HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 6, Page 297, No Ordinance NumberIIIG THF ABU1 h ANORDIIIA14CE ASSESS TT { IiIG PROPERTY OII }30Th SIDES OF FI}ILIA' ;;TRFI:T � }�OIi NLIITiI l3TRr7,T TO m_r.,rlTt, ;:TRF ET, TiIE .iJ?',T Or ,21,�5 CrIITS PER FOOT Oil nACH SIDE OP SLID STREET, A11D PROVIDEING THAT SAID ASSLSSI-IMIT 'TAY. BE PA.JD IPI TrN EQUAL IPI _'T= LiL1IiNITS , BEING ON5 "> ACTT YEAR POR A PERIOD OF TRN YrARS, � WHCRASy tiZeg.o neral council Of the city of Paducah, kentuck-y,has Horbofore to -mitt: On the 19th day of 1:lay 1913, adopted an orc}illalhee , entitled, "An ordinalV providing 'or the construction or finclley street -Pro- nirtll street to tPn`h street, by c grading and Lraveling -sake in the city oi' p,.duca}l, kentucky, a.ncl, MITE AS, ;�_t� o}(lca3� _;r��,Il sc iel turd l':.t ce At, roviflyd that the co': of constructiln Of said street shall be paid by ti.e abutting property owners on bA''. si ides of said si.;reOt , except t}h(,.t portion to be paid by the city oi' padueah , as 1. quired by la^; anrl, WHEREAS, pursuant to said ordinance a eot,raet ,,ra.s , on the IOth clay of 19T3,entler-ed_.into btr•_ani_bet1jeon Yancy Mohnen and the city of paducall for the con- strucytion thereof; and, i whereas, said co _tract_ leas been co..ipleted in all respects : and the ilm-'• - I -',-::ent'thereir_ nravided :'or 'ms iieen 'inished an(",accepte(1. by,the ;e]lera7. col,ncil til.: city of pc,(]hhca}h , kentueky, on the 4th ,A,ay Of cup7L1_-t , 1913. pursuant to rec�'.Llc-- I "dr --,tion made t,lerefor. ;)y tha board of public -,,orks o' said city; no -,-r) tharei ore, Be it. offf-.ined, by thP, crenerF,l c,Uncil of, t'le city pact-icali, kenti,eky; 1C, w SBC. I.The,t all property on both sides of find.iey street froh:i ninth strt`- to taut}', street,, in t}he eity of pF.(lucah•h, l-.pnt e.hy, b -e, e.n(I the sang is hereby, ,assess =ed thn Sim oi' .425 cents per `Tont root on ea.cil side of sr.id street, r'or the cos`: N lon:tructioll of' - cid street by ;_:•r,—,doinG - •6Azd 117. :ova' inl; of sLille . D SIX .2. T}hat C.il O1 the fun(}r hieriVeCh fP0=1 tile, SSSeSSLlent Of Sai(l pro for t,,,( -purpose of p�,yirlg off the special t.•. bills iSS11aO SRJ_n:: perty shall be used. said property',, on such bonds as May be issueri by the city oi' parlucah , pursuant to dectio.n 3101. of the hentuchy statutes. W--(', 3, That rnlrs,,.ant, to section 31OT of the ken+ucky statutes, -i e,::lended &no re-euc.cted by an act of the general assembly of the corxiontreal'u h o'' in 19To, elltit:led, "an act to anencl and re-enact sections 3094, 3096, 3,x!=17, 30_k>, jI00,310I, anri 3T_02, Of the l:entucl;y saetutes, rela eine; to the control and improver(. of streets, public Ways, lanrtin5s1 »h..rves, groulhrls and sidewalks in cities of the se:'-- onrl class, " said essessnsnt s may be at the opt;on of the propertyumnPrs, payable �4 cash zr;thin t}lirty drys fro^t the dote of the passage , approval and publicr:tion of ta,. ordinance or in ten equ`wl installr:lents , in accorance vrith the provisions O.' said sec ;hCIn order to provide a; tun] for the inLiediate payment of r '+,1 t portion Of the spec ia:l As sessnie nt5 herein T`•01 id eCl {'Or , �7 hi,C?t re 'i.