HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 8, Page 383, No Ordinance Number710. �Q3. OiiDIiJ.;IdC:: ::Oil"-: NO. .1,. AN ,022DII1 d;(;_: ?si0'TIDIiiO r0 : _ii:C CO:;t' ?2uC'iIOi; Or .,2011:i rii-0D bdiiI �hY..Sh .>t S Iii SF'.� 3 r.0a :10. 5, UB-DIVILIO_r' A, DISTRICT 210. 3, IN YH_•. OIiY OF PALUCAP, i:i2d`_UCi:Y, nY in:i COLT OF i._." PROPFilTY 0'..ii . 5 ...ii Ii`, ,:2iL ?0'TID7I;;, c ID S SPALL 3E COi'._ Yc:UC" D UPO:. _H ; 'fS_R Z_YI,t .,di :D YS-LO14G, UidD::R ai1D _''t: OUCH .:EICii c:,ID SE.,;7,RS S2i:. L _, CO;! SFT'_IiG OUT Ii; G :I•ii__<,L _:.F1.5 '.r}, r?OPr:::YY 5_:i1 FI"'_::D .i+ _ 3Y .:iiL bU d CT TO TH _=Yl.i:.i:_ OF "i, _. CO' _ Or :._:?.:: . the Board of Commissioners of Paducah, .:entucY_y, adopted an ordinance on February 23rd, 19:::5, dividinC part of Sub - Divisions n, 3 and C, in beer District Ito. 3, into five see!er zones for the rurrose of constriictin,_ seiers therein, so as to provide adecuate se-.ers for the property o,:,ners :-,ithin said zone; and, 7i 2.E -.S, Since: the adoption of the aforesaid ordinances i the City of Paducah has by a vote abandoned the Commission Form of Goveriunent, and has returned to the old form of .:ldermanic Govern- ment, altF'0y- the expr.e_,,s_provisions of the law and acts, ordinances and laws- .:ed.unde,r either form of So%rpiglmen1, r<= mo, in in force under the succeedinE form of said Covernrrient; and, The General Council of said City has adopted resolution declaring the construction of such se:,ers in said se::er zone No. 5, to be a necessity; 2d 0'ai, '2FER FO -H - n TY Q Dnl_1 3_ 2... G-COUTICIL O_ _'f.. CI_'Y OF Pz,L'UC.YF., s.131;1UC.:Y. I SECTION .1. That storm and sanitary seiers be constructed in, under and long the streets, alleys and hi hways, in ;fewer Gone Ito. 5, in oub-Division n, be :ger District 21o. 3, in lite City of Paducah, ventucky, as folloais, to -wit; On Tushing Street, co!IIaencinL- at the prorosed sewer on gully ,venue and rinlnin'. thcnee westraardly on Rushing btree.t, _, distance of 354.5 fc,e.0 ''rom The Center line. of Y1illy Avenue. On l4 th Stre,e.t, colillliencinl at the present triin*' line :.s•:;'ter oci Lurr,ett Streat and rennin`- ;: e- :e '� ,enees•t';.:.rdl.y oil 14ti': street crossing '_ully _,venue to a coint 370 feet ;est--ard frons the center tine, of "ally rv6nize, a total di3tunce of 790fe,e.t. ' Oil l4th L,trer t, co13igencinz at the. rre. ,-;ant trltn'C line )n 3i:rnett �:trect running thence end ez.stwardly on 1,lth Street to t:h=; cont,:r line of ''ri:ible btreet, ., dis- tat:ce of :.1: feat to th:e center l.i.n, )f riue.Lt �tr(:et. Ori u1);r 1. ,tine n st the rro ),(,.i e ter I! on 14th reet -itu rice �:�� nc:e ouch rdly o. 'i.11y avenue G,) center 11 uahli tr distance of 3415 "a—t. In ari .11ey lain( betvrz.ou and 14th Streets and rn:rnin2; parall-1 thereto, coi:r:enciuL, at the nroyrose-d sF:-!er on 'a::on btro,=:t and mining tharnce viostciardly alone the alley, a distance of370 feet from the teat(:r line of Baron Street. In an alley lyinC betv)een 13th and 116th StreE=ts and ranninL parallel thereto, cornrnencing at the proposed sevier on la_;on Street and running thence eastwardly alon�., the alley, .1 .listance of 379 feet from the centc-r line of Faxon btr:et. On 13th Street, :: r arcin. at the proposed see,;er on Faxon Strerit and ::.i,: oe eastwardly on 13th Stre t, a distance of 440 :'. t r: r east property line of Faxon Street. On 13th Street, c present 'Urun' line server or? 3urnett 611-r,: , _ .. _: -,i thence .este!-rdly on 13th Street a distance of .. 