HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 8, Page 367, No Ordinance NumberORDINAITCE ZONE IAO. 3. A. ORDINANCE PROVIDIIdti FOR ME COIic_:.UC_IOR 0;' LANI21HY bj7Eat it tE, :Ii ZONE No, 3, sUd-DIMIOi;:, A AAL B, GE.IR LIMICP NO. 3, I:: WES CI'<'Y OF MUM. i= :a'_'[MY, Ai' WhE COb^_ OF WHE 1 OPERTY O':.iahn _._ REI, , .-AL __:OVIDIX IFn_ ..All: MER R MALL BE C0:'.:,_'RUC"_ :D UK M = MAE P.M...._,_ PLAN, AM PAUIRG 'SE .._RI:_._.. AND ALI`YS 1100G, UAIE . _Z! _HROUGH ; HIGH c,.ID S:,'' ? 5 EE'nLL ; CO:v _3;iC-DD, :✓ o. __'IIlG OU'_ 0 G HiL__._.L _i2:' b, _'EE P30P:.RM E:.:IEFIKED _._=_RMP P =`.II,:F.II': OF THE COSI' OF cam? E. ',:I=.ARM , The ;card of Commissioners of Paducah, Zentucky, adopted an ordinance on February 33rd, 1923, dividing: part of Sub - ILivisions . , B and C, in Sewer District Ido. 3, into five sever zones '"or the purpose of constructing sewers therein, so as to provide adequate sewers for the property owners nithin said zone; and, I .lEh '...AS, 6ince the adoption of the aforesaid ordinances the City of Paducah hap by a vote abandoned the Commission Form of :,overnment. and has returned to the old from of .-_ldermanic Govern - rent, and by the express provisions of the law, the acts, ordinances vnd lans, enacted under either form of government remain in force under the succeedint form of said govertmtent;'and.,,,•: - ;,E:?.EAS, The General Council of said o,ity has djoT.tea4a resolution declaring the construction of such sewers in said sewer :none Pio. 3, to be a necessity; NOV, WHEREFORE, B; I- ORD..IAED BY z.__. Si._..:_•IL COUNCI. OF WHE CI'=Y OF MUM 1. hat sandary,seners be constructed in, tinder and along Phe streUs, alleys and hi2hnays, in sewer zone Ito. 3, in Sub - Division A and B, Sever nistrict No. 3, in the city of Paducah, ::mucky, as follows, to -wit; "On "A" Street, commencing ct: the proposed sewer on Wheeler Avenue and running thence north ardl,y on "A" Streat to a point 300 feet from the center line of Wheeler avenue. On Goebel Avenue, conronci.ng at the end of the present trunk, line seg,Per on :;,ebei avenue, ­Jhich r.oir.t is 7.i Unt north'..'ard from the center line of Guthrie revenue and runninE thence northaardly on Gnphn 1 . mue to a point 70 feet sou th'aaard from the cRnze:r lime of Worten -venue, a didtnnea of 623 fent from the roint of beginning•. The bei inning: ofU aid senor bninr at a point on Geobel Avenue, 73 Yet northward from the center line of Guthrie Amnia, Ynd the end of :.aid sewer being at a point 69G fent north- ward from the center line of Guthrie Avenue. 7' -a. On Teiu'ressee Street, corrmencin,, at the end of the present trunk line sexier at the inter section of Goebel '.venue, Tr'.nn- essee Street and the 1.;yfield Road, at; a cIi2tance of 73 feet northward from the center line of Gat1'_rie, Avenue and running thence northeast:iardly on Tennessee Streit to a point 3FO fe.,t from the point of beCinniiiS, i On 'iennesee Street, commencin at the proposed sewer on','.orten :venue and running thence south-nest:iardly along Tennessee Street, a distance of 348.2 feet 'ro:7 the center line of F,`orten Avenue. On Tennessee Street, commencin at the proposed sever on ",orten Avenue and runnin€` thence northeastrrardly along Tennessee Street, a distance of :32 feet from the center line of ',Torten -venue. On Smithland avenue, commencin, at the proposed server in a street or alley "Mown as Baumer =venue and rennin, thence northeast^rardly alonE Smithland avenue to a point 360 feet from tI_e center line of a strat.t or alley kno:an as B: nmc r Avenue. On Vorten Avenue, commeiicin, at the proposed se::e.r on Smithland .-venue and running thence nor thwestrlardly alone torten :.venue, crossing i':nnessee Str• et to a point 532 feet on ';torten -venue north.,aest:aardly from the center line of Tennessee btrei�,t, said point being at distance of 60 feet east:=card from the center line of Goebel-vanue. I On Smithland .venue, coriraenc inL at the proposed sewer I on '.'torten avenue and rtuininC thence northeastviardly along Smithland nvenne to a point in the center line of Brakeman Avenue, a aistance of 140.88 f -et fru: the cent: r line of l,7orten avenue. On Brakeman :venue, commenci; ,he rresent t -run'-_ line server at a point on Brakemen i_veni:e ~1.92 feet sou.r,hnard from the center line; of timithland ._. and runninl- thence northr!ardly on Brakeman Avenue to line of cmith- land ,venue, a distance of 6o1.82 feet ro;: the point :uhare the -oresent trunk line se!-rer crosses ;venue to the center line of bmithland nvemie. On Baiuner Avenue, cormnencin,. a,a the present trun:r_ line se -:ver on Baumer :.venue at a distance of 570 feet southeast- jardly from the center line of cmithland revenue and ninnin. thence northwest^rardly alonC 3aumer -venire to the center line of Smithland Avenue a dis'cance of 570 feet from the point nhe're the present trunk line se,,rer crosses Baumer :.venue to the, c-,nter line of Smithland ::venue. On Guthrie Avenue east of the !-:.yfield ==Road, commencing at t1_e -_resent trunk line sewer on the i.:-_,.yfield Road and running thence eastwardly on Guthrie Avenue east of the I.:a,yfield =,oad, a distance of 325 feet from the center line of the l.c:.-,,field Road. On ',heeler avenue, commencin;" at the present trun'-: line 6-.!er on the Layfield Road and runnin'r- thence westlard- 1,y On '.;I'_eeler Avenue, crossing Street to a point 320 feet ;:est::ard from the, center line of "A" Street, a total distance of a-pproximately 725 feet. All the above described lateral se:ser lines rare to be constructed :vith 6 inch house connection service lines extending from the se-nex proper to the procerty line of 11 prorerty abu ;ting on the tre.-ts or alleys on which the above described lateral se',ers are to be i built, in such manner as to -properly serve the proi.erty benefitted, 6 inch house connections service lines are to be con- structed from the present seorer lines, built snider the ;600,000 bond issue, to the pro;oerty lines of all abuttin, property on the follovring stre, is or alleys in such manner H•, to properly serve the property benefitted, On the. Layfield road from a point 340 feet north- ward :from the cent-r line of Cedar Avenue, thence south- ward alon,> the Layfield Road to a point 340 feet southward from the center line of Zuarles avenue. On the Layfield Road and that portion of the 1.1ayfield Road mown as Goebel avenue, from a point 40 feet north- ward from the north property line of Guthrie avenue, thence southwardly along the 1_ayfield Road to a point 400 :feet southward from the center line of ',lheeler revenue. Along the Present trunk line sei,,der from the inter- section of the center lines of the Layfield Road and ,7heeler,yvenue and running thence easrwardly north 88 deErees.i�ong the present trunk line sewer, a distance of 168.4 feet from the east property line of the Layfield Road. Along the present trunlc line seder, commencing at a point on the center line of Baumer ::venue at a distance of 570 feet south:-ast:!ardly from the center line of Smithland Avenue and runninz thence Horth 88 de,gees mast along the trun;c line seeder to the center line of 3rakeman ;.venue, a distance )f 60 feet from the center line, of Baumer :_venue to the center line of Brakeman avenue. bCiI01d 2. j The cost of constructing said seviers shall be. ar.nortion- :=:d equally against the abutting. lots or parcels of land, according; to ti::e number of feet abutting. thereon, and shall be paid for by the o:!ners of Said lots or rarcels of land abutting or bounding upon such streets, alleys and hithways, provided the cost of same does r!ot exceed ,;,.2.00 per abutting foot. In the event the cost of said i,-grovement shall exceed thf: sum of _.00 p r abuttin foot, then 11 the lots or parcels Df Ground in said zone are hereby declared to be the property benefitted, and the entire cost of the construct- ion of said seeders shall be assessed aainst i ach of said lots or Parcels of ground embraced in said zone in the Proportion that the area in square feet of such lots or parcels of ground shall bear to the area in square feet of all of the lots or Parcels of ground located in said zone, and the General Council shall fix and assess the amount of ta:c to be levied upon each of acid lots or parcels of round in said zone as required b�, law. BRCTIO12 3. the lots or parcels of - round which are hereby declared to be benefitted by the constructio,; of said sewer, and subject to the payment of the cost of same, are located in said zone, No. 3, which is .oarticularly described in the ordinance establishinz said II se:eer zone No. 3, adopted by the Board of Commissioners of said city on the 23rd day of Bebruary 19'w3, and also particularly described in I; the resolution declaring said seller to bf- a nece::sity, adopted by ,the General Council of said city on Outober 6th, 1924, and particnlar- ly described as follows: "Beginning at the intersection 0-,' the. ce.11ta line of bT: ��eman nvenue and 5aumer ,venue; thence :'11 th the cetltnT line of 3aumt:r Avenue, in a Gwest,vard direction, to a point 1:0 feet east of the intersection of the center Line of Baumer Avenue and the south property line o`' that part of Smithland Avenue. north of Baum?r Avenue; thence at right ankles southward 197 feet; thence at riEht an@'les west'.," rd 189 feet; thence deflecting 107 degrees 13 minutes to the left, 140 feet; thence deflecting 84 degrees 53 minutes, to the riLht 183.2 feet - thence deflectin- 97 degrees 27 minutes, to the left 318 feet; thence deflecting 90 degrees to the rifht 188.4 feet, to a point on the center of the Layfield Road, 175 feet southward from the center line of ':;heeler :venue, measured along said center line of the Liayfield Road; thence at right anglas southward with the center of the hayfie.ld Road 225 feet; thence at ri_ht angles westward 190 feet; thence at richt angles northward, parallel to the Layfield Road, to a .point on the south property line of an alley, if extended, "aid point being E10 feet, more or less, south of the south property line of ',7heeler avenue; thence westward .,lith tl•_e south property line of said alley 680 feet, more. or less, to the center of "B" Street; thence north,,::rd ,with ti -e center of "B" street to a point on the center,`of an alley, said -point being 338 feet north of the center line of Viheeler Avenue; thence at richt ang-les eastward a;ith tile. center line of said alley 396 fe.Ct to the center of "A" Street; thence at ri,'ht anEles north:vard with the center of "A" Street 21 feet; thence at right angles easterard 193 feet to the center of an alley; thence at xi,, -ht an-o'les northward with the center of said alley 96 feet to a point t_�outh of the sol:th rronr rty ,line of Guthrie ,:venue; thence at riLht anLlea eastward, parallel to Guthrie :_venue 10,3 .feet; to the west nroperZy line of the L. 3yfield :oad; thence, northw'rd ,with the -:west property lines of tike 1.'.:yfield Road and Goebel avenue 159 feet to a point ,0 feet north of the north property line of Guthrie Avenue; thence at right angles west- ward 163 fe.e.t to the center of an >1.ley; thence at right angles northward with the center line of the alley and said center line extended, 720 feet, more or lesa, to the center line of Worten avenue; if extended; thence at right angles eastward alonE the center line of ';,orten =venue, if e;:tended, 203 feet to the east property line of Goebel avenue; thence at riEht an -les northward :^Jith the east property line of Goebel "_venue 12o feet to a point 106 feet north of the north property line o£ "torten