HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 16, Page 44, June 23, 1922i C• '' 4 •/ ,� 'Y ACU "4 ♦., f 4 -ham 7T f - - '4 ) _ ''gyp ''k, r i. -t - • -.,iF_...�i2.�...-_...x-.v_...........,..__r _...._ _�. ..l.a,._. ra_. r2.s1'd•..-..._.1.._..-.bi,.,x.."....a..k• k-�._...-:L.v.��.-:r I ., Commissioners' Proceedings; City of . Paducah 192 + ' '` M. Tully, lashington and Katterjchn;-b. c �B ids of t:. R. }lard- {� Commissioner Tully offered the following motion: I move that the bide of 3.R Tina Co. , J.H. '.Oohill and Moreno -Harding O.omparw of Racine; ,Vl000nsin. Yorono-Buckham Construction Company of St.Louis, 'Buokham Const. ! 'Co. loft open. 1.1o., and J. II.'Cohill of. Louisville. Kentucky. boing the throe lowest hiddern for the ; ) ySub-Divisl on. "'A. Serer -Diet; construction of trunk line se°aore in. Sub -Division A. of Sewer District #3, be loft open t",;,';;'';':;:•:t',( rs+ #3. end the aheoks deposited with said bide retained until the contract is let by the City +' of Paduoah to the Suoc^esful bidder and bond exeouted. Adopted upon call of the roll .f by the following vote: Yeae, Igoe, Pu111am,Tully,7lnehington and Katterjohn,-6. ilayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move that the checks of the l v l hereinafter namod persons,•bidding on the construction of severe in Sewer District i�3, „Checks of un deposited with oath hid, be returned 'to said biddorn, an follows: d'Baooeebful bid-- AL01:11T OF CHECK dare retmrnod 11AL:L ADDR:53 D OSI'i:D ',7ITH BID. Allied Contractors, Inc.Omaha:1ebiaka.$6000.00 A19 $4000 00 ° Ti! Byrne Brothers Const. Co. Chicago; Ill. 6000.00 ^ 4000 00 ! I` L.W. Hen000k Louisville, Ky. 6000.00 " 4000.00 ,' T Goo.'.'i.F:attor john Son. " Paducah, Ky. 6000.00 "' 4000.00 Yanoq & Johnson Co.' Paducah, Ky. 6000.00 :7. J. Irwin & Sone Greenville,Ohio. "' 4000.00 Lonnano & KoIlvonila Dotroi t, Lich. 6000.00 4000.00. t VoCormaok-Combe Const.Co. St. loui0.110. 6000.00 " 4000.00 �_ ,• Sheoto & Canfield Ft.:7a:me, Ind.. 6000.00 Fred C. Morgan Indienapolis.Ind. 6000.00 " 4000 00 •L r e4 Cakwood Const. Co.. Oakwood, 1:1ioh. 6000.00 C. "�.Ruf us Vincennes, Ind. 6000.00 " 4000.00 + 1j Jno. L.':7elkor '& Co. Hnmllton,0hio. 4000.00 1 ,' a ° 17. J.Wehklend Cherl.eston.1.Va. 6000.00 " 4000.00 i; r- o f Katz Construction Co. Joh nnton City, Ill. 6000.00 " 4000.00 1 ( . and the Commissioner of Public Finance is hereby authorized and directed to return said }; checks to the above named parties. Adopted ulion call of the roll by the following vote " k ' Yeae, Paoe, I'ulliam,Tully, 'Jashington and Katterjohn, On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the rol.l by 6 ,rens. 7 ed Aiept ur cr.�YOR•r f JUNE 23RD, 1922, At a Called rooting of the Board of Commissioners, held in, the Commis sior:ers° ' Chamber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky,.. on June 23rd, 1922, at b.46 P. I. Upon ,,. *all of ,the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners, Face, Pulliam, , Tully, `Jashington and Mayor Kattorjohn,-6. ! r • Mayor Katterjohn stated reasons for call to=wit: For the purpose of accepting t the bid and awarding contract for the construction of Sewers in Sewer District I3,' I and any other business that miP,ht cone before the Board,_ t4 Mayor Katterjohn offored the following motion: I move that s