tomrel:er tv tuncnon tv rwr«ay and tin mcontn Imctiovins may Is a its EaaN. d. Traveling Cables Traveling cables used as flex- -e connections bctuxcn the at aril the hoisdray dull be types E or EO levator cable, or other ap- proved type, anJ shall have a flame-retardant and moisture.resistant outer Cover. e. Fired Wiring. For wiring for elevator operal. ing, control circuits, and signalling circuits, <onJuc- lors shall be rubber.cm'creJ or thermoplastic covered with :nsulatinn of not Itis than 2/W inch in thickness. 6265. Minimum S4e of Canductors- The minimum afire of conductors for elevator wiring shall be as fol - lawn: a. For lighting circuits. No, 14, except that for Ou:Lility two or more '&,16 conJuctors may be used io Dara0el hp traveling cas and oct the wr. b. For elevator operating and control circuits, No. Id c Fcr signal dreuiha and fcrfoll6xturca, No. 18. �t7641 We C.pl. sod.. The owing wiring meth - a, In Hoiatwaya- Cun4uctnrs located in the hoist - way. xc<DI trawling nblea snA can Juaon used in ugna% ayn<m. c( Claasn 1 cr 2, -hall be instilled in rigvl ,'ine mdun use d<rtrical me411it tubing, extt t that Ika,t' «w4uit cr am:r n4 caLIt may be used be- loes tar a-;-ld-kca, anehis- intelo<k,, push but- ts. Gn Else Gr. Candu,%, Inv<lin Cable,on tY.e tar ,lull be run in rig,'4 t uiq ,enable, metallic lubmg or wireways, except that chart runs cL- 1. Fl ,,d a to wrddt oY< ! w¢crtd cable may be used w to e Ifem I......4 is place. til, and aro-urelY uaud if : 250 ARTIME 620 2. Type S card may be used as the flexible con- nection between the fixed wiring on the car and the switch on the car door or gale if securely fastened in a position not liable to mechanical injury. G Between Motors, Generators and Control Panels. The conductors of circuits between motors, generators,and eonvol panels may be grouped with. out any additional insulation of the separate condue. tors if the <amplete group is either taped or corded, and such covering properly Pained with an insulatingg F,int; pravided that such Conductors are not over 6 eet tang. are supported at intervals not more than 3 feet and are not so located as to be subject to mechanical damage. If motor -generators are used with elevator motors and hot], are located adjacent to or underneath the control equipment and are pro- vided with extra length terminal leads, such leads may troller extended to connect directly to the elevator con- troller or momr-generator starter terminal studs with. out regard to the cugmg upscity requirements of Article 430 and 445; provided, that no such lead is longer than 6 feet Installation of Conductors 6211. Raceway Terminal Fittings Conductors leaving raceways shall comply with the provisions of sections 3008 and 3009, but in no case shall the met. way terminale less than 6 inches from the floor. 6212. Split Fittings. Split fittings or clamp fittings may be used on exposed conduit or electrical metallic tubing except where the conduit or tubing contains feeders. 6213. Supports Supports for Pipes, conduits, and armored cable shall be securely fastened to the guide rail or hoistway construction. 6214. Number of Conductors In Raceway- The number of operating and control -circuit canducton installed in a raceway may be in accordance with Table 9 of Chapter 10. 5215. Auxiliary Gotten. The restrictions of sec- tion 3742 as to length of auxibary gutters, and of section 3745 as to number of conductors fn auxiliary gutters, shall not apply. 6216. Lighting and Slgnal Circuits Separate Can. doctors of car -lighting circuits, and signal systems ELEVATORS 251 when not an integral part of the elevator wiring ays- t<m, shall be separated and run in separate traveling cable, and raceways: 6217. Different Systetm In One Ghis or Racaway. Conductors for elevator circuits, including ops ,ml`,, control and power conductors, and signal conductors when an integral part of [lie wiring system, may be run in the same traveling cable or raceway system when the power supply is from the same source, even though the chancteristics of the voltage and/or cur. rent maybe changed within the system by rectifying, transforming or other converting device supplied from the elevator feeder circuit; provided that all Con- ductor, are insulated for the maximum voltage found in the cable or raceway system, and the live pans of the equipment are insulated from ground for this max. imum voltage. Such a travelingcable or raceway may also include a pair of telephone conductors to serve is telephone in the car, provided such conductors arc insulated for the maximum voltage found in the cable or ""way system. 6218. Foreign Wires No electric conduit or cables, except Ihose used to furnish or control power, light, heat or signals for the elevator or hoiatways, rhall have an liPening, terminal, oudet or junction within the hoistway, but shall be continuous between out. lets or terminals situated entrnly outside the hoist. way. Is Is va InhendM tv p<aawt tae las<rrvDtio„ o/ lcof revs ter Elie Dmptae et avrr.rim. er Poems i sadnaar<. and Dnn baa my av innai'sd /or hair Derroee TravelingGbIn 623E GLIB Ansmbty. Travelling tablet for <ir. acts other Ili ao si... I shall beof a <ompinte amm- bly of steel and copper strand ,or may have one or more supporting filen of cotton cr hemp rope, or of cul -covered or rubber-rovered sled wve laid up with the eonductnrs under the outer covering of Elie ,,his le cables containing six aro more <ond.non die +I<Q supporting ,wands shall run atoight through and nM be cabled will, the conduct en. N37. Suapanaion Tnv<SnH cable. far ail signal sin ma, and for all mbar rirauhs nit r.ver 100 Icer in "Mill, may be suspended by ..liable clamps d mVG Gz 233 ARTICLE 630 the cables an so constructed that the weight of the cable is not carried by the individual conductors. 6233. Hazardous Locatlons. fn hazardous loca- tions, traveling cables shall be secured to explosion Proof cabinets by heavy -duly rubber -bushed threaded conneclor bushings scaled off at the enclosure as pro- vided in ...tion 5015. For trssl,ng cables for use in hazardous I...lions see Table 31. 6234. Protection for Swinging Cables. Wherever the traveling cables in Swinging may cons ,n Con- tact with projections or corners of the building con. struction in the boistway, such as I beams, ledges and the Tike, such irregular surface, shall be ,tad. smooth by covering with heavy gauge sheet metal or Other suitable means. Control 6241. General. There shall be in addition to the elevator controller, a means for disroll-cling all con. doctors of the circuit to the elevator motor, or in the case of generator Reid control. to the motor of the molor•R<ncralor set which aupPl.Is current to the elevator ma tor. r(. Type. The disconnecting means shall be a nsotor•circuit switch and may be (1) ire externally. operable sa•it<h capable of being locked in the open position, or (2) open switehe, or circuit -breakers on three or more ertcuits, grouped on a switchboard ac. ceasiblc to qualified persons only. Is. Location. it shall be looted adjacent to sort bevisible from the elevator machine, unless a di,con- nect asvitch in the control circuit of the motor -genera. for set is placed adjacent to and ,s visible frothe elfrom the machine. 6242. Limit Switches. Final over -nn limit switches, mounted in the hoistway and up by the mon- ment of the car+ shall be provided for upper and lower limits of travel for all levators, which shall act to prevent movement of the car in both directions of travel. See Article 510 for elevators located I. gauges. 6243. Phas. Protection.. Electric elevators used to convey persons, if operated by a polyphase alternat. ing-current motor, shall be provided with a device which will prevent starting she motor if; ELEVATORS 273 a. The phase rotation is in the wrong direction, or b. There is a failure in any phase. Overcurrent Protection 6251. No. 16 Conductors. If No. ]8 conductor is used for signal circuits, it shall be protected by fuses rated at not to exceed 3 amperes. Machine Room 6261. Gnarling Equipment The elevator machine and controller shall be malalkd in . room set aside for that purpose, ar isolated by elevation or by mean. of an enclosure or wire grille or the like, to prevent atcide,ta3 contact by persons or object, This room may also contain other m>,,inery used for the con. trol and signaling of the elevator. 6262. Clearance Araand Control Panel.. The fol- lowing c1caransn shall be provided: a Grouped Panel' If a group of three or nwr< elevator<onlrol panels having wir,nq on the rear e located in a single machine morn, shore shall be s is working space of at least J6 inches back of the live parts. and not len than I8 inches e, at I .1 one side o/ the group. There aluil oho be at least 76 inches of working space in front of the panels. b. Sirs& or Double PaneJa An installation con. s,s1mR cf orve or Iwo panels .h.il have at least 24 Inches working span in the rear, and at last 36 inches working span in the hunt a the panel or panels; and tiure shall be a l" on, M inch,, working s;nta on one side if else panel Is s,nRk, .rid on each aide d rhe panel i. a double one, Smaller eleatanco pernsisriratharsed in <rrp:n a;"ific ease. by spec,., Tisa is nee in 414 w Iwt!4 I" " meua!'o aa.rrbc , ria ma tial oI Ir �as.b �a4 tau � in'.:+riiw s ° ':*nutlr r coed. ecus :i::) .gym rhe La.k el •a• ..�•,�%s.et....ne<cfrakar Gro sia4m. 6271. Mcul Jtaceways Mtuhy to Cao Conduit e.1 armcred c,U'< attar hr+l w elevator tare .ball be I.—Jed to grwrd<d mea] Cane of the qr wish which they m tan tits. 2" ARTICLE. 630 6272. Electric Elevation. For electric elevators, the frames of all motors, elevator machines, Control- lers and the metal enclosures for all electrical devices in or on the car or in the hoistway shall be grounded. 6273. Non -Electric Elevators. Far elevators other than electric, if any electrical conductors are attached to the car, the nidal iun!e of the car, if normally accessible w persons, shall Lr Kmm!deJ. 6274. Hand -Operated Cables. All hand -operated metallic shifting ropes or cables slmil be grounded. 6275. Inherent Ground. Equipment mounted on members of the structural metal frame of a building, shall I:e'Jeemed to be grounded. ]Ictal car frame, suPprttcA by metal hoisting cables attached to or running over sheaeii or drums of elevator machines shall be declined to he grounded when the machine is grounded in accanlanee with Article 250. ARTICLE 630—ELECTRIC WELDERS 6301- Scope. This article amplifies ar modifies parts of Chapters 1 t,., inclusive of lhia code in order to properly cover the operating conditions to which electric welder insmilalions arc suh) .1,,;1. At'cord- ingly the approprialc provisions of Chapt.rs 1 to 4 inclusive apply to the component parts of electric welder mstallalions except as otherwise provided in this article. This article covers extensively used t)•pe, of welder. which require special treatment, as dislin- guislred from welders which do not require special treatment and welders not in common use and not yet developed to the extent that rating and construe. non standards are poss,hlC. Transformer An Welders 6311 CaPylly of Supply Conductor.. The current- nrrying capacity of conductors shall be as follows: a Individual Welder.. The rated current-carr)•ing capacity of the supply conductors shall be not less than the rated primary current .(,the welder. Is. Group of Welder, The rated current-carriirg capacity of conductors which supply a group of weld-• era may be Ices than the sum of the rated primary current, of the welders supplied. The conductor rat. mg shall he determined in each ease a<cordinR to the welder loading based on the use to be made of each welder and the allowance permissible in the event ELECTRIC WELDERS that all the welders supplied by the conductors will not be in use at the once time. The bad value used for each welder shall take into account both the mag. nilude and the duration of the load while the welder ,s in use. <nC min<r1ar,Ae ritwro baled rn ,m Measenr of he err 1 Ori lup.r •eider, to M.<r„r err rent Ia I,rJ fcr Abe leurrh L. en w tiler, ,nil 6u r n:a 1 lin cared pamv) <ar,mr ler al off rhe the remainingB p.!4r.., .hsu!d rro,iJe amNe marc,,, raterY under bi n Nnamn rn4iueos ri ti ropnt m !hv ,ria nom termiadie ,vnreraJure el crit mn.lurran. 14rrcmy. v�lara bier than rM1n,e Ynm are r.<nnw„Lk ,n <a , he.e car xurk i. ,n<F ,hat a huh o!xrar,n. ilpry eY:I< for ir.J,r,Jual vel4era n imposa:lk. 6312. Overcttrsent Protection. Overcurrent pro- w d.. A.11 be as pruviJal ,n pauKraphs a and b. 11 the nearest standar) rating of the overcu.. de- vne used is under the value specified in 'hi, section, or if the rating or setting specified results in unneces. s.ry openmg of the oerrourr<nl dcvrce, the next higher rating or setting may be used. s. Por Welders. Each welder shall have overcur. rent prwettion used or set at nal nx,re than 200 per cent of the rated primary current u( the wlder, ox- ecpr that an overcurrcnt Device is not rerluircd for a welder having nn, 1, canJuetors protected by an over. current device sited or set at not more lura 2.10 per cent of tine rated Primary current of the welder. b. For C.ndueeora Conductors which supply one or more welders ,lull be protected by an overcuncat device rated or sit at not more than 200 per cent of the cim uclor rating, 6717. Controger. A controller shall be provided in the supnlY I unecli.n of each wcJdrr ,vindr a oat equipped with a <ootroller moumcJ as an 'lot par[ of tics welder. The controller shall be a molur- <,rcuit switch or ,circuit -breaker. The ampere n!inR .hall be not less than the rated primary eurtenl n the w<,der, The horsepower rating of a switch used as a controller shall be not less chin the numerical value obtained Ly mubiplling the rated primary cur- rent of the wilder by 01 LL2 oe 0.2i. rrspecuvelY. for 210-, 440. and 550-1-0 t welders. Thea. faaun apply to 2 -pole awilhes. 6314, Name -plata. A uamr-plate giving he bellow. ing inlnrrnaGon ahall he prasv,Jcd: name ,f manulac- mrer, (rr,laeucy; primary• svllage; rated primary cur. r crit; max, I—i open•cucuil accandary voltage, .ted 387 7■ G a/ 336 ARTICLE 650 secondary current; basis of rating• i.e., the duty cycle, 30 -minute rating or Wminute rating. Motor•Generator Am Welder 6321. References, lfotor-generafor arc welder in. stallations are coscred by the appropriate sections of Chapters I to 4 inclusive apphcable to conductors, motor, generators and associated equipment. Refer- ring specifically to the motor supply connections, the following sections apply to addition to such other pro- visions as may be .7liable. Conductor rating, see - lions 4312 and 431G Overcurrent Protection: for motors, section 4323; for conductors, section 4342. Comrollers, sections 4304, 4305 and 4383. Disconnect• mg means, section 4407. Resistance Welders 6331. Capacity of Supply Conductors. The cur- rent -carrying capacity of the supply conductors neo- cssary to limit the voltage drop to a value Permissll. for the satisfactory performance of the welder is usually greater than that required to Prevent over. heating as Prescribed in paragraphs a and b. a Individual Welders. The rated current -carrying capacity for conductors for individual welders shall conform to the following: 1. Varying Operation. The rated current -carrying capacity of lite supplyy conductors for a welder which may be up, led at diRcrent times at different value0 of primary curtent or duty. cycle shall be not less than i0 per cent of the rated prmary current for scam and automatically fed welder, ant 50 per cent of the rated Primary current for manually -operated non- automatic w•eld<ra. 2. Specific Operation The rated current-carrKing capacity of the supply conductors for a welder wired for a specific operation for which the actual primary current and duty cycle arc known and remain on - changed shall be not less than the product of the actual primary current and the multiplier Riven below for the duty cycle at which the welder will be operated. D"' Crete (Mr cmc) _ 30 a0 70 25 20 IS JO r.3 3.0 or Ins M. Zuer — .71 .63 .35 .30 .IS .30 JO, .a7 ,22 b. Croups of Welders. Theaced current -carrying capacity of conductors which 6upply two or more ELECTRIC WELDERS sv welders shall be not less than the sum of the value obtained as explained in paragraph a of this section for the largest welder supplied, and 60 per cent of the values of, as explained in paragraph a of this s«tion for all the other welders supplied. e Explanation of Terry, (I) The sedprimary current is the aced lova multiplied by 1,000 and divided by the rated P...r voltage, using value. given on the name -plate, (p) The actual primary current is the current drawn firom the supply circuit during each welder operation it the particular heat ap and control setting used. (3) The dote cycle is the percentage pI the time during which the wdJer is loaded. Por instance, a .Pot welder supplied by a hundr d system (216,000 cycles per hour) making four hundred IS -cycle welds per hour would have . duty cycle .4 28 per err. (100 multiplied by 15, divided by 214800, multiplied b 100), A scam welder oyer. dung 2 cedes ' Pe and 2 cycles "off' would have a duty cycle of 50 Der ,at 6772. Overcurre, ,*,h` goo Overcurrent rotec• lion shall b< as prav+drd in It e n.it, ph. a and b of ovethisrcur_m device us,,, is et standard Eating of the in this s«tion, er if the curds the value specified song or setting specified refulta in unneessary turning a( the overcurrenl de - vitt, Elie put higlice rating or selling may be used. a. Por Welder Fadi welder shall have an over- eu«enc device rated or set at not more than 700 cent of the raced primary current of the welder, per sept V. an ove_u m dente is o., required for a <urMe, de having rate 1 llr circuit Lrrnecled by an over- errt of n:e rand rimer c rant more than y)0 « D Y urte<t of the welder. p b. For Corducton. C"41eC,,.a whirls supply one or mere welder shall be device nod or set at not .Ciro tnanY+an overeurient the ccndunur rating. s0 per sent of beaker 6777. sDi.eonnectint Mean., A switch or circuit. hall be Prm,daJ t.y wh,:h each cord« and urcuitt!lJh<+tcarrrnt marry inatup" hoot rhe snpyly nen:ng mean shall be nut less thea rhe this dawn. The aappiy ci�uawn h maysEa •00d sum thiel niele. .and as the welder 2S8 ARTICLE 640 disconnecting means if the circuit supplies only one welder. 6334. Nac-Plate. A e -plate giving the lot fact lowing Inmnamformation shall be provided: name of manu- facturer, frequency, primary voltage, rated kva at 50 per cent duty cycle, maximum and minimum open- etreuit secondary voltage, short-circuit secondary cur- rent at maxis... secondary voltage and specified throat and gap setting. ARTICLE 640—SOUND RECORDING AND SIMILAR EQUIPMENT 6401. Scope. This article shall apply to install.• liana of equipment and wiring used for sound -record- ing and reproduction, cen(ralized distribution of sound, public tronic organs. address, speech -input systems and elec- 6402. Application of Other Articles. Except as modified by this article, wiring and equipment from source of power to and between devsces connected to the interior wiring systems shall console wish the requirements of Chapters 1 to 4, inclusive, of this code, and wiring and equipment for public-address, epeech•input, radio-frequency, audio -frequency sys- tems, and amplifying equ,Pm,n associated with ratio receiving station, in centralized' distribution systems, shall complY with Article 725. 6407. Number of Conductor in Raceway. The numberof shall comply conductor, iitcTables 4 to Il of Chapterrl0 ex ep with as follows: a. Special permission may he granted for the in. nallatios of two 2 -conductor lead -covered cables in inch conduit, provided Ih< cross-sectional arca of each aisle does not exceed .I1 square inch. b. Special permission may be gamed for the tn- EH1111ttol of two 2 -conductor N0. 19 lead -covered cables in 35 to conduit, provided Ilse sum of Ilse eraaa•sectienal areas of the cables does not eacecd 32 per cent of the internal cross-sectional area of the conduit. 6404. Wirewaya and AuaOiary Gotten. Wireways and auxiliary gutters shall comply with the require. menta of Articles 362 and 374 with the following ex- 50l•\D ACCORDI\G all eeplions where used for sound -recording and repro- duction: a Number of Conductors in Raceway Conductor in ss•ieways or guuvrs shallnot fill the raceway to more than 75 per ,of of its depth. b.AuxiltaryGult<r Covera, If the cover of amil. tory ,.,go tiers is flush with the flooring and is subject to the mm•i++g of have obJcris it shall be of steel al least s inch to thickness; ii not subject to moving of heavy object, as in clic rear of Patch or other equip- ment panels, Else cover slsall be at least Na 10 USS gauge (.1345 inch). C' Metal•Trough Raceways. Metal -trough race- reaya nsay be installed in concealed places tf mit in a Mnight Imo between outlet or juneltpn base,, Covera Of boxes must Le accessible. Edge, of meal must be rounded at outlet or junction bole, and all rough projections smoothed In P_m abnmon ai insulation or conducing. Raceway. made of section, shall be bonded and grounded as prescribed to ,«tion 2575. d. Oroundi",'In g Wirewaya and Aaatliacy Goners. hfetl coir ", and auxiliary guurrs "hall b< ground• ed in accordance with the requirement, of Article 250. If the Ilir<waY or auxiliary gutter does not contain Power supply wire,, the gniundioR conductor need not be larger than No. 14 copper or it equivalent 1f the wirer aY or auxiliary go,,,,contains pow« supply wires, thesigrounding condurtnr slwll not be smaller than the ze for iu on 2595, 6405, Grouping of Conductor. Conductors of dif- ferent systen+s grouped in the same conduit or other metallic enclosure, or in portable cord, or cable,, shall comply with the following requiremem,: s. Power -Supply Conductor, Power•,upp1Y coo- durlor. shall be properly identified and ,hall be used ,,it,Y for supplying paver ,0 the equipment to which the other conductor, are connected. b, Lead, to Motor -Generator or Rotary Converter, Input lad, to a nmror•g<n<rucr or sh 11112 converter ,hall be run eparalely from the output :cads. e. Conductor Insulation The cnsr,Juclon all be inaulaled individually. or _11_iv,ly in droupa, by in,uWion at I.... equivalent to rhos on rhe power• , 260 ARTICLE 640 262 ARTICLE 660 supply and other conductors, except where the power. supPly slid other conductors are separated by a lead sheath or other continuous metallic covering. d. Flexible Cords, Flexible cords and cables shall be of types P, Ih, S, SJ, or other types specifically approved for the purpose for which they are to be used. The conductors of flexible cords, other than Dosser -supply conductors, may be of a size not smaller than No. 26 provided such conductors are not in direct electrical connection with the Power -supply conductors and are equipped with current -limiting means so that the maximum power under any condi- tion will not exceed 150 watts. e, Terminale. Terminals shall be marked to show their Proper connections. Terminals for conductors Other than prover -supply conductors shall be sepa- rated from the terminal, of 6he power -supply conduc- tors by a .Pacing at leant as great as the spacing be- tween power -supply terminals of opposite Polari(y. 6406. Storage Batteries. Storage batteries shall comply with the following. I. Installation. Storage batteries shall be installed in accordance with Article 480. Is. Conductor Insulation. Storage -battery leads shall be rubber -covered or thermoplastic covered. a Ovemoment Protection. Overcurrent protea tion shall be provided as follows: 1. "A" circuit, when supplied by branch•IightIng circuits, or by storage batteries of more than 20 -am• pere-hour capacity, shall have overcurrent protection not exceeding 15 amperes. 