HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 10, Page 1445, No Ordinance Number1445 A:T ORDIiTANCE APPROVING TILE FLAT Oz' Th RE.,UEDIVIJION OI' PARTS Cr 13LOCK3 ,"TOS. 4, 5, 11 and 12 OF 'MS CALD'iMILL :IALLOIJI PROPERTY LOC::TED Cid JOE CLI17TON DRIVE I'MICH WA3 ACCEPTED LC THE CITY PLAT".]iI IG AND COi-:I.:I33ION 3Y IT.; FIN1iL 3U:'OiiT ;,aODI_`D IN A RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY IT OF :10` .,FD(_TI l6th, 1945; F'307IDI::G ?O:: ..._ ACCi iPAITCE 0_ 11 DEEM Oi'' J JICi„P C., UiC is ICH 1c S G:., .sR Or` 3tiID IROPERTC ;HALL �_=CAIEJ CZRT:iT_: Ir.; OP GROUND .7ITHIM SAID cLOCT_3 A3 PUELIC ALL YS, F:40'dl3i:'>:: 223 Ti1. C:OSItiC Of' CZRT1i1. ALLEYS NO".: LOCATED '.;ITHI i :;AID LLCCii3, AND AUTHORIZING ' TIE COR' Gt(li C')UivSEL TO INSTITUTs A 3i IT IN 7''LL ir:CCRAC:EN CIRCUIT COURT ir'OR ME I`URPOSE OF OBTAIN!::C' A; ORDER OF COURT CLOSING TEOSE ALLEYS AUTHORIZED TO BE CL03ED BY TEIS ORDINANCE EE IT ORDAINED LY THE BOARD OF CO?� 01331ONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY: SEC TION 1. That upon the recommendat.on and request of the City Planning and Zoning- Commission as shown by its final report emcodie in a resolution adopted on _:ove:aber lCth, 1945, the plat of the Re- subdivision of parts of clocks ?'os. 4, 5, 11 and 12 of the Caldwell ::allory property on Joe Clifton Drive as s:^os•n in flat Book "C"; page 36, in the I:;cCracken County Court Clerk's Office, in hereby approved. S:C TION 2. That the City of Paducah accept the offer of the owners o" the property embraced within the aforesaid Elocks Nos. 4, 5, 11 rind 12 of the Cladwell-Mallory property to dedicate for public use .9nd as public alleys the followin- described strips of ground: "Eeginnin- at a point on the south side of ':adison Street 130 feet east of the southeast corner of i..adison Street and Joe Clifton Drive, thence at ri5ht an, -les and in a southerly direction 346.5 feet to the north line of T'onroe Street; thence at ri^ht angles and in ar• easterly direction 20 fact; thence at ri-ht ani -los and in a northerly :ircdtion 546.5 feet to the south lire of i"adison "treat; thence at right an 1cs and in a ': esterly direction 20 feet to the -oint of be -ginning.” !'Be irnir. at a point in the south line of Harrison Street 150 feet east of the southeast corner of Joe ''lift.on give and Earrison Street; thence at richt angles and in a northerly direction 545.5 feet to the north line of :.iadison Street; thence at rir,ht angles and in an easterly direction 20 feet; thence at ri--ht an -les and in a northerly direction 346.5 feet to the south line of Harrison Street; thence at ri!•ht angles and in a westerly direction 20 feet to the point of beglnnin`. "EeCinnin,7 st a point on the south side of Clay Street 145 feet west of the southwest corner of Joe Clifton T)rive and Clay Street: thence at right angles and in a southerly direction 340.5 feet to t`e north line of Harrison ,street: thenoe at ri-ht angles and in a westerly direction 20 fact; thence at ri-•ht an -les an,', in a northerly direction 746.5 feet to thesouth line of Clay Street; thence at ri•-ht angles and in an en.sterly direction -with the south .line of Cl:ey Strcet "0 fact to the point of bc�innin,�-. " 1426 '"Ec�-innin.^- at a point on the south line of Trimble .;tract 210 feet ::est of the southwest corner of Joe Clifton ;rive and Trimble .3treet; thence at ri,,ht anZles and in a southerly direction 163.25 feet; thence of ri ht an -les and in an easterly direction 65 feet; thence at ri`ht anCles and in a s,utherly direction 183.25 feet to the "orth line of Clay .:treat; thence at riZht aneles and in a westerly direction 20 feet; thence at ri•ht anZloo and in a northerly direction lC3.25 meet; thence at rir-ht sn5les-and in a westerly direction 65 feet; thence at riJ.ht an -,les and in a northerly direction 183.25 Teat to the south line of Trimble Street; thence at ri_-ht anC:les and in an easterly direction With the South line of Trimble Street 20 feet to the point of be,inninr.° SECT TIOiI 3. That the City of Paducah.in consideration of the agreement of the owners of the property within the aforesaid blocks to dedica e the above described strips of ground for use by the public and as public alleys, does hereby authorize the closin, o those strips of -r.unra within said block e.hich arc described as follows; "LeZinnin, at a point in theeast line of Joe Clifton ;rive 103.25 feet south of the southeast corner of Joe Clifton L' -rive and S.a,.ison Street, thence at riht an -lea and in an easterly direction 130 Leet~to the west line of a now alley to be dedicated for public use as above provided; thence south and alon-- the crest line of said new alley 20 feet-; thence at ri._ht anc-les and in a westerly :11rection 130 feet to the east line of Joe-lifton wive; thence in a northerly direction and Slam- the east line of Joe Clifton Drive 20 feet to the point of be,inninc." "L-eSinnin7 at a point in the east line of Joe Clifton frive 163.25 feet south of the southeast corner of the intersection of Joe Clifton Drive and Harrison :;greet; thence at ri^•ht aniles and in an easterly direction 130 feettinthe west line of a new alley. to be dedicated for public use as above provided; thence south and alon;; the westerly .line of said new alley 20 feet; thence at ri7ht ancles and in a westerly direction 130 feet to the cast line of Joe Clifton Drive; thence in a northerly direction and alon,- the east line of Jon C1_fton ')rive '^O .,"eet to the point of beSinnin-." "2a -innin- at a point on t'?e west line of Joe Clifton Drive 1,^'3.25 feet south of the southwest corner of Joe Clifton Drive an -1 Clay .street; thence at ri--ht ^n^les an in a v^cstcrlJ direction 145 feet to the east line of a ne,-., alley to be dedicated for public use as above provided; thence south and aloe the east line of raid new alley ^0 feet; thence at ri•ht a n•les and in an easterly direction 1.15 feet to the crest line of Joe Clifton '",rive; thence in a. northerly direction :and alon;; the west line of Joe Clifton Drive 20 feet to the point of be-,innin." "-cSinninS at a point in the vest line of Joe Clifton give 165.25 feet south of the southwest corner of Joe ^lifton Drive and Trimble .3treet, th'nce at ri-ht on -les an,1 in a westerly direction 145 feet to the east line of a new alley to be r?ndicated for public use as above pi-ovid.ed; thence South nrd alon- the east line of said now alley ^0 feet; thence aL ri ht an -los and in nn easterly ,ilrection 145 "-ct to the west line of Joe Clifton Drive; th nee in a northerly direction anJ Slop,, thw west line of Joe Clifton give EO feet to the point �; o.[' Loyinnin�-." 14 1.7 r, the :,ornoration C,unsel is hovel),., cutl)ovized on' ('_::=ected to '.ne'.:itute in the ]:eCrac'_ccn Circuit olwt a .7,, -;it for the purnooe of ca^c in" the provision: of this ordlnnnce into c_'fect. This ordinorce shall be in full force an," affoct from and after its adoption. Passed by the _oard of Co;Smissioners, -u_ust 13th, 1945 3ecordod by -Zudy ;teviart, City E1 r'., ,,•u--ust 13th, 1940.