HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 93, November 6, 1922' .. • - .£.,,may..,^7 �J�irf"j't'+"�cr`r'YNL i4cY"P";�„�^,.t'� , M.°1P`4'c'rr.',A.'O P�it::--k?i� J L ' ..-�, .t.�.. 1 1.. ,''"' . .. - .. .� - :,. q "�.J il-r. Y N• •. 5t.; a-;• ••.:tth t?,1 �. c: J ..)xn r. C•'+ey �;ss5w ✓ - e•.r,, a r_ - •Az q i Commissioners Proceedings, City. of. Paduea 192_ ;on motion the Board,r.djourned.upon oall.•of;the roll by 6 yeas. Adopted 19 NOVEMBHR 1. 1922, At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commiaeioaere, held in the. Commissioners': 'Chamber 1n the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, on November let, 1922, 81 11:36 o'clock A. M. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names -'Commissioners Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Mayor Katterjohn.-4. f tY Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit; Por the purpose of allowing. , Special Pay Roll for certain street employees layed off, and any other business that might come before the Board. Commissioner Pulliam offered the _following motion: That the Speoial•Pay Roll of Special Pay -roll Street Department'! the Street Department for men discharged, amounting to $76.60, be allowed and the of men discharged: :F.•r;•;; Commissioner, of Public Finance be authorized and instructed to pay same immediately and charge to Street Furl. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-4. . N Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the employment of Miss Mise Charlotte lawrenoe employ -,p Charlotte bawrenoe, as checker on concrete work at the rate of $2.00 per day be Ment. c approved. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pulliam. Tully.' '•' Washington and Ratterjohn.-4. ;t Note of City of Commissioner Tully offered the following motion I move that the Gommisetoner E Paducah In City National Bank a of Publio Finance be authorized and directed to pay off. take up and cancel a note of for $20,000.00 P' taken up. the City of Paducah for 020.000.00 in the City National Bank and the money be appso r .�. riated from the General Fund to same. Adopted upon call of the roll b the'fol p Pay P P Y - ",.+. lowing vote: Yeas. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas.. CAdopted h°'f G 19 R X. �"r's'1G0..: P k ckr cwr QlA9(}R. •NOV:21BBIt 6TH. 1922. , At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Comminaioners, hold in the Commippioners' ' Chamber in the O.ity Hall, Paducah. Kentuoky, on Novembor 6th, 1922. Upon call of. the roll the following ensnared to their memos: Oommineionere Pace. Washington and Mayor +� r j Katterjohn.-3. fV i 6u6 On motion of Commissioner Pace the minutes of the previous meetings were T., C adopted as read upon cell of -the roll by the following vote; Yeas, Paoe. Washington <•a f r. and Katterjohn,-3. ;Com'r.Publio P.ro-k, Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion; 'I move that the Commissioner xlr party to furnish . ,+ room in bneement._1'of Public Property be authorized, and direotel to furnish a room in the banement of the of City Rall for ? Venereal quaran- -City Hall Building for quarantine patients, and the some be oh or Fred to the City Hall w' ''•`: tine patients. Account. Adoptoi upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Washington'* t � and Katterjohn.-3. - f Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Report Chief of yoVoo for.0ot: '; Chief of I•olioo for the month of October 1922,be reoeived and filed. Adopted upon cal u _ 1922. t' of the roll by the following vote; Yens, Pace, ,Yaehington and Ratterjohn.-3. & s:� r Commissioner Pul21am anterod the Commissioners' Chamber.. ' ,..., .y,.,.,,.._ -.�..�"...�a,7S77�f"�,i.G.7•'t.::s�;_4�a'{,3-••S'""s,:'?;";."4^ls: . Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah. 192_- ` + Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that the transfer `I Cemetery trans-' ;+ far from Mrs. I from Mrs. Bellie Jones to J. W. Agnew of Lot No. lb in Section 48 Oak Grove Cemetery. Nellie Jones to be ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe.Pulliam. t j= I • Washington and Katterjohn.-4. , i 'Washington following transfer "I f Commissioner offered the motion: I move that the Charity No. ,­ �. Cemetery trans- Skaggs of Lot E in Section E, New Addition Oak Grove. from'R. J. Blackburn to `:r rom.f far R.D. far from- to Cemetery, be ratified. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace,.., r= - - Charity Skaggs. t4a Pulliam, Washington and Katterjohn,-4. „ i Commissioner Waahington offered the following motion: I move that the Appli- ifr Cumb. Tel.& TAl. Co. Permit for cation end Permit for At by the Cumberland Telephone LoTelegraph Company for t( *; ,.Co. on of City joint use of poles of City Light Flant, be. received and filed. Adopted upon call of y' poles Light Plant. ��. the roll by the following vote: Yeas.Psoe.Pulliam.7ashington and Katterjohn.-4. a+ Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: As it to impossible to + Install more lights, owing .to the lack of sufficient boiler po-..7or at the Light Flrznt at � Street Light I move that the petition from the people on Clay Street for the installation••, this, time, . ' at 11th b Cl g7' Streets. of a light at 11th & Clay Streets, be referred to the Commissioner of Public Property 3t% {t to install this light early in 1923, provided that vie are successful in getting a new, ' 'boiler for the Light Plant. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Washington and Katterjohn.-4. Oommieeioner Tully entered the Commissioners' Chamber. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that monthly estimate }.j Monthly Estimate #3 E.R. Harding u43 for October 192E of the E. R. Harding Company, Contractor, for work done on trunk I. r i Oompany Dist. 3A Sewer Diet - p line sewers in District 3A, amounting to $24.150.64, be approved. and the Commissioner r y', 4a ,, riot #3. of Fublio Finance authorized end Instructed to pay same and charge to the 3rd Distriotr .•.1-,•,r r ..,� Sewer Fund, and that a copy of enid estimate be filed. 'Adopted upon call of the roll . ,, pl by the follow vote:.Yeaa. Paoe,Pulliam Tull Waehin ton and.Katter ohn 6. r" Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion:. That Special Pay -roll of ' Special Street men-disoharged from the Street Department, amounting to $17.65, be approved, and the Pay roll. 1 ` Commiselonor of Fublio Finenoe be authorized and instructed to pay same immediately. j-' Adopted .upon call of the.roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Pulliam. Tully, 9aah- sf ington and Katterjohn,-6. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: It appe^•ring that Ada B. Rouse ;Y 'Ada B.Ronee assessment re - was esseesed inerror foautomobile for the 1922...1260.00 and having the'. one moe year ng p 1� Iative to autoor - mobile oorreot= Lazes on same. I move that the amount of $5.75 be refunded. Adopted upon Wall of the i= fr' ed, roll'by the following vote: Yeae, Paoe.Pulliam.Tully.',7aehingtcn and Katterjohn.-6. ti Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts for i a}i. 'e000unte last k the last half of the month of October, amounting to $40246.27, be allowed and ordered t ;•, � half October 1922. lPaid and the oneY aPPro rlateA from the General Fund to pity some. Adopted upon aall',ofn! the roll by the following vote: Yeas,Pace.Pu111am.Tully.Washington and Katterjohn.-6. �. FI a I .t i u Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the payroll for x •, Fay -roll Sewer District 3 far r K athe last half of the month of October, for the 3d District Sewer, amounting to 0627.39 , '.; " :1922 half Oct.- The allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized and inr`. ' s 1922. I , -• �etructed to draw checks against the No. 3.District Sewer Fund Account 'o pay same. I 1 f� Adopted upon call of the roll b the follow " P P y following voter Yoas. Pace. Pulliam, Tully. (. 4 [' Washington r and Katterjohn,-6. I •�` , Report Com r. Commissioner. Tully offered the following motion: I move tha,t.the report of the Finance relativd ``�-to purchase of Commissioner of Public Finsnoe with reference to. .the purchase of 9 etreet Improvement i9 Street Impro- vement Bonds. (Bonds. be.-reoeived, filed and approved. Adopted npon'call of the roll by ,the following I. voter Yeas; Pace, Pulliam, Tully; Washington and Katterjohn.-ba 'S rrn ,2t,.7� : „y nw:v,'...cdiJw.•.a r,•. �, .: ,a.° „• r w i .< ..x....:.,.s.:.- ti�:_.:x tx,,..t'..:n. .:: 7., J. V, t � 2 ;� l 1 r • � o t'- i � Y.' ti ,res .r 1 r ° i7a+r• �„ .._,._]:_ ...;�. � .n ».,, t .,�v"�I. ? •?Si3t ��•ractx nor6r�? , .aYa`,r i"..., r a .t - . � 01 �",. t Na_.