HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 10, Page 1159, No Ordinance Number1159 � All ORDIIIANCE FIXING TIIE LEVIES AND RATES OF TAXATIOII ON ALL PROPERTY III THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ICEIITUCICI, XJBSLCT TO TAXATION FOR I-MIIICIPAL PURP03?;3 A:ID yoO t 3C11OOL PURI03E3 i,'Oit TJJE UAR 1945, AND ' HS'' RATE Oi� POLL TAX ; ITH TU PUP,POuES OF SAID TARTS TI1,3111 MER DEFIi:ED BE IT ORDAINED BIC THE LOARD OF COI .I33IONERS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAII, KMTTUCKY: SECTIOI; 1. There is hereby levied for the year 1945, upon all w taxable property within the City of Paducah, Kentucky, real and personal, subject to taxation for municipal purposes, an ad - valorem tax ^f One and 29/100 ('el.29) Dollars, upon each One hundred (,100.00) Dollars of valuation of taxable property in said city, pursuant to .vection 157 of the State Constitution to P.efray the cost of maintoininC and administerin, the Uovernment Of the City of Paducah for the year 1945, and to cover the estimat cost of naintaininC and operatin^ the departments and a�cricics of said ';overnment pursuant to the annual budget prepared and submitted to the ' oard of Uommiosioners b;C the City :.anaSer for approval 01' the Guard of Cohn- .:sioners, exclusive, however, of the levies hereinafter mentioned and defined. There is also hereby levied a poll tax of One and 50/100 (,;1.50) Dollars on each male resident of the City of Paducah over 21 ,yeara of age for the year 1945. Thero is also hereby levied upon each One Hundred (5100.00) 011ars valuation of taxable property in sai,:, city, a special tax Of Four (.04) Cents to be paid inti qnd become a part of the Police and ireznenls Pension Fund, and which fund shall be segregated and set apart in a separate fund in the City 'xi�easury and shall be held subject to and for the Purposes defined in Secti 95,5£0 and 95,590 of the 1942 ;tovision of the Kentucky Statutes. There is hereby levied for tho year 1945 on all taxable property said city subject to taxation for municipal purposes, an ad valorer. of Twenty-one (21) Cents upon each One Hundred (AOA- 00) Dollars of valuation of taxable property to create a sinking fund for the purl., of paying and retiring outstanding bonds, including bonds issued b City of Paducah for school purposes, which have been voted by the e of the City of Iaducah, and there is likewise hereby levied for said year an ad valorem tax of Nineteen (.19) Cents on each Cne Hi d („100.00) Dollcrs of valuation of taxable property in ::�:id city, t pay the interest on Said •ntstanding unpaid voted bonds, and all o' which bands have been anProved by vote of the people of sa._d city ;hin tax se the ople red 1 100 The rate of taxation l'L)v the estimated e:cpenditures of each c'epartment of the City Government, and for such other purposes as are deemed to be necessary for the propor maintenance and administratinC, theroof, and ith the amount appropriated for each of said departments and pur)o.os siia'll be set apart and stated in the budget and a portionmont which shall be adopted and provided for by the Loard of Oorin.issioners, and set -gut in said A-portionnant Ordinance; and the anount of levies provided in this ordinaree are necessary anti required in Kaden to provide the rcvonue adequate to meet, the roquirer.rcnts o.L' said a_'portionmcnt ordinance. 3EC TIOU 2. There is hereby levied for the year 1945, a to:; o T;venty (. Cents on each One Hundred (,`100.00) Dollars of the fair cash value upon all the shares of stock of estate Lands and Trust Companies incor; orated under the lai:,s of this Car:aaon:,ealth, and en,ac_ed in business in the Cit;, of _r-aducah, Kent,zcky, and a like tax upon all the shares of stock of ;Iational -anks d in; business in said c And there is further 1 vied a tox of fifteen (.15) Cents on each One hundred (';,100.00) Dollars of the fair cash value of all unmanufactured aricultural products subject to ta:cation ';rithin said city fon _rcneral munictipal purposes, anc? all of said taxes provided for in this section,, a --,c loviccl and Lo be collected for the year 1945 and to be used for General municipal purposes. SEC TION S. All revenues derived from licenses and from all other sources collected and paid into the City Treasury, for Seneral nunicipal purposes, shall .)