Resolution en- :�Rosolntimra*- iltlod "A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A DED OF COItVB'YANOu OF REAL ESTATE IACATr.D AT 11 INE- ceptin¢ deed from �'.R.Brad- . rTHE i Ts 3ITH AIID'i'.OIIROE STR ' T:: IN PADUOAH, Ki3ITUCKY, FROM E. R. IIRADSFAi7 TO CITY OF sham to City }j of Paducah. in ' FADUCAH, KElITUCKY, AND AUTHORIZING THE CO1:3:IISSI011a OF FUBLIO FIIL41103 TO PAY 4V THE {•re: Senor Die- trlot'$3. SAID Z. R. BiIADSHA;! T]!r: SUFI OF $1250:00 A1,'D OHARGS SAME TO .THS THIRD DI,TRT ICT Si"s"1112' ' •} r, to FUND ACCOUIIT," be adopted.: Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeae. "! Feoe, Pulliam, Tully, 7ashington and Katterjohn,-6. t Gnyor Katterjohn offered the following mopion:• I move that a Resolution entitled " �. Resolution ao 1 Ott` cepting deed "A RESOLUTION ACCaTING-.A.DZED OF C01MYAROL OF'REAL :STAT✓ LUOATEJ' AT 1111^r.TE311M AND from 1Ire.Blanoh0 r i- JEFFERSON 3''R-3TS IN }ADUCAH Kr31TU0KY FROM IMS. BIAIIOFIE AORM AI1D' 11,R Hl1SBA11D, DR..J i ;. Acres and J.B. ' '' ( f tc A*roe• to ''City, . B. ACRES, TO THE CITY OF.F'ADUCAR, Y,b11lUCKY,. AIID.AUTHORIZ22}G 'l4I? CQfJdIS3I011m OF PUBLIC , of Paduoah, in }} re: Sewer ilia- ' If ,t triot $3. f' FIIUl110E 10 PAY TO THE SAID 1 -IRS. BIANCHE ACRIZ AND HIER HUSBAIID; DR. J. B. ACRES, TYE SUM Y { i'«• OF $1700.00 AIM` CILlRGi3 S TO 'fHE T}}IHD DIS7RIOT S, iFER FUND ACCOUIIT," be adopted.' ;t {` Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote.. Yeas,., Face, •Pulliam;.Tully. i Washington and Katterjohn,-b is �aF t •_ - .. -. ;,: ' _ ' t .. {�,j". ::.. .. _. Ar;... .... .:-"..:r• .. _.... !i, �'. a...n '.: , -t - A-. ,-,.: a..`a. 'L i -. ._ e. . .'J ._r..Savr.u� --a -... .... vi r...t �.. .. .` .....tffi2d:A,.<:.� .,,.,,:;�. .� .;.,l: ,Ml +.,ff;'�.If,... ..r:ksL•, v�Y r:..?:. _ e3s' ,us,..:r • -.+ .;.yt.i :::•..; __ l ;� x --- .-- .r •. �_",�� _ -- ...ems .t"d� ' . -. } `?l"7x ":,k" 1!••`a+r`^-^+'�.,7.y,.. „ Fr7r�+�v"•rarn+ext r acyrs +""� A' � r '''F.,.Y � 5,,:.rye y-t;,, �. - -.� -i al ^ , '-+rx,�.Y;� i . ,. .t:... �� 6..11 r< i•'-"'� XtP�+'t'ti•��".'..ris",ys�LFt� ti ...0 • .. y •Cf Yl a 1.9,\ n .i'°� - ,r e 2 y t. i 1 r f . '7N�d zu-t asp`✓r ' -,>;r '� r i - < $ i : ' e__.ui {`_ i.,. +,',r�r ?•. uta' r L � �, '.a. _ _� - e t { • '� N0. y3_. Commissioners' Proceedings, City of Paducah.. • ' a Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that a resolution en- Rosolution accept- I� .? ing deed from Roy y titled "A RMOLUTICN AOC.O TING I. D"?ED OF COI1VhYAIf0 OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT t1INF.- '$Le'•7IIrt and wife, Catherine Stewart j` T1TH AIM BROAD',7AY ST1.I Ts 121 PADUCAH, Y.�ITUCYY'; FROM ROY ST.L.'NAR '•'*T Ala 'HI9 ',7IFE.to =i City Sower District Ui 3h r OATH:i3II1E'ST.?"IART. TO 'IRR CITY OF PADUCA?, Y3'WOKY, Ala) AUTHORIZING THE OO1%fIS3IOIL-t•.' i' OF PUBLIC FIVAIiCE 'I'O PAY TO THIE SAID ROY STE-71RT AICD HIS :7IFM, CATHrR.IIM ST?7ART, THE K SUIS OF $1700.00 AND ClTMGh SANE TO THF THIRD DISTRICT S7!XR FUND ACCOUIIT," be adopted. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas; Pace, Pul.Iiam, Tully, i-/ Tashington and Katterjohn.-5. t' Mayor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that the communication I Reynolds Bros.' Y j g' Communication re-, -1 letivo to extension'; from Reynolds Brothers, Contractors, asking for an eKtenaion of time in which to of time to oom- ' .'