HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 69, August 28, 1922;- - ... ,. r1 M•+. > n+�a - - - „ ? .,. }. �- ts^ 1 L r 4 r y, r ,,. - -ice .Je t-•`;, �'�+-��i'i-r '�.��`'r+x"-�•�.� �"..e."'.y" _ f*'�''i $r:§'. (f r -�. t ?-„-"✓ry.�'r rr rrrl�."`* hy+rr�?�r� �`,g.r+ i'."ff'.�.'NlSt�tr�tr 3 r -'Y sir -.�! ( -.r �i� .. . - �,i._..a:_._ s`:..•..._ �:-s.�..; 'v.ai,::.s.•3�L.� „s.x _ .,:r,,.:..b�,,. t 1 � _� z_ ' :. , ` r Commissioners -Proceedings, City of Paducah , ' . ` 192__ `4 following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam ani Washington -3; Vays. Tully, -1, F, I' On motion the Board adjourned upon call of.the roll.by 4 yeas;, t i Adeplei�` ly•LA n 1,M) QW o..wsd%a� ?+[a AUGUST ESTH; 1922.y V” At a Regular resting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioner13! r. u;u Chamber in the City Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on August 28th; 1922. Upon .osll.of the �+ roll the following answered.to their names: Commissioners Face, Pulliam, Tully and : r Washington, -4. Mayor Katterjohn being out of the City i:ayor Fro Tom.Tashinaton F.resided. On motion of Commissioner Paoe the minutes of,the previous meetinae were adoptied as road upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, race. Pulliam,. Tully and t9ashington,-4. . 5.., Vatioral."9urety„ Commissioner. Tully offered the following motion: .I move that the IIational _ Company.- 1` F.uah Barrett'Surety Company be released from bond of Hugh H. Garrott, he being no longer in the I Bond released , employ.of the City as patrolman. Adopted upon call of. the roll by ,the following vote E_YeaB. Pace, Pulliam, Tully and Washington. -4.. E Commissioner Tully offered the following motion. -.1 move that the report of Rejort of Sept. Yekel of cash f received and the -cash received end disbursed by the Board of :Muoation of Paducah be raoaived `and,.. r,••, , I2,Disbursed by er " Board of Lduoa-' filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas' race, Pulliam, . • i r tion..Tully and Waahingtor;,-4. g Commissioner Tully offered the follonlna,motion:. I move that the Commissioner `�• " Street bonds s4 of Public rinaroe be authorized and instructed to pay off, take up and cancel street coupons in City 1"tioral yank bonds and aoupone to the e:mount of „418.18•.in the City National Bank and a check be Pend off. e . `.dravn against the Special Street Fund to.pay same. Adopted upon call of ,the roll by the following vote: Yeas, lace, Fulliam. Tully and '.7ashinvaon,-4. r 9- Cornissioner lace offered the following motion: I move that Flint Sellars @lint Sellars Chi•,f Yeohanio for the City be cret,ted a vacation of four days with pay, beginning Vacation. September 5th, 1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, r yy Isoe, Pulliam, Tully and .Jaehington,-4, rt Commiastoner .7ashinoton.offered the following motion: I move that L. A., t 1.7ashington, rayor Pro Tem, be, and he is hereby authorized and di~eoted to enter into Contract with Joseph Compean the written oontraot. as prepared by the City Solicitor with Joueph Compean, dated lost Nouse rarm Proporty h August 28th, 1922, for the purpose of giving permission to the anti Joseph CoOpean + } rr burial ground. s to bury his wife on the burial ground located on the Post House Farm.Property.' • Adopt ed upon call of the roll by the. following vote: Yoas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully. and a `• '3ashingtor3;-4. 001rnnissioner Fulliam offered the following motion: That the Commissioners of , ' Com'r.lublia Publi6,'.70rke be authorized and instructed to prepare a final netim):te for the pay- 7cr}a to 'pre= pare final msnt of Reynolds 5rothere, Contraotore, for s}do'.�al'rs, curb and gutter construction 1� ostlmate for aidorral'r_ con ­j on ,the. South side of Husbands Street bot'.veen 7th & 9th.' and' on both sides of South ° y eynolds olda Eros. by 4 9th,Streot bet'.'roen Husbands end Plizabeth Jtreeta, deducting'thnrefrom 20% in lien L Reynold p. or. 3.9th St. of requir ing said con•traotors to tour out and replece pork not done }r, accordance & Huabinds. . with the erpeoifieationa, and deduct In;, 20•; from the oonstruot ion r_esoosmont of each t. < property ormer abutting this work, all to be done,..if with the oonnent of all parties .concerned.. Adopted upon call of.the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulllem,'. + Tully and 7aahington.-4. , v ' 'C. j,-, cr ... v �:'C..>�T• t7v••:,..•• _ .x .t:.. -acv.:. <.. ... _ t:t.^.",Tr.�+crcTT ^••+'.""'i...Y7..« ��; 1. ... ' .... • . .. ' No.' -71f Commissioners' Proceedings,: City of Paducah "F' + Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That H. 'A. Volaht De al } j ) $36.60 for injuries alleged to have been sustained to tl parson and damn to automobile r - s h } s &A.Voight;olaim for $36.60 for, upon the presentation by the said Voirht of a reler.se drain by the City Solicitor to injuries oustain-, ed, the Commiaoion^r of Fnblio Fir+nnce;,cnrt that enme by charged to streets. Adopted upon Cyt r as of the roll by the followir,a vote: Yeas,Faoe,PullIam,Tully and 'Jashington,-4. `A.F On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. t Rh!kuQ 19.fA-{ itirt rJ. I' I SEPTD.-MER 1. 1922. !kATOR , At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commissioners' ' 1 Chamber in. the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, on September lot, 1922. at 12 o'clock A.;' -H. ';: `^ Upon call of the roll the following answered to* their names: Gommieeionere Paoo.Puiliam�, yf' Tully, Washington and Mayor Katterjohn;-5. Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to -wit: For the purpose of adopting anI ) Ordinance prohibiting persons from using or traversing the Streets of Paducah between I tho hours of 9 o'clock P. M. and 5 o'olook A. 1E., and such other businees as may comeply ` 1, before the Board.+c I a Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: E move that an ordlnanoe en - q. Ordinance pro- y titled "AN,CRDINANCE PROHIBITING ANY PERSON OR Fh4SONS FROK USING, TRA'r22SING OR BEING I �t hibl.ting per I ?:+ •. ';. eons from boingl UPON THE STREETS. THOROUGHFAR..S OR.PUBLIC FLICh'S OF Tit: CITY OF FADUCAR, KENTUCKY, on streets aftet, t •. 9 o'clock 11. H. BETI 0 THE HOURS OF 9 O'CLOCK P. M. AND 6 O'C7.00Y. A. LL, AND PROVIDING A PFJIFUTY FOR s� r THE VIOIrCTION.OF ANY OF TH3 iROVISIOtIS OF THIS ORDINANCE." be adoptefl. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Face, Pulliam; Tully, 7ashington and yf Katterjohn.-bo lr,•i_. 21 ' Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance an- 'Reward $1,000 titled "A17 ORDINANCE IROV'DIING FOR AND OFFE11ING A.REWARD. BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, YJ21- ` t for conviction or evidence 11. CKY, ANOUNTING TO TH' sum OF ONE THOUSAND ($1,000.00) DOJJARS FOR •3H3 CONVICTION OR �!• leading to con- r t •,viotion of .per-� EVIDFIICE LEADING TO THE CONVICTION OF ANY PERSON OR PFRSONS GUILTY OF. OR CONCi2111im IN Bone guilty of using dynamite,' THF DYIIAMITING, OR THE_ USE OF OTHrR HIGH M"LOSIVr:S. IN T11B DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY OR INJURY TO ras611s IN THE CITY.OF FADUOAH. KENTUCKY." be adopted. Adopted upon callof (t. the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe,Pulllam,Tully,Washdngton and Katterjohn,-5. a„ Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance ^. F entitled "All ORDINANGE.PROVIDING FOR TI'Ll CONSTRUCTIOrI OF THE DRIVEWAY AND PROVIDING FOR I. ; "Driveway &;eutb/ THP: CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS ijiD ALL NzamSSARY DRAIN Firms ON NORTH j• ''` and..guttorb on - N: 9th St. 1{INTH STR:2T FROM THE NORTH FROF RTY LINT. OF T::FFERSON SMNST TO TIIE SOUTH IROP11RTY II a N. 5th St.. and 1 f lionroe Str.oet: LINE OF L'ADISON STRr)ET; ALSO NORTH EIGHTH STREET FROM TILS: NORTH PROPERTY LINT,' OF J. -,T- F1!2- ' F,.iret' ReAding.: I_ c,.• SOIL STREET TO TIC SOUTH PROPERTY LINA. OF I:ADISON STREET; AISO YONBO'3 STREET FROM TH5 t} I�, 4 i• RESP PROP'RTY LIN: OF NINTH STREET TO THE :AST RIGHT OF '17AY LINF. OF THn'ILLINOIS OEN I+' ; a; t 'y r TRAL RAILROAD COiTANY,'EXCETT. THAT PORTION H.3NT0PMN II+11�0VED "ITH CONCRETE CURBS AND r1 GUTTERS..I11 THE CITY OF PADUCAH; BSIITUCKY. AT TIC COST OF TFPi ABUTTING PROP-,RTY OTTERS I . AND•FROVISiNG THAT SA" VAY Bh CONSTRUCTED UPON THII TEN YrAIi PAY12ENT PL.r2I," be intro-" 1 i� c ti duoted and lay over'. • Adopted upon oall,of the Roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, 3: 'Pulliam, Tully, 3ashington and 7atterjohn.-5. On'motion,the Board adjotlrned.upon'osil of the roll by 5 yeas.Ada 010d Jk •� 4 ` r y