HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 66, August 15, 19223►L�Y ' Nab��t -. Commissioners' Proceedings,' City of Paducah ?S=' to the street account. Adopted upon .*all of the roll by the followinP vols: Yens, { 'Pace., Pulliam. Tully and Washington, -4. Commissioner Tully offered the follov►ing motion= I move that nn Ordinance repealing an .Ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE TO PREVI-NT. THE SPREAD OF VENEREAL ' ,.;i,Vonoroal Die enooDDISEASES," which,'wae adopted by the Board of Oommiseioners on July 20th, 1922, be adopted. Loot upon call of. the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Tully, -1. �`- Hays, Pace, Pulliam and Washington, -S. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that a Resolution entitled, "A RESOLUTION PROVIDINU FOR TRE CONSTRUOTION OF THE DRIVEWAY AND PROVIDING t, J FOR 'Irn CONSTRUCTION OF 0ONCRET3 OUPBS AND GUTTERS AND ALL NECESSARY DRAIN PIPES OH Nt; Recolution. Pro- vidina.for fan- etruotion of the NORTH NINTH STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF JEFr'ERSON STREET TO THE SOUTH - Idrivoaay,and oon� PROPERTY LINE OF MADISON STREET; ALSO NORTHEIGHTH S7RE?T FROM THF FORTH PROPERTY oreto curbs & .{� ` Guttoro on if. 9th LINE OF JEFFERSON•STREET TO THS SOUTH PROPERTY LINE "OF MADISON STREET- ALSO MONROE at., N.Sth St., R _ `.ii and Monroe Stroot .t +Fir.et RoadinR. STREET FROM THE 'REST PROPERTY LINE OF NINTR 91REET TO THE :AST RICHT OF TAY LIRE , OF THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY, EXOEPT THAT PORTION HERETOFCRE IMPROVED 1 t`15 SITE CONCRETE CIMBS AND GUTTERS, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH. $ENTUOKY. AT THE COST OF THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS AND PROVIDING THAT SAME MAY BE CONSTRUCTED UPON,, i THE TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN," be introduced and ley over. Adopted upon call of the ' roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe..Pulliam. Tully and Nnehington,-4. Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that an Ordinance,f entitled; "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRuCTION Or AN -ALLEY IN BLOCK $lo tr Ord inanoo pro- �.:. vid in . for the.: oonctruotion of ADDITION "A" OLD TOWN CITY Or PADUCAH, YENTIJCKY, BEGINNING AT THE NORTH PROPERTY t' t alloy in Book" ST ( . ; #10 Addition LINE OF KENTUCKY APrttiUE,. BSZ'PSEDT THE PROPERTY OF THE E. G. BOONa E IATR At+D THE ' , T "A", from Ky. PROPERTY Or FRANK H. JONES, AND RUNNING 13 A NORTHERLY DIRECTION 173 FEET 3 INCHES A Avenne to 2nd.. St. -First Read- • II k ng. TO THE PROPERTY BELONGING TO MATTIE 0. HALE: THEHOB AT RIGHT. ANGLFS TO THE WEST i S PROPERTY LINE OF SECOND STREET, IN THE CITY'OP PADUCAH. X10TUCKY. AT THE COST OF 1,4 • '. THE ABUTTING PROPERTY 0"NERS AND PROVIDING THAT SAME MAY BE CONSTRUCTED UPON THE I s i TEN YEAR PAYMENT PLAN," be introduced and lair over. Adopted upon call of the roll .: by the following vote: Yeae. pace, Pulliam, Tully and Washington. -4. 31 r On motion the board adjourned uron call of the roll by 4 yeas. i arc °^"� '•-�l�.I _- � J= . F�.ILJ I i i � ,, . . 111 , AUGUST lath.'1922: �( ` At a Called Meeting of the Board of Commissioners,,held in the Oommiseioner'0{ , 1922 Chamber in the City Hall. Paducah. Kentuoky, on Augnat 1$th.^at S o'clock P. M. �. ` Upon call of the roll the following answered to their nrmes: Oommiseionere.Paoo. I , Pulliam, Tull and Washington, -4. Ma or Katterjohn being out of the City. YY M4Vor i Pro Tem Washington preoided. ; ,a Mayor Pro Tem Tashington stnLed reasone for call to -wit: For the purpose F of notifying thea. R. Harding Company to commence work on Sewer Districts 1. 2 & S ,1 �y within ton days of date. Mayor Pro Tem Washington offered the following motion: I move that L. A. t ' S. R: Hard Ing Co.` iWaehin on. notified is Bt Mayor,Pro-Tem be and he is hereby authorised and directed to notify . spiting to oom- in writs the S. R. Harding 0'o n Lo commence work ca ebb -divisions A. B. h 0. ` nonce wa•k on ng' n8 �' Sub-divieione A.,B.' & 0. in': '= in Sewer Distriot ¢S, .within ten days from this date and ,that the 0ity Clerk Is' , ;So ror'District, k, #3. hereby.dirsoted to'deliver in person said notification to the. said S. R'. Harding Company. ' ;' Adopt.edCe4pon` 6ali",bf thr. ioliibyrth4 fplloai2e T0t4'Z,.Ysa6,' PAQ0,?nl11em. Tuily and , r SR , Washington, -4. ;, r On motion •the Board •adjournod upon .oall of .the roll by 4,yeae.' .) < 1 ? �I:1 ..F•Y.Wt..L :+!;. Pr. .��� #—++w -V .Csr.. .iv,•W..J. A :5..x:.y�n .1 L '�,'.:-,:. k ' M , f 'No. r Commissioners' Proceedings, City'of Paducah ' 192_ A i AUGUST 210t. 192E At a Called Meeting of the Board of'Cormdssioners, held Jn the Commissioners' ; Chamber in the City Rall, Paduoah, Lentuaky. on August 218t, 1922, at 9:30 0'0100k A. M.- Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners ii Paoe,..Pulliam. Tully and 'Yeehington,-4. P 1 Magor Setteajohn being absent Mayor Pro Tom Washington presided. i Mayor Pro Tem Washington stated reasons for call to wit 8or the purpose of L 1 allowing pay -rolls for the. first half of August 1922, and any other business that might come before the Board. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Pay -roll for r: Faq-rdll for let i' the first half.of'the,month of Aumust, amounting to $6662.66; be allowed and ordered half August amounting to _paid and the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call ;6682.66 allowed , and oifdered paid.;. of the roll by the following vote: Yeas,.Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and,Rashington,-4. Commisaionar Tully offered the following motion: I move that the Fny-roll Pry -roll for for the #3-,Dietriot Senor for, the first half of the month of August amounting to District Se-ror! t for let half of 'I' $526.43, be allowed and ordered paid and the Commissioner of Public Finance be author- +A Auguet;$526.43 ii' ized and instructed to draw checks on the 3 District.Sever.un'o.pay. m. p ` $Fdt allowed end h saeAdopted ordered paid. q upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe; Pulliam, Tully, and Tashing- h ton'. -4. Commissioner ITashington offered the,following motion; I move that the Pay—j' ! Fay -roll for F I let half of roll for the prevention of Venereal Diseases for the first half of the month of 4 ;. August amounting la to $75.00 for11dugust, amounting to $76.00, be allowed and ordered paid, and the money appropriated +` prevention of ? Veneroe7 Diseases, from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the roll by.the following r a]lo'aed.and or- i,_ dared paid. yy vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam and 7eahington,-3; tinge, Tully, -1. r r. On motion the,Board adjourned upon call of the roll by 4 yeas. t AUGUST E13T, 1922. 7i At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners, held in the Commission ere' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah. &entuoky, on August 21st, 1922. Upon call {1 of the roll the following ane-aered to their names; Commiestonere Paoe, Pulliam, Tally „! and Washington,' -4. ddtl t'ayor I(ntterjohn Doing out of the City Mayor Pro Tem Washington presided. s, On motion of Commissioner Tully the minutes of.the previous meetings were adopted, as read, and oorreoted, upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, , Pace, Pulliam, Tully, and 7aahington,-4. �'. Commissioner 7ashington offered the following motion; I move that the itis, Financial State= n{' monf 9urt.River-'p Financial Statemont•of the Super inte ndart of Riverside Hospital for the month of ` ?>•; side Hospital & q, -�-_. Patients' Report July 1922, together with the Patients Report for July 1922, be. received and filed for July 1922. s +• ,Adopted upon Dell of the roll by the following vote: Yoas. Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and ,• 4i Aaehington,-4. Commissioner ashington offerod the following motion: I move that the ooa Hazel MalcBn! '+ tract entered into on Auruet 14th, 1922, by artl b�taean the City of Paducah and'Hazel Contract with F" a, .•� City of Paducah. r r., Meloan, as Technician for Riverside Hospital, authorized., by motion of August 14th, 1922, be received, filed and approved. Adopted upon call of the roll by -the follow �;�t.'