� Islets construction complete their contrast for the construction of curbs and gutters on South ninth of curbs &o. S.9th i - 1 St. & Husbard St. Street and Husbands Street, to ARgust 23rd, 1922, be received and filed. Adopted upon l call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, Pulliam, Tully, }4ashington and i Kattor john,-6. Mayor Kattorjohn offered the following motion: I move that a resolution extend- Resolution xtend- i•.' '� Rosolut ion extend- 1, ing, Limo to eomplota in? the time for the completion of the contract entered into between the-City of construction of a, •.curbs &c., S. 9th .1`ladudah, Kentucky,' and Reynolds Brothers on the 13th day of June, .1921. for the son- q S and gusbards Sts. ' to Roynoldo Bros. etruotion of eorterete sidewalks. ourbs and guttere on 'South Ninth Street and F.usbande "? t to sumrst 23rd, 1 ' 1922. Street be adopted. Adopted upon oall of the roll by the following vote: Yeae, Pace, Pulliam, Tully', and Y_atter john,-5. 'Mayor Katterjohn offered the followihmotion: 'I move that an Ordinance anti-' e, . iE.R.Harding Co. bid for oonstruotion tled "Ail ORD 1RAVC3 ACCa-TING 'fP.-' BID OF E. R. HA_RDIIIG 005ANY, I1100RFORATIM, OF RA0In. ` . - of sewers in Sub- i r' Diviuion A. of 'JISCOI:SIN, ..ID A"!ARDIIIG TH3 COIITR:;CT TO SAID COLT-AllY FOR THM CONSTRUCTION OF TR UNIX "aver D 1 str 1 of 43 "b a000ptod, Ordinance LINE S::7.1.RS YOR :IUB-DIVISICIT A'. OF Sr:,%ai DISTRICT J3, be ,Introduced and ley over. " First Reading. !'Adopted upon call of the roll by the followi.rg vote:'Yoas. Taos, Fulliam. Tully. . G17ashingtcn and i:atterjohn.-5. r R.Earding Co. Myor Katterjohn offered the following motion: I move that an-Ordinance enti- } bid for conutruo- tion of se:�ors in 1, tled "A11 ORDIU.110E ACC.7TING T!I:: BID OF E. R. EARDIIIG COLPAIIY, INCORPORATED, OF RAO.INR Sub-Divisions B. & x C. Seger District ;I •7ISCOIiSIN, AIM u''!iRDI1lC, Tl?:r. COWMICT TO SAID COITAIiY FOR TIL' 00lISTRUCTI0II OF TRM, =3 accepted by P S-". Ordirianoo, First I1 IIlIE SE 1. \IF SUB-DIVISI0VS B. AND C. OF S::'ER DISTRICT i$3," be introduced and ley Reed ing. j over. Adopted upon call of the roll by the following vote; Yeae, 1?eoe, Pulliam. Tully..; k. "IF-shington and Katterjohn.-5. _. On motion the Board adjourned upon call of the roll by. 5 yeas. l, JU11E 24TH, 1922. At o Celled reotinq of.the Board of 0ommlaeiorora, hold in the Commissioners' Y ' Chambor in the City Hall, Paducah, Kontuoky, on June 24th; 1922, et 10:30 ololoak A. 1% Upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Cormieeionore yPace, Pulliam, Tully, Washington and 1!ayorcY.attorjohr,.-5. a Vayor Kattorjohn etatod reasons for call to-wit: For the purpose of N r . :.:hearing Dr. J. Hancock, Kentucky State Board of Health. for disouseing.Health condi .; R _ tione.r-:nd any other bueinooe that might come before the Hoard. Commissioner Tully offered the follow' ng,motion:- I move that the sum of 9 y $26.01 appropriated $26.61 be appropriated from the Continger_t Fund and planed to the orodit of Parks. , j from Coptingent •' ! ,und,to Parke. - 9 bdopted upon, call of the roll by the following vote: Yeas, Pace, 'Pulliam, Tully, I 3aehington.and Katterjohn,-5. I '•' - — __ -. ..- .... .. -.i•�. eve--fsc._s--r�z+._.�'L;.7L._ �.. ..: