HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 67, August 21, 1922r t � _ i ) r:'9•"Y+ r ,!r:•r k�. V { a}v/;c �'33;��t *�, V .,�s,p r �c a+y. F t - �.. ? � _. '•t ^ r ,N -yi tt� iia � <t� + t , ,. 1 '�1,? +�' --=._'.:. •._:'orf a_,,..--..�.m..t_...tti_. S'} ,a ,°._L - 't %'No,X07 Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah:-` r' 192 fl: T E• AUGUST Blot, 192E. At a On lied Meeting of the Board of 0ormiissioners. held Ji the Oottmtiesioner9' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky. on August Blot. 19E2, -at 9:30 o'clock A. M. Upon call of the, roll the following answered to their names: Oommiaeionere Paoe.:.Pulliam, Tully ani lashington,-4. r Vayor Katterjohn being absent Mayor Pro.Tom 'Washington presided. " f Mayor Pro Tem Washington stated reasons for call to-ait: For the purpose of allowing pay -rolls for the.firet half of August 1922, and any other business that i i. might come before the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:' I move that the Pay -roll for F r 'Tay=rcill for lot the first half of'the.month of August, amounting to $6662.66. be allowed and ordered half iingust amounting to ,paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon mall $668E.66 allowed and o:tdered paid.;. of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,,Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and. Washington. -4. " Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Pay -roll .,Fay -roll for $3 a for the #3,Dietriot Sewer for the first half of the month of August amounting to Diatri.at Sector i for let half of $526.43, be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of P.ublio Finance be author Auguet;$526.43 a allowed and ized and instructed to draw checks on the $3 District ,Sewer.Fund"Lo pay same. Adopted ' ordered paid, h q upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe; Pulliam. Tully, and t4aehing- r ton' -4. Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move that the Pay- , s 4 s Fay -roll for lot half of roll for the prevention of Venereal Diseases for the first half of the month of i• August amountingr to $75.00 for �� August, amounting to $76.00, be allowed and ordered paid, and the money appropriated i`•.',: prevention of Venereal Diseases from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following r al lovied . and or- t' dared paid. vote: Yeas, Pace. Tulliam and lashington,-3; Bays, Tully, -1. 4 On motion the, Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. • .'.� f AUGUST 21ST, 1922. �S q p At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commission ere' Chamber in the city Hall. Paducah, Kentucky, on August Elst, 1922; Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Peae, Pulliam, Tally „ and Waehington,-4. MayorKatter�ohn being out of the City M yor Pro Tem Washington presided " On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of.the previous meetings were `d adopted, as read, and oorreoted, upon Gall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. %A.!. Pace, Pulliam. Tully. and '7ashington.-4. t t ' Commissioner Tashington offered the following motion: I move that the ' Financial State- Irr, Financial Statement of the Super into rd art of Riverside Hospital for the month of most surt.River-'h side Hospital k Patients' Report July 1922, together with the Patients' Report for July 192E,'be,received and filed ' � ' for July 1922. d Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yana; Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and 'I t. G. N '.Yashingtan,-4. ; N Commissioner ;%ohington offered the following motion: I move that the con s`! Hazel Meloan 8 ty of Paducah and.Razel tract entered into on AuTust 14th, 192E b ani bnt�7een the 01 I Contraot with �' ,3 I City of Taduoah. i �,eloan, as Technician for Riverside Hospital, authorized, by motion of August 14th, f C 1922. be received, filed and approved. Adopted upon call of the roll by the follow a�,t Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paduhca192-2. :r. Ing vote: Yeae, Face, Fulliam, Tully and. Washington. -4.. that the report of l � `• Oodmd6eioner Washingtop offered the following motion: I move Report Hazel { iMoloan. Techni- iHazel Meloan. Technician of. the Paducah Laboratories Riverside Hospital for the month of + :z; clan Paducah Laboratories July. 1922, showing anajyeis of 66 private patients and E6 city patients, be received and ` ':"i Riverside Hos-for. filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Pace, Pulliam, Tully