'ro the center line of Burnett Street, On '2rin:ble Street, colmencinL at the nr rn ed at the intersection of the center lines of 14ti- r,-ets and r::nninz thence eastviardly ulon rir.vol : Li,ire center line of 13th bgreet, a distance of 40:'=:e:t. In an alley lying be. tv!eE-n _'rimble S Irc et ani; _ .. __ -. - "venue and runnin_-r&ra11el thereto, colT1en(;in =d se-:;er on 12th Strnet and runninj, thence ulong the southviestviardly direction to a point 570 feet fro,',-! ;,?.,: ..s..., r line of 14th otreet. On 12th otreet, co)7.i'lePicir'6L, at t'r_e 'present true'_ line se.eer on Burnett titre:.t and rltnnin': thence sor,.thea�tviardly on 12t'r_ Street crossinz 3ernheim Avenue to a point 370 feet southeast --.,;,rd "ro:,i the center line ri-F Bernheim =:venue, a total distance o' 69 feet. on lith Street, con:mencin� t the present trun'_ line se,.)er at a point on 1116h otreet 400 feet northv;estivard from the center line of Burnett Street and runnin=- thence south- east-iardly on 11th otreet, crossinC Burnett Streat and Le-ech -:venue to a point 190 feet southeastviard from the: center line of LE ech .-.venue, a distance of 1040 feet. On Leech Avenue, coc:;neiicin at the pro,,osed sewer on lith Street and rnnnin�: thence northeastviardly on Leech Avenue, crossint G_rdner -venue, a distance of 200 feet from the center line of 11th Street. In an alley lying °iit'r_in the Irian le bowided by 3o�rd, Trimble and LOth Streets, said a'.ley rt:nnin�: parallel to Trimble Street, corrnencin at the prorosed sealer on 1'th Street and riinninL thence southwestnardly alon the alley, a dis- tance of 400 feet from the center line of 1:t1r Street. In an alley lyin', tjithin the trianE.le bounded by Harris, i'rirnble and 9th Streets and running parallel to Trimble Street, commencing at the pro -closed serer on Stir Street and running thence soizthvlestvrardly alonE the alley, a distance of 180 fret from the center line of Stir btreet. On Gardner Avenue, commencing at the r.rorosed sewer on 31irnett Street at a point oE. t;re Center line of Gardener revenue and on the 'east .property line of 3urnett Street _ and running thence southeast:°lardly along Gardner venue, a distance of 345 feet from the east property line of 3urnett Street. On 12th Str�=et, cornmencing- at the present triur:c line sewer on Burnett Street and running thence northvvest;!_ r:ily )n 12th Street a distance of 788 feet from the center line of Burnett Street. On Cleveland rivenue, cornmarrcin - at the 1 -resent trun:_ line seer on 11th Street and nrnninrr thence northeast - oil Cleveland .zv r!i.E:, s di:',tance. of 360 feet from the center line of 11th btrc,, L. On ilorth trr;et, r.,�a�Eanciiip� at th1; 'Fre8c:nt true? line serer on 11 t;. tart :.7, rr :Iin titan northeast- v:ardly o:, North Str . t d.`u;c u.., of 1; , et frnrn the center line of 11t;: Street. No. Ur'. Onidorth Strcet, coec�encin, at the present trunk Line saver on 11th Street and running thence southviest- rai'dly on I;orth Street to the center Line. of 12th Street, a diutance of appro:,irnataly 4F.0 feet. On 13th Street, cor.imencing at the proposed ^e:'rer on Salem livc-nue'and running thence northwestwardly on 13th btr,et, crossinE Olive Street to.tile center line of calm btr et, a total distance of approximately 1250.0 _.-et, On Salem Avenue, comu:iencin, at the proposed seder on 12th Street and runnint thence southiest:a&rdly on Salem :venue to the center line of 13th Street, a total distance of 470 feet. On 12th Street, co:lu!tencinF at the pro' osed se:ver on Lllis btrer:t and running thence north:riest:^:ardly on 12th Street crossing Fern and Olice Streets to the center Line of F4.lm btrt:et, a total distance of 1332.6 feet. On Ellis Street, commencing at the present trunk line seder on 11th Street and running, thence northeastwardly on Ellis atrrFt, a distance of 225 feet from the centF?