�? - 1 cost O" ha jj _ aid 11poli the install lellt pay:.lent plan ,as ]hcreinabove, provided "or, tae city Of 1) PAI uea]h shall issue and sell iTMlprovoment bonds in seti„fact4on O t]:e collection or a.irl pecir: L tax bilis *,rh1cil 11.ro to be pais] upon the iilstalltlent ollyment Plan, milli to sec)at:l. ryrlent of 1-rhich bonras t)lereis hereby pledged such taxes and ens on the p.ropert f P ,rincipal an(! interest o:' such bonds, and such bon(Is sh`o-11 be for t)le payment oi' the i olcl for not less than P ar, and th.e prococcls thereof applied exclusively t 298 street r_'nrl such ponds she,7.7_ b9 I - � yen+ of swirl s - a�ynent or tho cost o" i,,[Prover- be p` in r ccorrin,nce ri.th t,, syph]., }.L i shed, eatrT s}'tali Uer r inter,- ,, �—nr! shall trrlded D-n(l r_ e-enr.etgd t0r:ns of section 3102 0" tho kPntltrk}% .>tat,tttes� as a' pp F ar 191 } op }centttcicy in t,tiie ,Ye��. 'Dere=t1 th,q'�general nssenbly o t}te co }Fvt� Dalt t j nlpove specifipaLi r re"3rvd , to- i.T'FEGT t?idU iii. Ii; .'rPCII 1ROli � I - 5Tih1�L TAI:r, -J SEC. 5. TITIS ORDTLNJ! C1: I, fl+ Proval . nnc, r.. ger it: pass.,r;e , ap_ ;� x, The second passageAP The above ares } iven first incl t,e U alclert:lan• � The t3,Uove l•r;s.5 J;iven first and second'passa �' 1 C�DT.ITAiI( ]? PROF2D--Tc ; OR i r TTr�I i;?i O .'AS'ICi.,= AVP ?Ott T ROUT T'A`l :I.i, 1 TT?EET TO I'0',i!�1I,L f;� 111;1' TO 90WPLI_, STREET 41 AND 2riURi��pPl SkFr7 T` SO$Jp i -MAH ::"'RPS T FP,01.1 TI:UR?.IA ; TRI�Erl' ='O Th1 IL , -1-101S 01,11^RAL RAILi�Ol:D'• P1MP :.TY,'- _..FW AND S0:"fFT,L STRFET r1 PILL OR ;i T]) 0 �*7�AVFI, TV TNF ii T,T'.rg C1114TR L F.1;CL,RJ;d) PROPERTY :'.INC, BY 'r i _ n li vi(!'....�._:.Li:G} ti,r•l.L�, 7 I be it ordained ty the rener.al con;teil or ttte city o" nc; ,:::,,t, N SP,C.I. That Ashcraft Avnue T'rom Pormil street to solvell street r �ti I ;ia,Id thurr.an street iron povrell street to sovrell street, and cola,}+ street frog, to '`he iliinois central railroad property, line , :?nr' sowe11 stt fl oi_t the 'ill or and of Frave' to the illinois centra,' railroad property line} in the city of padltc.r}, kentueky, be ant? they ac'e lure T, orr1pred to „e conte. •� Iruc:ted.. ,I ST'C. 2. Said streets shall be constructor' oD Pood cement .�-raveg ` .rl all o,: se.icl Ivor]._ to l,e done its p 'J ' strict accorcarte vJith thLpi lasts trades sPeei ieatior_ , widths incl pro_'ile 04' the city en�lineer, ra:cle rand provi0ocl by 'Or such Purpose, ani! all or' which axe �ar7o�:ted _ as C, Pd/rt 0' this ordin?,'.'tce I ull, i -P er'1brace6 harei n or attached hereto t.nd 'tacle hereop "re mpxkerl "a" for _:,ore specific i.rlontifics,tion. I� SEC. 3• SAID Fror]: shat' be const; ructeci ruder t]ta diraetiotts til o;' the bowrr7 of public rrorl:s incl the sltnervision of tate city s;:nt)1e�r , an(! s]:r;.11 Ue co:n�:ieilceci at a tint, riesiE-naterl by cvrltrac+ ]. a_ncl cot. �i �for tt per Par. cine, of