HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 9, Page 242, No Ordinance NumberPA GF. 242 M AN OT'!'T'".I:C1- f. ^-FFT"r. -- : IT' , T7,r. -':07_97 OTT POTF PIDES (?r 7,•L -r rTTV7 FTrr.T•T, T'FOT.T TTT1 i;nR� T 0 rT-ir (': .T,.^i. ON FTP- i 90 F. ".01'TTT PFOPF"TY T -TT' OF T F FTPFPT I:1 TTP' CI9Y OF PA!PUCiAH, McCPT CCI'N CO'MTY,PT'17UCiSY, FOR TII1- COST 0 COF.ST11ITCTION OT; GFI X7L FTRFTFT, ITH ALL T?PC1:P!:.RY FNGTPTTT'T;?r, p1;l,"TTISINC '-J • L -MTS 1111) CLF I0 AL STYPVICE IN C0.-`-;TCTIOTI 711 r 'rTTH AF T•'OTT,C''S; G"'`L STP7.T COTTSTPUC''ION 37T in '.7IDTH, x'1.50 PrP ABUTTING FT. I'TT'"-ST 4'0.005954692556 P'r DOT,T.r.P 0? CMT! TRUCTION COST NGII1l-RII?G 0.04854368932 ".IID PROVIDING TITAT TNF. COST CF FUCIT COK° TrUC"ION, T`TT-P711T, FLTP . BP CT,7r, nG• . ,:Lt 70 Ar, TP'cT TFiir j OFT TY F''C^T•;riTIC TF 7- Prlr-I"IT OF S^bIT A -CID .!ATTr"ING UPOII PAID IT'P " 1T, AS S1'0''I1 BY THE "TCT,T--PSS FFS T7171;c qtr -TLT' TIT rT— Oc ICr. OT TI.,- OPI- ?. ISFIONFP OP PURL•IC "'OFKS, ATJr nr,� rTT'IIIG TF�nq' Fr lycc-F"--FNT 7,Y BT? PP ID IN TIM F^TTAL IN`T!-LLT-??TTS, PING CPT" E.i,Ci' 'S" -^P FOR A P"`TOP, OF "--TT Y --ARS. 1;1FFRFAS, the Board of Com-nissionrrs of the City of Paducah, Kentucky has h_Fretofore on the 29th dry of October, 1928, adopted an ordinance entitled, "AY OF -1 T7A.°TC" PFOVT,I'TiT(, FOr IfI17. IT7PPOV'YT7T OF SOUTH FLEV71-TTH FTFT"T, 1"ROTY TI-' 1'CRTH CURB I.ITIP OF JT.CKFON STFF-T TO THE TIMM "rOpIPTY LI -E OF ADAM? STPT;-*-T, III SPT" 'ITY Or P1,..'UCAH, McCP.ACKJF11 "OU 'TY, I.7'NTUCI{Y, BY TTIE GRADING !.T?D GF'.V' LI1Tr- �,7 SLT , TOG' -TIT --F .,ITII ALL 17C711 P 'C- T- - I', Tr, '. 'b:'rTIFIT?G r, -G.. T CT •-- ICrJ; `?FVICE IN COTMECTION AT TH_. COFT OF 'IIT" : 1UT7III(: T'T-,(.P F^V 0•. -J -p2 :.ND PicCVIDIIIG THAT 1T F'T COP1c,rrTTCgr l UPON ` I7T. m^N Y ' P n i'- _.tr I.SII; and 77`7- S, in accordance e•ith s^id ordinance it is provided tT19t the cost of construction of s -id `ra.vel street and nil otl^er 1:.�ork 'one tr-r•eunde.r be paid for by the abutting, property osme.rs on both sides of said street ,stere s -id !pork ^es done, except gnat por' ion to be Haid Dy th- City of Paducah, es required Ly lair, and "MEREAS, pursuant to said ordinance a contract erns ent,-red nto on the dr7 of _ 1928, Lets^een Duke "rilliams, ontr^ctor, and the City of Paducah, I:entucky for the construction ti-ereof, 177 PEAS, said contract hss in rill respects been completed nd the work thereunder finished and accepted -!-by the Board of Commission, f the Ctty of Paducah on the 23rd day of J^nuary, 1929, pursuant to the ecomn,endation made therefor by the 0wonissioner of Public -:.'orks and ursnnnt to a motion made by said Comlrissiorner, which motion -.'ul7 'onter3 by the Poard of Co--issionerc, 1110"', TT'-? 'rORF, BF IT O'T'AT..,-r PY 'IT- pi„r- 0 (`C.•...TccIO1T'r.c: OF TIIl; TTY O'' n! T' CA.I1, 317M[TCKY; SFCTIOT? 1. That all -or t1,r property' on "both sides of F011ih Fleventh treet, from the North curb line of J,c':rson Ftreet to the north property ine of 'dnrs `trent, in the City of "o,'rzcah, Kentucky, be, ^rid the F�nme I PAGr 243 Iis hereby assessed for the cost of construction of gravel street, cnd all necessary engineering, ndvrrUising and legal and clerical service in connection therec.-ith. All of said work has been done under the ordinaneo ^nd contract afores^id, and said assessment in as follows, to -fait; Fn3ineering ravel street construction 371 in eidth, x'1.50 per abutting ft. nterest AO 00595469^556 per dollar of construction cost 0.04854368932 if it It As sl•orrn by the Engineer's estimates on file in the office of the Co--.r!issioner of Public '"orks, rhich estimates are adopted and made part hereof. -FC7'I0N 2. That all of the funds derived from the assessment of said property aforesaid shall be used for the purpose of prying off the tax bills issued against said property, or such bonds as moy be issued by the City of. Paducah purs!zant to 'oetion 3101 of the Kentucky F'tstutes. SECTION 3. That pursuant to Section 3101 of the Kentucky Statutes; as amended and re-enacted and noir in force, said assessments moy be, at the ojition of the property owners, psyable in cash within tbirty days from the date of the passing and recording of this ordinance, or in ten annual installments, nursunnt to the provisions of said Etntutes. SF'TION 4. In order to provide a fund for the immediate payment of the cost of t?lat portion of the special assesrments herein provided for, and r"ich mry br• raid on the ten year installment plan, as hereinbefore provided for, the Ctty of Paducah may issue and sell Imprcvement Ponds, and to secure the payment of wb ich bonds there is hr-reby pledged such taxes and liens upon the property assessed rerrlin for the payment of the principal and the interest on such bonds, but said bon's sbrll not be sold for less than par, r.nd the proceeds thcreof anplie exclusively to payment for the improvement of said street, as hereinbefore mentioncc., and Bach bonds, if issued, shall bear interest and ^li. be pnyable in ac^ordonce ertth the nro"inions of section 3101 of the Kenin.cky StatI.tes, as amended and re-enacted by the Genernl srembly of the (�o­onrealth of Kort"cky and none in force end ecf'ect. SECTION 5. This orrlilinncr. sh,•ll take effect nn,' be in ,force from and after its passnge, record and D111011catJon. e_ Lis T'. C r: TcFTNT' 'i V_ „`' 23, 1929 P.FCor"DI D I Y 7T-71 C' T, rj-{, J ".?T'.]'X 2,1, 1929