avenue; thence defle.ctinE, 90 def,rees 18 minutes to the right in an easterly direction and follw;inE the rear boundries of lots :fronting on 'aorten avenue 186 feet; thence deflecting 12 degrees 46 minutes, to the right, continuing to follow the rear boundaries of lots fronting' on 1. orten t.venue 132.5 feet; thence dpf'Lecting 28 degrees 10 minutes to the right, continuing to follow the rear boundaries of lots front- ing: on ';torten ..venue 329.7 fr=et to the center of nnessee street; thence deflecting 85 degrees 38 minutes to the Left, in an essterlr direction along' the center line of "enne'ssee street 126 feet, more or less, to a point 121 feet from the east rrocerty line of S9orten Avenue; thence at riLI t an€les in a southerly direction 155 feet; thence at rifht angles west',iard 95 feet to the center of an alley, a point 12.gfeet I east of the Past property line of :,orten Ave.nue;.Chance at right angles aouthw&rd on a line .,,;ith the center of said alley to the center of Brakeman Avenue; thence south•,^;ard along' the center of I-rakaman J:venue, to the point of beEinninl'". AND FU '2 1. E R 1. ORE I "Beg.inning at a roint on the nn' line. of the Layfield Road 300 feet north of h, cJ Fr -,I line o:f Cedar -venue, said 300 feet bei;r 1 :<_ ..id past property line.. of tile, l.a ),field -h.; along: the east property line of the ,__..;:' i1 l - ..D -=d 1 t; thence rt. rirbt anEles ,wests;ard to a ,.hint Lia L c urd from th- west property line of the 1 ?Fi:l1 rp at riLht anj south r rd on a lr lin�r 1ip1 held oad, to L =no 7ri1CP_ 1"UnS - and ;Jhlch intersects , . . i') i ll . -id1' ,);10 feet south'd7ard 'i'r�)L. :_ -0int PJi. +r'�� ,.. _.. ,-, �.r =i:.�.. line of said road is L' l,c i -c d b t ,- S.1 e Of aY rr!ra; ti':e Yli.•C; _ , L i et 'eet t;o )_ ._. ..... .., l:v _ ,)2, a to __ t _.._�t 1 .. of Cr:daT It 77 feet hi n rc L..a, : h lc, ::.) u, ...ponce ,we�t'uird, .r:,.11: 1 to r .. . ;.r,; to a C.Oint o •U i;;: it?nln ", b-EC2IMI 4. Said surer shall be, constructed in etrict accordance viith the, ;plan; �-rudes, : pecification:, an,! r.rof ile: a; prepared and fur- nished b.y the City EnCineer of said Cite of Paducah, and aciopteu by the General Council of said City. SsC'SIOiJ F. ' aids shall be received for the construction of said se�aers accord.inL_ to thy, r,lans, specifications and pro 'ile and contract therefor shall be awarded to the loviest and best bidder, except the, r.iLht is expre. sly i:e. ;ierved to rF'"Pct any or all bid.;;, the discretion of the GenE-rat Council, and it mud/ accept arty I bid which appears to be for the best ;merest of the Cit;* of r-Iduc•ah, 574.0 IM11T 6. The 3oard of Public '.forks of said City is hereby auti_orized land directed to alvertise -for rids .for the, construction of said sewers, and said 3oard shall report the bids received by it, with its recommendation for the acceptance of any of same or the rejection of all of same. a C4I0I1 7. Said work shall be constructed oder the direction and supei^rision of the City 3nLineer and the 3oard of. Public ;:ores of said City, or their sut'horized agents, and the same shall commence and be comrteted at a time desiEnated by contract. � ;CH0N S. The contractor awarded the contract .for the ,-turf herein provided shall be paid only from the funds arisinz from special tax bills or _s.essments made aLainst the pro?;erty located in said se•;er zone, e:;cept th-t surd contractor may be. raid out of such 'ponds as ma;, be issued accor•ind to la::j, and as provided in section 3101, 3102 and 3105, cfy ;,tatutes. i3. K, ENROL ,.- LMENT CO, r; N ;!zv' CMAIRM- . AL)UP1 LD Pwldmf floasQ/ Courxlbnen. / T1o. $78. J� F,sCY10N 9. 7 -his ordinance shall tale effect and br., 1r.. force from and after its passaEe, approval and publication. L`, K. ENRULLNII 4Ufvltvl1 t ✓V �� � 9CHAIWAV 991 ADOPTUD U�� 1 h" Cr L if P..SId•r( P-4 �f Aldnmcs-