HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 61, August 5, 19222 rt AN ONE Na. 10' Commissioners' Proceedings; City. of Paducah i Said communication is as follows: qf+ �,. ."July EBth; 1922. rl Communication Mr. L. A. l7ashington. Commissioner, i Capt. T. J. 110 I Paducah, Ky. v.Iu Dear Bro. 'aashington I am onolosing you my check for $15.00 payment on my :r cam In the Riverside Hospital. I do hope some one will get as much F' M comfort out of 'the use of it ae.it gives me pleasure to f:5nish.1t. ' err You, no doubt, will recall I spent more then two weeks in pp the J. R. Smith room and every .one was i so sweet tme, I feel that I' should do somethir.P: for some one also ano d the City of Paducah., I am l ready at all times to help Dealt Old Faduke'in any way.I can. r ; ( ' Do remember kindly to 1:4re. Washington. I Yours truly. i. T. J.LIOOR3."• y G' Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: That the report of the Report Com'r. Commissioner of Public 17orke on investigations of sewer material in Indianapolis be j Public Works on �. invooti,ations of.'received and filed. Adopted upon Dell of the roll by. the,'Pollo:ving vote: Yeas, Pace,,' -1:•,'. ,:: 1 sewer material in 'r Indianapolis. Pulliam, Tully, Waahington and Katterjohn,-5. ?' Commissioner Pulliam offered the,following motion:. That the employment,of F� 1 'Mployment A.S., A. Si Uadding, as Instrumentman on 3rd District Sewer construction at,0175.00 per Laddie �•a { g. as " Ado ted month be ratified. } Inetrumer,tman on I p upon cell of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace. ;•,'`: 3rd District Sewer Construction. Pulliam and '.'laehington,-3;-Ueys.Tully and Katterjohn.-2. r Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: .I move that a Resolution ' Resolution provid-%'entitled, "A RESOLUTION I-ROVIDUIG "OR :7L'•: COII5T3UCTIOII OF All AUXY III BLOCK #10 irg for oonstruo- F tier, of Alloy in Add !tion "A" OLD TOMI CITY OF- IADUCAH, K.-IlTUCLY, BEGINIURG AT 7}{1? 11ORTP PROPERTY LIMB f i Block 410.. from ,PROPERTY. 11. ] 1no Yy.Ave. OF YEPTUCYY AVrIME. BEZIEiV HE IROP:lTY OF 17(.° F:.G. BOOHL P.STA T' AILD 'CF!? to 2nd St. A;., r' q OF.PRANY. H: JONES. AUD RUNYIUG IN A IIORTHFPI,Y. DI?tFJCTI011 173.PErT 3 IIICAE9 TO THE FROF=RTY B LONGIIIG TO L'A'P' Ii: C. HAL�2; THr.IIC AT FIGHT AIIG:.iS TO THE 17^3T PROPERTY i LII+7 OF SECOND SP ELIT, IU TFE CITY OF PADUCAH. 7BIlTUCYY, AT THE COST OF TRF, ABUTTING PROP37iTY 011,' yiS, APD FF•OVID IUG TH1.T 'J:1S: 1:7.Y B3 CONSTRUCTED UI'011 TH3 TEN Y91,P PAYUMIT PLLN," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, race., Fulliam, Tully, tlashington end:Katterjohn,-5. �I On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by b yeaa.' AUCUb T 6T1{,.1922. y ; At a Called Ileetir,g of the Board of Commissionere, held in the Com+mtesioners' r ' Chamber in the CityHall. Paducah, Kentucky, on August 5th, 1922,, at 11 o'clock. A.L. {i,. r Upon call of the roll the, following answered to their names: Commissioners Pace, I Pulliam, Tully and Mayor Katterjohn,-4.' Layo'r Latterjohn stated reasons for oall'to-wit: For the purpooe of allowing, r r' 11 pay -rolls and such other bus ir.ees;that might come before the Board.' Zl7P i Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that.en Ordinance 4 ! entitled , '"All ORD Ul' I1C3 .AUTHORI," I1lG AND DIR"CT IIIG TH 1.1,YOP. AIM 001.2{39S I011 g OF. Borrow Loney q FUPLIC ^ IIllilCF: T0, 1'03RUi9 "T}?:: .13U1, OF 7!.-2ITY THODU111) .020,000.00') Dollars FROI! THE CITY-VATIONAL.BAtty OF I'AnoAH, Y..ilITUCYY, ALD TO ii)F:CL'TE A PO TE FOR SAID SUE FOR AL'D 01, BEFUU OF SAID _CITY," be edopted. Adopted upon cell of the roll by' the follow ins vote: Yeas, Paoe,: Pulliam, Tully and.Y.atterjohn,-4, - "'. Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the peccants Accounts for -last for t}ie last half of the month of July, amounting to $18887.88, as_ par the report of --,. half ' of July $18887.88 allowed; the Commissioner of Public Finance filed herewith, be allowed end ordered, aid and. p the money appropriated from the General Fund to pay same. Adopted upon call of the - -- ;7t+, -. .. ,. - smt,r�•Fx±�=:�.=c;rr��mz , sc_^�rra ^,.µms.'+?.rr�"�.::� 3:L:1;. .,,.a r. -..'.n . m' . TT.�%!,rx"Ser�•-}` s:�-u. ...:++ F';�7's ^'?