2. "B" circuits shall have overcurrent protection not exceeding I ampere. The overcurrent protection shall be placed in each positive lead. 3. "C" circuits when supplied from branch lighting circuits or from slang, batteries of more than 20 ampere -hour capacity shall have overcurrent Prot— lion not exceeding one ampere, 4. Overcurrent devices shall be located as near as Practicable to the battery. 6407. Equipment. Amplifiers and rectifiers shall be so located as to be readily accessible. They shall SOUND RECORDING 261 be suitably housed and shall be of a type approved for the purpose unless otherwuc exprpsly permitted by the authority entorcinR this code. Egmpmenl used m hazardam locations shall be specifically approved for the purpose. a, Ventilation. Amplifiers and rectifiers shall be so located as to provide sufficient ventilation to pre- vent undue temperature rise within the housing. b. Protection Against Mecl'Vul Injury. Ampli- fien, rectifier', loud -speaker and other equipment shall be so injlocated or protected as to guard against myrik.l y such as might result in fire or per- socal urhazard. ARTICLE 550•—ORGANS 6501. GeneraL This article ahzll apply to Ihose electric xrcuit oras parts of electrinllY oP<rated organs which are employed for the control of the sounding apparatus and keyboards. Electronic organa ,loll 640. comply wit cle h the aDPropriate Provisions of Arti- 6502. Some, o[ Energy, The source of energy shall be a self-ucn<d generator of not over IS volt. or a primary battery. 6503. Insuladon—•Gc.ramil,, The generator shall be ,or driving in t, - bora the ground and from the ..,or driving i1, .r both the Rencrator and the m .tc frame, shall be grounded in the manner pre - 4101 -Conductors. scribed in Article 250. 6501. Conductors. Condueton follo•xmo: shall comply with Itm a. Site. No conducts shall be smaller than No. 26. and the common reran condoc(or shall be int a_r than No. 14. b. InsuLtkrt. Conductors shall hav tub , he, asbdtm, ca tone s e er the common -return rondo<yr s"1i<4 shall 1,< rubber• Al,eor AfA)r oliow-Isntmn not -warred p Des AA. or silk in y fc satunte•1 w,lh ftYYe SIJI ll:c. �uuun c CepdactMa to IIs Csbl wnf6nc ,( d--1 r<Ivn <hnduaor, and e.nvatoEae<pl the <.mr..on• keeper, the W. sections and he inside Ura .roan e .Coon <G.a01<, CGn• 0 doctors shall be cabled. The common -return con- ductor may be placed under an additional covering enclosing both cable and return conductor, or may be installed as a separate conductor and may he in contact with the cable. d. Cable Covering. Th, cable shall 6e provided with one or more braided outer coverings, provided that a tape may be used In place of an inner braid. Unless installed in metal raceways the outer It shall be flame-retardant or shall be covered with a closely -wound fireproof tape. 6505.Im'll"U.n of Condueton. Cables shall be .,cutely fastened in place and may be attached di- rectly to the organ structure without insulating sup - ports. Cables shall not be placed in contact with other conductors. 6506. Overcunent Protection, Circuits shall It so arranged that all couctor', except ndelse main supply conductors and the common -return conductor, shall be Protected from overcurrent by an overcurrent de- vice of not greater than 15 ampere sting ARTICLE 660. X-RAY EQUIPMENT 6601. Scope. The provisions .f this article shall apply to all apparatus embodying X-ray operating at any lrequcnc , !or medical use, for examination of fabrics, metals, or fruits, or for any other purpose. Unless approved for the Ncalion, 11ray and related apparatus shall not be installed nor .',rated fn has. ardour locations or opesated on a supply potential of more than 600 volts. Nnthmi, in this snick eba0 a evmlru,d a srecifyin. safe• WsrJ+ {aims Jtrecq era r vrandary x err raJuuan. Svcb and al11 ail A�vetKannW., S� dtrd nASA Z54. reap, of Part 1 6602. Overhead Condueton. For new equipment uses on new insrallalions of X-ray apparatus, all to -voltage m the high-voltage circuits that are not in raceways shall be of the approved shockproof type. When existing equipment employing uninsulated or hare overhead conductors is moved to a new location, or where reconditioned used equipment of the unin- sulated or bare conductor overheat type is resold for installalia at a new location, eh< authority enforcing this code may require that the overhead stationary X-RAY EQUIPMENT 26J conductors be not less !Ilan 8 feel (ram the Ooor un- frss guarded from contact. and that any connections from the X-ray tuba to exposed overhead uninsulated or Uare conductor shall be made with high-voltage cables of the approved shockproof type. 6603. On Fluoroscope Tables. Leads on fluoro- a<ope tables shall be aJ,qua(ely insulated or be pro- aided wit" barriers which will guard against b inad- vertent conn<L 6601. MSlfammeter. Ef one aide or mid•point of the hig h-vohaE. tire., is RrounJcd, eh< milliammetcr shall be Connected to the grounded lead and need not be guarded. , 6605. Wiring Terminals. Equipment covered by ih!s article shall be Provided with suitable suiting ter• m- , or le.d, for Ilse connexion of conductors of al least (he size required by the load corresponding to the input rating of Ilse equipment. 6606. Connection to Supply Circuit, X -n app.- ralus Permanently Installed O,all be Connecled to the power supply LY mean, of q wnnig method meeting the general requirement of this code, except that apparatus Properly supplied by branch circuits not larger than . JO-ainPe bands circuit array be sup • er plied Ihroulilt suitable Plug and 1, .vyd-ty cable or cord Transportable Xray aI.Par.ms .t any capacity may be connected to its power supply by suitable temporary on and heavy -Jury Calle or cors. A disconnecting meas. of adequate -Pacity shall be provide) in a loca(i.n readily attess,Lle from Iha X-ray control. For apparatus requiring 11$ -volt lino fuss of JO ampere or less a Plug and receptacle of proper sire ant of an approve) make may serve as a disconn«ting means. Control 6611. Stationary Equipment, The low•vo!taRe cir- eust of the n<P-up transiormcr shall contain a xrruit- ble.ker having no exposed h,, parts and .1_1, shall under all operating .ondiOons protect the udi- f.", a I,.R vuhage [ran, ornscrsl isosuchl th( to branch ""n lurwg a ourren( rating lower Our' the current cling ,f Ilte circuit-hr<akrr are mPni I for adequate pnuenion far Ilu.rnscopi: ant sh—p—ic I my shall Le addcJ far she promctiva of Ihcse cir<uila. UZ 764 ARTICLE 660 it is recommended that, if possible, the circuit -breaker protect all circuits; namely, radiographic, Ouoros<opto and therapeutic circuit& the circuit -breaker shall be installed as a par[ of the equipment or directly adja• cent theretd. The circuit breaker shall be manually operable or else there shall be at Icast one other ewItdl which is manuslly operablc in the low voltage circuit ot, the step-up Transformer either as a part of the equipment or directly adjacent thereto. 6612. Portable Equipment. Portable equipment shall comply with section 6611, excePt that no circuit• breaker is required when the high-voltage parts. In- dudinR the X-ray tube, are within the single metallic enclosure which n provided with n means for Ing. The circuit -breaker, when required, shall be la effort in or on the portable equipment 6613. G1ntml. In addition to complying with sea tions 6611 or 6612 as the case may be, medical hray apparatus shall be provided with controlling means as !.,Imus: a Radi.grappbie Type, A timer shall be prwhied and controlled by a asvnch which shall be destened If .Pen automatically except when held closed by the operator. b. ItluorottoD1. Type. A awitell aM1ali be provided which shall be designed to open automatially except -ben held closed by the operator. e Therapy. A timer ahall be provided which is not of the repeating type. 6614. Industrial X•ny Apparatus. Radlognphk and Flaor.scupie Types, A switch which shall ba designed to open automatically except when held closed by the operator, or a timer shall be provided. 6615. Foot Switch. Switches operated by foot Pres• tore should be provided with a shield over the con• tact button to avoid accidental closing unles, the e uipmenI is of the fully enclosed aha:kproof �rpe, When used for radiographic work, the foot switch flail, return aummatially to the X-ray off position when foot pressure is removed. The foregoing retom• stendation shall have mandatory effect fn the race of K -ray equipment for industrial use. 6616. Independent Co.troL If more than one piste sf :'vcuit sit. eacchh Piece aoperated from the acme high-voltage ece or each group of apparatus as a XRAY FOUMNIENT 765 unit shall be •provided with ,high-voltage switch or equivalent disconnecting means. Thio die .wit c or means shag be constructed, enclosed, or bated ct as ur to avoid contact with its live pada Ttandormen and Capadtow 6621. Oencril. Traw(ormcn and capacitors whitM1 are part of in 'Dray ap aratus shall not be re aired to conform to the reg0 real of Articles I, and 460 of this code, 6622• Dnhdng Capadt.r Char rent-carcying path of( ge. Unlem all cur. tors connected th<rewith,Dara at 1, d feet,fromddoor tlw un leas ;when, within a8 bit to unauthorized persons, or enclosures of feet from the floor are within nparitors shall bended metal or insulating mal<rial, Provided with an automatic mean; Vantformert Primary the platen whenever the of a.Dp1Y. D ry is disconnected from the source 6611. General Cor _rdm Installations, all h,Eh* lh pparatua used on new within grounded enclosure,, narh shall b< mounted suitable insulating media mayEnhet cur. oil, or other Wall voltage from the grouned, us<d to insulate the 1st ln' apparatus <mpl.ying o e enclosure. When e:- ductor. i, moved to a new � yHoyPe overhead e.n- ditioned used apparatus of the n• or where recon. enforcin g .thio anode may a new r.;.'If. ", outhyyhpmpit, part. within 8 feet of the Z" that all hiRb_11age <ontut by bvrirn of grnotd dbm Protected agaimI by apVrove•1 iraulatin material. «aI, or protected R Qo n;t apply it the high-rehagt pThe art quireme to �a ab•. don...pr.... d _il,hI. °0h are Drcvided with rack circuit to the e rnrh nsunit q ,pit whPe°tl�<t,do..r pot to ked I- Ths conn<I, ,rem she ; pp.o m slat outside S wary Le made with high.v 4aovrrhead candor• sh.ckpr..! type. 8e.f tha 6612. Encl.aarea .! Wood. {y taining ,ugh-v;'b ar para .tali •ot<n reshlnetl cart• approve., Art•...srant rnateriai.b, with Data ,hail have adeq.. ,pacing fr.m walla of she 766 ARTICLE Gro cabinet Ifiglt-voltage equipment containing oil shall not be installed in wooden cabinets. C. meta shall provide sufficient ventilation for safe operation of lh. equipment therm. 6611. Therapy Tttbcs and Fqufpment X-ray tubes used in le, shall be mounted in enclosures of grounded metal or insulating material approved for the purpose unless otherwise expressly permitted by the aulhorily enforcing Chia code. Unless fully on. closed in cabinets or cases of grounded mewl or at Pinsulating materials, ail high-voltage parts of generators, rectifiers, filter, and cooling equipment shall be installed in a aepante room or enclosure. Suitable arrangements shall be provided whereby the switch controlling the supply circuit to such equip• ohe door fusuehnt vroom or enclosure be is locked fr mtthe outside. 6674.G rounding. Non -current -carrying metal Darts of tube ahnds, fluoroscopic and other apparatus shall be grounded in the =nner prescriUcd in Article 250. ARTICLE 670—MACHINE TOOLS General 6701. Scope. The proviaiona of this article apply to the electrical equipment for motor -driven, complete metal -working machirtea not portable by hand, having one or more tool and work holding devices used for progressively removing metal in the form of chips. 6702 Application of Other Article. The 'allow. ing provisions cover the requirements for electrical wiring and equipment on machine fasts within the ,cope of this article. The3 an in addition to or amendatory of the applicable provisions of other arti- elea of this code, which apply except as modified in this article. 111 Im" ch nelrun, hale marked wherecPlial ly,nsibltmTo to show the voltage, full -load current and frequency re- quired for each external circuit supplying the machine tool For a multi -motored machine tool, this full -load current marking shall be not less than the sum of the I, current, required for all mato.. which may be in operation at one time under normal conditions of we. [f only a afngle motor fa used, the motgr namrplate may nerve if ploidy visible. MACHINE TOOLS res 6701. Lfehdng, Lfghtfng fixtures which art a part of or attached to any machine tool shall conform to the following; a, Vdhge. The lighting cilcuit voltage shall not exceed led voila betw•e<n conductors and shall be a grounded circuit. U' PIe:iWe Card• Flexible cord if used shall be .f a type suitable for hard usage (see Table JI shall b< rmistant to coolant and oil. It shall b ar� ranged so it cannot be damaged by moving part` of the machine, 6711. Conddt Canductoo s�ha I be to rigid conIll.,, except as provided m sections 6712 to 6714. Inclusive. 6712. Flulble Mehl Conddt F7<xible metal epn- duit may Le uxd only where nttea+sry to ., fluible connections for ...if or inf"y tot mora menta, as m minor terminals. 6717. Continuously Moving Pana. Wiring connea lions to continuously _;ring P air of a machine tool shall be rr approved type, extra-flexlble, non-_en11k. covered, multi•e;ndudor cables Cunduct.ra shall on. In _ aecU;n 6722. In lieu o! cable, indrvi-hal con. dudon enclosed in 8exibie robing may b< used The tubing and its fitting, shall be approved for the Dur. Pose, and conductors in such tubing .lull be ...id. ered as subject to oil or coolant. 6711. ComDarmaents and Roc menta and raceway. within l swan Comport- <hine tool ma he be In_ewprk of a ma- Ad<d the Y wed to enclose conductors, pro. and areY are isolated .tom coolant and oil reservoirs entirely <ndoud. tonipannu<nu Conductors in machine won a and neewaya dull be arcured and ao e d that they ,-ill not be subiect to mecha.kal injury or abmsmn. an6713. Number of Bella In Conddt If a run .f d metal conduit doe. nut exceed and 111, rc,i.. fill does 1 tea in length ,he cross sectional area n, not txcred . per « rt of moots Of section 7471 shall not apply.it he require. 6721. Sires pe C.nducton tor1 on o mdtted 0111—t and control condos r m masdunea shag not be .walk. control No. 14 cusp, as IullowR 76. ARTICLE 670 a.Conductor Ni Moving Para• (bPPCr condi<- ton for control PUfllOar to continuously moving parts may be No. 16 if all such conductors are insul- .led for the maximum voltage of any conductor in the cable or tubing. b. Coodacton to Electronic and Precl•ion Devices. Copper conductors to electronic and precision devices may be No. Z0, u<ep! if ppulled into raceways they OX be not smaller than No. Ig. 6722. Typo. Conductors shall be of a type .it able for conditions of use. a an oil. mm , multi -conductor insulation cable shall have an oil• and itercmoisture,, resistant insulation with aflame -retardant outer cov- ering. 6723. Identification o! Condmmn. Conductors shall be identified either by color code or by other distinctive means. \Yhite or natural gray eobnng .hall be used only for a grounded conductor and green only for a conductor used to ground the tram. of equip.enL Control Equipment ' 6731. Mounting. Controllers shall be mounted In such a manner as to guard against mechanical injury, oil, coolant, dust, and dirt. 6731. Irs Macbine Comparttttenr. Compartments In the column or base of a machine may serve as en- closures for control equipment if the following provi- shim sure complied with: a. Thickness of MetaL The wall thickness shall be not less than No. 14 USS gauge it of sheet steel, not less than l5 -inch if of cast metal, or not less tban 3732 -inch if of malleable iron. b. Covent ComDar" U shall have tight -fitting hinged covers, not thinner than aDecified in paragnDh a. Covers shall have adequate means for fastening securely in a closed Positiot e Control Endostves. Compartments used for control enclesures shall be readily accessible and shall not contain moving Porta not directly connected to :11 tr, cal control equipment, and shall be so located as toguard the control devices against oil, coolank chips, and dirt. d. Vmthig. A compartme"closing closing group con. trot equipment with branch circuit filling .3 speci- MACTIME TOOLS 269 bed in Daragnph b of section 6742, shall have a dear opening of at least 2 square inches• vented to another compartment within the column or base and having at least one-half the volume of the control compact• mc.L 'No Plane Opening. Compartments enclosing control equiPinent shall not be open to the floor or foundation upon which the machine rests 6733. Not in Machine Compartment. Controllers not in machine compartments shall comply with the following. a. Controller" with overcurrent prot<dion as per - 42 by section 6742 may be mounted on the out - aide o[ the machine tool Or on the floor as close to the machine tool as poafble provided the enclosures comply with all the Provisions Of section 6732 b. Other controller may be mounted on the out - aide of the machine tool are elsewhere if they comply with the provisious of Article 430. Motor Branch -Circuit Onremrent Peotectlon 6111.Hrsrech Circuit's Any motor on a machine tool may'b< supplied Iron an individual bench cin• cult m accordance with the provision of Article 430, or may be connected to a branch circuit which alsq suppbr other maters on the same machine tool in accordance with the Proviaivns of either section 4343 or of union 673.2. The renductdn 'applying all mo- to on a single machine tool may be consid<r<d a single bnnrh circuit ii all of t,,,c_otor are Pro- t«tad in accordance with the proviaioro Of defier aecuan 4343 or of section 6742, 6142 SerarJ Motes on Ow Branch Citcdl Con. hollers and rnrninR evercueent protective devi<a for two or more motor cennected or of a 'nRle e branchcircuit rmachine tcol need n1.he circuit et he rthe p"', tae c pIkd with; @ all of the following pro - a. Motor -Randa[ Prot"dos. Each run or shall b< Protected by a tactor-rimnm; O......rent Prciec• live demo H Racing elf fNsreurrent Davlcas. The branch ebeuit shwa have overcurrent prot%ion Of • rasing <:,"I to that specified in lefties 4]42 for the largest mason connected to the crtuit, plus an amaunt egwl 0 Y70 ARTICLE 670 to the sum o[ the full -load current ratings of all other motors an lire machine tool which may I. in oper- lion at one time under normal conditions of use and which are connected to the same circuit. In no case shall overcurrent protection be more than 200 am- peres at 250 volts or less, or 100 amperes at GOO volts or Ices. e Enclosures. Enclosures for control equipment and running protective devices enclosed in machine compartments, or mounted on or adjacent to the ma- chine, shall comply in all respects with the provisions of sections 6732 or 6733. d. Conductors. The conduction of the branch cir- euit shall comply with the provisions of paragraph It of section 4343. Protection and Grounding 6751. Protection Against Damage. If the failure of one motor to operate while others continue to rua could cause damage, they shall be ro o cnnected that the trippinli of any overload or undercurrent device will result in stopping all of these motors 6752 firottnding. All machine tools within the scope of thus article, in connected portable equipment, shall be cQcctively grounded as specified in Article 250. 6753. Moving Parts. A machine part that troves on grounded metal quids or supporting ways shall be considered As adequately grounded if the movable Past may not readily be removed by band. EMERGENCY LIGATING 271 CHAPTER 7. SPECIAL CONDITIONS ARTICLE 700—EMERGENCY LIGHTING 7001. Where Required. The provisions of this ars licle shall apply to systema or circuits for supplying emergency illumiwtion only when such Systems or circuiu arc, elsewhere in this code or by municipal, slate, or other codes. See section 5202. See Nnioud Pin Pntecdon Anxiatioe Rngdins Exiu Cede. 7002 Systema of Las Than SD Volts. If. source of aupPly at tell than 50 vol. is employed as one of the ayst<mi. the installation shall also comply with the provisions of Article 720 of this code. 7003. Scope, Emergency lighting shall include all required exit llRlits and all other lights specified as necessary to Provide sufficient illumination to enable persona t0 ace their way out of the building. 7004. Tem and Maintenance. Systems shall be operated and tested sufficiently frequently to asium their !n.m;crumrc in proper operating condition, and halterie. shall be maintained in fully charged condi• tion. ]t b remmmnded Lha (n,wNun rvrindUo ha.in` lurytb Jon e•ndnct te,t rhe comylrte ynrm u2<. +-.al ,iw and 2edaiemy dier..ra°°' Current Supply 701E Source. Current supply shall be such that in event of emerge.y within the building or group of buildings concerned, emergency lighting shall be avail• able. calces may comprise: . Oneservice, and a ,torahs battery of sufficient capacity to aupPly and mainlam at or los than 91 per ant full voltage the total load of the circuiu carrying lights for emergency illumination for A period of at least M hour, Automobile balleries, or lead batleri<s of other than the sealed, a b.tt li Ape. are not considered suitable. b. One service and a generator set• driven by some form of prime mover and of capacity mffkient to supply circuiu carrying emergency illumination load, with suitable mean for automatically starting the generator on (ailuro of the normal aervics. 391 6JP 777 ARTICLE 700 C. Services as widely separated, electrically and Physically, as the available facilities allow. d. Connection on supply side of the main service if su0icicntly separated from main service to prevent simultaneous inttrtuption .f supply through as occur- rence within the building or group of buildings served. It is resvmmrndW rho where .avhhlt end in arab Icsadsm a' haspitzl ops, ane.¢ rima, wpararc and indiv,Jwl aerwtta be ngwteJ fee emer¢aip hibune. 7012. Derangement Signals. Audible and visual signal devices shall be provided where possible, to give warning of dcrngcment of emergency illumina- tion current sources jeopardizing their Proper fungi• tinning, and to indicate when batteries Or generator sets are carrying the emergency illumination load. Circuits 7021. Provision for Lights. Lights shall be pro- vided and so located and supplied a. fo provide, with one service interrupted, emergency illumination with- out appreciable delay. The installation of lights would ordinarily require either sae of the following: a. An emergency lighting system, independent of the general lighting system, with provisions for auto* maticnlly transferring, by meam of devices approved for the purpose, the emergency system from a defec- tive supply to another supply. b. TWO or more separate and complete systems with independent current supply each providing emer. gency lighting. Unless both systems arc kept lighted, means shall be provided for automatically lighting either system upon failure of the other. Either or Doth systems may be a part of the general house lighting system if circuits carrying lights for emer- gency illumination are installed in accordance with other sections of this article. 7022. Independent Wiring. Wiring shall be kept entirely independent of all other wiring and equip- ment and shall not enter the same fixture, raceway, box or cabinet with other wiring except as permitted in sub -paragraph b of section 7021. 7023. Connection of Appliances. No appliances or lamps, other than those specified as required for emer- EMERGENCY LIGHTIVG 277 gency illuminatiob, shall be supplied by such circuits except as provided in sub -paragraph b of section 7021. Control 7011. Switch Required. Circuits for emergency illummation shall be controlled through one switch accessible only to authorized persons. 703E Location. This switch shall be located prel- enbly in the lobby; otherwise at a place convenient to the main cornute to the building. 7013. Other Switches. 1e. addition to the above switch, there may be: a,A switch at the main ¢rv;ct or on the control Panel of a special current wurce. 1s, A switch located adjacent to the emergency switch, or a1 automatic light•....... d device approved far the purpose, to control separately those lights on the exterior of rbc building which are not required for mirution when there is sufficient daylight. 7034. Stag. Co._, Prohibited. Circuits shall not be connected to or controlled by a stage lighting con- 1roL Overemrent Prolatlon 7041• Service. Service oeem...ent devices o.ly may be plated ahead of he brauch-circuit ovtrcurtent dCvtG.e. 704E AraasibL Only In Authorized person:. The branch-efrcuit overcurrmt devims 'Fall be aeceas161e to authorised 0nly. ARTICLE 710—CIRCUITS AND EQUIPMENT OPERA ING) AT ORE THAN BETWEEN CONDUCTORS VOLTS 7101. Qm..L Thi. ani<I< shall .;Ply to in.t lW Non' operating at more Than 64 -it. betwee. eons d.cl.re. 7101. Application Of Ocher Arefciea, Except u mod.fied by this artia<, amirn of mor. than U10 ,it, .has mrinrm to aCtlinn. 2161 to 2125, tr ludvC a<atinnt 2115, 23+71. 2.IR2, anA a<rlinns 2.1;7 to 2342. m 1—— 1.811nnq fincres aF.ail cnnkwm to Arlicle a10, .ratan shad curet.+m to Article 436; Iramform• 271 ARTICLE 710 tisshall conform to Article 450; capacitors shall con- form to Article 460; electric discharge sigma shall conform to Arlicle 600; X-ray equipment shall con- form to Article G60; and outside wires shall conform to Article 730. 7103. Insulation and Interrupting Capacity. Con. ductorR devices and equipment shall have an insula- tion or separation bttween parts of different potential and between live parts and the ground, sufficient for the particular voltage employed, Interrupting devices shall have an interrupting rating al the CuCuit voila'. sufficient for the maximum current to be interrupted. 7104. Constant -Current Systems. Elsewhere than in substations and transformer vaults, constant -cur. rent systems shall not be installed in buildings, and lamps or fixtures on series circuits shall not be at- tached to exterior of building walls unless the walls are of fire -resistive construction. Installation of Combustion 7111. Wiring Method. Except in generator, taus. former, switching and motor rooms, and for servieo runs of muhiple conductor cable approved for the purpose, as permitted in section 2387, conductors shall C ran rigid conduit, duct, or armored cable specially approved for the voltage. 7112. Conductor Location. All circuits of more than 15,000 volts between cond.lems'shall be installed only in transformer vaults, Substations, and fire -renis. tame motor rooms, except as permitted for X-ray equipment in Article 660, Conductors in conduit or duct and enclosed by concrete, brick, or equivalent fire-resistant material not less than 2 inches thick shall be considered outside the building. 7113. Open Cooducton­Supporta and Separation. 3f open work is employed, the Conductors shall be supported on insulators of glass, porcelain, or other material approved for the purpose. Open conductors shall be separated not less than 8 inches from each other, except at apparatus and devices. They shall be not less than 2 inches from the surface wired over, and for voltages exceeding 2500 not less than 3 inches. Conductors and their supports, including insulators, shall have the strength and aubility to insure main. OVER 600 VOLTS 777 tenant. of the required clearance in rise of short. Circuit Current. 7114. Conductor Covering. Open insulated con, ductors shall have a game -retardant outer covering. The conductor covering shall be stripped back one inch from the terminals so as not to touch them. If insulated conductors are provided with a conducting or mculized shielding tape over the insulation and under the outer covermg, this ehieldinR tape shall bt :tripped back a sof. distance for the voltage employed, ■ stress cone made, and the shielding tape adequately Founded at the terminals. 1111. Lead -Covered Conductor. Whre duc- tor. emerge from a lead sheath, they aheatl brnne pro. tected from moisture and mechanical injury by a pothead or by other means which will give equivalent protection. The lead sheath should be continued over splices. 7118. Conddt to Enter Fitting. Conduits shall en. ter and be secured to the casing. shields or enclosures of apparatus or to terminal boxes bolted or otherwise secured to the citing, .hi,!d. or enClosme, except in generator, tramformera switching and motor room. and in sub.tatiom. 7117. Shielding of Rubber-In.dated condoctorta 11 nen-leaded, fibraur-covrred,e rubber -insulated Con. doctors for permanent imtallailon operate at voltage. higher than those indicated in the followin� table tied under the e,mdiliom mentioned, they all. I be of a typpo having metallic or semi.conducting shielding for the purpose of confmmg lhev diel, C field. The send -conducting shield .hall be an approved type. Ydn'e in ger Ahsv w'hnh �h„Iwa. Ie. 4-4 MerMd el Neoral OZ. Inaraaa.a. G.—k4 uWd In ducts or metal conduits in wet or damp locations....... 2 2 In ducts or meal conduits rat pcnnanm'I dry luta4on9 .... 61 it On in+utmon, only if multiple conductor ...................... 6 3 car,P�.nn+n iW,aen� ImWu"1 am be��,i, uaMaa�. rosea a aahiirw, 39Z 67 776 ARTICLE 710 mttov, alaaa luso, n m and silk. darsiftd ar [arils ateruh sed app cad oar the ivmlm,on m eletuinl cern and eJd<a iSvrposMpdq menl0e conduits iv some cera mar caned. s�ie4m monture b altar formaum of wens and Ohm lounge :00it y cable kt roluges above 3000. Far ,oniven. a pray dee it mar ba desirable to shield blow the Iimib siren. This rule is necessary because of the susceptibility to damage of rubber -covered conductors by eeronq which Occurs at the higher voltaga..P2fucularly un- der alternately moist and dry conditions. 7118. Grounding of Shielding. The shielding of shielded cable, whether of the metallic or semicon- ducting type, shall be grounded. preferably at two or more points. Stress cones shall be made at ail term- inations of shielding, as in potheads and joints, Uvarv.nded 'tkwing normally has a p,-aov tisl abe graund acts shadd be sets., as a lire condvcb. Control 7131. General Sections 7132 to 7144 shall apply only to circuits and apparatus supplied through ser• vice equipment. They shall not apply to equipment in vaults under the sole control of the supply com- party. 7132 Separate Control. Each transformer or bank Of transformers operating as a unit, and each other operating unit of apparatus shall, except as provided in section 7143, be separately controlled. 7133. Step -Up or Step -Down Unita If a generator operates with a transformer or a bank of transform - era as a unit for stepping up or stepping down the voltage, they may be controlled as an opeating unit. 7134. Series Trip Coils. Series trip mils connected directly to the circuit, unless guarded or isolated by elevation, should not be used with panel- or panel- frame-mountad oil circuit -breakers on circuits exceed. ing 750 volts. It is recommended that the use, without a transformer. of aeries trip coils in alternating - rent circuits exceeding 750 volts be avoided. 7135. Enclogme of Apparatus. Switches, circuit. breakers, and control apparatus on circuits exceeding 5,000 volts between conductors shall have a metal en- closure such as meraLenclosed switch -gear, trucks, and cubicles, or be installed remotely controlled in a fire-resistant awitchroom or motor room or in a vault complying with sections 4541 to 4548 inclusive. OVER 600 VOLTS 177 If live parts of equipment in metal enclosures are accessible by means of a door, the door shall be pro- vided with a lock se tlut it cannot be opened by un- authorized persons, or with an interlock which will dmvopening unless the Parts thereby exposed are arttt If connected to a chisalt exceeding 1S,000 volts between conductors, such apparatus $lull be installed only in a vault which complies with sect -ions 4541 to 4548 foclusive. 7136. OR Clecdt-Bnakpra and OB Switches to M IseLted. Oil circuit -breakers and oil switches shall be located away from other apparatus wherever pr- ticable. If mounted in a cloud compartment means shall be provided to indicate whether the breaker fa open or closed. Unless installed in dead front type. ama utotic disconnecting -witch-gear equipment, sm able air break isolating (di$coanecnitg) switches shall be installed to isolate each oil switch or oil circuit breaker from the source of sapply in .ray ease where isolation cannot be effected otherwises J, It teammmdnf tLt an r�,irha ward to emvol caw furram b ouu.de the ndv cmway the vandarmeaa 7137. Switches to Be Safely AcOmshle- All switches .ball be as located that the point from which they sus operated is palely accessible to qualifird and author- laed persona lseialing awitchts shall be accessible to q-11fi<d persona only. Strikes should be provided no bath ides of isolating awitchea 7138. Warning Sign. Unit,., isolating switches are w ioter!Ocked that they ,genet be opened under lard, signs shall be mstal!e4 at irolafiog switches warning against opening them while they are carry- ing correct. Ovacurmat P Ot.ct{gn 7141. General. Each opmtfeg _it of aPpanm. aha? be ......fed len. overrurr<n, H a mortally or power operand circuli -breaker "i -Pt as provided in urti�n 71 q, which win u,"Impt all ingrcund,d can dactora 7147. Number of 01- UNta The number of arerc.meat cad -Is ah,'l Le a aPerf ed io T.ble 2a, Chapter 10. 6 Ae ARTICLE 710 7143. Fuaes. Fuse, of suitable rating and type, which conform to section 7103, may be used on cir- cuits of not more than 15,000 volts, for the following purposes: **For the protection of individual feeder er branch circuits at the point where they receive their supply. If there is more than one such circuit, there shall be a manually or power operated circuit -breaker between Clic Point of origin of such circuits and the source of supply. Is, For the protection of motors as specified in Article 430. a For the protection of transformers as specified in Arade 450. d For the protection of other classes of apparatus by special permission. 7144. Injury From Fosea Fusible cutouts shall be so installed that the blowing of the fuse will not re- sult in injury to persons or damage to other equip. ment. They al It be accessible to qualified attendants only. Muton 7151. General. Motors operating at more than 600 volts shall comply with the P,evisiens of Article 430. Services and Service Egtdpment 7152 GeneraL Services and service equipment shall comply with Article 230. Transformers 7153. General Transformers operating at more than 600 volts shall comply with the provisfoas of Article 450. G arding 7161. Live Parra to BeGuarded. Ifaccessible to unqualified persons, all rive pard, including ing conduc- tion, shall be enclosed or isolated. 7167. Isolation by Elevation. To secure Isolation by elevation, the distances above the floor or working surface shall be not less than given in Table 32, Chap. ter 10. 715L Working Span. Except N ststion4 smbata- tions and vaults, under the sole control of the supply OVER dm VOLTS Ir, company, adequate working space shall be provided adjacent to current -carrying Parts upon which repair$ or adjustments must be made while such parts are alive. The dear space when removable guards are taken away shall be not less than given in Table 33 of Chapter 10. If live part. are exposed on opposite aide, of the working space, a clear space of not less than 4 feet shall be provided. 7164. Alr-Break Switches and Fossa Air -bleak isolating switch,. and frac, shall .be accessible to qualified persons only. 7165. Generator, Switching and Motor Ronan to Be Locked. Generator, ,witching. and motor rooms shall ba see ...ly locked except while a qualified oper- ator i, present. Grounding 7171. General. Except in station., substations and vaultsunder the Sole control of the supply company, <ntlo..m, of metal and all non -current -carrying parts of equipment or apparatus shalt be grounded in the manner apecified in Article 250. ARTICLE 720 -CIRCUITS AND EQUIPMENT OPERATING AT LESS THAN 50 VOLTS 7201. Gen -L This article shall apply to i -WI. - lions operating at less than 50 volt., direct current or alternating current, except such as are treated in Articles 650 and 725. 7202. Larger Current at Lower Voltages Condue- ton, devices, and equipment shag have current ratings aufficsent for the greater current required to deliver equal power at the lower voltage than at uaual volt- ages. 7203. Conductors. Conductm� shall be not am+Ily lh.n No. 12, and for appliance bench <ircu!ta avpply ing more 0..one appliance or appliance receplacity caaductor. shall be not smaller than No. IQ 7204. 11--h Circa[. Net more Than 8 lamphold- er. or receptacle,, nor a total load of more than 320 wade, shall b. connected to a branch circuit Motee, er aPpti..c,. o1 rating more tiara 320 writ. $lull h..e a sepanls branch circuit. 393 90 110 IRTICLE 125 7205. Lampholden. Standard lampholdcn of rat- ing not las than 660 wets shall be used, 7206. Receptacle Rating, Receptacles shall have Is rating not less than 15 amperes. 7207. Receptacles Requittd. Receptacles of not less than 20 -ampere ming shall be provided in kit- chens, laundries, and other locations where portable appliances arc likely to be used. 7208. overcurrent Protection Overc.... nt protec- tion shall comply with the provisions of Article 240. 7209. Batteries. Batteries shall conform to the fol- lowing: .'Location. Batteries shall be located in rooms or spaces having natural ventilation. Is. Support. Battery jars and cells, if not composed of insu'.ating material such as glass or hard rubber, shall be mounted on insulating supports of glass or Porcelain. 7210. Grounding, Equipment and circuits shall be grounded as follows: L Machines. The grounding of frames of engines or generators is not required. b. Conductor. One of the circuit conductors shall be grounded if conductors are run overhead between buildings, or if the circuit is supplied through a trans- former from an ungrounded circuit or from a ground- ed circuit of more than 150 volts. ARTICLE725 — REMOTE -CONTROL, LOW- ENERGY POWER AND SIGNAL CIRCUITS 7251, Scope. Provisions of this article shill apply to remote -control circuits, low-energy power circuits and signal circuits, as defined in Article 100, Defini- tions. The I, hi., of W..rdde ve vot h mnded "a m rt mausenercl, Io.Kv<rp or ritual circuit, wb!eh farm ,v im<rril yon at devur, 7252. Hanrdous Locations. Circuits or equipment coming within the scope of this article and installed in hazardous locations shall also comply with the appropriate provisions of Article 50v. 7253. Clasafficatkn, Remote -control and signal cir- cuits shall be classified as follows: RRYOTE CONTROL CIRCUITS sal L Class,1 CireuitL Control and signal circuits in which power is not limited in accordance with section 7281. b. Clan 2 Cir uhu. Control and signal circuits in which the power i7 limited in accordance with section 7281. 7254, Low-Entrgy Pewar Circuits, Circuits which are neither rents.control nor signal circuits, but which have the power limited in accordance with section 7281 shall, for the purpoat of this code, be treated as Class 2 remote -control circuits. a. v^are rtNlaliv. ds gonr! lenemal t m.uderN to 7256, Remm.-Generol and Sigyl CiIt N Com- . mmdcadon Cables. Remote-romrol and signal air- cmts, which use conductors in the same cable wish communication circuits, shall, for the purpose of this anule, be c'a Ifirl a communication circuits and meet the requirements of Article 800, of this code. Clan 1 37a ems 7261. Wiring Mehad. Conductors and equipment of Clan I rTins..scrawl and signal systems ,lull 1u frstaRcd in ar. rdae cath the rrqurzem.a'. of the app'.Primt articles in Chapter 3 of This eadq except a. provided fu aee'!.aa 7ZG2 !0 7265 inclusive 7262. Other Articles. The wiring method required in aresion 7261 docs not 2VP!Y where other articits of this code aP.ci&ally Mini or require o1hR methods leer remo:«anvo car a:gnal circuits Ste Annie G:O, E!r sawn, !cr oamp:,, 7263, Conductor Sizes. 7:oa. I8 and 16 gauge coa- do: ,.,.n r.:+v hr u+<•I if nn!a0ed M. rare •.vay or a rat.:< aPVrused Int Ih< PSR^=st, er in 6rx:ble tondo in x -,,dIw,c snth the r•rpvueanf al Artiel< UA. 7264. Caoductor 17ra IbL CoMuctrra larger Ilan `:o. 11 0111 he ru .Ser-rerered TVP, R, Ihrrrt:a plastic covered Tyre T. "r"' :er ay"vrwrd type. uloid csnncgan Noa. Is an, I6 Ravi• mall have an in - . .t feast equal w Ihat cf Typa RP.32 rvbber- 212 ARTICLE 723 covered pr Ty -p, TP thermoplastic -covered future wire. Conductors approved for the purpose having rubber Insula ion of a thickness I... than specified above or having other kinds of insulation may be used, 7265. Mechanical Protection of Remote -Control Circuits. Where damage to a remote control circuit would constitute a hazard as covered in section 7255 all conductors of-ch.remntc-control circuits shall be installed in conduit, electrical metallic tubing or be otherwise suitably protected from mechanical injury. 7266. Over<urrent Protection. Conductors shall be protected against overcurrent in accordance with the carrying capacities of Tables I and 2, Chapter 10 except as follows: L Other Article.. Where other articles of this code specifically permit. or require other overcurrent Protection. See sections •1372 and 6251, Is. Conductors of Nos, 18 and 16. Conductors of Nos. 18 and 16 shall be considered as protected by overcurrent devices of 15 -ampere rating or setting. e. Ominhin of overcurrent ProtecNoL In r,mat,, control and signal circuits having main and branch circuits, the branch circuits need not be individually Protected against overcurrent. if the operating voltage does not exceed 30 volts. 7257. Location of Overcurrent Protection. Over - current devices shall be located at the point where the conductor to be protected receives its supply un- Ites the overeurrent device protectin the larger con- ductor also protects the smaller conductor in accord- ance with Tables I and 2 of Chapter 10. 7268. Circuits. Extending Beyond Ona Building.Class I remot<•control and signal circuits Which et, tend aerially beyand one building shall also meet the requirements of Articic 730, Outside Wiring. 7269. grounding. Class I remote -control and sig. nal circuits shall be grounded in accordance with Article 250 as follows: a. If supplied by a separate control transformer from a system having a nominal voltage to ground of more than 150 volts. Is. If ran overhead outside of buildings, and so ran 23 to be liable to accidental contact with power con- ductors operating at a potential exceeding 300 volts. REMOTE CONTROL CIRCUITS 2aJ Limitation of S� Sy Luca -Control and teres 7281. Limlcadon of Class 2 Systems. Class 2 re- mote -control and signal ,yslem . depending an the vols.", ,hall have the current limited as follows: L Maximum IS Valu: 3 Arepena Circuits oper- ating at not morethan 15 volts and having overcur- rent protection of not more than 5 amperes rating. If the current supply is from a transformer or other device having inherent current -uniting characteristics and approved for the purpose, or from Primarybat- teries, the overcurrent protection may be omitted. b. 15 to 30 Volts: 3 Amperes, Circuits openling at more than 15 volts but not more than 30 vales, and having evelcurrent protection of not more thane.3 amperes rating. ]f the current supply is from a enna- former or atl,, device having inherent Voris.-Hrrit- ing characteristics and approved far the purpose, or from primary batteries, the overcurrent prottclion may be omitted• L 30 to 60 V.1w lye Ampern. Circuit. operating at more than 30 volts but net more than 60 volts, and having overcurrent protection of not more than l55 ra amperes ting. If the current supplY is from a iran.- former or ether device laving inherent current -limit- ing characteristics and approved tar the purpose. the overcurrent protection may be omitted. 6 60 to 150 Veit% I Ampere Circuits operating at more Than 60 volts but not mora thou 150 volts and having overcuritnt protection of trot more than l - ampere rating, Provided that such circuit. are quipped with current -limning means other than over- turienl Protection which will limit the current" R result of a fault to not exceeding 1 ampere 7282. overcurrent Protatdon and Mo®thag. Wh<ry current is limited in class 2 syuems by mans of overcurrent protection, such 9rotechon and It. mount- ing shall be approved fpr the pmpo.e Orercurten, proration of digerent ratings .hall not be of an inter- ehisre atilt type. The ove....nt protection may •b. in n inttgra4 part of a Iran afarmtr or tithe power supply device approved for the porpesse 7283. R4anferme Rating. Transformer devices .applying itan 2 ayWin, shall be approved for the purpose and be —trilled in their rased outPat to ant Ai Is 291 ARTICLE 735 exceeding 100 volt-amperes. They altall be marked where plainly ,•isiblc to show the voltaRc to be applied to the circuit, and whether or not of the current - limiting type. A Iramformn Is c.midrnd u wades the 100 "It•vn{ert rtvab<mcnt If the aTp—i-. !.mans Omit la rexhN as a 100 wlkam;tre Imo ' Installation of Class 2 Remote•Control and Signal Circuits ' 7291. On Supply Side of pyeitarrent Protection, Transformers or Current -Limiting. Devices Conduc- tors and equipment on supply 9de of overcurrent protection, transformers or current -limiting device, 'hall be installed in accordance with the appropriate requirements of Chapter 3 of this code. Transformers or other devices supplied from electne IiFht andpower circuits shall be protected by an overcurrent device with a rating or setting not exceeding 15 amperes. 7292 On Load Side of Overcursent Protection, Transformer or Current -Limiting Dtviees, Conduc- tors on load side of overcurrent Protection, trans- former or current -limiting devices shall be insulated and shall comply with the following: a. Separation from Other Coodueton Conductors shall be separated from conductors of electric light and power circuits as follows: 1. Open Conductors. Conductors shall be sepa- rated at least 2 inches from any light or power con- ductors not in a raceway unless permanently sepa- rated from the conductors of the other system by a continuous and firmly fixed nonconductor, such as porcelain tube, or flexible tubing, additional to the m,ulation on the wire. 2. In Raceways and Boxes. Conductors of Class 2 remote -control and signal circuits shall not be placed in any raceway, compartment outlet box, junction box or similar fitting with conductors of, Class I re- mote -control and signal circuits unless the conductors of the two systems are separated by a partition, or light and power circuits unless the conductors of the two systems are separated by a partition, provided that this shall not afiely to conductors in outlet boxes. junction boxes or similar fitting, or compartment, where such con across are iotrodu<ed solely for power supply to remote -control or signal circuits. OUTSIDE WIRING 29S 3. In Shafts. Conductors may be run in the same shaft withconductors for light and power if the con- 0,dutsars the two ,))•steins are separated at ]cast inches, or if the conductors of either sy'tem art en- cased in noncombustible lubinR. In hoi aways con- ductors shall be installed in rigid conduit or electrical metallic robing except as provided for in paragraph a of section 620& h Vertical RMa Conductors benched together in a vertical run in a shaft shall have a fire-resistant cov- ering capable of preventing the carrying of fire from floor to floor, except whtre conduct.. are encased in noncombustible tubing or are located in a fireproof shah bavmg fire 31OPS at each floor. Tee kind of Inwlafinn for the and.o.'s ,Fall b, ,ultable for lac in to 1- de tailors pl.<al,:^ I.ut i not rMe:ye:l tail a nlunre +, rlarrd cn currant limitation to is dant<reua Ibat vck h crdu<t rt, .fie aro mora der a a U-4 er cora ma& n 7293. Circles Extrndinty Beyond Ont Building. Class 2 remote -control anA si{L,m,al tircuils which ex- tend beyond one building ao4 are so run as to be ,object ro a<cidenul <ontatt with light or power con• doctor' operxtlng ata potential exceeding 300 volts. 8021, and 8022 ishe AnkBrA requirements of sections 8011, of this code. ARTICLE 730—OUTSIDE WIRING 7301 fieops The reaviremcut, of this article shall af•ply t. eleari<al e9mGment or wiring located on Private or public Premises. attached to the outside of or run between buildings or etrycture,, but shall nee apply to wiring for signs and other enen,ions of in- vrfor wi+mR, nor to equipment ar wiring o1 an eleo- Dc or <ommuniwti.n ut+lny uad in the exercise of its lunoli.n a, a U14 Mty, eat<pl as otherwise provided in this 7381 A1tpSestion, of Other Articles Equipment and widne icr .—ins ccndunor..ha11 comply wish Article 210. Eguipmenl and v;i,ng IncaPod m has• I'd-, Incminn& shall n:mply wills Amide 500. Equ:M .,or and waing_f.r Fins and .rattles lighting shalt eon;ply with Arh t11 Egmprnens and wiring far remota rail -i, ay pn5 er and ,: si cirtmis ,hail comply wi,h Artiste l7 and egmant and wxir.7 for commaric.1i.n ciuuit> ah>II comply with Spy ARTICLE 730 General 7311. Wiring Method. Outside svirinR may be in- stalled as open conductors on insulating supporb, as multiple -conductor tabic aPProvcd for 'be Purpose, in rigid meati conduit. in busways as VroviJeJ in s<e- ti.m 2331 and JW2, or in ekertical metallic tubing; except that for circuits of more than WO volts run on lite exterior, building I,dlx conductors may be in- stalled it efeclrical metallic tulafnR only for sign and outline lighting as providcd in Aside 600. Except as prm•tded in section 2387, athcr canJuHon of more than 6W J. shall be in,talled in rigid metal conduit or cable approved for the purpose. 7312. Common Neutral. Far the supply of lighting tquipmcrtl installed on a single pole or structure, the bench urcuita sM1all comply with tie requirements of Article 210 for multi -wire branch circuits. A common neutral may be employed for the branch circuits, pro• vided not more than 8 ungrounded conductors arc used. Such a common neutral shall have a carrying capacity not less thane the carrying saPaeity of one of the ungrounded conductors. 7313. Conductor Insulation. Open conductors sup- ported on insulators shall be of the rubber -covered type, thermoplasticweatherproof (type \VP), where within 10 feet of eras• bi itding or structure. Cnn- ducto. in cables or raceways shall be of the rubber - covered type or thermoplastic type, and in wet Inca- tiont shall comply with paragraph b of stdion 3102. Conductors for festoon lighting shall be of the rubber. covered or thermoplastic type. 7311. Size of Conductors. The size of conductors shall conform to the following: a. Carrying Capacity. Conductors shall conform I the aliowahle current.carrying capacities of Tables I and 2 of Chapter 10. b. Overhead Spans. Overhead conductors shall net be smaller than No. 10 for spans up to 50 feet in length, sad not smaller titan No. 8 for longer spans. Q Festoon Lighting. Overhead conductors for festoon lighting shall not he smaller than No. 12 un- less supported by messenger wires. d. Over 600 Volta Overhead conductors of over 600 volts &hall not be smaller than No, 6 MIC33 in OUTSIDE WIRING 297 cable. Conductors in cable shall not be smaller than No. 8. of.. Conductors 7321.Supporta Open conductors ,ball be sup- ported as follows: a Open Conductors Open c.nducton shall be supported on glass .r Parcdain knobs• racks, brackets, or strain insulators, approved for the purpose. b. Festoons. In spans exceeding 40 feet the con. ductors shall be supported by a messenger wire sup- ported by approved strain insulators. Conductors or messenger wires shall not be atuched to any fire cs,�pt. downspout or plumbing equfpmenL 7322. Spacings. Conductors shall conform to the following spacings: a Open Conductors Not Exposed to Weather. Open conductors not exposed to the weather shall be 'uPpormd at intervals not rxmrdmR 4V, feet, and shall be separated not less Than 2y5 inches from each other and 1 inch from the surface wired over. b. Open Conductors Exposed to the Weather. Gxtept in open spans, conductors exposed to the wc.tlier shall be supported at intervals cot exceeding 9 het, uparatinR the conductors at least 6 inches from each other and a1 Ir..t 2 in,hm from the surface wiredover; provided tical auPPon. may be placed at mlervals not exaed.a 15 her If e4liductara are a<p- arated at least 12 Inches from each other, For JW oohs or 1<•s,, c—luno. may have a sepamwn of not less than 3 inches if supports are placed at fnwr- yIs not exceeding aid feet and conductors are not less Uun 2 inches from the surface wired over. In open span, conductors shall be separated at least 12 inches from each other. e. Over 600 Valu. Except fn open ,Pana, open conductors on circuits of over 6!x1 valt, &hail be sep- arated mol less than 8 inches from ea:h mh<r and not less than 2 inc es from the aur! -ace wired over for volug. of 2:00 volt. or Its, and 3 inch. for volI ages exceeding 2.00 volts. In open. spans, ron- dunors shall be separated at trait I2 me hes Irons cull other. d. Separation from Other Conductors. Oprncon- dutlurs shall be acP:rtaed fu: open nmductnn .f .the, cir nit. or systems by not leu than a niche.. 395 .40 r -I L-A 3113 _ _ ARTICLE 730 e. Lbae Conducting. Line conductors shall have a separation of not Iess than 1 foot except when placed on racks or brackets. Line conductors suPPorled on F11,11 shall provide a horizontal climbing space not less than the following; Power conductors, below communication conductors . . ...30 in. Power conductors alone or above com- munication conductors: Less than 300 volts ...........24 in. Exceeding 300 volts .... . ....30 in. Communication conductors below power ronductor-321ce as power conductors Common r ication conductor alone or above power conductors.. ... -1 .... .. ........... I.......... no requirement 7323. Clearance from Ground. Open conductors shall be not less than 10 feel from the ground and shall conform to the following: A. Over Drivewaya. Conductors above alleys and above driveways on other than residence property shall have a clearance above ground of not less than 18 feet, and if more than 600 volts, 20 fact It. Over Lots. Conductors supplying lights in automobile parking lots and other similar commercial areas ,shall have a clearance above ground of not less titan 12 feet C. Over Footwalks, Etc. On resmenti21 property, and elsewhere across spaces accessible to pedestrians only conductors between buildings shall have a clear- ance of not less than 10 feet for conductors of not more than 150 volts to ground, and 12 feet for higher TelaRes to ground. Greater clearances shall be pro- vided if, in the judgment of the authority enforcing this code, it is necessary to prevent disturbance of the conductors. 7324. Clearance from Buildings. Conductors shall have a clearance from buildings as follows: a. Over Roofs. Open conductors shall not be less than 8 feet from the highest point of roofs but ser- vice drops operating at 300 volts or less may be not less than 3 feet from the highest point of roofs that cannot be readily walker) upon, Conductors attached to roof structures shall be substantially supported. Wherever practicable, conductors crossing over build. OUTSIDE WIRING ]'9 ings shall be supported on structures which are Inde- pendent of the building. b. Horizontal Clearances. Open conductors shall be not less than 36 inches from windows, esdour, porch, foe escapes, or similar locations and shall conform to the following: 1. Zone for Fire Ladders. If buildings exceed 3 stories, or SO feet in height, overhead lines al'sll be arranged %here practigb:e so that a clear space (or zone) at least 6 iter wide will be left either adjacent tothe buildings or beginning not over 8 feet from h "im, to faciliale the raising of ladders when nets- sary fur fire fighting. - Las Than 7500 Volts. Open conductors of Its "ban 75. volts between conductors shall be at least 3 lett horimnbally from buildinxs unless 8 feel higher than the roof. 3. Exceeding 7500 Volta Open conductors of v:dagr between 7500 mrd 15,000 between conductors '1139 be kept at hast -8 feet horizontally, and open conductor of more than 15,000 colt, between con - halt be kept at least 10 feel horizontally from all 1•4i'din91 except central stations, sub.stations, and ttansiorntnr vaults. 4. Service Droll. Service drops or final spans of Geder la buildi.As -h-,h they sen'r or from which th.y are fed oust necesarily aPProach the building In •re closely than indicated, but they shall be kept sway from windows, dans. porches, fire escapes or similar loratmnv amt shall be run to the building In sorb a way as to avoid -Y haaard. 7325. Protection on Buildings or Structure.. Where eters cwduo— are ear§jrtt to mechanical disturb• i, seror are real ly attteslhle. they shall be protected by nA.•1 metal ccnA.ait. Heel r'val metallic tubing, shsU h:•: r.i muhipit a>r.Aurtor able af•DrevM. for die Pm- ysv, or sha8 have equivalent protection. 7326. P""' -ort Poiea C.aeduann on a pule .hall be pr ole; ted lona mcrhan.ral injury to a p'smt at '-ast 8 fr•: fr. n tlx glrren,t. Such prola:cn shall cm :I ea to sec ti•,n 711 i. 7327. Enuring BaldiLoops. Or - H.'.4 6.11 penId.ug'lull pas ,,;,w cuAb skming, noncom• 790 ARTICLE 730 bustible, non-absorptive insulating. tubes. Drip loops shall be formed on the conduct0r3%Ut5ide the building. Multiple -Conductor Cables 7331. Multiple -Conductor Cables. Multiple cables of Type SD shall have insulating supports at intervals notexceeding 15 feet and maintaining a distance of not less than 2 inches from the surface wired over; and shall be protected where within 8 feet from the ground or where subject to mechanical injury. Mul- liple•conductor cables of Type SE or ASE mounted in contact with the building shall be supported at Intervals not exceeding 4y feet Raceways 7341. Raceways. Conduit and electrical metallic tubing on exterior of building shall be made rain - tight and suitably drained. Underground Conductors 7351. Mechanical Protection. Underground con- ductors shall be protected against mechanical injury by being installed to duct• conduit, in the form of a cable approved for the purpose, or by other approved means. 7352. Draining. Underground conduits or ducts, when not located below the frost line• shall be ar- ranged to drip. 7353. Protection Where Entering Building. Where underground conductors enter a building, they shall have mechanical protection in the form of rigid or flexible conduit• electrical metallic tubing, auxiliary gutters, cables approved for the purpose, or other approved means. 7354. Protection on Poles. Underground cond— tore tarried up a pole shall conform to section 7326. Futures 7361. Lampholden. Lampholdlrs shall be of molded composition, or other approved material of the weatherproof type, and if they are attached as pendants shall have the connections to the circuit wires staggered. If lampholder i have terminals of a type which puncture the insulation and make contact with the conductors• they shall be attached only to conductors of the stranded type. OUTSIDE WIRING 791 7362 Location of Lamps. For outdoor IiRltlieg. lamps shall be located below mersall live conductors. trans - for, or other electrical equipment, unless clear. once. ter other safeguards arc provided for relamp,.g operations, or unless the installation is controlled by a dko—ne<ting means which can be locked in the .Pen position. 396 P 73 192 ARTICLE boo CHAPTER 8. COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS ARTICLE 804—COMMUNICATION CIRCUITS 8001. Scope. The provisions of this article shall apply to telephone, telegraph (except radio), district messenger, fire and burglar alarms, and similar cen- tral station systems. Circuits and apparatus coming within the scope of this article and installed in Class I hazardous locations, shall comply with Section 5024 of Article 500. Ssch vroreniee "ewer" a are wmtial to safer"rd di III outli .d1c3"in It— s `resnJivays b ,which they c. -abfecred an Fn larwuucn,aovn< ger uiremaennis far R cots,+ blit a5u,dad bl the Nniavil Uwrdool Fire Vvdcrwr,un. Protection 8011. Protective Devices. A protector approved far the purpose shall be provided on each circuit, aerial or underground, so located within the block containing the building served as,to be liable to acci- dental contact with light or power conductors oper- ating at a potential exceeding 300 volts, and on each circuit run Partly or entirely in aerial wire or cable not confined within a block. The word •'islet" a used 'n this -rude .hon 6e rnmtrved w mean • ru re or portion of a city, towv or villose cnclaud by artier av Incladini We ill, w cvdxcd but vat mY Mc— a. Location The protector shall be located in or on the building as near as practicable to the point where the conductors enter. In the case of an under- ground entrance the protector may be.located at the junction of the underground and the aerial wires. b. Hazardous Locations. The protector shali not be located in any hazardous location as defined in Article 500, nor in the vicinity of easily fgaitible ma- terial -Protector Requirements. The protector shall be mounted on anon -combustible, non-absorptive in- sulating base and shall consist of an arrester between each line conductor and the Round, and.. fuse in each line conductor, the fuses protecting the larrester exceeppt at specified in paragraph d. The protector termimla COMMUNICATION CIRCUITS292 shall be plainly marked to indicate line, instrument, and ground. d ESeW-Shcathed Cable. Fuses protecting the arrester may be omitted on circuits entering a build. ing through metal -sheathed cable, provided the metal sheath of the cable is grounded and the conductors ler the cable are No. 24 or smaller. 8012. Installations of Conductor": Conductors from the protector to the equipment or, where no protector is required, conductors attached to the outside of, or inside, the building -hall comply with the following; a. Separation From Other Conductors. Conduc- tors shall be ,Dl,alcd from conductors of electric light and power circuits as follows: 1. Open Conduaota Conductors shall be sepa- rated at least 2 inches from any light or power con: doctors not in metallic raceways or meal -sheathed cable unless permanently separated from the conduc- tors of the other system by a continuo" and finnlY fixed non-conductor, 3 , !tio"1 to the insulation on the wire, such as porcelain tubes or flexible tubing, 2. In Rueways and Boxes. Communication con- ductor -hall not De Placed in any raceway, compare - me, r. outlet box, junction box or similar Dtling wilts conductors for light and power circum or a Claes 1 signal and control circuits unless the conductor, of the different systema are separaltd by a Partition; provided, that this shall not IPPly to conductors in outlet boxes, lurrtim haus or similar fittings tN compartments where such <endeetoo are introduced solely far yaw<r ",Ply to communication equipment or for r Dozellaa to rematetamol equip—.t J. Ia Shafts. Canducwo may be ran in the same aka(t with c..doctor. far light ar.4 pe,;per it the con• duht c! the two systema are either system leant 2 (aches, or if the can, eel ,tu in either ayrt<m arc ea• cau3 in ran-<rmb"Gbl< tubing. D. Vertkal Rmis. Condacaen 'arched together in " ecit , run in a shah shall have sire-re+isiant env "i it 1. R of Drev<nnng the carrying of ire from floor to O:.or, <.rrgt where cnadac tics are cowed is nw ,.bu,t:bie tubing cr are heated in a Gr<proof shaft having fire atr.Pa al rash May �id ba tL anvi et uau6u.,v� ,-.rrwi wav14 .,.a.xMlly U 294 ARTICLE 800 4 dared an Use prayed" decks 0 atop a8 ditties" vdtaao sad verous, ' Outside Conductors 8021. Overhead Conductao. Overhead conductors entering buildings shall comply with the following: a. On Poles, Where communication conductors and light or power conductors are supported by the same POI-. the following conditions shall be met; 1. Relative Location. The conductors should pref- erably be located below the light or power eonductoU. 2, Attachment to Cross Arms. Conductors shall not be attached to a erossares which carries light or Power conductors. 3. Climbing Space. The climbing space through signal conductors shall comply with the requirements of section 7322, b. On Rote. Conductors passing over buildings shall be kept at least 8 feet above any roof which may be readily walked upon, exceptsmall auxiliary build- ings such as garages and the like, m Cirouiu Requiring Protectors. Circuits which require protectors (see section 8011) shall comply with the following; 1. Ia"ulation, Single or Paired Conductors. Each conductor, from the last outdoor support to the pro. tector, shall have 1/32 -inch rubber insulation, except that when such conductors are entirely within a block the insulation on the conductor may be less than 1/32. inch, but not less than 1/40 -inch in thickness. In ad. dition, the conductor, either individually or over the pair, shall be covered with a substantial fibrous cover. ing or equivalent Protection. Conductors approved for the purpose having rubber insulation of a thickness It,, than sp.ificd above, or having other kinds of insulation may be used, 2. Insulation, Cables. Conductors within a cable of the metal-sheathedcable type, or within a having a rubber sheath of at least 1/32 -inch thickness and covered with a substantial fibrous covering, may have Paper ar other suitable insulation. If the metal or rubber sheath is omitted. each conductor shall be in- sulated as required in sub-paragnph a-1 of this acc- lion. and the bunched conductors shall be covered COMMUNICATIOY CIRCUITS 2v3 With a substantial fibrous covering or equivalent cov. ering. J. On Buildings. Open conductors shall be sepa- rated at least 4 inches from light or power coudue- ton not in conduit or cable, unless permanently sepa- rated from conductors of the other system by- a can. linuous and firmly fixed non-conductor additional to the insulation on the wires, such as porcelain lubes orflexible tubing. Open conductors exposed to asci. dental contact with light or power conductors oper- ating at over 300 volts. and attached to buildings, shall be separated from woodwork by being supported on glaze, porcelain or other insulating material approved for the purpose. 4. Entering Buildings, Except when a protector is installed on the outside of the building, or the en. tering conductors are in a cable or pass through nus. onry, the conduaon shall enter the building either through non-combustible, non-absorptive insulating buahmgs, or through a metal raceway, Raceways or buahmgs shall slip. upward from the outside of where this cannot be done drip loops shall be formed in the conductors immediately before they enter the building. Raceways shall be equipped with an -Pproved service head. Mare than one conductor may -mer through • Tingle raceway or Uusbing. Conduits or o,be, metal. lic race wa3's located shod of the protector shall be grounded. 8022. Lightning Conductors, A separation of at least six feet shall be maintained between communi. cation conductors on buildings and lightning conduct ton. Underground Circuits 8031. Underground Circuits. Underground can. doctors of communaatian circuits entering buildings Wall comply with the following: & Not With Electric Light or Power Condoctoo. Underground conductors shall not be P' cid in a duct, handhale, or manhole containing -fee nc light or power conductors, except in a ,,tion separated Irom aur' coions. nductors by means of brick, concrete, or Iii- partit b. Vnd-,ground Block D1.1ribudon. Where the anise Mlect viral s run uodergrouad and the eir- 397 296 ARTICLE 800 cult within the block is so placed a' to be free from liability of accidental contact with electric light or power circuits of over 300 volts, the insulation re. quiremenls of sub•pangraphs al and e-•1 of section 8021 shall not apply, the conductors need not be placed on insulating supports and no bushing. shall be required where the conductors enter the building. Grounding 8041. Grounding. Equipment shall be grounded as follow.: I. Cable Sheath. The metal sheath of aerial cables entering buildings and which are liable to contact with electric light or power conductors shall be grounded or shalt be interrupted close to the entrance to the building by an insulating joint or equivalent device. L Protector Ground. The protector ground shall comply with the following: 1. Insulation. The grounding conductor shall have a 1/32 -inch rubber i ... hil n aid 'hall be covered by a Substantial fibrous covering. Conductive apan 1/32-bich inb- ber i sulatforonrovede or having otheg kindshot insulation may be used. 1 Size. The grounding conductor shall not be smaller than No. 18 copper. 3. Ron In Straight Line. The grounding conductor Shall be run in as straight a line as practicable to the grounding electrode. 4. Mechanical Injury. Where necessary, the grounding conductor sball be guarded from mechan- ical injury. 5. Electrode. The grounding conductor shall pref- erably be connected to a water pipe electrode. In the absence of a water pipe, connection may be made to ] continuous and erten,,,, underground gas piping system, to an effectively grounded metallic structure, or to a ground to or pipe driven into permanently damp earth. Steam or hot water pipes, or lightning rod conductors shall not be employedas electrodes for protectors A driven rod or pipe used for gundi rong power circuits shall not be used for grounding com- munication circuits unless the driven rod or pipe l connected to the grounded conductor of a muIU- COMMUNICATION CIRCUITS 297 grounded neutral power system. The requirement for • separate driven electrode for communication circuits and for power supply circuit grounding does not pro• hibie bonding together such grounding electrodes where bonding seems desirable. 6. Electrode Connection. The grounding conductor &hall be attached to a pipe electrode by means of a bolted clamp to which the conductor is soldered or otherwise connected in an effective manner. If a gas pipe electrode is used, connection shall be made be- tween the gas meter and the street mala In every use the connection to the grounding electrode shall be made as close to the earth as practicable. ARTICLE 810—RADIO EQUIPMENT $101. Scope. This article shall apply to radio and television receiving equipment and to amateur radio transmitting equipment, but shall not apply to equip - to and antennas used for coupling carrierapply current to power line conductors. }t h e.<ommenEed +oat rho Mods b rM Ib.M b aM frNr eaaal�eA a ,a tee e�.ific m sppa�. of Beata rdau.. w rwollatiw of mtem. rad I., I r Pa ! Wdt+lbarind teat +a. N.Zal E;eou,ra lister Code. 8101 ADPlicadon of Other Article Wiring from the &om<e of power to and between device. c .... cted ro the interior wng system shag <owply with Chap- ters 1 to 4, inclusive, exce0t as modified by archon' 6403, 6404 and 6405. Wving for dio-frequency and audio•lrequencY equipmeit add rauenc Iced .pcakcrs shall c cdply with AM -11640. Anneria Qntems--General sill. Material. Antenna, e0ovter-Po4, and lead-in conductor$ shall be of hard dawn copper, brinae, capper-<bd and tar c+h<r hig4-ur<ngth, cnrroaioo•re• si.tsnl mmerial. Sc(tdrawn era medium -drawn copper may Le used for lead -o eenduacr. where the maxi• mom $pan Letwc<n pants of support I. la. than 35 feel 8112, QOPPO"- Outdoor antler. and co uster.polse .ad 1 n4,in <.oducton shall be -.W, .uDDerted. They shall rot ee attached to poles or similar aruo tetra carrying clean, Lght Or power wire. or cranial I* 298 ARTICLE 810 wire' of more than 250 volts. Insulators supporting the antenna or counter -poise conductors Shall have sufficient mechanical strength to safely Support the conductors. Lead-in conductors 3h211 be securely at. lathed to the antenna. 8113. Avoidance of Contacts with Conductor of Other Systems. Outdoor antenna, counter -poise and lead-in conductors from an antenna to a building shall not cross over electric light or power circuits and shall be kept well away from all such circuits so as to avoid the possibility of accidenlai contact. Where proximity to electric light and power service conduc. tors of less than 250 voila cannot be.avoided, the in- stallation shall be such as to provide a clearance of at ,.at two feet. It is recommended tbaLantsnna and counterpoise conductors be so installed as not to cross under electric light or power conductors. .- 8114. Splices. Splicea and joints in antenna and counter -poise span shall be made with approved aplie. ing devices or by such other recalls as will not appy ciably weaken the conductors. Soldttiva mar ardiwrls iw eapMM t. w.aitm roe medmtx. Thercfon, hm ..vp n( i. emplored it .asaM h IndeRedml al the mttlunieal Mppwt. 8115. Indoor Antenna. There are no requirements for indoor antennas except that they shall have the same clearance from the conductors of electric light and power circuits and signaling circuits as is required Ior lead -fn conductors. Antenna Systems—Receiving Station 8121. Sloe of Antenna and Counter -poll. Outdoor antenna and counter -poise conductors for receiving station' Shall be of a size not less than given in the following table: Yinimdm sir. al Cnademvn Wbea Mnimum Opus Spn Gen a la L lb.. 77 /M le Or.r 11-41 7f. .1101- Ise fat Hard -drawn copper.... ig 14 12 Copper -clad steel, bronze or other high strength material ............. 20 17 14 Per cert tan( opus tab Iv r emdxtan .ut b eMuirod, d.pmGn(m 0e Iran We a— see it. 11 and wad Iwdma RADIO EQUIPMENT 299 8122. Size of Lead.Im Lead-in conductors from outside antenna, and .== ..for for receiving ux. tions, shall, for various maximum opeo 'Dan lengths, be of such size as to have a tensile strength at least as great as that of the conductor. for antenna a& specified in section 8121. \Vhe, the lead-in consist: of two or more conductors which arc twisted together or are enclosed in the same covering or are concentric, the conductor sire shall, for various maximum open span lengths, be such tlut the tensile strength of the combination will be at least as great as that of the conductors for antenna 2' specified in section 8121. 8123. On Building.. Lead-in conductor attached to buildings shall be so installed that they cannot swing closer than two feet to the condunors o1 cu- euits of 250 volts or It,, or ten feet to the conductors of circuits of more than 250 volts, ex<ePt in the case of circuits not exceeding 150 volts• if all conductor involved are supported so as to insure permanent arparation, the clearance may b< reduced but shall not he less than tour incllea. The clearance between lead-in conductor znd aq conductor forming a part of . lightning to system shall be not less than six feet. 8124. Electric Supply Circuits Used in Liu of An. tenm If an electric supply civ utt is used in lieu of an antenna, the device by whieh the radio receiving act is connected to the supply <i=Oil $hall be aP.. dally approved for the Purpose. Antenna System—Traoawltting Stslloia 8131. Six' of Antenna. Antenna and counter -poise conductors for mnamitting station shall be of a six. out I..& than given in the following table: Minimal Sic. oI Cenci ars Whm Y.aa;am Dpea $9m bar. 1. la.mm O Yatald I'01ea tlD tea Hard -drawn copper..... 14 10 C.Pper-tld steel, brow e or other high strength mal<rfal ............. 14 12 F., nr> Ica( spm Trona Wry d+edmilws M Metric 4rnmdls$ v to orae 1<uetb cad t4 ill avd ad {u.]�.. 398 0 7S' 399 300. ARTICLE .10 8132 Size o1 Lead -In Copduetnra Lead-in con- ductqrs for transmitting stations sM1.11, (or venom maximum span lengths, be of a is. at least as great as that of conductors for antenna as specified in sec- tio. 8131. 8133. Clearance on Building. Antenna and coun- terpoise conductors for transmitting stations, attach- ed to buildings, shall be firmly mounted at (cast J inches clear of the surface .f the butild Ing on non- absorptive insulating 3.PPOIts. such as treata pins or brackets, equipped with insulators having not less than 3 -inch crag. •e and air -gap distances. Lead-in conductors attached to buildingsshall also conform to these requirements, except when [hey are enclosed in a continuous metallic shield which is Permanently and effectively grouded. In this latter case the metallic shield may also be'used as a conductor. 6134. Entrance to Building. Except where Pro• teeted with a continuous metallic shield which is per- manently so effectively grounded, lead-in conductors for transmitting station shall enter buildings by one of the followipg methods: a. Through a rigid, non-combustible, non-absorp- tive insulating tube or bushing. Is. Through an opening provided for the purpose in which the entrance conductors are firmly seemed ao as to provide a clearance of at least 2 inches. a. Through a drilled window pane. 8135. Protection Against Accidental Contact. Lead- in conductors to radio transmitters shall he so located or installed as to ..,it. accidental contact with them difficult. Protectors 8141. Lightning Arresters—Receiving Station& Each conductor of a lead-in from an outdoor antenna .hall be provided with a lightning -arrester approved for the purpose, except where the lead-in conductors from antenna to entrance to building arc protected by a continuous metallic shield which is permanently and effectively grounded. Lightning arresters shall be located outside the building, or inside the building between the point of entranceof the lead-in and the radio set or transformers, and as near as practicable RADIO EOUIPME\T 301 to the entrance of the conductors to the building. The lightning arrester shall not be located near com- bustible material nor, in a hazardous location. 8142. Lightning Arresters---Transinitting Station.. Except where protected by a continuous metallic shield which is Permanently and effectively ground<J, a', antenna is Dermanently and effectively ground- ed• each conductor of a lead-in for outdoor antenna shall be provided svilh a lightning arrester or other auiub1, means which will drain static charges from the antenna system. Oemmding Conductors—Oeaenl SOLMaterial. The grounding conductor shall, unless otherwise Pact ad. be of copper, copper -clad bro steel, nze, or other corrosion -resistant material. 515L Insulation. The grounding conductors may be ummulated. 8153. Support& The grounding conductors shall be securely fastened in place and may be directly ana<he" to the ...lace wired over without the use 01 intulatmg support& 5154. Mechadcd Protect"'& The grounding con- ductor shall be protected when txDmed to mechani- GI Injury. 8155. R_in BttalSbt Lt -a grounding con- ducl°r shall be run in as straight a line as Practicable from the equipment 1. the grounding e'.eclrad, ai54 Grou.d Elactzod& The grounding conductor f'fu1ll bei t^ ,,,,ad 81 In 83 uh AOir le Mode as epeci- GrOunding Cadoeters—Race(ving 8tadora 5161. Insidotd e or Gds BuUding, The Pound- ing mrde.... may be run either ior4e at ;_nide the Gutld.og. 5162. Sia* N Pmtmtive Ormmd• The protective pa.rdina cncdc: o:r Icr n«firing nations shall be MI .—:It, than No. N upper or !j, 17 <oppv- dao &eeel or bronae. Prot 114 that where whapy ins ,,.4. Ib. bedd.rg it aha& oral be amat]er than No. Ig. 30r ARTICLE 010 8163. Common Ground. A single grounding con- ductor may be used for both protective and operating Purposes. If • i.& conductor Is ao used, the around t—Iml a its equirmevt shaulJ be wnnected to the V.- 'I'st of W KOtKtlee Jlhl.l Grounding Conductors—Transmitting Stations, 8171. Size of Protective Ground. The protective Pound conductor for transmitting stations shall be as large as the lead-in, but not smaller than Na 14 copper, bronze, or copper -clad steel. 8172. Size *10 perating Grounding Conductor. The oPCraling grounding conductor for nan.milting sib lions shall be not less than Na 14 copper or its equiv- alent. Interior Installation—General 8181. Clearance From Other Conductors. Except as Provided in Article 640, all conductors inside the building shall be acParated at least 4 inches from the conductor of any other light or signal circuit unless separated therefrom by conduit or some firmly fixed non-conductor such as porcelain tubes or flexible tubing. 8182. Radio Nolle Suppnaetin. Radio inlerfercnce elimilntars, interference caPacitora or radio noise suppressors connected [o power supply Ica4s shall be of a tpPe approved for the purpose. They shall not be exposed to mechanical injury-. Transmitting Stations 8191. General Transmitters shall comply with the following: a. Enclosing. The transmitter shall be enclosed in a metal frame or grille, or separated from the open aling apace by a barrier or other equivalent means, all metallic parts of which are effectually connected to ground. b. Grounding of Controls. All external metallic handles and controls accessible to the operating per. sannel shall be effectually grounded. No dreult Iv "ewr of 170 -11. shouts hsee Rey pate• en tvto d,r<n rom A complete deaJlrone trK of &.itch• is preGrred. RADIO EQUIPMENT 303 a. Interlocks on Doom All access doors shall be provided with interlocks which will disconnect all voltages in excess of 350 volts when any access door is opened. d Audio -Amplifiers. Audio-amplificra which are located outside the transmitter housing shall be suit. ably housed and shall be so lorxted as to be readily accessible and adequately ventilated. 0 74, 301 CHAPTER 9 CHAPTER 9. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS This chapter of the code describes the general char. sacristies of fittings, materials, and devices of the tyPes commonly employed in installations for which Provision are given in other chapters of this code. It is intended as a guide to the classification and identification of types. Such derails of construction as are included in this chapter are given as descriptive information and not as a complete basis for judgment of devices or materials. The section numbers of this chapter arc derived from this chapter number, the article number to which the section refers, and a serial number. In the sec- tion number 92401, the first figure (9) indicates the chapter number; the next three figures (240), indi- cates that the section refer to Article 240, Overcur- rent Protection; and the last number (1), that this I - ,he first item in this series. Cross references are therefore omitted as the group of three digits fol- lowing the figure 9 indicates the article referred to Cartridgo Fusee and Fuseholden 92401. Dimensions. Cartridge fuses and fusehold. ers shall conform to the dimensions shown in Table 34 of Chapter 10. 92402. Terminals. The terminals of standard cart- ridge fuses and fuseholders shall be of the ferrule type for ratings of 0.60 amperes, and of the knife -blade type for ratings of 61-600 amperes. 92403. Marking. Fuses shall be plainly marked with the ampere rating and the name or trademark of the maker, and the voltage for which the fuse is de. signed shall be provided on a paper label which shall be navy blue for 250 -volt fuses rated at 15 amperes tar less, green for 250 -volt fuses rated at more than 15 amperes, and red for 600 -volt fuses. Link Fuses and Ftuelholders 9240S. Dimensions. Link fuses and fuseholders shall have the following dimensions in inches: CONSTRUCTION Jar Arsimum Sepvagon Yan�olUM�l bliaimum Ampere1ps <itr. PoLrnprp•,iw 1)iww Net over 125 volts 601.1500 ly, IyS Not over 250 volts 601-1500 2144 2 For 3 -wire systems, link fuses, and fuseholders shall have the break distance required for circuits of the Pit of the outside wares, except that in 125.250- volt systems with grounded neutral the fuses and fuscholden. In 2•wire, 125 -,.It branch circuit. may have the spacing specified for out over 125 volts, 92406. Spacing, A space shall be maintained be. tween the fuse terminala of link fuse, of the .ams polarity of at least Y inch for voltages up to 125, and of at last 4i inch for voltage, from 126 to 250. This is rhe minimum distance allowable and greater .spa. ration &hall be provided if practicable. 92407. Marking. Link fuses shall be Stamped with g0 per cent of she maximum current which they can carry indefinitely. 92406 Material. Contact surfaces or lop3 of link f.sea .hall be of, copper or aluminum having goad eleefrical connecticn, -1 the fusible part of IM strip. Condue'eva 91101, Omera. Insulated conductor, shall eotr forms to the following: a. Marking. Wires, cables and <Ord. Of all liens <areI s w<alherPloof and paper-mauluM wire shall have a contin?w, disbnrt.ve rnarkin4 ao that their Hake` may Ise readay i+tenti6<d. All wires, cablm and cord, shall also be plainly taggM or mar4<d n frdbws: I. TF -e maximum working rclfage for which the wire was t<.Ied or ,ppro•ed. This mar ba .fisted for .!cw•burn:og, sUw-Lerning Z' "'pror,l, w .0". mol pom1 asbs........... 4 avis<hb?ard warm. 2. Th, word, ^ti aticral Fleuricsf Coe Standard.' 3- `tame of the in -of", ... """"y and, it dt.-I. trade name cf eke 306 CHAPTER 9 4. hlondt and year when manufactured. This may be omitted (or siow-burmfng, slaw -burning weather- proof, and weatherproof wires, S. The proper type letter for the particular style of wire or cable as given in the following sections. Is, Identification of Insulation. All rubber -insula. ted, fibrous -covered conductors and all thermoplastic. insulated conductors, No. 14 and larger, shall have a readily identifiable permanent marking to indicate the grade of insulation; except that single -conductor, code -rubber insulated, fibrous -covered conductors hav- ing a lead sheath; and multi -conductor cables, ar. mored cable, and nonmetallic -sheathed cable havi ng code -rubber or non•nwisture-resistant thermoplastic insulated conductors, need not be so marked. e, Classification. In addition. to the type lettere specified in the table in paragraph a of this aecuon, the following letters shall apply: 1. A type letter or letters used alone indicates a single insulated conductor, 2, D. The letter "D" used as a suffix indicates a twin wire with two insulated conductors laid parallel under an outer fibrous covering, 3. M. The letter "11" used as a suffix indicates an assembly of two or more insulated conductoa twisted together under an outer fibrous covering, 4. L. The letter "L" used as a suffix indicates an outer covering of lead. S. Voltage. Type letters, when used alone, indi. cate conductors for use at not more than 600 volts. Conductors for use at higher voltages shall be indi. Bated by adding numerical suffixes to the type letters as follows; 10—for use at not more than 1000 amts 20—for use at not more than 2000 volts 30—for use at not more than 3000 volts. 40—for use at Dot more than 4000 volts. 50—for use at not more than 5000 volts. 7k ,?lima •o7urm refev 4 to 1. the tabtu are the operadn� e —'h v iu- phafra or tin Ic anJ t.ophar< anima, an phase anuma ah arounderd tar un,mundrd neuual 6. Label. All NEC standard conductors shall be examined and tested at the factory and, if approval, shall be labeled before shipment. CONSTRUCrIOX cep d. Identified Conductors, Single insulated conduc- lora of No. 6 or smaller, intended for use as identi. fied conductors of circuits, except conductors of the weath,,Pro?f t Pe (type WP and SOW), shall have an outer identification of a white or natural gray color. Twin and twisted -pair conductors and threeconductor• cables shall have one conductor, and four -conduct?, cables shall have at least one conductor identified in this manner. thdr outer ?wren, finhhed to .haw < whit, er n but h..... r.... facer threads i the braid, murrce al ,:anufxune, arc mnu laN u mai Single conductors, intended for use as unhlentified conductors, and conduct -s other than the identified conductor in multi—iductor cables, shall be fin• ished to show a color or combination of colors other than, and contrasting with, white or natural gray. For identification requirements for conductors larger than No. 6 xe P—r ,ipl, b of section 2005. s, Conductor Construction. Insulated conductors for ur< at ON volts or Ices alull conform to the pro• vuiona of the following table.: / a I F-0 3w CHAPTER 9 z O Q .Z. N 0 F V .7 O 0 O u 177 I CONSTRUCTION Im ]10 CRAFTER 9 Mlle �d^< :S:�ARS°3IRa9 „�=aR433 n oESE�E s � I,a A9 ��R <g�=RR443 �R44 �RRR44F ,R MATT3 =2HAil Wl S„TZ'8I . b-„3- 3� Lis I' I g sa CONSTRUCTION RI 2e E 1� e u 93 F yy � eaaabaa aag`_aga °si pSaaggg aag`pebn �sR �i3 22E �E#;SE R EEF2EEE a�a�a�t RR33 A4 -A43^88 EF•.FE d yyeas 'AFX RAV da S :_ �t„-0S�±bS•..1-+9 s< =.$�,=3R b.1�„38 So? e' e h 1 k �yy Fo Tji I �� ]10 CRAFTER 9 Mlle �d^< :S:�ARS°3IRa9 „�=aR433 n oESE�E s � I,a A9 ��R <g�=RR443 �R44 �RRR44F ,R MATT3 =2HAil Wl S„TZ'8I . b-„3- 3� Lis I' I g sa CONSTRUCTION RI i I u F yy rEai =25 aj 22. raa2a�' tU7522 Ab h RR33 A4 -A43^88 EF•.FE d RAV da S e' e b i I 0 7'$ 317 CIIAPTER a I. Inadatfon Thickness—Over boo Volts. The thick- ness of insulation for conductors fat Use at over 600 volts shall conform to the following: Thicknesses of Rubber Insulation for Rubber -Covered Wires and Cables, in 64tbs of an Inch CotWurtoi Sfry Cbnifi—h" Awa or 11063 C 6 IOW Aw,pr }!CA RIO R10 RIO RIO RSO 14-0 I S 7 9 10 6 S 6] j 213 son 6 6 7 6 10 10 713.300 Sol -1000 1001.7000 8 9 10 11 301.10 00 1001-tOW 1 a 9 9 9 . 10 10 11 II 17 Thicknesses of Varnished -Cambric Insulation for Single -Conductor Cable, in 64th. of an Inch Ce.Nu Sire Fm Vahaaea Net F-10A­3lC1! Awa or 11063 C 6 IOW 3000 than IOW 5000 t 0 .0 i o° 7 8.2 10 1-2 a a 6 S 6] j 213 son 6 6 7 6 10 6 7 - e 7 1 Sol -1000 1001.7000 7 3 1 .t 7 3 7 a I 7 6 a a 9 10 10 Thicknesses of Varnished-Canalsde Insulation for Multiple -Conductor Cable, in 64thi of an Inch Conductor SimPar Whrtes Na Eueedln■ Awa or 11063 C 6 C00 COB CH C B 11 t 0 .0 i o° 8.2 a 0 6. S is 0 5 7 6 J 6 1 713 306 3o1 -IOW 6 1 6 6 7 6 D 6 6 1 6 116 1 7/ 1601.2000 7 1 7 1 7 3 1 .t 7 3 The Ricknew fi,m 1, columns heeled 'C' are ler the Inco- nnien c the Mrd ideal mrd—... Th.cisco iv the mlumvs headrd'0" see for the thick—. of the wwJi belt of iawl.U... CO\STRUCTION 711 Thick.— of A.beatos and V—ithed-Cam• brit Insulation for Single -Conductor Cable, Type. AVA, AVB and AVL, in Mil. Conducmr tet N'aR Varvuhed Cambrle 1nJ Hall sire ^'�`"el NJ W.0 A14CYr Far Vyn.ra Not £.,M 1000,5000 loce ]WO Jtoo 1000 SOW I0o0Sono IN IS IS 60 -W IW 120 25 14/0 30 43 W 80 IW 720 SD 513 -SW as IS 60 ro IW 720 IO 3013000 36 a360 so IW 110 W IWI :+VJ a0 7s 73 95 113 110 so Armored Cable, TyPe. AC, ACV and ACL 93341. General A,..,cd cable for 600 sella or lets shall conform to the following: .. Conductors. The conductor, shall comply with the r<gmrements fo( the type of conductors used. The Individual conductara harmg a fibeoua covering shall have such a covering for their emirs length and, ex• sept for lead•covered cable, m<h covering shall be se treated as to be flamc•reurdam and meistur -resistant. b. Marking. The cable shalt carry distinctive mart- en throughout its entire length, both in the -.due- tor and the armor, to that their makers may be «ad - By identified. Non-metallic Shathad Cabl. 93361.Crustal. Nammeta!4e sheathed cable shall I,,*—to lbs falAwmg: a. Conductors. The mnducters thaB comply with the re,-uvemmb for the 'T el conductor used, ea• cep, ..hat 06 braid need be prOsidy d.re..ly aver the ,.,ben covoiag. 11. !lumbar and Typo of CondartO Cable shall be ayproved type. in urea :Ina 14 to /, inclusive, and Is .Cditicn to Na tc,ust<d ecaduetcra may have - an g(m C:ng GtuWn<a n1Y. appre.<d d+e c3 -'Y. ca t<d capper ".d -to, lar e Marking. Tke cable shall bass s V.eiinu0a, din tin ire a:ah;ng so .at the maker may be readily id<nt;e.d. 31, CIIAPTER 9 Rigid Metal Conduit 93461. General. Rigid conduit as shipped shall be in standard lengths of 10 feet including coupling, one coupling to be furnished with each length. Each length shall be reamed and threaded on each end. Steel conduit shall hive an interior coaling of a char- acter and appearance, and non-ferrous conduit of cur- roston-resistant material shall have suitable markings. so as to readily distinguish them from ordinary pipe commonly used for other than electrical purposes. Electricnl Metallic Tubing 93481. Genm eral- Electrical metallic tubing shall conforto the following: a Crga Section. Tke tubing, and elbows and bends !or use with the tubing, shall have a circular cross-section. b. Finish. Tubing shall have such a finish or I ... t- ment of outer surfaces as willprovide an approvsd Permanent means of readily distinguishing it, when mstalied, from rigid conduit. e. Canneet._ When the tubing is coupled to - gather by threads, the connector shall be it. deslgns! as to revent bending of the tubing at any part of the thread. Surface Metal Raceway 93521. General. Surface metal raceways shall be of such construction as will distinguish them from Other raceways. Metal raceways and their elbows, couplings and similar fittings shall be so designed that the sections can be electrically and mechanically coupled together, while protecting the wires from abrasion. Hole. for crews or boll inside the race. way shall be so designed that when -crews or bolts A re in place their heads will be flush with the metal surlacc Cellular Metal Floor Raceway, 97561. General. Cellular mcut floorraceway, shall, be so constructed that adequate electrical and me: chanical continuityof the complete system will be se- cured. They shall Provide a complete enclosure for. the conductors. The interior surfaces shall be free from burrs and sharp edges, and surfaces over which CONSTRUCTION 113 conductor are drawn shall be smooth. Suitable bush. ings or fittings having smooth rounded edges shall be provided where conductara pass. Bose, and Fittings 93701, Outlet, Switch and Junction Boxes and Fittlng.. Outlet, switch and junction boxes and fit. ting-, if of metal, shall conform to the following.. a. Corensian-Redasot. Boxes and fittioga, 1f of meal, unless of eorro.-n•resiftanl meal shall be well -galvanized, enameled, or otherwise properly coated, inside and out, to prevent corrosion. Bre ""k- WO fol Usi;aion in the uaa of base. and Brice yretrnrd ft.. rc nun ra:rir br mamrk !t it r mmenJ<J that the aralenira —ung be or ..duniva n.... sure a raJm,um, un er unq iv orders ..rum b.— It. 0. Thickness of Metal. For boxes and fittings net over 100 cubic inches in sire, if constructed of sheet tresis the metal 111.11 not be leas than No. 14 USS gauge (.0747 in.) in thio -is. or if of cast metal shall 11.ve a wall thickness of not less than fS inch, except that if of malleable iron, they shall have a wall thick. ',:. of not less than 3132 inch. e Boxes Over too Cubic Inches. Bares of are. 100 cubic inches in size shall be composed of metal and shall conform to the requirements for cabins and cutout boxes, except that the corers may consist of single gat sheet. secured to the box proper by .crews, or bolts instead of hinges. Boxes haripg covers of this form are for arae only for e"cl-ins joints in conductor. or to (acililate the dewing I. of wires and cables. They are nos intended to cadose switches, cutouts or other control device' 97703. Coven. Covera of boxes soil little,, shall be of a Ihickness at least that specified for the wdf. of boxes of Ilse tame material a, that used for the cover and of the sire under conude,a iaa, or ,hall be lined with firmly a,I.,hed insulating material nal les. Ihan t/J2 inch in thickness Covers of poreeisio or other approvtd inmlaling material may be used if of such form and thickness as W afford the r<quitite Protection and strength. 93707. Bushings. Cover a( outlet boxes and oul- lel f 11 having holes through which fiesibli cord 402 -14 0 1'7 516 CHAPTER 9 pendantsmay pass, shall be provided with apP.,Sd bushings or shall have smooth, well-rounded surfaces, upon which the cord may bear. 11 conductors other than OexiLk wrJ may Pass through a metal cover, there shall be provided a separate hole (or cath wire, said butt being equipped with a btobfng of suitable insulating material. 93704. Non -Metallic Boxes. Provisions for sup- ports, or other mounting means, for non-metallic boxes, shall be outside of the box, or the box shall be sv constructed as to prevent contact between the conductors in the box and the supporting screws. Cabinet. and Cutout Box" 93731. Material Cabinets and cutout boxes shall conform to the following: a. Metal Cabinets and Boxes. )fetal cabinets and cutout boxes shall be well galvanized, plated with cadmium or other approved metallic finish, enameled, or otherw'isc properly coaled, inside and out, to Pro- ,cut It b recommem nded Ill., the Protn6ea eoatinH be pf ewductire te materiah ch od..u., da or <i.<, !n order w acture hem, C.ellied ..t., b.Strength. The design and construction of cabi- nets and cutout boxes shall be such as to secure ample strength and rigidity. If constructed of sheet steel, the metal shall be of not less than No. 16 USS gauge (.0598 inch) in thickness. e. Composition Cabinets. Composition cabinets shall be submihed for approval prior to installation.' 93732. Spacing. The spacing within cabinets and .,out bpxes shall conform to the following: "General. The spacing within cabinets and cut• out boxes shall be sufficient to provide ample room for the distribution of wires and cables placed in them, and for a separation between metal parts of devices and apparatus mounted within them as follows: I. Baa,. There shall be an air space of at least 1/IG inch, except at points of support, between the base of the devlte and the wall of any metal cabinet or cutout box, on which the device is mounted. (tl\hl Nl'CTION �t: 2. Doors—General. There shall be an air spare of at Ieoat I inch between any live metal part (includ- ing live metal parts of enclosed fuses) and the door, unless the door is lined with an approved insulating material or is of a thickness of metal not less than N. 12 155gauge (.11140 indp, when the air sl+ace shall be not I., flan me )$ ls. 3- Doors—Link Fuses. There shall be a space of at least 2 inches betwcen open link fuses and —tat•. lined walls or metal, metal -lined or glass -paneled doors. I. Idve Pane. Except as noted above, there slmll be a, air space of " least 1!a", Inch betwcen the wails, bark gutter partition, if of metal, or door of anY caL- inct or cutout box and the nearest exposed currcnt- wrrymg parr, of devices mounted within the cabinet if tl:e p.,cmi." do not <xcad 250 vola. This spac- ings!+.i i be increased to at least one incl, ii the poun- till s tatted 350 votes. b, Switch Clearance, Cabinets and cutout box" All Le �bep on :ngh to aCnw the closing of the doors when 30 ampere branch-eircuit panelboard ba'1uh.. are in any position. qr sateen combination tumor sacitches are in any position, or when otlur Lng:ethrow radtches are oPered as far as their <on- rirucrvo will permit. c. Wiring $Cxr—VJhrt Regtdrtd Cpabh"" and ... : •1tv+rrs lir aparatus car- I.,­ Ill- 8 con- y i h:arch r:rrpv, muter -r „culla sad similar v cT n4 qr a con- aimg . .. - sPxn am . r „ .., e. Side gRiiera qr .ming .1. , '11 ✓c—F,ncic.ms, Side wiring .Parrs. ar.•',partments of rab�nea _ :. rCRJertd tight CR[:hamrrr :.a lir pl.l.•,r.nr r ,,rd:na dee 6+111- • r R,inet: pro- . . :'`I ic.a IS:a nhinst 11H CHAPTER 9 at points directly opposite their terminal connections m devices within the cabinet, suck covers, barriers or partitions may be omitted. Partially enclosed back wiring spaces shall be provided with covers to com- plete enclosure. Wiring spaces that arc required by paragraph (c) of this section and which are exposed when doors are open, shall be provided with covers to comolete the enclosure. Switches 93801. Marking. Sw'itchrs shall be narked with the current and volage and, if horsepower rated, the maximum rating for which they are designed. 93802. 6011 -Volt Knife Switches. Amiliary con• !acts of a renewable urquid:-break type or the cgmv- alrnt, shall be pe-Wd im all (").00h knife switches designed for use in breaking currents_ over 200 am- p". . It le r.--d,d that ..ell .-M."-1— —1— br pmeided An rw ilI ditaurrent 1-1b. ra,ed at arse 250 vola. 93803. Multiple Fuses. Switches rated above 600 amperes, and therefore exceeding the rating of stand• and cartridge enclosed fuses, may be arranged for fuses in multiple provided as few fuses as possible are used and 111, (uses arc of tLc same type and laung and are so nmum<J ax to diminale a potential differ- c+ue between the terminals of dm fuses. Switchboards and Pa..Iboards 93841. Panels. Tim panels of switchboarJs shall be made of moisture-re,istant, non-combustible Marc. HAI. 93842. Hua -ban. Bus -bars, if rigidly mounted, may be of bare metal, 93843. Protection of Instrument Circuits. Inelru- ments, pilot lights, potential transformers, and other Switchboard devices with potential coils, except where the gpcntian of the oecrcnrrcnt devise might intro- duce a hazard in the operation of devices, shall be supplied by a circuit that is protected by standard overcurvent devices of a rating not greater than Is amperes, except that ivr ratings of 2 amperes or less special types of.enclosed fuses may be used. 938", Component Parts. Switches, fuses, slid fuseholders used on panelboards shall conform to the CONSTRUCTION requirements of Articles 240 and 380 so far as they apply. 93845. Knife Switches. Knife switches shall be so arranged that the blades, if exposed during opera. tion, will be dead when the switches are open. 93846. Color -Coding. If switchboards or panel- boards are provided with color markings to indicate elm main b. to to u$ich branch circuit Ifus-bars are ronnraeQ Ila colon shall conform W the color cod- ing of seen.. 2112. 93847. Spacing.. Except at switches and circuil- breakers, ae least the fo!lu\vfng distance hetwven bare meal parts, b—ban, eta., slail be maintained. PCP n�a lo�a dta \Yhenr \11:14 nl.S pn Ite1J the Same Fre, •Lira Rua Sadxa In Art Ie Groand Nal a•<r IS! rdti _ 1: Itch ff irah !S inch Nm o.er 21' -11,.. It ,nth finch 1. inch N., ave, 'to rats - a mebe. l -h 1,.,h At awitchee, enclosed fns", etc., parts of the amt polarity nay he placed as close together as convert• ,taut m I- -til all.., unless close proximity canoes exrcsalve healing. •1'er eruin,� t<1.ern lire pan, ,til d,,,a el e,eion,, era aeb psr.x,ay. • ,<a,..n van Il h 11a h< nar<d that the ebn<e d:,+anre, ,ra rDe M.," end it rrrnmm .1a1 ,hrt Roto d.a!,nea W adae�al whertrer rte eurdineua v1a �erc,h Flexible Cord. 94001, Lb 1I.. Flrxild, tarda 0ha11 he eaandned and !entad it Ila factory and il.Al be labeled befor. eLipnte 94002.Grounded Comduetor Identification. One eamlucmr of it, .pible cards shall have a continuous nurkrr re:,d1h' d.:law :h:na it from the mher c... dm 0•r ar ,. n�•Ln ra:• the tdennlicanon shall co—st of nuc u( ILc following: A. Colored Braid. A I—id fitiM.-I f0 Show a s1lnb or 1:nur.J r.: ay colo, and the bra,:l on the other r. ar ln. 1. r ,n „mdacl•ns liniahed Io show a readily J:•nugm>h,i,l,: •oh9 -1 , or c.Wis. b.T.— in 11u1d. A tutee fn a braid of any J., c:�uuaa,mg wi,h that of the braid and no trace 403 320 MAP 1 ER I. the hnid of elm other Gond:'or or mnJuaors. No tracer Stell be coed in 'he L+ I ,! any eondueror III a dex+ble cord wbi,l. r• ,twin• c! hdmaor having a braid finished to shots wh a of no d tray, except that, in the case of t)Pr k 1'D ; 1 1 1 < ala laving the braids oo 11. md+'id :I , u<h rs lini,hcd to show ranine or natural Rr r, th JI,, ifymg marker may consist of a lraa•• of any ar n the braid of one conductor. a Colored Insulation. \ v'• a nrm•ur:d grayy insulation on one loud �.to an' ^+sola+ In �,(a read- ily distinguishable ash - m col • on t dice 'on: doctor or cenducrnrs • r ••rd. Inenng o ,rayl. on rhe individual con -lull r1 exv ;rt mrd' w4. ch have insolation on the Ind,, lu:• co•' tactors intch at illi the jacket.) d. Colored Sepa... tr, c it, or namr. R, e separator on ono c.nul.+or rad separator' of a rc. '- ilr disrial: uid-lde a!h•1 ol, of die other onv ort or condun,•n ,f a;rd, •cin it Ilatinn •sn the rad vidual eonducmrs inaxml Jacket. e. Tinned Conductors. O•, I olo-,r hat ins; In individual strands tinned and th, other mndu.•mr or mndncutrs InyinR the in • vi.' nl -+mods oration -•1 or cord' hay. I, n-0 Itwo t' f+ liv,dual mn•l ort is inlcgral a'it11 the Jarkcl. I. Surface Marking- 1 cD or. -:dor or gown- :o located on the extrrnsr o: th, cot't as to idenniv I- conductor for "•rats haviu: it .ul.o on on the indiv d. ual conductors integral Nnh lie icket. 94003. Grounding Conductor Identification. A trn- duetor intended to be used a a sounding c-,h—r if provided with insulati,ah oil have a comi•moa idcnl ifyh g marker readily d in, :ishing it from tee other con4u:for or condurlot•. T.•• iiec- ying mar.• rr shall consist of orae of i c fcl:owing: a. Colored Braid. A bra' 1 finished to show a green color. b. Colored Insulation. For cords having no braids on the individual conducl,•rs a green insulation on one conductor. d This &hon nm be con l-ol n nrohihidne the me d a con ero Aa int a Hrani-h as unaronndeJ nre!,n nn•lacror to _J. hovn+a nu cealucwr used as a eruundvo, eenJucror. 94004. Inadmion—Required. The individual con- ductor of all cords except those of IIM—siStant cord "ISSTRUMOS 331 (Tynes AFC. AFPO, \FPD, AFS, AFSJ, r\VPO, AVI'U, CFC, CFPO and CFI'll) shall hare a rnbhcr or %henmplastie covering, except that in Types S. ST, SO, SJ, SJT and sJ0 cord one conductor intended for use as a grounding conductor may he svitin ut I.. dividual insulation. •\ rubhcr compound shall be vul. <anizcd except for asbrstas-<ovcr<A tinxei cord IT7•Pei AT amt ATJ) and heater cord (Types 11C, hISJ and 101)). 94005. Insol.tfon Thick.,.. The thickness or tine rubber or thmmopl?,uc rat. •ries hall be not les, than 1/41 incl for Tylaa\;, Arj. cT, CTJ, 1'•41, 1'O -4y PUSI-4J, tIC. IISJ and IIPD. F., .she- types the nominal thickness of the rubber or rh• •mo. Lstic em'erinN shall be as given in the following vbb Sire I Th. we, AWI; 1_h Is and a • •H Fbnure& I—Pho=len. Lamas, ReeePtaces ansa R_ 94160. Design and M.•rrul. Fixtures shall be —1 an cSed ni n:rui, s .., I a• :I approved mate• r:al and shat: be so>.:•i sat assemLled an to ren are r,q ne n:rcf..nn.: s -,rah —41,d. nd r:giJity. R9mway', mdudmg h .e .nrrs thtrero, &ball be _'t' it,, rJRM1iYilOra n +y I< . aN 1 in and withd'awn wnhrmt injury. 94101. Flaltme& F cart• shi l ronfotm to the L!hlwiag: a. Yattr[al Other Tkan Mata[. In all fixtures not made tnn.c:y, of mnsl, w+v ays ,hath with metal nn'.rs a, —ledaro.: r.a r dud <cveted enn- dn_!•:r•se sr4 .Ih a rc •Imre• rarm u^.!rani r':c ware-..aY* .•.�. 'rr! mat lair nr x. r„lar ty:n c -f r.••n-sbr: apt.vs Aa++r-: n-coo"'ul.'r Infufa- h-ng r. -renal. b• Meehanfcal Strength. T.Imo -std for arms and tiara- w: ere pr.v did —:' •n+ ,"cnida slu'1 Le not 7:: CIL\I'TER 9 less than 0.040 inch in th:cknesv and when provided will, rolled (pressed) threads shall be not less that 0.025 inch in thickness. Arms and other parts shall be tasencd In prevent Mining. \Ictal <anapics sup- porting lamlhholdcrs, sladrs, etc., exceeding g Ibs., or inc ,Ip .ning is I vni plug rrmplarlca, shall Le not Icss than 0.0_'0 inch in thickness. Clihu( canopies stall I,e nn[ less flan t6010 inch "I"'" nude of steel and not less linin 0.020 inch when rat other metals. Pull type canopy su•itcLca ,hail rat Uc inxrtml in the rimi of metal canopies which arc Icss than 0.025 inch in thickness notes, the riots are rvinforccd by A. turning of a bead or the cquival<nt. Pull type canopy est itches, whether mounted in the tins or elsewhere :n 'Leet metal canopies, shall be located not more Than 3I, inches front the center of the canopy. Double se[ screw,, double canopy rings, a screw ring, or equal method shall be used where the canopy supports a pill[ type switch or pendent receptacle. Thr glare 'MA— requbemmts apple to mmaur<n:mn made an finished (famed) —pe, o Wiring Space. Bodies of fixtures, including portable lamps, 'loll pe-ide ample spate for Splices and taps and for the tnaullation of devi.cs, if any. d Fixture Studs. Fixture studs which are not parts of oulet boxes, hickeys, tripods, and crowfeet shall be made of steel, malleable iron, or other ap• proved material. it. Insulating Joints. insulating joints shall be com- posed of materials especaily approved for the pur- i— Those which are not designed to be mounted with screws or bolts shall have a substantial exterior metal casing, insulated from both screw connections. L Portables. Portable table and floor lamps and fan motors on ceiling fixtures may be wired with ap• proved rubber -covered conductors, provided the wir- ing is not located so as to be subject to undue Incating from limp& g. Cord Bushing& Bushing or the equivalent shall be provided where flexible cord enters the base or stem of a portable lamp. The bushing shall be of :n- mlating material unless a jacketed type of cord is used. CONSTRI'CYION JJ h. Testa. All wiring shall be free frons short-cir- cuits and grounds, and shall be tested for these dejecta prior to being connected to the circuit. I. Live Part.. Exposed live Paths within porcclsin fixtures ,lull be suiaLunilY rcccsseJ and six located as o shake it improbable that wires will come in contact b- 1 i There stall be a spacing m at Icast Y; inch beture. live parts and the u:ounlhnN plane of tlw fixture. Lampholdera 94102. General. Lampitolden $hall canfornl to the Ulowing: a, Inmlatlon. The outer metal -he]l and the cap shall be Lmed with msul-ng u-I<rhal whdch -hall prevent the shell amt cap from Lecvnuns a hurt u( the cucuil. Tile [in ng shall not extend beyond the metal aI., I more 11-n )e invh, bol 11-11 prevent any Curren Pcarrymp: p.hl of the lane base irons being eaposcd "I"'” . Ianp is :n the lanphnidins device. b. Lead Whet& Lead sires, furnished as a part If N•eatlsty;r. ,.l I-1,111lders and intended to be ex. posed after ms-Ilatwn, -hail be of app --d' 'vana- ed, rubber-c.,vned conductors, not less than No, 14 gause (\a. IS gauge for candelabra sockets), and &lull b< sealr.i in place or mb"wiat made —might. C - Sanded Lampholder& Switched Lmphofdera f shall IS ocod; cmrtruetion fiat [be-witcLmg mesh• graham :n1e•rupns the electrical :onnecf.an to the cera - ter cunt&, The swdching mechanism may also in. !<rrupt tic electrical <ann<ctioo to the screw shell if eonnec[i•n to the center comet :, simultaneously Inhere.{et4 4 icrew.Shell Uniphold<ra Screw -shell lanry!- 1, -L a :hill be lased aocrnhng m J:anwtrta of larnp Lairs, as Candrl.Lry Imermedutr• llcdmm, Adry<dimn, 21/.12 inch, 1 and DfogIt base: 6 tog rre;ecnvrl y t� urcA, loch, ll/I14 inchan,l 1,'i in:h noasinal can, with "n."..1 aPeciao, - the Io1low- Ins fable: CoQ gl Us CHAPTER 9 I.nnoa- Mtsnn- 5lr<n{e Uxaw RCYY Hoa. Hn• Amp it ao CTau Di... W.I. Voila Voluie Wait. V.I. Yolup Candela6n rrtt In. 73 175 a• 75 X75 1 Intermedi"e 71/33 In. 75 175 75 50 1 Imodium I m. 750 350 7 660 250 6 Ad di.. I l/16 in. 6611(x) 750 6 60 7650 HC.YI I% ie. 75o 'SO 1500 50 1500 750 1500 600 (a) Tbi ndnn aY be I... only ,e I-A.M., talc. a awiesh n Uoiam wb„h proJucer kosh a quick "make" and a ,.i&'% ... Y' -coo. ' Msiasum Iam9l",.. and rccepueka ..J, rxJwo�� small. shan We loi.t.a.1 ire ar 0 1eJ Iirh I, gamma, Chrntmaaaree lishun( Om6u anJ umihr Par- " ur• poser Fm Akm for 5[edium Ove Keybmphuld"a and Raga• .cin ace roe Axile 730. Incandescent Lamps, 94103. Banca. .Incandcsccnt lamps shall not be equipped with medium bases if above 300 watts "t. ing, nor with mogul bases if above 1500 watts. Above 1500 watts special approved bases or other devices ,hall be used. Rosettes 941D4. Rosettes. Rosettes shall conform to the Its llowing: "Rating. Rosettes shall be "led at 660 watts, 250 volts, with a maximum current rating of 6 sot - Peres. b. For Exposed Wiring. If designed for use with exposed wiring, rosettes shall be provided with bases which shall have at least two holes for supporting screws, shall be high enough to keep the wires and terminals at least 'y6 inch from the surface wired over, and shall have a porcelain lug under each termi- nal to prevent the rosette being placed over projec- tions which would reduce the separation- to less than % inch. CONSTRU(T10N 575 e For Use With Boxes or Raceways. If designed for use with conduit boxes or wire raceways, rosette base, shall be high enough to keep wires and termi- nals at least A inch from the surface wired over. 'd. Fmelesaa Fused rosettes shall not be used. e. Non -separable. Separable rosettes which make possible a change in polarity shall not be used. Flush and Reeeued Fixture 94105. Ffuah and Recessed Flatu"& Flush and accessed future, shall conform f.111 following: a. Temperato". Fiatwea shall be ao conal"<led that adjacent combustible material will not be aub- Jett to temperatures in excea of 90C (194F). Is. Enelwu". Sheet metal enclosures shall be protected again" corrosion by galvanizing. plating er other equiva.<nt heal -resisting coaling. and shalt not be leas than N. 22 USS gauge (.0299 inch). e IAmP Stop& Where enclosures a" of a size which pumila the use of lamp' which will permit the em tperature l"I"'Picified in sub -paragraph a to be exceeded, limp "oPs shall be provided to prevent the ", of ercea..is. lamps. it, V. of fielder Prohlbitsd, No told,, shall be uxd in the mmtmn:on of the fixture b- - ox e. L in phuld".. lampholdera of the atr<wdh<II type shall be of porcelain unless apetiallY aPDrm¢d for the purpose. Comm., if used, shall be of the h ia'r.•heat IyPI 1. Cozldermr lo.atatiaa. Reee..wd fiatur<a shall be -cd wnh type AF or Al fixtare wire. 3.16 CHAPTER 9 Electric Discharge Lamps 1 94106. General. Fixtures constructed for electric discharge lighting in addition to conforming to the applicable requirements for electric discharge light- ing, and the general requirements for all lighting fix- tures, shall conform to the following. For signs and outline lighting, see Article 600. a. Lampholde". Lamphelden shall be classed ae• cording to the dimensions and sppacings of the pins in the lamp bases, as short. in ih< following table. CLASS RATING PIN DIMENSIONS ";-I- b S inx Small Riido 75 wales 3/31 in. 9q2 n. 5/I6 0. 60 war. Sundard Itiain 6 3/52 rm 9/33 ii 1/7 in. latae nipin 660 vralu 1/. tn. Ds 1. 23/33 m. Ssandard Srnak Pin "a waua 5/16 .. 5/16 to Mercury -Vapor Lamps 94107. Hnciosure of RI dsto" oral Reguiato". Re. shines or regulatts" for mercury-vapor lamps shall be enclosed in noncombustible cases and treated 33 sources of heat. Moto" and Controllers 94301. Bushings. Soft -rubber bushings may be used to protect lead wires where they pass through the frame of a motor, but only where they will not be exposed to oils' grease, oily vapors, or other sub- stances having a deleterious effect on rubber. 94302. Auto -Transformer -Dedgm An auto. transformer starter shall provide an off position, a running position• and at least one starting position. It shall be so designed that it cannot rest in the start- ing position, or in any position which will render inoperative the overcurrcnt protective device in the circuit. 94303. Rheostats. Rheostats shall conform to the following: L Internal Comsectioca. Motor -starting rheostats shall be so designed that the contact arm cannot be left on intermediate segments. The point or plate on which the arm rests when in the starting position shall have no e:ectrical connection with the resistor. CONSTRUCTION 337 b. Uodre-voltage Release, Mr•s ototarting rheostats for direct-current motors shall be equipped with auto - magic devices which will interrupt the supply belts" the speed of the motor has fallen to lea. than one• third it, normal vslue. 94304. Identifying Code Letter. Code letter, marked on motor name•piata 10 ?how motor input with locked rotor ,hall be in accordance with the fol. lowing table: CWa Ribroh�Amperee brut 1!n llermpY.rq nsY LxkN Aom A................................ 0- 3.14 B................................ 3.15- J.54 C................................ J.SS- 3.99 D................................ 4.0 - 1.49 R................................ 4.$ - 4.99 F................................ 5.0 - 5.59 G................................ 5.6 - 619 11 ................................ 6.3 - 7.09 J 7.1 - 7.99 K................................ 8.0 - 8.99 L................................ 109.0 ::.!:99 - 11. 9.99 N............................... . N........................ ......... 11.2 -12.419 9 R.......' ......................... 11.5 -13.99 14.0 -and up Ike a6ma 46es isus dvpmJ rmrdud or sM W lo..Nuiara slut Manula"wcn Aaaa:u:on. Genersto" M31. Bushings. Soft -rubber bushings may be used to protect lead wires where they pair through lbs frame o[ g<o<ratOrs, but only where they will not be <sptsa<d to oil& grease, oily vspur& or other sub. .tauce' having a deleterious effect on tubber. Tranaformera 94501. Can orEncloaurc m Dry -type tr.naftsr<r, shall be provided wnh a non-combustible moi"uro- "si'unt qx or enclo'ure width will Provide reason• aId, protection again,, the auid oreign olrntal insertion Qf f.jrtta. ,¢05 �a 8 =- 323 CHAPTER 9 94502. Lad. The Drimary leach of trnaformer supplyying Class 2 remote -control and aienal circuit' may be smaller that/ No14 but nae spoilerOehaa Nw proa•ided they are not over I2 inches long, Gave insulation at least equal to type RF -32 rubber -covered future wire, or approved equivalent. Capacitors "WI. Casa and Supporta. Capacitors shall be provided with non-combustible eases and supports. Relator and Reactors 94701. Contacts. Fixed and movable contacts shall be so designed that arcing will be kept at a minimouL 94702. Material. Reactors shall be composed of non-combustible materials, and shall be mounted on goo -combustible baaea. , CHAPTER I—TAnLES. DIAGRAMS. EXAMPLES Jn CHAPTER 30. TABLES, DIAGRAMS AND EXAMPLES TABLE l—ALLOWABLE CVRRENT-CARRY- INO CAPACITIES OF CONDUCTORS 1N AMPERES Not More T� Twee T onducrvton in Raceway or Gbla lim@ ImaR,��.•R.a'1gMAn AatYCYaR A ` 710 CHAPTER 10—TABLES. DIAGRAMS, EXAMPLES TABLE 2—ALLOWABLE CURRENT.CARRY• INO CAPACITIES OF CONDUCTORS IN AMPERES Singlo Conductor in Fr... Ar.. l ao .w ; .11- .,; 1 I 6•a •fin Y 'IR'1y— Art 'hn RO Ilhal R.0. 4a+ 'hw elyna rrpa TA buW yar• 4'nrG Gm ar��{10 1tm and4 Ie pq Ar U]nyur A� Ar twra TrDr A ml�y 81� Frlyr TWT �Iyq �.}yq 1A! ! � I�py }b 83 yuy�q�p 8d Ib5 Y6 1 peptaly 17J 1 L�qo Ib 1t' o �i� lad M a��3's;" u its }aWa3 Tia. � 1 _ IN, coo a~icEa � s �o rr to jra bid Fo'O i� eida cm lo- Iwo s� }}iQy�� !W.4 i8N �L8o toio nu u tse Iso toxo t5 oro slay iifd ilii aan aaa fiib iidi l ao .w ; .11- .,; 1 I is CHAPTER 10—TABLES, DIAGRAMS, EXAMPLES fit Pw nphnanen of Tape Leer n, sed for rwoaobrd ala. ,f 31 1u<rnra for rhe a condo wr lorulareoiu, r« u flus JJo. d 9J1o1. Par innall,rim suiremmra, ear, ,e I- a10a, and rhe risco ,flicks N tau exult. 1. Aluminum Conductor. For aluminum conduce fora, the allowable current -carrying capacitie shall be taken as 8 4 pct em Of those given in the 'table for the .kind of saes of Copper conductor with the acme kind of insulation. 2 Bare Conductor. If bare conductor arc used with insulated conductor., their allowable current• car <agacity shall be limited to flue Permitl<d for the insu ated conductor with which they arc used. 3. AOOlieaeb,...,r n• -u_ -__ _ rovide4 in Table Mora Tban 11Tbree Conductor in A eode Raeaway, give the allowable car rent•Carrying capacity for not more than three Conductors in a raceway or cable cable. If the number of conductors in a raceway or cAParrrys Of from Conductor shall the reduced rt agoyp<g cent of the valuer in Table 1. ❑the number of Con• doctors in a raceway or Cable is Irom J l0 9, the allow - be current.carrying capacity of each conductor .hail be reduced to 70 per cent of the values in Table 1. 5, Neutrl Conductor. A neutral canluctor hi, carries only the unbalaneJ current from coker con. dusters, as in the case of normally balanced circum in three ii "tore eonduCror, shall hot be counted in determining curr<n r-carrYing e.Pacific' as Provided for in the Precedi ng paragraph. fn sort <irtun Ora cf vn phw . and rax cru. weal o/ ,erne, J�hare rrvem, <tnmm ��.wdw�ur r thVpreaimar<Ir rhe , e Nrrenl a tae asst <ondxrxa soul e� vot e efm. <amidrred a u<mnl :oaavar. 6. Uitimala Insulation Tem shall conductor* he a..onxted "'p" ern such a was wfth r..p<ct to the kind of cir<vir, the wiring metho j employed, or the number of '-'.donor, that the lim_ g t<mperrur< of tb< canductn wiB be exceeded, ). Use of Conductor. With Higher Operating Tero• ....furca If the room t<nrperature is wuhur to da greet C of rhe maainmm allowable operating tempera• lure a/ the insula lion, it is demrable t use an ni li. lotion wiW a Lidlmr maabnunt "i 'S operating JJ: CHAPTER 11)—TARI.ES. IJLaGR �aI S. EXAMPLES temperature; although insulation can be used In a room temperature approaching its maximum allow. able operating temperature limit if the current is re- duced in accordance with the table of correction fa, tors for diRerent room temperatures 8. Voltage Drop, The allowable current -carrying capacities in Tables I and 2 are based on temperature alone and do not take voltage drop into consideration. 9. OVlRnrrent lection. if the standard ratings and eettinga of overt _, devices do not correspond with the ratings and settings allowed for conductors, the neat higher standard Wring and setting may be used, but not comeedino 150 per cent of the allowable Carrying wPacity of the conductor. 10, Deterioration of Insulation, it should be noted that even the best grades of rubber insulation will deteriorate in time, so cvcntually will need to be ra placed. TABLES—ALLOWABLE CURRENT -CARRY- ING CAPACITY OP FLEXIBLE CORD AND FIXTURE WIRE IN AMPERES l!1'! an Rwn P6 F.t }leaRle Cwd a,:ann Wtra p 4 aM nVArar Ruaber ryN &YpVn� two Taw CO bra T T pr Ni c, No, •�y�,,.. T cj.,i peb• anvrnF lOae R R PaifJ ♦/,!)4 ' 'Iyo,. CFPn• {<�pa T�' T4r nus- 4r �Y• !tinnn ry�C Awa kJL mlAo�rpMo TArn qy Yy tl,�a< Ill(`Y' IIPd. nW ATM AVPn As e«a mMn A,'G• ITMe' aYJa U. -I bvw 0 ��CA AM.. ■r- Is u a e "i io to ii -- it Ao as sa a ' e as -- they «< - __ _ _._.... .. .. ........ .„.. vpcud to hisA umverawrea vd mtere rninsa are «r�tvra .«omiapr. "Ti «ri wed. CAAPTER 10—MULES, DIAGRAMS, EXAMPLES JJJ MORE THAN THREE CONDUCTORS IN A CORD Tabic J ai<{a rhe allo.a6le �eme'[a�rrehethansroWrae0ev�er noatirr<"rrcJoufn<ta«n Irnnnaarn iinwt_I d eiabpkron. tfar od«f.hieunrnt<�eibdIourttrohwet abJl TABLE 4—NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS IN CONDUIT OR TUBING Rubber Covered, Types RFd2 R, RH, RW and RU Thormsplestfc, Tppes �'Fd T and TW OOnn to Nme Con u<tors For man than siv <ovdunara «< TaMa 9. f5re K<ucv{ J01 J, J4ya, Wad J4861 5!r Nae 4 rs i.tb t and T. G.W6e e,relt '� len pr k�+A �irl4�,ra1 t2.4f.:<awdat �!< rn.aa,leal el r n.arur r f.�,n re.J, m end au,•LJ - lleaa adc:t cr r.b,rt eaJ U 334 CRAPTER 10—TADLES, DIAGRAMS, EXAMPLES Tables 4 to 11. Tables 4to 11 apply only to Co.. plete conduit systems, and do not apply to short sections of conduit used for the protection of exposed wiring from mechanical injury. TABLE S.—NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS IN CONDUIT OR TUBING Lead -Covered Types RL and RHL 400 V. (.5M Stolons ]4!a and JaW Nutnbw of Camluctu, io One CeaJult «Tablet PI« skateCa d-1 a-Conluelor yGndnelor Aw'O bICSI Gbl< tibia Gbla I lala�4 1�a1a1f I1a�a 4 The aba.e aian an�lr to rtraiaht mm r 'th xmival aR<etr eSunalmr ro •n < {Aon too aaanenhnda. }n sMiaa Ni0 tot W:Ja io <erWuil. CHAPTER AO—TABLES. DIAGR-IMS. F.XAMp1.,5 JJJ TABLE 9—NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS IN CONDUIT OR TUBING More Tban Nine Conductors Rubber-Cov<red Types RF -J2. R, RIf, RW, RU, Thermoplastic Types TP, T, and TW •n'hen Specially 1'e<mlrrN bl Thi, CNe tJrc vcuun Jot, was atarAmam "a- or W Wotan to 000dun « 7ubw awu y N rob lees I i b erce Jereb AM Jnea ie iu is I si ii eis � ais a.— •Mar t'ne cmduclo.. a < IvrmfnN in a ainefe ranJril rp ndhani.nwml . m Jar`and ro u rvlla: Jar {.can aIIJ Garan rnamn. .«aura fJIJ: ,.cn Ma.6rr,. u.r,p, W.1 J: e.erna <pl c.Wuawa, ane.n TABLE Il—COMBINATION OF CONDUCTORS ls'n acute, J46c ar.I Jayal For groups or combinations of conductors not in. eluded in ""Tab” d to '), it is mcommeeded that the conduit or tubing be of such sire that the sum Of the cross-sectional areas of the individual conduc- lora will not be more than the percentage of the in- terior eroas•ee<ti.'a] area of the conduit or tubing than as shown in the following table: Per Cent Area of Cooduit or Tubing —�= _ nawpn er rbwN,avr urr rNe Mwbn lop{ 4W N.'eeMJ _ A I a �� <<p rpr��VgMr .p�.rr , r p I tl I so 4 In•rr. I F.,,1 �I wrrli ti Iv k� wal.m w la. -.r tea er pi`rnr rVew•Y Jpr wrap,:tby !ad{4 J•v{aarri 'i' -"i" uJ 1 \w�rr, rnnJarr«a in a eon M, ■ 0 3!6 CII APTER I0 TARLES, DIAGRAMS, EXAMPLES S10 \ul< w Tibl< 11 (M do f ro duil or nNne for o rom. b Iron• f Iduclw+ I i IudN in TaM1le A. Sae TaLlea wl! w 19 far dlulenrioln o/ raodarlorr, roodvq evd lubivg. Table. 12 to 17. Tables 12 to 17 give the nom- inalsize of conductors and conduit or tubing recom• mended for use in computing size of conduit Or tubing for various combinations of conductors. The dimen• .ions represent average conditions only, and while variations will be found in dimensions of conductors and conduits of different manufacture, these variations will not affect the commutation. CHAPTER In—TARI.F.S, nl.\GR\SIS. EXAMPLES JH Us CHAPTER 10—TABLES, DIAGRAMS, EXAMPLES TABLE 13—DIMENSIONS OF RUBBER - COVERED AND THERMOPLASTIC COVERED CONDUCTORS wp Aw0 T]a+nrax. n. nu, nw Tips rr, T, Tw, Ro.. AICtl AVtunlIXrapeym sPgprroT AM ApPwx.DWA. Avg= IMM1p Ices M�Iu IwM py, 1&vs le le .IN .IN .o.eler lw :IIX 1 ON It la !'M Ila .1]I aiM la .wo '03]0 .Ixl .ola li u x'M la sM lea an• .van• ww. ;ile :dlri id An AN, 1P., :ide ;ani .axe .ww o • iW .ux EJe '3� .pa19 m m .Inl .IMa .lev :ioi ? sli aaa b W .apa :my A141, .xlpl ,Mp Ca iue av x90 :9°3i° .a9oa •rae .Mn wu I:wi .eai :Ales rot` :eiv"i apv Luv .vasa 1p� .eu9 90 .vle [3 ]N�0 jjj 1 b8� a.na 14'421 ]} l W3 _ Laia 1 ewa i ili i a'40wee 1p� 19rA i a a 1 xvl a moa] i 0. a° 1 M•i l00 1 mol x M]s 1 9ali i eii moa i'uil a mry i eiIs I an ap • 'The dimewiam for T,e< RW eandua]9n: 1•v It— dim - A9nr w be orad fn( new rY 1 W., Ib< fire v( vduit pr �u4in. for owbirulionr of ccn�lasunarx nam Ihv.n Tahla a, Ya IB to Na Ade......... ..; \w 6 and Iar�cy aVaadpy to !ia CHAPTER Jp TADLES. DIAGRAMS. EXAMPLES J19 TABLE 16—DIMENSIONS OF LEAD -COVERED CONDUCTORS Type. RL and RHL PICa96unpe <baluslw TW AWai\ICaI em �• 1%.O. Arr• xIL AM Illaq, i Amp a} lualw llil 2 Ince. Nr In• IUM. Pp. la. Al Is iai :^ui i.� 1 1.1 M5 ] n a nY I [< 1 1^Y I Ya 1 In Y.e9 a xY 104 TABLE 19—DIMENSIONS OF CONDUIT OR TUBING .L• Inl•nYl O.an11w Mr 3y I a0• 1•Iwsl nawwq I Mfr ky IMM1p Ices Isar Ism« 2. u '1a i i I i ,°ilei x w � ° i nKir° m m Aim FIs s Is iii °les xs ea ¢0$ .a 8s' NO CHAPTER Ia—TAnLE5. DIAGR6315, EXAMPLES TABLE 17—DIMENSIONS OF ASBESTOS - VARNISHED -CAMBRIC INSULATED CONDUCTORS _ Types AVA. AVB. Rad AVL saaept AVL wtiere Nl �auo we niaeded° mp urea, nranOM; VARNISHED -CAMBRIC INSULATED CONDUCTORS Type V VTh\eIvlNlienu Icrnrubbereor�re'd6soednilchiar�7>>dpe R�mc<Pt for m. It and IT ahich have l/bJdn<b inavlatian 1 r rarnlahed• umbrie d x/Winch iwulatwn for [[u44-11- d eleduavn and for No. 8 hich has ]/biil<h 1naWation for varni]hed• ambrie and V6ilvch aWalivn (or rvbber.mvrrd <onducurL Sm lahle n action 9]101. Tahle! 1 and h y, therelart. 68 wed far tFe m I.er of varniaM1ed<ambrie inwlaled ecnducton In a mndurt or Ilbin6. r11AMR In_T.%III.FS. DIAGRA3IS. EXAMPLFi !ll TABLE ]E—PROPERTIES OF COPPER CONDUCTORS :A I�� Iwaa Tlm ACA TIm AYD T_AVL daa A= ApApgl. yq paq AI'mrr. S�YWT A^{Yoi ApCrOi AADR°L .111 il'. i 9!1))1Y=1—os BaV.rlay. p� C= Ilaol<tea nOl, 11 u Is .x{a .ar .—ina .wa axo .aw l0 sea .ais 9 .wa .6a1 • .xsa .an aw .WI Ir 1 l.a ilii 1 M, ai .' za gw"ana600 b iif .ilasi 1 i Ix] 183 aip .Opa .1a0 .Ila ] .Jla .yyn6 TM .aY3 .lan .193 ,Iba AW .610 .Ihl 55pp 1 .pii Y05 .bio .]xp .nx0 :]W .,?.x6op n.lwra an :iw wnw00 tnbb . .Aeaw) ]8n San .aY .818 .eW .Rla .v1u .b:a 1:010 :600 cal Iw a Coa= alp .ew pw I:wo .MY .lw .ebo Law LIw .x�ty .pa0 Ow bS0 1 IJ] 1 IM .pa! 1 wa i WS I Iia .Ola 1 01 1Sa6 .180 1 1. x116 I ano 1 w Lbw 1 Ire 1 w 1 aw Lai e50 lw 1x10 1.a1 1_]10 1.18 1 ]wR Tao 1 ]13 1 all 1x9 1 a! 1.]JS 1 TW 1.99 N. 1 alb 1 110ili l Ii 1818a:b I.J9 1 }1! 1.13 IIlOala 1.116w I,FO l:Iw Lap saaept AVL wtiere Nl �auo we niaeded° mp urea, nranOM; VARNISHED -CAMBRIC INSULATED CONDUCTORS Type V VTh\eIvlNlienu Icrnrubbereor�re'd6soednilchiar�7>>dpe R�mc<Pt for m. It and IT ahich have l/bJdn<b inavlatian 1 r rarnlahed• umbrie d x/Winch iwulatwn for [[u44-11- d eleduavn and for No. 8 hich has ]/biil<h 1naWation for varni]hed• ambrie and V6ilvch aWalivn (or rvbber.mvrrd <onducurL Sm lahle n action 9]101. Tahle! 1 and h y, therelart. 68 wed far tFe m I.er of varniaM1ed<ambrie inwlaled ecnducton In a mndurt or Ilbin6. r11AMR In_T.%III.FS. DIAGRA3IS. EXAMPLFi !ll TABLE ]E—PROPERTIES OF COPPER CONDUCTORS :A I�� Iwaa • Am (� n ,. c� r ..1 a r .. tFa..a • a."-n.e c uai to t'a War<•J rd.artrltt al a Ntan.:.d Wr. " ihr r• rm to IFR ra':+tanr�,.;a�_af'vm COru!q 11 1 :. �.:�,}InM+an rJ v t Fa •bnr. aL..n ;° A-- e.n '-r t.e l..a.ni Lat.r.Aa Sbln r:aeA. raf .r r..n rn ry Oar F1 .•aAw a v< Y :rrUt c+1, nrrl .r., tv an iaWw-'/cayrgr r!m ro. a In.,tw Fcr T86h1 19, a<r La19u :I]. 341 CIIAPTER I0 -ARLES. nlAr.R%3f.R, F.XAMPI.P.S w:uq p nru IIniS .an .Ir. yq paq In:iapq 'yai�I1 V1 1➢ IL ,��11yy111pp! _,ITI ..4R _?A .111 il'. i abr q p� S. V 3 Yf/pl �� .IxIMI.nn1 611 831 aq 1}I� !� 111! Ilga lli 00 ],n.V i a�jcac esg ImnYq rxn/ el Ir 1 l.a ilii 1 M, ai .' za gw"ana600 b iif .ilasi i • Am (� n ,. c� r ..1 a r .. tFa..a • a."-n.e c uai to t'a War<•J rd.artrltt al a Ntan.:.d Wr. " ihr r• rm to IFR ra':+tanr�,.;a�_af'vm COru!q 11 1 :. �.:�,}InM+an rJ v t Fa •bnr. aL..n ;° A-- e.n '-r t.e l..a.ni Lat.r.Aa Sbln r:aeA. raf .r r..n rn ry Oar F1 .•aAw a v< Y :rrUt c+1, nrrl .r., tv an iaWw-'/cayrgr r!m ro. a In.,tw Fcr T86h1 19, a<r La19u :I]. 341 CIIAPTER I0 -ARLES. nlAr.R%3f.R, F.XAMPI.P.S CMA"ER l0—TABLES. nLIGRA3IS. EXAMPLES 113 409 - jai cv wV' i f15 114" ,5;' ails J 3 S01 } e985�. as > W� V 3 n ., .v. 0A : wta a ��33 a :• AL =-a: Ha Z3 00 ],n.V i a�jcac esg LS_ Si [ cFip °Sa`5 8.1 QrioSr,C: s.=E see .' za gw"ana600 b Al ap-- CMA"ER l0—TABLES. nLIGRA3IS. EXAMPLES 113 409 ,g Na C11APTER 10—TAULF.S• DIAGRAMS. EXASIPLES CHAPTER le—TAPlXS. DIAGRASI[. ECASIPLES J<S m®mF1 a g�� e�va�5 ggL ayy-- gg ppyyppyypp Igjls�' hnt11111i31UR 3?"SB3?�ia: I: Jae VIIAITER IU—TAULES. DJAGMAtS. E3A31PLES TABLE 21—FULL-LOAD CURRENT - Direct -Current Motors TABLE 22—FULL-LOAD CURRENT- Singlo-Phase A.C. Motors np 11lC xbY a50Y rIP Inductvn Tylrc � SRuirt<IC'ave and \\amd AmPrr<+ Rolar IVnll) 1'c-er Slcwr Ill' 1' ii.J 13 is baa 3i.a Y s — J 9 IJ 6 0 x < !ie s— N IM' I in' ie o — te Yi 38: is sro nIi as, s< ul xv] sao Ise Iso el rs >a Its 6ie fla 4X 11♦ IW PUJ a i i�. xti0 )Ix I9p TABLE 22—FULL-LOAD CURRENT- Singlo-Phase A.C. Motors np ury xmv as]v Two -Phase A.C. Motors (4 -wire) Inductvn Tylrc Slnrhrwnu+ T)n SRuirt<IC'ave and \\amd AmPrr<+ Rolar IVnll) 1'c-er Slcwr Ill' 1' ii.J °a a1 baa 3i.a Y s — J NN as 1.1 ! x < _asm s— wR IM' I a� ie' u�pnndina 2JIY.o1��•muux fu011wl t'urreni �4>rlo sndral5 Der nor raMclirrl>. Chex values f fullJeaJ olrrmt are for rr. wr+ run<inR al arid+ usual (or behN .-tar+ and maws Jh nam:al t<r� as art<natic+. alewa+ hudt far nln<iall> bw -Peed+ ar hleh nan�eVlate rvr xio�iretinp r.<haN�n4eRY�el4 ent, to M1irh rax the CHAPTER le—TAVLES. DIACRASIS. EXAMPLES !<l TABLE 23—FULL-LOAD CURRENT - Two -Phase A.C. Motors (4 -wire) Inductvn Tylrc Slnrhrwnu+ T)n SRuirt<IC'ave and \\amd AmPrr<+ Rolar IVnll) 1'c-er Slcwr Ill' IIIiV 1I0V <wV $SUV JJtVV !:u\' —WV 550\' lJa:V 1— — IK NN as 1.1 ! x < — 1.J — s— )5f_- 10 iA IL In — te c< I•W Sa al 11 Ys <) !N Y ell I.Y CS 5J IJ 111 as 11 11 Iln — ISX71 :It 1111. 61 16 1-e 57 IJ Y) ]1 I+' YJ )a I) 1.3 4X 11♦ IMI 6 < Ila i PUJ — !II Hs Iv ]I lal 110 e • IT<u c lu i f II I -YJ rn r a f m,N v t c�`rnu.val I li1cN : .1 1h dNu 1 < t Ira. 311 1- 11 S rll)I I.. Q A 6. �M1 d t is n ! .S Mr n rR 1AIt I iF SO n1 aJ I r e 1• t Ne amv< k-r<a aW.1�l •La vlt VRcd h> 1 I uJ 115 aWeae 'Y 410 34S CHAPTER 16—TAIILIS. DIAGRAMS. EXAMPLES TABLE 24—FULL-LOAD CURRENT' Thrce-Phase A.C. Motors lndcai<m T7fe Srnmmneu< Tlpe S'.d_. Case and \Sound Haar fZZ" Power Paaor A.rt Anry<r<r 1• IIOV '.'aV 1+1\• 55(1V 1JWV 110 I+OV $WV '3CO Vi a E 1 .e — — — — la 11 ]S 1. ii IVa lu S 1s l.0 — — ' mi.—nor anJ racwr atani0g) — — Squirr<I.e. avd gym Sl'STF]t5 1.3 1 Twn (one in cam {ondann. — — — —_ 5 — I5 1.5 6 — -- — — — i0 Nrul<al S .1<m 41 11.inR "..'s n:de 3✓rt. a ].rear. ' tertr .._ 256 _— 250 Mme than ]o amvRa_ aoD aro WYundaomr ISO _— 150 Die"t.... em 7•\Vire. "I'Lavr Af, fr.m. Tree !ew in nm <anJmwr. Not nwm tban 30 R.P. 150 250 Iso Mere man 50 M.P__ ISO J6 :b J 5+ :> 23 S.1 J1 — rb JL ]I R.5 63 Jl 36 6.S <0 — IW SS 11 10.5 66+J Pun Ic<u m ealb wwsuvwl. JS 8 sn 125 OJ W IJ IIX1 51 N 10 09 JS — 183 JS 95 bn 71 16 19 Ill Ib1 61 81 " 51 65 1E IS IM — 1+6 IdJ YB JS ]11 !fd BS 2e I. IN '3 JO 200 — +OJ 44 19: 19 — 210 103 40 For fullJmd wrrrnta of 26] and 2C0 call motor', incruw me ......wooing 2:ur.I, molar (uli lead tunrrn by 6 and l0 Iwr ail. <aY<rlrwlY. Thrw aelvrr ! lid wi wrr,it are fee roman r n11 ar im�1a uawl ler n4eh<d mcm<+ anJ mmert uh normal wry e charartrrinwa.rr hlmara�vill"nnin4 �,rr�lm,lio w�Arha mehlhe nanw;la�er curn"1 canoe ehovhl hr '. car IF, 90_and N In-tt P. F. the A— ORurt' ihwld La CHAPTER 10—T.ARI.FS, DIAGRAMS, EXAMPLES 319 TABLE 26—MAXIMUM RATING OR SETTING OF MOTOR -BRANCH -CIRCUIT PROTECTIVE DEVICES FOR MOTORS MARKED WITH A CODE LETTER INDIKVANG LOCKED ROTORH hnr ar FOLoro:m Cone.. F((u < Ronne Cwwnilrea'an ti,rlin[ Tr9e ul Mmar Tahh'.� JiCal. Inalan. f:ma lece<ar unmr I, e, CIO, TY:e T!N All A( —.11 It-- ace ir.„l V n<hrcnaur m^lir! w:lh [u1lariu6e, revue tar reu{ar rnrvve: lode lenrr A.... ISO — JN Iili[t P w %. ] C.i 150 AU AC uvirreI r..4 n±ih`yalowaa Iwmer mn:y� C«e frtlrr A_.__ ISO I50 Co -le ierrn n Code Lellar F •. t' -.r eli n 1.<V. le {t .NWa TWl aM<I”, gal a..d ua9f1 he calve ei<a w ('e rmn a• , a car .spa 1e+n aA4::•uak. timrl,m:l 1)rt a!<irwil kr<aYw' wh..h n. I aiw Ls m Lhw1 r iv �rRtwb 111). 11) RpY•' iuw�r :w"t rhe lawuaed is E`e'Dera vDr fa.arW wwen�D+mpr• ae., .M1rO .ran vy a. nw rrapraatmr cri' ;� SwA a, :` lb•vp bole. n•l ea in e.�'o(: Na��",:� A For It omrs CGt srealked ee Teble 27 a Cade Letter," 330 CHAPTER lo—TABLES, DIAGRAMS. EXAMPLES TABLE 27—MAXIMUM RATING OR SETTING OF MOTOR -BRANCH -CIRCUIT PROTECTIVE DEVICES FOR MOTORS NOT MARKED WITH A CODE LETTER INDICATING LOCKED ROTOR KVA P.. Coir or Fou Luo C.Aund Paw Amin¢ ClrtuipDr<ahrr Saline TJPO of Momr (Sn2iw 11=ol 'Ilmi Tahle.O, Cai• unrom Limit Omm 7, 0.9, 10) T)De 'TJIw Singiep6ve, all tifeJ.__ 300 250 • S' 'rrrlta¢e and qm ' <h (toil collas., (See Dudrami 1 m 19) f5aw Snliun 21'S fur me vrt<urr ' mi.—nor anJ racwr atani0g) 700 _ 150 Squirr<I.e. avd gym Sl'STF]t5 Oramuml L'ma. hroncua (auto• 1... Twn (one in cam {ondann. D.G Unertun.lyd, Na nmrt two JO w• 2N'ire, Single cchane AG r U.C. Una SYrre CrwndN. On. n nr<vunJ.J ruudxlu. Fre. 31. perea 250 _ 200 Mare than ]0 amprrea. 200 — 200 Hi hots r'u5rrrlea[e lie (enc iv n<h rcnduaer. from ] Igdare, . at marc thaw 30 am- Net N Nrul<al S .1<m 41 11.inR "..'s n:de 3✓rt. a ].rear. ' tertr .._ 256 _— 250 Mme than ]o amvRa_ aoD aro WYundaomr ISO _— 150 Die"t.... em 7•\Vire. "I'Lavr Af, fr.m. Tree !ew in nm <anJmwr. Not nwm tban 30 R.P. 150 250 Iso Mere man 50 M.P__ ISO III 150 For ..ruin <u 1liei< le mr vAi t«ifel • e r«tion' I321, 4J+: and 15+9. Th valu Rivm n the Iwo -Wafv mv<r Ib coling, of onnadiu'u41e, umeliml. tJpprra al eirevilLreaL<n which may al,,,W moJiard it in aec — u+_. SJo<hmnOva momm al tba Iewmr'ue taeappeed tlpe (muaDy 650 R.1•.]I. or lower) ouch w arc vasa m Jrire reciyrxmme <9mprenon, pump!, els. whim hart up mloadN,r require • tore ranoor enwit6reaher ae115n[ is ewua o1 300 prr test el fullWad 1vrtm1 For motors marked with a Coda Letter, bee Tablo 26. 10—TABLES, DIAGRAMS. EXAMPLES 311 TABLE 28—NUMBER OF OVERCURRENT UNITS, SUCH AS TRIP COILS OR RELAYS, FOR PROTECTION OF CIRCUITS (See Dudrami 1 m 19) f5aw Snliun 21'S fur me vrt<urr 1 pralKlien of r lurmn is¢rn<ul, r<..non 1JJ1 (or 5(mrur and n(ticn aJt1 for Molerrl. • •Xnmr.er onJ l.<alien of Sl'STF]t5 Oramuml L'ma. 2 -Wire, Alnrlr-phnv A.C. er Twn (one in cam {ondann. D.G Unertun.lyd, trR. 11. 2N'ire, Single cchane AG r U.C. Una SYrre CrwndN. On. n nr<vunJ.J ruudxlu. Fre. 31. 2 Wirr, vinl�Ie phare AC. r O.C.• Mr.l paanl Craurd<d. Ti-: rano in rxh rondmlor. ere. Ja. )•\Vire S:n¢Irpl:rre A.C. De. Twe (enc :n each eanduclor. rind Iwm li'hn., w:rb Neutral. U.". tr[. 1). Si. 2 W:rr, :lin fe.Dha'e 1e 4,d lie (enc iv n<h rcnduaer. from ] Igdare, t,e• 3). Nrul<al S .1<m 41 11.inR "..'s n:de 3✓rt. a ].rear. CinuR ]•Wiry, Sinalephaw A.C. ar A.C. 'IM1rae revue in each ­d­'.U.C. Unaruund<d \a F:e. bl. ]-N'ir., .5,ealel•Iraae A['. .1C, Two r.;re in mh Vr D.C. lire:m.l<J \<Ylls!. •<t Yl ne:nral Nm1uc4V 7•\Vire. "I'Lavr Af, fr.m. Tree !ew in nm <anJmwr. man P'rm U:aren=del, t16. aJ. 7N'ire, 'd'M1aw. A(:. L'cm- Twu IAne .gab prmo:u Y:r mon Wrn I:mackd. •<r . ,m.v med...m F:<'vl,cun 6WIre, 3Phaae, VnpwmlA, Pao• (ear .n crab aecdv<Ier. rhaa<a Seppaarate- 2.r1.•Luanw GXt S:r : N.iv ..rU rl.. N.—A, SM,— 2. l haae !rJ- veal. I1'baw, z.:,, .en ,; ws:Ju:,<vl.fru. 1\VIu, Unenuvded, th-w .. m aa:h am:JaaO•r. t•d 'ib. SWire, l•1'ba.e, I Wiry Grwn.IIJ. Two i- he m a.M1 ne•ac�JN raaJma.r. Fre. Ii:. 3 ).YY'n., I I'bax. GrwrndrJ Tb—ln"r Keuaral. ere. • ].\5'nr. J rb,x. Mid rr,,�iol Tbrm l:.ee m cuh <ardxwr. Grcund<I 70m irae in each :mrmvrdwl Na _r,.l. taCJa:Da t:a. •'lea 1 N.,., 51•hur, l'na•avdri Pun Ic<u m ealb wwsuvwl. 1._nal tae. 19j. •1 An ra'r nl v",1 vi1 drai[<<VI rca! ( ii•t J' i r e1 1<IyYr:t ,amtaoal•.a: <i a <C feel {<inrJVrmra aid '4 1 f sTT 2Ai f3m 84P 353 01MaTF.R In-. TAnf. S, WIGR ISM. EXAMPLES a amondaq ov<rmrrmt adnpinRR Jmire Eittrr two or lbrn umnJarY YerNrrmt trirpin6 Jevicra m.Y le u+eJ 'Ih three Iurtrn[ vawtmmrn n a Jy4au aratcm mdar a thea •born I. FiNru If avJ 1$ \\'hen thrn ela I urr<nl eranslormarc M tnalead v/ 1min awnurteIrmin DR 4'.—show in 3'IRYrta I7 .d. IL, the secmJarY IriPrmR dnicra maf ro st e! lhrn .—d.,ovrnurrevt Uirrine Jevrea or Iwo >mondn3 ovrr<ur rnl n+W�inH demon r�W r<aidual Nlreul leipPir.H devie< 3. a! a le rmaa Sn h'iIL. J. \\Tmr a -.&HH devi<a an not available with thmor four onrrurrm[ unite a+ re5uircd i the ta41<, it is Mmissia+iLle [o aeha4lu4 two ovrtNrren[ units and u e Iva when three er<r curt<n[ uniu are uI1W /or. tm oremurrrn[ unin and Iwe Tuan .. '. four ovd I. 1 . .4 a u11N tor. The tune ar tua<a art. Le.lacW in the mvJu<mn [ rontalninl an evercurtrnt unit Thi : nmi<e. however, of wt>Iitminq Iwo /m met<ur- rmt urdta i w a diuouraHed for oLvicw reawna. CHAPTER lo—TAn LFS. OIAGR\HS. EXAMPLES III TABLE 29—DEMAND LOADS FOR HOUSE- HOLD ELECTRIC RANGES AND OTHER COOKING APPLIANCES OVER IY4 kw RATING. Celmn. A m Le u.N in all <a+ rot u olhmiy Mrmined J iv Sme bdo.. ]IkmarlE Sn Nmn) Demavd Faclma (See Nm• J) NIJYRFR OF RA.VGPS COLUMN A COLUMN 0 COLVHN f. t]al <s<r 13 (Len Than Jsk (J$ kw ae 35k tr RauvHJ Xr RalioH) 4vr RatY.gJ I H 4w k954 J it h nR LHs°% ]]q 3 N 4w N'RA 41 ! 1)M1 23 Y 11% J3R JO NA 11 � ii•R`a !2q 1S 4 4. So I. W4.% R ]lR ill 31 31 is ie% 19 J. X. a� 2.% b Jf N J]•n '% JL R 11 IL tr 'n NR =dR 'JJ ji kr iv t� AR ii^Rv =L,p 6R :1 40 Yw fJR ]L' 344 11+1', Icr <uh rinn > " 3.R at sa Js 4. dw Y 1tS fdR ]IM 6l t orn k. 1•a raeh Iu'.n J'/t Xa'.4 IM1Y• PLR Nin I. Onr 13 k. u 31 b Runa Pcr taupe lath• rM.u.:w1 rar•1 rtxer Iban It a: L.1 a_ cn +hen 31 L t?re Ai -'+r tq 41h 11.. .a:d...l Kn neaa ea. : u Ye. Nara 3 Orm 3; `. V `zw Y'rn••. eJi A,u.Y nrted mu k Ea -+a ! ae.�s"lb 61•arm e1 c. Ib m .+.1 m.na A M f.<m.a::a. aY urm.c.t 1!r ao...s ,ai naan ry,<ya 1. luuad <. +r auv-.m ...-..:ari.v +.+.Par• 354 CHAPTER nJ—TARLF.S. MACRAHS, EXAMPLES Sete J. Over N: kw to ea( kw. In lice of the melhed Drs n -A, Ih< IoW for r Yca irdividwllT ratty mora IM1an Ij3 X. M1ut not mart than .1; k - .1 r rnaY 4 moaiderN Ihr wm of the nartwylat<_ratings LI aE th< ranRl, multiDliM Lr the drmanJ fxwn •J«dn•1 in Cdumna n rr C for the girrn nvm4r of rams. Smu 1. Ranch Ci—it ,d with circuit load far ona anRl maT be comPutN iR xwrJaace wit8 We about table, CIfAPTER I1 TABLES, DJAGRAHS, EXANpLEJ 333 S gg�g8 a OH T O 1 99yy ;oy7 q d 66 . a �-4. ^^99__Ral;a7:8 I Q ME I�FV � qry��• • a: r S R mdR GG F aJ`Sd>a a�a7 t f• I�' d ea a - gg E G lay Is=xax2asagsx� 4/2 e a9 556 CHAPTER W—TABLES. DIAGRIMS. FXAMPLES a CHAPTER lo—TADLES. DIAGRAMS, EXAMPLES ,33 °l!;a �j h ... �9 a1 E� 3g 3 i .39 -> �> -> a 5> i> z> C> F l C GL- a qga8y Lag A h5t} v v y 4 p jLla•}e i 7 L� j`I•i R�. i L 1 339 CIIAI?F.R [0 TADLM DIAC.RA31S. EXAMPLES CHAPTER 10—TABLES. BIAGRAM9. EXAMPLES 359 NOTES TO TABLE 31 M151A,v anJ 1`osi iS,",n i oGt.c: Fi oYaia; n AN Mo. l 2. c4vducr0n Y! {vurN rn Iy i-1 rn ]. T-1'061 is 1n uae on{r nh wble Iwya. yonabla r di rmiand au:Auncq. OnaWe «b od amus aPDlun¢a �Mch are vY liaule re b! med Irryun�r avd .hen nilar 3. Try! AT. CT. ATJ nd CTJ n lulubl< for IW Iv ImYha vpr ea Mie9 si9Yr ttti .Len YSuhN dl«rlr. ar Or of «ajaiY r y of p'ry. '•• . p4rubla ,PPlun<e r,rN Y 50 .Yla eu !del aep rLal u "'I.V deatGli{r pl 5!a wrd 4 YenliaL 73y� AI�aN ATI are ler un aalr .irh heuin9 ayW:aT !. Try! R b wi4vle far me 4v wk m9eL 3. R43br filly w <arniahW eamLri< u«, maT M aaLYilu{N !er Ib! lever L-rY ST are aviul:l< for x on thealrt ran; rllre 6r<:.Ie n�Js are wrmdM Lr FO. he ba m>,r re ! wmwrile ,nemLlr (arnl ar.J r�rr.• n tnaheel• ••1 rh< mlirlayal rent«wra m•r aea ?e`n 1'.ore auyt.vrl•n! I.11r.r of '11un o Leny' rei:e. �• el ...e,ncerenJ o ru44r r•.rrveJ rtr�1 1 e Ia.J y ,.: Y B- r-•.t_w.r ender 1`n< r•n: r4. 4f Ic.`uMl. ill re:a.. n-�� . < 4. - < e•�n«t<r:'�E< .1eel .eyy«Re6 me:J. :�I . , :Lau;r '16icuLe avJ vY la gLIN rY {ha For Tablla 31 and 33. !!! page 362. U 46 qj-- all 1.4 z?yry ray x0 I � o d, c s s 3 S Sa o3 a I'o °s I z 8 < °c p-1 y y5 5 y xa, 4� g^I 9 8w9 V a CHAPTER lo—TADLES. DIAGRAMS, EXAMPLES ,33 °l!;a �j h ... �9 a1 E� 3g 3 i .39 -> �> -> a 5> i> z> C> F l C GL- a qga8y Lag A h5t} v v y 4 p jLla•}e i 7 L� j`I•i R�. i L 1 339 CIIAI?F.R [0 TADLM DIAC.RA31S. EXAMPLES CHAPTER 10—TABLES. BIAGRAM9. EXAMPLES 359 NOTES TO TABLE 31 M151A,v anJ 1`osi iS,",n i oGt.c: Fi oYaia; n AN Mo. l 2. c4vducr0n Y! {vurN rn Iy i-1 rn ]. T-1'061 is 1n uae on{r nh wble Iwya. yonabla r di rmiand au:Auncq. OnaWe «b od amus aPDlun¢a �Mch are vY liaule re b! med Irryun�r avd .hen nilar 3. Try! AT. CT. ATJ nd CTJ n lulubl< for IW Iv ImYha vpr ea Mie9 si9Yr ttti .Len YSuhN dl«rlr. ar Or of «ajaiY r y of p'ry. '•• . p4rubla ,PPlun<e r,rN Y 50 .Yla eu !del aep rLal u "'I.V deatGli{r pl 5!a wrd 4 YenliaL 73y� AI�aN ATI are ler un aalr .irh heuin9 ayW:aT !. Try! R b wi4vle far me 4v wk m9eL 3. R43br filly w <arniahW eamLri< u«, maT M aaLYilu{N !er Ib! lever L-rY ST are aviul:l< for x on thealrt ran; rllre 6r<:.Ie n�Js are wrmdM Lr FO. he ba m>,r re ! wmwrile ,nemLlr (arnl ar.J r�rr.• n tnaheel• ••1 rh< mlirlayal rent«wra m•r aea ?e`n 1'.ore auyt.vrl•n! I.11r.r of '11un o Leny' rei:e. �• el ...e,ncerenJ o ru44r r•.rrveJ rtr�1 1 e Ia.J y ,.: Y B- r-•.t_w.r ender 1`n< r•n: r4. 4f Ic.`uMl. ill re:a.. n-�� . < 4. - < e•�n«t<r:'�E< .1eel .eyy«Re6 me:J. :�I . , :Lau;r '16icuLe avJ vY la gLIN rY {ha For Tablla 31 and 33. !!! page 362. U 46 360 CHAPTER 1D—TABLES, DIAG%%MS, ESAMPLES TABLE 34 Table of Dimensions of the National'Electrical Code *Standard Cartridge Enclosed Fuses (Sre -i.. 93101) A Ey),—g t•Ci Form 1. CARTRIDUE FUSE-11mk 1-1-c' CIIAP'TER I0 TABLES, DIAGRAMS, EXAMPLES 161 TABLE 34—Continued Table of Dimensions of the National Electrical Code Standard Cartridge Enclosed Fusee (See rani.. 97101) Poem I CARTRIDGE FUS—kW1e 0L0. Co...... D I A U C Wonting Surfaca Dimon Widta p.. ria a. of Pe Ww Term, on. wedrl 1 N -1N i IPc� of Vellear Neth Ur<r .1 Caip. CUip Ivtrr C'e0eeitr Tercan4 Cllr (siq 1100NI 177000 Amyero IocEo 1 Ioeao Iodla S.`30 er altt j I 1 e1•Re 080 9119 9 � a 1 lit Y A'r slow 3 9 33000 4 0 WIND � Prj 0 la 11fo�00 1e1•eW W 10j, a ='�, Nor arer 600 e1M 9 c8 —� 16i �5t 4, ti � -K 4 bI-p ' sl•I00 n ' d I0I'3q 631Y4 Tn. � 11ry 9 8 I lt� 1 a1W1 4. 131 9 e� CIIAP'TER I0 TABLES, DIAGRAMS, EXAMPLES 161 TABLE 34—Continued Table of Dimensions of the National Electrical Code Standard Cartridge Enclosed Fusee (See rani.. 97101) Poem I CARTRIDGE FUS—kW1e 0L0. Co...... D It C -- Wonting Surfaca Minimum Venice) Clor.ao p.. ria a. of Pe Ww Term, on. wedrl 1 N -1N iD,Pin.0 1 lnada Termra I CrPurq e1 Te.min.l B:e..a ovrrde of TJLI Okla Amgar Ivtrr Inran Iaea� 660Ja 88000 10 S 11 0 1100NI 177000 11 7 18 a TABLE 33—WORKING SPACE (See -sale. _ Minimum Clear Space Adjacent to Use Pam altt j I 1 e1•Re 600 J 3 'y 1614a slow 3 9 33000 4 0 T 4 11 u� 3 6 11fo�00 o--6 CDAPTF.R 1e—TAn1.FS, 111.t('.R\615. EXA3IPLI'S 363 Is N -N ti � -K s • bI-p nPma 363 CHAPTER 10—TABLES. DIAGRAMS, EXAMPLES TABLE 32—ISOLATION BY ELEVATION • (Sa aenton 7163) Distance of Live Parte Above the Floor or Other Wonting Surfaca Minimum Venice) Clor.ao .f Uoraardrd F1 Volkee Detweev Pb—. Fat !veto w 1 61W 11000 a 0 9 0 73000 9 3 31001 P 6 11000 9 10 660Ja 88000 10 S 11 0 1100NI 177000 11 7 18 a TABLE 33—WORKING SPACE (See -sale. 7163. For vnityo below 6:0, res rection 1112) Minimum Clear Space Adjacent to Use Pam Mtoimum Ilorirontal Clauses VveuardeJ la VW1aee Delwon PhuaFto 600 J 3 3100 Uses J 3 3 1 slow 3 9 33000 4 0 660110 4 11 88000 3 6 11fo�00 1 1 CDAPTF.R 1e—TAn1.FS, 111.t('.R\615. EXA3IPLI'S 363 DIAGRAMS 141911-1 1to 19 eho inR Number of 0—current Unite each as TripCoils or Relay- for the PI-Ir611en of Circuits as regared by Table 28. E F, Ip, �rwa 1p 4— Iqr 1 I'ff d-4., I TFfT �Ir�y�j'{—�'IrI7 T _ PR3----_I----m.----L�`e� 4 m j 3" CHAPTER i-TAnLFS, Dh.\GRAMS, EXAMPLES rITAPTF.R lo-TARLFS. DIAGR,\MS. RXAMPLE1 AS — Nae t ce TW- is 366 CHAPTER 10 -TABLES. DIAGILSMS. EXAMPLES MOTOR FEEDER .*BRANCH CIRCUITS Article IJa Feeder Overcurrent protection ec<1.n a36t Feeder Conductors. r.1. 17-7 fechan 431. C *Motor- Controller gect,on 4,111 to o,90 MOTOR Sewndary rtuit for Wound-ra91. Motor. Secondery C(ecuit Secondary Controller Coilducturs Sec<i.n 4313 ......yianpnleJih Secondary Resistor !ht iarre tore Fik—, 20 EXAMPLES Due to limitation. on paper, it has become necee- sarye. to craft the Examples from this edition of the Cod APPENDIX INTERPRETATION PROCEDURE OF THE ELECTRICAL COMMITTEE Ad .ped Lr rhe Elnrtn.l t'cmmme<. 19:3 Amexded to a. 011,11.3 l—,ner, 1931 The following is the formally an Procedure for securing Inmrprelation, of the current edition of the National Electrical Code. There 111.11 be a standing committee of the Electri. cal Committee 10 be known as the Interpretations Committee. This—unitle. slut[ consist of: (1) The Chairman of the Electrical Committee, ex-alficio, who shall be the Chairman of the Inter. Initiation, Committee. (2) The Electric,[ Field Engineer. ex -officio, who shall be the Secretary of the Interpretations Committee. (3) The Chairman of that Article Commiut< which has charge of that paragraph or section o1 the cote for which an nicrpretat-, is re0uesteJ, and (4) At least two other members or alternates of the regular Electrical Committee p<rwnneL In other words, the entire personnel to constitute a panel from which the Chairman may draw, depend. ing upon availability, experience, keow:,,,u , and in- terest. (Provide.), however, that no member or aller- male .lull he eligible who is actually concerned wnh a comm -141 Alunian to which the specific question I., interpre4tion applies.) Thou desiring an int<rprealinn shall supply the Chairman with five iJentical copies of a —1—et in which Al -11 aPp... specific reference to a single prob- lem, paragraph, ar rection. Sv:h > aUtttnent shall be on tlw basinro..tafi....y of the <n4vuer and .hall bt duty sigced. 3v ��r aeo,ml 4aa1 1.'4749 Motor 5rcfeiclT IrFle, Disconnecting Means s<a1on 411o(toaan. lee4i3ccr1 .n uetory .312 a1MGtef-rynnlnq yVEf• current Device Section 4)21 to 433) *Motor- Controller gect,on 4,111 to o,90 MOTOR Sewndary rtuit for Wound-ra91. Motor. Secondery C(ecuit Secondary Controller Coilducturs Sec<i.n 4313 ......yianpnleJih Secondary Resistor !ht iarre tore Fik—, 20 EXAMPLES Due to limitation. on paper, it has become necee- sarye. to craft the Examples from this edition of the Cod APPENDIX INTERPRETATION PROCEDURE OF THE ELECTRICAL COMMITTEE Ad .ped Lr rhe Elnrtn.l t'cmmme<. 19:3 Amexded to a. 011,11.3 l—,ner, 1931 The following is the formally an Procedure for securing Inmrprelation, of the current edition of the National Electrical Code. There 111.11 be a standing committee of the Electri. cal Committee 10 be known as the Interpretations Committee. This—unitle. slut[ consist of: (1) The Chairman of the Electrical Committee, ex-alficio, who shall be the Chairman of the Inter. Initiation, Committee. (2) The Electric,[ Field Engineer. ex -officio, who shall be the Secretary of the Interpretations Committee. (3) The Chairman of that Article Commiut< which has charge of that paragraph or section o1 the cote for which an nicrpretat-, is re0uesteJ, and (4) At least two other members or alternates of the regular Electrical Committee p<rwnneL In other words, the entire personnel to constitute a panel from which the Chairman may draw, depend. ing upon availability, experience, keow:,,,u , and in- terest. (Provide.), however, that no member or aller- male .lull he eligible who is actually concerned wnh a comm -141 Alunian to which the specific question I., interpre4tion applies.) Thou desiring an int<rprealinn shall supply the Chairman with five iJentical copies of a —1—et in which Al -11 aPp... specific reference to a single prob- lem, paragraph, ar rection. Sv:h > aUtttnent shall be on tlw basinro..tafi....y of the <n4vuer and .hall bt duty sigced. 3v ��r 9Z • 760 APPENDIX 770 INDEX when applications involve actual field situations they shall so state and all parties involved shalt be named. Two general forma of Endings will be recognized: (A) Those making an interpretation of the lit- eral text; (B) Th... O M,l; an interpretation of the in. tent o[ the r.ectrical Committee when a particular rale Was Sd.rptird. The findings of the Interpretations Committee will be in its name and for the Electrical Committee as a Whole. The applicant will be informed of the finding Prompt iJ frAlowmg its having been determined. From time t0 time these findings, serially numbered but n•< otherwise identif%ed, will be bulletined to the Electrical Committee mailing list, including the Tech- niceJ P.O. When the Standing Committee on Interpretations repo" to the Electrical Committee at its regular me<tinga, a statement shall be made as to extent of concurrence of the members of the special committees in the several separate findings covered by the report. No previous or other advices shall be released as to minority views, if any, The Interpretations Committee personnel serves as volunteers, and will endeavor to follow businesslike methods for expediting the disposing of its docket. It cannot be responsible for it coming to pass that authorities enforcing the National Electrical Code or other electrical wiring standards, decline to acquiesce in or otherwise recognise the findings. Each Article Committee will be expected to give appropriate consideration to the text of any section or paragraph which has produced an Interpretation Finding to the end that suitable revision of the text involved may be recommended to the Electrical Cum. mittee. Requests for Interpretations should be addressed to the National Fire Protection Association, 60 Batterymarth Street, Boston 10, Mass. INDEX Non: 51m1 of the Na d rpteuiom used thrvughoul Ihi1 <We are d<enN ;d Ani�IR 140 which article ahoWJ be conauhN whrn koFnR up • mbimh In Ibe new• cede arc rcmml cath «lion ;I p�o<+ded wish a title, Far a mon ttmclno codes of trhe Imihr uL'<a1 reler w he union � Ibis index fi!rt Uoe hnd;nn. In ­ anhf the rnerrnrn the um0<r onlr is nam. Snn<n, which foll<w in Ib< teat ahauid alto be wnraltN. Mid < A id fumes, arc Carrnire vapors incrlhn :rm Calu<nwa "� Aru<ie am All __ um Ahemrtine runmta in metal �r,rcbaura Aluminum <mdunan 3131 '016 __�.__.__,._....JIOb, Ts11a I and 2 An«h nnuna for _ AnvJa '10 Le,J car N .:l9J, 1111, 110:, 9!131 J10J. On11 6 JI )111 Arricle IN c.nvnamr .._i; ....._..,._,._ Ap01rr�N dd fi 1 _ at .._I:Js k9mp < 10`• A•wrla Idp Are lan+:a Ar<InR la encbaun of '�"" ' -,1103' SJaa, 71u p .4...lahnl 1 a p earere:l C<nrtN ILIarnY iJrnlhu rt+w'.\nnle 1'dar IY d l -. a<.:n Rew,r,n Ru6lnr R.lr.J - Yulurc d a:0 Serri.< v+unalliaR Mlnwsm d . ..S,Ye'•i J10t, Illu Aflnl<f aroifb<d cam'nie _..... rempeulur< I+,.:pmxa Alun. <andu<wrr in . ];1J, JSa)'An1IN wmnmw{v ep'u.mmr -- 1mrW, uire AWamm�crmn Incurs Aucu,nnalwana ._._. _.. k;mne dirLlrc lumen � ,91Y! ... ..1007, SS•f a1N .J9J, 1111, `113, 110], &911 116_ IJOJ, 15+1, .�n:ne J: a, J10J. \'arn;aLed r n:4ri< earnN A.1•na I,a,! <nrdnnFlr. rn Cuva:xun, nc. ,a,.rr, A.iiAe n9 Ava rvm6xpu Im1m —._.. _ . AmM J'a aau•on Amrk Ica 9Jah1 .7ou AA . r• fa:<Irr r'<f, < Iw•I.+m <1 1209 Arlvk J1' Avan <uekl .... Artkir UO ! nun.«Uta 5'•l. 91'01 Ilei InWJW:ra Jr6J1, Jfl, Y'^1, yfA, J. al, ll)n, tart, Jaa. A.e•;e rap, baa (.coma a kee <mIG•w.m.. 31st, llsa. Nu a _ Jori v>i. lip, 341, lAn rhl�i oud«,wa ,n 7209 40 ur and car blunt. aI Standard 9r 'adanal fiord W Kia — Undlrwdnrl. Car nes upnip. <9nduct111 __,...1101, 7101, Tables I, 7 and 3 Ueo mdand, I" (ndm till- U,_ un Tabic ] a(m9r ri1<ultr, cmJand Nalral fcMera ""—"- 1'11 Cellularconal dwr mtt�aY, ...�_'�,_.= ,;{pjiele91561 CireuipbrlaYeq De6Ntkn f _.._,.,_.j,__..____,Anide IraWklioa'.�__JJSI, I3g9. 2631 TIO!. 7136 ]0151 100 7611. , 67x7 6]'). 1110. Table to tIW Ctal I arc Osir. Cirruin Clan 1 end 2 5,0�aa1 Ankk 723 M. 1, 11 and I11. IlanNam I«atlona .r__._..Ankk 300 Qe Of —dl.- -AlightaDl 3,is. 7210. ]]II, RII"_ ]633 F.Imton 712] �P_..�...___._ 7N6, 77iD, Swh<hle,.. . T�bkl 7T, J7 W., 1«aiem _._._.____......__.�._._]1v1. J1a1. 7721 INDEX UI _.._..._...__....._.. .. ... _.__ 110 INderl,a of IM Unnwnl R AYenrma 1116 1110, T LI 1 N«e IV _.__�.. _.__.. .... ....ItW 1113 :rm Calu<nwa "� Aru<ie am Snrure rap pin,l l! C. 111! -..,Arlide 100 _._.._. ... -- ... ..._ ..___..-9JNI ..Table JI ....__.. ......_, 1c! 911151 !101, 93101 1 1In rapacilY __._ _. L.. 1103. 1106, TAI,,, J and ,,.wrade frrl<rn< MI,Commun,mlion INderl,a of .6011 Unnwnl R AYenrma 1116 1110, T LI 1 N«e IV Dlliel<nt a 1 Ihmmn.n,n, of .._. 1011 .. � 1'al•I<f IJ to n Snrure rap pin,l l! C. 111! -..,Arlide 100 I;aurc .. 4rounJN u I 117.1, 1Jfl Ilia. Tatle 18 •JJI, lav), 1511, JI01, fAenu0ra ' n 43101. 91001 - 9JIu1 In ml+ll•11< Inanknaa '6 1016, JI01 Le,J car N .:l9J, 1111, 110:, 9!131 J10J. On11 6 JI )111 9JId1 1 fin 1 anJ 16 \I.Ii4..i�m alae 1 Aa ...,. .9]101 7101, 41-.1111 Slulara Neural , .Y rac:,p raldea I .nl II .... . b. r M1ear r U! . 9)161 .4...lahnl 1 a p earere:l _ JJUJ, 1101. 911n1 ILIarnY iJrnlhu rt+w'.\nnle 1VA 1151, SI W, fJ:VIA 9101' Rew,r,n Ru6lnr R.lr.J - lln1; 91101, TA:,.IJ�M i) Serri.< v+unalliaR _ lnak 11n ArlRln 115 !N Ron NI•.w.LVr+,i'R Slow humn•e wvmv;..rd Sl.andeJ JIn.. 91101 .. lint 911 VI "— �Jtca, bk 16 rempeulur< I+,.:pmxa 11-01' 1r1:. v1101, Thrrmotlnlirlib. TaLka 1 nJ 2, Nan a and I Tyl•h kll<r, . ­­ - . - a lM. 91101 I uJeryraunJ Lnmaulal<J .J9J, 1111, `113, 110], &911 116_ IJOJ, 15+1, .�n:ne J: a, J10J. \'arn;aLed r n:4ri< earnN 116], 9!101 w'ealh<rr,n••f .. .._.. w, Inuu..na � .. JIV1, 91101 Com14n, Ra<ewaYa JIV2 Anic' Jab u,iln r 9Jah1 U . .I,uf ,r• lnr�iw<+ ry Ja61, a.n1 7aLk l9 ry 372 UNDU .pl- 1111, 1215, ]JIS. JJ62, AnSck N0. 3111, neo, lszz, Jazz, Ja.z nos nu lea 331 — Yin' INDEX III ftth. 6231 AJO c "— lira park . 1311, ri 1 417 374 INDEX J75 F—. I121 ISIa, 712 1 Fu 0v M4 m paj 2j; F—g. it W7 240 =V —'rw 013 ii6J3 z 414 11 0. TAI U lt�o' -.j5 A,G 1. 3.1 .. I ....... 14131, sloj win ... . ........ I-ibl —d. 6."j 5107 4311 10J. 4 I4W M, 2 Du 4.51. 1H1 Ptllray K[n 16—w J,!J. 44111,9441 G .....Ilanrd 51 .5. 4, 1 G'—d . . ....... 1-1— 5450, b 4101 5.5i: '07 Alternatinf "J"s 1 417 374 INDEX INDEX J75 21 ISIa, 712 1 MM—I o6 d-. --a' ". 2191Furmcw. 44 35133— 24114., 2"434 W7 240 IM., IM 013 ii6J3 z G .....•.... moe 11 0. TAI U lt�o' -.j5 A,G 1. 3.1 .. I ....... . sloj win ... . ........ I-ibl —d. 6."j 5107 In Du G .1- Ih 1116 T., .... ... fnenl ruin 16—w J,!J. 44111,9441 G .....Ilanrd 51 .5. 4, 1 G'—d . . ....... 1-1— 5450, b 4101 5.5i: '07 Alternatinf A,ud, J50 m b.d,fi, SJJ A -h R.... 21 1 Col. . 'j, 5151 W41 .j5I. cond.a. 6j. , Fl..— 1451, 23y1, 2541, w. "p : Z. 1061, 5.0 . - . ... .. ' 3611,a23 Conero0rl WWI C .... . '511 '314710i.'J:I 644 14 'ib 2511 1311. 2114 d:,: --is", 2$ZJ: 2593 9 —.2581. Z.. �235'8'j Z54J. MY: On runflnral 2564, 2'3j6j, jj'9711 2594 INDEX J75 Fquipmev4 oyer aw "1. F ISIa, 712 1 MM—I o6 d-. --a' ". 2191Furmcw. Iuv4 _. 35133— 44JJ. 4111, 4111. 3019. 1061, ]019 W7 w+l• -------------- 26M. 1111. 44JJ. 4111, 4111. 3019. 1061, ]019 IM., IM 6'. Slaving 0-1 bl'Ilh 'veruill-it 61W 67,41 176 LfDzx J7e INDEX Burg ora«con Soil 0 ... 5012 ISM: o ... It 11vin..'. h =01,: 0 ­ Z�l Anill.j. Is mer c Iloinr, s d i.,.Iio. me 44"N T=J,.;� -i� 1W-1- 6 1w mold— —1, s.d.t. .-I IWnlifualiml of RauWin4 wiry ..)359, SOlt, 3061 7081, 91001 11WII4vU<t M.lun .1 ,Wcul 100, 3110, JSZ1 1, 47" dt-b"O "P- 4M. 4JOS. 4317, 4611. 2.11 410 I.dw 3018 '103.4261 4% So Neutral feeders, dee .,4 of 1. 1 "d 2 40 ='T�'"L2UR. 1 .1 9 RZ.-Zill 3W 94101 341 4161 11, JW -z IW.=—­­­­ian. A 1"..I., 7w Owe. o . 24 . I 45wo.. Odtkkw1 ZAIG Siv. d cmadlit. uH 72. --d— 730 amu or ntI,l. -Is. 2305, 4191111 c I'll 3,01 7117 Mb M M =7". ....... _Aw. 324 0 Wa L- . ...... F- Ii,b,, 8. 7121 Z—Z!Q��UIS. Adid, 3100 Fi..,,. I., I d,.Ib.,. Ml 1w. Im, ..d— oo pots 7116 Igl III4I._ d- 73, It 06 1.1'. IA. 4Z3? MI. 116 T P­bll Land __L_ 4172 f.�, 615 d 111,tZ� 1111. 2111. 1*11. 111�.211t. WI, _&,tkk 110 Wirini 0., m PI-Ictim—_AItid.2'oA1fd111 wIW _?J"OI =t — 1,0 1Ib 4211 ,M ....... 110 1,2, 3310 - c 4607 R1. Ua. 1111 1 M4 720 d "I'l."114 414 0.,L., .......... ... 6ma 14 41 16 amp aldf gu 2."SNU u It, ­11uld 11dtw, m C,,d. I.. r —Fes625, H.W.. 7Nt and from E= 24A G­.dil. Z-34!,. Table 29 40J. 4M 23% ..a 1. 1 41 ld 7 NS,. 24ir -405 I, C- 4454 G= 240 INDEX 377 INDEX 329 6'. Slaving 0-1 bl'Ilh 'veruill-it 61W 67,41 Ha UZ 1.4"' ,", h, Itkk 430. TIMI. 24 237,1 m vi,A F.,-- -k Pk LIP 7-�7'�-.79411X .. 6'. Slaving 0-1 bl'Ilh 'veruill-it 61W 67,41 Ha UZ 1.4"' ,", h, Itkk 430. TIMI. 24 237,1 m vi,A F.,-- -k ON'— 7-�7'�-.79411X .. '169 Anill.j. Is .34, 111. j4,111, R -1-1-9J 111-9 4M. 4J46. 1411 1, .14,11 0 JJ7191 IN =Tbl 4161 11, 31. ­­­.%,,,,, r4i, ..:Arad. av 41 6lolms and 6-11-. Itkk 430. TIMI. 24 21 ON'— 131 d. 441i '169 1 14,mrcunml .34, 111. j4,111, R -1-1-9J 111-9 4M. 4J46. 1411 JJ7191 IN 131 d. 441i 1411 5.11 31. ­­­.%,,,,, r4i, I? S- 1. 725 13, MF. . 7'A 3613 31-18 93!41 r'.1 tuO. m j:IS. 2114. 2111. --J, '1-'4. 2"1. 1•<inl J-15 1 1 35 jot? 3"1. "111, jw. 35 t 14'1 V`IJI 5.1l4 4::1 d. A T.,Wa 1. 19 7341 —A T lws R.d . I. 1. INDEX al INDEX JN MF. . —34N r'.1 tuO. m j:IS. 2114. 2111. --J, '1-'4. 2"1. 1•<inl "" JJBe INDEX al 382 INDEX INDEX JN MF. . —34N r'.1 tuO. m %f 1•<inl "" JJBe el allstthmerl .Table JO A JI r.61, ji T I. M7. Z 4 4.1 Cuvuvl ;IJI 4 ms ID' 1, . .fitly . ravda ....... .",Om 411 1113 k tw 382 INDEX INDEX JN E--Ily .1—bl. —34N r'.1 tuO. m %f ,:i1 7. r. .Table JO A JI r.61, ji T I. M7. Z 4 4.1 Cuvuvl ;IJI 4 ms ID' 1, . .fitly . ravda ....... .",Om 411 1113 k tw I'%'., T, c ar k- ----- T.M. - . .. . .... Certmt—It T.M. 3 4. c:. U. T— 11"12 R. Nil. UU. RXV, T. TIM TIME -ttw;—Y.—,r' ....Table 4 TW. 5 RU. Talk 9 TW, 11 —I ."., d I I.b.. Vi—i— 4 o r:dr:ce— TAI. 12 RIV, Rl'. TF. TINI T. TIV TAlk TBill. 11 T I6 419 INDEX JN F1.15111 1 fadk 23 T. . .. ... . ..... ,:i1 r. .Table JO JI r.61, ji T -4. ,311: 12jil M7. Z 4 :11 I'%'., T, 419 420 l'nJspoond mnJucico _ _.3]OJ, 7014, JI02 7,1.; l'vJerl1��Ivor esrna:om �"—'� __Arrir�LL JI/ � Underlloor raG.waYa _ —,_Asic4e 751 Vapgr IamN. 9110] 1 \'arm>heJ cambric -41a1;1 rra ._.__.__1102, 97101 \'sella for uanalermera �_—�� ' Srrvicca iv .._"'—•_^'--..__....__ 1311 ...,.1109, 790 7020 \'o.uHe drop—_..__,�_�203, q12, 7aDlea 1 avd vote a ,,/1 41 i3, 7001 klMric diukareo M1ztutn �...._.._...__.._..__...9J. 1191 l9esberyr.of iaaufatiun ___ _. ]101. 9]101 670 Controllers �- .�.•�.•— _. 6117 AfotorGrneraror addera'.�.._.,._--� _�... 6114 6711 Orrrcgrrem uatian "" 61711 613 Wet laotieoa, rr UamP Inatiwa. Wires, see Ccndesma. \Vare ..... asRNm ...__._ ........_...___..,.1117. 7WJ. 1009 lVir<lua, arc e9vi9mrnh RirtwaP............ ...___.__,+_. ,_Aside ]62 Wsioe msbWa. Hcrxral mlr.._____._._,_. =A-1, JW Arm.rnl eaDle ... .. Artwk J1a, 97711 ' AwiliarY Raaer..._._�^��— ' Nare eonJuttor fe�lsa � _ � .Ani;Ir l2t ' Cellular msal fluae rarrwaya irle ....\riirle 736 I F.Ittmal msallic tn4ioe __.,_____Anlele NR 9NH1 FleaiDle meal eOnduN _ __..Aside JSO KnoWn6auhc k. emaalN'_ ._Aside R1 Nommdallic ahesikN rahle _ ____�Astele ]J6. 9)161 Nen W?mN satrwiov. _ _,Asidr NI Nwe w11—terPro9l whine --_. Aside 710 Opeq Over 600 vela _ ]III �e9�'•Nr mrthad� 1107 igrfar< metal eaeevar -- _ _':��ii(srle iib Wki.H nn rbiGDe' . rw Standar] -of National Fire Pra. IMigq Aaagriatiaq. X -'Y ._ _.___.4tidq 660 SECTION 2. This Resolution shall be in full ce and effect from and after its adoption. Atn yo r Read in full at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners on i„ 1948 Adopted by the Board of Commissioners on 1948 Recorded by Sarah Thurman, City Clerk oyn ! ^1948. �✓ U� lZl./.ra.. � City Clerk