July 6p and Washington, -4. `+' 'Villie Corbett. Commissioner ;Vashington offered the following motion: Whereas, Willie Corbett ; I resianation... i� has resigned the position of Elevator Boy, and the Commissioner of Public Property has �:Clarenos Tooley °,employment as appointed Clarence Tooley as Elevator Boy. I move that same be oonfirtmd. Adopted upon ,r3levator Boy. call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas. Paoe,Pu111am,Tully and ftshington,-4. jrf ' ` Commissioner Washington offered the following motion: I move. that the Dom - F4 60s'o'Creek un- plaints of unsatLitary conditions of Groes Creek,,made by surrounding property owners be sanitary oondi- tions referred.. referred to .the Commissioner of PubTio Yorke for investigation, and to take such notion to Commissioner �• Fublio Works. as he thinks neoeoeary to abate said nuisance. Adopted upon sail of the roll by the 1 following vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam, Tully and :7aohingtan.-4. 1 " ;' r '• >. 'E•R.Harding Commissioner.7aahington offered the following motion. I move that copy of 1.. Letter copy of. . ;filed in re:letter delivered to E. R. Harding be received and filed. Adopted upon oall.of the roll { ' r ,Sevier: District'_ # D the following vote: Yeas. Pace Pulliam Tully and 7ashington 4. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that a Resolution . ' entitled "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTiRUCTION OF THE DRIV.':.VAY AND PROVIDING FCR Resolution for r oonetrsotion THE C017S1RU^.TIOIi OF COI:CRIT:: OUPB3 ADD GUTTERS ADD ALL N.- ESSARY DRAIN PIPITS ON I:ORTH �V1 �r driveway and r curbs do Gutters NINTH STREET FROM TM, NORTH PROPERTY LISLE OF JEFFERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH PROPFRTY LINE ;on ff.9th St.. ;f N. 8th St. and OR IUDISCN STREET; ALSO NORTH. EIGHTH STR':2T FROM THE. NORTH PROM tY LINE OF JF-,FFIiSON Monroe Street.- ADOF'TEU. STREET TO T -.r,. SOUTH PROPERTY LINE OF LIADISON STRE.M. ALSO MONROE STR:':ET FROL: THE :VEST w : I:. - ''' : : r:. y •=_ PROP.i11TY LIIIE OF NINTH STREET 1U THE FAST. RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF T}l;'; ILLINOIS CENTRAL r } ' + RAIIROAD COl3PANY. EXCSiET THAT PORTION MISTOFORE ILLPROVFM 7ITH GONCRr.TE CURBS AhID Y J { GUTTERS. IH THIr, MY OF PADUCAH. KENTUCKY. AT THE COST OF THE ABUTT13IG PROPrRTY OYIIMS AND PROVID ING THAT SALrr L'IAY BE CONSTRUCTiM UPON TAE TIM YEAR PAYLL:IIT PL+1N," be adopted. s�}•, Adopted upon call of the roll by the .following vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam. Tully and I ;7aehington,-4. d > Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance entitled "All ORDAYSE FROVIDING FOR THE CONSMUCTICII OF All ALLEY IN BLOCK #10 ADDITION j k Ordirenoe fpr .M I' t• oonstruotion of 'Alley in Block',F "A" OLD TOWN CITY OF PADUOAH. ZIFlUCKY. BEGIIIISIIIG AT TTr NORTH PROP DTY LIII: OF KEII1'UCKY'- a�#10. AddIt16n'A. 'AV;;�E. BET -ZEN THE FROI'MTY OF THE E. G. BOOM ESTATi AID THE IROPERTY OF FRA11Z H. }� froID Ky.'Ave.. :,to 2nd. 9t - AND 3 THE PROPMTY BELONGING ADOPT. rl Si' J014BS. RUNNI ING IN A IIORTH112LY DIRF.OTI011 173 FEET INCH:, STO L 1D NATTIE ^.. H.1LL; TlirFlCF AT RIGHT A11GLr'S R0 TSL; 'III ST PROPERTY LIVE OF 9L;C01D STRUT. ,1 Ill THE CITY OF PADUCAH. IL-21TUCKY. AT TSIs. COST OF TIC'; ABUTTING PROPERTY 0.711i'RS. AND FRO- 5, MING THAT SA11Z MAY BE CONSTRUCT.'M UPON THE TE11 YEAR FAYVOT I'LAN," be adopted. {7J `I Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. Pace,.Pylliam. Tully andi !�� g 3 " 17aohington,-4. its i',;' ..Oommieeioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That E. R. Harding Comrany # f S.R.Hnrding Oo: be ellowed'to vee 36" oast iron pipe weighing 67 pounds per lineal toot lees than re C , : � 4' 'allowed to use r7 ,36" oast iron quire. by the specifications, providing that said B. R. Harding Company.encase, said i.• t pipe- Bower District3..; pipe at ite.own expense in Claes A concrete of at least 6" thickness with no obligation,. <r ,4 of the City of Paduoah' to pay for the concrete so used. Adopted upon call of the roll by the'following vote:, Yeas. face, Pulliam. Tully and S7ashinaton.-4. Oommieeioner'Pulliam offer ed'tho'following motion:: That the Turchasing.Agent' s C h Pord Roadster be authorized to purchase'one'Ford Roadeter'Yor the use ot'the surveying crews and to be purohased ` by Furohoelag. that same be oharged to 3rd District Sewer Fund. Adorted upon Dall of the roll by the Agents. for Sewer {^ District #3. '! is .:3i: •_' V :rL-b �3µi,4. .X'i"t i:fd': ;.,.Ht:i ncC+. u '..st* ;Kw'r u'Yi�:.a:itj(, ,•�?A{:i .Ii a - �� �,g e"'Y�" +4 �>..