HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 10, Page 485, No Ordinance NumberSys✓ 1 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COASTnUCTIOH AND RECOHSTRUCTIOV OF THE DRIVEWAY ON 21ST STREET FROL PHL !EST Pr:OPERTY LINE Or' "C" i STRTiF.T 'PO '[SIE WES P PRUP=RT'i LINE OF THE OLD ROAD IN -ME CITY OF PADUCAH, MCCRACKEN COUNTY, KENTUCKY, nITH ALL NECESSARY CURDS, CUTTERS, DRI`iEWAYS, idA?THOLES, IN nALS, CAPCH PASIMS, SE:IR I AMD DRAIN PIPES, AMD ALL U LCESSARY E.I'!GIVLEHIHO, EQUIPMENT, ADVER- TISING AND LEGAL AND C.LERIC'AL SERVICES IN CO;:N%CTIOil F!ERL'.lI'PH, UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF A7 ACT OF ME CKAIaAL ASSE,.BLY OF THE CC:TOii, EALTH OF KQ F'I r. Y' -,.;CE' E'EL AT IT � H _�� lLE%" Ii t. SESSION .� � 1938 hOVIDING FOR THE 102LOVI:i.:LNP j i, i'LIC .:S .`S S'.; CITIES 0_' ";fL SECOND CLASS BY AID OF C:E: .;Ort . _.0 ;;C AGE ,O: L... 07 THE _ L -L;, •.AL Oh 5 IN 01 NOVEL17LALL A ! i.:CfLSIVF COST O,r "'' ., i:.;,..Al OP REAL ES rill ART FTI'cG uw SUCH i. P ROVEk. :A ':CCU -.J TO njE jy5Fp J. F&6:? U Ori QT UTI='G :'EE", AAU p,0,I q PTA U A TA,', ..ILL WIEIJ UPON 1A _D LC IS On P :. CELS 0:• A v L E... .. _. FOR THE P^_Y!AA T UP PHI, COSP ASSL SJ f 12,Oh A iT_CH COST S A.i r:E; T -HE GIPFE ..C_. "L r'::.:.,. ,_ % AL COS U OF Q 'LE PION SAID 1, z-.07._- YUT US AID T'E fOTAL A' OU P T. OF . IBU CIOZ Oy UHL 00hi_ pRoj, ds AD.:IP!7S``r.APION On 0"HET. AnE"CIRS 01 f S FLAInAL On SUR PE GOV0' : nT hrPAGED 17 AKIN! A: h 10 OVL, hnT, 0 ,-'- .n SFALL 'TF1 uvo ...D ... SOS _.. G:, HALT' O:: EM , TV --.mL _.A M S:___ -.L . AVS Cu: ...'T`•_[ ,,Il SEA:" ,E. Ji_.. -:&77 .=,0 _ OHL 'OAKD OP ,U- ILLS G SAS TITH THE ADVICE OF THE CITY LP.GIULL.R BE I P OR LA Tn OAhD 0_ CC;.:S:c I' - ,1., 0 ^IlY vF PAD: "Au, _ n7 RICKY: .SECTION 1. 'P'nat the driveway on 21st Street from the ;,est property line of "C" Street to the !'lest propert- line of the Old Kayfield Road in the I City of Paducah, Kentucky, with all necessary curbs, ;utters, drivl- ways, maholes, intakes, catch bas_ns,s ewer and drain pipes, and all necessary en,Zineerin„ equipment, advertising and legal and clerical services in connection therewith, under an Act of the General Assembly or the Commonwealth of Kentucky, adopted at its I Re^ular Session in 1938, providing for the :improvement of public ci ways In ci Q es of the second class by aid of the Vork Pro: ects Administration or other A encies of the Federal or State Government, and at the exclusivo cost of the owners of real estate aburr. n� on such improvement to be ap,ortioned on such ir.provement accora.in- to the number of front or abuttinj Leet, and providing t'Kat a tax I shall be levied upon said lots or parcels of real estate for the payment of the cost assessed thereon, and which cost shall be the difference between the tote.l cost of completin- said improvement ; and the total amou: t of the contribution of the ;fork Projects Adrn:inistration or other 11,encics o.i.' Lhe ''ccieral or State Government, em;a.ged in rnakin-" said improvement, and which tar, shall, be dine and payable at the officE of the C'i.ty Treasurer one-half thereof when the work of construction be«ins and the remainder thereof when one-half of said improvement has been completed, which i time shall be determined by the 'Loard of Commissioners of said city t.', the alvice of the City En-inecr, be and t} -ie same ._s hereby ordered to be so constructed and reconstructed r,_th concrete or other improved pavin material under the orovisions of said law aforesaid. S_LC =_1 2. I That all the cost incident to said construction of said street as provided in Section 1 hereof, except that part which shall be paid by the Federal or State Government shall be paid for ;;holly by the property owners of property abutting or frontin_ upon such improvement on both sides of said street, and to be apportioned to and assessed a;a-nst said abiztr,in_ pvopert? as provided :in Section I; 1 hereof. SEC` TO'? 3. it lJ'nen said wort; has -peen can*.x,nced, the Roard of Commissioners ti the advice of the city En-ineer shall c•a.i:se to be =riven to the owners of said property abiittin-; i1pon such improvement so pre .posed to be made, a notice by the oublication of an ordinance or resolution that said work has commenced and upon the p publication i of such resolution or ordinance the ownors of such abuttinS i I I� property shall immediately pay to the City Preasurer the amount of one-half of the estimated cost of such improvement as may be j apportioned to said respective lots so abutti.n thereupon, and. i when said work has 'been half completed, said Board of Commissioners shall likewise publish a resolution or ordinance givin notice of t i the half completion thereof, and requiring the owners of the abuttin, property thereon to pay into Uric City Treasury the other one-half of said cost of said improvement so to be assessed acainst said properjy and apportioned thereto as aforesaid, and j it which payments shall be made immediately upon the publication of such notices as herein provided. li I SECTIO1 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed. SECTION 5. ibis ordinance shall be introduced at a re;nlar meeting; of the i 'oard of Commissioners, and remain In file for not less than one i i . I a= (1) week for public inspection in its completed form in Mich it shall be put upon its final passage, and upon its adoption it shall be in full force and affect ten (10) days thereafter. it TAyor Introduced, Larch 18, 1941 Passed bj the Board of Commissioners, Larch 25, 1941 Recorded by Rudy Stewart, City Clark, March 26, 1941.