HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 6, Page 276, No Ordinance NumberL7() i' All ORDINAIIC}; PROVIDIIIO FOR TJII; COidDTRIiCTLO)I O ' COJdCRF'-' t, Sllli G OF TFtIIU3LR E- . T fRO- T'�VITY-FIRCIT bT- TO T4VI;JFPY-F'(11JRTI-I STRFi;i � ",,Ro r1 mgr"I1;LF, STRP> T TO 1�LDR-11 A}di) Old BOTH SID'r;S OF TVIEW_17Y- 'FCOlR) STRj:FT 1, F,`i' }'R011 TRVUL1; STREET TO S`i'lti•;I T, A1T) 0}�I TiOTi� SIDRS OF. T1'JF1dTY•-THIRD STR,' ' P.ILDRED STREMET Ild T1 -F, CITY OF P/,DUC/'t1, J�'iJ`'1JPJY• � . tzr of Paeittcah, lCentttel;y Be it, Ordained by,the Gertert" Council of fire Ci n street front fere ter;first to t' trinble ���G_� Seel. That sidervelks on burl sides o��,��,�� est twenty -Fourth street, as 1. on both sides of tvrent;;'�=�-- " r .et yn alul oil �v ' street fron Triable street to r-tildred street,, both sides of tvrentY S-0 i in the city of j3aduceh, Kentireky, be, aryl the sane are hereUy ordered to be constructed. Sec. 2. Said sicl��relks shall be constructed of concrete r)aterial, in ac- corclsnce with the plans, g�'aci_es, specific,h'tions, vridths aryl profiles riade at><l nroyidecl by the City P•.nC;iizeer for such purpose:, aryl ali of which are as part of this orcldna,nce as if fully set forth herein or attached hereto, aryl the sane are perked "A" for nore specific identification. I Sec. 3. Sia.id .`ork_�-:Kcal be- cbbstru6ted:nrld,'3i thel•dirbction of the Board of Poard of Public Works and the supervision of the Citi., I ,igineer, arrl shall be cora--fenced at a time designated by the bobIract for the performance of sd said work, an -I corrileted on or before )Jove*fiber 1st 1913, Sec.4. The cost of construction of saicl sidhwalks shall be psjd for. tU.olly by t e property owners abuttinn' or fronting' thereon, on both sides thereof, f i i tonapportioned to art assessed against the property arl property Owners fronting or abbutting thereon, on both sides thereof', according to the i rntmber of 9awwt feet frontin„, or abutting thereon, except the corner lots i. abutting upon said inprovement shF.11 Pay for the entire cost of intersect ion. in addition to theconstruction irq,:lediate1,�,T abutting said property, f a.nl the City of Paducah shrill Pay the cost of construction abutting all public alleys. Sec•5. The contractor avre,rCfd the contract for the vrorJi herein provided f shall be paid anly from the furls arising front the special rax bills .arzl assessments against the property abutting the ""Prove'lerlt herein provided for, and in no other way, except that. - sat¢d contractor rte, be paid out of St. bonds as ::tai. be issued b T the Citi J of PacMcah, in accord ,.rlce with the lays governing sane, a1x1- fort ' he Paanment of which t me a ,ainst the he t&Y-Hills aryl assess- , t` property eLbutting the be pledged by the City Of herein cieor3ibed irctproveme,It s, TLY Paducah, aril in 1 of Paducah, be liable to Do event 110 event shall the City the coni ractor for said siclearalks, ercePt the the COSI Of construction of } -- -- _ Pro ,ion thereon abutting Public alleys, incl to 277 the excess i^provementoherei ny IrPr ecnt oy the ve;lue of a,ny property asses. for the provided for. Sec. 6• The contractor avrsrcled the meet we- rrents issued biT the corttrrret herein shall be -paidbymonthly improve=�; City of Pa,clueali upon est,iraatea furnished by the City Bngrineer to 'the extent of si:;t�r–five per ce1Yu (65l)) of the vel. -Lie of the work done by' the contractor, clurin� the prol ress of the work, enol said iraprove.raent warrents shall beer sig: per cent interest from date of issue, and shLll be issued Ur. the City Treasurer upon order of the General Council. Sa,icl il:provertent vrexrents sl.all be neg– otiable , egotiable, anal sha!—L constitute a: lien on the looal>tpxes.to. be_hereafter.levied upon the property abuttinE sa,icl inproven,,it for the making of such improvement, aild shell be payable at the Office of the City Treasurer without notice to the holder there– Of, upon caPletion aYul acceptance of the vrorek herein provided for, out of co- llection of such local tu,aes, or out of the proceeds of the sale of erzr irprovenetrt bonds issued in anticipation of the collection of such Ir -.cal t :Yzes, the interest of t such improvement vrarrents shall be estima ted incl assessed e.s a pert of the cost of tip the improvement herein provided for. Sec. %. This Ordinance shall tt ke effect arxl be in force from and after its passe -&e, a approval. aryl publication.