HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 6, Page 282, No Ordinance Number282 y I AN ORDINANCE. YROvII)ING FOR Tr'r; COIdSTuUCTI(irJ 0)' F'INI,FY STFF.T FROM NINTI[ JGRAVI"�LING SAr1}', I�'? Z,A:F CITY OF P�;?)- ,TRFFT TO TF.NTr.4 STR?:E7', }3Y GRADING AI?il UCAii, ICF: ?TUCKY. Be it ordainec' by the General Council of the C�tT7 of pad.ucah, Kentucky. Sec. I . That Finley StrePt from ]lint)1 street to Tenth street in the City I v ordered to be constructed, lof Paducah, Xentucky, be, aril the -aIle is }sere Sec.2. Said street shall be collstructec'l of good cerlent ,ravel, enol all !of said work shall be done in strict accordance With the plan., grades, specifications, widths and profiles of the City Fingi-neer :wade a1Yi provided for such purpose, and all of vrhich are apoptes as a part of this ordin,nce as if fliillr embraced herein or attached hereto, al-11 the sine are rmde part hereof and marked "A" for riore specific iclenlflcaLiO11. :;ec. 3. Said work shall be constructed under the direction of the 80ard of Publitz works aru1. the supervision of the City 17np neer, and shall be cor. !nenced at a time clesignated by contract for the performence of said 'work, and. completed on or before October lst 1913. I Sec. 4. The cost for such construction of said street shall be paid for I j-nolly by the property owners abetting- or frbntinr; thereon on both sides thereof, to bp1lapnortioned to arxl assessed against the property and pro- Iperty owners abutting thereon on botli sides thereof, according to the nu: lber of feet fronting thereon, except the City of Paducah shall pCujr for the entire cost of all intersections o? streets and public alleys. 'Sec. S. The contrr,ctor awarded the contract for theyhere ill.provicied for (shall be paid only from the fluxls arising from tile speci+li tEex bilis , Ijassessrlts against the property abuttin; t}ie i:'Provemerlt herein provided (Por, and in no other vray; except tall t said contractor rWI be paid out of such boruls as may be issued in accordance With the lays rcLade anti provided for such ir�rove:nents, and for the payment of which the tam_ bills or assese laents again.It property abuttin,; the lie rin cleeribecl i mproverlents mar be pled - ged by the City of Paducah; arx, in no evelt shall the City of pr:,crucall be liable to the contractor for the construction for ark- of the property hera� in proveded for, ereept the cost of construction of air intersections of streets anti public alle,,s, a1u1 for the excess of fifty per cent (301) of ;the value of erg, propertzasses ,, .sed for t ' ho ; . ' !Sec. 6. The contractor avr ,',Iprovement herein Prov for. arded the cont z act hei ein by improvement t;cruenissued by ts shall be paid monthll.r the City tf_padile€11 nished by tile City Engineer, to the upon PSti`nates fur- extent of sixty-five par cent oT the , ;value (65;9) of the vrork done bar the contractor, durin r the ess of the i roTZ work, anti said i:�prove,zent i=,arrellts shall beat Gc! � 1 i' per r vYlt interest fron 2bl date of issue, aiYl shrill be i,.•. succi by the City Treasurer upon odder of the General Council. Said improvement warrents shr:11 be neg6tiable abd shall c�)nistitute a lion on the loael-taxes to be hereafter J-1 leviecl'on the p, oter$ty abutting said irapr�vene-n+: x or such i j mrovement, attl sh©,]"1 be payable at the office of the City Tren,surer,with- nc out notice to t1�te holder thereof� upoiz• ¢ornaeteion ar-tl,.r:cetptfa.nce of the work her P r ovi d ec�'o� out �tr.o eR.F � i�.0 .2 a,C� �� y,., ✓',,.-, �"_�..=.0 %•-�-.....�..J .,,.. <_.�-�.�' � tl ' !pf the f t collection�f su4h loc'F�,1 tcx es. The interest on such n bE improvement warrents shall be estir:IkIted and assessed as apart of the cost of the inprovement herein Provteded for, 'E Sec. 7 . This ordina.}Zce shall take effect ailri be in force from and a-Pter its passaf;e ;approval and publication. ' 1� RFSOLUTTON. It appearing that the followit:F 7:rork is a necessity aryl- desired by the pro- perty o-: ners;-I move the follOwing work be (lone utyler the t., en year pryment plan. That Tlonroo street fro. 12th to 13th street be improved ,rich concrete side cal aryl gutters, togather with gre,nite curbing atYI all necessary manholes, intakes a1-3 cater Uc�sii�.s. RFS OLUTI O it . i ity and being clesirecl by the Property owners, e It appearing as a necess� •� resolved t}aa,t the follovring, streets be improved by grading and graveling;-Tlntrman strE frotl Powell to Sovrell sts.,Ashcraf't Ave fron Powell to Sows!! P,ts,, Eula St from Thar- man to T.C.properi'•1r, i 1= _L of the above work be clone uiuler the ten year paynei-Zr plan. i2FS Oi,UTTOii. It rLPPe£uring that the folloa•rin; work is s, necessity &2,r] is desired by ti,e property I otrners. Be it resolved that v'-oti Ecvenue from 12th to 13th. st in the City of. Paducah, }Ly- i de corLBtructod;•by grading aryl grftveli.nr; sante, aryl that same be done Year pa�rrlent Plan. V / 6 /Z uiyler the t211„