HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 73, September 8, 1922� •�".,,, ';"' !:: � t i w•{r. ., a `e..•L ;f •:.(, r � v,d }4. 'i _ 7.: ^ i s ~` � !'d a t. l �, 7Y t'J'S'^a Ni �,�. ; P r• � .� . ,� y 1' ,_........ c ' Commissioners' Proceedings', City of Paducah t Commiseioner Fulliam offered .the following motion: I move that Monthly Heti j t Monthly I:etimate.1 mate No.'1 for work done during the month of Auquet:'1922, on'the oonstruotion of, trunk .r 4 No.1, A3Sub- Sewer Die- trlot t line eewere of. DistrAote 3B-30 to the amount of 84,664.60, due to E. R. Hard Ing Com• ! , .j Division; 3B-30, j $4,064.80 paid to'!; pany, Contractor, be approved and allowed, and the Commissioner of Publia Pinanoe be , A.R.Hcrdtng Co.. ;+v. Contractor.. authorised and directed, to pav same and charge same to 3rd' District Bower. Punt,, an that a copy of said dettmata be rooelved end filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by J( j the.followtnR vote Yeas, Paoo.lulliam,Tully,'Anehinitton and Katterjohn,-6. 2 1 hll Oommieeioner Pulliam offered the following, motion: 2 move that an Ordinance ordinance -V e Ing for construe- G'ntIt1od "AN ORD INANOA PROV10 [110 FOR THE WNSTRUOTI017 OF TAR DR W."AYS. AND PRDVID mo ., ;_. andnoorbur&vsrut- it FOR THE CONSTRUCTION. OF CONCRETE OURBS AIM GUTTY -M9 AND ALL NF.0393ARY DRA IN PIPES, tore on N.9th St.: VANROIE9, AND INTAF:]:S ON NORTH NINT?i 9TR: }:T FROM T"F; NORTH PROPS:RTY LIN? OF JQT+F?RSON. s �. N.8th St., and '' I lonroe St.roet,- S4Rh.NT TO THE SOUTH PROrrRTY 1,111. OF MADI9ON .9TRRYT; ALSO NO4TH 3IGNTH STR:-3T FROM THE , { First Reading. „ y 1 C NORTH P.4011119TY LINE OF J1PK29011 STRFir,T TO WE, 9OUTH.PROP!'7TY 7,I1!Ft Ou MADI9�N HTR?3T, AN-) ALSO 11011:1Oa y'CIRET FROM VIN WEST TROPbRTY LINT+,. OF NINTH STRYFT TO THFS XA9T PRO- . YPRTY LINES OF •V_.', ILLINOIS Oa,TRAL.RAIIROAD OWPA11Y. IN THR OITY OF PADUCAH. XXKTUOKY AT THY, COST OF THIN ABUTTING rROPMTY OWN -,RS. AIM TROVID TNG THAT 9Ai X MAY BE CON37RUOT- :r � FD UPON TITA TEN YFAR I'AYV:�NT PIAN; PROVIDM, ' ,ROSIRVM. THAT NO COCK MTF. OII.RBS AND ;y " GUTT.'R3 SHALL BE CONS'LRUCT:D ALONG SAID STRFS3TS '.'H?M4 THERE HAS AL_RN1DY BEEN CON37RUOT r CONC!t ?F CURBS AND GUTTAJ33 OR GRANITE OURB3 AND GUTV-J S," be introduced and Is over. Adopted upon oall`of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam, Tully, Washington and Y.nttor,ohn,-6, , :._ On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by the following vote Yeas, Pace, Full�liiam, Billy, Washington and Katterjohn.-6. ;•, V _71.1..) t o S:SPT.WBM- 8TH. 1922. F;J At a Called. Meeting of the -Board of Commissioners, he]d.tn the Commissioners , j L Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah. Kentucky, on September Sth. 1922. -St 10 o'o]ook _ a A..M.. Upon call of the roll the following, nnewered to their names: Commissioners Paoe, Tully. Washington and Mayor Katterjohn.-4.. T✓ Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpoee of allowing V, monthly Mlle and any other buslneea that might come before the Board. r Oommieeioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts Report Com1r of . Finance of forthe last half .of the month of Aueunt 1922, amounting to $6399.19, as per therea accounts last,.port of the Commissioner of Fublio Finance filed herewith','bo allowed and order ,4 half. August ordered Paid 1922. and the.money appropriated from the General Fund to F � Pay same. Adopted upon call, of i the roll by the following vote': Yeae, Pace, Tully. Washington and Katterjohn,-4. 0ommiesioner Tully offered the following motion: I move.that the accounte y Accounts last half: K AuRust 1922 for. for the last half. of the month of August 19EE, for the 3d District Sewer amountin to 3rd Di.etriet d $691.47, be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Public Finance bo author Sewer. 1a feed and instructed to draw checks again;t the No' 3 District So -mor Fund Account to ll' pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the followlnm vote: Yoas. Paoe, Tully, I Waehington and Ka'tterjohn,-4. 1Eslt or Cereal Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: The sum of $50.00 having Beverage license been tendered, together +ith application for'l:a]t or Cereal Beverage Lioen;e', I move granted to, Dick' Penn' that license to sell Malt or Cereal Beveralree or any admixtures thereof be granted t0 Dick Fenn at let & Broadaay,'for a period of six months, from July let, to December. 31st, inclusive. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follovinm vote:'Yeas. race, p Tully. Washington and Katterjohn,-4. n J . Commissioners' Proceedings, City. of Paducah 192_ Commissioner Face offered the following motion: I move that the appointment of 5 BPF.Mitahell. L.D. Tate, B., F. Mitchell, L. D. Tate. Clifton 0. Paoe,,Riggs Ashbrook. J. R. Langston, Ebb Lynn., Clifton 0. Pace �'' P,tgas Ashbrook, IT. J.R.Lnnaeton, yq Imon, Orifiith and A.. T. Vaughn, by the Oommiesioner of Fub]So Safety. as extra police- ' ;1 Ybb Lynn.,T.A. for the City of Faduoah, Kentucky, be ratified and confirmed. Adopted upon call of Griffith and A.T. Vaughn, ae,+; the roll by the following vote: Yeaa, Pace. Tully, Washington and Katterjohn,-4. { , Commissioner. race offered the following motion: I move that the report .of the n44 Rorort Chtef'ot Chief of the Fire Department for the .month of August 1922 .be received and filed. Adopt. ;i Piro Department ad upon call of the roll by the following votoi Yone, Paoe, Tully, Waohington and for Aumtbt.1092.� 3'l' (r �Kattorjohn,-4. Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that the•rorort of the + Report Police �Polioe Department -for the past eight months be received and filed. Adopted upon call x °; Department. of the roll by the fallowing vote: Yeaa. Pace. Tully. 'Washington and Katterjohn.-4. Commissioner Pace offered the following motion-. I move that the communication Communication dated September, 6th, 1922, from W. J. Hills, be received and filed. Adopted upon call ,.lativelto,are pointmont T.J. of the roll by the followina vote: Yeas, Pace. Tully, Washington and Kattorjohn,-4. Potter as d � t•� � � Special Police. A Commissioner Pace offered the.followinq motion: I move that the appointment a of T. J. Potter, as Special Patrolman, by the Commissioner of Publio'Safety, be ratified 3 j z T.J.Potter appointed as,+ and confirmed. Adopted upon call of the poli by the following vote: Yeas. pace, Tully,' Special Police- ,L F N �• C Mehington and Katterjohn.-4. Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that the trans - Cemetery trans -for from H. Knight Heirs to J. T. Kibler and gone, W. P. Kibler and W. G.'Y.ibler. of from H. fifer Knight Heirs to the South one-half of Lot #205 in section 13 Oak Grove Cemetery, be ratified r ' J1T.Kibler.a.P. Kibler and W.O. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace. Tully, Washington and Kibler. B ' Katterjohn,-4. ' F. L. Tho eon, mP Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the letter from { a Chief &gineer F. L. Thompson. Chief Engineer Illinois Central Railroad Company, dated September 6th. , munication in 1922. in regard to right of wayfor trunk line sewers, be received and filed. Adopted � p y: -' ' r•r regard to con- tract for richt`7a call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas;.Paoe. Tully, ahington and Katter- , - { of way 13 Die- .°Pon triot Sewer. John -4. j �j Buyer Katterjohn offered the followina motion: I move that F. W. Kntterjohn g t Magor,to sign ;Mayor :oontraot.betw- be and he in hereby authorized and directed to exeoute the contract dated July { 1 f` J eon Chicago, St.l. R N.O.R.R.,, l 1114th. 1922, for and on behalf of the City of Fadnoah. Kentucky, between the Chicago. � • and ICAR Oo. 8t. Louie and New Orleans Railroad Company and Illinois Central Railroad Company and the ! P y y p f • and Cit of Fyh right - off - way rd iiia - City of Paduoah Kentucky, wherein said Railroad Company grants a right of way or ones I.VA < "tsiot Sewer. Mont to the City of Paduoah; Kentucky, for the construction of trunk line sewers along I '. {s i and under said Railroad Company's property. Adopted upon call of the roll by the.followl +: „mingvote: Yona, Pace, Tully, Washington and Katterjohn.-4. ' + Commissioner Pace offered the following motion: I move that an Ord - t L � w t_.Repealing an Ordinance entitled *AN ORDIlIANOE PROHIBITING ANY P ?SON OR FERSONS FROM I' ++' Curfew Law Repealed.; FUSING TRAVr1tSING OR BEING UPON THE .9TRM"Ts; THOROUGHFAR:;s OR PUBLIC FIAC-S OF THF. CITY p •' I I L 1 PADUCAH. KEN TUCKY-.•BET•.7E121 THE HOURS OF 9 01 CLOCK P. M. AND B 0 -CLOCK A. M.. AND PRO- � {, �OF V VIUING A PKH4L.1Y FOR THE VIOLA TION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINA1102." Bdopted lltti:�.G� r of Commissioners on September let. 1022, be adopted. Adopted upon oall'of R` ts, X. the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace Tully. Washington and Katterjohn.-4. t _ ` ,- On motion the Board adjourned upon call. of. the roll by 4 yeae. •, ti, ,x. r A*Ass oil • �T--�� 6� t 1 ,, P P ov a r w a r } , r }, r� - ,. �..- i .. .. r .. w.. ..>`�,,:.... J• 2.,,... d _-f. - .-a.>-Wit ,.:r -c' _ .. _ - I wV AJ' .. i7.it �..r.t (a..'n -'v, I� _ r': -h, Y..1 f.}•..,'.':• -. a-.. - i '.1: �• ,•. ... '44Y3..w...y.,,1:.b4•'+•..�.-s:_;:+hL 4 Y;i .'7 .? tl: 1