s"GL , n _ _tec on or bei•ore roveraber Tit}t, r�T3. SFC. 4. The cosh of surh cortstrtictinr? o� scr,irl streets stall be Raid for Wholly by the art I�. prop y ovrrters utt _n; or Tont ink; the; eon ort bld(l i sides thereof, to he appvr+,,toner? he and assessed",;ovist the property :,,:_cl prpP- i:-�•tv waters frontittr; or abutt.,itt� ! F, thereof+ on bot'+ sides thereof, t,lle :li:nbPr of feet fronting ors,buttin- , accorc] in(r to s}taii ps�•yfb'r+t}to :entire cost' Of ; thereon, e;:ce Cortstru pt the Cit- o;' pnducah Y etioll of all i .ntersections of Streets i and public *!%a_lo s. SFC.5. THo eontracter arrgrdecl +,},o Yierein provided for, shall be paid onlc'nt,r-Por or the Irork tax bills and ass esstnents Y from t'le al?ainst the pro, + arising front t}le spec6a provided for , snd in nv other ora,• ray ahtittirirr e irnnrove^ten+, rerein ! o it of such bonds as :naY be issuer, l;Capt that the pc,dvoLlt and ,''or tto oich accopde11Ce Ia' �atheclacsaofot}teYeYtyeol�al)J I , pr.y:)ent r zth ti).o I erty abutting the herein doma bills alld asUess>tents scribed i tprov �a;: o_' prop �. -------- __; ------ -- _ say b+, plj;eclby the sz,icl r 2 919 CI ity of 'ner111ca}1; arca in no pv art, s}Ta7..1 t;,,: city or' pcducah be liable to the r.on •ra]aC fbr the construction o^' ar4, o;' t1Tero y P Port: herein prov=clod or, o�:cept the said cito� Paducah shall UB liable to the contractor;'or the cost oi' corTstrnctj^.n of all inb!' sections of streets and public alleys 50) o and ..or 'tlle excess of fifty per cent, tJte value of. al -y property assessed for tho i ?prove cont of the work herein prov3rced Si,C.6.. The contractor r�,rc;rded the contract herein P.hall be paid -' loh =`.i ly by i:lprov9Mcnt laarrnnts issued by the city o; nacluca':i, ,:pon est.i!.r-tes furnishdn; by the city enjriTleer to thee;:tE;n+, of sixty— rive per cent ,) 0,1 -the value of tile ,.orlc done U;; the cotractor, dui.T; t:,e progress of the work. and said i::r.rovenellts t�. warrants shall boar si:: per cont (6,S) interest from dr.te of 4ss7Ie, and shall be rt c by- the cit.,y'1ereasurer upon orrier of the general council. said inprovement warrants shall be nefotiable and shall co!ti+n,+,e e lein on the local taxes to be hereafter levied upon the property abutting said i."provemrut, for such inprovenent, azul shalom be payable at the office -)f the city treasurer without notice to the holder thereof, upon completion erd acceptance of the work herein provided -For) out of the first col -lection of such loce.l taxes, or out of the proceeds o; the sale of any improvement' b')onds issuer) in anticipation of th.e coLlection of sdcll local +,fixes. the interast on such improvement warrants shall be estimated and assessed as a part of the cost of` •= i-r:cprove:ient, herein provider) for. q SFC..7• This orciiTTEllTce shall take efi'ect su6 br ilu'orce from and aftEy.. i pits p issage ,approvg! ane' publication. The above Was griverl first and second passage by council T1al 913 r 1 The above was Given first and second passage by a'_der:•aan. 8/l4 1913.