- line of 11th Street. On Hampton Avenue, commencing at the pror.osed sexier on 12th Street. an:. runnin- thence sout'r_viestviardly on Hamnt;n _tivenue to the center line of 13th Street, a distance of 470 fa; -t. On 12th Street, cor:mei,cinE at the rro'cose.d se•ner on Greer Street and running tl':ence northnestviardly on 12th btr=et, crossing ii_:erpton avenue, to a point 130 feet northwestward from ti:e center line of :ampton -venue, a total distance of--roro-.-imatel.ly 269 feet. On Greer btreet, comrnencin at the present trun' line se,•ier on llti_ Street and running thence southvrestv!ardly on Greer Street to the center line of 12th „traet, distance of 428 feet. On Greer street, coramenoin .. at .- resent trunk line sever onyllth Street and runiii;!, ,hence northeastwardly on Gree -:r btreet a distance of 225 feet from the center line of 11th Street. On 12th Street, commencing: the prorosed sewer on North or Faxon S.reet and rennin thence southeast:vardly on 12th Street to a point 50 flat',:jestward from the west property line of Flournoy Street, a total distance of 578 feet. On Burnett Street, co-dnencin� at the proposed sewer on 11th Street and running thence 7outhwest,ardly on Burnett Street to a point 120 feet nortecrard from the north property line of 12th Street a total distance of 280 f.=et. On .Burnett Strect, commencing at the proposed sever on 10th Street and running thence south;mst';;ardly on .Burnett Street to a point 315 feet fry):.: the centr-r line of 10th Street. On .Boyd Street, coumencin� at r., sed serer on 10th btreet :and rinninE thence son tl_ : _.; ., _ rd ly on Boyd Street, crossin- 11th street to the uor.,'c I;roperty fine of Trimble Street, 4 total distance of 7 feet, ' On 10th Street, commencin; at a point on the present trun_: line se,:ier where same crosses 10th Street, 1)cated at a point on 10th ot're:et w distance of 774 feet s measured north%-vestwardly alone 10th btreet froi,i th:e ceirter line of Burnett btreet and ru�uiing thence ;outheastv;ardly on loth Street, ero:,sing iiurnett btreet, Leech: :venue, i"inley Street and 3oyd street to a point 376 feet southeastiard from the center line of .Boyd Ltreet, a total distance of L001? feet. O1: 3ixnett btreet, comlfli.nl•inp., at the,- ", sa "e.r on 9th! btreet Bind runjdn� thence. 1z, otitlP,7e.S tFlai'd 1y Ohl DRrIla tt utreet, a iii: t nce. of .i6') feet frog: the ceut,;r line of 9th btreet. On Finle-;r Street, cou:rlencin, at the pror:;sad seg,+e.r on 9th Street a,nd running thence southv;r:_;ta;.:rdly on 1'inloy btreet a distance of 320 feet from the center line of 9th Street. On 3oyd Street, conirlencin` at the nronosed sewer on 9th Street and rnnnine thence soiit,hrres vraridly on 3oyd Street i a distance of 250 feet from the cenr c -r line of 9th atreet. On iiarris Street, coinrnencin,�- at the proposed sever on 9th Street and running thence south•:^restwardly on Farris Street, a distance of 310 feet "rom the center line of 9th Street. In an alley 1yinL .ii thin the trian� le bounded on Harris, rimble and 9th streets and rennin pu-r._1_1el to "'rimble treat, commencing at the pro-oosed sever on9thStreet and running thence sorthivestviardly alonE thyaile,yr, s distance of 170 feet from the center line of 9th atreet. On 3oyd street, corimencin'r- at the proposed se'rier on nth Str-et and runnin bhe.nce sonthrrastviardly on 3oyd Street, a distance pf 400 .feet `-rora