^�,;�73C! , Na Commissioners'. Proceedings, City of Paducah - 192 - " - 1 I -roll by the following vote: Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tully and Y.atterjohn,-4.. r following �Bsport Com'r. of Commissioner Tully offered the motion: I move that the report of .-Finenco of the OO11ootlons d the Commissioner of Fublic Finance of the Collections and.Disburaements for the monthr-, x ` Diobursemonto 'for July. of July; be received and filed and ordered published in the. official neweparar. Adopted,„ y . y t?"{ upon oall' of the roll by the following vote: Yeao,. Paoe, Fulliam, Tully, '•:_. i ;r•:S' �+`• J i , end Katterjohn,-4. t, url Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the accounts of :` ! "{ Accounts #3 t.'District Seger the 3d District Sever amounting_to $124.39 be. allowed and ordered paid and the Com - r. emountinq to '? $124.39 allowed miseloner of Public Finance be authorized and instructed to issue checks on, the No.. 3—: ­ and orderedi and ,jaid. District Serer Fund Account to pay same. Adopted upon call of the.roll by the follow-. ing vote.. Yeas, Paoe,' Pulliam, Tully and Ketter john, -4. 'r Fay -roll for Commissioner,Pulliam offered the following motion: That the payroll for the 3rd I #3 District y. 8eaor for July District Serroro for July 16th -31st•, 19 E2;. amounting to $593:10 be allowed and ordered ( ' 16th-31st.19EE ` $693.10 allowed;' , instructed to draw ohe� paid and the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized andoke ' T. �i against 3rd District Sewer Funds to pay same. Adopted upon oall.of the roll by -the ;..L_, following.vote:.Yeas, Paoe, Pulliam, Tullq and 'Lattorjohn,-4..' ar F r �f r 'I Oommissioner Pulliam.offered the following motion: I move that a Resolution : T entitled "A RESOLUTION PROMING'FOR THE COIJSTRUCTION AIM 11SCOIISTRUCTION OF NORTH ItINTA ` r 1 f Resolution pro-' STREET FROM THE IlORTH PROPzF?7Y. LIII:: OF JrFF:RSON 5' 7.ET TO TH'; SOUNU TROP:RTY LIITE OF r t '. vid ing for can strndtion of MADISON STREET; ALSO NORTH EIGHTH ST ::-*T FROI•: TM NORTH.TROT:i2TY• LII:E OF Jr7F iiiS^.IT $.-9th St., 1 N.' 8th St. & STRr;ET 'i0 YI1E SOUTH PROP3ITY LIVE OF MILDIYCII STREET; ALSO I.:OIIROE Si:•t�::T FRr9; THF, =JEST {` ` Nonroe street, P1let Reading.• TROT'!2TY LIM, OF NIITPTT STREET TO TIT.;? RIGHT OF -AY OF 'l'HE ILLINOIS c.vrRAL RAIMOSD I' t. 'COUTAITY; 1,1iD 61,50 MOlMU' S'R I;T FROM VE -:AST FROI•^RTY 1111? OF ]IIIfTH STR I;FT TO THE � a 1 ',TEST FROPER TY 1,1Nil OF.EIGHTH 3,LREE.r. Ill THE C TTY OF PADUCAH, YMTM,'C'LY, AT TITS COST. f OF THE ABUTTING I`ROYM7 O';Jlir13, AND.FR0mll.'G THAT SALE MAY BE CCIISTRUCTr9 Ul'ON TH 1_ ;•. TET: YEAR. IAYM.- iT PLAN," be introduced and lay over. Adopted upon oall-.of -the roll - ". vote: Yeas, I-ace.rulliam, Tully and Katterjohn,-4. ,bq'the'folloving Commissioner Tully offered the following motion:That the Siners'Big Fun Show t` 1}' Sinere Big Fun 'Show,.ellowed with tif week and th be allo'^.*ed license for the :Took of August 14th.to Elet, woption oone eeea.•.':• • . f1) lioense for seek of August Commissioner of Fublie'Finance be authorized and directed to issu•+,said license after , .z y h: 14th, to Plot, r 1922. the pnrment o£ the sum of $00.00 per week by ..said show., the application for said lioonee is filed herewith. Adoptod upon call of the roll by the following vote: Year:,,- s , + Paoe;., Pulliam, Tully,- andlatter john, -4: 1� "Commissioner Face offered the following motion: I move that Chief Joln M. -k N Fire Chief.. John. Slauahter.be.and he is hereby instructed 'to.attend the Fire Chiefs' Convention to be f � ' U.Slauphter to ) go to Fire° held at Loulevi'lle;•'Kentuoky, in.0otober., snd,`that his expenses for said trip be paid .� ;• i. ChlefS" Con-: event ton. held in by the City of,Padboah, Kentucky'. and -same be`ohorg Ao., the'Fire Department, provided L` in•ootober. ,"' expenses do not. exceed. $60.00. `• .Adopted upon' oall'of. the.roll by the .follovina vote 4.i- Yess,-L'aoe, Pulliam'.Tully* and,'Xatterjohn- -4.'i­ Onmotion the.;Board ad journed`upon oall of: the,•roll by 4 yeas -On-motion . : , , BTIrJ Thy !4� tj , /Yew, I 1 ' �, Ofb 1� 1'7.:.l X 1 1 4 •� Iw 1 cA' .t .S '1 �• i.l t. ' -,,� f .=yi_.?'�.s--.f. 0 . _.,c.. '...+un+aoo.W++v+... y� ..._:{ w ti.. /�r�. 1.:11 h (L.irT.::•�•.. Se 1 ' ...a.... Jr....�eM -, ��w�vc ._ _.�.. � �_. � _ - F - .. .. .