= (1i-;,_.0 LL'• _ !- ,..:'ir r. n.t .ac 3arie proportions A:: c,.(' •;alarem tares herein provided for, except revenues and the sources thereof which have not been considered in mokinZ up the Apportionment Ordinance and in the event of the collection of any other revenues or receipts of other income which aas net considered in making up the Apportionment Ordinance, same shall be credited to the jeneral fund. SECTION 4. The Board of Education of the City of Paducah pursuant to authority vested in it under its Charter, and under tlio lal:'s 01' the .;tate of ;Kentucky, have adopted a resolution requestin; therein the the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah shall levy an ad - valorem tax on all proporty in said City for school purloses. -,ow, pursuant to said resolution, and it anpearin. to the satisfaction a the Loard of Commissioners, that it is neces,;ary to make the levies 1161 for school purposes as hereinafter set out, there is hereb./ levied for the year 1945 upon all the taxable property subject to taxatio for school purposes within said city, an ad valorem tax of One Dollar and 07/100 (;;1.07) Cents on each One Hundred (;J GO.00) Doll rs of valuation of real and personal property in the City of'iaducah, for the support and maintenance of public schools in said city, le s the estimated sum L; be received from the State Cnrlmon _;chool bund and from other sources; and there is hereby further levied a tax c Forty (.40) Cents on each One Hundred (:1,100.00) Dollars of the fai cash value upon all the shares of 3toclt of State I:anlzs and Arust Companies, inc,r:)orated unr?er the lavas of this Comrron::ealth, and. end- ,ed in business in the Cit;; of Paducah, 7Lcntuc%y, an(! also on .'iatinnal ranks d -)in., bu::iness in said cit;; for the year 19,=5, and which tax so levied -.hall be "o' the support and maintenance of public schngls of said city. There is hereby further levied and imposed a tax of five (.05) Cents on each One Hundred 0;100.00) Dollars of valuation of all real and personal propeit, in the Cit;, Paducah, subject to taxation fpr t:re year 1945, pursuant to an of ordinance ad^pted Li the L•oard of CertII3izs.iDners of said city on the 27th dal of January, 1936, for the purpose of aiding-, ass_stin_ a d maintainin5 the Paducah Junior ColleE.e, and which tax shall be ane the same is hereby '.eclared to be a tax for school pur_,oses. •3LC T IO: 5. There is hereby further levied and imposed a ta.: of five (.05) cents on each Ono _Iund„ed („100.00) nllars of valuation of all r and pers.-)nal p_�operty in the City o Paducah subject to taxation for the year 1945, purs-iant :,, the provisions of 111,3 173.360 for purl:ose of maintainin;; the public library. SECTION 6. be total ad valorem taxes levied under this ordinance are as follows: For all city purposes, exclusive of sinkinC fund ..........:,;1.29 For Police and i''iremen's Pension 2und .04 For general School purposes � .. .. ... 1.07 For 3ink:in1 Fund on Voted Bonds, including school bonds.... .21 For Interest on Voted o nds, includin7, school bonds ....... .19 For Paducah Junior Colle.ge................................ .05 For Public Library ......................................... .05 Total of said levies .. ... .... .. Total Levies on Banks and Trust Comoaniesl Stock for City purposes............................. .20 Total Levies on r_',anks and Trust Companies' Stock for School purposes ........................... .40 Total Levies on unmanufactured agriculfAural products for city purposes .15 SECTION 7. f^his ordinance shall take effect frori and after its ad )tion. 7•assed by the "pard of Commissinors, April 17th, 1J-'5 lecorded by Rudy Stewart, City Clork, April 1'7th, 19•'_5. T %