the center line of 8th Street. On Boyd Str=et co:.:.r _ t! P. i:•rol used sear -r on 7th street and rennin arta rdly on 3o';*d ;rest a distance of 265 .,.r -et fro!: ,l,e centerline of linof 7th~„+treet. On 30yd Street, c x: zencin at the 1:ro nosed se':ier on 6th Street and rurr.:in! thence s onth•.jest,:,ardly on i3oyd Street, a distance of 3;F0 fret =ro;n ti,e cent=r line o" 6ti: Street. On 7th_ Street, cor.r7ancin st th and of the present truil'r line se.ier on 7th Ser et, e:rtended, 1.Alich point is :�30 feet northrestvrard as mea: -cared alon;_ 7th S-.reet e:�tende.d from the center line- of 3urnett Streat and -runnin,. el_ence southeast- wardly on 7th Street, corsaini Burnett, Finley, 5oyd and Farris Streets to the center line of Cr_nrnbell Street, distance of 19F9.4 feet. On 6th Street, commencing at the rrocosed se.%,jor on 3urnett atreet and rrnnin thence southerstw:-idly on 6th Street, crossing r'inley, 3oyd and har-ris Streets to the center line of Campbell Street, a total distance of 1729.9 feet. On Gbh Street, commencing at the rroposed serer on Campbell Street and running ti, :ence south.'.ardly on 6th Street to a point 10 feet north of the center line of Trimble Street, a total distance of 746.2 feet. On -axon Street, cornmencine at the proposed sewer on 12th Street, and rrnning thence southaardly on pa::on Street crossing 13th Strret to a point 200 feet south:: -rd •`rom the center line of 13th atreet, a total distance of approximately 684.8 feet. On 12th Str c t, commencing at the rroposed server on ::orth or 'a_ron atreet, and running thence :vest;.rardly on 1'th Street distance of 240 feet from the cents.r line of Fa_:oii Street. On 8th Street, commencing at the proposed server on 311rnett Street and rennin- thence southeast':)urdly on 8th ;, 'reet, crossing Finley Str at to the center line. of Boyd Street, a distance of 680 feet. In an alloy lyin,- betrie -n 8th ..:'d (;th Strr-ets and rennin- r_arallel thereto, co:':.( -,nein, rrorosad. seeaer on _lrii: �-.reat and running along alley, distance of 39:; "� �o:: '. ,r c�.iiter liiie, of .=anis S .r at. .._ar on 7 til ?.r -et _ ., ri lhln�" ,LOF 8011th'A2 i, rl r .. ,r,•is tr at, ;rn, ct;rea t ':•o a ;oil . , tn- :ve�...,i9 r:r. -._ c•=:,iter 1iii, o_' 8t.�. �`-r":ct, tor_;l d.iutauca of ;,rrr' ..: s35 fret. iarri ;D t sed rui;:ii1IL' then- ,e Str;at,a d:isi;srice of 375.3 fret fror. t; -_e cant =;?_ of H -i rris „tr.-et. 0._ C�i::,,i; 11 Street, co: .r .ci!cL•! -. . ..._ r .. .. ,;e:•!er on )T'!. Str et saki r;r,iinl ;,.o:"; e poi: , • .._ ri1, �-.,:,pbe11 Str-:;t to the north-fro.oerty 1i! -c; ,."' _'r�i:.'i'_- r -::.t, ,_ distance of 310.2 feet. Oil Campbell Str,:et, c:oi,�!i-:ncin� at the rror.osed se:!er on 7th Street and runnint thence sontiu,;est;z.rdly on Caripnelt Street, a distance of :;75 f(-&.t From t?ie center line of 7th Street. On C_.;:.pbe1_l Street, core^.encirq_ at the prorosed server on 6th btr�et and rurntinL henue :vont;:-v stcvardly on Campbell Street, a distance oi: .361.6 _'eet :from the center line of 6th Street. In an alley lyinL bet:,een Campbell and HErris S:.reets and running parallel ti_ereto, comrlencinL at the r.roposed serrer on An Street anti runnill` thence southvvestcvardly along the alley, a distance of 375 feet from the center line of Gtr S::reet. Inun alley lying bet,aecn Campbell and Harris Streets and nnnr.i?i ,_rall(,l thereto, cor�:rr�nc.ir� _T, 1,`F1nronosed se er on 6th! treet and rennin; thence northeast.,Lrdly alone ':.he alley, a distances o_'• 2:0 feet £ro?;L the cent: r lira- o% nth Street. Or. Finley Street, c Brucencir at the -rro,00sed se-:jer oil Gth Street and runr'.inZ thence south:vestc!ardly oil Findley Street, a distance of 380 _est from the center line of oti: Street. On Tririole Street, corvnencinL at the. ;rroposed sewer on Cth Street and rmnnin" thence: northeastr;ardly on rimble Street, a distance of 210 feet from the cera r line of 6th btree.t. On Trimble Street, commencinL, at the proposed sever on 6th Street and rumvintj 1 hence s,outhv;estnardly on Trimble btr.et, crossinC 7th btr+et to a roint 140 _.et so,thrrest:•r_m'rd "rom ti:e cent: r li;ie of 7th Street, a total distance of a;ocro;iriat:ly 5F5 feet. On 'rimble btr et, co. ri-.ncinl at the proposed se,.-ver on nt•r Street and runnin'c thence north_e�.st!;lardly on Yrimble Street to a point 2p0 feet northeastnardly from the c,nter line. of 8th atr=et. On 8th btraet, comraencin� at the nronosed sevier on Trimble Str et and rrtnninE thence north ::estvvardly on 8th Street to the center line of Campbell 6treet, a total distance of ar,oroxirnately 225 feet. On 8th btr,et, commencinL­ at the proposed sever on Harris btreet and ruiwing thence sou the&stvvardly on 8th Street to the center line of Cs.raobell Str=et, a total distance of 409.4 feet. On 11th Street, cormmancinz at a point on the rresent trunk line se':7e.r at a point ":)here sarle crosses the, center line of 11th Street at a distance of arrproximately 450 feet from the center line of Flournoy Street, as me-sured along the center line of 11th Street and runninL. thence northv!est-:vardly on 11th Street t) a point 70 feet .;outheast.vard from the center line of Flournoy btreet, a distance of 372 feet. 'On 9th btreet, or that portion of 9th btreat occupied b9 the I. C.H.ii. right of :,ay, commencing at the present trt,n':C line sewer on i;;_e I.C.R.H, riE,ht of -vay, at a distance of 50 feet north:vest:aard _'rom the center Line of Flournoy Street, if extended, and runninY thence sout'r:westnardly along the railroad right of !. ay and -lon,,- 9th btreat, cros.,in,, Burnett, Finley, Boyd and Harris btraets to the north property line of Trimble Street, a total distance of 2550 feet; that portion of the line from the roint of be♦innin to a point 400 feet southeast%,,ard from the center line of Flournoy atraet, if extended, beim out ide. of the -,`5 lateral zone. On Flournoy Street, cornrtencim at th..% asisting trunk line sewer on the north property lute of 11t111 Street, and running thence sottthcrardly on Flournoy btr etm crossing 11th Street to a point 120 :Piet southward fro., the center line o= 11th Str,;ot, this mint bein the end of an e:-istint' sewer,Litotal dist_utc:: frogl oint of be ,irmintr at the pre:;enttrtul,: line r to ens at the e-:isLDIC server, bran, 154.6 feet. On Ellis Street, ;;,:v._,,:i:, rresent true':: line seNer on 11th S -rent and ru.nnin1p thence sonthriardly on i,,llis Street to a point 10 fent northiard from tine center 1inr: of' 12th Street, a total distance of a.,pro::iroately 450 feet. I On Burnett Street, commencinf at the proposed sevier on 7th Street and running thence south»aardly on Burnett Street to the center line of 8th Street, a distance of 491.9 feet. i On Burnett Street, comr:iencin: at the proposed sexier on 7th Street and runninf• thence northeastwardly on Burnett Street to the center line of 6th Street, a distance of 499 .feet. Ori Burnett Street, comr.,enciri,_ at ; point ori the e;_.. t property line of Lnrnett Street LLt cents=r line oC miner rin veue and rru:ninC :eno . dia; orally across Barnett t on a bearing of nro::i!,utrl;/ south %.J degrees :lest, to ��i:.; feet :;est .r rd from Ithe canter ling of Barnett Si;r