HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 6, Page 366, No Ordinance NumberI6 6 RIING AN ORDINANCE PROItI RIT"ING THE EIIPITIOtd OF A1NY CIRCUS DU J HELD � AND PRESC%RIBING A THE VTPEF: IN WHICH THE r.4cCRACKEN COUNTY FAIR IS PI1dtQ TY FOR V`-OhATION RFREOF. neral Co"neil of. the city of Paducah, Be it rdained by the Ge kentucky: Sec. I. -It shall be unlawfull for any person, firm or carpo.. -tion to exhi.,bit any circus in the city of Paducah' during* the week in-ir}t ,,1 the McCracken County Fair is conducted; and the license officers of the city Of paducall are hereby directed not to issue license for the exhibition of ate circus at. such time. SEC. 2. Any one violating the provisions c,, this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not less than `;50.00. nor more than .'�'I00.00. for each offence, and each exhibition shall be considered a separate offense. SEC. j. This ordinance shall take eCfect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Given first and second pass,ge by councilman, 7/20/24. Given first and second passage by Aldermen, 7/9-- ,L 712,V14. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCr-. ENTITLED, A}J ORDINANCE DE FIiNING ADDITIJiIAL DUTIES OF THE CHIEF OF T==r i'IRE DEPA?Ti:iEiNT AND IIAKIPNG ftIti EX-OFICIO BUILDING INSPECTOR, AND 1 -TAKING THE CITY ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR ASSIST.. A.NT BUILDIiNG INSPECTOR, AND ESTABLISHING RULES AND RE Ui,ATIONS CONCERNING THE ERECTION AND CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDI}IGS IN THP CITY'OF PADUCAIi, KENTUCKY, AND EXTENDING THE FIRE- LIMIT OF THE CITY PADUCAH, KEN^iJCKY, AND PRA'IDING PEiI- Fl�R VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS HEREi;�F, AppR�;kFD AUGUST °28th.';I9II. Be it resolved by the General Council of the city of Paducah, ]ty, SEC. I. That section "� �2• of an ordinance, entitled, An,.Ord mance defining additional duties of the Chief of the F' ire -Department and mak ing him ex -officio building inspector, and making the city electrical inspect.r assistant building inspector, and establ ish, z.ng rubs ing the erection and constructs of btlilding and regiilat ions concern on extending the fire -limit 8 in the city of Paducah, ky, erg Of the city for violation of any of the of paciucah, kyr and providing penalties Provisions hereof be ed, and the same is hereby 0000, by stricking out section 32. of said ordinance thereof, the following• , and inserting in lieu I 'M•32• Flood and coal horses when erected in the outer fire limit, may be buildt of wood when not exceeding two hundred (200) square feet i n superfi .yl cialarea, and twelve (I2) -eet high• Provided vialls and roof of same are covered with sheet iron or other.non-combustible material, blit, no such wood or coal houses shall be buildt within the inner fire limit. no wood an build ings or structure shall be movef9 to any lot within the inner or outer fire -Limits - SPC. 2. That section 33 of said ordinance he, and the same is herebyy,. amended by stricking out said section 33• and inserting in lieu thereo ", the followin SPC .33. All roofs within the inner or outer fire-limitsmust be of no combustible :a9.terial, approved by the building inspector . no composition roofing trill be permitter. except when nesessary to build upon a concrete base.' SRC• 3. That section 35 of said ordinance be, and the same is hereby ; amended by striking out said section 35, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: SEC.35. No brick yells within the inner or outer fire limit --shall be: ' 2,ss, than thirteen_ (I3) • inchas in thickness, except the Gereral Council of said city shall have the right togrant special per- mission for a wail of less thickness vrhan notini7aical to public safty, for a good cause shown, and upon the recommendation of the building inspector; and except toilets, coal houses and retaining vrails. Toilets and coal '• ]louses shall not be pore than ten (I0) feet in hie[;ht, writh a nine (9) inch gall• within the inner or outer fire limit no joists or[-,irders shall be buildt into the walls over four (4) inchesat the lower edge or one (I) inch at top, but may be supported by pilasters, offsets or corbels of ap- proved and proper strong th and size which shall be enchored not more than sevoi (7), feet apart;. SEC.4. That section 46 of said ordinance be and the same is hereby , amended by stricking; out said section 46, and inserting in lieu thereof the following SEC. 46. No horizontal recesses shall be more than two (2) inches deep. ido vertical recesses fo r pipes, ducts or other purposes sti[.I1 ua eu"r, i co y rr,.LL i;; r.. .,_,la, ( ) .._gena: • .io. ,; ane in any nine (9) inch wall. or i any other walls nearer than (6) feet from any outer angle . all recesses or openings in walls shall be filled in solid armind pipes or ducts, with cement. SEC. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and of its passage, approval and publication. Given first and second passage by the council man, 7/20/24. given first and second passage by Aldermen, 7/2(`424. By News -Democrat 7/24/14.