HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 6, Page 380, No Ordinance Number- --"Sec .. In order to .provldn"n I n'`I_�' •• •.-'Chai pursuant to Sectfos nP the cosi tt101 r!f• the Kntnr•kv Statutes, no ' ---- - -- a I` "ORDINANCE. for the imemdlato P1Ymont of that Portion of the sPeclul noses' amenried and raennr•tod by an -act of 'n the Com910 Aof ssembly �i CITY y N went herein Trovidod fn•, v; life" r� the Gen er¢l In Ito nam / -- t:I ORDINANCE ASSESSING Till: . . to be paid upon the lnstallmont Plan. mnnwn"A n act amend and reenact' the vim, titled, / VVV A13u,rT- ING PROPERTY ON BOTH no horelnabovc Providod far, sell im��Sections 807,1 .".and 3102 1097, BIDES OF SOUTH FOURTH of Paducah, shall issue and of 3099. '100, .^.101 and 3102 of the STREli I' PHOSI TIIE SOUTH WNE ,provement "ands in satisfaction special tax Luck,Y Statutes relating to the control' OF BROAD BROAD ST RI.7FT TO TIIE IS'LA\•D CREEK the collection of Said ,bilis which are to be paid upon the rind Improvements of stroots, public NORTH END OF AND FROST installment Plan and to secure the•wa.ys, landings, wharves, .grounds nod. CON SO: BRI �'GE, END 0'1` SAID ,payment of which bonds there is sidewalks In rftles of the ascend TIIr SOUTId TfIE) 1.1i"N hereby Pledged and such taxes and class, said assessments may be, nt. the BRIDGE TO 111TORT1I PLACE, IN THE Ilene. on the property, for LhC Pay'- the option of property owners,' OF !•':\HLE)' CITY OF PADUCAII, KENTUCKY, N 0 anent of the principal and interest of payable in cash within thirty days bonds shn.11 be from date of the Passage, approval, THE' SU]I OF ONF7 DOLLAR A such bonds, and Such this ordinance, or and tho' and publication jSIY1')' FOIL P. CENTS 131•'"ii, C'EH SIXTY sold for not less than Par to in ten equal tntnvisfon s, in accord- j� FRO\T FOOT, FOR THAT I'Od1- proceeds thereof applied exclusively, of im- ease with the provisions or said sec- O1, gAIU STREET 15STEND- to the PaVwent of the cost curbs,' lion. ING F' -.OS] BROAD ST12I;I.T TO provement ofs'aid sidewalks, mentioned.' See. 4. in order to provide a fund ISLAND Cd;EEii BRIDGE, AN1) FOOT FOR and guters hereinbefore bonds shill he issued and. for the immediate payment of the 51.63195 PER FRONT PORTION OF SAID and such sball bear interest and shnll be, Pay-', cost of that portion of the special as- THAT •'NDING FROST is- STREET li:i7 F. S able In necordance wits the terms oft sessments herein provided for, which Installment to P P' be aid ave LARD C'R14E IC BRIDGE TO FAR- LEY PLACE, FOR TIIE COST OF Section ;1301 of the Ken tacky Stal'utes� are ro as amended and re-enacted by the Plan, as herolnabove provided for, the CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE General Assembly of the Common -I, city of Paducah shall issue and sell SIE)VA!.KS:AND GUTTERS, TO- wealth of Kentucky, in the year 19101 improvement bonds in satisfaction of GETHE6. NV F11 GRANITE CURB- hereinabove specifically referred to. the collection of Satd special tax TING AND All]- NS•:CESSARY STAN- Sea 5, This ordinance shall take bills which are to be paid upon the � HOLES, IN'T'AKES, CATCH BAS- affect and be in force from and after installment plan, and to secure that INS, 6ESYE3S :\ND DRIVER:AYS,• Sts Passage, approval and Publication. Payment of which bonds there is IN SAID CONSTRUCTION, A-1111) Approved: hereby Pledged such taxes and Ilene • '' TROVIDING THAT SAID ASSESS- AL ;tf. FOREST \N, an the Property for the Payment of IMNT MAY BE: PAID IN TEN. President 'Board of Councilmen. file principal and Interest of such EQUAL i\STALI.UENTS, BEING Approved: bonds, and such bonds Shall 'be sold , ONE EACIi YEAR FOR A PERIOD ER.rNEST I:,ACI{EY, for not less than par and the pro - - OF TEN YEARS. President Board of Aldermen. coeds thereof applied exclusively to the payment of the cost of improve. Whereas, The General Council oC has Attest: SLAURICM;d"Sd`INTYRE, rm nt of said sidewBUcs, curbs sed get. :he city of Paducah, I{enuucity, City Clerk. t-ers, hereinabove mentioned, and teretofore, to -wit: on the 6th day of Approved, Oct. 5, 1914, such bonds shall bear interest and kpril, 1914, adopted an ordinance, en- THOS. N. HAZErAP, ;Mayor.shall be Payable in accordance •with' titled: "An ordinance providing for 0. K. ENROLL'ME-NT COMMITTFM the terms of Section 3101 of the Ken. the construction of concrete side- t.ucT,y Statutes as amended and re- ivalks and gutters, together pith gran 1 ORDINANCE. - enacted by the General Assembly of Its curbing and all other necessary _.' , �.