r,t feet south ,ard from the center line of 11th Str=: t: of 70 ec-t; this line to be built to connect thr. ; =.r line of 11th Street nest of Burnett,street, Guth: .ha __ d sewer line of U::rner .:: enue, In an alley located about 150 feat .iestward from Burnett Street and ;,hick runs parallel thereto, cvznencinlr at the proposed sewer on 9th Street and ranriiii thence south�.jest;rardly along the alley parallel to Burnet;, Street, a distance of 280 feet fio;i, the center line of 9th Street. n11 the above described lateral se:!er lines are to be const-ructed witi. six inch house connection service lines ex- tanding from the sealer proper to the property lines of all r,rope'rty abutting on the s trey: is or alleys in •:vhici: the. above ' described sewers are to be built, in sac'_ r.:a.nner _s to pre;rerl•y serve the property benefitted. six inch house connectioi service lines are to be constricted from the ,present sel`er li: -Milt ander the :•.000,000 gond i sue,— to the. property lis: J: ..i l buLtini pr0ll P,rt,' o'] .she following.streets or a11e r:, ,.finer i�.s to properly serve i the property benefitted. Across private property :;n:.:: n:i _ south pror.erty line of 10th Strer.t at a di::tan,: '-:t t.ast;:!ard from the ci,nter line of Flournoy Surei; _ rurniinf_ thence South- west- across this private a t:; point in tire center line of Flournoy Street, :... ,,ointis 17-) feet south- ward from the center line of 1 0:;:: c..reet and rutiriin� thence aouthiardly on Flournoy Street to the center line of 11th -Str.-ret. On '11t Street from the center line of Flournoy Street northwestr:ard to the center line of Palm Street. Across private or city property, conmrencinc at the south property line of 1:jth Street at a distance of 70 feet east- rard from the center line of Ylournoy Jtreet and running thence southwardly across private or city property, .followin- th- line of the present 8 foot trim: line se:•rer to the intersection of the centerlines of 1:th and Burnett Strar.ts. On Burnett Street, commencinf at the center line of 12th Utreet and running thende south.vardly on B,:rnett Street to its intersection %vith '_rimblc Str(;et and thence :,hest: :pard to "rimble Street to the center line of 15th atreet. SC'IOid _'he cost of cons tructin said se•aers shall be apportioned equall:7 against the abutting lots or parcels of land, accordinn to the number of feet abuttin,, thereon, and shall be paid for by the owners of ::aid lots or parcels of land abuttin or bound.inC upon such streets, or ,11ays and hi lraays, provided the cost of sam: does not exceed 2.00 ncr uttiir>_ foot. In the event the cost of said improvement shall eeeed ,he aur:: of ..00 p:'i abuttin, foot, siren all the lots or rarcels of round in said zone are hereby cleelarc:dto be the Property benefitted, : tr, litire cost o:.`.' the construction of said se„ers shall be assessed a,-ainst each of said, lots or parcels of ground embraced in sz,id ^one in the proportion that the area in square feet o' such lots or r.rcr-1s ofr•round shall bear to the area in square, feet of all the lots or parcels of ground located in said zone; and the General Council shall fix and assess the amount of tax to be levied upon each of said lots or parcels or I -round in said ,,one as required by lam, P11,0VID D, the lots and lands of the }.;aplelasvn Cemetery shall not be served by said se:•1er and,no part of the cost of construction of Name shall be. ar.por- tio:led to the said cemetery property. S L''_IOL' 3. the lots or parcels of Ground c:hich are hereby declared to be benefitted by the construction of said se'aer, and aubjc,ct to the payment of the cost of same are located in said Lone N9. 