*.cv�. j'C�....^rH,;�tC3T 3wi.,�. :arr'tr'.•,'d:'it'•'�' Y lc r� wx. :r ,rLi ..i �,: i' •r -� ,x ,r o -ix 7 yrstr+,:,�t,•, - ,L , � , __�_.. -,,... „i._ �:..:.: �.-1...�"'Li.;i,,.wL':.5.3�2.. T: i r +��cT4.a r`� - • t .. ' N., Commissioners' -Proceedings; City of Paducah ' ` 192 ' ' u.following, vote: 'Yeas, Pace. Pulliam arri Washington,-3 Hays, Tully,-1, "' ►.. `' Y,, On motion the Board adjourned upon call of,the roll.by 4 I rysM�t yeas: t ' 14 ` � ', Ade��Oi . �D 19 ,+�� - � .+� �r :l:l'%.� ''t•y n `7 AUGUST 28TH y 192E. oil- At n Regular Testing of the Board of Comminsionera held do the Commissioners i } r. y * un Chamber in the O1ty Hall, Paduoah, Kentucky, on Auguat 28th; 192E. Upon call ,of the "` rp roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, Pulliam, Tully and t, s., qggq ! .7ashington,-4. ; !Q!Q of thMyor Ktterjohn being out e City Ln or Pro Tem.'7ashinaton Presided. • ! On motion of Commissioner Pace the minutes of. the previous meetings were y,. o.'adopted as read upon,oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace. Pulliam, , Tully and °.9nahington,-4. rvational'Surety Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: .'I move that the IIntional Company. - Hugh Garrett" :Surety Company be released from bond of Hugh H. Garrott, he being no longer in the. ` Bond released P employ.of the City na patrolman. Adopted upon call of. the roll by ,the following vote i ty IYeas, Pace. Pulliam, Tully and t7nahington.-4.. Comm iasloner Tully offered the following motion:•-I move that the report of S Retort of Supt. i , YeY.el of cash received and the-eash received and disbursed by the Board of Education of Paduoah, be race ived 9labursed by i } . Bo.4rd of :xiuoa-r filed. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Pace, Pulham.. t tion. �r ( Tully and +7ashinrtor; .-4. '. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion I move that the Commissioner y f Street bonds c of Public Finance be ai:thorized and instructed to pay off. take up and cnnoel street coupons in City Fatiornl yank a bonds and ooupone-to the e:mount of r418.18..in the City National Bank and n check be paid off. 4 . rg a.drawn against the Special Street Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully and laehinvaon,-4. i 7 z I• Cormiasioner Ince offered the following motion: I move that Flint Sellars, flirt Sellars Chl•;f l.:eohanio Por the Gity be g r r,ted a vacation of foto' days with pay, beginning `. t I:eohanio, Vacation. September 5th. 1922. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following; vote:.Yoae. i }!:lace. Pulliam, Tully and lashington,-4. r Commissioner Jashineton.offered the following motion: I move that L. A., ' + Jsahington, Irayor rro Tem, be, and he is hereby authorized and dtected to enter into. Contract with Joseph'Compean� the :mitten oontraot,.as prepared by the City Solicitor with Joseph Compean, dated I•ost !!Ouse Form PropertyAugust EBth, 1922, far the purpose o! giving permission to the em id Joseph CozApean burial zroundr :.s5 to bury his wife on the burial Paound located on the Post House Farm.Property.' •Adopt h ed.upon call of the roll by the. following vote: Yoas, Paco, Pulliam, Tully,and. : S�'Is shingtor;' 4. '- : d, r Coigrnissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: Thr_t the Commiaeionora of Com'r.l'ublio Publio.':7orks be arthorizod and instructed to prepare a final ostim,:to for the pay- ' tcrks. tore- pare find mart of Reynolds brothers, Contractors, for oidowalks, curb and Putter construction. estimate for ai•io-ral. con- h on the South side of Husbands Street bot.reen 7th & 9th,` and on both sides of South ' y, struction byle Ro;Jnolds Bros.0 9th Street between Husbands and lizabeth Streets, deducting therefrom 20Z in lien or. 3.9th St. of requiring' said contractors to tour ort and replaoe work not done in accordance & i:uabL'nde. 1 with the epeoifientions, and deduct ins 20•; from the construction r.ssosement'of each property owner abutting this work, all to be done,..if with the oonnent of all peirties , .concerned.. Adopted upon oall of.the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace..Pulliem, ti 'Tu11y and laohirpton,-4. ' v h:r,.;•,...... 's, ,.< ..y'C.a�T3v^•.: ::..wa'_.v .sr :,..-. s.— ,.. �. ••-- .,.- .;.r7.,;�„ ."'•r"'.,�, ",.+'";w..r,r �: