HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 89, October 20, 1922f� � � � A� n�ti a ib d D � - ,� i �+: � . :• i _ in. ... t v�lw':. u-«.�.. .►.i -.-v+, • _u..,.7...'+.,.-•. .ar .a«.cv-...:....�.::.1.ti:.::.w....::.L•3+!••u..__:.t...£„X_ �»....i-. w Commissioners Proceedings;' City. of Paducah . 192-_ ` Oommiaotonnr Tully offered the follov+inK motion; Imova that tho, report of the k Report Oom'r.of �Commisuionor of lublio Finenoo uhw7ing tho Apportiontiont, the, amountu bxllenied .end. the s. Finance, showing tl Apl:ortlunmont, "balen000 to tho arodit of the various accounts unAer. the differont departments at the r amJunts exlondedt So. at and of end of September 1922, be received and filed. Adopted. upon ocll of the roll by.the wept., 19£2. followirim vote: Yoas, rv.oe, 1u111am, Tully, .7nshington and katterjohn,-6'. Commissioner Tully ofteroO thn follominR motion: I move that the report of the { Report Com'r. of '?Commissioner of Fublio n'inanoe'.:vtth roforenco to the pisohaso of L;arkot !!ouoe EDnd ¢39, Finance rotative to Purchase of be received, filed and approved. Gdopted upon call of, the roll. by the follo�in+r vote: : i•'', - : Llar}:et House Hon:l 439. Yens, Ease. F.ullY^_m, Tully, ',9aohinRton and Eatterjohn,-5. ,.y p Commissionsr Tully offored the follo%7tng motion: 'It oppearinrr that the sum of y �5951.10`Aue. y45951.10 is due the Schools for the tax oollootions to Oct. 14th, I move that it be. 3ohoolu from Tax U^, Col]ootionn to !!allowed and ordered lmtd end .the monoy cppropriatod from the General Fund to pay name.'" 1 •" Oct. 14, 1:?£2. Adores upon call of the roll by tho follo171rim vote: Yoau, laoo,.pulliam, Tully, �1 ,lauhington and Ycttorjohn,-5. j Commiosionbr Taoo'offerod tho folio«ring motion: I move thet :;bb l,rn,be released' •:� bb lSnn; 'extra Wand dinoh¢rged as extra policeman for the City of Faluonh, and that Lhe'L:aseaohueette 11 pol to^_ an dYs- .' oh=rr'ed and bond itBordinq & Insuranoe Company be released ond hio bond: 'Adopted upon call of, the roll b' 1 of La :mchusetts i 3ondina Co. re- tho following vote: Yacs, laoo,•Fulliam, Tully, aeohinrrton Grid Yattorjohn,-G.. I' Commissioner rQ liem offored the followlna motion: That :rheroce the Contraotor. ;fon 3rd District Se.7or has started ar. adlitional force a'nd machine for pipe loyina on :.riploymont of 1•' , C.Gre?ory, it �F.usbands Street, I move that the .employment. of J. C. Grogory; as Inspector and Drafts i re: 'Sower Die ry r: �'•' `,. met 3.wm¢n; at a salary of ;;130.00 por month, be retifiod ani that he be allowed .619.48 for 4 trnir: Yero from Charleston, l7. Va., and the Commissidner of,Finanoe be authorised ,and .' instructed to pay same and ohr_rae to 3rd District Sower Fnnd.• Adopted upon 'call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, lace. Fulliam,.Pully and :7achington,-4; 1!aye, Yatterjohn,-1. . ' On motion the !'card ¢ljournod upon call of thn roll by 6.yean, car c4.w j OCTOD!•li 20TH. 1922.' At a Called Vesting of 'the Hoard of Commlaoionare, hold in' tho Commiselouore' 'V Chamber in the City ]!all, FnAuoah, l:ontuoky, on Ootohor F.Oth, 1922, at '3:40.o!o]oak + L:. Upon call of the roll the followInp, nnm�eroA to their namna: Oommioliior.ors, f' 1: !i laoo, Tully, :'lashington rind Mayor L'nttnrjohn;-4. Uayor 'Zattorjohn stated roasono for call to-:71tt :,`or thA pur!:ooe.,of allowing._ k. pay-rolle for fir et half of Ootobor, earl any other bnsinnkn that may come before the t S Hoard. Oommissioner Tull;/ ofinrod the Yo11o1711im motion; That the :;nginoor'o,lutimate 41 of John Br for the 1,provnmont.on the South nid6 of itusUnndu `.l trent bnt:,ioen 5atimatu: John Bryant, ij 7th'und.9th.Strnot he oorrooto�l nr.l the charrte;oY';G.00 for Arnie pfpo,ho'e]tmin^ted, for l;nl.rovomnnt `h� on E:.9th & !tus-•1 tLiu itam riothnvtnm boor: included in tho oortrnot of,Rnynoldn Ftron,, and tho'total beide 5troot oorrnatod. I amount .of, Reynolds Bron. oor.traot be mado 37774.98.. Adopted Ippon only of the roll 1 r .by the followhiir vote: Yens. I-aoo,"TOly, tiauhington.and YtitterjOn,-4. ,;•�{, ' Oommlosior.or Tully offored the follorinA motions I-movo thnt the ray=r.oll,for Y' Icy-roll3rd the 3d Dtutrio.t Sol7nr' for the firut half of tho month of Ootobor, r_+nountlnp to ' Dintriot !;ol7or u�u let h:llf of ;I .6546.63, bo'ul]owod and ordorul pnid.and the,Oommissionor of Tublio FIrian oo 4o author- Ootobor. IV2F.. .( tt itod and lnutruotod to draw ohooku almlrut the 110: 3 alutr,tot Joaor Fluid. A000lint to l } pay name. i'dopted upon call of the roll 15y tho•follo'sl.n.g vote: Yeau,7aoo, Tully;' 111shIngton and lattor.johr:,-4. , r.� •. i,-. v. s2iL'^�L•9'wi'::�:C..':L^.,CL." ...� ww. T''.."•'+'rY^., 15^''.t':rT.b `••.Z'"TT7xT'.� ...:i I M MYMa Na r Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah 192__ Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:, I move that the ray -coli for l Rol'-or.t Oo'.r ' tho,fire't half of themonth of October, 1922, amounting to .$6031.96. as per the report • _Lnanon of r Ecy-ro]lo lot •2 of tho Commleoionor. of I111MO Finance filed hore-.vith, be allo•7ed and Ord erad paid and ' h:Jf Ootohor •'�± 1922. the money npproprinted from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon 'call of the ro];1 by tho f`ollonino votes Yeas, Pace, Tully'; ''7asliington.and ;1Ytterjohn,-4. :,Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: Thct the pay -roll for Pay -roll for constructing oenaro and drainage, in the I:.aueoleum addition to Oak Grove Cometery for r, Sewers L'.auso- ]oum.dddltion week ending October 20th. 1922, amountinrr to x644.00; be allo-ed And the Commissioner I ^) Oak Grove Domo tery.of rin.r.00 he'iistreoted to pay eamn and ohnrae,to Oak Grove Cemetery. Adopted upon 5 r ti onll'of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,Feoe. T,illy;"laehlnaLon nrd Zattnrjohn,=4 I ti * }, .on motion, the Board adjourned .upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. t Adopted ifOR i s a t OGTGB 2 23RD, 1922. t< _ A n Rewlar lioetinir .of the ' Board of Commissioners, hold in the Commission r ens' Chamber in.the City Ra11,Faduoah, Y.entuoky. on October 23rd, 1922; Upon call ! of. the ,roll the fo]loWing answered to their rames;,0ommteaionora Pnae. •7aohington and L`.ayor. Y.atter ohn',-3. F4. } On motion'of Commissioner 'r'lashington.the minutes of the previone me atinaa FI ' f •Fero adopted no road upon call of tho roll by. tho following vote Yeas, Paoe.. s 7ashington and Sattorjohn,-8. i+ Mayor };attorjohn offered the followinP motion: .I move that the cont;not i t Contract Dotn. ei.00uted by and bot• sai.i the Ohioago, 3t. Louta .:nd lien Orleans Railroad Company. I s•ti. IIIInois Oontral R.R.. C.et.L. &' 'and the Illinois Oontrnl Rr.ilrond Company, a9 Loosoo of the.Ohioapo.. SL.'.Louis H.O. R.R. and _ ,lndroa Humhuig "Hew.Orloana Pailroad Company and Andrew F. Humburg, .and the• Cit;, of Fciuoah, Kon- I ar,d City of pada 1!J oah;" relativo to tuokyr;'datod,July 14th, 1922, be received, filed, approved and recorded. Adortod � 3e;ror.Jiat.#3. upon oalI of the roll by tho followlnm vote; Yana, Fcoo. :7aohin!tton,and I:rt.tnrj�hn.3 I t Oommioaionnr l'u]]inm ontnreA the 7ommioulonero' Ohnmhnr. �: 4•t+ i Oommlosionnr "lauhlnA,ton offornd thn followlnR motton;. I.movn that the Raporto Jupt. 3uporintonAar.t'a rnport of ilivornido Honpltal, nho,•riMr, thn oxpondtt,;rnu.for the c Rlvurn6lo ll.oa ° - i S ombnr 1922' to!?nthor ':r th thn Tationtn' Roport and I•�ital uho:ring ,Houpital Mir In- the month of nl t I � t ` Iationta'Rohnrt labor of for Goptembnr 1n2E, be reootvnd and fi]od. Adoptod upon call of a fe Utboratory . �• ' the Fol] by the, f011o,vinq veto: Yoau, 1'aoo,Fulltam.'1auhington and Lnttor john, -4. i Il Commloulonor ''7nohington offorod tho,follo:^irg motion; ..I movo that Lha ' Lavoy to. nl�n ,oppli0atlon and 1. L:oyor bo nuEhori%od, and dirootod.to oign'dpplloution rr,d I'nrmit for:LttnohmonLu by Iormlt by.. _ ri' Oumburlard Tole Oumborland To.lnrhono t: " Tolormph Company. as contained in tho d1?roomont for Joint i S To] Co. Joint Uuo of 1'0100. •Uuo of ]o]eu, axnoutnd by'and botwoon tho City of Paducah. Xontno1q., and the Oumhor ` lan,l .folnphono & 'fnlograph OonU)any, on Ilovomhor 20th, 1916. ` Adoptod upon oa11 of. the I q, roll by,tho follonlnq vote: Yane;Pnoo,Pulliam, '19aahington and Xntterjohn,-4. J= Oommioulonor 71nuhtngton offered the following• motion; I move thr.t tho Com -j Y.H.:7hoo.lor to pisoAac;e.4•Tilo mioalonar of Fubl}o Property bo-allo ed and author ized'to .00]l .to "l.. H. ':7hoolor 130 foot of y left ovor at 1 -4 Oak Grove Come 4' Inch tilos lnft.ovor at the Cemetriry, at vivo-Oonts hon linea] foot,. to. he turnoff i j( tory. ovor, to, tho Comm ie0I0nor .of. Finnno6 and or adItad`to -Or,l: Grove Wintery. ddoptod upon i..;.`` ou31 of thn roII by t 1 1 a folIowInR votol Youu, Taoo;' Pu]]iam, :bnhingt0n anA Kntterjohn. 4. y j� tt{ ., ':.+✓�fU 4.nr•: ♦• • 1.;41!0 •._�1. ... �.: ^,J:. '✓ �.: •'( .Lt.•1 .. .l'.ly.J .• J.Ii::.4 L'..� ... •.:J .. S_.<�{.:.,.. : t --