5, 1.lhicl-h is particularly described in the ordinance establishini; said sewer zone ido. 5, adopted by the Board of Commissioner-- of said city on the 23rd day of February 1923, and also particularly described in the 'resolution declaring said se';er to be a necessity, adopted by the General Council or said City on October 6th, 1924, and particularly described as 'follons: 'Beginning at the intersection of the center line of 14th Street and Trimble Street; thence south-eard and with the center line of 14th Street 203 feet .3 inches to the center line of an alley; thence eas-.t.•tard r;ith the center line of said alley to the center line of 13th bt:reet; thence northwsrd wit, the center line of 13th Street 20.3 feet 3 inches to the center line of Trimble Street; t:^ence east:•turd :with the center Line of '_rimble btreet to a point 203 feet .3 inches eastvard fr.orn the center line of Lith Street; said point bein the intersection of the center Line of 'Yrir.r.ble Street and the center line of an alley :ihich runs south from '2rirnble Street; thence in a northerly direction parallel to and. 203 feat 3 inches eastward from the: center of 6th Street; to a point in the center line of Campbell Street 217 feet 6 inches northward frog, the intersection of the center lines of C�.mpbell and Streets west of Campbell t,treet; thence north'.iard ait'r: t'r_e center line of Canrr.bell Street 67 ='eet 6 inches to a oine 285 feet nortr.iard from the center line of 6th Strr,et ';est of Carhpbell Street; thence ,,iestward parallel to and 2(35 feat from the center line of Gth �)trec--t .;est of C;mphell Str:-et and alonE the northerly line o` moots 144 and 154 in the mlournoy, i,orton, Trimble and _rris nddition, a distance of 410 feet to the cerht,r line of h>:rrls Street; thence south�;ard with the canter line o:" i_.r i.:> Street 57 fe:.t 6 inches to a point 2z;7 feet 6 inc;,r s ored along the center line of larris Street frorl -ii liil6 of 6th Street; thence west; .rd p!.ra11e1 to 7 1 inches from the center line o`' cth ;,trr t < ..: 'Fee-ct to c: point on the center line of ;oyd Street; Baca. defleci,i�:- i de[-rees 58 minutes to t}I 1�;ont:inr_ I lel to �.nd 2-6.95 feet fi t;_, . ',liter t _cured at ri.ht an�1as to t Of th'. ':lest pro:0erty lineo~ ...... .t - �..;• ,.'t, _ ._JO t beii., ,^aaured parallel to i . ,)uth- b:'_rct rar.)Ir,I to all. -ft :L00 rr:at fro: .. .. -� �. '* 1ilie �:.rlI to to _ point o_ raw �i:"d thence e t; .l`, .. ,i o:-tenth^,(I, t0 ,)Yl ; ::1i:,'m O,� E:.rld i!,J oil, Ld nciir t noi'a nr 1e o- lit,( h cr, _ilocics �1 1 ,, Toy, ,)rtcn, 2r:i!:c.1(,. and __ari'is-adition, t, r.Iore or 1c'.s.:, to a point, 1 0 feet rth )rerty 1ihl O:`. '_c nth „tree. t, Said pul`lt it F. ii:� ).: l;hf, south .r,% line o.r _ _1i�,r, .. - .. ..?cc, x•, .•.i.n rst .. idIF " d 1: ` ftp r r 1 1•.1 ", , t 1 021 ..1 ..rtr _.Y-Ilo7 t0- °Y'J:. p" t. llrle, f) , 1•.i t, _: y.' l.l.. ��.L re 1.L 1;. T_.:.l 1,0 .,ended, 0 )irlt Lein, r •,'.rC,.t; n J11 ti_ _r �. L:.i- _ -, 3100,_-' be t.':e'n loth 1 , ...:a 1; and Larrie ­Jd Moil YnLrr_; 62, Plournoa _ o„ -rY LeinE. r) f, t>t of tl__. _nd 1 �O f of the nor„_ o rloarnoy, fr.6 is JPln; _ r .. .Y'- l 1 _ ..o ._ i. L �Li ld 160 feet heint- r- r,rc:.] r_.11e1 thence *pies .a rd aci o;,s i1 , _ _ 72 0i h, —,, irinble and [_;..rP i.^i-•ddltlOn -t0 1n .. .. i'. _- line r'ara- ile-I to �:nd 195 line of nth bLr . t 1 ) _r _1 e� enter line of ',. _. 5 ?'set, 5 ore or'Le, 3s tenth � treet, located r _'1' -et i sing measured r.L: r,"L1,-:1�0 ;lortl. c.