-- the Commonwealth of Kentucky, in tTHD he 1910, hereinabove spectfical- ere and driveways, on bot" sides of �,�-,.�OCITY manholes, intakes, catch tashts, ser year referred to.South Fourth street from the soutt 113TDING\Cr P OPF.RTYSUNG ON BOTH1`' Sec. 5. This ordinance shall takes line of Broad street, to the north end S11;ES OF 1I0,�'ROu STREET effect and be in force from and after' of Island creek concrete bridge, and STREET FROST TWELFTH it; Passage, approval and publication, from the South end of said bridge to STREET TO SEVENTEENTH Approved: the north line of Farley Place, in the STREET, IN THE C1Y OF PAD'U- city of Paducah, Kentucky;" and, CAN, KENTUCKY, THE SUM OF Whereas, In accordance w;th said $1,605614 PER FRONT FOOT, FOR ordinance it is provided that the cost THE COST OF CONSTRUCTION of construction of said sidewalks, OF CONCRETE SIDEW'A'LKS AND curbs, gutters, sewers, intalios, man- GUTTERS, TOGETHER WITH holes, catch basins and driveway's, ,RANITE CURBING AND ALI, Shell be paid for by the abuttlns NECESSARY MANHOLES, IN - property owners on both sides of said TAKES, CATCH BASINS, SEWERS street, except that portion to be Paid AND DRIVENAYS IN SAID CON - by the city of Paducah, as required STRUCTION, AND PROVIDING by law; and, THAT SAID ASSESSAIENT MAY Whereas, Pursuant to said ordl- BE PAID IN TEN EQUAL IN - notice a contract was on the 29th day STALLIIENTS, DIDING ONE EACH of August, 197:4, entered Into by andYEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN between W. L. Yancy and E. R. John- ! YEARS. son, partners trading and doing bnsl \Vhreas, The General Council of the nese under then firm name and style city oP Paducah, I{entucky, has here- of Yancy & Johnson, and the city of totore, to -wit: on the 6th day of April, Paducah, for the, construction ihere- 1914, adopted an ordinance, entitled, of; and, .'An ordinance Providing for the con - Whereas, Said contract has been, struction of concrete sidewalks _a", I completed in all respects and the im- I gutters, together with gran; o curb - i provemnts therein provided for has Ings and all necessary manholes, In -I been finished and' accepted by the takes, catch basins, sewers and drive - General Council of the city of Padu-i ways, on both sides of Monroe street. cah, Kentucky, on October 19, 1914,1 from Twelfth street to Seventeentu pursuant to recommendation en:rda, street, in the city of Paducah, Ken - therefor by the Board of Public tucky;" and, Works of said city: Whereas, in accordance with said Now, therefore, be it ordained by ordinance If is provided that the cost) the General Council of the city of o Paducah, Kentucky: f construction of said sidewalks, Section 1. That all of the property curbs, gutters, sewers, intakes, man- or both sides of South Fourth street holes, catch basins and driveways, from the south line of Broad street shall be pard for by the abutting prop - to the north line of Farley Place, be, arty owners on both silos of Said nd the same is hereby, assessed the Street, except that portion to be paid num of $Ls,f per Prost Coot, for that Nby the city of Paducah, as required Portion of said street extending from y law; and, Broad street to Island creek bridge, Whereas, Pursuant n said oday I and $1.631.95 per front foot for that nanco a contract was o» the 13th day 1 portion of said street extending from of June, 1914, entered into by and be - Island creek bridge to Farloy Place, two cn C. )V. Katterjobn an, the city In tine city of Paducah, Kentucky-, for of Paducah, for the construction j cost of construction of said sidewalks, thereof; and, curbs, gutters, sewers, man:.oies, In- Whereas, 5 -aid contract has been takes, eat.eh basins and driveways- completed in all respects and the int - Sec. 2. That all of the funds de. provements thereiry provided for has; rived from the sssessmont of sail been finisined and accepted by the property rdnall be used for the purpose General Council of theelty of Padu- of Paying off, tile. special tax bills IS_ ' ca-- Kentucky, on the stn day of Sep - sued against Said oroperty, or 11:011 tember, 19.14, pursuant to re,om- honds as mal, be Issued by the oft' mendation made therefor by the of Paducah, pursuant to Section 3161 Board of Public Works of said city: of the !