HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinances Book 6, Page 259, No Ordinance Number6 $ f- t 27t 1. / Aid ORDTTiA1IC1 PROVTDRilI]T•„,i;01Z.1J1iZI'r�r T.T 1 /, m ✓ CA}i, ;:T;}:*fUC1-Y SAN� . � T ' RY I Lit: tlil"i'JR III TfTU; CITY OF PAI)iJ%1 I3e it ordained by t.ihe Qeneral Council of t t.`. t a. the Ci. of 1 adttca,lt, Ken t club!; Sec. 1. It shall be unlaw ul for any person , firn co -parry or corpoeat- j ion to rlo, or cause to be done any sanitary plumbing within the City of Paclilca.h, r.T Kentitek}p, or to rake Ryor connection ,with the sanitary sewer in said City,a_uzless the saxae be clone in accordance vritlt the rules and regula.ti.ons prescribed by the r ordin.nceof sai(1 City, and the rules a.ncl re n ati.ons ;rl'th.: �' , t;t�- x�ef. eronce to' sanit�.ny��- � T'.Iumbing in saicl City shall be applicable to all plumbing that ray be (lone vrith- in the corporate ljriits of the of Paducah, Ken+,ucky. s1 C ee. 2. Any person, firm, co Ti an;ir or corporation violiit(=_L'the provisio- 't ns of thihs ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not less than "10.00 nor more than 20:00 for each offence. c. 3. All ordinnces a.nd'parts of ordinances in conflict '.erewith are he hereby repealed insofar as they rlalr'con'_ic,t.�,t},. e provisions of this ordinrnce) i and thisotdinance .Ball take e_'fect and be in Farce from ancl. after its oassage, !y approval and publication. J - ORDINANCr. !c AN ORnINAidCR PROVIDFING FOR THr CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SID;,WALKS AND I GUTTERS, TOG.tiTITR NITY GRANITECU1�TlIN(-„A,TD ALL NE•,CESSA_RY T`rANHOi,RS, T-dITAKE V CATCH BASINS C;i;l'J1RS SND DRiVEWAYS, ON BOTfi SIDES OF 71ASHIMCITOId STREET FRO11 TFTs, \!i SVhST CURB LINE OF IdT;rTTr STRr?T TO THE rA;'T LINE OF T.}';; PROPERTY OF TH T' SSIPPI VALLY CORPORATION, IN TPJ' CITY OF PA1)UCAR, KENTUCKY. Be it orClai_necl by the General Council of the C.Ity of Paducah, Kentucky. fSec. 1 That sideimlks, curbs anrl gutters, togather irritl all necessary manholes, i.nt�..kes, catch basins, se.^rers and driveways therefor,on both sides of Washington Street, from the west cttrb line of ATinth Streat to the 3ast Line of the i' property off' the T"issippi Vally Corporation, in the City of Paducah, ICenttteA:y, bei and are Hereby ordered to be constructed. See. 2. Said ei(levralks aryl gTttters shall be constructe(1 of concrete material, and the curbing therefor shall be of granite; and all of said work shall b@ clone in strict aecorrliance vri.th the plans, grades specificfttib?ts:>t''�'•'idtlhs i.rul pro files of t}te City l.ng jjieRr , made and provided by hin for such purpois, and all of zrTn' as pr'rt, of this ordinance as fully as if eribraced herein, or which are,arlopterl attached hereto, and the same are marle part hereof, and narked "A” for more specific identific+�tion. Sec. 3- ;-airl vrork be constructed under the direction ofthe Bord of Public ,,forks and the supervision of the City En(;ineer, and shall be connencecl at a tine 1 t Ct for tl?e Drefor^lance of Er sai(I ol , ri�ld ('0':1�1P�,ed o rj or t e_'re desi[nhated by con ;r a• _ - - ax r 260 July lst, 1913. Sec. 4. Tile cost of such construction of said sidewalks, curbs tell Uasi.nsj and gutters, togatller with all necessary renholes, intakes' ca sewers and driveways therefor, shall be paicd 'or ,hol,ly by the property ovmers abutt,inv or affronting thereon on botA)sidestliereof, to be apportiO— ed. to and assessed. against tb,e property and property 01111's o1 or abuttin;,r thereon, except the cornor lots abutting ; up0ri said i prove~,ens, � shall pay for the entice cost of all intersections in addition t(5 the constructions ameacliately abugttinsaid property, ant t}te City o{ Pe.Cdticalt i shell pc -,y for the cost of constructions abutting all public alleys. Sec. 5.. The contractor avrarcded the contract, for the work herein providedfor shall be paid only from funds°ariseing fro) -.'special tax I bills and assessment against the property abutting t'.e°improvement herein provided for, unit no other wa,y, except, that the s, -Ad contract�aay be paid out of such bonds as may be issi,ecl by the Ci ;V (,f Paducah, in accord.;.ance with the lays govering same; and for t}te payment' for ;+rhich the tax bills and assessments of the property abutting the herein cliser:i.becd i s:,prove^tents may be ple;l ed. by the City of Paducah, and in no event shall the sFid City of Paducah be liable to the contractor for the scost of tate Of said sidewalks, except the potion thereof abutting public alleirs, a,nd for the excess of fifty per cent (50�,)) of the value of arl"T'.lsuch ii,tProvocj property assessed for the improvement herein provide(! for. sec. 6. The contractor awarded the contract herein, shell be paid monthly by i itrovement warrents issued. by the City of paclucalt, upon estimates f-n.ished bar the City Engineer, to the extent of six_ta,–,_ive per cent (65�`)) of the value of the vrork done by the coittractor, dureinC tile progress of the vrork, and said i'.`tproveraent warrents shall hear six per cent, intrest from (late of issue, and shall be issued. by the City Treasurer upon order of the General ('ouncil,iraProvaraent Warrents : shall be negotiable, and shall constitute it lien on the local taxes to be y hereafter leviers upon the property i abuttinf! said L i aovement for the r'F&eirlL; of such igiroverjellt, and shall be payable at the office of the Citsr Treasurer with out notice to the holder thereoo, upon the completion incl exceptance of the work herein provided for, out of tite fits collection of such local taxes, or out of the proceeds of the •sale of any irl:I'Oye^tgIlt bonds issued in anticipation o --fl slIch local to ,xes, The intrest on st,C}1 r p_ rovement vrarrents shell be estimated and assessedas the inprovement herein provided foID, apart or the cos f �f►t Sec. 7, This ordinance shall take effect, anO bee in force fron aw �f'+,er ;t passage, aFnroval incl ptiblice,tion. �"