=rallel to and 195 feet at ri -ier line o '� nth Street to a point o ! .-- i point Oeiil 195 feet fro; li; t 1 ._;sred at right anz les to I- Yr t is south- erl;r .iirection along the line o_`,re c,:; ;;. ,_' r 1::: street to a point 242 feet 6 inches soil tiraard '.'roL1 ti_e c tttar line of 13th Street; thence eastward, parallel to and 242 feet G inches from: the center line of 13th Street to the center line of 'Willett Streeit; thence south^card alon the center line of Willett Streit and said center line extended, to z•- :oint 195 feet southward from the cents -.r line of 14th Strer:t;' thence eastward along' a line, 195 feet south of the cent,-, of 14th Street, measured at riLht anL~les to 14th btreet, :..id line deflecting to conform to the anL1e in 1,.th otreet Strut to the center line of i'lournoy t^�,!c-' ard a1on- the center line of ill urrily Nor 1, _..ie, canter= line, if e::tended, to a point 226 feet _rd ;':r.,: she center line of Rlishin street, said point 1 limits of Oa;: Jrow' u _ tcry; thence :_ t llel to i,nd z26 feet i'ro,: the center line - to _- point 180 f<:e t nor',;::'ard from the c,=:r:',; _ _.. i :ale Sti let ;::easured at r n;t les to 2rir:"1:: r, -t _ =' mint being on the south tine of _n •.'_1� ��.i: c :cants 1:rouEh _31oci_ No. 4u o ` t )r.rn0y, ldorto:: 1c and uarris rddition; thenc,a r.i _LloiAg sai,; south rroro,rty line of said alley to the lin'-- br;t,:!a,:n lots 140. 3 4 of said 3lock No. 415; thence sou.tl: r.r i rlii;h said lir_.- Lots Ido 3, ane 4, 139.4 f,:. r,:_C: ar of 2ri,1ble Street, 39 feet,. tnor or te:,.; j :.:_.c the, sinter line of 15th Street, measured alo>iE, ter of _ri,:ole St -re: t• thence with thecenter lin(I "ri :.ule Street t0 the intersection of the career lines 0'i' 14th' Street and _rimble Street, to the .point of 3eLinnilit"". w 210.. J91. SLC'Mli 4. Said sexier shull be constructed in strict accordance with the plans, trades, specifications and profiles as rrepared and furnished by the City anCineer of s.id city of Paducah, and adopted by the General Council of said City. SECTION 5. Bids shall be. received for the construerion of said sewers accor3in to the. ;plans, specifications and ;profile, and contract therefor shall he aruarded to the lolvest and 'best bidder, e;:ce'ct the right is eacpre:,aly reserved to re ject any and Lill bids,-.,ithin the discretion of the General Council, and it may accept any bid which lacpears to be for the best interest of the, City of Paducah. )sCTI011 u. The Board of Public .oris of said City is hereby authorized .-..:I directed to advertise for bids for the construction of said ae.iers, and :aid Board shall report the bids received by it,' rith _ts recommendation for the acceptance of any of same or the rejection all of same. S=;C.'IO 7. Said -,iorr shall be constructed under the direction and 11_..rsiaion of the Cit", EnL.ineer and the Board of Public Siorls of acid city, or their authorized Fents, and the same shall commence and be completed at a time designated by contract. S_C'_IO21 f3. The contractor awarded the contract for the zror_c herein provided shall beaid on r p 1y from. the fiuuis arising rrom special tax bills or assessments made against the property located in said a,e.!er Zone, except that said contractor may be paid out of such bonds Baa may be issued a.:cordin' to law, and as provided in Sections 3101, 31i)c and 3105 r;entn( y Statutes. T0_T0_t 9 lhi--- ordinance shall tal,(,. efCect. and be in force Crorn and after its pa6sal-'e, ul,cl'oval and publication. PT ED IPrcslt(":, 9�-, of zfe7 ADOPTED pratdmt Board of Afdrnnrx. City F U B 1, 1 S H IED D,