{entucky Statutes, Now, Tlnrofore, Be it ordained by Sec. 3, That pursuant to Sectimt the General Council of the city of 3101 of the Kentucky Statutes, as Paducall, Kentucky: , amended and re-enacted by an ict of Sectfml 1. That all of th the General Assembly of the Com. a property. monwe.alth of Kentucky, Twelfth sides of Seventeenth street from titled: !n 1910, eu-;. street to Seventeenth street, m tits city of Paducah, Kentucky, be, "An act. to amend and re-onaet Sec and the same is hereby assessed the [toes 3094, 3005, 3096, 3097, 39og sum of M-68614 per front foot for the 3099, 3100, 3101 and 3102 of tau I{en- cast of construction of sold side• tachy Statutes, relating to the con- walks, curbs, glitters, sewers, man. - 110 and improvement of streets, Pub- holes, Intakes, catch basins and drft•e- Ifc ways, landings, w•Ilarvea, grounds ways, and sidewalks to cities of the second Ser'- 2. That all of the funds de- class," said assessment may be nt rived from the assessment of said the option of the property owners, Pr°Party Shall be used for the pur- payable In cash within thtrty .days Pose of Paying off the special tax lrom date of the passage, nproval and bills Issued against sutd property, or Publication of tills ordinance, or 1n such bonds as mal' bo iaeued by the tett equal Installments, In accordance city of Paducah, Pursuant to Section' w(}} nt.o nrovls9ens eP .Qa,ld ..eoties. 101 of _ !'''..:_. -Yhe KenhTcky- rntuteS AT. •ST. FOREMAN, President 03card of Councilmen. Approved: ERNEST LACKEY, President .Board of Aldermen. i Attest: . P MAUR.ICE \I'INTYRE, City Clerk. Approved, Oct. 5, 1914. I THOS. N. HAZELIP, '-Mayor. 0. K, ENROL I3MDNT COISHTTEE. i By F. N. BURNS, Chairman. CITY ORDINANCE. AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING TIIE ABUTTING PROPERT"' ON BOTH SIDES OF KENTliCKY AVENUE FROM NINTH STREET; TO TENTH STREET, IS THE - CITY OF PADUCAH, I{ENTUCKY, TI ;USI OF ONE DOLLAR AND SIXTY-FOUR CENTS ($1.64) PER FRONT FOOT, FOR THE COSTI OF CONSTRUCTION OF CON- N CRETE SIDEWALKS .AD GUT- TERS, TOGETHER WITH GRAN- ITE CURBING AND ALL NECES- SARY MANHOLES INTAKES, CATCH BASINS, SEWERS AND DRIVEWAYS IN SAID CON. STRUCTION, AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ASSESSMENT \TAY BE PAID IN TEN EQUAL IN- STALL\TENTS, BEING ONE EACH YEAR FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS. Whereas, the General Council of the City of Paducah, 14entucky, has hereto -fore, to -wit: on the nth day of April, 1914,.adopted an ordinance, en- t[tled, "Au ordinance providing for the construction of concrete side- walks and gutters, togetherwill, granite curbing and all other necos- oary manholes, intakes, catch basins. se1C , and driveways, on both sides Cf Kentucky avenue from Ninth street, in the city of Paducah, Iien- i Lucky;^ and, Whereas, in accordance with said i ordinance it is provided that the cost Of construction of said sidewalks, curbs, gutters, sewers, intakes, man- holes, catch basins and driveways, Shall be paid for by tlto abutting Property owners on both sides of said street, except that portion to be paid by the city of Paducah, as required by IRA'; and, Whereas, pursuant to said ordi- nance a contract was on the 13th dal' of June, 19f4, entered into by and between G. R'. Katterjohn and the city of Paducah, for the construc- tion thereof; and, , Whereas, said contract has been ; completed in all respects still the im. ' Provements therein provided for has been finished and accepted by ".e General Connell of the City of Paud.. I call, Kentucky, on Aug- 19, 1914. Pur- suantrecommendation made th=re- for by the Board of Public Work-.< of 'said City: IN