��_ Cominissioners'. Proceedings;: City of : Paducah Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:•'''It .appearing there ie dna 1 .Schools.from the tax collections to Nov. 4th. the'sum of $4649 97,,'I move that it be Schools allowed ji $4.649.97, from tax Tallowed and ordered paid and the money appropriated from .the General Fund"to pay same. collections to Nov. 4t 19 xAdopLed upon call 04 the roll by the following vote: Yeas, "Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Yash- �. hinaton and Katterjohn,-b. ; Oommieotorar Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $37.50 having been " Cemetery deed ,Ipaid into the Treasury as evidenoed by the receipt filed herewith, I move that deed "be executed to O.R'. 4 9a]lsae. executed to-O. R. Wallace for Lot $83, Block $E on the South side of Hannan Street, tbetxeen Baker & Miller Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon call of the roll lhlby the following vote: Yeas,Paoe,Pulliam.Tully,'Nashington and Katterjohn.-6.. Oommleeioner Tully offered the followtng motion: The sum of $37.60 having been'. paid into the Treasury, to evidenced by the receipt filed herewith, I move that Geed be Cemetery deed. executed to J.R..°exeouted to J..R. Wallace for Lot #61, Block $2, on the South aide of Hannan Street, ' Wallace. " between Baker & Miller Streets in Oak Grove 6emetery. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vete: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-6. ti Oommiesioner. Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $60.00 having been :.paid into the Treasury, as evidenced by the receipt filed herewith, I move that deed be . cemetery daed executed to Loraine L. Lowe for Lot J102, Block 42. on the North, side of Ford Street, Oxeouted to Loraine L..Lowe. between Baker i Miller Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon call of the rol-1 by ;the following vote: Yeae,.Paos, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6. " t Commissioner Tully offered the following motion The sum of $37.60 having been paid'into the Treasury. as evidenced by the receipt filed herewith. I move that deed be t: Cemetery deed. (.executed to Funk Boatwright for Lot #63,B100k $2.on the South side of Hannan Street. executed to Frank :.f Boataright j between Baker & Miller Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon call of the roll by ; the following vote; Yeae, Pace. Pulliam. Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-6. + j Commissioner. Tully Gffered the following motion: The sum of.$37.60 having been Cemetery deed I paid into the Treasury, as evidenced by tno"receipt filed herewith, I move that deed be,`..''.:,'. executed to :Nellie i Cornett.' executed to Nellie Cornett for Lot J60, Block #2,,on,the South aide of Hannan Street. between Baker & hiller Streets in Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon call of the roll by. the following vote:.Yeas. race. Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn,-6. i Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That Estimate.No."4 of E. R. Estimate 14,E.R.: i Harding Co. Sewer 'Harding Company for work done during October 1922, on'trunk line sewers of Distriots District j:3, Districts 3B-30. :3B and 30, amounting to $10.920.67, be approved, and the: Commissioner of Public Finance.; ;'be authorized and instructed to pay same and charge to 3rd District Sewer Fund. and that .,,a copy made of this Estimate be filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following ,.•: ivote: Yeaa. Face, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-6.. On motion.the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 6 yeas.. 4J.'FLIed l./Nl1.�13___.19 k � ELC� �' .� :.: --j G i.: > NOV:YBFR 10TH. 1922. i a V At a Galled Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commieeionera, Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on November 10th, 199E", at 11:40 o'clock A..M. Upon call of the roll the following anewered.to their nomas: Commissioners Pace, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Mayor Katterjohn.-6.' F' Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to-wit For the purpose of allowing I: j! bills for the month of October and any other business that might come before the ! Boards ?. '. '.....wr...,..wz:..-.�.%a..�wre.+we-wwesrnvian+.+r�stwl.�a•`amnntn4n!•trrl.•.!:e _^_>'r.1`+ir.•ZYtrC^MS'_^: