HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 92, October 30, 1922� i _..__.—+.w;+__.c..,a .. i.,-....L:i,._.-_.� fir_..— ._. �•.sd.-._ ..� ,_...r. -�._.. ..Lt's_ _I `,.. Commissioners' "Proceedings; City. of Paducah- '" 192_1 ' jjtey 1;•` OCTOB:-2 30TH.1922. I % r. At a ReguJai .Lloetinr..of the Board.ot Commissi,onere held in the Commissionora' t i' • Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentuoky,.on.Cotober 30th, 1922. Upon call.of the roll the following a'ewered't0 their names: Oommioeioners Paco, Fulham,. Tully, '.lashing ? ton and L'ayor Katterjohn,-6. a On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the.previous.meetinge :sere �,• `• 4`1 adopted ae read upon cell of the roll by. b yeas., L 4 Communioation 1� fro:i: Dept. Layer Katterjohn'offered the following motion: .I•move that the commtutioatlon, y •Jar in regard to '.dated October 25th, 1922. from the 'Jar Department, in re mrd to the location of Lo and 1 y Icost ion of Look and .Dam #5E; -.;•. Dam.I1o. 62,' Ohio :liver, be received and filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the;: "- ( 0hio River. following vote: Yone, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully, Jashington and KattorJohn,-b.'. ,r. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The su:n of ;",58.35 having boon :'? r Beverage License issued to Del ,tendered, together 'rrith application for VaIt, or ,Cereal Bevoraae,License, I move that - t a qq Dowdy: license to Bell Lialt or Certial Beverages, or any admixtures thereof,. be granted to Del . ty Dowdy. at $300 South 9th Street, for.the period of June let to December 319t..1922. f - is .•� Adopted upon.oall of the roll by the fell owinm.vote: 'Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. Tu]ly. ,lash_' ii„ . ! ington and Y.e tter john, -b. <' " Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:' The sum of $50.00 having been t Boverace Li- . tendered, to.¢ether rith application for Ltelt or'Ceroal^evaraRe License, I.mooe that t cense issued to G F 'gnm:7}iito.,, r lioenee,to ,sell Malt or Cereal..Beverages, or, any admixtures ther'eof,.be arantod to Sam 4- ._YhIta I V 1h It a'at X926 Finley Streot, for the period of July let to December 31st, 1922." Adopt ed. upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, 'Pace, Pulliam,,Tully, ',7cohington 't f and Katterjohn,-5• it i• R i Commissioner Tully offered the following. motion: It appearing there is due !`= Schools allow- • Schools the stun of 310565.34 from the tax oollootions to Ootbbor 20th, I move that it ed '10505.34 1 l•^ "' ``. ]l' •'' from tax'ooe-, bo allo:vod and ordered paid and -the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay `' " ' " '�` ' �� '.otione to Oct., I Eh, 1922.same. Adopted: upon call .'of the roll' by the following vote: Yeas, Face, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-5. r Commiseloner Tully offered the following motion: It a earinr,:that Robert G.' t Robert O.Tinala; Tinsley is.aueossed with an automobile. and,it being a fact that he does not now and � aaeessrent on automobile oor-being-in1 never has o-•.7ned an. automobile the asedeement error, I move that the .Com I K" reoted. -and 1 miaoioner of I'ublio_Finanoo be nuthorizod and irstruoied to make a correction on his tar. bill, giving him a arediL,by the, emount of the assessment 3150.00. :Adopted upon, call of the ro-11 by the following,vote:Yeas,Faoe,Pu111am,Tu11y,7aohingtan, and Kctterjohn,-5., t Fi Commiesionar Pace offered the following motion:. I move-that-the•United States.:' U.3.Fidelity & L `Ridelity & Guaranty Compe.ny be from the bonds of, the o77oainR patio lmen:• L 0ucrant;r Co. ro]oaaod on :'bordo of ratrol1 E,L.Ialler J F: Smith B.F.Uitohen Athol Sheppard ° i f ' �,. Mon. ii.L.Liillor, L. H.CluarrIas ", BoYling b B. P.i.iitohall' 'A.A. H.H.Tao e LL S:Onkl(V ` L. Ii.Quarr]oa r James Jhitledge .: Lonnie Rudolph L al r H.H.lcoo, J. .Smith,Athe3 "Adopted upon call.'. of the -roll by`the following. vote Yeas, Pace-. Pulliam,'Tullyj" 7ashin =. " A ,,Shopbard A.A. 'Bowl inF.M. S. ton and Katter john, -5..' + Oakley.Lonnie.. ':'Rudolph t._Oommiesioner 'Pulliam offered the following motion-., move that 36.inoh stand t ard; strength' clay' pipe be used from about Station 36 &:50 to'.Station 46 & 50 'on the river t !•i Clcy Pipe ` 36' inch Stand- ' jine-of District 3B-30,. provided•'that, name Ibe Tnokfil] ad, :riih 1.3-6 'aonoreta ontiroly'''r E ' aid Strongth to.bo used imbelow an.elevation..of 6,inohos-above tho'spring line,''nt no,additional expense to the kr District 3B-30 ; ";river line Sewer Diet f3.. City.' Adopted upon oa]l,of the roll by the following vote Yeas Pace Pu111am,Tully, + rt- Washington and Ka.tterJohn,`-6 i t Q •��. ,,.:.a,..b•_. il; r -..r, _._..in .;a, „-.$..�+.' 3..r ., _, ... ',,.,..,,.,.t. ... ,._ a .c.4., -i.... ,.,_y ty`-,x..t,.....:.r...,r „,„s r-.k�,t _.. n., Jr.•r .. ... ;. - - 'T:+1�'k'L�-?tX.s::r .:bE.4t:•'v1:41a1 ..'.i"i WSJ, 2 - .r.. aa..w, t�' ,-W .:... ,�.,:,..a•u.;.,r•.. au�.�...:.c.t:..us..5 ae.�. .t �. � ... I`t t ,n; y,?�7'n"w'''ti'" r _ ' '.,' Fr'', � a•, n t� c. -y ' _.t+.`.,.r<......-.n,3.?ay..��:r,Mti.e`�:�7i, Tl+N1t^�te+r:Kue,f?t�t.":�x�s .t .. .;e,� _ •r' .. �. ti.'�.� �+r T.r: . S dy"_...:.u.�....� .+» �, f i .. •n t ',tt L' � � b ,_,rh-. � ! :/ � i �, a No Commissioners' Proceedings; Ci ty-of.Paducahl,M•,',.. "'192 On motion the Boa rd.r.djourned.upon;call-.of the roll by 6 yeas. ..: Adopt c y c,,: r NOVEMBHR 1. 1922. At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners': Chamber in the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky. on November let", 1922, at 11:36 o'clock =y - 'A. V. Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names. 'Commissioners " Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn.-4. j Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose of allowing; Special Pay Roll for certain street employees laved off. and any other business that . _ - might come before the Board. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the Speolal.Pay Roll of Special Pay -roll I: Street Department,; the Street Department for men discharged, amounting to $76.60, be allowed and the r-.. of men discharged.^ ji Commissioner of Publio Finance be authorized and instructed to pay same immediately ..•'j: 6 and charge to Street Fund. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pulliam. Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4.'. I! Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: .That the employment of Visa. r Miss Charlotte Lawrenoe employ- Charlotte Lawrence, as checker on concrete work at the rate of $2.00 per day be ment. " approved. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pulliam, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn,-4. - Rote of City of Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner Pad uoah in City d National Bank of Publio Finance be authorized and directed to pay off, take up and cancel a note of for,$20,000.00 taken up. the City of Paducah for $20.000.00 in the City.National Bank and the money be eppro• MV' priated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the'fol- lowing vote: Yeas, Pulliam, Tully, Naehington and Katterjohn,-4. T� lOn motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by.4 yeas.. Adopted y1n,J G I9R�. ti�i'lLUV , P �..._ • car u..r OQR. NOV.143M 6TH, 1922. At a Regular iteeting of the Board of Comminelonare,"hold in the. 0ommippiOnere' Chamber in the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, on November Oth, 1922. Upon call of the roll the following ensnared to their names: 0ommissionete Pace, Washing and Mayor •"r; Katterjohn.-3. On motion of Commtesioner Pace the minutes of the previous meetings were ' adopted as read upon sell of -the' roll by the following voter Yoas', Pace, Washington and Katterjohn,-3. rtk :Com'r.Pnblie Pro-� Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: 'I move that the Commissioner, ' ''party to furnish room in basement .of Public Property be authorized and dirsotel to furnish a room in "the basement of the , of 0i,ty Hall for Venereal quaran- .-City Hall Building for quarantine patients, and the some be charged to the City Hall' -'.4 "•` tine patients. Account. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Washington ' and Y.atterjohr,-3. s F Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the report of the Report Chief of Police for.Oot: ' Chief of Polioo for the month of October 192E,be received and filed. - Adopted* upon cal 1922. ' of the roll by the following vote: Yens, Pace, Washington and Katterjahn.-3. '{`• • _ _ tA.rf Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commissioners' Chamber.. M 1 aL'` i faf . I .......... ...,-,•^�.stT',.'.;.,'+�..•^C: