HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 77, September 18, 1922ij. � F. >�r + _:;,y.�p�t,•,'p-"rYzy:GX.'r.r+"rv&trlel`R' h7r�*yx.^ � - � r ' woM.;- ,o1';i V. 4 ' i' j: A f Y•�,°, y * ` t , • ,,; , �,.5. try r ; = "�iCa'-q y } �! . C to u ✓' f , i,, i.n i..n.i .2113, iY 4r r i. :? r'f fi.. vq+•� L 1} r. �.s 'i - 7 ; f r x + ,. _. _ _..k ..... - r. N0. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah•, 192_ w &2TM.43 16TH. 1922. At a Regular Looting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' i Ohtmber in the alty Hall, Paducah, Kentudky. on September 16th; 1922." Upoa_ call of the roll the followir-g answered to their names:,.Commissioners Pace. Tully, Waohington j ar,d Vayor Katterjohn,-4. .. . {, On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of the previous meetings'were 1 ` adopted as read upon call of the roll by the following vote:, Yeas. Paoe, Tully. Wash k;Jt ; ington and Mayor Katterjohn.-4. I, Commissioner Pulliam entered the Commissioners' Chamber.' " Street Imp.HondCommissioner Tully offered the following motion;..,I move .that the report of $23 purohasady from r oilmmr.' ,Roth the Commissioner of Public Finaoe In regard to the purchase of street .Improvement i Co.. and Report l 1 of Comr.Finanoe 5 Bond #E3, be received and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the fallowing " relative to same.' t F vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam. Tully, Tashington and Katterjohn,-b. '• Garvie ALore, Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that.Carvis Akers. Clifttn Paco. 9 L.D.T te,J.3. 1 Clifton Pace, y. D. Tate, J. R. Langston. T.'--:. Griffith, A. T. Vaughn, George Rolfing i Lan;rston,T.A. Gr iffith,+.T. ;end R. Ashbrook bd released and discharged as •extra policemen for the City of Paducah x i; Vai:rhn, Geo. Rolfing & R. d Zentuoky. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, P.ulliem. = , Ash rook extra F Ioliaeman re- f Tully, :Washington and Zatterjohn -5. i - loaned. �.�'• ;r S Commissioner Paoe offered the following motion: I move that the Commissioner �. Zooh Brant r of.Finanoe be authorized to pay Zaoh Bryant y25.00 and same be charged to account of �llose3 325.00. Police Department. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Pace, y Pulliam, Tully, '3ashir-gton and Katterjohn,-b. ' J44,00 oolleotedi; Commissioner Wlashington offered the following motion. 'I move that the sun of rom ::u.>.ene lam ,, del,iverod to x;44.00, collected by the City Solicitor, from -ugone Cann, be delivered to the Commie- Stapt.i?iver nide !'capita]. oloner of Iublia Property, then same be deliverod to Supt. of Riverside Hospital. Adopted upon call of the roll by the.folloroing vote: Yoas, Pace. Pulliam; Tully, f' aashir.gton and . iatterjohn-b. li t• haseachusette d Oommlissioner Tully offered the following motiona I move that the Massachusetts ,= Bond ipa & Ina..:. i I- Co. released on Bonding & Insurance Company be re]eaaed on. the bonds of Garvie Akers. Clifton Paoe, + bondal of Garvie ; dkory,Clifton f L. -D. Tate, J. R. Langston, T. A. Griffith, A. T. Vaughn, George. Rolfing and R. ,. • . ... Iaoo,l.D.'Pate, J.S.Ianrston, u i.ehbrook. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the.following vote: Yeaa.,Faoe, Pulliam. T.A.Gt-iffith, T.-1curhn,Gee Tully. "aahLngton and Katterjohn,-5, t Rolfirr & R.Ash-.c brook.. Commiesioner ',Washington offered the .following motion: I move that an Ordinance S F �,• Ordinance regu- latinst admission entitled "AI( QRDII:::.;C F30VIO IUG TH : IH 71HICH CFdRITY F,.TIEIITS SHALL BE ADITITT� { of Charity Pa - I. tionts to River- TO !tIV:2605 H051 IT:.L. AIM FROVIDU,'G FOR PEES '!0 B I:P.ID BY SAID CFKRI7Y PATI}HTS," be J., ; side !!ospital. a 'r adopted. Adopted upon oal'l 'of the roll by the following vote: Yeae,. Paoe..Pulliam. s , Tully, Washington and X-atterjohn.-5. Commiealoner Tully offered the following motion: That the. sum of'1100.00 be q j' Parks 3100.00 appropriatod from the Contingent Fund and placed to the credit of Parks. Adopted upon. • dppropr_Latiorr• call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Paoe..Pulliam,".Tully, 7ashinaton and I. I:etter john, -5. I ti On motion the Board adjourned upon cell of -the ro.'_1 by b yeas. P zip* RoArllu) Adei�led ,�11v T `A f U L Yy. L tr , ,..:.V .iY' ' .. .. - .+.i.� :': a•'•'s"+•fZ'Ylbite l"Yh'. M! ('.��-i •1.